HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubdivision Regulations Draft-1997)a • SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS TOWN OF SWANSBORO Draft September 1997 Prepared by THE WOOTEN COMPANY Engineering* PlanningeArchitecture Raleigh/Greenville, North Carolina The preparation of this report was financed in part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 197Z as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. TABLE OF CONTENTS 0 ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS .................................. 1-1 1-1 Authority and Enactment Clause ............................ 1-1 1-2 Purpose 1-1 1-3 ............................................. Title ................................................ 1-1 1-4 Jurisdiction ........................................... 1-1 1-5 Interpretation ......................................... 1-1 1-6 Conflict and Separability .................................. 1-1 1-7 Conformance Prerequisite to Acceptance of Streets, Extension of Public Services, Etc .......................................... 1-2 1-8 Conformance with Official Plans ............................ 1-2 1-9 Amendments .......................................... 1-2 1-10 Variances ............................................ 1-2 1-1 1 Enforcement and Penalties ................................ 1-3 1-12 Administrator ......................................... 1-3 1-13 Effect of Plat on Dedication ............................... 1-3 1-14 Effective Date ......................................... 1-4 1-15 Adoption ............................................. 1-4 ARTICLE II DEFINITIONS .......................................... 2-1 2-1 Word Intrepretation..................................... 2-1 2-2 Rules of Construction .................................... 2-1 2-3 Definitions ........................................... 2-1 ARTICLE III PROCEDURES FOR PLAT APPROVAL ......................... 3-1 40 3-1 Exclusion Determination .... 3-1 3-2 Coordination With Other Procedures ......................... 3-1 3-3 Minor Subdivision Qualifications ............................ 3-1 3-4 Minor Subdivision Review and Approval Procedures ............... 3-1 3-5 Major Subdivisions ...................................... 3-2 3-6 Sketch Design Plan ..................................... 3-3 3-6.1 Submission Requirements ......................... 3-3 3-6.2 Sketch Design Plan Review Procedures ................ 3-3 3-7 Preliminary Plat Review and Approval Procedures ................ 3-4 3-7.1 Submission Requirements ......................... 3-4 3-7.2 Preliminary Plat Contents .......................... 3-4 3-7.3 Administrator and Town Staff Review ................. 3-4 3-7.4 Planning Board Review and Action ................... 3-4 3-7.5 Appeals to the Board of Commissioners ................ 3-5 3-8 Final Plat Review and Approval Procedures ..................... 3-5 3-8.1 Conformance With Preliminary Plat ................... 3-5 3-8.2 Submission Requirements ......................... 3-6 3-8.3 Final Plat Contents .............................. 3-6 3-8.4 Administrator and Town Staff Review ................. 3-6 3-8.5 Required Improvements ........................... 3-6 3-8.6 Planning Board Review and Action ................... 3-7 3-8.6 Appeals to the Board of Commissioners ................ 3-7 3-9 Recordation of Final Plats ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3-7 3-10 Dedication and Acceptance . 3-7 Table of Contents May 12, 1997 3-10.1 Rights -of -Way and Easements ....................... 3-7 ARTICLE IV STANDARDS OF DESIGN ................................. 4-1 4-1 General .............................................. 4-1 4-1.1 Design ....................................... 4-1 4-1.2 Development Name .............................. 4-1 4-1.3 Reasonable Relationship .......................... 4-1 4-2 Suitability of the Land ................................... 4-1 4-3 Lots ................................................ 4-2 4-3.2 Lot Line Configuration ............................ 4-2 4-3.3 Lot Lines and Drainage ........................... 4-2 4-3.4 Access Requirements ............................ 4-2 4-3.4.1 General Access Requirements ............... 4-2 4-3.4.2 Special Access Requirements for Subdivisions on Thoroughfares and for Nonresidential Subdivisions 4-4 4-3.5 Water and Sewage Disposal ........................ 4-4 4-4 Streets .............................................. 4-4 4-4.1 Conformance with Thoroughfare Plans ................ 4-4 4-4.2 Conformance with Adjoining Road Systems ............. 4-5 4-4.3 Access to Adjoining Property ....................... 4-5 4-4.4 Reserve Strips ................................. 4-5 4-4.5 Street Classification ............................. 4-5 4-4.6 Public Street Design Criteria ........................ 4-5 4-4.7 Private Street Design Criteria ....................... 4-5 4-4.8 Intersecting Street Angle .......................... 4-6 4-4.9 Cul-de-sac Maximum Length ....................... 4-6 4-4.10 Minimum Street Offset 4-6 4-4.1 1 Curb and Gutter ................................ 4-6 4-4.12 Temporary Turnarounds ........................... 4-7 4-4.13 Grades ....................................... 4-7 4-4.17 Street Construction Plans ......................... 4-7 4-4.18 Street Inspection ............................... 4-8 4-4.19 Street Lights .................................. 4-8 4-4.20 Bridges ...................................... 4-8 4-5 Blocks .............................................. 4-8 4-5.1 Block Length .................................. 4-8 4-5.2 Block Width ................................... 4-8 4-6 Utilities and Stormwater Management ........................ 4-8 4-6.1 Utility Construction Plans .......................... 4-8 4-6.2 Utility Improvements Inspection ..................... 4-8 4-6.3 Public Water and Sewer Construction Requirements ....... 4-8 4-6.4 Water and Sewer Connection ....................... 4-9 4-6.5 Utility and Drainage Easements ..................... 4-9 4-6.6 Stormwater Management ......................... 4-10 4-6.7 Fire Hydrants ................................. 4-11 4-6.8 Electric Power ................................ 4-11 4-6.9 Telephone Service .............................. 4-1 1 4-7 Sidewalks ........................................... 4-11 4-8 Pedestrian Water Access Easements ........................ 4-11 4-9 Townhouses ......................................... 4-12 Table of Contents May 1 Z 1997 4-10 Planned Unit Developments ............................... 4-12 40 4-10.1 Coordination with Zoning Provisions ................. 4-10.2 Conveyance and Maintenance of Common Open Space . 4-12 4-12 4-1 1 Manufactured Home Subdivisions .......................... 4-13 4-12 Campground Subdivisions ............................ . ... 4-13 4-13 Buffer Areas ......................................... 4-13 4-14 Sites for Public Uses ................................... 4-14 4-15 Placement of Monuments ................................ 4-14 4-16 Coordination with Zoning Requirements and Other Official Municipal Ordinances and Plans ................................... 4-14 4-17 Coordination with State and Federal Requirements .............. 4-14 • • ARTICLE V SURETIES AND IMPROVEMENTS GUARANTEES ................. 5-1 5-1 Sureties and Improvements Guarantees ....................... 5-1 5-1.1 Agreement and Security .......................... 5-1 5-2 Owner's Associations .................................... 5-3 5-2.1 Establishment of Owners' Association ................. 5-3 5-2.2 Submission of Owners' Association Declaration .......... 5-3 APPENDIX 1: INFORMATION REQUIRED WITH SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS ..... Al-1 APPENDIX 2: CERTIFICATES ....................................... A2-1 Table of Contents May 1 Z 1997 iii ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS 1-1 Authority and Enactment Clause By the authority of Chapter 160A, Article 19, Part 2 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the Town of Swansboro Board of Commissioners does hereby exercise the powers and authority to regulate the subdivision of land within its corporate limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction. This ordinance shall invalidate and supersede all previous ordinances pertaining to the matters herein. 