HomeMy WebLinkAbout63263D - HargroveCAMA / DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# Vew -jModification ❑Complete Reissue G'Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued zed by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Al / /� )astal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC �1 ules attached. Name BrOnY-4fVVOP Project Location: County /44�„ �Tt2�i'y1 yt Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) �Or f� State zip / Z% 7r� ;� ' U' 414 Fax # ( ) '� Subdivision d Agent f hr1,r S city W/ 4-,,,;, 7�r� zip ElCW ❑ EW ❑ PTA QES ❑ PTS Phone # (-11t) S :5-I River. Basin ❑ OEA ElHHF ❑C IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A Adj. Wtr. Body !� Y (nat XT El PWS: ❑ FC: ,/� s: / no PNA yes /l'y Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj. Wtr. Body i 1110i■■■■IuM■■MEM IMEMEMEMEM ■NUA■■■■MLIMEN M. ■�l■■■I■�■dam■ MEN ■■■■■■■■■HII OMNI ■c■ * ■MM■■■■„■■■■■■I._Ilion r` /10 (Scale: UW on bs. dte ack regarding River Basin ru Date Received Check From (Name) Name of Permit Holder Check Number Check amount Permit Number/Comment: 5/2/14 Wells Brothers Capel and Bratton 45200 $800.00 GP 63249D, 63250D 4/29/14 Coastal NC Real Estate LLC 2033 $100.00 103-08 mod 5/5/14 Clements Marine Dan Smith 3421 $200.00 63245D 4/25/14 F & S Marine Hargrove 3711 $800.00 63263D, 63264D 4/17/14 Boatzright Inc Harris 1717 $200.00 63227D Division of Coastal Mgt. Habitat Impact Computer Sheet )licant:mYgY-OIOC Permit #: �32 >cribe below the HABITAT disturbances for the application. All values should match the name, and units of measurement nd in your Habitat code sheet. )itat Name DISTURB TYPE Choose One TOTAL Sq. Ft. (Applied for. Disturbance total includes any anticipated restoration or temp impacts) FINAL Sq. Ft. (Anticipated final disturbance. Excludes any restoration and/or temp impact amount TOTAL Feet (Applied for. Disturbance total includes any anticipated restoration or temp impacts) FINAL Feet (Anticipated fina disturbance. Excludes any restoration andh temp impact amount) Dredge El Fill Both El Other ❑ 0 Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ �►w North Carolina Department a `� ` ' • Di0sior of C aeve!;y Eaves Perdue 'aFT (M NC 2W Govanor (91T7 256-1W AGENT AUTI Name of Property Owner Applying for Nrrgl t f Owner's Mailing .ACJ-,ass �! o gyp& L N.9Va J Pliono Number t o a 0- o l O p �ulfiaib n y r , r r., Phone Number L X I c&,y that i have akuhorited t`+e agent L•sted above :o act en my tet,atf, for the purpose of applying far 2 4 obtairir.g all CAMA Permits nacessary to :nsta!! or constru I Ih fonow'ng tacbwty) VVl): :shy.irIC - t 4, prGpe !xatoi) at TIM inns CBrtiriCali4n t8 veii thin (date; Property Ow,,4r signature Date RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC APR 2 5 2014 MMON OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ACUACEUr iWARIAN PROPERTY OWWR MOTORCATKMWAWVER FORM N&M of P,CO" OWfW �/��Aw — Add M$ of Ptopsrly r /t,r r V� • �1,.,n, n t, 1 U l t''/_I ! - (L01 or 80 eft •vr Rand. C4 i god 3/45P.