HomeMy WebLinkAboutOld Manteo Residential Historic District-1982_ HISTORIC-.. DIST_R6CT TOWN OF NANTEO NORTH CAROLM DCM COPY�'Vf?A 't DCM COPY lease do not remove!!!!! Division of Coastal Management OLD MANTEO RESIDENTIAL HISTORIC DISTRICT This document was prepared by the Planning and Zoning Board and the Mantso Board of Commissioners with funds provided through the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Office of Coastal Management. Consultants: Randy Nester and Marcia McNally August 1982 OLD MARTEO RESIDENTIAL HISTORIC DISTRICT 1.0Purpose The Old Mantso Residential Historic District, hereinafter referred to as the "District",is a part of the most valued and important assets of Manteo. It is established for the purpose of protecting and con- serving the heritage of the town, the island, county and State= for the purpose of safeguarding the character and heritage of the District by preserving the District as a whole and any individual property therein that embodies important elements of its social, sconomio, cultural, political, or architectural and townscape history; for the purpose of promoting the conservation of ouch District for the educa: tion, pleasure and enrichment of residents of the District and the town of Manteo, the island, county and State as a whole; for the purpose of fostering civic beauty; and for the purpose of stabilizing and enhancing property values throughout the District as a whole, thus contributing to the improvement of the general health and welfare of Manteo and the residents of the District. 2.0 Historic District Establishment The Old Manteo Residential Historic District is hereby established as a district which overlaps and overlays existing zoning districts, the extent and boundaries of which are a indicated on the official zoning map for the Town of Manteo. The boundaries of the Old Manteo Residential Historic District are as shown on the official zoning map. 3.0 'Permitted Uses The Old Manteo Residential Historic District contains several zoning classifications. All uses permitted in any such district, whether by right or as a special use, shall be permitted in the Historic District according to the procedures established for such uses. 4.0 Authentic Restoration or Reconstruction 4.1 Where it is found by the Historic District Commission that an application for a building permit covers activity constituting an authentic restoration or reconstruction in the same location as the original location and in the original conformation of the structure of a structure of historic and/or architectural significance to the Historic District, such activity may be approved by the Board of Commissioners following approval by the Historic District Commission. 4.2 Approval SubJect to Conditions The Board of Commissionera,in approving such authentic reconstruction or restoration, may attach reasonable and appropriate conditions to the approval, such that the public health, safety and general welfare shall be protected. 5.0 Parking Waiver Where the Historic District Commission, in considering an application for a certificate of appropriateness, shall find that the number of off-street parking spaces required by the zoning ordinance would render the building incongruous with the historic aspects of the District, part or all of the parking requirement may be waived upon recommendation of the Historic District Commission and action by the Town Board of Commissioners. This will be waived only if (1) there shall be no problem created by additional on -street parking, and (2) there is no threat to the public safety. 6.0 Designation The Manteo Planning and Zoning Board is hereby designated as the Historic District Commission and to exercise all the duties and responsibilities and to possess the authorities described herein. At least two members of the Planning and Zoning Board shall have demonstrated special interest, experience or education in history or architecture. 7.0 Commission Powers 7.1 General Responsibilities of the Commission The Commission shall seek to promote, enhance and preserve the character of the District provided the Commission shall not require the reconstruction of individual or original buildings or structures or portions thereof. 7.2 Specific Authority and Powers The Historic District Commission is authorized and empowered to undertake such actions reasonably necessary to the discharge and conduct of its duties and responsibilities as outlined in this ordinance and Part 9A, Article 19 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina, including but not limited to the following. a. To recommend to the Board of Commissioners districts or areas to be designated by ordinance as "Historic Districts." b. To recommend to the Board of Commissioners that designation of any district or area as a Historic District be revoked or removed. o. To consider and grant or deny applications for Certificates of Appropriateness. d. To give advice to property owners concerning the treatment of the historical and visual characteristics of their properties located within the District, such as color schemes, gardens and landscape features, and minor decorative elements. e. To propose to the Town Board changes to this or any related ordinance and to propose new ordinances or lave relating to the Historic District or relating to the total program forthe development of the historical resources of the Town of Manteo and its environs. f. To cooperate with other Town of Manteo boards or commissions or with agencies of the Town of Manteo or other governmental units{ to offer or request assistance, aid, guidance, or advice concerning matters under its purview or of mutual interest. g. To publish information about, or otherwise inform the owners of property within the District, of any matters pertinent to its duties, organization, procedures, responsibilities, functions or requirements. h. To undertake programs of information, research, or analysis relating to any matters under its purview. i. To report violations of this ordinance, or related ordinances to _ the local official responsible for enforcement. J. To assist the Town d Manteo staff in obtaining the services of private consultants to aid in carrying out programs of research or analysis. k. To accept funds granted to the Commission from private or non- profit organizations. 1. To contract, with the approval of the Town Board, for services or funds from the State of North Carolina and agencies or departments of the United States government. m. To recommend to the gown Board and the State of North Carolina structures, sites, objects or districts worthy of national, state or local recognition. n. To initiate and participate in negotiations with owners and other parties in an effort to find means of preserving buildings scheduled for demolition. r o. To conduct public hearings on applications for Certificates of Appropriateness where the Commission deems that such a hearing is necessary. P. To organize itself and conduct its business by whatever legal means it deems proper. q. To exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as are required elsewhere by this ordinance, the General Statutes'of North Carolina or by the Town of Manteo. 