1-2 Purpose The purpose of the Subdivision Ordinance shall be to promote the health, safety and welfare of the people within the subdivision jurisdiction of the Town of Swansboro and to provide for the orderly growth and efficient development of the Town. 1-3 Title This ordinance shall be known as the Subdivision Ordinance of the Town of Swansboro, North Carolina, and may be cited as the Subdivision Ordinance. 1-4 Jurisdiction The regulations contained herein, as provided in Section 160A-360 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, shall govern each subdivision of land within the corporate limits of the Town of Swansboro as now or hereafter established, and each subdivision of land situated within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Town of Swansboro as established by an ordinance and map adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Swansboro in accordance with Section 160A-360 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. 1-5 Interpretation In interpreting and applying the provisions of this ordinance, they shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public safety, health, and general welfare. 1-6 Conflict and Separability This ordinance is not intended to interfere with, annul or abrogate any other ordinance, rule or regulation, statute or other provision of law applicable to the Town of Swansboro. Where any provisions of this ordinance impose limitations different from those imposed by any other provision of this ordinance or any other ordinance, rule or regulation, or other provision or law, whichever provisions are more restrictive or impose higher standards shall control. This ordinance is not intended to abrogate any easement, covenant, or any other private agreement or restriction, provided that where the provisions of this document are more restrictive or impose higher standards or regulations than such easement, covenant, or other private agreement or restriction, the requirements of this ordinance shall govern. Where the private provisions impose more restrictive or higher standards than this ordinance than such private provisions shall be operative and supplemental to these regulations. Article 1 May 12, 1997 1-1 If any part or provision of these regulations or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgement shall be confined in its operation to the part, provision or application directly involved in all controversy in which such judgement shall have been rendered. Such judgement shall not affect or impair the validity of the remainder of this ordinance even without any such part, provision, or application. 1-7 Conformance Prerequisite to Acceptance of Streets, Extension of Public Services, Etc. No street shall be maintained by the Town, no street dedication accepted for ownership and maintenance, no building permits issued nor shall water, sewer or other public facilities or services be extended to or connected with any subdivision for which a plat is required to be approved unless and until the requirements set forth in this ordinance have been met. 1-8 Conformance with Official Plans All subdivisions shall comply with the principles, goals and objectives of the Town of Swansboro Land Use Plan, as amended from time to time, and all other officially adopted plans and policies of the Town. In addition, proposed subdivisions must comply with the requirements of the zoning regulations of the Town. 1-9 Amendments The subdivision ordinance may be amended by the following procedures: (1) Proposed Amendments. Proposed amendments may be initiated by the Board of Commissioners, Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, or by one or more interested parties. An application for an amendment shall contain a description of the proposed subdivision regulation to be amended. Such application shall be filed with the Town not later than fifteen) days prior to the Planning Board meeting. A fee as established by the Board of Commissioners shall be paid by the applicant for a variance to cover the administrative expenses involved. This fee shall not apply to amendments initiated by any town board. (2) Action by the Planning Board. The Planning Board shall consider and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners concerning each proposed subdivision ordinance amendment. If no recommendation is received from the Planning Board within thirty days of first submission to the Town, the proposed amendment shall be deemed to have been approved by the Planning Board. (3) Action by the Board of Commissioners. No amendment shall be adopted by the Board of Commissioners until after public notice and hearing. Notice of public hearing shall be published once a week for two successive calendar weeks in the local newspaper, said notice to be published for the first time no less than ten days nor more than twenty-five days prior to the date fixed for said hearing 1-10 Variances Where, because of topographical or other conditions peculiar to a site, strict adherence to the provisions of this ordinance would cause an unnecessary hardship, the Planning Board may recommend and the Board of Commissioners may authorize a variance if such variance can be made without destroying the intent of this ordinance. Any variance thus authorized is required to be entered in writing in the minutes of the Article 1 May 1 Z 1997 1-2 Planning Board and the Board of Commissioners with the reasoning on which the departure was justified set forth. In approving variances, the Board of Commissioners may require such conditions as will, in its judgement, secure substantially the objectives of the standards or requirements of this ordinance. A fee as established by the Board of Commissioners shall be paid by the applicant for a variance to cover the administrative expenses involved. 1-11 Enforcement and Penalties No owner or agent of the owner of any land located within the territorial jurisdiction of the Town of Swansboro shall subdivide land in violation of these regulations or transfer or sell and by reference to, exhibition of or any other use of a plat before the plat has been properly approved under these regulations and recorded in the office of the Onslow County Register of Deeds. The description by metes and bounds in the instrument of transfer or other document used in the process of selling or transferring land does not exempt the transaction from these regulations. The Register of Deeds shall not record a plat of any subdivision unless the plat has been approved in the manner prescribed by these regulations. The Town, through its attorney or other official designated by the Board of Commissioners, may enjoin illegal subdivision, transfer or sale of land by action for injunction. Further, violators of this ordinance shall be subject, upon conviction, to fine or imprisonment as provided by the General Statutes of North Carolina. 1-12 Administrator The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Swansboro shall designate such agent or office of the Town of Swansboro as Administrator of this ordinance as shall be is determined appropriate. 1-13 Effect of Plat on Dedication Pursuant to NCGS 160A-374, the approval of a plat shall not be deemed to constitute or effect the acceptance by the town or public of the dedication of any street or other ground, public utility line, or public facility shown on the plat. However, the board of commissioners may, by resolution, accept any dedication made to the public of lands or facilities for streets, parks, public utility lines, or other public purposes, when the lands or facilities are located within its subdivision regulation jurisdiction. Acceptance of dedication of lands or facilities located within the subdivision regulation jurisdiction but outside the corporate limits of the town shall not place on the town any duty to open, operate, repair, or maintain any street, utility line, or other land or facility, and the town shall shall in no event be held to answer in any civil action or proceeding for failure to open, repair, or maintain any street located outside its corporate limits. Unless a municipality, county, or other public entity operating a water system shall have agreed to begin operation and maintenance of the water system or water system facilities within one year of the time of issuance of a cerficate of occupancy for the first unit of housing in the subdivision, a municipality or county shall not, as part of its subdivision regulations applied to facilities or land outside the corporate limits of a municipality, require dedication of water systems of facilities as a condition for subdivision approval. Article 1 May 1 Z 1997 1-3 • • 1-14 Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the _ day of , 1997. 