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HomeMy WebLinkAbout50308D - ProgressICAMA / DREDGE & FILL N GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit #1 INew ❑Modification El Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued prized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC 1 •' So O ❑ Rules attached. nt Name 1-0 Sf� L- /*6j Location: County zq-� ec. 5 Tia Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) _ "s a 'c ZIP �76 v V � ! - R .J yrc = ��os511.J6- Subdivision /J zed Agent %�Z^G45� S'T1 tJ City-Ti( {3' <C'/JLJ(C F ZIP j CW EW ❑ PTA S ES ❑ PTS Phone # O / 9 River Basin VIff J ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A Adj. Wtr. Body (nai ❑' PWS: ❑FC: yJ L/il� yes / no PNA / no Crit.Hab. yes no Closest Maj. Wtr. 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FINAL Sq. Ft. TOTAL Feet FINAL Feet final and your TOTAL Sq. Ft. (Applied for. (Anticipated final A lied for. (PP Disturbance (Anticipated disturbance. Disturbance total DISTURB TYPE includes any disturbance. Excludes any total includes any anticipated Excludes any restoration and c abitat Name Choose One anticipated restoration temp restoration or temp impact amount restoration or impacts pamount act pact temp impacts tem Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Othe .Soy Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill 0 Both 0 Other 0 Progress Energy Progress Energy to v Douglas J. Stein Sr. Trans. Oversight Spec. Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. 1426 Mechanical Blvd. Garner, NC 27529 Date: October 27, 2009 To: Mr. Bob Wojnarowski From: Eddie L. Taylor / PowerComm Engineering Subject: Line Relocations for US 17 Bridge / Jacksonville Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line Project #20066860 / WR #5689 Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line Project #20066859 / WR #5688 NCDOT Project: B-4214 Construction Start Date: March 1, 2010 In Service Date: May 31, 2010 PURPOSE AND NECESSITY c > 919.219.2292 P > 919.347.0548 F > 919.661.4340 T > 910.686.3901 dougl 9=Ca9oanmail corn The purpose of projects 20066860 and 20066859 are to relocate a section of the Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line and modify the Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line to help facilitate the construction of a new North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) N.C. Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Onslow County. PROJECT OVERVIEW The Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line, in its current alignment, crosses the New River approximately 150 feet north of an existing NCDOT bridge crossing N.C. Highway 17 in Onslow County. NCDOT is planning to construct a new bridge north of the existing bridge which will be in conflict with the existing overhead transmission line. NCDOT has requested that Progress Energy relocate a section of the 115kV line to clear the construction zone. Progress Energy and NCDOT have agreed to a relocation of the Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line that will route the line to the north to the corridor of the Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line which will be rebuilt as double circuit into the Jacksonville City 115kv Substation. Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kv Line: Memorandum Page 2 October 1, 2009 with the Jacksonville — Jacksonville City I I5kV West Line on I I5kV double circuit steel H- frames to the Jacksonville City 115kV Substation. The conductor for the relocation will be single 795 KCMIL 45/7 ACSR and the OHGW will be 3/8" H.S. Steel. The total length of the relocation is approximately 7,552 feet or 1.43 miles. From the point where the relocation begins at Structure 392, two new 3/8" H.S. Steel OHGW's will be installed for two spans up to the point of intersection with the Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line. From this point to the Jacksonville City 115kV Substation, one new 3/8" H.S. Steel OHGW will be installed on the south side of double circuit steel h-frames 377 to 385 and then from Structure 385 to Structure 404. Approximately 23,335 feet of 795 KCMIL 45/7 ACSR conductor and 1,825 feet of 3/8" H.S. Steel OHGW will be installed. From the point of relocation to the point of intersection with the Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line, two (2) 3-pole guyed steel angle structures and one (1) steel single pole delta horizontal vee structure will be installed. The single steel pole in this section of line will support two (2) OHGW's. From the point of intersection with the Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line to just west of the Jacksonville City I I5kV Substation, nine (9) double circuit steel H-frames will be installed. Because eight (8) of the nine (9) double circuit steel H-frames in this section are located in a marshy area or tidal flood plain and also cross both the New River and Chaney Creek, galvanized steel caissons will be utilized as foundations. More information about the double circuit steel H-frames will be covered under the Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line section of this document. At double steel H-frame Structure 385 located at Station 2322+10.26, the alignment for the Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line will turn an approximate 13.5 degree angle to the right, span 362 feet to a new guyed single steel pole (Structure 404), and span 126.5 feet into the Jacksonville City 115kV Substation. The one (1) 3/8" H.S. Steel OHGW for this circuit will terminate at Structure 404. Approximately 7,484 feet of existing transmission line will be removed. Removals will consist of approximately 46,250 feet of 2/0 F CW CU conductor, 15,417 feet of 3/8" H.S. Steel OHGW, nine (9) wood H-frames, two (2) steel H-frames, and three (3) 3-pole guyed steel angle structures. Jacksonville — Jacksonville City I I5kV West Line: From existing guyed 3-pole dead end Structure 1 located at Equality Station 3830+99.47 LB, Station 2386+47.88 LA, to the Jacksonville City 115kV Substation, new single 795 KCMIL 45/7 ACSR conductor will replace the existing single 556.5 KCMIL 24/7 ACSR conductor. The two (2) existing 3/8" H.S. Steel OHGW's will remain up to new Structure 375 where one Memorandum Page 3 October 1, 2009 Structure 375 will be a restrained steel H-frame, and Structure 376 will be a guyed single steel pole. Structures 377 — 385 will be double circuit steel H-frames. Structure 387, an existing 3- pole guyed steel angle structure will remain. As noted, Structures 377 — 385 will be double circuit steel H-frames. The left side line ahead circuit will be the Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line and the right side line ahead circuit will be the Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line. The cross bracing for all the steel double circuit H-frames will be 32K per CT-55938. The foundations for double circuit steel H-frame Structures 378 - 385 will be galvanized vibratory steel caissons. Steel caisson lengths for Structures 378 — 382, 384 and 385 will be 40 feet. The steel caisson lengths for Structure 383 will be 45 feet. All the steel caissons will have a 7 foot reveal or stick up above,.,natural ground. Please refer to drawing CT-55927 and foundation schedule CT-55928. Structure 385 will be hybrid double circuit steel H-frame with the right side line ahead circuit, the Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line, comprised of a vertical horizontal vee configuration and the left side line ahead circuit, the Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line, comprised of vertical suspension configuration. Please refer to drawing CT- 55937. Approximately 29,707 feet of 556.5 KCMIL 24/7 ACSR conductor will be removed from existing Structure 1 to the Jacksonville City 115kV Substation and replaced with single 795 KCMIL 45/7 ACSR conductor. From Structure 1 up Structure 375, two new 3/8" H.S. Steel OHGW's will be installed. At Structure 375, the south side OHGW will be dead ended and supported with a line back guy and anchor. From Structure 375, one new 3/8" H.S. Steel OHGW will be installed through Structure 376 and on the north side of double circuit steel h- frames 377 to 385. From Structure 385, one new 3/8" H.S. Steel OHGW will be installed up to existing Structure 387. RIGHT-OF-WAY All new right-of-way required for this project will be 70 foot wide, 35 feet each side of the survey center line. The right-of-way width for the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line is 70 feet, 35 feet each side of the survey center line. The right-of-way width for the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line is 100 feet, 50 feet each side of the survey center line. PERMITS A new permit will be required for crossing the New River between Structures 382 and 383 and Memorandum Page 4 October 1, 2009 An erosion control permit for clearing from the State of North Carolina will be required to clear the approximate 885 foot section of right-of-way from Structure 392 at Station 2251+46.16 to Structure 394 at Station 2260+30.21 of the relocated Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line and also for the approximate 365 foot section of line from Structure 385 at 2322+10.26 to Structure 404 at Station 2325+72.29. The following permit/approval applications are being submitted. The Contractor must have possession of these permits and written permission to begin from Progress Energy prior to commencement of work. The Contractor must adhere to all conditions specified in these permits and any applicable conditions of approval. Copies of permits must be kept at the site at all times and be made available upon request. 1. Erosion Control Plan and NPDES Stormwater General Permit 2. Army Corps of Engineers Section 10 Permit 3. NCDENR Division of Coastal Management CAMA Permit Any other permits required for this project will be the responsibility of the Contractor. LINE CLEARANCES Line clearances will be required to install the new structures, conductor, and OHGW associated with both the relocation of the Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line and the modifications to the Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line. The installation of temporary line switches will be required on both lines in order to sectionalize the lines for the planned work. Due to loading issues only one line at a time can be disconnected from the Jacksonville City Substation. Tentatively, a temporary switch is to be installed on the Jacksonville — Jacksonville City Line and the line sectionalized between the North Jacksonville POD and the Jacksonville City Sub. All work will be then completed on the Jacksonville — Jacksonville City Line including the double circuit section. The Jacksonville — Jacksonville City Line can then be re -energized and a temporary switch installed on the Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City Line and the line sectionalized between the Southwest POD and the Jacksonville City Sub. All work to construct and connect the new sections of the Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City Line can then be completed, the line re -energized and the temporary switch removed. Maintenance will determine the temporary switch locations. MATERIAL Material acquisition and delivery will be done through PEC Transmission Material Coordinator, Butch Lynn. Material has been ordered and will arrive prior to the construction start date. Memorandum Page 5 October 1, 2009 erosion control plan, construction entrance, and access plan will be created to handle foundation spoil, crane pads, and access to and from structure locations. KEY CONTACTS Lead Line Engineer: Project Engineer: Project Manager: Right -of -Way: ECC: PowerComm Eng.: Baxter Matheson Jamie Loy Bob We jnarowski Jeff O'Briant Tim West Eddie Taylor Office (919) 546-6709 (919) 546-6034 (919) 546-6079 (919) 546-5056 (919) 546-4769 (919) 829-3688 Cell (919) 219-0779 (919) 210-7107 (919) 449-8490 (910) 818-1161 (919) 820-1500 If there are any questions in regards to this release package please contact Eddie Taylor at 919- 829-3688 (Office) or 919-820-1500 (Cell) and/or Jamie Loy at 919-546-6034. GENERAL INFORMATION: Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line: 1. Conductor: (3) - 795 MCM 45/7 ACSR single conductor 2. OHGW: (2) 3/8" H.S. Steel — From Structure 1 to Structure 375 (1) 3/8" H.S. Steel — From Structure 375 to Structure 387 3. Type of Construction: 115kV Single Circuit Steel H-Frames (Structures 373-375) 115kV Single Circuit Guyed Single Steel Pole Dead End (Structure 376) 115kV Double Circuit Steel H-Frames (Structures 377-385) 4. Length of Line: 9,614' (1.82 miles) 5. Project Number: 20066860 6. One -Line Number: #140 Jacksonville —Jacksonville City 115kV West Line 7. Taxing County: Onslow County (100%) 8. Construction Start Date: March 1, 2010 9. In -Service Date: May 31, 2010 Memorandum Page 6 October 1, 2009 Castle Havne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line: 1. Conductor: (3) — 795 MCM 45/7 ACSR single conductor 2. OHGW: (2) 3/8" H.S. Steel — From Structure 392 to Structure 394 (1) 3/8" H.S. Steel — From Structure 394 to Structure 404 3. Type of Construction: 115kV Single Circuit Guyed steel 3-Pole Dead End (Structures 392 and 394) 115Kv Single Circuit Single Steel Pole (Structure 393) 115kV Double Circuit Steel H-Frames (Structures 377-385) 115kV Single Circuit Guyed Single Steel Pole (Structure 404) 4. Length of Line; 7,552' (1.43 miles) 5. Project Number: 20066859 6. One -Line Number: #22 Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I RV Line 7. Taxing County: Onslow (100%) 8. Construction Start Date: March 1, 2010 9. In -Service Date: May 31, 2010 10. File Number: 3386 CONSTRUCTION PLANS — SPECIFICS AND DATA REFERENCES Install• Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line: Conductor: 29,707' - 795 MCM 45/7 ACSR OHGW: 12,150' - New 3/8" HS Steel Standard Structures: Memorandum Page 7 October 1, 2009 (1) - 115/230kV Conductor & OHGW Dead End and Jumper Material for a Distribution Substation (2) —115kV Medium Tangent Steel H-Frames Structures 373 and 374 (1) —115kV Medium Tangent Restrained Steel H-Frame Structure 375 (1) —115kV Vertical Dead End — Single Steel Pole — 0-30 Degrees Structure 376 Non -Standard Structures: (9) — Modified 115kV Medium Tangent Double Circuit Steel H-Frame Structures 377-385 Poles: All poles will be corten steel. (4) 75' LD-2 — Structures 373 and 374 (2) 75' LD-4 — Structure 375 (1) 85' LD-7 — Structure 376 (2) 85' LD-3 — Structure 377 (10) 80' LD-5 — Structures 378-381 and Structure 385 (2) 95' LD-8 — Structure 382 (4) 100' LD-8 — Structures 383 and 384 Foundations: (9) — Galvanized Vibratory Steel Caissons With 7'-0" Reveal Caisson Foundation Schedule Remove: Jacksonville —Jacksonville City 115kV West Line: Conductor: 29,707' — 556.4 MCM 24/7 ACSR OHGW: 19,700' — 3/8" H.S. Steel CT-00131 CT-00214 CT-00215 CT-00178 CT-55938 CT-55927 CT-55928 Structures: M SS' ('incc A Wnnrl H-Frame Memorandum Page 8 October 1, 2009 (1) 70' LD-1 Steel H-Frame with (2) side guys and anchors (1) 60' LD-1 Steel H-Frame with (2) side guys and anchors (1) 70' Class 3 Wood H-Frame with (2) side guys and swamp anchors (1) 75' class 3 Wood H-Frames with (2) side guys and swamp anchors (1) 80' Class 3 Wood H-Frame with (2) side guys and swamp anchors (2) 85' Class 3 Wood H-Frames with (2) side guys and swamp anchors Install• Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line: Conductor: 23,335' - 795 MCM 45/7 ACSR OHGW: 8,575' — 3/8" H.S. Steel Standard Structures: (13) — Structure Grounding Details for Single Pole, H-Frame, 3-Pole, And Lattice Steel Tower Structures (Structures 373-385) CS-50084 (1)—115/230kV Conductor & OHGW Dead End and Jumper Material for a Distribution Substation CT-00131 (2) —115kV 3-Pole Guyed Steel Angle Dead End CS-52181 Structures 392 and 394 (1) —115kV Guyed Steel Vertical Dead End CS-40051 Structure 404 Poles: All poles will be corten steel. (2) 65' LD-2 — Structure 392 (1) 55' LD-2 — Structure 392 (1) 75' LD-6 — Structure 393 (2) 60' LD-1 — Structure 394 (1) 50' LD-1 — Structure 394 Remove: Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line: Conductor: 46,438' — 2/0 F CW Cu Memorandum Page 9 October 1, 2009 (2) 55' Class 4 Wood H-Frames (392 and 399) (1) 60' Class 2 Wood H-Frame (394 (1) 60' Class 3 Wood H-Frame (398) (3) 65' Class 3 Wood H-Frames (393, 396, and 403) (1) 70' Class 3 Wood H-Frame (397) (1) 70' LD-3 Steel H-Frame (395) (1) 65' and 55' LD-1 Guyed Steel 3-Pole (400) (1) 105' LD-3 Steel H-Frame (401) (1) 55' and 45' LD-1 Guyed Steel 3-Pole (402) Poles: (2) 55' Class 3 Wood Poles (4) 55' Class 4 Wood Poles (2) 60' Class 2 Wood Poles (2) 60' Class 3 Wood Poles (6) 65' Class 3 Wood Poles (2) 70' Class 3 Wood Poles (2) 70' LD-3 Steel Poles (1) 45' LD-1 Steel Pole (3) 55' LD-1 Steel Poles (2) 65' LD-1 Steel Poles (2) 105' LD-3 Steel Poles Schedule: The scheduled in-service date is May 31, 2010. Construction is scheduled to start March 1, 2010. Related Drawings: A. One -Line Diagrams #140 Jacksonville —Jacksonville City 115kV West Line #22 Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV Line B. New Plan and Profile Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line CT-55923, Sheet 1 Cnctle Havne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville Citv 115kV Line CT-55924, Sheet 1 Memorandum Page 10 October 1, 2009 Castle Hayne 230kV Sub —Jacksonville City 115kV Line TD-14066, Sheets 28 and 29 D. Permits New River Crossing CT-55939, Sheet 1 Right-of-way Clearing Per Progress Energy E. Standard Drawings 115/230kv Conductor & OHGW Dead End Details For Distribution Substation CT-00131 115kV Tangent Steel Single Pole - Delta Config. CT-00173 I I5kV Medium Tangent Steel H-Frame CT-00214 I I5kV Medium Tangent Restrained Steel H-frame CT-00215 115/230kV Tangent Single Pole & H-Frame Side Guy & OHGW Dead End Accessory Dwg. CT-00305 115kV Guyed Vertical Single Steel Pole Dead End CS-40051 Structure Grounding Details CS-50084 115kV Guyed 3-Pole Steel Dead End CS-52181 F. Non -Standard Drawings Steel Caisson Foundation Schedule CT-55928 Modified Standard CT-00311— Structure 385 CT-55937 Modified Standard CT-00311— Structures 377-384 CT-55938 Steel Caisson Foundation Details CT-55927 Project Schematic Drawing CT-55925 Phasing Diagram CT-55926 Modified Standard CT00173 — Structure 393 CT-55940 F. Sag & Tension Charts Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West Line CT-55929, Sheets 1-6 Castle Hayne 230kV Sub —Jacksonville City 115kV Line CT-55930, Sheets 1-5 Written Specifications: T4-2.1 Pole Installation Procedures T4-3.5 Foundation Installation Procedures — Backfill Direct Embedded Poles T4-4.2 Stringing Specifications TA r r LT.... Al:-- —A T. +.Ile*inn — Tnciilatnr and 14Ar(iw1re Memorandum Page 11 October 1, 2009 T4-15.2 Erosion Control Regulations for Transmission Construction T4-15.3 Right-of-way Seeding ELT: drk Attachments cc: Mr. Baxter Matheson Mr. Jamie Loy Mr. Bobby Lee Mr. Tony Warren Mr. David Wethington Ms. Teresa Freeman Mr. Leo Gladney Mr. David Koepnick Mr. Michael Chavis Mr. Butch Lynn Mr. Tim West Mr. Eric Thigpen Mr. Kent Hardin Mr. J.W. Beasley Mr. Tom Williams Ms. Mary Medlin Mr. Kevin Butler Mr. Jeff O'Briant Mr. Tim Shaw Mr. Jeff Lanier Mr. Dan Oliver Ms. Shelia Talton Mr. Buzz Bryson Mr. Phil Creech Mr. Fred Lockley Mr. Jody Wicker Jason Bryson, W. T. (Buzz) [] Tuesday, February 02, 2010 3:20 PM Dail, Jason Loy, Jamie; Stein, Douglas; Wojnarowski, Robert ect: Proposed Progress Energy Transmission Line Relocation :hments: Copy of Jacksonville Line Relocation Release Letter.pdf; CT-55923.02.02.10.pdf n, sponse to your e-mail, we are providing the following: A copy of the release letter (attached), which provides much of the requested information. On page in the second complete paragraph, reference is made to the use of galvanized steel caissons as foundations for those structures located in wet areas and for structures where the line will span wat On page three, in the second complete paragraph, the caisson lengths are shown as 40 - 45 feet, v a reveal length (length above ground level) of 7 feet. Thus the depth into the substrate will be 33 — feet. ?. Caissons will be installed using a vibratory hammer, mounted on a low -ground -pressure tracked machine (a "float machine"). This is an extremely wide tracked vehicle with a large hollow chamber which crosses marshy areas without sinking or making deep ruts. It can literally float on water. In t this machine will be used to install caissons in the marsh, and then will travel across the river (at sk tide; I'm told it doesn't fight a current well) to install caissons on the other side. This machine does require mats. We do anticipate some work in "less wet" areas might be done on mats with convent equipment. 3. Attached plan -and -profile drawing CT-55923 shows the specific structure locations, types and elevations (of ground, surface water, stream bottom and structures and conductors). Structures to placed in wet areas will be spotted (transported to specific locations) using a helicopter. 4. 1 believe we have received all the certified mail receipts, but have left a message with our real esta agent to confirm that. I'll follow up as soon as I hear from him. 3se advise if I'm missed anything. Again, thanks for your cooperation in processing our request. z Bryson ]ress Energy ironmental Permitting & Compliance -546-6637 Phone -812-1120 Cell , Jason is Bryson, W. T. (Buzz) [buzz.bryson@pgnmail. com] Monday, February 08, 2010 1:18 PM Dail, Jason Stein, Douglas; Wojnarowski, Robert ect: RE: Progress Energy Overhead Electric Transmission Line _n ;hments: image001.jpg 'n' a- �0 �U'► ,C field rep, Doug Stein, can meet you tomorrow on site, and I can be available via phone (919-812-1120 or appointment too close to get down). g's cell number is 919-219-2292, and he should be there all day. Best bet would be to call him when re an hour or half-hour out, just to make sure you can agree on an exact meeting spot. ying him and project manager on this e-mail. nks very much for the quick turn around. Please don't hesitate to call tomorrow, or any time. z n: Dail, Jason [] It: Monday, February 08, 2010 9:54 AM Bryson, W. T. (Buzz) jest: RE: Progress Energy Overhead Electric Transmission Line iks Buzz, I know it's short notice, but I will be in Jacksonville tomorrow if you'd like to try and meet, preferably moon hours. Let me know if you can make, otherwise we'll have to shoot for a day next week. nks, )n Dail, Express Permit Coordinator -th Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management 'Cardinal Drive Ext. mington, NC 28405 is Bryson, W. T. (Buzz) [mailto: buzz.] : Friday, February 05, 2010 2:25 PM )ail, Jason; James, Trentt ect: RE: Progress Energy Overhead Electric Transmission Line in, (Progress Energy's) very old MOU with Land Quality says that we will file a simplified erosion control p ur line work. Since we only cut vegetation in the right-of-way to near ground level and leave stumps or root mats, without grubbing/blading/changing topography, the plans are usually only silt fencing and Aruction entrances. ;Land Quality and 1) regularly have friendly discussions on whether just cutting vegetation is a "land- irbing activity", as defined in the SPCA, but unless it's just pasture, cultivated field or a road/parking lot want everything else counted. 