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51311D - Bost
CANMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# II ew El Modification El Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued .rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources �/1 ' /7 Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC El Rules attached. t Name �._ �.� ' 22 �", Project Location: County �1. / 9,4,4 Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) jam r;w,,,,'' State I ZIP ' `' ' f;tiyi.r - ("LIY ) fO 7. f Fax#( ) Subdivision Ti ri-i e lr C 7:Ke zed Agent City ry'+tis?/ ZIP /S d ❑CW 4 EW ❑PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) <2 1/ River Basin t. 4 ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body PLhl,t:'- (✓-te 4❑ PWS: ❑FC: yes / no PNA ,f/ no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body C.tr r �f'/�`L" •f Project/Activity ri"d i 7`Yet f/F tf I Z• T//li//13 ,1 *p,- 7i-4' 11�.( ' ` ' 'h/ `` //✓ 't /L)%t!/ /i,fieGy„y�-,. If i (Scale: /1 .ock)length ! k `1 "1l V 1L r t5 f rm(s) ' !��M _1i�i' `',,' pier(s) i . / �_�-_�MI' Illeil length ' LJMIIMIII-V- 1111 number 1 I IIIIIIIUIIIIIrMillrs ead/Riprap length ! , JM !!14I�iR avg distance offshore ��r ,� „ max distance offshore ��� .■, r �11 channel ( f :ubic yards �/ j `` arrr _ 1 I AEri V /f p ouse/Boatlift , r j..1 4, -xepy5- , 141W,Ak1,i LiiMliny da rir(oirrEi i 1 . min. lay Bulldozing '71 A M IIMIll Mil' llNWiAn ni 474, �� ��� SUli iMINE ,- .-1 4 j ur1 ine Length not sure yes 4 i I Eig /I not sure yes 1 .. • �7 t , orium: n/a yes V , s: yes I Nik, t r Attached: ' no i t .._.._ f latter /poi ling permit may be required by: II C a . I . I See`note on, ba reg in: River Basin /_S: nn f nn ei.l d:4....� 1/ 1. /I ) i- �f /:I{I)11 i. ._I/./ L L- am_ `/ _ r - i _- - 1238 LEERBOSTIII 12138 BRANCH 01602 DONNA DAMS BOST P1 91 irnbe Cre U 2LDATE 61il Timber Creek Ln � Y Wilmington,NC 2$411 7459 06 PAY TO THE , G 0 � ORDER OF (J rt Back i i / , / DOLLARS el -MEN � s FOR 1 I:053902L971:8LOL42862Le 1238li L .�ARIAND/L16EFiV DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM jeme of Individual Applying For Permit: %e A 06 address of Property: /,1 i 1'Y Miz et_6 (Lot or Street Street or Road) GI4Z, //l/.4f0/t/ C / L%�l/ (City and County) .. hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-referenced property. The individuai applying for this permit has described tome as shown on the attached drawing the development the : are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this le ner. I have no objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington. NC 23405 or call 910-796-7215 within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock. mooring pilings, break-water, boat house or boat lift must be se: bck a minimum distance of 1=' from my area of riparian access - unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 1: setback re•luirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. 7/ // Sigma Name �c ae44-ZD S • Pr'iitaP •��, DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM $ me of Individual Applying For Permit: LCC- R /3©S r Address of Property: (/3S (Lot or Street g, Street or Road) 1A/kv/ilro v 47e 4/‘R/ (City and County) / I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-referenced property. The individut applying for this permit has described tome as shown on the attached drawing the development the are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this lene:. I have no objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coast: Management. 12 i Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington. NC 23 0_ or call 910-796-721 within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no objection you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock. mooring pilings, break-water. boat house or boat lift must be s bck a minimum distance of 1:' from my area of riparian access - unless waived by me. (If. wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) do wish to waive the 15' set ask . .auirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback: requirement. 