1-15 Adoption Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Swansboro that this ordinance be adopted this the _ day of , 1997. Patti S. Chandler Town Clerk Paul W. Edgerton Mayor Article 1 May 12, 1997 1-4 ARTICLE II DEFINITIONS 2-1 Word Intrepretation Words not defined in this Ordinance shall be given their ordinary and common meaning. 2-2 Rules of Construction For purposes of this Ordinance, the following rules of construction shall apply: (1) Tense: Words used in the present tense include the future tense; (2) Singular and Plural: Words used in the singular number include the plural number, and the plural number includes the singular number, unless the context of the particular usage clearly indicates otherwise; (3) Mandatory Meaning: The words 'shall', 'will', and 'must' are mandatory in nature implying an obligation or duty to comply with the particular provision; (4) Gender: Words used in the male gender include the female gender; and (5) References: Any reference to an Article or Section shall mean an Article or Section of this Ordinance, unless otherwise specified. 40 2-3 Definitions Access Easement. An easement which grants the right to cross property. Administrator. The person authorized by Section 1-12 who is responsible for administering and enforcing this ordinance. Alley. A strip of land, owned publicly or privately, set aside primarily for vehicular service access to the rear or side of properties otherwise abutting a street. Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC). Areas of an environmentally sensitive nature designated by the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission as required under the Coastal Area Management Act of 1974. Block. The land lying within an area bounded on all sides by streets, railroads, public parks, bodies of water, or a combination thereof.. Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Swansboro, North Carolina. Buffer. An area of natural or planted vegetation through which stormwater runoff flows in a diffuse manner so that the runoff does not become channelized and which provides for infiltration of the runoff and filtering of pollutants. The buffer is measured landward from the normal pool elevation of impounded structures and from the bank of each side of streams and rivers. Article 2 May 12, 1997 2-1 Buffer Strip. A solid fence or wall or planted strip up to twenty (20) feet in width which may be composed of deciduous and/or evergreen trees, or dense shrubs which is being established and maintained by the owner. If existing vegetation is equal to or above Planning Board requirements, then additional vegetation shall not be required. Building. Any structure that encloses a space used for sheltering any occupancy. Each portion of a building separated from other portions by a fire wall shall be considered a separate building Building Setback Line. A line establishing the minimum allowable distance between the principal building and the street right-of-way line or the property line. CAMA. Coastal Area Management Act. Campground Subdivision. An area subdivided into lots for the temporary location of recreational vehicles, campers, tents, or travel trailers but not for manufactured homes and permanent structures. Collector Street. A street whose principal function is to carry traffic between cul-de-sac, local, and subcollector streets, and streets of higher classification, but which may also provide direct access to abutting properties. Common Area(s). All areas, including private streets, conveyed to an owners' association within a development, or owned on a proportional undivided basis in a condominium development. Condominium. Portions of real estate which are designated for separate ownership, and the remainder of which is designated for common ownership solely by the owners of those portions. Real estate is not a condominium unless the undivided interests in the common elements are vested in the unit owners. Corner Lot. A lot abutting upon two or more streets at their intersection. Cul-de-Sac Street. A short local street having one end open to traffic and the other end permanently terminated by a vehicular turnaround. Dedication. A gift by a property owner to another being received for the transfer. The dedication is made by written instrument and is completed with a written acceptance. Developer. A person engaging in development. Double Frontage Lot. A lot having frontage on two parallel or approximately parallel streets. Drainage Easement. An easement which grants the right of water drainage to pass in open channels or enclosed structures. Drainageway. Any natural or man-made channel that carries surface runoff from precipitation. Article 2 May 12, 1997 2-2 Dwelling. One or more rooms designed, occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters, with cooking, sleeping and sanitary facilities provided therein. Units in dormitories, hotels, motels, shelters for the homeless, or other structures designed for transient residents are not dwelling units. Dwelling, Four -Family. A building on one lot arranged and designed to be occupied by four families living independently of each other. Dwelling, Single -Family. A building arranged and designed to be occupied by one family. Dwelling, Three -Family. A building on one lot arranged and designed to be occupied by three families living independently of each other. Dwelling, Townhouse. A single-family attached dwelling, dwelling situated on its own individual lot, generally within a development containing drives, walks, and open space in common areas. Ownership is passed in fee -simple subject only to party wall rights by agreements set forth in the restrictive covenants. Dwelling, Two -Family (Duplex). A building on one lot arranged and designed to be occupied by two families living independently of each other. Easement. A grant by the property owner for use by the public, corporation, or person(s), of a strip of land for specified purposes. is Extraterritorial Planning Area. That portion of the Swansboro planning jurisdiction that lies outside of the corporate limits of the Town of Swansboro. Flag Lot. A lot that is composed of a narrow 'flagpole' strip extending from the street and much wider 'flag' section lying immediately behind a lot or lots having the required street frontage for a conventional lot. In the case of a flag lot, the lot line at the end of the flag pole lying generally parallel to the street to which the flagpole connects shall be considered to be the front lot line for setback purposes. Flood Prone Areas. Areas indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps of the National Flood Insurance Program to be susceptible to inundation during a 100-year flood. In the absence of 100-year flood data, other flood data may be used if approved by the National Flood Insurance Program. Frontage Road. A local street or road that is parallel to a full or partial access controlled facility and functions to provide vehicular access to adjacent land. Interior Lot. A lot other than a corner lot. Local Street. A street whose primary function is to provide access to abutting properties. Lot. A portion of a subdivision or any other parcel of land intended as a unit for transfer of ownership, or for development or both. The word 'lot' includes 'plot', 'parcel', or 'tract'. Article 2 May 12, 1997 2-3 Lot Area. The total area circumscribed by boundaries of a lot except that when the legal instrument creating a lot shows the boundary of the lot extending into a public street or private right-of-way, then the lot boundary for purposes of computing the lot area shall be the street right-of-way line, or if the right-of-way line cannot be determined, a line running parallel to and 30 feet from the center of the traveled portion of the street. Lot Coverage. The