HomeMy WebLinkAboutStormwater Drainage Design Manual-1982"! DCM COPY DO NOT REMOVE STORMWATER DRAINAGE DESIGN MANUAL FOR TOWN OF NAGS HEAD Prepared. by: McDowell -Jones, P.A. Engineers -Surveyors, P.A. Elizabeth City North Carolina July 1982. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Policy Statement II. Stormwater Drainage Design Criteria III. Stormwater Drainage Construction Requirements IV. Easements APPENDIX A.. Determination of Design Flow Table l: Values of.Coefficient C Table 2: Rainfall -Intensity Duration Curves Table 3 & 4:Time of Concentration B. Culvert Design Charts 1-7: Inlet Control Nomographs Charts 8-14:Outlet Control Nomographs Chart A: Alignment Chart for Manning Formula for Pipe Flow Chart B: Capacity of Grate in Sump C. Hydraulics of Drainage Channels Table 1: Elements of Channel Sections Table 2: Manning Formula Nomograph Chart A: Manning Roughness Coefficients - Chart B: Manning N for Vegetal -lined Channels Chart C: Classification of Vegetal Covers D. Discussion of Detention -Retention Systems Table'I: Measures for Reducing and Delaying Stormwater Runoff Table II: Advantages and Disadvantages of Delaying Stormwater Runoff E. References F n I. POLICY STATEMENT 1. It.is recognized that the public demand for adequate drainage within and adjacent to existing and proposed develop- ment -requires the attention of qualified professionals to the problems of design, construction and maintenance of these developments In this light,, it is desired that engineers seek and apply the most up to date technical information available and treat every problem separately in order to ob- tain the best design possible. However, in.order to obtain a degree of uniformity and -orderly development :in the Town, it is necessary that certain phases of design and construction be made a matter of policy. 2. Every development shall have a drainage system adequate for the type of project proposed and so related to existing or potential surrounding development as to form a logical Dart of a coordinated system minimizing potential drainage problems for the general area. No plat or development shall take such form as to create potential or actual impoundment.of water. on,. or discharge of water onto, adjacent.property in such a manner as to (a) effect adversely existing -development, or (b) increase problems of future development on such adjacent property, except with the written and recorded consent of the adjoining property owners affected and the approval of the Town. 3. The drainage system shall conform to Chapter 16.1 of the Town code titled Drainage, Soil Erosion, and Sedimentation Control. I-1 1 II. STORMWATER DRAINAGE DESIGN CRITERIA 1. The developer shall provide a drainage system for the proper drainage of all surface water using the.approved design criteria as stated in the following paragraphs below. The design of such a system shall be subject the approval of -the Town pursuant to these guidelines and to the North Carolina Department of Transportation when the proposed drainage system affects drainage coming from or going into the State's' Right of Way. 2. All surface water draining -onto the site under develop- ment or generated on said site must be provided for in accord- ance with these guidelines. All water drainage leaving the site under development shall be channelled to points of approved discharge, such as a natural or manmade watercourse,. a lake, pond, ditch or storm drainage system. 3. No surface water shall be channelled or directed into a' sanitary sewer or septic tank system. Distances between open ditches and septic tank 'systems must be specified and approved by the Dare County Sanitarian. This.approval must be obtained by the developer prior to final approval of the drainage system designed by the Town of Nags Head. ■ 4.. The developer shall use retention, detention, and infiltra- tion techniques to reduce the runoff from his site. See Appendix - -D t---- for additional data. ' 5. The drainage design criteria for open and closed drainage systems shall generally conform to these guidelines and Handbook of Design for Highway 'Surface'Drainage Structures prepared by the North Carolina Department -of Transportation, the A.S.C.E. Manual of Engineering Practice No. 37, and Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds (T.R. No. 55) prepared by the Soil Conversation Service. -■ 6. Development plans shall show size, slope, invert and rim elevations, and ditch cross sections in the vicinity of the ' development and as is necessary to properly evaluate the exist- ing and proposed surface water drainage system. .7. Drainage calculations, drainage area maps, .flood routing calculations, infiltration calculations, storm sewer back water curve calculations, etc, shall be submitted to the Town upon request. 8. Estimated runoff calcul.tions may be computed by the Rational Method (Q=CIA),*the SCS method in TR No. 55, or other approved methodologies. Sizing of structures will be based on the Manning Equation. Culverts shall be evaluated ,for inlet and outlet. control as necessary. See Appendix for additional additional data. 9. Systems shall generally be -designed. for*..a 10. year .storm fre- quency. There may be some situations which may warrant a different requirement due to the size of the system. The design engineer is encouraged to contact the Town Engineer in the preliminary design stages to determine if a change is warranted. 10.. A modified Rational Method hydrograph procedure may be used in sizing retention and detention systems See Appendix--D-- for additional data. 11. Data on Existing drainage facilities, areas, and topographic features may be obtained from reference 19, Town 'of N.aS Head Surface Water Drainage Plan. i.i. -2 III. STORMWATER DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS -� 1. All underground storm sewers open drainage ways, and g P g Ys `elated structures shall be constructed to the applicable pro- visions -of Roadway Standard Drawings and Standard Specifications for Road and Structures produced by the North Carolina of ' Transportation. 2. During the construction; preparation, arrangement and*in stallation of improvements and facilities in developments, the developer shall maintain each stream, creek', ditch, or channel contiguous to or located within the subdivision in an un- obstructed state and shall remove from such watercourses and the banks of the watercourses all debris, logs, timber, junk and other accumulations that would, in time of flood,clog or dam the passage of waters in their downstream course..Install- tion of appropriately sized conduit, culverts, bridges or other required structures shall not be constructed in a way which ' will obstruct the flow of drainage. !, TT 1-1 i LI IV. EASEMENTS 1. Easements for existing and proposed utilities and drain- age shall be provided across lots or adjoining rear or side lot lines, and shall be of whatever width is required to pro- vide for installation of such utilities or drainage and for ' access for maintenance, provided however that no such easement shall be less than 10 feet wide. 2. Where a developmemit is traversed by a water course', drain- age way, channel or stream, there shall be provided a storm ' water easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substanti- ally with the lines thereof, and such further width or further construction, or both, as will be required for the purpose of ' handling '.draina.ge . Shifts from existing locations of water courses, drainage ways, channels or streams may be permitted by the Town only where such result in equivalent or better drainage within and surrounding the development than will be ' existing location; provided, however, that any such changes shall be explained in writing, including the specific reasons therefore, and be made a part of the permanent application record. ' r 3. Easements may be required .to protect retention - detention systems and to assure proper maintenance is performed. See ' Appendix D. 1-1 ' IV-1 APPENDIX A DETERMINATION OF DESIGN FLOW The Rational Method is widely used for determing design flows in urban and small watersheds. The method assumes that the maximum rate of runoff for a given intensity occurs when the duratinn.of the storm is such that all parts of the watershed are contributing to the runoff at the interception point. The formula used is an empirical equation that relates the quantity of runoff from,a given area to the total rainfall falling at a uniform rate on the same area and is expres s.ed as: . Q _ CiA The runoff coefficd.*ent "C"_and the drainage area "A". are both constant for a given area at a given time. Rainfall intensity "i however, is determined by using an approprate storm frequency and duration which are selected on the basis of economics and engineering judgement. Storm sewers are designed on the basis that they will flow full during storms occurring at certain intervals. Storm fre- quency is selected through consideration of.the size of drainage area, probable flooding, possible flood.damage and projected develop- ment schedule for the area RUNOFF COEFFICIENT. The runoff coefficient "C" is the ratio of the average rate ofrainfall on an area to the maximum rate of run- off. Normally ranging between zero and unity, the runoff coeffi- cient can exceed unity in those areas where rainfall occurs in con- junction with melting snow or ice.. The soil characteristics, such as porosity, permeability and whether or not it is -frozen are im- portant considerations. Another factor to consider is ground cover, such as paved, grassy or wooded. Incertain areas, the coefficient depends upon the slope of the terrain.. Duration of rainfall and shap e of area are also important factors in special instances. Average values for different areas are listed in Table 1. RAINFALL INTENSITY. Rainfall intensity "i" is the amount of rainfall measured in inches per hour that would be -expected to . occur during a storm of a certain duration.. The storm frequency. .is the time in years in which a certain storm would be expected again and is detennined statistically from available rainfall. data. See Table II for Hatteras Rainfall -Intensity -Duration Curves. TIME OF CONCENTRATION. The time of concentration at any point in A sewer system is the time required for runoff from the most're mote portion of the drainage area to reach that point.; Themost remote portion provides the longest time of .concentration but is not necessarily the most distant point in the drainage 'area. Since a. basic assumption of the Rational*Method is that all portions of the area are contributing runoff, the time of concentration is used as the storm duration in calculating the intensity. The time of concentration consists -of the time of flow from the most remote portion of the.drainage area to the first inlet (called the inlet time) "and the time of flow from the inlet through*:the system to the point under consideration (called the flow time). The inlet time is affected by the rainfall intensity, topography and ground condi tions .Minimum inlet time shall be 10 minutes. See Tables III and IV to assist in computing inlet time and time of concentration. RUNOFF AREA. The runoff area "A" is the drainage area in acres served by'the storm sewer. This area can be accurately determined from topographic maps or field surveys. A-2 _ - Lawns : �5 Sandy soil, flat, 2% . ... 0.10 Sandy soil, average, 2-7%. . . . . . . . . 0.15 �0 Sandy soil, steep, 7%. . . . . . . . . . flat, 2% 0.20 0.17 Q B Heavy soil, . . . . . . . . Heavy soil, average, 2-7%. . . . . I . . . Heavy soil. steep, 7%. . . . 0.22 0.35 . . Paving Stone/Porous Pavement: 4 flat - 2% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.20 2% - 7% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.30 2 Business: �. Downtown areas . . 0.95 ~ Neighborhood areas . 0.70Sri Residential: 06 Single-family areas. . . . . . . . . . . 0.50 multi -units, detached. . . . . . . . . . . 0.60 10Q Multi -units. attached. . . . . . . . . . . 0.70 . Suburban . . . . . . .:... 0.40 welling areas . . . . . . . . ' Apartment. 0.70 .2 Industrial: Light areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.70 Q Heavy areas. 0.80 [� Parks, cemeteries. . . . 0.25 A?J1YV1 &� . HOURS. Playgrounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.35 pURRT1ON Railroad yard areas. 0.40 . Unimproved areas - - 0.3o RRJNFRC 4 INTENSITY DURRTloN : CURVES Streets: ' Asphaltic .... ....... ..... 0.95 NORTH CRROL tNR 5TRTE H16HWRY COMM1551ON Concrete ... ..:.. ...... 0.95 0RN, 1qV Brick .. ... 0.85 Drives and walks . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.95 Roofs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.95 t_t I . . H (FT.) 500 400 300 EXAMPLE Te (M1N.) 200 Height a 100F1. 150 -. �- 200 Length--3,000Ft. W+ Time at concentration =14Min. Io0 L, t5o 100 L (FT.) 80 r W > 10,000 ' ;, 60 ' 50 1 a 50. `Mi°� F .z 40 i Z 40 ` -� 5,000 F. 30 30 W \� a H ' W ~0 20 Note? Use nomograph Tc for natural 2,000 . z \ ,� 20 15 w u. basins with well defined channels, 0 1,500 0 W for overland flow on bare = 0 i 10 for mowed gross road- 1— :Ids 1000 10 .. c side channels. •w 8 0 For overland flow, grassed sur. w faces, multiply Tc by 2. J 6 0 5 Foroveriond flow, concrete or 500 5 _ q asphalt surfaces, multiply Tc _ q by 0.4, x 300 , = 3 For concrete channels, multiply 3 Tc by 0.2. 200 2 150 2 ' 100' . Based on sludy by P.Z. Kirpich, Civil Engineering, Vol.101 No.6, June 1940, p. 362 f Flour# S.—Time of concentration of small drainage basins. TABLE 3 eoo _ 400 • W Wo W v. z 200 . o ,00 ■Or■■r/a�■■rIS aar■■mo■ 11 � r■r■■I r 1I I.■�~�,�I,���■r ■ - ii■%■r■ ir■■rui■/■fur■ 1 I ��,�y�/�•�rY■1■■rNrr■n■■ • Ial■rai\/r■r■■IYraa■ ■r/r■■ra1. ■� r I iiri ■ a■■ ../raraara■■w■/uaa ■wu■ ■o w■rw■1ii motto �rurr■■ a■a■■■a■■ Nir11r■ ia■■R�/�■a� ■■1{�r■i■!� / fir■ //■■i ■■06 �l:fi11 mot.. Nr• • ■■ om a�N■ �Ae�Y =M■Y■■■N�Y�a�r■■■I�r■./Ie/ a� tl.Y ■■o/■R~■■ 'Aa iAMONEENNIOMW aer+�a■M/ smosamomman: ■■y■■YY ■ I�� fY■s•s♦�aa�waiY� ■■■fir, N�.■■■��■YA■,�.��r�r y�■■■ rr.Yr/lrrItA_ .el I■�r�ell �/./� ��Y. • • ��� EMI �Y1 �■ ■■r■�_�II/Ia�■ r■mal" r �■Mrr �alT : �i.�r...■■aarr■r..■.■■e. e�r�r■ �arar �. ■■■eara►��e�eoe�r■■a •.�.'"': ■ar■■■i �.. ,erg/,' ;"�T,� ■��. ��.� tea. 0 �t mommemb" NOW a/r ems..■. • ,...�.�.. ..moan:.�■�■■rwr■r■r■■■�"'isw►�s"��"'"' ur■rS=■■■r■ ■r��■r��■ 22. �2�/■■■fa�■�I ■ ■ Grwi■ran/rraa■w■er`Ya■arr■ iu/i.■r a � I,.■��■aa a�■MYMYaYaa�aYfYaY■M �Wa■■/a■aYfaYatla■aiYY 4C r G= �aas M■.M/■■■�aaaa■■f \��a1m am■/a■Y/■■a■Y/M ' �..Ra�� -_..■■Mrr���■�r rr■rr/■rrr/r ■ r■r■■■r■ rrrr■■ ■rr■ ■■rar■rr■rrr■rr/ >o Si N i ; M el 0 TABLE 4 i1 ' APPENDIX B. ' CULVERT DESIGN The following data has been taken directly from Hydraulic Engineering Circular No, 5 prepared by the Bureau of'Public Roads, December 1965.The discussion provides an'in'depth'look at the. .design,of,,culverts:'as well as provides useful' charts for'sizing cul- r verts for inlet and outlet 'control conditions. Some pages of the circular were not reproduced in`this manual. Several additional charts have been provided from other ' sources that may be helpful in culvert system design. B-1 U. S. DEPARTKL OFCOMHk]iCE Bureau of Public Roads HYDRAULIC CHARTS FOR THE SELECTION OF HIGHWAY CULVERTS Prepared by Lester A. Herr. Chief, Hydraulics Branch, Bridge,Division : In Collaboration With Herbert G. Bossy A Highway Research Engineer, Hydraulic Research Division Introduction HW Designing highway culverts involves many factors including esti- mating flood peaks, hydraulic performance, structural adequacy, and overall construction and maintenance costs.- This circular contains a PROJECTING END -. UNSUBMERGED .brief discussion of the hydraulics of 'conventional culverts and charts for selecting a culvert size for a given set of. conditions. Instruc- tions for using the charts are provided. No attempt is made to cover B all phases of culvert design. Subsequent circulars will cover culverts - with modified inlets and outlets designed to increase performance or to apply to a particular location. Some approximations are made in the. HW hydraulic design procedure for -simplicity. These approximations are discussed at appropriate points throughout the circular. " -- - --_ - For this discussion, conventional culverts include those commonly installed, such as circular, arch and oval pipes, both metal and con- crete, and concrete box culverts. All such conventional culverts have PROJECTING ENO - SUBMERGED a uniform barrel cross section throughout. The. culvert inlet may con- ". sist of the culvert barrel projected from the roadway fill or mitered to the embankment slope.. Sometimes inlets have headwalls, wingwalls (, and apron slabs, or standard end sections of concrete or metal. The - more common types of conventional culverts are considered in.this cir- z cular. KW Culvert Hydraulics Laboratory tests and field observations show two major types of MITERED ENO- SUBMERGED ' culvert flow: (1) flow with inlet control and (2) flow with outlet '. control. For each type of control, different factors and formulas are - CONTROL used to compute- the hydraulic capacity of a culvert. Under inlet con- INLET. trol, the cross -sectional area of the culvert barrel, the inlet geom- etry and the amount of ueadwater or ponding at the entrance are of pri- mary importance. Outlet control involves the additional consideration - of the elevation of the tailwater in the outlet channel and the slope, roughness and length of the culvert. barrel. • .. _ Figure I'.: It is possible by involved hydraulic computations to determine the probable type of flow under which a culvert will operate fora 5-1 5-2 given set of conditions. The need for making these computations may be avoided, however, by computing headwater depths from the charts. in this' circular for both inlet control and outlet control and then using the . higher value to indicate the .type of control and to determine the head- water depth. This method of determining the type of control is accurate except for a few cases where the headwater is approximately the same for -. both types of control. WATER Q SURFACE Both inlet control and outlet control-types'of flow are discussed — H W S briefly in the following paragraphs and procedures for the use of the charts are given. HW Culverts Flowing With Inlet Control" IF Inlet control means that the discharge"capacity of a culvert is 8 controlled at the culvert entrance by the depth of headwater (HW) and the entrance geometry, including the barrel shape 'and cross -sectional area, and the type of inlet edge.