HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Land Use Plan Update-1997lease do not remove!!!!! Division of Coastal Management 1 TOWN OF EMERALD ISLE 1996 LAND USE PLAN UPDATE Adopted by the Emerald Isle Board of Commissioners: September 9, 1997 Certified by the Coastal Resources Commission: September 26, 1997 Holland Consulting Planners, Inc. Wilmington, North Carolina The preparation of this document was financed in part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Lj 1 I TOWN OF EMERALD ISLE, NORTH CAROLINA FY95/96 LAND USE PLAN UPDATE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION I: ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS A. ESTABLISHMENT OF INFORMATION BASE .......................... 1-1 B. POPULATION AND HOUSING .................................... 1-7 1. Population............................................1-7 a. Permanent Population Growth, 1970-1994 ................ 1-7 b. Composition and Age ................................ 1-9 2. Town of Emerald Isle Seasonal Population ..................... 1-10 a. Introduction and Methodology ........................ 1-10 b. Seasonal Population ................................ 1-12 3. Housing Characteristics ................................... 1-12 4. Summary............................................I-15 IC. ECONOMY................................................1-16 D. EXISTING LAND USE.........................................I-21 1. Introduction..........................................I-21 2. Urban and Developed Land ................................ 1-21 a) Residential......................................I-22 b) Commercial. .I-28 c) Public/Semi-Public................................. 1-29 d) Utilities, Communications ............................ e) Areas of Environmental Concern 1-29 1-29 3. Basinwide Water Quality Management ........................ 1-30 4. 5. Summary............................................1-33 Development Potential ................................... 1-33 6. Existing Ordinances and Land Use Controls .................... 1-34 a) Emerald Isle Coastal Area Management Act Land Use Plan Update, January 23, 1992 ....................... 1-34 b) Zoning Ordinance ................................. 1-35 c) Subdivision Ordinance .............................. 1-36 d) Drainage Master Plan ................................ 1-37 e) Stormwater Control Ordinance ........................ 1-37 f) Dunes and Vegetation Protection Ordinance ............... 1-38 g) Emerald Isle Mobile Home Park and Travel Trailer Park Ordinance .............................. 1-38 h) Floodplain Development ............................. I-38 i) Building Code .................................... 1-38 j) Storm Hazard Mitigation and Post -Disaster Reconstruction Plan ................................ 1-38 Ik) Emerald Isle Shoreline Access Plan ..................... 1-38 E. DEVELOPMENT CONSTRAINTS: PUBLIC FACILITIES .................. 1-39 1. Water Supply ......................................... 1-39 2. 3. Sewage Disposal ....................................... Drainage.............................................1-41 1-39 4. Solid Waste Disposal .................................... 1-46 5. 6. Schools ................. ..........................1-46 Transportation ......................................... 1-48 7. Police...............................................1-49 8. 9. Fire................................................1-49 Emergency Services ..................................... 1-49 10. Recreation...........................................1-49 11. 12. Electrical Distribution ..................................... Administration 1-55 1-56 ......................................... F. DEVELOPMENT CONSTRAINTS: LAND SUITABILITY .................. 1-57 1. Topography/Geology.................................... 1-57 2. Flood Hazard Areas ..................................... 1-57 3. Soils................................................1-61 4. Manmade Hazards/Restrictions ............................. 1-64 5. Marine Resources ...................................... 1-68 6. Fragile Areas .......................................... 1-69 a) Coastal Wetlands ................................. 1-69 b) Estuarine Waters ................................ 1-69 c) Estuarine Shorelines ................................ 1-69 d) Public Trust Areas ................................. 1-73 e) Ocean Hazard Areas ............................... 1-73 f) 404 Wetlands .................................... 1-74 g) Maritime Forests .................................. h) Outstanding Resource Waters ......................... 1-74 1-76 i) Slopes in Excess of 12% ............................ 1-76 j) Excessive Erosion Areas ............................. k) Historic and Archaeological Sites 1-76 1-76 ...................... SECTION 11: PROJECTED LAND DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS A. PROJECTED DEMAND FOR DEVELOPMENT ......................... II-1 1. Demographic Trends .................................... II-1 2. Commercial and Industrial Land Use ......................... II-4 3. Housing Trends ........................................ II-4 4. Public Land Use ........................................ II-5 5. Areas Likely to Experience Major Land Use Changes .............. II-5 6. Summary ............................................ II-5 B. PROJECTED PUBLIC FACILITIES NEEDS/AVAILABILITY ................ II-6 C. REDEVELOPMENT ISSUES ..................................... II-7 D. INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION AND IMPLEMENTATION ......... II-7 SECTION III: EMERALD ISLE LAND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ................ III-1 1 F, L SECTION IV: EMERALD ISLE POLICY STATEMENTS A. VISION STATEMENT .......................................... IV-2 B. RESOURCE PROTECTION POLICY STATEMENTS ..................... IV-2 C. MISCELLANEOUS RESOURCE PROTECTION ........................ IV-4 D. RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT POLICIES ............... IV-9 E. ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT POLICY STATEMENTS .... IV-10 F. CONTINUING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION POLICIES .................... IV-16 EMERALD ISLE STORM HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN ...................... IV-17 POST DISASTER RECONSTRUCTION PLAN AND POLICIES .................. IV-24 SECTION V: RELATIONSHIP OF POLICIES AND LAND CLASSIFICATIONS A. DEVELOPED CLASS........ ................................ V-1 B. URBAN TRANSITION CLASS ................................... V-1 C. CONSERVATION CLASS ...................................... V-1 D. SUMMARY ................................................ V-2 i I 11 TABLES Paqe Table 1 Town of Emerald Isle and Carteret County, NC Summary of Year -Round Population Growth by Township and 1-8 Municipality, 1970-1994 ................. ........... . Table 2 Population Characteristics by Age Group Emerald Isle and Carteret County, 1980-1990 ............... 1-9 Table 3 Percentage Change in Population by Sex and Race Emerald Isle Carteret County, 1980-1990 1-9 and ............... Table 4 Seasonal, Permanent, and Total Peak Population, 1996 Town of Emerald Isle, NC .............................. 1-11 Table 5 Building Permits Data, Town of Emerald Isle, 1990-1995 ....... 1-13 Table 6 Housing Summary: Tenure and Vacancy Town of Emerald Isle, 1980-1990 ........................ 1-14 Table 7 Housing Conditions, Town of Emerald Isle, 1990 ............. Force Status, Town Emerald Isle, 1980-1990 1-14 1-16 Table 8 Labor of rEmerald Table 9 Per Capita Income, 1979-1989 Isle, Carteret County, North Carolina ................ 1-16 Table 10 Employed Persons 16 Years and Older by Industry Town of Emerald Isle, 1980/1990 ........................ 1-17 Table 11 Employment by Class of Worker, Town of Emerald Isle, 1990 .... 1-18 Table 12 Poverty Status, Town of Emerald Isle, 1990 ................ 1-18 Table 13 Revenues and Expenditures, Town of Emerald Isle 1990-1995........................................ 1-19 Table 14 Town of Emerald Isle, Approximate Land Use by Acreage ....... 1-22 Table 15 Carteret County Watershed Report Watersheds 03020106020052 and 03020106030082 ........ 1-32 Table 16 Private Package Treatment and Disposal Systems in Emerald Isle .. 1-40 Table 17 Enrollment in Carteret County Schools, 1989-1995 ........... 1-47 Table 18 Town of Emerald Isle Synopses of Existing Ocean Accessway Facilities; Synopses of Existing Sound Accessway Facilities ..... 1-53 Table 19 Town of Emerald Isle Minimum Recreational Facility Needs 1-55 Table 20 Town of Emerald Soil Susceptibility to Flooding .............. 1-60 Table 21 Town of Emerald Isle Degree and Kind of Limitations for Stated Use 1-61 Table 22 Land Use Compatibility in Noise Areas ..................... 1-65 r Paae Table 23 Maritime Forest Area Definition, Function, and Management ..... 1-75 Table 24 Town of Emerald Isle and Carteret County, NC Summary of Year -Round Population Growth by Township and Municipality, 1990-2005 .............................. II-2 Table 25 Town of Emerald Isle Total Peak Population ................. II-3 Table 26 Town of Emerald Isle Total Population by Age and Percent Change, 1996-2005........................................ II-4 MAPS Map 1 Town of Emerald Isle 1995 Existing Land Use ............... 1-23/25 Map 2 Noise Impacts, Bogue Field Aircraft Operations ................. 1-27 Map 3 Town of Emerald Isle Storm Water Drainage Problem Areas ...... 1-43/45 Map 4 Town of Emerald Isle Ocean and Sound Public Access Sites ..... 1-50/52 Map 5 Emerald Isle General Delineation Flood Hazard Areas .............. 1-58 Map 6 Town of Emerald Isle General Soil Conditions ................ 1-62/63 Map 7 Town of Emerald Isle Areas of Environmental Concern ......... 1-70/72 Map 8 Town of Emerald Isle Land Classification Map ................ III-4/6 Map 9 Town of Emerald Flood Hazard Areas .................... IV-18/20 APPENDICES Appendix I Town of Emerald Isle Land Use Plan Policies Considered But Not Adopted Appendix II Town of Emerald Isle Citizen Participation Plan SECTION I: ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS A. ESTABLISHMENT OF INFORMATION BASE This 1996 Land Use Plan Update for the Town of Emerald Isle is prepared in accordance with requirements of the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). Specifically, this document complies with Subchapter 713, "Land Use Planning Guidelines," of the North Carolina Administrative Code, as amended, September 28, 1995. fiThe 7B guidelines define the following intent of land use plans: "Local governments, through the land use planning process, address issues and adopt policies that guide the development of their community. Many decisions affecting development are made by other levels of government, and local policies must consider and be consistent with established state and federal policies. Most development -related decisions, however, are primarily of local concern. Policies which address the type of development to be encouraged, the density and patterns of development, and the methods of providing public access to beaches and waterfronts are examples of these local policy decisions. By carefully and explicitly addressing development of these issues in the Land Use Plan, other levels of government will be able to consider local policies in their actions that affect those issues. State and federal agencies use the local land use plan and policies in making project consistency, funding, and permit decisions." The land use plan shall contain the following basic elements: 1) a summary of data collection; 2) an analysis of all data collected; 3) statements of local policy on those land use planning issues which will affect the community during the 10-year planning period; 4) a map of existing land uses and a land classification map; 5) a discussion of the relationship between the local government's adopted policies and the land classification map; 6) a discussion of how adjacent governments' plans were considered in the preparation of the land use plan; ., 7) a Citizen Participation Plan. The policy section of the plan is the* most important part of the document. The 7B guidelines dictate that policies must be included to address: 1) Resource Protection 2) Resource Production and Management i 3) Economic and Community Development i 4) Continuing Public Participation 5) Storm Hazard Mitigation, Post -Disaster Recovery and Evacuation Plans This land use plan provides a guide for development of the Town of Emerald Isle by addressing issues and adopting policies that are relevant to the town. Specifically, this land use plan provides the following: 1) an analysis of existing conditions, including a land use map; 2) a projected land development analysis; 3) a summary of public interests and participation; 4) a land classification system; 5) a detailed section on policy statements; 6) establishment of policies to deal with existing and anticipated land use issues; 7) preparation of a land classification map; 8) preparation of hurricane mitigation and post -disaster recovery plans and policies; 9) an assessment of opportunities for participation in state and federal programs; 10) an updated Land Use Plan based on an effective citizen participation process. Listed below are some of the sources and documents utilized during the preparation of this Land Use Plan: -- Carteret County 1991 Land Use Plan Update -- Carteret County Board of Education -- Carteret Community Action -- Carteret County Department of Environmental Health -- Carteret County Department of Social Services -- Carteret County Economic Development Council, Inc. -- Carteret County Fire Marshal -- Carteret County Planning Department -- Carteret County Tax Assessor's Office -- Morehead City - Beaufort 1992 Thoroughfare Plan -- Environmental Impact Statement, Carteret County Wastewater Treatment and Disposal, 1988 -- Drainage Master Plan, Town of Emerald Isle, North Carolina -- Flood Insurance Study, Town of Emerald Isle -- Town of Emerald Isle 1991 Land Use Plan Update -- Town of Emerald Isle 1986 Land Use Plan Update -- Town of Emerald Isle Zoning Ordinance -- Town of Emerald Isle Subdivision Ordinance -- Town of Emerald Isle Mobile Home Park and Travel Trailer Park Ordinance -- Town of Emerald Isle Ocean and Sound Public Access Plan, 1988 -- Town of Emerald Isle Storm Hazard Mitigation Plan and Post Disaster Reconstruction Plan, 1984 -- An Assessment of Maritime Forest Resources on the North Carolina Coast, November 1988 -- USDA, Soil Conservation Service, Carteret County -- NCDOT, Planning and Policies Section -- North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management -- North Carolina Division of Archives and History -- North Carolina Division of Community Assistance -- North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Coastal Management 1-2 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 P -- North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section -- North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Solid Waste Management Branch -- North Carolina Department of Economic and Community Development -- North Carolina Division of Aging -- North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries -- North Carolina Division of Shellfish Sanitation -- North Carolina Division of Travel and Tourism -- North Carolina Division of Veterans' Affairs -- North Carolina Employment Security Commission, Labor Market Information Division -- North Carolina Natural Heritage Program -- North Carolina State Ports Authority, Morehead Terminal, General Manager's Office -- United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Office -- United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census -- United States Fish and Wildlife Service -- United States Marine Corps, MCAS Cherry Point, Community Plans and Liaison Office These sources were supplemented by "windshield" surveys conducted in December, 1995, to obtain data on existing land use patterns. It should be noted that the policy section of this plan is the most important part of the document. State and federal agencies will use the local land use policies in making project consistency, funding, and permit decisions. 1992 LAND USE PLAN POLICY STATEMENT DISCUSSION The 1992 Town of Emerald Isle Land Use Plan included policy statements which addressed the five policy areas of: Resource Protection, Resource Production and Management, Economic and Community Development, Continuing Public Participation, and Storm Hazard Mitigation, Post -Disaster Recovery, and Evacuation Plans. Those policies supported the 15A NCAC 7H minimum use standards. The following identifies the policies which exceeded the state's 15A NCAC 7H minimum use standards: RESOURCE PROTECTION POLICY STATEMENTS -- Emerald Isle opposes the installation of package treatment plants and septic tanks or discharge of waste in any areas classified as coastal wetlands or fresh water wetlands (404). Development of Sound and Estuarine Islands -- Emerald Isle desires to restrict any construction on -sound or estuarine islands. The town will review its zoning ordinance to incorporate controls to regulate development on sound and estuarine islands. Until the zoning ordinance is revised, the town will support development on islands which satisfies the 15A NCAC 7H use standards. 11 1-3 Ocean Hazard Areas i -- Emerald Isle will support only uses within the ocean hazard areas which are allowed by 15A NCAC 7H and are consistent with the town's zoning and dune and vegetation protection ordinances. Inlet Hazard Areas -- The Town of Emerald Isle will allow uses within the inlet hazard areas which are consistent with the town's zoning ordinance, 15A NCAC 7H use standards and the following use standards: (1) All development in the inlet hazard area shall be set back from the first line of stable natural vegetation a distance equal to the setback required in the adjacent ocean hazard areas; (2) Permanent structures shall be permitted at a density of no more than one commercial or residential unit per 15,000 square feet of land area on lots subdivided or created after July 23, 1981; (3) Only residential structures of four units or less or non-residential structures of less than 5,000 square feet total floor area shall be allowed within the inlet hazard area; (4) Established common-law and statutory public rights of access to the public trust lands and waters in inlet hazard areas shall not be eliminated or restricted. Development shall not encroach upon public accessways nor shall it limit the intended use of the accessways; (5) Shoreline stabilization structures shall be permitted only as a part of a publicly supported project; (6) All other rules in this subchapter pertaining to development in the ocean hazard areas shall be applied to development within the inlet hazard areas; (7) The following types of development shall be exempted from these inlet hazard area setback requirements: -- campgrounds that do not involve substantial permanent structures; -- parking areas with clay, packed sand, or similar surfaces; -- outdoor tennis court; -- elevated decks not exceeding 500 square feet; -- beach accessways consistent with 15A NCAC 7H use standards; -- unenclosed, uninhabitable gazebos with floor areas of 200 square feet or less; -- uninhabitable storage sheds with floor areas of 200 square feet or less; -- temporary amusement stands; and -- swimming pools. 1-4 1 11 (8) The town opposes all residential, institutional, and commercial development in the area which is west of a line lying along the eastern property line of Lot 9, Section A, Emerald Isle by the Sea, Book 8, Page 73, Carteret County Registrar of Deeds Office, Block 53, November 16, 1973, to its intersection with the southern right-of-way with Inlet Drive and west of a line lying along the eastern property line of Lot 30, Section B, Emerald Isle by the Sea, Book 8, Page 73, Carteret County Registrar of Deeds Office, November 16, 1973, if extended to intersect with the southern right-of-way line of Inlet Drive. Public rights -of -way and utilities shall be permitted. The following types of development shall be allowed and exempted from the inlet hazard area setback requirements: -- publicly owned parking areas with clay, packed sand, or similar pervious surfaces; -- publicly owned elevated decks not exceeding 500 square feet; -- beach accessways consistent with 15A NCAC 7H use standards; -- publicly owned, unenclosed, uninhabitable gazebos with floor areas of 200 square feet or less; -- publicly owned, uninhabitable storage sheds with floor areas of 200 -- square feet or less; publicly owned, temporary amusement stands. (9) In all cases, development shall only be permitted if it meets other applicable 15A NCAC 7H inlet hazard areas use standards; is landward of the vegetation line; and involves no significant alteration or removal of primary or frontal dunes or the dune vegetation. RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT POLICIES Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Development Impacts on Resources -- Residential and commercial development which meets 15A NCAC 7H use standards, Emerald Isle zoning requirements, where applicable the Bogue Sound ORW Management Plan, and the policies contained in this plan will be allowed in estuarine shoreline, ORW estuarine shoreline, estuarine water, and public trust areas. Industrial development will be prohibited within Emerald Isle. Marinas and bulkheads shall be allowed when consistent with the other policies contained in this plan. -- Emerald Isle opposes the construction of any signs, except for regulatory signs, in the coastal wetlands, estuarine waters, and public trust areas. �1 Ll 1 1-5 Marina Resource Areas ' -- With the exception of the construction of signs (excluding regulatory signs), Emerald Isle supports the use standards for estuarine waters and public trust areas as specified in 15A NCAC 7H.0207, and the management plan for the Bogue Sound outstanding resource waters. Types and Locations of Desired Industry -- Emerald Isle opposes industrial development of any type. This policy is supported by the Emerald Isle zoning ordinance. H 1-6 1 IB. POPULATION AND HOUSING ' 1. Population a. Permanent Population Growth, 1970-1994 Emerald Isle is located in Carteret County on the western end of Bogue Banks. Since 1970, Carteret County has experienced tremendous population growth. In fact, between 1980-1994, Carteret County was the sixth fastest growing CAMA-regulated county and was 24th in the entire state. This growth is the result of a number of factors, including the following: growing retirement and recreation centers, increased military and industrial presence, peak population growth, and a national trend of migration to non -metropolitan areas. The overall growth of Carteret County has served to support and stimulate the growth of Emerald Isle and other county municipalities. Table 1 provides a complete summary of year-round population growth within Carteret County. Carteret County's rate of growth from 1970 to 1980 was twice the growth rate of the 1960s. Since 1980, population growth, although extremely high, has occurred at a continually decreasing rate. The N.C. State Data Center has forecast this trend to continue through the year 2003. A large percentage of the growth in Carteret County from 1970-1994 has occurred in the incorporated beach communities and in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the municipalities. Emerald Isle had major growth from 1980 to 1990, with the permanent population increasing from 865 to 2,434, a 181 % increase. Strong growth continued through the early '90s with an increase to a 1994 permanent population of 2,798, a four-year growth of 15%. 