portion of a lot covered by building(s) and/or structure(s). Lot Depth. The distance measured along the perpendicular bisector of the smallest possible rectangle enclosing the lot. Lot of Record. A lot, plot, parcel, or tract recorded in the Office of the Onslow County Register of Deeds in conformance with the ordinance(s) in effect at the time of recordation. Lot Width. The horizontal distance between the side lines of a lot measured at right angles to its depth along a straight line parallel to the front lot line at the minimum required building setback line. Major Thoroughfare Street. Major thoroughfares consist of interstate, other freeway, expressway, or parkway links, and major streets that provide for the expeditious movement of high volumes of traffic within and through urban areas. Major Subdivisions. A subdivision involving more than two lots or requiring an access easement(s), or requiring a new public or private street(s) for access to interior property, or requiring extension of a public sewer or water line, or requiring a variance from any requirement of this ordinance. Manufactured Home. A dwelling unit that(i) is not constructed in accordance with the standards set forth in the North Carolina State Building Code, and (ii) is composed of one or more components, each of which was substantially assembled in a manufacturing plant and designed to be transported to the home site on its own chassis, and (iii) exceeds forty feet in length and eight feet in width. Manufactured Home Park. A residential use in which two or more manufactured homes are located on a single lot or tract. Manufactured Home Subdivision. A residential subdivision containing manufactured homes situated on their individual lot. Marginal Access Street. A service street that runs parallel to a major thoroughfare, minor thoroughfare, or collector street which, for purposes of safety, provides access to abutting properties and separation of through traffic. Minimum Requirements. All sizes, setbacks and other requirements of this Ordinance are minimum requirements and may be increased. Minor Subdivisions. A subdivision involving not more than two lots fronting on an existing approved public road(s), not requiring any new public or private street(s) nor Article 2 May 12, 1997 2-4 easements for access to interior property, not requiring extension of a public sewer or water line, and not requiring a variance from any requirement of this ordinance. Minor Thoroughfare Street. Minor thoroughfares collect traffic from collector, subcollector, and local streets and carry it to the major thoroughfare system. Minor thoroughfares may be used to supplement the major thoroughfare system by facilitating movement of moderate volumes of traffic within and through urban areas and may also serve abutting property. Modular Home. A dwelling unit constructed in accordance with the standards set forth in the North Carolina State Building Code and composed of components substantially assembled in a manufacturing plant and transported to the building site for final assembly on a permanent foundation. A modular home may consist of two or more sections, or a series of panels or room sections erected or joined together on the site. Official Maps and Plans. Any maps and plans officially adopted by the Town Commissioners as a guide for development in the Town of Swansboro. Open Space. An area (land and/or water) generally lacking in man-made structures and reserved for enjoyment. Owner. A holder of any legal or equitable estate in the premises, whether alone or jointly with others, and whether in possession or not. Owner's Association. An organization of homeowners or property owners owning real property, residing, or operating a business within a particular subdivision or development whose major purpose is to maintain and provide community facilities, services, or land for common use of the residents or property owners of the subdivision or development. Planned Unit Development (PUD). A permitted use designed to provide developments incorporating a single type or a variety of residential and related uses which are planned and developed as a unit. Such development may consist of individual lots or common building sites. Common open space must be an element of the plan related to affecting the long-term value of the entire development. Planning Board. The Town of Swansboro Planning Board. Plat. A surveyed map or plan of a parcel of land which is to be, or which has been, subdivided. Plat, Final. The final map of all or a portion of a subdivision or site, showing the boundaries and location of lots, streets, easements and any other requirements of Appendix 1, which is presented for town approval and sussequent recordation in the Onslow County Register of Deeds Office. Plat, Preliminary. A map indicating the proposed layout of the subdivision or site showing lots, streets, water, sewer, storm drainage, and any other requirements of Appendix 1, which is presented for preliminary approval. Article 2 May 12, 1997 2-5 Principal Building A building in which is conducted the principal use of the buildable lot on which it is located or, in a group housing development, of the building site on which it is located. Private Drive. A vehicular travelway not dedicated or offered for dedication as a public street, providing access to parking lot(s) for two or more principal buildings in a group housing development. Private Sewer. A system which provides for collection and/or treatment of wastewater from a development, or property, and which is not maintained with public funds. Private Street. A vehicular travelway not dedicated or offered for dedication as a public street, but resembling a cul-de-sac or a local street by carrying traffic from a series of driveways to the public street system. The platting of such streets requires a Subdivision Streets Disclosure Statement in accordance with NCGS 136-102.6. Private Water. A system which provides for the supply and/or distribution of potable water for use by a development, project, or owner, and which is not operated or maintained by a government organization or utility district. Public Sewer. A system which provides for the collection and treatment of sanitary sewage from more than one property, and is owned and operated by a government organization or sanitary district and is approved by the Division of Water Quality of the NC Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources. Public Street. A dedicated public right-of-way for vehicular traffic which 1) has been accepted by the Town of Swansboro or the NCDOT for maintenance; or 2) is not yet accepted but in which the roadway design and construction have been approved under public standards for vehicular traffic. Public Water. A system which provides distribution of potable water to fifteen or more service connections or which serves 25 or more customers on a regularly basis, is owned and operated by a government organization or utility district, and is approved by the Division of Environmental Health, NC Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources. Recreational Vehicle (Travel Trailer/Camper). A vehicle which is built on a single chassis, designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a light duty vehicle, and designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling, but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel or seasonal use. Reservation. An obligation shown on a plat to keep property free from development for a stated period of time or indefinitely. It is not a dedication nor a conveyance. Reverse Frontage Lot. A through lot which is not accessible from one of the parallel or non -intersecting streets upon which it fronts. Setback. The minimum required horizontal distance between a structure or activity and the property line or the street right-of-way line. Article 2 May 12, 1997 2-6 Setback, Front. Any setback from a street or road. • Setback, Interior. A setback from any property line not alongside a street. • Setback, Rear. A setback from an interior property line lying on the opposite side of the lot from the front street setback. Setback, Side. Any interior property line setback other than a rear setback. Setback, Side Corner. A street setback on a corner lot other than a front setback. For