- Sketches of inlet -control flow for H both unsubmerged and submerged projecting entrances are shown in fig- rt-. Hwy ures lA and 1B. Figure 1C shows a mitered entrance flowing under a sub-..: '��W.S. merged condition with inlet control.in inlet control the roughness and length of the culvert barrel - C and outlet conditions (including depth of tailwater).are not factors in determining culvert capacity. An increase in barrel slope reduces head- water to a small degree -and any correction for slope can be neglected for conventional or commonly used culverts flowing with inlet control. LG.UNE A H In all culvert design, headwater or depth. g , p pondiag at the en- - HW -' — -- — — — _ V— trance to a culvert is an important factor in culvert capacity. The : ��f� �..� -W'S'_ headwater depth (or headwater HW) is the vertical distance from the culvert invert at the entrance to the energy line of the headwater pool (depth + velocity head): Because of the low velocities in most en- trance pools and the difficulty in determining the velocity head for a11'flows, the water surface and the. energy line at the entrance are assumed to be coincident, thus the headwater depths given by the inlet •: ' control charts in this circular can be higher than will occur in some :. installations. For the purposes of measuring headwater, .the culvert invert at the entrance is the low point in the culvert opening at the _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — --- �� W.S., beginning of the full cross-section of the culvert barrel.. .HW ���.. — — -- - - . Headwater-discha rge relationships for the various types of circu- lar and pipe -arch culverts flowing with inlet control are based on OUTLET CONTROL laboratory research with models and.verified'in some instances by pro- totype tests. This research is reported in National Bureau of Stand- ards Report No. k entitled "'Hydraulic Characteristics of Commonly F19Uf@ `L Used Pipe Entrances", by John L. French and, :'Hydraulics of Conventional-;.; Available on loan from Division of Hydraulic Research, Bureau of Public Roads.: -;• 5'3 4 rar . �r , rr s �r � rr r� :' �r r � rr �� � ■r� �r ; ��� �-:: �; Highway Culverts", by H. G. Bossy . F,xperimcntal data for box culverts with headwalls and wingwalls were obtained from an unpublished report of The friction loss Hf is the energy required to overcome the rough- •< the U. S..Geologicel Survey.: _ ness of the culvert barrel. Hf can be expressed in several ways. Since most highway engineers are familiar with Manning's n the following ex - These research data were analyzed and nomographs for determining Pression is .used: culvert capacity for inlet control were developed by the Division of Hy— 29n2 L V2 draulic Research, Bureau of Public Roads. These nomographs, Charts 1 through 6, give beadwate r-di s charge relationships for most conventional Hf '`[Ri.33_.] , 2g culverts flowing with inlet control through a range of headwater•depths ' and discharges. Chart No. 7, discussed on P. 5-13, is included in this where - revised edition to stress the importance of improving the inlets of cul- verts flowing with inlet control. : n = Manning's friction factor -(see homographs and page 5-30 values)for L = length ofulvert barrel (ft.) Culverts Flowing With Outlet Control V = mean velocity of flow. in culvert barrel (ft./sec.) g = acceleration of gravity,.32.2 (ft./sec.2) Culverts flowing with outlet control can flow with the culvert bar- R =hydraulic radius or Wr ft.) rel full or.part full for part of the barrel length or for all of it, :. (see fig. 2). If the entire cross section of the barrel is filled with water for the total length of the barrel, the culvert is said to be in where full flow or flowing full, figures 2A and 2B. Two other common types of outlet -control flow are shown in figures 2C and 2D.-.The procedures given A = area of flow for full cross-section (sq. ft.) in this circular provide methods for the accurate determination of head- WP = wetted perimeter (ft.) water depth for the flow conditions shown in figures 2A, 2B and 2C. The :. method given for the part full flow condition, fig. 2D, gives a solution Substituting in equation l and simplifying, we get for full flow for headwater depth that decreases in accuracy as the headwater decreases. The bead H (fig. 2A) or energy required to pass a given quantity of r 29a2 L 1 V2 water through a culvert flowing in outlet control with the barrel flowing H = C1 + ke + 1. 1 (2) full throughout its length is made up of three major parts. These. three R parts are usually expressed in feet of water and include a velocity head Hy, an entrance loss He, and a friction loss Hf. -This energy is obtained •, from ponding of water at the entrance and expressed in equation form H =Hy+He+Hf (l) The velocity head Hv equals VP_, where V is the mean or. average. ve- y 2 locity in the culvert barrel. (The mean velocity is the discharge Q, is S _�_2g He cfs, divided by the cross -sectional area A, in sq. ft., of the barrel.) _ NERGY SIN€ loss He depends the inlet __ _-H� I _ HYDR�A��IC GRq_DE LINE HW dl H ►+ I W.S. The entrance upon the geometry of edge. _�, - This loss is expressed as a coefficient ke times the barrel velocity „„"' d2 2 _ i DATUM bead or He = ke 2g . The entrance loss coefficients ke for various types lso of entrances when the flow is in outlet control are given in Appendix B, Table 1, (P•:5-49)• • Figure 3 2 Presented at the Tenth National Conference; Hydraulics Division, A.S.C.E., August 1961. Available on loan from Division of Hydraulic Research, Bureau of Public Roads. ;. 5-5 :. _56 Figure 3 shows the terms of equation 2, the energy line, the hydrau- lic grade line and the headwater depth, HW. The energy line represents the total energy at any point along the culvert barrel. The hydraulic' grade line, sometimes called the pressure line, is defined by the eleva- tions to Which water would rise in small vertical pipes, attached to the culvert wall along its length. The energy line and the pressure line are -parallel over the length of the barrel except in'the immediate vicinity of the inlet where the flow contracts and re-expands:The difference in elevation between these two lines is the velocity head, 2g . The expression for H is derived by, equating the total energy up- stream from the culvert entrance to the energy, just inside the culvert outlet with consideration of all the major losses in energy. By refer- ring to figure 3 and using the culvert invert at the outlet as a datum, we get: 2 dl+ V1+LSo=d2tHy+He+Hf where _ dl and d2 = depths of flaw as shown in fig. 3 V 2 1 velocity head in entrance pool 2g LSO = length of culvert times barrel slope then 2 dl+2g +LSO _ d2 =H +He +gP and 2 H=dl+Vl +LSo- d2=Hr+He+AP • 28 From :L'z %Ilevelop=.ent of this energy equation and figure 3, head H is the difference between the elevations of the hydraulic grade line at the outlet and the energy line at the inlet. Since the velocity head in the entrance pool is usually small under ponded conditions, the water surface or headwater pool elevation can be assumed to equa the elevation of the energy line. Thus headwater elevations and headwater depths, as computed by the methods given in this circulars for outlet control, can be higher than.might occur in some• installations. Head- water depth is the vertical distance from the culvert invert at the en- trance to the water surfs.ce, assuming the water surface (hydraulic grade 2 line) and the energy line to be coincident, 41 + in figure 3. 5-7 Equation 2 can be solved for H readily by the use of the full -flow nomographs, Charts 8 through 14. Each nomograph is drawn for a partic- ular barrel shape and material and a single value of n as noted on the respective. charts. These nomographs can be used for other values of n by modifying the culvert-le%th as directed in the instructions (p- 5-29) for the use of the full -flow nomographs. In culvert design the depth of headwater HW or the elevation of the ponded water surface is usually desired. Finding the value of H from the nomographs or by equation 2 is only part of the solution for this headwater depth or elevation_ In the case of figure 2A or,figure 3, where the outlet is totally submerged, .the headwater pool elevation (as- sumed to be the same elevation as the energy line) is found by adding H to the elevation of the tailvater. The headwater depth is the difference in elevations of the pool surface and the culvert invert at the entrance. When the tailwater is below the crown of the culvert, the submerged condition discussed above no longer' exists and the determination of headwater is somewhat more difficult. In discussing outlet -control flow for this condition, tailwater will be assumed to be so low that it has no effect on the culvert flow. (The effect of tailwater will be discussed later.) The co mmm types of flow for the low tailwater con- dition are shown in figures 29, 2C and 2D. Each of these flow condi- tions are dependent on the amount of discharge and the shape of the culvert cross section. Each condition will be discussed separately. ,Full flow at the outlet, figure 2B, will occur only, with the higher_ rates of discharge.. Charts 15 through 20 are provided to aid in deter- mining this full flow condition. The curves shown on these charts give the depth of flow at the outlet for a given discharge when a culvert is flowing with outlet control- -This depth is called critical depth dc. When the discharge is sufficient to give a critical depth equal to the crown of the culvert barrel, full flow exists at the outlet as in fig- ure 2B. The hydraulic grade line will pass through the crown'of the culvert at the outlet for.all discharges greater than the discharge causing critical depth to reach the crown of the culvert. Head H can be measured from the crown of the culvert in computing the water sur- face elevation of the headwater pool. .When'critical depth falls below the crown of :the culvert at the outlet, the water surface drops as shown in either figures 2C or 2D, depending again on the discharge. To accurately determine headwater for these conditions, computations for locating a backwater curve are usually required. These backwater computations are tedious and time consuming and they should be avoided if possible. Fortunately, head- water for the flow condition shown in figure 2C can be solved by using the nomographs and the instructions given in this circular. For -the condition shown in figure 2C, the culvert must flow full for part of its length. .The hydraulic grade line for the portion of the length in full flow will pass through a point.where the water breaks with the top of the culvert as represented by point A in figure 2C., Backwater computations show that the hydraulic grade line if. 5-8 ._ extended as a straight line will cut the plane of the outlet cross sec- depth TW is the distance in feet from the culvert invert at the outlet tion at a point above critical depth (Water surface). This point is at to the water surface in the outlet channel. The relationship of HW to a height approximately equal to one half the distance between critical ., the other terms in equation 3 is illustrated in figure 4. depth and the crown of the. culvert. The elevation of this point can be used as an equivalent hydraulic grade line and H, as determined by equa- tion 2 or the homographs, can be added to this elevation to find the water surface elevation of the headwater pool. The full flow condition for part of the barrel length,. figure 2C, -- H will exist when the headwater depth HW, as computed from the above bead- HW water pool elevation, is equal to or greater than the quantity Dr TW ho i D+ (1+ke).28 L LSo - where V is the mean velocity for the full cross section of the barrel; ke, the entrance loss coefficient; and D, the inside height of the cul- Figure 4 vert. If the headwater is less than the above value, a free water sur- face, figure 2D, will extend through the culvert barrel. The part full flow condition of figure 2D =st be solved by a If the tailwater elevation is below the top of the culvert open - backwater computation if accurate headwater depths are desired. De- ing at the outlet, figure 2B, 2C.and 2D, ho is more difficult to deter- c tails for making this computation are not given in this circular. In- must be mine. The discharge, size and shape of culvert, and the be stead the solution used is the same as that given for the flow condi- • tion of figure 2C, with'the reservation that headwater depths become considered. In these cases, ho is the greater of two values (l) TW less accurate as the discharge for a particular culvert decreases. depth as defined above or (2) do + D . The latter dimension is the dis- Generally, for design purposes, this method is satisfactory for head-. 2 water depths above 0.75D, where D is the height of the culvert barrel. tance to the equivalent hydraulic grade line discussed previously. In Culvert capacity charts found in Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 10 this fraction do is the critical depth, as read from Charts 15 through . give a more accurate and easy solution for this free surface flow con- 20 and D is the culvert height. The value of do can never exceed D, dition. making the upper limit of this fraction equal to D. Where Tip is the greater of these two values, critical depth is submerged sufficiently *Headwater depth HW can be expressed by a common equation for all to make TW effective in increasing the headwater. The sketch in.fig- outlet-control conditions, including all depths of tailwater.' This ure 5 shows the terms of equation 3 for this low tailwater condition. is accomplished by designating the vertical dimension from the cul- Figure 5 is drawn similar to figure 2C, but a change in discharge can vert invert at the outlet to the elevation from which H is measured change the water surface profile to that of figure 2B or 2D. ••. as ho. The headwater depth HW equation is HW=H+ho -LSO (3) All the terms in this equation are in feet. H is computed by equation 2 or found from the full -flow, nomographs. L is the length of culvert in feet and So the barrel slope in ft. per ft. The distance ho is discussed in the following paragraphs for the various conditions of outlet -control flow. Headwater HW is the distance in feet from the invert of the culvert at the inlet to the water surface of the head- water pool. When the elevation of the water surface in the outlet channel is equal to or above the elevation of the top of the culvert opening'at the outlet, figure 2A, ho is -equal to the.tailwater depth. Tailwater 5-9 . 5-10 d � —�•Tw . do +D � 2 or TW-ho Computing Depth of Tailwater the need for channel protection. 'A change in size of culvert does not change outlet velocities appreciably in most cases. In culverts flowing with outlet control, tailwater can be an im- portant factor in computing both the headwater depth and the hydraulic Outlet velocities for culverts flowing with inlet control may be capacity of a culvert. Thus, in many culvert designs, it becomes nec- approximated bj computing the mean velocity for the culvert cross sec- essary to determine tailwater depth in the outlet channel. -tion using Mdnning's equation Much engineering judgment and experience is needed to evaluate 2,/3 1/2 R. SO possible tailwater conditions during floods. A field inspection should • Y - n be made to check on downstream controls and to determine water stages. Oftentimes tailwater is controlled by a downstream obstruction or by Since the depth of flow is not kno the use of tables or charts water stages in another stream. Fortunately, most natural channels are is recommended in solving this equation . 