- b tAlt aboti! ndsre,toad pt "t - The tndiv+dust 1 *ft a.r!!}y dm 1 h dew*pop"a� as Shawn an 00 �Msdwd dtawtnkoo do" o nord 1glttiyklq to oft Ittb ONRS !Ma d ff" we amposlm A mambo ! V 1 have no objections to this prnPa MI— t have uhjwions to this prop )W. MOW.-, » WWII "ypW*osa4 ro muw xm/ mo okkto at comwMitts�f fro b w<Mr 111br.tNrsil a/dtir nsMra Oct shomid N ■ mko a to f�lAaM tlt� 1Ltt. eonwd at p itt# hits oft - "W o � r WAND EIQTfON / q a orQom► Aa�f toed t ixidarsbtd IRN • pier, dodt, rrto� P b""r'�• peatl� Ma a nMmum &NWM of ib' "M my at oomion mom wom Wed by M. Of VW GW In WW. ntt, $* b o. you MWIM lld t do *kb to Wolin tlM 4 T tioomm t MWJV~- 1 too wet whh to own to 15 a.- . t mqt�• \, �p Ott W b ko"afens G�ur+t Nwd or TOM NAMU �3'� Q t hV L ,w �Ac6m W1 f of loJ41N , Arc 18s 03 d_ >o Ol0a Darr 4 PAW or Tod WORD y 3Ri2leami&r * 7 AIC,244463 9/0 -� a0.9��sg' ratprt"momw _ 4-/6 &M&W2 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONNVAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner. l Address of Property /i L l „'h ��� f t/il __-�_._. _ t ;Lot of Street streetRoad r g ntyi Agent's Name # �, f Mailing Address Agent's phone # I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the deveiopment they are nroposing A desccietion or drawino with dimensions must W provided with. I have no objections to this prorx)utl. 1 have objections it, tlis prormosal. N you haw objections to what Is being Propassd, you must noNry the Dh*ftn or Coastal Wnagerywnt (DCM) in writing wwn 1 o days of recs4w o/ this nobcs. Comwpondor" should be mailed to 127 Cardinal Driw Ert, wwmington, NC, 29405, W. DC9r repressnWres can also be contacted at (910) 790.7215. No n4xwrso is conskbrd the soma as no ob. bon Nyw haw born not~ by CertHtsd malf. WAIVER SECTN �l IO" f 1 understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, bo , lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unlees werved by me (If you wish to waive the Setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement 1 do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) .Sipnaleire (., Pnnt or Type 3 '� u LA) I—WL y 6,iiet Me►Mty Address ' rt (N)� 61—Y 5tata2sp; j 9(I - 6;) L) Telephone Number (Adjacent Property Owner Information) St��+fururt L_L . E2 A -IT717 Print or Type Name L� F Msing Address AIL. C?ylstata2ip /v _ -S/ —C,ti � Telepho,io Number 1L.�ti ' yi ■'t� ^i.l&'OW OF COASTS t t EME !T AZJAMff PUPARI N PnOPERrY CONWER LIOTIFI.ATMMER FORM Nan apmpmoyo~ /�/f/►gY '•'�F/jlu Addrttt CO PtoDtrtlr' - (tAt or 8 er Road, ) ,. �� � �, - � 3�d �� .,,1 j, �► �t y rya {� N f J�' � �,n I -aYy aMly ttr, 1 QWr property ad,-cwt to the eta r0a!rVXed Wap"rho iMh vol oG"wi ifW5 �'�' " d ^ to m. a shmm on the atiad�ad drr Arq tlt4 d0v* ft WWI TrW eW V 2 have no objecb= to this propasrl. ___ . r hivr objections to tWq pmpcao}. NY" bm Otwrowo tt "W tt oft ptd0mtA lw ffrl* wit /M GAgw" In omwe olwit 16 *" or wt IA 1 of EW a'"i sbm* x awed to it? ftp~ Q by art, ftr,bV0W NC, 3tdWW& Dar,rpotnatomew arw be von#~ at ft nnpanw M 1 undwsrsnd tint ! PW, do* mom" ptti ". bukwrw. bft*=M Rk or pnAn must be sot beds o n+inirnum M*na of I& from My area CO r10t1lrn sc� uf6m wsh"d by m*• (14 YOu wits+ to w" 1lre setbnek, you iltta apprgtrtat6 btNtlt beta+•? aQ not w► h to W" ft is mastic rt4ut w4m tnea.ra o�.