'iled such a plan with Land Quality and it was approved on 12/21/09. In that plan, we included both the t sections of new ROW, and the two stretches of existing ROW (the one where the line is being remove the one where the two lines will be co -located). The existing ROW was included only because we exp ine removal/rebuild would result in some disturbance, and decided it was better to just include the entir )rint. the "clearing" is just cutting, no blading/grubbing/etc. �r if questions. iks in: Dail, Jason [] t: Friday, February 05, 2010 9:18 AM 3ryson, W. T. (Buzz); James, Trentt jest: RE: Progress Energy Overhead Electric Transmission Line , I was looking over the package and noticed on Page 4 of the memo. that Progress Energy is applying for a mentation and Erosion Control plan from the NC Division of Land Resources, Land Quality Section. The memo st an 885' x 70' ROW would be cleared for installation of the new utilities. It is my understanding that if the utilitif illation will disturb more than one acre of land, then a SEC permit will be required; however, if you are only clew area in question then you will not need prior approval from DLQ. If you would, please get back to me and let me v if you guys will be grading or disturbing more than one acre of land, or if you will just be bush hogging within 1 /. Give me a call if you need further clarification. i ks, :ordinal Drive Ext. iington, NC 28405 ie: (910)796-7302, Fax: (910)395-3964 n.Dail 2se note change of email address* it correspondence to and from this address be subject to the North Carolina Public rds Law and may be disclosed to third parties. n: Bryson, W. T. (Buzz) [mailto:buzz.] t: Friday, February 05, 2010 8:38 AM Dail, Jason ject: RE: Progress Energy Overhead Electric Transmission Line t'd be great. nks. m: Dail, Jason [] t: Friday, February 05, 2010 8:36 AM Bryson, W. T. (Buzz) eject: RE: Progress Energy Overhead Electric Transmission Line ;et to it today and then get back in touch with you. nks, Dn Dail, Express Permit Coordinator ,th Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management F Cardinal Drive Ext. fmington, NC 28405 )ne: (910)796-7302, Fax: (910)395-3964 !on.Dail 'ease note change of email address* wil correspondence to and from this address d you please update me on CAMA application for the line relocation at Jacksonville? Project manager ig to update schedule. please holler if we can provide anything else. iks very much. Stay dry! Bryson ress Energy 'onmental Permitting & Compliance 546-6637 Phone 312-1120 Cell ,Jason is James, Trentt Monday, February 08, 2010 10:26 AM Dail, Jason ect: RE: Progress Energy Overhead Electric Transmission Line :hments: image001.jpg i, it looks like it was submitted based on our MOU and actual disturbance will be limited. tt James -omental Senior Specialist =NR - Division of Land Resources - Land Quality Section :ardinal Dr Extension iington, NC 28405 )796-7227 iil correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may t osed to third parties. n: Dail, Jason t: Monday, February 08, 2010 8:22 AM James, Trentt jest: RE: Progress Energy Overhead Electric Transmission Line it do you think Trent, did they even need a SEC plan to perform the work mentioned below. Just be overly cauti be??? in Dail, Express Permit Coordinator th Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources division of Coastal Management Cardinal Drive Ext. ,nington, NC 28405 ne: (910)796-7302, Fax. (910)395-3964 :)n.Dail ease note change of email address* in, (Progress Energy's) very old MOU with Land Quality says that we will file a simplified erosion control p ur line work. Since we only cut vegetation in the right-of-way to near ground level and leave stumps or root mats, without grubbing/blading/changing topography, the plans are usually only silt fencing and >truction entrances. (Land Quality and 1) regularly have friendly discussions on whether just cutting vegetation is a "land- irbing activity", as defined in the SPCA, but unless it's just pasture, cultivated field or a road/parking lot want everything else counted. filed such a plan with Land Quality and it was approved on 12/21/09. In that plan, we included both the I sections of new ROW, and the two stretches of existing ROW (the one where the line is being remov the one where the two lines will be co -located). The existing ROW was included only because we exp 'line removal/rebuild would result in some disturbance, and decided it was better to just include the entii print. the "clearing" is just cutting, no blading/grubbing/etc er if questions. nks z m: Dail, Jason [] t: Friday, February 05, 2010 9:18 AM Bryson, W. T. (Buzz); James, Trentt eject: RE: Progress Energy Overhead Electric Transmission Line z, I was looking over the package and noticed on Page 4 of the memo. that Progress Energy is applying for a imentation and Erosion Control plan from the NC Division of Land Resources, Land Quality Section. The memo s t an 885' x 70' ROW would be cleared for installation of the new utilities. It is my understanding that if the utiliti allation will disturb more than one acre of land, then a SEC permit will be required; however, if you are only cle area in question then you will not need prior approval from DLQ. If you would, please get back to me and let m w if you guys will be grading or disturbing more than one acre of land, or if you will just be bush hogging within N. Give me a call if you need further clarification. nks, ise note change of email address* U correspondence to and from this address )e subject to the North Carolina Public •ds Law and may be disclosed to third parties. is Bryson, W. T. (Buzz) [ma ilto:buzz. bryson@pgnmail .com] :: Friday, February 05, 2010 8:38 AM )ail, Jason jest: RE: Progress Energy Overhead Electric Transmission Line A be great. nks. n: Dail, Jason [] t: Friday, February 05, 2010 8:36 AM Bryson, W. T. (Buzz) ject: RE: Progress Energy Overhead Electric Transmission Line et to it today and then get back in touch with you. i ks, )n Dail, Express Permit Coordinator th Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management 'Cardinal Drive Ext. mington, NC 28405 one: (910)796-7302, Fax: (910)395-3964 on.Dail @ncdenr.aov_ ease note change of email address* coil correspondence to and from this address y be subject to the North Carolina Public ords Law and may be disclosed to third parties. gym: Bryson, W. T. (Buzz) [mailto:buzz. bryson@pgnmail .com] ks very much. Stay dry! Bryson ess Energy onmental Permitting & Compliance i46-6637 Phone H 2-1120 Cell Progress Energy .� g gY January 25, 2010 Dr. Steve Everhart Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 RECEIVED DCM TON, NC IAi1 f 2010 nOL5414d yet Subject: Request for Authorization Under General Permit for Utility Lines for Relocation of Progress Energy Overhead Electric Line to Facilitate NCDOT Work in Onslow County Dear Dr. Everhart: Progress Energy Carolinas (PEC) has been asked by the NC Department of Transportation to relocate the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line (Line A, for further discussion) adjacent to the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River at Jacksonville, NC, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of that bridge (Figure 1, at tab in attached Natural & Cultural Resource Assessment, and unnumbered aerial photograph, folded). PEC is seeking the Division's authorization for this relocation under the CAMA general permit for utility line work. Rather than temporarily relocate the transmission line during construction, and then rebuild it in the current location, PEC has decided to "co -locate" (place the line and another line on common structures on a single right-of-way, ROW) a portion of the above line onto the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV West overhead electric transmission line (Line B, for further discussion). The end result will be that one current transmission line crossing will be permanently eliminated and the second existing crossing will remain in its same ROW, carrying two circuits (six conductors) on new structures, and at similar minimal overhead clearances. Approximately 7,440 feet of Line A will be removed and co -located within the Line B ROW. The ROW for Line A will be restored and will revert to the previous owners. Co -location of the two lines will necessitate rebuilding approximately 9,615 feet of Line B (6,620 feet of which will be co -located) within its existing ROW, and adding approximately 884 feet of line within a new ROW to connect the two lines. Similarly, approximately 455 feet of new ROW will be added to terminate Line A at the Jacksonville City substation. Existing and new ROWS are shown on the will not require further clearing. However, PEC is including it in the total disturbed area (rounded to 30 acres) because we expect vehicle traffic will disturb the area somewhat during line removal and reconstruction. PEC has obtained approval of its erosion control plan from the Division of Land Resources — Land Quality Section. The only new impact to wetlands will be clearing of approximately 0.4 acre of wetlands in the new ROW sections, one where the Line A is realigned to be co -located with Line B on the western side of the project, and the other where the two lines separate to enter the substation on the eastern side of the project. PEC intends to start work on or about February 1, 2010, or upon issuance of all permits, and complete work by May 1, 2010. PEC will utilize its standard clearing specifications (in attached Green Book, under Construction Specifications tab) which include cutting vegetation in uplands to near -ground level, leaving stumps at 4" or less, and leaving other vegetative root mat intact to the extent possible. In delineated wetlands, vegetation will be hand cut. Wetlands areas to be hand -cut are shown in enclosed Figure CT-56026, sheets 1 & 2 (folded). PEC intends to install silt fencing adjacent to creeks and wetlands, as shown on Figures IA and CT-56026, sheets 1 & 2. PEC also intends to install standard construction entrances at access locations (aerial photo folded). Both measures are shown on the detail sheet (Figure CT-52838, folded) PEC would note the status of other permit notifications/approvals for this project: • US Army Corps of Engineers, for CWA §404 and RHA §10 authorization [Corps has indicated authorization is being prepared] • State Historic Preservation Office, for compliance with NHPA [in -hand]. • NCDENR Division of Land Resources, approval of an erosion control plan [in -hand]. • US Fish & Wildlife Service, for concurrence of no impacts to federally threatened or endangered species [notified by letter, verbal indication of no concern] • NC Wildlife Resources Commission, for concurrence of no impacts to anadromous fish species [notified by letter, verbal indication of no concern] • NC Division of Water Quality, 401 Unit [courtesy letter notification, no permanent impacts to CWA jurisdictional waters/wetlands are anticipated] • US Coast Guard, for navigation clearances [receives notification from Corps] PEC has also notified adjacent landowners by certified mail, as required under the CAMA permitting process. Return receipts from those notifications are enclosed, along with the We appreciate your consideration of this request. We would appreciate you contacting Mr. Buzz Bryson in our Environmental Permitting and Compliance Unit at 919-546-6637 (office), 919- 812-1120 (cell) or (email) to arrange an on -site visit, and if you have any questions. Ve truly yours, Richard A. Brown, General Manager — Transmission Construction & Engineering RAB/wtb Enclosures: 1. Permit Fee Check for $400 2. Natural & Cultural Resources Assessment 3. "Green book" (Erosion control plan) 4. Large format aerial 5. Progress Energy's easement for ROW, list of adjacent property owners, sample notification letter, and "green cards" END MARSH AREA EDGE OF NEW RIVER STA.2454+67 NEW RI DER EDGE OF NEW RIVER BEGIN ISLAND AREA STA.2461+60 D D END ISLAND AREA EDGE OF NEW RIVER EDGE OF NEW RIVER j STA.2454+67 a D + r' o cl 1 <1 EDGE NEW RIVER � STA.2461 +60 4 °° PI STA. S.TRUCTURE_383 co 2462+40.92 STA.2462+40.92 °' S.0651 LT _ _.- ------- 8► 0 QD T � EDGE OF XH �o m STA.2463+34 ( NEW RIVER m m 2+40.92 Z m ;o w A j STA.2463+34 0 ,' Z - -- 2° u Z i-< A r� t W D m y n' < Zn o mf D � x c: W RAVE £ 'i m do=o <„ Z R 3-0 D 0 -1 rq r- A f 1 0 aEoA m m r <n�< m N 0 C3 EDGE OF NEW RIVER - -� STA.2470+85 r n f __._ STA.2470+74 EDGE O STRUCTI D � o g 4 M NEW RIVER STA.2470+74 P X-C m D j 3� m HoA r1 �m� m (4 D Caney { o Creek v WN --, N _, -IOD tf n o -Di$�o \ \l �o o�Z room NC. GRID c� Do� <` D < N� TH mm 0ri-� y BZoT c -0 J O r- Z_lm rl J p STRUCTURE 382 STA.2454+42 p W O 02- O = m V! mm m m r 0 STRUCTURE 38 STA.2462+40.92 (pD V G) r- STRUCTURE � STA.2470+85 V D C� CA Eyjl �/ 6 \ fie' �,p�%' Qj � � � '4 r `%/ •i'�,' y l �4 r 4, , � � 1 � \ 'u�Y� � ?' (,,ate `' ' • 1 v:•oP.'''�,� �+, 1�, �"'�\-,% � li, ;/�� t ''�'� � 1`• `� � ±��� ! .,Cf w �E r �Wr3 r�' Q 'a �E•,-c.•�/�',.��� y�ayas,�) �i Zr � .� +,�:•1r'� 11 �;�dy�,r ��� �CC ram' � \ • .. I y i t'� `� ��,`.__1'� QS� 1a .� f .l r ., bi - �� ; ��1 C'2 '� � J i� .. k' N� �� - �o -. � , � Ys, , • � 3 i = it � •'M 00 17 NO I LA 10 �P;�' � j �'1�1r'I � («�6 r r_.•, � `N �' Fj r' L'��fl � ��� � ,��,,..— �a,�� ,w` V +�!) -t ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached map,, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow Count N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2631 (Riparian Property O ner Information) Sign e Print or Typ ame / /41 //f) C? /%) - q2q ) ( D ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached ma, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River in Jacksonville, Onslow Counter , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2 (Riparian Property Owner Information) Signature / �A rint or Ty1W Name ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #:_919-774-26_3_I Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-26 Cinnofiira " (Riparian Property Owner Information) VlzW f t=n S 704v1,i ( 74 Signature W, V � ! W 2 s a Print or Type Name Gi /i '? 5'') 0'?1) V ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in _Jacksonville, Onslow Counter , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I l5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line -on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Information for Property Owner (Riparian Property Owner Information) Applying for Permit) j/� �✓ T ,: &,, t", r" / ' _�k `- d ( V Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-26n I'le r s / ✓7 j-7, Signature Print or Type Name ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at _adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached ma, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River in Jacksonville, Onslow County: , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub - Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville - Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2 (Riparian Property Owner Information) Signature l✓ ✓ 7- Print or Type Name ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker _ (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rits-of-way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line right -of way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2631 - -------------------------------------------------- (Riparian Property Owner Information) // Z/Z "-,e- i 4 14 Signature C- Ae Print or Type Name ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hw_y 17 on easement rights -of -way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in _Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line right -of- way - This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-263 (Riparian Property Owner Information) JAM, -SWIA, 7, 44,01 J- (f 65A(,vf9y �) Print or Type Name C C= L 6-.4-_ 7' -7 -7 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker _ (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County. , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2631 (Riparian Property Owner Information) Signature "Jd M & A skow im(i Print or Type Name 9/i) �> 5z / 29 a - L-J- ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker_ (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919 7174-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line right -of- way - This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2631 (Riparian Property Owner Information) Signature Print or Type Name p/� C/ao -7 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing. Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2631 r L� k - 3 Lt- r4-7 -7 r l -� a i - n I -I i7 (Riparian Property Owner jnforfnation) s o✓l J Print or Type Name C-4.11-C-110- ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement riis-of-way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line right -of- way - This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2631 (Riparian Property Owner Information) gnature �r Print or Tylle Name ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17 on easement rights -of -way shown on attached may, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River _ , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line right -of- way - This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2(% (Riparian Property Owner Information) Signature Print or e N e �i l„.—V C`i 7/a7 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US HM 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line right -of- way - This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-n--f ^* - -- (Riparian Property Own r Information) d/ I .I -- Signature/ �DPS� c &EN i eA3 %o,*7 Print or Type Name /lc, ,� yIr V. �h G Eon r. l/EN; ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement riis-of-way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville - Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-263 (Riparian Property Owner Information) ignature � PrinV or Type Nam I ✓1 � r1 � _ 2 C..�.� q ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement ri is -of --way shown on attached maps (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I l5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 1 I5kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-26 ---------------------------------------------------- (Riparian Property Owner Information) �Cn L- N 00L�� Signature C Lo og Ii jq R ICm o r� Print or Type Name ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker_ (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne. 230kV Sub Jacksonville - City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line right -of- way - This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2631 (Riparian Property Owner Information) Signature 74,0 P-719�1 q Print or Type Name 4PI10 - 7/G - 6�1/ RECEIVI DCM WILMINGT JAN 1 9 2( ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker_ (Name of Property Owner) property located atadjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached ma, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River in _Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line right -of- way - This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2631 _. r)A. (Riparian Property Owner Information) Signature a° Pr' t or Type Name 460,;;w 4; � 3 5 12.E C11 -1;71 1�f Q' RECEIV DCM WILMING' ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT JAN 1 9 I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at _adjacent to US Hya 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached maL (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner (Riparian Property Owner Information) Applying for Permit) E Progress Energy Carolinas c ibrature c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2631 `,nerd 6• Ed .ss Print or Type Name 1 qt4 45�_371e� ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow Counter , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville - Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2631 (Riparian Property Owner Information) - - Ca m L//_ C7 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached ma, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line right -of- way - This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2631 (Riparian Property Print or Type Name Progress Energy William S. Terrell P.O. Box 1133 Jacksonville, NC 28541 Subject: Progress Energy Carolinas Proposed Transmission Line Relocation Dear Mr. Terrell: Progress Energy Carolinas (PEC) is proposing to relocate an existing transmission line to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. The work will involve removing a portion of the existing line, and relocating that line on another existing nearby transmission line right of way. The existing and proposed locations are shown on the attached map. The project will require a CAMA permit from the NC Division of Coastal Management. PEC would appreciate you completing the attached form and returning it to the Division of Coastal Management at the address shown on the form. If you have any questions, please contact me at 919 744 zoo or via e-mail at jody.wicker(& �?If -5 - b 1 I I Very truly yours, Jody Wicker QPninr A A hPPI+ RECEIVE DCM WILMINGTO JAN 2 6 2010 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Information for Property Owner (Ripar' o rty Own Information) Applying for Permit) 77A 7 /� Progress Energy Carolinas /� - Signature c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-26 Cinn�4ira �C.J/i Print or Type Name a 112 - ki7 .- 5> / 7 i irgy ess E Company. LLC Progress Energy, Inc. subsidiaries 4 27602 'heck Date Check Number Vendor name Vendo 2-JAN-10 192179 N C DENR 11946 Invoice Number Invoice Date Adjustments Paid Amo .0 15-JAN-10 r 0.00 D, EQ E r, ..s JAN 2 � 2010 Questions? Invoice. DC!v' W'L(V IIl GT61ry N( .00 I $ THE FACE OF DOCUMENT HAS A COLORED BACKGROUND NOT A WHITE BACKGROUND s nergy eITM ompany, 64-1327. It of Progress Energy, Inc. subsidiaries K 1651 � "� v.1 P�new Energy 611 ^ � M fNC 27602 Vendor Number 11946 VOID AFTER 6 MONTHsLki44 Check Date 22-JAN-10 192179 xactly Four Hundred Dollars And 00 Cents********************************* `4 Progress Energy Stein Real Estate Co., LLC 221 Lejeune Blvd. Jacksonville, NC 28540 Subject: Progress Energy Carolinas Proposed Transmission Line Relocation Dear Stein Real Estate Co., LLC: Progress Energy Carolinas (PEC) is proposing to relocate an existing transmission line to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. The work will involve removing a portion of the existing line, and relocating that line on another existing nearby transmission line right of way. The existing and proposed locations are shown on the attached map. The project will require a CAMA permit from the NC Division of Coastal Management. PEC would appreciate you completing the attached form and returning it to the Division of Coastal Management at the address shown on the form. If you have any questions, please contact me at 919-744-2631 or via a -mail at /Very truly yours, Jody Wicker RECEIVE Senior Acquisition Agent I A \I 'S 7 nn4n ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at adjacent to US 1Jwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached map, (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in Jacksonville, Onslow County, N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: Fie has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City I I5kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner (Riparian Property Owner Information) Applying for Permit) Progress Energy Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-2631 Signatur Signature Print or Type Name iio-[ 1 11 zk_uli]D9 tter .00 oz. eturn Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 ertified $2.80 abel #: 70091410000030968370 ssue PVI: $5.54 'KSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 1e-2 First -Class tter .00 oz. ?turn Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 ?rtified $2.80 ?bel #: 70091410000030968363 >sue PVI: $5.54 :KSONVILLE NC 28546 $0.44 )e-2 First -Class tier ,00 oz. ;turn Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 rrtified $2.80 rbel #: 70091410000030968356 sue PVI: $5.54 XSONVILLE NC 28541 $0.44 le-2 First -Class ter 00 oz. turn Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 rtified $2.80 bet 0: 70091410000030968349 sue PVI: $5.54 KSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 e-2 First -Class ter 00 oz. turn Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 rtified $2.80 be) #: 70091410000030968332 sue PVI: $5.54 (SONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 ?