7/2. 7/off Name Date Print \acne ,ST•-�", ',13' T.• 6 .,24'it: -- 1611 7 v1)N7 ti /1/G- 2 -1i ��� q,D 3b 71792 4. A - .- -;\ k Ji. --›._ . tip „$) _),,, -- \` .ry t 1 ,, 7 1% U ti ti.4 e � 1 alIll ,,° i /11 ( o‘ --'-‘ r) \LV. /<`. J i=% '^k • . - 4-7,-:=7„77:...- i-S-‘,,--- - ,� • / / / /i / rim 'G.:AMA t EDREDGE * FILL ' • • - , ' GENERAL.- PERMIT Previous permit # 'Jew nModification dCprnplete Reissue OPartial Reissue Date previous permit issued J.._ rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCAC -7# .9 /240 rrRules attajhed, i n , . . . nt Name 1..te 14 . L 1 aS1: Trt- . . - -':. Project Location: County Aie,f-te, 1*,04.1.64 . . . i 4• 40) • 6 .3e r44.,, Efee- . / Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) State -ove ZIP 2fryit 14.t ' kn ' p, ... . 0 CV") 34il' 11,24 Fax#( ) ----- -1..::.,i'.,. Subdivision 7;'rn itef. tt',/e t .(4!...,:•*.: .,::.,, •-•-:, . .: -.- . , •: ,,.;.. zed Agent city ' ‘.‘,44,1e • ZIP Sei __. Lerw .i,4.6. 1.415.-. DES OPTS Phone# ( ) _5444-te• River Basin 0 EA ;HHF 0 1H 0 UBA 0 N/A nat; Adj.Wtr. Body tjeti....e. ite it- PWS ID FC: Closest Mal. Wtr. Body • (e) no P NA yes no Crit.Hab. yes / no / if Project/Activity r(1:4,e,5 fir.si t PO? di,/ /.7; io ei v, /00/?,,,-- 4....-7,01, 4 7 Art* , , 1‘ 1/alb-I . - . (Scale.umber aci().length ;3„5,,x 4.1 _ rn( i-1 • r - -r- t...T 1 • , • /...1- ; ' ; ; I - ; 4. • ' 'I -; - '" '"": ' r-. r-t-;-- ,_ ..1-- pier(s) , %1"--il;A-1 -1--3---1- r ki- ,.* ; ! -ite-4----;•--. ; 4--.--4---F7--r-L f---1- :e(e-..-. ,---1---i-:--F.--.-H-:----1--H---. - - -.-•"---- ir 1 , , .. , j_ 1.. ! .. . : ..,:.t.r• , , ; . , ,...; ! i ' I- - 1 ad/Fbprap length ;ig d istaance offshore ' '1, I•:; ''I,r; ;I. -t;),-- h! 7ir Ii ' li I -,, . ,---1;a47"0.71k•1•1, r. --. -i•. --71I - ,•' ...iI, tax offshore Ir - --- _ _ , _ -," 7---- hannel - 1.....i___;.._...i.___LI...._.......i' t LI. '::_4.......... ; 140' -;- l'f-',-- • '; ;- -4,-.. ,----,-,1--4.---....-!;-;;---- --,-.- .-------. - 1 ; . -i- ; ....-T7T-' -' -'-1.---;._ „--.-- : ;7 r- ; .; , ; -1; 7-1 ; ; r;, . •1"--;77 7,-.1- --.--- .! , _,____... ..... ubic yards ; ; ! ti ;.efix";. , ', ! I I ; : 1 ir, i - ; 4---1----t----1----j--ii-'?1,---'-/-„at :.I l'.- .-h- r----;-• •:-.---1----.h.-.-r---,-.H---i •--i..--i- ---i-- i- ithp '__.. .,.' _L...,.: ._ 4.i,_.;__.:1 I.._!_. 1_-_..q...y_.,_ . !.4,......L.. ..!_ ; .._1,.. . i ',_ • i...' . --7-1 i -i-I I * , .A i -I : I i 1 i [ ! , use/Boatlift • i--"- i'--I' " "e----;•—•:7-7-1-"-;-: "r---.7-'1----I-17-l---•--1. - ---1-----J-- --7--j------;*---J."'.----t---J, ----1"-r4-1---- i-------.1---,---: t- ---1.--! -1-------1----,---1-1-7-t-f-r7 .-.---!----1- -1-4-/-1----J----J---}4-t---;,-4-v--i---' . i .._j_...-_i_.--j-..i--..; ..--.j- 4-- --4--. -..-L-.-;----,..- .., -,---;-4-4 t •--J---l- L----',---l---.1.-- ---:• n`• ,r- 2-'li----'t----- Bulldozing 1,_L....1._4_..i...4-../._.....,_..1,.._ i. . _._._ ropi?Se ...J_:.: ..._.Z... .! ,_ . ; • . i.. : ' ! I I. N f • ' ', Li_ L- .•!._ :. _L.' .. . ,......I.' _ i ! , ;- ;. i___i 1 ,.....L.; ., . . , , • . 1" . . 'I. ------iti—E-I-0 - i. . i 1 ! T.-T-7—' ' '; • i t _._,...._. , i.. ,._ _i_ 7. ri. ; 11. ; , L L :• I ' i I ; . : ; **Length ' • : I '. ; i ! ! , .',--.--f---!---------r- ; ----'. notsure yes L ; ii ..1 ; . ._:. :1.;__,7_1_ : ;1 _i_r_ _11,.__,__.r. .1-. , i,,., i___..!ii.iL itt_..ii:....:k.,..J., tgs: not sure yes o 1.- ! , ' ' t ;' --- --l—i•- . J ' I , riurn:' n/a yes r ! i ,-* I ! ; ; • L_ : • : . /le 4 ; Attached: ; i ! yes o0 -.---7-- ' ! .." ; . f • t" ;. ; .L ! • ! ; Jo/ A I Li „.‘.,-) ding permit may be required by: i'L,/ /1 t_ t,:.' , . 0 See note on back regarding River Basin ., - . . _ .. .. I') _ f., , --1 4 / 1" ........ _ _ 1 .1 W -..0"Y. 1 ...,i , I'