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()kw Gtit.AA.-4 . ,[ ,, I ,„, 4, !6 DCAPVIA/ El DREDGE & FILL N? 43 3ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# kNew °Modification °Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued )rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC 7/s1 / ate '7 r Cr/ Rules attached. nt Name :C/ .4 Project Location: County_/J /..13 f-yeAtict i s a2 g s geDd/ol lsl2�Li( 0 �•G � Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) O/ XIG le/ 4//(Z r iiI state Ale ZIP Ze d 3 .16-VP,_,4z\r/ re) rS J7/.1 ( 4 #,(9/ j,, 111- d0.0 Fax#(__) Subdivision ki/A-- ized Agent ' ' //y(/... _ -eta i✓ i SCe', • City_ ZIP_.' tyt. d D CW ;EW PTA ) ES OPTS Phone# ( ).,c3 '1? River Basin C/3// /=6 D OEA D HHF ❑IH ❑t1sA C N/A Adj.Wtr. Body. /7Z/ a'gC (nat /man / ©PWS: AFC: -y ,p yes / 0PNA yes /® Crit.Hab. yes I no Closest Maj.Wtr.Body. � �f rI` 1` ��C of Project/Activity !/US'T,G.. S�0,i � deG /0,1m,/ i,,ei/7f/i f / ,4c (Scale: de..k,/,4 lock)length '.. . i : f� ..._. _ ... `= _ . ~ - 'm(s) I : . ' '• yI _. ..I.y ' I1 _ 5 ...,... . .....4.1. I • pier(s) I i / � . • _� � � V ; sr. camber r.._._�_._ • , I . Riprap length Jr,� L_ ` rig / : distance offshore ' - nax distance offshore ' :••-•;....1.... ...__...I- i--.< ..... I....-r_.I......_.....�.....:.. ........_...__..L....;_.. ... 1 __.—_... I channel '- ': {_ I i ubic yards 1...._..- _..illili '... — •arnp : , , i L: 4 I ! : _ i j ouse/Boatltft i : I : ' _ I....-i_••I--,--- -1Ir..4Lyf :,fie • • -.. ---- - tt.._`':... ,Bulldozing ' - z. 3 line Length 'Ai do i ' • .. ..... .not sure yes - _ I ' • _... _L --4-..... -j ..... - ---- i64 g ags: not sure • yes C4 I :c! frI I � . i 1 _ _ 1 >s: yes n I I 1 l _. : ... 1. . I ! ! • . i... ; .._ �.. i I ;rAttached: • yes no i... J..J__• /_��_., ,))— I I I !_L. = �L� I ..'._J..._..__.x.. ,.... `...__...._._..._._.:....._..__..I._... ._...._.;_ (ding permit may be required by:j�J /'7,ffa// Lie (0,//,,,0/1/4a• ❑See note on back regarding River Basin rules. CAMA/ 1 DREDGE & FILL .l\I) 4 ;EN ERAL PERMIT Previous permit# ';New Modification Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued ized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources:oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCAC '/7u / O�i 6 " Mules attached. :Name C//`� a 4 Project Location: County Aft LA-) f -xiC 1 7i 07 3 5 go veam,ft7c1/ 2f /'e Ae, Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) Q,j ,JL /L41i4J ron State AIC ZIP 28 c/ei 3 ,QGv;. ADZ TO 5_44/TN ege (9A 69'- GOO Fax#( ) Subdivision X..l7/4 ed Agent kin,/t. Fy -44'A/fI55Ct . City 9Atif,tZIP 1,7it CW JKI EW XPTA XES XPTS Phone# ( )SC%'* - River Basin(/4/t OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA 11 N/A Adj.Wtr. Body 4/h/ r/-i e e (nat /r PWS: ❑FC: Cr/ -fex/2 g yes / io PNA yes /® Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body 'Project/Activity /%I574-L G Sf 0tJ�if! /OLC /OA41 uJ/7 V A/ /)7; (Scale: ji :k)length • er(s)s -. 605YfjL L 3^1,a)-C€ //r,/N C'l?S-5-/A.1 --$' igth 0nber 3 S/ 7`eS f'+Lf///V 6 Jam' 1Z-'� -� i/Riprap length 4/i1/oJ> cad /�[ /(/ ?