HomeMy WebLinkAbout63296D - Brady! CAMA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT V Previous permit# INew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued -ized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources I :oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC o ) RI ttand t Name V j� Statew C zip 29539 �99,'�Fax#ed Agentv iG11�� ❑ CW ❑ EW ❑ PTA � ES &TS ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A ❑ PWS: ❑ FC: yes no, PNA yes ro) Crit.Hab. yes Project/ Activity uesa c e . Project Location: County On )A I UK - Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) Subdivision ity �[�L NG ((` zip PM ne # —1 �C) 9 River Basin V j� Adj. Wtr. Body C' nat K, Closest Maj. Wtr. Body (Scare: z :k) length igth nber I/ Riprap length distance offshore b K distance offshore is yards p ;e/ Boatlift ilidozing : nnn/a yes um: Y� ttached: yes ig permit may be required by: [� See note on back regarding RivV, Basin r� DENR LAMA Dally Check Loa for WIRO Date Received I Check From (Name 6/18/2014'Grice Construction of Brunswick Q 6/19/2014 Hammocks at Shallotte Pointe LLC 6/20/2014 Villaver Law Firm 6/23/2014' Bank of A Money Order 6/23/2014 Carolina Marine Construction, Inc 6/23/2014 Reggie W. Barnes Jr Name of Permit Holder John Teague Steven Villaver Brandon Grimes Brandon Grimes Cord Grass Bav HOA 6/24/2014 Charles F. Riggs & Associates Inc. Giles Jeffreys & Lee Thornton Jason Dixon & Lee Thornton Mike Turbeville & Greg Coiner 6/24/2014 Richard L. and Erica J. Pence 6/25/2014 Clements Marine Construction Inc Dan Smith Charles Ashley Mann 6/25/2014 Snow Marine Construction & Dredging, Inc 6/25/2014 Elite Homes By Forrest Taylor, Inc. Cableu, LLC 6/25/2014 Grice Construction of Brunswick Counter H & H Construction H & H Construction 6/25/2014 Kleigh M. Prevatte _ Mike Cecil 6/25/2014 Backwater Marine Construction, Inc Craig Brady - _ Jim & Ma Beth Yeager John Lassiter Check Number I Check 9702 _ 1053 _ 5992 $200.00 GP 63202D 1139200122 $497.00 Vio# 14-03D B & B Marine 1139200122 + GP 63955D ($47) 9105 _ _ $400.00 GP 63957D _ 1200 $100.00 Transfer fee #70-09 13510 $600.00 GP 63952D @$200 GP 63954D @$200 GP 63953D $200 $200.00 GP 63924D $650.00 GP 63962D $400 _ Major fee Smith) $250 $250.00 Ma'or fee Mann NHCo $200.00 GP 639736 $400.00 GP 63958D @$200 _ G_P 63959D @$200 $260.00 G- 63960D _ $800.00 GP 63296D $400 I GP 63297D @$200 535 3488 8046 9710 1001 1557i Permit Number/Comme GP 63266D modification of MP fk IC Division of Coastal Mgt, Habitat impact Computer Sheet pplicant: Ca" ��2iG(,t, Permit #:�j�� (� late: lescribe below the HABITAT disturbances for the application. All values should match the name, and units of measuremen )und in your Habitat code sheet. labitat Name DISTURB TYPE Choose One TOTAL Sq. Ft. (Applied for. Disturbance total includes any anticipated restoration or temp impacts) FINAL Sq. Ft. (Anticipated final disturbance. Excludes any restoration and/or temp impact amount) TOTAL Feet (Applied for. Disturbance total includes any anticipated restoration or temp impacts) FINAL Feet (Anticipated fin; disturbance. Excludes any restoration and, temp impact amount) PDredge ❑ Fill Both El Other ❑ j Dredge ❑ Fill�i Both ❑ Other ❑ 6 v Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other I �Jv Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both 0 Other ❑ Dredge ❑ Fill ❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ --• --� vv. .i � .