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HomeMy WebLinkAboutReefCERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION _Y FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K .0203. cant Name �U i� e r Phone Number ess State L Zip !2.'j- :ct Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) /Vfi�k✓12id�=ter /> j 11 1�1 S UyN! /t; 'L&�- fl i 1 ffN Ill ana uimensions of rruicci )roposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA pe e is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. Following expii ment pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be necE A permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. obtaining any other State, Federal, or Local authorization. ETCH 111J7 �'4'� (SCALE: f1,t 1C-NMENT A, t-,/S%/A,6- Tov <ifi( v/r 7 C yr"F /J�' w •r�-c Ale w /Ivy /ir,/T-Iep. 0%/ O CA 7'! /o W/ Aug. 11. 2011 11,15 No. 0846 P. 2 CERTIFICATION OF E XEMPTION FkOwRE.QUIRIN:G A CMA'PERNII7 as autnorized by'tha Stets of tJi�rth Carolina, Departmant of'Envirdriment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Ccastal Resources Com,nission in an.wea of.environmen:al concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K .0203. Applicant Name Jr �_ /a ,,,Stets Roadi Water Body, eta j S,e"ts A -A a T..c.� 'Type and Climensions of Project 4ti4,g-;N L�•v, The proposed'prged•ta be'Idcated and constructed as described above is hereby cedrffied'as. exempt from the LAMA, permit fe- qu.rement:pursuWA to• 1S NCAG 7K .0203. This exemption to CAMA'permit tequimments does. not alleviate the necasshy of your chief ning any other State, Fedeial; br tocal'authorization. State A 'C �d 3rfu . Zip 4 g This certification of exemption from requiring a LAMA permit is valid for 90 days from the.ea of issuance_ Following expiration, a re-examination of the project and project site may be necessary to continue this certification. S}LETCy F'.%l� E ��/ .� ti' N v�✓� (SCALE; ........ ... . '. P�'t� �.r✓ r,� • 5 A���n�nrr ors � �rsr,�v� Po'iJ�� .. .. ,...�. _ . .. ����Gl'/o•✓ ram.'/�- �gc L�I'rlif�[ c l ... t 1l V } e'al Vk5,y .T any person who,prceeed's:with a'devellopment without1he•i bri- . /( fJ 19 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL_ "Labor and Materials for the Replacement of Chain Link Fencing Around the Tennis Court" THIS IS NOT AN ORDER OFFICIAL SEALED ONLY RFP NUMBER: 020 ISSUE DATE: 06-22-11 Bid prices and terms shall be firm for a minimum of sixty (60) days from the date of bid opening, unless otherwise specified in this Request for Bid or negotiated by Topsail Reef HOA Purchasing Services. DO NOT FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED BID Please hand deliver or mail via carrier to: RFP 020 CHAIN LINK FENCE INSTALLATION TOPSAIL REEF HOA INC 2224 NEW RIVER INLET RD UNIT 131 N TOPSAIL BEACH, NC 28460 DUE DATE: 07-06-2011 4:00 PM EST All Correspondence Must Reference the RFP Number. AGENT: SUSAN PRATHER — 910-328-1250 Unless otherwise noted, public openings will be shortly after the date and time specified. Award(s), i any, will be made as soon thereafter as possible. The bid abstract will be on file and is open to public inspection only after award determination has been made. Topsail Reef Homeowners Association Inc. requests bids for -- The labor and material cost to remove existing fencing material, dispose of all debris from removal process and install New Chain Link Fencing with 1 gate for the Topsail Reef Property Tennis Court located on New River Inlet Road. The existing fence to be removed and replaced is 118' X 114" with a 4 ft Gate. The New Gate will include a locking mechanism. Warranty: Please state or attach all warranty information applicable to this job/replacement. All warranty mus- be stated and not implied. Is a Certificate of Insurance available upon request? Yti S Description of all work to be done based on this RFP. (A full description is required for any bid to be considered.) Photos jof fencing and fencing products may also be included with your sealed bid. 10 0V4— Q/f /XlS�l.c� T'/r'.ccI19 00VO4C,,,� rrk r3 0 Tk5f-4II nr'u/ i�aelkq loroe( t+-nerKf Gle�Lt i�d�p yexe / - 4 1 Wyman's Fencing 407 Inverness Dr Hubert, NC 28539 (910) 326-8765 Cell: (910) 340-2506 Proposal To: Topsail Reef HQA Date of call Address: 2224 New River Inlet Rd, Unit 131 N Topsail Beach, NC 28460 Telephone: 910-328-1250 z7— 371-Y Email: propertymanager(a-) Note: RFP: 020 Chain Link Fence Installation Green coated vice black will increase the cost. June 21, 2011 Estimate Date: July 5, 2011 Estimator: Pat Wyman Estimate: $8,733.15 Estimate: Black Coated - $9,917.67 Date Finished: Type: 10' Chain Link fence Property markers must be visible. Fence lines must be clear of trees, bushes and debris. Sketch Pat Wyman Owner / Installer Hm: (910) 326-8765 Cell: (910) 340-2506 Warrantee: Wyman's Fencing Installation and Repair 407 Inverness Dr. Hubert, NC 28539 nansfencing0 ec.mcom htip://www.w-,/i-nansfencing.coni Wyman's fencing will warrantee all workmanship and materials for a period of one year from date of installation. Upon notification of a defect or problem Wyman's Fencing will schedule to inspect and repair as necessary. Minor touch-ups not involving fence security will be taken care of as time permits. After the one year period Wyman's Fencing will perform repairs at the lowest possible cost to the customer. The customer's satisfaction is priority for Wyman's Fencing. We will do all we can to rectify any discrepancies as soon as possible. Any questions, please feel free to contact Pat Wyman at the numbers listed above. Aug. 11. 2'011 11:15 No.0846 P. 1 TOPSAIL REEF HOMEOWNERS ASSOC. INC. 2224 NEW RIVER INLET ROAD, UNIT 131 N. TOPSAIL BEACH, NC 28460 (910) 328-1250 FAX (910) 328-3788 TO: Jason Dail OF: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management FAX: 910-395-3964 PAGES: 2 Pages including cover letters DATE: 8-11-11 MESSAGE: Our signed Certificate of Exemptions, thank you for all your help. Susan Prather Property Manger I, Mason' n: Dail, Jason t: Thursday, August 11, 2011 10:42 AM '' ject: Attn:Susan - CAMA Maintenance and repair for fence surrounding tennis court isan, ,e attached a copy of the exemption for the fence repair around the tennis court. Please sign the exemption an ?r fax or email it back to me. iks, •h Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources .ion of Coastal Management n Dail Representative Cardinal Drive Ext. iington, NC 28405 ie: (910) 796-7221, Fax: (910)395-3964 v. nccoastalmanaaement. net ase note that e-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public reco and may be disclosed to third parties.*