-2 First -Class ter )0 oz. turn Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 tified $2.80 )el #: 70091410000030968325 >ue PVI: $5.54 .E HILL NC 28454 $0.44 :-2 First -Class :er 10 02. :urn Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 lified $2.80 lel #: 70091410000030968318 sue PVI: $5.54 ,SONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 -2 First -Class Issue PVI: $5.54 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 Zone-2 First -Class Letter 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Greet) Card) $2.30 Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410000031tio8288 Issue PVI: $5.54 JACKSONVILLE NC 28541 S0.44 Zone-2 First -Class Letter 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410000030968271 Issue PVI: $5.54 JACKSONVILLE NC 28546 $0.44 Zone-2 First -Class Letter 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410000030968264 Issue P'VI: $5.54 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0 44 Zone-2 First -Class Letter 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410000030968240 Issue PVI: $5.54 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 Zone-2 First -Class Letter 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410001JO30968233 Issue PVI: $5 54 DUNN NC 28334 Zone-2 $0.44 First -Class Letter 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410000030968226 Issue PVI: JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0. Zone-2 First -Class Letter 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.3tt- Certified $2.8(9 Label M: 70091410000030968202 Issue PVI: - $5 54� iaauo rv.L Keiurn rapt careen faro; "Ot..iu Certified $2.80 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 Label #: 7009141u00003u968462 Zone-2 First -Class Letter Issue PVI: $5.54 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 JACKSONVILLE NC 28546 $0.44 Certified $2.80 Zone-2 First -Class Label #: 70091410000030968547 Letter 0.90 oz. Issue PVI: $5.54 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Certified $2.80 RICHLANDS NC 28574 $0.44 Label #: 700914100J:iusU9�d455 Zone-2 First -Class -_====== Letter Issue PVI: $5.54 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 RICHLANDS NC 28574 $0.44 Certified $2.80 Zone-2 First -Class Label #: 70091410000030968530 Letter -----"-= 1.00 oz. Issue PVI: $5.54 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Certified $2.80 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 Label #: 70091410000030968448 Zone-2 First -Class ======__ Letter Issue PVI: $5.54 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 RALEIGH NC 27608 Zone-1 $0.44 Certified $2.80 First -Class Letter Label #: 7009141,0000030968523 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Issue PVI: $5 54 Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410000030968431 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 Zone-2 First -Class Issue PVI: $5.54 Letter 1.00 oz. JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Zone-2 First -Class Certified $2.80 Letter Label #: 70091410000U30968516 1.00 oz. ----- Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Issue PVI: $5.54 Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410000030968424 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 ---===__ Zone-2 First -Class Issue PVI: $5.54 Letter 1.00 oz. JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Zone-2 First -Class Certified $2.80 Letter Label #: 70091410000030968509 1.00 oz. " - - Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Issue PVI: $5.54 Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410000030968417 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 -__==___ Zone-2 First -Class Issue PVI: $5.54 Letter 1.00 oz. MAPLE HILL NC 28454 $0.44 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Zone-2 First -Class Certified $2.80 Letter Label #: 7UU9141(iuuuu3u9bY493 1.00 oz. '----'-' Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Issue PVI: $5.54 Certified $2.80 Label 0: 70091410000030968400 JACKSONVILLE NC 28541 $0.44 =____o: Zone-2 First -Class Issue PVI: $5. Letter 1.00 oz. JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Zone-2 First -Class r Z Certified $2.80 Letter Label #; 70091410000030968486 1.00 oz. Issue PVI: --'--- Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.3 $5.54 Cartifiarl el) SANFORD MAIN PO u� i(1GNLANUS N; k60/4 ZbU.44 Zone-2 First -Class 273305626 Letter 3631970330 -0096 1.00 oz. '010 (800)275-8777 02:45:23 PM Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Certified $2.80Sales Receipt Label #: 70091410000030968639 Sale Unit tion Qty Price Final Price Issue PVI: $5.54 VILLE NC 28540 ~� _ 50.44 JACKSONVILLE NC 28541 $0.44 First -Class Zone-2 First -Class Letter z. 1.00 oz. Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 i ed $2.80 Certified 80 k: 70091410000030968714 70091410000030968622 =_____=_ PVI: $5.54 Issue PVI: $5.54 VILLE NC 28540 $0.44 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 =irst-Class Zone-2 First -Class Letter Z. 1.00 oz. Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 ied $2.80 Certified $2.80 70091410000030968707 Label #: 70091410000030968615 )VI: $5.54 Issue PVI: $5.54 IILLE NC 28540 $0.44 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 first -Class Zone-2 First -Class Letter ! 1.00 oz. Rcpt (Green Card) 52.30 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 ed $2.80 Certified $2•80 {: 70091410000030968691 Label #: 70091410000030968608 IVI: $5.54 Issue PVI: $5.54 IC 27501 Zone-1 $0.44 NINTERVILLE NC 28590 $0.44 ass Letter Zone-2 First -Class 'Rcpt Letter (Green Card) $2.30 1.00 oz. ed $2.80 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 7009141000GO30968684 Certified $2.80 =====_== Label #: 70091410000030968592 'VI: $5.54 Issue PVI: ==z===== $5.54 'ILLE NC 28546 first -Class $0.44 YORKTOWN VA 23693 $0.44 Zone-3 First -Class Letter Rcpt (Green Card) ed $2.30 $2.80 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 70091410000030968677 Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410000030968585 VI: $5.54 issue PVI: =_____== $5.54 ILLE NC 28540 irst-Class $0.44 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 Zone-2 First -Class Letter ;cpt (Green Card) ed $2.30 $2.80 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 70U9141000UO3U968660 Certified $2.8C _,____ = Label #: 70091410000030968578 JI: $5.54 Issue PVI: ==---=_= $5.54 [LLE NC 2854C $0.44 cn an v 0 r Return Rcpt (Green Lavu/ Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410000030968189 Issue PVI: $5.54 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 Zone-2 First -Class Letter 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410000030968172 _=____=_ Issue PVI: $5.54 JACKSONVILLE NC 28546 $0.44 Zone-2 First -Class Letter 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410000030968165 Issue PVI: $5.54 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 Zone-2 First -Class Letter 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Certified $2.80 Label #: 70091410000030968141 Issue PVI: $5.54 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 $0.44 Zone-2 First -Class Letter 1.00 oz. Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.30 Certified $2.80 Lapel #: 7UU9141000UU3U96815b Issue PVI: $5.54 Total: $:i? ;.%4 Paid by: Accoufa .. il. JUV 23 Order stamps at or call 1-800-Stamp24. Go to to print shipping labels with postage. For other information call 1-800-ASK-USPS Bill#: 1000403404683 Clerk: 14 All sales final on stamps and postage Refunds for guaranteed services only Thank you for your business :xxx%XX%:xxxxx%:XxXXxXXxxXxxxXxxXxXxxXXX XxxXXXX%XXXXXXX%XXXXX%%X%X%%x%%X%%%%x%Xi UCI n .IC 0Cn11C JA11 nrTrro ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. s Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. a Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: IYiK. Vcle.J Sylci.iZ KO6ek A. Signature X 0 Agent i ❑Addressee 8. elved by (Printqd Na e) C. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery a dress Oftrent from item 17 0 Yes If YES, enter d add a low: ❑ No 3. Service Type 0 CenMW P A Z-- . C--tares Mail 0 Registered D Return Receipt for Merchandise O Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number 71109 1410 DDDD 3096 8592 (Transfer frVrn sm4ce Taboo _. _.__..__ -- PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed W. PT t02595.02-M-1540 Agent by ( Printed Name) L'. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery address different from gem 17 0 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 4!.a C e— r !) • C. 3. Service Type p Certified Mail 0 Ewen ma t^ ❑ Registered ❑ Return Reoelpt for Wrchandlse �J ❑ Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restrlcted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number (transfer from service labeq 7009 1410 DDDD 3 D 9 6 8 6 5 3 PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1 40 ■ Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 V Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: /Ytftk'1� S, Mcwl Tf ' rIVC MIL.-C rzp A SigRa " f ❑ Agent 1, 7-i'v", .I ❑ Addressee R. Ttec�ived by� died Name) C. Date of Delivery fs delivery address different from Item 17 ❑ Yes -q f YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No u^ 1 m Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Aiso complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front K space permits. 1. Article Adrj ressed to: / )� F> F34t I .2 ,ter'� /Z 7 /V . C z4-j�'--' A. Signature t X ❑Addressee B. Received by ( rinted Name) C. Date of livery ' ri'k2. D. Is delivery address different from item 17 U Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type • certified Mail O Express Mail • Registered i7 Return Receipt for Merchandise O Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number 7009 1410 0000 3096 8578 (rmsfer from service fabef).__-- PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. • Attach this card to the back of the maiipiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: I Jl'1S• %�2.%a7r'a�. %1 `�t1wzll'.J1rt,. (,O -7 4 t 1 i A. Signature •,_" � � 'ZI 0 Agent X ❑ Addressee B. Received by (Prfnted Name) C. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No � - 1 3. Service Type 0 Certiried Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number 7009 1410 0000 3096 8479 (ftmferfromservicelabel) PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt t02595-02-M-1540 ■ Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. s Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. w Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: 1, k913Y R . /1^ a2Ta�j 17117 OleC14 7tio-- A. Sign Jk / X B. eiyed by(Prfn Nam C . a of D ivery '45d 4) � - - VL or ,, D. Is delivery address different from item 1? Y s � If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No , ' � ' !h .: .BAN 2 7 2t ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired. to Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front If space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: _ / 5' tea 1Z ef:�. , 1vr 13 Middle �-t. A X. ❑Addressee B. Received by ( Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes It YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type ❑ certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Recut for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra FAe) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number ? 0 0 9 1410 0000 3096 8455 ffhUrfe►fmm service lBpo u ---T '• —r� .ins ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Rot3CR-r E. BUCK 2101 P>I ANt DR, ?ACK SOM ViLLF,� Ne Zgt;-1-i° 1C2595.02-M-1W A. Sign X ❑ Agent s ❑ Addressee N y ( Printed Name) C. Date 10 Delivery 34 D. is delivery address different from item 1? ­23 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No ( I 3. Service Type ❑ cwtined Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Firtm Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service IAW ? 0 0 9 1410 0000 3096 81? 2C PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-WIS40 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Aiso complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, , or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: A Sign re L j(n ❑ Agent X 1Ll� ❑ Addre B. $gceivod by (Prf d Narrre4 C. Date of Del D. Is delivery add different from 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter slivery address low: 0 No ECEIVI JAN 2 7 2011 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. 'A Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. to Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: 13r-�20115 LU-7" -7yI MAYS V)LLC NCH, 1d /LIT 01-1UC/NL 203�`' 2. Article Number (rmnsfer from service label) - A. Signature ddressee B. Received by ( Printed N me) C. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery address different from item 1? Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail 0 Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes 7009 1410 ODOO 3096 8189 PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. s Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: A. 102595-02•M-1540 v " 4 Addressee R ceived y P ted Name) C. ate of Delivery 1 V D. Is delivery4odress different from item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type O Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number —`- (Transfer from service label) 7 D D 9 141 D D O D D 3096 8585 PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. e Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: 102595-02-IA-154C A. Signature X 13 Agent _0 Addressee B. Received by (Pn'nttd Name) C. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery address different from item i? I] Yes EB! V E I If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No JAN 17 2010 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A. Signature (c.17 X)K I Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. El ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X 1-1c•/7C ri Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by (Printed Name) C. Da of elivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. C/ . Artice Addresser, to: -' D. Is delivery address different from item 1 Y s If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No F_DW,tRD A , M IA/A f2D oS opt ►< ST, -7AcKS--,AIV►LLEr n1e 29-�- 596 3. Service Type ❑ Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) - ❑ Yes 2. Article Number 7009 1410 D000 3096 8332 _ (Transfer from service fate!). PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02•M-1540 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3, Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to — !-- %�. 4-2' 113 C- Ile -3 (Printed D. is deliveryaddress different } rom itern If YES, enter delivery address below Agent C �6 of De,7Z, 1 ❑ Yes ❑ No 3. Service Type 0 Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑Registered 13 Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restrtcted F Delivery? (Extra Fee) -- 2. Article Number — ) ❑ Yes (Trarnfer from service label) 7 0 0 9 1410 0000 3096 8622 PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M.1540 Cl�)01 M � (7 ST T.E br NORTH AR I � /C�/OL NA Coux" OF-Q/Y`SL Clow J I I q L 61S/o, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Gi��/C� cT sT� wIoo w of said County and State, in consideration of the sum of A to ye /^ in hand paid by Carolina Power & Light Company, and other valuable oonsideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) hereby grant unto the said Carolina Power & Light Company (hereinafter referred to as "Power Company"), its successors, lessees and assigns, the right, privilege, and easement to go in and upon/those lands situate in .TACIT Q/V V14 G Township, in said County and State, bounded by the lands of fiUL��/PT ��f1` /(��� a N TNL- ,if _A5 c 0 N TN,F W--5 T ' A.,'- C/E C e &E & D A/ T /;4E and to construct and maintain in, upon, under and through said lands, in a proper manner, with poles, towers, overhead and underground wires and other necessary apparatus and appliances, one line of structures of wood or steel for the purpose of transmitting power by electricity by one or more circuits, and supporting telephone wires of Power Company or any oom- pany; together with the right at all times to enter upon said lands for the purpose of inspecting said line and facilities and making necessary repairs and alterations thereon, the center line of which has been surveyed and staked out on said lands as shown and located by a certain map or drawing No. -92 9 9 .32- made by Power Company, which map or drawing is hereby referred to for the general location of said center line. The structures of said transmission line are to be constructed of either towers or poles which may be changed from one to the other, from time to time at the option of Power Company; with the right to make such changes, alterations and substitutions in said line of structures from time to time as Power Company may deem advisable or expedient; together with the right, by mechanical means or otherwise, to keep a right-of-way clear of all structures (except ordinary fences), trees, stumps, roots and undergrowth along said line for the space of thirty-five feet on each side of said center line; and with the further right to cut or fell any tree or trees outside said right-of-way herein granted, which trees, in the opinion of Power Company or its representative, constitute a hazard to or may endanger the safe and proper operation of said transmission line. A danger tree understood to be any tree whose height plus five feet equals the distance from the base of the tree to a point on the ground directly beneath the nearest conductor or to the nearest conductor itself. It is agreed between the parties hereto that the poles, towers, wires and other apparatus and appliances constructed here- under shall be and remain the property of Power Company and may be removed by it at any time. It is further agreed that Power Company will pay for the actual damages to fences and growing crops on said right-of-way caused by the construction, operation, maintenance, rebuilding and removal 'of said line, if notice in writing is given to it within sixty (60) days after such damages. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid rights, privileges and easement unto the Carolina Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor(.) do -CA —hereunto hereunto set k e V hand(s) and eeal(e), this 3R d. day of APB / , 19 -se Witness: Q, Witness Witness: D.".AWt! BY CR UNCia iKE DIRECTION OF: � � _- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA J. A. WEFI's n COUNTY OF QnslOW ATTORNi .✓n of said County and State, in consideration of the sum of $ 10.00 to hin in hand paid by Carolina Power & Light Company, and other valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) hereby grant unto the said Carolina Power & Light Company (hereinafter referred to as "Power Company"), its successors, lessees and assigns, the right, privilege, and easement to go in and upon those lands situate in Jacksonville Township, in said County and State, bounded by the lands of Hubert Parker on the East; George C. Thomas on the West; Blue Creek on the North and others, and to construct and maintain in, upon, under and through said lands, in a proper manner, with poles, towers, overhead and underground wires and other necessary apparatus and appliances, one line of structures of wood or steel for the purpose of transmitting power by electricity by one or more circuits, and supporting telephone wires of Power Company or any com- pany; together with the right at all times to enter upon said lands for the purpose of inspecting said line and facilities and making necessary repairs and alterations thereon, the center line of which has been surveyed and staked out on said lands as shown and located by a certain map or drawing No. TD 9932 , made by Power Company, which map or drawing is hereby referred to for the general location of said center line. The structures of said transmission line are to be constructed of either towers or poles which may be changed from one to the other, from time to time at the option of Power Company; with the right to make such changes, alterations and substitutions in said line of structures from time to time as Power Company may deem advisable or expedient; together with the right, by mechanical means or otherwise, to keep a right-of-way clear of all structures (except ordinary fences), trees, stu;nps, roots and undergrowth along said line for the space of thirty-five feet on each side of said center line; and with the further right to cut or fell any tree or trees outside said right-of-way herein granted, which trees, in the opinion of Power Company or its representative, constitute a hazard to or may endanger the safe and proper operation of said transmission line. A danger tree shall be understood to be any tree whose height plus five feet equals the distance from the base of the tree to a point on the ground directly beneath the nearest conductor or to the nearest conductor itself. It is agreed between the parties hereto that the poles, towers, wires and other apparatus and appliances constructed here- under shall be and remain the property of Power Company and may be removed by it at any time. It is further agreed that Power Company will pay for the actual damages to fences and growing crops on said right-of-way caused by the construction, operation, maintenance, rebuilding and removal of said line, if notice in writing is given to it within sixty (60) days after such damages. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid rights, privileges and easement unto the Carolina Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor(s) dohhereunto set his hand(s) and seal(s), this 30th day of September ' lg 59 Witness: Witness: Witness: (SEAL) I+, This is to acknowledge receipt of yovr letter in regard to damage to fence. I an sorry to hear that Your fence vas damaged and I will see you in a fev days to pay 3"au• Yours very t may, F. Enc. H. G. Dallas Land and Right of Way RECEIVED Cloy} TIN L 39s Q CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY RAL..EEI��G��H,,�� N. C. Please protect Draft, No D"Aa I issued o+= (: R ma throudated 4' to `T S r4 /V 1. E K in the au+n of ONE T 4V IV SAND -NIPZ Y_ N I N e RIND T 11 T)oltara, $lYaLJ�_ in settlement of Same being chargeable to No. /0 , eS54•Z-Z4aeel. /1/4N7 A 0JCE - /S 3&7'To/1%.7'ACf'T.0We4-i-E- ine We --Line � ,Agent 16!©V• ,s CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY RALEIGH, N. C. Please protect Draft, No.D-4-356 issued on C• !EAE CP• by A/ G, 4• and through Wachovia Bank and Trust Coamanv sates //-�8 SS to AL /C 4 S 7f9 AJ J— E Y in the sum of f✓ LF T 1 11'U0 n�tT� Dollars, 6 JC • G in settlement of ALA. C, 0 D f D A M A G E S G L to / M 5 A �j D c: A U S E S a= AC140w To DATE INCt u niura DaMFiGE To FENCE Same being chargeable to No la% E R S 5 4-2 —2 3 g cct. —rroV- .TAC<c ,V✓LkcE Tins i is o(v(w ES' TAc i k-C UxA Line j(I '�• ", Z `L"�Q'�y , Agent Remarks: ? c E I F, r A T T A Ci N F .P SPECIAL ENGINEERING INFORMATION S - -ra s� : • r i /�� //Ofti /fine Parcel No 1D7 OwnerMRS. 41-ICE J. STAt4JLEY - band } W_L.'- Addr-- — 24/2It97 Occupation " LAND IN _ District \ t_=Q E SWAMP Township County Adjoining the lands of 14• PA < F P— EA S:Z0 GEo, TNCn1Fl5 eni U,EST 811,F CR E '< 5" Ntov 4 h. Containing acres Known a• Incumbrance station. z 3 9 7 4 4 66 to z4 / Z f 8 7 FO6E WOO R$ Total Distance � S� � Feet L L L L Cultivated, Cleared and Idle C Pasture, Cwamp /Z O ¢ Medium Wooded r ight Rs _ 239 77" 46 Aea°y Merchantable Timber GGD 7 VQ/P,4 S The fo egoing ingformation secured by ECIAL RIGHT-OF-WAY INFORMATION 41. ,307 /S9 h/0 The following is a correct description of the t sion lines as now surveyed and located over the (being Parcel No. on Beginning row a7 TO THE ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT bPfwbr 29 19 » PLEASE ISSUE CHECK FOR S 45.00 PAYABLE TO Owl V. Vm%m, A�/ ADDRESS iyLnep ]1. C. FOR room or stalliwAmt oat" bybsobr 22, 19" for %itb rmullmdam WA emruftem" RETURN CHECK TO os+usa s. aoaas 001 iawra s. CHARGE s 6269-a 1 su,00 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of _ 6%A/ 19�L8 RECEIVED Of Carolina Power S Light Co. the sum of R�1e2 Dollars (sSO•� 1 in settlement of all crop damages, claims and causes of action to date, 11,,I['.4.I/ pin/ c7AA--7A(�ES TD F"En/CF_ // SCT Charge No.SuTTAAJ-SACk- SOA)ViLLF10&Uc(W!ItcuTZLine, E#25S42 ---4 3 Acct. LIM,Q-[L , a-AJ Agent. ACC t. s Ift A& Ask I T N A O m 0, s a w o 0 m O P o lr W � o .