HomeMy WebLinkAbout73757A-SAFFELL-248 Mother Vineyard Rd, Manteo, 05092019"S,,XAMA DREOGE, & FILL No, 73757 GENERAL PERMIT Previcyus peronit # IB x.4 D ............. . ...... Z`,",','New '_'mQ'dJkafilOfl Date pre' vioiuis As auOvwized by the State of Nori.h Carolina, of Qua[ky and Ow Coasvo P�ncH.mces ConqorllmS�,onl hl "Ift WLM, cal einvnronrrernaJ cran,CCM, PpUll,U2,Rcto D5,ANCAC . . ...... . . . . . . ............. ru„R"rrtr. wctv.,�rwed, Appficant Narne Project Locziti n:, Coutity . . . ........ — -- — — - - - -------------- Addriess j I", 1� Street AMr,less/ State Roadf Lot #(s) ... ... . . . . ......... . ... . ........................ --- — ------ - City_ Stan t,,./ZIP f 4 f, "k G P -ione # 'I -Mail -,u of SubdNision Authnrized Agent . . . ....... . .............. . ... .... - - ---- (:fty ....... . .SFr""""".."."""""""""" . ---- Affected cw IIEW, PTA :ES PITS Phone # — — ------- - River Basin AEC(s),�! OEA HH P IH USA KA Adj. Mr. Rody__- Pws� Closest Ma] Mr, Biod� ............... Y ORW ye!s niol PNA yes; 0.',� Type of Projectl . ......... ......................... .. . . ....... . ........... nxeinimn. . . ................................ . ...... $ . Per (delck10.,vq c ,Ch . . ® . ......... . . . Fixed PinforolO)i "k, _7 Foger Gecjhnq 1.. . ....... &.0khead," prap hlvq pJt awl, &slxnce roffthnre . .............. . .......... Max &i'mince OINhore, I'c ....... .. ...... h .... .. .. ...... ......... .. . .. Beach . ... ........ : - - - — ------------ - -- -J� . ... ........ . ............... ..... . ..... .... ... ... .. ....... . ........... H ......... .. .. vwe YFIS lr),!� �6' Ploraworiumir bra. yes no pkmv . . . ...... . .. . . .. ........ . "k- Yk — — — - ------------ - A. lud&,g permt �may ble jrequi�red b, Y, See note on Wick reggy,iding Wwer Nujin, rulc,�s, Note bwal Man R�ng jur�,,sdcticn) ofsr special condRions . .......... . .. . ................... . .......... . .............................................. II m ed aikrrc s5irm I k r, ra Mfeafsoe read calm pIa nic e slaft e rnera G.,n bxack of pe ruvt ' A'upli,)c mtilon, Fele(s) Check # -11�111��111� ............. ............ ..... . ...... . . . ...... . ... . ....... . . ......... S,ta,tenient of Co,nroplhnce and UnMency Th�'$' pernnit is st&ject to, compliance vAth tits applkation, saedrawing and atuthed genem.1 and specdic ccrditions, Army Viobtlon of the&ia terrns may suale ct the pernAtee to as hine or crimkal or M aahn; and may cmse Ow pemit to, become nuHandvold, TO pennit angst be o!n the proiect ske and acoms6h ina dw pemst officer whien the project N, iospeicted foi conipfiance. The appRunt oeaMes by Q14% thib penK that 1) p6or to underta kkqg any activi besat,i thori zed by this pe rin K the a pp! Want wd I confii w'Mii ;ippropriate local authorities to confirn-i that this project 6, consiNtent widi the local land use plan, and all local ordiiinances, and 2) ir't witten sit ater,'ner,it or coji'tified nmil return receot has been obwMed hom the adjar.trot ripiirian fandowner(s) The Stave of NoM Qrohna and the Division of CoastW Managennent, in ksuhig d% pern'nJt i the best 4vailable informadon and belief, certify