1 I 1 i I 1 11 1 1-7 Table 1 Town of Emerald Isle and Carteret County, NC Summary of Year -Round Population Growth by Township and Municipality, 1970 - 1994 Township Municipality or Area Year Round Population 1970 1980 1990 1994 Percentage Change Overall '70-'80 '80290 '90294 '70294 1) Atlantic Total Township 814 810 805 803 -0.49% -0.62% -0.26% -1.37% 2) Beaufort Beaufort 3,368 3,826 3,808 3,997 13.60% -0.47% 4.96% 18.68% Unincorporated Areas 2.779 3,166 4,205 4,644 13.93% 32.82% 10.45% 67.12% Total Township 6,147 6,992 8,013 8,641 13.75% 14.60% 7.84% 40.58% 3) Cedar Island Total Township 290 333 385 407 14.83% 15.62% 5.71 % 40.34% 4) Davis Total Township 456 492 535 553 7.89% 8.74% 3.40% 21.31 % 5) Harkers Island Total Township 1,639 1,910 2,237 2,375 16.53% 17.12% 6.18% 44.92% 6) Harlowe Total Township 762 956 11190 1,289 25.46% 24.48% 8.31 % 69.15% 7) Marshallberg Total Township 525 580 646 674 10.48% 11.38% 4.32% 28.36% 8) Merrimon Total Township 330 426 542 591 29.09% 27.23% 9.05% 79.10% 9) Morehead City Atlantic Beach 300 941 1,938 2,267 213.67% 105.95% 16.98% 655.67% Indian Beach 0 54 153 177 N/A 183.33% 15.69% N/A Morehead City 5,233 4,359 6,046 6,384 -16.70% 38.70% 5.59% 22.00% Pine Knoll Shores 0 646 1,360 1,543 N/A 110.53% 13.46% N/A Unincorporated Areas 6,396 9,803 10,985 11,485 53.27% 12.06% 4.55% 79.56% Total Township 11,929 15,803 20,482 21,856 32.48% 29.61 % 6.71 % 83.21 % 10) Newport Newport 1,735 1,883 2,516 2,778 8.53% 33.62% 10.41% 60.12% Unincorporated Areas 2,191 3,586 4,817 5,337 63.67% 34.33% 10.80% 143.61 % Total Township 3,926 5,469 7,333 8,115 39.30% 34.08% 10.67% 106.71 % 11) Sea Level Total Township 347 540 773 872 55.62% 43.15% 12.74% 151.15% 12) Smyrna Total Township 517 637 782 843 23.21 % 22.76% 7.84% 63.11 % 13) Stacy Total Township 257 322 401 434 25.29% 24.53% 8.33% 69.03% 14) Straits Total Township 1,166 1,520 1,948 2,129 30.36% 28.16% 9.29% 82.58% 15) white Oak Cape Carteret 616 944 11008 1,179 53.25% 6.78% 16.96% 91.40% Emerald Isle 122 865 2,434 2,798 609.02% 181.39% 14.95% 2193.44% Cedar Point 0 0 628 688 N/A N/A 9.55% N/A Unincorporated Areas 1,758 2,493 2,413 2,379 41.81 % -3.21 % -1.40% 35.33% Total Township 2,496 4,302 6,483 7,044 72.36% 50.70% 8.66% 182.22% Total Municipalities 11,374 13,518 19,891 21,811 18.85% 47.14% 9.70% 91.76% Total Unincorporated Areas 20,229 27,574 32,662 34,813 36.31 % 18.45% 6.59% 72.09% Total County 31,603 41,092 52,553 56,624 30.03% 27.90% 7.75% 79.19% Sources: N.C. State Data Center; extrapolation of data for unincorporated areas by Holland Consulting Planners, Inc. 1-8 b. Composition and Age The N.C. State Data Center does not estimate population by race, sex, or age for municipalities for intercensal years. Tables 2 and 3 were completed using 1980 and 1990 U.S. Census data for Emerald Isle. Table 2 Population Characteristics by Age Group Emerald Isle and Carteret County, 1980-1990 Percentage of Total Population Age Group Emerald Isle Carteret County 1980 1990 1980 1990 Under 5 4.7% 5.3% 6.8% 6.4% 5-17 12.9% 8.9% 19.7% 16.1 % 18-24 12.5% 8.3% 12.9% 9.5% 25-34 17.6% 17.0% 16.1 % 16.6% 35-44 9.7% 15.8% 11.4% 15.0% 45-54 15.7% 12.5% 10.7% 11.2% 55-64 16.6% 18.0% 10.8% 10.9% 65 and over 10.3% 14.2% 11.6% 14.3% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% Sources: 1980 and 1990 U.S. Census. Table 3 Percentage Change in Population by Sex and Race Emerald Isle and Carteret County, 1980-1990 Percentage of Total Population Emerald Isle Carteret County 1980 1990 1980 1990 Male Population 51 % 51 % 50% 49% Female Population 49% 49% 50% 51 % Total Population 100% 100% 100% 100% White Population 98.4% 99.7% 89.9% 90.6% Non -White Population 1.6% 0.3% 10.1 % 9.4% Total Population 100% 100% 100% 100% Sources: 1980 and 1990 U.S. Census Data. M I Since 1980, the age of the Emerald Isle population has increased significantly. This is consistent with trends throughout Carteret County and is indicative of the attractiveness of the Bogue Banks area as a retirement center. In 1970, only 18% of Emerald Isle's population was 55 years old or older. By 1990, the percentage of those 55 years and older had increased to 32%. This was slightly higher than the county's percent of population over 55, which was approximately 25%. However, the town's percentage of population over 65 was approximately the same (14%) as the county in 1990. Thus, by 1990, almost one-third (32%) of the town's population was over 55 years of age. A majority of this population was in the 60 to 70 year old age group. The increasing age of the population should impact on the town's planning for medical, housing, and other service needs of the elderly. In addition to the growth in the elder) segments of the population, Table 2 also shows 9 Y 9 p P significant decreases in the 5-17, 18-24, and 45-54 age cohorts. Of particular importance to public facilities planning is the significant decrease in the school age population. This segment, age 5-17, decreased from 12.9% in 1980 to only 8.9% in 1990. This amounts to a 4% decrease over the ten-year period. The town's population composition by sex has remained constant from 1980 to 1990. From 1970 to 1980, the female percentage rose 3% to reach a 51 % male/49% female distribution. This division of the town's sexes is the exact opposite of the county's distribution of 49% male/51 % female experienced in 1990. Emerald Isle has had a very small non -white population. The 1980 Census indicated only four black, two Filipino, and eight Asian Indian residents. According to the 1990 Census, �. the non -white population has continued to decrease, composing only 0.3 % of the town's population. The non -white population can be expected to remain low. From 1980 to 1990, the total non -white population in Carteret County grew at a rate well below the white population growth rate. 2. Town of Emerald Isle Seasonal Population a. Introduction and Methodology Emerald Isle's permanent and year-round population is supplemented by a significant peak seasonal population. The methodology used in this study will closely follow a demographic analysis of recreational population for the Albemarle -Pamlico region prepared by Paul D. Tschetter of East Carolina University in 1988. The advantage of the ECU analysis is that it relies on an extensive empirical enumeration of marine boat slips, motel rooms, and campgrounds in addition to private seasonal housing units. The study also includes an excellent approach to estimating average population by type of individual housing unit. For purposes of the ECU study (and this demographic analysis), "total seasonal housing units" includes 1) all single- and multi -family private housing units used by the overnight tourist population rather than the permanent population; 2) all motel/hotel rooms (including bed and breakfasts); 3) all seasonal and transient campground sites; and 4) all individual marina wet slips capable of docking boats of a size and type which can house people overnight. Marina facilities for fueling/repair only (no overnight dockage), and those that only dock commercial fishing boats, are excluded from the enumeration of seasonal housing units. I 1 As in the ECU study, an enumeration of seasonal housing units was conducted to arrive at the totals presented in Table 4. The figures for marina boat slips, motel rooms, and campgrounds are up to date as of January, 1996. Due to the lack of current data for private housing units and permanent population for 1996, the figures from the 1990 U.S. Census and 1994 Office of State Planning data have been substituted. Therefore, the figures provided in this plan for seasonal population and peak seasonal population may be slightly low for 1996 since any growth in private housing units from 1990-1996 has not been considered. Table 4 Seasonal, Permanent, and Total Peak Population, 1996 Town of Emerald Isle, NC 1996* Number Persons Seasonal Housing Type of Units Per Unit Population Motel/Hotel 174 4 696 Campsites 697 3 2,091 Boat Slips 150 3.25[1 ] 414 Private Housing Units [2] 2,418 5 12,090 Total 3,439 15,291 Permanent Population 2,798 Peak Seasonal Population 15,291 Total Peak Population 18,089 [1] Based on 85% occupancy rate. 100% used for all other categories. [2] Includes units "vacant -held for occasional use" and "other vacant" as classified by the 1990 U.S. Census. * The figures for Motel/Hotel, Campsites, and Boat Slips are current as of January, 1996. The most recent data available for Private Housing Units is 1990 and for Permanent Population 1994. Source: 1990 U.S. Census; Holland Consulting Planners, Inc. The above peak seasonal population figure does not include "day visitor" usage of Emerald Isle recreational facilities, beaches, waters, and natural areas. Day visitors greatly increase the population in Emerald Isle during the tourist or summer season. On July 4, 1995, the Emerald Isle Police Department conservatively estimated a total population of 80,000. With a peak population of 18,089, the total day visitor population would have been approximately 61,911 people. In 1994, the average daily traffic count for vehicles crossing the Langston Bridge into Emerald Isle was 11,800 vehicles. If each vehicle had an average occupancy of only two persons, 23,600 people would have entered Emerald Isle. This number could easily increase 2 to 2.5 times during a peak summer season day. Thus, the Police Department estimate is very credible. This volume of day visitors has as much impact on the town as does the peak "overnight" population. b. Seasonal Population I Table 4 illustrates that the Town of Emerald Isle has a total of 3,439 seasonal units, a peak seasonal population of 15,921, and a total peak population of 18,089. "Peak seasonal population" can be defined as the population that would be enumerated in all seasonal housing units if all of those units were occupied at full capacity, based on average assumed household sizes for each type of unit (one exception is in marina boat slips where the ECU study suggests an occupancy rate of 85%). Although "peak seasonal population" is based on a number of variables, it is a very useful statistic for planning purposes, since it provides a logically derived summary of the possible total occupancy in seasonal units during peak overnight tourism periods (Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day weekends). "Total peak population" is simply the sum of the permanent population and peak seasonal population. 3. Housing Characteristics Since 1970, Emerald Isle has experienced tremendous residential construction. In 1970, there were only 304 permanent dwelling units. By 1980, the number had jumped to 2,433 dwelling units. This high rate of construction continued through the 1980s, and by 1990 resulted in a total of 4,574 dwelling units. Thus, from 1970 to 1990, there was a 1,405% increase in dwelling units. Complete detailed historical data is not available for the twenty-year period 1970-1990. However, Table 5 provides detailed building permit data for the years 1990-1995. During these five years, 953 residential building permits were issued, of which 685 or 72% were for single-family residential dwelling units. The annual value of residential construction has increased dramatically, with a high value of $21,207,374 in 1995 from a low of $8,780,680 in 1990. Approximately 48% of Emerald Isle's housing units were considered year round in 1980. This ratio of year round to seasonal housing units remained relatively constant throughout the 1980s. In 1990, approximately 47% of the town's housing units were considered year round, a decrease of only 1 % since 1980. Table 6 provides a summary of the tenure and vacancy status of the town's housing supply from 1980-1990. From 1980-1990, the town's total housing supply increased from 2,369 units to 4,574 units. This was a net gain of 2,718 units and a 90.9% increase over the ten-year period. The number of seasonal units in 1990 was almost twice as high as it was in 1980. Table 6 illustrates a continuation of the trend away from the traditional owner -occupied housing towards a rented and seasonal stock of housing in Emerald Isle. Table 7 shows 1,126 occupied housing units and 4,574 total housing units in Emerald Isle in 1990. Only 3.6% of Emerald Isle's occupied housing stock was less than one year old, and 10.8% greater than twenty years old in 1990. This leaves the majority (85.5%) of Emerald Isle's housing stock in the two - twenty year old bracket. It may also be noted that single family, detached housing dominates the housing inventory at 45.4%. . W WOM w r man go 401 101K IM11111110 1100 1=11111 M Table 5 Building Permits Data Town of Emerald Isle, 1990-1995 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Total Number Months Reported 12 12 12 12 12 12 72 Number of Units: One Family Residential 90 84 119 121 148 127 689 Two Family Residential 4 7 13 18 209 26 88 Three -Four Family Residential 0 8 4 4 7 0 28 Five or More Family Residential 0 0 0 0 6 51 29 Total Residential 94 100 136 143 181 204 858 Building Cost: One Family Residential $8,220,880 $8,525,910 $12,026,080 $12,158,600 $16,616,990 $14,053,974 $71,602,434 Two Family Residential 559,800 1,410,060 2,420,230 3,737,990 3,873,980 5,168,370 17,170,430 Three -Four Family Residential 0 813,200 306,600 306,600 430,340 0 2,379,740 Five or More Family Residential 0 0 0 0 353,120 3,152,340 3,505,460 Total Residential $8,780,680 $10,749,170 $14,752,910 $16,203,190 $21,274,430 $22,374,684 $94,135,064 Permits: Residential Additions & 242 285 264 304 262 1,357 Alterations $1,291,720 $1,674,635 $1,932,450 $1,226,260 $8,883,175 Cost $1,237,486 $1,520,624 Number of Buildings: Office, Bank & Professional 0 3 2 3 3 2 13 Stores & Other Mercantile 5 0 0 2 2 7 16 Buildings Building Cost: Office, Bank & Professional 0 $583,800 $1,018,250 $406,360 $879,600 $29,840 $2,917,850 Stores & Other Mercantile $548,200 0 0 456,700 640,600 1,117,860 $2,763,360 Buildings Source: Town of Emerald Isle. 1-13 Table 6 Housing Summary: Tenure and Vacancy Town of Emerald Isle, 1980-1990 Item 1980 1990 Total Housing Units 2,396 4,574 Year -Round Housing Units 1,158 2,156 Occupied 370 1,126 Renter -occupied 84 301 Owner -occupied 286 825 Vacant 788 1,030 For Sale 53 124 For Rent 95 736 Seasonal Units [11 1,238 2,418 [11 Includes units "vacant -held for occasional use" and "other vacant" as classified by the 1980 & 1990 U.S. Census. Source: 1980 and 1990 U.S. Census. Table 7 Housing Conditions Town of Emerald Isle, 1990 Condition and Age Total Occupied Units Aqe 0-1 2-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51 & Up Condition Lacking complete plumbing facilities Lacking complete kitchen facilities Type Total Units Single family, detached Single. family, attached 2-4 units 5-19 units 20 units or more Mobile home Other Source: 1990 U.S. Census. Percent of 1990 Total 1,126 100.00 % 41 3.64% 694 61.63% 269 23.89% 89 7.90% 22 1.95 % 5 0.44% 6 0.53% 0 0.00% 1 0.1 % 4,574 100.00% 2,076 45.39% 397 8.68% 536 11.72% 72 1.57% 482 10.54% 989 21.62% 22 0.48 % 1-14 C� 1 4. Summary The following provides a summary of significant demographic and housing factors: -- Between 1980-1990, Carteret County experienced a 27.94% population growth; 47.29 % in incorporated areas and 18.45 % in the unincorporated areas. -- Emerald Isle experienced an increase in permanent population from 865 in 1980 to 2,434 in 1990. During the same time period, the total number of seasonal housing units increased from 1,238 to 2,418. -- In 1996, the town can expect a peak seasonal population of 15,291. -- Approximately 60,000 "day visitors" visit Emerald Isle during a peak summer season day. -- The average age of the town's population has continued to mature and in 1990 32.2% of the population was over 55 years of age. -- The school -aged population has continued to decrease from 12.9% in 1980 to 8.9% in 1990. -- Since 1980, Emerald Isle's percentage of non -white population has decreased from 1.6% to 0.3% and the ratio of males to females has remained the same, 51 %:49%. -- Emerald Isle's housing stock is split almost 50:50 between year round units and seasonal units. -- From 1980 to 1990, the town's total housing supply increased by 90.0%. -- In 1990, 89.2% of the occupied housing stock was less than 21 years old. 1-15 C. ECONOMY Emerald Isle appears to have an extremely strong local economy. Based on 1990 Census data (the most current detailed economic data), only 2.5%, or 33 of those people actively in the labor force, were unemployed. There were 2,125 people of age for inclusion in the labor force. Of that total, 790, or 37.2%, were not active in the labor force. They were either disabled, retired by choice, or females not working. During the ten-year period, the active labor force grew from a total of 771 in 1980 to 1,335 in 1990. Additional labor force data is provided in Table 8. Table 8 Labor Force Status Town of Emerald Isle, 1980-1990 Labor Force Armed Forces Civilian Employed Unemployed Total 1980 Male Female Total 25 0 25 1990 Male Female Total 135 14 149 244 140 384 652 501 1,153 8 9 17 12 21 33 277 149 426 799 536 1,335 Source: 1980 and 1990 U.S. Bureau of the Census. In 1979, the town's population had a per capita income of $9,038. This was well above the state and Carteret County. By 1989, the town's per capita income had increased to $21,622. Table 9 provides a summary of income data. Table 9 Per Capita Income, 1979-1989 Emerald Isle, Carteret County, North Carolina 1979 1989 Town of Emerald Isle $9,038 $21,622 Carteret County $6,146 $14,096 North Carolina $6,132 $15,899 Source: 1990 U.S. Bureau of the Census. Emerald Isle's relatively high per capita income is concentrated in the sales and services industries. In fact, over 52% of the town's employed persons worked in retail/wholesale trade, finance, real estate, education, or other professional services. Retail trade was the 1-16 I largest employment category with 23% of the town's total employed. Table 10 provides detailed data for employment by industry. j Table 10 Employed Persons 16 Years and Older by Industry Town of Emerald Isle, 1980/1990 1980 1990 Number Percent Number Percent Occupation Employed of Total Employed of Total Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, mining` 23 6% 40 3% Construction 43 11 % 106 9% Manufacturing Nondurable goods 14 4% 33 3% Durable goods 26 7% 27 2% Transportation 7 2% 39 3% Communication, other public utilities 9 2% 19 2% Wholesale trade 2 0.5% 26 2% jRetail trade 81 21 % 254 23% Finance, insurance, and real estate 38 10% 154 13% Business and repair services 3 0.8% 58 5% Personal, entertainment, and recreational services 23 6% 49 4% Professional and related services Health services 8 2% 88 8% Educational services 45 11 % 106 9% Other professional & related services 8 2% 55 5% Public Administration 54 14% 99 9% Total Employed 384 100% 1,153 100% •While these are grouped together, this category is primarily limited to fisheries employment within Emerald Isle. Source: 1980 and 1990 U.S. Bureau of the Census. The Emerald Isle labor force had heavy dependence on government employment. A total of 257, or 22% of those employed, were employed in either federal, state, or local government jobs. This distribution tends to add stability to local employment and income. Table 11 provides a complete distribution of employment by class of worker. Table 11 Employment by Class of Worker Town of Emerald Isle, 1990 Private Wage and Salary Worker 718 Federal Government Worker 102 State Government Worker 105 Local Government Worker 50 Self -Employed Worker 171 Unpaid Family Worker 7 Total 1,153 Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census. Because of the strength of Emerald Isle's local economy and employment, the town has few people considered to be below the poverty level. In 1990, approximately 4% of the town's population was below poverty level. Over 82% of the town's population had incomes 200% of the poverty level and above. Table 12 provides detailed 1990 poverty level data. Table 12 Poverty Status Town of Emerald Isle, 1990 1990 Percent Income Level Individuals of Total Income below 75% of poverty level 67 2.8% Income between 75 & 124% of poverty level 112 4.6% Income between 125 & 149% of poverty level 66 2.7% Income between 150 & 199% of poverty level 170 7.1 % Income 200% of poverty level and above 1,991 82.8% Total enumerated by poverty status 2,406 100.0% Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census. In addition to the private economy, the Town of Emerald Isle has an economically sound local government. Table 13 provides a summary of Emerald Isle's revenues/expenditures for 1990 through 1995. Town revenues have steadily increased and have, except for 1992, exceeded r expenditures. Will r ■s M r m m m W M am M M M IM M GIs Iw Irr Table 13 Revenues and Expenditures Town of Emerald Isle, 1990-1995 Total Revenues Ad Valorem Tax Revenues Other Tax Revenues Unrestricted Intergovernmental Revenues Restricted Intergovernmental Revenues Permits and Fees Revenues Sales and Services Revenues Investment Revenues Miscellaneous Revenues Total Expenditures General Government Expenditures Public Safety Expenditures Environmental Protection Expenditures Culture and Recreation Expenditures Debt Service Expenditures Contingency Total Property Valuation Tax Rate Source: Town of Emerald Isle. 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 $1,979,236 $2,402,594 $2,579,712 $2,717,826 $2,842,362 $3,038,283 1,079,807 1,303,509 1,365,369 1,368,333 1,422,012 1,468, 581 469,378 574,905 588,693 655,619 685,888 715,436 197,239 186,441 176,518 186,571 184,333 192,268 102,791 164,404 178,905 233,090 212,888 304,245 97,268 120,339 148,602 159,271 189,804 216,280 -- -- 32,292 41,085 44,599 45,745 14,299 35,972 56,656 38,853 49,653 59,164 18,454 17,024 32,677 35,004 53,185 36,564 $1,752,293 $1,839,167 $2,625,875 $2,401,401 $2,729,550 $3,017,000 604,065 651,325 1,183,897 431,965 404,834 465,970 822,877 873,032 908,951 907,275 1,077,376 1,121,285 282,415 209,410 354,044 770,514 877,051 993,550 42,936 89,987 113,713 185,262 264,580 313,817 -- . 15,413 65,270 106,385 105,709 122,378 0 0 0 0 0 0 $582,255,718 $597,402,326 $609,770,662 $629,573,596 $637,781,713 $650,084,735 .19 .215 .215 .215 .215 .215 1-19 Tourism and recreation are major factors in Emerald Isle's economy. The area's extensive shoreline resources make it a primary vacation area for the entire East Coast of the country. While the greatest tourist impact on the local economy occurs from May to September, visitation figures maintained for the county by the Carteret County Economic Development Council indicate a substantial year round economic impact from both day and overnight visitors. Restaurants and motels, sportfishing, retail trade, services, construction, real estate, and finance industries all benefit from overnight and day visitors. Tourism employment figures are not available for Emerald Isle. However, according to the Carteret County Tourism Development Bureau, approximately 20% of Carteret County's employed work force is directly or indirectly employed as a result of tourism activities. The following provides a summary of significant data: -- Emerald Isle has an extremely low rate of unemployment. -- The town's per capita income is well above that of both the state and the county. -- The town's labor force is primarily employed in service related jobs with a heavy dependence on federal, state, and local government employment. -- The Town of Emerald Isle appears to have a financially stable local government. -- Tourism is a major factor in the strength of Emerald Isle's local economy. 1-20 D. EXISTING LAND USE 1. Introduction Land subdivision within Emerald Isle has an interesting history. Prior to the town's 1957 incorporation, property owners agreed to divide the town into fifty-four (54) 1,100 foot wide blocks, each of which extended from the ocean to the sound. The blocks were numbered consecutively from east to west. The first development was residential and it occurred in Block 1 on the eastern end of the town. This was the first development because the town's sole vehicular access was by the Morehead City -Atlantic Beach Bridge and Salterpath Road (N.C. 58). Residential development then spread slowly westward. In 1962, ferry service was established to the western end of Bogue Banks in Block 38. This was a major stimulant to growth, and development proceeded at a much faster pace. Residential development continued to be the primary land use. A heavy influx of mobile homes occurred, especially near the ferry terminal. In the mid to late '60s, commercial development began to occur along U.S. 58 in the Block Drive to Holly Street area. In 1971, the B. Cameron Langston Bridge was opened and easy vehicular access to both the east and west ends of the town was established. By the early 1970s, residential development had spread to the western end of the town at Bogue Inlet in Blocks 52 and 53. The original "block" division of Emerald Isle continues to have a strong influence on the appearance of the Emerald Isle landscape. Many subdivisions, commercial, and multi -family developments have their east and west boundaries defined by the original block boundaries. Many local people refer to the locations of landmarks or developments by the number of the block in which they are located. In most cases, the town's remaining vacant land is easily defined by block boundaries. Since the early 1970s, development in Emerald Isle has rapidly accelerated. However, the types of land use have remained limited to commercial, single-family residential, multi -family residential, and mobile home parks or campgrounds. The overall appearance of the town is one of low density development, except for the commercial areas, with a quiet, single-family residential atmosphere. It should be noted that Emerald Isle does not have any extraterritorial planning jurisdiction. 1 2. Urban and Developed Land Table 14 provides a summary of existing land use by developed and vacant categories. A comparison of changes from 1985 to 1996 is provided. The developed land dominates in Emerald Isle with 2,634.7 acres, or 79% of the town's land area, being classified as developed in 1996. Overall, from 1990 to 1996, there was an increase of 255.9 acres in developed land area. The result was that by 1996, approximately 38 acres of developable land remained uncommitted to development. That is, subdivision plats or other specific development proposals had not been approved by the town for those vacant lands. In addition, development of this land would be subject to septic tank permit approvals. An additional 665 acres of vacant land remained which was considered to include areas of environmental concern, and therefore not available for development. Table 14 Town of Emerald Isle Approximate Land Use by Acreage Change Change % Change 1985 in Acres 1990 in Acres 1996* '90-'96 Residential Mobile Home Park Single Family 130.6 -0- 130.6 12.9 143.5 9.88% 1,272.7 430.5 1,703.2 360.1 2,063.3 21.14% Multi Family 27.6 31.8 59.4 90.2 149.6 151.85% Residential Transitional 167.3 156.5 323.8 -232.3 91.5 -71.74% Total Residential 1,598.2 618.8 2,217.0 230.9 2,447.9 10.41 % Non -Residential Commercial 66.6 52.3 118.9 25.0 143.9 21.03% Public/Semi-Public 38.5 -0- 38.5 -0- 38.5 -0- Utilities, Communications 4.4 -0 4.4 -0- 4.4 -0- Approximate Areas of 665.5 -0- 665.5 -0- 665.5 -0- Environmental Concern (does not include maritime forests) Vacant 964.5 -671.1 293.4 -255.9 37.5 -87.22% Total Non -Residential 1,739.5 -618.8 1,120.7 -230.9 889.8 -20.60% TOTAL 3,337.7 3,337.7 3,337.7 *Assessment of land use conducted in February, 1996. Source: 1992 Emerald Isle Land Use Plan and Holland Consulting Planners, Inc. a) Residential Throughout the history of Emerald Isle, residential land use has grown at a far greater rate than any other land use class. Since 1990, residential land use increased by approximately 231 acres. The majority of this growth was in single-family residential development. The existing land use is shown on Maps 1 A, 1 B, and 1 C. The 1992 Emerald Isle Land Use Plan indicated a trend towards a decreasing residential density and larger sized lots. This trend continues to be supported by the size of the lots in the newer subdivisions such as Deer Run Bluffs, Spinnakers Reach, Spinnakers Landing, Windfall North, and Daisywood. These five subdivisions contain 197 lots, occupying approximately 142 acres. This results in an average density of .72 acre per dwelling unit. 1-22 1 L ' CAS CW*/Cs i ti 0"rne •••••y• 1 LEGEND RESIDENTIAL UNIT(S) RESIDENTIAL UNITS SINCE 1990 COMMERCIAL MOBILE HOME CONCENTRATIONS ==x;= COASTAL WETLAND I- 54 BLOCK NUMBERS PARTIALLY SUPPORTING WATERS, SA WATERS CLOSED TO SHELLFISHING, AND PRIMARY NURSERY AREA WATERSHED BOUNDARY LINE u ) 1/ I W 9 is 1 f _ 1 The preparatlon• of this map was financed h part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which Is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National OceaniL and Atmospheric Administration. BCAMANGSTON . BRIDGE MAP 1 A TOWN OF EMER.4L O ISLE l995 E70 TM LARD USE x..cr �.�oa• OiD fr1w fia M 4 1-23 LEGEND RESIDENTIAL UNIT(S) A 'RESIDENTIAL UNITS SINCE 1990 _ COMMERCIAL MOBILE HOME CONCENTRATIONS COASTAL WETLAND 1 - 54 BLOCK NUMBERS PARTIALLY SUPPORTING WATERS, • SA WATERS CLOSED TO SHELLFISHING, AND PRIMARY NURSERY AREA WATERSHED BOUNDARY LINE' 4 I ROGUE I n _ -- A TL AN T/C The preparallon• of this map was financed In part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. SOUNO O CEA N u1LTiL TO WN OF EAFERAL O /SL E /995 EWTM LARD USE 3 S~ 1-24 N rMAP 1 C TO wN OF ENERAL D /SL E LEGEND1995 RESIDENTIAL UNITti90 S) RESIDENTIAL UNITS SINCE I DOS7lWG LAAD USE _ COMMERCIAL MOBILE HOME CONCENTRATIONS xwcr r.sao• ,._.= COASTAL WETLAND 1- 54 BLOCK NUMBERS •• r-• PARTIALLY SUPPORTING WATERS, 1•, , SA WATERS CLOSED TO SHELLFISHING, AND PRIMARY NURSERY AREA WATERSHED BOUNDARY LINE The preporatlon• of this map was financed by the In part through a grant provided North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Cal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. I I I I ROGUE SOUND I I I •� : ' I 02020106020052 03020106030082 I 1 I I 1 I I I I ,,p I ( ' WI �I I I t I r•rrrt nrn I I I �aot�oat • • I• I MOBILE HOMES' k., I •••.•• .. .•.'I • • • • • 1 • • • • •�, • • • : • M08 EHOMFS • • • • •• •• .• ••• • • jAlIjy fIry• ry• •••• • •••••••••••••• • • • ••• • •• •• ••• f;• ••• •• • • •A0 k•r •• acFwac ti 1 R „ •♦♦ n Wmt.1 0 • •••• 1• I I I I I I I i tiE I .?: SDI! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a • OCEAN A TL ANrlc -25 1 r], � I FA The average residential density is less in the western one-fourth of Emerald Isle than in the rest of the town. The highest residential densities occur in the multi -family and the mobile home zones. Most of the multi -family development is concentrated on the southern end of Blocks 42, 40, 13, and 14. The mobile homes are concentrated in Blocks 14, 36, 37, and 42. Their locations are indicated by a "dot" shading pattern on the existing land use map. In the blocks having the "oldest" residential development, Blocks 1 through 10, the average residential density is approximately .45 acre per dwelling unit. As stated in the housing section, Emerald Isle's housing stock is extremely young. Most development has occurred since the mid-1970s under the influence of both state and local land use controls. As a result, development has progressed in a more orderly manner than it has in many older North Carolina coastal communities. However, some problems do persist with residential development. Many residential areas continue to experience severe storm drainage problems. The locations of the storm drainage problem areas are discussed in the public facilities section of this plan. There have been some concerns expressed over conflicts between shoreline access areas and the adjacent residential land uses. Many of these concerns have focused on the provision of parking for the access areas. The shoreline access area locations and facilities are described in the public facilities section of the plan. Septic tank usage continues to be a problem. Many of the soils in Emerald Isle are considered to have moderate to severe limitations for septic tank usage. Residential sewage disposal problems will not abate until central sewage collection and disposal is provided. Continued residential development will intensify the need for central sewer service. Finally, residential usage is subjected to regular overflights by aircraft operating out of Bogue Field. Particularly, residential development located primarily in Blocks 27 to 38 is regularly subjected to aircraft overflights which raise impacts adverse to normal residential usage. Map 2 is intended to illustrate the noise impacts associated with aircraft operations at Bogue Field, but also provides a general delineation of the primary overflight areas. Additional discussion of overflight impacts and Map 2 is provided in the manmade hazards section of this plan. Since 1990, the total number of acres zoned for single-family and multi -family development has remained relatively unchanged. Approximately 2,720 acres are currently zoned for single-family development and 60 acres for multi -family development, including mobile home campgrounds. Approximately 2,357 acres are developed; thus, 423 acres of residentially zoned land remain for development. Approximately 92 acres have been subdivided for single-family residential development and are classified as residential transitional. At an average density of .60 dwelling units per acre, the available vacant land will accommodate an additional 705 dwelling units. 1-26 r r r rr rr ■r r r M M rl M W M M r Ir The preparation of this map was financed in MAP 2 part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, NOISE IMPACTS through funds provided by the Coastal Zone BOGUE FIELD Management Act of 1972, as amended, AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Note: Contour lines represent day/night noise level (DNL) 1500 6000 0 3000 9000 SCALE FEET CAPE A CARTERET� � 0 5 \ EMERALD ISLE 60 60 G Ib) Commercial In 1985, approximately 66 acres had been developed for commercial usage. This included over 17 acres of B-3 commercial recreational campgrounds. By 1990, the commercial usage had increased to almost 119 acres. A substantial portion of the increase was the result of the development of the Emerald Plantation shopping center. The remaining increase was the result of the construction of retail stores, offices, and restaurants along N.C. 58, primarily in Blocks 42, 41, and 40. Since 1990, commercial acreage has increased by only approximately 25 acres. This yields a total of 144 acres of commercially developed land as of February, 1996. According to the Town of Emerald Isle, 24 building permits were issued for commercial construction 1 between 1990-1996. The majority of these new commercial businesses have located along N.C. 58 between Blocks 45 and 33, with a few exceptions on East View, Harbor, and Reed Drives. Some of the larger commercial structures constructed include: Veranda Square shopping center, Wings, Berts Surf Shop, Emerald Isle Realty, and Sun -Surf Realty, all fronting N.C. 58. The overall appearance of the town's commercial development is good. The town's zoning ordinance has stringent sign regulations that prohibit temporary signs, flashing signs, and moving signs. In addition, sign size regulations are fairly restrictive. For example, in the town's B-1 zoning district, the maximum freestanding identification sign size is 60 square feet. The B-2 and B-3 districts have maximum freestanding sign sizes of 80 and 100 square feet, respectively. These controls have helped to minimize the impact of commercial development on non-commercial areas and to reduce the appearance of strip commercial development along N.C. 58. In 1990, approximately 57 vacant acres of property remained which were zoned for commercial development. Thus, approximately 32 acres remained for future development as of February, 1996. The majority of this land is located in scattered sites along N.C. 58 in Blocks 37 through 41. One commercial marina exists in Emerald Isle. The marina property is zoned for business and is located on Bogue Sound in Block 38. The issue of marina expansion and/or additional marinas has been extensively discussed. Existing Emerald Isle zoning, CAMA regulations, and ORW regulations will make the permitting and development of additional marinas extremely difficult to accomplish. Several problems exist within the commercially developed areas. First, there is a belief by some Emerald Isle residents and/or property owners that additional commercial development should not be allowed. This issue is one which is addressed in the policy section of this plan. Emerald Isle has approximately 270 acres, less than eight percent of its total area, zoned for commercial development. A total of 110 acres of the commercial land is committed to campground development. Approximately, 156 acres, or less than five percent of the town's land area, is zoned for retail, office, or service commercial uses. The percentage of land committed to commercial usage in coastal communities varies greatly. However, compared to most coastal communities, Emerald Isle has a conservative amount of land area committed to commercial development. 1 1-28 A second concern associated with commercial development is traffic control and , congestion on U.S. 58 in the commercially developed areas. Stop lights were installed in 1988 at the intersection of U.S. 58 with Bogue Inlet Drive and Loon Drive. Some sentiment exists that these stop lights have simply added to the commercial area's traffic congestion and complicated turning movements onto and off of N.C. 58. The town has indicated support for the widening of N.C. 58 to three lanes between Emerald Isle and Atlantic Beach, as addressed in the policy section of the plan. The addition of the regional beach access site in Block 13, next to the Emerald Isle fishing pier, has provided additional parking in the eastern end of town. However, the provision of parking at ocean access areas further west in commercially developed or zoned areas continues to be a concern. The provision of parking in this area is challenged by high , land values and a shortage of sites suitably located or sized for ocean shoreline access. c) Public/Semi-Public There is limited public/semi-public land use in Emerald Isle. Most of the land in this category is owned by the Town of Emerald Isle, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Chapel By the Sea Church, and general recreational field property. These are no significant problems associated with existing public/semi-public land uses. The town's facilities are located at the Municipal Building complexes on U.S. 58 and at the fire department substation in the eastern end of town. These facilities include an administrative building and police department, maintenance facilities, a small passive park, tennis courts, and a new fire station, public works building, community center, and library. d) Utilities, Communications The actual acreage, excluding roads, committed to the transportation, utilities and communications category is only 4.4 acres. No apparent change has occurred since the 1992 land use plan was prepared. All of the acreage in this category is utilized for electric and gas utility stations, the telephone company field office and microwave tower, water supply towers, and sewage treatment facilities. While overhead power lines and utilities are not represented in the acreage total, these facilities should be a major concern. In the event of a major hurricane, substantial damage would occur. The town should investigate the options for requiring destroyed overhead utilities to be replaced underground following destructive storms. While limited area is utilized for sewage treatment facilities, the question of sewer service may be the greatest issue facing Emerald Isle. The lack of central sewer service will limit growth. However, failure to establish central sewer service may lead to increasing ground and surface water pollution problems. Policies defining the town's position on the provision of central sewer service are included in the policy section. e) Areas of Environmental Concern There are 665.5 acres of areas of environmental concern (not including maritime forest areas). These are specifically shown on the Areas of Environmental Concern Map and discussed in detail in the section of the plan addressing fragile areas. I 1-29 1 1 3. Basinwide Water Quality Management The North Carolina Division of Water Quality has initiated a basinwide approach to state water quality management. The overall goal of basinwide management is to develop consistent and effective long range water quality management strategies that protect the quality and intended ' uses of North Carolina's surface waters while accommodating population increases and economic growth. The State of North Carolina has been divided into seventeen major river basins. For each river basin, water quality problems are identified and appropriate management strategies developed. The plan features basinwide permitting of pollution discharges, integration of existing point and nonpoint source control programs, and preparation of a basinwide management plan report. The purpose of the basinwide management plan is to communicate to policy makers, the regulated community, and the general public, the state's rationale, approaches, and long-term strategies for each basin. Preparation of a basinwide management plan is a five-year process. In general, this process involves the following five major phases of development: -- Collecting pertinent water quality and related information, -- Analyzing the information and targeting problem areas, _= Development management strategies, Circulating a draft plan for public review and comment, and -- Finalizing the plan. ' Emerald Isle is located in the White Oak basin. The White Oak basinwide management plan was submitted staff review in January, 1996, and received Environmental Management Commission approval in January, 1997. Some of the major issues being addressed in the White Oak basinwide plan are the following: Long-term Growth Management -- Wastewater management (non -discharge, regionalization, ocean outfall). =_ Urban stormwater runoff/water quality. Role of local land use planning. Shellfish Water Closures -- Increases in number of acres closed. -- Examine link between growth and closures. -- Opportunities for restoration and prevention. Animal Operation Waste Management -- Between 1990-1994, swine population in the White Oak Basin more than doubled. Nutrients/Toxic Dinoflagellate -- Reduction in nitrogen and phosphorous levels. 1 1-30 Issues which directly affect Emerald Isle include: -- Urban stormwater runoff -- Improvement of water quality in partially supporting waters -- Elimination of pollution in canals and ditches The U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service has identified 24 watersheds within the White Oak Basin. Each watershed has been assigned a fourteen -digit code for the purpose of identification. Emerald Isle is located within two separate watersheds. The boundary line between these watersheds lies in the vicinity of Tammy Street. Watershed 03020106020052 encompasses all of Emerald Isle west of Tammy Street, and Watershed 03020106030082 encompasses all land east of Tammy Street. The approximate location of this boundary line has been noted on both the Existing Land Use and Land Classification maps. The primary water body for these watersheds is the Bogue Sound. Table 15 includes data for these watersheds. f� iJ I 1 1 1 M M IM r M IM M M r M IM w i M M i M M M Table 15 Carteret County Watershed Report Watersheds 03020106020052 and 03020106030082 Base and Demographic Information Area (Acres) Estimated Population Person Per Acre River Primary % Chg. Incorporated Area 14-digit code Basin Water Body Total Land Water 1980 1990 80-90 1980 1990 Overlapping Wshed 03020106020052 White Oak Bogue Sound 3,982.5 2,964.4 1,018.0 1,710 2,188 27.9% 0.58 03020106030082 White Oak Bogue Sound 8,588.0 4,702.7 3,885.2 3,301 4,222 27.9% 0.70 Open Water Use Classes Primary Primary Class 0.74 Emerald Isle 0.90 Atlantic Beach Indian Beach Pine Knoll Shores Supplemental Class 14-digit code River Basin Water Body Use Class Description % of % of Total Acreage Total Acreage 03020106020052 White Oak Bogue Sound ORW Outstanding Resource Waters 703.6 17.1 % SA Saltwater Class A 1,047.1 26% SB Saltwhter Class B 0.0 0% 03020106030082 White Oak Bogue Sound C Freshwater Class C 10.7 0% ORW Outstanding Resource Waters 1,047.7 12.0% SA Saltwater Class A 4,837.5 56% SW Swamp Waters 418.7 4.0% NOTE: The water acreage figures provided under Open Water Use Classes should not be compared to the total water acreage figure shown under the Base and Demographic Information. These figures have been derived from two separate data sources and are not expected to be similar. The acreage figures provided under Open Water Use Classes have been determined by DEM to be the more accurate of the two. Source: North Carolina Division of Water Quality. 1-32 4. Summary Emerald Isle's planning efforts have had a favorable impact on growth and development. This is reflected by the town's overall positive appearance and the low density of residential development. However, the following summarizes the land use related issues which should be addressed by the town: -- Adequacy of public parking for beach access. -- Some residential areas are affected by overflights and noise from aircraft operating out of Bogue Field. -- Septic tank usage and the need to develop central sewer service , continue to be an issue. Many soils in Emerald Isle are considered to have moderate to severe limitations for septic tank usage. -- Flooding occurs in many areas of town resulting from stormwater runoff problems. -- Traffic congestion problems on N.C. 58 in the commercial areas continue to exist during peak population periods. -- Further strip commercialization of N.C. 58 needs to be limited. -- Any additional commercial development will be tightly controlled. -- Significant erosion along the entire oceanfront caused by I hurricanes and northeasters. 5. Development Potential The availability of vacant land is beginning to become a limiting factor for future residential ' development. If the rate of residential construction continues at current densities, Emerald Isle could be completely "built out" as early as the year 2000. The opportunity for residential construction at higher densities could emerge in the event of regional sewer construction. There appears to be an adequate amount of commercially zoned land to sustain development for several years at current permitting rates. However, the town's policy regarding future commercial development will limit additional construction. The following will influence Emerald Isle's development potential: -- Based on the availability of 423 acres of undeveloped, , residentially zoned land and an assumed average density of .60 dwelling units per acre, approximately 705 additional dwelling units may be constructed in Emerald Isle. -- While the ORW regulations in Bogue Sound and 575 feet landward of mean high water do impose some development 1-33 1 FA �J fl n restrictions, the regulations serve to protect a valuable natural resource and tourist attraction. -- Since the Storm Drainage Management Plan was adopted in 1989, several improvements have been made which have greatly reduced the potential for flood damage. -- Growth within Carteret County has been strong -- 79% population growth since 1970. In fact, from 1980-1994, Carteret County was the sixth fastest growing CAMA-regulated county, and was 24th in the entire state. -- Since 1970, Emerald Isle has been the fastest growing town in Carteret County. -- Emerald Isle's natural attractiveness and outdoor recreational opportunities are strong stimulants for growth. -- Emerald Isle has a strong and expanding retirement population. -- Emerald Isle has a fiscally sound local government. -- The Emerald Isle ocean shoreline has been one of the least susceptible to storm damage on the North Carolina coast. 6. Existing Ordinances and Land Use Controls The Town of Emerald Isle has had an active land use management program which is supported by a number of local codes, ordinances, and plans. These are managed by the town's Board of Commissioners and Planning Board with the administrative support of the town's staff. The town does not have any extraterritorial jurisdiction. However, the northern corporate limit line extends 1,200 feet into Bogue Sound and parallels the Bogue Banks shoreline. Beyond this corporate limit line, Carteret County has jurisdiction over the waters and islands in Bogue Sound. The exact location of the northern Emerald Isle corporate limit line must be verified through in -field analysis and verification. Because of map size and scale, and the dynamic nature of the shoreline, the northern corporate limit line cannot be accurately mapped in this plan. a) Emerald Isle Coastal Area Management Act Land Use Plan Update, January 23, 1992 Through its participation in the Coastal Area Management Act planning program, the town maintains a current land use plan. The 1992 plan was prepared in conformance with the 15A NCAC 7B planning guidelines which were in effect at the time. The plan addressed existing land use, demographic data, and economic conditions. Forecasts through a ten-year planning period were made. Policy statements are included which address the following subject areas: resource protection, resource production and management, economic and community development, public participation, and storm hazard mitigation planning. The plan's policies are summarized on pages 1-3 through 1-6 of this document. 1-34 b) Zoning Ordinance 1 Emerald Isle has had a Zoning Ordinance in effect continuously since the late 1950s. The current ordinance is a comprehensive document which includes the tools necessary to regulate growth and development. Current zones include the following: ' District Purpose Residential 1 (131) A single-family residential district allowing a single- family dwelling on a lot. Residential 2 (132) A residential district allowing a single-family dwelling, or a two-family dwelling on a lot. ' Residential MF (RMF) A residential district allowing a single-family dwelling, a two-family dwelling, or a multi -family dwelling on a lot. ' Residential MH (RMH) A residential district allowing a single-family dwelling, a two-family dwelling, a multi -family dwelling, a motel or hotel on a lot. Mobile Home (MH) A mobile home district allowing mobile homes. Institutional (Inst.) A residential district allowing institutional and office uses, not including the sale of merchandise. Business 1 (B-1) A business district allowing a moderate variety of retail trade. (Ord. of 3/8/83.) [The B-1 district is , slightly more restrictive than the B-2 district in uses allowed.) Business 2 (B-2) A business district allowing a moderate variety of retail trade. (Ord. of 3/8/83.) Business 3 (B-3) A business district allowing a general and wide variety of retail trade. (Ord. of 3/8/83.) Camp (C) A recreational district allowing travel trailers, campers, and tents. ' Coastal Wetlands (CW) An overlay district which may overlay any of the zoning districts so established as a part of this , ordinance, requiring that development within such districts be consistent with the coastal wetlands standards of the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act of 1974, as amended. (Ord. of 3/10/79.) Estuarine Waters (EW) An overlay district which may overlay any of the ' zoning districts so established as a part of this ordinance, requiring that development within such districts be consistent with the estuarine waters , standards of the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act of 1974, as amended. (Ord. of 3/10/79.) 1-35 1 11 1 1 1� District Purpose Public Trust Areas (PTA) An overlay district which may overlay any of the zoning districts so established as a part of this ordinance, requiring that development within such districts be consistent with the public trust areas standards of the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act of 1974, as amended. (Ord. of 3/10/79.) Ocean Beaches (OB) An overlay district which may overlay any of the zoning districts so established as a part of this ordinance, requiring that development within such districts be consistent with the ocean beaches standards of the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act of 1974, as amended. (Ord. of 3/10/79.) Frontal Dunes (FD) An overlay district which may overlay any of the zoning districts so established as a part of this ordinance, requiring that development within such districts be consistent with the frontal dunes standards of the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act of 1974, as amended. (Ord. of 3/10/79.) Inlet Hazard Areas (IHA) An overlay district which may overlay any of the zoning districts so established as a part of this ordinance, requiring that development within such districts be consistent with the inlet hazard areas standards of the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act of 1974, as amended. (Ord. of 11 /8/94.) Ocean Erodible Area (OEA) An overlay district which may overlay any of the zoning districts so established as a part of this ordinance, requiring that development within such districts be consistent with the ocean erodible areas standards of the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act of 1974, as amended. (Ord. of 3/10/79.) For each district, the ordinance establishes yard, area, height, or open space requirements. c) Subdivision Ordinance Emerald Isle first adopted a Subdivision Ordinance in March, 1974. The ordinance has been continuously maintained and periodically updated since then. The following are the stated purposes of the ordinance: 1-36 (1) To provide for economical and sufficient streets with adequate widths and with , proper alignment and grade; (2) To provide space for safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations within the , corporate limits of the town; (3) To provide for suitable residential neighborhoods with adequate streets and ' utilities and appropriate building sites; (4) To save unnecessary expenditure of public funds by studying space and recommending from time to time the purchase of such space for public lands and buildings, and by initial proper construction of streets and utilities; , (5) To provide proper land records for the convenience of the public and for better identification and permanent location of real estate boundaries. All land subdivisions within Emerald Isle must be consistent with the ordinance. , d) Drainage Master Plan I In July, 1989, the Town of Emerald Isle adopted a Drainage Master Plan. The plan is designed to provide a comprehensive, rational drainage master plan for programming needed future improvements to the town's existing drainage systems and for the orderly development of new drainage systems in future areas of development. The study deals with both piped systems and open "natural" systems including canals and creeks within the town's corporate I area. e) Stormwater Control Ordinance In July, 1989, the town adopted the Emerald Isle Stormwater Control Ordinance. The ordinance is based on and intended to aid in the implementation of the town's master drainage plan. Stormwater runoff management requirements are included which are intended to accomplish the following objectives as stated in the ordinance: 1. Protect the absorptive, purifying and retentive functions of ' natural systems including the unique interdunal trough groundwater recharge areas that may exist on the site of a ' proposed development at Emerald Isle; and, 2. Provide for post -development stormwater runoff characteristics that resemble the conditions that existed before the site's alteration. The stormwater control ordinance is designed to be adapted to the unique characteristics of the Town of Emerald Isle, NC. The regulatory approach and the means that are formulated to accomplish stormwater runoff control in the ordinance should greatly facilitate the creation of effective controls in areas where no controls presently exist and to , meet the requirements of the Coastal Area Management Act. 1 1-37 1 If) Dunes and Vegetation Protection Ordinance In 1980, the town adopted the Dunes and Vegetation Protection Ordinance, Chapter 19, Article X of the Emerald Isle Codification. The following is the stated purpose of the ordinance: "... to preserve and promote the protection of the sand dunes within the town by maintaining the basic existence of natural or constructed dunes and the vegetation thereon, so as to protect the natural banks topography which provides a protective barrier from the actions of sand, wind, and water. Flagrant destruction of existing topography and vegetation greatly alters the maintenance and continuity of the banks, ' increases problems of erosion, and lessens the scenic and tax value of property within the town." The ordinance applies to all sand dunes, dune ridges, dune systems (new and old), and the vegetation growing thereon. The ordinance requires that 45 percent of the lot remain with vegetative cover. However, many other requirements are included, and affected property owners should carefully review the ordinance. The ordinance was updated and readopted on August 13, 1991. This plan and the policies contained herein are consistent with the revised ordinance. Copies are available for review at the Emerald Isle Municipal Building. g) Emerald Isle Mobile Home Park and Travel Trailer Park Ordinance In March, 1976, the Emerald Isle Board of Commissioners adopted the Emerald Isle ' Mobile Home Park and Travel Trailer Park Ordinance. The ordinance is designed to regulate development and use of mobile home and travel trailer parks within Emerald Isle. h) Floodplain Development The Town of Emerald Isle participates in the National Flood Insurance Program and complies with all related regulatory requirements. Development proposals and subdivision plats are reviewed to ensure consistency with the flood insurance program. i) Building Code The Town of Emerald Isle enforces the North