HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 LUP Implementation Report - 20191 TOWN OF MANTEO 2007 CAMA LAND USE PLAN ACTIONS: Public Access: Public Access Action Action Description Implementation Update PA Action 1- Boardwalk Areas All new waterfront development, whether public or private, should be required to provide a publicly-accessible boardwalk at the water’s edge, both on Shallowbag Bay and along Croatan Sound (Manteo Zoning Ordinance Article X: B-4 Westside Waterfront District Section 10.1, CAMA Public Access Requirements). The boardwalk should tie into the Town’s existing boardwalk system where appropriate and increase public access, including views, to natural resources in the public trust. The existing boardwalk is 1.5 miles long. The proposed boardwalks shown in the Public Access Conceptual Plan will extend public access an additional one mile. On-going PA Action 2- Public Docks and Boat Launch Access The public docks and four boat ramps within the town limits should be maintained for public access. Additional facilities should be provided as demand and/or use increases to ensure adequate access to public trust waters. On-going PA Action 3-Parks The sports park called for in the Twenty-Year Town Plan Update should be built in its proposed location (on a portion of the 22.3-acre site of the wastewater treatment plant) to provide all fields and other amenities needed for active recreation. The proposal also offers recommendations for stormwater and wastewater treatment, and these should be reviewed for viability. Such treatment innovations would extend the use of the park to serve multiple functions including educational opportunities for park users. Under review PA Action 4-Davis Property The Davis property is a 0.125-acre parcel in the heart of downtown Manteo’s waterfront that provides unprogrammed open space. This lot should be acquired and remain undeveloped to provide space for gathering, sitting, accessing the boardwalk, and viewing Festival Park and the Elizabeth II. Acquisition, grading, irrigation complete. Seating and gathering space improvements under review. 2 PA Action 5- Walking Routes The Town of Manteo should prepare a town walking plan based on priorities of walking to schools, parks, the everyday town center, and the downtown. Walking routes should be developed that connect people to the water’s edge, the experience of the town’s historic and small-town character, and other local resources. The Town should implement a program of neck downs and crosswalks at key intersections based on the walking plan and the study of US64/264 called for in the RITP. Under review PA Action 6- Voyages Corridor Buffer The 50-foot buffer on US64/264 should be planted as described in the Voyages Corridor Plan and should also become a pedestrian and bicycle way. It should include an eight-foot-wide multi-use path along US64/264 and have crosswalks for safe crossing and access to commercial activity. The path would extend continuously 8.8 miles from William B. Umstead Bridge to Washington Baum Bridge, with an extension to Virginia Dare Bridge of 0.86 miles. This continues the implementation of the buffer called for in Manteo’s Zoning Ordinance (Article XVI Pedestrian Greenways and Drainage Ditches, Section 16.2 and Article XV Scenery and Landscape Section 15.4). Bike path and pedestrian path installed. Planting installed by NC DOT. Town continues to enforce Roanoke Voyages Corridor rules. Land Use Compatibility: Land Use Compatibility Action Action Description Implementation Update LUC Action 7- Village Business District (B-1) The boundaries of B-1 shall not be expanded beyond their current location (see Figure 32). The primary intent of this district is to encourage traditional downtown uses along the historic waterfront, and as the most urban district in the town, to permit for closely sited buildings with common walls, reduced setbacks, and/or greater lot coverage than other districts. Furthermore, the intent is to promote a village atmosphere with heavy pedestrian traffic, to encourage mixed-use retail/residential buildings with commercial uses on the ground floor to promote and sustain the critical mass necessary for economic viability with residential uses on upper floors. No expansion of B-1 requested or guaranteed to date. 3 LUC Action 8- Everyda Town Center Commercial on Virginia Dare Main Street (B-2 subzone 1) The General Business District was established to serve both permanent residents and visitors with a broad range of services and uses, functioning as an “everyday town center.” On-going. Continue to provide a range of services. LUC Action 9- Viriginia Dare Corridor Commercial (B-2 subzone 2) A second subzone, B-2 subzone 2, should be established. This zone should focus on commercial uses that do not compete with everyday town center uses, but provide other essential services for Manteo residents. The total square footage of buildings shall be limited to 20,000 square feet or less. On-going. 