HomeMy WebLinkAbout72711D - SurlesJACAMA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT XNew ❑ Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue No. 72711 A B C Previous permit # Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC 0 (2 O ❑ Rules attached. Applicant Name k IA C-11.1 p[ ` 1A 4AA1 `SA RL r r Address —I;?-(* 1ff:>RAAJno„/ DP%vr_ City �—I LL I At TOW State ZIP 2 7 54 (0 Phone # (g19) 4 2 2 - 10 (., S E-Mail 4�,A Authorized Agent 61 P I C t C-0 JST R N C T1 u A/ Affected ❑ CW �QEW PTA .*W11• -OM- AEC(s): ❑ OEA HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A ❑ PWS: ORW: yes / no PNA yes / no Project Location: County & Lk AI sW I C K Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) 5& ! AuRFn/C�uRA JTRCr— Subdivision 14/,4 City UCKAiV _ -S,r_ BE ZIP 2-P46q Phone # (i110) 579 - 9 Q9 5 River Basin L u IAfS ER Adj. Wtr. Body C AA/A (nat &a�)/unkn) Closest Maj. Wtr. Body A I W W Type of Project/ Activityr • ■■■►:�■■�- wi■■■i■■wry■■■■■■�� ■■■�!■■■■■■v: i .: .. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��■■■■■Ili.■ ■Ili■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■c�■■■rillli i i�ll■■■�I■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ii■■iii■i■■ice■■i ii i� �iii�i■■iii■i■i■iiii■ ■■■■■■_■■■_■■_■■■■_■_■_�jlf�l■■■ram■_■_■■�N■__■■_■_■__■■ iJ■■■■■■■tit ■■■► �!■I �r�C��11 Cfi'%�■■■11■■■1�1■■iJ■■■ � �■��11�111�111�.1�!■■■■■■Ri7��7I/i;lf�3'j.:�f'r7i■■11■iq!��Aw■■■ • ■■�/I�MI+WiIi■■■■■■r■■ ■■■■■■■■■11■■■G►l.i.3J■■■ AV Agent or Applicant PrinteO t4ame Signature Please read compliance statement on back of permit jt;zoo 127 Application Fee(s) Check # ' `IL I;K 1A C CAI,�IR� Permit Officer's Printed Name c Signature 28 2019 5 28 2)Iq Is iusls ng Date Exp lion ate Air'. NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Pat McCrory Braxton C Davis John E Skvarla, III Govemor Director Secretary AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM AGENT AUTHORIZATION FUKM Date: � Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit A 4 Owner's Mailing Address: . r Phone Number (`i I C) L(J-) Name of Authorized Agent for this project C-TrrSQ_G% �IJn Agents Mailing Address: Phone Number Lho ) s- 9 - cm I certify that I have authorized the agent listed above to act on my behalf. for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA PMQV-- s necessary to install or construct the foll wing (activity): ��Q a ru.m,-)/ Tns% l ( r� boq f /� 7 For my property located at This certification is valid thru (date) Property Owner Signature Date 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington. NC 28405 Phone 910-796-7215', FAX: 910-395-3964 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagementnet An Equai OwNnuty Aftminve Action Employer N '7 A4etlrs Warti t5t' 1CaQ. R5t('tUlaiUMA&-ess:tLtUY� : tG I hereby cedify_tiiat I own property adjam tt.to the above refe"ced-.property. The individual aping for , sfriti ha-opscribed to me as sham on the attached-. the development they atet propo. inn. 1 bpe no abja bons to this propma i have objeoiions to this propoW. WA VElt'SECnON l understand.ftta pier, dodo ,mooting pill gs. brook~ bo , toc.'roln :must be sei mtnlmwrdis#snce of i 6' mY area' of ffip r t access l ivied b . f#;y3tt Wtst4 U. �+laive; setbaEi<, ��.lrf I II S1C t118'BpprOpnate'��ankbelCflAf.) n I :do with to waive the I5' setbaclr-req&emenC-' I d ittR-waive.the I& setback regt"r 6rtt. l(Propetrty. Owner info rmation} h (Aa) nt Proper ter rtAOr j Simatwe : afore Pint7jrpt3 fila a Printt or.7: Type da�rtr : M��A�: _ 2 5_q2. k-rlD d zok* bAziD Telephonai Number Teleph mber Date 'Poe Revised fi1M2012 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETUWRECEIPT REQU_ ESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPdATY OWNER NOTIFICATIONNYAIVER FORM Fume of Property Owner: ddress of Property: ZI 10 1 ` ' GC (Lot or Street #, Street or R , Ci & County) Agents Name#.jCt �r6 up k�() Mailing Address:Jk'b &QC�A Agents phone *%D— 57-gbg5 &ps_�X N.0 2-c6%G t i hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual apeiyi, ,, for -- -- r1.s .it has described to me as shown on the attac. the development the, are pm�+'s , C" 15 S.1 1 have no objections to this proposal. I Have objections to this proposal. .) W1— If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Div' n of �ld al Management (OCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Con shay mai�'ed to 127 Cardinal Drive Ext, Wilmington, NC, 28405-3845. DCM represe e contactedat (910) 79&7215.-Ne-response is considered the some as no objectio been "aged by Certified Mail — —- - -- WAIVER SECTION — --_ i understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or grain must be set back a _ minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access use -waived by me. (if you wish to waive tr.11a setback, you Must initial the appropriate blank below.) -- - -- V 1 do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement _ I do no wlto waive the 15' setback requirement. — - - (Property Owner Information) 'di lOAwner hif�orntation) t N��c �Rk�j Lcee Sib ature Sig nature Print o ype Name Print or Type Name Flailing Address -- _— _�— Mailing Add/r_ess I -7 5' 44 /k CVStateMp City/Stateaip Telephone Number Telephone Number Date D e Revised 611 01 Dafe Dab Roeefved Deposited Check From (Name) _ _ _ Name of Permit Holder Vendor Check Number Check amount Permit Number/Comments Recelpf or Refund/Reallocated Cokm i Column2 Column) C.1-4 coin s Column. Column] Column8 CoWmn9 1/27/2019 Grice Construction I Hu h and Susan Surles BB&T 12729 $ 200.00 _ ! GP #72711 D TMc rct. 7727D