HomeMy WebLinkAbout50373D - Branch CAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL epri241 EIZL CM%P l GENERAL PERMIT i eZo er t� i C ❑New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue III Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued -► - orized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources I O • Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC I❑Rules attached. t Name VIILL(A M `,A t`)E Project Location: County JJ E.U 4 k NC u •s Ng OD C Aylt P Rv - Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) 1Lrn I . •nl State NC ZIP 75lac 11LI ULn CA-A,P PO . #( )c/7G-66/0 Fax#( ) Subdivision rized Agent I lXE ( tit/A-1CD City V„?\)I U r'A . ZIP `X > r CW Q EW Z PTA 1 ES C7 PTS Phone# ( ) c�Kytit E River Basin CiF -d OEA ❑HHF ❑IH CL USA ❑N/A ): ❑ PWS: ❑FC: Adj.Wtr. Body ?2/A-7(.--t` ttC K--- yes�jo PNA`":yes / no Crit.Hab. yes Closest Maj.Wtr. Body °N t)I LL-E- SD of Project/Activity F r-fo i',nn AAA 1/-1 TE\JA t i GE .E/ ''t t-,g;.-- ,/iCD Un)D DUc-K/i :-AC_I I- IT ` (Scale: Kii (dock)length g I , + rip� `' x•m(s) I 3 ;r pier(s) n length 1 1 number ' T _� _ lead/Riprap length Its avg distance offshore _ 1 max distance offshore hannel?P X-"S cubic ds i ramp - S �.�� a louse/Boatlift p p- ' g ��a�� I i Bulldozing - r i f ✓ L 6 r E 1 -1 I I A{)<dine Length N/A t ► ! not sure yes •- II di� �� � I >ags: not sure f ( ',1 !. torium: n/a es) no . < t—�---4-- I . >s: yes WW-Lir✓,A ,44nCN- "© '�; :r Attached: yes , 14 V L C)1 rA/4i P ltr6 i —_ !ding permit may be required by: N • O LF4 C. . P See note on back regarding River Basir .c/Snarial rnnditinnc AI I IA-)r 17r <N.4-1 i /2-1.f An_.n.ar� _ i.i /'....�� -'I-.... .,. • .. _. FOR SECURITY PURPOSES,THE BORDER OF THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS MICROPRINTING -- - - - - - - 4 MARINE CONSTRUCTION, INC. 66-7172/2531 3807 Ph:910-793-4143 )-E South College Road PMB 326 Wilmington,NC 28412 4 DATE Se/ere?O Y1{)014 $ freY, DOLLARS 'ERATIVE BANK LMINGTON.NC )8 02:10p William J. Branch 910 793 2526 p.1 ATA NCDENR North Carolina Decartrnent of Environment and NatJral Resources Division of Coastal Management k'•^hael F.Easiey.Governor Janes H.Gregson,Director William G.Ross Jr.,Sec Authorized Agent Consent Agreement ir Cet r i.r1 t 1�Y1A ri 4e C141,43-1- 1 M-• j ct w.c is hereby authorized :o act on my beh rprn!ed Mime of Agent; in order 'o obtain any LAMA permit(s) required for the property listed below. The authorization is limited to soecific activities described in the attached sketch. LOCATION OF PROJECT: ? ) D CA-yvvo 3() ' I/Ottift^ "VC I 3 cNo`1 i W AC'C PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: �j O111) C1}i7i0 P Ati X/ 46 9°7 PHONE NO. ( /u ` 75.3 —'/ y� AUTHORIZED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS: r ---- L t, t ')• �,.. PHONE NO. t (7i(:,;) [`i J -1,r L' Signature of Property Owner: • , R na;itrp of ithnri7 Anent- .�. `ti i �� -, t ,5 \ ,.e ,, ,'' r ..\\......... i Boaz 8 0 1Jnd )N 'NO1ONIWllM i^dOa 1' Pius7 LAM dvlif-0 i Of riP A R.Rah ,.: L.2 i oko ' 19 ....= i2 )40, 1\ i b )N=> I NEXT PERMIT=> PERMIT/APPLICATION UPDATE RRD120 AO: PER 02 0712 VO: 86-02 AEC: CW EW PT REGIONAL REP: BROOKS rY: NEW HANOVER FEE: 400.00 DISTRICT: D PERMIT COORD: SCHAFFER RIGHT, THOMAS ** LOCATION O BOX 204 STRT: LMINGTON ST: NC ZP: 28402 CTY: WILMINGTON ST: NC ZP: DESCRIPTION: N: SHANDY LANE WATER BODY: BRADLEY CREEK A: 2.00 PROJECT DESC: C STATE PLANE COORD X: 2354735 Y: 169037 R 476 6 00 0 EL 16 16 00 0 FS 64 6 00 0 BB 80 55 00 5 P 16 4 00 0 FP 16 4 00 0 BR 55 12 00 0 SD 4 2 00 0 N 3136 HG 13760 SB 4400 REQ STAT ACTION EXPIRATION RENEWAL # EXPIRATION MODIFIED # Y I 07 01 02 12 31 05 0 0 Y I 07 01 02 12 31 05 0 0 SPC ACTION 'LD RCVD RAL ASSIGNED ON HOLD OFF HOLD EXTENT EXT DRAFT DUE TPT 02 04 26 02 04 26 02 06 25 02 0 06 21 02 82 3E: INFORMATION HAS BEEN DISPLAYED .P PF2=MAIN MENU PF3=PERMIT MENU PF4=PREV PFS=NAMES PF6=REQ WRK PF7=SCRN 2 07-31-'08 10: 09 FROM- T-679 P002/002 I -pre Cm '4--c ve DIVISION OF COASTAli{A.NAQEMENT • AMACENT RIPARIAN PR,O�P RTY OWNER NOTI CATION/v_E=k vVRR Name of Individual Applying For Permit: IL ,r-pint!C - Address of Property: _ 1?