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75896D - Massey
y CAMA /)(Com©* • L No. 75 A, i C(fo SRAL PERMIT .�i "ftelcom-► 40"Wwo miur 1 00Ora P ►� As &OWWW * ow %"* M ►dre* cavb $, oopwwm t of i*^Vft"w-ts Cyr and 00 Can" Mswrcw CO 1 001 tm M tr+a a/ yr ^ po'� to I $A NC*%C � � _ LaMciAl w Co mwv *-ft'm5 1 - d 1 lVW Itk`�dr EMI Saw NAMW Lot #(l) rhon� • t E-wa"�""�0i' SrD /tic, c* k6g&44 Xwelw � cw .. per PTA ,t�s >lF+rs �v Ir I � ��� �.,.... AEC(m ovt war w Ua um nar►v closw Mat Wtr "Air YW T"w or Nvom A dMW "woo"— ar+�w�r�iwms-t- rrrw too Ws a oft r� ' o A mw b mmdpW 1p (io"LOWOWWA %now &Now cowwom AI1 i`► 0CPU � +� 0 6W UM fla" 0" - - to ropmoml 44K &win r%**% EICAMA /}DREDGE & FILL NO. 75896 A B C D GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # >Igew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality O �/ j I) / /O� and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC f� ❑ Rules attached. Applicant Name r'ui�lAs Project Location: County r trl4, 4a ✓ Address 5iD� ( M&r ►A IXt1!'f) �-�co Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) City V1(Wcin*)6, State % ZIP 940 Phone # ( ) E-Mail Authorized Agent k" %,)1Q 4mk% 1A C, Affected ❑ Cw ❑ EW ❑ PTA DES NtTS ❑ OEA El HHF ❑ IH ElUBA ❑ N/A AEC(s): ❑ PWS: ORW: yes i-n;l PNA yes /,4, Type of Project/ Activity Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) Groin length number ea iprap length �i p W Q avg distance offshore max distance offshore Basin, channel cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach Bulldozing \ Other It ,,i L v Shoreline Length SAV: not sure yes Moratorium: n/a yes Photos: yes Waiver Attached: yes A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction) Notes/ Special Conditions l% 7 1 X Agent or Applicant Printed Name x Signature ** Pleas re d compliance statement on back of permit ** 40o _ S 3a 3 Application Fee(s) Check # Subdivision city 92 aw a� Phone # ( ) River Basin Adj. Wtr. Body %" at an /unkn) Closest Maj. Wtr. Body Al /V (Scale: J V ' J ) MINIMENNEWEEM ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules. 7 -�p a&cl i blf� 1� - Permit Officer's PrintedName ignature-?I�0 2 Issuing Date Expiration Date __-__ �w~ `'M . Massey Proposed �� U�� �e��md v��������� o��v�o —~- Write ° 448Cau�awayOr adesc�Vdon�xyour n�ap _ Proposed bulkhead bobuaUigoadwith east adjacent property owners existing bulkhead )' |i William Massey 448 Causeway dr. Wrightsville Bch Proposed Bulkhead as repersented with line I'd ulkhead as ejf NCDENR NoM Camina Dep&trivl, of Envvonmm SW NGUW PAMU=$ DIM ktc� DmW R vo dw vW Gcovwa smcllmry AGENT At T HOR,ZA T; ON F�Q-R—M- (eme %mvie of Prepouty Owner App" lar Pwrm. Norio.. I AAithortsod Ag*nt for th" pmood p- Owrw s Us" Address AWN 9 MM" Adepses .4 *4 L 14 Z &P4* POWN c I corvy viat I "V* out-WtZoa to woo &Wv* to so on fvrf WW fW the mopme of apply V tor. aind oM&,WV al CA A Pormft rocogeory W instO or cororuct tt* tbmvV locovey) r For my prop"In atVia'L T" conlwation is vase I vow "m idals) Y-4- Property Ownef Signatura Owe k C Co~ at r ,.., M-49-1- Irl Cap** D" �eh #I-04tr #V- MLV P%Y,o 9VG-*W771s $&A ilr-lVA--VW vowlw WW's cWWWW*pWW4,* ( IkIItIf1)\1�II -REIIR ►REC IPTRFOkESIVI1 I►I� I�It►♦ �►F l l►4�"iALMA�Ad:EMF_�T �It! �i t I 11lt' SKI �� I'k(1F'F RTi't)w1iFR `Otli'1CA'i1O� �� %I\ ER FORM Tartu of indt.idual appli i% f„r the petrt W — _ a i- l J)U.