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HomeMy WebLinkAbout01568D - Harperti CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM REQUIRING A LAMA PERMIT "`' 01_5 as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuppt to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K _�, // /b3 5-4 icant Name Srl is r r 7 Phone Number ess / r . State 4' Zip ;ct Location ( ounty, Stat/,Road, Water Body, etc.) l�rnir� and Dimensions 9f Projecer roposed project to be located and constructed as described is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit °mentpursuantto 15 NCAC 7K . This exemption MA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of btaining other State, Federal or Local authorization. This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA pei valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. Following expir a re-examination of the project and project site may be nec to continue this certification. =TCH (SCALE: il/T S r d Management VMENTAL QUALITY SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL — 7011 2000 0002 2768 8271 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED May 3, 2016 Ms. James Brooks 409 Sunset Drive Greensboro, N.C. 27408 Dear Mr. Brooks: PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary BRAXTON DAVIS Director This letter is in response to correspondence from your sister Ms. Helen Brooks received by the N.C. Division of Coastal Management on May 2, 2016, regarding your concerns about the proposed project by Mr. Stephen C. Harper (Lydia B. Hines Executor/Trustee) at 1 Parmele Blvd., adjacent to Sunset Lagoon, in Wrightsville Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina. The project consists of the construction of access steps to the water from the existing bulkhead of the Sunset Lagoon. Based on review of the provided drawing provided by Mr. Harper the construction of the access steps is not consider development and is exempted from requiring a CAMA Permit in accordance with 15A NCAC 07K .0208(b), and as such an exemption has been issued to authorize the work. I have enclosed a copy of the permit, as well as, the relevant statutes. If you wish to contest our decision to issue this permit, you may file a request for a Third Party Appeal. The Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission will consider each case and determine whether to grant your request to file for a Contested Case Hearing. The hearing request must be filed with the Director of the Division of Coastal Management, in writing and must be received within twenty (20) days of the disputed permit decision. I have enclosed the applicable forms and instructions that must be filed prior to that deadline. Please contact me at 910-796-7215, if you have any questions, or if I can provide any additional information. Respectfully yours, Debra D. Wilson Wilminaton District Manager U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAIL-W RECEILProvided) (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance CoverFor delivery information visit our website at ww C ER [fi MCATE OF EXEM ON FROM REQUIRNG A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Comm' in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K�cdL��_.i plicant Name 7'. , c:- Phone Number dress y'� State' Zipj j,ev Location (county, -State Road, Water Body, etc.) pe and Dimensions of Project proposed project to be located and constructed as described ve is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit Arement pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K . This exemption :AMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of r obtaining other State, Federal or Local authorization. This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA p valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. Following exr a re-examination of the project and project site may be nE to continue this certification. KETCH (SCALE: a a ., ✓J/'�.' .>-,C it �� �- P � t'".frr. •!�`',,�•-.°�''> " � .�� .,� � �*" �`'��t��,ruy-T Jig j�Y ! t�. S''s?+ I � f.