'The outlet velocity as wide compared to the culvert and the depth of water in the natural chan- computed by this method will usually be high because the normal depth, nel is considerably less than critical depth, thus the tailwater is in- assumed in using Manning's equation, is seldom reached in the rela- effective and channel depth computations are not always warranted. tively short length of the average culvert. Also, the shape of the outlet channel, including aprons and wingwalls, have much to do with. An approximation of the depth of flow in a natural stream (outlet be by the velocity occurring at the end of the. culvert barrel. channel) can made using Manning's equation (see page 5-12) if the Taichanging is not considered in reducing outlet velocities channel is reasonably uniform in cross section, slope and roughness. • tions.effectire for most inlet control conditions. for most Values of n for natural streams for use in Manning's equation may be found in Table 2, appendix B. p. 5-50. If the water surface in the In outlet control, the average outlet velocity will be the dis- outlet channel is established by downstream controls,, other means must.. charge divided by the cross -sectional area of flow at the outlet. be found to determine the tailwater elevation. Sometimes this neces- This flow area can be either that corresponding to critical depth, sitates a study of the stage -discharge relationship of another stream tailwater depth (if below the crown of the culvert) or the full cross into which the stream in question flows or the securing of data on res- section of the culvert barrel. ervoir elevations if a storage dam is involved. Velocity of Culvert Flow o es Pert rmance Curves A culvert, because of its hydraulic characteristics, increases Although the procedure given in this circular is primarly for use in selecting a size of culvert to pass a given discharge at a the velocity of flow over that in the natural channel. High velocities given headwater, a better understanding of culvert operation can be are most damaging just downstream from the culvert outlet and the ero- sion potential at this point is a feature to be considered in culvert gained by plotting performance curves through some range of discharges design. and barrel slopes. Such curves can also be used to compare the per- formance of different sizes and types of culverts. The construction Energy dissipators p for channel flow have been investigated in the of such curves is described in Appendix A, page 5-45• laboratory and many have -been constructed, especially in irrigation • channels. Designs for highway use have been developed and constructed Inlets and Culvert Capacity, at culvert outlets. All energy dissipators add to the cost of a cul- vert, therefore, they should be used only to prevent or to correct a (See Inlet shape, edge geometry and skew of the entrance affects cul- serious erosion problem. reference 5, p. 5-14.) . vert capacity. Both the sbape and edge geometry have been investiga- The judgment of engineers working in a particular area is re- ted by recent research but the effect of skew for various -flow condi- inlet edge quired to determine the need for energy dissipators at culvert out - tions as not been examined. Results show that the geometry h in inlet -control flow. lets. Asian aid in evaluating this need, culvert outlet velocities is particularly important to culvert performance A comparison of several types of commonly used inlets can be made by should be computed. These computed velocities can be compared with outlet velocities of alt-rnate culvert designs, existing culverts in referring to charts 2 and 5. The type of inlet has some effect on the area, or the natural stream velocities. In many streams the max - capacity in outlet control but generally the edge geometry, is'less imam velocity in the main channel is considerably high&r than the mean important than in inlet control. velocity for the whole channel cross-section.' Culvert outlet veloci- ties should be compared with maximum stream velocities in determining 3 See references page 5-1$. 5-12 . . 5-11 . i As shown by the inlet control nomograph on Chart 5, the capacity of a thin edge projecting metal pipe can be increased by incorporating the thin edge in a headwall. The capacity of the same thin edged pipe REFERENCES can be further increased if the entrance is rounded, bevelled or. tapered by the addition of an attachment or the building of these shapes into a headwall. Although research on improving culvert entrances is not com- 1. "Hydraulic Tables", Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. For sale by plete, sufficient data are available to permit the construction of Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, Chart 7, an inlet control nomograph for the performance of a bevelled D. C. Price $2.75. inlet on a circular culvert. A sketch on the nomograph shows the di- mensions of two possible bevels. Although nomographs have not been 2.."Hydraulic and Excavation Tables", U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. prepared for other barrel shapes, the capacity of box culverts can be For sale by Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, increased at little cost by incorporating a bevel into the headwall. Washington, D. C. Price $1.50. „ In computing headwater depths for outlet control, when the above bevel is used, ke equals 0.25 for corrugated metal barrels and 0.2 for con- 3. "Handbook of Hydraulics"i by H. W. King, McGraw-Hill Book Company, crete barrels. New York City. Figure 6 shows a photograph of a bevel constructed in the headwall 4. "Design Charts for Open -Channel Flow",-U. S. Department of Commerce, of a corrugated metal pipe. Bureau of Public Roads. For sale by Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Price 70 cents. _� ��� t�j �� I�•• �� �� r. 5. "Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basins and Energy Dissipators", by . ��, r�� ; -.�•-.,"+'�'� ,',1 ,, �, i A. J. Peterka, U. S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, '".zr �;,:�jz:. t• ri:' 'rt ° e =,s 1964. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Government �`-~� �-''�.'.�'�` sr : c "f'>, ,• �* w�= � �' Printing Office, Washington, D, C,, 2040C Engineer, rJ- Z 4 plt ��. S�'•L� 2 or the Chief ,--r- , �. ; �� �7 _ .. ,... i, � Bureau of Reclamation, Attention 841, Denver Federal Center, Denver, . . VN Colorado, 80225. Price $1.75. t' f ''. •a. t .y 71. 1:. ' °` fA�� �e 'NN ' F. Photo -- Courtesy of Oregon State Highway Department ir Figure 6 5-13 5-14 zr r r■i '�r it „�,� ,,,,,, ,,, ,,, rr �r ,rr ; r �.. r r _, Procedure for Selection of Culvert Size Step 3: Find headwater depth for trial -.size culvert. Step 1: List design data- • (See suggested tabulation form, figure 70 a.. Assuming INLET COXML P• 5-18.) (1) -Using,the trial size from step 2, find the headwater a. -Design discharge Q, in cfs., with.average return period. "depth HW by use of the appropriate inlet control nomo- (i.e- Q25 or Q50 etc.) .graph (Charts 1-7)- Tailwater TW conditions are to be neglected in this determination. HW in this case is b. Approximate length L of culvert, in feet. ' found by multiplying D obtained from the nomographs _ c. Slope of culvert. (If grade is given in percent,'convert by the height of culvert D. to slope in ft. per St.) (2) If HW is greater or.less than allowable, try another trial size until HW is acceptable for inlet control _ d. Allowable headwater depth, in feet, which is the vertical before computing HW for outlet control. distance from the culvert invert (flow line) at the en- trance to the water surface elevation permissible in the b. Assuming ouTLET cCnTRpL - headwater pool or approach channel upstream from the cul- vert. (1) Approximate the depth of tailwater TW, in feet, above - the invert at the outlet for the design flood condi- ' e. Mean and maximum flood velocities in natural stream. tion in the outlet channel. (See general discussion' on tailwater, P• 5-11.) f. Type of culvert for first trial selection, including bar- (2) -.For tailwater TW elevation equal to or greater than rel material, barrel cross -sectional shape and entrance the top of the culvert at the outlet set ho equal type, to TW and find HW by the following equation (equation 3)• Step 2: Determine the first trial size culvert. HW=H+ho-LSO . Since the procedure given is one of trial and error, the ini- tial trial size can be determined in several ways: Wwhere _ a. By arbitrary selection. HW = vertical distance in feet from culvert invert (flow line) at entrance to the b. By using an approximating equation such as = A from pool surface. 10 H e head loss in feet as determined from the which the trial culvert dimensions are determined. appropriate nomograph (Charts 8-14) :.. ho = vertical distance in feet from culvert ,., c. By using inlet control nomographs (Charts 1-7) for the invert at outlet to the hydraulic gradeHW .. culvert type selected. If this method is used an -line (In this case ho equals TW, measured ` HW in feet above the culvert invert.) must be assumed, say = 1.51 and using the given Q a - So =slope of barrel in ft:/ft. trial size is determined. _ L. _ culvert length in ft. If any trial size is too large in dimension because of limited (3) For tailwater TW elevations, less than the top of the , height of embankment or availability of size, multiple cul - culvert at the outlet, find headwater HW by equation . i verts may be used by dividing the discharge equally between 3 as is b(2) above except that the number of barrels used. .Raising the embankment height or. ho d- D the use of pipe arch and box culverts -with width greater than = or 2N, whichever is the greater 2 height should to considered. Final selection should be based on an economic analysis. . ' where • dc = critical depth in ft. (Charts 15 through - ' 20) . Note: do cannot exceed D o D = height'of culvert opening in ft. ` 5-16 Note: Headwater depth determined in b(3) becomes in- creasingly less accurate as the headwater com- puted by this method falls below the value 2 D + (1 + ke)2g. (See discussion under"Culvert Flowing Full with Outlet Control", p• 5-9•) c. Compare the headwaters found in Step 3a and Step 3b (In- let Control and Outlet Control). The higher headwater governs and indicates the flow control existing under the given conditions for the trial size selected. d. If outlet control governs and the HW is higher than is acceptable, select a larger trial size and find HW as in- structed under Step 3b. (Inlet control need not be checked, since the smaller size was satisfactory for this control as determined under Step 3a.) Step 4: Try a culvert of another type or shape and determine size and HW by the above procedure. Step 5: Compute outlet velocities for size and types to be considered in selection and determine need for channel protection. a. If outlet control governs in Step 3c above, outlet veloc- ity equals -, where Ao is the cross -sectional area of Ao flow in the culvert barrel at the outlet. If do or TW is less than the height of the culvert barrel use Ao corres- ponding to do or TN depth, whichever gives the greater area.of flow. Ao should not exceed the total cross - sectional area A of the culvert barrel. b. If inlet control governs in step 3c, outlet velocity can' be assumed to equal mean velocity in open -channel flow in the barrel as computed by Manning's equation for the rate of flow,.barrel size, roughness and slope of culvert. selected. Note: Charts and tables are helpful in . p computing outlet velocities. (See references p. 5-14.) Step 6: Record final selection of culvert with size, type, required headwater, outlet velocity, and economic justification. 5-17 .n It. co � ' PROJECT: DESIGNER: DATE: HYDROLOGIC AND CHANNEL INFORMATION 01 = TWI = 02 = Tw2 = 01 - DESIGN DISCHARGE. SAY 025 \ 02 - CHECK DISCHARGE SAY 050 OR 0100 J SKETCH STATION: EL. AHW= --.r..� Tw EL.—,. C° - - EL, . MEAN STREAM VELOMY= MAX STREAM VELOCI Y=' CULVERT DESCRIPTION (ENTRANCE TYPE) 0 SIZE HEADWATER COMPUTATION z ¢ i , » �> COST COMMENTS INLET CANT. OUTLET CONTROL HW=H + hp -LSp o HW Ke H dp d +D TW hp LSp HW SUMMARY 8 RECOMMENDATIONS mur-CONTROL MOGRAPES CHART Charts 1 through T t2 Instructions for Use 11 600 (2) (3) 500 EXAMPLE 6 9 10 1. To determine headwater (RW), given Q, and size and type of culvert. 10 400 3'.2'ee. o.retr. 0/0 • 1Sefs/rt s T 8 a. Connect with a straightedge the given culvert diameter or 9 . 300 MW 1.t.e 0 ae/ 6 6 65height 6 6 (D) and the discharge Q. or Q for box culverts; mark (1)) 1•75 3.5 S B intersection of straightedge on RW scale marked (1). 9 - 200 (2) 1.90 3.6 (3) zas a1 4 4 S 4 D b. If D scale marked (1) represents entrance type used, read D T 3 y on scale (1). If another of the three entrance types listed on ►- too 3 the nomograph is used, extend the point of intersection in (a) 6 0 horizontally to scale (2) or (3) and read D m so 2 2 -•• c. Compute RW by multiplying HW by D. D S In 60 S0 / ►- 2 1.S 2. To determine discharge (Q) per barrel, given NW, and size and type w ? 40 LS. of culvert. w U. m . a. Compute HW for given conditions. z o 4 0 x 30 P2`� 0 D m �- 3 rz U. 1.0 b. Locate D on scale for appropriate entrance type. If scale �/ (2) or (3) is used, extend D point horizontally to scale (1). U. 0 �' _ 9 1.0 to F 3 f w Aglt el �„ c. Connect point on scale (1) as found is (b) above and the x w / 0 / a to Wi.•.411 i1... - ' d c e 9 9 D size of culvert on the left scale. Read Q or Q on the dis- x x m s w charge scale. U, 6 3 0 .T -� d. If B is read in .(c) multiply by B (span of box culvert) to 2/ 0 a 4 Ho SCALE wFLARE L x 6 T ► ' find Q. z (1) 30.16 rs• 3. To determine culvert size, given Q, allowable RW and type of cul- • 3 (2) 90•..• IS• 131 0•I4a1t..teea .S vert. ,t of a. Using a trial size, compute BW .s .s DU.S. stale 121 •r pl ,re)tt1 . b. Locate Pi scale for appropriate entrance type. If scale eerltt.tell, le stele (1), let• .. ..e .Uayel I.tre rrt .t tewll .4 Don ' (2) or (3) is used, extend f point horizontally to scale (1). t 0 eM 0 ueln, ar none •. IItY.lrelt�. D HW c. Connect point on 7. scale (1) as found in (b) above to given .s .4 4 discharge and read diameter, height or size of culvert required t .6 .s 30 .35 t .3s for HW vat°°' HEADWATER DEPTH FOR BOX CULVERTS d. If D is not that originally assumed, repeat procedure with a WITH INLET CONTROL • new D. BUREAU O. PV•llt ROADS J.N. He) 5-19 5-21 CHART 2 CHART 3 180 10,000 168 6,000 EXAMPLE (1) (2) (3) 151 x 97 5000 EXAMPLE 156 6.000 0.42 Inches (3.5 feel) 6 6 -s- 30.300 of g' - O. 3o0 $#e (2) 144 5.000 a. 120 cte 5. 136aST 7.z000 (3) 4.000 tit • nw 6. 5. N ' Hw la.t) 4.0 132 3,000 o toot (1) Ls e.e 5. 4 4. 121 x T7 Pl =.B n.e (1) a.0 3.0 120 (2) 2.1 7.4 113 x 72 1000 It)c.= s.e 13) x•3 SA 3.0 . 2.000 (3) 2.2 7.7 4. 3. 800 +D In fed - - 108 AD In fed 3. 106168 600 i. 2.0 _ 2.0 96 1.000 3' 98 x 63 500 j - 91 x56 40i 'w�fr' �.X! - 2.0 - 800 LS 84 6 __ __ -► 2. 2- 0 83 x 53 00 1.5 -- 00 // r 200. \ 3 S LS T2 400 2. _ � 6 x 48 W x 300 tet�� Ef� S 1.5 1.5 Z IL _ - To..* ... 4 (2)er(3) d- a $#.eight li o W N ¢ 2 eA / - on o. 68 x 43 a U. 100 sh••.sh sn..n veba. . Z 60 0 200 1.5 J z 80 e.: t.r.of it, ect sH.h (Ij I.0 1.0 . 2 W j I- point - avoid (1) 2 1'0 O 54 C U-60 x 38 W60 1.117 to iM W •9 ,9 fY 100 G 0 - c9 SO -%W- we- .M. W er l!). f .9 143 > 48 / W ¢ 80 ? a 53 x 34 cc = 40 Z e .9 lx 30 u /2 p 60 w 1.0 L0 K 49 x32 c d m U. _ 50 HW ENTRANCE a 20 T .7 .7 rr 40 D SCALE TYPE 1'0 D- 45 x 29 36 9 9 in HW�D ENTRANCE W- ►w W 30 (1) SB••ro edge .Its � W N 42 x 2T - SCALE TYPE Q ir 6 .6 us 33 . hoed.an c .9 U) a 6 a QQ (2) Groove end with W 10 to) Save. edge .ith W C 30 Med.elt = .6 8 38 x 24 8 hese.etl = (3) Greev end .8 - allr.w.e end .ith 27 grePeliy 6 ... he•e.e0 S .5 .S 10 5 93) G..v. end 8 .T T 4 Mel.cling - 24 .7 6 30 x l9 3 To a.a scale 12) or (3) yro)ett - 21 5 herlcontell) to acola (1).tMa - - ,4 .4 4 au ahelghl I.cilnod line throng► 2 .4 • o sad o webs. or reverse as .6 _ � - 3 Illtntretod. 6 6 s o 2 1.5 23 x )4 1.0 15 11.0 HEADWATER DEPTH FOR 5 5 OVAL CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS . LONG AXIS HORIZONTAL 12 HEADWATER DEPTH FOR WITH INLET CONTROL aVaf:AU Or ►UBLtC *DADS J11 N. i%! - CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS HEADWATER SCALES 293 REVISED MAY 1964 WITH INLET CONTROL - '. 5_23 - BUREAU Or PUBLIC ROADS JAN. 1*93 5-22 CHART 4 CHART 5 97 a iSl 190 10.000 I' ) 5000 Ise 8,000 EXAMPLE 87 ■ 136 4000 .EXAMPLE 2 ) (3) IS6 6,000 o•ssl.ct..p.oH.q 12) 6. 3000 site: 36'. to' 6 5,000 6. cs cf• .. (3) 0.200 too _ 6 144 4.000 Rw' Rw 5. 6. T7 a 121 72000 • Rw 5 5 132 3,000 B j1i1j S. 6. 72 a 113 (1) 2.6 13.0 5 - 4 120 W 2.000 (t1 2.t 6.3 S. sea 106 It) 2.0 10.0 4 y < rn L.z c.6 4. 1000 . lal 2.t IO.e 3_ 108 i to 1. feet 3. 4. 63 a 98 800 0 : Het 3 a 3• 96 1,000 SB a 91 600 / 2 800 3' 500 a, N W 53 2 83 - / 400 f� = 2 84 m 600 SOO - 2. I.s LS r 400 Z. = 48 a 78 200 m LS 1 m 72 300 W / on To too .col. (2) o,(3) V• O • 43 a 6� v ere. It.er•ifM live - p ? 60 U - 200 f,/ . I.S 1.5 i '7. tM.•at too- -I.•e y = Z f*'� cclot J of site Me ei.ct.rfe - 100 to 1.1.....I ...1. (1). 2 W 1.0 1.0 0 34 � w - de ' 38 a 60 O .. 6p fn. iei.l •..c.t.11l F 1.0 _� 101�� U tJ ir.l•.t tnrit..tol1T to = .9 .9 1 ct: u a 0 p 60 a1.1i•. •. •i1Mr $col. - ,9 w 48 cc 80 p IN 34 a 53 a = 50 (1)0,0 )_- •8 •8 �N _� v 60 Z 1.0 1.0 N N 40 Co. 4 42 / p 50 F At 32 a 49 O 30 G T 7 C 40 0 1.0 z HW/D ENTRANCE ' m •T . w 36 30 HW ENTRANCE o , H 29a45 20 SCALE TYPE < m U SCALE TYPE 9 . 2T x 42 •• (1) swe .he .itR o .6' .6_ a S3 20 (q R.