HomeMy WebLinkAbout54523D - Navigation:AMA / Cl DREDGE & FILL 541 EN ERAL PERMIT Previous permit # Jew ❑Modification El Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued :ed by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources _ astal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC Z ( L'�� les attached. Name NAV{(citTjCQ POIOrtAC IQ6FtW1•sOy!Y Project Location: County Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) ti t CG 1k" C 11 UC ft44 State ZIP L';O, lv) ZS tc Y2 } Fax # (_) Subdivision Agent T►{Li Mr( N(- City j L A-11) ZIP Z �� ❑ CW [ '1tW MIPTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Phone # ( ) River Basin C ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A Adj. Wtr. Body A- 4 V-jv,) /tt ❑ PWS: ❑ FC: as / ,4ie PNA yes / no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj. Wtr. Body % I t''i V� 'roject/ Activity K)- ;1-A L-1— 11,G 61 L i fl WfT-41 IJ L7i <_Tl -di (Scale: �rl :) length r _ -r— 1— I �j - nT. 1. x 11 _ 1 1-1 ;Tr1—!Tf#419 nh ber Riprap length lstance offshore distance offshore nnel c yards 3 e/ oatli 1 W 't ILA � Ildozing Ito Length not sure yes i J not sure yes im: n/a yes n yes ttached: yes t'.=" ig permit may be required by: ISL� ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin r North Carolina Department of Environment and Naturai Resources Division of Cosetal tolanagemem verly Eaves Pardo James H. Grgson I Des Freeman �vernor Direclor Secretary AUNT AUTHORIZATION F R Date; no of Property Owner Applying for Permit: Fner's Mailing Address: 1 l � �,, one Number Nams of Authorized Agam for this project. �MK Agent's Msill?g Address; (a .-F `rt, �� ve Phone NuM4r L9(0-) o2 i ertify that I haveauthoriied the ag®nt listed above to act on my bohalf, forth® purpose of applying r and obtaining all CAMA Permits necessary to Install o, construot tlia following (activity): ny property located) at i 'his cadificabort is valid thru (date) . i ropev6wner Signature Date QF C FIB}LSD DEC 10 2010 OCM WILMINGTON, NC :4.-1"G1J1CJ 1C•YJl 1-RVI'1• iv•iJ1VLJVVJIL I } rage .t of t �A 60 Subj: boat Lift Date: 12A/2010 9:25:05 A,M, Eastern siar4ard Time From. iirnk'2hano_odhatrie3.com To: reheyressMaaol,.corn Mr. Henderson, Please use this a mail as ayr)LU for you boat lift Please t)e aware that you will be responaltAo for all permitting and ma nin enance of you Goat Nft. 1 will mail a rjard copy of your approval for your records. For our file I wilt need the specifications of'the lift, dopy of the permit and your contractor's general liability and workers compensation n i, nsyry;ce, " Jim Kenny President Navigation Point HOA A3M MIF t h. 95M North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management ,riy Eaves Perdue James H. Gregson Deese eerector 4,rar arnor AGENT AUTHURIZATI�N FnRM Date: e of Property t)wner Applying for Permit: Name of Authorized Agent t for this project: ,er's Mailing Address: i ne Number 0?o ?. 6 ,� i 9 Agent's Mailing Address' Phone Number f_10) rtify that l have authorized the agent listed above to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying and obtaining a�i CAMP. Permits necessary to instal. or construct the following (activity): i property locatetd) at -------- is certification is valid thru (date) Prooertv Owner Signature Date !M :.Jimmy North - CMC FAX NO. : 9102'.i66357 Dec. 06 2010 02:51R'i P1. Nacre of i,16AMdua1 Applying For __ r ? r', != 1( Addre%s of ProC:rt ' Sao �2 0� (Lot or Street 4, Street or Road) Gi (City and County) I hereby certify that : own property ei(taoeat to the above -referenced property. T.te individt ii app!xt'ing for This permit has described to me.. as shown on the attached drau�ag the de "eiopment th y are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimaasiotls, should he provided wit}: this letter, L,"' I have ,^.o objections to this propose;. If YOU hav s objections to what is being propo'ed, please write the Di-,Ision of Coast 0 Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Lstenston, WAnington, NC 28405 or call 910-796-72 5 w=thtn 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no objection if YOU have brew notified by Certified Mail, WAMR SECTION I uaderstsn d that a pier, dock, mooring piling, breakwater, boat hMe or boat lift ra'an be s !t bck 2 minimum distance of IS' from my area ofriparisrt uecoca- unlass waived by me: (If yt n wish to wskkve the setback, you must in ltial tht sy2roprijite blank below.) � � r do wisl to waive the 5' setback requirer ent. i - ,tish to waive the ! 3' setback requirement. Sign Nome Date f'•'}�- ti'' 1 J .� it o AVWWWA QeC. " '3Qti" am Ap H:.�44', 9 ` V f ?C,-, ir:i, t `L% Pi _' ]"/Y'-.r!�..*^_'•'� .�` Address of Property': Zo a;f- (I.ot or Srrc-,t Strec., or Road) (City and I hereby certify that i own proper:; adjacent to tht above -referenced property. Tl:e individu71 appiyir s for thaw permit has described to M. a as shown on the tftaered dmwi, niz tht develcrnnent they are;repos�ng. A desc*lotion or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided wit Tlhis lager. I have no objections to this p-oposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coastal Management, 12" 'Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 or cal 910-796-72 5 within 1.3 days of receipt of this notice, No response is considered the sarne as no objection, if you have been uotifled by Certified :Maxi. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, moorit:a pilings, breakwater, boat house or boat lift must be ;it hck $minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access - unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you trust initial the petoLriate blaal~ below.) I do wish tc waive the 1 setback requi:er,.ent. 14 n ;3,:s`r to waivc the 1";• setback require enti. W1l.rA�NC�,�d4DIN ��• Si.:: Dame Date Print Name -<-I �6 - 3 6 -C - 91-0-1" )M :-SErlmy North - CMC FPX W. 9102566357 Dec. 06 20110 02:51PM Pa �-� ; 1. .i�..�..; _�-•-iii--t-••� 64 AI • j � a i � ,' ..I. 1 I � •�f 1 7, f -- , i _,�.. —� {.. r i • : ! i 4 _- rC I -,` i l..�. ; I i f 1. � 1 i ..... i _I. _.( r i �. ' . it..€._..�.._�.._i._:.-_Y.�.�1.•�+ F. Division of Coastal Mgt. Habitat Impact Computer Sheet ant:_ NrivlLfi�lON �(i11� C/�/ 12f11`� l Z oUn1T" =�23 I2�»�l0 -ibe below the HABITAT disturbances for the application. All values should match the name, and units of measurement i in your Habitat code sheet. :at Name DISTURB TYPE Choose One TOTAL Sq. Ft. (Applied for. Disturbance total includes any anticipated restoration or temp impacts) FINAL Sq. Ft. (Anticipated final disturbance. Excludes any restoration and/or temp impact amount) TOTAL Feet (Applied for. Disturbance total includes any anticipated restoration or temp impacts FINAL Feet (Anticipated final disturbance. Excludes any restoration and/oi temp impact amount) V v Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other 10 Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ COASTAL MARINE PIERS & BULKHEADS LLC NCDL 3831595 6314 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE 910-256-6357 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 PAY TO THE ORDER OF I WACHOvILa Wachovia Bank, N.A. wachovla.com FOR 5(I'�5, 4.S2-3 II'OL^ ✓ DATE �c) r 3 8 4 II '. 0 5 3 0 0 0 2 L 9 1: 2 0 8 6 l 7 0 ,26 8 9-gri on