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50275D - Brechausen
1 JCAMA / DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New El Modification El Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued orized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources _ / Coastal Resources Commission in an ar a of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC l I 1 (Z0 v ❑Rules attached. � . � ant Name 4 Nrr` /.i,/f i,, �"/r ,. - �i, Project Location: County 6/14A. Skit / L2 ss � / 11 + �� (`- Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) t'I ri- '_1/LL StateNC-- ZIIg7'S%V 7 / ?l/ ./ ;Z c!i,/ fit//' #(7/,-)'i 7 / /fax#( ) yZ " cS UG` ZI# �L` Subdivision L�h,/0 A,-�c�c_ t / rized Agent ,- Y e,-i F j7,�,(�G A-/ 'City 1l�_ % t/c ZIP _ri, ed r CW 'I EW - ©PTA ❑ES CIPTS Phone# 1 U )$ 6- 4 /o River Basin,' /c-y OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A ): Adj.Wtr. Body C(1 44) (nat ❑ PWS: ❑FC: it yes��, PN �n Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body w/«J Li-) of Project/Activity ( 9-)^1, f'Li/ 1- rA y /V /,' -" — „. / (Scale: dock)length Pr-....r/4�'�""' P ! 1 r pier(s) s lcf T- Z- / y I 1 1length +_ I number tIQUS�'...... 1 - { ead/Riprap length A avg distance offshore • y NE-)t111- max distance offshore fnJ�,-• Z� Z1 r (9' I ors.fr channel cubic yards -amp ouse/Boatlift f , I Bulldozing I 1 r <g ' xrU ' )1/ i Y line Length /r V/ .....ii ,b, not sure yes no ags: not sure yes no - - AV417 orium: n/a yes no `) i Y{ , s: yes no r Attached: yes no. i. 1 tea,. j1. '4 1 ''( aZ ding permit may be required by: V Att.A.% f t.)i C/ (fi • Tie note-on-back regarding River Basin D/C•.e�..,r r`.....l:.:..�.. ►v, es.,D c -.JL.1 -t' _.n 7':\ I /r i e es.. . z r nw ..a 0. _ ire. ._ .1 .- HOLDEN DOCK& BULKHEADS GREGORY A & DOROTHY HOLDEN 3088 910-842-9732 HIS NCDL 4576438 HERS 5202642 1502 STONE CHIMNEY RD SW `S�`O -D O 66-1215/531 SUPPLY, NC 28462 IA Pet 84a e &J a kci <A-g"- v tD. w r v a•.`� W WACCAMAW V w � BANK /�r n - .r- --r) . Su pt4,NC 28462 `v / • ��v Y"" �, ', ,;' , / uanu.ruaccammu ank.wvi �'f , Q n f `~ For f.� i•1.� �1 • �,. , 1:053 L I. 2 L5 21:8000 L5 7 5 3000 308^ WILDLIFE PORTRAITS.WP H 06 08 12: 30p Greg Holden 8429806 p. 1 LI . 0104 EN ERAL PERMIT Previous permit# . New L lModification L1Complete Reissue C]Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued prized by the Stu of North Carolina,Depa►etrent of Environment and Natural Resources Coastal Resources Commission In an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC i 00 les attached. ant Name ITitsci _ati-,C. . — Project location: County-_ l_ILLPI ill 1 C, - _.. u___-- trA .012_1 t`Sv ter Address(State Road/Lot 0(s)___-j ' 3 ., O ce4N .4..St - _state ).ZIP ,A 646ei # mo).616_6,? Fax,�#.. (_�..)�5n, 7�p�1 Subdivision . _ 1.__LItt\� r._._ C S - - ized Agent 1. ._.1~.aC .-L ftrTh11V.>5._._.— City Y �5.1 zlPQ8 L1-&D..q_._. .d f1 "�CW LJ EW Li PTA DES C PIS Phone# (. L&t�b .. )_ ___----.