HomeMy WebLinkAbout71856D - FisherAGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMT APPUCATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: ,kc K •'• 1~ Mailing Address: SZq �L'eJT• �;r Cn 4c✓ C C% ottone Number: T/-6.3 2- Email Address: ��. 5a.�•� GSA' �jf z�: �• c-` certify that I have authorized < !1 r• , i n t <• 11 iaent f Ccntraclor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development 1�_., at my property located at 2 (t 5 4.l i s t `' 5 ' in L r L-tcw. c.k County. 1 furthermote certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on "re aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit applicaticra. Property Owner Information: Signature Prinf or Type Name Title Date This certification is valid through C' 1 30 1 Zo zr(] CERtI :LD M. &L- '.-mow 0--7 j .Name of Property Owner Address of Property: (Lot or Suet A. Street or Road. Cit" $ Coun5", Age, i's Name aj �; �' �Aaiting =,dare : lo Agent's phone t I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced: property. The individuai applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing -'tie development they are proposing. A description or draavino. with dimensions must be provided wish this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. _ I have objections to this proposal. F, you have objections to tyhG is being Proposac{ you, nust nofry the Division ci Cori lii7anace ,Wert (DC,' ) in tari*ffng oviWin 10 days of receip? oibRi Iotfco. r'oi—,espondencr should be maRed to `r27 Ca-rnai:-rive E-.L. Mlmiagton, NC, 28405-38445. -')CM raor as YL-Sves can also ba contacreG at (910) 796-72-15- No response is considered the same as no objection yot, havba�n rotire_r 3y C: rimed I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater: boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' iTom my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (if yOL: wish to waive the setback, you Mws� lnilda! the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I Jo rot wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. sites-.# Print or 7 ype'Name C -r z L•rj C c -t Ma17irg Address Cityllst telzlp Telephone Number 0"� t '� - -- --- Date ,i: ^.IyGLiC:... C:'3 W�L�:t•y �.. �►.i L:. .� �. �i , gi- -, �1, U 7r Print or Type .game i "A ? 21 -`- --x. da l e r� r nfailin; Address Telephone Number /(- ZZ- t'q v Re,rised V &201 CEitiPI f:EQt] sTEi� r DIVISION OF COASTAL A9ANA('cMRNY ADJACE?dT RIPARIAN PIROP£Sti71f OWNER N011FJCA7Ji0MW.ApIE31d t`(X,,gK Marne of Property Owner: Address Of Property. z r t <.j ) * 4 } (Lot or Street #, skeet or Road, city 14 County) Ageni's Name # t 'Li �"--t711t �Lj� Maims A1ddr�SSt: - 7 h {)r� .(% i lr l) t' i a . Ack Agent'sphone# y�U- aci"U IU `C�� 5�i14k:•� •t• {i t.c{`-j�' I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached dravAng_the development they are proposing. &_description or drawing with dimensions must be nravided avith this led !N I have no objections to this nwposaL I hove objections to this proposal. Hyou have otrjecffons to wtmtls boing proPosod, ym+mustnab7ythe Dfvlsfon of coastuf mana9enuytf Q7CMJ in wilting within 10 days of receipt of this Luce. Conespondwrco should be me0ed to 127 Carding► Drlvs Ext., WfJmiaytoa, NC, 28405.3M DCM representatives cm► elso be contaetod at (910) 796-7215..No respo"o M Consldwed the same 4s tm otcnon 1f you have Been rrotl/ied by CanGfiad 1t0afl. L� p � tern--1,-h-��..------�-----..,,..-....�....R^.... uOr'1 ER SECT 1V 1 understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 16 from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (if you wish to waive the setback, you must tourer the appropriate blank below,) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement- I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement, {?ropergy Owner Inknmation) ffiYrt or Type ante Maiiitng Address Cam_ Clt matorz p Telephone Number (Adjacent Prop rt j t wncr Informaxion s;�rrafta•� p jj - IC�I�� d l�iCr Print or a Name Malfing Address City/Stat&ZO 01(b- Telephone f mbeer DWd Revised W&2012 ..Q D.* Recdvad Date Mari Check Fmm !Name Name or P~ Holder V dor Check Numlw Check ant P—/I Number/Commonts R—iM or Retund/Realloea(ed Cok-1 Column! Column3 ColumM Cdumn5 Columns Cdumn7 CdumnS Column9 2/17/2020 CLTMC, Inc. Zach Fischer_ First Citizens Bank First Citizens Bank 1032 E GP #71856D GP #71857D GP #74895D GP #7_TD _ GP €/6227D _ _ IGP#748T7D Tmac rct. 10978 2/17/2020 CLTMC, Inc. Tommy Williamson 1031 _600.00 E 600.00 Tmac ret. 10977 Z/172020 H5 Construction, LLC Vamams Docks & Bulkheads Inc. Holden Docks & Bulkheads/ Holden Edward Miller _ BUT 2475 E 200.00 B8 rcL 11457 2/17/2020 Chris Mo an _ 88&T 7664E Z00.00 BB ret.11456 2/17/2020 Lockwood FollyPO Inc. CresCom Bank 3791 E 200.00 BB:11454 2/1720201 !Jerry Ennett I John Schroeder i Coastal Bank and Trust 2738 600.00 IJD rct. 10968