� �WW P� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA--CouxTy o1�WS h 0 "J I, 4, G. A A. A '¢ <- , a Notary Public within and for W R Ig E County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that A' I S [ 1A 1-4 1- E i� personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this &0�day of SE pT-5^n a CFe A. D. 19-§U_ My commission expires the day of D G j0 Notary Public. B E 2 19A. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF- 1 I, , 'a Notary Public of County, North Carolina, certify that personally appeared before me this day and, being duly sworn, stated that, in his presence, signed the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, this the day of 19 Notary Public. My commission expires the day of — STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA—COV TY OP The foregoing certificate of 13 QJ4--,' - , a Notary Public of ANC County, is adjudged to be correct. Let the instrument, with the certificate, be registered. - t/ o p o C] o o n," co m o 9 f1 p0 N RA` 0 3 � b M 0 A STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA--CouNTT on +SL a ' I f/ G, I> A C � H s AOA--� � , a Notary Public within and for I j County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that E JJ STi A1-Z f,�wiO4 W I I personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and notarial seal, thbi 3Rd -day of "? / , A. D. 19 rg -a° a�1 D Notary Public. My commission expires the 1Z % day of_Q C TOBE,e lg 59 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF I, a Notary Public of County, North Carolina, certify that personally appeared before me this day and, being duly sworn, stated that, in his presence, signed the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, this the day of 19 Notary Public. My commission expires the day of , 19_. STATE OF NORTH SS The foregoing certificate of /V .e/ /—/ u-x '��o`"� , a Notary Public of La-1 County, is adjudged to be correct. Let the instrument, with the certificate, be registered. I- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA C6u1qTr or t7/✓. SL /� W, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That-�/�!�'/� ,t� ANa Wi fE FLD A 8s:t-e�i TAMFS .P 5,Co TRuST,E-e AyD _ FAC07' C1[T/7E-NS 83 1YK-of T UST CO., of said County and State, in consideration of the sum of $ /Q 61 to fem_in hand paid by Carolina Power & Light Company, and other valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) hereby grant unto the said Carolina Power & Light Company (hereinafter referred to as "Power Company"), its successors, lessees and assigns, the right, privilege, and easement to go in and upon those lands situate i Township, in said County and State, bounded by the lands of GeO—S t and to construct and maintain in, upon, under and through said lands, in a proper manner, with poles, towers, overhead as underground wires and other necessary apparatus and appliances, one line of structures of wood or steel for the purpose transmitting power by electricity by one or more circuits, and supporting telephone wires of Power Company or any com- pany; together with the right at all times to enter upon said lands for the purpose of inspecting :aid line and facili and making necessary repairs and alterations thereon, the center line of which has been surveyed and staked out on d lands as shown and located by a certain map or drawing No. 709 9 30 , made by Power Company, which map or drawing is hereby referred to for the general location of said center line. The structures of said transmission line ar be constructed of either towers or poles which may be changed from one to the other, from time to time at the option o Power Company; with the right to make such changes, alterations and substitutions in said line of structures from time to time as Power Company may deem advisable or expedient; together with the right, by mechanical means or otherwise, to keep a right-of-way clear of all structures (except ordinary fences), trees, stumps, roots and undergrowth along said line for the space of thirty-five feet on each side of said center line; and with the further right to cut or fell any tree or trees outside said right-of-way herein granted, which trees, in the opinion of Power Company or its representative, constitute a hazard to or may endanger the safe and proper operation of said transmission line. A danger tree shall be understood to be any tree whose height plus five feet equals the distance from the base of the tree to a point on the ground directly beneath the nearest conductor or to the nearest conductor itself. It is agreed between the parties hereto that the poles, towers, wires and other apparatus and appliances constructed here- under shall be and remain the property of Power Company and may be removed by it at any time. It is further agreed that Power Company will pay for the actual damages to fences and growing crops on said right-of-way caused by the construction, operation, maintenance, rebuilding and removal of said line, if notice in writing is given to it within sixty (60) days after such damages. James R. 3rovning, Trustee, and First Citizens Bank sad Trust Coapany join In the execution of this lnstrtaent for the sole purpose of releasing the right —of— vas and ..meant rigbt■ above described from the lien of that certain Deed of Trust exsetrted /br J. M. Head and wife Flora Mae Reed, dated March 29, 1956, and recorded in Book 262, Page 164, Onslov County Registry. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid rights, privileges and easement unto the Carolina Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns, forever. and Trustee IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor(s) Ao—hereunto set their hand(a) and seal(s), thiA 8th day of- April ,195a, end said First Citizens Bank and Trust Co. has caused this Instrument to be signed in its corporate name by its Vice -President and attested by its Witness:// and sealed with its common corporate seal on the day and year above written. Rest. ce President (SEAL) Witness: U (SEAL) Attestekt, !`/� (SEAL) ` FIRST CITIZINS BANK & MUST CO Witnes: k. !iP=� r. C—(SZAL) Witness: Vioe-President FM, CFrNR D� (SEAL) JAN Z I Zulu 1� J KI a b a 0 a I a 3 a o w k W zt � s � Z 0 G g DCM WILMINGTO Form 244 CP&L Carolina Power & Light Company Company Correspondence Ms. Katherine Whitaker O F F I C E C 701 June 17, 1991 RE: AT&T Communications Inc., UG Fiber Optic Cable placement from Raleigh through Kinston, Jacksonville to Wilmington (Filed in C1055 J20) Dear Katherine: Attached for indexing and filing are CP&L's duplicate encroachment agreements granted to AT&T, dated June 19, 1989. Schedule Two identifies which properties they affect. Also attached is the duplicate license agreement for encroaching onto transmission line right of way. Schedule One identifies the lines, RW map numbers, and easement location. Fours very truly, Howard F. Chestnut HFC/ppt Attachments cc: Mr. Bob Via Mr. G. L. Layman Mr. J. L. Higgins Mr. C. Benfield Mr. B. R. Burgess Mr. S. P. Banks o b n f] c .� ca.. \P•l A zz k z � p T d 1b Y 47 r x P N P to i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA—Coulqrr I, 1• 6. ,0A I < /1 S a Notary Public within and for W A i County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that J �q C P 6G o vo Gui l� r 1'ZQE9 f 62 L,L AIVQ TAMES ,P, B&AWvtnf(+� 774vS7-EE personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my, hand and notarial seal, this 6L L�dsy of , A. D. 1958 J Notary Public. My commission expires the LZr— day of CC 16 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF I, a Notary Public of County, North Carolina, certify that personally appeared before me this day and, being duly sworn, stated that, in his presence, signed the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, this the day of 19— Notary Public. My commission expires the day of 19_. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA—CoupTr 0a�4f The foregoing certificate of 27/' 44 AZL- a Notary Public of o�4z,A County, is adjudged to be correct. Let the instrument, with the certificate, be registered. Witness my hand and official seal, this �� _day of . D. 195k— f0c�? ! C OLIN ON'51.0 CO County. .a rt. irate of ..�.�6/.. 14 y P44lic :v, i adj, d d Cot ton s"a Cie . 1. ,t t inr'ru ,,p t hsr wi, ce ificote r s,er' Nlimss 'my h an d of 1�� . 7 STATE OF NORTH CAROOLIIN A COUNTY OF 0115L/, e/ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, of said County and State, in consideration of the sum of $ A0 DO to n hand paid by Carolina Power & Light Company, and other valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) hereby grant unto the said Carolina Power & Light Company (hereinafter referred to as "Power Company"), its successors, lessees and assigns, the right, privilege, and easement to go in and upon those lands situate r Township, in said County and State, bounded by the lands of 1,11C-1- . X .5_7X1VZE'Y0n1 Th/E E45 T, c4GU� C&E'4:e eW Tf�E zSOeTfI,, TAck .PEED on/ TNT Sou nH AaD t rVoies, and to construct and maintain in, upon, under and through said lands, in a proper manner, with poles, towers, overhead and underground wires and other necessary apparatus and appliances, one line of structures of wood or steel for the purpose of transmitting power by electricity by one or more circuits, and supporting telephone wires of Power Company or any com- pany; together with the right at all times to enter upon said lands for the purpose of inspecting said line and facilities and making necessary repairs and alterations thereon, the center line of which has been surveyed and staked out on said lands"as shown and located by a certain map or drawing No. ID 993- , made by ]Vower Company, which map or drawing is hereby referred to for the general location of said centerline. The structures of said transmission line are to be constructed of either towers or poles which may be changed from one to the other, from time to time at the option of Power Company; with the right to make such changes, alterations and substitutions in said line of structures from time to time as Power Company may deem advisable or expedient; together with the right, by mechanical means or otherwise, to keep a right-of-way clear of all structures (except ordinary fences), trees, stumps, roots and undergrowth along said line for the space of thirty-five feet on each side of said center line; and with the further right to cut or fell any tree or trees outside said right-of-way herein granted, which trees, in the opinion of Power Company or its representative, constitute a hazard to or may endanger the safe and proper operation of said transmission line. A danger tree shall be understood to be any tree whose height plus five feet equals the distance from the base of the tree to a point on the ground directly beneath the nearest conductor or to the nearest conductor itself. , It is agreed between the parties hereto that the poles, towers, wires and other apparatus and appliances constructed here- under shall be and remain the property of Power Company and may be removed by it at any time. It is further agreed that Power Company will pay for the actual damages to fences and growing crops on said right-of-way caused by the construction, operation, maintenance, rebuilding and removal of said line, if notice in writing is given to it within sixty (60) days after such damages. Power Company is specifically authorized to install and maintain within or outside the right of way herein granted guy anchors and guy wires necessary to support the structures of its electric transmission line at the angle points thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid rights, privileges and easement unto the Carolina Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor(s) dojZ-5-hereunto setIM5, hand(s) and seal(s), this day of Asp/ Witness: YAL) Witness: Witness: 'NX (SaAL) -------------------------- Clo�f .T113 L396" T^ 1 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY RALEIGH, N. C. Please protect Draft, No. A? -Se issued or CJ� . , • L Cb ♦ by_L(�5,4/.i�Lt. and through Wachovia Bank and Trust Co=W dated — to GE a 1�161-VAs in the sum of 0��/�/✓OUSAND O/V� NaNDiQ�D FiFTYAtJa _ / I7nofinra, aL[_f[L� in settlement of u //�n�4 ����/�N� LdSEmEKT 1)gT-F1—_A�nkd/ 1, 11-Te, Same being chargeable to No. %w Svrr*oJ- X4CKSQA F1&L E Tdy rR 5-2 4L �- 2.,. Acct. my A'U 61,-LL I CircL 4 ) 7i. Agent lki 0 E D-'_G 5 - TiyO/)%9 S) i �.E A�1,4 /L) _ tivN w/4w T-s 7o O R OF BPu 5A AT -TQc p's c)M VI � �-E ire Co N1S M8 2M 1N$_r 4 E WANTS YOU 70 CAS-" 4 1 m 4-T Ckw-ro N— P14ervE rya. 2734, E< <-4ale Abe-n/o_4_ j-- ale, T'u& S.D#4 Y 4z C-,+QI.- y W 7.4E M b kA//N G *s Va U CA4A/- A4P., 0R_rtvNA0 WvS .t._ t44.VE Tr�Ac-r6A N L109 #r__MD6KF o ''� AtooU T TWQ..WlhEKS N F^oQ AGauT moNTS WORK � i:' y. Pz 99& JAN Z 7 7010 ®�� Vi/�L�11VGT�3N z .. .04 ` 7' as� � q--b 7 February 4. 1958 The Carolina Power and Light GmpwW Raleigh, Barth Carolina ParxUant to your request for an appraisal, I forward yrom herewith a latter Fsra !report owre ring the 1=d l,oeated ate Oeorge C. Thmas Prry".tr Off HA Ona 258 most iapparmc 2 mi) . N. C. (Nee Nap attaebed for fw-t wr deeeriptien) DE INITM OF VALv i Value as used herein is defined as tha b ghest price estimated in terns of money which a prorperty will bring if ajgiosed for sake In the op4m market alto% ng a zeasombls time to find a pmvhaser who bays with kmaw .edge of all the maws to Ihich it is adaptod and for which ! t is oapable of being used, RIMM HOLM AND PMPME OF APPRAISALi The rights acnxi4ered in this Report are fee simple, The porpe" of the sppraimal is to estimate the Umvat of damage to the subject W r eases of the taidng of a Pmer Line Rigb't—Gf-W-r. The extent aryl datiaiticm of the fasommut is whom and defused bpi 4=106M-" (1) mad (2). RWMT AND BW USE The to %VM* eersdltam of the subject property is ens of the prim emdde rattoas in its use. Au-t of tfys land is marWW kith stsndisg grater AW Oxtroer],y vmtablle sod! emAitioas. A �j YALVIAIM Ittuate at VaID (bed► tald ifor IMILOa /y0 r- w r r r r w- w f- r r 0 35,0per aw*. otjwr 3omd w 4r � • w rk w • w w w • • w 40 170.00 Per "r*, latimte of Valm (~ WS ) (per wit) Sam an abwe mopt ]ire in ralr equal to the zw Of tidM the asMMt tabW eat Sitlar Sift of the Ri9►t-4fwWW* 2 a� MUM of mVis m ki,p►tim and br rlrtue of wr awperr oPIMUM sear+d 1p as of Foberarq b; I", are: • r w '� • i• r w • r� w w•• w �� MAO *Almwamt (1) at of eee J"t pewertw 2) OM Zummnt Fam 1244. "-W idmAtt o "M Y. Huff, Appl" ear. page 2, The property is accessible by a very narrow street from the West side. It is also accessible from an access road on the East side. Both means of access, in the opinion of the appraiser, would have to be widened to meet state requirements. Therefore, the topographic conditions, the access, the neighborhood uses around it, and distance from the city almost prohibit much consideration as a holding property. E SCRIPTION OF SITE: See data given under Highest and Best Use description. There is no highway or road frontage and the subject is located off Highway 258 behind a Trailer Park and store. INCOME APPROACH TO VALUE: This approach was not considered as a primary criteria of value. Previous study by the appraiser does indicate that cut - over timber land can earn warrant a capitalization of value around $34�40 per acre. This, however, is only an indica.. tion of what timber land value might be. MARKET DATA: C. F. Carrick Property (fr Neal Cole), 7 mi West of Jackson- ville off Highway 258 on paved road. Purchased 15.83 acres March 1, 1957, for $3,000.00. Party cut -.over timber land, partly cleared, and some merchantable timber; has approximately 6001 road front. Considered superior land to subject except distance from city. Price indicates consideration of $189.00 per acre. Mr. Parker, 3 mi Fast of Bogue, N. C. Offer to sell 300 acres of light timber land at $66.00 per acre in January 1957. International Papar Company, Stump Sound, Onslow County, (near Holy Ridge, N. C. County Records indicate sale of 65 acres for $1300.00 July 26, 1955, or Der acre price of $20.00. Noan D. DavisHaws Run Community, near intersection Haws Run -Maple road and Padgett Town road, approx1mately 9 mi West of Jacksonville. (Grantor William T. King) County Records indicate sale of 10.02 acres for $1500.00 January 27, 1958, or a per acre price of $150,00. The property has 329.7 feet of highway front, has a quantity of merchantable pine timber, and is well covered with small to medium size pine timber. kDt�,To,,u JOHN V. HUFF - APPRAISER - REALTOR P. O. Box 111 - Phone 3084 JACKSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE APPRAISER - COST ESTIMATOR - CONSULTANT - BROKER February 4, 1958 Carol i na Power arvd Ugh-, God Raleigh, North Carolina Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request for an opinion of value, I for- ward you herewith a letter Form Report covering the farm land locat- ed at: J. H. Aman Property Off Highway 53 West (approx 3 mi) Jacksonville, N. C. Value as used herein is defined as the highest price estimated in terms of money which a property will bring if exposed for sale in the open market allowing a reasonable time to find a purchaser who buys with knowledge of all the uses to which it is adapted and for which it is capable of being used. The rights considered herein are fee simple. The purpose of this opinion is to estimate the current market value, per unit i. e., per acre and front foot, of the sub- ject property. I hereby certify that I have no interest, present or con-0 templated, izi the property and that neither the employment to make 0 the estimate, nor the compensation is contingent on the value of thei property. I further certify that I have personally inspected the property and that, according to my knowledge and belief, all state.. 7r ments and information in this report are true and correct but are in no sense guaranteed. a' :CIAL RIGHT-OF-WAY INFORMATION ..€P_ l- t 4 -S g The following is a eorrer4 description of the•ii sion lines as now surveyed and located over the ] (being Parcel No.--.-.. on the Beginning Vol ,.:. JAN 2 7 2010 FECIAL ENGIN]M1NG INFORMATION Parcel No l M Owner C,7rNo19.4S And wife And Husband _ Box z-5 Address C/- /✓ TD Al, IV, C �— Occupation f" :�.73!!- Adjoining the lands of rJ 44C- Ns 7,, az`z- Ck?.an� TACs_ 2 EED .onj T/fE S, Containing Known sa Incumbrance stations 2 3 9.34 Z "j to2 3 9 7 f Total Distance / 11 /9 Cultivated, Cleare< Pasture, Wooded C Merchantable Timber 66�3T USog 'JuauiesEs -20 (Z) •.9 ado.rd goo�gns jo dvK (T) : sa.znsoToua JTL ;i'i oE �dHp-q�ins QO.00TL$- - - - - - - - - - - - - - EDIAM IYWI 00 t(0 - - - - - - - - - - - - aouE.rabaS 00.9zz$ " _r.. __.. _..-_.. _ _ - _ nx -rmj 8 .7.7E Bed : aSE � 856T s g ,�o 3E 3 �u�.r EureP age. �Eq� uoTuTdo auk ,�o uiE Y aouaT -aadx-e -"2a -To auq.zT& Al We uoTg'82Tq.eadu-c dot Jo uosEa.z dg eqq 3o epTs .iaq, Te uo ueNL-q q-unouu qqq- 93W 3o aeJ Wq oq. TEnba en -[VA uT ssoT q-daoxa eboqu BE oumG : (qTtm .red) (2u-piLr:� seqj.L-) On -LEA Jo GqTMTq-Sa •e.zou .rod 00'OLT - - - - - - - - - -- - - «. pusT .101,g0 lwoE Sad 000�e $ - ►+ _ - - - ►. - - - - - - pueT Abrams : (;-dun .red) (-- u t ' a"rojeq) anT-e.d jo egmq,: sa KOI�VIMA J O H N V. HUFF- APPRAISER - REALTOR z4 z P. O. Box I I I — Phone 3084 P�9�CSTA'�F'�T JACKSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE APPRAISER — COST ESTIMATOR — CONSULTANT — BROKE February 4, 1958 LETTER OF VALUATION The Carolina Power and Light Company Raleigh, North Carolina Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request for an appraisal, I forward you herewith a letter Form Report covering the land located at: George C. Thomas Property Off Highway 258 West (approx 2 mi) Jacksonville, N. C. (See Map attached for further description) DEFINITION OF VALUE: Value as used herein is defined as the highest price estimated in terms of money which a property will bring if exposed for sale in the open market allowing a reasonable time to find a purchaser who buys with knowledge of all the uses to which it is adapted and for which it is capable of being used. RIGHTS INVOLVED AND PURPOSE OF APPRAISAL; The rights considered in this Report are fee simple. The purpose of the appraisal is to estimate the amount of damage to the subject by reason of the taking of a Power Line Right —of -Way. The extent and definition of the Easement is shown and defined by Enclosures (1) and (2). HIGHEST AND ffiT USE: The topographic conditions of the subject property is one of ttheprime considerations in its use. Part of the land is marshy 4ii%.}1 P+.`!]nAinm l.T +n- -A ov+-1- v.... 4-1.1-1 - .-._1� --l-A ___ e< vw 2• The prspwtp is assessible by a nse7 &Wrw tt"Ot from aw 408t slaw. It is ail * aeoe*sibu rrm an one" read a* the Both maw of aerooios, in tbo oplaias of tar amm" er, 1 AVAA—b Ma to be eddesd to meet state its, firs osnditj=s, the ae*sa, the sraeo d it. awd distance his the oitr almost prok&Kt am* OwAd&ratisa as a beldieg pensporty. TiIYt'Tt� t� SITlt: Bet.daft gi"m =der RieNast grad Het Ups dsseripliorn. ?hwv is w bIgAmay or read trewt&ge and tbs sub jest is United off Righoey 258 behind a TraiaAw Park arad *'tort. IMCM APPM= ?'0 YA8t rf" apparoe► & "a not 0audde red as is pv'laatir sriterU of vu ms. Previous stutr by tbs appaneisor does indioats that out - ova titer Land am eon suffSedra7tl y to eeargwat a e *pdtaliaatfon of valor► aroaa d *34w4o jwr aam. Shia, howwwor. is emly an indi.os.. ti+aa of mat timber"Ind d valaaa sight b*. F�_�Carr�iek,�fraoartv Or dal 0010), 9 mi. Wert of 46hoom- vi11t off Si:g)=7 258 on Vw4d read. Purmhsed 15.83 amm s P uvb 1, 1957, for $3,000.00. krtly out -aver timber larri, part3,y al*ared, and now . ILft e tianberI has approzimatel v 6001 road front. Cowider®d sup for lard to gnbjeat emmpt distance from city, glee indicates consideration of $189.o0 per acre. ?ta ftlee o 3 Mi seat of Amos, N. C. Otter to sill 300 m"M of light tinkor Land at $66.00 per acre in "nuRry i957. (naaar Holly RidSev A. C*. Records 3.ndiaate teals of 65 mrse for $1300.00 J4 r 26, 1955. or peg' awv perias of W.00. Asap a Borria I Sa*s lame Co m mlity, near irtearseatim NOW kw%Jfiqab read aid hdpft TOM roast. approd"tely 9 ad Peet at 4"WOUV 3Ur. (onwitw MUM fr Kii) Camtr Records iadiaatea ULU of 10,02: Wr** fe' " Jaar7 27% 1958, or a per aerrs PIAM Of 45OWN. Th* Pt" kW Ik" 329.7 bat of hiCbma y. framt. has a quantittr` of UK pUw tUft t,, amd Is moll w*arod with man to :vvftnn st" pf", tssherr. Anti is VON Pr NR SAVW Aaft Sam Ormspe &b of songs rm •'i dIs4 A*4 *WAX moqkm "aftuRtO iu usq =am Now 4*m *m Kafelp- Mt =I" N "A* w tM 48M rid► AM VPW AI N OM its -pMd* ti *WA *M io SOW MWOM 4% PWsSWM I WM p so 014 ml4pwj n awmW OM 0,00 61f'T P LVR it JOS fM It 60 Zits 4 1440 mqd tU Own"• Amma mWt«t V%IM tis AhrioW SM vM ap at NM +v III^ 'f►Wod MWVr► 6%. J3 pa Wn iNaud «R to A rm mW $&o•eq mot +wt ••t Vm pwav"opm I •lULal So van � jam so 09 40% VdA am 04 4am ORPWTAMMMR aft 041 SM M M \""Q rR- move an JDA& is % 09 i• WV W" r Nei it Lift M*Nq WWt 0 i IP 4 Pass" sI Ant+m em Lou" ar• MCFJ� at R ••Tii0 6"T S#T AM 0 9 N A m � rt ��` $ ti �$. p p � •pppn ..� r, it G� y CD STATE OF NORTH�j CAROLINA--CoulgTy org�z'_V_5LL G a Notary Public within and for J'�/-1-- County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that G�62 j!:! personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this _day of �-tJ A, n. 19 _�fB ti p Notary Public. My commission expires the �z day of_ `y C TAR F_� 19 SS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, " COUNTY OF I, a Notary Public of County, North Carolina, certify that personally appeared before me this day and, being duly sworn, stated that, in his presence, signed the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, this the day of 19 Notary Public. My commission expires the day of 19_. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA—Co NTYQ]OF The • foregoing certificate of // Pr,6 �� / , a Notary Public of IAZ"`" County, is adjudged to be correct. Let the instrument, with the certificate, be registered. VAC) ow3qq OF NORTH CAROLINA CoulgTY OP ONSLOW KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, 0-70Y T) ! 9 L355-1 t;�> HUBERT B. PARKER and wife, LILA RUTH PARKER of said County and State, in consideration of the sum of $ 10.00 to them ;n hand paid b Carolina Power & Light Company, and other valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby ae4owledged, do s) hereby grant unto the said Carolina Power & Light Company (hereinafter referred to as "Power Company"), its succe ors, Ieeeee9 and assigns, the right, privilege, and easement to go in and upon those lands situate in JagkBonville Township, in said County and State, bounded by the lands of Victor Vemters on the Bast; -Mrs. Alice J. Stanley on the West; Blue Creek on the North and others, and to construct and maintain in, upon, under and through said lands, in a proper manner, with poles, towers, overhead and underground wires and other necessary apparatus and appliances, one line of structures of wood or steel for the purpose of transmitting power by electricity by one or more circuits, and supporting telephone wires of Power Company or any com- pany; together with the right at all times to enter upon said lands for the purpose of inspecting said line and facilities and making necessary repairs and alterations thereon, the center line of which has been surveyed and staked out on said lands as shown and located by a certain map or drawing No. TD 9932 , made by Power Company, which map or drawing is hereby referred to for the general location of said center line. The structures of said transmission line are to be constructed of either towers or poles which may be changed from one to the other, from time to time at the option of Power Company; with the right to make such changes, alterations and substitutions in said line of structures from time to time as Power Company may deem advisable or expedient; together with the right, by mechanical means or otherwise, to keep a right-of-way clear of all structures (except ordinary fences), trees, stumps, roots and undergrowth along said line for the space of tbirty-five feet on each side of said center line; and with the further right to cut or fell any tree or trees outside said rigbt-of-way herein granted, which trees, in the opinion of Power Company or its representative, constitute a hazard to or may endanger the safe and proper operation of said transmission line. A danger tree shall be understood to be any tree whose height plus five feet equals the distance from the base of the tree to a point on the ground directly beneath the nearest conductor or to the nearest conductor itself. It is agreed between the parties hereto that -the poles, towers, wires and other apparatus and appliances constructed here- under shall be and remain the property of Power Company and may be removed by it at any time. It is further agreed that Power Company will pay for the actual damages to fences and growing crops on said right-of-way caused by the construction, operation, maintenance, rebuilding and removal of said line, if notice in writing is given to it within sixty (60) days after such damages. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid rights, privileges and easement unto the Carolina Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor(a) do ----hereunto set their hsnd(s) and seal(s), this 9 T( day of dw.1 Witness: (�• v'ry (SEAL) Witness: 7 77 1�7 L�R7 1(SMAL) Witness: SssL) 3 N A 10 0 yy d A U. O H 0 a O o c Ip� Q v M H a S a M G 0. m 0 STATE OF NORTH CAROLING—CouxTr or ONSLCW I, c%.(.� L. �.. �y6 Y • -—, a Notary Public within and for (LSL a u County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that HMERT B. FARM � personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this /% 74 day of t>Z"4 I,. A. D. 19JF? ary Public. My commission expires the i% — day of p NAP — STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF eVAurL • r- I, OL-:I, / 6! - -A1}eti J% a Notary Public ofCounty, North Carolina, certify that • r4o4 1 . F personally appeared before me this day and, being duly sworn, stated that, in his.presence, LQ"Z_ 7PI12 0q A'F-A signed the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, this the 12 Z� day of 19� o ry Public. My commission expires the y7J J- 4 day of d v 19 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA—Co NTr on The foregoing certificate of a Notary Public of be registered. County, is adjudged to be co rect. Let the instrument, with the certificate, ONb -7 m 0 14 Q a' • 2tN.ti� oz eF � \� N ` CV z V 0 C10 1 l 9 L 395 T �Q CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY / RALEIGH, N. C. Please protect Draft, No.Q±.T¢3 issued on Cs t C• L • ex bg rlZ A and through Wachovia Bank and TrpAt Ciog2am dated--�yT� -- I— S6 to YORE&r R AgicEt2 /—C�- -(�k:,r,." ?A2ir, A3 in the sum of TWE L ✓F- N 11IV ctit 9�D %-1 Ai D ��tl'n noltars, $ 12DD• � in settlement of 1 ✓�TQL& n f_TQe t-14 f 4 4.-VD Same being chargeable to No �o leg .5-3Ito - e2z Acet. A cct. 50r7'p - - ,TAf Ic SCNi(I 1ltKY((Ussr jc,wey-0 Tins Ra•�/A�� I ,Agent .0,1s r. FAIC E - 2a z 6 Zee , - 61E.4 Ac►cSnA16, c F IAN 2 1 1.' 4�10 7 3 2-1 NORTH CAROLINA ONSLOW COUNTY r.s ,p«d F;ie 16'11 ♦pril, 1�60, THIS DEED, made and entered into this 40L_ day of� by and between W. VICTOR VENTERS and wife, KATHERINE COLE VENTERS, of Onslow County, North Carolina, parties of the first part, and CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a North Carolina public service•corporation, party of the second part, W ITNESSETH: That the parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars 410.00) and other valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, have bargained, sold, and conveyed, and hereby do bargain, sell, and convey, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, the following described parcel of land, lying near the City of Jacksonville, Onslow County, North Carolina: A parcel or strip of land 200 feet in width, extending 100 feet on each side of the center line described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the western property line of Victor Venters and the eastern property line of Hubert Parker, at a point located North 10 degrees 20 minutes East 1172 feet from a stake marking a southeastern corner of the lands of Hubert Parker, and runs thence South 84 degrees 45 minutes East 795 feet to a stake; thence South 88 degrees 15 min- utes East 1390 feet to New River and the *stern property line of Victor Venters, as shown and described on Carolina Power & Light Company Drawing No. TA-10146; together with the right to cut or fell any tree or trees on either side of said parcel or strip of land which trees, in the opinion of the party of the second part or its representatives,con- stitute a hazard to or may endanger the safe and proper., operation of the transmission line to be erected by the party of the second part on said land; a danger tree shall be understood to be any tree whose height plus five feet equals the distance from the base of the tree to a point on the ground directly beneath the nearest conductor or to the nearest conductor itself; reservina,however, unto the parties of the first part, their heirs and assigns, the permanent right to maintain and use a roadway of reasonable viRth anrnaa tha narnal nr atria of land Ahnva, riascribwd_ JAN Z DCM WILK41N g9�ea �''8 pieg�, ca `c7 'to ` ate' mate . ,,vb • I ih / r v FILED D RECORDED cl W. VICTOR VENTERS AND WIFE, KATHERINE CCLE VENTERS TO CARCLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY D E E D FUed for registration / L0 and registered in t_lie office of ti; , FwZt-i(..r of Deeds for Onslo County in c..� page 6 - tv Reg'.:aer of Dccc:a - .. Jf � Z LU 3 U 0 �u���e� � ■uowvo� co.. u�m� Onslow County, North Carolina Spatial Data Explorer lop NOrh Car® SPaial Data £Zj710rer ®®® Click on the Map to; C Zoomin 1 ZoomOut C Recenter Map C identify: Palr�ce�l Map Zoom Factor m C Radius Search (leaf) L—, NW '& Parcel Data Find Adjoining Parcels • Tax Parcel ID. 340-4.2 • Abstract Tax Value: $176,553.00 • NC PIN Number 436608892817 • Current Tax Value: $170,553.00 • Tax Record Number. 34740 • Land Value: $176,553.00 • Owner's Name: VENTERS W V II 8 G C TRUSTEES Structure SWcture Value' • PWefV Record Card - • other aulkhttgs Value: • Plat Book and Page Number 01-141 • Improvement Code: V Deed Book and Page:,!W 0 • Noose Square Feet • Date Deed Recorded: 00001977 • Property, Address: US HWY 17 OFF • Deed Stamp Amount 0 • T(Wnehpl Code: 110 • Tax Acreage Charged: 111.05 • City Code: 20 • Naghewhood Code: 3976 SCALE 1 : 11400 w q 0. Reference Map • 5 ZDDM P Z42rn GUt Full Extent Click on map to Zoom to the location. ,- Parcel Query Tax Values Search Instructions: Type in exact or partial data in to one or all of the input boxes below. PARCEL•, I�--� Map Layers Drew Selected layers: Boundary F� City Boundaries [ Q Pareei Map E ❑ Fire Districts E ❑ Flood Daft Mufti Symbol ❑ Soil Map C ❑ Township Boundary [ ❑ 6tsctlon Districts [ ❑ Csnsus Tracts [ ❑ Street Center Line Inds: Map (Mrlala) ❑ Strearns — MAP Currency i nal map a prepared for the inventory of real property found vAUvn this wnst iclon, and is compiled from recorded deeds, pleb, and other public records and data. Users of this map are hereby notified that the aforementioned public primary Information sources should be consulted for verification of the Information contained on this map. The Onslow County, mapping, and software companies, assume no legal respomiblllty, for the information contained on this map or in this webaite. Data Effective Data: Current Date: 6/26/2002 Time: 8:04:17 AM Page 1 of2 VP JAN772010 i)CK4 WILK41NGTON i go �r p� t z ° ih 1. d'6h' sags `` La�a8nH O •• •yl+.ter. a. •,r,� .t�'�, „ y.'; •. v :�.`�{ •;�, i �•r• , s*-art :it. - • oil V unto the said Carolina Power & Light Company, party of the second part, its successors and assigns, to its and their only use and behoof in fee simple forever. And the parties of the first part covenant with the party of the second part that they are seized of the above described parcel or strip of land in fee and have the right to convey the same in fee simple; that said parcel or strip of land is free and clear from all liens and encumbrances, and that they will warrant and forever defend the title thereto against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have here— unto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and Tfi st ove written. (*AL) Z\Gtll ?! - ir o ki C—� . (�Y.4C-(&o (SEAL) NORTH CAROLINA ONSLOW COUNTY (3,w t n D.p , a Notary Public within and for Onslow County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that W. Victor Venters and wife, Katherine Cole Venters, personally appeared before me this day and acknowl— edged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this 4 day of �. Notary Public O.� L355 STATE OF NORTH CAR�O�LIINA COUNTY OFONn L O V Y of said County and State, in consideration of the sum of $ Z Q• to MEIV in hand paid by Carolina Power & Light Company, and other valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) hereby grant uflto the said Carolina Power & Light Company (hereinafter referred to as "Power Company"), its successors, lessees and assigns, the right, privilege, and easement to go in and upon --thh/ose lands situate in T-4c D Aj ✓// X Township, in said County and State, bounded bye aVr--,e 6/V 41- � j 4iDES AND VAlt) KAI A 5 � 02 A, - z-S AzVQ and to construct and maintain in, upon, under and through said lands, in a proper manner, with poles, towers, overhead and underground wires and other necessary apparatus and appliances, one line of structures of wood or steel for the purpose of transmitting power by electricity by one or more circuits, and supporting telephone wires of Power Company or any com- pany; together with the right at all times to enter upon said lands for the purpose of inspecting said line and facilities and making necessary repairs and alterations thereon, the center line of which has been surveyed and staked out on said lands as shown and located by a certain map or drawing No. 99 3 , made by Power Company, which map or drawing is hereby referred to for the general location of said center line. The structures of said transmission line are to he constructed of either towers or poles which may be changed from one to the other, from time to time at the option of Power Company; with the right to make such changes, alterations and substitutions in said line of structures from time to time as Power Company may deem advisable or expedient; together with the right, by mechanical means or otherwise, to keep a right-of-way clear of all structures (except ordinary fences), trees, stumps, roots and undergrowth along said line for the space of thirty-five feet on each side of said center line; and with the further right to cut or fell any tree or trees outside said right-of-way herein granted, which trees, in the opinion of Power Company or its representative, constitute a hazard to or may endanger the safe and proper operation of said transmission line. A danger tree shall be understood to be any tree whose height plus five feet equals the distance from the base of the tree to a point on the ground directly beneath the nearest conductor or to the nearest conductor itself. It is agreed between the parties hereto that the poles, towers, wires and other apparatus and appliances constructed here- under shall be and remain the property of Power Company and may be removed by it at any time. It is further agreed that Power Company will pay for the actual damages to fences and growing crops on said right-of-way caused by the construction, operation, maintenance, rebuilding and removal of said line, if notice in writing is given to it within sixty (60) days after such damages. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid rights, privileges and easement unto the Carolina Power & Light Company, its successors and assigds,forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor(s) dohereunto set 74h leF-h,nd(e) and seal(s), this day of F�dex Witness: (SEAL) Witness: Witness: q tlOq S ('.ZI .CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY RALEIGH, N. C. Please protect Draft, No.,O'd* issued on 01 eg '-�' • C6 • by 1% • ' and through 'hachgvia Bapk and Trust Company 6 to - in the sum of FC�TY •r/l/E AIivD � nollars, $ in settlement of )�X 4, 1`4rl e N % GO 'elw dc �•>'S��IEi✓ T DATED Same bU eing chargeable to No. �0 6-0 r T Q A r `CACK` Si�f�ylFi`EL bej. L k /i ��.r •� .•C• A cei. I'Line I A cet. , Agent Remarks: L A51-'WEN /� T T W Q N E Vis ra Al i E 2 gq 4 i- ((jvzzNRo 1:54 A N D ) CEIVI M27201 ,PCIAI. RIGHT-OF-WAY INFORMATION 1 � E A16M i MWN - " f AWMW. - W.1 t The following is a correct description of the 1 sion line's as now surveyed and located over the (being Parcel iVYo.. on the Beginning 4 r - T SPECIAL ENGINEERING INFORMATION f.TYO n/ — TA�.��t Ai✓lL L 't![t�ine Parcel No Owner •• t�� r And Wife And Husband iE U I. J n Addr Occupatio LAND IN District Township County Adjoining the land. of N \ '? `\/ L P ON HL� S\OE� Containing -lcres Known as Incnmbran Station to Total Distance Feet Cultivated, Cleared and Idle pasture, e Q 0 swamp Medium Wooded Tight Heavy Merchantable Timber The foregoing information secured by �� �Ni�111aA 194aL (Sianed) REMARR.._.�..L ma STATE OF •N/ORTH CAROLINA--CouxTY 0 0 A] S f E1 W I, H • G. j) A L L A S a Notary Public within and for WA Kt✓ County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that _t I. M -- L 6 Y A m D 1 j I F E E VA bi A IR D L- personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this Lk _day off 'L1 A R , A. D. 19—M Notary Public. My commission expires the ZZV__ day of e2C.7-06E.P 19 5. - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF I, , a Notary Public of County, North Carolina, certify that personally appearedbefore me this day and, being duly sworn, stated that, in his presence, signed the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, this the day 19 Notary Public. My commission expires the day of — STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA--Cou TY ox The foregoing certificate of_.' , a Notary Public of County, is adjudged to be correct. Let the instrument, with the certificate, be registered. 4�,4b.01C)� N Da TA E OF NORTH CAROLINA CC�OUIPTY Or 0NS1 01.11 I V VnW 6TT 1rP.TT DV TTTL`OD DDVC C704 J ��- L 3`S' of said County and State, in consideration of the sum of $ 10.00 to them in hand paid by Carolina Power & Light Company, and other valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) hereby grant unto the said Carolina Power & Light Company (hereinafter referred to as "Power Company"), its successors, lessees and assigns, the right, privilege, and easement to go in and upon those lands situate in Jacksonville Township, in said County and State, bounded bywk—l-K-1 New Rival- nn the WAAf ana nhnnea (:Toatr nn the_ East and being Lot No. 1 on a map of the E. W. Sabiston division, recorded in Map Book 1, Page.109 of the Onslw County Registry and to construct and maintain in, upon, under and through said lands, in a proper manner, with poles, towers, overhead and underground wires and other necessary apparatus and appliances, one line of structures of wood or steel for the purpose of transmitting power by electricity by one or more circuits, and supporting telephone wires of Power Company or any com- pany; together with the right at all times to enter upon said lands for the purpose of inspecting said line and facilities and making necessary repairs and alterations thereon, the center line of which has been surveyed and staked out on said lands as shown and located by a certain map or drawing No. 't 1014 ,-1 , made by Power Company, which map or drawing is hereby referred to for the general location of said venter line. The structures of said transmission line are to be constructed of either towers or poles which may be changed from one to the other, from time to time at the option of Power Company; with the right to make such changes, alterations and substitutions in said line of structures from time to time as Power Company may deem advisable or expedient; together with the right, by mechanical means or otherwise, to keep a right-of-way clear of all structures (except ordinary fences), trees, stamps, roots and undergrowth along said line for the space of thirty-five feet on each side of said center line; and with the further right to cut or fell any tree or trees outside said right-of-way herein granted, which trees, in the opinion of Power Company or its representative, constitute a hazard to or may endanger the safe and proper operation of said transmission line. A danger tree shall be understood to be any tree whose height plus five feet equals the distance from the base of the tree to a point on the ground directly beneath the nearest conductor or to the nearest conductor itself. It is agreed between the parties hereto that the poles, towers, wires and other apparatus and appliances constructed here- under shall be and remain the property of Power Company and may be removed by it at any time. It is further agreed that Power Company will pay for the actual damages to fences and growing crops on said right-of-way caused by the construction, operation, maintenance, rebuilding and removal of said line, if notice in writing is given to it within sixty (60) days after such damages. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid rights, privileges and easement unto the Carolina Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns, forever. IN W TNES$ WH1r'REOF, thesaidgrantortheir s) do —hereunto set hand(s) and seal(s), this /Z day o Witness: Q 41,li d+r T Witness: Witness :— a 2zl�, I— PaCrex.. MxaMUMUG IIq ORx TIQw — Phi saJ, `P� A) /Ovs u L A) Parcel No / y O.Wi G t t_ PS And Hwbaad Aa rm Ooanpatior Adjoining the lands of F''► kr dL ON Uontti*11To Statito Total Distance lutivated, Clearer P 3 i:Wooed _ Mwthantable Timber 'ECIAL RIGHT-0YWAY. IN ORMATIW Aizrt1 i%?.� 1.-1i mot$ TIie.Iblloli'a-correcti'iption--of the. lion lines as now surveyed and located over thi CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY RALEIGH, N. C. Please protect Draft, No DnZ59 issued on G• 6 /_. Ge • >y NG. 0 and through— Wachowia Bank and Trust CoWany da_te/s S9 to C • L., SAe6/S rO-J Nx,o w,.-A CLE N SAB /STdN in the sum o/ T 4,OPFE NVAIOPeil rIGNTY Six 4tVX �7"2 Dollars, $ 30, - in settlement of FI43-4 GF WW't- Same being chargeable to No. A/ A-A2 5s5_*k -ZZ Acet. 511 TT(f" ^J iIC MSr AIYI k L Jr- Line Line WA6VA",-) Agent B vi N s ' Q, 41� c STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA--CouxTy on I, a Notary Public within and for County, ONorth Carol�i�n%a},�do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day and acknoowlled_ gel the due execution the forego inn instrument. f/ Witness my hand and notarial seal, this ay of "- �'�`� A. D-. 1L9.`t u No ar Public. My commission expires the day of 19411, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF I, a Notary Public County, North Carolina, certify that personally appeared before me this day and, being duly sworn, stated that, in his presence, signed the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, this the day of 19 Notary Public. My commission expires the day of - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA--CouNTY or &21.� The foregoing certificate of hu� a Notary Public of �j- County, is adjudged to be correct. Let the instrument, with the certificate, be registered. _2_ 6qqq jo (.2 T el i T1r--P No Name Sta. to Ste. Distance F29,- Ada Sandlin Horne 8. 257.2 Rcixx3dudii z 700x40 700x6o 20 2582 T.E. Sewell 700x60 70lx80 120 30. 25M A.G. Sewell 70lx80 707x43 563 31. 2572 R.J. Sandlin(ida SandUn Horne)70'1x43 716x21 878 32• 2577 E.W. Sandlin .716x21 727x40 1119 33. 25U Joe Gurganeous 727x40(Equation in 754x18 2409 Sts. Nos., 2690 subtracted) 34. 2578 Henry A. Sandlin 754x18 755x83 165 35. 2568, .Joe Gurganeous 755x83 758xl9 236 36. 2578 Henry A. Sandlin 758xl9 762x48 429 37. 2576 Mrs. Annie Phillips 762x48 776xl8 137C 38. 2578 Henry A. Sandlin 776x18 800x6o 2442 39. 2579 rdrs. E. Brinson Sandlin (Aora Brinson Sandlin) 800x60. 811x30 1070 40. Mrs. E. Brinson Sandlin 81lx30 84U20 3590 41. 2390 Edgar H. Humphrey 847r.20 852x20 500 42. 2600 G.i�. Humphrey Estate 852x20 859x70 750 43. 2593 W.-W. Parker.Estate 859x70 877x85 1815 44• 25% Enoch H. Pollack 877x85. 886x07 822 45. 2595 W.E. Scott Estate 886x07 912x00 2593 46. 2589 S.C. Hemby 912x00 922x44 1044 47. 2595 k.E. Scott Estate 922x44 929x50 706 48. 2385 Mary Andrews Estate 929x50 934x75 525 49. 2591 " H.A. Jarman Jr -Ord) 934x75 100lx41 6666 50. 2584 John H. Aman IOOIx41 1016x95 1554 51. 2598 L.L. Yopp 1016x95 1037x49 2054 52. �599 R.L. Yopp 1037x49 1041x31 382 53. 2587 C.N. Clapp 1041x31 1058x00 1669 54. 259� E.H. nalton 1058x00 1671x07 13.07 " 1! 55. �..... H.A. Jarman Estate I071iO7 1111YAQ zrL95) :IA C State of North Carolinas -County of--- --------------------------- (qqq Tag THIS GRANT, Made and entered into this _ ----day by and between_-- g. T•---Yogg_ esil urif's_ Lna-Sapp* -of the Coun_.4%_931a1!a. Xorth C olizs. - Af--tba County -of- dos, -State-at-locus Car lima. parti!o_of the first part, and TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of the State of North Carolina, party of the second part, WITNESSETH - THAT the part — of the first part, in consideration of the sum of #�_—, in hand by the party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do— hereby sell a grant unto the TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY, party of the second part, its successors and ass] a right-of-way and easement, one hundred (100) feet in width, upon, over and across,—.tb"—____ certain tract— or parcel— of land situate in the County of— ._MSLSk .. State North Carolina, and more specifically described as follows: Bounded sm the Bost by the Undo convoyed to R. J. Popp by A. G. Talton, as the Forth by tho isoksonvills-Riehlands Road, on the South by Brick 111a Branch, and being lot #10 in the subdivioioa of the T, B. Henderson Pam, a nag of which sub- div1siem is recorded Is. Book 128, page 499, "cards of the ilsgister of Deeds of Onslow Canty, reference to which mgets hereby had, coutaizing 17.30 seven, neaw or leis, and being the sago property described in a deed made by Liszie Topp end hor husband R. J. Yen to R. L. To" and Rife, Leta, dated October 8, 1936, and r000rded is the office at the Rsgister at Deeds of Oaslow County in Book 176, page 259, roforenoa to which flood is hereby made for a more particular description of the Lads hsreiz ve- ferred too R E C E I JAN . 