HomeMy WebLinkAbout51358D - Alexius ,CAMA / I DREDGE & FILL 3ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New El Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources H. j o� :oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCAC 1 Rules attached. t Name 4ea..aL:ri 't..irX •� S Project Location: County 1 -1 31 LT ' , 7 N,L WL,,�4',,.\.r Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) FE1 t'"ZtiJCs�l *- State^-)L-` ZIP Zli�3/3 _1 d Z ,.- 1)L.-,-\L,i; 0►�)--1 -•U�L1 Fax# ( ) Subdivision ted Agent C 4 S Vy1'Rtt-'1.0-e' City VIQv Fk i S viT'-►-& ��E-Nc._N\ ZIP 2.... '1 ❑CW AEW :IOTA XES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basnr{ C.- I ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body In of 5 C't''''''' '''L L. ;(na / ❑ PWS: ❑FC: � "A/Vs/ yes /® PNA yes Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body f Project/Activity ,..)S`I-IN-4- I Z3-- LZ' 1'i R.- t 6 T c)( \,./e,•b r;`-) -t.teit ' Z. WAT 10 /4A6 of tx751 /"G- ,,✓xi Li__ (Scale:l"=-Z xk)length n(s) aier(s) I ongth { 1 imber ad/Riprap length 1 Z..Z- 11111111 II{ii- --,-- II i. t Rise/Boatlift 1uPflHIUU' Bulldozing IIFIIOOUIIIIII 1ijes /�i'.,"�„ HhlIHIHI iIHiHHI yes - I 1.111.111� I I eAttached: yes no ! Min ling permit may be required by: w g- A7Sa/1"Lt.t E'A 4—V\ I See note on back regarding River Basin c" cS2�ar wt it;Nge /, PO,Box868 ISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Wrightsville Beach,NC2$480 PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION &WAIVER FORD (910)25?1O)256-3062 G,'tes P ?bt lying for / � ✓ L-1l4, 571ytl L 6u�. /mr P/,rL M 6f 3U1 S ILL Z85fid 1144� n property adjacent to the above referenced property. Tt /O„/� his permit has described to me as shown on the attachec nent they are proposing. A description or drawing, with should be provided with this letter of notification. riease initial below if you have no objections. . S AfLsx, I have no objections to this proposal. /J If you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N. C. 28405 or call 91( 395 3900 within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION / I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater,boat house,lift or sandbags must be set back a minimum of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me.(If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I DO NOT wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. Signature & Date I[x IEnte/Tlwc OkT a3-xAAlf1}Ill) Qe:53 9102563052 P.001 Cr-3-2E03 O t 56:1 FROM:FZS pm/NE 910'563062 TO:asseiTi • 17 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION &WAIVER FORM • ' Nam of individual applyin for permit-.�.. A Andress of property O./'NIT' Phui 4/441i/kisiffifirt4 1 hereby catty ttat I own property adjacent to the aban a referenced properly. the individual applying for this pemrrt has described to me as shown on to attached droving the dsve{opmettt th or dmwing,with nslons shouldey provided with Ups ielOeosing. A r of nrao - below It you have no objec ns.A0#mak) ite I have no ohs to this proposal. 1404/1/0 If you have objections to wheat is being pad.please vane the Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive teens on.Warrington,N.C.28405 or call 11110- roidalned the 10 days of receipt of this notice.No response is 74'6 ,?! aims es obiedon iTYou have been rho Sed b Certllled IIbItY. WAIVER SECTION N I understand that a pier.dock. mooring pilings,bteattwater,boat housQ,lift or sandbags must beset beck a minimum of 15'from my area of riparian access mdses waived by mar you wish to wsive the setback,you must milli the appropriate blank below.) . I DO wish to wave the 15'setback requirement. ' I DO NOW wish to waive the If setback ro4 Signatunt dt Data point Naame MI. J. 1liUa 1 U.41RM KLMAA UUArl AL L I r HU. 7yi T-1-2008 02:07P FRCM:F S MARINE 910E523262 TO:19192222192 P.1 ArvA NCD N North Carolina Department of I:nvitotxnent and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Miami F Easley,Oawamor Chutes S,Joao,Director Mem G.Ross Jr,ea Authorized Agent Consent Agreement • ( J/►t+ G' r,,r+tv �,,t , ba i Ei.P11/02) -Aland Elam.of Agent]"Y in order to obtain arty CAMA permits)required for the property listed below The authorization is limited tc specific activities descnbef in the attached sketch LOCATION Of:PROJECT: gee Zer PROPERTY OWNER MAIUNO ADDRESS: 717 LidieDP4 �✓i1oii 7e 28 k7 - PHONE NO.i'D " �be�� Yet/ AUTHORIZED AGENT MARLING ADDRESS: er-ObOpiai r6/0116414140rEal got+ 710= asiimphiti egfv4, ?MSD PHONE NO. ?)°- 112544"31)1•1 —.� Signature of PropeKy Owner but Altievaluir freetyK ,_..�Signature of Authorised Agent VhgZ ?U (P �, Pvnc'9,Ijivt-7 cry iffy (.1 .--)w,3 0 t -'ip-,ir j4-7/ rmyl%1 s,''�'��,p/pj i I.,' . apof 3 I. :nele M.BD6D,Er _L N.o. r .ZL i , Ma iun eue4 me 7.o of `'Eewq , �.Pi� ! - ✓. , ♦ tY! t 11 ' . i ;.1 i 44. , i` . , .. %A 'lf Y>l ;�:� lvi� Y !> t; ', �� rd/ ' l . 4t/ IJj/ , �� ,r ` f ti.:°.,1)" t., '/.t'4, ' y . ` -'4,./,-f,f,14/kili J Ili.. '�+t ,. .. ;€ ,, 1 'r•4 4 `iv 4. 4 ! r i* ,� i i yr ti . 4,0:, if s Y r ' , ( If ,,• . jy .. T f cv . f 0 y / )� y '4 ...,x ,.. 1, .. .a r., f`1 5\ , a i- /4,1 fi .,.. r,...., .. ,4 I' .3 w $ •4it. 4)14)0,)1111iimiti ' dr liF lik, Pfr . P V 4110 r . % tAti. any ` V , �J ♦ a Ata CAPT. ED FLYI , 1301,61 Piers,Fl � Rep$ V 1; P.O Box 868 f 7;19KA./ �U/}t r kg'st7 Wrightsvii",e Beach ti " / 2 03 GA fi /,rii-11;tkfe 6R,P?i v 1 41q, 1,41.6i't i4,'0CS f0i51Mr). C -..- J 1 .t,n„An k'eribp neimtko T ,G_ " _ 6 /,_p,r .k t. '. L.._.____ :{ f rzaod , 1 11 ���'J" ►i/ ' �`'6.Y4el,Scr I'6 o,G. sr' r 14F71,ad • i 4 r 'r6 rr h c r A(1 iie.4oiaitho #6f Alley (14iin s,7 ) otArckr ON its 4,0 Vrolir .c1Prrnrlf • 36934 F AND S MARINE CONTRACTORS, INC. t.. P.O.BOX 868, TEL.256-3062 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH,NC 28480 66-85/531 DATEL 1C ✓✓✓ TO THE �C� 1t✓ '/t VIT �✓ ORDER OF f`� p DOLLARS u RBC Ban n RBC Bank(USA) RBC® > FOR / `/ --- tir II'0003693to' 1:0 5 3 1008 50':0 27 20058 911' _�, �.