/7/ /ZGO g distance offshore 7 x distance offshore cannel -- Cd / r> pi✓s e) , ie ( y /boa )ic yards ,p A m se/Boatlift la -o. /��i r4��,1 iIldozing I V• i-avc r 11yc.t ✓ j,,n At-) rosy ,,v5 per. s-�Q/ /3/� Length N30/ not sure yes (�' +7/� / not sure yes n / cum: n/a yes yes atached: yes no }� , , _/,, / 4)//g/ig permit may be required by:/'V�wA *t4 rizz (7,. i. I See note on back regarding River Basin ri aaa¢a,cx-nvxx� Oc AS SOL. , INC. Charlotte, NC P. O. BOX 33068 66-156/531 RALEIGH, NC 27636-3068 919-677-2000 DATE CONTROL NO. ANOU1 09/09/2008 002062857 PAY Two Hundred And 00/100 Dollars To The Order Of N.C. DENR Memo: (--)/' '7,1 3 s) 1c) �-- 27241v2-1. THIS DOCUMENT HAS A COLORED FACE AND CONTAINS A WATERMARK THAT IS VISIBLE WHEN HELD TO THE LIGHT. ABSENCE OF THESE FEATURES INDICATES A C( 11'00 206 28 5 711' 1:053 LO L56 LI: 20799853 2033911' KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOC. , INC. WACHOVIA NATIONAL BANK P. O. BOX 33068 Charlotte, NC 002 RALEIGH, NC 27636-3068 66-156/531 919-677-2000 DATE CONTROL NO. AMOUN7 109/09/2008 1002062858 I J PAY Two Hundred And 00/100 Dollars J To The Order Of N.C. DENR Memo: • 74j - 04)2 ;>--- 210‘,2,, • THIS DOCUMENT HAS A COLORED FACE AND CONTAINS A WATERMARK THAT IS VISIBLE WHEN HELD TO THE LIGHT. ABSENCE OF THESE FEATURES INDICATES A COP II'002062aSRo' I!(lCainIrrr - - -- - AT7A NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F.Easley,Governor James H. Gregson, Director William G.Ross Jr.,Secretary Date VI.q16S. Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: Frank Styers, Chief Engineer Mailing Address: Cape Fear Public Utility Authority 235 Government Center Drive Wilmington,North Carolina 28403 I certify that I have authorized (agent) i 1/ry-/'f aAd Asoc'a/rr .;c. to act on my behalf,for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA Permits necessary to install or construct (activity)/ of/JCasi 7itliic,79/er//arfks/Y, 4/cc/%,% A^d Aft/ S e"- at (my property located at) 407n, 1/v,l, NC This certification is valid thru (date) 14 August, 2009 ❑�� IGmley-Horn and Associates,Inc. ■ August 4,2008 P.O.Box 33068 Raleigh,North Joy Wayman 27636-3068 North Carolina DOA 1321 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699 Re: Public Trust Water Encroachment Agreement Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Northside Force Main Dear Ms.Wayman, The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority has retained the services of Kimley-Horn and Associates to design and permit the Northeast Interceptor Northside Force Main in Wilmington,NC. The overall project includes approximately ten miles of force main beginning at City of Wilmington Pump Station#35 and ends at the Wilmington Northside Waste Water Treatment Plant,servicing the City of Wilmington,New Hanover County,and the Town of Wrightsville Beach. The proposed route crosses Smith Creek east of the Wilmington International Airport as shown in the attached location map. The 583 LF crossing will be directionally drilled using 30"DIPS DR-9 HDPE pipe. The boring and receiving pits will be located outside of the high water mark and adjacent wetlands on both sides of the creek. Enclosed is a location map, the plan sheet for the proposed Smith Creek crossing,and the $250 fee. Please feel free to contact myself with any questions at(919)653-6625 or No lan.Rane yAki m le y-horn.c o m. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES,INC. /7-4 /2), Nolan Raney Cc: Chris Bowling,Cape Fear Public Utility Authority ACHY D ., _.!�.: • -,V,' :i:**Alir Irlift 'it 1 .AIL•/• �'� S O i; /'- �• Sr ArroFrr `% , �.� i 1 i, :� —.