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71897D - Huel
f �KCAMA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL NO 71897 GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# A B c(' New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued r As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality i and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC 1 1 �, pRulesAattached Applicant Name Project Location: County V �,��v ��, Address l) Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) City i , ( State ZIP on Phone # (qv E_Mail Subdivision Authorized Agent AnAVW M bw In CityG"_ 1 ZIP V1 ❑ CW N+,TA ES ❑ PTS Phone # ( ) River Basin Affected AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ElN/A Adj. Wtr. Body S nat man nkn), ORW: yes / no PNA yes no Closest Maj. Wtr. Body Type of Project/ Activity '✓ Y t S vG_ ✓l _ V_ A p j VW��� 1� (Scale: Pier Fixes Float Fingi Groi Bulk Basir Boat Boat Beac Oth( Shor SAV Mon Phot Wain ®■■■■�■■■�■■■■■� NN engthr t� MEN Sam—. ZZOP 1I■■ numbe iead/ Rip p length ���ljl CiJ.�iii11N����1 �n��©fii���■■■■�■�■�■�■■ -•_■■■ri■■N■■■�■■■� c.I� eN M■�■ c ■nrC■■■■■■■■■ cubic yards■■■■r■■■ r■■■■■■iWilIin■■■■MEWINE-aVIr11■■■■■■■■ ramp ■■■;■■�Ilv>■■■■Il�Ir11■■■■�!■R�i17!lii1�1■■ii■■■■■■ _ i■■■■■■■lip: r■■■■■i t��71■Il■■■■�■11C/f.'�i►�rlili■■■■■■■■� Bulldozing 1 ■®■■■■■■■■�■i �� i■■■■■■�■■■�■■■■■■■■■■ -line Length Wo not sure . ■■.�■■��■■�■■`ter. ►.■zi■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■ME ■■ �w:.■■in■■■■■■®■r.■■■■■■■�■r■■■■■■■r�■■■■■ yes ti1i��li,'.71t��lLi■�■�■:�■■■■■■■lam■■�■■■l�'►�I^►`Ji■■■■■. ■I�■■ ■■■ h�V ■i■■�r.11■■■■■■■'.zr Attached: no A building permit mfylbe required by:�� ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) i •`: ^ 2 Notes/ Special Conditions Y Vl6—1 H - 1—kbu� V k- �� �-;; )► L lkv Agent or Applicant Prinrd Name Permit Signature �** Pled compli nce s tement on back of permit i * Sign; t�re ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules. Application Fee(s) Check # Issuing Date Expiration Date Q���� Pj r-,S� S;,V a c _ — pa -� cli a Ya 3 �! vi P- 0 MWAA i"ciuc me North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management James H. Gregson, Director Authorized Agent Consent Agreement is hereby authorized to act an my behalf (Pnr rw Iveme or gent) in order to obtain any CAMA permit(s) re uired for the property listed below. The authorization is limited to the specific activities described in the attached sketch. LOCATION OF PROJECT: c�P� PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE NO. C\ AUTHORIZED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS: me-rioajd 11 laxiai cru5 i — �, o o o�Ck` ,, b e e r oc�1 SoLAA-hPrC f) C-1 I Q 6 PHONE NO. q �C, —q S 1- S'ASg Signature of Property Owner. Signature of Authorized Agen Da 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, North Carolina 28Q5-3845 phone: 910-796•T2151 F.AX 910-395-3%4N Intemet www.nccoastaWranagernent.net An Emwl Oopo x* ,, Affirruen Aden Engrrrer - 50% RemW 1 10% Past C nwTw Paper Name of Individual Applying For Pentair `"` �'�en &ck A teas of Property 'Lot or Street #, Sct eet or Roadl _ Qa'K Zs far%8 l�runsw i CA 'Ciry and Comy) hereby certify that i own property adjacent to the above•refererced proptrry. Ttk individ%w applying for this permit has described to me ns shown oa the aQached drnwirig the deveiopnxac tey are proposing. A. description or drawing, with dimensions, sholuld be crovided with this k er I have no objections to this proposa; If you have objections to what is Wag proposed, please write the Di, isivn of CoGsiaL Haaagenaens, 127 Cardiaai Drive Extension, Wilmin, an* INC 28403 or C_ill 91�496-711S within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same a: no obIWOOnif you huve been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I uaderstand thot a pier, dock, =oriaS pilings, brauk%Yatcr, bout .rouse or boa: lift tnuskbeset bck a minimum distance of 13' from my area of riparian access • unless waived b. me. (lfyeu wisb to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank beio•-6• -- do wish to waive the i setback reacire^-- I do not u isn to waive tht I3' setback ?rent Name • -7 z- t cA NCDENK Telephone Number with Arta Code ,a,.,,,.',,,,r,__,, w v ;-` NUM of Individual Applying For Permit: : �'\fcn �qc k Address of Property I rl 5•y�l !Lot or Street #. Sheet or Road) _QaKTs� �runsLsicK (CiN 8rid County) - aeteby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-referencea propt::Y. The individw applying for this permit ha$ described to me as shown oa the aaacbcd drawing the developnmst t" are proposing. A descrip3ion or drawing, with dimensions. should be crovided rittiy*k Oer i,/ , have no objections to this propose: If you have objections to what is Wag proposers, please write the Dt•i:iiun of Coesifil. Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Extatasion, Wilmington, NC :8405 or Lail ` 10 T9i-TIIS within Id days of receipt of this notice. 14o response is considered the some as no objea6nff you have been norined by Certified Mail. WA.MR SECTION I understated that a pier, dock, tttooring pilings, breakwater, boat rouse or boar. lift ImmOba set beka minimum distance of 15' feom my area of riparian access - unless waived b. else. (If you Nvisb to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriaca blank, beiew do wise to waive the I5' setback reacirer-e I A2 M wish to waive the i 3' setback "Yn . rOK Date Print Name Telephone Number with Aria Code NCDEN R Date Received Dato DpoWfd Ch.* Fdn Name &P—If Holder Vandw Check Number Cheek ount Permit Number/Commev t' Reeaipt or Rerund/RWlocated CONW-1 Coi-2 b1pMe11117 Column) Columns col-6 7 Caumne Co/umn9 1232020 Grice Construction Kenneth Goff BB&T Steven Huel _ First Citizens Bank Josh Crook rBank of America 13551 $ 200.00 GP 074806D GP #71897D GP #71854D BB rot. 8807 Tmac rct. 10980 Tmac rct. 10976 1232020 American Marine Coastlucfion, Inc 88917 $ 200.00 1232020 LFP North Carolina LLC 1341 600.00