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J. Merrill Lynch
S. Lance Peacock2
The preparation of this report was financed through a Coastal
Energy Impact Program grant provided by the North Carolina
Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the
Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is
administered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This
CEIP grant was part.of NOAA NA-80-AA-D-CZ149.
The natural area inventory was supervised by the North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program (Division of Parks and Recreation, N.C.
Department of Natural Resources and Community Development).
Project No.
Contract No. 81-03
October, 1982
1Route 2, Box 222-B P.-O. Box 6006 ,
Enfield, NC 27823 Raleigh, NC 27628
J. Merrill Lynch
S. Lance Peacock
The preparation of this report was financed through a Coastal
Energy Impact Program grant provided by the North Carolina
Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the
Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is
administered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This
CEIP grant was part of NOAA NA-80-AA-D-CZ149.
The natural area inventory was supervised by the North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program (Division of Parks and Recreation, N.C.
Department of Natural Resources and Community Development).
Project No.
Contract No. 81-03
1Route 2, Box 222-B
Enfield, NC 27823
October, 1982
2P. 0. Box 6006
Raleigh, NC 27628
The North Carolina Office of Coastal Management and the
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, both units of the
Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, have
commissioned a series of natural areas inventories for ten
counties in the coastal zone of this state. The Washington
County inventory was conducted in 1982 and was financed by a
Coastal Energy Impact Program (CEIP) grant. CEIP funded the
Washington County survey because of the potential environmental
impacts of peat mining and other energy -related development.
The recommendations made in this report by J. Merrill Lynch
and S. Lance Peacock are advisory. Their inventory and recom-
mendations are designed to help state and federal agencies,
county officials, resource managers, landowners and developers
work out effective land management and preservation mechanisms
to protect the six outstanding or exemplary natural areas
described in this report. Agencies such as the N.C. Division
of Environmental Management, Division of Land Resources,
Division of Marine Fisheries, Wildlife Resources Commission,
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
National Marine Fisheries Service, and Environmental Protection
Agency should find this report useful, as may university re-
searchers, private consultants, and private conservation groups.
The Office of Coastal Management will use the report in assessing
permit applications and for federal and state consistency reviews.
Merrill Lynch and Lance Peacock are experienced field bio-
logists, who have previously been employed with the N.C. Natural
Heritage Program and are most familiar with natural habitats
throughout the North Carolina coastal plain region. The investi-
gators were exceptionally well qualified to identify, describe,
and evaluate the most outstanding natural areas of the project
Project investigators were instructed to identify those
natural areas that contain highly unique, endangered, or rare
natural features, or highest quality representations of rela-
tively undisturbed natural habitats, and which may be vulnerable
to threats and damage from land use changes. The investigators
were advised not to report on Lake Phelps or Lake Pungo, which
are both in protected status.
(1) Pungo Lake. The 10,000-acre Pungo National Wildlife Refuge
includes the 2,800-acre lake. The lake hosts a large wintering
population of waterfowl. The lake is bordered on the northern
shore by a band of mature swamp tupelo forest and on the east
by a disturbed area of pocosin. The lake and portions of
swamp forest and pocosin is recognized on the State Registry
of Natural Heritage Areas.
(2) Lake Phelps. The 16,000-acre lake is the second largest
natural lake in North Carolina. It is administered by the
N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation. The lake contains
several rare aquatic plant species and is a documented site
for the endangered Waccamaw killifish (Fundulus waccamensis).
The lake is also recognized on the State Registry of Natural
Heritage Areas.
The Office of Coastal Management, and the Coastal Resources
Commission which it serves, implement the Coastal Area Manage-
ment Act of 1974 (CAMA). Under this statute, the North Carolina
Coastal Management Plan has been prepared and approved. It
includes the definition and designation of various Areas of
Environmental Concern (AEC). In many cases, AECs coincide with
natural areas that are herein recommended for preservation or
special management.
Peat mining has particular implications for these natural
areas, some of which overlay exploitable peat deposits. Mining
will remove natural vegetation, permanently alter the hydrology
of the region, lower surface soil types from high organic histo-
soils to the clayey, sandy, and loamy soils typical of other
parts of the outer coastal plain. Thus, natural communities,
once mining is complete, almost certainly could never be re-
established or reclaimed on mined -out land. Preservation of
the best natural areas, and appropriate hydrological management
is necessary prior to and during active peat mining.
The Natural Heritage Program is most pleased to have had
this opportunity to conduct this project for the Office of
Coastal Management. The inventory has documented a number of
high -quality natural areas that possess natural elements of
statewide priority and are important parts of North Carolina's
natural diversity. Most of the identified sites were previously
unknown and undocumented by the state's scientific community.
The Natural Heritage Program hopes that these areas will be
protected for the benefits of present and future generations
of North Carolina and for the preservation of the state's
truly exceptional natural heritage.
Charles E. Roe, Coordinator
N.C. Natural Heritage Program
November 16, 1982
i i i
ABSTRACT. Six natural areas are described and delineated
for Washington County as a result of a field survey December
1981-September 1982. The natural areas contain almost 14,200
acres and at least 36 significant features. The great majority
of the natural area acreage is privately owned (98%). The only
publicly owned natural areas are contained in Pettigrew State
Park. A large fraction of the natural area acreage is com-
prised of wetland forests.
The assistance of the following individuals is gratefully
1. Chuck Roe and Julie Moore of the North Carolina Natural
Heritage Program, for the preparation of a workable set
of inventory specifications, advice, and guidance through-
out the project.
2. Rod McClanahan, District Biologist, North Carolina Wildlife
Resources Commission and Everett Coates, Soil Scientist, Soil
Conservation Service, Washington County, for their assistance
in helping to identify and document the significant natural
areas of the county.
3. Pat White, private consulting forester, Plymouth, for his
invaluable aid in locating natural areas, identifying land-
owners, and providing a wealth of information on all aspects
of the county's natural diversity.
4. Earl Faison, Roanoke Rapids, our pilot during the reconnais-
sance flights, who aided our survey immeasurably.
5. Lee Otte, East Carolina University, Department of Geology,
who provided valuable comments on pocosin ecology and peat
ABSTRACT .................................................
LIST OF FIGURES .............. vii
INTRODUCTION............................................ 1
NATURALAREA INVENTORY ..................................
Van Swamp .......................................... 12
East Dismal Swamp .................................. 43
Pettigrew State Park ............................... 62
Conaby Creek - Roanoke River 95
Bull's Neck Swamp .................................. 117
Chapel Swamp ....................................... 147
REFERENCES.............................................. 170
GLOSSARY................................................ 172
Natural Areas of Washington County ...............
Access information map, Van Swamp ................
Peat distribution map, Van Swamp .................
Significant features map, Van Swamp ..............
Access information map, East Dismal Swamp ........
Significant features map, East Dismal Swamp ......
Access information map, Pettigrew State Park .....
Significant features map, Pettigrew State Park -
North Shore Baldcypress Stand ....................
Significant features map, Pettigrew State Park -
South Shore Freshwater Marsh .....................
Access information map, Conaby Creek -Roanoke
River ............................................
Significant features map, Conaby Creek-Ronaoke
12. Access information map, Bull's Neck Swamp ........ 118
13. Significant features map, Bull's Neck Swamp ...... 129
14. Access information map, Chapel Swamp ............. 148
15. Significant features map, Chapel Swamp ........... 155
1. Selected Characteristics of Otte's Pocosin Types... 7
Fig. 1
J. Merrill Lynch
S. Lance Peacock
1. Van Swamp
2. East Dismal Swamp
3a. Pettigrew State Park — North Shore Daldcypress Stand
3b. Pettigrew State Park — South Shore Freshwater Marsh
4• Conaby Creek — Roanoke River
5• Hull's Neck Swamp
6. Chapel Swamp
Washington County is in the northeastern section of North
Carolina situated in the coastal plain province. The county
has a total area of 420 square miles, including 336 square
miles of land and 84 square miles of water. The 269,000 acres
encompass a variety of habitats, ranging from open lakes and
sounds to freshwater marshes, wooded swamps and pocosins, to
upland hardwood, pine, and mixed forests.
Washington County is primarily a rural county with only two
municipalities, Plymouth, the county seat, and Roper. The 1970
census reported a county -wide population of 14,114, one of the
least populated counties in the state. In addition to Albemarle
Sound, it has contiguous boundaries with Tyrrell, Hyde, Beaufort,
Martin, and Bertie Counties (Figure 1).
The county lies across the divides of two major river basins.
The northwestern part drains into the Roanoke River Basin, and the
southern part drains into the Pungo River Basin. The rest of the
county drains into Albemarle Sound. Elevation ranges from sea
level at the Albemarle Sound to about 50 feet near the town of
Hoke in the southwest corner. Geomorphologically, the county is
divided into two coastal plain marine terraces, separated by two
parallel scarps, which run northeast -southwest across the extreme
western side. The Suffolk Scarp, otherwise known as the Pinetown
Scarp, is a distinct sand ridge which marks an old ocean shoreline
formed during a higher Pleistocene sea level. The toe, or base,
of this scarp is about 25 feet and the marine terrace to the east
is known as the Pamlico Terrace. West of the scarp is another
relatively flat marine surface known as the Talbot Terrace, an
older feature formed by an even higher Pleistocene sea.
Two major freshwater lakes are a dominant part of the county
landscape. Lake Phelps is 16,600 acres in size and is located in
the southeastern portion of the county south of Creswell. It is
the second largest natural lake in North Carolina. Pungo Lake,
2560 acres, is located in the southeastern portion of the county
about three miles southwest of Lake Phelps.
The generalized geology of Washington County dates from the
Cretaceous Period to the Recent. The county is underlain by a
thick section of sedimentary deposits which consist mainly of
sand, clay, marl, and limestone. Occurring throughout most of
the county is the Eocene Castle Hayne limestone, a chalky -white
sandy -shell limestone or dense silicified gray limestone. Out-
crops of this formation are not known for the county. Overlying
the Castle Hayne are various deposits of the Miocene Yorktown
formation consisting of blue -gray marls, sands, and shell beds
interbedded with massive, dark, sandy clays. Overlying the York-
town are the undifferentiated deposits of interbedded sands and
clays of Pleistocene and Recent age which form the Talbot and
Pamlico terraces mentioned earlier.
The soils of Washington County are fairly diverse and play
a major role in the geographical distribution and ecology of the
major vegetation associations. The county has been mapped into
seven basic soil associations each of which represent a distinct
pattern of drainage, soils, relief and vegetation. Each unit is
a unique natural landscape with a corresponding assemblage of
vegetation types.
Soils information is taken from Soil Survey of Washington
County, N.C., Soil Conservation Service, 1981.
1) Augusta-Altavista-Wahee Association: These are nearly
level, somewhat poorly drained and moderately well -
drained soils that have a loamy surface layer and a
loamy or clayey subsoil; on low ridges or stream
terraces along small streams which drain into the
Roanoke River or Albemarle Sound.
Natural Area represented: Chapel Swamp
Percentage of land area of county = 13%
Because of their better drainage and location along the Roanoke
River and Albemarle Sound, these soils were among the first to be
cleared and placed in cultivation. The earliest settlements in the
county around the present-day towns of Plymouth and Roper arose in
areas dominated by this soilscape. Original vegetation probably
consisted of a mixture of upland oaks, such as white, southern
red, and black, with American beech, loblolly and shortleaf pines,
and mockernut and pignut hickories. The Chapel Swamp natural area
contains the best remaining example of this soilscape.
2) Cape Fear -Portsmouth -Roanoke Association: These are
nearly level, very poorly drained and poorly drained
soils that have a loamy surface layer and a loamy or
clayey subsoil; on stream or marine terraces along
interstream divides.
Natural Areas Represented: Pettigrew State Park (Lake Phelps)
Percentage of land area of county: 40%
This landscape occupies much of the county in the poorly drained
interior situated between the upper reaches of the drainages and the
peat -dominated wetlands in the central and southeastern sections.
Essentially these are flat upland non -alluvial wetlands dominated by
mineral soils. Most of the soilscape has been drained, cleared and
converted to agriculture. Much of the remaining acreage, owned by
large timber corporations, has been or is in the process of being
drained and converted to large scale loblolly pine tree farms.
Even though this landscape occupies a substantial part of the
county, very little natural vegetation remains and that which is
left has been subjected to extensive logging operations. The Lake
Phelps baldcypress natural area, although included in this associ-
ation unit, is probably not a typical vegetation type, because of
the influence of adjacent Lake Phelps.
The natural vegetation probably consisted of a number of wet-
land hardwood and softwood species, including baldcypress, swamp
blackgum, loblolly pine, tulip -poplar, American beech (locally),
swamp chestnut, laurel, willow, water, and cherrybark oaks, red
maple, and sweetgum. Ashe (1894) mentioned the occurrence of oak
flats in coastal plain lowlands slightly drier than more typical
swamps dominated by cypress and gum. Perhaps this landscape could
best fit into his oak flats vegetation type.
3) Dorovan association: These are nearly level, very poorly
drained soils that are dominantly muck throughout; on
low-lying alluvial floodplains and in large undrained
Natural Areas Represented: 1) Conaby Creek -Roanoke River
2) Bull's Neck Swamp
Percentage of land area in county: 9%
This landscape is restricted primarily to the Roanoke River
basin and the Bull's Neck Swamp along Albemarle Sound. Minor areas
occur along the Welch, Deep, and Mackey's Creek drainages and along
the Scuppernong River.
These wetlands are almost all below 5 feet in elevation and
occupy deep peat or muck deposits in drainage basins. Because of
their wetness, inaccessibility and flooding susceptibility, they
have remained the least disturbed of the seven major soilscapes
by drainage and clearing operations.
The original vegetation probably consisted of baldcypress and
swamp blackgum with scattered Atlantic white cedar, loblolly and
pone pines, sweetbay, redbay, and red maple. Today selective
logging has removed most of the merchantable cypress, and much
of the swamp is dominated by second -growth stands of gum and
Logging operations and associated roads and ditches constitute
almost 100% of the disturbance to these areas, although some sand
and gravel is being mined in parts of the Roanoke River basin.
4) Belhaven-Wasda-Roper Association: These are nearly level,
very poorly drained soils that have a mucky surface layer
and a dominantly loamy subsoil; on broad, level flats.
Natural Areas Represented: 1) Van Swamp
2) East Dismal Swamp
Percentage of land area of county: 25%
This soilscape occupies much of what once was known as the East
Dismal Swamp, an interior wetland which covered most of the county
west of Lake Phelps.
Up until fairly recently, most of the acreage was forested
wetland. Difficulty of drainage, abundance of undecomposed cypress
and cedar logs in the mucky soils, and lack of sufficient capital
were the factors primarily responsible for thwarting development.
All of this changed, however, in the 1950's and 1960's, when large
capital investments combined with new draining and clearing tech-
nology to open up these lands to agricultural development. Since
that time the majority of the soilscape has been cleared, drained,
and converted to corn and soybean production.
Various blocks of natural vegetation persist in one form or
another and two natural areas, Van Swamp and East Dismal Swamp,
contain the best remaining examples of this once extensive wet-
land ecosystem.
The bulk of this landscape occurs in the central part of
the county west and northwest of Lake Phelps. A smaller area
lies in Van Swamp in the southwest corner. In general this
association is surrounded on the north, west, and south by
slightly higher, somewhat better drained mineral soils of the
Cape Fear -Portsmouth -Roanoke association. To the east and
southeast the mucky soils are bounded by a slightly higher
"dome" of very deep peat, the Pungo association discussed
The natural vegetation of the soilscape was probably originally
dominated by great swamp forests of cypress, swamp blackgum, and
Atlantic white cedar. Numerous other wetland species were also
present in varying proportions.
Today, in the remaining forested areas, red maple and
swamp blackgum predominate with sweetbay and redbay. The two
natural areas contain the remaining mature second -growth and old -
growth stands.
5) Pungo Association: These are nearly level, very poorly
drained soils that are muck to a depth of 51 inches or
more; on broad, level flats.
Natural Areas Represented: Van Swamp
Percentage of county land area: 7%
This soilscape occupies almost the entire southeast corner of
the county south of Lake Phelps. A small, disjunct area lies with-
in Van Swamp in the county's southwest corner.
This soilscape occupies the area of deepest peat accumulation,
presumably along a filled -in paleo-channel of the Alligator River.
About 8,000 yrs. before present, peat began filling in the former
stream channel by vertical deposition, then began spreading over
the adjacent landscape laterally. Eventually the mantle of peat
spread out over most of central Washington County. The highest
or deepest portion of this peat "dome" is the area occupied by
the Pungo soilscape.
The original vegetation was probably dominated by pond pine
over a dense layer of evergreen and deciduous shrubs and bay
trees. During extended droughts, the upper layers of the peat
would dry out, and largescale wildfires occurred. Fire resistant
species such as pond pine and the shrubs were better adapted to
this fire -maintained regime and so dominated the landscape. This
pond pine -dense shrub vegetation type overlying peat wetlands is
the classical "pocosin."
Because both Pungo and Phelps Lakes lie adjacent to the deep
peat areas, it has been suggested that both formed as a result of
peat fires which burned down to the underlying mineral layers.
Enlargement of the burned areas occurred when water filled them
and wind and water currents combined to erode the peat margins,
gradually creating the large freshwater lakes which are present
Recently, the potential use of peat as an alternative energy
source has generated interest in mining the deep deposits. The
southeast corner of the county was ditched and a series of access
roads were constructed in the 1960's and 1970's. Peat mining on
an experimental basis was begun by First Colony Farms, a major land
development corporation. Peat Methanol Associates has leased rights
to First Colony Farms peat, and proposes to mine an area about the
size of Lake Phelps, and immediately adjacent to that lake, over
a 30-year period. Methanol from the peat will be exported to urban
centers to the north.
This ditching and road construction has altered what once was
an excellent example of tall pond pine pocosin (high pocosin) and
has degraded the natural integrity of the site. Present ditching
and road construction activities in Van Swamp threaten to damage
that area's significant natural features.
The sixth and seventh Soil Associations, Dragston-Conetoe-
Altavista and Conetoe-Wickham-Tarboro, occupy only a minor pro-
portion of the county, totalling 60 of the land area. No natural
areas were found on either Association, due to their limited extent
and generally high agricultural productivity. Original vegetation
probably consisted of mesic to somewhat xeric hardwoods, with lob -
lolly pine and possibly some longleaf pine. Some of the more steeply
sloping mesic sites supported herb assemblages more characteristic
of Piedmont slopes. A few such sites were sampled during this sur-
vey. Species such as bloodroot, indian cucumber root, mayapple,
wild ginger, bellwort and others were present.
In addition to the natural vegetation types just discussed,
there are several other minor communities which exist in the county.
Along the south shore of Lake Phelps is a narrow zone of fresh-
water marsh. This marsh is described in the Pettigrew State Park
natural areas site report. Small areas of freshwater marsh also
occur at the mouth of Deep Creek along Albemarle Sound.
Floating aquatic communities of cow -lily and water lily occur
along the shallow water margins of Conaby Creek and the Roanoke River.
The rest of the county is currently dominated by various agri-
cultural and silvicultural lands.
Pond Pines
(from Otte, 1981)
low high pond pine pond pine
nocosin nocosin woodland forest
greater than four
two to four feet of
one to two feet of
peaty sand to one
feet of peat
or two feet of sandy
abundant surface
flooded in wet sea-
flooded or saturated
saturated in wet sea-
water in wet season;
son; water table
in wet season but
son; water table drops
saturated year-round
below surface but
dropping to mineral
into mineral sediments
except in severe
remains within or-
layer in dry season
in dry season
ganic layer in dry
height is two to
height is four to
height six to fif-
height ten to twenty
four feet on moss
eight feet; tallest
teen feet; shrub
feet; generally
mats; four to six
on hummocks; density
layer usually
feet on hummocks;
is closed
density of lower
shrubs open; of
taller shrubs closed
height to ten feet;
height to 25 feet;
up to 60 feet tall
mostly less than 50
trees widely scat-
widely scattered
and 2 feet dbh;
feet tall, dbh to
tered, gnarled
scattered, less
12 inches; canopy
than 50% cover
generally closed
The natural areas inventory of Washington County was under-
taken to identify and describe the remaining sites within the
county which contain significant natural values. The "study was
carried out from December 1981 to September 1982 and utilized
other data collected by various biologists familiar with the
Study sites were selected by various reconnaissance methods.
Most of the rural primary and secondary roads in the county were
travelled in addition to many private logging and agricultural
roads. A complete set of 1:24000 scale aerial orthophotoquad
maps were examined along with 1:2000 scale black and white aerial
photographs. Two low altitude aerial reconnaissance flights were
conducted using a Cessna 172 fixed wing aircraft.
Conversations with numerous people familiar with the natural
lands of the county were also conducted. Foresters, soil scientists,
land surveyers, sportsmen, farmers, and others with first-hand ex-
perience were consulted.
An attempt was made to accumulate all of the scientific liter-
ature pertinent to the county's natural resources.
After all the sources of information were gathered and evaluated,
a number of potential natural area sites were identified for further
study. A total of about 15 field days was spent visiting and in-
ventorying each of the potential natural area sites.
Natural areas were selected on the basic of several criteria.
A primary factor used to assess an area's significance was the
degree of past man -induced disturbances. Areas of old -growth
timber which had been disturbed relatively little by previous
logging cycles were given a high priority. The county was divided
up into seven major,"soilscapes" or broad vegetation associations
(see preceding section on Soils and Vegetation) and an attempt was
made to identify and inventory an undisturbed example representative
of each major soilscape. Emphasis was not on the unique or the un-
usual. Rather, a representative example of all of the county's
major vegetation or habitat types in an undisturbed, old -growth
condition was sought for.
Another important factor used in assessing a site's signifi-
cance was its "wilderness" aspect. Large roadless or near roadless
areas, while maybe not containing pristine habitats, were often con-
sidered significant because of their inaccessibility and remoteness.
Because areas with wilderness values are becoming increasingly rare
in the N. C. coastal plain, it was felt this criteria was important
in assessing a site's overall biological significance.
The value of a site for game and non -game wildlife habitat was
also used as a selection criteria. An attempt was made to adequately
survey the vertebrate faunal diversity of each site and make com-
parisons with adjacent areas and other potential natural areas. In
this way, the relative importance of an area for wildlife values
could be determined. The diversity of habitats within the natural
areas as well as the aerial extent of the site also entered into
the evaluation. Large tracts containing a diversity of habitat
types and allowing movement of large, wide -roaming mammals were
given a higher priority over smaller, more restrictive and less
diverse sites.
As a result of this study, it is felt that all of the major
large tracts containing significant natural areas have been iden-
tified. Time and budget restraints prevented an adequate survey
of all the small blocks of woodlands scattered in the county. It
is possible that additional significant sites remain undiscovered
in the remaining small tracts.
Six significant natural areas were identified ranging in size
from 149 acres to 6450 acres. These tracts cover a variety of
edaphic and biotic habitat types ranging from mesic upland hard-
woods to swamp forest and upland pocosin to freshwater lakeshore
marsh. Each of the natural areas has been influenced in varying
degrees by past and present cultural disturbances; however, it is
felt these disturbances have not been severe enough to significantly
reduce their biological integrity. All but one of these sites are
exclusively wetland habitats.
The six natural areas are:
1) Van Swamp: 2450 acres. Palustrine, non -alluvial
swamp forest and pond pine pocosin.
2) East Dismal Swamp: 1630 acres. Palustrine, non -
alluvial swamp forest.
3) Pettigrew State Park (2 natural areas) Total acreage:
250. Lakeshore baldcypress stand and freshwater
marsh system.
4) Conaby Creek -Roanoke River: 3240 acres. Palustrine
and riverine swamp forest associated with drainage
5) Bull's Neck Swamp: 6450 areas. Palustrine swamp forest
associated with drainage basin.
6) Chapel Swamp: 149 acres. Alluvial swamp forest and
mesic upland hardwoods.
All of the described natural areas in Washington County, with
the single exception of Pettigrew State Park, are privately owned.
Lake Phelps, a 16,000-acre lake administered by the N.C. Division
of Parks and Recreation, is not described in this report. A second
natural area not described is the Pungo Lake National Wildlife
Refuge. The 10,000 acre refuge contains the lake (2,800 acres)
and adjacent altered pocosin and swamp forest lands. A research
natural area containing 1,000 acres of low shrub pocosin vegetation
is located on the east side of the lake. The primary natural value
of the refuge is as a wildlife habitat, principally for wintering
and migratory waterfowl. Portions of both Lake Phelps and Pungo.
Lake Refuge are registered State Natural Heritage Areas.
As discussed in several places in the following report,
the original forests of the county have been entirely removed
except for a few scattered remnant tracts or woodlots. The
total acreage of the six natural areas represents only 14,169
acres, or about 6.50 of the total land area in the county.
Large areas have been drained and cleared for agriculture,
particularly within the past thirty years. Much of the re-
maining area not devoted to row/crop agriculture is managed
for loblolly pine production. The remaining natural lands
are all threatened by eventual conversion to agricultural
or silvicultural production. The only natural areas presently
protected are located within the Pettigrew State Park at Lake
Phelps. Both the Van Swamp and East Dismal Swamp natural areas,
examples of a once extensive wetland swamp forest system, are in
immediate danger of being permanently altered by timber interests.
The Bull's Neck Swamp and Conaby Creek -Roanoke River natural areas
are less seriously threatened at the present time. These two areas
lie within extensive drainage basins, a factor which has impeded
development. The Chapel Swamp natural area, which contains the
only example of an upland forest type, is probably the least
threatened of the privately owned natural areas. It is also the
only one exclusively in family farm ownership. The others are
wholly or substantially controlled by large corporations.
Peat mining is an additional threat to the remaining swamp
forest wetlands of the county, particularly those in Van Swamp.
