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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAtlantic (3) CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION -Y- FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K .0203. icant Name I/7/44 % 8/1I./ (/Op tfr;5, btl( /-'"r'/ /I Phone Number 9"/. 3 X ess p3 23, ri GfvS7 AA,-JO t( State TC Z• : tct Loca' nn,(County,State Road, Water Body, etc.) �(ft / �-`,pr'i-, 41 1 �Ji e}r1y, '/ G/ O�D /F!/' 1/Y/sd�s /�'Jl�I �/ Sv/ 'ai , ";�/!3/L�>/ /!/ i"Y/ S109'j . and Dimensions of Project e /g _„0,r %%-; is � / roposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA per is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. Following expir, inent pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be nece. 4 permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. )btaining any other State, Federal,or Local authorization. ETCH (SCALE: N IS ,mil �?I J to- ,r / " 1-'7,4-- /cNc ,19J. 02 /0 . hf// %i�r /`y 1��/;. ; lei f P/Dc/ /7/ .-1 s d/ei,7>/ //l /� '7 j/ 7///;/' /r f/vy ///i f /f)as /99/ . 72/5- -� (74 , /1( • -K iA,/l� -� jIIi'l M 9//'/v/t(� �1 /( ; CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION / FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT \� as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment,Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Re ources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NC ,C Subchapter 7K.0?83. jj,, ''/r �',:,y4r,-, icant Name #41)/7c 1/lr? 14icot,xiils"�Lz� `--r/eeffw� Phone Number �� 7e$ Tess 932 feiiL►c,;.,T 'T;^,Icy1� �'` ,,. i'th State Ai(.'_ Zip '29 act Location (C unty, State Road, Water Body, etc.) ^,"tG,,if 2-=7,,'.4— / 2 1 2 9- t4.4iiiri//.� se,,, I" /2/''rfrt/ ()4/- 1 , .r+/S /Ilse/'Y/',4 5, to/ l//-(r c•Cz:,f f' lbe,t-"el /fee. $ 7 gel.5/i , 1-i-,,///' Se-z,, + - and Di nsions of Pr ject 1Zrto arc r:�, ,7 7 e, ( ! c e,-ii-,n �,l�/ , Z/1l? 6'% 'r f el ri,. `ltr its , 114�� 3 7}-5- S y.. � t" 1,-1--ee �.,:, i/r � re,p7e j''/. 12!' proposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA pe .r:Is 1?reby certified as exempt from tt e CAMA permit re- valid fortt days.frorrrthe date of issuance. Following expi mient pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0 . This exemption to tjJt1a re-examination of the project and project site may be neci IA permit requirements does not lleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. obtaining any other State, Federal,or Local authorization. ETCH (SCALE: /`IS fii � ie'r,5</ (�e-,,/-/' $ /d// el',Il/J� ly r�-/ ')1l 'l//tj. S/` 4'6, /1 C J., a 2 i G% . ,'/ O1% <`S< sr!','A J le// ,�' � J 7 �llli �1�� '� II/ ii/fv/--/;//', 75 7-4?-7/,- ;-- /,//r1/47 // /.//,/7 j'V./r't ,L>/f/ // iv/ l-2-'//r' /4' S. — ? G9 I47/ � / / /r ( ( fc f/i?, a/r �i - %� / 23 6117/, /li/1 (q hi?/ 4 //)y<< �// ) -,/ / _ 4, < .'i�L j-,. / . / s . ,/'/L7i 'f /' !;- ' //c / . lue Properties Subject: Atlantic Blue Properties From: "Gordon Friedrich" <> Date: Mon, 5 May 2008 12:08:38 -0700 To: <> Shaun, Thank you for your time this morning. We expect to begin hydraulic dredging as soon as the season starts - October 1, 2008. While dredging should only take 2 — 4 weeks the entire project covered by the Certificate of Exemption should take approximately 7 - 8 weeks total. The current Certificate expires 6/14/08. If we wait until 6/13/08 to reissue for an additional 120 days the new expiration date would be October 13, 2008 at which time we would need yet another reissue to get us thru project completion. If you approve proceeding with that approach it would certainly meet our needs. The project scope is exactly as described in the current Certificate. We have been delayed starting the project by our dredging contractor who got held up on a project in Wrightsville Beach which took them all the way to the end of last dredging season or March 31, 2008. Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Thank you for your assistance. _ I U V io-1'C n 5 c-at Best regards, � U Atlantic Blue Nor Developers Gordon Gordon W. Friedrich 9323 Penshurst Trace ., Charlotte,NC 28210 (.ff 0 9 I `5 �Q - gfriedrich@(74) 65-2786 atlanticbluedevelopers.c Gordon W. Friedrich .' L J