—.—�- — River Basin ' OM l M J HF U IN URA LI WA Adj.Wm Body F at.4)LA) _.--...-...(Hat .42 ur ;a PWS: 0FC! yes I PNA yuz / no Grit.Halo. yes I no Closest Maj.Wtr.Body w�..... Q V� of Project/Activity tsNW1/4) , VI a 4^.. Apr r ` 0 MFJ` 11DuL. (SCalM POT TO dock)lengths 112- r • rpk, ) • ,a ' . • I length — number _._. cacti Wrap length V i j , svg distance*ashore ' • , •, . _ mu distance offshore____.__ '� , channel __ �`� ,y �J�r rabic yards ... 4 �\• , NY 4, �I 1r .tr Y oua Boatllft Or lie' "1. .- v Ne e 67)*Ntr:sC , r SutldoiNig _ �� vi .lr� V . Ir i IIv' I/ ,Ino Length Qros_�. � vy �t.• . Y -F' Niel'to i * -4. . . _ �/ I .-ym no _ rags: notate.* yes g • 4, toNum; r, yes no • w.- is: yes n 1 If'Attached: yes ,yy(p' T _ ._ _ _ . (ding permit may be required by: (`yC tJ j f W tAN\ �]Sea Here on back regarding River Basin rules. si Special Conditions MO V L) A4r$,Y ti (A ti3D�i Ptt1 M bC-0 Mr*fY �11 5't s . ie C��!TYti. ftWO .\a.,' IA.A -A tit.. -. 1r ff d I X Yea.I f.. - -Lea-n. et L 13 i r I 1 ,r )110 N') 0510 ,01 aU ‘10W1 - 1 (-1,6 Art,t10 ) Ada pt) lov" itf7' AA TV i .d 90882*B uap t off Za,.40 e* :LO 80 bZ • _ 2A? 016, 'ON 3NONd y .))) AIM"Y C� / i: di/ 2 4S'J :s83a001/swum 1N3Ov a3raoNinv DI.- 4/� ON 3NOHd 1 ✓/1/ �9Mr1 J/�/ ac7r• ---1,-Igil-77)9i '9 Ydie?''V :9s3210a11 oinnrw IMMO utl3dOae . -14.--07/79- r?/ Vy01/f /°4S / :1.O3i'O?!d AO NOLLV3O' -431enis PaPelle e41 U! PeciPseP 9e!l!n!pe *Wed uonezuot ne aa�. ' o oq Peleg Apedoid ps inbea(s)i!uued Aue u!epgo of Alpo, Io«uwAt uo of PeZuo4lne Agway s! ` _I waweeaBy wesuo3 luebyl pezwoq nd ►b J weARM Jopusa`uas6oup'H*OW- Job'Aolse3`3 PAN 1uauoOQtw*pgsso3 Jo uolMMt9 seaJnose8 Ie n en pure yuewtxuIu3{o jueu adeG su!!ae0 LOIN Net-P'itY 90862b8:01 :w0JA 20:8T 2002-£0 - .rxt r[N: t rurN YKUY 1 Y U Whr.R NO CATION/WAIVER FORM e of-Individual Applying For Permit A. -ess of Property_ VV l I. o (Lot or Street#,Street or Road) (City and sty) eby Certify that I own pauperty adjacent to the above-r Imposing. A descibedtoroeasshownontkeattacheddigthedevelop development. rawing,with.dimensior4,should be provided with this iette objections-to no have I ------ -to this proposal. t a have obi to what is being proposed, please write - - - t,.127 Drive the D of Co: tin�days of receipt��notice. i NC 28405 or call 910.395-: have be ea by C�Man. response the same as no objecti Al wiapier, bckaaaau�a � rom tamp,b ,boat �r boat me aware*of riparian-accesswig►to waive fire -unless waived by m 4 yen must ne►itial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive-the 15'setback requirement_ I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requitement_ ,o - o? )(? cp27/P el27fr d St=Damara%TWA WO,I .ci aQi aalefit CIS tptiaop I - Mom 4 a4 [�o t4111lentiqNirn$eS n pa et ssa�nn.-s ais to i Aao ` ai?a�►at INKs sSlp museum imaniegatsipq: uors MAIVAN. atgo on ss a 1! 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