Much of southeastern Washington County, which once was an ex-
tensive swamp forest and pocosin wetland, has been altered by
clearing and drainage operations connected with peat mining
operations underway there.
The future for the unprotected natural lands in the county
looks bleak. Unless steps are taken immediately to insure their
protection, the last remnants of the once great forests of the
county will disappear forever. Along with the demise of the
natural areas, species diversity will undoubtedly decrease.
Mammals, birds, and other animals which depend on large tracts of
relatively undisturbed forests will be replaced by other, more
widespread species which are adapted to open farmland and other
disturbed habitats.
Washington County has undergone vast land use changes in its
recent past. The opening up of the vast swamp forests and pocosins
to agriculture has had a profound effect on all aspects of the
county's development: economical, sociological, as well as en-
vironmental. Despite these large-scale changes, there remain
several tracts of land in the county which contain remnant
ecosystems representative of the forested wetlands which once
dominated the landscape. These remaining natural areas are
described in the following report. The future for these sites
is not bright. It is hoped that this report will generate some
interest and enthusiasm, not only within the scientific com-
munity but also among the residents of Washington County, so that
these priceless remnants of our natural heritage can be saved and
future generations will have the opportunity to see the closest
approximation of the original Washington County landscape.
(To be prepared for each site)
Basic Information Summary Sheet
1. Natural Area Name: Van Swamp
2. County: Washington
3. Location: In extreme southwestern Washington County; bounded on
the south by the Beaufort County line, on the north by SR 1101,
on the west by SR 1100, and on the east by NC 32.
4. Topographic quadrangle(s): Hoke (1978), Plymouth West (1979).
5. Size: Approximately 2450 acres (measured with grid calculator)
6. Elevation: 30-41 feet msl
7. Access: The Northern portion of site can be reached from Town
of Hoke by going east on SR 1101 about 1.1 miles to junction
with logging road to north. Turn onto logging road and go
0.25 mile to junction with second logging road to west. Con-
tinue north past this junction to dead-end. This last portion
traverses through a section of the natural area.
The Southern section can be reached from NC 32 by
going south 3.35 miles from junction with SR 1101 to junction
with logging road to east. Turn right (west) onto logging
road and proceed about 1.2 miles to second junction with
NE -SW running logging road. Best portions of natural area
are SW of this intersection.
8. Names of investigators: J. Merrill Lynch S. Lance Peacock
Route 2, Box 222-B P. 0. Box 6006
Enfield, NC 27823 Raleigh, NC 27628
9. Date(s) of Investigation: April 10, 18, 1982; also April 18, 1981.
10. Priority rating: Medium -High
Fig. 2 Access information:
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lla. Prose Description of Natural Area
The Van Swamp natural area is a 2450-acre tract of swamp
forest and pond pine pocosin wetlands located in southwestern
Washington County. The natural area contains the last remnant
stands of natural vegetation within the entire Van Swamp com-
plex of Washington County. The original swamp system extended
from near Plymouth in Washington County southwest to the com-
munity of Pinetown, Beaufort County, a distance of roughly
fifteen miles. Deforestation and conversion of the original
swamp forest vegetation to managed pine plantations has re-
duced the swamp to its present dimensions in extreme south-
western Washington and adjacent Beaufort Counties (See Fig.
1) .
Originally, Van Swamp occupied an area of about 13,440
acres in southwestern Washington County from Plymouth south
to the Beaufort County line, a distance of about nine miles.
Roughly rectangular in size and averaging 3-4 miles wide,
Van Swamp was a sizeable wetland system with no well-defined
drainage outlets. It was essentially a landlocked upland
bog: a non -alluvial, palustrine wetland system. Today, a
network of drainage ditches have tamed the swamp and most
of the original swamp and pocosin vegetation has been cleared
and converted to intensively managed pine plantations. What
remains of the natural ecosystem is a small chunk in the south-
western corner of the county. Geologically, Van Swamp is a
relatively flat basin, bordered on its eastern and western mar-
gins by two parallel, eastward -facing scarps. The older scarp
along the western margin is known as the Pinetown scarp or
Pinetown shoreline. The younger, topographically lower scarp
on the east is called the Union Chapel shoreline (See Fig 2).
Both of these scarps probably represent old beach ridges
formed during periods of high sea levels during the Pleistocene
Epoch (Mixon and Pilkey 1976). The area between the scarp,
i.e., Van Swamp, consists of ancient beach ridges and back -
dune flats. The elevation of the Van Swamp flat is generally
between 30-40 feet msl. The tow of the Union Chapel Scarp
is consistently 17-21 msl, whereas the toe of the Pinetown
Scarp is about 38-40 feet msl (Mixon and Pilkey 1976). These
two scarps are the dominant landforms in the area and are
clearly visible on aerial photographs taken by the Apollo
9 spacecraft in 1969 (Mixon and Pilkey, 1976). The pro-
nounced ridges along the crest of the scarps have effectively
blocked the drainage of Van Swamp and as a result initiated the
formation of the wetland system.
In order to understand the ecological systems within the
natural area, it is important that an overall picture of the
{ entire Van Swamp area be outlined.
The natural area contains the wettest, most poorly
drained portion of Van Swamp. It also contains the only
organic deposits deep enough to be mapped by soil scientists
as histosols (peat soils) in the Washington County portion
of Van Swamp. The rest of Van Swamp (outside the natural
area) consists of poorly drained, wet, loamy or sandy
mineral soils.
The peat deposits began forming about 6000-8000
years ago when a small stream draining the swamp through
a narrow break in the Union Chapel scarp became blocked.
Drainage was impeded and a shallow body of water was im-
pounded. The peat sediments accumulated both vertically
and laterally, filling in the original channel and spreading
out over the adjacent flats (Otte, pers. comm. 1982). Since
that time.the peat has continued to accumulate and now has
reached a depth of over 10 feet in places.
It is easy to envision why the area underlain by these
peat deposits has remained in a relatively natural con-
dition while adjacent areas within the Van Swamp complex
have been drastically altered. The better drained mineral
soils of Van Swamp required relatively little investment
in equipment and money and were easily converted using
modern day technology to tree farms. The difficulty of
draining the peat and the cost of site preparation ef-
fectively stopped the tree farms at the margin of the peat
fields. The peat however, did not exclude selective timber
operations in this section from the early 1900's to the pre-
sent day. Tramrodds were constructed and lumber was hauled
out by rail. More recently several logging roads have been
constructed and additional cutting undertaken.
The natural area of Van Swamp is not pristine. All of
it has been selectively timbered at least once within the
past century. However, at least up to the present day,
these disturbances have not seriously affected the natural
hydrological and ecological processes which have been going
on since pre -settlement times.
The following paragraphs will describe the present day
vegetation assemblages of the remnant Van Swamp wetland
The N ssa sylvatica var. biflora/Acer rubrum/Persea
borbonia community type (swamp black-gum/red maple/red bay);
(CT 1) occurs in small, irregularly shaped patches through-
out much of the natural area. This community is characterized
by a canopy height ranging from 60-80 feet tall, an average
canopy trunk diameter (above butt swell) of 14-17 inches, an
estimated age of 75 + years, and a distinct three -tiered
stratification (canopy-subcanopy-tall shrub). On the best
sites swamp black gum forms a closed canopy. Isolated
large gums up to 32 inches dbh are scattered throughout
the community along with several other species which
reach the canopy but are not dominant: loblolly pine
(Pinus taeda), bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), sweet -
bay (Magnolia virginiana) , and Atlantic white cedar
(Chamaecyparis thyoides). The subcanopy dominated by
red maple also contains the tree species mentioned above.
Redbay forms a dense tall shrub layer ranging from 10-25
feet in height. There is no dominant ground cover al-
though species such as chain ferns (Woodwardia areolata,
W. virginicd, sedges (Carex spp.), and royal fern
(Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis) are scattered through-
Vines are abundant in the community and include high -
climbing species such as poison ivy (Rhus radicans), grape
(Vitis sp.), laurel -leaved greenbriar (Smilax laurifolia)
and yellow jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens). During
April when the yellow jessamine is in bloom, the flowers
attract myriads of swallowtail butterflies including
species such as palamedes, black, tiger, and spicebush.
There are minor variations in species composition of
the three layers. In some areas red maple does not form
a dense subcanopy. In other places red maple and sweet -
bay are co -dominants in the subcanopy. Truly large speci-
mens of sweetbay are common throughout. Individuals of 10
inches dbh are common and some trees measure up to 14 inches
dbh. Many are 60-75 feet tall. Sweet pepperbush (Clethra
alnifolia) forms a locally dense low shrub layer, particu-
larly along the canal banks where mineral spoil soils are
The swamp blackgum stands represent the least dis-
turbed sections of the swamp forest. Scattered very old
stumps of Atlantic white cedar and cypress indicate the
area was selectively timbered, probably during the early
1900's, a period during which many extensive logging oper-
ations were underway in Washington County (Pat White, pers.
comm., 1982). In those days, narrow gauge tramroads were
built into the vast swamp areas and mostly high quality
boles of cypress and cedar were removed. Today, large
cull trees of deformed cypress and cedar remain in the
swamp. Some cull cypress trees are up to 4 feet in di-
ameter and over 100 feet tall. Probably the original
swamp forest vegetation type of Van Swamp was cypress/
swamp blackgum-Atlantic white cedar. Early descriptions
of cypress -dominated swamp forests are common in the
literature (Pinchot and Ashe, 1897; Ashe, 1894).
The second swamp forest community type (CT 2) in the
natural area is Pinus taeda-Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/
Acer rubrum/Persea borbonia (loblolly pine -swamp blackgum/
red maple/redbay). This community is characterized by a
canopy height of between 65-85 feet, an average canopy
tree dbh of 12-14 inches, and an age estimated to be between
50-75 years old. It is similar in many respects to CT 1,
discussed in the preceding paragraphs. Common trees in the
canopy (but not dominant) include Atlantic white cedar, sweet -
bay, cypress, and tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera).
Common subcanopy and shrub layer species include the above
trees in transgressive age classes plus sweet pepperbush
and fetterbush (Lyonia lucida). As in CT 1, vines are
abundant and include poison ivy, yellow jessamine, and
laurel -leaved greenbriar.
Topographically and pedologically, this community appears
to occupy the same areas as CT 1. The major difference between
these communities, i.e., the dominance of loblolly pine in the
canopy, is probably partly attributable to timber operations
in the recent past. The smaller trunk diameters, partly open
canopy cover, and greater variability of canopy and subcanopy
heights indicate a wider range of age classes and a higher
proportion of younger trees when compared with the vegetation
structure of CT 1. This is particularly evident in certain
section of the swamp where more recently cut stumps are pre-
sent. However, some portions of the natural area, particularly
in the corner north of SR 1101, contain many large, flattop
old -growth pines and appear to be relatively undisturbed.
This may be explained by a greater abundance of sandy mineral
horizons close to the surface, a situation which is more
favorable for loblolly pine germination and growth. Ashe
(1915, P. 10) states that loblolly pine in the original
forests of the coastal plain occurred among other places,
in "... shallow interior swamps with loamy soils among
maple, water oaks, and gums ... and in deep swamps in which
it was not common and where it occurred with cypress, water
gum, and water ash."
The third community type (CT 3) represented in the
natural area is Pinus serotina/mixed pocosin shrubs//Smilax
laurifolia (pond pine/mixed pocosin shrubs//laurel-leaved
greenbriar). This community is characterized by an open
canopy of scattered pond pines 60-90 feet tall over a very
dense tall shrub layer composes of a number of typical
pocosin shrubs and small trees such as loblolly bay (Gordonia
lasianthus), sweetbay, redbay, fetterbush, sweet gallberry
(Ilex coriacea), and red maple. The shrub layer is inter-
twined by dense tangles of laurel -leaved greenbriar. Several
very large specimens of loblolly bay were seen during the
course of the field work. One clump of trees was about
70 feet tall with one specimen measuring 27 inches in
This community is typical of many pond pine -evergreen
shrub associations overlying deep peat areas in the eastern
coastal plain of North Carolina. They are quite distinct,
both structurally and floristically, from swamp forests
which are usually dominated by combinations of swamp black -
gum, cypress, and Atlantic white cedar. Vegetation of the
evergreen sh xub bogs or pocosins have been described else-
where in the literature (Kologiski, 1977; Wells, 1942; Wells,
1967). Most botanists agree that the evergreen shrub bogs or
pocosins are 1) usually over moderate to deep peat layers;
2) have seasonal high water tables at or near the surface;
3) are almost always associated with non -alluvial, upland
basins and interstream divides; 4) mostly are the result
of blocked drainages with the major exception of carolina
bays, and 5) are dominated by a diversity of fire resistant
woody shrubs and usually containing at least a few scattered
pond pines.
The Van Swamp pond pine pocosin appears to be highly
correlated with a particular soil series, Pungo muck (dysic,
thermic Typic Medisaprists). This peat soil is characterized
by upper organic horizons from 51 to more than 90 inches thick
underlain by clayey mineral horizons. The seasonal water table
is at or near the surface throughout much of the year. These
soils differ from Belhaven muck in having much thicker organic
layers (4-10 feet in depth). Recently, Otte (1981) has described
a number of interrelated processes which he believes account for
the distribution of pond pine pocosin in the peat dominated wet-
lands of the coastal plain. He concludes that an important
factor concerning the maintenance of pocosins is dizection of
water flow.
"Swamp forest peat (based on a number of samples)
contains a higher average mineral content than
does pocosin peat. This sediment is carried into
the wetlands by surface runoff from the surrounding
uplands. This runoff most likely also carries dis-
solved nutrients that would not be available to a
system fed primarily by precipitation (i.e., pocosins)."
He contends that if surface runoff from adjacent highlands flows
part -way into a peat -dominated wetland, but not all the way
through, the outer margins of the wetland most likely would
develop into swamp forest and the sediment -free, nutrient -
deprived inner portions would likely develop pocosin vegetation.
In Van Swamp the distribution of the pond pine pocosin
seems to support this hypothesis. The pocosin vegetation
occurs in a zone of very deep peat (mapped as Pungo muck)
located in the east -central portion of the swamp. Shallower
peat areas on either side of the pocosin are dominated by
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Fig. 3
to Lexo ,
Ieln ip \J -
- - Map
�nelown �' i
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i !2rr � Gaylord
T.—C.:a (numbers indicate depth
/D ! ram;O SJUf4fi`!_...
1.. MOVOfR_..: r�+�'�,., T�1 of peat in feet) t
~ �A,. '
r", - t�s (map courtesy of Dr. L. J. i
We, —
Otte, 17`,
,a Otte, East Carolina Univ.)
swamp forest vegetation. These margins probably receive a
degree of sediment deposition from the adjacent mineral
soils along the scarps. The deep peat "dome" in the center
of Van Swamp receives little, if any, nutrient imput (other
than that derived from precipitation). The thickness of
the peat in this area may also inhibit nutrient uptake of
plants due to their inability to reach underlying mineral
Man -induced disturbances such as intensive clearcutting
and frequent wildfires can create pocosins from what originally
was swamp forest (Otte, 1981). The timber cutting history of
Van Swamp is not well-known and the question of whether the
pond pine pocosin now present is a natural system or one
created by past disturbances is open to debate.
However, a comparison between the pond pine pocosin ,
vegetation and the distribution of deep peat can be made
by reviewing Figs 3 and 4 . There is a high correl-
ation of the distribution of the pond pine pocosin with the
deeper peat deposits. The natural area provides an excellent
opportunity to study the relationship between vegetation and
the underlying soils, and the effects of sediment and nutrient
recycling on vegetation systems.
Finally, the wildlife values of the Van Swamp natural
area should be mentioned. According to McClanahan (North
Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission District Biologist,
pers. comm. 1982), the Van Swamp area supports one of the
largest and healthiest whitetail deer herds in Washington
County. Scat and tracks are abundant along the roads
throughout the natural area. A remnant black bear popu-
lation is still present (a fresh set of tracks were seen
near SR 1101). However, it is questionable whether enough
habitat is available to support a viable breeding population.
Bobcat, uncommon in many areas of the state, are also present
within the swamp. Breeding bird diversity within the swamp
is excellent for a coastal plain forest system; 43 species
of breeding birds were recorded within the natural area in-
cluding several species which are uncommon and local in the
coastal plain and which are restricted to non -alluvial swamp
and pocosin wetlands. Black -throated green and worm -eating
warblers were recorded including the largest population of
the former recorded anywhere in the county. Both species
are probably decreasing in the coastal plain as a result
of habitat destruction. Other species present which re-
quire large wetland acreages and mature timber stands in-
cluded the pileated woodpecker and the red -shouldered hawk,
the latter considered threatened in the state (Cooper, et
al, 1977) .
The breeding bird diversity is all the more remarkable
considering the general homogeneity of the swamp forest
stands, a minimal amount of edge effect and the complete
absence of open water or terrestrial habitats. Probably
no other area in Washington County of comparable size and
ecological uniformity contains a comparable diversity of
b 3neding birds.
llb. Prose Description of Site Significance:
Van Swamp contains some of the finest remaining old -
growth stands of swamp blackgum known in eastern North
Carolina. Few examples of old -growth stands associated
with a peat -dominated, palustrine wetland system are
known in the state. The swamp also contains some of
the largest specimens of sweetbay and loblolly bay seen
by the authors anywhere in the state. Trees of "state
champion" stature are present in the natural area.
Van Swamp also contains a representative example of
a pond pine pocosin vegetation type associated with a
deposit of deep peat. The natural area illustrates the
relationship of vegetation and peat soils with contiguous
examples of both swamp forest and pond pine pocosin vege-
tation types, both in a relatively undisturbed condition.
The 2450-acre natural area is the last remnant of
natural vegetation in Van Swamp, a wetland system which
once encompassed over 13,000 acres before drainage and
clearing operations reduced it to its present size.
As a forested wetland ecosystem, the natural area
functions as an important refuge for many wildlife species,
including white-tailed deer, black bear, bobcat, and other
furbearers. The site supports one of the largest deer
herds in the county and also contains a small,remnant
black bear population, a species which is much reduced
in numbers throughout the coastal plain due to habitat
destruction. Avian diversity is considered to be excel-
lent for a coastal plain forest wetland. Forty-three
species of breeding birds have thus far been recorded,
including ten species of wood warblers. Two of those,
the Black -throated green and worm -eating warblers, are
uncommon and local breeders in the coastal plain.
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
High quality wetland plant
Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/Acer
This community contains the
CT 1
rubrum Persea borbonia
best old- rowth swamp forest
stands remaining in Van Swamp
based on maximum values for:
Least disturbed, old -growth examples
average canopy height, average
of above C.T.
trunk diameters and least
amount of timber cutting
disturbance in the past. Van
Swamp contains the most exten-
sive stands of old -growth
swamp blackgum remaining in
Washin ton County. Represents
some of the best old -growth
stands associated with non -
alluvial, peat -dominated wet-
lands known in North Carolina.
High quality wetland plant
Pinus taeda-Nyssa sylvatica var. bi-
This community type shows more
CT 2
flora Acer rubrum Persea borbonia
recent signs of cutting dis-
turbance than CT-1 and is not
considered as significant from
Least disturbed, old -growth examples of
a disturbance viewpoint.
above C.T.
High quality wetland plant
Pinus serotina/mixed pocosin shrubs//
Typical of relatively undis-
:CT 3.`•
Smilax laurifolia
turbed open pond pine pocosin
systems of the outer coastal
lain of N.C. but significant
because of its geographical
location. Northwesternmost
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
natural, undrained pond pine
ocosin in North Carolina.
Endangered or threatened
Red -shouldered Hawk
Threatened in N.C. Breeding
population of at least 2 pairs
in swamp. Conversion of much
of the count 's swamp and
pocosins to agricultural and
silvicultural production has
destroyed habitat.
Rare and of Special
Concern Species
Black bear
Rare and of Special Concern in
N.C.; particular concern for
species' continued survival
in coastal plain region of
state. Habitat destruction
has virtually eliminated
habitat for this species in
county. Remaining blocks of
suitable habitat such as in
Van Swamp, Bull's Neck Swamp,
and East Dismal Swamp are
probably too small and isolate
to maintain viable populations
in the future.
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
Le end
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
Unusual size of trees or
Magnolia virginiana
Trees from 12-14 inches DBH
and from 60-75 feet tall were
common in portions of swamp.
These trees and ones present
at East Dismal Swamp natural
area (see pp. ) a zn the
largest we have seen anywhere
in N.C. and are of state
champion size.
Unusual size of trees or
Gordonia lasianthus
Group of trees in pond pine
pocosin are about 70 feet tall
with dbh up to 27.2 inches.
Largest s ecimens seen b
authors anywhere in N.C.
May represent state champion
tree. Also significant be-
cause site is very close to
northern limit of species
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
Le end
Rare and of Special
CT 1,
The coastal plain populations
Concern Species
CT 2
Black -throated Green Warbler
of this species are dis'unct
from the Southern Appalachian
populations and occupy a dis-
tinct wetland habitat totally
dissimilar in species com-
position and topography from
the mountain habitats. Coastal
plain populations are known
from the Great Dismal Swam
VA south to east -central S.C.
Habitat destruction is the
greatest threat to these
unique coastal plain popula-
tions. Van Swamp contains the
lar est concentration in the
county. 8 singing males were
recorded on 10 April 1982.
Outstanding Avian species.
Breeding bird species diversity
At least 43 species of birds
(43 species)
were recorded in Van Swam
which were breeding or suspec-
ted of breeding. This is an
excellent diversity of woodland
breeding birds for the N.C.
coastal plain and includes 10
species of wood warblers 5
species of woodpeckers, and 3
vireo species. See Master
Species List.
. r
an hope
Fig. 4 Significant features:
CT-2 x37
s >
x 36
C T`—
I -
Community type locations are
mapped generally.
C T-3
: Cem
- ZA,--,j11NGTON —CO — -----
Legal Status, Use, and Manaqement
13. Ownership type by percent area: Type
Private 100 %
Public %
Unknown %
14. Number of Owners: 6
15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers,
other pertinent information), (In order of importance.)
1) Georgia-Pacific Corporation, P. 0. Box 1808 , Augusta, GA 30903 (primary
2) Weyerhaeuser Corporation, P. 0. Box 787, Plymouth, NC 27962
3) Hofler & Sons, Sunbury, NC 27979
4) C. T. Gaines, Box 184, Jamesville, NC 27846
5) Miller Warren, 110 Brinkley Ave., Plymouth, NC 27962
6) Vernon Howell, Pinetown, NC 27865
16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other
pertinent information).
1) B. B. (Pat) White 2) Rod McClanahan
P. 0. Box 851 Route 1, Box 442-B
Plymouth, NC 27962 Jamesville, NC 27846
17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?):
Not known.
18. Uses of natural area:
The portion of the natural area owned by Georgia-Pacific
Corporation is open to public hunting under the N. C. Wildlife
Resources Commission's Gamelands program. Deer hunting is the
primary activity. The area has been timbered periodically
since historical times and is presently undergoing a considerable
amount of logging. Almost all of Van Swamp north of SR 1101 has
been ditches, drained and converted to intensive loblolly pine
silviculture. The wetter portions of the swamp south of SR 1101
(underlain by the deepest peat deposits) contain the last remnants
of natural swamp vegetation although this area is presently being
ditched, apparently with the intent of conversion to pine planta-
19, Uses of surrounding land:
a. Wildland 20 %
b. Agricultural land 5
20. Preservation Status:
c. high -intensity forestry 75 %
% d. developed %
* %
*Description of preservation status
private land, not protected by owner
21. Regulatory protections in force:
None known.
22. Threats:
The natural integrity of Van Swamp is seriously threatened
by the activities of the major timber corporations. The finest
remaining relatively undisturbed swamp forest timber is being
cut at the present time. Clearcutting is converting former
hardwood swamp forest to managed loblolly pine plantations.
Extensive ditching and draining operations in the wettest areas
of the swamp are undoubtedly going to result in better drained
conditions, alteration of the natural hydrological patterns, in-
creased edge effect and the possibility of fire, and in general
alter the natural qualities of the swamp.
23. Management and Preservation Recommendation:
Drainage and cutting must be curtailed if any portion of the
natural area is to be preserved in its natural state. Construction
of lateral ditches presently being dug should cease. Water control
devices will have to be built on the main ditches to control gravity
flow of water out of the swamp and to simulate the more natural high
water table conditions. The site should be proposed for inclusion in
the Society of American Foresters' Natural Areas program as an excel-
lent mature example of Forest type No. 104 -- Sweetbay-Swamp Blackgum -
Red Maple.
Natural Characteristics Summar
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 1
Community type: Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/Acer rubrum/Persea
Community cover type: Nyssa. sylvatica var. biflora
General habitat feature: non -alluvial swamp forest
,average canopy height: 60-80 feet
Estimated age of canopy trees: 75 years
Canopy cover: Closed
Estimated size of community: 740 acres
Successional stage: Near climax to climax (tree species composition
and relative abundance has been somewhat altered by past timber
Common canopy species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant): Chamaecyparis thyoides
Taxodium distichum
Magnolia virginiana
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant): Chamaecyparis thyoides
Magnolia virginiana
Clethra alnifolia
Lyonia lucida
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant): \
Vines - Gelsemium sempervirens
Decumaria barbara
Vitis sp.
Smilax laurifolia
Rhus radicans
Natural Characteristics Summar
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 2
Community type: Pinus taeda-Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/Acer
rubrum/Persea borbonia
Community cover type: Pinus taeda-Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora
General habitat feature: non -alluvial swamp forest
Average canopy height: 65-85 feet
Estimated age of canopy trees: 60-75 years
Canopy cover: partially closed (50-800)
Estimated size of community: . 1100 acres
Successional stage: Late successional to near -climax
Common canopy species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant): Chamaecyparis thyoides
Taxodium distichum
Magnolia virginiana
Liriodendron tulipifera
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant): Magnolia virginiana
Chamaecyparis thyoides
Clethra alnifolia
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Vines - Gelsemium sempervirens
Rhus radicans
Vitis sp.