•e..0 c .8 .8 tW,( (L) Cww...e .i.R W i - 30 - Mlluse to nnlsrs Q S .8 24 a 38 10 A..e..0 u ..10 to.foie 6rm0 e.e .5 .5 Cl - 27 fnl.cll.t .5 8 8.. i 24 .. _ .T 5 a 6 4 - .. - 5 T.... ... to It) or 131 ir.iat 19 s 30 q 21 -' 4 Bwit-1.1y to $..1. (1). the. .6 3 .4 ... weigh I.clI..e li.e Welsh .6 I I3 O -4 o .c.t.., •r r... no as .6 2 O 2 1S y 1.0 1.0 .5 14 it 23 HEADWATER DEPTH FOR (2 HEADWATER DEPTH FOR OVAL CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS C. M. PIPE CULVERTS LONG AXIS VERTICAL WITH INLET CONTROL. WITH INLET CONTROL BUREAU Of PUBLIC ROADS Jr1R..9.a BUREAU Of PUBLIC ROADS JAR. 1993 5-24 5-25 CHART 6 CHART 7 to.' 4.000 - - 4 IS'-4'a 9'-3' 3,000 EXAMPLE 4 3) - sic.: 39. It* 3 4 2.000 0• to CIS - r3 Nw• Nw. 3 . aw D (f..l) 3 a j 11'-S'a (1) L10 2.0 2 50, 1.000 tt) 135 2.1 - ` 800 (31 L12 2.2 . • u Ir _ 9'-6' x 6'-S' 600 •o to t•.r 2 2 - S00 - _c 8'-2' it S''9' 400 l.5 1•5 300 I.S 7'- 0' a 5'-1' 200 = 6'-I• it 4'-T -- -- u 1.0 • a TZ' a 44' u 100 � 3 I.0 _ o. Z 8O "ol _ .9 1.0 o 63'x 40' 60 +��� a .9 I W O SO .9_ •8 .8 w W 58' a 36' " U. K 40 0 0 30 �� .8 aS 0' x 31' _N / m .7 7 rn c 20 H N HW ENTRANCE ? D SCALE TYPE _ T 43's 2T' �� _ - � 10 lil MO•r•i q nnl.Iw 0 - .6 • t3 / - /36' B 1. dq•cc - It 22' (31 haj•cliy H e it 6 z a S o a 4 IS, 'S S S 29' i IB' 3 a.Acsel.11i b ud. (II. IM. n• .IralyM LcNn/ lie. IM..9A 25' a 16' 2 - _ .4 .4 1.0 ( I .4 .6 35 .35 B' a 11' LL S L 35 '�FADOITIONAL SIZES NOr DIMENSIONED ARE. .: HEADWATER DEPTH FOR LISTED IN FABRICATOR'S CATALOG C. M. PIPE -ARCH CULVERTS W"AU M PUPLIC RDADa JAI. tIN3 WITH INLET CONTROL a I80 168 156 132 120 108 1 O j C EN7R.NCE iV/E 0.04L QO43 0.04% 0.053 A 0.051 sits 0.042 0.1tS 6 -3000 BEVELLED RING MINIMUM 300' r2000 e '1 DIAMETER• 96 1000 800 84 600 S00 400 T2 rA 300 W ? 60 200 V Z _ i o S4 F -100 W 48 Z 80 o 60 a` 42 u SO 40 1- 36• uuf 30 _ X'Mt`E� a 0 33 _�� 0 A 8 3.6 3.0 3.0 O 2.0 - 2.0 N C W I.- W 1.3 1.5 a 0 Z O. ► W O c W 4i 1.0 I.0 c W .6 r .8 2T 10 .7 .T 24 6 . S 21 4 .6 .6 3 18 2 . .S2 .52 IS 1.0 HEADWATER DEPTH FOR 1z CIRCULAR PIPE CULVERTS BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS WITH BEVELLED RING AIARCN 1964 INLET CONTROL 5-27 MR" CHART 4 97051 151 180 10.000 (, ) 5000 I68 8,000 EXAMPLE 87 a 136 4000 EXAMPLE (Q) (3) 156 6.000 0.36I.cAee 13.0 feel 6. (2) 3000 34.: 3a-■ 60• . 6 5.000 0.66 •la ) \3) O•LDO cla (�) 6 144 4.000 Nay ter S. 8• 77 a 121 r 2000 Vic• Nw 6 S 5 132 3.000 0 P.01 5, rs. M s 113 '. - 0 P••q .. 10 1.4 13.0 - 5 4 4 120 S a 2,000 - III 1.5 3.4 - 1Lf L.1 6.3 5. 66 a 106 (21 2.0 10.0 4 3 i ts) [.L ss 4. 1000 t31 2.1 10.5 3_ 108 ,� 3. 4. 63 a 98 000 •0 i. 1..1 J a 00 {o feet 3 96 F 1,000 - 3• 58 a 91 600 2 600 3. to\ 500 400 �,,, 3 2 84 WP 0600 y w 0 53 a 83 � 1.3- LS 1 500 300 /� 2 2. 48 a T6 / / let400 y 1.5 } to 72 300 / g 2 w / 200 To U. 1 _ U /� ; 2 1.5 - d 43. 6 to / Y. o• •cote (L) ar (3) 4•. s sirsight lino p = U. O 200 6� LS d / U N1ee.SA know .oN•a U)Z 60 Z *6� LS O 100 a {n.rseaea{a0). 1 1.0> 1.0 C 54 w • BOFom rnw t.te 1.00 ' f•, -, w 100 % - w Msj•at k.N..n1.11L 10 _ 9 .9 1 v Q • f7 Co 60 s.1.Y.n .w aMo .cote - ,9 > 48 .4 80/ c W 34 A 53 .4 _ 50 ILIsr131. _ 1- .8 8 J = �• 60 Z 1.0 1.0 N 40 W 4 42 �o SO m 32:49 0 30 o 7 T O 40 W 1.0 _ HW/O ENTRANCE''Yw1 7 36 30 p HW ENTRANCE w N 29a45 20 SCALE TYPE a 1w k- SCALE p TYPE F w w 27 a 42 (1 36o .or. ad.ilk 0 .6 6_ Q 33 20 G Iq M•od.al G .8 ,B ,9 N ` y - M.d.oll (L) rows .nd RNIr 4 w = � p 50 Y{lvai eeaferm - Q (>) to - 24 a 38 - 10 Mod.ou - -. b SN • _ r .8 6 13) cr.oc• ..d 5 .S .5 c 27 10 (A ►r.j.Oti.S .T ,T 8 6 i 24 .7 5 m 6 . 4 S To Colo (L) N 131 rr.1.c1 19 a 30 �,� 4 4 4 21 4 A«Itona111 1. atd• tl), IA.A .6 _ 5 I _ 3 su olni•AI Intlln.d IU• IAr soSA 0 o.d 0 scd.o, or ...0". to .6 .6 2 0 2 IS 11.0 3 14 a 23 1.0 .5 HEADWATER DEPTH FOR -- 12 HEADWATER DEPTH FOR OVAL CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS C. M. PIPE CULVERTS LONG AXIS VERTICAL WITH INLET -CONTROL WITH INLET CONTROL BUREAU Or ►OSI.IC ROADS JAN. 1943 BUREAU 0% WSUC ROADS JAN. 1963 - - 5-24 5-25 ■� ■■� r i■� Minn M M r M M ' OUTLET -CONTROL NOMOGRAMS 2. Values of n for commonly used culvert materials. Charts 8 through 14 Concrete Instructions for Use: _ Pipe Boxes Outlet control nomographs solve equation 2, P. 5-6, for head H 0.012 0.012 when the culvert barrel flows full for its entire length.. They are also used to determine head H for some part -full flow conditions with outlet control. These nomographs do not give a complete solution for Corrugated Metal finding headwater HW, since they only. give H in equation 3, HW - H+ho-LSo• (See discussion for "Culverts Flowing with Outlet Control", P. 5-5-) 1 Medium Large Corrugations Corrugations Corrugatic 1. To determine head H for a given culvert. and discharge Q. 2' a. Locate appropriate nomograph for type of culvert selected. Unpaved 0.024 0.027 Varies-' Find ke for entrance type in Appendix B, Table 1, p• 5-49• 25% Paved 0.021 0.023 0.026 b. Begin nomograph solution by locating starting point on length scale. To locate the proper starting point on the length Fully paved 0.012 0.012 0.01' scales follow instructions below: *Variation in n with diameter shown on charts. The various n (1) If the n value of the nomograph corresponds to that of values have been incorporated into the nomographs and no ad - the culvert being used, select the length curve for the justment for culvert length is required as instructed in lb(3). proper ke and locate the starting point at the given cul- vert length. If a ke curve is not shown for the selected ke, see (2) below. If the n value for the culvert se- 3. To use the box culvert nomograph, chart 8, for full -flow for other lected differs from that of the nomograph, see (3) below. than square boxes. (2) For the n of the nomograph and a ke intermediate between a. Compute cross -sectional area of the rectangular box. the scales given, connect the given -length on adjacent scales by a straight line and select a point on this b. Connect proper point (see instruction 1) on length scale to bar line spaced between the two chart scales in proportion to the ke values. 1� rel area) and mark .point on turning line. (3) For a different rougbness coefficient nl than that of C. Pivot the straightedge on_this point on the turning line and the chart a, use the length scales shown With an adjusted connect given discharge rate. Read head in feet on the bead (H) scale. length Ll, calculated by the formula Ll = L n 1 See instruction 2 for n. values. c. Using a straightedge, connect point on length scale to size of culvert barrel and mark the point of crossing on the "turning line". See instruction 3 below for size considerations for rectangular bcx culvert. The area scale on the nomograph is calculated for barrel cross- d. Pivot the straightedge on this point on the turning line and sections with span B twice the height D; its close correspondence wit:, connect given discharge rate. Read head in feet on the head . area of square boxes assures it may be used for all sections interme- (H) scale. For values beyond the limit of the chart scales, diate between.square and B - 2D or B = 1/2D. For other box proportio:. ' find H by solving equation 21 P- 5-6. use equation 2 for more accurate results. 5-29 . 5-30 CHART 8 CHART 9 5000 2000 4000 N 3000 �iy �. _ N a �)• R. 4 s1.F. So-.. 2000 ., 1000 _ _ .. ` SUBMERGED OUTLET CULVERT FLOWING FULL .5 . SUBMERGED OUTI[T CULVERT FLOWING FULL 800 120 - iM wlNl cr..n nN .ub—t-d —V.I. MW by / own. III -ob, IM {..i" MK.dm •6 _ - MIN!• N. �.-L$• - 12X12 F. -M.l s.... MI .+Mn.n.•, s«nwl. Nw by 4 RMIb.4 d.... i►N M MN A.NM p....W. - 600 108 B 1000 .S 500 96 N,' 1.0 800 tOX10 1600 100w 6 400 84 9X9 BO Uw � - S00 w BXB 60 � � B 300 72 / M. 400 Z 7%T SO Q . FACT 9 t.0 66 ti- �� (F`yc 2 0 X 300 0 6X6 40 Vl ? 44. 4.� �( w OJ .� �i ti U) 200 60 Op / �6 W U. o m 30 X F • .0 Op yA z o 54 b /y Z _ 2 200 -K 5X5 m '� ti lI'l., V . - by t 2 Z .- In = p.4e 48� ��•110 ry00 _ = b H 20 -a b 1� W 100 z / �j pp �J a U- 4X4 Z apa t+� = 3 42 �p0 = 4 0 33X3 S o j /. mop ypp 4 _ BOi//z � 160 _ 3 6 �p0 ap� . S o 100 i BO 10 ¢ `•, ,�09 MOO S U a m 33 6 C0 6 w 3X3 U. g O /�• p0 b 6 0 50 F LO 30 hop 60 25X2.5 a ¢ / / I[Y�MFL�- _ __�- �- _'- M�7.i 8 40 2 a O 27 y00 O g S0 6 _ ���� - • 40 eD+30 Y4 30 - 20 21 20 20 IB 20 10 iS 10 B . B HEAD FOR HEAD FOR CONCRETE BOX CULVERTS CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS FLOWING FULL GURE.0 of HSS n = 0.012 FLOWING FULL PUBLIC ROADS JAN. BUREAU OF "L IC RODS JAN. 1963 - n = 0.0 12 -. 5-31 5-32 CHART 10 CHART II 2000 2000 N .4 1000 r '—} 0.4 1000 ` _i Nw _.- .S 000 _ SIe O. Sys SUBMERGEO OUTLET CULVERT. FLOWING FULL - O•S' - 800 ► J •6 151 s 97 IOW. N•e.-Ls. 120 SUBMERGED OUTLET CULVERT FLOWING FULL - 600 136 087 - t.. MIL1 ew-w M1 evC..a.N. taw F.I. NW 111 - nNIN.. MpieN iR IM d.a/. px..eM 0.6 600 500 108 "We N • A* —Ls* 01 - M wlM1l CIea1 wel wS.we. �. eew q MR, - I y .6 500 0.7 UMI1q N.cNMe IM Ir :4 MK er. 121R77 .�.. 0.8 400 96 to 400 1133172 :' - 0.9 �- 300 84 106 2 68 1.0 ?J 300 98163 I e •Q? F 200 T2 y 91R58 .'p �� • 'A 66 p� Cry W 2 200 W 831153 .p `p0 s 'y 60 ; w !� 4 O u z 76R48 'Oo �y w LL O s 4. y0 2 y 68R43 y0 p AN W "41 'S l^�' 2. 2 100 W 80 48 0 ,e - V 3 �V _ . O — / Ii., c Z 42 Lqo/ 00 ,� c 4 LJ 100 `038 ` ry0 '/ .100 i 3 _ 60cc m% x a B0 K give___ i cp ` li 0 Q 0 = 30 0 36 Too 5 .0 - - rn = a 49a32 O by m \ 'E�'4R• ap x 4 - - o N 40 w 3 3 // 'moo '. 6 c 60 45s29 O o•ss m —F- — 36" /• _Lx1tM►_Lc `�-_'_ ____.5OO N`.s SO N 42s27 5 S0 8 - - 40 a 38 S 24 NOTE �` Di.w.m:ew. ew .;Is c 1. R.. N• 6 c 20 27 - 400 10 - - rc.•N ter 1-9 ..:e Mr:.ewlN - �� 7 24 400 30 :..wl.I-. Th.? .M� d Ye - .1 6 . rMr.N I. I.we w.:. Hrl:ce1. 9 21 500 301119 10 b� . ... 20 .. 10 8 to' - 23x14 6 1S . 5 10 20 4 12 3 '. 6 5 2 HEAD•FORHEAD FOR OVAL CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS STANDARD LONG AXIS HORIZONTAL OR ,VERTICAL C. M. PIPE CULVERTS . FLOWING- FULL'. FLOWING FULL., - BUREAU OF PUBLIC RODS JAN.1963 :: :. - .; . '- n = 0.012 " - .• ..... BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROAOS JM .Bes ... "�. .• = ". n = 0.024 - 5-33 - 5-34 - CHART 12 - CHART 13 300 N91 �. 5000 - 200 __ N ' sNr• Sew SUBMERGED OUTLET CULVERT FLOWING FULL. 4000 M W . N. 4e—LSe � 11• 1 . _ I. MINI eleee MI we►ele Nw M M lheee Me•ri►e• iR lee ee.i" McCeewe SHF• = 4 3000 SUBMERGED OUTLET GULULvER[RT FLAWING FULL .. ' O� 180 NW N.M—LSe 90 - J ep - •5 fer MIN ae.R eel wMwgq, ewewl• Nw ET R�e1R•ee 1••wleN in IM •eNp rree.eere . e0 O ( 'r tl`y 6. 2000 168 70 72eX44' i00 ^'A F- T. 156 2 - 60 6TX40' 400 y w 40 �' _ .8 N 144 -' SO _ u� 51 rX3CC y — `Op S .9 L0 _ Z 132 3 40—.....a CL \f� --—�� �.L Q. W 1000 120 '_ `�JbO �yG+� W S1YX31� --� zErAYR! Z00 = ~� 114 - 4 30 . '� —� �� Ne1.7 B00 O I .- 108 O y W 'J Y. c O 4�X27• y00 L6 T00 F 102 90 �O C%y 5 ¢ \ 2. = 600 96 60 ZO 2 - 300 \es�o 300 O 500 C 90 `�\L4f.!`00 �� W T O as 36'x22• - \- r 4e'Q` 3 u a 84 �� 04 /� y0F1 = y .. "0 _ ¢ 400 Z N . 400 4 L2 U) = 78 /i �- y00 0.eepCF—�wPLC 300 9 t0 10 N 2s'xIer 500 Soo S c 300 2 ►T s ItSx1 -bop 6' IS 7 7 200 _ q00 8 8 60 g ~ S CO 20 S t0 - 100 30 3 —40 - IV IV 0.0311 - - QObOz SO .Q HEAD FOR ' So HEAD. FOR STANDARD M. PIPE -ARCH CULVERTS STRUCTURAL PLATE CORR. METAL . PIPE. CULVERTS R FLOWING FULL F NG FULL BUREAU or rftlC ROADS JAN. 1993 • n=0.024 n = 0. 3281 TO 0.0302 0 • _ ...... ; " ..: : .. ... , ' .: BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS J/N. t963 - .. .. . 5-35 . -: 5-36 . CHART . 14 CHART 15 5 4 3000 " 3' "w _t M Z CRITICAL DEPTH SUBMERGED OUTLET CULVERT FLOWING FULL '� - 2000 "w•"••.�s. RECTA GULAR S CTION 1 1 -' - - - isr MINI stw11 MI .MwwN/r HwP•N "M �! ' - wslM/s hssrlN/ in IM /sslp PrsNhrs - - - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 16.6 X 10.1 O2J by �yC� Q/p 1000 �, W 15.3 X 9.2 QJ p y w 2 LL 16 boom qg Fi^ z a � 1600 129 X 8.3 9p 15 = L3 TOO S 3 h U. cc `p0 14 0 500 a 1 L4It 7.2 / z a OZ/ 20C 4 O 400 a . • 900 13 4 U. 0 9.5 X & 4 5 u 300 3p0 4p0 12 Uf 6.2 X 5.6- EXAMPLE 6 - p Z 0.260 CfS "•6.1 iT. - 400 7 1 1 a IL / i 9 LL. E00 m 7.0: 0.1 bp0 9 Z 10 N rA 10 -. 6.1 It4.6 S"' .. A -. 9 - - 6.1 t 4.6 0.03ET - - n z� u . 3.e 0.0321 . i z 11.4 ■ T.2 mil aIm1 0.0313 0.0306 - 15 8 100 7 -. 20 HEAD FOR 6 STRUCTURAL PLATE CORRUGATED METAL s 50 PIPE- ARCH CULVERTS IB IN. CORNER RADIUS Appendix B - TABLES Table 1. - Entrance Loss Coefficients Coefficient ke to apply to velocity head � for determination of head loss at entrance to a structure, such as a culvert or conduit, operat- ing full or partly full with control at the. outlet.' Entrance head loss He = ke V2 Type of Structure and Design of Entrance Coefficient ke. Pipe, Concrete Projecting from fill, socket end (groove -end) 0.2 Projecting from fill, sq. cut end . ... . . . . . . 0.5 Headwall or headwall and wingwalls Socket end of pipe (groove -end) . . . . . . . . . 0.2 Square -edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5 Rounded (radius = 1/12D). . . . . . . . . 0.2 Mitered to conform to fill slope .. 0.7 *End -Section conforming to fill slope . . . . . . . . . 0.5 Pipe, or Pipe -Arch, Corrugated Metal Projecting from fill (no headwall) . . . . . . . 0.9 Headwall or headvall and wingwalls.... . Square -edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5 Mitered to conform to fill slope . . . . 0.7 *End -Section conforming to fill slope . . . . . _ 0.5 Box, Reinforced Concrete Headwalt parallel to embankment (no vingvalls) Square -edged on 3 edges . . . . . . . . 0.5 Rounded on 3 edges to radius of 1/12 barrel dimension . . . . . . 0.2 Wingwalls at 300 to 75°•to barrel Square -edged at crown . . . •. . . . . 0.4 Crown edge rounded to radiusof.1/12 barrel dimension . . •. . . Wingwalls at 100 to 25Qto barrel• 0.2 Square -edged at crown . . . .. 0.5 Wingwalls parallel (extension of sides). Square-edged.at crown . . . . . . 0.7 *Note: "End Section conforming to fill slope", made of either metal or concrete, are the sections commonly available from manufacturers. From limited hydraulic tests they are equivalent in operation to " a headwall in both inlet and outlet control. Some end sections, incorporating a closed taper in their design have a.superior hy- draulic performance. These latter sections can be designed using. . the information given for the bevelled inlet, p..5-13. 5-49 w-i CTT y N n 0 O « e . s 9 f" N :S1 �� Or ill i 11 II m � a o 1"'N" m ON n Z 0 h px= a 0 N 0 aoo o A m z N. 0 ► _ Q� \ a Q. G► 4 N o H n o� o� 4 �; � yA tiQ D �- p Z ly N a Z z z i e yl .� h M N h' OI4 fr+1 N N i i r . \0 A S n E4 4 N V h g a II II _ _p S 0 8 �' � n IN n o _ fA %0 w V = m - O ^e 'o i CL -4 rn M Z to W W = 0 CIO 0 � 0 N00 n rn f e^ r fl r f n o h u h x n �� I\, rn 11 O am 0 r x S, P, S + p o o Q e r zXI 0 1 as ry o+ •' e, 1A C !0 W Z S 0 i LMop N 1N r r m . ql�N 0 Q I�pp VI � � -j � p !O CONTROLLING : h N 11 N �D 6. N YW 52 -1 C) M \ \ OUTLET 11 II 2 VELOCITY m � S r �m IV N l.. • klp a df n.. a m S'-allaofd 3 IVUSWI'II - 3 xTpuaddy PROJECT: DESIGNER: DATE: 2-/B - 64 HYDROLOGIC AND CHANNEL INFORMATION SKETCH STATION : 3 7-/ f /4 EL, //z AHW= e•.S =----L 01 = /bo c/.R Qco TWI = S. o ' 4_ 02= TW2= So _/X TW s. � . /o L= /vo• EL99 r 01 DESIGN DISCHARGE, SAY OZS MEAN STREAM VELOCITY= 8 yea OZ = CHECK DISCHARGE , SAY 050 OR 0loo > MAX. STREAM VELOCITY= /0 7sec. CULVERT HEADWATER COMPUTATION Z , OESCRIPTION 0 SIZE ¢ _ �o COST COMMENTS INLETCONT. OUTLET CONTROL HW=H+hO-LSD o HW KD H dC dC+D TW h0 LSD HW (ENTRANCE TYPE) Cb7P (Cl-) A'-- N.d..i( /60. ILO 4B� 2.ZS 0.0 S B.3 3.7 3.8 3 3.8 /. o //./ //./ /.Jt N`' Nyw V-/-os/r -r d� /Fio 34 ASG 7.0 ,S 4.7 .3.6 4.1. 3 4./ /.o 78 7.B c- crotc c:r) sr.rdye-11.e-1 /60 4B- 2-35' 9.4 4.7 3.7 3.8 38 /.o 7.1" 9.Q /4' //., Arh .S 3 Yr st^ •• /6o S4" /.6 7 Z -S 2.9 '.6 4.1 3 4.1 /a 6.o 7.L /4,1 Ru. Nw oc. V-1 -c^V C-..craM c:r) end ijraoVC .N0 /� 48 /-9S 7.8 -Z 4.o 3.7 3.9 3 as la6.8 7.8 /4. Nw-c V�/• Ir 1r SUMMARY 8 RECOMMENDATIONS THE SELECTION Of A 54' DIP WITH HEAOMALL WILL KEEP THE HEADWATER SELOM THE AHB WITH A MINIMUM OUTLET VELOCITY. A IBN CONCRETE PIPE WITH GROOVE EDGED ENTRANCE GIVES EQUAL Hill AND SLIGHTLY NIGHER OUTLET VELOCITY. PROTECTION OF ; OUTLET CHANNEL HIGHT RE NECESSARY IN SORE LOCATIONS. _ i. 1.500 2.400 0.004 0.6' 0.4 2.000 0.3 0.005 I t.000 800 1,500 0.006 0.6 0.2 I 600 1'�0 0.007 0.008 0.7 500 809 0,009 _ 0.1 400 600 0.01 0.8 0.08 ' 300 800 0.9 0.06 0.05 400 t.0 0.04 200 300 20 � 0.02 ' 0.03 1 200 15 a 0.02 Alf0.03 100 ' 80 30 0.01 100 9 a 0.04 0.008 so 50 B0 96 8 0 0,10 Us 0.006 1 T 40 60 84 7y 7 d 6 or w 9.08 D.06 0.06010 2 0.005 0.004 9 30 50 c LM 5 '= u OQ 0.003 60 0. n 40 n Ln 54 u 0.030.09 1 " ° 20 �a`� ° 48 42 4 w 0.02 0/� 0.002 I m 20 '5-U 3 O.OtS 3 3 o =' _a 33 a 30 Q` d It/. s a 0 00J to a A 0.001 0.0008 C10 `0 27 24 w c 0.006 in 0.0006 f 0.0005 29 6 20 a 21 A ` 4 .5 I. 0.0004 5' t C 18 0,3 0.0003 t 1 G 4 6 p 15 5 I ' 5 0.4 _ 0.0002 '• 3 4 2 1 0.5 � 2 3. 10 0.6 6 • 0.0001. �... 1 9 0.7 ' 0.00008 ! 2 0,9 0100006 1.0 6 1.0 8 0.00005 .: 0,00004 1 0.8 9 0.00003 0.6 1.0 4 = 10 0.5 0.6 � v 0.00002 1 2 \ 0.4 0.6 r 0.3 0.5 � 0.00001 1 0.4 0 3 0.000008 i 1 0.2 0.3 15 0.000006 4 0.000005 0.:3 f .? 5 18 0.000004 -Alignment chart for Manning formula for pipe flow. CHART•A (REF. 2) f0 9 � 8 Curb W 6 ---- a -�--_�. a WIDTH(8) W 4 Li cr- -.•� LENGTH (Lb) 2 P■ 2B+Lp ' As AREA OF CLEAR OPENING IN GRATE TO ALLOW FOR CLOGGING DIVIDE P OR 1.5 A 15Y 2 BEFORE OBTAINING d. 