HomeMy WebLinkAboutCreech, MichaelCAMA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL NO. %4403 A B C D GENERAL PERMIT P ouspermit# New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue state previous permit issued As authtized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern �ursuant to 15A NCAC �. ! r [� Rules Attached Applicant Name_ (�„ .!� (� i Project Location: County - Address Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) City _ State ZIP Y Phone E-Mail Authorized Agent T )(( r Affected ❑ CW ❑ E W ❑ PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS AEC(s): E)OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A ❑ PWS: ORW: yes / no PNA yes / no Type of Project/ Activity Pier Fixe Float Fing Groi Bulk Bas! Boat Boat Beac Oth Shor SAV: Mor, Phot Waiv Subdivision 1 City— ZIP_ — Pjtone # ( ) River Basin ({Adj. Wtr. Body �tO -_ (nat /man /unkn Closest Maj. Wtr. Body — A ((Scale: j ' 11 VIA ®■■■■Nrt■■■■■■■■�n1��1�A�Ir1■■■■■■►��■ w■■���■■■■■■Illt�l �!\�u►a■■ ■■E►. in Plat ■■!►►�•• .....C■■►.■!lI►�1Fi��.CC..■.�lll�t7:�i���..�.■.E■■■. ■■■■■ ■■■\\■IIWM ■■■■■■ksm \IIr'i■■■mom ■ ■■ ■ ■■■\I■IflllL'li■!II■IG/■■■■■■�► E IFfi1l l6■ ■ ■■ ■i■■■r■i�►�n®■r.■��w■■■�r�►� i'Zin ■ ■I■■■■■tsl[Il■'�\ll�!■ ar■■�i1�VW tom'■ /I�■1�!■\ ■I!■.■�■li■!■►���■■ ■■//1O011�11 11►�iffam � ■11■!!1�■■■■■!�►�■�■/JrlillLl�.�I�R:"�.I'/,i111l►�1 JEi1 ■a1■■m■■■■■■Il®■OI—arf :■N= f /1!/r0,,4 1.4 1 .........■■�ari■■isi■■■r�a■■!■a�■■■.■■ ■■■■■■®■■■■ ONFAME o■■■■■■ ■raw■ ■E ri■® !qw"-Rll ■f ■N■ MEMM �■ _,NEW it 0■■■►I ■■►III■ ■■ ME MENEM ME ■■ so■ L f-AWA 6 �yAil®"R O ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■�IIJ� ■■■■■■■�100 �� (W■■�■�1■■■■■■■ J IN ■■■N M me L..gthT—■a■■■■■iimmmmmmmm= 0 ■■■■■■G■■i.��■ not suno yes ..■.■.■.■ ■:mm=m::.C:I0®:mC■I■�■■ ■ torium: W. Yes ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■®l■■■■■ s' Yes rAttaclh.d- Yes no 1 C=::E:MM:::::B:C:::::1MMMM :::::: A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction) Notes/ Special Conditions ,-7­0 G)---JC-W5 Agent or Applicant Printed Name '--'ye. I J"'i Signature ** Please re�la Tcompliance statement on back of permit" Application Fee(s) 1 Check# Z/ ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules. , PermitOfficer's Signatu e Issuing ate lExpiration Date A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction) Notes/ Special Conditions ,-7­0 G)---JC-W5 Agent or Applicant Printed Name '--'ye. I J"'i Signature ** Please re�la Tcompliance statement on back of permit" Application Fee(s) 1 Check# Z/ ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules. , PermitOfficer's Signatu e Issuing ate lExpiration Date 02-09-'15 13:55 FROM- T-017 POOOV0003 F-056 �74 MCDEEIR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management - Pat McCrory Braxton C. Davis - John E. Skvarla, III Governor Director Secretary Date — Applicant Name Mailing Address Cy`e?c� I certify that I have authorized (agent) _R0 � �/ I*— t e.�J to act on my belralf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA Permits necessary to install or construct (activity) This certification is valid Signature at (location) Ir, RvCENEC 0NR 2 610 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 ne Phone: 252-808-28081 W: 252-2473330 Internet, www.necoastalmanagement.nel t�tyl )C�(alrollina An Equal Opportunity lAKmlalive Acton EmployerW{7-L:�O�� 11 -12'15 09:36 FROM T-063 P0001/0W1 F-145 DIVISION OF COASTAL, MANAGEMENT ADJAC OP O E N FO CERTIFIED MAIL - RET N REC IPT REQUESTED i I hereby certify that I own property ad)aceru to / r! ,GA4 e t j J (Name of Property Owner) �ropertylocated aY (Address, Lot, Block, oad, etc.) J an� it in� -lGiti ,C Pie-4 (Waterbody (r �� (Cityltown andlor County) Agent's Name M (� Upl _2 � MailingAddreas: 4lent's phone #:.2 5P - %% 5-' 3 r /T F e/She has described to me as shown below the development helshe Is proposing at that location, a I have no objections to the proposal. 