8.0 Required Certificate of Appropriateness No exterior portion of any building or other structure (including masonry walls, fences, light fixtures, steps and pavement, or other appurtenant features) nor above -ground utility structure nor any type of outdoor advertising sign shall be erected, altered, restored, moved or demolished within such district until after an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness as to exterior features has been submitted to.and approved by the Historic District Commission. The municipality shall require such a certificate to:be issued by the Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit granted for the purposes of constructing, altering, moving or demolishing structures, which certificate may be issued subject to reasonable conditions necessary to carry out the purposes of this Part. A Certificate of Appropriateness shall be required whether or not a building permit is required. Any building permit or such other permit not issued in conformity with this section shall be invalid. The Town of Manteo and all public utility companies shall be required to obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness prior to initiating any changes in the character of street paving, sidewalks, trees, utility installations, lighting, walls, fences, structures and buildings on property, easements, or streets owned or franchised by the Town of Manteo or public utility companies. 9.0 Required Procedures 9.1 Application Submitted to Appropriate Administrative Official An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be obtained from and when completed filed with the Planning and Zoning Board. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness shall be considered by the Historic District Commission at its next regular meeting, provided they have been filed, complete in form and content, at least 7 calendar days before the regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission; otherwise consideration shall be deferred until the following meeting. 9.2 Contents of Application The Commission shall, by uniform rule in its Rules of Procedure, require data as are reasonably necessary to determine the nature of the application. An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness shall not be considered complete until all required data have been submitted. Nothing shall prevent the applicant from filing with the applica- tion additional relevant information bearing on the application. 9.3 Commission Action on Application The'Commiseion shall take action on the application and in doing so shall apply the Review Criteria outlined in this Ordinance. 'The Commission's action on the application shall be approval, approval with modifications, or disapproval. Prior to final action on an application, the Commission, using the guidelines in this Ordinance, shall make findings of fact indicating the extent to which the application is or is not congruous with the historic aspects of the district. 9.4 Reasons for Commission's Actions to Appear in Minutes The Commission shall cause to be entered into the minutes of its meetings the reasons for its actions, whether it be approval, approval with modificationa, or denial. 10.0 Review Criteria 10.1 Intent It is the intention of these regulations to insure, insofar as possible, that buildings or structures in the Historic District shall be in harmony with other buildings or structures located therein. How - evert it is not the intention of these regulations to require the reconstruction,or restoration of individual or original buildings or prohibit the demolition or removal of same or to impose architectural styles from particular historic periods. In considering new construc- tion, the Commission shall encourage contemporary design which is harmonious with the character of the District. In granting a Certificate of Appropriateness, the Commission shall take into account the historic or architectural significance or the significance of the relationship to the townscape of the structure under consideration and the exterior form and appearance of any proposed additions or modifications to that structure as well as the effect of such change or additions upon other structures in the vicinity. 10.2 Exterior Form and Appearance The following criteria shall be considered, when relevant, by the Commission in reviewing applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness. - Lot coverage, defined as the percentage of lot area covered by primary structures. - Setback, defined as the distance from the lot lines to the building(s). - Building height. - Spacing of buildings, defined as the distance between adjacent buildings. - Exterior building materials. - Proportion, shape, positioning, location, pattern and sizes of any elements of fenestration. - Surface textures. - Roof shapes, forme and materials. - Use of local or regional architectural traditions. - General from and proportions of buildings and structures, and relationship of any additions to the main structure. - Expression of architectural detailing, such as porches, lintels, cornices, brick bond, and foundation materials. - Orientation of the building to the street. - Scale, determined by the size of the units of construction and architectural details in relation to the size of man and also by the relationship of the building mass to adjoining open space and nearby buildings, structures, and fences. - Proportion of width to height of the total building facade. - Effect of trees and other landscape elements. - Appurtenant fixtures and other features such as lighting. - Structural condition and soundness. - Walla: physical ingredients, such as brick, stone or wood walls, wrought iron fences, evergreen landscape masses, building facades, or combinations of these. - Color. - Ground cover or paving. - Maintenance of pedestrian scale and orientation as well.as provision for safe pedestrian movement. 10.3 RESERVED 10.4 RESERVED 10.5 Interior Arrangement Not Considered The Historic District Commission shall not consider interior arrangement. 11.0 Certain Changes Not Included Nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance or repair of any exterior architectural feature in the Historic District which does not involve a substantial change in design, material, or outer appearance thereof. 12.0 Delay in Demolition of Bnildinga Within Historic District An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness authorizing the demolition of a building or structure within the District may not be denied. However, the effective date of such a certificate may be delayed for a period of up to 180 days from the date of approval. The maximum period of delay authorized by this section shall be reduced by the commission where it finds that the owner would suffer extreme hardship or be permanently deprived of all beneficial use of or return from such property by virtue of the delay. During such period the Historic District Commission may negotiate with the owner and with W other parties in an effort to find a means of preserving the building. If the Historic District Commission finds that the building has no particular significance or value toward maintaining the character of the District, it shall waive all or part of such period and authorize earlier demolition or removal. 13.0 Review of Application by Commission As part of its review procedure, the Commission may view the premises and seek the advice of the Department of Cultural Resources or such other expert advice as it may deem necessary under the circumstances. 14.0 Compliance Compliance with the terms of the Certificate of Appropriateness shall be enforced by the Building Inspector. Failure to comply with a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be a,violation of the Boning Ordinance. The discontinuance of work or the lack of progress toward achieving compliance with a Certificate of Appropriateness for a period of three months shall be considered as a failure to comply with a Certificate of Appropriateness. Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall prohibit, impair, or limit in any way the power of the Town of Manteo to prevent the construction, reconstruction, alteration, restoration, or removal of buildings, structures, appurtenant fixtures, or outdoor signs in the Historic District in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance. The enforcement of any remedy provided herein shall not prevent the enforcement of any other remedy or remedies provided herein or in other ordinances or laws. (See C.S. 160A-175 and 16OA-989).