Carolina State Building Code. Ij) Storm Hazard Mitigation and Post -Disaster Reconstruction Plan In June, 1984, the Town of Emerald Isle adopted a detailed Storm Hazard Mitigation and Post -Disaster Reconstruction Plan. The plan has satisfactorily served the town and will continue to be utilized as the town's storm mitigation plan. ' k) Emerald Isle Shoreline Access Plan In 1988, Emerald Isle adopted the Ocean and Sound Public Access Plan. Preparation of the plan was financed in part with a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. The plan inventoried existing shoreline access areas and recommended both new sites and improvements to existing facilities. r 1-38 E. DEVELOPMENT CONSTRAINTS: PUBLIC FACILITIES 1. Water Supply ' The entire Town of Emerald Isle is supplied water by the Bogue Banks Water and Sewer Corporation. This system also serves Indian Beach and the unincorporated area of Salter Path. ' These combined areas are served by nine wells with a total capacity of 3,300 gpm. Water storage is provided by five reservoirs -- one 300,000 gallon, three 500,000 gallon, and one 1,000,000 gallon. According to annual reports for 1995, the system served 4,292 residential and 178 commercial meters (these figures are totals for all three areas; no separate figure is available for Emerald Isle). Water usage for 1995 ranged from 0.401 million gallons per day to a peak of 2.029 million ' gallons per day. The following provides the system capacity by well: Well No./Capacity ' 1 / 200 gpm* 6 / 350 gpm 2 / 350 gpm 7 / 500 gpm 3 / 250 gpm 8 / 500 gpm 4 / 350 gpm 9 / 450 gpm t 5 / 350 gpm Total / 3,300 gpm *gpm: gallons per minute ' In the spring of 1996, well number 9 was added to the system. This well has a capacity of 450 gpm, giving the entire system a capacity of 3,300 gpm. Water supply continues to be adequate to support Emerald Isle; the town has never experienced a water restriction situation while being served by the Bogue Banks Water and Sewer Corporation. w 2. Sewage Disposal ' Emerald Isle does not have its own central sewer system. Rather, residences and businesses are served by either individual septic tanks or package treatment plants. Table 16 provides , a list of private package treatment plants in Emerald Isle. I� U 1-39 1 Table 16 Private Package Treatment and Disposal Systems in Emerald Isle Name Design Flow (gal/day) Type Cape Emerald 50,000 Treatment Plant/Rotary Distributor Pebble Beach 70,000 Treatment Plant/Rotary Distributor Point Emerald Villas 52,950 Treatment Plant/Rotary Distributor ' Queens Court 24,000 Treatment Plant/Rotary Distributor Emerald Plantation 55,000 Treatment Plant/Low Pressure Sound of the Sea 40,000 Treatment Plant/Rotary Distributor 1 Emerald Bay Villas 3,840 Treatment Plant/Low Pressure Source: Division of Water Quality and Carteret County Division of Health Services. ' In July, 1994, the Carteret County Interlocal Agency (CCIA) was formed to address the need for regional sewage collection. All nine incorporated municipalities within the county are voting members of the agency. The task assigned to this Agency was that of determining if land application methods for wastewater treatment and disposal were viable alternatives for the municipalities in Carteret County. Funding was obtained from State, County, and Local ' sources, the scope of work was defined, feasibility study bids were let and the firm of Camp, Dresser, & McKee was chosen to perform the study. As a result of the CCIA's efforts, major State funding was also granted for a long-term regional wastewater study for Carteret, Craven, Onslow, and Pamlico counties which would be undertaken during the same approximate timeframe as the CCIA study. The Interlocal Agency Study has now been completed and the results and findings of the study generally conclude that land application treatment and disposal methods alone can not feasibly meet the wastewater disposal needs of all of Carteret County's municipalities. Under current State and Federal guidelines, there is simply not enough suitable land area available in Carteret County to handle the projected wastewater volume. However, the study does conclude that land application in conjunction with existing treatment and disposal facilities could be a feasible alternative provided State permitting allows for such a system. At the present time, the CCIA is overseeing Phase II of the study funded in part through a Division of Coastal Management regional planning grant. This study is intended to examine the possibilities of increasing the permitted discharge at each of the three existing wastewater treatment plants. In addition, this study will focus on funding scenarios for the construction of a county -wide sewer system. Due to complications caused by Hurricane Fran, this study ' has gone over schedule and is not expected to be completed until after August, 1997. The findings of the Four County Regional Task Force Study were unveiled in August, 1996. In this study, six separate scenarios were examined for the treatment and disposal of wastewater for the four -county area. These scenarios are as follows: ' -- Status quo. This plan calls for improving existing treatment plants and continuing to rely on septic tanks in unincorporated areas. 1 1-40 -- Consolidation of existing facilities with continued surface water discharge (streams). Similar to the first option, this also would call for the upgrade of existing facilities to handle independent package systems. -- Ocean outfall discharge. This plan has two alternatives, both with multiple treatment plants. Alternative one calls for one ocean outfall (a pipe which carries treated wastewater miles into the ocean). Under the proposal, the pipe would be somewhere in the Swansboro area. Alternative two calls for two points of ocean entry, one near Swansboro and one north of Cape Lookout. -- Maximum water reuse. The key concepts under this proposal are golf course irrigation, wetlands restoration and forest land application. Secondary reuse potential includes agricultural irrigation, landscape irrigation, and industrial reuse. Under this proposal, in the extreme long-term, the water may be reclaimed for a drinking source or used for deep well injection to provide a saltwater barrier in the aquifer. -- Maximum use of natural systems. This proposal calls for a surface discharge system that relies primarily on land application or constructed wetlands as means of effluent polishing (the purifying of treated wastewater). -- Three service areas. This calls for breaking the four -county area into three groups: Onslow County and Carteret coastal communities, Craven County and the remainder of Carteret County, and Pamlico County. Discharge limits of wastewater would be restricted to current permitted flow with an emphasis on improving water reuse. Septic tanks would continue to be used extensively in unincorporated areas. Now that the Four County Study is completed, both the Interlocal Agency and Regional Task Force will meet with State officials to review the findings of both studies and what options and alternatives may be permitted for both short-term and long-term strategies for the treatment and disposal of area wastewater. 3. Drainage In November, 1985, Emerald Isle experienced heavy rains which caused severe flooding wherein some areas of town were inundated for several days. The severity of the flooding problems prompted the Town Board to have a Drainage Master Plan prepared which would identify major problem areas and suggest recommendations for solving or alleviating those problems. The Drainage Master Plan was presented in August, 1987 (revised February, 1988) by Henry von Oesen and Associates, Inc., with accompanying topographic maps prepared by Landmark Engineering, Inc. The plan identified existing drainage structures, 191 drainage sub - basins, interdunal trough groundwater recharge areas, and prioritized recommendations for eight major problem areas (presented in order of descending priority): 1. Coast Guard Road (near Reed Drive) * 2. Sand Castle/Doe/Deer Horn Area* 3. Ocean Drive (Cedar Tree to Matt Drive) * 4. Ocean Drive (Fifth to Eighteenth Streets) 5. Sand Castle (Pinewood to Sea Dunes) 6. Sound Drive (Bogue Inlet to Live Oak) 1-41 C� P, u I 1 7. Reed Drive (at Bayberry) 8. Coast Guard Road (Island Circle) * * problems addressed since 1992. The drainage problem areas are indicated on Map 3A, 313, and 3C. Criteria for priority assignment was based on public safety, property damage potential, impact on receiving waters, and public nuisance factors. Recommended solutions included a combination of such improvements as new ditch construction; raising of existing roads; and installation of force mains, temporary disposal mains, and storm drainage pipes. In accordance with further suggestion in the master plan, the town adopted a Stormwater Control Ordinance on July 12, 1989. Briefly, the ordinance requires submittal of a stormwater management plan before: (1) A plat is recorded or land is subdivided; (2) An existing drainage system is altered, rerouted, or deepened; (3) A building permit or dunes and vegetation permit is issued; (4) Development is commenced. The following development activities are exempt from the stormwater management plan requirement: (1) The development of one (1) single-family or duplex residential dwelling unit and accessory structure (such as fences, storage sheds, and septic tanks) in an existing subdivision; (2) The development of one (1) single-family or duplex residential structure not in an existing subdivision; (3) Agricultural activity not involving the artificial drainage of land; (4) Any maintenance, alteration, use or improvement to an existing structure not changing or affecting quality, rate, volume, or location of surface water discharge. Under certain conditions, a waiver or variance of the stormwater management plan requirement may be granted. These conditions are provided in Chapter 16 of the Emerald Isle Town Code. Since 1992, several of the eight problem areas listed above have been corrected. Problems 1 and 8 at Coast Guard Road have been corrected through a major ditching project. Additional ditches were constructed and swells removed. The stormwater collected from this system is now diverted to a holding pond located on the north side of Coast Guard Road and infiltrated into Bogue Sound. Problem area 2, Sand Castle/Doe/Deer Horn area was corrected through the installation of a pump station at the low area on Doe Drive which allows the town to pump stormwater to the beach in emergency flooding situations following Division of Water Quality notification. Problem area 3 at Ocean Drive was corrected through the construction of a small infiltration drainage system which uses slotted corrugated pipes to disperse water. According to the town, there are currently only three areas which remain subject to flooding. These areas are located in the vicinity of Ocean Drive and 16th Street, Ocean Drive and 9400 block, and Sand Castle (Pinewood to Sea Dunes). However, because of continuing development, new drainage problem areas could occur. 1-42 LEGEND DRAINAGE BASIN }. COAST GUARD ROAD (NEAR REED DRIVE) 02. SAND CASTLE/DOE/DEER HORN AREA 03. OCEAN DRIVE (CEDAR TREE TO MATT DRIVE) 4. OCEAN DRIVE (5Tf1 TO 18TIl STREETS) 5. SAND CASTLE (PINEWOOD TO SEA DUNES) 6. SOUND DRIVE (BOGUS INLET TO LIVE OAK) 7. REED (AT BAYBERRY) fag. COAST GUARD ROAD (ISLAND CIRCLE) PROBLEM AREAS ADDRESSED SINCE 1992. The preparation- of this map was financed N in port through a grant provided by the Norlh Carolina Coastal Management Program. through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. as amended. which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. MAP 3A T O wN O F EA FER.4 L D /.S L E STORM W4TER ORA/NAGE PROBLEM AREAS xur r.son• I B' ABMERON RIDGE LANGSTON t _ SOUND i L 1_ ...�. I - I -r`� rru.ewrlCr isawo ( d,r noe�o tar 1 �✓ rl �t Aj= 9 1 r 1 1 �'�YAWOt Ilk 1' 'a i `iw�iKa 1� -_- ob —J�; 1 I 1-�_ I I r�vunov I rrlreu+� - _ '.� I , � oaar b I � Y ,� I ::�:� • � .::, t•:::.:... • �•.. earwtol 1 �' I I 1 1 cn.,r ,,,. ct0• cx :��:�: ���:� :f •• 1. I 1 -- 1 .� M%W I F 1 c 1aaron r . AV ' 1 1 .: /a 1 'ilk wru 1 I :� ��'; I I C�-J 1 1 $ j z $ ti I er I •..,•,, 1;:;br. •• • ••••� I .� I 1 1 � 1 , ' , 1 t. ►t 1 1 1 � cr , � OUM I ' F�:�� I I r �'r�1 � � 1 1 � � 1� � . I� � 1 i �. ! 1 1 I 1• 1 1 I � � 1 a I ." } R ''y° ' i �✓ t ....,,. 1""f4r l 1 1 i 1 1 1 I I I I axM I I I I 1 i 1 0 CEA N� t I I I 1 i i A TL ANT%C I I t I i I I. IJI I 1J I Sd ' J/ I JO ' q I It I 41 I I6 I IJ I N f R! I lid I Ir I IO I J! I JO I Jl MAP 313 TO WN OF EA/ERAL O IS E STORM K,4TER ORA/N,46E PROBLEM AREAS LEGEND N .y: DRAINAGE BASIN The preparation• of this map was financed` In part through a grant provided by the 411. COAST GUARD ROAD (NEAR REED DRIVE) North Carolina Coastal Management 92. SAND CASTLE/DOE/DEER HORN AREA Program, through funds provided by the 03. OCEAN DRIVE (CEDAR TREE TO MATT DRIVE) Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, 4. OCEAN DRIVE (5TI1 TO 18TIl STREETS) cis amended, which is administered by the 5. SAND CASTLE (PINEWOOD TO SEA DUNES) Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource 6. SOUND DRIVE (BOGUE INLET TO LIVE OAK) Management, Nafional Oceanic and 7. REED (AT BAYBERRY) Atmospheric Administration. 00. COAST GUARD ROAD (ISLAND CIRCLE) • PROBLEM AREAS ADDRESSED SINCE 1992. 1 t I BOGUS I ( ( seuo Aar . nay Isr . a, •• N/ :• cow er. t� � $ � C •�. 1� I �� � �ro�tws � I 1 t i I I I I y Y • 1 1 I arar Cr ( I t I I I ~/(`�-p'�t1 I Z� :-i_•3 _ cwva a< I itj i' -- �1 I .1� I� ��-_ - Gal .orn taut I ca+ut nary ( nurnv f a.`i'wr`�► - c.,vt parr i I •• � gg ; �, ct„� I I cur i I ..- :.- .._ • � 1 A I Y 8 Cr y J crzuv I 1 scar r«no 0ww C"r f ix0mo n+nr I 1 % 'W i nr—rr. I. 1W y ++r -q• � . :�:6 I ff ff : ti t 1 � I � 1 I I g 1 � � ., I y� j I � s � I � I �.,� � � Y � M'� ; � � �i ArYu cr. a 1 I� Y I W ;':;•;':; 1 1 t; I I 1 E I !3 ip i g z I i :•:aar>..;an IFii :$ ... :•.w . ,. � � � frnrx ne ; � Cr � M � ; � F 1 � 1 xcu• Ine I I � ,� � I I ..'� �� � I tit i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 14 ecr"," •� � •u � I I x I � I � I � ' � I t' I n I OCEAN A TL A N T/C 1-44 N MAP 3C TOWN OF EVER.4L O ISLE STORM W4TER OR.4/NIJGE PROBLEM AREAS LEGEND ACAif DRAINAGE BASINJ� The preparation- of this map was financed 161. COAST GUARD ROAD (NEAR REED DRIVE) In part through a grant provided by the 02. SAND CASTLE/DOE/DEER HORN AREA North Carolina Coastal Management *3. OCEAN DRIVE (CEDAR TREE TO MATT DRIVE) Program, through funds provided by the 4. OCEAN DRIVE (STIt TO 18T11 STREETS) Coastal Zone which is admentinistered Act of 1by t 5. SAND CASTLE (PINEWOOD TO SEA DUNES) Of amended, which d administered by the 6. SOUND DRIVE (BOGUS INLET TO LIVE OAK) Office m Ocean and Coastal Resource 7. REED (AT BAYBERRY) Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 00. COAST GUARD ROAD (ISLAND CIRCLE) • PROBLEM AREAS ADDRESSED SINCE 1992. � SOUND � I I� [!J[! (K I ) I M ti [i(R1[O P01f M �• ~ ~ ~ : A xI I ( I I I I I t I I i � I I I I I I a � n I � � • � � � � I s � � .r A f N W a O CEA N A TL ANT/C I I I I t 1 �t ti I I I I I I 1-45 t4. Solid Waste Disoosal ' The town contracts with a private refuse collection firm for solid waste disposal. The number of trash pick-ups varies depending on the seasonal population. During the summer months, (approximately Memorial Day through Labor Day) trash pick-up is provided twice per week for ' residences and three times per week for businesses. During the "off-season" trash pick-up is provided once per week for residences and twice per week for businesses. Curbside recycling pick-up is provided once per week year-round for residences. In 1993, the Carteret County landfill, located on Hibbs Road in the Newport Township, shut down operations and stopped the acceptance of waste material. By 1994, the county had ' met all of the necessary requirements and the closure was made official. The day after the Hibbs Road landfill stopped accepting waste, the new Tri-County landfill was opened. The Tri- County landfill is operated by the Coastal Regional Solid Waste Management Authority (CRSWMA). The management authority is a board of directors appointed by Carteret, Craven, and Pamlico counties' Boards of Commissioners. There are seven board members. Pamlico and Carteret counties each have two board members, and Craven County is represented by three. The fundamental idea behind this regional approach is that one large landfill is less expensive to construct and operate than three individual landfills. The landfill is located in Craven County near Tuscarora. The present site will be expanded by approximately 400 acres and modified to meet new federal and state regulations regarding environmental safeguards. Carteret and Pamlico county residents are served via transfer stations located in Newport and Grantsboro. 5. Schools The Town of Emerald Isle is served by the Carteret County school system. White Oak Elementary School, which serves kindergarten through 5th grade, is located across the B. Cameron Langston Bridge approximately four miles away in Cape Carteret. Grades 6 through 8 attend Broad Creek Middle School, about 15 miles away in Broad Creek. Ninth through twelfth graders attend West Carteret High School in Morehead City, about 30 miles away. Swansboro High School, part of the Onslow County school system, is located approximately 15 miles from Emerald Isle. Because it is closer, some residents pay to have their high schoolers attend Swansboro High. White Oak Christian Academy, a private school, is located in nearby Cape Carteret and serves grades kindergarten through twelfth. Beyond the public school level, there are two community colleges located in reasonably close proximity to Emerald Isle; Carteret Community College in Morehead City and the Coastal Carolina Community College in Jacksonville. The Carteret County Board of Education receives federal, state, and county assistance. In FY95-96, the county school system will receive $12.1 million in county assistance. The county school system serves the entire county and currently includes fourteen (14) schools: three high schools, three middle schools, and eight elementary schools. The following table provides a comparison of Carteret County school enrollment in 1989 and ' 1995. The schools serving Emerald Isle are indicated in bold typeface. 11 1 1-46 Table 17 Enrollment in Carteret County Schools, 1989-1995 1995 1989 Change Atlantic Elementary 181 162 + 19 Beaufort Elementary 530 679 -149 Beaufort Middle 374 353 + 21 Broad Creek Middle 838 686 + 152 Cape Lookout High (new) 47 N/A N/A Morehead Elementary [11 N/A 593 N/A East Carteret High 782 749 + 33 Harkers Island Elementary 170 204 -34 Morehead Elementary at Camp Glenn (new) 390 N/A N/A Camp Glenn Elementary [21 N/A 587 N/A Morehead City Middle 666 568 + 98 Morehead City Primary (new) 823 0 + 823 Newport Elementary 954 864 + 90 Smyrna Elementary 366 437 -71 West Carteret High 1,521 1,431 +90 White Oak Elementary 636 547 +89 Total 8,278 7,859 + 419 [11 Since 1989, Morehead Elementary has closed and the building reopened as a new alternative high school called Cape Lookout. K-3 is now served by the new Morehead City Primary and grades 4-5 by Morehead Elementary at Camp Glenn. Therefore, no conclusions may be drawn by examining a change in enrollment from 1989-1995. [21 Since 1989, Camp Glenn Elementary, serving grades K-2, has closed and has since reopened as Morehead Elementary at Camp Glenn serving grades 4-5. Therefore, no conclusions may be drawn by examining a change in enrollment from 1989-1995. Source: Carteret County Board of Education. Table 17 indicates that overall county school enrollment in Carteret County grew by 419 individuals from 1989-1995. This growth in public school enrollment is more than twice that experienced between 1984-1989. During the early 1980s, public school enrollment in the county actually decreased, so this steady growth in enrollment may be indicative of a shift toward public school as opposed to private. Carteret County's continued devotion toward improving education is evidenced by the recent passage of a $29 million bond referendum in November, 1994. The bond provides $6.2 million for educational technology. This includes the purchase of instructional computer equipment and software, and the networking of the county's fourteen schools. The majority of that equipment has been purchased and received by the schools, and the networking project will be completed in the fall of 1996. The remaining bond money will fund construction and renovation projects. A new high school and a new elementary school will be constructed in the western part of the county. The 90 acre site off Highway 24 has been purchased and cleared. Construction will begin in January, 1997. Plans call for both schools to be built on the same site with natural buffers separating them. Ll 7 J 1-47 1 ' Other bond projects include the construction of a new cafeteria and renovations to the main building at Beaufort Elementary School, the construction of a new classroom building with media center and office area at Smyrna Elementary School, and renovations to the kitchen at White Oak Elementary School. ' Community expectations for the Carteret County School System are high. The overwhelming support for the bond referendum and the arrival of a new superintendent have set a challenging course for this system. Carteret County schools strive for excellence in education ' and continue to innovatively address student needs. A five-year strategic plan provides direction for the school system beyond the year 2000. Called a blueprint for action, that plan will soon be revised and long-range plans will be extended through 2010. The plan was ' developed by a team of parents, business leaders, teachers, retirees, school administrators, support and classified school staff, and board of education members. Cape Lookout High School is the system's newest school. It opened in January, 1995, and ' is an alternative school offering small class sizes and individualized instruction. It is attended by students who are having difficulty in the traditional school setting. ' The county's voluntary year-round school pilot program was extended another two years based on its success. Students at Newport Elementary School attend four nine -week quarters. During the three-week breaks, enrichment and remediation programs are offered. The year- round program is run along with a traditional calendar program at Newport Elementary. Geographically, growth is occurring in the western end of the county. Student populations ' continue to decrease on the eastern side of the county. West Carteret High, Morehead Middle, Broad Creek Middle, and Newport Elementary are severely overcrowded. West Carteret High did get some relief when a new two-story, 21-classroom addition opened in I August, 1995. 6. Transportation Generally, streets in Emerald Isle are in good condition. There are a few unimproved roads, but they are not through streets. Powell Bill funding figures indicate 45.65 miles of surfaced road in town. NC Highway 58 runs through town on an east -west axis; this road is the only "major" thoroughfare in Emerald Isle. The town is linked to the mainland over Bogue Sound by B. Cameron Langston Bridge. ' In 1994, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) conducted traffic counts through Carteret County. On NC 58, at the Coast Guard intersection, the average daily traffic ' count (ADT) was 11,800. During the summer months, this figure could increase by as much as 2.5 times. Due to increased traffic congestion, NCDOT believes that conversion of NC 58 from a two-lane to a four -lane road is necessary. Carteret County has asked the general assembly to consider funding improvements to U.S. 70 between Raleigh and Morehead City. Funding would provide forthe construction of alternates around Clayton, Goldsboro, Kinston, and Havelock. There are currently approximately 69 stoplights on U.S. 70 between Raleigh and Morehead City which greatly increase travel times. The Town of Emerald Isle is in support of any improvements which would improve traffic flow on U.S. 70. ' I-48 The following requests have been made by Emerald Isle for inclusion in the 1996-1997 ' Transportation Improvement Program: -- The construction of a limited access highway from Emerald Isle to Kinston. i -- The construction of three lanes on Highway 58 from Emerald Isle through to ' Atlantic Beach. 7. Police ' Emerald Isle maintains a fully -staffed police department which serves all areas within the town. The staff consists of 16 officers, including the police chief and 4 dispatchers. Sixteen ' patrol cars and one 4 x 4 are maintained. The police department maintains training programs. Police services are considered adequate to service the town's needs. 8. Fire The town operates a full-time fire department staffed by the fire chief, 10 fire fighters and ' several volunteers. There are two fire stations in town -- the main station located at the municipal complex and a substation at the eastern end of town near the Emerald Isle Pier. The ' substation is staffed only during the day. However, renovations are currently underway which would allow for 24-hour staffing. The department is equipped with three pumpers, one mini - pumper, two staff trucks, and a staff car. The department ISO rating is six (6). Fire protection is considered adequate to serve Emerald Isle's needs. , 9. Emergency Services I The Emerald Isle Volunteer Emergency Medical Service provides ambulance services for the town. Currently, the squad is staffed with 15 Emergency Medical Technicians and three trainees, and is equipped with three ambulances, a four-wheel drive vehicle, and a motor boat. The town considers these emergency services adequate to meet the town's needs. 10. Recreation Public access points, both open improved and open unimproved, are shown on Maps 4A, 413, ' and 4C. Synopses of the existing ocean and sound accessway facilities are found on Table 18. The town has 55 ocean access site facilities. These are classified as follows: 53 local, one neighborhood, and one regional. There are 41 soundside access facilities. Of this total, , 40 are classified local and one a neighborhood facility. 1-49 1 AANMMMMW���- LEGEND • OPEN IMPROVED e OPEN UNIMPROVED PARKING I. BOARDWALK BY THE SEA (275- SPACES) 2. EAST SEA VIEW AND BLOCK DRIVES (27 SPACES) ' 3. CEDAR STREET (5 SPACES) 4. OCEAN DRIVE BETWEEN 1RD AND 4TH STREETS (13 SPACES) S. COMMERCIAL AREA SOUTH OF WATERS EDGE MOBILE HOME PARK (50 SPACES) S. ISLAND HARBOR MARINA (75 SPACES) 7. 6. PARK STREET (74 SPACES) REGIONAL BEACH ACCESS SITE (170 SPACES) NOTE: BOARDWALK BY THE SEA CLOSED FOLLOWING THE 1996 HURRICANES. I I CTXN/ I g LFS1, 1A 3 I I I ., ]}ll I I I 1 I I I AV I N I " I A I 1 ROGUE I � v I ,v y A TL ANT/C The preparallon• of this mop was financed In part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. as amended. which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 4 S O UNO I OCEAN MAP 4C TOWN OF EAlER,4L O ISLE' OCEANAM SOG4147 RISUC ACCESS S/TES xaLt r.sao• 1-52 t MAP 46 /V LEGEND T O WN OF EMERA L O %SL E ' • q^,EANANl9 SOLI'147 PUbi/C OPEN IMPROVED The preparation of this map was financed ACCESSSIMS in part through a grant provided by the OPEN UNIMPROVED North Carolina Coastal Management Program. through funds provided by the ' PARKING Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. ' �•+� as amended. which is administered by the 1. BOARDWALK BY THE SEA (275• SPACES) Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. National Oceanic and 2. EAST SEA VIEW AND BLOCK DRIVES (27 SPACES) Atmospheric Administration. 