20,000 square footage cap remains. LUC Action 10- County Services and Tourist- oriented Commercial (B-3) The purpose of the B-3 district is to create entranceways to the town that offer a village-like atmosphere of welcome with an aesthetic quality appropriate to an island town expressed through use, scale, and architectural detail. This district must balance traditional commercial activity with year-round residential uses at a village pedestrian scale that strengthens the environmental, social, and economic fabric of the town; addresses the need for affordable housing; prevents suburban sprawl; and supports sustainable development in keeping with the historic and cultural significance of Roanoke Island. On-going. County consolidated services in B-3 zone. LUC Action 11- Development Evaluation Tool The Town of Manteo should create a point system to evaluate development proposals. Evaluation criteria should include metrics for meeting Town goals including reductions of water and energy consumption and generation of wastewater, architectural details, and desired land uses. The Planning and Zoning Board, Town Staff, and Board of Commissioners should use this tool to determine how well given proposals meet development criteria. Only projects that earn a specified number of points should be approved. Items evaluated via technical review. LUC Action 12- Development Priorities The Town should also create a list of development priorities including development type and building use based on community needs consistent with the type, character, density, and intensity of development set in this plan (see table 47). Under review. LUC Action 13-LID Measures The Town of Manteo should continue to implement LID measures including but not limited to impervious surface limits, innovative stormwater management alternatives, and vegetated Rely on energy efficient 4 buffers, to minimize the environmental impacts of development and redevelopment. standards of NC Building Code. Stormwater ordinance in Town of Manteo zoning code (sect. 17) Infrastructure Carrying Capacity: Infrastructure Carrying Capacity Action Action Description Implementation Update ICC Action 14- Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) Manteo’s UGB in the B-4 Westside Waterfront District should follow the delineation of the coastal wetlands. Site-specific delineations of wetlands are needed due to the dynamic nature of wetland systems. All development in the B-4 district must adhere to the requirement of Water Quality Policy 33. On-going-There is no proposed development in B-4 district at this time. ICC Action 15- Growth Targets The Town should conduct a growth management study to set growth targets, which should then be assessed annually. Under review. ICC Action 16- Growth Capacity The Town should create a recording mechanism to continually and accurately track the capacity of the wastewater treatment plant with every project approval. On-going-Staff continue to monitor development as it relates to capacity of the 5 wastewater treatment plant. ICC Action 17- Vacant Parcels Vacant parcels within the Town’s corporate limit should be the first infill priority, as illustrated on the map by the gray-colored wash covering the town on the Infrastructure Carrying Capacity Conceptual Plan. Due to the complexity of historic parcelization of land in Manteo individual vacant parcels have not been identified on the Future Land Use Plan Map. On-going-Town staff, with Dare GIS identified and mapped vacant parcels in 2018.0 ICC Action 18- Downtown Infill Development of County Administration Buildings (B-1) The 1.1-acre site with the soon-to-be-vacated County Administration building should be considered for redevelopment. The Town recognizes that there has been no formal proposal for redevelopment and the County can redevelop these properties as desired in compliance with this plan and Manteo’s Zoning Ordinance. The Town of Manteo encourages redevelopment that supports the historic quality of the downtown including closely sited buildings, reduced setbacks, high lot coverage, mixed-use, and as high a density as possible while maintaining the town character. Additionally, the Town encourages uses that are compatible with the character of this district, including commercial uses that serve local and tourist needs and affordable residential units targeted for full-time residents. A minimum density of eight dwelling units/acre is desirable which would require the project to meet affordable housing requirements. Density and intensity characteristics should be consistent with Table 47. On-going- The buildings located at the Old Dare County Administration site are currently being demolished by Dare County. ICC Action 19- Chesley Mall Redevelopment The B-2 General Business District was established to serve both permanent residents and visitors with a broad range of services and uses, functioning as an “everyday town center.” Density and intensity characteristics should be consistent with Table 47. The 11.5-acre site where Chesley Mall is currently located should be considered for redevelopment. If it is redeveloped, it should a mixed-use development. At the time of redevelopment, the Town should consider a minimum of six residential dwelling units/acre as part of Manteo’s future everyday town center. On-going-There is no proposed development