1 DESCRIPTION ANDIOR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (tndividuar proposing development must All In descrtpflon below or attach a sfta strawing) V,"M -e Pout are n6j r�� rr� QCHyi�vr�y . ioa to �6,N .S G eS, "� �P ✓'oFf.t o y2re c Wf'„s obi �� e Gather - o S �V fit( �% f HY SIn e, tt , +- t- k ehtfAe^Ce and a/>!Isiny If- _ A. -T�ey st✓e VSP +hr -Frar4 to a;Ve molt Paco to 5e wafeY rN'.�+� �Grntprcaf �. to wrtttnq W fhtm 10.days bt riceipt of this notice. Contact tatwmarran far Dim amces is Ileathtta/hsnvw'rtccc Zen aementriet/wab/crnlstaNlisGnrfovbycafling? 08 CQA3T. (Property Into n) (Riparia roperty Ow r Intarmadon (gnaffiffs P60t or Type Name Print or Type Name p1g Maittn9 Address Malting Address C� AJ C_ ';Y7sfi iacMAMN � e(l,rp Cidy/Slate/Lip p TelgphoneNumber/E,insdAddress Tels hone Number/EmallAddress }3 � d•N�T �} nf.vrco�* Date Date (Revised: Aug. 2014) DIVISION ^•.•• "W nmIL - Mr I URIV r1CUMPT REQUESTEU (/ ,'' I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to � i�� 4 e /\ C oA. (Name of Property Owner) vertyloaatadat. (Address, Lot, Block, �lRoad, etc.) l%lisOh,r4�7` UGt in—_ flahfG eAG(� N.C. (Waterbody (City/Town and/or County) ' ent's Name #: D b Oe Mailing Address: 36t's phone #; _. 2 �� ZZ 5-3 `/ /5 She has described to me as.shownbelow the development he/she is proposing at that location, I I have no objections to the proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (I dividual proposing davelopmentmust. fill in description below or attach a site drawlangj (fie are Dv,ny (�e l�o/IaFl%l. poa+��Y lue a✓e nGi-. G{�otiv� aN�l�,ny t0 4 4F'S'!•de.D�"14eiJA��wny ,dot y-o i-�''@ s'rdPS. .r-A2 -j 42 yavp C�%iing 0 Ft {%2 co✓Ars- o ° �• S hpu �� SfR j f �e Sam e, 1 +tie ehtkxMee and add%ny 1� i � — rtieY acre VSei, +- 'e X t`Irh9. o +�r-Fr'o4f gj9t - i-o a�ve Aote ; S`};ate P iO%,S. FGv. a e 6 A y Pact to Sfe Wader Rm, ' or Y >< N ophaveobjacdonstowhatlsbe%ngpmpbsed,youmustnoWthoDlvlslonofCoas:WManagement (D "'in wdting within• f0.days of MCeipt of this notice. Contact Informadon for DCM offices is .91/Oan/1/H nl LM...IA .. .rty Owner lnfonnatlon) P71911 Or lYpe Nfinle pf'Gi C7V(Ifl✓1 (Ri avian P pe ne (pfq�mation) i//" C4 i Signature Print or Type Name .190 Malling Address ! CRY/State/ZIP -- 9/� C,veed T loph& one Number/Email Address -S RECEIVED t Date • (Revts�}�ug.�tY� DCM-MHD CITY 13y s ; r l tPc, PPAP / i r e 4 � ar! a,n4 r tn. /. fi l' I.�' / t• r' �'rr7p�f:=x r (N alrm of * enperty Owner! N.G. 1 ,^az rkzesdy), ;cityi+vvvr gat 'ear taus wy} ie ai pail. „s ys dc-scribed c rti�, ae sl,otNjh reslr,,r, tnf,, d(e v �lojwrent proposed at the above Ek ri '' ,� `rt`i�li`• ii?C7`uj�f"tY[5ti ti: if>Ifa 'XOC1 5r; "tv)e hgectioi'Y° to tilt=; "'r Yv. ;` i�. .-................._..........«...........e..f...._...v._...__..._�_.__._ -._. 5 SG`ar°it TJON ,QNDJOR DRAWING OF f�tiOPOSED DEVEt..G)i'MEAlT ,n, rrcdviduai proposing deYelopmerP musd fill to d¢sclipfion below or attach a site drawing) gepi6ve 'i-o rL,4-fki JL R _CSj peR 1 � 2019 InPwr AAtVkR �jcc 17i0N uiaderstand that a }crier, deck, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set t,aok a minimum eastance of 15' from my area of hpanan access unless waiml by rne. (if you wish to waNe the setback, you roust initial the appropriate blank below.) wish to %vaive the 15' settiackrnyuirpment- ' do riot ` ,ail to waive iti,�. i5' setback,recajirenleint. { i,oPa r er lntn weYnn} fAdjacont o� rty OwriyLln,7�� z>-�aCw r F, of a Typg nlrnn Print �o/ry Name r <�lrnr.Addrs s Nulling mdre CijlritPpe/ZI(1 3fsj_ %' f•Gi 1 Gt1 1)f e' NC'.. 2_'.> z6 =eplapstvwob f ticinn ®rn `erDede Pam (Revised 611V2012)