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Vbam, t-k-a Gk 1-0 nil-V . , - AMA/ 0 DREDGE & FILL ENERAL PERMIT ew DModification 0Complete Reissue DPartial Reissue rc gi Previous permit# N? Date previous permit issued 423 :horized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources ,e Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCAC / ili Altules attached. :ant Name_i!f1)6t/ : Project Location: County thi-AJo ire-7e— BSS 23664eirealktedr ef2U75.0' ,27,.-- Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) 0a-,1--A../D--e- __1124.4414ake_r7Ail State_AJCZIP 2874'. Pg _t__A__Z?sj:,____, e#(*) p7 "am Fax#( ) Subdivision )rized Agent te/XZ ir117e/e/d///SSOC.- City ZIP 5/Pt-r ted e.-- kcw DEW 0 PTA pik S OPTS Phone# ( yc-xNe River Basin 0 OM 0 HHF 0 tH 0 UBA C:1 N/A s): Adj.Wtr. Body rkiie 7D/5M2t.07 eder-e_ (49$man , 0 PWS: 0 FC: Closest Maj.Wtr. BodyA.,r-1,ZW yes /(52) PNA yes /C) Crit. Hab. yes / no of Project/Activity /1)5-7,-4-4.i. 0-e,e)eld i ,gee. iii/frxi 0, 7#/A) 619/¢5775-4 64-72-42f),'D (Scale: (dock)length si 1 ! -Tin . I , --7-7-1-7- ,-7-1-7 I ! i ! , 1 I 1. ir ! ! H i _,..I form(s) ' ' L-! -! -;°S- 71.'"' -f-z,j4-' ---ek ,!‘ . 1.*)9;,t/&„0: . A' .' !.,'" ' ' er pier(s) --...I ; - ! I ..-. .' . i :it- . ! ' I ! •55. ! C'--' -i-- - 1 1 1 in length 1 ' 0 : i .... .i-.....-i-- 1 *I" I ' / 5:-. .f./ I -..k19fX) Pogifa) //t)6! ... number -- : • i I. .I.. . ..I. ;head/Riprap length ,77/i, epa . i.-- . . : ; : i I • 4.170R Irei!tc.t.-.---'7.4 9!/ : ; : avg distance offshore m • - ax distance offshore ; : ., . - : 4 I I 1--4- i ! .;channel I : ill .._...,...,43. . ... , .......,.. ' J '• [ ' cubic yards ----... ... Ai 1 . _. . qiiPti-!C t ramp LL. ! i :. . 1 i..1_...ii_.il i il ..I._. thous&Boatlift ch Bulldozing •-----,.----i...• - • :.. I........1 _.1 .--. ! 1 1 i I-1•. if I 11I ' d I I I IV L 1.. 11 : IIIIII I . . I .1 . .. .....:. 1 . . A.:- I.. I...,. I...1. AL . : . • i •I- -i. i ; i i • i . * I . ..i. ! Ahl .Fet___PAtig)/416-S . . I.. i ;. I. - I • . i -t-1-----r-T---1-77 ; 1 ! • ! : -1 , 1 i .1 , I, .1.. : • . i ! !. I. j_, • 1 ! : i !reline Length_ 3 ._ __.. I . -. L....i....:,... . -..._t—i...... ..1.,i. r: not sure . yes 0 4. _. . ••••• -----1•••- --i - L [ ! • 1 ! ! i 7-! I ctbags: not sure : yes ,c3 i !!.-f--f .!. 1- • . .. ! , , ratorium: nia yes C)1 ..i'It .;.. . ! i , 1 PS: . yes (3 i ..,1 I. i.. . I . ; ! H .K : 1 ; . ; i iver Attached: - yes (25 : --i- -.1--' - i _1_ ' Li i i , F..1_ i., ! , I i : uilding permit may be required by: 10-6:1) thbfkVal e-a-A.Z.)/1.—.frfri . 0 See note on back regarding River Basin rules. tem/Snorial rnnelitinne 4/11. hi5"1") 17154.-ic ':LAMA / DREDGE & FILL • 41 ;ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# ew :Modification 'Complete Reissue —'Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources J // D O 2oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC /� • L(i ljtules attached. it Name 0 r I $4 Project Location: County /t)G'r c)fr�jfjl�0✓�'>L Z 3� vY��/a Jr c�+lr�-rz Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) O1L71'JZ*z ?'/G /L (41 State 4JCZIP 2; 3 P12 • / A b.j. 7 geAre E Y c lZ i 6( ` - 7ter,Fax#( ) Subdivision ,J .4-- i:ed Agent /XL 11/'/ //,///i$S on- City Z t ZIP 5 krCW ❑EW ❑PTA XES ❑PTS Phone# ( )5./0/it River Basin e ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH E UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body Tid 1,B Tt3�.ai4Ju. y CKer(G (� ❑ PWS: ❑FC: / yes /6) PNA yes / no Crit. Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body1�1�> f Project/Activity 4)$74-6 L S J(,�{/� / 4/?