in B-2 district at this time. ICC Action 20- Virginia Dare Commercial Corridor This area within the town limits is the third priority for locating new development or redevelopment. On-going-There is no proposed development in the Virginia 6 Dare Corridor at this time. ICC Action 21- Building Code Revisions Building codes should be revised to achieve water conservation, to reduce consumption of potable water supply, and to reduce the total volume of wastewater per household. Efforts should include use of low flow fixtures and graywater for irrigation purposes. Rely on NC Building Code. ICC Action 22- Water Loss Investigation The Town should investigate the water loss documented in the 2002 Local Water Supply Plan and develop strategies to increase efficiency based on findings. Update local water supply plan annually. Continually monitor as required by permitting agency. Natural Hazards: Natural Hazards Action Action Description Implementation Update NH Action 23- Flood and Storage Capacity Needs The town’s flooding and storage needs should be calculated to inform treatment and storage area acquisition, development, and design. The Town of Manteo is now participating in data collection with a tide gauge located at the Roanoke Marshes Lighthouse. That gauge reports to the state’s FIMAN 7 network. The Town has ongoing work being done on Phase V of the stormwater improvement plan. NH Action 24- Future Sea Level Rise Areas Future Sea Level Rise Areas – The lands in and near Manteo that are anticipated to be inundated by the year 2058 due to a combination of projected 24 inches of sea level rise and subsidence should become a delineated zone. New development in this zone should be discouraged within the town’s corporate limits and on lands being considered for annexation. Under review. NH Action 25- Infiltration Study The Town should complete its sewer pipe infiltration study and upgrade the pipes and MWWTP to reduce the impact of storms on the capacity of the plant. Under review. NH Action 26: Green Building Materials for FEMA The Town should develop a list of green building materials that also meet FEMA requirements and determine if the building codes should be modified to allow such materials. Rely on NC Building Codes. NH Action 27: NFIP Participation Manteo will continue to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System. On-going-part of daily operations. NH Action 28: Future Sea Level Rise Areas In cooperation with Dare County the villages of Roanoke Island should undertake a detailed study to determine which lands are most likely to be inundated as sea level rise occurs, and where development and infrastructure should be prohibited or protected, and prepare a plan to address the impacts. There should also be an investigation of useful estimation models to determine which lands are likely to be inundated. Under review. Water Quality: 8 Water Quality Action Description Implementation Update WQ Action 29: B- 1 Stormwater Treatment The Town should identify stormwater treatment strategies for the B-1 Village Business District as this district is currently exempt from Zoning Ordinance requirements for on-site treatment. In 2018, the Town installed two inline stormcepter units to treat stormwater before it reaches the bay. An oyster sill was installed on the Town owned shoreline in 2018. WQ Action 30: Rain Gardens and Buck’s Seafood Property The Town should identify parcels for acquisition and development as rain gardens where stormwater can be treated before reaching surface waters in an effort to meet the community goal of restoring shellfishing capabilities for Shallowbag Bay. The former Buck’s Seafood property is a .77-acre parcel on US64/264 that should be acquired as part of this program. Buck’s seafood was acquired by the Town in 2007. WQ Action 31: Neighborhood ditches The Town should restore and maintain the function of ditches for stormwater treatment and flood mitigation as shown on the Water Quality Conceptual Map- Town Scale. Any easements necessary to accomplish this should be established. These ditches are a valuable resource that total 0.8 miles in length, cover two acres (10 feet on either side of the center line), and provide backyard wildlife habitat. On-going-The Town is currently pursuing Phase V of it’s stormwater improvement plan. Also, the Town is currently 9 studying Agona Street (westside) drainage problems. WQ Action 32: MWWTP Discharge Location Assessment In order to restore shell fishing areas, the Town should complete the current study of MWWTP discharge to Shallowbag Bay through a Clean Water Trust Fund Grant. After completion, the Town should enter into discussions with the State to develop viable options for alternative location and/or method of discharge. On-going- according to MPDES permit requirements in-stream testing is required once a week in 5 locations of Shallowbag Bay. WQ Action 33: Graywater Systems The Town should complete an investigation of the opportunities for graywater systems to recycle water from MWWTP reducing discharge and use of potable water. Under review. WQ Action 34: Monitoring Program The Town should establish a monitoring program to