%Om— ,I� r „ Q Z VICINITY MAP i o \- U 10 z ko 1 / N F �'� N 186869.2783 R04909-002-032-000 E 2329379.1564 \ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA \ \^ \ ' DB 2255 PG 740 �S66, \ 1 \it 08 F \ I \ \ c�`8 .4 \ �8 ``, \ \ \ �, --- NS i i \ N7 ,3i E 2bN/F N 186793.4328 `� ' 2.27' EL 1 )-001-025-0001 E 2329550.6118 ~� 4NOVER COUNTY; -`' iRT AUTHORITY �`"`",. Fkjs .568?2��T 5225 PG 1271 `:1 / I \r/�C SO, •Uri.r`�I 8•G i�1 kit r. /j �� ME / G4 ,/ �� jr. NS #22833 r N 186633.06 EL28.23'24.4 i f 3128-86-8684.000 NEW HAN CNTY N/F 230 MARKET PLACE DR 3128-95-9417.000 #190 MACEDONIA MISSIONARY BAP1 • WILMINGTON NC 28403 I DB 5107 PG 2187 • NOTES: • • 2. Article Number COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A.Sign;tore [,gent lilllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIII II II IIIIII II III Illlllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll X �� Addressee B.Received by(Printed Name) C.Date of Deliver) 7106 1099 1310 2000 0817 51:1r101)1� S• eOO7 D.Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yps 1.Article Addressed to: If YES enter delivery address below: No Julie Wilsey 1 LM International Airport 1740 Airport Blvd. 3.Service Type X Certified Wilmington, NC 28405 4.Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) n Yes ..... ,„ ..,, ,, , _,,,.- ,,, , q.$•_. . , ..... : , ,... ..- .. , 1.)- A. ;\ -AIIIIPA 1) .1114.4ej .:''' i f'''''' '' ' 4i*) t .ri:i.' ' '' V,•'' '' • 'I ' ' • - -•t,^-4 • , - -,. • •, - . '4:. / ..- , , ,..•:_. _-. ,' , :, . - •,:.?....47-10:0,,,'tp,c-,4„, :4; ..,,,,,„,t,N, '4_ t .7.‘ 1: . .••• i *1 '. -1. •• ''''''-:' :1%%:::::'''''''''''''..A ' '''' ' k • k :-.7; ''.., .-'-, ,._• .'-',.."..', W-..,N•Li: •..r-1,,:f -`-y *R. 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'''''' .4 .,,, s .: -,tv•-•- • - - -,. , -- ..,,,,,,,• r—r-•.,e.tlisk.....r,of-,..,...4,4,, ,'"ft:: -,11116!:A. ... -....: ,..0. 1 . -4r• . ,NOi1 .. -la J., , ::,,,,,,t NO — SM I, 4 ; ."`' . . .. )..,i 4'1' ...- fr. _ _ tril I t P.4 Li. r•Q 'I:ES WILL "-, 1 ,, ' • 140 - i . --E,..,i.,•,.,, ,, s. ___ .., ,,. _, . , , • , ... .,i•r• - ' . 1. r ..-. ..,. ,..,,,.„, ,‘ ...,, -1 -.,', ••••'s ...s& .: -''.4:‘,•••4''',..1_4"..,1.-1,.. ' • (---444-1.4,-A.0, - - -• __ Kr7*Tnlin DATE CAMA NOTIFICATION FIGURE FOR SMITH CREEK AREA J •••• 7 inz /n0 kinOTLJCACT IKITC-DrDTC11:? mnP-rucinP- RnprF KAAIN ANn PIIMP STATIONP-10 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to /Veto A.Tove.r. C oo#+iy 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at - m ?-141-e,-4a-//d.ict/ (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on -Cf-7/1 h CiPe F , in Wk/i.'�f fo•-, ,N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: y/9-671 24)0 Mailing Address: •9O 7 Cary, A/C Z7 /3 He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) (Information for Property Owner Applying (Riparian Property Owner for ation) for Permit) ,� 300/ l/lI(56, `mot/itAha led Mailing Address Signature n n POSTAGE id- 1§TM# R DATE Ln • LLn RETURN RESTRICTED DELIVERY FEE C' \k. `D o RECEIPT CERTIFIED FEE $0.1 I o SERVICE $2. , \ Lc7 0RETURN RECEIPT FEE RI SENT TO: TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES $ .20 C I'y1 9 0 kj` f0. m \ ir o Crown Box Corp I GH �G ra P.O. Box 1241 -D Wilmington, NC 28402 0 ra r- 7/31/2008 3:19 PM PS FORM 3800 UNITED STATES RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL _n, NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED POSTAL ER VI NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL ('�+ (SEE OTHER SIDE) POSTAGE ,OR DATE ruRETURN RESTRICTED DELIVERY FEE �O q y 7 ,..