'n WITHOUT CURB P■ 2(B+Lh) .0 a. 08 LLJ 0 3 •a 5 6 7 a 910 15 20 ' DISCHARGE PER SQUARE FOOT OF EFFECTIVE CLEAR OPENING, r o.a ' W 0.6 W Lt. Z oa t� LD -' W 0.2 0 CC W �o d W CURVE (A) ,. i USE CURVE (A) FOR GRATE LESS THAN DEPTHS 0.f3 FT. OVER 1 0.1 015 0.2 0.3 QV 0.5 O.G QT ORO.91.0 l5 .2 3 DISCHARGE PER FOOT OF EFFECTIVE PERIMETER ' HYDPtAULIC CAPACITY OF GRATE INLET IN SUMP CHART B (REF. 12) ' APPENDIX C ' HYDRAULICS OF DRAINAGE CHANNELS ' THE MANNING EQUATION. Water flows in a sloping drainage . channel because of the force of gravity. The flow is resisted ' bythe friction between the water and the wetted surface of the channel. The quantity of water flowing (Q), the depth of floe (d), ' and the velocity of flow (V) depend upon the channel shape, roughness, and slope (So). Various equations have. been devised to -express the flow of water.in open channels. A useful equation for channel de- sign is that named for Robert. Manning, an Irish engineer. The Manning equation for velocity of flow in open channels is V =.149 R2/3S1/2 n Where ' V means velocity in feet per second-(f.p.s.) n = Manning coefficient of channel roughness R hydraulic radius,' in feet, ' a S _..slope', in feet per foot. When the Manning qu equat ion applies, S = SO. The value of the Manning coefficient n-is determined by experi ment. Some n values for various types of channels are given in ' Table 2 R, the hydraulic radius, is a shape factor that depends only upon the channel dimensions and the depth of the flow. It is com- puted by the equation, 1 A R =`TP ' Where A = cross -sectional area of the flowing water in square feet taken at right angles to the direction of flow. -- WP= wetted perimeter or the length, in feet, of the wetted contact between a stream of water and -its containing channel, __. C-1 measured in a plane at right angles to the flow. direction of Another basic equation in hydraulics is Q=AV ' or discharge (Q) is the product of -the cross -sectional area (A) and the mean. velocity (V). By combining equations (2) and (4), the Manning equation can be used to compute discharge directly or Q = 1..49 AR2/3S1/2 The.following tables and charts have been taken from existing technical publications to assist the design engineer drainage channels. in designing 1 C-2 i m m m r m m= m m m m m= m m m m m Section Area Wetted Perimeter Hydrou/ic,Fodias Tov Width cr P r T T` Z bdf�d2 bf2�d b bh2d Z2t/ Trooc2oid - --- bd bo' b t 2d b b bf 2d Rectangle T ' g sAI d2 2d �2t/ �d 2gd v bJ 2 f/ Trion g/e T ------ 2 8d2 2dTZ 3 0 3 . dT rf 3T' 3T2t8d2 Zd Porob o/a L- L � A D 2 Ile_ sine 7rDe 45.Ia 711 - sin 6 B 1� sin 2 8 /80 364 Fel8O or 2 d�.D-d� Circle-<%z fuj/ T D TT9 ---- Z Zr sine TI,D �360-6� 45D IT0 27T--tsinB B .D sin Z . 8 /80 360 7r(36o•B) /so _ or 2 d�D dJ 3 Circle -> �--- (l satisfactory cooroximotion for the interval O< < 0.25 ep=dWhen d/7>025: f8 zsinh-� L 9=4sin_� d/_DI Insert 6 in eogrees in above e9c '1ations 13 0=4cos ld—ID J. .3 .2 CO EQUATION: V • 1. 9 R% Soh t , 40 i W 30 1 _I -' .01 10 = 09 i 0 06 S ~ 20 07 .06 .6 . 05 T, 0• •8 .0Y .03 9 Ao 1.0 10 C I I 9 � NO2 CO 6 3 Z 03 LLI ° a 1Qs uai T r.o V •o c u- (f) �4) 6 U_ .04 a _ a W .01 009 Q 2 m S U �•- w .006 � 05 0R` 1a to 'C :007 4 (n W 006 J /� r W 06 Z 005000a a 3;�� _ aT J s�%/ C 0 3 ' V) o4 )- J O .08 = w 4 > .09 005 10 S 2 002 6 T 6 001, 9 0009 10 I,0 •2 0008 0007 9 ' 0006 6 0005 .T .3 0004 .8 • 0003 120 .5. .4 MANNING FORMULA NOMOGRAPH TABLE 2 (.REF. 2 2 ) ' Table 2.-Manning Roughness Coefficlents, n' Manning n I. Closed conduits: range s A. Concrete pipe .......................................... 0.011-0.013 B. Corrugated metal pipe or pipe arch: 1. 2;6- by 15•ln. corrugation (riveted pipe) s it. Plain or fully coated .............................. 0.024 b. Paved invert (range values are for 25 and 60 per- cent of etrcumfereace paved):. (1) Flow full depth ............................... 0.021-0.016 (2) Flow 0.8 depth ................................ 0.021-0.016 (3) Flow 0.6 depth ................................ 0.019-0.013 2. 3. by 1-in. corrugation ............................... 0.027 3. 6• by 24n, corrugation (Geld bolted) .................. 0.032 C. Vitrified cloy pipe ...................................... 0.012-0.014 D. Cast•Iron pipe, uncoated ............................... 0.013 E. Steel pipe .............................................. 0.009-0.011 F. Brick.................................................... •-••..................•---... 0.034-0.017 G. Monoithc concrete: 1. 11'ood forms, rough... . 0.015-0.017 2. \food forms, smooth.. . 0.012-0.014 3. Steelforris.......................................... 0.012-0.013 H. Cemen led rubble masonry walls: 1. Concrete Moor and top .. 0.017-0.022 2. Natural floor........................................ 0.010-0, 02S I. Lam►nated treated woo0. 016-0.017 1. Vitrified day Ilner plates. 0.015 II: Lined open channels:' A. Concrete, with surfaces as Indicated: 2 Formed, no finish .................................. 0.012-0.014 2. Trowel finish ........................................ O.Ol2-0.014 3, Float finish .......................................... 0.013-0.015 4. Float finish, some gravel on bottom ................. 0.015-0.017 5. G unite, good section ................................ 0.010-0.019 6. Gunite, wavy section ................................ 0.0194.022 B. Concrete bottom float -finished, sides as Indicated: 1. Dressed stone InI mortar ........................... 0.015-0.017 20 2. Random stone In mortar _ 0.017-0, 020 3. Cement rubble masonry ............................. 0, 020-0.025 4. Cement rubble masonry, plastered ................ 0.O10-0.020 S. Dry rubble(rlprap)................................. 0.0204.030 C. Gravel bottom, sides as Indicated: 1. Formed concrete .................................... 0.017-0.020 i♦ 2. Random stone In mortar ............................. 0.020-0. 023 3. Dry rubble (riprap)..............A..........._...... 0.023-0.033 D. Brick ................................................. 0.014-0.017 CHART • A (REF. 4 ) II. Lined open ebannela-Continued Manning n E. Asphalt: range t 1. Smooth .............................................. 0.013 2. hough .............................................. 0.015 F. Wood, planed clean .................................... G. Concrete -line excavated rock: 0. 011-0.013 1. Good section ........................................ 0. 017-0.020 2 Irregular section ..................................... 0.022-0.027 Vnllnod open channelsl 4 A. Earth, uniform sections 1. Clean, recently completed ........................... 0. 01". cis 2. Clean, after weathering .............................. 3. With short grass, few weeds .......................... 0.018-0.010 0. 022-0. 027 4. In gravely, soil, uniform section, clean ............... 0.022-0.025 B. Earth, fairly uniform section: 1. No vegetation ........................................ 0.022-0.025 •0.02S-0.030 2. (bass, some weeds ................................... 3. Dense weeds or aquatic plants In deep channels...... 0.030-0.035 4, Sides, clean, gravel bottom ........................... 0.02S-0.030 5. Sides, clean, cobble bottom .......................... 0.030-0.040 C. Dragtine excavated or dredged: 1. No vegetation........................................ 0.028-0.033 2. Light brush on banks ................................ 0.035-0.050 D. Rnck: 1. !lased on design section .............................. 2. Based on actual mean section: a. Smooth and uniform .............................. 0.035-0.040 b. lagged and irregular .............................. 0.040-0.045 E. Channels not maintained weeds and brush uncut: dow 1. Dense weeds, high as depth ..................... 2. Clean bottom, brush on sides ........................ 0.09-0.12 0.05-0.08 3. Clesa bottom brush on sides, highest stage of flow... 0.07-0.11 4. Densu brush, high stage .............................. 0.10-0.14 IV. Highway channels and swnles with malntalnedvecetallon t' (values shown are for velocities of 2 and 6 f.p.a.): A. Depth of now up to 0.7 foot: 1. Bermuda grass, Kentucky bluegrass, buffalo grass: a. Mowed to 2 Inches ................................ 0.07-0.045 b. Length 4in 6inches ............................... 0.09-0.05 2. Good stand, any grass: a. Length about 12Inches ........................... 0.1s-0.09 b. Length about 24inches ........................... 0.30-0.16 3. Fair stand, any gross: a. Length about 12Inches ........................... 0.14-0.08 b. Length about 24Inches .......................... 0.25-0.13 B. Deppth of llow 0.7-1.5 feet: 1. Bermuda grass, Kentucky bluegrass, buffalo grass: . A. Mowed to 2 Inches ................................ 0.05-0.035 b. Length 4 to 6Inches ............................... 0.064.04 2. Oood stand, any grass: . n. Length about 12Inches ........................... •0.12-0.07 b. Length about 24Inches ........................... 0.204.10 3. Fair stand, any grass: a. Length about 12Inches ............................ 0.104.06 b. Length about24 inches ............................ 0.17-0.09 V. Street and expressway gutters: A. Concrete gutter, troweled finish ......................... 0.012 B. Aspphalt pavement: 0.013 1. Smooth texture ...................................... 2. Rough texture. ............... 0.016 C. Concrete gutter with asphalt pavement: 1. Smooth.............................................. 0.013 2. Rough ............................................... 0.013 D. Concreto pavement: 1. Float Mlsh.......................................... 0.014 2. Broom llWsb......................................... 0.016 E. For gutters with small slope, where sediment may ac- . cumulate, Increase all above values of n by............ 0.002 YI. Naluml stream channels:' A. Mlaor streams' (surfece width at flood stage less ;han 100 IQ: 1. Fairly regular section: a. Some grass and weeds, little or no brush........... 0.030-0.035 b. Dense growth of weeds, depth of flow materially greater titan weed lueight........................ 0.035-0.05 a. Some weeds, light brush on banks ................. 0.0•t-0.05 d. Some weeds, heavy brush on banks ............... 0.054-07 e. Some weeds, dense willows on batiks .............. 0.06-0.03 f. For trees within channel, with branches submerged at high stnge. Increase all above values by ....... 0.01-0.10 2. Irregular sections with pools, slight channel ntcander. 0.01-0. 02 Increase values 16 1 a-e about ....................... 7. Mountain streams, no vegetation In channel, banks . usually steep, trees and brush along banks submerged at high stage: a. Bottom of gravel, cobbles, and few boulders....... 0. 04-0.05 b. Bottom of cobbles, with large boulders............ 0.05, .07 VI. Natural atresun dutnnela-Continued D._Flood Dlalna (ad)aceaR to natural ettroame); ManniaI a 1. Pasture, no brush; tango a. Short grass•...... .... ._-.. _. 0.030-0.035 b. High grass_...... -.-so-so •-•-- ---- --• 0.03".05 2. Cultivated areas: s. No crop ------------------------------------------- 0.03-0.04 b. Mature row crops--------------------------------- 0.035-0.045 c. Mature Acid crops --------- _---------------------- 0.04-0.D5 3. 1leavy weeds, scattered brush ....................... 0.05-0.07 4. Light brush and trees: s a.`Ylnter............................................ 0.05-0.06 b. Summer__________________________________________ 0,06-0.08 5. Medium to dense brush: s a. Winter ............................................. 0.07-0.11 b. Sutumt:r...................................... 0.10-U.16 6. Dense willows, summer, not bent over by current.... 0.15-0.20 7. Cleared land with tree stumps, 100-130 per acre: a. Vo sprouts.........................sons...•....... 0.01-0.05 a Friction Losses In Corrugated Metal Plpe, by M. 7. Webster and L. R. Metcalf Corps or Engineers, Department of the Army; published in Journal of the hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Clvii En ricers, xcers, Vo). 85r No. IiY 9, Septemb,•r 1050, Paper No. 214S, pp. ws• 7. + For important work and where accurate determination of vter prodles 1. necessary, the designer is urged to consult the following references and to select n by comparison of the specific conditions wlth the ebannels tested: Flats of Water to Irrigation and Similar Canals, by F. C. Scobey, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin No. 652 February 1930. Plots of Water fitDralrtnge Channrls, by C. 1:. Rainier, U.S. Dep:ultuent of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin No. 139. November 1929. s tIu'ndGook of CAumisl Design for Soil and 111aier Conservation, prepared by rho Stillwater Outdoor hydraulic Laboratory in cooperation with the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, published by the Soil Con- servation Service, U.S. Department of :agriculture, Publ. No. SCS-TP-61, March 1957.rev. lime 1054. s Flow of Water in C.Aannels Protected by 1'egelalive Linings, by W. O. Ree and V. J. Pulmor, Division of Drainage and Water Control, nesaarch, Soil Conservatlon Service, U.S. Department otAgriculturs, Tech. Dull. No. 907, b. With heavy growth or sprouts .................... U.08-0.08 8. IIeavy stand of timber, a few dawn trees, little under- growth: a. Flood depth below branches ....... ....... :........ 0.10-0.12 h. Flood depth reaches branches ................ .. 0.12-0.15 C. Major streams (surlacc width at flood stage more than too it.): Roughness coefficient is usually less than for minor streams of similar description on account of less eilective rasistancc ollered by Irregular banks or voge. is tlon on banks. Values of n may bo somewhat reduced. Follow rncommendatlon of note 7 it possible. Tha valuo of n for aweor streams f most ri gult r sections, with no bouldtrs or brusb, meyts In She ranso offrain........... 0.028.0,033 Foolnolrs to Table 2 t Estimates are by Bureau of Public Roads unless otherwise noted and are for straight alinement. A small increase in value of n may be mado for cbaanel alinement other than straight. s Ranges for secs. I through III are for good to fair construction. For poor quality construction, use larger values of n. . Table 8.-Maximum permissible velocities in erodible channels, based on uniform flow in continuously wet, aged channels t Maximum permissible velocities for - Material Water Water Clear carrying carrying water fine , sand and slits gravel F.p.s. Fine sand noncoiloldai 1.6 Sandy loam (nontolloldel).................. 1.7 SM. loam (noncelloidat)..................... 2.0 Grdinary aria lour[ ......................... • 2.5 VolcEalc ash ................................. 2.6 F(nE gravel ................................. 2.5 Stiff clay (very colloidal) ............. .' 3.7 Graded, loam to cobbles (boncolloidal)..... 3.7 Graded slit to cobbles (colloidal)........... 4.0 2.0 Atlltvil1.illtl (noncollolda))................. A11usial fllts (colloidal).... ............ ... 3.7 Coarse gravel (noncolloldal)................ 4.0 Cobbles and shingles ........................ 6.0 Sbales and bard pans ...................:... 0.0 Fc ruury 9f0. t For calculations of state or discharge In natural stream channels. It is recommended that the designer consult the local District Ot11ca of the Surface Water Dranch of lho U.S. Ocological Surrey, to obialn data regarding values of n Applicable to streams of any specific locality. Whera this pro- eudive is not followed, the table cony Do used as a guide. The values of n tabulated have been derlvud from data reported by C. E. Ramser (sea footnote 4) and from other Incomplete data. "The tentative values of n citud are principally durived from mensuromonts made ou falrly short but slrgh ht reaches uI natural streams. Where slopes cuicnlated (ruin flood ulavatluns along a considerable length of channel. Invuiving uteunders and tends are to ba used it, velocit y calculations by the Munniug lurinulu, the vuluu at n must be ittcromed to provide for the addl- tlull1u) fuss ul anurNy euusad by bonds, Tha Ineruaw fussy be In the rnnga of lei'1`Iws) icsoncu of folingo on trees aid bntsh resider flood t1ngo will watvrlally In crease the vuluo of n. Thoroforo, rongllllCYY COa111Clallt. Jor YCgetat1011 la Icuf will bu larger than for bare branches. For trees in channels or on baukY. and for brush on banks where submergence oI branch,. increases with depth of flow, n will Increase with rising stag,. Table 4.-Maximum-permissible velocities in channels lined with uniform stands of various grass covers, well maintained t ' Maximum permis- sible velocity oar Cover Slope range Erosion. Easily resistant eroded soils soil. F.p.s. P.P.S. 2.5 1.3 Dermudagross....................'.'... 2.3 2.0 3.0 2.0 nuQniogrrtss............................ 3.5 2.2 Kentucky bluegrass .................... 3..5 2.0 Smooth brome....................... 5.0 3.7 Blue grams ..............•.............. 5.0 5.0 .0 5 gross misture................ 5.3 5.0 Lespedoza sericea.:........::........... 3.6 2.0 Wocpin` loveanss...................... 610 3.0 Yellovi 1,101tilm........................ e.Q a.5 Kildzu.................... I.......... 5.5 0.5 Alfalfa .................................. 8.0 6.0 Crtn6rass ..............................I t As recommended by Speclei Committee on Irrigation Research, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1926. for channels with straight alinement. For sinuous channels multiply allowable velocity by 0.95 for slightly sinuous, by 0.9 for moderately sinuous channels, and by 0.8 for highly sinuous channels (4J. p. 1257). Corliluon icspcdeza t..........:.......:. Sudangrasst...........:....::.......... 0-b eretnt•.. f.p.r� fops. 5-10... _•__._ Over 10..... 7 0 5 4 0-5.......... 5-10......... 7 0 a 4 Over 10..... 5 3 , 0-54 ..... 5 4 5-31..;...... I 3.3 1 ' 2.3 t.........� 3.3 1 2.3 t From Handbook of CAarind.Design for Soft and Water Constrvo(imt. (See . footnote 5 table 2.) s Use velocities over S f.p.s. only where good covers and proper maintenance can be obtained. e Do not use on slopes steeper than IO percent. 