3. CEDAR STREET (5 SPACES) !. OCEAN DRIVE BETWEEN 3RD AND 4TH STREETS (13 SPACES) 5. COMMERCIAL AREA SOUTH OF WATERS EDGE MOBILE HOME PARK (50 SPACES) - 8. ISLAND HARBOR MARINA (75 SPACES) 7. PARK STREET (74 SPACES) 8. REGIONAL BEACH ACCESS SITE (170 SPACES) NOTE: BOARDWALK BY THE SEA CLOSED FOLLOWING THE 1996 HURRICANES. t 1 1 1 I rano ca+t rw[r Iawr �'as:= 1 y t 1 cna+t IQ > OW � � � 1 91 ii I I I I I I 1 1{; s t; acu n. I " curs nr � % � 1>�1 _ - _ - �:� �- -" �sr - _ _ - - - _ _ _�-'3�> �- I_ . _ ',• T -+i.: �'��_ t , I • ' ,owl cw+c c>nr 1 A*Pnr cr i0 1 &ouaw'rn 4 I > 1 I I a+aes « aaer � - - -- � 1 sao�.n► $ I 1 I .�xow sr. aovmr � '"►z• �t+r• I I eaaf s«ro otir m�uri em" ",W POW '' � 3 . $ � � tl = r � J rovesr at � ; � cr. � � , � � � � � � � $ •'� 1 � f � � � � 18 � li � 1 � � � � � � " � ` _ " � ~ 1 1 i I I I 1 ✓� as I Its s� I ss I It ✓o n x rr I n I rs rI I rr ' tr iA TL ANTIC OCEAN • 1-51 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iof I 1 1 LEGEND 0 OPEN IMPROVED OPEN UNIMPROVED PARKING 1. BOARDWALK BY THE SEA (275• SPACES) 2. EAST SEA VIEW AND BLOCK DRIVES (27 SPACES) 3. CEDAR STREET (5 SPACES) 4. OCEAN DRIVE BETWEEN 3RD AND 4TH STREETS (13 SPACES) S. COMMERCIAL AREA SOUTH OF WATERS EDGE MOBILE HOME PARK (50 SPACES) 6. ISLAND HARBOR MARINA (75 SPACES) 7. PARK STREET (74 SPACES) B. REGIONAL BEACH ACCESS SITE (170 SPACES) NOTE: BOARDWALK BY THE SEA CLOSED FOLLOWING THE 1996 HURRICANES The preparation of this map was financed in part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, Notional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. t MAP 4A N TOWN OF EMERALD ISLE A^,E.QNAM7 SOlA147 P!�/C ACCESS SITES .c.« B. CAMERON LANGSTON BRIDGE 1-50 . w wl w� ww ww ww ww w �w w w wr, �w w ww w ww ■w �w Table 18 Town of Emerald Isle SYNOPSES OF EXISTING OCEAN ACCESSWAY FACILITIES Off- Non- Accessway Open to Cross- Handicapped Street Street Street Type Public overs Decks Docks Accessible Signed Lighted Parking R/W R/W Paved Easements Local 53 40 -- Neighborhood 1 1 1 Regional 1 1 1 OCEAN TOTALS 55 42 2 -- 2 53 14 2 0 53 -- 3 SYNOPSES OF EXISTING SOUND ACCESSWAY FACILITIES 4 55 16 4 1 54 -- 4 Off- Non- Accessway Open to Cross- Handicapped Street Street Street Type Public overs Decks Docks Accessible Signed Lighted Parking R/W R/W Paved Easements Local 40 5 2 -- 1 40 1 -- 16 24 6 34 Neighborhood 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 -- Regional -- -- -- — -- — — _- __ __ SOUND TOTALS 41 5 3 1 2 41 2 1 17 24 7 34 Source: Town of Emerald Isle Recreation Department. 1-53 d There are four privately owned recreational facilities in Emerald Isle (three on the ocean side; one on the sound side). Ocean -side facilities include: -- pier, west of 25th Street -- motel and pier, end of Bogue Inlet Drive -- commercial/recreational facility, end of East View Street The facility on the sound includes the marina facility at Old Ferry Road, with a fishing and boat supply concession, boat ramp, docking facilities, and boat slips for rent. In addition to the shoreline access sites, there are four town -owned recreational facilities. One, a beach accessway between 3rd and 4th Streets, includes parking for 12 automobiles, a bicycle rest, a treated wood handicap ramp to a picnic table, and is lighted. The Merchants Association 27-space parking area at Lamroc Drive includes five picnic tables, two area lights, restrooms, and a water fountain. Blue Heron Park, completed in September of 1989, is located behind the Town Hall. The park contains tennis courts, lighted basketball courts, two playground units, restrooms, picnic shelters, volleyball courts, and is fenced. The community center and gymnasium, completed in 1992, have added greatly to the towns recreational facilities. These facilities are located at the municipal building complex and include meeting rooms, basketball court, weight room, and bathroom/shower facilities. Off-street parking in Emerald Isle consists of seven lots: -- Commercial area south of Waters Edge Mobile Home Park - 50 + cars (this area may be closed to parking for development). -- East Sea View and Block Drives (Merchants Association) - 40 cars. -- Cedar Street on Sound - 7 cars. -- Ocean Drive between 3rd and 4th Streets - 12 cars. -- Island Harbor Marina - 74 cars. -- Park Street - 74 cars. -- Regional Beach Access Site - 170 cars. These areas are also shown on Maps 4A, 413, and 4C. One of the parking areas (west of 25th Street) requires a fee; the rest are town -owned and require no fee. In addition to these facilities located in town, several recreational facilities of regional significance are located nearby. The county -owned Western Park Community Center located in Cedar Point provides Emerald Isle with access to several baseball, softball, and soccer fields; Fort Macon, a state-owned facility 2.3 miles to the east of Atlantic Beach; Hammocks Beach, another state-owned facility 12 miles south of Emerald Isle near Swansboro; and Theodore Roosevelt Park, another county -maintained facility 1 1 /2 miles away near Salter Path and Hoffman Beach. C n 1-54 The North Carolina Division of Parks maintains recreation facilities standards. The following table provides a comparison of town supported facilities and the state standards: Table 19 Town of Emerald Isle Minimum Recreational Facility Needs (Based on Year -Round Population) IFacility Football/Soccer Field Softball Field Baseball Field Swimming Pool - 25 yard Swimming Pool - 50 meter Tennis Courts Tot Lots/Playgrounds Community Center Gym Neighborhood Center NC Division of Parks and Recreation Emerald Isle Standard Facilities Need Existing Facilities (Facilities/Population) 1 /10,000 1 /3,000 1 /6,000 1 /10,000 1 /20,000 2/4,000 1 /1,000 1 /25,000 1 /10,000 < = less than. Source: North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation. (Based on 1994 year-round population of 2,798) <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1 3 <1 <1 None None None None None 2 Municipal Bldg. 1 Municipal Bldg. Playground 1 Chapel By The Sea Recreation Field 1 Municipal Bldg. None The town does not have sufficient population to support football/soccer field, softball field, baseball field, or swimming pool. Also, because of the outdoor water activities that exist in Carteret County, it should not be necessary for Emerald Isle to provide swimming pools. 11. Electrical Distribution The Town of Emerald Isle is provided electrical service by the Carteret -Craven EMC. During the mid 1980's, the town was experiencing some "brown -outs" during summer usage. However, the EMC undertook a program of installing individual energy management switches and overall system improvements. It appears that the power shortage problem has been alleviated. 1 1-55 12. Administration The Town of Emerald Isle maintains a complete staff for management of a wide range of urban services. The administrative and service staff includes the following positions: Administration 3 Building Inspections 3 Recreation and Parks 5 Tax Collector 1 Maintenance 6 The town maintains a Mayor -Board of Commissioners form of government with a Town Administrator employed to supervise all departments. The Board includes five commissioners. The Town Administrator is assisted by the Town Clerk. The town is also served by a seven member Planning Board, a Board of Adjustment consisting of five regular and two alternate members, and a 10-member Recreation Advisory Committee. Emerald Isle's administrative capabilities are adequate to serve the town's needs. 1-56 F. DEVELOPMENT CONSTRAINTS: LAND SUITABILITY 1. Topography/Geology The land within Emerald Isle ranges from flat along shorelines and some interior areas to rolling, undulating topography within the dune areas. Elevation generally ranges from 0 to 25 feet above sea level. Normally the highest elevations above sea level are found in the Newhan soil associations. The soil association locations are provided on Maps 6A and 6B. The majority of the town's land has slopes within the 2 to 7 percent range. However, within some dune areas, slopes may be as great as 30 percent or more. Carteret County is underlain by an eastward -thickening wedge of sedimentary deposits of Pleistocene -age, ranging from 2,000 feet thick in the northwest portions of the county to almost 7,000 feet thick beneath the easternmost sections of offshore strand. Because of the depth of the surf icial sand/silaceous deposits, little is known of the composition of underlying deposits. Well logs indicate that shell fragments and calcareous material are consolidated into a limestone at a depth of less than 120 feet west of Morehead City, and at increasing depths further eastward. Microfossils obtained from some well samples indicate that the uppermost consolidated limestone is probably part of the Yorktown formation. The Bogue Banks Water and Sewer Corporation obtains water from wells that are supplied by an aquifer which extends westward under Carteret County. The town has never experienced a water supply shortage. However, salt water intrusion may be an increasing concern as demand for water grows. About 2,500 square miles of the Castle Hayne aquifer, including the portion underlying Carteret County, have been designated as a capacity use area by the N.C. Groundwater Section due to large (68 MGD in 1986) groundwater withdrawals by the PCS phosphate mine near Aurora. A capacity use area is defined as an area where the use of water resources threatens to exceed the replenishment ability to the extent that regulation may be required. 2. Flood Hazard Areas While large areas of Emerald Isle lie within the 100-year floodplain, the greatest threat is flooding resulting from storm surge and local ponding of water. Approximately 20 percent of the town's land area lies at ten feet above mean sea level or less and is potentially subject to flooding. ' The greatest storm surge impact will occur from hurricanes. Map 5 shows the general areas of Emerald Isle that may be affected by hurricane -generated storm surge. The various categories of storm surge areas are defined as follows: Category 1. Winds of 74 to 95 miles per hour. Damage primarily to shrubbery, trees, foliage, and unanchored mobile homes. No appreciable wind damage to other structures. Some damage to poorly constructed signs. Storm surge possibly 4 to 5 feet above normal. Low-lying roads inundated, minor pier damage, some small craft in exposed anchorage torn from moorings. 1 1-57 M m M m M M 11111110 M 111111110 M M M m m m c �J The preparation of this map was financed In part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. B. CAMERON LANGSTON BRIDGE BOGUE SOUND or C� Q ATLANTIC OCEAN LEGEND CATEGORY 1-2 SURGE AREA CATEGORY 3 ADDITIONAL SURGE AREA CATEGORY 4-5 ADDITIONAL SURGE AREA EMERALD ISLE GENERAL DELINEATION FLOOD HAZARD AREAS MAP 5 0 1/2 1 2 SCALE IN MILES 1 ' Category 2. Winds of 96 to 110 miles per hour. Considerable damage to shrubbery and tree foliage; some trees blown down. Major damage to exposed mobile homes. ' Extensive damage to poorly constructed signs. Some damage to roofing materials of buildings; some window and door damage. No major wind damage to buildings. Storm surge possibly 6 to 8 feet above normal. Coastal roads and low-lying escape routes ' inland cut by rising water 2 to 4 hours before arrival of hurricane center. Considerable damage to piers. Marinas flooded. Small craft in unprotected anchorages torn from moorings. Evacuation of some shoreline residences and low-lying island areas required. Category 3. Winds of 111 to 130 miles per hour. Foliage torn from trees; large trees blown down. Practically all poorly constructed signs blown down. Some damage to roofing materials of buildings; some window and door damage. Some structural damage to small buildings. Mobile homes destroyed. Storm surge possibly 9 to 12 feet above normal. Serious flooding at coast and many smaller structures near coast destroyed; larger structures near coast damaged by battering waves and floating ' debris. Low-lying escape routes inland cut by rising water 3 to 5 hours before hurricane center arrives. 1 Category 4. Winds of 131 to 155 miles per hour. Shrubs and trees blown down; all signs down. Extensive damage to roofing materials, windows, and doors. Complete failure of roofs on many small residences. Complete destruction of mobile homes. Storm surge possibly 13 to 18 feet above normal. Major damage to lower floors of structures near shore due to flooding and battering by waves and floating debris. Low-lying escape routes inland cut by rising water 3 to 5 hours before hurricane center arrives. Major erosion of beaches. Category 5. Winds greater than 155 miles per hour. Shrubs and trees blown down; considerable damage to roofs of buildings; all signs down. Very severe and extensive damage to windows and doors. Complete failure of roofs on many residences and industrial buildings. Extensive shattering of glass in windows and doors. Some complete building failures. Small buildings overturned or blown away. Complete destruction of mobile homes. Storm surge possibly greater than 18 feet above normal. Major damage to lower floors of all structures less than 15 feet above sea level. Low-lying escape routes inland cut by rising water 3 to 5 hours before hurricane center arrives. The town also suffers from intermittent flooding from rainfall and stormwater runoff. The soil associations shown on Map 6 provide an indication of the locations of high water table areas. The water table depths, flooding frequency, and permeability rates are provided in Table 20. Flooding resulting from sea level rise may be a long-term problem. Over the last 100 years, the sea level has risen approximately one foot. Most experts agree that the rate of sea level rise will increase over the next one hundred years. The maximum increase has been forecast to be as much as four to seven feet. An increase of that magnitude would be disastrous to Emerald Isle. Approximately 20 to 25% of the town could be inundated. The impact of sea level rise has serious adverse transportation and access implications for Emerald Isle. Many inland Carteret County roads could be inundated and impede access to Emerald Isle. The rate of rise should be carefully monitored. 1-59 Table 20 Town of Emerald Isle Soil Susceptibility to Flooding Soil Types Beach-Foredune Association Carteret soils, low Corolla fine sand Depth to Seasonal High Water Table Flooding Beach - 0 to 3.0' Foredune - 6.0' 0 to 3.0' 1.5 to 3.0' Duckstone fine sand 1.0 to 2.0' Fripp fine sand 6.0' Carteret soils, high 1.0 to 3.0' Newhan fine sand 6.0' Newhan-Corolla Complex Corolla Urban Land Complex Newhan Urban Land Complex Source: 1985 Emerald Isle Land Use Plan. Permeability Frequent Rapid 6.3"/hr. Rare Frequent (daily) Rapid 6.3"/hr. Rare to Common Very rapid 20"/hr. Storm Tides Rare to Common Very rapid 20"/hr. Storm Tides Rare Storm Tides Rapid 6.3"/hr. Frequent (monthly) Rapid 6.3"/hr. None Very rapid 20"/hr. --- See ratings for individual soil --- --- See ratings for individual soil --- --- See ratings for individual soil --- .M ' 3. Soils A detailed soils survey of Carteret County has been completed by the Soil Conservation ' Service. Based on that survey, there are ten different soil associations located within Emerald Isle. These associations are delineated on Map 6A and 613 and their conditions for site development are provided in Table 21. Most soils within Emerald Isle have some limitations ' to development. ' Table 21 Town of Emerald Isle Degree and Kind of Limitation for Stated Use Septic Tank Soil Types Dwellings Streets & Roads Filter Field Beach-Foredune Very severe/flooding Very severe/flooding Very severe/flooding Association Carteret soils, low Very severe/ Very severe/ Very severe/ ' flooding/wet flooding/wet flooding/wet Corolla fine sand Severe/wet Severe/wet Severe/wet' Duckstone fine sand Severe/wet Severe/wet Severe/wet' Fripp fine sand Severe floods Moderate floods Severe/wet' Carteret soils, high Very severe/ Very severe/ Very severe/ ' flooding/wet flooding/wet flooding/wet Newhan fine sand Slight Slight Slight ' Newhan-Corolla --- See ratings for individual soil --- Complex Corolla Urban Land --- See ratings for individual soil --- ' Complex Newhan Urban Land --- See ratings for individual soil --- Complex ' The sandy soils are highly pervious with questionable filtering capacities. Thus, contamination of ' groundwater is possible. Source: Soil Survey of Carteret County, North Carolina, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1-61 TOWN OF EMERALD ISLE GENERAL SOIL CONDITIONS O 660 1320 1980 2640 3300 4620 SCALE IN FEET MAP 6B The preparation of this map was financed in part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. t C.. CARTERS': SOILS. LOSS Ca COROLLA eFLIM SAND Cs COROLLA URBAN LXND CClpLEX Du DUCSSTON _INZ SAND Fr FRIPP FINS SAM Inc HESi M-COROLLA COMPLEX He HZWHAN-URBAN LAND COMPLEX Nh HENHAN SEP 11C TANK SUT.ABILI:": VERY SEVERE VERY SEVERE VERY SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SL:GRT SLIGHT SLIGHT SEVERE NOTE: THIS MAP IS 3AS= CH LYBORMATION FROM THE SOIL SURVEY OF THE OUTER BANKS. NORTH CAROLINA, 1977, PRODUCYD 3T TYZ USDA SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. 1-63 0 TOWN OF EMERALD ISLE GENERAL SOIL CONDITIONS O 660 1320 1980 2640 3300 4620 SCALE IN FEET �_ The preparation of this map was financed in part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. mn - ar ru,a—s tjx%r ww"c —. CH SIGH CARTERET SOILS,; CL CARTERET SOILSr LO* Co cOROLLK FINE SAND Cu COROLLA URBAN LAND COMPL= Du DUCICSTOK rim SAND rr rRIpP rxNe SAND Nc NEMM-COROIJA COMPLEX He NENHAN-UMM LAND CMWZ X Nh NENS" CIc TANK [ABILITY Y SEVERE VERY SEVERE VERY BEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE SLIGHT SLIGHT SLIGHT SEVERE NOTE: THIS MAP IS BA= ON INFORMATION FROM THE SOIL SURVEY Or THE OUTER BARKS, NORTH CAROLINA, 1977, PRODU= By THE USDA SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. 1-62 n 4. Manmade Hazards/Restrictions The only major manmade hazard within Emerald Isle is the aircraft operations/flight pattern area for Bogue Field which is located adjacent to Bogue Sound on the Carteret County mainland. The airfield is approximately three miles northeast of Emerald Isle. Aircraft regularly fly over the town at low altitudes. Map 2 provides an indication of noise levels resulting from aircraft operating in existing flight patterns. The noise levels indicated are provided by the Bogue Field Air Installation Compatibility Use Zone (AICUZ) Program. Based on identified noise levels, the AICUZ recommends areas where certain types of land development should be restricted. Compatibility with the day/night noise levels indicated on Map 2 is defined in Tables 22 which were provided by the Guide for Air Installations Compatible Use Zones. As a general definition of noise level, a 65 DNL is the noise level at which normal conversation becomes difficult to hear. The AICUZ also establishes accident potential zones for aircraft operations. However, Emerald Isle is not located within any Zone I (highest) accident potential zones. Through 1995, 20 aircraft crashes had occurred in the vicinity of Bogue Field. One occurred in Emerald Isle on the shore of Bogue Sound. The hazard potential from aircraft crashes should be considered. High noise level impact is also a serious problem. Bogue Field is normally open for flight operations from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon on Friday, and is closed on Saturday, Sunday and holidays. However, flight hours are frequently extended for military operations. Operations normally include practice landings and touch and go's for military student pilots and proficiency training. The only other manmade hazards within Emerald Isle are underground storage tanks for gasoline being sold at retail stores and above ground tanks at the marina. 1-64 Table 22 LAND USE COMPATIBILITY IN NOISE AREAS LAND USE CATEGORY Residential - Single Family, Duplex Residential - Hultifamily. Dormitories etc. Residential - Hobile Homes Transient Lodging Industrial - Service 6 Distributive Industrial - Manufacturing 0) Cn Industrial - Manufacturing (Notes Sensitive) Commercial - Wholesale Trade Some businebs services SLUCM Code llx x. 12, Tr. 1 ca- 35 a , Noise Zone 3 0 1 1 Day -Night Average Sound Level (DNL) 60 65 70 75 80 85 IN Coinmercial - ketal l Trade. Movis Theaters, Eating 6 Drinking 53. 58 min a.vauau.caaa — ouue: nwILMA ■aaac (not noise sensitive) Office Buildings (Personal. Business. slid Professional Services) Clearly Compatible Normally Compatible 1.:. Clearly Incompatible Normally Incompatible ==M moumm�lm = 1::::L1 ■■■■ l :LL:L=I = M M = = = = = = = .9 Table 22 Continued LAND USE COMPATIBILITY IN NOISE AREAS LAND USE CATEGORYSLUCM .,_ Day -Night Average Sound Law .0 ffiwdroom Libraries. Churches so 3�ti11,11i 111011111111.111111 l=:::1:!1 �8 01lllllllilllllllllll i►��► i �i IHUM Iihu 6. :'::� I Ii 11111111111111111111.�Ililllliliilllll Mail.111,101 = IIIIIIIIIIIlIIIlIIII' HiMM e�=9�ae�` I: 1:::1WII �Illlllllllllilll lilllilllllllllllll 111111111 i.il�i �IIIIIIIII) �A1444ELVIG - Outdoor - Frequent Speech Coomtinl- ��""HE�11�°°"'� I:::::::..cation llllillllllll�lllll� IIIIIIIIIIiIIIINII� HiURON IIIIAgricultural-(except livestock). :111:11 Clearly Compatible Normally Compatible Clearly Incompatible Normally Incompatible NOTES FOR TABLE 22 LAND USE COMPATIBILITY IN NOISE LEVELS 1. Clearly Compatible: The noise exposure is such that the activities associated with the land use may be carried out with essentially no interference from aircraft noise. (Residential areas: both indoor and outdoor noise environments are pleasant.) 2. Normally Compatible: The noise exposure is great enough to be of some concern, but common building construction will make the indoor environment acceptable, even for sleeping quarters. (Residential areas: the outdoor environment will be reasonably pleasant for recreation and play.) 3. Normally Incompatible: The noise exposure is significantly more severe so that special building construction is often necessary to minimize adverse impacts on people and reduce interference with performance of normal activities. (Residential areas: barriers are sometimes erected between the site and prominent noise sources to improve the outdoor environment; sound attenuation is recommended in some buildings.) 4. Clearly Incompatible: The noise exposure at the site is so severe that construction costs to make the indoor environment acceptable for performance of activities is significantly more expensive. (Residential areas: the outdoor environment would be significantly impacted for normal residential use.) 5. SLUCM: Standard Land Use Coding Manual. "x" represents SLUCM category broader or narrower than, but generally inclusive of, the category described. I 6. The compatibility matrix has been determined by a number of noise sensitivity factors including: speech communication needs, subjective judgments of noise incompatibility and relative noisiness, need for freedom from noise intrusions, sleep sensitivity criteria; accumulated case histories of noise complaint experience, and typical noise insulation provided by common types of building construction. 7. For many land uses, higher levels of exterior noise exposure may be acceptable provided there is a proper degree of building noise insulation. Such tradeoffs are possible for land uses where indoor activities predominate. 1-67 5. Marine Resources Scattered subaquatic vegetation is found on Bogue Sound along the Emerald Isle shoreline. All subaquatic vegetation should be protected as an important part of Emerald Isle's and Bogue Sound's maritime environment. Disturbance of the vegetation is regulated through the CAMA major permitting process. The North Carolina Division of Water Quality assigns water quality classifications to all waters of the State of North Carolina. The schedule of classifications is provided by 15 NCAC 26.0302 to .0317. The classifications are based upon the existing or contemplated best usage of the various streams and segments of streams within a basin, as determined through studies, evaluations, and comments received at public hearings. The state classifies tidal salt waters as follows: Class SA: shellfishing for market purposes and any other usage specified by the "SB" and "SC" classification; Class SB: primary recreation and any other usage specified by the "SC" classification; Class SC: fish and wildlife propagation, secondary recreation, and other uses requiring waters of lower quality. With the exception of Archer's Creek, all waters of Bogue Sound within and adjacent to Emerald Isle are designated in an SA classification. The North Carolina Division of Water Quality defined SA as "waters suitable for the taking of shellfish for market purposes, primary recreation, fish and wildlife propagation, and secondary recreation." In addition, the Bogue Sound waters located adjacent to Emerald Isle are designated as an ORW. See page 1-76 for a more detailed description of ORWs. Table 15 (see page 1-32) provides a breakdown of water classes and acreage for Watershed 03020106030052 which includes the Town of Emerald Isle. In addition, surface waters (streams, lakes, or estuaries) are rated as either fully supporting (S), support -threatened (ST), partially supporting (PS), or nonsupporting (NS) by the Division of Water Quality. The terms refer to whether the classified uses of the water (such as water supply, aquatic life protection and swimming) are being fully supported, partially supported, or are not supported. For instance, saltwaters classified for commercial shellfish harvesting (SA) would be rated as fully supporting if bacterial levels in the water were low enough to allow harvesting. However, if fecal coliform bacteria levels were too high to allow shellfish to be harvested, but not too high to prevent swimming, then the waters would be rated as partially supporting since they only support the swimming. If the waters were impacted to the point that even swimming was disallowed, the waters would be rated as nonsupporting. Partially supporting (PS) waters have been identified adjacent to Emerald Isle in Archer's Creek, and are closed to shellfishing. Primary nursery areas are defined as those areas in the estuarine system where initial post - larval development takes place. These areas are usually located in the uppermost sections of a system where populations are uniformly very early juveniles. Archer's Creek has been designated as a primary nursery area. Map 1 provides the general location of partially supporting (PS)/closed to shellfishing waters and primary nursery areas in or adjacent to Emerald Isle. W. 6. Fragile Areas In coastal North Carolina, fragile areas are considered to include coastal wetlands, ocean hazard areas, shorelines, estuarine waters and shorelines, public trust waters, complex natural areas, areas sustaining remnant species, unique geological formations, registered natural landmarks, swamps, prime wildlife habitats, areas of excessive slope, areas of excessive erosion, scenic points, archaeological sites, historical sites, and 404 wetlands. While not identified as fragile areas in the 15A NCAC 7H Use Standards, maritime forests and outstanding resource waters (ORWs) should also be considered fragile areas. Emerald Isle's planning jurisdiction includes or is adjacent to estuarine waters and shorelines, coastal wetlands, public trust waters, ocean hazard areas, maritime forests, ORWs, 404 wetlands, archaeological sites, excessive slopes, and excessive erosion areas. Map 7A, 713, and 7C provide a delineation of the fragile areas. These are areas which could easily be damaged or destroyed by inappropriate or poorly planned development. Development within AEC's is regulated by the Coastal Resources Commission. a) Coastal Wetlands The coastal wetlands are generally delineated on Map 7A, 713, and 7C, Areas of Environmental Concern. However, it is emphasized that the specific locations of coastal wetlands can be determined only through on -site investigation and analysis. Coastal wetlands are defined as salt marshes regularly- or irregularly -flooded by tides including wind tides, provided this shall not include hurricane or, tropical storm tides. These areas must contain at least one, but not necessarily all of the following marsh plant species: Cordgrass, Black Needlerush, Glasswort, Salt Grass, Sea Lavendar, Bulrush, Saw Grass, Cat -tail, Salt Meadow Grass, and Salt Reed Grass. The coastal wetlands are vital to the complex food chain found in estuaries. They provide marine nursery areas and are essential to a sound commercial fishing industry. Coastal wetlands also serve as barriers against flood damage and control erosion between the estuary and uplands. b) Estuarine Waters Estuarine waters are generally those waters found in estuaries, sounds, bays, salt water shorelines, and the Atlantic Ocean within three miles of the shoreline. They are the dominant component and bonding element of the entire estuarine system, integrating aquatic influences from both the land and the sea. The estuarine waters are among the most productive natural environments within Emerald Isle. The waters support the valuable commercial and sports fisheries of the coastal area which are comprised of estuarine dependent species such as menhaden, flounder, shrimp, crabs, and oysters. c) Estuarine Shorelines Estuarine shorelines are those non -ocean shorelines which are especially vulnerable to erosion, flooding, or other adverse effects of wind and water. They are intimately connected to the estuary. The area extends from the mean high water level or normal water level along the estuaries, sounds, bays, and brackish waters for a distance of 75 feet landward. Development within the estuarine shorelines influences the quality of estuarine life and is subject to the damaging processes of shorefront erosion and flooding. Estuarine shoreline areas of environmental concern which are adjacent to outstanding resource waters extend 575 feet landward from the mean high water level or normal water level. n 0 :•:�•:R:•:•:•:•:••. ARCMAF.OL.00ICALLY SRU3ITM AREAS COASTAL MJITLANDS (ApproalNats Iocational oaact I. At Iona wat G datarwln.d .,O"b in-tlrld roriticationa.) MARITIMS FORESTS M•� fj (Approaluto locations/ wwact local Rona wwat b. doUrwtnsd CAroMMgb lw-bald Mrltteatlona.) 