> o RECEIPT $0Z \>\/\CERTIFIED FEEO SERVICE $2 ~\\�(P O RETURN RECEIPT FEE $2 rru SENTTO: TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES 1 o $6.21 Aj 5 0 _- 2306 At 0'm j Er Macedonia Missionary Baptist Churc , N�' ra 3701 Princess Place Drive SIGH -D Wilmington, NC 28405 0 ra I`• 7/31/2008 3:18 PM PS FORM 3800 —,UNITED STATES RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL _ __ NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED ,• :POS�T41 SE. I/Cr:,. NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL r (SEE OTHER SIDE) illiiiiiiiiimil POSTAGE w 4 0 °`I- 04 oli i'DATE RETURN RESTRICTED DELIVERY FEE � � o▪ RECEIPT CERTIFIED FEE All 6'' o SERVICE o __ RETURN RECEIPT RECEIPT FEE nJ SENT TO: TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES MOdiriall, • • "I 1 • t f i • _ A. a.•.,t t o r9 ---t m \\N„.........__y ra D- Julie Wilsey D' 1I M Irf+nrr1'4e-.r I Airnnr4 \4),•_ -tC., • ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to /Veto (oily 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at I m (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on Sri/ Cree/ , in AM t:7 far ,N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 677 2d00 Mailing Address: - ' " �i�/<s�� '4'iw4Y Cary, 1/C 2 75-/3 He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC SEP 1 7 2008 (Information for Property Owner Applying (Riparian Property Owner Information) for Permit) 300/ Ale.s6r, %,A a/ Mailing Address Signature COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY 2. Article Number COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A.Signature Frinatgre1 X1/ 1....) c. ❑Agent j' Agent (IIIIIIIIII �'` 1) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ���� �`� `-Z >--�i \\}} �:,, ` )L. * "❑Addressee Addressee B.Received by(Hinted Name) C.Date of Delivery B.Received by(Printed Name) C.Date of Delivery litos,„i///l � Ire` 7106 1099 1310 2000 0848 D.Is delivery address different from Item i? El Yes' D.Is dejiv address different from Yes If YE enter delivery arErEroe� 'y"i' \ 1.Article Addressed to: If YES enter delivery address below: ❑No 61 1 GOB 32 08/04/v r> '? N1 'SS rt 0( . ""i / Mike Lovell 0 5-01.07 ' \' o'',_...--/,, / NC DOT-District 3 :•.`'2Algi\i '' 300 Division Drive 3.Service Type © Certified Wilmington, NC 28401 ,11j1I1tEEEiVErlE4r'`EII1I'4 , I 1 Yes 4.Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) [1 Yes I 7/31/2008 3:19 PM restic Return Receipt PS Form 3811 p Domestic Return Receipt COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERYa, 2. Article Number COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A.Signat r A.Sf nature ❑Agent (III IIIIIIII X �'t f-i r— 0 Addressee IIIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIII X 1 �r Addressee B.Received (Printed Nat C.Date of Delivery B.Received by(Prince. ame) I C.Date of Delivery /CLktu/J1,4A) 7106 1099 1310 2000 0879 C. "'n '� s D.Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes D.Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes f '�',,.'V If YES enter delivery address below: ❑No 1.Article Addressed to: If YES enter delivery address below: ❑No m1 . - gi Virginia Myers 3.Service Type © Certified 126 Pecan Avenue 3.Service Type © Certified fr Wilmington, NC 2840F t"'1 4.Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) I I Yes 4.Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) n Yes Kimley-Horn rip 3 and Associates, Inc. ' t • July 31,2008 P.O.Box 3306 Raleigh,North Mike Lovell 27636-3068 NCDOT—District 3 300 Division Drive Wilmington,NC 28401 Re: Smith Creek CAMA Notification Area Northeast Interceptor Northside Force Main and Pump Station Improvements Dear Property Owner: The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority is in the process of designing and permitting the Northeast Interceptor Northside Force Main and Pump Station Improvements