Smilax laurifolia
Natural Characteristics Summary
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 3
Community type: Pinus serotina/mixed pocosin shrubs//Smilax
Community cover type: Pinus serotina
General habitat feature: pocosin
Average canopy height: 60-90 feet
Estimated age of canopy trees: 50 - 75 + years
Canopy cover: open
Estimated size of community: 610 acres
Successional stage: late successional to near -climax
Common canopy species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant):
Gordonia lasianthus Lyonia lucida
Acer rubrum Ilex coriacea
Persea borbonia
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 1, CT 2
Soil series: Belhaven
Soil classification: Loamy, mixed, dysic, thermic Terric
Soil association: Belhaven - Wasda - Roper
pH class: Extremely acid
Source of information: Soil Survey of Washington County,
North Carolina. USDA, Soil Conserv-
ation Service, 1981.
Other notes:
24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 1, CT 2, CT 3
Hydrologic system: Palustrine
Hydrologic subsystem: interaqueous
Water chemistry: Fresh
Water regime: Saturated to intermittently exposed
Drainage class: Very poorly drained
Drainage basin: Pungo River
Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, saturated to
intermittently exposed, freshwater palustrine system.
24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 3
Soil series: Pungo
Soil classification: Dysic, thermic, Typic Medisaprists
Soil association: Pungo
pH class: extremely acid
Source of information: Soil Survey of Washington County, N.C.
USDA, Soil Conservation Service, 1981.
Other notes:
24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 3
Hydrologic system: Palustrine
Hydrologic subsystem: interaqueous
Water chemistry: fresh
Water regime: Saturated to intermittently exposed
Drainage class: Very poorly drained
Drainage basin: Pungo River
Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, saturated to
intermittently exposed, freshwater palustrine system.
24d. Topography Summary: (entire natural area)
Landform: Back -dune flats
Shelter: Sheltered
Aspect: Not applicable
Slope Angle: Not applicable
Profile: Essentially flat
Surface patterns: Hummocky with scattered shallow depressions
holding surface water
Position: Not applicable
25. Physiographic characterization of natural area:
An assemblage of late successional to climax communities -occupying
a very poorly drained upland flat which drains via a series of man-
made canals into the Pungo River in the Coastal Plain Province of
the Atlantic Plain.
Geological Formation:
Upper Miocene Yorktown formation overlain by Pleistocene (Chowan (Talbot)
terrace) .to recent sand, clays, and peat.
Geological Formation age:
Upper Miocene formation: 18-22 million years B.P.
Pleistocene formation: 1-3 million years B.P.
Recent: less than 6000 years
References Cited:
Mixon, R. B. and 0. H. Pilkey. 1976. Reconnaissance Geology of the
Submerged and Emerged Coastal Plain Province, Cape Lookout Area, North
Carolina. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 859. U. S. Govt. Printing
Office. Washington.
26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species
Name of species: Red -shouldered Hawk
Species legal status and authority: Threatened in N.C. (Cooper
et al, 1977)
Number of populations on site: One
Number of individuals per population: 2-4 prs
Size or Maturity of individuals: adults with immatures
Phenology of population: not applicable
Eg: vegetative %
flowering %
fruiting %
General vigor of population: Excellent
Disturbance or threats to population: Clearcutting, drainage
Habitat characteristics
Plant community: CT 1, CT 2, CT 3
Soil Series:
Drainage basin:
Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species List
26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species
Name of species: Black Bear
Species legal status and authority: Of Special Concern in N.C.
(Cooper et al, 1977)
Number of populations on site: one
Number of individuals per population: 2+
Size or Maturity of individuals: adult
Phenology of population: not applicable
Eg: vegetative %
flowering %
fruiting %
General vigor of population: unknown
Disturbance or threats to population: clearcutting, drainage
Habitat characteristics
Plant community: CT 1, CT 2, CT 3
Soil Series:
Drainage basin:
Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists
27. Master species lists:
(listed alphabetically by family)
Acer rubrum
Rhus radicans
R. vernix
Ilex coriacea
I. glabra
I. opaca
Aralia spinosa
Woodwardia areolata
W. virginica
Lonicera japonica
Clethra alnifolia
Chamaecyparis thyoides
Carex spp.
Cyrilla racemiflora
Leucothoe axillaris
Lyonia lucida
Rhododendron viscosum
Vaccinium corymbosum
Quercus nigra
Liquidambar styraciflua
Persea borbonia
Smilax laurifolia
S. rotundifolia
Gelsemium sempervirens
Phoradendron serotinum
Liriodendron tulipifera
Magnolia virginiana
Myrica cerifera
Nyssa :sylvatica var. biflora
Osmunda cinnamomea
0. regalis var. spectabilis
Pinus serotina
P. taeda
Arundinaria gigantea
Polypodium polypodioides
Sorbus arbutifolia
Decumaria barbara
Itea virginica
Taxodium distichum
Gordonia lasianthus
vitis sp.
Fowler's Toad
Gray Treefrog
Green Frog
Southern Leopard Frog
Carpenter Frog
Painted Turtle
Yellowbellied Slider
Eastern Box Turtle
Black Rat Snake
Red -bellied Water Snake
(Emphasis of bird lists is on breeding or summering
species; lack of adequate field work during the other
seasons prevented compilation of a complete list.)
PR = Permanent resident
SR = Summer resident
WR = Winter resident
T = Transient, spring or fall
PV, SV, WV = Visitor; year- round, summer, or winter
* = Breeding or suspected breeding at site
Wood Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
Red -shouldered Hawk
Sharp -shinned Hawk
Common Bobwhite
Great Blue Heron
Green Heron
Mourning Dove
Yellow -billed Cuckoo
Barred Owl
Ruby -Throated Hummingbird
Common Flicker
Pileated Woodpecker
Red -bellied Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Great Crested Flycatcher
Acadian Flycatcher
Eastern Pewee
Blue Jay
Common Crow
Fish Crow
Carolina Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
Winter Wren
Carolina Wren
Gray Catbird
Wood Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Blue -gray Gnatcatcher
Ruby-crawrted. Kinglet
Cedar Waxwing
White -eyed Vireo
Yellow -throated Vireo
Red -eyed Vireo
Black -and -white Warbler
Prothonotory Warbler
Worm -eating Warbler
Parula Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black -throated Green Warble r
Yellow -throated Warbler
Pine Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
Common Grackle
.Brown -headed Cowbird
Northern Cardinal
Evening Grosbeak
Purple Finch
Pine Siskin
American Goldfinch
Rufous -sided Towhee
Dark -eyed Junco
Eastern Mole
Black bear (fresh set of tracks and scat; April 10)
Bobcat (set of tracks only)
Eastern Cottontail
Marsh Rabbit
Whitetail Deer (abundant tracks)
(To be prepared for each site)
Basic Information Summary Sheet
1. Natural Area Name: East Dismal Swamp
2. County: Washington
3. Location: In the west -central section of the county about 4.5
air miles SSW of Roper or about 6 air -miles SE of Plymouth.
4. Topographic quadrangle(s): Plymouth East (1974) and Roper South
5. Size: Approximately 1630 acres, measured with grid calculator
6. Elevation: 16-18 feet msl
7. Access: From Roper, proceed southeast on SR 1125 to junction with
SR 1127 (unpaved). Turn right onto SR 1127 and go south about 1.4
miles to first private dirt road on right (Parker Road). Turn right
(west) on Parker Road and go about 1.0 mile to junction with dirt
road on left. Turn left (south) on this road and go about 0.5 mile
to junction with dirt road to the right (Washington Avenue). Turn
right (west) on this road. Washington Avenue traverses the central
portion of the natural area.
8. Names of investigators: J. Merrill Lynch S. Lance Peacock
Route 2, Box 222-B P. 0. Box 6006
Enfield, NC 27823 Raleigh, NC 27628
9. Date(s) of investigation: July 11, 1982
10. Priority rating: Medium
Fig- 5 Access information:
2 00
C D_
-lit #
I, r --W
non °p.
lla. Prose Description of Site:
.The East Dismal Swamp Natural Area is a 1630-acre tract
containing a mixture of bottomland hardwoods and swamp forest
vegetation situated on a poorly drained upland flat along the
western margin of the Pamlico Terrace. The natural area con-
tains the best remaining example in Washington County of re-
latively undisturbed natural vegetation within the once vast
upland swamp and pocosin wetland complex known as the East
Dismal Swamp.
It should be noted here that the natural area was dis-
covered at a rather late date during the course of field work.
Consequently, the authors were unable to survey the vegetation
communities and other biological aspects of the site with the
same amount of time and detail other natural areas received.
However, an initial assessment of the site's ecological sig-
nificance was determined, based on observations made during
a single site visit. The conclusion is that the site is of
medium to high significance due to the relatively undisturbed,
old -growth condition_ of the plant community and its status as
the only known well-preserved example of a swamp forest eco-
system remaining in the East Dismal Swamp. Further field
work is urgently needed to document and substantiate the
significance of the site which, based on preliminary obser-
vations, appears to have countywide or regional significance.
Pre-1950 topographic maps show the East Dismal Swamp
covering almost all of Washington County from Lakes Phelps
and Pungo west to the Union Chapel Scarp (N. C. Highway 32),
and from U. S. Highway 64 south into Beaufort County.
During the 1950's much of this swamp was drained, cleared,
and converted to agricultural production by "super -farm" cor-
porations. The remaining small blocks of wooded land have
either been drained and converted to pine plantations by the
timber industry or have been almost completely cut -over,
leaving a heavily disturbed woodland bearing little, if any,
resemblance to the swamp forest wetland system which once
covered this region.
The original extent of the East Dismal Swamp in Washington
County alone is estimated to have comprised at least 70,000
acres. This figure is based on the wetland soil acreage de-
rived from the county's general soils map (SCS 1981). Using
this figure, the natural area represents less than 3% of the
original East Dismal Swamp wetland system, a miniscule rem-
nant of the swamp forest and pocosin vegetation types which
once dominated much of the Washington County landscape.
The East Dismal Swamp natural area is situated on a
broad, very flat, upland surface which is poorly drained
due to the lack of stream drainages in the area. Elevation
ranges from 16-18 feet above sea level. Topographically,
the site is located on an upland, interstream flat. To the
north and east, several minor tributaries drain the margins
of the flat. Areas to the south and west of the natural
area are drained by a series of interconnecting ditches
and canals which drain eventually into the Pungo River.
The natural area is situated on the Pamlico Terrace,
the land surface containing surficial sediments deposited
about 100,000 years B.P. when sea level was much higher
and the Atlantic Ocean covered much of the outer coastal
plain (Ingram and Otte 1982). About 18,000 years ago sea
level was about 400 feet below present sea level during
which time the Pamlico Terrace was dissected by stream
erosion resulting in a dendritic pattern of stream valleys.
Since that time sea level has been rising. About 10,000
years ago peat development began in shallow lakes and marshes
along the stream courses. These blocked channels filled with
peat and began flooding the adjacent low-lying areas. This
flooding created a large, flat wetland on which a swamp
forest became established and in which the decomposing
vegetation eventually formed the organic soils covering
much of East Dismal Swamp (op. cit. 1982).
This blanket of organic deposits occupies the flat,
poorly drained surface within the natural area. Almost the
entire natural area has been mapped as the Belhaven muck
soil series, a relatively shallow organic soil which has
organic accumulations 16-51 inches thick. These shallow
peats are a western extension of a much larger body of
peat which lies adjacent to the southwestern and southern
sides of Lake Phelps, about 6 miles SE of the natural area
(op cit 1982).
The natural area is dominated by an interesting assemblage
of bottomland hardwoods and typical swamp forest species. One
community type was determined from field observations: Nyssa
sylvatica var. biflora/Acer rubrum-Magnolia virginiana/Persea
borbonia (swamp blackgum/red maple-sweetbay/redbay; CT 1).
This community is characterized by an open to partially
closed canopy 70-80 feet tall, average trunk diameters of
18-22 inches, and a distinct three -tiered stratification:
canopy-subcanopy - tall shrub.
Much of the area is dominated by swamp blackgum although
locally, tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) is a common
canopy constituent. Extremely large specimens of the latter
tree are common, ranging in size up to 90 feet tall with dbh's
of 24-36 inches. Also present in the canopy are occasional
large loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) and baldcypress (Taxodium
distichum). The subcanopy is composed of very large sweetbay
along with red maple. Occasional scattered clumps or indi-
viduals of Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) are
present in this layer. Most of the cedars appear to be mature
or old -growth in age.
A dense tall shrub layer dominated by redbay is ubiquitous
throughout the tract. There are no distinct low shrub or ground
layers. Common species present in these layers include sweet
pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), highbush blueberry (Vaccinium
corymbosum), and royal fern (Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis).
Vines are conspicuous and abundant in all the vegetation layers.
The most common species are climbing hydrangea (Decumaria Barbara),
_ yellow jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens), and Virginia creeper
(Parthenocissus quinquefolia).
Other minor plant communities may be present within the
natural area. Time restraints and the late discovery of the
site prevented a more thorough examination. Some portions
of the tract appear to be more recently disturbed by selective
timber cutting. These areas have a greater proportion of red
maple and loblolly pine in the canopy than the least disturbed,
old -growth sections.
Unusually large specimens of several canopy and subcanopy
components deserve mention. Scattered old -growth swamp black -
gums are present with trunk diameters in excess of 30 inches.
As in the Van Swamp natural area (see pp. ), sweetbay reaches
an impressive size with many trees present which are in the 13-15
inch dbh range (maximum dbh = 18 inches) and with heights up to
75-80 feet. Scattered old -growth baldcypress are present as
emergent "flattops", reaching 62 inches dbh and 100 feet in
height. These old giants are probably "cull" trees left over
from past logging operations due to trunk deformities and other
defects. Old -growth, flattop loblolly pines are also present.
Tulip poplars, mentioned earlier in the text, reach an impressive
size. They, too, appear to be old -growth "cull" trees which re-
main intact from earlier logging cycles. Apparently, early logging
operation methods focused on the removal of the highest quality
timber, and often left smaller or deformed specimens of
highly desirable species such as cypress, white cedar, and
tulip -poplar remaining in the forest stands. This practice,
known as high -grading, eventually reduced the dominance of
baldcypress and Atlantic white cedar in the swamp forest
stands, while at the same time increasing the dominance of
swamp blackgum, red maple, and other less valuable timber
The natural area contains a fairly sizable population
of tall pawpaw (Asimina triloba), a tall shrub which usually
is found on rich alluvium on second -bottoms and slopes along
brownwater rivers and streams. Pawpaw also occurs in mesic
hardwood stands in the coastal plain but almost always on
mineral soils. In the natural area the species occurs on
shallow peats which have underlying mineral horizons. Paw-
paw is not known to occur on peat soils anywhere else in
North Carolina. Its occurrence in the natural area would
not be predicted based on its known habitat associations.
The presence of tulip -poplar on peat soils is not
generally well-known although it is mentioned in the
literature. It is not known to be a dominant canopy tree
in coastal plain wetlands. It usually occurs on moist
mineral soils, particularly on sandy loams which are
well -drained. Concerning its occurrence in the Pamli-
marle Peninsula, Ashe (1894) writes:
"Much of the swamp in Washington and
Tyrrell Counties is thinly timbered
with the savanna (pond) pine. There
is a great deal of soft maple and
yellow poplar scattered throughout
the swamp ... Lumbering has been
one of the leading industries of
these counties for a great many
years, the numerous canals and
streams which penetrate the region
affording great facilities for removing
Ashe (op cit) mentions tulip -poplar in descriptions of swamp
forests in other coastal plain counties and notes its occur-
rence along with bald -cypress and swamp blackgum.
The presence of old -growth tulip -poplar along with bald -
cypress, swamp blackgum, and Atlantic white cedar within the
natural area probably represents an aggregation of spe-
cies which, at least until modern times, was fairly typical
of upland swamp forests overlying peaty mineral or shallow
organic soils.
Examples of this aggregation containing old -growth timber
are not known anywhere else in the county at the present time.
Other natural areas in the county, such as Van Swamp, which
contain similar upland swamp forests do not contain old -growth
tulip -poplar, presumably because past logging activities have
removed all standing timber and regeneration has not occurred.
The wildlife values of the natural area are probably sig-
nificant. However, the discovery of the area during the latter
stage of field work prevented a thorough inventory of the fauna,
and many species particularly birds, were undoubtedly missed.
Abundant tracks of white-tailed deer were present throughout
and several eastern gray squirrels were observed. Habitat
appears to be highly suitable for breeding black -throated
green warblers, an uncommon and local coastal plain species.
Due to the late date none were recorded. Black bear and bob-
cat, although no sign of either was recorded, probably occur
as either residents or as occasional visitors.
The natural area, surrounded on three sides by square miles
of cleared land, probably serves as an important woodland sanctu-
ary for many game and non -game species, particularly those species
characteristic of forested wetland systems. Hopefully, further
field work will shed more light on the importance of the tract
as habitat for wildlife species.
llb. Prose Description of Site Significance:
The East Dismal Swamp Natural Area contains the last
known remnant of mature, old -growth swamp forest vegetation
remaining in a once extensive palustrine, peat -dominated
wetland system which formerly covered over 70,000 acres
of central and southern Washington County. The tract con-
tains unusually large specimens of the swamp forest trees
characteristic of the non -alluvial, "upland" wetlands
associated with poorly drained peat or peaty mineral soils.
Tulip -poplar, swamp blackgum, baldcypress, Atlantic white
cedar, and loblolly pine are all present in what probably
most closely resembles the original composition of the
swamp vegetation before timber exploitation began.
The once vast East Dismal Swamp has been almost com-
pletely cleared of its swamp forest and converted to
agricultural fields or managed tree farms. The natural
area is the last known relatively undisturbed remnant
of that wetland system remaining in the county.
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. feature
MapLe end
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
High quality wetland
Plant community
CT 1
Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/Magnolia
vir inian -A er rubrum Persea borbonia
Best remaining example in the
East Dismal Swamp of a once
extensive wetland forest
s stem. Old -growth stand 75+
Best example of above CT.
years old, with scattered very
lar e cypress, tulip poplar
and swamp blackgum. Except
for the protected cVpress
stands in Pettigrew State Park,
the site contains some of the
largest trees seen in the
Unusually large trees
CT 1
Magnolia virginiana
Very large specimens up to 18
inches DBH and 80 feet in
height. Along with trees in
nearby Van Swamp, largest
specimens seen in N.C. coastal
lain. State champion tree
may be present.
Unusual species - soil
CT 1
Asimina triloba - peat soils
Only known occurrence of paw -
paw growing on histosols (peat
soils) in North Carolina.
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' Legal Status, Use, and Mana4ement
13. Ownership type by percent area: Type
14. Number of Owners: 1
100 %
15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers,
other pertinent information).
Weyerhaeuser Corporation
_P_ O_ Box 787
PlMouth . NC 27962
16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other
pertinent information).
B. B. (Pat) White
P. O. Box 851
Plymouth, NC 27962
17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?):
Not known.
18. Uses of natural area:
Hunting, primarily for deer and bear, is probably a major use
of the area. Easily accessible to hunters, the site is bisected by
several well -maintained, graded dirt roads which are apparently
never gated. It is likely that the corporation which owns the
natural area and much of the adjacent lands leases the hunting
rights to a local gun club, a common practice in eastern North
Timbering activities have up to the present time been limited
to low -intensity selective cutting. Old -growth stands along Wash-
ington Avenue and Sherrill Road in the southern portion of the
natural area have apparently not been timbered at all within the
past 50-75 years. In this area cutting was probably limited to
baldcypress and Atlantic white cedar, old stumps of which are
present. Other sections appear to have undergone some moderate
selective thinning, although there is not evidence of cutting
within the past ten years or so.
Outside the natural area boundaries, timber cutting has been
both extensive and often intensive. Large tracts have been ditched,
cleared, burned and reseeded in loblolly pine tree farms. Much of
this activity appears to have taken place within the past ten years.
Other stands have been high -graded repeatedly and now contain stands
of young and medium -growth red maple, sweetgum, and loblolly pine.
Ditching and drainage of these adjacent forests is a continuing
practice; evidently as preparation for eventual conversion to
intensively managed pine plantations.
It should also be noted that a series of parallel lateral ditches
about 700 feet apart have also been constructed in parts of the natural
area. These ditches were built about ten years ago but were allowed
to grow up and are now barely visible. Apparently at one time the
timber company planned to drain and clearcut the site. Why this has
not been done is not known. Possible reasons for the delay could be the
difficulty of managing peat soils or unfavorable economic conditions.
19, Uses of surrounding land:
a. Wildland 25 %
b. Agricultural land 50
20. Preservation Status:
c. high -intensity forestry 25 %
d. developed
* %
*Description of preservation status
Private land, not protected by owner
21. Regulatory protections in force:
none known
22. Threats:
The natural area is seriously threatened by drainage and
clearing operations associated with the development of tree
farm plantations. As mentioned in the preceding section,
much of the land surrounding the site has been or is in the
process of being drained and converted to loblolly pine plan-
tations. The first stage in the conversion of swamp forest
timber to managed pine plantation is the development of ade-
quate drainage, i.e., construction of drainage ditches and
canals. This stage has apparently been completed within the
natural area as evidenced by a well -integrated series of
lateral ditches. The next step involves clearing the vege-
tation and bulldozing stumps and logs into windrows to be
subsequently burned. It is probably a matter of only a few
years before this next stage of site preparation is imple-
mented in the natural area.
23. Management and Preservation Recommendation:
It is highly recommended that the natural area be recog-
nized as having superlative values as an endangered wetland
system and be protected as an example of an old -growth swamp
forest remnant of the once vast East Dismal Swamp complex.
The timber company which owns the tract should be contacted
and informed of the site's natural significance. The site
is an excellent candidate for inclusion in the Society of
American Forester's Natural Areas program which seeks to
identify and protect examples of relatively undisturbed,
mature stands of all the major forest types in the United
States. The site could also be included on the N.C. Natural
Heritage Program's Registry of Natural Heritage Areas as an
excellent example of a swamp forest wetland containing sig-
nificant aspects of the state's natural heritage. Steps
should be taken immediately to address both of these options.
Management of the site should be minimal. Access re-
striction could be implemented with the addition of several
gates. Agreements could be arranged for wildlife officers
to periodically patrol the area to enforce state and local
game laws.
Natural Characteristics Summar
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 1
Community type: Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/Acer rubrum-
Magnolia virginiana/Persea borbonia
Community cover type: Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora
General habitat feature: upland swamp forest
Average canopy height: 70-80 feet
Estimated age of canopy trees: 75+ years
Canopy cover: open to partially closed
Estimated size of community: 1000 acres
Successional stage: near -climax to climax
Common canopy species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant): Liriodendron tulipifera, Pinus taeda, Taxodium
distichum, Chamaecyparis thycides
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant):
Clethra alnifolia
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Woodwardia areolata
vines: Gelsemium sempervirens, Parthenocissus quinquefolia,
Decumaria barbara, Rhus radicans
24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 1
Soil series: Belhaven muck
Soil classification: Loamy, mixed, dysic, thermic
Terric Medisaprists
Soil association: Belhaven-Wasda-Roper
pH class: Extremely acid
Source of information: Soil Survey of Washington County, N.C.,
USDA, 1981
Other notes:
24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type)
Hydrologic system: Palustrine
Hydrologic subsystem: InterAqueous
Water chemistry: Fresh -acid
Water regime: Saturated to intermittently exposed
Drainage class: Very poorly drained
Drainage basin: Via canals into Kendrick Creek which drains into
Albemarle Sound
Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, saturated to
intermittently exposed, freshwater
palustrine system.
24d. Topography Summary:
Landform: upland palustrine swamp
Shelter: Sheltered
Aspect: N/A
Slope Angle: N/A
Profile: Flat
Surface patterns: Hummocky, peat surface
Position: N/A
25. Physiographic characterization of natural area:
A climax community which occupies a relict backbarrier flat
dominated by organic (peat) soils which now drains into Kendrick
Creek, situated on the Pamlico Terrace of the Coastal Plain
province of the Atlantic Plain.
Geological Formation:
Marine sediments of the Pamlico Terrace underlain by sandy
clays and marls of the Yorktown Formation.
Geological Formation age:
Pleistocene Pamlico Terrace = 100,000 years B.P.
Miocene Yorktown Formation = 18-25 million years B.P.
References Cited:
Ingram, R. L. and L. J. Otte. 1982. Peat Deposits of
Pamlimarle Peninsula, North Carolina. U.S. Department of
Energy Contract DE-AC18-79FC14693. 36 pp.
26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species
Name of species: None known within natural area.
Species legal status and authority:
Number of populations on site:
Number of individuals per population:
Size or Maturity of individuals:
Phenology of population:
Eg: vegetative %
flowering %
fruiting %
General vigor of population:
Disturbance or threats to population:
Habitat characteristics
Plant community:
Soil Series:
Drainage basin:
Other plants and animal species present:
27. Master species lists:
(listed alphabetically by family)
Acer rubrum
Rhus radicans
Asimina triloba
Ilex opaca
Aralia spinosa
Dryopteris celsa
Woodwardia areolata
Clethra alnifolia
Chamaecyparis thyoides
Vaccinium corymbosum
Persea borbonia
Gelsemium sempervirens
Phoradendron serotinum
Liriodendron tulipifera
Magnolia virginiana
Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Pinus taeda
Decumaria barbara
Taxodium distichum
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
None recorded
None recorded
(Emphasis of bird lists is on breeding or
summering species; lack of adequate field
work during the other seasons prevented
compilation of a complete list.)
