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63159D - Corbett
,�CAMA / -DREDGE &FILL ��, N .: 3ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# (New -Modification ❑Complete Reissue -Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued rized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources :oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC - zoo /1-_-� Rules attached. t Name �1, Project Location: County t) SttJla<- 2. Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) State NZ ZIP446n_ 1.13 Ul1oj Diulf . Fax # () Subdivision N�pt ed Agent k(�,16);klyl� City ZIP ❑ CW O�W kPTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Phone # ) W� H KA River Basin ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A Adj. Wtr. Body C (JUK (nat ❑ PWS: ❑FC: yes /Ono PNA yes no 1 Crit.Hab. yes /Ano) Closest Maj. Wtr. Body ' Project/ Activity igth nber i/ Riprap length distance offshore x distance offshore cannel iic yards I se/ Boatlift 2 X z d1dozing ►b`Of _ Length MMMM not sure yes no' not sure yes um:( n/a yes -- ,ttached: ig permit may be required by: (Scale: Or ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rt . r , Date Check Received Check From (Name) Name of Permit Holder Vendor Number Check amount Permit NumbeNCot 9/19/2014 Parker Construction Group LLC Parker Bank of the Ozark_ s 7431 $250.00 major fee, 1 Auditoriurr 9/19/2014 J & J Properties of Calabash 1 LLC Calabash Marina Citizens South 1422 $100.00 MP 74-05 renewal 9/19/2014 Seashore Realty Group, Inc. Heritage I, LLC Coastal Bank & Trust 3959 $100.00 MP 64-06 mod. Reque, 9/22/2014 Land Management Group, Inc_ Riverside Park Marina First Bank 44494 $475.00 major fee, Riverside Pa 9/22/2014 Howard and Janice Malpass same Wells Fargo 3787 $100.00 minor fee, Topsail Beai 9/22/2014 Danford & Associates Land Surveying, PC Loder-Strickland Wachovia 1793 $200.00 GP 64064D 9/22/2014 AC & Emily Skinner AC Skinnard _ NewBridge Bank 8478 $100.00 renewal, MP 23-07 9/22/2014 AWA Builders, Inc. same TD Bank 6979 _ $100.00 minor fee, NTB, 205 SE _ - 9/23/2014 Geoffrey & Stacy Alexander same - Wells Fargo_ 2305 $400.00 major fee, Bc_ _ 9/24/2014 CFPUA same B of A 55808 _Co.4302 $800.00 Vio# 14-17D 9/24/2014 Overbeck Marine Construction Inc Whelan SunTrust 4333 $100.00 mod. fee, MP 36-13 9/24/2014 Coastal Marine Piers Bulkheads LLC -lob A. Murphy Wells Fargo 19810 $250.00 major fee, NHCo. 9/24/2014 Barry & Shari Go same Lafayette Federal Credit Unic 2770 $250.00 major fee, Br. Co. Oak 9/24/2014 Willie Richardson Construction BB&T 5765 $800.00 GP 64007D @$200, GI 9/24/2014,Tidal Ventures- same BB&T 2026 $100.00MP1hansfer42-05 9/24/2614'9 & K Marine Construction - Prisilla Clark BB&T 1151 $200.00 GP 64065D 9/25/2014 Johnny J. Williams/Land Surveying William & Tracy Ellis First Citizens Bank 15247 $100.00 minor fee, TB, Pender 1 _ 9/26/2014 Southeastern Coastal Construction Co Ellison First Federal 9243 $200.00 GP 64066D 9/26/2014`!Charles Riggs &_Associates Inc Susan Brown _ First Citizens Bank 13649 $100.00 minor fee, NTB, Ons-Im - 9/26/2014 Charles Riggs &Associates Inc _ - James Gooch - First Citizens Bank 13650 $100.00 minor fee, TB, Pender i 9/26/2014 i Lincoln Bain Scott III/Renee Scott same PNCBank 684 $200.00 minor fee, NTB, Onslou 9/29/2014 GRA Construction Inc. Seaclusion, LLC (Mike Coltrane) First Bank 8406 $100.00 minor fee, Caswell Bch 9/30/2014 Allied Marine Contractors LLC ;Forrest Sound HOA B of A 6891 $100,00 MP 218-06 renewal 10/1/2014 Backwater Marine Construction Inc. Melton, Vidal-Tai BB&T L 1667 $600,00 GP 64010D@$4001GP 10/1/2014 Clements Marine Construction Inc Transfer/Jam Properties + GP First Citizens Bank 3594 $500.00 MV884-14 transfer@$1 i 10/2/2014 David Lee Builders, Inc - Rouse B of A 19688 $100.00 minor fee, SC 14-14 10/2/2014 Pippin Marine Construction, LLC James Davis Wells Fargo 3147 $200.00 GP 64032D 10/3/2014 John H. King Kenneth Samuel Catlett, Jr. NC SECU ! 