HomeMy WebLinkAbout67908D - Trible11 NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management overly Eaves Perdue Braxton C. Davis Dee Freeman )vernor Director Secretary AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date: _� 7 ne of Property Owner Applying for Permit: Name of Authorized Agent for this project: ier's Mailing Address: ne Number ( T 03 )_4 3o - 3 s- L9 Agent's Mailing Address: 2798 Sea Vista Dr. H5_ Supply, NC 28462 CONSTRNMI N Phone Number xxo r 4 38, tify that I have authorized the agent listed above to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying ind obtaining all CAMA Permits necessary to install or construct the following (activity): GowS fr'y��' �.pcT'1 my property located at ___ _Z J �12M s� �' /�<Qil_%C L � certification is valid thru (date) __ e Property Owner Signature Date ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. ® Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ® Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: ,� ALl ytd 0, /c70 9590 9402 2597 6336 4766 28 2. Article Number (rmnsfer from service labef�__ 7016 0600 0000 5522 1256 P-- Form 3811, July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ® Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. -Article Addressed to: _ p MIS Lf e S G� ver- P *Rl Ager ' Addr Prnted Name) C. Date of Di . ss differe item 17 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: t�No 3. Service Type ❑ Priority Mail Expr ❑ Adult Signature ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑ Registered MaiIT' ❑ Registered Mail I {� Certified Mall® @Certified Mail Restricted Delivery Delivery ❑ Return Receipt ❑ Collect on Delivery ❑ Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Merchandise 0 Signature Confir '—--,ured ❑ Signature Confir Mail wed Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Deliv Domestic Return xi - i L- �t, 'w. ❑ Age^ ❑ Add Received by (Printed Name C 1pate of D D. Is delivery adde rent from ❑ Yes If YES, enteraddrss beloi El No �.p s i l 4 3. Service Type ❑ Priority Mail Expre III IIII II II II I I I I I I III I I III I I I I ❑ Adult Signature 7 Registered MaiIT" ❑ ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery Registered Mail R ❑ Certified MailO Delivery 9590 9402 2597 6336 4766 35 ❑ Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt fo on Delivery Merchandise 2. Artitie Numhr-,r - A on Delivery Restricted Delivery I] Signature Confirm 016 0600 0000 5522 1249 d Mail ❑ Signature Confirrr Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Deliver �- (over $500) PS Form 3811, July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Rr U.S. Postal Service"' `:CU- TIFIED IVIAW�l RECEIPT -0 -r"Domestic Mail Only Ln ni r-q RALUM"i ItC, 27,614 ru ru Certified Mail Fee $3 .375 0459 LL,n, lea 6ra Services & Fees (check —4110 ") 99 C3 F1 Return Receipt OML�PY) $ 0 Return R"Ipt (eietironic) $ 00 Postmark C3 Certified Mcf.1 Restricted DGINGfY $ SO.0 40 Here 0 Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ 0 Postage $Fj. 49 r -3 ri%J/24/201 . C3 o—tal Postage and FS-87s- $6.59 $ SentTo'jr— C3 :p -Ke(te,-, ---------- i --------- ----------- A -------- o r ver ----- c Y -------------------- .... ifv, p,4j, �Y,;�Yj rf,4-�, * ---------------- ------ ------------ U.S. postal Service'" R CERTIFIED MAILt-ECEIPT Er J,o• tnesfic Mail only— ru "AVERT 0459 ru Certified Mail Fee rnui 3 -3, S 99 U1 Ln Extra SerVICOS ass (check bQX, add fee ❑ Return Receipt lo m Postmark Return Welt (el Here P 0 0 Delivery $ C3 C3 Certified Mail Restricted C3 0 Adutt Signature Required we $ 0 0 Adult SV— RestrictedDf"'ery $ C3 Postage $0.49 CiB/24/2017 CC3 -0 Total Oswweand Fees iZ.59 C3 $ -0 Sent To Mr r pis - --------- rnitn - --- - ------ C-3 ttjij----------- p Ig "M 0 1� 0 �P--N-,ovr--� 9T STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE NORTH CAROL A COASTAL RESOURCES COMMIS ION COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK 96 CMV 5 IN THE MATTER OF: ) PETITION FOR VARIANCE BY ) SUNSET BEACH AND TWIN ) EiliAL Q$DB LAKES, INC. ) This matter was heard on oral arguments and stipulated facts at the regularly scheduled meeting of the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission (hereinafter CRC) o July 26, 1996, in Morehead City, North Carolina pursuant to N.C.G.S. § I I3A-120.I and Tl A NCAC 7J.0700, et seq. Assistant Attorney General Amy Oillespie appeared for the Dep"ent of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, Division of Coastal Management; Mason H, Anderson, Anderson & McLantb. appeared on behalf of the petitioner Sunset Beach ,and Twin Lakes, Inc. Upon consideration of the stipulated facts, record documents and the argume6ts of the parties, the CRC adopts the following: 1. Petitioner Sunset Beach and Twin Lakes, Inc. owns Lots 41A, 42, and 43 on the estuarine side of Sunset Beach near Tubbs Inlet, 2. These lots are in the Inlet Hazard Area of Environmental Concern. 