that this pwymt I cwsW;em rMh the North Carok-ia Coastfl Kanw','iger'neint Prograrll, Mer BaMn Rules d%pjAlcable *No Quir Project: Trrr - Parn I icc, R'uNfor Ba 5 !1 in gpima l"(P r KI 0111er� N euse River Bas I rn Nj ffer Ru ies V indicated on Not of penn?, your Itroject Is subject up the EnAminmental Manage,nient Coiian% Bu&r Ruts bir the RiNer BaMn checked above due to As- locatiion withiri that RNer ON, Water Resources- Contact the Mvision of WateiResources at the YVashi:ngton Regional Office PS244&64M) or the Wiliniinigton Regional Office (9 V, 0- 796-721 S) for mare h4onmadon on how to comply with Chew buffo- rukas. MvIsion of Coastal ManagernieraOffices Mardhead City Vileadquarters VVadAingtonIMHO 400 Corninerce Ave 943 Mhogon Square Mall! Morehead City, NC 28557 MshI4,igwan, NC 27889 2 5 2 - 808- 2,80811 - B88 - 4 RCOASI 25,2-9466481 Fax: 252-247,33:30 "awn x. 252-948-0478 (S,erves�CA,rteirex, Cravem, Oiris� vw - (Serves: Bemifwt, Kerrie, Hertrbrod, liyde, h1wth cA Nave Rrmr Idler- and Rwnu ,'ie'eji rp rd COMMY) 401 S. Ckiffin SL S te. 3010 E kabedi CI q, NC 2 7909 2SI2613901 Fax: M-®7 Awc caiwkw cb"rMV An M, Duc Gme, Pa!wquwank a.rvd C'SuMes), MnAngton Dhtrict 127 CaMNA Me Ext, WiNri;higrtori, 128405-3845 9FT79&7215 Fwc 9113963964 (Se r vest uq uvviir k,, Nk, ow 14aricn er, Dmbw - 'unite d?&w Nww ww- an,d Penid(ier Coiuntw5) i pe),rcall RMIM WO, 7 � � 2, : � � ! � � � � � � .� : � � � � � � � � | � . � .. ., � � � � . � , 2 Z` - © y » { � � p, =2���—�f ■ \ 2 ., . � _~\y`^~` ( , � � � y . . gw `� §»§ � �� � i �� « s�w� � � �` .� � % � :� ^ S \) � � 3 t d a«< � � « Z§9 d:� v� r� � :a d « « t� ; � 2 43 C I 10 r �l \N DIVISION OF cOASTAL MAMA EMFENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER N TIFI ATI NNVAIVER FORM FI TCFkED #v1AkL FxETUf fV I EDEfPrt REOUE TEO or HAND DELIVERED Name of Property owner:-- t .� Address of Property:_..' ;Lot cr Street # Street or Road City&CcuqjF Agents Narne #: Agent's phone #. Tailing Address: F n.ereby certify ij+at i owr. property adjac�ent to the above referenced property The individua, applying for thd's permit has described to me as shown on the attached di awing the development ;re'i are p-opcsing. A deq9,69bon or drawl wth d imepsions. must.be provAedwlth this Ie#te - +�/ { I Lla,, w n k i k,b; tion> u) this i ro ro!;,11 -- - - ..— L hat obi,E ,� Qtio ii� tl:k ~`:�l���Si;k ifyoU have objections to whai is being Proposed, you Must notify the Division of Coasrai Mar)agernent (DCU) in writing .vkhIn 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspond*rice should rbe mailed to 40f 5. Griffirl St-r Ste 3OOr Elizabeth CltYr NC. 27909. DCM represe-olatfves can also be contacted al, (262F 264- 39o4. No fesp onse is considered the same as no objection if you have beery notified b Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION : '.arCerstarid ;hat a pier dock. r :cor!rg pilings. coal, farnp. breakwater boathouse lift. or groin rxas! be Set back a rr,..!nlmur+' a!s!ance of 15' from my area of riparia^ acGes unless warred Dy ,re,:;f ywu -.w8h to ')y,4jve t." setback you must sign the appropriate biark beiow ! I do vwish to the 15' Setback