4 Use on slolxs steeper than 5 percent is not recommended. ' + Annuals, used on mild slopes or as temporary protection until permaneot covers are established. .5 .4 .3 .2 I us FOR CLASSIFICATION OF VEGETAL COVER AS TO DEGREE OF RETAROANCE I kill hq Zqm=�SMP ■■���Illll����iii �: -VR, PRODUCT OF VELOCITY AND HYDRAULIC RADIUS —Manning n for vegetal -lined channels (from handbook of channel design for soil and water conser• vation SCS-TP-6I revised June I964). CHART B ( REF.. 4 CHART C (REF. 4) •�—Ciassineation or vegetal covers as to degree of relardance t (NoTa: Covers classified have been tested In experimental channels. Covers were green and generally uniform) Retardance Cover Condition ' A ........... Weeplag buegrass........ Yellow bluc3tem Ischae- mum. Kudzu .................... Bermudegra3s............. Native grass mixture (little bluestem, blue arena, and other long and short midwest Excellent stand, tall (average 30 inches). Excellent stand, tailleverage 36 inches). Veryry dense growth, uncut. Good stand, tall (average 12 inches). Good stand, unmowed. _., ' 9........... ' C........... asses). Moping lovegraw........ Wpedoza 3erioes......... Alfalfa:................... Weeping lovegrast........ Kudzu ................... Blue grams ............... Crabgrass ................. Bermudsgram............. Common le3pedeza........ Gress -legume mixture— summer (orchard grass, redtop, Italian ryegrass, and common lespe- GD stand, tall (average 24 Good stand, not woody, tali (average 19 Inches). Good stand, uncut (average It - inches). Good stand, wowed (average 13 Inches). Dense growth, uncut. Good stand, uncut (average 13... Inches). Fair stand, uncut (10 to 48 Inches). Good stand, mowed (average 6 Inches). Good stand, uncut (average It Inches). Good stand, uncut (8 to 8 Inches). deza). Ceatlpcdcgrass............ Kentucky bluegrass....... Bermudagrass............. Very dense cover (average e inches). Good stand, headed (6 to 12 inches). Good stand, cut to 2.6-inch -_ D........... Common le3pedeza........ BuQalogress............... Grass -legume mixture— fall, spring (orchard- grass, redtop, Italian height. Excellent stand, uncut (average' 4.5 Inches). Good stand, uncut (3 to 8 inches). Oood stand, uncut (4 to 6 Inches). _ ryegrass, and common lespedeza). iespedeza serlces......... After cutting to 2-inch height. Very good stand before - cutting. Illermudagraw............. Good stand, cut to 1.6Inches E........... height Bermudagra33...........: Burned stubble. I From Handbook of Ckannd Dufen for Solt and Willer Consrroatlon. (bee footnote 6, table 2.) i 1 APPENDIX D DISCUSSION OF DETENTION -RETENTION SYST121S ' Thefollowing data has been provided to assist the design g p g engineer to maximize the use of detention -retention systems as well as infiltration techniques where the soils will permit this application. The data represents information and experiences that other communities, researches, and engineers have found significant in developing these techniques. The design engineer is encouraged to develop these techniques and to meet with Town officials early in the design of a project ' so these procedures may be implemented in an orderly manner. It should also be noted that due to the normal problems re- lated to maintenance of detention -retention systems that easements, maintenance bonds, and maintenance agreements may be required to assure the Town that the proposed system will continue to function as designed. 1 D,l TABLE I ( REF. l) TABLE II (REF.' 1) Measures for Reducing and Delaying Stormwateir Runoff Advantages and Disadvantages of Measures for .. . Reducing and Delaying Stormwater Runoff Area Reducing Runoff Delaying Runoff - •' Measure Advantages Disadvantages Large flat roof 1. Cistern storage 1. Ponding on roof by 2. Rooftop gardens constricted downspouts A. Cisterns and 1. Water may be used for: 1. Expensive to install 3. Pool storage or 2. Increasing roof roughness covered ponds a. Fire protection 2. Cost may be restrictive V fountain storage a. Rippled roof b. Watering lawns the cistern must accept 4. Sod roof cover b. Gravelled roof e. Industrial processes water from large drainap • d. Cooling purposes areas Parking lots 1. Porous pavement 1. Grassy strips on parking 2. Reduce runoff while only 3. Require slight maintenanc a. Gravel parking lots occupying small area 4. Restricted access b. Porous or punctured . 2. Grassed waterways drainin 3. Land or space above S. Reduced available` space 2. Concrete vaults and parking lot cistern may be used for basements for other use., • cisterns beneath parking 3. Ponding and detention other purposes lots in high -value areas measures for impervious 3. Vegetated ponding areas areas B. Rooftop gardens . 1. Esthetically pleasing 1. Higher structural loading: around parking lots a. Rippled pavement 2. Runoff reduction on roof and building 4. Gravel trenches b. Depressions 3. Reduce noise levels 2. Expensive to install and e. Basins 4. Wildlife enhancement maintain Residential 1. Cisterns for individual 1. Reservoir or detention • C. Surface pond storage 1. Controls large drainage 1. Require large areas homes or groups of homes basin (usually residential areas with low release 2. Possible pollution from 2. Gravel driveways (porous) 2. Planting a high delaying areas) 2. Esthetically pleasing storm water and siltation 3. Contoured landscape grass (high roughness) 3. Possible recreation 3. Possible mosquito breedin 4. Groundwater recharge 3. Gravel driveways benefits: areas a. Perforated pipe 4. Grassy gutters or channels a. Boating 4. May have adverse algal b. Gravel (sand) 5. Increased length of travel b. Ice skating - blooms as a result of c. Trench of runoff by means of c. Fishing eutrophication d. Porous pipe gutters, diversions, etc. d. Swimming 5. Possible drowning e. Dry wells 4. Aquatic life habitat 6. Maintenance problems ' 5. Vegetated depressions 5. Increases land value of adjoining property General 1. Gravel alleys 1. Gravel alleys 2. Porous sidewalks D. Ponding on roof by 1. Runoff delay 1. Higher structural loadzns. 3. Mulched planters constricted down- 2. Cooling effect for building: 2. Clogging of constricted spouts a. Water on roof inlet requiring maintena-.r b. Circulation through 3. Freezing during winter 3., Roof ponding provides fire (expansion) protection for building (roof 4. Waves and wave loading water may be tapped in case 5. Leakage of roof water in: of fire) building (water damage) = = M = IM r TABLE 11, Continued Measure Advantages Disadvantages • E. Increased roof 1. Runoff delay and some 1. Somewhat higher structural roughness: reduction (detention loadings a. Rippled roof in ripples or gravel) b. Gravel on roof ' F. Porous pavement 1. Runoff reduction (a and b) 1. Clogging of holes or . (parking lots and 2. Potential groundwater gravel pores (a and b) alleys): recharge (a and b) 2. Compaction of earth below a. Gravel parking lot 3. Gravel pavements may be pavement or gravel b. Holes in impervious cheaper than asphalt or decreases permeability of pavements (} in. 0 concrete (a) soil (a and b) - filled with sand 3. Groundwater pollution from salt in winter (a and b) 4. Frost heaving for impervious pavement with holes (b) 5. Difficult to maintain 6. Grass or weeds could grow in porous pavement (a and 1 i G. Grassed channels and 1. Runoff delay 1. Sacrifice some land area vegetated strips 2. Some runoff reduction for vegetated strips (infiltration recharge) Z. Grassed areas must be " 3. Esthetically pleasing: mowed or cut periodically a. Flowers (maintenance costs) b. Trees H. Ponding and detention 1. Runoff delay 1. Somewhat restricted move- I measures on (a, b, and c) ment of vehicles (a) 1 impervious pavement: 2. Runoff reduction 2. Interferes with normal a. Rippled pavement (a and b) use (b and c) b. Basins 3. Damage to ripple pavement • e. Constricted inlets during snow removal (a) 4. Depressions collect dirt and debris (a, b, and c) I. Reservoir or detention 1. Runoff delay 1 1. Considerable amount of basin 2. Recreation benefits: land is necessary a. Ice Skating 2. Maintenance costs: b. Baseball, football,etc., a. Mowing grass if land is provided b. Herbicides 3. Esthetically pleasing e. Cleaning periodically 4. Could control large (silt removal) drainage areas with 3. Mosquito breeding area low release 4. Siltation in basin t TABLE n, Continued Measure Advantages Disadvantages J. Converted septic 1. Low installation costs 1. Requires periodic tank for storage 2. Runoff reduction maintenance (silt remora: and groundwater (infiltration and 2. Possible health hazard recharge storage) 3. Sometimes requires a .3. Water may be used for: pump for emptying after a. Fire protection storm b. Watering lawns and gardens e. Groundwater recharge K. Groundwater recharge: 1. Runoff reduction 1. Clogging of pores or a. Perforated pipe (infiltration) perforated pipe or hose 2. Groundwater recharge 2. Initial expense of b. French drain with relatively clean water installation (materials) c. Porous pipe 3.-May supply water to d. Dry well garden or dry areas 4. Little evaporation loss L. High delay grass 1. Runoff delay 1. More difficult to mow (high roughness) 2. Increased infiltration M. Routing flow over 1. Runoff delay 1. Possible erosion or scour lawn 2. Increased infiltration 2. Standing water or, lawn in depressions Modified Rational Method Analysis (.REF .. 1 The ModifiedRational Method Analysis alters the basic Rational Method by Once the peak hydrograph is developed it is a simple procedure to develop hydrographs of storms having longer durations. The maximum runoff rate assuming the design storm duration is not equal to the time of concentration of the design basin, but equal to various time periods greater than the estimated for each of the remaining hydrographs is calculated by using equation one time of concentration. This basic assumption results in the approximation of (1), where "i" the intensity, is representative of storms having different durations. Time span associated with the rising and falling limbs of each larger volumes of runoff at lower peak runoff rates, which is a critical factor in the design of small stormwater impoundments. hydrograph equals the time of concentration for the developed site. It is shown in Figure 3. 1, the area under each hydrograph represents the volume 'The Modified Rational Method Analysis basically utilizes a family of runoff of runoff associated with each storm. Shown in Figure 3.2 are a group of hydrographs developed by the Modified Rational Method Analysis- hydrographs developed by approximating runoff rates for storms having the same recurrence interval but varying durations (refer to Figure 3.2). The first hydrograph in the family represents the runoff rate generated by peak storm conditions. The peak storm runoff rate is approximated using the basic pational Method assumption of storm duration equal to the time of concentration. In this case, the time of concentration is derived from the developed site con- Peak runoff rate dition. The resultant hydrograph is shown in Figure 3. 1. --• " Uax runoff role for storms having various duration 1O _ CIA =Peak runoff rate (T - Shc % �rA47 o a rc --I a order curve represents volume Of off generated by storm having a 0 ) Afiafi equal to the lime of l ecenMo/inn. O rime 0/Z c. ' O Figure 3.2 Family of Hydrographs - Modified Rational Meb'lod Analysis Time - Figure 3.1 ,- Rational Method Peak Runoff Hydrograph The volume of runoff associated with each hydrograph is easily calculated by multiplying the maximum runoff rate for each curve with its respective storm duration. Care should be taken to balance the units since runoff rate is mess- ured in cubic feet per second and duration is in minutes: �r • : � err rr � r � rr • r • r r� r r ri rr r ri r : r� Once the hydrographs have been developed it is necessary to convert the . maximum runoff rates for each rainfall to storm runoff volumes. These volumes should be computed in cubic feet. A maximum permissible release rate is then calculated as described pre- viously in article 3. 1. That rate is then converted to a release volume representative of each storm duration. This is accomplished by multiplying the release rate by each respective storm duration converting the units and arriving at a release flow volume in cubic feet. The final step in the storage approximation is a simple subtraction of the release flow volume from the storm runoff volume for each respective storm duration, so as to develop a required storage volume. Upon completing this final step throughout the chosen range of storms, it should be noticed that the j required storage volume increases as the storm duration gets longer until a peak volume occurs. The storm duration associated with that maximum re- quired storage volume is known as the "critical duration". This process should be carried out so that a true maximum storage volume can be realized. To simplify the procedure, it is recommended that a table as shown in Fig- ure 3. 3 be developed. Required Storage Volume Roin/a// Duiahiovi, min. f Roinlo// (nl nsNy, �lu, p Peo,k Rundl Rile, ClS Porm Runoff olums, f" 4 Re/eose flow' Vo/ums, /I.+ ,r eorrredS Vo i ne, /Ls 6 • 60 Re/eats for thorns . a ® 60 :JO hoving ' d✓alidu = OJ . Figure 3.3 Table for Approximating Required Storage Volume PLAN: PAvERLOGc Tl1Ri�5foNE su.Lc : Iks' f I'- c' FLow r- CROWD COVER f! ")r� •_-_ UN '• WNA RVVJ-OC14 TURFSTcNE ` . �`' ��;': ,.•.• �� •:. ,� ` ..:. FILL (A5 5PEGD) �:c�i.�l/;�.�:%%����.•.��:.�•.'��/r����i'�'`���.c�1'G�(/��1�;��i IS'z' LbYING GoURSE �?YP� EXISTING 5UBGRADE SOIL TI SEGOIJ -rna : TURrsToNata CL ee,o►d T14 g+►IK oTAelLrzoToN SEGT1oN '��' LIGHT LOAD REQUIREMENT) cassT • .. 3Gd16 :I'ly� • I ^p' 5TJ•e4uvA►no►J 1 _ •t• .� s.\\ .. I Elope :.p.k:. x � 'R1Rt<STo►Is R6VC1'1MGNT S'L►KLD II.I PLacfi J y���tj �•U��11L �fImLl •.��LJ���J of •�^ l)1, 1�•k i�i�r, � �rii�nrria�rtiilc�� �ai�iri�iiia�;m ►u�r�c� GskxIND COVER FAV�RLOCIC TURFSroNE WAT= (.IARles) L cosrm 'FILL (A51-5MCA) I%2 LA1f1NG COURSE (Tl?> -- GRUSNED STONE �S6 cRscF- k Sao 14MIGHT VERIE•S. t�r�5 EROSION CONTROL DETAIL GOMPAG'i1=D SUBGRdD� N.T.3. PA\iERLOGK-WRFS'Q IWS DETAILS SIM. SEGTIDIJ A� (11EAvY IpAD v.�Q�IREt•tENr� 6 INVESTIGATION OF CONCRETE GRID PAVEMENTS CAR.Y E. DAY Division of Architecnoc and E nviroomental Design. Virginia Po!} -technic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA Summary The following research involves laboratory simulation and testing of typically installed concrete grid pavements. Five pavements exhibiting different physical characteristics were subjected to rain- fall in order to collect runoff data. Coefficients of runoff and lag times are derived based on the following variables: (1) subgrade soil, (2) slope, (3) rainfall intensity, and (4) rainfall duration. The tentative runoff coefficients can provide the basis for design and implementation of the pavements as an alternative on -site technology within an overall stormwater management scheme. Future directions for investigations not directly related to hydrological characteristics are also included. Background Current directions in stormwater management emphasize the" maintenance of pre -development runoff levels through on -site controls. Where traditional practices have utilized curbs and gutters to quickly convey stormwater to storm sewers, new approaches use roadside drain- age swales to slow the velocity of drainage and allow for infiltration. New techniques emphasize the use of natural drainage systems with their low -velocity flow characteristics, and take advantage of opportunities for infiltration and groundwater recharge. Convention- ally, parking lots have been designed to drain quickly. New goals also encourage the absorption or detention of stormwater in parking lots and on -street parking. Stormwater can be detained and allowed to either infiltrate into the soil or be slowly released after the storm event. Concrete grid pavements have potential as a management practice for maintaining pre -development runoff levels by allowing for infiltra- tion and groundwater recharge. These pavements can decrease the quantity of peak flow and increase lag time. Furthermore, this would minimize stream bank erosion and sedimentation due to increased runoff loads during and after storm events, thereby improving water quality. Concrete grid pavements have been used extensively in Europe and are presently available from manufacturers throughout the United States. On a properly compacted subgrade and properly designed and installed subbase, these pavements can support extremely heavy vehicular loads. Unfortunately, very little information is available concerning their hydrological characteristics either from the manufacturers or in the form of research data. Consequently. the cost effectiveness of the pavers cannot be estimated until their performance characteristics are delineated. lie believe this is a key factor which inhibits the use of these pavements as an alternative technology for the reduction of stormwater runoff. man M C•quipmcnt Pavements were tested under a controlled setting at the Environmental Systems Laboratories of the College of Architecture and Urban Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. The testing apparatus contained three major elements: the rain simulator, the testing bins and the water collection system. Rain Simulator. The rain supply was provided by a rain simulator built and designed by the University's Laboratory Support Services. The rain simulator consisted of a single rotating irrigation nozzle ' selected because it produced a drop size and distribution similar to that of natural rainfall. The nozzle was rotated by a 1/15 horsepower motor geared at 2 rpm. The nozzle was situated approximately 14 feet above the pavement surface. Water pressure was governed by a pressure regulator and was displayed on a pressure gauge. Testing Bins. The.pavements were installed in three bins. Each bin was 6 feet long. 4 feet wide, and 3 feet deep. Their floors were i constructed with 3/4 inch plywood glued to 2" by loll joists, 6" on i center. These platforms rested on two level steel I beams. The sides of the bins were constructed with 3/4 inch plywood glued to 2" by 4" j studs, 9" on center. One side wall of each bin was removable to facilitate material extraction. The bins were waterproofed with 6 mil polyethelene film. Corrugated sheet metal was placed at the bottom of each bin to provide protection for the underlying waterproof plastic. film. An inch and a half of cleaned gravel was spread over the corrugated sheet metal to facilitate subsurface drainage. Eleven to j fourteen inches of soil were compacted manually with tampers in lifts of three inches. Soil compaction was tested with a hand-held penetro- meter to document the level of compaction reached and assure uniformity. A minimum compressive strength of 3.5 tons per square foot was attained. Six inches of cleaned gravel were installed over each "subgrade." Aggregate size of this gravel ranged from 1" to 1/511. The depth of this "subbase" is typical for the pavements tested. Two inches of sand were added on top of the gravel. This sand was compacted and leveled to provide an adequate bearing surface for the pavers. The pavers were then installed. Voids were filled with top soil and sod. Turfgrass selection was made in consultation with Dr. Richard E. Schmidt of the University's Turfgrass Research Center. Mixtures of Kentucky Blue Grass sod were selected because of its durability under traffic -and drought. See Figures l and 2 for illustrations of the test bins. Water Collection System. The collection system gathered water - which flowed off the surface of the pavers and percolated through the soil. The water flowed into covered channels and through hoses to calibrated tanks. From these tanks periodic measurements could be taken. Each test bin had two tanks: one to collect surface runoff and one for subsurface drainage. Figure 2 illustrates the water collection system for the bins. Pavement slopes were adjusted by lift- ing the bins at one end with hoists. The pavements were tested at three slope settings: 2%, 4%, and 7:. These slopes represent the range found in typical parking lots. . 