projects in the City of Wilmington,NC. The force main will begin at City of Wilmington Pump Station#35 located on Oleander Drive near Bradley Creek and travel to the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant located on N.23`a Street. • The Northeast Interceptor Northside Force Main and Pump Station Improvements Projects will help provide capacity for build-out wastewater flows and provide system redundancy to improve the reliability of the system. Areas requiring a Coastal Area Management Act(CAMA)permit from the Division of Coastal Management include the area shown in the attached figure near ILM International Airport. A portion of the proposed force main will occur within the CAMA regulated area as shown in the figure. The Smith Creek crossing will be directionally drilled beneath the creek bottom and will prevent above ground construction activities in this area. This letter serves as a notification of the pending permitting and construction to take place in this area. Included is an Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Statement to be completed and returned within ten(10)days to Kimley-Hom and Associates..1•Fa-tee/14 L. �+✓� Please address any questions or comments to Nolan Raney with Kimley-Horn and Associates at(919)677-2000 or Nolan.Raney@kmley-hom.com. Sincerely, lQ ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to /Veto Ailo vcr 60,4 y 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at -r6g/ 4' .-/ (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on .Sivi/7/ Cre ,F , in (///i-kii� fog N. (Waterbody) (town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 979"671 Zd00 Mailing Address: -SOD/ 1/(15-7I6.7 41'16,,,4/ (Q,y, PLC z7si3 He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) All debris from directional drilling, open cut excavation, and construction activities shall be removed from airport property by the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority or their agents. All areas disturbed by access to work areas shall be repaired to their original state by the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority or their agents. RECE ED DCM W►LMINGTCtVN, NC cpp 1 7 2008 (Information for Property Owner Applying (Ri rian Property Owner Information) for Permit) Mailing / Mies-6,7 466,/a1' a(aht,., il Address Signatu Signatu l..gr(r /. V C, 2757.3 T„l;o a W-1 1 .1, A AR h :- Kimley-Horn antl Associates, Inc. July 31,2008 P.O.Box Raleigh, Julie Wilsey 27636-3( ILM International Airport 1740 Airport Boulevard Wilmington,NC 28405 Re: Smith Creek CAMA Notification Area Northeast Interceptor Northside Force Main and Pump Station Improvements Dear Property Owner: The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority is in the process of designing and permitting the Northeast Interceptor Northside Force Main and Pump Station Improvements projects in the City of Wilmington,NC. The force main will begin at City of Wilmington Pump Station#35 located on Oleander Drive near Bradley Creek and travel to the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant located on N.23`d Street. The Northeast Interceptor Northside Force Main and Pump Station Improvements Projects will help provide capacity for build-out wastewater flows and provide system redundancy to improve the reliability of the system. Areas requiring a Coastal Area Management Act(CAMA)permit from the Division of Coastal Management include the area shown in the attached figure near ILM International Airport. A portion of the proposed force main will