reou.reme:t[ (Property Owner Information) iCe L,. I do notyrisn to waive tr•e 15` setbacK f�eu!rerre,�t +A►djacept-Property 9)k Information) Y ' F�l t 9'7. J r va er',a rE!8' Mr. and Mrs. Petty - Thank you so much for signing the CAMA document we brought you last week. We wanted to let you know, however, that the representation of the dock we presented to you is incorrect. The picture we shoved you has a boat lift width of 10 feet. A better representation of the width (though not definite) would be 11 feet 8 inches. This means the total project would be an extra 1 foot 8 inches wide and instead of being 3 feet off your property line, our structure would come within 1 foot 4 inches of your property line. Given this, we want to make sure moving forward you are aware of this encroachment and are still willing to allow us to proceed. If so, please sign below and we will send a copy of this letter to CAMA to submit with the previously signed form at their request for further written documentation. Thanks for considering. -David and Nicole Saffell DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGIMN'T ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPIERTY OWNER NOT]FICAT'IONNVAIVER FORM Kr I _F1 L-, . . . ....... Narne of Property Owner: . ...... . c". & .......... .... . ............................. AftesslofPioplerty. (Lo' of sVeM 0,, Street w, Roald, CAy & Gounly) A�gent's Name N, �,433Q ... ..... .... MwNng A,ddress; 4i;ii"-1 .... ..... --" --p-Itkol-le -.- .. t�-f�a: L SLA"C'mil - L?i: ..... . . .... . ....... . � P g 4`4 I hereby cxafWy that I own property adjacerit to, the abve refefenlciNl properly, The indlvidual applying for ffiis permit has dem bed to me, as shown on Vpe allathed d4ar ng,lhe de44,vel,eprnerq, they are, propovsing, 6JQJgX It you have objections to whal Is being proposed, you must nofifIN Mislon of C"r sfal Management (OCY) In rfling within 10 days of recolpt of thisnolke. Cof'respondence, should be mailed to 401 . GHMA St. W0,300, Efizaboth City, MC, 2790,9a DCM mpreavMatives can also be contmeredef f252, 264-3901. No response is coast cktod the same as no oblooflon if you ba,vo been norifted by CertMeW AIML WAIVER. SECTION i uridewand that a Oer, dock, moonng pdbgs, boat rarnp, brpakwaterwalk*useii fik 099(om must be set back, a nlintllurn &PsNrtce of 15'from rity area of nparian auess unless waived by me (If you Wsttowa,Ne the slcflbar)�, you M -qJ tho appropriate Wank. belopov.), ,JIfIlt I do, wsh to waive the 15 $,elbaok fequirernent I d.o not WsJi to waive the 15' setback requrrernent (Property Owner hiformalion) (Adjaoont Proporty 0, nei, In,Forma,7,n,, L. .............. . .......... . .................. Sig I ll�� J� , ,, I, I r v, Flika ix rM Name . . ..... . ............ . .............. . ...... . .. . . . .............. mahhng A,Wfoss . ................................ . .. .... . .... . ........ cflylsforea)p (AdwasVp Tolophome Number/ Erruag Af,�Wfess ?c*pbormo Munfair / Eumd Ad*o ss, 1-1,wel Pate * 'Val'id fof cue ca�endw, year a RM MgnM u ro' Rowsod Jan 2017' m A O - DARE ; REAL ESTATE COURTY TRANSFER TAX tt -��r �4►r LT11130S-18 s2-SSO 4 Pared tdentlYief N(L #3TZt mait afro. recofang tw Im Idge a Sew"r k, r LC colt Instrument ww prepAred bjr. Casey S. RoDWekk PC Lennon oawd Ed& Dmrfp*m for the Recorded: 03112M11804:39,56 PM tier_ TOM WX) Err Vanaoft WU—iim Re*W of Doe& t]ere Carty, NC Fd" mmt $26.00 W,ealloTgsS10.00 woK 2224 PA6e 675 {} TOWA.4 1110111 E:xc#se tax $ 51 OAO .0 NOWFH WOUNA GENERA1, WARRANTY DEED Xl\" Kerry Lannon Dowd and husband Wvld J_ Saffell and wFfe, John X fiamyw Maria N. Siffeli 503 S W 2316 Plac a 0 PO Box tul Galnesritle. FL 32601 ",_ Manteo, NO 27954 The designation Grsntvr and Grantee as umaed herein shaif�uda said parties. their hairs, successors, and assigns, and shag Include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or n el as required by context WTNESMI-Ip that the Gra ntar, for s valuable cornideroth)n paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, has and by Ovmw Presamto dmm VraftLbargain , 9 cwMvsyUfiI0 fi Grantee In ssimpk,aLLtl'1at Certain lot or parch of land 6ttua ad on Roanoke Island, Hugs Hai p, Dare County, North Carolina and more particularly described as falkrwa: Lot 3A, cont0oLng 27,032 square hot, and Lot 3A (Soundfrant Port"1;* ining 1,991 square feat, as same are shown and delineated on that c4flain plat entitled "Re+llbed Subdhlslor ' rry Lennon Dowd, RadI4ftI0n of 4 tars Shown in Plat Cabinet1, Page 233 -Roanoke island Hags - Head Townsb;; Dare CourFty-NOAhC=Mila , pregarsd by Manson Ray Meekins, Roglstered Surveyor. doled Sr►ptsmbor 26, 201 T. QA h map cr plat Is duly racorded In Plat Cat)4not 1, Slide 36S, Oar@ County Registry. Y All or a poftlon of the pmoperty harem colwayed dogs not Include the primary resldgnca of the Grantors. �0 Book 2224 Page 675 propeft hoWn 6asorltrad was acqulrod by the Grantor by dead rovorosd in Book 1940. PW@ 001, In i tire# A� #1►arrtnq 0* OW" duouibe�d pmp uW Is recorded In Plat Csbinet k SiFda 369. TO E ANb TO HOLD H* mfor#said k 4 o6 parcel of land wW sN prlrKsp#s and frppurWw r4" O*r*W bokwo rq to thf Gr@ase In No #lmpiw And the tMor oDyw ks with iM Orwmw. that 1fnvktow is s#tred of IM premlaas fn fas afrwplak has the rlpht to convey ! In fee slmpla. that We Is mwkmable and I'm and Ow of all ancumMrarxmm, and that Grantor wiN warrant arrd 6afarwd I w dtla against this lawful claims of all persons whornsomw amW for the axespikmw hwokaftu #tErtad. , TWO is the prop" harslnataam described Ia 6u6*C1 to Uw fora wing excaptiow EasarnwNts, �s and aonhmp nvuulona. IN ytE NIM WHIERW GM Crranlor hers harwoW sot his hrnd *W Mel. or If oorpmft hog eksw lhie Wommerd to be #Iprl In Its corporate mama by No duly wjU wrkad o#liews and its seal to be hemLRdo alflxed by authority of Its domi<U Direcims, &A day and ywilrsi above►rritten. r sms of of I, a Notary Pubdfd County and $We mfor*aald, cwtW + that Kerry Lonnm Dowd SEAL -STAMP and .John R. Barrar� eraonaRy appeared Worm ma this day and moped the erep~ of Ur* f In#lrunianta Wltnaa my har4 and official atamp or seal. lhi* ' a.y (rf 1 e O f SEAL) otary Pu6lia r MYcommistiom "roe: CI � rd ` � l Antasha L. T e of w4 1�o,mr>�5ip�rG Expires �1 �1 Ff2p� covisom No. GG 17649D 0 VN', C� } Book 2224 Page 676