1. ESTUARINE SHORELINE AREAS - IN SHORELINE ARIASARNOT CONTIGUOUS TO WATER! CLASSI- FIED AS OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS RT THE ENVIROMNENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION, ALL LAND 7S FEET LANDWARD rROM THE MEAN RIGN WATER LEVEL OR NORMAL WATER LEVEL ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ESTUARINE 3HORS- LIMLl. IN SHORELINE AREAS CONTIGUOUS TO KATE" CLASSIFIED AS OUTSTANDING RESOURCE MATS" BY THE EMVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION. ALL LAND $75 FEET LANDWARD FROM THE MEAN NIGH METER LEVEL OR NORMAL MATRR LEVEL ARE CONSIDERED TO EE ESTUARINE SBOPSLIMRE. 3. OCEAN RAZARD AAER3 - OCEAN HAZARD AREAS ARE THOSE AREA.T DEFINED RT ISA MCAC 7H SECTION .0300. 1NAS$ AR6A3 INCLUDE ALL BEACHES, PRIMARY DUNES, AND FRONTAL DUNES AND OTHER AREAS IN WHICH GEOLOGIC, VEGETATIVE AND SOIL CONDITIONS INDICATE A bUB3TANTIAL POSSIBILITY Or ZXCR331YR EXPANSION OR FLOOD DAMAGE. !. INLET INL HAZARD AREAS - ET HAZARD AREAS RE INLET HAZARD AREA! ATHOSE DEFINED BY SSA NCAC 7H.0101. THESE AREAS INCLUDE LANDS THAT ARE NATURAL HAZARD AREAS THAT RE AM ESPSCIALLY VULNERABLE TO EROSION, rLOODIMG, AND OTHER ADVERSE ErrECTs Or SANG, ND MIND AWATER BECAUSE Or THEIR PROXIMITY To DYNAMIC OCEAN IMIXTS. EXACT LOCATIONS MIST BE DETRAMINED THROUGH IN-FIERY IN -FIELD v3FICATIONS. t. PUBLIC TRUST AND ESTUARINE MASERS AREA! - ALL VATS" UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF EMERALD 13LE ARE EITHER ESTUARINE WATERS OR PUBLIC TRUST AREAS A3 DEFINED IN IS MCAC 7N.020S ESTUARINE MATZ" AND .OI07 PUBLIC TRUST AREAS. OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS AREAS ARE PUBLIC 7:JJST AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN. OR" AREAS ARE AL30 ESTUARINE MASERS AZC'S. I S. OUTS://ID:K: RESOURCE MATS" IORW` - ALL WATERS Or BOGIE SOUND ADJACENT TO AND WITHIN RMBRALD IS ARE DESIGNATED As ORM. FORTIOMS Or PLNEY CREEK ARE DESIGNATED AS 0"' AMC ARE DELINEATED ON THE INSERT TO TH13 MAP. OTHER CAZZR! AND STREAMS IN EMERALD I3LB ARE NOT DESIGNATED 43 OEM, E. THE EMERALD 131.E CORPORATE LIMIT LINE EXTENDS 1.7,00 7E97 INTO BOGUS BOUND AND PARALI.iLR THE SHORELINE. P g 1 i ti 1i j ;< T � t 1 i 1 i I ORW I I I I 1 Asir Cr 101 1 � .'YZ.G1M — j mMFJr 01 Ot£N• In I taus• At 1 1 1 I I I I .# I JI I u I 113I114I PSI » I 10 N ARD"T 44WrX t 13 tt 11 10 E E 7 S E 4 3 ORW JVLW 01r 1. eAo o- ` , w MMM 130 r00 PIIL�Y CREE.t' LiR1N',IKSERT 3CAL 14 FTET Ir The preparation - of this map was financed In part Through o grant provided by the North Corotino Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 1 I BOGUS I SALTER'S GRAVEYARD r I a'tOI . • •: •: �. I I 1 .PMFI•oral• I OlAAR1A� � , .I I I I I -'` - - �! �'•- I ( BELL COVE 1 SETTLEMENT el I uwc oF/r ( I AWlN 1 �i' • 1 c+ I GRAVE ARD I 1 I I IaMatu I .. ......' .. .ri.,r I' I� I cow M LIOa1[O I Cr cow,MDMo 1 .tKFM Jr VA : e DB+t I I AMItaV , M�Irrs.•.11 1. I i I I I I I I I ! I I I 1 OCEAN A TL A N T/C MAP 7B T O WN OF ENER.4 L o /SL E AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN AND OTHER FRAGILE AREAS A^.aL! r/1Dir' ORW v I I � S cowr ,7,Flo 1-71 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HAZARD AREAS- 1INLET - 7� CAL ALSO A MARITIME LOGIFORESTES IE ARCHAEOLOGICALLY SILN3ITM AREAS COASTAL NFTLAMS I IApproaLa1a loneM eaaet lecalone at date—Ined through Sn-tleld Nrl Ueatlona.) MARITIME FORESTS 5i� . y i.:• 'awroaleate locatlonaA ..t lOcot lona Nat be detordned through !n-tleld eerlrlCationS.) 1. ESTUARINE SMORSLINS AREAS - IN SHORELINE AREAS NOT CONTUS IGUOTO WAYS" CLASSY; PIED AS OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WAYS" ex THE EHVIAONMOTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION. ALL LAND 75 rZET LANDWARD PROM THZ MEAN HIGH WATER LEVEL OR NORMAL WATER LEVEL ARE CONSIDERED TO Di i3TVMINS 3MORE- LINS3. IN SMORELIME AREAS CONTIGUOUS TO MATS" CLA73Ir1ZD AS OUTSTANDING RESOURCE MASERS BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION, ALL LAND SIS rZET LANDWARD PROM THE MEAN HIGH WATER LZVZL OR NORMAL WATER LEVEL ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ZSTVARI WE SHORELINES. S. OCZAN MAXAAD AREAS - OCEAN HAZARD AREAS ARE THOSE AREAS DErINED BY 15A HCAC 7N SECTION .0300. THESE AREAS INCLUDE ALL BEACHES, PRIMARY DUNES, AND rRONTAL DUNES AND OTHER AREAS IN WHICH GEOLOGIC, VEGETATIVE AND SOIL CONDITIONS INDICATE A bUBSTAMTIAL POSSIBILITY Or EXCESSIVE ExPAHSIOM OR rIOOD DAMAGE. 3. INLET HAZARD AREAS - INLET HAZARD AREAS 11HLZT HAZARD AREAS ARE THOSE DErINTD BY 15A NCAC ?a.0304. THESE AREAS INCUMDZ LANDS THAT ARE NATURAL HAZARD AREAS THAT RE AESPECIALLY VULNERABLE TO EROSION, PLODDING, AND OTHER ADVERSE ErrECT3 or SAND, WIND AND WATER BECAUSE Or THEIR PROXINITY To DYNAMIC OCEAN INLETS. EXACT LOCATIONS MUST IIi DETERMINED THROUGH IN-rIELD VERIr ICATION3. - {. PUBLIC TRUST AND ESTUARINE WATERS AREAS - ALL WATERS UNDER THE JURISDICTION Or EMERALD ISLE ARE EITHER ESTUARINE WATERS OR PUBLIC TRUST AREAS AS DEr INSD IN 13 MCAC 7M.0206 Z37UAAIINZ WATERS AND .0107 PUBLIC TRUST AREAS. OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATZRE AREAS ARE PUBLIC 7:JIST AREAS Or ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN. ORM AREAS ARE ALSO ESTUARINE WAYS" AEC, S. S. OUSS:I.ND:Ki PA30URCI WATERS (OR"! - ALL WATEIL7 Of BOGUS SOUND ADJACENT TO AND WITHIN EMERALD ISLE ARE DESIGNATED AS ORW. IORTIONE Or PINEY CREZK ARE DESIGNATED AS OR", AND ARE DELINEATED ON THE INSERT TO THIS MAP. OTHER CREEKS AND STREAMS IN EMERALD ISLE ARE NOT DESIGNATED AS ORN {. THE EMERALD ISLA CORPORATE LIMIT LIN ENE EXTDS 1,400 FEET INTO BOGUS SOUND AND —' PARALLELS IRS SHORELINE. The preparollon• of this map was financed In part through a grant provided by the North CarotinD Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 81M WRAI T O WN Or ENER.4 L D ISLE AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN AND OTHER FRAGILE AREAS JGaIF r•90ir' 4 WC f i i I I AtMrl xrwo at '�� cwnr I � Jrx.c V I y h M N JK I � I ARCMAROLOGICALLY SENSITIVE AREAS _ COASTAL VICTIJNOS (AW.0.1ute Ioestlonxl .sect loc.tlons Rust D. d.uruln.d through SD-Il.ld ..rl ficstlons.) MARITIME FORSSYS '•(� • li.:' (APP.0 s1Mt. 1oo.tlo.ff .sect Ioc.tlons —at h. d.t.—In.d through to-f1.Id o.rlflc.tlons.) 1. ESTUARINE SHORELINE AREA3 - IN SHORELINE AREAS NOT CONTIGUOUS TO HATERS CLA33I- PIED AS OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS BY THE ENV IPONMPJTTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION, ALL LAND 75 FEET LANDWARD FROM THS MEAN SIGN WATER LEVEL OR NORMAL WATER LEVEL ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ESTUARINE 3HORS- LINES. IN SHORELINE AREAS CONTIGUOUS TO HATERS CLASSIFIED AS OUTSTANDING RESOURCE HATER] BY THE ONVLRONMENfAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION, ALL LAND 575 FEET LANDWARD FROM THE MEAN HIGH WATER LEVEL OR NORMAL WATER LEVEL ARS CONSIDERSO TO HE ESTUARINE SHORELINES. 2. OCEAN HAZARD AREAS - OCEAN RAIARD AREAS ARE THOSE AREAS DEFINED BY 1SA WCAC 79 SECTION .0300. THESE AREAS INCLUDE ALL HEACHE3, PRIMARY DUNES, AND FRONTAL DUNES AND OTHER AREAS IN WHICH GZOLOGIC, VEGETATIVE AND SOIL CONDITIONS INDICATE A SUBSTANTIAL P03SIBILITY Or EXCS331va BXPAR31OM OR FLOOD DAMAGE, 3. INLET HAZARD AREAS - INLET HAZARD AREAS INLET HAZARD AREAS AAE THOSE DEFINED BY 15A MCAC 7H.0304. THESE AREAS INCVJOR LANDS THAT "A NATURAL HAZARD AREAS THAT MR ESPECIALLY VULNERABLE TO EROSION, rL.00DING, AND OTHER ADVERSE EFFECTS OF SAND, MIND AM WATER BECAUSE Or THEIR PLOXIMMITY TO DYNA..IC OCEAN INLETS. BRACT LOCATIONS MUST BS DETERMINED THROUGH IN-FIEID VERIFICATIONS. S. PUBLIC TRUST AND ESTUARINE MATZ" AREAS - ALL MATE" UNDER THE JURISDICTION Or EMERALD ISLE ARE EITHER ESTUARINE MATE93 OR PUBLIC TRUST AREAS AS DEFINED IN 13 HCAC 7H.0206 ESTUARINE WATERS AND .0207 PUBLIC TRUST AREAS. OUTSTANDING RESOURCE HATERS ARZA3 ARE PUBLIC 7:.UST AREAS Or ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN. ORS' AREAS ARS ALSO SSTUARINE HATERS AEC's. R S. OUTSTAND_X:. RESOURCE WATERS MORN! - ALL WATERS Or BOGUS SOUND ADJACENT TO AND WITHIN KMSHA/D ISLE ARE DESIGNATED AS ORN. PORTIO-3 or PINEY CREEK ARE DESIGNATED AS ORS, AND ARE DELINEATED ON THE INSERT TO THIS MAP. OTHER CREEKS AND 3TREAM3 IRA &HERA= I31JL ARE NOT DESIGNATED JiS ORM. S. Tug EMERALD 13L.M CORPORATE LIMIT LINE EXTENDS 1,200 TEST INTO BOGUS SOUND AND PARALLELS TBB SHORSLINS. ROGUE t t A TL ANT/C 4 The preparation- of this map was financed In part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. SOUND � I I I I I t t I I ( I I I I rNt�>. ncaF - TL[AI[O M'NT a i i a i a ,It Q DMA a I a I V, I I 7 I I O CEA N I MAP X TOWN OF ENERAL O ISLE AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN AND OTHER FRAGILE AREAS .e+ I I ( I I i t Mt y ti h I I j 1-72 1 Id) Public Trust Areas Public trust areas are all waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the lands thereunder from the mean high water mark to the seaward limit of state jurisdiction; all natural bodies of water subject to measurable lunar tides and lands thereunder to the mean high water mark; all ' navigable natural bodies of water and lands thereunder to the mean high water level or mean water level as the case may be, except privately -owned lakes to which the public has no right of access; all water in artificially created bodies of water containing significant public fishing resources or other public resources which are artificially created bodies of water in which the a public has acquired rights by prescription, custom, usage, dedication, or any other means. In determining whether the public has acquired rights in artificially created bodies of water, the following factors shall be considered: (1) the use of the body of water by the public, ' (2) the length of time the public has used the area, (3) the value of public resources in the body of water, (4) whether the public resources in the body of water are mobile to the extent that they can move into natural bodies of water, (5) whether the creation of the artificial body of water required permission from the state, and (6) the value of the body of water to the public for navigation from one public area to another public area. These areas are significant because the public has rights in these areas, including navigation and recreation. The public trust areas also support valuable commercial and sports fisheries, have aesthetic value, and are important resources for economic development. It is impossible to map the public trust areas. The areas must be determined through in -field analysis and definition. e) Ocean Hazard Areas Ocean hazard areas consist of ocean erodible areas, high hazard flood areas, inlet hazard area, and unvegetated beach area Ocean hazard landforms include ocean dunes, beaches, and shorelines. Ocean dunes include both primary dunes and frontal dunes. Primary dunes are the first mounds of sand located landward of the ocean beaches having an elevation equal to the mean flood level (in a storm having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given space) for the area plus six feet. The primary dune extends landward to the lowest elevation in the depression behind that same mound of sand. In areas where there is a primary dune, that dune shall be deemed to be the frontal dune. Where there is no primary dune, the frontal dune is deemed to be the first mound of sand located landward of the ocean beach having sufficient vegetation, height, continuity and configuration to offer protective value. The dunes are essential to the protection of oceanfront areas. Ocean beaches and shorelines are lands consisting of unconsolidated soil materialsthat extend from the mean low water line landward to a point where either (1) the growth of vegetation occurs, or (2) a distinct change in slope or elevation alters the configuration of the 1 1-73 land form, whichever is farther landward. The entire southern length of Emerald Isle is an ocean beach. Emerald Isle contains ocean erodible areas and high hazard flood areas, an inlet hazard area, but no unvegetated beach area (a dynamic area that is subject to rapid unpredictable landform change from wind and wave action). Unvegetated beach areas are only designated following detailed studies by the Coastal Resources Commission. f) 404 Wetlands 404 wetlands are areas covered by water or that have waterlogged soils for long periods during the growing season. Plants growing in wetlands are capable of living in soils lacking oxygen for at least part of the growing season. 404 wetlands include, but are not limited to, bottomlands, forests, swamps, pocosins, pine savannahs, bogs, marshes, and wet meadows. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act requires that anyone interested in depositing dredged or fill material into "waters of the United States," including wetlands, must apply for and receive a permit for such activities. The Wilmington office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has regulatory authority in Emerald Isle. While there may be scattered wetland areas located within Emerald Isle, the specific locations of wetlands areas must be determined through on -site analysis. It should be noted that in some Areas of Environmental Concern, both the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the regulatory requirements of the Coastal Area Management Act may have overlapping jurisdiction. g) Maritime Forests The preservation of maritime forests has become an increasingly significant issue in coastal North Carolina. For a number of years, the Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) has debated the establishment of state -imposed use standards (regulations) for the protection of maritime forest areas. In 1990, the CRC decided to delay state action and afford local governments an opportunity to establish regulations. In August, 1991, the town's Board of Commissioners amended Chapter 19, Article X, of the Town Code to provide protection for Emerald Isle's maritime forest areas. Establishing a clear definition of what constitutes maritime forest areas and defining which areas should be protected has been difficult. Generally, maritime forests are areas containing native salt tolerant vegetation. Exposure to salt spray causes the vegetation to have a sheared appearance that is shaped according to contours of adjacent land forms. The forests contain loblolly pine, sweet gum, live oak, and red maple as the dominant tree types. The trees grow slowly because of very low available water capacity, occasional salt water flooding, and exposure to salt spray. The forests are important animal habitats. Map 7A, 76, and 7C provides a general delineation of Emerald Isle's maritime forest areas. However, it is emphasized that exact locations must be determined through in -field verification. Almost all of Emerald Isle's maritime forest areas have already had subdivision plats approved for their development. Table 23 provides a further definition of maritime forest areas, their ecological significance, and some basic management criteria. It should be noted that, with proper controls, development may occur within maritime forest areas. 0 H C 11 I I 1-74 1 ' Table 23 Maritime Forest Area Definition, Function, and Management SOUND FRONT I I STI 11 OCEAN FRONT ...... .................................................................. .......... ....... ...... ..............:..................................................... LLT SPRAY 1.............................................................................................................. L I 1 I I I I I 111 11 i13111111N I 111117,11 I WIND I I PM wIGE I __. SauNO51DE _. INTERIOR DUNE 6 SWALE F_OREDUNE INTERIOR FOREST FORESTED WETLANDS HIGH RIDGE FOREST T SHRUB THICKET SALT SHEAR r SCRUB DUNE THICKET Wax Myrde Live Oak Lobbly Pine Live Oak Yaupon Holy u Yaupon Holly Lobloly Pine Red Bay Red Cedar Live Oak o Intermittent low dunes American Holy Wax Myrtle Exposed forest on Red Cedar o W and wetlands Stable upland forests Forested freshwater high, steep relic dunes Oceanfront forests on broader islands wetlands in interdune subjected to extreme salt spray $wales Stone protection Wind protection Maintains water quality Deflects salt spray Primary dune protection Wildlife Island stabilization ShallowagWier Storm resistance Interior West buffer uz Wlndbuffer Climate control s Nutrlentcycting HlghaesthetbvallAa u Nutrientgcinp Wildlife habitat 00 Nutrient cycling U t6 W Maintain as Avoid isolationg trees No filing of Avoid building on No disturbance of z < undeveloped ahrublarb Limit dearinp to build wetlands abpe$ over 40% leading edge W a in and access Direct stormwater to Avoid ridgetop Restore with plantings when breached w Clear for access only Into rate weds with 9 wetlands development Min$nize grading & canopy openings Maintain salt spray typography Minimize Avoid road cuts edge intact Limitimpervious disturbance across ridge surlaaes Source: Protecting Maritime Forests Through Planning and Design, Division of Coastal Management, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. 1 1-75 h) Outstanding Resource Waters In 1989, the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission designated certain waters within North Carolina as Outstanding Resource Waters (ORWs). These areas were designated because they were considered to be significant marine resource areas having relatively clean and pristine waters, and having significant value as recreational and natural resource areas. Western Bogue Sound was designated as an ORW. Special development controls were imposed, and each ORW has a state management plan. Controls include, but are not necessarily limited to, increasing the estuarine shoreline width to 575 feet. The Outstanding Resource Waters areas are shown on Map 7A, 76, and 7C, Fragile Areas. i) Slopes in Excess of 12% In Emerald Isle, slopes of 12% or greater are normally found only in the ocean dune areas. However, some scattered slopes in excess of 12% do exist in the maritime forest areas. Excessive slope has not been a deterrent to development in Emerald Isle. j) Excessive Erosion Areas Excessive erosion areas include ocean, sound, and inlet erodible areas. Permanent construction within those areas should be limited unless stabilization along the affected shoreline can be accomplished. k) Historic and Archaeological Sites There do not appear to be any nationally significant historic or archaeological sites within Emerald Isle. However, at least 20 historic and prehistoric period archaeological sites have been recorded within Emerald Isle since the 1960s. Most of the sites were recorded by local amateurs and artifact collectors. Few have been evaluated by an experienced archaeologist and only a small portion of the area has been systematically surveyed for sites. Based on the available information, prehistoric activities in the area primarily involved the seasonal exploitation of shellfish and other marine resources. Sites associated with these activities tend to be relatively small, characterized by accumulations of discarded shell (referred to as shell midden), broken bits of pottery vessels, and stone tools. Such sites are easily disturbed by contemporary land use activities and natural shoreline erosion. Of the known sites, most have been disturbed and are not considered significant. However, several sites may contain significant information and warrant further investigation. The North Carolina Division of Archives and History files are incomplete and no in-depth historical research has been conducted for Emerald Isle. The records do indicate that several old graveyards and possible early settlement areas exist. Map 7A, 713, and 7C generally includes areas which can be considered archaeologically sensitive. These areas either contain known sites or are considered to have a particularly high probability for containing sites. Any development planning within those areas should be reviewed for their possible impacts on potentially significant archaeological sites. If significant sites are identified within the area, efforts should be made to protect them from unnecessary or avoidable adverse impacts. Any development activity in those areas should be coordinated with the Division of Archives and History. 