45 46 2X10 Jo' Figure 1 Typical Test Bin Cross Section � I� i� � 11 �1 �� �► ' /I �I �I I_i � �I ��Bill II � 7.► Figure 2 The Test Bins 47 DAY Soils. Soils used in this investigation were obtained from Ilniversity land close to the laboratory. The following soils were chosen l'or "suhgrade": Bin 11. B horizon of Greensdale Silt Loam; Bin 12, B horizon of Groseclose; and Bin N3, C horizon of Frederick Silt Loam. For the purpose of this discussion we have named the 3-4" Greensdale a "loose" soil. the Groseclose a "moderate" soil, and the Frederick Loam a "tight" soil. These three soils offered the greatest +se range of permeability values indigenous to this area and within close I W. proximity to the laboratory. See Figure 3 for a comparison of hydraulic ase conductivity and permeability classes of each soil derived from soil tests. it II-14" Bulk Density. Soil bulk density is the ratio of mass to the bulk I II/r•• or -volume of a soil sample. The maximum bulk densities were determined by using the Harvard Miniature Compaction Apparatus. Pavement manufac- turers generally specify a compacted subgrade from 85 percent to 9S axed S•c•el percent of the maximum dry density. Moisture content must be in a range of plus 4 percent or minus 2 percent of the optimum moisture content. Soils used in test bins were compacted to within the following percentages of their maximum dry bulk densities and within the following range of optimum moisture: Test Bin N1, Greensdale Silt, 83.2% maximum density at -2% optimum moisture; Test Bin N2, Groseclose, 78.8% maximum S�eel1-tern - density at optimum moisture; and Test Bin N3, Frederick Silt Loam, 82% maximum density at +1.5% optimum moisture. Classification of Pavers. The five different paver types were classified in two categories, lattice and castellated, as shown in Figures 4 and S. Table 1 specifics the dimensions and weight of each pavement. Table 1 % Open Area Weight Thickness Length/Width Paver at Bottom (lbs) inches inches GRASSTONE 34 59 3.625 23/17.25 Boi ardi Prods. TURFBLOCK 40 63 3.125 23.5/15.5 Paver Systems, Inc. Wausau Tile GRASSCRETE 30 Poured 4 E 6 24/24 Bomanite Corp. in Place MONOSLAB 15 82 Grass Pavers, Ltd. CHECKER BLOCK 25 84 Hastings Co. i 48 i 4.S• 23.5/1S.5 3.75 24/24 :. r � . ■� r■i � �r r � �■ r■i � � r r � r r ,r � r DAY . very Rapid id 10 LY W Rapid 6' "Grasscrete" (Poured in Place) by Bomanite Corp. Moderately Rapid Moderate i Moderately Slow Slow Very Slow Bin l Bin 2 Bin 3 Figure 3 Comparison of Soil Hydraulic Conditions (in/hr) to Permeability Classes 49 E E i "Turfblock" Paver Systems, Inc. Wausau Tile i i "Grasstone" Boiardi Prods. ' Figure 4 Lattice Grid Pavers so DAY "Monoslab" Grass Pavers, Ltd. . "Checker Block" Hastings Co. Figure 5 Castellated Grid Pavers 51 Procedure Testing Procedure. There were three tests performed with each paver type under observation through one testing cycle (described in the next section). Monoslab, a castellated type paver comprised test one. Turfblock, a lattice type paver, comprised test two. Both of these pavers were tested in all three bins with the three subsoil types. Our third test consisted of placing one of the three remaining paving systems --Grasstone, Check Block, and Grasscrete--in each of the bins. Grasstone was in bin fl (loose soil), Grasscrete in bin 12 (moderate soil) and Checker Block in bin M3 (tight soil). Limited funds did not allow us to test each of these pavers on all three subsoil types. In spite of these constraints, we used the three remaining pavers to check the difference in the performance of the pavers used in test one and test two. Testing Cycles. A testing cycle for each paver consisted of a two-. hour rain followed by a two-hour drain period for three consecutive days. The rain simulator was activated for two hours and the surface runoff recorded. Subsurface drainage was monitored for another two hours after the rainfall period. The bins were then allowed to drain for 20 hours between each day of tests. During the first day the slope was set at 7%. Prior to starting the second and third days of tests, the slope was lowered to 4% and 2% respectively. Figure 6 charts the testing cycle for each pavement. The day before the three test cycles the bins were saturated with rain at identical durations and slopes. Surface runoff and subsurface drainage were monitored to be sure that each bin was 100t saturated. The bins were allowed to drain 20 hours before commencing the next day's tests. This was done to insure that each subsoil had a baseline moisture content before gathering runoff test data. Surface runoff in gallons was recorded at 5 minute intervals during the rain periods. Subsurface drainage was recorded every 15 minutes during both the two- hour rain and two-hour drain periods. Results Results from Tests 1, 2, and 3 are displayed in Figures '„ B and 9. The performance curves at each slope setting are referenced against the 100% runoff curve for each bin. These curves show the total volume (gallons) of surface runoff plotted against time (duration of rainfall). Notice that the difference in lag time for each bin varies. Coefficients of runoff were developed from the performance curves which are displayed in Table 2. Coefficients were developed for storm durations of 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Conclusions 1.. Before commencing the tests we hypothesized. that under the same rainfall, soil, and slope conditions, the paver with the highest percent of open area at the bottom should have the least amount of 52 DAY Here a concrete grid paver is being placed into a rain simulation bin to be tested. Here a concrete grid paver is being placed into a rain simulation bin to be tested. DAY I Sul. Slope At 271. 1 Hour rain I Hour Drain Change Slope to 7% 1 Hour Rain Drain Change Slope to I Hour Rain I Ii I 4% 1 Hour Drain • DAY 2 20 Hour Drain (unmonitored) Change Slope to .. 2 Hour Rain .......... .......... 7% ! I. 2 Hour Drain DAY 3 20 Hour Drain (unmonitored) Change Slope to ............. 2 Hour Rain 4% 2 Hour Drain DAY 4 20 Hour Drain (unmonitored) Change Slope to 2% 2 Hour Rain I. - T. IT X. -X 2 Hour Drain Figure 6: Testing Cycles for Each Pavement 53 54 DAY 30 100% Runor f 25 BIN s1. GRASSTONE. 20 N - (Lattice Type) 15 - . Loose Soil q 10 1.2.34In./hr. O S 2%. 4% K a0. 83 in. 0 .•�• �__7% 20 40 60 80 100 120 Minutes 50 1 w/. Runoff 45 40 /-_ 7i% BIN 02 35 / .. 4% / : 2% GRASSCREfE 30 /•.� (Lattice Type) 25 //•• X. Moderate Soil 0 20 O 15 /.• ' 1 . 4.15 tn./hr. ��•/ K • 0.85 tn./hr. 10 %� 0 20 40 50 80 100 110 Minutes 40 35 100% Runoff ' 30 BIN a3 25 CHECKER BLOCK 20 -7% (Castellated type) u 15 � �i •• 4% Tight Soil O 1 O �� ..•' _ I- . • ' - 2% 1.2.97 In./hr. K a 0.30 in./hr. 5 i� •••�� ��•••• . ' O _�r•'��'� . 20 40 60 80 100 120 Minutes Test 3: Runoff from Pavers (Note Lattice and Castellated Types) ' i . Rainfall Intensity K . Hydraulic Cori vctivlty of Subsoil Figure 9 Test 3 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR CONCRETE GRID PAVEMENTS ML,18• BIN el BIN 62 BIN 43 PAVING SYSTEM of Loose Soil Moderate Soil Tight Soil (Percent of Open Bottom Rain- Slope Ott Slope at: Slope Ott Area) fall _ 2% 4A 7% 2% 4X 7% 2% 4% 7% MONOSLAB 90 O 0 O _ O -_09 .09 O .09 .09 F Grass Pavers. Ltd. 60 O OS OS .64 ,O6 0g ,09 ,09 .12 go •05 .08 06 .07 .10 .15 .15 .20 ( 120. .07 .09 _09 .10 _ .07 .09 .11 .17 .19 .23 N TURP'BLOCK 30 O O ':03 O -.09 O .01 .05 O 0 .10 I - Paver Paver Systems. Inc. 60Y 01 .21 .28 .32 .23 .26 .35 I- Wausau Tile 90 rO8 .O8 .16 .37 „t37 ,42 37 .43 '.45 (40%) 120 .09 .17 .20 .43 .48 .51 .48 .54 .56 tv Hydraulic Conductivity In./hr. 0•83 0.65 0.30 WRainfall lntenelty In./hr. 2.54 3.51 2.77 W 1- Gallons/Minute 0.47 0.60 0.55 PAVING SYSTEM Mina. BIN 01 BIN a2 BIN s3' of Loose Solt Moderate Soil Tight Soil (Percent of Open Bottom Rain- • Slope at: Slope at: Slope at: Area) fall 2% 4% 7% 2% 4% 7% 2% -4% 7X CHECKER BLOCK 30 -• .• O O .09 .�-- Hastings Co. .. _ ry 03 .07 .12 • 90 .10 .16 .22 (25%) 120 .. _ ... .78 .21 ,27 _ GRASSCRETE - 30 - ,02 0 .02 Bomanite Corp. 60 -- .13 .15 .10 90_ •. ^- - 1- 0% 120 .29 .31 .35 . y FGRASSTONE 90_ O O O _ r Botadl Prods. so - 0 O 0 (34%) 120 .01 .01 O • -_ - Hydraulic Corductivl In./hr. 0•83 0.65 1 0.30 F VI W Rainfall Intensity In./hr. 2.34 4.15 2.97 F I Gallons/Minute 0.48 0.68P 0.60 Table 2 57 58 a ' �■ a a a �a as as � � a a is is is is ai as �a DAY 30 30 100% Runoff . 100% Riroff SIN 01 25 BIN sl 25 - Loose Soil 20 Loose Soil 20 1 2.54 in. a 15 7% 15 I.2.54 1n/hr K �0.83 In./hr. 3 �r'�_4% K. 0. 83 Whr e 10 '' - 2 A 10 47% (9 5 � ' • % O 20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 ' too 120 - Minutes Minutes - 50 7% 50 45 tOtJ% /4% 45 100% Runoff - BIN *2 40 Runoff /•• 2% 40 BIN !2 Moderate Soil 95IE / Moderate Soil 35 - 1 - 3.51 tn./hr. 30♦� •� 1 . 3.51 tn/hr fi 30 K .0.65 In. K e0.65 tn/hr ° 25/.. a 25 O 20 O 20 t S/157%5 10 �^ 020 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Minutes _ Minutes 2% 40 ,% AO 35 ,00% a% 35 Runoff / 30VPC" 100% Runoff 30 / . /i BIN l3 25 20 j Tight Soil BIN i3 / 20 Tight Soil O T - 1 2.77 In./hr. 15 K . 0.30 In/hr ° 15�� -- a� K . ; O 10 " 0.30 in./hr. 10 / 2n / 0 0� 20 40 • • 80 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120 Minutes . Minutes Test 20 Runoff from. T'JRFBLCCK (lattice type) Test 1 I Runoff from MONOSLAB (Castellated type) 1 Rainfall Intensity1 . HRainfall intensity K Hydraulic Conductivity of Subsoil K,= Hydraulic Conductf.icY of Subsoil Figure 7 Figure 8Test 2 i Test 1 55 56 DAY surface runoff. Turfblock, however, the paver with the highest percent of open area on the bottom, does not have the lowest runoff coefficients (note Table 2)r In fact, Monoslab, with the lowest percent of bottom open area (15%), yielded lower coefficients when tested under similar conditions to Turfblock. Therefore, our hypothesis is challenged by this data. The ability of the paver to absorb and detain rainwater tends to be a function of its surface gocmetry, not the percent of bottom open area. 2. An increase in slope (up to 7%) increases the coefficient of runoff regardless of paver type, subsoil type, or rainfall intensity. The greater the slope, the greater the runoff. Is there a '.'critical slope,, at which the runoff coefficients approach that of asphalt or solid concrete paving? Is that critical slope different for each paver type? Is it different for each subsoil type on which the paver is placed? A potential area of investigation is in studying the relationship of the orientation (in plan) of a paver to a given slope. The five pavers tested were placed longitudinally in the bins. Would there be a difference in runoff if these pavers were placed askew at a 4S0angle to the slope? Would there be more or less of a difference in percentage of runoff between the two categories of pavers? The difference, -if one exists, may lead to more sensitive and effective application. 3. Subsoil type, as expressed by hydraulic conductivity, has an effect on the coefficient of runoff. Lower hydraulic conductivity of the subsoil yields a higher coefficient of runoff, especially on steeper slopes. This is consistent unless the rainfall intensity approximates the hydraulic conductivity of the subsoil. When this occurs, little or no surface runoff is produced. Note Grasstone in Test 3, Table 2. The hydraulic conductivity of the subsoil approaches the rainfall intensity on this bin;,hence, no runoff. Future Directions Be'end hydrological Research. In addition to the ability to reduce runoff, the pavements should have the following potential environmental benefits: (a) nonpoint pollution reduction, (b) glare. reduction, (e) sound absorption, and (d) mieroclimatie temperature reduction. These aspects are- favorable by-products of the pavement's function of runoff reduction. It is possible to also consider redesign- ing the configuration of the pavements to achieve better ergonomic aspects. Improvements could produce a surface compatible with walking, bicycling and use by -handicapped adults or, children. .Figure to indicates that the runoff coefficients derived in this investigation are sufficiently lower than standard asphalt and concrete pavements. In view of this observation, these pavements could actually be less expensive to install than conventional pavements when a corresponding reduction of storm sewer pipe sizes and lengths' are taken into account. In addition, the rising cost of petroleum -based asphalt is diminish- ing the price differences between conventional pavement and concrete grid pavements. 59 •'i Porous grid pavers with grass cover and vegetated rooftop detention form a attractive and well -maintained design solution in Stuttgart, West Germany. 60 .ff46 [9 We would like to thank the following concrete grid pavement manufacturers for their contribution of funds and pavers to this research effort. Monoslab Grass Pavers Ltd. 3807 Crooks Road Royal Oak, MI 48073 0 ° AM1 2 Turfblock Turfblock Paver Systems, Inc. Wausau Tile 1800 4th Avenue, North P. 0. Box 1520 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.00 P.O. Box 1221 Wausau, WI 54401 Lake Worth, FL 33460 Grasscrete K Bomanite Corporation 81 Encina Avenue o d - Palo Alto, CA 94301 n S. 1-16 43 o c Checker Block 6 K Z Hastings Pavement Co., Inc. H r 410 Lakeville Road w Lake Success, NY 11040 .y ^+ ; K q Grasstone a Boiardi Products Corp. 0 .► 0 K 211 East 43rd Street " New York, NY 10017 r o 0 c uQ1 0M0 o c BIBLIOGRAPHY ti M r N< N C w N a n Blake, G. R., "Bulk Density," Methods of Soil Analysis, the American a n a Society of Agronomy and The American Society for Testing Materials. 0 c ^+ w ti Philadelphia, 1964. M 0 2 Day, Gary, Site and Community oesign Guidelines for Stormwater Manage - N 0 x ment, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, x Blacksburg, Va., February 1978. y u Klute, A., "Laboratory Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Soil," Methods of Soil Analysis, The American Society of (No slope) Agronomy and The American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, 1964. Leopold, Luna B., Hydrology for Urban Land Planning -- A Guideline- ? book on the Hydrologic Effects of Urban Land Use, Geological Survey (No slope) Circular 554, Washington, D. C., 1968. i • Leopold, Luna B., "The Hydrologic Effects of Urban Land Use" in Detwyler, Thomas R., Man's Impact on Environment, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1971. 