purposes of this ordinance, the Administrator shall determine which setback is the front setback. Sight Distance Area, Horizontal. The area formed by extending lines from the point of intersection of intersecting streets along the centerline of such streets for a distance of forty feet and connecting the ends of such lines by a straight line to form the base for a triangle. Each of the two sides of the triangle will be forty feet in length. Sight Distance Area, Vertical. The area between three feet and ten feet above the horizontal area measured from the level of the point of intersection of the centerlines of the intersecting streets. Sight Distance Easement. An easement which grants to the Town of Swansboro the right to maintain unobstructed view across property located at a street intersection. Storm Drainage Facilities. The system of inlets, conduits, channels, ditches and appurtenances which serve to collect and convey stormwater through and from a given drainage area. Stormwater Runoff. The direct runoff of water resulting from precipitation in any form. Street. A dedicated and accepted public right-of-way for vehicular traffic. Street Right -of -Way. A strip of land occupied or intended to be occupied by a travelway for vehicles and also available, with the consent of the appropriate governmental agency, for installation and maintenance of sidewalks, traffic control devices, traffic signs, street name signs, historical marker signs, water lines, sanitary sewer lines, storm sewer lines, gas lines, power lines, and communication lines. Subdivider. Any person, firm, corporation or duly authorized agent who subdivides or develops any land deemed to be a subdivision as defined herein. Subdivision. Any division of a tract or parcel of land into two (2) or more lots, building sites or other divisions for the purpose of sale or building development, whether immediate or future, and shall include any division of land involving the dedication of a new street or a change in an existing street; but the following shall not be included within this definition or be subject to the regulations established within: Article 2 May 12, 1997 2-7 1. The combination or recombination of portions of previously platted lots where • the total number of lots is not increased and the resultant lots are equal to or exceed the standards of the municipality as shown in its subdivision regulations; 2. The division of land into parcels greater than ten (10) acres where no street right-of-way dedication is involved; 3. The public acquisition by purchase of strips of land for the widening or opening of streets; and 4. The division of a tract in single ownership, the entire areas of which is no greater than two (2) acres, into not more than three (3) lots where no street right-of-way dedication is involved and where the resultant lots are equal to or exceed the standards of the municipality. • • Thoroughfare Plan. A plan adopted by the Board of Commissioners for the development of existing and proposed major streets that will adequately serve the future travel needs of an area in an efficient and cost effective manner. Through Lot. A lot abutting two streets that do not intersect at the corner of the lot. Town. The Town of Swansboro, North Carolina. Townhouses. A group of single-family attached dwellings, each dwelling situated on its own individual lot, generally within a development containing drives, walks, and open space in common areas. Ownership is passed in fee -simple subject only to party wall rights by agreements set forth in the restrictive covenants. Townhouse Lot. A parcel of land intended as a unit for transfer of ownership, and lying underneath, or underneath and around, a townhouse, patio home, or unit in a nonresidential group development. Tract. All continuous land and bodies of water in one ownership, or contiguous land and bodies of water in diverse ownership, being developed as a unit, although not necessarily all at one time. Utility Easement. An easement which grants to the Town of Swansboro or other utility provider the right to install and thereafter maintain any and all utilities including, but not limited to, water lines, sewer lines, septic tank drain fields, storm sewer lines, electrical power lines, telephone lines, natural gas lines and community antenna television systems. Variance. Official permission from the Board of Commissioners to depart from the requirements of this Ordinance (see Section 1-10). Article 2 May 12, 1997 2-8 • ARTICLE III PROCEDURES FOR PLAT APPROVAL 3-1 Exclusion Determination If a proposed division of land meets one or more of the exclusions under the definition of 'Subdivision' in Article II (Definitions), the owner may submit to the Administrator maps, deeds, or other materials in sufficient detail to permit a conclusive determination by the Administrator. An owner of land who wishes to record a plat of such a division of land shall obtain a Certificate of Exception (see Appendix 2) from the Administrator. 3-2 Coordination With Other Procedures To lessen the time required to attain all necessary approvals and to facilitate the processing of applications, an applicant may start the subdivision approval process simultaneously with other applications for approvals required for the particular project. 3-3 Minor Subdivision Qualifications The Administrator shall approve or disapprove minor subdivision plats in accordance with the provisions of this Section. A minor subdivision, as defined in Article II, is a subdivision involving not more than two lots fronting on an existing, approved public road(s), not requiring any new public or private road(s) nor easements for access to interior property, not requiring an extension of a public sewer or water line, and not requiring a variance from any requirement of this Ordinance. 3-4 Minor Subdivision Review and Approval Procedures The applicant for minor subdivision plat approval is encouraged to confer with the Administrator prior to submitting a minor subdivision plat for a determination of whether the approval process authorized by this Section can be and should be utilized. The Administrator may require the applicant to submit whatever information is necessary to make this determination. 3-4.1 The applicant for minor subdivision plat approval shall submit to the Administrator a plat drawn in waterproof ink on a sheet made of material and of a size that will be acceptable to the Onslow County Register of Deeds Office for recording purposes. When more than one sheet is required to include the entire subdivision, all sheets shall be made of the same size and shall show appropriate match marks on each sheet and appropriate references to other sheets of the subdivision. The scale of the plat shall be at one inch equals not more than one hundred feet. The applicant shall also submit six prints of the plat as well as any required application form and required fee. 3-4.2 The minor subdivision plat shall contain the following information: (A) The name of the subdivision, which name shall not duplicate the name of any existing subdivision as recorded in the Onslow County Registry; Article 3 May 12, 1997 3-1 (B) The name of the subdivision owner or owners; 0 (C) The township, county and state where the subdivision is located; (D) The name of the surveyor and his registration number and the date of survey; (E) The scale according to which the plat is drawn in feet per inch or scale ratio in words or figures and bar graph; (F) All of the additional information required by NCGS. § 47-30, NCGS. § 39-32.3, and Appendix 1; and (G) All of the applicable certificates required in Appendix 2. 3-4.3 The Administrator shall take expeditious action on an application for minor subdivision plat approval. A decision shall be rendered by the Administrator within ten days after receipt of the proposed minor subdivision plat. If no decision is rendered by the Administrator within the required 10-working day period, the applicant may appeal to the Planning Board for review of the application under the major subdivision approval process. Either the Administrator or the applicant may at any time refer the application to the Planning Board for review under the major subdivision approval process. 