track the progress of stormwater improvements. Under review. WQ Action 35: Water Quality Workshop The Town should sponsor a workshop where creative solutions for small and large-scale water quality interventions in the hydrologic unit are proposed and examined. On-going-public education materials available on Town’s website. WQ Action 36: Stormwater Stewardship A committee of volunteers should be established to steward and maintain the ditches, rain gardens, and other stormwater interventions. On-going-Town Staff conduct regular inspections of stormwater 10 system. Two liter pick up events are held annually where volunteers canvas the Town to remove debris located in ditches, yards, curbs, gutters, marsh and the sound. WQ Action 37: New and Amended Ordinances Amend and create ordinances as needed to implement Water Quality Policies 31, 35, 36, and 37. Section 17 of Town of Manteo Zoning Ordinance. WQ Action 38: Island-wide Water Quality Improvements The Town of Manteo should propose an inter-jurisdictional planning effort and invite Dare County and the villages of Roanoke Island to participate in developing a strategy to clean up waters surrounding the island, in particular those that are closed to commercial shellfishing. This water quality plan should identify allowable uses in the drainages flowing into target areas and determine best management practices that would achieve higher water quality. This plan should also include strategies (such as buffering) to preserve and/or acquire coastal wetlands, high quality upland wetlands identified by CREWS, forest (which reduces runoff and sedimentation of waters), vegetated hummocks created from dredge spoils, and other upland wetlands. Additionally, the plan should identify resources to be petitioned for designation as AECs by the Coastal Resources Commission. The Town of Manteo conducts two liter pick up events are held annually where volunteers canvas the Town to remove debris located in ditches, yards, curbs, gutters, marsh and the sound. The debris 11 removal includes partners such as the North Carolina Coastal Federation. WQ Action 39: Interim Wellhead Protection Zones The Town of Manteo should propose an interjurisdictional planning effort and invite Dare County and the villages of Roanoke Island to develop a strategy to protect the island’s wellheads and in so doing protect drinking water quality and supply. This plan recognizes that Dare County is in the process of developing wellhead protection plans for each of their water systems, and has initiated discussion about the creation of a Sanitary District for unincorporated areas of Roanoke Island. In the interim a 1/4 -mile protection zone should be delineated around each wellhead until a detailed study has been completed. Uses in these zones should be limited to passive recreation with limited pathways. It should be noted that the planning process will require research to establish reasonable protection standards based on recharge, flow, and travel time. As part of this land use update planning process the Coastal Resources Commission should be petitioned to designate the wellheads as Public Water Supply AECs. Under review. Local Areas of Concern: Local Areas of Concern Action Action Description Implementation Update LAC Action 40: Historic Preservation Plan The town should complete a Historic Preservation Plan to ensure preservation of historic resources within the town of Manteo and identify resources on Roanoke Island that are important to the Manteo way of life and need protection. Under review. LAC Action 41: Green Building Guidelines The Town should amend or update The Manteo Way of Building: A Guide for Development to include green building prescriptions that are consistent with the goal of maintaining the town’s historic character. Under review. 12 LAC Action 42: Building Codes for Sustainable Development The Town should revise codes to achieve sustainable site design and building standards. These revisions should include revisions for water conservation addressed in ICC Action 21. Rely on NC Building Code. LAC Action 43: Alternative Energy Investigation The Town should investigate alternative energy systems including wind power. Section 12-8.1. of Town of Manteo Zoning Code -Wind generation facility. LAC Action 44: Recycling Plan When issuing building permits the Town should require a materials recycling plan. It should also investigate the diversion of construction debris for reuse and resale. The Town of Manteo offers free residential recycling at addresses inside the corporate limits. LAC Action 45: Tree Preservation and Removal Plan The Town should develop a plan that specifies conditions under which trees may or may not be removed and the conditions of mitigation. Section 15-21 of Town of Manteo Zoning Code-Retention of protection of large and historic trees. LAC Action 46: Native Plant Palatte To protect vegetative integrity within Manteo, the Town should create a limited allowable plant palette and avoid introducing invasive species into the island ecosystem. This information should be shared with interested parties within the county The Town encourages use of native plant species.