62 ` 'r r r r � � r r r r r • r rr �r _ rr DAY Sclson, Samuel B., "Water Engineering," Standard Iandbook for Civil Engineers, Fredrick S. Merritt, McGraw-Hill, New .York, 1976. "Ncw Porous Paving Material Could Ease Runoff Problems," Water News, Virginia Water Resources Research Center, Blacksburg, a�+ , May 1978, p. 9. Obrist, Alfred, "Ponding Against the Storm," Landscape Architecture, October, 1974, p. 388-390. Perry, Douglas, "A Rain Fall Simulator for Laboratory Studies," Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va., 1976. Poertner, Herbert G., "Drainage Plans with Environmental Benefits," Landscape Architecture, October, 1974, pp. 391-393. Poertner, Herbert G., Practices in Dentention of Urban Stormwater Runoff, American Public Works, June 1974. Preventive Approaches to'Stormwater Management U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 440 9-77-001), January 1977. Seelye, E. E., Design, Volume One, Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1970. Sowers, George B., and Sowers, George F., Introductory Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1970. "Stormwater Management Looks to Natural Drainage," American City and Count ; Morgan -Grampian Publishing Co., October 1976. "The Rise of Porous Paving," Landscape Architecture, October 1974, PP• 385-387. Tourbier, J. and Westmacott, R., Water Resources Protection Measures in Land Development -- A Handbook. Delaware Water Resources Center, Newark, Delaware (NTIS PB-236-049),. April 1974, p. 50-51. "Towards Zero Runoff," Landscape Architecture, October, 1974, p. 381. .The Virginia State Water Control Board. Virginia Urban Best Management Practices for the Control of Nonpoint Source Pollution, Virginia State Water Control Board, Richmond, Virginia, November, 1978. 63 ' Comments on Porus Pavement from a report prepared by the Franklin Institute Research Laboratories, 1972. See also reference No;'.9. Objectives and Benefits' The investigation of porous pavements was undertaken•primarily because. of the potential of porous pavements for alleviating combined sewer overflow pollution. Over -flow pollution is currently a problem for the ' approximately 18% of the nation's population served by combined sewers. During storms, interception sewer capabilities are too small to'handle the volume of flow generated, and the major portion of the stormwater is outflowed directly into receiving watercourses.. These stormwater ' outflows carry with them as much as 25 to 40 percent of the year's production -of suspended solids, putrescible organic matter, and bacteria, which tend to settle at the bottom.of a sewer to be swepC up and out ' untreated to surrounding watercourses by the stormwater overflow. The delivery of these untreated pollutants contributes significantly to the pollution of surrounding waters. Porous pavement, by allowing stormwater ' to percolate into the soil rather than overflow combined sewer systems, could alleviate much of -this pollution. Further, where separate storm sewer systems already exist or are to be ' installedy the use of porous pavement could produce substantial cost savings. In the former case, the use of porous pavement could alleviate. the need to install'.additional capacity where the present storm -sewer systems capacity is fully utilized. In the latter case, the use of porous pavement would allow reduction in the design parameter of the storm drainage collection system installed.. ' In addition to the primary objective of finding.a means of eliminating combined sewer pollution, as well as reducing the cost of storm drainage. collection systems, a number of other benefits were found to result from ' porous pavement applications.. These benefits are identified separately below: �. 1. Storm-Water'Retention. Evidence on the polluted character of storm - water indicates -that it -may be necessary in the future to store such water for subsequent treatment when system capacity is available. The, ' construction.,ofporous �pavement over an impervious membrane offers a potential mechanism of storing pollute( stormwater and•slowly releasing it for subsequent treatment. • l ' 2. Enhanced Water Supply. Substantial areas of the country are now subject to water supply deficiencies.. By allowing precipitation to percolate back into the soil, the use of porous pavement could help to alleviate water supply problems for the 24% of the nation's population currently clustered in water shortage areas. This is particularly important since existing water -transfer agreements will not be able to ' supply the demand in many of these areas past - the end of the century. 1 W 3. Elimination of Curbing. Curbs and gutter could be eliminated on low traffic density porous pavements, effecting considerable cost economies as well as aesthetic enhancement. 4. Safety Improvement a. Skid Resistance. Porous pavement overlays on conventional surfaces have been found successful in preventing wet skidding or hydroplaning accidents. For safety application ' a 3/4" to 1" layer over normal dense pavement is used to provide rapid lateral surface drainage. Such applications ' have been used successfully on road surfaces in, California, Louisiana, Utah, and Pennsylvania and airport runways in England and New Mexico. b. Enhanced Visibility. Visibility of pavement markings is expected to be improved because of rapid removal of water and because of the marking material penetrating the voids to present an oblique view. The enhanced visibility.of pavement markings would be an important factor in accident mitigation during storms. i5. Use of Urban Debris. The porous pavements designed will require a base reservoir capacity. There is the possibility that this reservoir can be created using broken -bricks, ceramic wastes, solidified fly ash and other solid urban residue. 6. Low Maintenance Cost. As the recommended porous pavement design consists of currently used road materials, maintenance costs should not exceed the level of expense currently incurred. 7. Relief of flash flooding. About 300 square miles of new pave- ment of all types is laid in the United States each year. Runoff from such pavement may contribute to local floods downstream, which can cause loss of life'and property. Flash flooding presents an ecological problem where storm water from large paved areas is drained off directly into neighboring streams or other small water courses. This practice produces considerable flash flooding and stream beck terosion during periods of heavy rainfall. Porous pavement would pre- vent this flash flooding and preserve local streams from erosion. 8. Preservation of Vegetation. Plants and vegetation along con- ventional roads, particularly in areas of high pavement densities, are often starved for water because the dry soil under the roads tend to rob their supply. Porous pavement would restore natural ' moisture to the benefit of roadside vegetation. 9. Preservation of Natural Drainage Patterns - In contrast to impervious surfaces, porous pavement would preserve natural drain- age patterns. it is desirable to preserve natural drainage patterns where paving is imposed on otherwise open areas whose natural character is worth preserving and/or areas where the surfacing will be only temporary.. i 2 fF7 LJ 10. Temperature and storm control. In dense urban areas alight colored pavement would provide a cooling effect. Further, the heated air from large expanses of dark asphalt paving is suspected - by meteorologists of causing thunderheads to develop on summer afternoons. This may cause moisture -laden air to dump its water on the cities where it loads the sewers, rather than carrying it over to the farmlands beyond. A light-colored pavement should not have this effect. 11. Color.Infusion. A demand for colored porous surfaces was evidenced in a wide variety of -applications. Laboratory tests indicated that colored roofing granules applied to a porous surface offer a promising colored pavement at economical costs of 354 to 60q per square yard, but further field evaluation of the color's durability are required. The use of naturally colored aggregates would provide a satisfactory colored surface, but their use would be economically limited to areas where colored aggregates occur, naturally. The use of light colored binders in place of an asphalt binder was reported to be unsatisfactory because of a tendency of dirt to adhere to the binders and because of evidence of low durability. 12: The presence of puddles in parking lots and other areas , traversed by pedestrians, is not to be expected with porous pave ments Formulation and Test A variety of conventional and unconventional materials were consid- ered and the most promising ones tested to.determine their physical .and economic feasibility as porous pavement materials. An open - graded asphalt concrete was selected as the most suitable. material because of its superior physical characteristics, its low cost, and its ability to be laid by conventional paving methods.. Porous portland cement surfaces were found unsuitable because of pavement failure cause by the shifting and settling of the subgrade under the load application point. Artificial turfs were found insuffic iently permeable for porous playground pavements. A resilient porous surface of adhesively bonded chopped rubber, intended for playground use, exhibited suitable physical characteristics, but was judged too expensive for more than very limited -use. Similarly, pavements assembled at the site from factory -made components such as bricks or honeycombs, were seen to be uneconomical.. Porous asphalt concrete can bemixed in usual hot mix planta, and compacted and laid with the machines customarily used for asphalt. concrete paving. Three types of porous asphaltic concretes, corresponding to Asphalt Institute, British, and California aggregate specifications, were .analyzed. Because of differences in size -of -aggregate specifications, the infiltrations rates of these types.varied from less than 5"/hr. to more than 25"/hr. Each type was examined with asphalt binder contents of from.4.0% to 5.5% of total weight. 3 -1 The most porous of the open -graded asphalt concretes contained aggregate graded in accordance with a California specification: -Sieve Opening (MM) Specification FIRL Product 1/211 12.7 100 100 3/811 9.51 90-100 97 #4 4.76 35-50 34 #8 2..38 15-32 16 # 16 1.19 0-15 13 #200 .o74 0-3 2 Five and one-half percent by weight of 85-100 penetration road . asphalt was the binder of choice. It is customary, when designing a pavement, to test the asphalt -aggregate mix for its resistance to stripping.by water using ASTM D 1664. If the estimated coated area is. -not above 95% in this test anti -stripping agents are added to the asphalt.' .. Marshall stability tests were performed on all specimens to deter- mine their load -bearing suitability in road use. All specimens con- siderably exceeded the minimum Marshall stability criterion for medium traffic uses. Freeze -thaw tests were conducted to determine whether porous asphal- tic concrete could withstand normal climatic cycles. Two samples each of the.Asphalt Institute, British and California specifications were subjected to 265 freeze -thaw cycles. No physical dimensional changes were noted .for any of the samples after the test cycles, nor, was there any impairment of Marshall stability values or flow rates. Durability tests were conducted'to determine whether the heightened exposure to air or water would'produce excessive asphalt hardening which would cause cracks to form in -the road surface. Only the California mix with 4.5% asphalt concrete exhibited excess hardening, due mostly to its highly open structure. The California specifics tion with 5.5% asphalt content, however, proved to combine high durability and high permeability, and was selected as the optimal porous asphalt concrete surface. Further tests were conducted to determine the effect of porous pave- ment on the survival of aerobic soil bacteria. It was deemed , important that these aerobic bacteria flourish under porous pavement to metabolize oils, animal and•bird excrements, and other organics that might otherwise tend to clog the system or pollute the water. Rather sketchy tests for aerobic activity in soil located underneath porous asphaltic concrete revealed no inhibition of these bacterial processes. r� Design of Porous Asphaltic Concrete Roadways The design of porous asphalt concrete roadways equivalent to con- ventionally constructed roads was found to depend primarily on the load -bearing capacity of the subgrade, the expected traffic volume and the reservoir capacity of surface and base.. Specifications of the Asphalt Institute were used to design the porous pavement road- ways illustrated in the table below: Requirements for Surface and Base Course Surface Base Reservoir Capacity Thickness Thickness (inches of rainfall) CBR DTN (IN) (IN) Surface Base Total 2 1 4 6• .60 1.80 2.40 2 10 4 12 .60 3.60 4.20 2 20 4-1/2 13 .66 3.90 4.56 2 50 5 14 .75 4.20 4.95 2 100 5 16 .75 4.80 5.55 2 1000 6 20 6.00 6.90 .90 2 5000 7 22 1.05 6.60 7.65 Because -of the low load -bearing capacity of a wet subgrade a poor subgrade (California Bearing Ratio Q 2) was assumed in establishing these designs. Traffic volumes are indicated by the Design Traffic Number (DTN). Traffic volumes.are designated by the DTN reading as follows: 1-10, light traffic; 10-100 medium traffic, 100-5,000 heavy traffic (primarily highway.) The gravel base depths are minimums provided by Asphalt Institute specifications. These minimum base depths would -have to be increased in designing porous pavements for areas where the expected maximum precipitation exceeds the indicated surface and base reservoir capacities. 'Thus for an expected'5.4" maximum precipitation in one hour, typical of Philadelphia, the minimum base thickness for all types of uses -would have to be 16". Adding additional base thickness is relatively cheap and does not greatly affect the economic feasibility of porous pavement. It was judged that a soil permeability of .042, sufficient to remove a 5-inch rainfall in ten -days, would prove adequate for most uses. low In areas with high rainfall in:combination with soils of water infiltration rates, less than 0.02 inches per hour, consideration should be given to either penetrating the low permeability soil layer by sand or other type of -drain if a higher permeability soil, -- horizon lies beneath, or by constructing nearby storage ponds to retain the water until infiltration can occur. With the latter eventuality, water penetrating the pavement layer would run-off laterally to be drained to the ponds. 5 APPENDIX E. -' References 1. Charlotte Stormwater Det , sj Manual, Department of Publ'i.c Works.,. Charlotte.' N. C, September 1�78 , 2. De�sfgri and Coristructiori 'of' S•ariitary and Storm 'Sewers, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 37, 1974. 3. Desi n 'of Exfiltrat' on� "Treric1 'Syst'ems' 'for •Underground Disposal of Storm Water Runoff by- Darrell E. McQueen, P.E. Briston, Childs and Associates, Inc,, Coral Gables, �'la. May, 1979, 4. Desigri'of Roadside•Drainage Channels, Hydraulic Design Series No. 4, U.S. Department of.Commerce,•Bureau of, Public Roads, 1965. 5. Guidelines' 'for Control of Erosion and S*edij6ent 'During Construc- tion, North Carolina Department of Transportation, July 1, 1980. 6. Handbook of De*s'ign 'for Highway Surface 'Drainage 'Structures, prepared by Bridge Location & Hydrographi.c Department, C.R. Edgerton, State Hydrog'raphic Engineer, 1973. 7. Hydraul•ics, Engineering Handbook, Section 5, Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 8. Hydrology, Section 4, SCS National Engineering Handbook, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, August 1972. 9. Porous Pavement, The Franklin Institute Research Laboratories, Edmund Thelen and L. Fielding Howe, 1978. E-1 10. Practices in Detention of Urban Stormwater Runoff, American ' Public Works Association Special Report No. 43., 1974. 11. Proceedings of a Workshop - North Carolina Workshop on Management of Stormwater, Sedimentation, and Flood Control in Urban Areas, January 5, 1978, published"by Water Resources Research Institute of The University of.North Carolina. 12. Public Facilities Manual, Volume 1, "Policies and Guidelines", County of Fairfax, Virginia, 1977. 13. Roadway Standard Drawings, State -of North Carolina, Department of Transportation, Division of Highways Roadways Design Unit, July 1, 197.8.. 14. Sedimentation Control, Chapter 4,. Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, January 11, 1978. 15. Standards and Specification for Roads and Structures, North .' Carolina Department of Transportation July 1, 1978. 16. Soil Survey of the.0uter Stinks, North Carolina, Unites States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service June 1977. 17. Stormwater Management Alternatives, J. Tourbier and R. West- macott, Editors, Water Resources Center, University of Delaware April 1980. 18. Subdivision Roads - Minimum -Construction Standards, North Carolina Department of Transportation July 1, 1979. 19. Town of Nags Head Surface Water Drainage Plan, Coastal Consultants, LTD and McDowell -Jones, P.A., June 30, 1980. E-2 20. Underground Disposal of Storm Water Runoff, Design Guide- lines Manual by Joseph B. Hannon, P.E., U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA - TS - 8-1 218) February 1980. 21. Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical Release No. 55, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, January, 1975• 22. Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual,. -Volume 2, Denver Regional. Council of Governments, Wright -McLaughlin Engineers, March 1969. 23. Water Quality and Urban Stormwater, A Management Plan,' Division of Environmental Management, North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development' -July 1979• E-3