PR = Permanent resident
SR = Summer resident
WR = Winter resident
T = Transient; spring or fall
PV, SV, WV = Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter
* = Breeding or suspected breeding at site
Turkey Vulture PR*
Red-tailed Hawk PR*
Ruby -throated Hummingbird SR*
Pileated Woodpecker PR*
Blue -gray Gnatcatcher SR*
Gray Catbird PR*
Eastern Gray Squirrel (several seen)
White-tailed deer (abundant tracks)
(To be prepared for each site)
Basic Information Summary Sheet
1. Natural Area Name: Pettigrew State Park Natural Areas
2. County: Washington
3. Location: Pettigrew State Park located at Lake Phelps, a large
natural lake in the southeastern part of the county about 5 miles
south of the town of Creswell.
4. Topographic quadrangle(s): Creswell (1974) north shore
New Lake NW (1974) south shore
5. Size: North shore - 180 acres (measured with grid calculator)
South shore - 70 acres (measured with grid calculator)
6. Elevation: 10 (mean lake elevation) - 14 feet msl
7. Access: The north shore natural area can be reached from Creswell
by taking SR 1142 southeast to junction with SR 1160. Then go
south on SR 1160 for 4.5 miles to junction with SR 1166 near north
shore. Go west on SR 1166 about 2.4 miles to junction with SR 1164.
Best portion of natural is along nature trail south and west of this
junction inside park boundary.
The south shore natural area can be reached from Roper by taking
SR 1126 southeast for 6.7 miles to junction with SR 1183 at First
Colony Farms office. Take SR 1183 south for 10.8 miles around lake
shore to any one of several access points on lake.
8. Names of investigators: J. Merrill Lynch S. Lance Peacock
Route 2, Box 222-B P. 0. Box 6006
Enfield, NC 27823 Raleigh, NC 27628
9. Date(s) of investigation: February 12, July 10, September 4, 1982
10. Priority rating: Medium -high
Fig. 7 Access information:
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lla. Prose Description of Site
The Pettigrew State Park Natural Areas are located on the
northern and southern shores of Lake Phelps, a 16,000 acre
natural lake, the second largest in North Carolina. Pettigrew
State Park and Lake Phelps, both administered by the N.C. Division
of Parks and Recreation, encompass the entire lake acreage below
the mean high water line, in addition to two upland tracts along
the northern and southern margins containing 270 and 500 acres,
Lake Phelps is the dominating landform of the region.
Elliptical in shape, it is located in southeastern Washington
County with a small portion of its extreme eastern edge in
Tyrrell County. The lake averages about 5 feet in depth
and has a shallow, sandy bottom except in the northern and
eastern portions where wind and water -borne silt and fine
peat sediments have accumulated. The origin on Lake Phelps
is unknown although several theories exist. One is that the
lake is an example of a carolina bay, an elliptical depression
with a NW -SE orientation and usually with a sand rim along the
southeastern margin. Another theory is that Lake Phelps was
formed by a peat fire which burned down to the underlying
mineral layers during a severe drought below the normal
water table. The depression thus formed eventually filled
in with water. Later, wind and wave erosion helped to en-
large the lake, smooth out the margins, and create the el-
liptical shape (Otte, pers. comm. 1982).
Whatever its origin, Lake Phelps is unique compared to
the similar Pungo and Alligator (New) lakes to the south.
These latter two lakes do not have a sandy bottom and are
totally rimmed by deep peat deposits. They are also much
more depauperate both floristically and faunistically, con-
taining very small fish populations and little if any emergent
marsh vegetation.
Lake Phelps, on the other hand, supports a large population
of both game and non -game fish, including the state endangered
Waccamaw Killifish (N. C. Department of Natural Resources and
Community Development, 1977). A number of swans, geese, and
ducks use the lake for feeding and roosting during the winter
months. The lake also supports a remnant old -growth stand of
baldcypress along its north shore and a unique emergent and
submergent marsh system along its southern shore. These two
vegetation types are of statewide significance and are dis-
cussed in detail in the following pages.
North Shore Baldcypress Stand
This natural area is located along the north shore of
Lake Phelps between the park headquarters on the east and
the park boundary along Moccasin Canal on the west. State
Road 1166 runs along part of the northern edge of the natural
area. The 180-acre tract is very narrow and linear in shape,
ranging from 350 to about 1300 feet wide, and is parallel to
a three-mile section of the north shoreline. The boundaries
of the natural area follow the park boundary on the north and
the open water of the lake to the south.
The vegetation of the natural area is composed of an old -
growth stand of very large trees dominated by baldcypress. The
community type is Taxodium distichum/Asimina triloba/mixed herbs
and ferns (baldcypress/tall pawpaw/mixed herbs and ferns; CT 1).
This community also contains scattered tulip -poplar (Liriodendron
tulipifera), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and American elm
(U1 mus americana) in the canopy. The closed canopy averages
about 90-100 feet in height. A distinct closed shrub layer
dominated by tall pawpaw, 10-30 feet tall, is located under-
neath. There is a 75-100% ground cover composed of various
species of herbs and ferns. Most common species are Japanese
honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), jewelweed (Impatiens capensis),
fa.se nettle (Boehmeria cylindrica), and Southern lady fern
(Athyrium asplenioides). High -climbing vines are abundant and
include species such as poison ivy (Rhus radicans), Virginia
creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), cross -vine (Anisostichus
capreolata), trumpet creeper (Camp sis radicans), wild grape
(Vitis sp.), and rattan -vine (Berchemia scandens).
The sheer size of the baldcypress and other canopy trees
is very impressive. Baldcypress average about 50 inches in
diameter at breast height (dbh) with many trees exceeding 100
feet. The maximum dbh and height recorded is 76 inches and
120 feet, respectively. Sweetgum, tulip -poplar, and American
elm also reach outstanding size. Average dbh values for the
three species respectively are: 39, 27, and 21 inches. Tall
pawpaw, usually a small to medium sized shrub, reaches a height
of about 30 feet with dbh's better than 7 inches in the natural
area. Although no tree cores were taken, the age of the bald -
cypress is estimated to be close to 300 years (Department of
Natural Resources and Community Development, 1977).
The baldcypress stand (CT 1) is situated on Fortescue
mucky loam, a very poorly drained soil limited in the county
to narrow, slightly elevated rims along the northern and
northwestern sides of Lake Phelps. This soil is characterized
by an upper layer of mucky or silty clay loam about 21 inches
thick over a layer of muck. The upper layer of mineral
soils was probably deposited by lake -borne sediments at
a time when the lake level was higher than it is currently.
There are several distinct differences in the vegetation
as one moves across a transect taken from the park boundary
(inward side) to the open water along the lake shore. The
community just described reaches its best development in
terms of tree size and structural zonation on the inward
(upland) side of the natural area, i.e., the side most
distant from the lake. This section is the best drained
portion of the natural area and is not flooded by lake
waters except possibly during severe storms such as hurri-
canes. The percentage of sweetgum and tulip -poplar is highest
in this section. Also the pawpaw and ground cover layers are
best developed here. As one moves towards the lake, the bald -
cypress become smaller, both in trunk diameter and in height,
and the relative proportions of sweetgum and tulip -poplar be-
come lower. Swamp blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora)
becomes more common in the canopy. Pawpaw thins out and is
replaced by more flood tolerant shrubs such as Virginia willow
(Itea virginica), elderberry (Sambucus canadensis), and button -
bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis). The herb layer is dominated
by moisture tolerant species such as tear -thumb (Polygonum
sagittaefolium), jewelweed, and false nettle.
Smaller stands of baldcypress extend out into the shallow
waters of the lake. Here, in a more or less permanently flooded
situation, they are the sole canopy species with no underlying
shrub or herb layer present.
Evidence that the water level of the lake has fluctuated
in the past is reflected by the distinct age classes of the
baldcypress which become successively younger towards the
open water of the lake.
The cypress fringe along the lake shore is characterized
from the old -growth stand (CT 1) by younger trees of smaller
stature, lack of a distinct closed shrub layer (and absence
of pawpaw), and the presence of a very dense herbaceous
ground cover. This vegetation type is sufficiently distinct
to be designated as a community: Taxodium distichum/Boehmeria
cylindrica-Impatiens capensis (Baldcypress/false nettle -jewel-
weed). It is not considered to have a significance value which
warrants its mention in the significance summary or biotic sum-
mary table, however.
Many wildlife species utilize the baldcypress stand (CT 1)
for nesting, feeding and cover. At least 39 species of breeding
birds are known to occur in the cypress stand itself and an
additional 35 species use the lake and the surrounding farm-
lands during the winter months and in migration.
Mammals known to occur in the cypress stand include
resident opossum, raccoon, eastern gray squirrel, marsh
rabbit, and white-tailed deer. Black bear pass through
the area on rare occasions, wandering from the large poco-
sin south of the lake.
The large trees provide numerous cavities for denning
and the dense shrubs provide important songbird feeding
and nesting habitat. The area is also important because it
is the last remaining densely wooded shoreline along the
lake, the remainder of which has been cleared for agriculture
or residential home development, or disturbed by logging
activities and frequent fires.
South Shore Marsh
The second natural area within Pettigrew State Park is
located along the southern margin of Lake Phelps. This natural
area contains a freshwater marsh which occupies a narrow band
60-150 wide along the shore line and the shallow (less than
18 inches deep) margin of the lake.
The plant community occurs on clean, quartz sands in shallow
water. It is dominated by the community Panicum hemitomon-mixed
aquatic herbs (Maidencane/mixed aquatic herbs; CT 2). Along
with maidencane (an emergent marsh plant), other common aquatics
include water milfoil (Myriophyllum tenellum), pickerelweed
(Pontederia cordata), three -square (Scirpus americanus),
pennywort (Hydrocotyle umbellata), pipewort (Eriocaulon pel-
lucidum), duck potato (Sagittaria teres or isoctiformis), and
needlerush (Juncus sp.). Species such as Pontederia, Errocaulon,
Sagittaria and others usually occur in loose clumps and scattered
individuals adjacent to the dense maidencane mats. Differences
in water depth, substrate, and availability of sunlight are im-
portant factors which determine the spatial arrangements of the
various species. Maidencane, because of its size (2-3 feet)
and dense stem development, often forms almost pure beds at
the exclusion of other, much smaller aquatics.
This 70-acre freshwater marsh community is restricted to
the southern perimeter of the lake which is sheltered from the
predominantly southwesterly winds. This marsh community is
unique in the state because of its unusual species composition.
Myriophyllum tenellum, for example, is a species of water mil -
foil which grows in dense submerged mats. It is not known to
occur elsewhere in the state and the Lake Phelps site represents
the southernmost occurrence in its range which extends through
the New England states into the Maritime Provinces (Aiken 1981).
Both Eriocaulon pellucidum and Sagittaria sp. (teres or
isoetiformis) are listed as significantly rare plants in North
Carolina and are known in the state from only a few scattered
localities (N. C. Plant Protection Program, 1982, Cooper et al,
1977). The Sagittaria, because of an unclear taxonomic status,
has not been determined to species as of this writing.
The marsh vegetation along the south shore is a significant
breeding area for many of the game and non -game fish living in
the lake. The state endangered Waccamaw Killifish is known to
occur on earth only from Lakes Waccamaw and Phelps (Cooper et
al, 1977). The specimens at Lake Phelps have been found to
differ slightly from the Lake Waccamaw specimens in some
respects. This slight differentiation in the two disjunct
populations tends to lessen the possibility that the Waccamaw
Killifish was accidentally introduced by man into Lake Phelps
(Lindquist and Yarbrough 1981). Habitat for the Killifish is
reported to be shallow, sandy shores vegetated with dense
stands of Panicum hemitomon (op. cit. 1981). The natural
area in all likelihood provides critical habitat for this
endangered fish.
The marsh is not dense enough to provide suitable nesting
and feeding cover for marsh birds, although some species such
as bitterns, rails, and herons, undoubtedly use the area during
llb. Prose Description of Site Significance:
The Pettigrew State Park natural areas described in this re-
port contain unique community types unknown elsewhere in North
Carolina. The Baldcypress/pawpaw/mixed herbs community (CT 1)
along the north shore is highly significant for several reasons.
It contains some of the largest trees known from the entire
Pamlimarle Peninsula, both in terms of overall height (many
trees are in excess of 100 feet) and in trunk diameter (average
dbh is about 50 inches). There are no other stands known in
Washington County which compare in age and stature. The pre-
sence of pawpaw as a dominant shrub species in association
with cypress is not known to occur elsewhere in the state.
Pawpaw is more typical of stream and river floodplains of the
piedmont and upper coastal plain and is relatively rare in the
outer coastal plain region of the state.
The Maidencane-mixed aquatic herbs freshwater marsh com-
munity (CT 2) along the south shore of the lake is also unique
in North Carolina. No other freshwater marshes are known which
contain this assortment of emergent and submergent species.
The freshwater marsh community also contains a species of
water milfoil, Myriophyllum tenellum, which is not known any-
where else in the state and which reaches its southernmost
occurrence here. It is more typical of marshes in the Canadian
Maritime Provinces and the New England states. Also present
are two other plants considered to be significantly rare in
the state - Eriocaulon pellucidum, and Sagittaria sp. (teres
or isoetiformis). Both species are known from only a few
scattered localities in North Carolina.
Also present within the lake itself and probably dependent
on the marsh community for feeding/breeding habitat is a state
endangered endemic fish, the Waccamaw Killifish. This species
is known to occur in the world only in Lakes Waccamaw and Phelps
(Cooper et al, 1977).
Lake Phelps is the second largest natural lake in North
Carolina. The natural areas along its northern and southern
shores contain unique plant communities and rare species which
are of statewide significance and represent remnants of two
lake shore ecosystems which are integral parts of the overall
Lake Phelps biological systems.
North Shore Baldcypress Stand
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
high quality wetland
plant community
CT 1
Taxodium distichum/Asimina triloba/
mixed herbs and ferns
Lake shore stand contains
largest and oldest trees
known in Washington County
and probably in the entire
Pamlimarle Peninsula. Canopy
height is 90-100 feet and
average dbh's are about SO
inches. Only known example
of this community type in NC.
Best example of a relatively
undisturbed, old -growth bald -
cypress lakeshore stand in
the state.
Endangered or threatened
Red -shouldered hawk
Considered threatened through -
out N.C. (Cooper et al., 1977)
One breeding pair is present
along the north shore. Species
is suffering from habitat
destruction, particularly in
the coastal plain.
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Fig. 8 Significant
North Shore Baldcypress
Community type locations
are mapped generally.
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South Shore Freshwater Marsh
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
b. Description of significant feature
C. Comparative assessment
High quality wetland
Panicum hemitomon-mixed aquatic herbs
Unique community type con -
plant community
CT 2
taining assemblage of species
unknown elsewhere in the
state. Excellent examples of
a relatively undisturbed
lacustrine freshwater marsh
Endangered or threatened
Waccamaw Killifish
Considered to be an endangered
(Fundulus waccamensis)
endemic fish in N.C. World
population is limited to Lake
Waccamaw, Columbus Co., N.C.
and Lake Phelps (Cooper, et
al, 1977). Habitat is shallow
lake margins with extensive
beds of Panicum hemitomon
Lindquist and Yarbrough
Rare Species
CT 2
Myriophyllum tenellum
A species of water milfoil only
known in N.C. from Lake Phelps.
Southernmost population known
along the East Coast of the US.
More typical of freshwater
marshes of Canadian Maritime
Provinces and New England
States (Aiken 1981). Species
determined by J. H. Moore, NC
Natural Heritage Program.
South Shore Freshwater Marsh - continued
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
Rare Plant Species
CT 2
Eriocaulon pellucidum
Considered significantly rare
throughout N.C. Only recorded
from a few localities in the
state (N.C. Plant Protection
Program, 1982). Large popu-
lation in natural area.
Rare Plant Species
CT 2
Sagittaria teres or S. isoetiformis
Considered significantly rare
throughout N.C. Only recorded
from a few localities in the
state (N.C. Plant Protection
Program, 1982). Large popu-
lation in natural area.
.../s___' x�
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l Fig. 9 Significant
i features:
9/8 South Shore Freshwater
Marsh a
Community type locations
1' are mapped generally.
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1 { a
Legal Status, Use, and Management
13. Ownership type by percent area:
14. Number of Owners: 1
15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers,
other pertinent information).
1) State of North Carolina, Division of Parks and Recreation
P. O. Box 27687
Raleigh, NC 27611
16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other
pertinent information).
1) B. B. (Pat) White 2) Julie H. Moore
P. O. Box 851 Natural Heritage Program
Plymouth, NC 27962 DNRCD
Raleigh, NC 27611
17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?):
The North Shore Baldcypress Stand is protected as a state natural area
within the Pettigrew State Park. It is also recognized as a State
Natural Heritage area by the N.C. Natural Heritage Program. The South
Shore Freshwater Marsh is within park boundaries but is not officially
recognized as a natural area.
18. Uses of natural area:
The lake itself is used for a variety of recreational activities,
including boating, sailing, fishing, and skiing. The north shore cypress
stand is occasionally used by park hikers. Development of the western
and southwestern margins of the lake for residential homes is of the
greatest concern. Leakage of septic tanks, construction of piers, and
other disturbances could adversely affect water quality and consequently,
the endangered plant and animal populations. Clearing of vast acreages
of land around the lake for agriculture has greatly increased the amount
of wind-borne sediment deposited in the lake. This has resulted in in-
creased rate of siltation, particularly in the eastern and northeastern
sections. A detailed water management plan is needed to maintain water
levels to sustain healthy fish populations and prevent damage to the
freshwater marsh community. A management plan for the lake and the
adjoining shoreline park property has been developed by the Master
Planning Unit of the Division of Parks and Recreation (Department of
Natural Resources and Community Development, 1977).
19, Uses of surrounding land:
a. Wildland 5 %
b. Agricultural land 95
20. Preservation Status:
c. high -intensity forestry %
% d. developed %
* %
*Description of preservation status
Public land, formally designated as a natural area -
North Shore Baldcypress Stan
Public land, not recognized as a natural area - South
Snore Freshwater marsh
21. Regulatory protections in force:
The North shore natural area is protected as an official natural area by the
Division of State Parks. No construction activities or other disturbances to
the vegetation are allowed.
The South shore natural area is not officially designated as a natural area;
regulatory protection of this area is unclear.
22. Threats:
The entire north shore bald cypress stand is protected as
a state park natural area. There are no known threats to its
natural integrity. The south shore marshes are protected as
part of the state park but are not recognized as an outstanding
natural area at the present time. Increasing development of
the south shore for second -home development could adversely
affect the marshes by increasing human activity in the area;
i.e., swimming and wading uses and possible trampling of the
23. Management and Preservation Recommendation:
Current recognition of the north shore cypress stand as a
state natural area subject to state park regulations seems suf-
ficient to protect the natural integrity of the site. The south
shore marshes need to be recognized as a unique natural area and
periodically patrolled by park personnel to insure that human `
activities are kept at a minimum. Designation of this area as
a state registered natural area would focus additional attention
on the site and help insure its prdtection. The area should also
be included in the N.C. Natural Heritage Program's Registry of
Natural Heritage Areas.
Natural Characteristics Summar
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 1
Community type: Taxodium distichum/Asimina triloba/mixed herbs and ferns
Community cover type: Taxodium distichum
General habitat feature: lake shore swamp forest or hardwood stand
Average canopy height: 90-100+ feet
Estimated age of canopy trees: 200-300 years
Canopy cover: closed
Estimated size of community: 180•acres
Successional stage: Climax
Common canopy species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Liquidambar styraciflua, Ulmus americana, Liriodendron tulipifera
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant):
Callicarpa americana, Sambucus canadensis, Lindera benzoin,
Ilex opaca
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Lonicera japonica, Athyrium asplenioides, Impatiens capensis,
Beehmeria cylindria, Galium sp., Arundinaria gigantea, Teucrium
Vines = Rhus radicans, Anisostichus capreolata, Decumaria barbara,
Vitis sp., Campis radicans, Berchemia scandens
24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 1
Soil series: Fortescue
Soil classification: Fine -silty, mixed, acid, thermic Cumulic Humaquepts
Soil association: Belhaven-Wasda-Roper association
pH class: strongly acid to extremely acid
Source of information: Soil Survey of Washington County, N.C.
USDA, 1981
Other notes:
24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 1
Hydrologic system: Lacustrine
Hydrologic subsystem: Limnetic
Water chemistry: Fresh -acid
Water regime: Intermittently flooded
Drainage class: Very poorly drained
Drainage basin: Lake Phelps drains into the Scuppernong River which
drains into Albemarle Sound
Hydrology characterization•. A very poorly drained, intermittently
flooded, freshwater, limnetic lacustrine
24d. Topography Summary: CT 1
Landform: Lake shore
Shelter: Partly sheltered
Aspect: not applicable
Slope Angle: not applicable
Profile: Flat
Surface patterns: Generally smooth
Position: not applicable
25. Physiographic characterization of natural area:
Geological Formation:
Geological Formation age:
References Cited:
Natural Characteristics Summary
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 2
Community type: Panicum hemitomoxn-mixed aquatic herbs
Community cover type: Panicum hemitomm
General habitat feature: freshwater lacustrine marsh
Average canopy height: n/a
Estimated age of canopy trees: n/a
Canopy cover: n/a
Estimated size of community: 70 acres
Successional stage: n/a
Common canopy species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant):
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Pontederia cordata, Scirpus Americanus, Juncus sp., Myriophyllum
tenellum, Eriocaulon pellucidum, Sagittaris teres, Hydrocotyle
24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 2
Soil series: not applicable
Soil classification: -
Soil association: -
pH class: -
Source of information: -
Other notes: Sediments that are permanently flooded are not con-
sidered soils by the SCS and therefore are not designated.
24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 2
Hydrologic system: Lacustrine
Hydrologic subsystem: Limnetic
Water chemistry: Fresh -acid
Water regime: Permanently flooded to intermittently exposed
Drainage class: not applicable
Drainage basin: Lake Phelps which drains into Scuppernong River which
drains into Albemarle Sound.
Hydrology characterization: A permanently flooded to intermittently
exposed, freshwater, limnetic lacustrine system.
24d. Topography Summary: CT 2
Landform: freshwater lake margin
Shelter: open
Aspect: n/a
Slope Angle: n/a
Profile: Flat
Surface patterns: smooth, quartz sands under 1-18 inches of water
Position: n/a
25. Physiographic characterization of natural area:
Mature climax plant communities in freshwater marshes and Lake-
shore swamp forest along the margin of Lake Phelps, on the Pamlico
Terrace, in the embayed section of the coastal plain province of
the Atlantic Plain.
Geological Formation:
Pamlico Terrace underlain by fossiliferous marls and clays of
the Yorktown Formation.
Geological Formation age:
Pamlico Terrace = Pleistocene = 100,000 years B.P.
References Cited:
Daniels, R. B., E. E. Gamble, and W. H. Wheeler. 1978. Age
of Soil Landscapes in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Soil
Science Society of America Journal 42: 98-105.
26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species
Name of species: Myriophyllum tenellum
Species legal status and authority: Considered significantly rare
in North Carolina (N.C. Plant Protection Board, Dept. of Agri-
culture, 1982).
Number of populations on site: one
Number of individuals per population: 5000 + stems
Size or Maturity of individuals: all age classes
Phenology of population: unknown
Eg: vegetative %
flowering %
fruiting %
General vigor of population: excellent
Disturbance or threats to population: Fluctuating water levels;
siltation; disturbance from inceasing residential development.
Habitat characteristics
Plant community: Panicum hemitomon-mixed aquatic herbs (CT 2)
Topography: Flat
Soil Series: -
Microclimate: -
Drainage basin: Lake Phelps
Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists.
26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species
Name of species: Sagittaria teres or Sagittaria isoetiformis
Species legal status and authority: Considered significantly rare in
N.C. (N.C. Plant Protection Board, Dept. of Agriculture, 1982).
Number of populations on site: one
Number of individuals per population: 500+
Size or Maturity of individuals: all age classes
Phenology of population: unknown
Eg: vegetative %
flowering %
fruiting %
General vigor of population: excellent
Disturbance or threats to population: fluctuating water levels;
human disturbance from increasing residential development.
Habitat characteristics
Plant community: Panic= hemitomon-mixed aquatic herbs (CT 2)
Topography: Flat
Soil Series: -
Microclimate: -
Drainage basin: Lake Phelps
Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists.
26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species
Name of species: Eriocaulon pellucidum
Species legal status and authority: Considered significantly rare in
North Carolina (N.C. Plant Protection Board, N.C. Dept. of Agriculture,
Number of populations on site: one
Number of individuals per population: 10,000+ stems
Size or Maturity of individuals: all age classes
Phenology of population: unknown
Eg: vegetative %
flowering %
fruiting %
General vigor of population: excellent
Disturbance or threats to population: Fluctuating water levels; human
disturbance from increasing residential development
Habitat characteristics
Plant community: Panicum hemitomon-mixed aquatic herbs (CT 2)
Topography: Flat
Soil Series: -
Microclimate: -
Drainage basin: Lake Phelps
Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists.
26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species
Name of species: Waccamaw Killifish (Fundulus waccamawensis)
Species legal status and authority: State Endangered Endemic
(Cooper et al., 1977)
Number of populations on site: one
Number of individuals per population: unknown
Size or Maturity of individuals: all age classes
Phenology of population: not applicable
Eg: vegetative %
flowering %
fruiting %
General vigor of population: unknown
Disturbance or threats to population: Siltation, fluctuating water levels
Habitat characteristics
Plant community: entire lake but particularly CT 2
Topography: -
Soil Series: -
Microclimate: -
Drainage basin: Lake Phelps
Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists.