27 2010 DCM WILWINvG— CNI* N i > > ct1V • - > JAN`2 7 2010 :DCM WILMINGTON,� Said right-of-way being for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining one electric trans- mission line, of wood or steel structures, including the necessary wires, poles, guy wires, and fixtures, and telephone wires and fixtures necessary for the operation of said line, the said right-of-way to ex- tend fifty (50) feet on each side of the center line thereof, which center line has heretofore been agreed upon, surveyed, marked and staked on the ground across said premises. The Marty of the second part shall have the right to make such changes, alterations and substitutions in said line of structure, from time to time, as to it may seem advisable or expedient. And the right is further granted to the party of second part, its successors and assigns, to keep said right-of-way and ease- j ment clear of all structures and undergrowth for the full width thereof and to cut away and keep clear 11 of said line and wires all trees or other obstructions that might in any way endanger the proper operation of the sale, including all trees off the right-of-way which in falling might endanger the of dlsl" County in Book 155, Me 451, reference, to which insTrus�t is bareDy ride. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part.". f the first part M2&tAereunto set_` haAd_s and sealA, the day and year first above written. fi �' .... - (SEAT,) aVAYZ vr' MN1"11 UAKULINA COUNTY----___-- L I X. sjM(_' _—, a Notary Public In and for the County and State aforesaid do hereby certify that -_A_- personally appeared before me this day and aclmowledged the due execution by h.: ✓_ of the fore. gotn8 and annexed instrument. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, this_�_day of-4' FM Notary Public. My commission expires:---------___.____, 19— �4 C � >tiMwr Iraref f! Va STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA k C1 F COUNTY OF_;'��r✓ _ _-- } JA N 2 7 2010 pp a Notary Public in and for the State and County. aforesaid, do hereby certify that_ Af. j I) C M W I L MI NJ GiO P and��r,K�_ —_-- this day Personally appeared before me, and acknowledged the due execution by them of the foregoing instru- ment, and the said ��--=�� wife y of— �z , being by me privately el - - - examined, separate and apart from her said husband, touching her voluntary execution of the same, doth state, that she signed the same freely and voluntarily, and without fear, force or compulsion on the part of her said husband, or any other person, and that she does atilt voluntarily assent thereto. Witness my hand and official seal, this-4 of Notary Publk. My commission expires:--------_-------•---, 19__ ;t RECEI--VF. JAN 2 7 2010 DCM WILMINGG j\,-. t Form 244 CP&L Cwolino Poww & Light Company Correspondence June 17, 1991 Ms. Katherine Whitaker O F F I C E RE: AT&T Communications Inc., UG Fiber Optic Cable placement from Raleigh through Kinston, Jacksonville to Wilmington (Filed in C1055 J20) Dear Katherine: Attached for indexing and filing are CP&L's duplicate encroachment agreements granted to AT&T, dated June 19, 1989. Schedule Two identifies which properties they affect. Also attached is the duplicate license agreement for encroaching onto transmission line right of way. Schedule One identifies the lines, RW map numbers, and easement location. HFC/ppt Attachments cc: Mr. Bob Via Mr. G. L. Layman Mr. J. L. Higgins Mr. C. Bonfield Mr. B. R. Burgess Mr. S. P. Banks Yours very truly, Howard F. Chestnut RECEIVEki JAN 21 2010 DC1, WILMINGTON1 NC NAME OF PROPERTY AT&T NUMBER DWG, NUMBER FILE NUMBER Wake County Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot 40815-1 RW-D-2183 1068 Lj Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot 40815-1A RW-D-2183 1068 LLB o Auburn 230 kV Sub Lot 40815-2 L-A-3584 1721 ® r�- L" cv . Johnson County V Lu Wilson Mills 115 kV Sub Lot 40815-3 L-A-3979 1680 (� Selma Area Office Lot 408154 L-D-6070 2395 Wayne County Lee Steam Electric Lot 40815-5 R-A-10846 771 Lee Steam Electric Lot 40815-5 R-A-10856 772 Lee 230 kV Sub Lot 40815-5 L-D-5618 2452 Lenior County Wommack 115 kV Sub Lot 40815-6 TWP A-223 1188 Onslow County Jacksonville 230 kV Sub Lot 40815-7 RW-A-1786 1209 New Hanover County • Wilmington Trans. Maintenance Build Lot 40815-9 L-D-3591 1666 LINE NAME AND P&P NUMBER Milburnie - Chestnut Hills 115 kV, TD-10751, Sh's 1-2 Harris - Wake 230 kV, TD-14323 Milburnie - Lee 230 kV Lee - Milburnie Section 230 kV, TD-11031, Sh's 25-11 Wake - Wommack 230 kV Wake - Selma 230 kV, TD-13307 Selma - Lee 230 kV, TD-13270, Sh's 1-8 Lee - Wommack TD 13472 Wommack - Kinston 115 kV, TD-13408, Sh. 1 LaGrange - Jacksonville (MPG) aka Wommack - Jacksonville 110 kV, TDI 1003, Sh's 1-19 Jacksonville - New Bern 230 kV TD-11419, Sh. 19 Jacksonville - Jacksonville 115 kV West Tie TD 11988, Sh's 3-1 Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 230 kV TD-11421 aka Sutton - Jacksonville 115 kV Holly Ridge - Jacksonville 110 kV (TWPCo.) aka Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 115 kV TD-14066, Sh's 27-24 RW MAP AND NUMBER TD-10124, Sh. 1 RW-D-6%5, Sh's 23, 22, 21 RW-D-485, Sh's 20-10 RW-D-5542, Sh's 9, 10 RW-D-5542, Sh's 11-19 RW-D-5542, Sh's 20-34 RW-D-4432, Sh's 1, 2 E224, Sh's S7-10, N6-2 RW-D-2102 RW-D-1685, Sh. 18 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 39D, TD 13908, Sh's 7-10 0 0 N r jj C-4 n Inwri I "T79- I vn1. pia) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF OMSLA W �qyy :�33 kAg $ 53 C W9 133 On THIS RIGHT OF WAY GRANT, made and entered into this day of �Q 51P.Th 4111 AR 19LI, by and between n .T. $ T,I NLEW i$I� CLA 1 of said County and State, hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Grantor(s)", and Carolina Power & Light Company, a North Carolina public service corpora- tion, hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Company", W I T N_ E S S E T H• THAT, WHEREAS; Company for a number of years has maintained and operated a portion of its electric transmission line extending from /%YC TON , North Carolina, to . %6*.42MriL1-A , North { Carolina, on and across certain lands now owned by Grantor(s) situate in .Twck,sA&y LLff Township, OWsLaV/ County, North Carolina, the structures of said electric transmission line being located in the center of a right of way l e o feet in width; WHEREAS, Company's existing right of way and easement rights include the right of Company to cut away and keep clear of said line all trees or other obstructions that might in any way endanger the proper operation of the same; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to confirm and evidence the right of Company to cut outside of said I A D foot right of way any tree which in falling might endanger Company's electric transmission line; NOW, THEREFORE, in of the premises and of the sum of s .47 7-Do. , the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby grants and confirms unto the said Carolina Power & Light Company, its successors, lessees, and assigns, the right, privilege, and easement to go in and upon that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in 7' S�/irV/L3E Township, ONSL&W County, North and to cut down at any time, and from time to time, in Company's discretion any tree standing outside of the said 1A D foot right of way across the above described land, the length of which tree plus 5 feet equals or exceeds the distance from the base of such tree to the nearest conductor or to a point on the ground directly underneath the nearest conductor; and to cut and remove any limb, or any part thereof, from any tree standing outside of said right of way when such limb or any part thereof protrudes or is likely to protrude into said right of way. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid rights, privileges and easement unto the Carolina.Pover & Light Company, its successors and assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor(s) do hereunto set 444j S hand(s) and seal(s) the day and year first above written. 01 (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COMM of ON 5 L o W (SEAL) R���� Y I, mah N F &A Y O J) a Notary Public of N e G _ County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that JAN 27 20 T 5 TAM I LMINGT( personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. p� Witness my hand and notarial seal, this I day ofSMr.&V A" a ''. r UJ North Carolina, Onelor County T!i YoreQoing o #Zioat oP _. �:i•tlfied to be oorroot. nod for reaLstrsuOv g-yi —, I and reswomi in tbo r e ..: �. of Doe& for O a •� onnty, !r.• 9w 'age fall 1 , He¢�stcx Deeds Cqq9 sa 3 La�t SV'TE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) Comm of oNSLoW IN TER SUPERIOR COMM ) TZM AATU PoWBR P tit 9T, CRE Petitioner VS C. N. CLAPP•and wife, IBYA HILDA CLAPPt Respondents THIS CAUSE, oozing on to be heard before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Onslow County and being heard upon the report of the commissioners duly appointed in this proceeding to ep)raise the damages which the petitioner ought fairly to pay to the respondents for the construction and maintenance of the petitioner's proposed transmission line, and the right of way and easement necessary for the maintenance and operation of the said transmission line as set out and described in the petition; and it appearing to the Court upon the report of the commissioners that the petitioner ought to pas to the respondents the sum of $250,00 as compensation for the daciWes which are or might be occasioned the respond» ents by reason of the construction and maintenance of the petitioners pro- posed transmission line, together with a right df way and easement for the maintenance of the said line as described and set out in the petition; and it further appearing to the Court that the petitioner has'paid into the Court the sum of $250„0o as assessed by the ooMissioners to be paid to the respondents for damateges which are or maybe occasioned them by reason of the construction and maintenance fo the petitionerse proposed trans- mission line, together with a right of way snd easement for the maintenance of the aforesaid line as set out and desoribed in the petition; IT IS TMEFORS, ORDBRID, COIMIDF.RBD, AND ADJtJ ED that a right of way and easement over and upon the lands hereinafter described, and along the exact course as herein described. over the lands aforesaid_ which -2- operating an electric transmission line of wooed structure, including the neeessar-; -fires, poles, guy wires and fixtures necessary for the operation of the said transmission line, together with a right of way and easement extending a distance of 50 feet on each side of the center line as des- cribed herein, and to clear the said right of way and easement and to keep the same clear of all obstructions and growth that might endanger the trans- mission lice or in any way interfere With the proper operation thereof for tha full width of said right of way and easement. The tract of land over which the right of way and easement is hereby condemned, which tract is described in the petition, is located in the County of Onslow, State of North Caroliaa, end is more specifically described as follows: B$F'GIY,MIG at an iron stake by the canal run of Brick Kiln Branch at the o2o sing of the old road leading from Jacksonville to Richlands 90 feat Co:zth of th6 hard surface of Iii,haay �24 and runs thence along and with said ole. road "-rt 55 do ;r^es 20 minute3 Jost 794 feet to an iron pen in road bed on the Borth side of the hard surface; thence t e old road North 51 de- grees 10 minutes ',rest 6731 fait to an iron ;;in; the :ce t:orth 59 degrees West 3772- feet to an iron pin on the North edge of said road, E. H. lalton►s corliar; thence as his li ns aae, the di- vision line between lots zr_ and #'17 North 16 detreas 30 minutes Mast 1750 foot to a stake by the run of Blue Creek; thence down e_nd ,vith the various, courses o: the run of Blue Creek to the mouth of Brick Kiln Br•_noh; thence up and with the various courses of the run of Brick Kiln Branch, crossing State Highway J24 to the begin- ning, containing 167 acres more or less, and being the same lands conveyed by J. T. Hamby and wife, Julia,Hemby, to the parties,of the first part hereto, by dec-d dated May 25, 1940, and recorded in the office of the Register -of Deeds of Onslow County in Book 190, page 101, reference to which de-d is hereby rude for a more particular description of the lands herein referred to. The said right of w4y and easement hereby condemned is of a width of 100 feet and extends 50 fe2t on each side of the center line thereof_ whioh said center line it more Dartieularly described as follows: _3.. southerly property line; thence across said property.of C. N. Clapp by a line Korth 37 degrees 45 minutes East (Uag,1941) 485 feet more or 'A. 0S8 to a Point; thenoe continuing across said property of C. N. Clapp by a line South SO degrees 15 minutes East (Uag,1941) 1135 fe. t more or less to a point on the east- erly line of said property of C. N. Clapp and- the westerly line of property of•1. H, jelton, the latter point being 1145 feet more or less, northeasterly from the aforementioned South- east corner of said property of C. N. Clapp as measured along said easterly lino -of said property. - I- TT IS PffRT'fI^R ORDEERSD, COW IMSD PND ADTUDCN4-that the petitioner shall. pay the costs or this prooeedirg, toF;etker Frith the sum of $3000 aaeh as compensation for the eommiasioners herein appointed. This day of December, 1941, C � rk o oupc;r or Cour I am 2.587 C. N. Clapp and wife, Irma Hilda Clapp To Tide Water Power CoInpanY. 4 41? 7 Form 244 AwAft I C y C"ina Pow..&Light Comparly 735 Company Correspondence June 17, 1991 Ms. Katherine Whitaker O F F I C E RE: AT&T Commmications Inc., UG Fiber Optic Cable placement from Raleigh through Kinston, Jacksonville to Wilmington (Filed in C1055 J20) Dear Katherine: Attached for indexing and filing are CP&L's duplicate encroachment agreements granted to AT&T, dated June 19, 1999. Schedule Two identifies which properties they affect. Also attached is the duplicate license agreement for encroaching onto transmission line right of way. Schedule One identifies the lines, RW map numbers, and easement location. Yours very truly, 4a4-wa*'4�— Howard F. Chestnut HFC/ppt Attachments cc: Mr. Bob Via Mr. G. L. Layman Mr. J. L. Higgins Mr. C. Bonfield Mr. B. R. Burgess Mr. S. P. Banks NAME OF PROPERTY Wake County Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot Auburn 230 kV Sub Lot Johnson County Wilson Mills 115 kV Sub Lot Selma Area Office Lot Wayne County Lee Steam Electric Lot Lee Steam Electric Lot Lee 230 kV Sub Lot Lenior County Wommack 115 kV Sub Lot Onslow County Jacksonville 230 kV Sub Lot New Hanover County Wilmington Trans. Maintenance Build Lot 40815-1 40815-1 A 40815-2 40815-3 40815-4 40815-5 40815-5 40815-5 40815-6 40815-7 40815-9 RW-D-2183 RW-D-2183 L-A-3584 L-A-3979 L-D-6070 R-A-10846 R-A-10856 L-D-5618 TWP A-223 RW-A-1786 L-D-3591 1068 1068 1721 1680 2395 771 772 2452 1188 1209 1666 /rN1n r 1 u Cf- I v n� LINE NAME AND P&P NUMBER RW MAP AND NUMBER Milburnie - Chestnut Hills 115 kV, TD-10751, Sh's 1-2 TD-10124, Sh. I Harris - Wake 230 kV, TD-14323 RW-D-6965, Sh's 23, 22, 21 Milburnie - Lee 230 kV Lee - Milburnie Section 230 kV, TD-11031, Sh's 25-11 RW-D-485, Sh's 20-10 Wake - Wommack 230 kV Wake - Selma 230 kV, TD-13307 RW-D-5542, Sh's 9, 10 Selma - Lee 230 kV, TD-13270, Sh's 1-8 R W -D-5542. Sh's 11-19 Lee - Wommack TD 13472 RW-D-5542. Sh's 20-34 Wommack - Kinston 115 kV, TD-13408, Sh. I RW-D-4432, Sh's I, 2 LaGrange - Jacksonville (TWPG) E224, Sh's S7-10, N6-2 aka Wommack - Jacksonville 110 kV, TD11003, Sh's 1-19 Jacksonville - New Bern 230 kV TD-11419, Sh. 19 RW-D-2102 Jacksonville - Jacksonville 115 kV West Tie TD 11988, Sh's 3-1 RW-D-1685, Sh. 18 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 230 kV TD-11421 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 aka Sutton - Jacksonville 115 kV Holly Ridge - Jacksonville 110 kV ('1'WPCo.) 39D, TD 13908, Sh's 7-10 aka Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 115 kV TD-14066, Sh's 27-24 W. A. SIMON, xJR. ATTORNEY AT LAW W;LMINGTON, N. C. March 5, 1942 ride Pater Power Compares "vity Re; Tide Water Power Company vs C. N. Clapp and wife, Irma Hilda Clapp, Holly Ridge - Jacksonville, 110kv. Condemnation, Gentlemen: I am enclosing herewith copy of the original judgment in the above cause which you mile file as though it were a final grant. You might file this letter with the same for a memo- randum. The original judgment has bsen filed for registrat-ion in the office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County and upon completion it will be returned to the office of the Clerk of the Superuor Court where it will remain a part of the Court papers. Very trul yours', A. Simon W. , S-1 CC: Mr. Jonas JNA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY RAMIGiH, N. C. Meet Draft, N issued q� Wachovia Bank sod Trust CaMM dated c .. i-A 1j L_ of jL! �' �'" ,� Y �' .9�ir� S©�1 b�' --- notia�a, $ ��}�r avow' ent ofDA& #-A -v AariEgac u r- �9 chargeable to No - . - nQ, fil Agent sz 24 ,v 2�?�5 P- - ,4 CB-) aLo`�`�� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF _ O JV c L o W /.2 g8 rr THIS RIGHT OF WAY GRANT, made and entered into this �_ day of N,* /f,M + 1910fby and between _,%� S. 14111y L T "A OLEsE S_ 15(At ren/ of said County and State, hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Grantor(s)", and Carolina Power & Light Company, a North Carolina public service corpora. tion, hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Company", W I T N E S S ETH• THAT, WHEREAS, Company for a number of years has maintained and operated a portion of its electric transmission line extending from /1'k rog North Carolina, to rTe.XSONYIGL E Nort Carolina, on and across certain lands now owned by Grantor(s) situate in -,T,4e,kj"VitLE Township, QNsL OW .County, North Carolina, the structures of said electric transmission line being located in the center of a right of way 4B D feet in width; WHEREAS, Company's existing right of way and easement rights include the right of Company to cut away and keep clear of said line all trees or other obstructions that might in any way endanger the proper operation of the same; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to confirm and evidence the right of Company to cut outside of said 7/ O O foot right of way any tree which in falling might endanger Company's electric transmission line; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of $ / O 0 d' , the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby grants and confirms unto the said Carolina Power & Light Company, its successors, lessees, and assigns, the right, privilege, and easement to go in and upon that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in C4�`l9 T3q and to cut down at any time, and from time to time, in Company's discretion any tree standing outside of the said 4,6 & foot right of way across the above described land, the length of which tree plus 5 feet equals or exceeds the distance fro-. the base of such tree to the nearest conductor or to a point on the ground directly underneath the nearest conductor; and to cut and remove any limb, or any part thereof, from any tree standing outside of said right of way when such limb or any part thereof protrudes or is likely to protrude into said right of way, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid rights, privileges and easement unto the Carolina Power 6 Light Company, its successors and assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor(s) do hereunto set 71 LurR hands) and seal(s) the day and year first above written. (SEAT.) �/ lQ1d�y (SEAT.) (SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROLTNA COUNTY of 0Al,I L O W 1, d e" 4!!� aAl) a Notary Public of JV,EkIJ7jA/VBYLJi County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that .7-.7 WA raw 41a2 IL L5 F I WL-renr personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of , the foregoing instrument. eo ' FiI.a.D RECORDED f8/' XMWKED G/ North Carolina. Onslow County �he Yoregoiti cater of Is certified to be correct. /J This j S .daY oY . A, D J — a BeNister o ©ede �_ o'cta:z Meed for regl atfo� 1� =Y" to tie of:: a o Register and reatt, d of Deeds for Onslow CQFItr untin Book3 O 18 Page of DOIU CCU STATE OF ]FORTH CAROLINA is THE SUFMIOR COURT BEFORE THE C� COMFTY of ONSLOW TIDE NAM POMM CO PJJY, Petitioner, ' TS JET LU $. H. WALT0N and wife, ELLWALTON, ) Respondents, ) THIS CAUSE, ooaing on to be heard before the undersig d " Clerk of the Superior Court of Onslow County, and being heard up- on the report of the commissioners duly appointed in this pro- oeeding to appraise the damages which the petitioner ought fairly to pay to the respondents for the construction and maintenance of the petitioner'g proposed transmission line, and the right of way and easement nooessary for the maintenance ana operation of the said transmission line as set out and described In the petition; and it appearing to the Court upon the report of the oommissionere, that ..the petitioner ought to pay to the respondents the sum of $M-0. 