&I C.4.1L. kddrm.44 prt►pertN: tc* a COWL" J I tm.rrh% iertif% the I own prwprrt� ad}acrat to thr A11M)%r rt-frrrmed propertt The Indiv idual appit Ing ftK this permit ha• deft fihed lit me t a..iwtw n im the attached drouingi the de.e4orpownt the'v are prtopeer potg. % dcriptetwt or drawing. wish dum t.r„tn ..ht xi ld he pre. ufed *hot t h t. Irt t o I harr no objettptna to tht% pn►p t%al If % •u have ohXction% it, what t% twin= prttprowd, pieaw write the Di.'takm a( ('otttt" M An akr tnr n t . 4(k) C oattaerce Ate- Aloretwad ( it t . NC ZL451 of cuM 4 252) IIM- 23MM within itt da%• of recj* of the notice. No rr%pmw b cAtmidered the maw a no oh)ectuM of t,Kt ha•r teen arrttned In l ertined Ma►I. N N v cr Section I utnSrt +tttnd that x Im r A-►► k . aw wooing piling., terra►water. h..atht►tt.r , hA of .andbag-. mint he wl hat k a minimum durance so( 1 S' F rum nit orra of riparum rtct+^ unk-" Matted by me. �If tou wtwh to watee the vetback. %tou mu.t initial the appn-pr►str i+lank heMw.t 4SLwich to warvt the 15' Octtw&k rc4utrrrrwnt I dt► uu( wtvte 10 waive Olt I$- %ct!* k reyutrrment. ZL t 1W Prim Naw Tetepiroat nurfN+er a tit, arra ..%Jc c ER t IHUD N1 `11 - Rt rt R% RE:c-HN RVOL F.STEU hl % 1*40% OF Cl)A.1YT 41, %1 Vs %GF.NFNI ADJACENT RlP kRIAV PRt)MATI ()N %F k ♦ ITiFI1'ATI/)VA4 AR'FR FORM Namw of tndt•tdual applying for the permit r %ddr"% 44 -Y7 `_' _�_' 1 berm» trrttf% the 1 town pry.ptrt• adpkvnt to the ahr►.e rrferriwed pr+,pertio. the Indic iduai appit tng ftir tht., permit ha• de•crihed tto nw . a% %hu« n IM t hr ■ttxhed drawing= the de,orM►pnxnt the% arr pnopsrang % dmriptkrn tot drawina with dtnwn%.kw", Quould he prrs.rded whit tht. letttr . 1 ha.c no ohjetibaw too tht. prope"I If �,,u ha.e objection. trr what i+ hrta� prr�pcMed, pith! write t*t 1)hisiaw ai (tfaatal %lAnAWment, 4M ( otnmcrrr ♦ • e .. If►rehead i'My. . 1(1C 1LeST or call t Z.t: ► N&2W within 10 da,#% of rerrtpi td the tNdkr `u re.part i c�a�aidered t11t ttaitse tK► c►hjettkion If %4xt hair 1wrn n+dtfl+d to% t rriiflyd MM. %%mtrr S•r.tkon I underoand that a pier.4ciodi.nourtttd ptlsng%. terra►water. hnalhrw+e. Ish fK %aMbeiro mum he wl b&A a niiiiiiiiiiii d"ukr 44 1 S' F rum m� area of npanan accrw unirm wai.ed by ttwt. t!f "m wbh to warth e e arthrc►..(w must initial the appropriate hlan► below . , I swish to aatvc the 1 V vthrci; rc+;srctTwnt I Qu " w ►%t tc, A u. c the 1 ` .cth..w i rctiu►rctrjrnt• It _ s _ r S � Itttat�. rr (Tatr t, Print %atrn i Telef" nurrther with an.t .4%i, Deb R—i-d Dale DVWW Check Rom Name Name or FW- t h1~ lkmdw Check Ntvnber Check wnottnt Permit NumbWCommena o Rehurd1Ru9ocetad Cof—i Co1umn2 Columns Cok..w Cahoon C.1-6 cotumnr Columns Ca0umn9 422/2020 423/2020Dawn and Scott Humphries 422/2020 423/2020 Randall Caudle 4=020 4232020 Carolina Marine Construction, Inc._ 4222020 4232020 Duncan Marine Contractors, Inc. 4/22/2020 423/2020 Land to Sea Construction, LLC - 423/2020 Dave Resource GroupVillageof J same Affiance Credit Union wachovis 8661 $ 200.00 GP #75878D _ JD rct. 10338 $ 200.00 GP#76221D _ JOrot. 10337 Major Renewal #64-00, Turtle Harbour Association, S 100.00 Wilmington NHCo _- PA rct. 9760 _ $ 400.00 GP #75896D PA rct. 9748 $ 600.00 GP075895D _ ,PA rct.9747 _ __ Major fee, South Beach Renourishment, Bald Head Island 475.00 BrCo SPLIT 60/40 will be TP left receipt book at offs _ _ same 4565 Turtle Harbour Association First Bank _ Branch Banking and Trust First Citizens Bank _ _ �_ United 12641 Vftam Massey 8323 Mark Maynard _ 193 1767 BHI