3-4.4 Subject to subsection 3-4.2, the Administrator shall approve the proposed subdivision unless the subdivision is not a minor subdivision as defined in Article II or the application or the proposed subdivision fails to comply with any other applicable requirement of this ordinance. 3-4.5 If the subdivision is disapproved, the Administrator shall promptly furnish the applicant with a written statement of the reasons for disapproval. 3-4.6 Approval of any plat is contingent upon the plat being recorded within thirty days after the date the Certificate of Approval is signed by the Administrator or his designee. Failure to record the approved plat within the specified 30-day period shall render the plat null and void. 3-5 Major Subdivisions A major subdivision, as defined in Article II, is a subdivision involving more than two lots, or requiring an access easement(s), or requiring a new public or private street(s) for access to interior property, or requiring extension of a public sewer or water line, or requiring a variance from any requirement of this ordinance. When a subdivision is to be developed in stages, a preliminary plat shall be submitted for the entire development. A final plat may be submitted for each stage. A minor subdivision plat may also be reviewed and approved under the major subdivision process upon the referral of the Administrator or the minor subdivision plat applicant. The procedures for the review of a major subdivision involve (i) sketch design plan review by the town staff, (ii) preliminary plat review and approval by the Planning Article 3 May 12, 1997 3-2 • Board, and (iii) final plat review by the town staff and approval by the Planning Board. 3-6 Sketch Design Plan 3-6.1 Submission Requirements The subdivider shall submit to the Administrator a sketch design plan prior to submitting a preliminary plat. Sketch design plans are optional for successive phases of a previously approved subdivision. The.sketch design plan shall conform to the following requirements: (A) A minimum number of eight copies of a sketch design plan shall be submitted. (B) A sketch design plan shall be drawn at a scale of approximately one inch to one hundred feet unless the size of property dictates a larger scale. (C) The sketch design plan shall depict or show: 1. A sketch vicinity map showing the location of the subdivision in relation to neighboring tracts, subdivisions, streets and waterways. 2. Total acreage to be subdivided, minimum lot size, street and lot layout, and acreage left in open spaces or other uses. 3. Existing uses of the land within the subdivision and adjoining it. 4. The name, address and telephone number of the owner and developer. 5. Streets and lots of adjacent developed or platted properties. 6. Zoning classifications of the tract and of adjacent properties. 7. Areas of Environmental Concern. 3-6.2 Sketch Design Plan Review Procedures The Administrator and town staff shall review the sketch design plan for general compliance with this ordinance. The Administrator shall then advise, within ten days, the subdivider or his authorized agent of the regulations pertaining to the proposed subdivision and the procedures to be followed in the preparation and submission of the preliminary and final plats. This review shall in no way be construed as constituting an official action of approval for recording of the subdivision by the Planning Board as required by these regulations. Article 3 May 12, 1997 3-3 3-7 Preliminary Plat Review and Approval Procedures 3-7.1 Submission Requirements The applicant for preliminary subdivision plat approval shall submit, at least 15 working days prior to the regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting at which the plat will be considered, 16 blueline prints of the proposed subdivision. When more than one sheet is required to include the entire subdivision, all sheets shall be made of the same size and shall show appropriate match marks on each sheet and appropriate references to other sheets of the subdivision. The scale of the plat shall be at one inch equals not more than one hundred feet. The applicant shall also submit any required application forms and any required fee. 3-7.2 Preliminary Plat Contents The preliminary plat shall be consistent in concept with the previously approved sketch plan and shall contain the following information: (A) The name of the subdivision, which name shall not duplicate the name of any existing subdivision as recorded in the Onslow County Registry; (B) The name of the subdivision owner or owners; (C) The township, county and state where the subdivision is located; (D) The name of the surveyor, surveyor's registration number, and the date of survey; (E) The scale according to which the plat is drawn in feet per inch or scale ratio in words or figures and bar graph; and (F) All of the additional information required by NCGS. § 47-30, NCGS § 39-32.3, and Appendix 1. 3-7.3 Administrator and Town Staff Review Upon receipt of the requisite copies of the proposed preliminary plat, the Administrator shall schedule a meeting of the town staff to review the plat. Following the town staff review, the Administrator shall forward the staff's findings and recommendations to the Planning Board and to the applicant at least 5 days prior to the Planning Board meeting. If the Administrator determines that the plat is incomplete, the Administrator shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies. Plats shall not be forwarded to the Planning Board until all deficiencies have been corrected. 3-7.4 Planning Board Review and Action The Planning Board shall review the preliminary plat and the findings and recommendations of the Administrator and town staff, and any other reports or recommendations pertaining to the plat and shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the preliminary plat. The Planning Board shall Article 3 May 12, 1997 3-4 review and take action on each preliminary plat within sixty days after first consideration by the Planning Board. (A) If approval is granted, written confirmation shall be made on two copies of the preliminary plat. One copy of the approved preliminary plat shall be returned to the applicant. Approval of the preliminary plat is authorization for the applicant to proceed with the construction of the necessary improvements. Preliminary approval shall be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of approval of the plat by the Planning unless an extension of time is applied for and granted by the Planning Board or unless a longer time period is established under applicable vested rights provisions. Preliminary plats whose approval has elapsed shall be resubmitted in accordance with the provisions of this Section. (B) If the Planning Board conditionally approves the preliminary plat, the conditions and reasons thereof shall be stated in writing. (C) If the Planning Board disapproves the preliminary plat, the reasons for disapproval shall be stated in writing and reference shall be made to the specific section(s) of this ordinance with which the plat does not comply. The applicant may make the recommended revisions and submit a revised preliminary plat or may appeal the disapproval of the preliminary plat to the Board of Commissioners in accordance with the procedures delineated in Section 3-7.5. (D) If the Planning Board fails to approve or disapprove the preliminary plat request within 45 days from the date that the plat is initially reviewed by the Planning Board, the Administrator shall forward the application to the Board of Commissioners for review and approval. In such case, the Board of Commissioners shall follow the same review and approval procedures as established in this Section. 3-7.5 Appeals to the Board of Commissioners If the preliminary plat is disapproved by the Planning Board, the applicant may appeal the decision by requesting, through the Town Manager, that the preliminary plat be scheduled for review by the Board of Commissioners according to the same review and approval procedures set forth in Section 3- 7.4. 