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51999D - Burrows
• -CAMA/ DREDGE & FILL v_l GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# $New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued >rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC 1�.\\c > '1- t S [iRules hed. tt Name TT,M c�CLi�,-A->S Project Location: County NSLJ L ) P.©- &DA 2.1eL-17 Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) ,tnc2.F Gt 1`) State tJ C.—ZIP 2... .i44 " 1 DS Li / $1 S-I 0.(01 1,Z2. 5 ►1 Fax#( ) Subdivision red Agent 'L t3.11-1- City Sin 2 F GAT`/ ZIP _ 14 I E CW prfW EPTA [ 'ES ElPTS Phone# ( ) River Basin C.--i ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A C ► 11x1- Adj.Wtr. Body�Ttn r� P s a� (nat 6 ❑ PWS: ❑FC: yes / no PNA yes / Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body �� -1- YV ,f Project/Activity =1Ar-L A Nam)L G1"L-k->'.e A Sf W fri&Qsr->A 4--- ' 1Z X ZR -L 77 v r: l ' X 1 S' X T.S L a i(r) (Scale: 141 xk)length n(s) 1 Z-X 1 y I I piers) j sngth imber 1 0 Riprap length 1 I _ . �g distance offshore E 6..,....A'J\ tSSj ,�•► ..1. ax distance offshore 5 I ' i I I :hannel i.'j)(1 S i- `I ibic yards dZAS mp I l. — . use/Boatlift I �q ' lulldozing j �'I" -7 ti N 7/41/f/A74-11 ilk/ J / ' / ' fa- 13 --q--- ie Length B I 04.1) 14 . N y1G! i 3 not sure yes (.. no I I ;s: not sure yes no 1 ► rium: n/a yes • yes fr3D _ I I . i yes Attached: T I -__._...-+ L ing permit may be required by: ,.. k"Qc CV I I See note on back regarding River Basin I ORI CONSTRUCTION �UR U I..Rr� Vo►• 145 VIRGINIA LANE • JEADS FERRY, NC 28460 66-19/530 (910)327-3475 f C; 8 .Al. $ 8C AP, d 7/' DOLLARS 8 a/C/7. mice. '00 7 20811' 1:0 S 3000 L 9 61: 000650 S 2 19 9011° ▪ 114,t61-01 L T'M1. ‘i `_•/\Ask. 6 0142r4. "+�.i> M AZt ' 5- :S U K 1141 FRONT oit-, reLxLsC`I A.Ca %.t.)H11., ' I NOT`AU,.- h1Et 12. X Lit t oc_y_ • Si Tt'1et.. CZE4 Rut. 1 xx 13 11t-16 c c)F4 - DRY bor 1ta fft'tQ►-:cc oF .JAt.l..,, (1P4>xpx, S cam- 6- \- -A E C,? • I o- 1--a AeEP 1' P s-► tt i < , , ii ec, I _ ,erg �_ ....___/ Z, 1 ' I, 1 ir'II NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management hael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., S Authorized Agent Consent Agreement 7 "lv-‘o \ Lot-1 v QJCCl0/4 is hereby authorized to act on my bel- (Printed Name of Agent) der to obtain any CAMA permit(s) required for the property listed below. The authorization is limited tc :ific activities described in the attached sketch. ATION OF PROJECT: • r CST , C y*5 IPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: O Box a�y7 y!c. PHONE NO. qio-3„ E5-- .5oJJ HORIZED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS: V16i,,►tA lN1 ar=flUo F P(?' h1C_ • PHONE NO. bare afle>td'eoiaaJAppkiggPorPermit oTtm Tdspix zithers et-Property: 054 v�i - (Lot or Steal d,Staxt orRoad) 6 0C�� Crv•R 101 C C. (Coy sad Count . Newby certaSr that I can property*m®t to the above- 1 ciarrOithii p mriand edtnmeas aadieatta . cjeNdopeaiaat�c : A descdpdao or should be proakied witht_ !Jewess objectims ioMsprepaid. _ roe have objectival to what is be proposed, please wr the Digitise al psattoj 127 Cardinal Drive Extessits,Williriagsn,NC MIS or cal 911109$4,0" Ida 18�svit 11 ays of of No � isierati kesaunasas objeetinji notified by Certified Mail„ wArnat derstaad that*pier,deck isoorisg pains,brilliants% housceriMtillasastba a animism*ds t nceaf3.5'fromaeyareaefripar saxes-■aieswakedb*ae. (g wee to ware flee setbad4 yew mast is itbi lie appropriate blank beim) - Ide mirk*waioe:tbe Li'setback gifr IALogriobittomairet e I5 -le a� 4/4014-& Dist