�•`Y"'+. '� . �r r Helen Brooks 3 Parmele Blvd. Wilmington, NC 28403 April 27, 2016 Mr. Robb Nairas CAMA Field Representative 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext Wilmington, NC 27405 Mr. Robb Nairas: Enclosed, please find a copy of a letter sent to my brother and myself from a Mr. Stephen Harper. We have been neighbors with the property at 41 Parmele Blvd. since we purchased our house in 2009. Since that time no request for water access has been mentioned until recently, after the death of Ms. Hines, who was the owner of the house. Mr. Harper uses references to Ms. Hines "kids and grandchildren" having had access to the beach "years go', until a bulkhead was built. This area is now a bed of oyster shells, with essentially no beach. He also states that steps leading to the water off # 1 Parmele Blvd. would allow Ms. Hines' beneficiaries and subsequent owners' access to the water once again. As the water access has been restricted for "years", we are unsure of this need at the present time. Also, the property at #1 Parmele Blvd. is now vacant and has been placed on the market for sale by the family. Therefore, Ms. Hines' beneficiaries would not and will not have the benefit of access to the water. Mr. Harper states that the placement of these stairs off of # 1 Parmele Blvd. would not impact our property or use of the water. However, it is our opinion that putting steps off the bulkhead at # 1 Parmele Blvd. would add more congestion to an already crowed waterway cul de sac, and would impede the docking of our boat. I would like to request your assistance in the matter of denying the exemption status for this set Stephen C. Harper 1408 Old Lamplighter Way WjhninglQn, North Car lina.28403 harperuncwnahanail.corn 910-392-9266 Mr. James Brooks 409 Sunset Drive Greensboro, North Carolina. 274og April 20, 201 b Dear Mr. Brooks: I am the t-xecmt0,rf0r my mother-iiu_law s (Lydia :& Wines w1 2015) estate. As execQtor of her resit at *1 ale in W ' passed awey Beach, Nov �r 3, would like to have sups installed leading to the water in Sunseett oon soghtsville benefciariesCaroh dt subsequent owners may enjoy access to the water. Access is possible at this time, but it is limited when the water is not at high tide. Ms. Hines' kids and grandchildren had unlimited access to the full 20.9 feet of beach on Sunset Lagoon before the bulkhead was built years ago. The current bu&head was proposed by the adjacent property owners. Mrs: Hines consented ter the bulkhead so the adjacent property owners could develop and/or improve their piers. I discussed the proposal for having the steps installed with Mr. Rob Mairs of The Department of Coastal Management (CAMA) for New Hanover County and with Mr. William Squires — inspectorfor the Town of Wrightsville Beach and they encouraged me to send this letter to you requesting your consent for having the steps installed. Mrs. Hines children and I would appreciate it if you would approve installation of steps from the bulkhead to the beach. The proposed steps would be no more than six feet wide and would be located in the center of the property. I do not expect the steps to interfere with the use of your property or riparian corridor. Also 1. do not believe they will diminish the value of your property or the view of Sunset Lagoon from your residence. In closing, I am requesting your consent to the installation of the steps and waiver of any corresponding setback requirements. I hope you will indicate your consent below and mail this letter to me in the enclosed envelope. Respectfully submitted, t Stephe C Harper® - USPS Tracking® f Page 1 of 2 English Customer Service USPS Mobile Register I Sign In 2-USPS.COM Customer Service > USPSTracking® Have questions? We're here to help. Tracking Number: 70112000000227688271 Updated Delivery Day: Friday, May 6, 2016 Product & Tracking Information Postal Product: Features: Certified Mail' DATE & TIME STATUS OF ITEM LOCATION May 6, 2016, 10:38 am Delivered GREENSBORO, NC 27408 Your item was delivered at 10:38 am on May 6. 2016 in GREENSBORO, NC 27408 May 6, 2016, 7:25 am Arrived at Unit GREENSBORO, NC 27401 May 6. 2016 . 12:18 am Departed USPS Facility GREENSBORO, NC 27498 May 5, 2016, 3:36 pm Arrived at USPS Facility GREENSBORO, NC 27498 May 5, 2016 , 1:44 am Departed USPS Facility CHARLOTTE, NC 28228 May 4, 2016 , 11:24 pm Arrived at USPS Facility CHARLOTTE, NC 28228 Track Another Package Tracking (or receipt) number Get Easy Tracking Updates�/ko > Sign up for My USPS. Available Actions Text Updates Email Updates Manage Incoming Packages Track all your packages from dashboard. No tracking numbers necessary. Track It Sign up for My USPS > f�* HELPFUL LINKS ON ABOUT.USPS.COM OTHER USPS SITES LEGAL INFORMATION ALL NAIL- EXISTING NAIL EIR- EXISTING IRON IM- WATER METER MB - MAILBOX 10,- UTILITY POLE Q - CLEANOUT F N11'07'39" ' NAIL' 20.8U f, NAIL Op. 30' CAMA SETBACK N/F BROOKS 5457/442 o Q' S �rn DECK i `�c� 0'e`� / 6' WOOD FENCE F F� � 'Ai CONC 191, : PAD 1.2 OLD N / a. .KNEAD N / 53 14,1 p j Z N � ADJOINER'S METAL FENCE'! 