occur within the CAMA regulated area as shown in the figure. The Smith Creek crossing will be directionally drilled beneath the creek bottom and will prevent above ground construction activities in this area. This letter serves as a notification of the pending permitting and construction to take place in this area. Included is an Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Statement to be completed and returned within ten(10)days to Kimley-Horn and Associates. No response will indicate the property owner has no objections for the described work. Please address any questions or comments to Nolan Raney with Kimley-Hom and Associates at(919)677-2000 or Nolan.Raney@kimley-hom.com. Sincerely, R E C fE IV E I aCM VVILMlNG?T e S E P 1 7 2008 - E x t'. {ti`i'� 0 ..„.,.._* ..:Ali, . s Iwo,. r :`� C+ _ < y t ti.. t., • Y...4! Y ti ' .i 4? ' t,,t ^ '.�,•tC t d s fs ., µ +4, r, aa.�',}+-. ','' .',. 5' tY,.. '••- ,i^r ,r1• M•' t seep +o� ,;� A .t a, Y r � ,'.i ., �¢ t "k; '! '�r P' '.Er.yti r, y, �. s 1: t�•', ,.., +yF r�f'�.+h 1-,„ R i 4, s 3+'' q t, 'g' r bjr, t+t' �.. �e• v p .n Y w ^. • n ED R •�} n �+r l..' kX. ub�,,, ri- Y i..r: } A 'V, ., i, y T key ,'"A° .r7jC�1� -• 1.1 ��fC� '4 Uy t''; � as Y ... v, i... ^ � �+' .V . - x(a , _ n��t iCONSTRU ate „' > '•,� " • ; •• P .,r?` i '. y ;,,ii.. '°-, EI` I , 4�TIF,, ,-.. N BQUNDA.. ,• �'f �„ra� 1 �" ' A'A '4 r f� ti .� y t ;PI �q �F� ,. r __3,;� a. •^i tyifr' ....,�' r�' a lr r - . ...... r •�q i * �.� r r ,�,,t? ` w4'� 3 ; � ,� n'�h, ' x `` LL( ' r i ..•,.• f... ..'fie ,. �.. `�. ,„ ., . , t. 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N U''i 'e`' ---is, �, ... q _ y," ""!�•',7..T„ '.----t.,,,Ra, L.w.`-i '.. „,i�Ya''p.�.._''�- ,. , yy��rr si , rtr. R —wkw^Y,k'""r7e'. °xJs �..J ""aa„" -M..... .,..k, r IN THIS v E P =® DATE CAMA NOTIFICATION FIGURE FOR SMITH CREEK AREA Kimle Horrtand Associates Inc, 7�23 08 NORTHEAST INTFRC,FPTC)R NnRTI-Icln� �( I (' AAAI�I AKIN r11 r4,11 ,^T.T, 2. Article Number COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A.Signat r= Agent IIIIIIfiIIII1111111111IIIII11111111111111111111IIIII1111!11111I111111111111111111!IIIIII1111111111111111111111 X '"t, 0Addressee B.Received . (Printed Na ,a'� C.Date of Delivery 7106 1099 1310 2000 0855 L 4 1.Article Addressed to: D.Is delivery address different from item 1? ElYes If YES enter delivery address below: ❑No Crown Box Corp P.O. Box 1241 3.Service Type © Certified Wilmington, NC 28402 • 4.Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) Yes 7/31/2008 3:19 PM PS Form 3811 Domestic Return Receipt 2. Article Number COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A.Signature X `? ❑Agent 1111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111 • • Addressee • . nted Name) C.Date of Delivery 7106 1099 1310 2000 0824 r .sing ." tx - 1.Article Addressed to: D.Is deliv- address different from s If YE enter delivery addrecc r 38 04/Ca3 MACE701 28405205 16a 32ES NOTIFY $ENDER OOF NEVI ADDRS • MACBDCN A BAPTIST C-,111111073# M, PO BOX 12126 37 WILMING'TON *IC: s£i405-0107 CAP 1 r� Luv �OOMEI QC Wi 7/3 I�li�i,�iltuhr1111:1rl J Yes ' PS Form 3811 Domestic Return Receipt COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A.Signature 11111111111116y111111111111111111i111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111 X or .� G)a' 12-Agent ❑Addressee B.Received 71.06 1099 13.10 2000 0817 SANo/z/4 yS• einuTted eN f Date of Delivery 1.Article Addressed to: D.Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑y� If YES enter delivery address below: N No