26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species
Name of species: Red -shouldered Hawk
Species legal status and authority: Threatened in N.C. (Cooper
et al., 1977)
Number of populations on site: one
Number of individuals per population: 1-2
Size or Maturity of individuals: adult
Phenology of population:. not applicable
Eg: vegetative %
flowering %
fruiting % ..
General vigor of population: -
Disturbance or threats to population: land clearing, pesticides
Habitat characteristics
Plant community: CT 1
Soil Series:
Drainage basin:
Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists.
(arranged alphabetically by family)
Acer rubrum
Sagittaria teres
Rhus radicans
Asimina triloba
Hydrocotyle umbellate
Ilex opaca
Aralia spinosa
Dryopteris celsa
Athyrium asplenioides
Solidago rugosa
Elephantopus carolinianus
Impatiens capensis
Ostrya virginiana
Anisostichus capreolata
Campsis radicans
Tillandsia usneoides
Lonicera japonica
L. sempervirens
Sambucus canadensis
Euonymus americanus
. Scirpus americanus
Drosera sp.
Diospyros virginiana
Eriocaulon pellucidum
Quercus michauxii
Myriophyllum tenellum
Liquidambar styraciflua
Juncus sp.
Teucrium canadense
Lindera benzoin
Persea borbonia
Utricularia cornuta
U. purpurea
Smilax rotundifolia
Lycopodium appressum
Decodon verticillatus
Liriodendron tulipifera
Rhexia sp.
Morus rubra
Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Phytolacca americana
Arundinaria gigantea
Panicum hemitomum
Polygala lutea
Polygonum sagittaefolium
Polypodium polypodioides
Pontederia cordata
Berchemia scandens
Prunus serotina
Potentilla sp.
Geum sp.
Rubus sp.
Galium sp.
Decumaria barbara
Itea virginica
Symplocas tinctoria
Taxodium distichum
Ulmus americana
Boehmeria cylindrica
Callicarpa americana
Verbena urticifolia
Vitis sp.
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Fowler's Toad
Southern Leonard Frog
Green Frog
Southern Cricket Frog
Five -lined Skink
(Emphasis of bird lists is on breeding or summering
species; lack of adequate field work during the other
seasons prevented compilation of a complete list.)
PR = Permanent Resident
SR = Summer Resident
WR = Winter Resident
T = Transient; spring or fall
PV, SV, WV - Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter
* = Breeding or suspected breeding at site.
Common Loon
Pied -billed Grebe
Great Blue Heron
Green Heron
Great Egret
Whistling Swan
Canada Goose
Black Duck
Wood Duck
Hooded Merganser
Turkey Vulture
Red-tailed Hawk
Red -shouldered Hawk
Common Bobwhite
American Coot
Spotted Sandpiper
Ring -billed Gull
Caspian Tern
Mourning Dove
Yellow -billed Cuckoo
Barred owl
Chimney Swift
Ruby -throated Hummingbird
Belted Kingfisher
Common Flicker
Pileated Woodpecker
Red -bellied Woodpecker
Yellow -bellied Sapsucker
Hairy Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Eastern Kingbird
Great Crested Flycatcher
Acadian Flycatcher
Eastern Pewee
Tree Swallow
Rough -winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Purple Martin
Blue Jay
Common Crow
Fish Crow
Carolina Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White -breasted nuthatch
Red -breasted nuthatch
Winter Wren
Carolina Wren
Gray Catbird
Wood Thrush
Blue -gray Gnatcatcher
Golden -crowned Kinglet
Ruby -crowned Kinglet
Cedar Waxwing
White -eyed Vireo
Red -eyed Vireo
Prothonotary Warbler
Northern Parula Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Yellow -throated Warbler
Louisiana Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
Common Grackle
Brown -headed Cowbird
Northern Cardinal
Indigo Bunting
Evening Grosbeak
American Goldfinch
White -throated Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Eastern Gray Squirrel
Marsh Rabbit
Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
Whitetail Deer
Black Bear
(To be prepared for each site)
Basic Information Summary Sheet
1. Natural Area Name: Conaby Creek - Roanoke River Swamp Forest
2. County: Washington
3. Location: In the extreme northwest corner of the county near the
mouth of the Roanoke River at Albemarle Sound.
4. Topographic quadrangle(s): Westover (1978)
5. Size: 3240 acres, measured with grid calculator (includes about
200 acres of open water on Conaby Creek)
6. Elevation: 0-5 feet msl
7. Access: Although relatively inaccessible, the margins of the natural
area can be reached: 1) on foot north of SR 1300 between SR 1333 and
1324; 2) on foot off NC 45 near junkyard and sandpits across highway
from grass airstrip; and 3) by boat from either Conaby Creek, Roanoke
River, or Albemarle Sound.
8. Names of investigators: J. Merrill Lynch S. Lance Peacock
Route 2, Box 222-B P. 0. Box 6006
Enfield, NC 27823 Raleigh, NC 27628
9. Date(s) of investigation: April 10, April 18, May 12, 1982
10. Priority rating: Medium
Fig. to Access information:
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6 7 8 9 10
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lla. Prose Description of Site:
The Conaby Creek -Roanoke River Natural Area is located in
the northwestern corner of the county. The 3240-acre tract lies
at the mouth of the Roanoke River at Albemarle Sound and includes
a portion of Conaby Creek, a tributary of the Roanoke which enters
the river at a point about one mile from its mouth.
The natural area is situated entirely within the Roanoke
River floodplain at an elevation between sea level and four
feet. The entire tract is underlain by shallow to deep deposits
of organic muck which are interbedded with layers of inorganic
silts, sands, and clays deposited at various times by river flood-
waters. The organic muck soils and permanent high water table
are the primary factors which control the vegetation; a structur-
ally diverse but ecologically rather depauperate assemblage of
swamp forest and pocosin elements.
The geological history of the area has recently been studied
by Erlich (1980). A brief summary of the interesting geological
development of the area follows.
The lower Roanoke River basin is an example of a drowned
river valley caused by flooding associated with rising sea level.
During the Early Holocene Period (7000 years before present), the
Roanoke River in the natural area was characterized by typical
meandering stream depositional processes. At this time sea level
was approximately 46 feet lower than present day levels; there-
fore much of what is today covered by Albemarle Sound was at that
time an exposed broad, flat plain containing the meandering channel
of the Roanoke River.
From 7000 years ago to the present the sea level has been
gradually rising. Albemarle Sound has been gradually expanding,
filling in the former river floodplain. As a consequence of the
rising sea level, organic deposits began accumulating in the
natural area, covering the inorganic muds and silts deposited
during earlier times. Today a vast body of peat -dominated swamp
forest wetlands have developed in the lower Roanoke River basin,
including the entire natural area section.
The vegetation of the natural area is a complex mosaic of
various community types, of which all except one are tree -domi-
nated swamp forest wetland types. The palustrine/riverine wet-
lands have been influenced in the past by natural and man -induced
events. The influence of Roanoke River floodwaters carrying sus-
pended sediments such as silt and mud, storm and wind tides from
adjacent Albemarle Sound, and past logging operations are some
of the factors which have combined to mold the vegetation
makeup of the natural area. A description of the major
community types and several of the minor ones follows in
the following paragraphs. Note that only two communities
have been given community type designations.
The most widespread plant community is Pinus taeda/
Acer rubrum-Chamaecyparis thyoides/mixed wetland shrubs//
Smilax laurifolia (loblolly pine/red maple -Atlantic white
cedar/mixed wetland shrubs//laurel-leaved greenbriar; CT
1). This community occurs throughout much of the interior
of the natural area away from the Conaby Creek -Roanoke
River channels and Albemarle Sound. Though dominated by
loblolly pine, the canopy contains scattered individuals
of baldcypress (Taxodium distichum), pond pine (Pinus
serotina), red maple, and locally dense patches of swamp
blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora). The loblolly
pine canopy is typically open and varies from 60-80 feet
in height with average dbh values of 10-15 inches. Scat-
tered much larger pines are present throughout. The sub -
canopy is usually closed and is dominated by varying pro-
portions of red maple and Atlantic white cedar. Below the
subcanopy is a very dense medium -tall shrub zone containing
a mixture of species including sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana),
redbay (Persea borbonia), sweet gallberry (Ilex coriacea), and
fetterbush (Lyonia lucida). There is no distinct ground cover
although chain ferns (Woodwardia virginica and W. areolata)
are common along with various sedges (Carex spp.). The lower
layers are intertwined by an almost impenetrable tangle of
the vine laurel -leaved greenbriar (Smilax laurifolia). Other
vines present include poison ivy (Rhus radicans) and climbing
hydrangea (Decumaria barbara). Dense sphagnum mats are almost
universally present.
Along portions of Conaby Creek and the Roanoke River,
swamp blackgum-dominated stands are common. This community
is identified as Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/Persea borbonia-
Fraxinus caroliniana (swamp blackgum/redbay-Carolina water ash;
CT 2). The canopy is usually closed and averages about 50-60
feet in height with an average dbh of 8-12 inches. The shrub
layer is composed of redbay and Carolina water ash, two species
which are not often found as associates in a swamp forest wet-
land. The presence of the ash, a species typical of brownwater
river swamps dominated by mineral sediments, is probably due to
the silting influence of the channels, discussed in more detail
below. The shrub layer is typically not as dense as in the
loblolly pine dominated community (CT 1). The characteristic
vine of that latter community, laurel -leaved greenbriar, is
generally uncommon in the swamp blackgum stands. In some areas
beds of lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus) form a distinct ground
cover. Other common ground cover species include various
sedges (Carex spp.) and netted chain fern. The gum stands
are also apparently influenced to some degree by minor and
infrequent depositions of suspended silt, deposited during
periods of overbank flooding along the channels. Occasional
water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) trees occur along the silty
banks of the channels but these are not extensive enough
to warrant community type designation.
Along the Albemarle Sound shoreline a distinctive band
of small to medium sized baldcypress, 30-50 feet high and
with dbh's of less than 14 inches is present. This bald
cypress fringe extends out into the shallow waters of the
sound and are a graphic indication of the rising sea level.
This is a minor community within the natural area and is
not included in the biotic summary.
Another minor community which deserves mention is the
Atlantic white cedar -dominated stands which occur primarily
along the margin of the valley wall or floodplain escarpment
(southeastern edge of the natural area). These monospecific
stands are composed of dense, closed stands of cedar 20-50
feet tall which are usually even -aged. A mixture of shrubs
such as fetterbush and redbay is present underneath. These
cedar stands occur over peat containing a mixture of sandy
mineral soil washed in from the adjacent uplands.
The communities described up to now represent forested
palustrine or riverine wetland systems associated with deep
peat or interbedded inorganic muds and peat. Another plant
community, dissimilar from the others occurs along the margins
of Conaby Creek and the Roanoke River. A submerged, aquatic
community dominated by aquatic plants is present. Floating
mats of cow -lily (Nuphar luteum var. luteum) and fragrant
water -lily (Nymphaea odorata) are associated with other
aquatic species such as bladderwarts (Utricularia spp.) and
water-milfoils (Myriophyllum spp.). This community is in
shallow, sheltered coves and backwaters along the channel
The entire natural area is essentially flat. Elevation
ranges from sea level along the waterways to 5 feet along the
floodplain margin. There are no subaerial topographic land -
forms such as sand ridges present in the natural area. A
mantle of organic sediments essentially covers the natural
area from the channel margins inward to the valley wall.
These organic soils are mapped as the Dorovan series: dysic,
thermic Typic Medisaprists (SCS, 1981). These soils are
characterized by an organic surface layer 51 to greater than
91 inches thick over unconsolidated fluvial inorganic sedi-
ments. The peat has a mineral content of 5 to 20%.
The water table is at or very close to the surface year-
round. The position of the natural area within a floodplain
at or slightly above sea level is the primary reason for the
high water table.
The natural area is the only one of six natural areas in
Washington County which is completely roadless. Several minor
ditches have been constructed into the margins of the swamp
but these have had little, if any, effect on the hydrology.
Apparently, all logging operations up to the present have
removed timber either by barge or by temporary skid -roads.
Because of the inaccessibility of the swamp forest, little
is known concerning the wildlife values of the natural area.
White-tailed deer, river otter, and black bear are known to
occur; the latter species probably only as an occasional visitor.
The large size of the tract, combined with continuous
riverbottom wetlands further upstream, comprises an extensive
woodland corridor which undoubtedly serves as important habitat
and refuge for many game and non -game mammals and birds. The
lack of roads and the dense vegetation render the tract virtually
inaccessible to man. This factor is significant because it pro-
vides many species, particularly large wide -roaming mammals such
as black bear, a safe refuge from hunting pressures.
llb. Prose Description of Site Significance:
The Conaby Creek -Roanoke River natural area is the
largest tract of roadless wilderness existing in Washing-
ton County. Both black bear and river otter, considered
rare throughout the coastal plain, occur respectively,
within the extensive swamp forest and along the water-
The swamp forest contains extensive stands of second -
growth loblolly pine, Atlantic white cedar, baldcypress,
and swamp blackgum. Although not pristine, these forest
stands are significant in their acreage and their inacces-
sibility. The swamp forest serves as an important wildlife
refugium. When combined with adjacent riverbottom wetlands
of Bertie County upstream, the natural area encompasses the
largest continuous, relatively undisturbed alluvial wetland
ecosystem in northeastern North Carolina.
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
High quality wetland
Pinus taeda/Acer rubrum-Chamaecyparis
2nd largest alluvial swamp
oides mixed wetland shrubs//Smilax
forest wetland in the county
laurifolia (includes other wetland
(1st is Bull's Neck Swamp).
communities of minor extent mentioned
Some scattered old -growth
in the text)
timber remains in interior
portions of swamp. When com-
bined with contiguous alluvial
swamp forest wetlands in
Bertie County, the natural
area is part of the largest
alluvial wetland system in
northeastern North Carolina.
High quality wetland
Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/Persea
Occurs as band along Conaby
plant community
CT 2
borbonia-Fraxinus caroliniana
Creek and Roanoke River.
This community type is not
known elsewhere in the county.
Rare and of Special
Listed as of Special Concern
Black Bear
Concern Species
by Cooper, et al. 1977. Un-
determined population exists
in swamp Area acts as an
important refugium for dis-
placed bears from large-scale
clearing operations in the
south and east.
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
Rare Species
River otter
Considered to be rare or un-
common throughout most of its
range in N.C. Undetermined
population exists in natural
Wilderness aspect
Large wilderness area
The natural area is the
largest completely roadless
wilderness area remaining in
the county. 3240 acres.
Project Depth 12 Feet
teatures :
's •��-��-Npss�� Community type locations
are mapped generally.
IX n
Leqal Status, Use, and Manaqement
13. Ownership type by percent area: Type
Private 100 %
Public %
Unknown %
14. Number of Owners: 5
15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers,
other pertinent information). (in order of importance)
1) Ronald Harrison, Box 712, Plymouth, NC 27962
2) Georgia-Pacific Corp., P. 0. Box 909, Augusta, GA 30903
3) O. G. and Joe Rand, attorneys at law, Wilson, NC 27893
4) L. L. Mizelle, Rt. 1, Box 602, Plymouth, NC 27962
5) Thomas Gaines, 2818 Ward St., Wilmington, NC 28401
16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other
pertinent information).
1) B. B. (Pat) White 2) Julie H. Moore
P. O. Box 851 Natural Heritage Program
Plymouth, NC 27962 NRCD
Raleigh, NC 27611
17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?):
None known.
18. Uses of natural area:
The portion of the natural area owned by Georgia-Pacific
Corporation is open to public hunting under the N. C. Wildlife
Resources Commission Gamelands program. Because of the lack of
roads, dense vegetation, and general inaccessibility it is un-
likely that any section of the natural area receives much hunting
pressure. The entire area has been timbered, primarily by tram
and scid roads during the early 1900's. There is some evidence
of fire in the 1930's (Pat White, pers. comm., 1982). There has
apparently been no large scale logging operations within the past
70-80 years. This is the only truly roadless area remaining in
Washington County.
19, Uses of surrounding land:
a. Wildland 90 % c. high -intensity forestry,
b. Agricultural land 10 % d. developed %
20. Preservation Status:
* %
*Description of preservation status
Private land, not protected by owner
21. Regulatory protections in force:
Dredge and fill permits under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act apply
to the natural area and are regulated by the Army Corps of Engineers.
22. Threats:
One landowner has recently asked for a federal dredge and
fill permit to mine sand and gravel near the western margin of
the natural area. This landowner also has property contained
within the natural area. It is conceivable that future mining
in the area is a possibility. Timber operations also pose a
potential threat. Much merchantible timber remains in the
area although access roads and ditches will need to be built
in order to log the area using modern methods.
Because of the high ash content of the peat deposits and
their location within the floodplain, the possibility of future
peat mining is considered to be very low (Lee Otte, pers. comm.
23. Management and Preservation Recommendation:
The natural area should be preserved in its present roadless
condition. Construction of access roads or drainage ditches should
not be allowed so that the natural hydrological systems can remain
intact. Some selective timbering by barge could be allowed without
damage to the natural integrity of the site. The area should be
considered an important wetlands resource and protected for its
scenic, wildlife, and fisheries values. Any dredge and fill per-
mit applications should be reviewed carefully.
Natural Characteristics Summar
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 1
Community type: Pinus taeda/Acer rubrum-Chamaecyparis thyoides/
mixed wetland shrubs//Smilax laurifolia
Community cover type: Pinus taeda
General habitat feature: river floodplain swamp
Average canopy height: variable; from 60-80 feet
Estimated age of canopy trees: unknown
Canopy cover: open
Estimated size of community: 1800 acres
Successional stage: late successional to climax
Common canopy species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Taxodium distichum, Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora,
Acer rubrum, Pinus serotina
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant):
Magnolia virginiana, Persea borbonia,
Ilex coriacea, Lyonia lucida
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Woodwardia virginica, Woodwardia areolata,
Carex spp.
Vines: Smilax laurifolia
Decumaria barbara
Rhus radicans
Natural Characteristics Summary
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 2
Community type: Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/Persea borbonia-
Fraxinus caroliniana
Community cover type: Nyssa. sylvatica var. biflora
General habitat feature: river floodplain swamp
Average canopy height: 50-60 feet
Estimated age of canopy trees: unknown
Canopy cover: mostly closed
Estimated size of community: 900
Successional stage: late successional to near -climax
Common canopy species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Acer rubrum, Taxodium distichum
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant):
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Saururus cernuus
Carex spp.
Woodwardia areolata
Vines: Rhus radicans
Decumaria barbara
24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 1, CT 2
Soil series: Corovan muck
Soil classification: Dysic, thermic Typic Medisaprists
Soil association: Dorovan
pH class: extremely acid
Source of information: Soil Survey of Washington County, N.C.
USDA, 1981
Other notes:
24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 1, CT 2
Hydrologic system: Palustrine (CT 1) and Riverine (CT 2)
Hydrologic subsystem: InterAqueous (CT 1) and lower perennial (CT 2)
Water chemistry: Fresh -acid
Water regime: Saturated (CT 1) to seasonably flooded (CT 2)
Drainage class: Very poorly drained
Drainage basin: Roanoke River flows into Albemarle Sound
Hydrology characterization: Very poorly drained, saturated to
seasonally flooded, fresh, inter -
aqueous and lower perennial, palustrine
and riverine systems.
24d. Topography Summary: CT 1, CT 2
Landform: alluvial floodplain (drowned river valley)
Shelter: partly sheltered to open
Aspect: n/a
Slope Angle: n/a
Profile: Flat
Surface patterns: hummocky, peat surface except along stream
channels where thin layer of silt and mud sediments occur
Position: n/a
25. Physiographic characterization of natural area:
Late successional to climax communities on organic and
inorganic sediments of the Roanoke River drowned river valley,
and situated on the Pamlico Terrace of the Coastal Plain pro-
vince of the Atlantic Plain.
Geological Formation:
Marine and fluvial sediments of the Pamlico Terrace
Geological Formation age:
Pleistocene (100,000 years B.P.) to
Recent (Holocene) less than 6,000 years B.P.
References Cited:
Erlich, R. N. 1980. Early Holocene to Recent Development
and Sedimentation of the Roanoke River area, North Carolina.
Unpublished dissertation, Department of Geology, UNC - Chapel
26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species
Name of species: Black Bear
Species legal status and authority: Listed as of Special Concern
by Cooper et al., 1977
Number of populations on site: one
Number of individuals per population: unknown, several sets of scat
seen near NC 45
Size or Maturity of individuals: unknown
Phenology of population: n/a
Eg: vegetative %
flowering %
fruiting %
General vigor of population: unknown
Disturbance or threats to population: clearcutting, drainage, illegal
Habitat characteristics
Plant community: CT 1
Topography: n/a
Soil Series: n/a
Microclimate: n/a
Drainage basin: n/a
Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species list.
(arranged alphabetically by family)
Acer rubrum
Rhus radicans
Ilex coriacea
I. glabra
I. opaca
Alnus serrulata
Woodwardia areolata
W. virginica
Tillandsia usneoides
Viburnum nudum
Clethra alnifolia
Chamaecyparis thyoides
Carex spp.
Cyrilla racemiflora
Lyonia lucida
Vaccinium corymbosum
Leucothoe axillaris
Kalmia angustifolia
Persea borbonia
Smilax laurifolia
S. rotundifolia
Phoradendron serotinum
Magnolia virginiana
Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora
N. aquatica
Fraxinus caroliniana
F. pennsylvanica
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Pinus taeda
P. serotina
Sorbus arbutifolia
Rosa palustris
Saururus cernuus
Itea virginica
Decumaria barbara
Taxodium distichum
Typha latifolia
Vitis sp..
Southern Leopard Frog
Green Frog
Green Treefrog
Southern Cricket Frog
Carpenter Frog
Black Rat Snake
Red -bellied Water Snake
Painted Turtle
Yellow -bellied Slider
Florida Cooter
Fine -lined Skink
(Emphasis of bird lists is on breeding or summering
species; lack of adequate field work during the other
seasons prevented compilation of a complete list.)
PR = Permanent resident
SR = Summer resident
WR = Winter resident
T = Transient; spring or fall
PV, SV, WV - Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter
* = Breeding or suspected breeding at site
Wood Duck
Turkey Vulture
Mourning Dove
Barred owl
Yellow -billed Cuckoo
Pileated Woodpecker
Red -bellied Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Great -crested Flycatcher
Barn Swallow
Blue Jay
Fish Crow
Carolina Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
Winter Wren
Carolina Wren
Gray Catbird
Hermit Thrush
Ruby -crowned Kinglet
Cedar Waxwing
White -eyed Vireo
Prothonatory Warbler
Northern Parula Warbler
Pine Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Common Grackle
Northern Cardinal
Raccoon (tracks)
River Otter (tracks)
White-tailed Deer (tracks)
Black Bear (scat)
(To be prepared for each site)
Basic Information Summary Sheet
1. Natural Area Name: Bull's Neck Swamp (Big Swamp)
2. County: Washington
3. Location: Along the south shore of Albemarle Sound in the
northeastern corner of the county about 5 air -miles NNW of
the town of Creswell.
4. Topographic quadrangle(s): Leonard's Point (1974)
5. Size: Approximately 6450 acres, measured with grid calculator
6. Elevation: 0-4 feet msl
7. Access: 1) From junction of SR 1308 and SR 1306 go west on SR
1308 about 0.3 mile to unpaved road on right. Turn right (north)
and go about 0.5 mile to deadend at Deep Creek. A jeep trail
continues north into interior of the swamp.
2) From junction of NC 32 and SR 1302 go east on SR 1302 3.4
miles to SR 1312 (unpaved) on left. Take this road for about
0.5 mile to well-defined fork. Take right fork and continue
along edge of field to margin of swamp where there is.a locked
gate. A logging road continues ENE then N into the interior
of the swamp.
8. Names of investigators: J. Merrill Lynch S. Lance Peacock
Route 2, Box 222-B P. 0. Box 6006
Enfield, NC 27823 Raleigh, NC 27628
9. Date(s) of investigation: April 18, May 12-13, July 11, 1982
10. Priority rating: Medium
Fig. 12 Access information:
S ,
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lla. Prose Description of Site:
The Bull's Neck Swamp Natural Area occupies a large
peninsula along the southern margin of Albemarle Sound in
northeastern Washington County. The natural area encom-
passes about 6450 acres containing a mosaic of wetland
habitats over both organic and mineral soils. It is by
far the largest significant natural area remaining in the
Before describing the habitat diversity of the site,
an introduction to the area's geology and developmental
history will be outlined. According to Erlich (1980)
Albemarle Sound is an example of a drowned river valley.
About 8,000 to 10,000 years ago sea level was at least
46 feet lower than the present-day level. At this time
the Albemarle Sound basin was a vast alluvial floodplain
containing a meandering river channel and extensive
swamp forests. Since that time rising sea levels have
caused large scale flooding and enlargement of the Albe-
marle Sound to its present dimensions.
Parts of the original river floodplain have filled
in with organic deposits caused by an accumulation of
decomposing swamp forest and marsh vegetation. The
present day lower portions of the Roanoke River basin
(see Conaby Creek Natural Area site report, pp. )
and the Bull's Neck peninsula are examples of this
organic sedimentation. Close examination of aerial
photographs of Bull's Neck reveals a series of long,
arcuate sand ridges representing a relic fluvial ridge
and swale system which was probably formed during a low
sea level stand. Some of these ridges rise 5-8 feet
above modern sea level and have been cleared for cul-
tivation. Other ridges (within the natural area
boundary) are much lower, 1-4 feet msl; and are
periodically flooded by storm tides. The mantle of
organic deposits has apparently covered all but the
highest portions of these low -elevation ridges. This
topographic diversity has created areas of very deep
peat (former sloughs between the ridges), areas of
very shallow peat (overlying low, now -buried portions
of the sand ridges), and areas of higher ridges domi-
nated by loamy sands (not yet covered by the slowly
advancing peat mantle).