0 as compensation for the damages which are or might be occasioned the respondents by reason of the construction and main- tenance of the petitioner's proposed transmission line, together with a right of way and easement for the maintenance and operation of the said line as described and set out in the petition; and it further appearing to the Court that the petitioner has paid into the Court the.. sum of 4500.00 as assessed by the cosmissioners to be paid to the respondents upon a final determination of this pro- ; 000ding for damages which are or may be oocasioned them by reason Of the oonstruotion and maintenance of the petitioner's proposed hereby oosdeanst '4o- the use of the petitioner for the purpose of oonstruoting, maintaining and operating an slectrio transmission line of wood structures, including the necessary wires, poles, guy wires and fixtures necessary for the operation of the said transmission line, together with a right of way and easement ex- tending a distance of 50 fast on each side of the center line as described herein, and to clear the said right of way and easement and to keep the same clear of all obstructio4Ls and growth that might endanger the transmission line or in any way interfere with the proper operation thereof for the full width of said right of way and easement. The tract of land over which the right of way and easement is hereby condemned, which tract is described in the petition, is looated in the County of Onslow, State of Borth Caro - lira, and is more specifically described as follows: BEGINNING on the Jacksonville and Richlands road Opposite the foot of the Georgetown road at the H. A. Jarman corner, and running thence with Jarman's lins North 15 degrees East 429 feat; thence with Jarman's line North 15 degrees East 429 feet; thence with Jarman's line Forth 75 de- grees 'Hest 759 feet; thence with Jarman's line North 40 degrees lest 1105 feet to the Brick Kiln Branch; thence up and with the run of said branch to the Jacksonville and Riohlands road; th me e A th the Jacksonville and Richlands road Eastwardly to the beginning, container 46.48 acres, more or less, and being lots Nos. 11 and 12 of the T. B. Hen- derson farm as surveyed and platted by J. 17. Keel, Civil rngineer, which said plat or map is records& is the R5aords of Onslow County in Book 128, page 499, to which map reference is hereby made for a more particular description of the lands herein described, and being the same lands conveyed by E. L. Cox and wife, to E. H. Valton, by deed dated December 27, 1921, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County in Book 137, page 219, to which deed reference is hereby made for a more particular description of the lands herein referred to. 1 said westerly line of preperty; theaoe aoross said property of S. H. Walton b a line South 80 degrees 15 minutes East (UM# 1941T 1307 feet, more or less to a point on a northeasterly property lino of said S. E. Walton and a southwesterly line of property of H. A. Jarman Estate, said latter point also being 824 feet, more or less, southeasterly from the Anth- west oorner of said property of E. H. Walton, as mea- sured along said northeasterly line of property. IT IS FURTHER ORDZM. OONSIDMD anti ADJUDW that the petitioner shall pay the coats of this proceeding, together with the sum of 43.00 each as compensation for tht oommisO oners herein appointed. This _ day of October, 1941. Clerk uptr or our It further appearing to the Court that the respondents, E. H. Walton and wife Ellen Walton, have accepted the award of the Commissioners and do h hereby accept the judgment of the Court through their attorney, R. N. Summersill, and desire and do hereby give and grant to the Petitioner a right of way and.easement as described in the petition filed in this Proceeding and. in the foregoing judgment of this Court. This November �, 1941. We consent to the Signing of the forgoing judgment: Attorney for the Petitioner. Attorney for Respondents. L. H. Walton and wife; Ellmn Walton, _ Tq Tide Plater Power Company -i W. A. SIMON, LTR. AT?ORNLY AT LAW WILMINDZnN, N. C. March 4, 1942 Tide, Water Power Company City Re : Tide Water Power Company vs E. H. Talton and wife, Ellen Walton, 110kv, Holly Ridge Jaoks onvill. Gentlemen: I enclose herewith copy of the original judgment in tha above condemnation matter. The original has been filed for registration in the office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County and when recorded will be returned to the Clerk of the Superior Court of Onsl ow County where it will remain a part of the original Court papers. For your files the copy enclosed will suffioe and you might file this letter with it as a memo- randum. Z *So yours, , r OU S-1 CC; Mr* Jones .INA► POWER & LIGHT COMPANY RALEIGH* N. C. N I / I ZZ inua on by YWA/ I�� t it .. tNA7-r.yV7.mwr 9 chargeable to No i��E'jM � ��i'�_- ��c � fruv ✓Illlx r.�,r,.g .. . A cd. FORM .' 77 - REV, CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY DATE THE ATTACHEQ PAPERS ARE REFERRED T0: DEPT. 2. MR. 3. MR. 4. MR. 5. MR. b. MR. 7. MR. -NOTE AND FILE -TO BE FILED -TO BE APPROVED _NOTE AND RETURN -TO BE SIGNED _FOR YOUR _PLEASE SEE ME -TO BE CHECKED INFORMATION -PLEASE CALL ME __TO BE DISTRIBUTED -PLEASE INVESTIGATE -PLEASE PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE _YOUR COMMENT. _PLEASE ANSWER, SENDING ME A COPY PLEASE _PLEASE TAKE CHARGE OF THIS -AS REQUESTED _PER CONVERSATION REMARKS: FROM: DEPT. Fo1m 244 Company Correspondence Ms. Katherine Whitaker O F F I C E CDJLL Carolina Power & Light Company G44 J3 oaf June 17, 1991 RE: AT&T Communications Inc., UG Fiber Optic Cable placement from Raleigh through Kinston, Jacksonville to Wilmington (Filed in C1055 J20) Dear Katherine: Attached for indexing and filing are CP&L's duplicate encroachment agreements granted to AT&T, dated June 19, 1989. Schedule Two identifies which properties they affect. Also attached is the duplicate license agreement for encroaching onto transmission line right of way. Schedule One identifies the lines, RW map numbers, and easement location. Yours very truly, 4a4-w� Howard F. Chestnut HFC/ppt Attachments cc: Mr. Bob Via Mr. G. L. Layman Mr. J. L. Higgins Mr. C. Benfield Mr. B. R. Burgess Mr. S. P. Banks v• - ..-J NAME OF PROPERTY Wake County Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot Auburn 230 kV Sub Lot Johnson County Wilson Mills 115 kV Sub Lot Selma Area Office Lot Wayne County Lee Steam Electric Lot Lee Steam Electric Lot Lee 230 kV Sub Lot Lenior County Wommack 115 kV Sub Lot Onslow County Jacksonville 230 kV Sub Lot New Hanover County Wilmington Trans. Maintenance Build Lot 40815-1 40815-1A 40815-2 40815-3 40815-4 40815-5 40815-5 40815-5 40815-6 40815-7 40815-9 RW-D-2183 RW-D-2183 L-A-3584 L-A-3979 L-D-6070 R-A-10W R-A-10856 L-D-5618 TWP A-223 RW-A-1786 L-D-3591 1068 1068 1721 1680 2395 771 772 2452 1198 1209 :: ("Iq I "Pil r vn. LINE NAME AND UP NUMBER RW MAP AND NUMBER Milburnie - Chestnut Hills 115 kV, TD-10751, Sh's 1-2 TD-10124, Sh. 1 Harris - Wake 230 kV, TD-14323 RW-D-6965, Sh's 23, 22, 21 Milburnie - Lee 230 kV Lee - Milburnie Section 230 kV, TD- 11031, Sh's 25-11 RW-D-485, Sh's 20-10 Wake - Wommack 230 kV Wake - Selma 230 kV, TD-13307 RW-D-5542, Sh's 9, 10 Selma - Lee 230 kV, TD-13270, Sh's 1-8 RW-D-5542, Sh's I1-19 Lee - Wommack TD 13472 RW-D-5542, Sh's 20-34 Wommack - Kinston 115 kV, TD-13408, Sh. 1 RW-D-4432, Sh's 1, 2 LaGrange - Jacksonville (TWPG) E224, Sh's S7-10, 146-2 aka Wommack - Jacksonville 110 kV, TD11003, Sh's 1-19 Jacksonville - New Bern 230 kV TD-11419, Sh. 19 RW-D-2102 Jacksonville - Jacksonville 115 kV West Tie TD 11988, Sh's 3-1 RW-D-1685, Sh. 18 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 Castle Rayne - Jacksonville 230 kV TD-11421 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 aka Sutton - Jacksonville 115 kV Holly Ridge - Jacksonville 110 kV (TWPCo.) 39D, TD 13908, Sh's 7-10 aka Castle Rayne - Jacksonville 115 kV TD-14066, Sh's 27-24 mMc i uCr I vn. V co .State of North Carolina 1 N m County of --- QNSLOW----------------------------------) acn � c0 C m THIS GRANT, Made and entered into this--------- _ _--- day of__________------__-- 19 0. B. Jarman and wife, Katherine H. Jarman, W. C. Jarman and m o by and betweenwife Clara Jarman, of Turner County Georgia, C. F.- Jarman of'4 Colquitt County, Georgia, George B. Hurst -and wife, Sarah'Hurst, of Coral � o Gables, Florida, Lucy Hurst Sullivan and husband, Jerome Sulli an of the > o Ci_tyoof- New oY rT�ew York-Henrry" A�`7arman an8 Rife;�t®atrics Sarin n,d Luogp� J. yy�� n gad h�yyb"d 6has. E Warn of Onslow County, North Carolina.c� o cd paxt_ie�f lie first part an�TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of th-- o m State of North Carolina, party of the secon(; part, - WITNESSETH: THAT the parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of #____-_-------------- , in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do----. - hereby sell and grant unto the TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY, party of the second part, its successors and assigns, a right-of-way and easement, one hundred (100) feet in width, upon, over and across,:4.0_9!e ___-----_ certain tract.-B or parcel_S of land situate in the County of___Dn314w ____ __--.-----____-, State of North Carolina, and more specifically described as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at the mouth of a gut or small branch on the west si&e of N River below the County Bridge at Jacksonville, N. C. and runs up and with the various courses of said gut or branch to the Dove and Henderson corner; thence with Henderson's line North to a cedar stob known as the Ward oorner on the public road leading from Jacksonville to Richlands; thence North 14 degrees Fast 6.50 chains; thence North 76 de- grees West 11.50 chains; thence North 41 degrees West 17 chains to a Cedar post; thence to Brick Kiln branch; thence downaand with said branch to Blue Creek; thence with the said Blue Creek to New River; thence with the various courses of said New River to the beginning. The above describ- ed lands being known as the Robert Dudley lands and sold by him to the late Henry Jarman. The above described lands being the same lands conveyed by Henrietta Jarman to Lucy Jarman by deed dated August 12, 1902, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County in Book 76, page 80, reference to which deed is hereby made for a more particular description of the lands herein referred to. SESOND TRACT: That certain tract of land containing 33 acres, bounded on the N No by Chaney Creek, on the East by hurrill Avenue, on the South by Uildred Avenue andon the West by Chaney Creek and New River; being designated as Farm J1 on the map or plat of the Annie E. Murrill land on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Onslow County, in that proceeding entitled R. A. Lookamy against Frank Bordeaux, Ruth M. Horne and others, being a special proceeding, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County in Plat Book i1 at page 22, reference to which map or plat is hereby made for a more particular description of the lands herein referred to. THIRD TRACT:Lots Nos. One (1) and two (2) in Block E as designated on a map of e aforesaid recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County in Plat Book 1, page 22, reference to which map or plat is hereby made for a more particular description of the lands herein Is Said right-of-way being for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining one electric trans- mission line, of wood or steel structures, including the necessary wires, poles, guy wires, and fixtures, and telephone wires and fixtures necessary for the operation of said line, the said right-of-way to ex-"' tend fifty (50) feet on each side of the center line thereof, which center line has heretofore, been agreed upon, surveyed, marked and staked on the ground across said premises. The party of the second part shall have the right to make such changes, alterations and substitutions in said line of structure, from time to time, as to it may seem advisable or expedient. And the right is further granted to the party of second part, its successors and assigns, to keep said right-of-way and ease - meet clear of all structures and undergrowth for the full width thereof and to cut away and keep clear, Z of said' line and wires all trees or other obstructions that might in and way endanger the proper ' operation of the sazpe, including all trees off the right-of-way which in falling might endanger the �v line. -tea TOGETHER ,WITH an easement and right-of-way for an electric transmissiop line upon and along . O the roads, streets. or hizhways adioininc the said tract nr narral of Ismd i Leo. M. Barber of Turner County, Georgia, joine in Lhe izioution of this instrument solely for the purpose off_ q>ee$ing only fhe.arights herein granted from the lien of a certain B$m to him by C. F. Jarman dated March 29, 1941, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Onelow County in Book 193, page 109. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part _.. of the first part ha.. .. hereunto set _ hoed.. a d seal the y sad ear first above w 'tten, a�td the o0 oratiort, one o> th0 .p ties 01� the �irat paY ,has cauaec� these iixgsents. o bA aiglieQ 1n its oo�orate tipresident and attested se ctary and its corporate silent. A• -"I (SEAL) COUNTY OF. IQUI'l'7 aFAL ~ w . SEAL I, - ---- --- a e Lounty and State aforesaid do hereby certify that—_C—-7—derman ------ — _ 4 personally appeared before me this day and ackmowledged the due execution by h-_im-- ---- of the —foro-t going and annexed i istrument. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, this-1Z `V__-day of My commission expires :-2of—.-----, 1909 - 17 •/ r STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA l } Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, do hereby certify that HOW A Jarman, BFatrioe A. Jarman, Lucy J. Warn and__9haT1sR-�_-�----_----___-- - this day personally appeared before me, and acknowledged the due execution by them of the foregoMg inettu_ ment, and the sold-a4AtrA-0* W. W-WA. R1fe Of $sassy A. JaS>san a[td LLIO zX- larn,--rif pof Charles 8. Y1arn-------_----- being by me privately examined, separate and apart from her said husband, toucbing her voluntary execution of the same, doth state, that she signed the same freely and voluntarily, and without fear, force or compulsion on the part of her said husband, or any other person, and that she does atilt voluntarily &agent thereto, Witness my hand and official seal, this_...-f-day of Notary Public. _ l�yco�iaaieanxpireayrGL� _tZO.---,1sG�J STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF TURNER This/,LL�L as of 4oie3K , 1941 personally came before me l_ a NoiAry Public in and for the a p and county a oresaid, who being by me duly sworn, says a e Tm to common seal�� the Ashburn Bank, and is acquAiAted with'_ who is�reVl eat of s d corp r t on, and a CC��44 �f 1s aenret��. n ration and saw a sal"resident sign the foregoing instrument and saw the said common seal of said corporation of--4, to egid instrument by R - CC signed hie name In attestation of the ezecu on e! said ins£rusent -J in the presence of the said president of aid cor r t10 Witness my hand and seal this day of ; 1941. Art+e•A—.w My commission expires: ~~� STAT& OF %Sul COUNTY OFjF: a Notary Public in and for the State ando 9 sre 7certify that Lucy Hurst Sullivan and Jeromvas this kn eraonally appeared before me and aoowl- ; edged the due execution y as of the foregoing instrument, and the i said Lucy Hurst Sullivan a of Jerome Sullivan, being by me privately examined, separate and ap from her said husband, touching her volun- tary execution of the same, doth state that she signed the am* freely and voluntarily and without fear, force or oompulsion on the part of her said husband, or any other person, and that she does still v 1 tarily assent thereto. Witness my hand and official seal, this of 194L NOTARY PUBo.. r .1(, :5•� C•'.a N.Y.Gcak '.:h1,: ajNo. my commission expires: coda.. r,wnx„�nxtmu STATE OF GEORGIA C COUNTY OF TURNJW \ I, a Notary Public in and for the County. and Stave atoresald do ere yy cer p that Leo T. Barber, Mortgagee per- sonally appeared before me tDis day and acknowledged the due execution by him of the foregoing and.anaeied inaArument. Witness my headandNotsriA•1j"sl„fkds._ day of _ 1941,1 'i a erg, u My commission expires: SPATE OF GRDRGIA COUNTY OF TURNER I, 11utik �i L..M.c . A Notary Public in and for the State and County nforea , o e"y oertif� that 0. B. Jarman Katherine 7armaa, W. C. Jarman and Clara Jarman this day personally appearer before me+.and acknowledged the due execution by them ot:the fbregoing instrument, and the said Katherine Jarman, wife of q B. Jaxmdn and Clara Jarman, wife of W. C. Jarman being by me privately ezaminsar, separate and apart from their said hueban&s touobing their voluntatyi'exedutldn of the same loth state, that they signed the same freely nnd'Volunthrily, and'withoui fear, force or com- pulelon on the part of their said husbands, or any other person, and that they do still voluntarily assent thereto Witness my hand and official seal, this 11 day of Phes, 19411 N.roro FMMc. SnM e� GnR. A+. 4 O ar ll o My oommission expires: 1w• ' &TTATE OF 6BOR@i COUNTY OF I, T� r++✓ , n Notary Public in and for the State and County o o Betaby oe;tiiy�that'DeoP@►IEreY�+yi►dr#lta��8�a1} Hur6t,Jlh1szday,V sonally•appear before nee and acknowledged the due axe- oution by them of the foregoing,iapt4d the said Sarah Hurst, wife of George B: Hurst, being by me pfi_ tibly..,eaddmmined separate and apart from her said husband touohing•her vol untary_exeouvion br'one,same•, nova state that she signed the same freely and voluntarily, and without fear, force or compulsion on the part of her said husband, or any other person, and that she does still voluntarily assent thereto. Pp,,,,,, Witness my hand and official seal, this day f ury u�� • namSssi. i c c , 1" L NORTH CAROLINA: ONSLOW COUNTY: The fore ,going,Cer�iflept•s.of Hoyt H. Whelchel State Of Houltri• AjeQ:g4a, Bounty.Of Coigiritjj,4barlee D. -coons Notary Public Sta'te'of North CdrGlina CAt%nty of OnRlow County, Oeoraia L. Boland Ndtary Public of StatC`dr Georgia CoulifYOf ' i0* C49 q Ta9 . tan State of North Carolina County of ------- oNS OWW----------------------------- THIS GRANZ Made and entered into this__ j;�1 .57�--- day of— by and between_-H- A- Unix--d_wife_ Beatri*a W., Zoamen, of the-Dounty_of-.0+glos*_RLate of North Carolina parti4d__of the first part, and TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY, a corporatieh under the laws of the State of North Qumlina, party.of the second part, WITNESSETH: { OC THAT the part ids of .the first part, in consideration. of the sum of ;_T� � ` in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do_____ -_,hereby sell and -grant-unto the TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY, party of the second part, its successors and assigns, a right-of-way and easement, one hundred (100) feet in width, upon, over and across,_..__ that_____-_ certain tract___- or parcel__ of land situate in the County _.____... __ ___, State of North Carolina, and more specifically described as follows: In Jacksonville Township, Onslow County 62tuated on the West side of the Northwest Branch of New River and being a part of the Doctor Z. W. Ward or Yardmar Stephand lands situated on the Nest side of the public road leading tray Jacksonville over the South West Bridge in Onslow County and BZM301M in Nby4•s Ditch on the public road aforesaid leading from Tacksonville to South crest Bridge; thence with We. Henrietta A. Tarman•s lower line North 35 degrees East 32 chains; thence in a straight line with said liver line to J. A. Raynor•s line; thence with said line to Gabriel* Soott•s corner in the Dixon line; thence with said line South 23 degrees and 30 minutes East 10 46/100 chains; thence South 64 degrees West 29.10 chains; thence North 24 degrees hest 16.09 chains; thence South 67 degrees West 7.13 chains; thence South 72 degrees West 52.50 chains to the James Williams corner; thence South degrees East 34 chains to the Evand and Williams corner; thence South 46 degrees 30 minutes East through to a pocosin 53.30 chains to a pine stump, . the Bmby corner; thence South 43 degrees and 30 minutes East 6.16 chains to a light wood stump on the South side of the main r64dthence along and with the various courses of said main road to the beginning, there being sweeptod from the description above Said right-of-way being for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining one electric trans- mission line, of wood or steel structures, including the necessary wires, poles, guy wires, and fixtures, and telephone wires and fixtures necessary for the operation of said line, the said right-of-way to ex- tend fifty (50) feet on each side of the center line thereof, which center line has heretofore been agreed upon, surveyed, marked and staked on the ground across said premises. The party of the second part shall have the right to make such changes, alterations and substitutions in said line of structure, from time to time, as to it may seem advisable or expedient. And the right is further granted to the party of second part, its successors and assigns, to keep said right-of-way and ease- ment clear of all structures and undergrowth for the full width thereof and to cut away and keep clear of said line and wires all trees or other obstructions that might in any way endanger the proper operation of the same, including all trees off the right-of-way which in falling might endanger the line. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part_ 1i4 of the first part ha—'"- hereunto set_. theirT_hand s and seal-, the day and year first above written. IV-- —(SEAL) �ert,. t.i.i • EAL) (SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF — ----- — ---- — -- I, aforesaid do hereby certify a Notary Public in and for the County and State Personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution by h of the fore- going and annexed instrument. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, this day of 19_ Notary Public. My commission expires: --------- —__---------- 19_ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF---On510W I,I�� a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, do hereby cerf3f that H• A. Jazman and-- _ Beatrioe W. Jasmn, his wife V —_this day personally appeared before me, and acknowledged the due execution by them of the foregoing hwtru- ment, and the said Beatrice We 7armsn - wife Of H. A. Jarman --, being by me privately examined, separate and apart from her said husband, touching her voluntary execution of the same, doth state, that she signed the same freely and voluntarily, and without fear, force or compulsion on the part of her said husband, or any other person, and that she does still voluntarily assent thereto. Witness my hand and official seal, this__AJ�day of My commission expires:-____4%'3L__—, 19_4'3 Form 244 CML 1 Carolina Poww & Light Co,npan,, V / Company Correspondence L June 17, 1991 Ms. Katherine Whitaker O F F I C E RE: AT&T Communications Inc., UG Fiber Optic Cable placement from Raleigh through Kinston, Jacksonville to Wilmington (Filed in C1055 J20) Dear Katherine: Attached for indexing and filing are CP&L's duplicate encroachment agreements granted to AT&T, dated June 19, 1989. Schedule Two identifies which properties they affect. Also attached is the duplicate license agreement for encroaching onto transmission line right of way. Schedule One identifies the lines, RW map numbers, and easement location. Yours very truly, Howard F. Chestnut HFC/ppt Attachments cc: Mr. Bob Via Mr. G. L. Layaan Mr. J. L. Higgins Mr. C. Bonfield Mr. B. R. Burgess Mr. S. P. Banks v fz� :,,;, NAME OF PROPERTY Wake County Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot Auburn 230 kV Sub Lot Johnson County Wilson Mills 115 kV Sub Lot Selma Area Office Lot Wayne County Lee Steam Electric Lot Lee Steam Electric Lot Lee 230 kV Sub Lot Lenior County Wommack 115 kV Sub Lot Onslow County Jacksonville 230 kV Sub Lot New Hanover County Wilmington Trans. Maintenance Build Lot 40815-1 40815-1A 40815-2 40815-3 40815-4 40815-5 40815-5 40815-5 40815-6 40815-7 40815-9 RW-D-2183 RW-D-2183 L-A-3584 L-A-3979 L-D-6070 R-A-10846 R-A-10856 L-D-5618 TWP A-223 RW-A-1786 L-D-3591 1068 1068 1721 1680 2395 771 772 2452 1188 1209 1666 u LINE NAME AND P&P NUMBER RW MAP AND NUMBER Milburnie - Chestnut Hills 115 kV, TD-10751, Sh's 1-2 TD-10124, Sh. 1 Harris - Wake 230 kV, TD-14323 RW-D-6%5, Sh's 23, 22, 21 Milburnie - Lee 230 kV Lee - Milburnie Section 230 kV, TD-11031, Sh's 25-1 l RW-D-485, Sh's 20-10 Wake - Wommack 230 kV Wake - Selma 230 kV, TD-13307 RW-D-5542, Sh's 9, 10 Selma - Lee 230 kV, TD-13270, Sh's 1-8 RW-D-5542. Sh*% 11-IQ Lee - Wommack TD 13472 RA' D «4: %h % 20 14 Wommack - Kinston 115 kV, TD-13408, Sh. 1 RW-D-4432, Sh's 1, 2 LaGrange - Jacksonville (TWPG) E224, Sh's S7-10, N6-2 aka Wommack - Jacksonville 110 kV, TD11003, Sh's 1-19 Jacksonville - New Bern 230 kV TD-11419, Sh. 19 RW-D-2102 Jacksonville - Jacksonville 115 kV West Tie TD 11988, Sh's 3-1 RW-D-1685, Sh. 18 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 230 kV TDA 1421 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 aka Sutton - Jacksonville 115 kV Holly Ridge - Jacksonville 110 kV (TWPCo.) 