13.6 / 04 d1i EIP r EXISTING 1 STORY 1.4 DECK FRAMED ON PILINGS EIP 1.4 7.8 c o N 13.9 iJ01N£R'S. 'ETAINING WALL ICROACHMENT) o ZONING: R1 3&4 (NONCONFORI a.0 1 GRAVEL SETBACKS: Z ��; DRIVE FRONT: 15 6.o DRIVE REAR: 7.'. T EA 7.7 10.8 SIDE: 7.! REFERENCES DECK D.B. 5481, PG. S, PG. 12 AREA 1 JOINER'S 5.0 w ETAINING'� C A ! 111 Helen Brooks 3 Parmele Blvd. Wilmington, NC 28403 April 27, 2016 Mr. Robb Nairas CAMA Field Representative 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext Wilmington, NC 27405 Mr. Robb Nairas: Enclosed, please find a copy of a letter sent to my brother and myself from a Mr. Stephen Harper. We have been neighbors with the property at # 1 Parmele Blvd. since we purchased our house in 2009. Since that time no request for water access has been mentioned until recently, after the death of Ms. Hines, who was the owner of the house. Mr. Harper uses references to Ms. Hines "kids and grandchildren" having had access to the beach ears ago", until a bulkhead was built. This area is now a bed of oyster shells, with essentially no beach. He also states that steps leading to the water off # 1 Parmele Blvd. would allow Ms. Hines' beneficiaries and subsequent owners' access to the water once again. As the water access has been restricted for "years", we are unsure of this need at the present time. Also, the property at # 1 Parmele Blvd. is now vacant and has been placed on the market for sale by the family. Therefore, Ms. Hines' beneficiaries would not and will not have the benefit of access to the water. Mr. Harper states that the placement of these stairs off of # 1 Parmele Blvd. would not impact our property or use of the water. However, it is our opinion that putting steps off the bulkhead at # 1 Parmele Blvd. would add more congestion to an already crowed waterway cul de sac, and would impede the docking of our boat. I would like to request your assistance in the matter of denying the exemption status for this set Stephen C. Harper 1408 Old Lamplighter Way Wilmington, North Carolina28403 1 � 910-392-9266 Mr. James Brooks 409 Sunset Drive Greensboro, North Carolina 27408 April 20, 2016 Dear Mr. Brooks: I am the executor for my mother in-law's (Lydia:B, Hines who paste away on November 3, 2015) estate. As executor of her residence at # 1 ale in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, I would like to have steps installed leading to the water in Sunset Lagoon so her beneficiaries and subsequent owners may enjoy access to the water. Access is possible at this time, but it is limited when the water is not at high tide. Ms. Hines' kids and grandchildren had unlimited access to the fall 20.9 feet of beach on Sunset Lagoon before the bulkhead was built years ago. The current bulkhead was proposed by the adjacent property owners. Mrs. Hines consented to the bulkhead so the adjacent property owners could develop and/or improve their piers. I discussed the proposal for having the steps installed with Mr. Rob Mairs of The Department of Coastal Management (CAMA) for New Hanover County and with Mr. William Squires — inspectnr for the Town of Wrightsville Beach and they encouraged me to send this letter to you requesting your consent for having the steps installed. Mrs. Hines children and I would appreciate it if you would approve installation of steps from the bulkhead to the beach. The proposed steps would be no more than six feet wide and would be located in the center of the property. I do not expect the steps to interfere with the use of your property or riparian corridor. Also, I do not believe they will diminish the value of your property or the view of Sunset Lagoon from your residence. In closing, I am requesting your consent to the installation of the steps and waiver of any corresponding setback requirements. I hope you will indicate your consent below and mail this letter to me in the enclosed envelope. Respectfully submitted, Stephen,C) Harper