1 1 H 1-76 I SECTION II: PROJECTED LAND DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS A. PROJECTED DEMAND FOR DEVELOPMENT 1. Demographic Trends Coastal Area Management Act planning guidelines require that population projections prepared by the N.C. State Data Center, Office of State Budget and Management, be utilized in projecting year-round population for Emerald Isle from 1994-2005. In Table 24, "Summary of Year -Round Population Growth by Townships and Municipality," the figures for the years 1990 and 1994 have been taken directly from the Office of State Planning data. The growth rate in population between 1990-1994 was determined and extrapolated to provide the 2000 and 2005 estimates. These estimates are based on the assumption that the relative growth rate will remain the same from 1994-2005 as experienced between 1990-1994. Emerald Isle's population should comprise a slightly higher percentage of the county's total population by 2000. In 1990, Emerald Isle contained approximately 4.6% of the county population. This percentage is expected to increase slightly to 6% by 2000. Emerald Isle will continue to be the largest beach community within Carteret County. The town will maintain its position as the fourth largest municipality in the county behind Morehead City and Beaufort, but should replace Newport as the county's third largest municipality. The 60-year old and older age group should continue to comprise an increasingly large segment of Emerald Isle's population. This is based on both national demographic trends and Emerald Isle's attractiveness as a retirement community. The town should be conscious of this trend and begin planning to meet the health and service needs of an increasingly older population. I Development will continue in and near fragile areas. As this occurs, resource protection will continue to have significance for the residents of Emerald Isle. The increase in population will impact the transportation system; increase the demand for water supply; increase the need for central sewage disposal; and increase demand on recreation and shoreline access facilities, law enforcement services, fire protection, emergency medical services, and administrative services. Table 24 Town of Emerald Isle and Carteret County, NC Summary of Year -Round Population Growth by Township and Municipality, 1990 - 2005 Township Municipality or Area Year Round Population Percentage Change Overall 1990 1994 2000 2005 '94200 '00205 '94205 1) Atlantic Total Township 805 803 799 796 -0.49% -0.35% -0.84% 2) Beaufort Beaufort 3,808 3,997 4,351 4,600 8.85% 5.72% 15.08% Unincorporated Areas 4,205 4,644 5,467 6,045 17.71 % 10.58% 30.16% Total Township 8,013 8,641 9,818 10,645 13.61 % 8.43% 23.19% 3) Cedar Island Total Township 385 407 448 477 10.11 % 6.46% 17.23% 4) Davis Total Township 535 553 587 611 6.15% 4.08% 10.48% 5) Harkers Island Total Township 2,237 2,375 2,634 2,816 10.90% 6.91 % 18.56% 6) Harlowe Total Township 11190 1,289 1,474 1,604 14.37% 8.84% 24.48% 7) Marshallberg Total Township 646 674 726 763 7.75% 5.06% 13.20% 8) Merrimon Total Township 542 591 683 747 15.54% 9.46% 26.46% 9) Morehead City Atlantic Beach 1,938 2,267 2,846 3,252 25.52% 14.30% 43.47% Indian Beach 153 177 222 254 25.39% 14.24% 43.24% Morehead City 6,046 6,384 7,017 7,462 9.91 % 6.34% 16.88% Pine Knoll Shores 1,360 1,543 1,886 2,127 22.21% 12.78% 37.82% Unincorporated Areas 10,985 11,485 12,420 13,078 8.15% 5.30% 13.88% Total Township 20,482 21,856 24,390 26,173 11.60% 7.31 % 19.75% 10) Newport Newport 2,516 2,778 3,269 3,614 17.66% 10.55% 30.08% Unincorporated Areas 4,817 5,337 6,312 6,997 18.26% 10.86% 31.09% Total Township 7,333 8,115 9,580 10,611 18.05% 10.75% 30.75% 11) Sea Level Total Township 773 872 1,056 1,186 21.16% 12.28% 36.05% 12) Smyrna Total Township 782 843 958 1,039 13.61 % 8.42% 23.18% 13) Stacy Total Township 401 434 497 541 14.40% 8.85% 24.52% 14) Straits Total Township 1,948 2,129 2,468 2,706 15.91 % 9.65% 27.10% 15) White Oak Cape Carteret 11008 1,179 1,499 1,724 27.16% 15.02% 46.25% Emerald Isle 2,434 2,798 3,480 3,959 24.36% 13.77% 41.49% Cedar Point 628 688 800 879 16.33% 9.87% 27.81 % Unincorporated Areas 2,413 2,379 2,316 2,271 -2.66% -1.92% -4.53% Total Township 6,483 7,044 8,095 8,834 14.92% 9.13% 25.41 % Total Municipalities Total Unincorporated Areas Total County 19,891 21,811 25,369 27,870 32,662 34,813 38,840 41,673 52,553 56,624 64,209 69,543 Sources: N.C. State Data Center; extrapolation of data for unincorporated areas by Holland Consulting Planners, Inc. 16.31 % 9.86% 27.78% 11.57% 7.29% 19.70% 13.40% 8.31 % 22.82% 11-2 E 7 1 0 11 1 Emerald Isle's permanent population will increase at a rate 1.8 times that of the county. In addition, the town's rate of growth for overall total peak population will be higher than the county's. This growth does not include day visitors. Based on the 1995 estimate of 61,911 peak day visitors, the 2000 and 2005 peak populations, with day visitors, will be approximately 82,441 and 84,883, respectively. Table 25 provides a summary of the peak population forecast. This forecast is based on an assumed 100% occupancy of the town's seasonal units. The occupancy rates utilized were four persons per motel unit and five persons per private seasonal housing unit. Planning for services should be based on total population with day visitors. Table 25 Town of Emerald Isle Total Peak Population Peak* Ratio Year Permanent Seasonal Total Peak Seasonal: Permanent 1996 3,007** 15,291 18,298 5.1:1 2000 3,480 17,050 20,530 4.9:1 2005 3,959 19,013 22,972 4.8:1 *2000 and 2005 peak seasonal population estimate based on growth rate between 1990-1996. **1996 permanent population estimate based on growth rate between 1990-1994. Source: Holland Consulting Planners, Inc. As indicated in Table 25, the ratio of peak seasonal to permanent population is expected to decrease during the planning period. Overall population growth in Emerald Isle will continue to be impacted by overall population growth in Carteret County and in the nearby municipalities. Despite the expected decrease in annual growth rate over the 1990s, the population growth rate in Carteret County will still be more than double the North Carolina rate over the next nine years. From 1996-2005, the state population is estimated to show a 9.4% increase. The Carteret County population is anticipated to grow 22.8% over the same period. It is believed that through the planning period, the age distribution of Emerald Isle's population should continue to change to more closely resemble the age distribution for the total Carteret L County population. Table 26 provides an estimate of 1996 and 2005 populations by age group. Table 26 Town of Emerald Isle Total Population by Age and Percent Change 1996-2005 Age Population by Age Group Percent Change 1996 2005 1996-2005 �. Under 5 141 245 +74% 5-14 302 380 +26% 15-24 302 487 +61 % 25-34 355 491 +38% 35-44 385 566 +47% 45-54 317 602 +90% 55-64 263 511 +94% 65 & Over 373 677 +82% Total 2,438 3,959 Source: 1990 U.S. Census; Holland Consulting Planners, Inc. 2. Commercial and Industrial Land Use j Commercial development should occur gradually during the ten-year planning period, continuing the trend of the early to mid-1990s. If commercial development continues at the same rate at which it occurred during the early 1990s, and additional areas are not zoned for commercial usage, by 2000 to 2005, all commercial property should be developed. Thus, limited new commercial development may occur in Emerald Isle. From 1996 to 2005, the problems confronting commercial development will include: -- Increasing land values, -- Increasing traffic congestion on N.C. 58 (Emerald Drive), -- Increasing problems with the provision of adequate sewage disposal. A major question will continue to be the development of commercial marina facilities. Currently only one marina exists. No other areas are appropriately zoned for marina development. The town will be subjected to great pressure for the development of marinas and other shoreline related commercial uses. Industrial development is not expected to occur within Emerald Isle. Not only is land area limited and expensive, industrial development would be incompatible with land use patterns in Emerald Isle. 3. Housing Trends I Emerald Isle will continue to be a predominantly low -to -moderate density single-family residential area. Residential growth will continue. As property values increase, the demands ' for "high rise" development should increase. This may result in pressure being placed on Emerald Isle to decrease the restriction on building heights. In 1996, the maximum height limitations were 40 feet for wood frame structures, and 100 feet for concrete, steel, or other non -wood frame structures. It is the town's objective to maintain current residential densities through strict enforcement of the town's zoning ordinance. The zoning ordinance contains the following residential density requirements: 12,500 square feet for a single-family lot; 15,000 square feet for a duplex; and a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre for multi -family development. Residential development will continue to occur in maritime forest areas that have been subdivided. As discussed in the 1992 Emerald Isle Land Use Plan, a substantial area of unsubdivided maritime forest remained in Block 47. However, since 1992, Block 47 has been subdivided for residential development. From 1990 to 1995, an average of 143 residential building permits were issued per year in Emerald Isle. This was a decline from the 1985-1990 average of 180 residential permits per year. This rate of residential development is expected to continue to decease during the planning period. If one assumes an average of 135 residential permits per year, a total of 1,350 residential units could be constructed from 1996 to 2005. This rate of growth should place Emerald Isle at residential "build -out" by 2005 unless allowable densities are increased. 4. Public Land Use Public land use is not expected to change substantially during the planning period. Except for possible shoreline access facilities and associated residential off-street parking, no major acquisitions of public property are anticipated. 5. Areas Likely to Experience Maior Land Use Changes No major changes in existing land use patterns or zoning are expected. The town's zoning ordinance, and an active planning program, will continue to control and limit incompatible land uses. It is expected that Emerald Isle will resist development pressures and continue to limit high density development. 1 6. Summary The greatest obstacle to continued growth in Emerald Isle should be the lack of a central sewage collection and treatment system. As development continues, ground and surface water pollution could become a problem. Plans for the development of a system must be closely coordinated with Carteret County and other county municipalities through the Carteret County Interlocal Government Agreement. Development issues that will confront Emerald Isle during the planning period are summarized as follows: -- Provision of off-street parking for shoreline access facilities. -- Elimination of storm drainage (flooding) problem areas. 11 -- Protection of dunes and vegetation. 11 -- Preserving low -to -moderate density residential development. -- Improving mainland access. -- Reducing the impacts of aircraft operations from Bogue Field. -- Maintaining adequate water supply. -- In cooperation with Carteret County and other municipalities, pursuit of the development of a regional sewer system. -- Maintaining municipal services at a level sufficient to accommodate peak seasonal population. -- Continuing protection of areas of environmental concern. -- Maintaining adequate planning for storm hazard mitigation and post -disaster recovery planning. -- Congestion on Highway 58. B. PROJECTED PUBLIC FACILITIES NEED/AVAILABILITY The projected population growth will place increased demands on community facilities and services during the planning period. By 2005, the peak seasonal population is expected to be 5.8 times the permanent year-round population. In most cases, community facilities and services must be designed to accommodate peak seasonal population. The Bogue Banks Water and Sewer Corporation's water system supply and capacity should be adequate to serve demand through the planning period. If water usage increases commensurate with population growth, the system should provide adequate supply through 2005. The greatest water supply concern may be salt water intrusion. The ability of the aquifer systems to supply ground waterto accommodate the growth expected to occur within Carteret County should be carefully monitored. Compliance with the town's Storm Drainage Master Plan and enforcement of the Stormwater Control Ordinance have aided in reducing storm drainage problems. The requirements for improved drainage design which are imposed on commercial development will continue to be significant help in reducing the magnitude of the problem. Further reductions in storm drainage problems are expected during the planning period. Transportation needs will continue to be a major need. It is expected that by 2005, over 30,000 vehicles will cross the B. Cameron Langston Bridge on an average summer weekday. This volume of traffic will require improved mainland access, improvements to Emerald Drive (N.C. 58), and an improved plan for signalization on Emerald Drive. Plans by NCDOT to expand the B. Cameron Langston Bridge to four lanes during the next twenty years should be expedited, especially if a third Bogue Banks -mainland bridge is not constructed. The major public facilities need confronting the town continues to be the construction of a sewer system. As mentioned in the Development Constraints: Public Facilities section of this plan, the town is an active member of the Carteret County Interlocal Agency. The agency's objective is to develop a plan that will accommodate the needs of all of the incorporated municipalities in a single sewerage district. This effort is vigorously supported by Emerald Isle. If Emerald Isle fails to obtain central sewer service, it will necessitate a policy of low -to - moderate density. However, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to control the demands placed on sewage disposal facilities by day visitors. Adjustments to Emerald Isle's administrative, police, fire, and rescue services will be necessary as growth occurs. Personnel needs should be monitored annually and appropriate adjustments made. During the 1996-2005 period, some adjustments to fire and rescue services may be needed. A capital facilities plan for those services should be developed. The town should carefully consider services and facility needs for the elderly portion of its population. By 2005, approximately 30 percent of the town's population is expected to be 55 years old or older. Elderly population needs should be accommodated in planning services such as garbage collection. Also, the town does not have any elderly health care facilities. Year-round recreational facilities should be adequate to meet the needs of the year-round residents through 2005. C. REDEVELOPMENT ISSUES Almost all development in Emerald Isle is less than 30 years old and in standard condition. Therefore, there is not a need for redevelopment of existing areas. The greatest redevelopment concern in Emerald Isle will be reconstruction following a major storm. A particular concern should be damage to mobile homes. In 1990, mobile homes comprised approximately 30 percent of the town's housing stock. Any Category 3 or greater storm would cause substantial damage to the mobile home stock. Not only would there be a major loss of housing stock and real estate values, but the cleanup costs will be substantial. Policies governing how and where mobile homes will be allowed to be replaced should be carefully monitored. There are no major infrastructure maintenance problems. The Bogue Banks water system is in good repair. The town is supplied electric service by the Carteret -Craven Electric Membership Corporation. This system is also in good repair. However, the town should consider policies to require the placement of utilities underground following a major natural disaster. D. INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION AND IMPLEMENTATION This plan was reviewed by the Carteret County Planning Department prior to certification by the Coastal Resources Commission. This review was provided to help ensure consistency of this plan with Carteret County's planning efforts. Intergovernmental coordination and cooperation will continue through the ten-year planning period. This will be essential to accomplish effective planning for public utilities, thoroughfare projects, community facilities, housing needs, and environmental protection. The Emerald Isle Board of Commissioners and Planning Board will be responsible for ensuring adequate coordination with Carteret County, Bogue Banks and mainland municipalities, and other government entities as may be required. The Town of Emerald Isle has participated in several joint planning efforts with neighboring jurisdictions, such as the joint land use planning meeting held in Beauforton August 21, 1996, and the North Carolina Municipalities meeting held in Emerald Isle on November 18-19, 1996. In addition, Emerald Isle is also an active member of the Carteret County Interlocal Agency. SECTION III: EMERALD ISLE LAND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM The CAMA regulations require the establishment of a specific land classification system to support the local government's policy statements. This system should reflect developing land use patterns within the town and provide a framework to be utilized by Emerald Isle to identify future land uses. ' The 15A NCAC 7B requirements provide for the following land classifications: developed, urban transition, limited transition, community, rural, rural with services, and conservation. In applying these classifications, Emerald Isle should carefully consider where and when r various types of development should be encouraged. Additionally, the areas of environmental concern requiring protection should be recognized by the land classification system. Each applicable land classification must be represented on a land classification map (see Maps 8A, it 813, and 8C). M The following land classifications will apply in Emerald Isle's jurisdiction: Developed areas included in the developed land classification are currently urban in character, with no or minimal undeveloped land remaining. Municipal types of services, with the exception of central sewer service, are in place or are expected to be provided within the next five to ten years. Land uses include residential, c bmmercial, public/ semi-public, and other urban land uses at the following densities which are prescribed by 15A NCAC 713: • 500 dwelling units per square mile, or • three dwelling units per acre, or -4 • where a majority of lots are 15,000 square feet or less. Emerald Isle's developed areas were well below these urban densities in 1990, having an average town -wide residential density of just under .50 dwelling units per acre. Within Emerald Isle, the developed classification is subdivided into the following sub- classifications: • Developed Residential (DR) - These are areas where water, electrical, police, fire, sanitation, recreation, and other municipal services are provided. The major land use is residential development. The maximum height for residential structures is 40 feet for wooden structures and 100 feet for concrete, steel, or other non -wood frame structures. This restriction will aid in limiting residential density. Very little vacant land remains to be developed or subdivided. Specific densities in the various areas of the town shall be dictated by the Emerald Isle Zoning Ordinance. Those densities are: 12,500 square feet for a single-family lot; 15,000 square feet for a duplex; and a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre for multi -family development. �j • Developed Commercial (DC) - These are areas where water, police, fire, sanitation, recreation, and other municipal services are provided. Most developed commercial property borders Emerald Drive (NC 58). Almost all developed commercial classified land has either been built upon or has had proposals approved for its development. The few scattered parcels that have not been developed should be approved for development within the planning period. • Developed Public (DP) - These are areas committed to public use where water, electrical, police, fire, sanitation, recreation, and other municipal services are provided. This category is very limited in Emerald Isle and includes only the Town of Emerald Isle property located at the Municipal Building Complex. is Urban Transition (UT) - Areas included in the urban transition classification are presently being developed for urban purposes, or will be developed in the next five to ten years. These areas should require complete urban services within the planning period, with the possible exception of central sewer service. This classification includes areas with partial municipal facilities and which are usually adjacent to developed residential areas. These areas are or will be primarily residential in nature, with some scattered commercial development. Major concentrations of urban transition land are found in Blocks 49, 48, 47, 25, 18, 15, and 14. Development will occur at densities consistent with the developed classification and as allowed by the Emerald Isle Zoning Ordinance. Conservation (CON) - The following areas of environmental concern and "404" wetlands (not an area of environmental concern) are included in the conservation classification: Coastal Wetlands: This classification includes all areas of salt marsh or other marsh subject regular or occasional flooding by tides, including wind tides. However, tidal flooding is understood not to include hurricane or tropical storm tides. Development which meets the minimum use standards of 15A NCAC 7H, Emerald Isle zoning, and the policies contained in this plan shall be allowed in areas classified as coastal wetlands. Estuarine Shoreline: All areas lying 0-75 feet landward of the mean high water level of estuarine waters not designated as Outstanding Resource Waters are classified as estuarine shorelines. Because of map size and scale, these areas cannot be accurately mapped. Precise locations must be determined in the field. Except for maritime forest areas, uses consistent with Emerald Isle zoning, the policies contained in this plan, and the 15A NCAC 7H use standards shall be allowed in estuarine shoreline areas. Within maritime forest areas, minimum design standards shall apply which exceed 15A NCAC 7H. Estuarine and Public Trust Waters: All public trust areas and estuarine waters are included in this classification. All waters in Emerald Isle's planning jurisdiction are classified as estuarine waters as described by 15A NCAC 71-1.0206 or public trust areas as described by 15A NCAC 7H.0207. Uses permitted by the policies contained in this plan and 15A NCAC 7H shall be tom' —1 allowed. The policies dealing with floating structures and moorings are more restrictive than the 15A NCAC 7H. ORW Estuarine Shorelines: All areas lying 0-575 feet landward of the mean high water level of estuarine waters designated as Outstanding Resource Waters are classified as ORW estuarine shorelines. Because of map size and scale, these areas cannot be accurately mapped. Precise locations must be determined in the field. Uses permitted by the Town of Emerald Isle's Zoning Ordinance, the Bogue Sound ORW Management Plan, 15A NCAC 7H, and the policies contained in this plan shall be allowed. The policies dealing with maritime forest design standards are more restrictive than the ORW Management Plan and 15A NCAC 7H. All shorelines in Bogue Sound are classified ORW. Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW): This area includes all waters of Bogue Sound in and adjacent to Emerald Isle and a portion of Piney Creek which have been designated by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission as Outstanding Resource Waters. The ORW locations are indicated on Maps 9A, 913, and 9C. The ORW waters are also considered estuarine waters. Allowed uses will be those permitted by the use standards included in the Bogue Sound ORW Management Plan, 15A NCAC 71-1, and the policies contained in this plan. The policies dealing with floating structures and ti moorings are more restrictive than the ORW Management Plan and 15A NCAC 7H. Ocean Hazard Areas: This classification includes all ocean hazard areas. These areas include lands along the Atlantic shoreline where, because of their special vulnerability to erosion or other adverse effects of sand, wind and water, uncontrolled or incompatible development could unreasonably endanger life or property. These areas include beaches, frontal dunes, inlet lands, and other lands with excessive erosion or flood damage. Development shall be permitted which is allowed by the policies contained in this plan, the Emerald Isle Zoning Ordinance, and 15A NCAC 71-1.0306. The town's inlet hazard policies are more restrictive than the minimum state standards. 404 Wetlands: This classification includes areas of 404 wetlands which meet the wetlands definition contained in Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Only uses consistent with the policy statements section of this plan and the Emerald Isle Zoning Ordinance will be allowed. These areas are not delineated on the Land Classification Map. Specific locations must be determined in the field by representatives of the Wilmington office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The town concurs with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' standards and does not intend to develop more restrictive standards with the exception of the local policies which address the installation of package treatment plants or septic tanks and the discharge of waste in any areas classified as coastal or freshwater wetlands. C� I LEGEND DR DEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL DC DEVELOPED COMMERCIAL DP DEVELOPED PUBLIC UT URBAN TRANSITION CON CONSERVATION BECAUSE OF MAP SCALE, THESE AREAS CANNOT BE ACCURATELY MAPPED. PRECISE LOCATIONS MUST BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. WATERSHED BOUNDARY LINE I � I I -V The preparation• of this map was financed In part through o grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. /V MAP 8A TO WN OF EMER.4 L O /SL E LAND CLASSIFICATION MAP ,r.�r �.sao• B• CAMERON LpNGSTON BRIDGE — I — I — I -- I III-4 1 I 1 f 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 i 14 Q LEGEND DR DEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL DC DEVELOPED COMMERCIAL DP DEVELOPED PUBLIC UT URBAN TRANSITION CON CONSERVATION BECAUSE OF MAP SCALE. THESE AREAS CANNOT BE ACCURATELY MAPPED. PRECISE LOCATIONS MUST BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. WATERSHED BOUNDARY LINE A TL ANT/C The preparation• of this map was financed in part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 4 S O UND OCEAN MAP 8B TOWN OF EANER.ALO ISLE LAND CLASSIFICATION MAP A'Aff /. AOiO• ctxor r III-5 f 1 1 1 1 t I 1 1 LEGEND DR DEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL DC DEVELOPED COMMERCIAL DP DEVELOPED PUBLIC UT URBAN TRANSITION CON CONSERVATION BECAUSE OF MAP SCALE. THESE AREAS CANNOT BE ACCURATELY MAPPED. PRECISE LOCATIONS MUST BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. tWATERSHED BOUNDARY LINE '03020106020062 03020108030082 D M I /tliptF JaYwo P! � r WT «uEr� I DR y ' 5 d 4 4 M f1 M, NI L I 4 1 ti N F 4 y DR 1 DR tltl I I UT ; UT I 1 I ROGUE I I ,I A TL A N T/C The preparation- of this map was financed In part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. SOUND I I I t DC I 1 I 1 I I I r—D 2t aR1 >z I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I a ' a e I I s I a OCEAN MAP 8C T O WN OF ENER.4 L D /SL E LAND CLASSIFICATION MAP JYJ[F r. JPO' I ' I I I I 1 low M � DR I I I I i I I r ISECTION IV: EMERALD ISLE POLICY STATEMENTS I This section of the plan provides policies which will address growth management and protection of Emerald Isle's environment. The policies should be based on the objectives of the citizens of Emerald Isle and satisfy the objectives of the Coastal Resources Commission. The results of the 1991 citizen attitude survey has influenced but not dictated the development of these policy statements. It is emphasized that the policy statements are extremely important and have a day-to-day impact on individual citizens within Emerald Isle's planning jurisdiction. The statements have an impact in several areas, including: -- CAMA minor and major permitting as required by N.C.G.S. 113A-118 prior to undertaking any development in any area of environmental concern. -- Establishment of local planning policy. -- Review of proposed projects requiring state or federal assistance or approval to determine consistency with local policies. The Coastal Resources Commission requires all governments to specify stated development policies under each one of five broad topics. These topics include: -- Resource Protection -- Resource Production and Management Economic and Community Development -- Continuing Public Participation -- Storm Hazard Mitigation, Post -Disaster Recovery, and Evacuation Plans During 1995 and 1996, the NCAC 7B CAMA planning guidelines were revised. The revised guidelines included new requirements for the development of policy statements. These changes included the following policy statement additions: -- A general vision policy statement describing the type of community that the local government would like to become within the next ten years. -- A basic statement as to the community attitude toward resource protection. -- A policy addressing the protection of wetlands identified as being of the highest functional significance on maps supplied by the Division of Coastal- Management. -- A policy addressing moorings and mooring fields. I IV-1 -- A policy addressing water quality problems and management , measures designed to reduce or eliminate local sources of surface water quality problems. -- A statement as to the community attitude toward resource production and management. -- A statement as to the community attitude toward economic and community development. -- A policy addressing commitment to state and federal programs, ' including housing rehabilitation, community development block grants, housing for low and moderate income level citizens, water and sewer installation, and rural water systems. -- A policy addressing assistance to interstate waterways. Based on the analysis of existing conditions and trends, results of the citizens' attitude survey, and discussion with the town's Planning Board and Board of Commissioners, the policies outlined in the following section have been formulated to provide a guide for advising and regulating development of available land resources in Emerald Isle throughout the current planning period, i.e., 2001. Policies which were considered, but not adopted, are provided in Appendix I. A. VISION STATEMENT Emerald Isle will continue to be primarily a residential community. Residential densities will be allowed consistent with the town's zoning ordinance. Those densities are: 12,500 square feet for a single-family lot; 15,000 square feet for a duplex; and a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre for multi -family development. The town will continue to serve both as a year- round residential community and a seasonal resort area. A limited commercial "family atmosphere" will be maintained. The town will strive to balance the pressure for development with a concern for responsible environmental protection. ,r B. RESOURCE PROTECTION POLICY STATEMENTS Community Attitude on Resource Protection Emerald Isle has demonstrated a concern with resource protection. This concern has been displayed through the adoption of local ordinances and support for the 15A NCAC 7H minimum use standards for areas of environmental concern. Emphasis has been placed on protecting maritime forest areas, inlet hazard areas, restriction of floating structures, dunes, and ocean hazard areas. 