�a VV i 1 J`�JJ y 23 2C14 8-15P- HP Fax rll:t,z i?Iir I IUN l�tN I tW pa')e 5 PAGE 05/05 North Carolina or Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Name of Property Owner Apptong Ownees Willing Address. o da r4e, 7e 7 A/I DepaMt cant of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Mariagernent James H. GM99W Dee Freeman Direcbpr Secrelary Date: Name of Authorized Agent for this prvjW* ,ate a41,.k5 Agents Mailing Address: Sd - gA S, M), _ l I I y / Phon Number(/D) 7 q-9�1 Phone Number (q/4) I cart that 1 have authorized the a AntliiAted above to act on my behalf. for the purpose of applying for a obtaining till CAMA Permits necessary to Install or construct the fonowing (activity): (MY Owerty kwatbd) at I I ?..JI 24—k * bg,A" ,sr �� This t V- Nr . 10 2U14 MN rax N.yw 85/23/2014 05;57 9106719455 PRESCRIPTION CENTER PAGE 04/85 MAY Z3 1014 &IY't l FP Fox per 2 f DWSION OF COASUL MANAGWOVIrr AWACKNTRWAVANnWrjM.QWW4TATEM . Ncw of ttv pew Owwr, fr W*"- A-W - - - - A ass of rmpair o" ' S 1 or d, P.V"t a ZCRA c y ar Aq�lioaat'aphanet• bMlt�Adarese ��,����®'�"..'w1y 14-pi>L 06, 1 tacsirlr lolbmpropinty t,o5lesbmw pr qwV. 'IDc ladiwi6, ! oppbVIgferAll FaPA 4 ,yea Qasw*od to c* aj Aam oo tM �drss+v $8 Aav+lopm.ot tbq an p7pwirr& �" i ha•. ao ob}eodaom m prt oval 14w oy a�tie:n to tbar p vpow- 1t roa M. ub jasAo.w to wil at is rm ww"t "Lly Go Dtvw, w of costal bf Ages aawt 0)c" is writing wwuu 10 &"a K ro..lpt • C7sesrafe:daoao. sAaslrl tia am LW to U7 C xrdlm�l Draw I21. �YA�b1�a, IfC 15 Dc71Q tat m ax � be cs uj* d at C"0) 7W72U- Ne rwp mm i+ v2 i *AxYrm s8C'rlw( T tsods� tb+d a pier. dock --in& b"&Wgt wt b"* W" a. or G It cored bs Wt IQA a v►wm= dlttwao of 15, boo al area at ri fwr 00=3 am*ed yy mt ref you Wid w vral,re mywdmk yes nkma bL'd l Io btsak b.itmr.) I da wid to wraiv+ des 15SW b� k mqukwwt_ 140 404 V IA to wive IS- II bwk cgeoaat. (,TrelorR►�esr Irlaawa;klasJ . �Pv1T �'� 1•ri*at a ame !� a t um i�w art A�?d//r " II'' MD►hlag Awr om &T[Fu—h f Zip Cipr / 8ta1►1 v Te�orwNa�iar2 3 Tebe}tisaseN�bar ��Q' g8� 1 - 2 3- / Data 12? t5e �. trot , WrtM 0WcW 11i4Z-W Rona 91Q•1Db?21 1F :=~-a" wmklab"t v�r.AaB" Aw"Wk G%Yv row"NovPaves "— — I U0.4J 043373JCJ4 DARLCOUNTYWATER PAGE 02/0 16 2014 6:30PM HP rax gage 1 CERTI TED i1iAII, IMN RECENT R -()V 'Tr r DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AD.IM-EN'' RtPARiAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMEN—J' Name of Property Owner. ✓o9-4 Address of Property: 1 I Z �� �J' (Lot or Street 9. Street or Road, City &: County) 1 � Applicant's phone*. � �Q -� � 3 -c'{g� g Mailing Address: B" k", l � Q-,Iji12W,¢ ZJV44 I hereby certify that I own property adjacerrt to the above refercuced ppmperty. The individual applyiog for this permit has described to me as shown on the aUeched dnti rtwing the developmdat they are proposing, Adesetton ofAtM=, with_di miom. mostbeprovidcd w y leqr=[, r ,�L ` I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to thhs proposal. If you have vrobJectSoaa to what is being proposed, you moat notify the Division of (.oAstxD I1ixnzgement (I)C1V>) In ribug within 10 dAC. yx of receipt of this votic- orrecposdenet should be mniled tp 1.27 Cardinrtl Drive Ext. 'Wilmington, NC 28405-3845. DCM repreJenttatives Canalso be contacted at (910) 796-7215. No response is considered the Same Ry nq o6iPcrlan if Yon have been notified by Certified Mail WAIVER SECTION Tundemund that a pier, dock, mooring piling,;, breakwater, boathouse, or Iift must be set back a minimum distance of S' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me, (If you wish to waive the setback. , om must initlRI the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the I S' set back requirrmcni. I do not wish to waive the 1 S' sot back requirement. (Property Owner Information) 7 SigAatu � C +" /rt 8 ra A Print orTYP4 Name — Mailing Address City I State / Zip Telephont Number 5'�� -7 �31y-99A1 Date ..la— 2 : 1 (Riparian Property Owner Information) lSiS i u�re 1 n , �� �— Print or Type Name In -Afe Mallinp, Address cIstaro� Telephone Number�� Date (P-�_1___r___ 177 C:arrfual r)ri. Frf %Ar,"6 .a.... iu...4&. n .._v.._, ne Inn ten. y gj mjvm '* �1 �i ��:7m' ■