� /�f/�%/f� �J/ rij�//(� e4045'; (Scale: ck)length 1(s) ier(s) h)S774'L4' 5 t t J FCy,���C}"e `rkti /4 c' os. ',(1 -- mbe C l 5-'/7 ,/vv Y/c-7*L(J 0065 p tuber d/Riprap length I,/e)e /["'7 />FC i /V 7// 9/ 4� distance offshore �c uc distance offshore cannel nL C cb,,./27/ T, oi✓ S /Ll�' t /'CSC bic yards 5104 L. 4,/2 np me/Boatlift ulldozing re-wet e Length 34 not sure yes no s: not sure yes , no cum: n/a yes no, yes no kttached: yes ng permit may be required by: N /171,bfklfete ClU•At)/L P/ . l See note on back regarding River Basin n KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOC. , INC. wacxovlT, 1JATIONAL BANK Char7otte, NC P. O. BOX 33068 66-156/531 RALEIGH, NC 27636-3068 919-677-2000 DATE CONTROL NO. 09/18/2008 I 002063424 PAY Four Hundred And 00/100 Dollars To The Order Of N.C. DENR Memo: �7P if / 3 L /./1} 29ZR/7.0rA % I THIS DOCUMENT HAS A COLORED FACE AND CONTAINS A WATERMARK THAT IS VISIBLE WHEN HELD TO THE LIGHT. ABSENCE OF THESE FEATURES INDICA f' NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F.Easley,Governor James H.Gregson, Director William G.Ross Jr.,Secretary Date 8f 11D< Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: Frank Styers, Chief Engineer Mailing Address: Cape Fear Public Utility Authority 235 Government Center Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 I certify that I have authorized (agent) Airy-A'', and �Iro /rr c. to act on my behalf,for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA Permits necessary to install or construct (activity)4 71/easf I'cr�dr//orfAs/G ' /"cc /ai%" rated,4 �;f ^ 1' at (my property located at) WWA,.� {ori, NC This certification is valid thru (date) 14 August, 2009 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to New /7 ovc✓ Coy,T/y and /Ae 7y (Name of Property Owner) property located at °/ca^c(v ��,r,e (C/y (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on 8raiWei C'�ee% , in Gl//s.i/o,, ,N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 9/9"677-Zood Mailing Address: .300/ Gt/Plfo^ /Ja��rtiay Cary, A/C 27373 He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) Se f a/�aic/ed /e *' And 4:uie RECE '`JED DCM WILMINGTON, NC SEP 1 7 2008 (Information for Property Owner Applying (Riparian Property Owner Information) for Permit) /J SOO/ kt/CSrto,, Mailing Address Signature A _ ri Kimley-Horn ® 1 and Associates, Inc. ■ July 31,2008 P.O.Box 3301 Raleigh,Nortt Mike Lovell 27636-3068 NCDOT—District 3 300 Division Drive Wilmington,NC 28401 Re: Bradley Creek CAMA Notification Area Northeast Interceptor Northside Force Main and Pump Station Improvements Dear Property Owner: The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority is in the process of designing and permitting the Northeast Interceptor Northside Force Main and Pump Station Improvements projects in the City of Wilmington,NC. The proposed force main will begin at City of Wilmington Pump Station#35 located on Oleander Drive near Bradley Creek and travel to the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant located on N.23`d Street. The Northeast Interceptor Northside Force Main and Pump Station Improvements Projects will help provide capacity for build-out wastewater flows and provide system redundancy to improve the reliability of the system. Areas requiring a Coastal Area Management Act(CAMA)permit from the Division of Coastal Management include the area shown in the attached figure near City of Wilmington Pump Station#35. A portion of the proposed force main and improvements to the pump station occur within the CAMA regulated area as shown in the figure. This letter serves as a notification of the pending permitting and construction to take place in this area. Included is an Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Statement to be completed and returned within ten(10)days to Kimley-Horn and Associates...14e---► frP[ig Please address any questions or comments to Nolan Raney with Kimley-Hom and Associates at(919)677-2000 or Nolan.Raney@kimley-horn.com. Sincerely, �`�-L..4 G" Nolan Raney h... Jr; �.. - CAIV . 1'4t+ef 4+4 +.- «+refµ A w i t _. iii-4i..... 47:4,,,I. ,, ,..7.p...ii' ,4-:-,;;,,,,,47,;17.,-Lii:11',,,;:t. - ' ,.-„,-.-, ' -- ''' 1 -1,7': - (r---, v .. ,.HOUNDA 6. 'POTENTIAL* '+.,1N »++ 7:*:. w A WITHIN NOTIFICATIO t i :7 R. • � � 1•F .. - / 1' ,4 �� 1 fir, . `•J ,-�` y 7. L" !' /o tiNt- •/- 4***,.. a � ,..At. ��•YY w x P 'a` µ. `ti i f i.. filial: • c . �'�i S �b,'' } r r~ ii 1.:4:, !' �. 1 \., v..Vie 2.11 � a ,ekS ,: ;� v0 , 1, . 