39D, TD 13908, Sh's 7-10 aka Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 115 kV TD-14066, Sh's 27-24 'V A (, � . . y\ (U) Ol C`�330 C4�� 9 J3� State of North Carolina County of. _ c T'T------------------•--------------- P� - r THIS GRANT, Made and entered into this- yc3 ------day of by and between_�1ftAX/#JMUK_Ax&_xLft - _Edna-- tha_ CouUy of Osslow State of North Carolina part-Less of the first part, and TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of the State of North Carolina, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: THAT the par it •s of the first part, in consideration of the sum of ;__fQ in hand paid 0 by the party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, de_._ . hereby sell aid grant unto the TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY, party of the second park its successors and assigns, a right-of-way and easement, one hundred (100) feet in width, upon, over and across,_-__ths-t— ___ certain tract__ or parcel_ of land situate in the County state of North Carolina, and more specifically described as follows: BZM=31G at as iren stake the Southwest corner of lot of Charles D. Eeonce and running theca Southwardly and parallel with the Street loading iron the Court Hours to Murrell Circle 71 foot to the line between lot f¢ and lot 15 as shoal oz the plot of grill Subdivision rich is recorded in Plat Book f1. page 22, Caslow County ANastry; theses westwerdly with the original dividing line between lots #4 and #5 to Now River; thanes up and with the river approziaately 71 fact; thence Motwardly and parallel with the second line barsia described is the beginning. The above described land being the aaoe land conveyed by R. C. warlick and wife, Mildred M. ltarlick, to Coleman H. Bysm by lood dated August 16, 1%1, and recorded in the office of the Register of Doeds of onslow County in Book 194, page 292, reforence to khich deed is horeby cede for a more particular description of the lands heroin referred to. Said right-of-way being for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining one electric trans- mission line, of wood or steel structures, including the necessary wires, poles, guy wires, and fixtures, and telephone wires and fixtures necessary for the operation of said line, the said right-of-way to ex- tend fifty (50) feet on each side of the center line thereof, which center line has heretofore been agreed upon, surveyed, marked and staked on the ground across said premises. The party of the second part shall have the right to make such changes, alterations and substitutions in said line of structure, from time to time, as to it may seem advisable or expedient. And the right is further granted to :the party of second part, its successors and assigns, to keep said right-of-way and ease- ment clear of all structures and undergrowth for the full width thereof and to cut away and keep clear, of said line and wires all trees or other obstructions that might in any way endanger the proper operation of the same, including all trees off the right-of-way which in falling might endanger the line. TOGETHER WITH an easement and right-of-way for an electric transmission line upon and along the roads, streets, or highways adjoining the said tract___ or parcel _ of land. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED between the parties hereto that the party of the second part shall have the right to enter upon the premises hereinabove described for the purpose of construct- ing its said transmission line, and that all poles, towers, wires, and other apparatus and appliances located at any time on said right-of-way and easement shall be and remain the property of the party of the second part and may be removed by it at any time. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part ham__ hereunto set_. :4��___-han&k and seals.-, the day and year first above written. i0kpAL) (SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF .......... --- ----- - --- - - - -- --- 1,--------____-----_-----_ _ —, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid do hereby certify that --- personally appeared before we this day and acknowledged the due execution by h`_ of the fore. going and annexed instrument. Witness my band and Notarial Seal, this -day of_ , 19— Notary Public. My commission STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF - - - --------- 1, JAI414Y�P�__� a Notary Public in and for the State and County , aforesaid, do hereby certify that_____C_�i-..�•••-• �d ------►--�''"`''-- - - —_this day personally appeared before me, and acknowledged the due execution by them of the foregoing instru. meat, and the said_5�s.�_ �?�M-�+-•--- — Wife of--�;� „ ,,., _-- , being by me privately examined, separate and apart from her said husband, touching her voluntary execution of the same, doth state, that she signed the same freely. and voluntarily, and without fear, force or compulsion on. the part of her said husband, or any other person, and that she does still voluntarily assent thereto. Witness my hand and official seal, th1e___4day of �JJ liotarr�Public. My commission expires:_-. �a`_'L____-,1! �%`- �ox'T$ �' o�IINN_�h Form 244 CML Carolina Power & Light Company Company Correspondence Ms. Katherine Whitaker O F F I C E Cqq -131 L2K June 17, 1991 RE: AT&T Communications Inc., UG Fiber Optic Cable placement from Raleigh through Kinston, Jacksonville to Wilmington (Filed in C1055 J20) Dear Katherine: Attached for indexing and filing are CP&L's duplicate encroachment agreements granted to AT&T, dated June 19, 1989. Schedule Two identifies which properties they affect. Also attached is the duplicate license agreement for encroaching onto transmission line right of way. Schedule One identifies the lines, RW nap numbers, and easement location. Yours very truly, Howard F. Chestnut HFC/ppt Attachments cc: Mr. Bob Via Mr. G. L. Layman Mr. J. L. Higgins Mr. C. Bonfield Mr. B. R. Burgess Mr. S. P. Banks NAME OF PROPERTY Wake County Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot Auburn 230 kV Sub Lot Johnson County Wilson Mills I IS kV Sub Lot Selma Area Office Lot Wayne County Lee Steam Electric Lot Lee Steam Electric Lot Lee 230 kV Sub Lot Lenior County Wommack 115 kV Sub Lot Onslow County Jacksonville 230 kV Sub Lot New Hanover County Wilmington Trans. Maintenance Build Lot AT&T NUMBER DWG, NUMBER FILE NUMBER ] 1 40815-1 RW-D-2183 1068 40815-1 A RW-D-2183 1068 40815-2 L-A-3584 1721 40815-3 L-A-3979 1680 40815-4 L-D-6070 2395 40815-5 R-A-10846 771 40815-5 R-A-10856 772 40815-5 L-D-5618 2452 40815-6 TWP A-223 1188 40815-7 RW-A-1786 1209 40815-9 L-D-3591 1666 v I--.) --j LINE NAME AND P&P NUMBER RW MAP AND NUMBER Milburnie - Chestnut Hills 115 kV, TD-10751, Sh's 1-2 TD-10124, Sh. 1 Harris - Wake 230 kV, TD-14323 RW-D-6965, Sh's 23, 22, 21 Milburnie - Lee 230 kV Lee - Milburnie Section 230 kV, TD-11031, Sh's 25-11 RW-D-485, Sh's 20-10 Wake - Wommack 230 kV Wake - Selma 230 kV, TD-13307 RW-D-5542, Sh's 9, 10 Selma - Lee 230 kV, TD-13270, Sh's 1-8 RW-D-5542. Sh's 11-19 Lee - Wommack TD 13472 RW-D-5542. Sh's 20-34 Wommack - Kinston 115 kV, TD-13408, Sh. I RW-D-4432, Sh's 1, 2 LaGrange - Jacksonville (TWPG) E224, Sh's S7-10, N6-2 aka Wommack - Jacksonville 110 kV, TDI 1003, Sh's 1-19 Jacksonville - New Bern 230 kV TD-1 1419, Sh. 19 RW-D-2102 Jacksonville - Jacksonville 115 kV West Tie TD 11988, Sh's 3-1 RW-D-1685, Sh. 18 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 230 kV TD-11421 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 aka Sutton - Jacksonville 115 kV Holly Ridge - Jacksonville 110 kV (TWPCo.) 39D, TD 13908, Sh's 7-10 aka Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 115 kV TD-14066, Sh's 27-24 _ C�99 -3 7 L L-1) pto"351 State of North Carolina � Z J "' County of--4r,%"---------------------- - - = THIS GRANT, Made and entered into this---T-- __--.----day of --- .. ---, 190V by and ]clitd_l�_�iT11dkF__9L-tlla--CountT Aal", Stab of North Carolinas — ------ ------------------ ---------- ---------------- ----- - - - -- i parILML -of the first part, and TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of the J� State of North Carolina, party of the second part, 1 WITNESSETH - DD THAT the part_______ of the first part, in consideration of the sum of �.�� _________, in hand p - by the party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. do_____ hereby sell zM grant unto the TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY, party of the second part, its successors and ass*0 a right-of-way and easement, one hundred (100) feet in width, upon, over and across, -- AMA - ------ _-_ certain tract.--. or parcel_- of land situate in the County of-- ._.____�alow_-_-------- --------- -_----------- state of North Carolina, and more specifically described as follows: BBGIAMG at at ire& stale, the southwest carver of lot of Charles D. Koonce, running thezoe Testwardly by a line 71 feet from aad parallel to the live between lot A and #5 as shown on thoplat of Murrill Subdivision, recorded i& plat book #l, page 22, of the Onslow County Regi $rye to Now Riw r; thence up end with the river approzia&tely 71 feet; theace Sastwardly and parallel with the first lino described to the Northwest carver of lot of Charles D. Koonce; thence Soutbarly along said lot of Charles D, aoosse to the beginniag, saw being a part at the original lets #3 and #¢ of the Murrill Subdivision as set out ea the map rr plot of the same recorded iv plat book #1, page 22, Onslow County Registry, refersnoo to which map or plat is hereby made for a more particular description of the lot herein referred to. RECEIVED JAN 2 7 2010 Said right-of-way being for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining one electric ,trans- mission line, of wood or steel structures, including the necessary wires, poles, guy wires, and fixtures, and telephone wires and fixtures necessary for the operation of said line, the said right-of-way to ex- tend fifty (50) feet on each side of the center line thereof, which center line has heretofore been agreed upon, surveyed, marked and staked on the ground across said premises. The party of the second part shall have the right to make such changes, alterations and substitutions in said line of structure, from time to time, as to it may seem advisable or expedient. And the right is further granted to the party of second part, its successors and assigns, to keep said right-of-way and ease- ment clear of all structures and undergrowth for the full width thereof and to cut away and keep clear of said line and wires all trees or other obstructions that might in any way endanger the proper operation of the same, including all trees off the right-of-way which in falling might endanger the line. , TOGETHER WITH an easement and right-of-way for an electric transmission line upon and along the roads, streets, or highways adjoining the said tract_- or parcel__ of land. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED between the parties hereto that the party of the second part shall have the right to enter upon the premises hereinabove described for the purpose of construct- ing its said transmission line, and that all poles, towers, wires, and other apparatus and appliances located at any time on said right-of-way and easement shall be and remain the property of the party OU the second part and may be removed by it at anytime. �716i •— �'e----:9a4d" uo(setwwoa AX 'TW6i — P AVP --stq} 'Pray Islotl7° Pas pasg Aw ssau}IM °;stag} ;news Attas}unloA Ul}s seoP eqs pq} pus 'Wowed aeq}o Aus so 'pusgsnq pets. aaq ;o 4jw oq} ao uoMndut°o ao eoao; 'jea; Inog;tAi pus 'A[tas}untoA pas Apt amss aq} Pen8ts aqe }uq} 'a;s}s q}op °sates eq} ;o uot}noexe dts}mgos tag 8utgano} ` mRsnq Ptes aaq moo }awls Puw a}axedes `Pautm 3m Ata}seud am Aq Sutaq ' -- D. %�) ;o alm __ Pis eq} Pas '}aam -na}sat SatoBaio; aq} ;o maq} Aq uopnoexe anp eq; poSpalmours pas 'am aaoM paasadds Attsuosaad Asp stq}`— - — C'---�—� —per ---- A3t7jn Agaaeq op `ptssaxojx -4ano0 Pav s3v;8 aq} ao; Pus m alMnd Aj"°N Ri o-�: - 'I ---r-.--s-s- — .d0 A.LNnoo --� vxrioxvo IU710x ,do %Lvss --61 ' -- — ---- -_ -: eattdxa uotsstmmoo A]K 'ollgnd AxwpK 61 ` ;o Asp- sty IMS PJM°N Pns Psi Am ssau}lM luemna}eat paxamm pus SutoS -ao; ag};o -q Aq uopnaexe anp aq} paSpatmougas Pas Asp stq} am aaojaq peawdds AMmoued --------}sq} A;Wao Agaaaq op Ptseaaojv nvjS m A}unoo aq} ao; Ptm ul al[gnd AMox s Mas)--------- -- { -- -- " Aj.tMoo vHI'I42iv0 H.LiION 30 ad,VZS ua}}taes aeogs ;sat; auaA pas Asp sq} ` S teas Pug o}unaaaq 1;5�-I-wl VW WV eq; j° 'r=.7VW aq} joa aM SSaNZIM HI � w T ", .� 4 . �„ �, m � rJ t l� .� Form 244 ACM1Iq CV9 Carolina %~ & U91" Company (; 3 Company Correspondence L a June 17, 1991 Ms. Katherine Whitaker O F F I C E RE: AT&T Communications Inc., UG Fiber Optic Cable placement from Raleigh through Kinston, Jacksonville to Wilmington (Filed in C1055 J20) Dear Katherine: Attached for indexing and filing are CP&L's duplicate encroachment agreements granted to AT&T, dated June 19, 1989. Schedule Two identifies which properties they affect. Also attached is the duplicate license agreement for encroaching onto transmission line right of way. Schedule One identifies the lines, RW map numbers, and easement location. Yours very truly, 4a4w a** - Howard F. Chestnut HFC/ppt Attachments cc: Mr. Bob Via Mr. G. L. Layman Mr. J. L. Higgins Mr. C. Bonfield Mr. B. R. Burgess Mr. S. P. Banks NAME OF PROPERTY Wake County Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot Auburn 230 kV Sub Lot Johnson County Wilson Mills 115 kV Sub Lot Selma Area Office Lot Wayne County Lee Steam Electric Lot Lee Steam Electric Lot Lee 230 kV Sub Lot Lenior County Wommack 115 kV Sub Lot Onslow County Jacksonville 230 kV Sub Lot New Hanover County Wilmington Trans. Maintenance Build Lot 40815-1 40815-1 A 40815-2 40815-3 40815-4 40815-5 40815-5 40915-5 40915-6 40815-7 40815-9 RW-D-2183 RW-D-2183 L-A-3584 L-A-3979 L-D-6070 R-A-10846 R-A-10856 L-D-5618 1068 1068 1721 1680 2395 771 772 2452 TWP A-223 1188 RW-A-1786 1209 L-D-3591 1666 /NIAcf nci. • v-I LINE NAME AND UP NUMBER RW MAP AND NUMBER Milburnie -Chestnut Hills 115 kV, TD-10751, Sh's 1-2 TD-10124, Sh. 1 Harris - Wake 230 kV, TD-14323 RW-D-6965, Sh's 23, 22, 21 Milburnie - Lee 230 kV Lee - Milburnie Section 230 kV, TDA 1031, Sh's 25-11 RW-D-485, Sh's 20-10 Wake - Wommack 230 kV Wake - Selma 230 kV, TD-13307 RW-D-5542, Sh's 9, 10 Selma - Lee 230 kV, TD-13270, Sh's 1-8 RW -D-5542. Sh's I 1-19 Lee - Wommack TD 13472 RW-D-5542. Sh's 20-34 Wommack - Kinston 115 kV, TD-13408, Sh. I RW-D-4432, Sh's 1, 2 LaGrange - Jacksonville ('I'WPG) E224, Sh's S7-10, N6-2 aka Wommack - Jacksonville 110 kV, TD11003, Sh's 1-19 Jacksonville - New Bern 230 kV TD-11419, Sh. 19 RW-D-2102 Jacksonville - Jacksonville 115 kV West Tie TD 11988, Sh's 3-1 RW-D-1685, Sh. 18 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 230 kV TD-11421 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 aka Sutton - Jacksonville 115 kV Holly Ridge - Jacksonville 110 kV (TWPCo.) 39D, TD 13908, Sh's 7-10 aka Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 115 kV TD-14066, Sh's 27-24 13 9 �7 State of North Carolina D County of. - am -ow ----------------------------------� THIS GRANT, Made and entered into this__ 11__ _day by and between_A T GrIffia,-dL--nad_�dii_�ail_Ea=14r1tt13,OS_ the Ca¢atv--jQt--Qm14- StatE__th Careliza� part leg of the first part, and TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of t State of North Carolina, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: j� THAT the parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of $ _��� ______, in hand p ' by the party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do-- --- hereby sell a� grant unto the TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY, party of the second part, its successors and assigns, a right-of-way and easement, one hundred (100) feet in width, upon, over and across ,_--------- Sha"_-_ certain tracts._ or parcel -a of land situate in the County of____ _- 48s1t7L____—_________ __ ____, State of North Carolina, and more specifically described as follows: IMIST TRACT: Lying and being near the town of Jacksonville, N. C. an the Nest side of the la" or avenue leading from the town of Jacksonville to the old Murrill residence, now known as the Murrill Circle, BEGINNING at the southeastward corner of lot #2 on the said lane or circle and running thence North 66 degrees 45 minutes Hest 150 feet, thence at right angle and runni southwardly 71 feet to the northwest corner of Chas. D. Koonce's line; thence South bb degrees 45 minutes East with Chas. D. Koonce's line 150 feet to the aforesaid lane or avenue; thence with the lane or &Tenn& Northeastwardly 71 feet to the beginning, and being a part of the lot #3 in Block E of the subdivision of the Annie R. Murrill property near Jacksonville, Onslow County Registry. SECOND TRACT: A certain tract of land located near the town of Jacksonville and on the West side of the lane leading to Murrill Circle, BEGINNING at C. D.•Roonee`s Northwest corner which is also the southwest corner of a lot owned by J. C. Pette way and running thence North 66 degrees Nest to New River; thence up and with the river approximately 71 feet to where the line dividing lots #2 and #�3 in Block N intersects said river and thence with the dividing line between lots #2 and #3 South 66;degrees Last to J. C. Petteway's Northwest corner; thence with the back line of J. C. Pettoway's line and parallel with the lane 71 feet to the beginning, refor to map recorded in Plat Book No 1. at page 22, Onslow County Registry. The above described two tracts of land being the same -lands sold and conveyed by J. C. Pettsway and wife, Leontiae Pattoway, and E. L. Ketchum and wife, Sybil C. Ketchum, to A. T. Griffin and wife, Ldna Earl Griffin, by deed dated July 12, lkl, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County in Book 194, page 192, referehee to which deed is hereby made for a more particular description of the lends herein referred to. Said right-of-way being for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining one electric trans- mission line, of wood or steel structures, including the necessary wires, poles, guy wires, and fixtures, and telephone wires and fixtures necessary for the operation of said line, the said right-of-way to ex-, tend fifty (50) feet on each side of the center line thereof, which center line has heretofore been agreed upon, surveyed, marked and staked on the ground across said premises. The party of the second part shall have the right to make such changes, alterations,and substitutions in said line of structure, from time to time, as to it may seem advisable or expedient. And the right is further granted to the party of second part, its successors and assigns, to keep said right-of-way and ease- ment clear of all structures and undergrowth for the full width thereof and to cut away and keep clear of said Iine and wires all trees or other obstructions that might in any way endanger the proper operation of the same, including all trees off the right-of-way which in falling might endanger the line. No 7C&;i's aiz •rode oasre4,crlora jwxs&A0s fur o,w P.eoP,&rTl A/•/iA� /�iof AMf /:!7xt�r ��er�oaa_ ce,7..0/Ojg, n, . W,.;A4 oK'AN. TOGETHER WITH an easement and right-of-way for an electric transmission line upon and along the roads, streets, or highways adjoining the said tract__ or parcel___ of land. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED between the parties hereto that the party of the second part shall have tj a right to enter upon the premises hereinabove described for the purpose of construct- ing its said transmission line, and that all poles, towers, wires, and other apparatus and appliancea located at any time on said right-of-way and easement shall be and remain the property of the party of the second part and may be removed by it at any time. I r r IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part__ as of the first part have..-._ hereunto set -.-that y-. _ _ .hand_s_ and seal!-, the day and year first above written. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ----_-----_--_- I, f - (SEAL) -- " (SEAS.) (SEAL) a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid do hereby certify that M------ _ Personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution by h of the fore- going and annexed instrument. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, this day 19— Notary Public. My commission expires:----____ _—, 19— STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA —� COUNTY OF CH 0K I,,� �L!%�,iQrt•_i , a Notary Public in and for the State and County , aforesaid, do hereby certify that A. T. Griffin,_1r, - and------- _ Edna FirLGriffin-------rthis day personally appeared before me, and acknowledged the due execution by them of the foregoing instru- ment, and the said,—_�_^__ ]Sdaa Earl Grlffin wife Of A. T. Griffin, Jr. _—_ --_, being by me privately examined, separate and apart from her said husband, touching her voluntary execution of the same, doth state, that she signed the same freely and voluntarily, and without fear, force or compulsion on the part of her said husband, or any other person, and that she does AM voluntarily assent thereto. Witness my hand and official seal, this—" of i Notary Pbblic. My commission expires : 2&�A eg, 19 " J Y l t f .' Z cz �S Form 244 cvq Pw4m a Ufm QX"Pow 73 Company Correspondence L June 17, 1991 Ms. Katherine Whitaker O F F I C E RE: AT&T Communications Inc., UG Fiber Optic Cable placement from Raleigh through Kinston, Jacksonville to Wilmington (Filed in C1055 J20) Dear Katherine: Attached for indexing and filing are CP&L's duplicate encroachment agreements granted to AT&T, dated June 19, 1989. Schedule Two identifies which properties they affect. Also attached is the duplicate license agreement for encroaching onto transmission line right of way. Schedule One identifies the lines, RW map numbers, and easement location. Yours very truly, 4a'r-W Howard F. Chestnut HFC/ppt Attachments cc: Mr. Bob Via Mr. G. L. Layman Mr. J. L. Higgins Mr. C. Bonfield Mr. B. R. Burgess Mr. S. P. Banks V I -;1 -- NAME OF PROPERTY Wake County Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot Milburnie 230 kV Sub Lot Auburn 230 kV Sub Lot Johnson County Wilson Mills 115 kV Sub Lot Selma Area Office Lot Wayne County Lee Steam Electric Lot Lee Steam Electric Lot Lee 230 kV Sub Lot Lenior County Wommack 115 kV Sub Lot Onslow County Jacksonville 230 kV Sub Lot New Hanover County Wilmington Trans. Maintenance Build Lot 40815-1 40815-1A 40815-2 40815-3 408154 40815-5 40815-5 40815-5 40815-6 40815-7 40815-9 RW-D-2183 RW-D-2183 L-A-3584 L-A-3979 L-D-6070 R-A-10846 R-A-10856 L-D-5618 TWP A-223 RW-A-1786 L-D-3591 1068 1068 1721 1680 2395 771 772 2452 1189 1209 M. ffms1"Fr I.VR1 M, LINE NAME AND P&P NUMBER RW MAP AND NUMBER Milburnie - Chestnut Hills 115 kV, TD-10751, Sh's 1-2 TD-10124, Sh. 1 Harris - Wake 230 kV, TD-14323 RW-D-6965, Sh's 23, 22, 21 Milburnie - Lee 230 kV Lee - Milburnie Section 230 kV, TD-11031, Sh's 25-11 RW-D-485, Sh's 20-10 Wake - Wommack 230 kV Wake - Selma 230 kV, TD-13307 RW-D-5542, Sh's 9, 10 Selma - Lee 230 kV, TD-13270, Sh's 1-8 RW-D-5542. Sh's 11.19 Lee - Wommack TD 13472 k W I ► S ♦h .: a 14 Wommack - Kinston 115 kV, TD-13408, Sh. 1 RW-D-4432, Sh's I. 2 LaGrange - Jacksonville (TWPG) E224, Sh's S7-10, N6-2 aka Wommack - Jacksonville 110 kV, TD11003, Sh's 1-19 Jacksonville - New Bern 230 kV TD-11419, Sh. 19 RW-D-2102 Jacksonville - Jacksonville 115 kV West Tie TD 11988, Sh's 3-1 RW-D-1685, Sh. 18 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 230 kV TD-11421 RW-D-1931, Sh. 34 aka Sutton - Jacksonville 115 kV Holly Ridge - Jacksonville 110 kV (TWPCo.) 39D, TD 13908, Sh's 7-10 aka Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 115 kV TD-14066, Sh's 27-24 UMI INF(` I VRl ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Progress Energy Carolinas' c/o Jody Wicker (Name of Property Owner) property located at Jadjacent to US Hwy 17, on easement rights -of -way shown on attached maw (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on New River , in _Jacksonville, Onslow County. , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Applicant's phone #: 919-774-2631 Mailing Address: He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by property owner proposing development) PEC is proposing to relocate a portion of the existing Castle Hayne 230kV Sub — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line, and co -locate that line on common structures on the existing Jacksonville — Jacksonville City 115kV overhead electric transmission line right-of- way. This project is being done at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, to facilitate NCDOT's rebuilding of the US Highway 17 bridge crossing the New River in Jacksonville, NC. (Information for Property Owner Applying for Permit) Progress E'1107y Carolinas c/o Mr. Jody Wicker 1025 Frazier Drive Sanford, NC 27332 919-774-26 (Riparian Property Owner Information) Signature Z!!�— M u k) Print or Type Name G? 1 i 1 2 d-4 e,4�9 /