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75876D - Pasquantonio
-. ❑ CAMA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL } NO. 75876 A B C GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # PNew --Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an �ea of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC / , , / , i G Rules a ched. Applicant Name ���'" `, �G / Project Location: County ��/lil Y City t v , State ZIP 7 RY L S Phone # (U) ( I _'/CV E-Mail Authorized Agent N / 40 5; d ❑ CW )6W "A ❑ ES ❑ PTS Affected AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A ❑ PWS: ORW: yes / PNA yes /25> Street Address/ State Road/. Lot #(s) Subdivision City �J ZIP Phone # River Basin ' Adj. Wtr. Body na man unkn Closest Maj. Wtr. Body ll r�Tar�r�■■■■��:��I■�(G���i:.mow■■■■■■[i'�iil�►'�rl�r■■■ �■■����f�i�w■■�1■■I■i'c���®■■■■■■w■■fir■■I!■■■ - ■■■■■■■■■■I ■ ■■■flr(r■/ 1■■■Il®■■■(�i■■ M.■■■r NN NOME ■ I I ■■ ii �wii�ii li■■ ■■■■ ®Ci®i�IEEE ME■iOEM ■■■■■ • ■ ■■■■ ■ IIIMMEME ■N■■�■ ■I A 1■■■!'�� MEM ■■■ NUFi�1■■■1�1/■■M■■■ 11■■1■■■■ ■■■■1■■■ HEMINEME ■■■1�■■■■■■■■III■w ■■ w■■ I V F,(_It e- Agent or Applicant Printed Name c Signature ** Please read compliance statement on back of permit �60 652 Application Fee(s) heck # Per is 's rimed Name SignaXq G , /! • Z?v Issuing Date Expiration Date ©MSION OF COASTAL MANAGE§Wff ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPS M NOTIFIGAPONNAWER FORM Name of Property Owner S -eyc �V�f s�clah n !U Address of Property: l l 5 S Df� 1`— ./�� ✓ ✓l t! Z (Lot or S igeet #, Street or Road, City & County) Agent's Name #: Agent's phone #: Mailing Address: 15/+l'n e I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applyi V for this -permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to whatis being ProPed you rrsus# notify the Division ofCoastal Management (VC A�)in ►rating within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be marled to 127 Cardinal Drive Ext, Wi7mington, NC, 28405.3845. DCM representatives can also be contacted at &10) 796-7215. No response is considered the same as no objectfw if you have been notified by Certified /Fart WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin.must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (if you to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) i do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. Print or Type Name 115- S J/W p2 Marling Address NC City/Statwzi yo 38 6g Telephone Number (.0" a Mating Address City/Stateop TeMphone Number 'L- (") Date ' t' Date Revised 611.812012 dri, � ZY 0 rti n, I 01 1%. At N I l I qittiolt{} P!1en si uoqeoyl;Jao S341 I�1 N --dA.i " Asid .ogu�$ *wad s" of pajejai uog"tu &genla Aa qpM arMaauuo~i car sPUGI P®uUoquacVaraje GEP uo .raga a4 s7ua6e Jaaw We JQ--90 PLwad MOO'7 OW ]WRIS Iuacua6euaayy Je�seoo jo uorswp of uotss=jad ;uez6 pEy to op Pus ';ueu6 o; PazPo47na we I ;eLp Ajqrao amu--v4pnj I X ap ul i� � � le pa�eool a(;aadoid Aw je r =3uawdolanap pasodoid BuvAoliq et4 iq Ajessaoau svwjod brWbrO lie 6wugo pue jo; 6uu(ldde ;o asod�nd gar: `eyaq l+ua ua pe ol pazuoyane aa+e4 1 Wuj Aypao 1 I` f 2 :'agwnN auo4d io t IA 2A d sugsanbeN o d +, NbLL "v lI 3+d vwvo do:i NoijLvzrdoHinv 1N3 V ,. . , .. �:" m �s h:'�-`s��d ice.. i�'-..���9 r,.a..Y-+ �.� ._ � t.. �;� "?, - - •r�tr_ �.. Date Recelvsd Dea De ited Check From Nome Name of Permit Holier Vendor Check Number Check amount Permit Number/Comments clshow COM M2 Column3 Column4 CoArmn6 Cohomne Coltlmn7 Column8 4117AM oas,W brash 1 Oak Mond tek. LLC oak island tek ac BB6T T. — - - - 96379 $ 200 00 GP f718620 W17/2020 _ YghB— nxkw Larry Lakins II _ _ _ _ _ - —� Coaalal Beak end Trust - — 31l7, , --- _S 200.00 GP f74875D 411712828 Vance Morgan Money Order JM Hamel USPS 26583354077 _ _ $ 400.00 GP f75837D 4117/2020 I Harbor Marine Construction, Inc. _ Steven PeaquantoNo _ _ Bank of Amedca 1056 -_ $ 200.00 GP %758760 4/1712020 __ McPherson Marine Services, LLC -- Dennis, True -- Fkat CWzern Bank 2388 S 400.00 �GPf745836D 4117rl020 _ � Ke1M Popkin same _ P14C ft* 1817 S 20000 GP %76258D N1712020 -_ _ WNIie Clarence RkhardsoNRicherdson Cormau_e8on jemee and aura cakt :BBBT _ 7888 _ $ 200.00 GP f75855D 4117ii020' McPherson Marine Services, LLC Michael and Amy Brian First Citize" Bank 3017 _ $ 200 00 GP i75835D 4117/20Y0 Carokna Marine Construction. Inc. Joseph R Sterks First Bank 12642 $ 200.00 GP 075818D //172020 HS Corstruclion, LLC KenrroM Keels Jr. BBBT _ 2491 S 200.00 GP e781160 411712020 McPherson Marine Services, LLC Ti. Gammons First Citizens _ 2Y84 S 200.0_0 GP i788B3D 4117f= Steven Na el Coastal Credo Union 200.00 GP