4, • � ' 14 j~ ' `, P OPOSED EOFZGEw IN .7:101,,.. , .:.:,...,, i A v ".4 `, * 4 r. a y �� + s..♦ - ,.••t �yt Y 'rhr �,'M+ t �-k • I 4 y ` � 6' • .. - 'I ♦ 'is' K ,r` r ^ mow. ._ . ...... • yew ��e ,s r - ':+fin. r -Y , d ATF rAKAA NnTIPIr-bTInN FIG111RF F17R BRADLEY CREEK AREA , P. • E® Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc. ■ July 31,2008 P.O.Box 3306 Raleigh,North John F.Mohr 27636-3068 6335 Oleander Drive Wilmington,NC 28403 Re: Bradley Creek CAMA Notification Area Northeast Interceptor Northside Force Main and Pump Station Improvements Dear Property Owner: The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority is in the process of designing and permitting the Northeast Interceptor Northside Force Main and Pump Station Improvements projects in the City of Wilmington,NC. The proposed force main will begin at City of Wilmington Pump Station#35 located on Oleander Drive near Bradley Creek and travel to the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant located on N.23 Street. The Northeast Interceptor Northside Force Main and Pump Station Improvements Projects will help provide capacity for build-out wastewater flows and provide system redundancy to improve the reliability of the system. Areas requiring a Coastal Area Management Act(CAMA)permit from the Division of Coastal Management include the area shown in the attached figure near City of Wilmington Pump Station#35. A portion of the proposed force main and improvements to the pump station occur within the CAMA regulated area as shown in the figure. This letter serves as a notification of the pending permitting and construction to take place in this area. Included is an Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Statement to be completed and returned within ten(10)days to Kimley-Hom and Associates. No response will indicate the property owner has no objections for the described work. Please address any questions or comments to Nolan Raney with Kimley-Hom and Associates at(919)677-2000 or Nolan.Raney@kmley-hom.com. Sincerely, V/sit Nolan Raney • ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Net.) /7 evc✓ CeuA/y and f/r ( , orAj,/•w% (Name of Property Owner) property located at 6 5 g/ °/cs'^c(ri �fI i.e (C,'y `11e G),/..,,7fa1' Sf `�S� (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on B"d/er Cree/ , in w/04,%:7710'i , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 9/ 9"677"Zoo6 Mailing Address: 300/ "'sly" ,4f, J y Cory, A/C 27573 He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) See a//aced /etfe, Arid (: Life RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC S E P 1 7 2008 (Information for Property Owner Applying (Riparian Property Owner Information) for Permit))- , /�Jj 30 / G�/e.SfOr /"QrAiva/ Mailing Address Signature 2. Article Number COMPLETE '-HIS SECTION ON DELIVERY r�gna II 1//1111111 1 Bill Bill11111 Bill11111 111111liii 11111 11111 0/1111111 1111111111 1111111111 11111 � �� Agent l o�i ��i� / Addressee B.Received by(Printed Name) C.Date of Delivery 7106 1.099 1310 2000 0848 D.Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1.Article Addressed to: If YES enter delivery address below: ❑ No Mike Lovell NC DOT-District 3 300 Division Drive 3.ServiceType © Certified Wilmington, NC 28401 4.Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) Yes 7;31/2008 3:19 PM • PS Form 3811 Domestic Return Receipt 2. Article Number COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. fgnature • ❑Agent 1111111111111111111111111111111 IIIII1111111111 1ii 11111 11 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11 X .1, I ( • Addressee B.Received by(Printe. ame) I C.Date of Delivery .1n Ake—. 7106 1099 1310 2000 0879 D.Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 1.Article Addressed to: If YES enter delivery address below: ❑ No Virginia Myers 3.Service Type © Certified 126 Pecan Avenue Wilmington, NC 2840F 4.Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) Yes 7131/2008 3:20 PM PS Form 3811 Domestic Return Receipt