1209 $200 00 GP 64068D 10/3/2014 Town of North Topsail Beach/Thomas Best same First Citizens Bank 38797 $475.00 major fee, NTB emec E _ 10/6/2014 Hoosier Daddy LLC Rockford Partners, LLC MP 99-10 Trust Atlantic Bank _ 11081 $100.00 transfer fee, 99-10 10/7/2014 Carolina Marine Construction, Inc. Faulk and Westra First Bank 9297 $400.00 1 GP 64072D & GP 6407 10/7/2014 Pamela Palladino Foxchase Farm same BUT 4561 $100.00' minor fee, SC 8811 2nr 10/7/2014 Thornton Builders & Investments LLC Gregory & Laurin Coiner BUT 1529, $100.00 minor fee, lot 14 Penim 10/8/2014 Robert & Margaret Haag same Wachovia 1026 $400.00 major fee, 6702 13th Ai 10/8/2014 Wellman's Construction, Inc. - -- same BUT 116801 $100.00 NTB Ex 14-28 & NTB E 10/8/2014 LPM Revenue Share LLC _ _ _ BUT 1134 $400.00 GP 63134 10/8I2014 Sunset Beach Holdings LLC _ - g Tidal Ventures _ __ BUT - 5013 -- $100.00-minor mod for MP42-0; Brenda Hooks - _ _ GP 64071 D @$200 10/8/2014 Grice Construction of Brunswick Co `Mark Pender LLC/David Jones BB&T 9900 GP 64014D @$200.00 $800 and Pam Despotes kGP 64074D @$200 - Jerry Smith _ GP 64013D @$200 - 10/8/2014 Stillwater Engineering Inc -- - -_ Winding River Seaside Marina/Smith i PNC Bank 5644 $600.00 GP_64070D 10/8/2014; Craig Allard GP 64091 D @$200 Antinori Construction Inc Eugenia Sellers B ofA 3231 $800.00 GP 64094D @$400 _ -M-L---C _----- --- ----_- _-_-_Dann Sasser GP8- 92D @$200 10/9/2014 Logan ar- ine Jam Properties/Dan Smith Coming Federal Credit Unior 1106 $200.00 GP64089D 10/9/2014 Pippin Marine Construction, LLC _Joe Owen Wells Fargo 3153 _ GP 64093D 10/10/2014[American Marine Construction INC (Charles Perry) _ Dan Corcoran First Citizens Bank __$200.00 $200.00'GP 63270D --- --- - -- - -__ 10/10/2014 FF and S Marine Construction Perkins ank _85698 4068 $200,00 GP 10/1312014 Wilburn L. and Jodie B. Owen same - NC SECU 5761 $50.00 NTB EX 14-26 10/14/2014 Ryan D. Cooper -� same _ NC SECU 1887 5200.00 1313 C r) 14.12:31p Tina Cook 910-579.3879 p2 WA North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources owision of Coastal Management Beverly Eaves Perdue James H. Gregson Dee Freem Governor fJirector Secret; AGENT AUTHORIZATICN FORM Date: . -:2 `l Game of Prop" Owner Applying for Permit: Name of Authorized Agent for this project: L 3wner's Mailing Address: 112-� SCL111 h am Sons e, F Reac k , A&��f :Ihorie Number L11) '2 _ I - .S I 'I Agent's Mailing Address V 0. 9Cx I -�q "; Phone Numberf ! ��� certify that I have authorized the agent listed above to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying or and obtaining all ;AMP, Permits necessary to install or construct the fallowing (activity) ;my property located) at t 313 C+�b A-- -PIZA vl✓, C- C! Fhis certification is valid thru (date) AA � kInortv.OwnPr Sinnatl1Me Date 14 02:01 p Tina Cook 910-579-3879 p.2 1% cm Lot D Blk 15R 5565.3 SQ. FT. UrCAM Buffer Se%ack titre iv m c; Ex isting ng o H RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NGJ Lot 2 — Blk 15R 14 02:02p Tina Cook 11 • +�.�lr ✓r ./ 910-579-3879 p.3 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT (FOR A PLERIMOORIIYG PLUNGSBOATLIFTBOOrATHO USE) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to �01� �l. �Q(` }�2..[ i 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at L6 ! Rlc k ls(� IM CQMI -Dr*t- , (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on GY1R 1 L �,_C1� «� LVG ;N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County() ` C Applicant's phone #:� �' � rlq Mailing Address: ' 2-3 �a� ��`t�4r J�_, S0A-SI--t&gNl a�g r He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. I understand that a pierhnooring pilings 1 boatlift! boathouse must be set back a minimum distance of fifteen feet (15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the approprifte blank below.) I do not wish to waive I do wish to waive that setback requirement. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To befilled in by individual proposing development) (Information for Property Owner Applying (Riparian Property Owner Information) for Permit) Mailing Address Signature ifAk1 0 _,P. /)! Ile, /P111) In, 14 02:02p Tina Cook 910-579-3879 p.4 ornplete items 1. Z and 3. Also complete em 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. rfnt your name and address on the reverse o that we can return the card to you. ttach UYs card to the hack Of the maiiplece, r on the front if space pem ts. Cticle Addressed to: Q j kc- k— a Si5.atLlwe --N, . X ! =' s �lerrea y (fanned D. Is delivery ad If YES, li ray ❑ Agent r ❑ Addressee C. Date of Delivery SEP 2 9 2414 3. Service f�R=Irt WMG cerrre o r�memcl © InsurediMWI ❑ CaltectonDeliver_y a rued Detivery7 Pdra Fee} ❑ Yes rude Number 7013 3020 0000 3719 6958 raosfer from service labW -orrn 3811, July 2013 Domestic B3tum Pmelpt