3-8 Final Plat Review and Approval Procedures 3-8.1 Conformance With Preliminary Plat The final plat shall conform substantially to the approved preliminary plat. If the submitted final plat deviates in its overall design from the approved preliminary plat, the plat shall be reviewed by the Planning Board following the same review and approval procedures set forth in Section 3-7 for preliminary plats. Article 3 May 12, 1997 3-5 3-8.2 Submission Requirements The applicant for final plat approval shall submit to the Administrator a final plat made of material and of a size that will be acceptable to the Onslow County Register of Deeds Office for recording purposes. When more than one sheet is required to include the entire subdivision, all sheets shall be made of the same size and shall show appropriate match marks on each sheet and appropriate references to other sheets of the subdivision. The scale of the plat shall be at one inch equals not more than one hundred feet. The applicant shall also submit sixteen prints of the plat as well as any required application forms and any required fee. 3-8.3 Final Plat Contents The final plat shall contain the following information: (A) The name of the subdivision, which name shall not duplicate the name of any existing subdivision as recorded in the Onslow County Registry; (B) The name of the subdivision owner or owners; (C) The township, county and state where the subdivision is located; (D) The name of the surveyor, surveyor's registration number, and the date of survey; (E) The scale according to which the plat is drawn in feet per inch or 0 scale ratio in words or figures and bar graph; • (F) All of the additional information required by NCGS. § 47-30, NCGS § 39-32.3, and Appendix 1; and (G) All of the applicable certificates required in Appendix 2. 3-8.4 Administrator and Town Staff Review Upon receipt of the requisite copies of the proposed final plat, the Administrator shall schedule a meeting of the town staff to review the plat. Following the town staff review, the Administrator shall forward the staff's findings and recommendations to the Planning Board and to the applicant at least 5 days prior to the Planning Board meeting. If the Administrator determines that the plat is incomplete, the Administrator shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies. Plats shall not be forwarded to the Planning Board until all deficiencies have been corrected. 3-8.5 Required Improvements No final plat shall be approved until all required improvements have been installed and approved or appropriate surety has been provided as set forth in Section ????. Article 3 May 12, 1997 3-6 3-8.6 Planning Board Review and Action The Planning Board shall review the final plat and the findings and recommendations of the Administrator and town staff, and any other reports or recommendations pertaining to the plat and shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the final plat. The Planning Board shall review and take action on each final within sixty days after first consideration by the Planning Board. (A) If approval is granted, a signed written certification to this effect shall be entered on the face of the plat in accordance with the requirements of Appendix 2. (B) If the Planning Board conditionally approves the final plat, the conditions and reasons thereof shall be stated in writing. (C) If the Planning Board disapproves the final plat, the reasons for disapproval shall be stated in writing and reference shall be made to the specific section(s) of this ordinance with which the plat does not comply. The applicant may make the recommended revisions and submit a revised final plat or may appeal the disapproval of the preliminary plat to the Board of Commissioners in accordance with the procedures delineated in Section 3-8.6. (D) If the Planning Board fails to approve or disapprove the final plat request within 45 days from the date that the plat is initially reviewed by the Planning Board, the Administrator shall forward the application to the Board of Commissioners for review and approval. In such case, the Board of Commissioners shall follow the same review and approval procedures as established in this Section. 3-8.6 Appeals to the Board of Commissioners If the final plat is disapproved by the Planning Board, the applicant may appeal the decision by requesting, through the Town Manager, that the final plat be scheduled for review by the Board of Commissioners according to the same review and approval procedures set forth in Section 3-8.6. 3-9 Recordation of Final Plats Approval of a final plat is contingent upon the plat being recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds written 60 days after the approval date of the final plat. Failure to record the approved plat within the specified 60-day period shall render the plat null and void. 3-10 Dedication and Acceptance 3-10.1 Rights -of -Way and Easements (A) The approval and recordation of a final plat does constitute an offer to dedicate but does not constitute dedication to and acceptance for maintenance responsibility by the town or the Article 3 May 1 Z 1997 3-7 • public of any public road, alley, or utility or drainage easement shown on such plat. Improvements within such rights -of -way or easements, such as utility lines, road paving, drainage facilities, or sidewalks may, however, be accepted for maintenance by the North Carolina Department of Transportation or by the private utility provider upon compliance with applicable NCDOT and private utility provider guidelines and standards. (B) Open Space. Land designed as public open space on a final plat shall be considered to be offered for dedication until such offer is officially accepted by the Town. The offer may be accepted by the Town through: (1) Express action by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Swansboro; (2) Express action by an administrative officer designated by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Swansboro; or (3) Conveyance of fee simple marketable title (unencumbered financially and environmentally) of the property to theTown at the time of final plat recordation. Until such dedication has been accepted, land so offered may be used for open space purposes by the owner or by the owners' association. Land so offered for dedication shall not be used for any purpose inconsistent with the proposed public use. (C) Maintenance. The developer shall be responsible for the maintenance of all facilities and improvements until an offer of dedication is accepted. Article 3 May 12, 1997 3-8 • • ARTICLE IV STANDARDS OF DESIGN 4-1 General 4-1.1 Design All proposed subdivisions shall comply with this Article, shall be designed to promote beneficial development of the community, and shall bear a reasonable relationship to the approved plans of the Town. 4-1.2 Development Name In no case shall the name of a proposed development duplicate or be phonetically similar to an existing development name in Swansboro unless the proposed development lies adjacent or in proximity to the existing development. 4-1.3 Reasonable Relationship All required improvements, easements, and rights -of -way (other than required reservations) shall substantially benefit the development or bear a reasonable connection to the need for public facilities attributable to the new development. Whenever a tract to be subdivided includes or adjoins any part of a thoroughfare or collector road as designated by an officially adopted Town Thoroughfare Plan, that part of such proposed public right-of-way shall be dedicated as public right-of-way within the subdivision plat in the location and to the width recommended by the Thoroughfare Plan or this Article. 4-2 Suitability of the Land (A) Land which the Planning Board has determined, either through its own investigations or the investigations of other public agencies, to be unsuitable for development because of flooding, poor drainage, steep slopes, poor soil conditions and other such physical features which may endanger health, life, or property or necessitate the excessive expenditure of public funds for the provision and/or maintenance of public services shall not be approved for subdivision unless methods are formulated by the developer for mitigating the problems created by the subdivision of such land. (B) Areas that have been used for disposal of solid waste shall not be subdivided unless tests by the Onslow County Health Department, a structural engineer, and a soils expert determine that the land is suitable for the type of construction proposed. (C) All subdivisions shall be consistent with the provisions of the Swansboro Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. Required public utilities and facilities in all subdivisions shall be installed so as to minimize flood damage. Article 4 May 1 Z 1997 4-1 (D) Where Areas of Environmental Concern have been identified, the suitability • Aof the land in those areas will be based upon the guidelines and standards developed in accordance with the Coastal Management Act of 1974. 