This diverse geomorphology accounts partly for the
habitat diversity of Bull's Neck. A complex history of
past logging disturbances and wildfires combine to create
a mosaic of vegetation types, all of which reflect patterns
relating to soils, topography, degree of flooding, and
human disturbance.
The largest acreage, high -quality plant communities
at Bull's Neck are the Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/mixed
wetland shrubs or Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/Acer rubrum-
Persea borbonia/mixed wetland shrubs (swamp blackgum/mixed
wetland shrubs or swamp blackgum/red maple -red bay/mixed
wetland shrubs; CT 1). These very similar stands are
dominated by swamp blackgum in the canopy (maximum height
70 feet) with some denser, closed stands lacking a well-
defined subcanopy and other more open ones containing a
layer of red maple and redbay. Both have low shrub layers
containing various proportions of species such as swamp
azalea (Rhododendron viscosum), sweet gallberry (Ilex
coriacea), fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), sweet pepperbush
(Clethra alnifolia, and blueberry (Vaccinium sp.). There
is essentially no herb layer although dense mats of -
sphagnum moss are common and widespread. The gum -
dominated stands also contain a good proportion of
Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) in both
the canopy and subcanopy layers. Also scattered in
the canopy are baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) and
loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). The average diameter of
the gum canopy trees ranges from 12 to 18 inches, de-
pending on cutting history. Scattered large trees up
to 28" dbh are present. Charred stumps occur in
scattered places in the gum stands indicating that
fire has played some role in the ecology of the area.
However, there is no evidence of fire in recent times;
i.e. within the past fifty years.
In areas where more intensive cutting has taken
place, such as in portions of the southern and western
margins of the natural area, loblolly pine and red maple
are much more predominant in the canopy. Some areas
which were intensively logged are dominated by these
two early successional species.
The gum stands occur in areas which are mapped as
the Dorovan muck soil series. These organic soils average
from 51 to greater than 99 inches in the depth of their
muck surface horizons. They are very poorly drained and
are saturated for most of the year due to a high water
table (SCS 1981). The gum stands are most extensive in
the central portion of the site (see map) where organic
soils of moderate depths are prevalent.
Scattered throughout much of the natural area are
dense stands of even -aged Atlantic white cedar (CT 2).
These stands vary in height and average dbh depending
on their age and cutting history. Stands sampled during
this survey ranged from 20-30 feet in height and 3 inches
average dbh up to 40-50 feet tall and 10 inches dbh. The
white cedar stands are characterized by a very high stem
density, exclusion of most other swamp forest trees and
shrubs, and a uniform height and size. Fire, or more
likely, previous clearcutting account for the even -aged
and dense character of these stands.
Other species present in the white cedar stands but
usually of scattered occurrence include red maple and
redbay. Mats of sphagnum moss are often common ground
The physiognomy of Atlantic white cedar is highly
variable in the natural area. The species occurs as
scattered individuals in the previously described gum-
' dominated -communities (CT 1) and also in the pond pine
stands (CT 3) . The dense stands of Atlantic white cedar
(CT 2) vary from less than one acre to about 220 acres
in size. The dense stands (CT 2) occupy about 350 total
acres, or about 5.4% of the natural area.
The 220-acre stand is significant enough to describe
in more detail. This stand is located near the northern
point of the peninsula (Laurel Point) and has a distinctive
linear, east -west alignment, about 1.5 miles long by 0.25
mile wide. Site surveys and inspection of aerial photo-
graphs suggest that this stand occurs on shallow peat
overlying a partially buried sand ridge. Its alignment
is similar to exposed sand ridges to the south. Buell
and Cain (1943) describe the general habitat of this
species as "peat bog underlain by sand." They mention
that hardwood or cypress swamps are more likely to de-
velop where the underlying mineral layers are composed
mainly of silts and clays. White cedar is also known
to require open, sunny conditions for germination (op.
cit.). The clearing agent was originally fire, although
present timber clear cutting practices often create ideal
conditions for the germination and establishment of cedar
stands. As mentioned earlier in this discussion, logging
activities have been prevalent in Bull's Neck at intervals
since the late 19th century. Tram roads were used to
haul timber out during the early 1900's before the ad-
vent of modern road and canal construction. It is
likely that most if not all of the dense white cedar
stands in Bull's Neck Swamp are the result of past
timber_ cutting.
The third high -quality community type located in
Bull's Neck is Pinus serotina/Chamaecyparis thyoides-
Acer rubrum/Myrica heterophylla-Baccharis halimifolia/
mixed marsh herbs (pond pine/Atlantic white cedar -red
maple/bayberry-groundsel tree/mixed marsh herbs; CT 3).
This community is dominated by an open stand of
pond pine over an open subcanopy of Atlantic white
cedar and red maple. A low shrub layer of bayberry
and groundsel tree occurs throughout much of the com-
munity over a mixture of marsh herbs. Common herbs
include pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata), sedges
(Carex spp.), tear -thumb (Polygonum sagittatum), and
marsh pennywort (Hydrocotyle sp.). Canopy height
ranges from 40-50 feet with trunk diameters of 8-12
This community is restricted to the northernmost
point of Bull's Neck in an area just north of the large
white cedar stand previously described. It occupies
an area of about 664 acres, or about 10% of the natural
area. The area is underlain by Dorovan muck, already
The community is an unusual one, containing an
assemblage of species not typically found growing
together. It appears to be in a state of transition
from pond pine -white cedar forest to a shrub -marsh
system. Almost all of the white cedars in the com-
munity appear to be under stress and many have recently
died. Dead cedar trunks are scattered throughout.
Reasons for this are unclear. The pond pines appear
to be healthy, although somewhat stunted and the red
maples also seem to be relatively healthy. Could
rising sea level coupled with increasing salinity be
the reason for the cedar's demise? This seems to be
a good possibility since other possible factors such
as disease or insect predation should affect trees
throughout the natural area. White cedar stands in
other, more inland portions of the natural area seem
to be thriving and healthy.
The three previous communities are all swamp forest
systems over shallow to deep organic deposits. The fourth
community type differs in having a mineral soil type and
somewhat better drainage. This type, Pinus taeda/Acer
rubrum (loblolly pine/red maple); CT 41 is located on
loamy sand ridges scattered within the natural area and
lying 2-4 feet in elevation above the surrounding peat -
dominated wetlands. These ridges, the remnants of the
ridge-and-swale system noted above, exist as isolated,
elongated islands oriented generally in a east -west
direction, and ranging from several acres to about 185
acres in extent. Most have been timbered extensively
and are presently vegetated with young -growth stands
of loblolly pine, red maple, and sweetgum. A few of
the more remote islands, located in the southern portion
of the natural area contain stands of pine 70-80 feet
high. A diversity of shrubs and herbs occur including
flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), bayberry, American
holly, sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum), American beech
(Fagus grandifolia), various oak species (uercus spp.),
tulip -poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), Japanese honey-
suckle (Lonicera japonica), partridgeberry (Mitchella
repens), and poison ivy (Rhus radicans).
Early tramroads apparently followed these islands,
using them as convenient bridges to reach the less ac-
cessible swamp forests. Later, road systems and canals
were constructed across the larger ridges. Consequently,
little timber remains today and the ecological signifi-
cance of the pine ridges has been substantially reduced.
The soils of the ridges are mapped as the Dragston
loamy fine sand series, a somewhat poorly drained wet
soil that is flooded occasionally.
Because of its large size, habitat diversity of pine
ridges, cedar stands and hardwood swamps, Bull's Neck
would be expected to represent highly significant wild-
life habitat. In some respects the area does seem to
have high wildlife values, in others it appears to be
rather depauperate.
Four days of field work in the area failed to reveal
the presence of any white-tailed deer, a very unusual
situation considering the habitat, and the fact that
Washington County has one of the largest deer herds in
the North Carolina coastal plain (Rod McClanahan, WRC
Biologist, pers. comm. 1982). The apparent absence of
deer in the area begs explanation.
However, black bear are known to occur (R. McClanahan,
pers. comm., 1982) and a set of tracks and scat were ob-
served. The size of this population is unknown. Inform-
ation on the presence of other furbearers is not available.
Breeding bird diversity is high, with at least 47 species
known or suspected of nesting in the area. In this regard,
Bull's Neck compares favorably with the Van Swamp natural
area (See pp. ). Breeding birds include ten species of
wood warblers and 5 species of woodpeckers, both considered
excellent totals for the coastal plain.
llb. Prose Descriptiou of Site Significance
Bull's Neck Swamp does not contain any highly significant
or unique old -growth timber stands nor does it contain any out-
standing wildlife populations or endangered species. Its chief
value is the areal extent of the wetland forests; the largest
continuous tract of swamp forest vegetation in a relatively
natural state in the county. Only two major canal/roads tra-
verse the peninsula and much of the swamp forests are virtually
inaccessible. The area functions as a wildlife refugium, and
its importance in this regard will surely increase as areas to
the south continue to be drained and cleared for agriculture
and silviculture.
The swamp also has the largest acreage of pure Atlantic
white cedar stands in the county (about 350 acres).
It contains habitat supporting populations of at least
two species considered rare or threatened in North Carolina,
black bear and red -shouldered hawk, respectively.
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
High -quality wetland
plant community
CT 1
Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/mixed
wetland shrubs or N. s lvatica var.
Largest acreage (3000 a.) of
swamp blackgum-dominated
biflora/Acer rubrum-Persea borbonia/
mixed wetland shrubs
swamp forest remaining in
Washington County. Includes
some old, second -growth
High -quality wetland
plant community
CT 2
Chamaecyparis thyoides
Largest acreage (350 a.) of
dense, even -aged Atlantic
white cedar remaining in
High -quality wetland
plant community
CT 3
Pinus serotina/Chamaecyparis thyoides-
Acer rubrum/Myrica heterophylla-
Unusual community type
unknown elsewhere in county.
Baccharis halimifolia/mixed marsh
Endangered or threatened
Red -shouldered Hawk
Listedas threatened in N.C.
by Cooper, et al, 1977.
Population at site thought
to consist of 2-3 breeding
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
Listed as of Special Concern
Rare species
Black bear
by Cooper et al., 1977. De-
creasing in coastal plain due
mainly to habitat destruction.
Population size present within
natural area unknown. Ques-
tionable whether site contains
enough acreage to maintain
viable population.
CT 1,
Black -throated Green Warbler
All three species are con -
Rare species
CT 2
Worm -eating Warbler
sidered uncommon to rare and
Swainson's Warbler
local in the N.C. coastal
plain. They are restricted
primarily to pocosin and
swamp forest wetlands with
dense iinderstory layers. The
Black -throated Green Warbler
is often associated with
Atlantic white cedar stands.
Regional populations are
likely declining due to land
clearing and habitat destruc-
tion. All three are breeding
residents in the natural area.
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
Breeding Bird species
CT 1,
47 species of breeding birds
47 species of birds are known
or Rusp cted of nesting within
the natural area, including
ten species of wood warblers
and five species of woodpecker
This is a exceptionally high
total for the N.C. coastal
area dominated
exclusively by forested
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Legal Status, Use, and Management
13. Ownership type by percent area: Type
Private 100 %
Public %
Unknown €
14. Number of Owners: 4 (one primary)
15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers,
other pertinent information). (In order of importance)
1) Lyme Forest Products, Inc., Lyme, CN (6146 a.) Primary landowner
2) Coastal Lumber Co., Box 231, Weldon, NC 27890 (295 a.)
3) L. C. Tarkington, 104 Benefit Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322 (1316 a.)
4) Union Camp Corporation, Franklin, VA 23851
16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other
pertinent information).
1) B. B. (Pat) White 3) Ron McClanahan
P. 0. Box 851 Wildlife Biologist
Plymouth, NC 27962 Route 1, Box 442-B
2) Julie H. Moore Jamesville, NC 27846
Natural Heritage Program
DNRCD, Raleigh, NC 27611
17. ,'attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?):
Not known.
18. Uses of natural area:
The Bull's Neck Swamp Natural Area has been registered in
the past as a state gamelands (1980-81) although with a recent
change in ownership the present gamelands status is uncertain.
Because of the scarcity of white-tailed deer, the swamp is
presently under very little hunting pressure. Locked gates
or ditches prevent vehicular access by any land route. Since
the area is bounded on three sides by. Albemarle Sound and Bull's
Bay, the swamp shoreline is accessible by boat. Because of the
swamp's dense forbidding vegetation there is little likelihood
that anyone attempts to enter the swamp interior by this method.
In the past the entire swamp has been logged, most recently in
the 1950's and 1960's.
19, Uses of surrounding land:
a. Wildland 80 %
b. Agricultural land 20 %
20. Preservation Status:
c. high -intensity forestry %
d. developed %
* %
*Description of preservation status
not protected by owner
21. Regulatory protections in force:
The Army Corps of Engineers has jurisdiction over the area concerning
Section 404 permit applications for dredging and filling operations.
22. Threats:
The natural area is probably protected from most high -
intensive operations because it is 1) very low in elevation
(0-4 feet msl), 2) adjacent to navigable waterways and sub-
ject to federal permit regulations, 3) subject to storm -tide
flooding, and'4) it contains low -value peat reserves (high
ash content). However, intensive timber operations could
significantly decrease the swamp's natural significance.
Large-scale ditching could lower the water table and com-
bined with heavy cutting of the swamp gum, baldcypress,
and white cedar, could result in the establishment of a
swamp hardwoods community dominated by "weedy" species
such as sweetgum and red maple.
23. Management and Preservation Recommendation:
The area should be preserved in its natural state with no
further road or canal construction. Timber operations should
be limited to small (less than 50 acres) clearcuts or light
selective cutting to maintain dominance by swamp blackgum and
other dominant swamp trees and prevent invasion of early suc-
cessional "weedy" species such as sweetgum and red maple.
Its importance as a floodplain wetland ecosystem should
be recognized by county planners and efforts should be made
to preserve its natural integrity.
Natural Characteristics Summary
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 1
Community type: Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/mixed wetland shrubs
or Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora/Acer rubrum-Persea borbonia/mixed
wetland shrubs
Community cover type: Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora
General habitat feature: swamp forest
Average canopy height: 70 feet
Estimated age of canopy trees: unknown
Canopy cover: closed
Estimated size of community: 3000 acres
Successional stage: near -climax (except in areas recently disturbed
by logging)
Common canopy -species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Pinus taeda, Chamaecyparis thyoides
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant):
Persea borbonia, Rhododendron viscosum, Lyonia lucida,
Vaccinium sp., Acer rubrum, Ilex coriacea
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Woodwardia areolata, Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Vines: Smilax laurifolia, Gelsemium sempervirens,
Rhus radicans
Natural Characteristics Summary
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 2
Community type: Chamaecyparis thyoides
Community cover type: Chamaecyparis thyoides
General habitat feature: swamp forest
Average canopy height: 40-50 feet
Estimated age of canopy trees: unknown
Canopy cover: closed
Estimated size of community: 350 acres
Successional stage: early -mid successional
Common canopy species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Acer rubrum
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant):
Persea borbonia
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Natural Characteristics Summary
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 3
Community type: Pinus serotina/Chamaecyparis thyoides-Acer rubrum/
Myrica heterophylla-Baccharis halimifolia/mixed
Community cover type: herbs
Pinus serotina
General habitat feature: swamp forest
Average canopy height: 40-50 feet
Estimated age of canopy trees: unknown
Canopy cover: Open
Estimated size of community: 664 acres
Successional stage: successional (appears to be transitional from
pond pine community to shrub -
marsh community)
Common canopy species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant):
Acer rubrum, Cephalanthus occidentalis
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Pontederia cordata, Carex spp., Polygonum
sagittatum, Hydrocotyle sp., Cuscuta sp.
Natural Characteristics Summa
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 4
Community type: Pinus taeda/Acer rubrum
Community cover type: Pinus taeda
General habitat feature: mesic sand ridge
Average canopy height: 60-90 feet
Estimated age of canopy trees: unknown
Canopy cover: Open
Estimated size of community: 320 acres
Successional stage: late successional
Common canopy species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Acer rubrum, Quercus michauxii
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant):
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Mitchella repens
24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 1, CT 2, CT 3
Soil series: Dorovan muck
Soil classification: Dysic, thermic Typic Medisaprists
Soil association: Dorovan
pH class: Extremely acid
Source of information: Soil Survey of Washington County,
N.C., U.S.D.A., 1981
Other notes:
24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 1, CT 2, CT 3
Hydrologic system: Palustrine
Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous
Water chemistry: Fresh
Water regime: semipermanently flooded to saturated
Drainage class: very poorly drained
Drainage basin: Albemarle Sound
Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, semipermanently
flooded to saturated, fresh, interaqueous,
palustrine system.
24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 4
Soil series: Dragston loamy fine sand
Soil classification: Coarse -loamy, mixed, thermic ;Aeric Ochraquults
Soil association: Dorovan
pH class: very strongly or strongly acid
Source of information: Soil Survey of Washington County, N.C.,
U.S.D.A., 1981
Other notes:
24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 4
Hydrologic system: Palustrine
Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous
Water chemistry: Fresh -acid
Water regime: Intermittently flooded
Drainage class: somewhat poorly drained
Drainage basin: Albemarle Sound
Hydrology characterization: A somewhat poorly drained, intermittently
flooded, fresh -acid, interaqueous palustrine
24d. Topography Summary: CT 1, CT 2, CT 3
Landform: embayed river swamp
Shelter: sheltered to partly sheltered
Aspect: not applicable
Slope Angle: not applicable
Profile: Flat
Surface patterns: Hummocky peat surface
Position: not applicable
CT 4
mesic sand ridge within
embayed river swamp
not applicable
not applicable
not applicable
25. Physiographic characterization of natural area:
A range of early successional to near -climax communities on
organic swamp deposits and mineral sand ridges lying within the
Albemarle Sound drowned river valley, and situated on the Pamlico
Terrace of the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain.
Geological Formation:
Fluvial and marine sediments of -the Pamlico Terrace
Geological Formation age:
Pleistocene (100,000 years B.P.) overlain by Holocene
(less than 6,000 years B.P.)
References Cited:
Erlich, R. N. 1980. Early Holocene to Recent Development
and Sedimentation of the Roanoke River Area, N.C. Unpublished
dissertation, Department of Geology, UNC-Chapel Hill.
26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species
Name of species: Red -shouldered Hawk
Species legal status and authority: Listed as Threatened in N.C.
by Cooper, et al., 1977
Number of populations on site: one
Number of individuals per population: Probably 2-3 nesting pairs
occur at the site
Size or Maturity of individuals: adults and immatures
Phenology of population: Not applicable
Eg: vegetative %
flowering %
fruiting %
General vigor of population: Unknown
Disturbance or threats to population: Clearcutting, drainage of
swamp forest
Habitat characteristics
Plant community: CT 1, CT 2, CT 3, CT 4
Soil Series:
Drainage basin:
Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species List.
26. Su.-n:nary - Endangered and threatened species
Name of species: Black Bear
Species legal status and authority: The coastal plain population was
listed as of Special Concern by
Cooper, et al., 1977.
Number of populations on site: one (1 set of tracks and scat were
observed 13 May 1982).
Number of individuals per population: Unknown
Size or Maturity of individuals: Unknown
Phenology of population: n/a
Eg: vegetative %
flowering %
+ fruiting %
General vigor of population: Unknown
Disturbance or threats to population: Logging, illegal hunting or
Habitat characteristics
Plant community: CT 1, CT 2, CT 3, CT 4
Soil Series:
Drainage basin:
Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species List.
(listed alphabetically by family)
Acer rubrum
Sagittaria sp.
Rhus radicans
Rhus sp.
Cicuta maculata
Hydrocotyle sp.
Ilex opaca
Ilex glabra
Ilex coriacea
Aralia spinosa
Hexastylis arifolia
Thelypteris noveboracensis
Baccharis halimifolia
Alnus serrulata
Woodwardia areolata
W. virginica
Viburnum nudum
Lonicera japonica
Lonicera sempervirens
Clethra alnifolia
Cuscuta sp.
Chamaecyparis thyoides
Cyrilla racemiflora
Rhododendron viscosum
Lyonia lucida
Oxydendron arboreum
Gaultheria procumbens
Leucothoe axillaris
Vaccinium spp.
Quercus alba
Q. nigra
Q. laurifolia
Q. michauxii
Fagus grandifolia
Liquidambar styraciflua
Persea borbonia
Smilax laurifolia
S. rotundifolia
Gelsemium sempe•rvirens
Phoradendron serotinum
Liriodendron tulipifera
Magnolia virginiana
Myrica cerifera
Myrica heterophylla
Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora
Cypripedium acaule
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Pinus taeda
Pinus serotina
Polygonum sagittatum
Pontederia cordata
Pteridium aquilinum
Sorbus arbutifolia
Rosa palustris
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Mitchella repens
Itea virginica
Decumaria barbara
Symplocos tinctoria
Taxodium distichum
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Vitis sp.
Southern Leopard Frog
Southern Cricket Frog
Green Frog
Fowler's Toad
Pinewoods Treefrog
Eastern Box Turtle
Eastern Cottonmouth
Red -bellied Water Snake
(Emphasis of bird lists is on breeding or summering
species; lack of adequate field work during the other
seasons prevented compilation of a complete list.)
PR = Permanent resident
SR = Summer resident
WR = Winter resident
T = Transient; spring or fall
PV, SV, WV - Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter
* = Breeding or suspected breeding at site
Wood Duck
Great Egret
Green Heron
Turkey Vulture
Red -shouldered Hawk
Common Bobwhite
Mourning Dove
Yellow -billed Cuckoo
Screech Owl
Great Horned Owl
Barred Owl
Whip -poor -Will
Chimney Swift
Ruby -throated Hummingbird
Belted Kingfisher
Common Flicker
Pileated Woodpecker
Red -bellied Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Great Crested Flycatcher
Acadian Flycatcher
Eastern Pewee
Barn Swallow
Purple Martin
Blue Jay
Common Crow
Fish Crow
Carolina Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
Carolina Wren
Gray Catbird
Wood Thrush
Blue -gray Gnatcatcher
White -eyed Vireo
Red -eyed Vireo
Black -and -White Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Swainson's Warbler
Worm -eating Warbler
Northern Parula Warbler
Black -throated Blue Warbler
Black -throated Green Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Pine Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
American Redstart
Common Grackle
Brown -headed Cowbird
Summer Tanager
Northern Cardinal
Indigo Bunting
American Goldfinch
Rufous -sided Towhee
Swamp Sparrow
Opossum (tracks)
Eastern Mole (tunnels)
Black Bear (tracks and scat)
Eastern Gray Squirrel (seen)
Raccoon (tracks)
(To be prepared for each site
Basic Information Summary Sheet
1. Natural Area Name: Chapel Swamp
2. County: Washington
3. Location: Along US 64 in the north -central section of the county
4. Topographic quadrangle(s): Roper North (1978)
5. Size: 149 acres, measured with grid calculator
6. Elevation: 4-10 feet msl
7. Access: Along south side of US 64 at Chapel Swamp, about 1.4 miles
west of junction with SR 1136. Best portion of natural area is the
east side of the swamp.
8. Names of investigators: J. Merrill Lynch S. Lance Peacock
Route 2, Box 222-B P. O. Box 6006
Enfield, NC 27823 Raleigh, NC 27628
9. Date(s) of investigation: December 5, 1981; May 13, July 11, 1982.
10. Priority rating: Medium
Fig. 14 Access information:
3 1
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lla. Prose Description of Site:
The Chapel Swamp Natural Area is a 149-acre tract which
contains the narrow alluvial floodplain and adjacent upland
slopes of a small stream draining the southern margin of
Albemarle Sound. The natural area contains the best preserved
examples of upland slope and alluvial floodplain communities
remaining in Washington County.
Chapel Swamp is a small, low -gradient stream which
drains a portion of the upland mineral soils which occur
as a relatively narrow band 2-3 miles wide along the south
side of Albemarle Sound. The stream is one of several lo-
cated along the northern border of the county between Mackeys
and the Tyrrell County line. The narrow alluvial floodplain
along the meandering channel is dominated by swamp forest
typical of alluvial brownwater rivers and streams of the
coastal plain.
The plant community of the floodplain is Nyssa
aquatica/Saururus cernuus (water tupelo/lizard's tail;
CT 1). It is dominated by water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica)
in the canopy over a sparse, poorly -developed shrub layer
of carolina water ash (Fraxinus caroliniana) and virginia
willow (Itea virginica) over a ground layer locally domi-
nated by dense patches of lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus).
The water tupelo average about 60-70 feet in height and
have an average diameter at breast height (dbh) of about
28 inches. Scattered very large, old -growth trees up to
45 inches dbh are present. Mixed with the gum are scattered
baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) up to 90 feet tall and 43
inches dbh, cull trees which were not harvested during
earlier periods of timber removal. Scattered very large
cypress stumps indicate that the swamp forest community was
probably dominated by cypress prior to logging activities.
The water tupelo swamp forest stand is characterized
by the distinct, swollen bases of the trees, an indication
that deep flooding of the swamp is a periodic occurrence.
Water lines on the trees indicate flooding depths of up to
two feet.
The swamp soils are mapped as Dorovan mucky silt loam
overwash, an organic soil that has developed a shallow mineral
surface horizon (SCS 1981). These silty loam soils apparently
account for the presence of water tupelo, a species more com-
monly associated with silty and clayey swamps of larger brown -
water river bottoms. The water tupelo swamp is the only well -
developed, mature stand known in Washington County. This species
is at or very near the eastern margin of its range in the Pamli
marle Peninsula at this site.
