HomeMy WebLinkAbout74349D - CarterLAMA / yDREDGE &FILL No. 74349 A B cp GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality t� and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC Uk k ao �; —� ❑ Rules attached. Applicant Name �\2 kA N (AP,-T c IZ Address 11 19 1. u &l (,C_F_AF DA/ City kl%'M T TEylc.i�t State AC ZIP 28-)OS Phone # (�) y`12 Z-Z3I_Mail ` Authorized Agent C()(L he fi q i S 1q^,f. iog f. Gan F. � c4jny Affected ❑ CW ❑ EW ❑ PTA )?ES XM AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A ❑ PWS: ORW: yes / � PNA yes / Project Location: County '-1Z"t4g,- Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) �S3 t U.vA 12 or Subdivision ►mac. City �Aj U.�Ac ZIP 28y V-J- Phone # ( -j"' River Basin LUA, gz #L Adj. Wtr. Body LAA1A(nat /erg/unkn) Closest Maj. Wtr. Body �ww (dock) length_ d Platform(s) r pier(s) in length number head/ ROM length max distance offshore—!7' cubic yards ramp MENEM MENEM reline Length MINEENEEMINIMONEMEM! MENEM OP, MENEM not sure yes ME MI 0111NIMOMM1100111MINE MEN IMINNEEN MEN torium: & yes no ver Attache 1 - ■[is�1■■■tEi■�!�i►■■►\■■i�■=■�1■11\'■, .i .�II�Rai■■■r■ ■■ICl1■III■■■■!■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■1 �■■■■■■ ■■■■■ Agent or Applicant Printed Name i Signature **� Please read compliance statement on back of pe mit *`�*' , # yov °�--- r3 9b Application Fee(s) Check # 1LCfz c C'I,AcR Permit Officer's Printed Name i Signature 7 f l `t A `1 I I �I 9 Act Issuing Date Expiration Date Name of Property t •Requedit Permit: Mailing Address: -Phone Numbers Email Addrew. _ J' � s' <� � . ,�r�z 1 f, 1 certty that'.]Imve awed 6J 5 &L s /NA rn1 C Al Agent /Contmc W to act on my behalf, for ihe.purpase.of-applying-for and oMaIning all CAMA petmits necessary for the faoiloAng-P dombPmef /lds7-.4-444-ficA� 6 F A at my propenjt -at 1.55 7—i'rv's r F/, .,�� in -Cwray. l furthermore ,cerW VW 1 am aihodrred to, grant and do in fact granf permi abn fo Division of G www �nistaff, the Local AwnwT Officer and their agents to enter on the af�a-amenbarted A rxts in voitn�cfion wfth evaluating k fomratia" reJeted to .this P aPP- Property owlwrl 11 J Apamm LIZ Print or type Nme ' Tft - 7, -z f r9 pate This certification is valid through' 1,�2- . i 51 l / 9 ADJACENT AWAMAW MOM OWNER UAIUM i . artiryr fhat t 0" wap" aOMM to s pvpwty loco at i 3 T✓ �,�A r ri.= (Wei of RroP" on CAV'gz-- t-2' ) WWI" in (VWMWbody) �;Te . KC. The 41006ca„-4 :mow end to me, as shown Wow, the dwsiopme.Rt f cpourd at the gww eocajOB, . � t fave r* O*ction to 0* proposal, l have 0WOCUMM b this prop"W. DEWMPT# ANDMR D A1lYAG OF EED SDEVELO�WT (1 rnldeeFl proPofg d,,*pwo* MW 0 In d;s&w*9Fw "Ow Or attach a s ots G1' C G.r '4%'ls4 o%Ny z f%fL>C•iif£-�i�D CfiA I Z I w de►mWW theta piar, dock, Moecfrp PWIM �nW) distance of 1S' from my aroe of riparian aacew �al&ft wsl"d�' Of t waive the mac, you nt att fnidlasf ft approp� bhMc tefIIw,� ` ( wish do wish to wgve the t5' ietbwIck nogt remw t. - i do n,* *ish to Wei" tfls PI� QAlni!' ff!/p���T"� EEielir�a.. o, �phogsA�r (I s-t Tart ff4wiNd W&M2) s N w � w 407 U ~d aoo 0j z< O w � Q O o Z J N a�--a �0z O �Nm W N U0C Q 0 ZSU (J' BRIAN CARTER 153 TUNA DRIVE CANAL r`� ty 81.03'13" E 100.57' T 30' CAP gUf�� f r f r r r r "A' r r A ERB i N i - o ( 5iORM WATER STUKAt+tY/! CANAL NO. 3 (830 SO. FLOW PROPOSED <0 FLOW IN GROUND POOL j EXISTING BULKHEAD IS I CONCRETE NORMAL HIGH WATER POOL DECK - (815 SQ. FT•_+L_ I I OS I I k z GLE 4 k------------- --------------- ; RAMP DOCK o k k EXISTING ! I HOUSE I k 1 k S 87-19'53" W FLOATING DOCK �' 19' 53 N1 77.67' 22.33' NIP NOTES: *INFORMATION FROM A SURVEY BY GARY GURGANUS SCALE: 1" = 20' CTV EB❑ MH N O O � - (D rn M 0259h i -.,�.lt� gP•T ,.- O Z c� > Iv o70 -I �rn Date Reca/ved Date De slid Check From (Name) Name of Permit Holder Vendor Check Number Check amount Permit Numb —Comments Race! t or RetundlReallocated Col.."! Columnl Coiumn3 Column4 Co/umn5 Coiumn5 Column? Column9 Column9 7/19/2019 Michael and Leslie Kolcun Grice Construction Custom Design Marine Harriet Thom son BB&T Kristine Krin _ BB&T _ Brian Carter First Federal 2027 $ 200.00 GP #74237D TMc rct. 9126 TMc rd. 9128 TMc rct. 9127 7/19/2019 13140 $ 600.00 GP #74347D 7/19/2019 1388 $ 400.00 GP #74349D