4-3 Lots The size, shape, and orientation of lots shall be appropriate for the location of the proposed subdivision and for the type of development contemplated and shall conform to the following: 4-3.1 Conformance to Other Regulations (A) Every lot shall have sufficient area, dimensions, and street access to permit a principal building to be erected thereon in compliance with the applicable requirements of the Swansboro Zoning Ordinance and other requirements of this Ordinance. Lots not served by public wate and/or sewer service shall comply with the specifications and standards of the Onslow County Health Department, but in no case shall the lot size be less than the minimum lot size required in the underlying zoning district. (B) Lots within Planned Residential Developments, townhouse developments, manufactured home subdivisions, and campground subdivisions shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Swansboro Zoning Ordinance. • 4-3.2 Lot Line Configuration Side lines of lots should be at or near right angles or radial to street lines. No intersecting lot lines shall have an angle of less than 60 degrees. L� 4-3.3 Lot Lines and Drainage Lot boundaries shall coincide with natural and pre-existing man-made drainageways to the extent practicable to avoid lots that can be built upon only by altering such drainageways (see also Section 4-6.5, Utility and Drainage Easements). 4-3.4 Access Requirements 4-3.4.1 General Access Requirements All lots must have public street access and frontage meeting the requirements set forth in this Ordinance and in the Swansboro Zoning Ordinance. The following exceptions may be approved: (A) Flag Lots (See Figure ???) meeting the following requirements: (1) A flag lot shall serve only one single-family dwelling and its unhabitated accessory structures; (2) The maximum flagpole length shall be 300 feet; Article 4 May 12, 1997 4-2 (3) The minimum flagpole width shall be 25 feet; • (4) The maximum lot size in areas with public sewer shall be 1 acre. The maximum lot size without public sewer shall be 3 acres. (Note: The flagpole portion of lot is not used to calculate area, width, depth, coverage, and setbacks of the lot or to provide off-street parking.); (5) The minimum separation between the flagpole portion of the lot and that of another flag lot shall be 150 feet; (6) Where public water is available, any building on the flag lot must be within 500 feet of a hydrant. This distance shall be measured along the street, then along the flagpole, then in a straight line to the building location; (7) Where public sewer is available, occupied buildings on the flag lot shall have a gravity service line, or the sewer pump requirements shall be noted on the plat; and (8) Use of a single driveway to serve a flag lot and an adjoining lot is permitted and encouraged; the preferred location for the driveway is on the flagpole portion of the flag lot, with the conventional lot granted an access • easement over the flagpole. (B) Lots served by Exclusive Access Easements (See Figure ????) meeting the following criteria: C7 (1) An Exclusive Access Easement shall serve only one single-family dwelling and its uninhabited accessory structures; (2) Lots to be served by an Exclusive Access Easement shall not be created in an area served by public water or sewer; (3) The minimum lot size shall be 3 acres (excluding the easement portion); (4) The minimum easement width shall be 25 feet; (5) The maximum easement length shall be 300 feet; (6) The minimum separation between the easement portion and any other platted access or right-of-way shall be 150 feet; Article 4 May 12, 1997 4-3 (7) The location of the easement must be recorded on a plat; and (8) The Exclusive Access Easement shall permit ingress, egress, and regress and necessary utilities required to serve the lot. (C) Lots and units located in developments with Owners' Associations or in group developments in which permanent access is guaranteed by means of approved private streets and/or drives designed in accordance with the requirements of the Swansboro Zoning Ordinance. 4-3.4.2 Special Access Requirements for Subdivisions on Thoroughfares and for Nonresidential Subdivisions (A) Major subdivisions shall not be approved that permit individual residential lots with direct vehicular access to thoroughfares, as shown on the adopted thoroughfare plan, unless the Planning Board determines that no practicable alternative for access exists. If reverse frontage lots are required by the Planning Board, vehicular access shall be permitted only to the subordinate internal subdivision street. • (B) In order to reduce traffic congestion, commercial and industrial subdivisions may be required to provide a frontage road along major thoroughfares, as shown on the adopted thoroughfare plan, unless the Planning Board determines that no practicable alternative for access exists. Where a frontage is required, intersections with public streets shall be spaced no closer than 800 feet. Frontage roads may be permitted within the rights -of -way of existing streets subject to the approval of the NCDOT or the Town of Swansboro, as applicable. 4-3.5 Water and Sewage Disposal Every lot in a subdivision shall be served by a water supply system and a sewage disposal system that (i) is adequate to accommodate the reasonable needs of the proposed use of the lot and (ii) complies with all applicable health regulations and/or the Town of Swansboro's specifications and standards for water and sewer facilities. 4-4 Streets 4-4.1 Conformance with Thoroughfare Plans The location and design of streets shall be in conformance with any applicable, adopted thoroughfare plan. Where conditions warrant, right-of- way widths and pavement widths in excess of the minimum street standards may be required. Article 4 May 1Z 1997 4-4 4-4.2 Conformance with Adjoining Road Systems • The planned street layout of a proposed subdivision shall be compatible with existing or proposed streets and their classifications on adjoining or nearby tracts. 4-4.3 Access to Adjoining Property Where, in the opinion of the Planning Board, it is desirable to provide for street access to adjoining property, proposed streets shall be extended, dedicated, and, where appropriate, constructed to the boundary of such property. 4-4.4 Reserve Strips Reserve strips adjoining streets rights -of -way for the purposes of preventing access to adjacent property shall not be permitted under any condition. 4-4.5 Street Classification The final determination of the classification of streets in a proposed subdivision shall be made by the Town. 4-4.6 Public Street Design Criteria Public streets proposed to be dedicated to the Town shall be designed in accordance with Town of Swansboro Street Construction Standards and Specifications (see Appendix ????). Public streets proposed to be dedicated to the State shall be designed in accordance with standards and • specifications of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). 4-4.7 Private Street Design Criteria • (A) Private streets shall be permitted in developments with Owners' Associations. (B) The minimum design standards for all private streets will be equivalent to the minimum Town of Swansboro Street Construction Standards and Specifications. (C) An Owners' Association is required to own and maintain all privatestreets allowed under this Ordinance. All private streets will be indicated as such on the plat. (D) No through street in a residential area connecting two public streets can be designated as a private street, unless approved by the Planning Board. (E) All private streets, connecting with public streets, require an approved driveway application from the NCDOT. (F) In the event sidewalks are constructed, the minimum width shall be 4 feet. Article 4 May 1 Z 1997 4-5