Adjacent to the swamp are a series of slopes which rise
5-6 feet above the floodplain. Along the gentle (2-60) slopes
and the relatively flat ridgecrests the plant community (CT 2)
occurs: Mixed upland hardwoods/Fagus grandifolia transgressives
or Ostrya virginiana (Mixed hardwoods/American beech trans-
gressives or hop hornbeam). This upland, terrestrial community
contains several species of hardwoods, the two most common being
white oak ( uercus alba) and American beech. Species also pre-
sent in the canopy in smaller proportions include southern red
oak (Quercus falcata var. falcata), tulip poplar (Liriodendron
tulipifera), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), black gum (Nyssa
sylvatica var. sylvatica), and pignut hickory (Carya glabra).
These upland hardwood stands average 60-70 feet in height and
20-22 inches dbh. A fairly well -developed subcanopy layer
dominated by younger American beech and, locally, by hophorn-
beam is present. Also present in the shrub layer are scattered
clumps of silky camellia (Stewartia malacodendron), a tall
shrub which is uncommon and local throughout most of the
coastal plain. The natural area is the only known location
for the species on the Pamlimarle Peninsula, excluding Beaufort
County. The ground layer is typically sparse but contains
small patches of lady fern (Athyrium asplenioides), New York
fern (Thelypteris noveboracensis), mayapple (Podophyllum
peltatu m), and other herbaceous species. -
The upland hardwood stands represent a plant community
which is of very limited extent in the county and which is -
at the eastern limit of its range in the Pamlimarie Peninsula.
Although topographically the region is no higher than the
extensive wetlands of the East Dismal Swamp to the south,
these slopes and low ridges are much better drained. The
better drainage is the result of the series of dendritic
stream basins, such as Chapel Swamp, which drain into ad-
jacent Albemarle Sound, located about � to � mile away from
the natural area.
The soils of the uplands are mapped as the Altavista,
Dogue, and Wahee series, all of which are fine sandy loams
and differ only in minor degrees of drainage and mineral
particle size content. Because of their better drainage,
most of these soils have been cleared for agriculture for
some time. Most of the earlier farming settlements of
Washington County were in this zone of mineral soils along
the south edge of Albemarle Sound.
Geologically, the natural area lies on the Pamlico
Terrace, a flat surface comprised of marine sediments de-
posited some 100,000 years ago when sea level was much
higher and the shoreline was along the Suffolk Scarp, at
about the present-day 25-foot contour level (Ingram and
Otte, 1982). At about 18,000 years ago the sea had re-
ceded to about 400 feet below the present level. At
this time, downcutting by streams produced the series of
slopes and dendritic drainages such as Chapel Swamp (op.
cit.,1982). From 18,000 years BP to the present day sea
level has been gradually rising and downcutting by the
streams has essentially stopped. The upland hardwood
stands which were probably much more extensive in the
region during the low sea level period have been steadily
encroached upon by rising waters of the sound and peat -
dominated wetlands to the south. They can be considered a
relict community which has persisted to the present day
within the natural area because of adequate drainage as-
sociated with the more dynamic topography.
In terms of average size of trees, minimal degree
of past timbering disturbances, and lack of non-native
species invasion, the upland hardwood stands of the natural
area are the best examples of this community type known in
the Pamlimarle Peninsula. The water tupelo swamp forest
is the best example of an old -growth, relatively undis-
turbed alluvial floodplain stand in the Pamlimarle Penin-
sula. Together these two forest types comprise a near -
pristine example of an ecosystem which has almost com-
pletely disappeared from the Washington County landscape.
Because of the small size of the tract, the natural
area is not believed to be of great significance as wild-
life habitat, particularly for wide-ranging mammals.
Despite its small size, the tract contains at least 30
species of breeding birds, including one species that
deserves special mention because of its rarity in the
Pamlimarle Peninsula. Several pairs of white -breasted
nuthatches nest in the swamp and upland forests along
Chapel Swamp. This species is known elsewhere in the
county only from Van Swamp and Lake Phelps; populations
are very local and scattered in adjacent Tyrrell, Beaufort,
and Hyde Counties. In the Coastal Plain it usually occurs
in brownwater river swamps and extensive mesic hardwood
flats, primarily in areas with old -growth or mature,
second -growth timber.
llb. Prose Description of Site Significance:
The Chapel Swamp Natural Area contains the best examples
of alluvial floodplain swamp forest and upland hardwood com-
munities known in the county. The swamp forest dominated
by water tupelo is the only example of that community type
known in the county and is also significant because of the
old -growth age of the stand and the relative lack of dis-
turbance. The upland hardwoods community is equally sig-
nificant in that it represents an old -growth, relatively
undisturbed example of a climax forest type which is very
limited in the outer coastal plain and which has in most
regions been almost completely cleared for agriculture.
Although the site contains no plant or animal species listed
as endangered in the state, it does contain a significant
population of silky camellia (Stewartia malacodendron)
a tall shrub which is uncommon and local in the North
Carolina coastal plain, and a breeding population of red -
shouldered hawks, a species considered to be threatened
throughout the state (Cooper, et al, 1977). The locally
rare white -breasted nuthatch, a species of small bird,
also occurs on the tract and is one of only three breeding
populations known in the county.
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
High quality wetland plant
Nyssa aquatica/Saururus cernuus or
Only known example in county
CT 1
Nyssa aquatica
of a swamp forest stand dom-
inated exclusively by water
tupelo. Also significant is
size class of trees (average
dbh 28 inches), and lack of
cutting disturbance.
High quality terrestrial
Mixed upland hardwoods/Fagus grandi-
Old -growth stand which con -
plant community
CT 2
folia transgressives or Ostrya
tains trees of unusually
large size (average dbh 20-22
inches) and which has been
exposed to relatively minor
logging disturbances in the
past (selectively timbered
at least 50 years ago). Only
known example of community
type in Pamlimarle Peninsula
(Washington, Dare, and Hyde
Endangered or threatened
Red -shouldered Hawk
Listed as threatened in N.C.
One breeding pair in swamp.
Habitat destruction is a
continuing threat throughout
its range.
12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site
a. Feature
b. Description of significant feature
c. Comparative assessment
Rare Species
CT 1
Stewartia malacodendron
Only population known in count
Known in only 22 counties in
N.C. (Radford, et al 1968).
Rare Species
CT 1,
CT 2
White -breasted Nuthatch
One of only 3 known breeding
populations in county. Rare
and local throughout much of
the outer coastal plain of
Fig. 15 Significant-
- -
Community type locations
are mapped generally.
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Legal Status, Use, and Management
13. Ownership type by percent area:
14. Number of Owners: 5
Private 100 %
Public %
Unknown %
15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers,
other pertinent information).
1) D. W. Chesson (Mrs.), Route 1, Box 300, Roper, NC 27970
2) Carlton Phelps, Route 1, Box 306, Roper, NC 27970
3) Sybil Davenport, 1542 Jupiter Cove, Jupiter, Florida 33458
4) C.
Box 816,
Roper, NC
5) B.
Box 606,
Roper, NC
16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other
pertinent information).
B. B. (Pat) White
P. O. Box 851
Plymouth, NC 27962
17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?):
Not known.
18. Uses of natural area:
Chapel Swamp is apparently used sparingly by squirrel and
deer hunters in season. The highest -quality portion (see map)
of the natural area has not been timbered within the past 50
years. Old stumps indicate that some selective cutting occurred
sometime ago. The natural area is an essentially undisturbed
but unfortunately small remnant of the upland hardwood and
alluvial swamp forest communities which formerly occurred on
the better drained soils along the south margin of Albemarle
19, Uses of surrounding land:
a. Wildland 10 %
b. Agricultural land 90 %
20. Preservation Status:
c. high -intensity forestry %
d. developed %
* %
*Description of preservation status
not protected by owner
21. Regulatory protections in force:
None known.
22. Threats:
The threat of logging is always present as it is with
most natural areas. Possible widening to four -lanes of the
US 64 highway would remove a significant portion of the high -
quality natural area. Additional clearing for agriculture
is possible on the upland portions of the tract.
23. Management and Preservation Recommendation:
The area could be protected if included in the North
Carolina Natural Heritage Program's Registry of Natural
Heritage Areas. The primary landowners should be contacted
about a possible registry agreement.
It is recommended that the tract be set aside in its
present undisturbed condition and managed as a state or
county natural area. The site would make an ideal location
for a county or regional park as long as construction of
parking lots and other facilities was limited to already
cleared upland areas adjacent to the natural area. A
series of interpretive trails could be built which il-
lustrate the natural history of the area.
'Natural Characteristics Summary
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 1
Community type: Nyssa aquatica/Saururus cernuus or
Nyssa aquatica
Community cover type: Nyssa aquatics
General habitat feature: alluvial swamp
Average canopy height: 60-70 feet
Estimated age of canopy trees: unknown
Canopy cover: closed
Estimated size of community: 72 acres
Successional stage: Climax
Common canopy species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant): Taxodium distichum
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant):
Itea virginica
Fraxinus caroliniana
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant):
Carex spp.
Vines: Rhus radicans
Natural Characteristics Summary
24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 2
Community type: mixed upland hardwoods/Fagus grandifolia transgressives
or Ostrya virginiana
Community cover type: Mixed upland hardwoods
General habitat feature: upland slopes
Average canopy height: 60-70 feet
Estimated age of canopy trees: unknown
Canopy cover: closed
Estimated size of community: 77 acres
Successional stage: climax
Common canopy species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant): Fagus grandifolia, Quercus alba, (two preceding
species most common), Liriodendron tulipifera, Carya glabra, Carya
tomentosa, Pinus taeda, Quercus falcata var. falcata
Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or
community type (but not dominant): Nyssa sylvatica, Cornus florida,
Carpinus caroliniana, Symplocos tinctoria, Ilex opaca, Oxydendron
arboreum, Stewartia malacodendron
Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type
(but not dominant): Hexastylis arifolia, Mitchella repens,
Thelypteris noveboracensis, Athyrium asplenioides
24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 1
Soil series: Dorovan mucky silt loam, overwash
Soil classification: Dysic, thermic Typic Medisaprists
Soil association: Dorovan
pH class: Very strongly to extremely acid
Source of information: Soil Survey of Washington County, N.C.
USDA, 1981
Other notes:
24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 1
Hydrologic system: Riverine
Hydrologic subsystem: Lower perennial
Water chemistry: Fresh
Water regime: Seasonally flooded
Drainage class: Very poorly drained
Drainage basin: Chapel Swamp -- Albemarle Sound
Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, seasonally flooded,
freshwater, lower perennial riverine system.
24b. Soil Sum -nary (by community type) CT 2
Soil series: Altavista fine sandy loam
Dogue fine sandy loam
Wahee fine sandy loam
Soil classification: Altavista = fine -loamy, mixed, thermic
A ic,Hapludults,
Dogue = Clayer, mixed, thermic Aquic Hapludults
Wahee = Clayey, mixed, thermic Aeric Ochraquults
Soil association: Augusta - Altavista - Wahee
pH class: Extremely acid to medium acid
Source of information: Soil Survey of Washington County, N.C.
USDA, 1981
Other notes:
24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 2
Hydrologic system: Terrestrial
Hydrologic subsystem: Mesic to Dry - mesic
Water chemistry: Fresh
Water regime: Not applicable
Drainage class: Somewhat poorly drained (Wahee) to moderately well -
drained (Altavista and Dogue)
Drainage basin: Chapel Swamp drains directly into Albemarle Sound
Hydrology characterization: A somewhat poorly drained to moderately
well -drained, mesic to dry-mesic terrestrial
24d. Topography Summary: CT 1
Landform: alluvial floodplain
Shelter: Sheltered
Aspect: Not applicable
Slope Angle: Not applicable
Profile: Flat
Surface patterns: Smooth
Position: Entire floodplain
CT 2
stream drainage slopes
All aspects but mainly south
Gently sloping {2-60)
Constant and convex
Entire slope
25. Physiographic characterization of natural area:
Climax communities along the slopes and floodplain of the
Chapel Swamp drainage, and situated on the Pamlico Terrace of
the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain.
Geological Formation:
Marine sediments of the Pamlico Terrace.
Geological Formation age:
Pleistocene = 100,000 yrs. B.P.
to Recent = less than 6000 yrs. B.P.
References Cited:
Ingram, R. L. and L. J. Otte. 1982. Peat Deposits of
Pamlimarle Peninsula, North Carolina. U.S. Department of
Energy Contract DE-AC18-79FC14693.36 pp.
26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species
Name of species: Red -shouldered Hawk
Species legal status and authority: Listed as Threatened in N.C.
by Cooper, et al (1977).
Number of populations on site: one
Number of individuals per population: 1-2
Size or Maturity of individuals: adults
Phenology of population: N/A
Eg: vegetative %
flowering %
fruiting %
General vigor of population: Excellent
Disturbance or threats to population: Clearcutting
Habitat characteristics
Plant community: CT 1, CT 2
Topography: n/a
Soil Series: n/a
Microclimate: n/a
Drainage basin: n/a
Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species List.
27. Master species lists:
(listed alphabetically by family)
Acer rubrum
Echinodo.rus cordifolius
Rhus radicans
Asimina parviflora
Ilex opaca
Ilex decidua
Arisaema triphyllum
Peltandra virginica
Hexastylis arifolia
H. virginica
Athyrium asplenioides
Dryopteris celsa
Polystichum acrostichoides
Thelypteris noveboracensis
Asplenium platyneuron
Prenanthes sp.
Podophyllum peltatum
Corylus americana
Carpinus caroliniana
Ostrya virginiana
Anisostichus capreolata
Campsis radicans
Woodwardia areolata
Tillandsia usneoides
Lobelia cardinalis
Lonicera japonica
Viburnum nudum
Euonymus americanus
Corpus florida
Juniperus virginiana
Carex spp.
Dioscorea villosa
Chimaphila maculata
Leucothoe axillaris
Oxydendron arboreum
Rhododendron atlanticum
Rhododendron nudiflorum
vaccinium sp.
Fagus grandifolia
Quercus alba
Q. falcata var. falcata
Q. laurifolia
Q. michauxii
Q. nigra
Q. velutina
Hamamelis virginiana
Liquidambar styraciflua
Carya glabra
C. tomentosa
Sassafras albidum
Smilacena racemosa
Smilax bona-nox
Uvularia sp.
. Gelsemium sempervirens
Phoradendron serotinum
Liriodendron tulipifera
Magnolia virginiana
Morus rubra
Nyssa aquatica
Nyssa sylvatica var. sylvatica
Fraxinus caroliniana
F. pennsylvanica
Botrychium sp.
Spiranthes cernuus
Tipularia discolor
Epifagus virginiana
Osmunda cinnamomea `
0. regalis var. spectabilis
Pinus echinata
P. taeda
Arundinaria gigantea
Polypodium polypodioides
Prunus serotina
Mitchella repens
Populus heterophylla
Saururus cernuus
Decumaria barbara
Itea virginica
Styrax sp.
Symplocos tinctoria
Taxodium distichum
Stewartia malacodendron
Viola primulifolia
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Vitis sp.
Southern Leopard Frog
Fowler's Toad
Eastern Box Turtle
Eastern Mud Turtle
Snapping Turtle
Red -bellied Watersnake
(Emphasis of bird lists is on breeding or summering
species; lack of adequate field work during the other
seasons prevented compilation of a complete list.)
PR = Permanent resident
SR = Summer resident
WR = Winter resident
T = Transient; spring or fall
PV, SV, WV - Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter
* = Breeding or suspected breeding at site
Red -shouldered Hawk
Common Bobwhite
Mourning Dove
Yellow -billed Cuckoo
Barred Owl
Chimney Swift
Ruby -throated Hummingbird
Common Flicker
Pileated Woodpecker
Red -bellied Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Great Crested Flycatcher
Acadian Flycatcher
Eastern Pewee
Blue Jay
Common Crow
Fish Crow
Carolina Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White -breasted Nuthatch
Red -breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
Wood Thrush
Blue -gray Gnatcatcher
Golden -crowned Kinglet
Ruby -crowned Kinglet
Red -eyed Vireo
Prothonotary Warbler
Northern Parula Warbler
Black -throated Blue Warbler
Yellow -throated Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
American Redstart
Common Grackle
Brown -headed Cowbird
Summer Tanager
Northern Cardinal
Evening Grosbeak
FRAOr'uiL� �
Eastern Gray Squirrel (seen)
Marsh Rabbit (seen)
Aiken, S. G. 1981. A Conspectus of Myriophyllum (Haloragaceae) in
North America. Brittonia 33: 57-69.
Ashe, W. W. 1894. Forests, Forest Lands and Forest Products of
Eastern North Carolina. N.C. Geological Survey Bulletin No.
5. Raleigh, N.C.
1915. Loblolly or North Carolina Pine - Its Growth
and Management. N.C. Geological and Economic Survey Bulletin
No. 24. Raleigh, N.C.
Buell, M. F. and R. L. Cain. 1943. The Successional Role of Southern
White Cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides, in Southeastern North Caro-
lina. Ecology 24: 85-93.
Cooper, J. E., S. S. Robinson, and J. B. Funderburg (Eds.). 1977.
Endangered and Threatened Plants and Animals of North Carolina.
N.C. State Museum of Natural History, Raleigh, N.C. 444 pp +
Erlich, R. N. 1980. Early Holocene to Recent Development and Sedi-
mentation of the Roanoke River Area, North Carolina. Unpublished
dissertation, Dept. of Geology, UNC-Chapel Hill.
' Ingram, R. L., and L. J. Otte. 1982. Peat Deposits of Pamlimarle
Peninsula -Dare, Hyde, Tyrrell, and Washington Counties, North
Carolina. Prepared for the U.S. Dept. of Energy and the N.C.
Energy Institute. 36 pp. + 1 map.
Kologiski, R. L. 1977. The Phytosociology of the Green Swamp, North
Carolina. N.C. Agricult. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 250. 101 pp.
Lindquist, D. G. and C. G. Yarbrough. 1981. Status of the Rare and
Endangered Fauna of Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina. Quarterly
Progress Report to the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission.
Raleigh, N.C.
Lynch, J. M. 1981. Roanoke River Preserve Design Report. N.C.
Natural Heritage Program, N.C. Dept. of Natural Resources and
Community Development, Raleigh, N.C. 198 pp.
Martof, Bernard S., W. M. Palmer, J. R. Bailey, and J. R. Harrison.
1980. Amphibians and Reptiles of the Carolinas and Virginia.
UNC Press, Chapel Hill. 264 pp.
Mixon, R. B. and 0. H. Pilkey. 1976. Reconnaissance Geology of the
Submerged and Emerged Coastal Plain Province, Cape Lookout Area,
North Carolina. Geological Survey Paper 859. U.S. Gov't. Printing
Office, Washington, D.C. 45 pp.
N.C. Department of Agriculture; Plant Protection Program. In preparation.
Endangered, threatened and rare plants of North Carolina: A revised
N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. 1977.
Pettigrew State Park Master Plan. Div. of Parks and Recreation,
Master Plan Unit. Raleigh, N.C.
Otte, L. J. 1981. Origin, Development, and Maintenance of the Pocosin
Wetlands of North Carolina. N.C. Natural Heritage Program, N.C.
Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Raleigh,
N.C. 51 pp.
Otte, L. J. and R. L. Ingram. 1980. Peat Resources of North Carolina.
1980 Annual Report to N.C. Energy Institute, U.S. Dept. of Energy.
DE-ACol-79ET-14693. 60 pp.
Peterson, R. T. 1980. A Field Guide to the Birds. Houghton -Mifflin
Co., Boston.
Pinchot, G. and W. W. Ashe. 1897. Timber Trees and Forests of North
Carolina. N.C. Geological Survey Bulletin No. 6. Raleigh, N.C.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the
Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. UNC Press, Chapel Hill. 1183 pp.
Richardson, C. J. 1981. Pocosin Wetlands. Hutchinson Ross Publishing
Company. Stroudsburg, Pa. 364 pp.
Soil Conservation Service. 1981. Soil Survey of Washington County.
SCS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 98 pp.
Wells, B. W. 1942. Ecological Problems of the Southeastern United
States Coastal Plain. Botanical Review 8: 533-561.
. 1967. The Natural Gardens of North Carolina.
Chapel Hill. 458 pp.
UNC Press,
(from Bellis et al., 1975)
Area of Environmental Concern -(AEC) Especially fragile or ecolo-
gically unique areas of the North Carolina Coast where development
should occur only if it is in harmony with natural processes. Areas
of the coast where the public welfare might be endangered by unwise
manipulation of the environment.
BP - Before present.
canopy - A layer of leaves and branches formed by the interlocking
mosaic of tree tops in a forest.
Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 - An act passed by the North
Carolina legislature in 1974 intended to promote wise development
of North Carolina'a coastal resources. Among other provisions
this act calls for the designation of certain especially sensi-
tive areas as 'Areas of Environmental Concern.'
cypress fringe - A straight or curved line of cypress running paral-
lel to the shoreline. Older cypress fringe has its trees standing
in water while young cypress fringe occupies sandy beaches in front
of eroding sand or clay banks.
dbh - Diameter at breast height (diameter of tree in inches measured
at a point 4.5 feet above the ground).
ecological succession - Process by which one community of living
organisms is gradually replaced by another. Usually each succes-
sive community is more stable than the last, thus leading toward
a final community especially well suited to the particular environ-
mental conditions existing at that location.
flood plain - Lowlands adjacent to a river or stream which become
inundated during periods of high flow. Flood plains are a natural
component of the river system and function as overflow storage areas.
msl - Mean sea level.
Pamlico Terrace - A low, flat, featureless, topographic surface
extending over the Coastal Plain of the Southeastern U.S. at
elevations less than 20 feet above sea level. It is considered
the relict sea floor of the Sangamon Interglacial.
Pamlimarle Peninsula - The peninsula bounded on the north by Albe-
marle Sound and on the south by the Pamlico River. Includes all of
Washington, Beaufort, and mainland portions of Dare and Hyde Counties.
peat - Accumulations of slowly decomposing plant remains.
Peat is formed in swamps and marshes. Erosion of peat soils
releases suspended organic matter into coastal waters as well
as certain 'humic acids' which give water a tea colored stain.
Pleistocene Epoch - That period of earth history which saw the
advance and retreat of the four great Ice Ages. It is generally
considered to have begun between 1 and 2 million years ago and
to have continued up until about 18,000 years ago.
relict beach ridge - Throughout the Southeastern U.S. ancient
shorelines are detected at various elevations inland from the
coast. These shorelines are often manifested as continuous
ridges and are considered a product of higher stands of the
sea during the Pleistocene Ice Ages.
Sangamon Interglacial - A period of deglaciation (no continental
ice sheets) during the Pleistocene Epoch between the Illinoian
and Wisconsin Ice Ages. This period is generally considered
to have taken place about 80-100,000 years ago.
sp and spp - Species (singular and plural).
Suffolk Scarp - A topographic ridge rising from 20 to 40 feet above
sea level which runs parallel to the coast throughout North Carolina.
It is considered an ancient shoreline formed during the Pleistocene
swamp forest - Type of forest characterized by seasonal flooding a
and water saturated organic soils. Water tupelo, swamp black gum
and bald cypress are dominant tree species.
Talbot (Chowan) Terrace - A rather flat but stream -dissected sur-
face lying at an average elevation of 40-45 feet throughout South-
eastern United States. It is considered to have been a sea floor
during the Pleistocene Epoch. In North Carolina it lies west of
the topographic ridge known as the Suffolk Scarp.
Yorktown Formation - An ancient deposit of clay and clayey sand
which typically contains abundant marine fossils including clams,
snails, whale vertebrae, and shark teeth. It occurs extensively
over eastern North Carolina and is generally considered a deposi-
tional product of the Miocene Epoch which took place 15-20 million
years ago.
L 1 I 1 I
SCALE: %10 240 3110 4/10 510
ROPER, N.C. v '
1 t 1 1 1 1
SCALE: yo Z/,c 3jc 4/0 5110
Classifying Land in Washington County
One of the tasks undertaken in the Washington County Land
Use Plan was to map the county according to several broad
categories of land. This classificaton process will serve as a
guide for future growth in the county and may be used with land
use controls such as zoning, subdivision regulations, building
codes, floodplain restrictions, and dredge and fill permits.
This Land Classification System is based upon the county's
existing land use pattern, population and economic fore-
casts, natural and scenic features identified, soil types, and the
local government's ability to finance services to growing areas.
The System has five designations of land: Developed, Transi-
tion, Community, Rural and Conservation. Here's what each
category describes:
towns and cities having complete city services such as water,
sewer, police protection, and fire protection. In Washington
County, this category describes the Town of Plymouth.
areas around "Developed" areas which are likely to grow in
population to become "Developed" areas in the future. "Transi-
tion" areas require the most detailed planning because local
government must carefully weigh the cost of extending services
against its ability to pay. In Washington County, the only
"Transition" areas identified are near the Town of Plymouth
and in parts of Roper.
towns and other areas where population growth is occurring,
but not as fast as in the "Developed" and "Transition" areas.
Consequently, the services planned are on a smaller scale. For
example, a "Community" area's population may be large e-
nough to support a public water system but not a public sewer
system. In Washington County, "Community" areas describe
Creswell and parts of Roper, the Macedonia area, the water-
front communities along all of Albemarle Sound and the Lake-
shore surrounding Lake Phelps.
RURAL' LAND CLASSIFICATION. This refers to the prime
areas for row crops and commercial forests which need to be
reserved for that activity. These areas have few services planned
in order to discourage manufacturing and other urban land uses.