► t f� J g�w,r t?rA N �t4Rr1RVC Ark or Typ HMS 2 (a lit f.4 Ave Aftsm N�jNil root 3 c 23-24u'�1 l' 6 TiYpmm NU~ ------�-'4 t - Gmt DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIOWWAIVER FORM Nerve of Property Owner 1 r'��rr !��' f 6 _ Addfess of Proper 7 !;/z•t, (Lot or ftedtf, Sfteilbr Road. a ursty) Agent's Name s- (~ d i- f kft&V Address: AQent'a phofie if:1h?' ;/.tr ✓c� J _ ��-�"I,j �3vloi,N J I hereby oertify that I own Property adjsoant to the above referenced property. The individual app"p for this permit hse described to me as shown on tha attuned drawifq.the d*%iW frm%i +hay ate nrnposirtp. A deacdallo or OnNi g. with dmsr130tts. ONE be aovidad 'W" IMW. I have no objections to this prWoW. I have objection: to N9 propose). K you have i gge r 0ar (0 WWII ONnp Pn*"W, YOU mtnt rwfffy 00 DAAaiotr o1 CON" afsrrspt+ "Wff Xr* M ■Oft t.1IMn 10 days ar rscW a1 RO nooea. CO1tMpINIMAN irhotdd bs aa11 fo 1 t? Ca+dbW U6ft Ert, YNkrtkWW, NC, 2e405430 . 0M can.Mo a conbcftd of M16) raa.rlfa No mepamn f. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooting phinps, breakwow, boathouaa, ", or groin must be am bads a 01ttirnm dMdsnoe of 1 S from MY area of rlPstisn scoea W*ms wafvad by ma. (If you Wish to waive ttte setb". you the spQfopMste blank below) I do wfafr to waAre ore 15' s g*& frlQtilMMllft i do not wish to vmtva me 15 asback mcitkefrment jProp" Ownu htlbfi Ion) Mgnafum x 'H f4l2 l f'AW or TWO AAmw v L J AWling Atldreaa Lc Tairphi" Wumber jAd)soarrt Propwty Ownse kdoenamfon) ill 12 Jtghwum Pfw 0/ Type Name T&Vhom nhr.+ w TRM BULKHEAD Nr1T S; SALT /BRAGKbH {•LITER • n.rn.a na+,on Yw �D.. n»wtnn tY<,o.nro.tin r. ,nn ,.wuo n eY+w a..a •any»r r+! ,»tvw.w �Y telY�waar,u r..u,Wwnw wm.r<.mw:o Wirt: wY tNYt yet,Y. Hato w Yawl a nR.Y awolJ we a ,om »NWwi. Yvn<iD n Iw.rtO,® •MRD Y tvt•ct•u n, i»W A.�� w,. WrIR Wrt,dNit. Rnt �w. fIMrN n! _ nttt[t aiaD M ,.qtJ W IRl01.r'.t', J Y JfitRw'. 4N a. ta',aoJ wD M YA aND ■ NJ, d• 1411a!!0 A NIR .-M aN 1 a6ef a v!. •/au tYn A M lalNal M,wt IYtYWt<fa1aD a >m »R»J>twllN Etta) + a614 ww,Y'M.lPwla. lN.w YWUY rytbl alflYY u'M'!J 'oho tW.1n a. DMry . Y W N a utm[t Y", w,nlN � ! T tiaawciu) rA-N_agVM WPM K-M uv COWIVu �, � -0• aat�n lvt x,RYl11t a+rw.o. W4•R,ti •` .. .v..w Mo SCHEMATIC BULKHEAD LAYOUT PLAN SCALE: MS" • V-V,.aa.eYulaaaMwarn.a..x,u..owenY� B TYPICAL SPLK.ED HALER CONI•ECTION DETAIL �--)TIER BLEKHEAV SECTION'. �7 A M C_ RECEI DCM WILMIN( APR 2 5 CAPT. ED FLYNI Plors, Flo+ Ropaw P.O. BOX 865 Wrightm Als Beach, I 20 GR p �tNlflA`D �A�IC f 'Y X X qxb �t41•Ai►r welts �k�. CaNc(� � r'1 t �� � �,tr�►Er► f.�°lrmGra+7k°r � /�rLhlo/L U•7N �t�f+A• _ #,�i1n� mar DCM V, "'CEiVED V DCM WILMINGTON, NC `X64-A0Y 0 C T 1 S 2013 I ���rlDJset 9'6�rac,• �b %L4 I IC PrL�, � L