-\ iy (Lot or Street#, Street or Road) (City and County) --- I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-referenced prope ty. The ind applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawint:tic d:velopme are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be prov•dfed w.eh this le I have no objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the tivision of ( Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 ar call 910-79 within 10 days of receipt of this notice_ No response is considered the sure a. no able you have been notified by Certified Mail. I under • d that a pier,dock, moo g pipings,breakwater . house or boat!' bck a minim. distance of 15' •m m rea of,riparian ' cess- • ess N•;,i by me. wish to waive th -tback +u must mill: the appro. "ate blank b. • Al [A do ' to waive the 1 5` s• requirern 11 I do not wish to ) e the 15' setback -quirement. RECEIVE DCM WILMINGTI 7 - 31 - oK AUG 0820 S'` Name Date 1 08 08:08p (401)846-8990 p.2 D1V1.STO',\:OF COAST.A.1 M..-1.1C. CTFMENT PRC.PFRTY OWNER NOTIFIC..`::!ON N. :F.:P. •f• t.j_ _ or t. in* 1 I Y.Vr. to :!1:: : •. 1Vriying 1H:.; VeZ ;LS un the t• :tr.! pri•sv 1 irr.-c no .. i).;;:ztic.:15 t. - . • vou itax objection to what i, beim?. pr:inosed, please ‘s.,-ite tht 1 of ( Ntanernenl. 12- Cardinal 1)rive Exrension. ‘Vihnirrton, NC: 2S405 c within lit days of rceeipt of thr,. No re..:ponse is iidrJ tlic in L. a• no, obit.. heert iir•title,1 by C.E.:rs;ri.e..11. W.A.1vF:P. 1 u n.i.erc-ann r,doc . rnoor nt! pilin9(linsaletv,!ter,bort iusjiat fimu; he!. t mctim r!F:a?hK...of 15 from my 15,46:ilifripariatts- ;..e ! tne. the se!bacl:.--Koti uliNt io:rfia 1 th:. appropria..v , • 1)4,1,), i • • waivc ' sci....-•ack R EC E IV E • DCM WILMINGTO AUG 0 8 20a ;6 :/Z/Df N;• • / 1744-1)') 11601Ohnq(411//CD A tar-ar-ur A 08 08:08p (401)846-8990 p.1 Sat,Aug 2,2008 )ject: Shandy Lane project te: Thursday, July 24, 2008 11:41 AM gym: Deborah Conard<portcityexecutive@charter.net> <Ewm@woodenyachts.com> <wbranch 1 @ec.rr.com> aversation: Shandy Lane project AROLINA MARINE CONSTRUCTION Inc. DO-E South College Rd. PMB:326 Wilmington,NC 28412 910-793-4143 fax 794-S y 24, 2008 : Elizabeth McMillen : Shady Lane Project have been hired by Bill Branch to conduct a maintenance dredge of the do ated to the east of your property on Shandy Lane. I spoke with your brothe omas earlier and he gave me your email address so we could notify you. VV ►posing to remove approximately 300-350 cubic yards of material from the sting slip / docks and haul it to the spoil island at Masonboro Inlet. We wo1 to get started on the project next week. ave attached a waiver form for your signature. If you have any questions, r 1 free to call me on my cell at 910-470-6610. Otherwise, please sign the w; i fax to 910-794-9909 or return email to Portcityexecutive@charter.net. Yc ,mpt assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated by all parties. ank you, RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC Al II; AQ2nnR SHORE ACRES COMPANY 407 EAST PERRY STREET SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 31401 July 22, 2008 Carolina Marine Construction 3600-E South College Rd. PMB 326 Wilmington, NC 28412 Re: Spoil Deposit Bill Branch at Shandy Lane — Bradley Creek Dear Mike: Permission is granted for the above referenced project. Sincerely, 9t.442Altz- Lawrence B. ee President RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC AUG 082008