Instead these uses should be located nearer the towns where
tax -supported services can be provided most efficiently. Most of
the land in Washington County fits the "rural" description,
except for the towns, the state park, the wildlife refuge, and the
small beach communities.
lands which need to be kept in their natural state in order to
preserve some cultural or environmentally sensitive area for the
public good. Such areas include historic sites like Somerset
Place and the public trust waters of Albemarle Sound.
After an extensive public participation program and the
required public hearings, the Town's Land Use Plan was sub-
mitted to the Coastal Resources Commission for approval. The
boundaries of the Areas of Environmental Concern will be
adopted by the Coastal Resources Commission near the end of
1977. These areas may include marshlands, beaches, sand
dunes, navigable waters, national and state parks and areas of
historial importance. Designation of an area as one of environ-
mental concern does not prohibit use of that area. It is only a
warning sign to be careful.
Any development within an Area of Environmental Concern
must have a permit. The Act does not require a permit for
development outside Areas of Environmental Concern. The Act
requires the following projects in Areas of Environmental Con-
cern to obtain a permit from the Coastal Resources Commission:
those projects currently needing state permits, those of greater
than 20 acres in size, those that involve drilling or excavating
natural resources on land or underwater, and those which
involve construction of one or more structures having an area in
excess of 60,000 square feet. Local governments will establish
regulations for the types of developments in areas of environ-
mental concern which will need permits from them. Local
development regulations will be revised to conform to the plan
requirements within the Areas of Environmental Concern. The
objectives listed in the Plan will be implemented through the
capital budgeting program and local development regulations.
Planning under the Coastal Area Management Act is recog-
nized as a continuing process. The planning guidelines require
that the Land Use Plan be periodically reviewed and revised in
the light of changes in life style, economic pressure, and
environmental pressure. The Town of Emerald Isle will review its
Plan at a public meeting annually. Town citizens are requested
to exercise their civic responsibility by helping the elected
government maintain a development course which will not
degrade the life -supporting capacities of Emerald Isle.
SCALE: VI0 2AO 3110 4/10 5/10
t t
1 0 1 2 3 4 MILES
--4 �� � � MILE
0 01�
„ O 130
uo , /
WASH11�10%,.... ■ /"/ ■P& ■4\/
I o
This report was financed in part by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, the Coastal Plains Regional Commission, and the State of North
Carolina; and meets the requirements of the North Carolina Coastal Area
Management Act of 1974. I
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01 ppoN aaad 2u01 unnop a:)IAias pualxa p1noM ainln} luets!p
ay; ui suBisap pasodoxd •AxiayD of llamsaxD wox} ylnos ll!nq aull
U pue 'anoxD luespald pup s,AalapW 'q:waq alipwaglV of iadoN
woi} suolsualxa fglnowAld wox} ppoN s,AaJ:)pW 2uolp Str 'D'N
of suolsualxa xalem lsa22ns 086L puoAaq su2lsap pasodoxd '086L
Aq sa:)pld asayl of a:)IAias ialPM io} sueld AJ!lsnf IlaMsaxD pup
'e!uopaaeW 'ytnowAld }o spaxp a2uli} ay; ui uopeIndod 2ups!x3
sluawanoidw! asayl xo} spun} }o saaxnos ayl se IIaM se 'Alunoa
ayl Jo spaxe luaia}}!p Ul sa:)IAias io} paau ayl ssn:)s!p sau!I iaMas
pup xalem Mau io} salpnls Al!I!q!sua} 2u1.xaau12ua luaaa-d
•pio}}'e UPJ pup aMasap noA legm lag noA 1pyl os
a1oA 01 sawo:) awl; ayl uagm Alsnol:)suo:) yl!M llpap aq of spaau
sa!t!I!ae} asayl }o stsoa pup sl!}auag ayl uaaMlaq aauaxa}}!p
a41 -saxpl Ipaol }o lno saxnl!puadxa xofew ay1 axe slooyas Mau
pup swalsAs xaMas pup xateM •sauo Mau ap!Aoid io 'sa!;!I!ae}
io sa:)IAias 2ullslxa anoidwi io puedxa 01 4uawuian02 Ip:)ol uo
axnssaid ay; saseai:)ui Alge!xpnu! Al!unwwo:) u }o y1Mox2 aql
sallgl)e3 pue saaiAaaS maN xoJ slso:)
•2u!pl!nq woi} noA luanaxd
II!m 1p1j1 ls!xa suo!lpl!w!I 1p:)!sAyd Aup }! lno pu!} 'uodn pl!nq
01 1ol p Ang noA 11 'lioM uiSaq noA aio}aq axe slulpilsuo:) ayl
leynn lno pu!} 'ales xo} s401 Aanxns noA }I •wayl llnsuoD •lalilslp
u0llpniasuo� xalem pup pos pup 'luawlxedap ylleay 'pieoq
Su!uueld Ie:)ol inoA woi} aaiJ algpl!pnp S1 ssaulsnq io awoy p
xoJ al!s a uodn 2u!pl!nq io 2ulAnq xo} aslApp pup dlay :)!}!:)adS
•luawdolanap xo} slu!pxlsuo:) I-einlpu
asod II!M silos paulpip Alxood o1 alpiapow Allpxaua2 pup 'spaxp
asaLll of saull lamas pup xalpM Sulpualxa }o A4!1!q!sea}un ayl lnq
fg4mois Mols s!yl las}}o Apg2!Is pinoys sdlayd alel pup punoS
alipwaglV 2uolu ylMoiB uoppindod 1puospas awoS •lew!u!w aq
IIIM sl:)pdwl Ipllualod leyl MOTs os sl ylMox2 uollelndod 'AlunoJ
ayl u! aiayMas13 •ainlnJ algpaasaio} ayl ui sluap!sai IlaMsaxD
Jo spaau ayl anxas Alalpnbape II!M walsAs ia4em sly; 'aiay AlMols
Suliinaao si g4moxS aau!S •sluel a!ldas Aqipau Aq s1laM Mollvgs
}o uolleuiWu4uoJ }o walgoid ayl a1plAallp Il!M walsAs xaleM
Mau ayl 'IlaMsaxD ul •ylnnoiS axnln} sl! alpuuq of walsAs iawm
sl! }o sap!l!gedea luasaxd ayl pualxa II!M sueld xamas 'xadoN
ul •aiaLjl paleaol suoll!puoa Ilos pup 'sa!Iddns ialvmpunoi2
d41 }o sa!l!I!gvdp:) ayl ulyl!M in:):)o of luawdolanap M011p
II!m xaMas pup xaleM :)llgnd }o Al!l!geI!pnp ayl 'ylnowAld ul
(•uo!laas 2u!Mollo} p ui paq!xasaa) •dpw uo!lv:)ipssela puel
s,Aluno:) ayl Jo uo!lexedaxd ayl ui spaxe „Iexnx„ se palpu2lsap
aiaM Aluno:) ayl Jo suolliod uxalsea pup Ipiluaa 'uxaylnos
ayl 'slol Su!ppng io} A4!1!gp1!nsun pup 'ain4lna!x2p xo} A;!I!q
-pl!ns s!yl }o asnpaaq •sdoxa 2u!s!ex xo} sa!ls!xalapxpya luallaa
-xa anpy Aa41 'Allsoa luawdolanap alpw spaxp asayl ySnoyllb'
•sunnol ayl 01 xasola puno} luawdolanap upgin }o Pull a41
lioddns of paulpip Alxood pup Alanw 004 We ya!yM SI!os anpy
'suo!laas uxalsea pue 'Ipiluaa 'uxaylnos ayl }o „spuPIl:)elq„ ayl
Algelou 'spaxp lsoW •s:)!lslial:)pipy:) asayl }o lie anpy AlunoD uo1
-2u!yspM }o seaxp Mai paulpxp-IIaM Alalviapow of IIaM aie pup
'uolsoia o1 A4!1!gldaasns alpiapow io ly2!Is Aluo anpy 'swalgoxd
2u!400} io uollppuno} 142lls Aluo asod silos ayl axayM pup
'Al!lenb alpnbapp }o pup aldwe si xalumpunox2 }o Alddns ayl
axayM 'duel a!ldas u }o uo!lexado a}ps ay1 io} lua!a!}}ns si algn
xaWm ay101 yldap ay1 axayM paleool aq of paau sal!s Ip!ilsnpui
pue 'Ipl:)iawwo:) '2ulsno4 1py1 supaw sly; io} palle:) si y1Moi2
ianalpyM uivlsns of sa:)inosai xaleM pup I!os sl! Jo A;laedea
ayl s! Alunoa ayl ui luawdolanap ainln} of uiaauoa aw!xd }O .
luawdolanaa maN xoJ AllaedeD Ru!AiieD ia1eM pue puel
of the
Prepared by the
•Aluno:) ay; u! puel Jo sai:)p 001,'££ Alxpau ay;
Jo lua:)iad auo Aluo of slunowp IlamsaiD pup 'iadoN 'ylnowAld
}o sumo; ay1 Aq do ualpl asn puel uegan ayl -Aug s,llnq of lxau
Aluno:) ay1 Jo iauio:) uialspayliou ayl pup 'SiaAlx pup Slaaxa
ay; 2uoly spaxp Mol ayl of pauquoa Mou axe pace ayl }o yanw
paxano:) y:)!yM sdwems ayl •suoll:)as uialspaylxou pup Ipilua:)
'uialsaM ayl UI slsaxo} IeIJiauiwo:) awos io} 1da:)Xa Alunoa ayl
}o slied Ile u! puel Jo asn a41 saleu!wop 2Ulwip} Appol •axn;Ina
-1x2U 01 puplalspM }o uo!sxanuoa ayl palpialaaap iaylin} 2u!
-wip} }o uo!tpz!upyaaw a41 •Alunoa ayl ln042n0x4l puelwxe} }o
luawdolanap ayl puedxa of u0aq s,0£6L pup s,OZ6L ayl u! sppoi
paned pue 'sa2p!xq 'sppoipei yl!M uo!lpliodsupxl panoxdwi pup
suo!lpxado 2u!22ol •dwums pup spoons asuap Ala2xpl spun 006L
aio}aq AlunoD uol2ulys-eM 'Repo; leinx AIIp:)lspq y2noy11V
asfl puel Su!ls!x3 An
'sai!sap A1!unwwo:) ay; 41Moi2 pal!w!I
ay; Aq 1!Jauaq of algp aq IIIM suoll!puoa 2uIAII panoxdw! paau
Mou oqm aldoad Aupw 1pyl lgnop alll!I si axayl 'uollpulpxooa
pup 2u!uupld xadoid 41!M 'xaAamOH •4uawuxan02 2u!1s!xa xno
uodn paled!a!;ue aq up:) weils 1pyl 2u!upaw 'spaxp pal-elndod
ssal ui alp:)olai of pau!Iau! axow Mou s! Ailsnpu! 'AIIpa!uoil -pare
upgin up }o slI! ayl xo} Alunoa Iexnx p }o sallilenb ay1 Su!ppxl
lnoyl!M AlunoD uol2u!ysem ui ppy aq ups ainlnJ algpAofua
UP 1241 pa1p:)1pu1 anpy noA 'aAilaafgo y1Mox2 p se.„ssaullews„
2u!sooya ul 1! al!I pup Moul Aayl se paxp a41 saMasaid 1!
a:)uls '„ylMox2 Mols„ sigl xa}aid sluap!sai Aluno:) lsoW *AlunoD
u!lxeW u! II!w iasnapyxaAaM ayl }o uo!supdxa ainlnJ Auu pup
suolluxauup wox} awo:) Alpew!xd Ilim ylnowAld }o uMol ayl
ui saspaxaui uolleIndod al!gm 'ylmoi2 a!wouoaa s!yl }o asnpaaq
aspaxaui of uollpindod ilayl 1:)adxa up:) llamsaiD pup iadoN }o
suMol a41 •paxp ayl of 2ulwo:) Ailsnpui-p2e Mau }o uo!lpd!:)llue
ui axnln} ayl ul aspaxau! of palaadxa si puail sly; •sa!lunoa
2ulpunoiins x!s ay12u!pnl:)u! 'pu!loxpD ylxoN ul aia4masla seaxp
Iexnx xo} a2pxane ayl Jo peaye si alex 41moi2 sl! 'alels ayl }o ley;
upyl xamol si alei 41mox2 palew!lsa s,Aluno:) ayl 42no4llV
OL61. 30NIS H1M0210 JO S31V21 3AI1V2IWINOD
of Washington County
North Carolina
With Assistance from
The Ind
9 0`7L
•o' uo18ulyseM
H1MOND N011VInd0d a31VW11S3
:lu!od s!yl alpxlsnll! Molaq algpl pup ;xpy:) a41 •alvls ayl
yl!M uoslxedwo:) Aq y4nnox2 }o alpi paulpxtsax p ppy Spy 'AlunoD
uol2u!yspM al!I 'ytnowAld •ylmoi2 2uiuiaauoa saAll:)afgo
Ipaol pup spuaxl uollpindod }o Apn;s a yl!M sul2aq All-ensn
s!yl ssa:)oxd 2u!uueld p ul •axe am axayM 2uluxpal yl!M su!2aq
Ip!1ualod s,uMol xno lnoq-e axow 2uimoul ui dais lsi!} a41
uollelndod ui ylmoiD axnln3
•asue Aayl se suo!1
-!puoa Mau laaw of stuawlsnfpe xo} ueld ayl u! wood (9)
wal{1 Aiip:) 01 san!1:)afgo yl!M 2uole 'upld v olui lnd spapl (S)
•sanssi asn puel yl!M 2u!leap xoJ slesodoid aA!lpuxallV (t7)
•sa:)xnosai xalem pup 'silos 'Aauow uo suoilpl!w!l (£)
•ylMox2 alwouoaa axnlnJ io} luem asn 4ugm uo suoislaaa (Z)
-asn puel 2upslxa uo sl:)edwi
aclpmap 1pyl Awouo:)a s,umol ayl u! sa2upy:) luplioduxl (L)
:sluawala Iplluassa xis paulpluo:) suo!lepuawwo:)ax
ilayl 1p aA!xxe 01 aall!wuxoD 2u!xaalS ayl Aq pasn spoylaw a41
ssa:)oid gu!uueld ay; Su!pue;sxapun
'upld ayl io} saAllaafgo Al!unwwoa se suoilsa22ns
In}ly2n04l }o iagwnu a padolanap aall!wwoD ayl 'Aanins
ual4pm a pup 'slods o!pei 'sal:)!lxe iadudsmau 's2u!laaw }o
syluow xal}V -aall!uxuxoD ayl }o Isel xofew a seM AlunoD uol2u!
-yseM UI lueM l,up!p io lueM Aayl legm uo suoluldo wio} of
sluap!sai Ip:)ol 2uMaD *veld asn puel s,Aluno:) ayl Jo uollpiud
-aid ay1 u! sxauo!ss!wwoD AlunoD ay ls!sse of 'px!y1 pup
's2upaaw s,aall!wuxoD ayl le asn puel Uo sMaIA i!ayl yl!M }}o
punos of aaueya a aldoad aAl2 01 'puoaas 'laV ayl }o SUOISIAoxd
ay1 y1!M :)!lgnd ayl lu!enb:)p of 'lsx!} :s2u!yl aaiyl ys!Idwo:):)e
of lno las Aayl xayla2ol uaIlV plpiaD pup 'sgwoD s!Mal
'uossayD u!IiaW 'snlxeW pal 'xolAed puplanalD 'ia2uaIIPS uaN
'uolxaS AIN :aall!uxwoD 2u1xaalS p uo anxas of suazll!a uanas
palu!odde siauolss!wwoD A1unoD ayl 'SL6L u! Alipa up2aq
ya!yM s2ullaaw :)!lgnd }o salsas a woi} padolanap ueld ayl
apeW seM ueld ayl mOH
•Axewwns a si luawn:)op s!yl 4314M }o upld p Jo lied
Mou axp suo!1sa22ns inoA •axnlnJ ayl u! Mox2 Al!unwwoa i!ayl
aas of 1upM Aayl Moy uo sMaIA i!ayl ssaxdxa of palse uaaq anpy
sa!1uno:) Iplseo:) xaylo 61, pup AlunoD uol2u!yspM ui sluap!sai
Alunoa T)V 4uawa2eupW paxV IelspoD eu!IoxpD y4JON ayl
xapun •A1!Ieai a slsaialui asayl alew of Ail of wei2oid 2u!uuvId
a2upi-2uol a ualelxapun spy luauiuxaA02 Alunoa inoA •ains!al
x!ayl pup 'sawoy x!ayl }o luawAofua pup asn ayl 'sp004!1
-aA!I i!ayl Jo Alpadsoid ayl axnsu! of A4!unwwoU ilayl }o y1Moi2
ayl uo 2ulAlai aie sluap!sai AlunoD uol2u!yspM }o spaxpunH
Ueld a PaaN aM A4M
:1N3WN113AOD NnOA aNV A1113d011d 1InOA
In another study, sewer improvements were recommended for
the Town of Roper to alleviate the major nuisance of inopera-
tive septic tanks. Similar improvements were recommended for
the Town of Plymouth. Its existing treatment facilities should be
upgraded to meet state pollution requirements, as well as new
industrial and residential needs in the town's fringe area. At this
time, no other sewer service was proposed to other areas of the
county. Funds for construction of the proposed water and sewer
improvements could be derived from general obligation bonds,
from the sale of revenue bonds, state and federal grants, or
tap -on fees paid by new customers.
Construction costs, paid through general obligation bonds,
are repaid by all county taxpayers. Users of the service pay an
additional cost to operate the plant and meet interest. Their
payments could be derived from tap -on fees and monthly
sewer bills.
School facilities can be financed through a similar system of
state and local bonds, and state and federal grants. Operating
expenses and interest could be paid through property assess-
ments and supplementary state and federal programs.
The justification for "mortgaging the future" to have these
facilities involves two considerations. First, most local residents
feel that they live in a good county. Helping improve county
services keeps it that way. This is based on the certainty which a
number of county residents have that paying for better schools,
tasteful water, or a fool -proof system for sewage disposal is
better than doing without these things. Second, development is
certain to occur in this region in the future. To a certain extent,
it is dependent upon the availability of services and facilities
from local government. If some adjacent county is chosen for
new business or industry, then property owners here will not
only lose the tax relief they may have had, but could also incur
heavier taxes from services new residents need who live here but
work elsewhere. Although new industry has not been quick to
settle here, a defeatest mentality in itself deters investment and
accelerates outmigration of our young people. A change in at-
titude is necessary for us to accept our "smallness" as an asset
worth retaining. At the same time, we all have a responsibility
to remind our elected officials that our county has a particular
need to plan and coordinate all its actions. These actions should
insure that as our county grows, one set of serious problems will
not be replaced by another.
Economic Trends
Large scale farming and forestry should continue to dominate
the county's economic growth. During the early history of the
county, Somerset Plantation's 100,000 acre farm could be
considered as the forerunner of today's First Colony Farms. After
the Civil War, the John L. Roper Lumber Company began
acquiring property in eastern North Carolina that by 1910
exceeded 600,000 acres. The Roper Lumber Company encour-
aged farmers to settle in the area and grow crops on their
cleared tracts, thus accelerating the development of the coun-
ty's agriculture. Today the Weyerhauser and Georgia-Pacific
mills in Plymouth are the familiar evidence of this major trend's
Future major impact upon the local economy focuses on
agriculture. In the next ten years, forest in the Newland Road
area below Roper is expected to be cleared and brought into
agriculture production. This is based upon the county's ac-
celerated land clearing activity by corporate "superfarms." With
improved management of population, a modern generation of
agri-industry can become a new and important part of Washing-
ton County's economy.
Potential Areas of Environmental Concern
One major requirement of the Coastal Area Management
Program is to protect certain environmentally sensitive areas
which will be known as Areas of Environmental Concern, or
AEC's. Final designation of the AEC's will occur after a major
However, until new jobs accompany increased farm produc-
tion, population growth will be minimal as young and old alike
move elsewhere for work. Countering this out -migration is the
in -migration of families looking for second homes along our
shores. Although this in -migration is continuing, it will be small
compared to the growth of the popular resorts in Nags Head,
Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk, and elsewhere.
Land Use Issues and Problems
These major trends create land use issues: (1) How does
"superfarming" affect the water used for drinking and recre-
ation? (2) Should taxpayers or shoreline property owners pay the
costs of bulkheading beach property lost to ,soil erosion?
(3) How far out must utilities be extended to serve growing areas
before they become economically feasible? Other problems
include the need for more business and industry in the area to
diversify the tax base; more and better housing; better police
protection; dog control; storm drainage; and the need for more
(1) Establish an Economic Development Commission to
encourage new industry in Washington County.
Hire a full-time industrial developer as a staff for
the Economic Development Commission
(2) Recommend to the State Department of Transporta-
tion that U.S. Highway 64 be widened to four lanes
across the county.
(3) Support the development of a community water
system in the county.
(4) Propose a Wenona-to-Pea Ridge road to the State
Department of Transportation.
(5) Work with the surrounding counties to petition the
study of an interstate coastal highway.
(1) Improve storm drainage on all creeks in the coun-
ty to minimize local flooding.
(2) Develop countywide regulations to control the
breech of watersheds and wind erosion.
(3) Require bulkheading of shore property subject to
erosion from Albemarle Sound.
(4) Complete and publicize a county -wide detailed
soil survey.
(5) Regulate the dumping of animal wastes into public
(6) Petition the expansion of Pettigrew State Park at
Lake Phelps.
(7) Establish a system of neighborhood parks in the
(8) Develop zoning and subdivision controls within
Roper, Creswell, and the waterfront areas to pro-
vide for orderly development in these places.
study of each category has been completed. Seven such study
areas have been proposed by the Washington County Commis-
sioners. A list and description of these areas and appropriate
uses is shown in the following table.
Name of AEC
Brief Description
Land Classification
Appropriate Use
estuarine waters
Albemarle Sound, Bull's Bay
docks and bulkheads
historic places
Somerset Place
no change from existing land use
St. David's Chapel
that would destroy the historic in -
Rehoboth Church
tegrity of the site
cypress trees by 30 Foot
Canal near Lake Phelps
Morattuck Church
Garrett's Island Home
Lee's Mill in Roper
complex natural areas
Pungo National Wildlife Refuge
no change from the existing land
use that would destroy the natural
features of the site
public trust waters
Albemarle Sound, Bull's Bay,
Lake Phelps, Pungo Lake,
Welch's Creek, Conaby Creek,
docks and bulkheads
Mackey's Creek, Scuppernong
state parks
Pettigrew State Park
no change from the existing land
use that would destroy the natural
features of the site
coastal wetlands
mouth of Deep Creek
no change from the existing land
cypress off Albemarle Beach
use that would destroy the natural
features of the site
sound erodible areas
Albemarle Sound
rural and
docks and bulkheads
sound erodible areas
all property fronting
rural and
docks and bulkheads
Albemarle Sound
parks and recreation. In the plan, stated goals and objectives
deal with these issues and problems.
Land Use Goals and Objectives
An important part of any plan is setting goals and objectives.
Carefully prepared goals and objectives represent local resi-
dents' opinions and desires for their county's future growth.
They are used in two ways. First, they describe the changes and
improvements you told us you wanted, touching such topics as
economic growth of the county, protection of natural re-
sources, and improvement of local government. Secondly, they
establish the framework for future policies, programs and land
use regulations that help implement the plan. Through this
process land use changes can be guided by your local govern-
ment instead of occurring in a haphazard manner.
The following list"of community objectives describe short -
run priorities —things which could be accomplished in the next
two years.
Improve county police protection, especially a-
gainst breaking and entering.
Develop a Zenith emergency phone number system
to eliminate long distance calls to Plymouth from
Establish a dog catcher and kennel for dog control
in the county.
Recruit adults to expand supervised league sports in .
the county.
Expand efforts to publicize the Health Department's
schedule of services to outlying areas.
Adopt a Minimum Housing Code.
Expand library services in the Creswell area.
Improve storm drainage within the town limits.
Study zoning and subdivision controls within the
town and one -mile surrounding area.
Support plans for a community sewer system and
improvements to the existing water system.
Support the demolition of unsafe buildings and the
expansion of new housing in town.
Petition the county for increased police patrol
service at night.
Develop zoning and subdivision controls within the
Construct additional housing of all types in this
Expand and publicize library and health care serv-
ices in the Creswell area.
Petition the county for increased police patrol serv-
ice at night.
Implementing the Plan
Without a scheme to develop the county in an orderly
fashion, the very features which make this area attractive may
disappear under the kinds of growing pains now experienced
along the Outer Banks. Clearly, more jobs, better services, an
attractive community in which to live, and the efficient use of
taxes —these needs of the people —will demand better planning
and management in the future from local government. So this
plan is intended to be used in the future by the Board of County
Commissioners, members of Town Councils, and others in
government, as a guide for making policy and adopting pro-
Specific tools for carrying out the land use recommendations
in the Plan are zoning, subdivision regulations, building and
housing codes, flood plain ordinances, sediment control re-
gulations, and dredge and fill permits. Each device performs a
limited task, and only offers workable solutions to the county's
growth problems when used together with the other tools. State
law requires that the exercise of these powers be structured
through a responsible body of government. In the case of
Washington County, the County Commissioners, the various
town council, and local planning boards have this authority.
Very simply, local government has a responsibility to plan.
Elected officials bear a responsibility to guide growth, just as
they have a responsibility to plan and budget the county's
resources for health services, drainage, and police and fire
protection. All of these are a part of Washington County's
public interest, and we expect our elected officials to define
that interest and protect it. Growth is occurring; as citizens, we
can let it continue on an unguided path, or we can try to steer it
in a way that creates civic pride and requires less tax money to
service. The choice and responsibility for good growth manage-
ment is ours. It takes work —and revisions —but is almost always
a good investment in time and money. Attend and participate in
the meetings of your local planning board. We hope you will
help when you can —please participate.