3, Petitioner submitted applications to DCM to build a pier on each lot. 4. The pier permits were denied under Rule 15A NCAC 7H.0309(d). The o ly piers tllowed in inlet hazard areas under this rule are those which provide public access.'-.- 5. Historically, DCM has permitted private piers in inlet hazard AECs !T ere the characteristics. roperties have estuarine ch. _ )Er-el-eer f44:14tb r6*1 J-I—. . .,—. - — - 2 6. The lots in question have estuarine characteristics in that they have t xperienced little erosion and are bulkheaded. 7. Many of the adjacent lots have piers. Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact the Coastal Resources Commission', makes the following: 1. The CRC has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter. 2. The parties have been correctly designated and there is no question of nisjoinder or nonjoinder of parties, 3. All notices for the variance proceeding were adequate and proper. 4. Application of 15A NCAC 7H.03 I 0(a)(1) and 7H.0309(d) to Petitioner's proposed pier construction would result in practical difficulties and unnecessary hardships to P titioner in that Petitioner would be prohibited from constructing piers for water access on the subject lots. 5, These hardships result from conditions peculiar to Petitioner's prope y in that DCM has traditionally permitted piers on inlet shorelines that have estuarine characteristics and many of the properties adjoining the subject lots have piers. DCM's practice changed only after the Commission issued a declaratory ruling in 1995 finding that the setback provisions set out in 7H.0306 and applied to the inlet hazard AECs through 7H.0310 did not exempt water ependcnt structures such as bridges and piers. The Commission then voted in January 1996 o amend 7H.0309 to exempt only piers providing public access from the oceanfront setback req irement. 91 6. The Coastal Resources Cornmisslon did not anticipate the application �f the rule I on inlet shorelines with estuarine characteristics when it amended 714.0309 to exempt oOly public piers from the oceanfront setback. 7. The proposed pier construction is consistent with the spirit, purpose and intent of coastal management statutes and rules in that Petitioner's lots have physical eh cteristics similar to those on an estuarine shoreline and pier construction in this location would r present a I minor risk. Based on the foregoing findings of )::act and Conclusions of I uw, the Coastal # esourees Commission hcreby GRANTS petitiuncrs'request for a variance from 7FLO309(d). This the ­171day of .r 1996. EugeY 13. 'Tomlinson, Jr., Ch(drMan Coastal Resources Commission i NOTE: THERE L 8.81 AC CF VET 3UIL•JAHLE ARE THE ^/1AtA 3C.i ETBALWE AS OF SEM. 20C THE 2.2 MSL UNE wAS ESTABLISE7 W Scr ALOK ;hE :CU4C SiRICTNE CTV'NANTS AND ~ RE-a:.S1t V ZONE 5 OT -RV"SF KOTQC•. :HEMS 0r i0 c ly IOCATICN IJECT TO CHANGE. CDAM.1 N1 C.4114.41,0 `gri "4" 6-2) O•. �� LL m: ut 17c2w 7 VEASEMENT • t _ EAST "A/_'1! .i1TiX5 ::,�;Z-5: W Wmi==V ORNE:ti IOLQI rIVPUIUCD Ll.%. lJIICllICS vvnuanisUii DDO( i Z000 ZpZuu.UU hl' by,SylU Sr Mt. 5U26U Lion LLC Preston G. Trible BB&T 2053 $200.00 GP 67908D SF rct. 5029D uction Eric Jensen BB&T 11486 $200.00 GP 69290D SF rct. 5027D uction Layton & Jan Holsinger BB&T 11487 $200.00 GP 69342D SF rct. 5028D ADJACENT RIPARIAN_PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT 1 hereby certify that I own property adjacent to 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at (,?2 3 S+ (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc_) on :r-,A ktis Cin S.+ s c f /m. %.4, N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above loAption. I have no objection to this proposal. 1 have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance o€15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (tf you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) 04pcerft Property Owner Information) lepoe- r'a� /Riature i ature* ^ � w \ .y . w :� � . � � \ . J � » ` < \ � / ,� \ � �� � / / \ ��^ � 2\ . : �� � � � t -r7- e /z �f a