11 IV-2 I L� r] J 1 Physical Limitations Soils To mitigate existing septic tank problems and other restrictions on development posed by soil limitations, Emerald Isle will: (a) Enforce all current regulations of the N.C. State Building Code and Carteret County Health Department for all matters relating to septic tank installation/replacement in areas with soils restrictions. (b) Coordinate all development activity with appropriate county and state regulatory personnel. (c) Cooperate with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the regulation/enforcement of the 404 wetlands permit process. (d) Emerald Isle will maintain low -density residential development, consistent with the town's zoning ordinance, in order to decrease soil contamination and groundwater pollution from septic tanks. (e) Emerald Isle opposes the installation of package treatment plants and septic tanks or discharge of waste in any areas classified as coastal wetlands or freshwater wetlands (404). (f) Support and cooperate with the efforts of the Carteret County Interlocal Agency (CCIA) to develop a central sewer system to serve the developed areas of the county, including the municipalities. The objective is to link the municipalities and county into a single sewer district. Flood Hazard Areas (a) Emerald Isle will coordinate any development within the special flood hazard area with the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management, FEMA, and the U.S. Corps of Engineers. (b) Emerald Isle will continue to enforce its existing zoning and flood damage prevention ordinances and follow the storm hazard mitigation plan. (See Subsection D, Storm Hazard Mitigation, Post -Disaster Recovery, and Evacuation Plans). Groundwater/Protection of Potable Water Supplies (a) Emerald Isle will strive to conserve its surficial groundwater resources by supporting CAMA and N.C. Division of Water Quality stormwater run-off regulations. (b) Emerald Isle will implement the recommendations contained in the Town of Emerald Isle 1989 Drainage Master Plan and enforce the Stormwater Control Ordinance adopted in July, 1989. IV-3 Manmade Hazards (a) Emerald Isle will coordinate the regulation of underground storage tanks with the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Emerald Isle will support 15A NCAC 2N, Sections .0100-.0800, which includes the criteria and standards applicable to underground storage tanks. (b) Emerald Isle recognizes that some adverse noise impacts will result from the operation of Bogue Field. The town will cooperate with the U.S. Marine Corps to educate the public of efforts being undertaken by the military to mitigate adverse noise impacts resulting from aircraft operations at Bogue Field. (c) With the exception of bulk fuel storage tanks used for retail and wholesale sales, and individual heating fuel storage tanks, Emerald Isle opposes the bulk storage of manmade hazardous materials within its jurisdiction. (d) Emerald Isle is opposed to the establishment of toxic waste dump sites within Carteret County. Cultural/Historical Resources There do not appear to be any nationally significant historic or archaeological sites within Emerald Isle. However, at least 20 historic and prehistoric period archaeological sites have been recorded within Emerald Isle. In order to protect these areas, Emerald Isle will: (a) Coordinate all housing code enforcement/redevelopment projects with the N.C. Division of Archives and History, to ensure that any significant architectural details or buildings are identified and preserved. (b) Coordinate all county and town public works projects with the N.C. Division of Archives and History, to ensure the identification and preservation of significant archaeological sites. Industrial Impacts on Fragile Areas No industrial development of any type shall be located within Emerald Isle's planning jurisdiction. C. MISCELLANEOUS RESOURCE PROTECTION Package Treatment Plant Use Emerald Isle will support the construction of package treatment plants which are approved and permitted by the State Division of Water Quality and by the Carteret County Health Department/Division of Health Services. If any package plants are approved, Emerald Isle supports requirement of a specific contingency plan specifying how ongoing private operation and maintenance of the plant will be provided, and detailing provisions for assumption of the plant into a public system should the private operation fail. IV-4 r-,J LA IMarina and Floatinq Home Development Emerald Isle will enforce the following policies to govern floating homes and both open water and upland marina development. Marinas are considered to be any publicly or privately owned dock constructed to accommodate more than ten boats, as defined by 15A NCAC 71-1.208(b)(5). (a) Emerald Isle will permit the construction and expansion of both open water and upland marinas which meet local zoning ordinance requirements, the requirements of the 15A NCAC 7H use standards, and the Bogue Sound ORW Management Plan. (b) Emerald Isle will allow the construction of dry stack storage facilities which meet 15A NCAC 7H use standards, all local applicable code requirements, and the Bogue Sound ORW Management Plan. (c) Emerald Isle supports the restriction of floating structures in all public trust areas and estuarine waters. Floating structures are defined as any structure or vessel used, designed, and occupied as a permanent dwelling unit, business, office, or source of any occupation or any private or social club, which floating structure or vessel is primarily immobile and out of navigation or which functions substantially as a land structure while moored or docked on waters within county jurisdiction. Floating structures shall not be used commercially or inhabited in one place for more than 15 days. The town will develop and adopt an ordinance designed to enforce this policy. Mooring Fields Emerald Isle is concerned with the potential for the development of mooring fields. The town opposes the development of mooring fields and will pursue the development of an ordinance to regulate the establishment of mooring fields. Development of Sound and Estuarine Islands Emerald Isle desires to restrict any construction on sound or estuarine islands. The town will review its zoning ordinance to incorporate controls to regulate development on sound and estuarine islands. Until the zoning ordinance is revised, the town will support development on islands which satisfies the 15A NCAC 7H use standards. Ocean Hazard Areas (a) Emerald Isle will support only uses within the ocean hazard areas which are allowed by 15A NCAC 7H and are consistent with the town's zoning and dune and vegetation protection ordinances. (b) Emerald Isle supports beach nourishment and relocation as the preferred erosion control measures for ocean hazard areas. (c) The town objects to the construction of permanent shoreline stabilization structures in ocean hazard areas and any changes in state standards which would allow such structures. I IV-5 Inlet Hazard Areas I The Town of Emerald Isle will allow uses within the inlet hazard areas which are consistent with the town's zoning ordinance, 15A NCAC 7H use standards, and the following use standards: (1) All development in the inlet hazard area shall be set back from the first line of stable natural vegetation a distance equal to the setback required in the adjacent ocean hazard areas; (2) Permanent structures shall be permitted at a density of no more than one commercial or residential unit per 15,000 square feet of land area on lots subdivided or created after July 23, 1981; (3) Only residential structures of four units or less or non-residential structures of less than 5,000 square feet total floor area shall be allowed within the inlet hazard area; (4) Established common-law and statutory public rights of access to the public trust lands and waters in inlet hazard areas shall not be eliminated or restricted. Development shall not encroach upon public accessways nor shall it limit the intended use of the accessways; (5) Shoreline stabilization structures shall be permitted only as a part of a publicly supported project; (6) All other rules in this subchapter pertaining to development in the ocean hazard areas shall be applied to development within the inlet hazard areas; (7) The following types of development shall be exempted from these inlet hazard area setback requirements: -- campgrounds that do not involve substantial permanent structures; -- parking areas with clay, packed sand, or similar surfaces; -- outdoor tennis court; -- elevated decks not exceeding 500 square feet; -- beach accessways consistent with 15A NCAC 7H use standards; -- unenclosed, uninhabitable gazebos with floor areas of 200 square feet or less; -- uninhabitable storage sheds with floor areas of 200 square feet or less; -- temporary amusement stands, and -- swimming pools. (8) The town opposes all residential, institutional, and commercial development in the area which is west of a line lying along the eastern property line of Lot 9, Section A, Emerald Isle by the Sea, Book 8, Page 73, Carteret County Registrar of Deeds Office, Block 53, November 16, 1973, to its intersection with the southern right-of-way with Inlet Drive and west of a line lying along the eastern property line of Lot 30, Section B, Emerald Isle by the Sea, Book 8, Page 73, Carteret County Registrar of Deeds Office, November 6, 1973, if extended to intersect with the southern right-of-way line of Inlet Drive. Public rights -of -way and utilities shall be permitted. The following types IV-6 I of development shall be allowed and exempted from the inlet hazard area setback requirements: -- publicly owned parking areas with clay, packed sand, or similar pervious surfaces; == publicly owned elevated decks not exceeding 500 square feet; beach accessways consistent with 15A NCAC 7H use standards; -- publicly owned, unenclosed, uninhabitable gazebos with floor areas of 200 square feet or less; -- publicly owned, uninhabitable storage sheds with floor areas of 200 square feet or less; -- publicly owned, temporary amusement stands. (9) In all cases, development shall only be permitted if it meets other applicable 15A NCAC 7H inlet hazard areas use standards; is landward of the vegetation line; and involves no significant alteration or removal of primary or frontal dunes or the dune vegetation. Bulkhead Construction Emerald Isle will support the construction of bulkheads in estuarine shorelines and ORW estuarine shorelines which satisfy the following specific use standards as specified in 15A NCAC 7H.0206(b)(7) and 7H.1100, Bulkheads and Shoreline Stabilization Measures: (1) Bulkhead alignment, for the purpose of shoreline stabilization, must approximate mean high water or normal water level. (2) Bulkheads shall be constructed landward of significant marshland or marshgrass fringes. (3) Bulkhead fill material shall be obtained from an approved upland source, or if the bulkhead is a part of a permitted project involving excavation from a non -upland source, the material so obtained may be contained behind the bulkhead. (4) Where possible, sloping rip -rap, gabions, or vegetation may be used rather than vertical. seawalls. The primary stabilization method preferred is sloping rip -rap. (5) Bulkheads or other structures employed for shoreline stabilization shall be permitted below approximate mean high water or normal water level only when the following standards are met: -- the property to be bulkheaded has an identifiable erosion problem, whether it results from natural causes or adjacent bulkheads, or it has unusual geographic or geologic features, e.g., steep grade bank, which will cause the applicant unreasonable hardship under the other provisions of this regulation; -- the bulkhead alignment extends no further below approximate mean high water or normal water level than necessary to allow recovery of the area eroded in the year prior to the date of application, to align with adjacent bulkheads, or to mitigate the unreasonable hardship resulting from the unusual geographic or Igeologic features; I IV-7 -- the bulkhead alignment will not result in significant adverse impacts to public trust rights or to the property of adjacent riparian owners; -- the need for a bulkhead below approximate mean high water or normal water level is documented in the Field Investigation Report or other reports prepared by the Division of Coastal Management; and -- the property to be bulkheaded is in a non -oceanfront area. Sea Level Rise (a) Emerald Isle will continuously monitor sea level rise and revise as necessary all local building and land use related ordinances to establish setback standards, long-term land use plans, density controls, buffer vegetation protection requirements, and building designs which will facilitate the movement of structures. (b) Emerald Isle will allow the construction of bulkheads along estuarine shorelines to protect structures and property from rising sea level. Maritime Forests Maritime forest areas are not designated as a conservation land classification. However, Emerald Isle desires to control the development of maritime forest areas. The Town of Emerald Isle Dunes and Vegetation Protection Ordinance regulates the clearance of interior maritime forests. This is defined in Article X of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Emerald Isle. Water Quality Management I (a) Emerald Isle supports addressing the following issues in the development of the White Oak and Neuse Basinwide Management Plans: , Long-term Growth Management -- Wastewater management (non -discharge, regionalization, ocean outfall). -- Urban stormwater runoff/water quality. -- Role of local land use planning. Shellfish Water Closures -- Increases in number of acres closed. -- Examine link between growth and closures. -- Opportunities for restoration and prevention. , Animal Operation Waste Management -- Between 1990-1994, swine population in the White Oak Basin more than doubled. Nutrients/Toxic Dinoflagellate -- Reduction in nitrogen and phosphorous levels. r IV-8 P 1 i� 1 (b) The Emerald Isle Planning Department will undertake a review of all local land use regulation ordinances to determine if revisions should be undertaken to respond to specific water quality management problems. D. RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT POLICIES Community Attitude on Resource Production and Management The opportunities for resource production in Emerald Isle are limited. Emerald Isle supports development of recreational resources. Industrial development is not allowed. Residential and commercial development which meets 15A NCAC 7H use standards, Emerald Isle zoning requirements, where applicable, the Bogue Sound ORW Management Plan, and the policies contained in this plan will be allowed. Recreation Sources (a) All lands classified as conservation areas are considered valuable passive recreation areas. Except as otherwise provided for in these policy statements, these areas should be protected in their natural state, and development should not be allowed except for public shoreline access including dune crossover structures and boardwalks in ocean hazard areas. (b) During the ten-year planning period, the town will focus on improving the following recreational facilities with funding support from local tax dollars: parking for shoreline access, jogging and walking paths, bikeways, public boat access, and picnic facilities. Productive Agricultural Lands There are no productive agricultural lands found in Emerald Isle; therefore, no policy statement is necessary. Productive Forest Lands There are no productive forest lands found in Emerald Isle; therefore, no policy statement is necessary. Aouaculture Activities Aquaculture is considered the cultivation of aquatic plants and animals under controlled conditions. The following policies shall apply. (a) Emerald Isle encourages all aquaculture activities which meet applicable federal, state and local policies and permit requirements. Emerald Isle reserves the right to comment on all aquaculture activities which require Division of Water Quality permitting. (b) Emerald Isle objects to any discharge of water from aquaculture activities that will degrade in any way the receiving waters. The town objects to withdrawing water from aquifers or surface sources if such withdrawal will endanger water quality or water supply from the aquifers or surface sources. IV-9 Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Development Impacts on Resources I (a) Residential and commercial development which meets 15A NCAC 7H use standards, Emerald Isle zoning requirements, where applicable the Bogue Sound ORW Management Plan, and the policies contained in this plan will be allowed in estuarine shoreline, ORW estuarine shoreline, estuarine water, and public trust areas. Industrial development will be prohibited within Emerald Isle. (b) Emerald Isle opposes the construction of any signs, except for regulatory signs, in the coastal wetlands, estuarine waters, and public trust areas. Marine Resource Areas (a) With the exception of the construction of signs (excluding regulatory signs), Emerald Isle supports the use standards for estuarine waters and public trust areas as specified in 15A NCAC 7H.0207, and the management plan for the Bogue Sound outstanding resource waters. (b) Emerald Isle reserves the right to review and comment on policies and requirements of the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries which govern commercial and recreational fisheries and activities, including trawling activities. (c) The Town of Emerald Isle supports the designation of its beach area as a sea turtle sanctuary by the State of North Carolina. Peat or Phosphate Mininq r There are no peat or phosphate deposits located within Emerald Isle's planning jurisdiction. I Off -Road Vehicles Emerald Isle allows off -road vehicles in the beach area, under the terms of a town ordinance adopted December 9, 1990. E. ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT POLICY STATEMENTS Community Attitude on Economic and Community Development Emerald Isle will support growth and development only at low to medium densities, consistent with the town's zoning ordinance. The town will not permit any industrial development. Emerald Isle will maintain commercial development in areas zoned for commercial development on October 6, 1983. r1 Ll IV-10 I IWater Supoly There are no significant constraints to development or land development issues relating to the town's potable water supply. The Bogue Banks Water and Sewer Corporation water system should continue to provide adequate water supply throughout the planning period. Developers will continue to install waterlines at their own expense. Sewer System (a) Emerald Isle supports the development of a sewage collection system. The town would support treatment of waste in a centralized Carteret County sewage treatment system. In the absence of a county treatment plant/system, the Town of Emerald Isle may pursue development of its own waste treatment system and treatment plant. (b) In the absence of a waste treatment plant and collection system, Emerald Isle will support the issuance of permits for the construction of septic tanks for residential, commercial, and public/semi-public land uses. Stormwater (a) Emerald Isle will cooperate with the NCDOT, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, and other state agencies in mitigating the impact of stormwater runoff on all conservation classified areas. The town will support the Division of Water Quality stormwater runoff retention permitting process through its zoning permit system. (b) The town will enforce the stormwater control ordinance which was adopted by the town in July, 1989. Solid Waste (a) Emerald Isle supports Carteret County's participation in a regional multi -county approach to solid waste management. This includes disposal of waste in the Tri- County Regional Landfill. (b) The town will support efforts to educate people and businesses on waste reduction and recycling. The town vigorously supports recycling by all users of the Tri-County Landfill and supports setting up practical collection methods and education efforts to achieve a high degree of county -wide recycling. (c) Emerald Isle supports the siting of recycling centers within public and commercial land classifications. Energy Facility Siting and Development (a) There are no electric generating or other power generating plants located in or proposed for location within Emerald Isle's planning jurisdiction. The town will not support the location of permanent energy generating facilities within its jurisdiction. (b) Emerald Isle supports Carteret County's policy of reviewing proposals for development of electric generating plants within Carteret County on a case -by -case basis, judging the need for the facility by the county against all identified possible adverse impacts. The town reserves the right to comment on the impacts of any energy facility proposed for location within Carteret County. (c) In the event that offshore oil or gas is discovered, Emerald Isle will not oppose drilling operations and onshore support facilities in Carteret County for which an Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared with a finding of no significant impact on the .environment. Emerald Isle supports and requests full disclosure of development plans, with mitigative measures that will be undertaken to prevent adverse impacts on the environment, the infrastructure, and the social systems of Carteret County. Emerald Isle also requests full disclosure of any adopted plans. Offshore drilling and the development of onshore support facilities in Carteret County may have severe costs for the town and county as well as advantages. The costs of supporting infrastructure/services and costs for all land and ocean cleanup must be borne by the company(ies). Redevelopment of Developed Areas The only significant redevelopment issue facing Emerald Isle through 2000 will be reconstruction following a hurricane or other natural disaster. The town will allow the reconstruction of any structures demolished by natural disaster which will comply with all applicable local and state regulations and the policies contained in this plan. The town will not spend any local funds in order to acquire unbuildable lots but will accept donations of such unbuildable lots. Emerald Isle will work with any owners who may have to move any threatened structures to safer locations. The town will support reconstruction only at densities specified by current zoning regulations. Types and Locations of Desired Industry I Emerald Isle opposes industrial development of any type. This policy is supported by the Emerald Isle zoning ordinance. Community Facilities Emerald Isle considers its existing community facilities, including the community center, , completed in 1992, and the library which opened in 1996, to be adequate to serve the town's needs during the planning period. This policy statement does not apply to sewer facilities, shoreline access, outdoor recreation, and associated parking. Shoreline Access (a) Emerald Isle supports the preservation and development of estuarine and ocean shoreline access areas to ensure adequate shoreline access within all areas of the town. (b) Emerald Isle will implement the shoreline access site improvements as recommended by the 1988 Ocean and Sound Public Access Plan. However, the town believes the recommendations for spaces required are excessive. The town will accept as its goal for off-street parking spaces the numbers recommended in the Development Constraints: Public Facilities section of this plan. IV-12 1 (c) The Town of Emerald Isle will attempt to secure funding for the development of shoreline access sites through the state shoreline access grant program. (d) Emerald Isle supports the development of off-street parking facilities in commercial areas to serve shoreline access facilities. The town will review the impact of off-street parking on adjacent areas on a case -by -case basis. Commitment to State and Federal Programs Emerald Isle is receptive to state and federal programs, particularly those which provide improvements to the town. The town will continue to support fully such programs, especially the following: North Carolina Department of Transportation road and bridge improvement programs, the CAMA planning process and permitting programs, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regulatory and permitting efforts, dredging and channel maintenance by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and federal and state projects which provide efficient and safe boat access for commercial and sport fishing. There is no demand for housing rehabilitation programs nor housing for low to moderate income families and individuals. However, the town does support the construction of housing and care facilities for the elderly. Assistance in Channel Maintenance Emerald Isle will support efforts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and state officials to provide proper channel maintenance. However, the town opposes the establishment of any dredge spoil sites within its jurisdiction, with the exception of usable spoil material for beach nourishment. Assistance in Interstate Waterways Emerald Isle considers the interstate waterway to be a valuable economic asset. The town will provide assistance in maintaining the waterway by helping to obtain or providing dredge spoil sites and, when possible, providing easements across town -owned property for work. Tourism Tourism is extremely important to Emerald Isle and will be supported by the town. Emerald Isle will implement the following policies to further the development of tourism: (a) Emerald Isle will support North Carolina Department of Transportation projects to improve access to and within Carteret County. (b) Emerald Isle will support projects that will increase public access to shoreline areas. (c) Emerald Isle will continue to support the activities of the North Carolina Division of Travel and Tourism; specifically, the monitoring of tourism -related industry, efforts to promote tourism -related commercial activity, and efforts to enhance and provide shoreline resources. (d) Emerald Isle will continue to support the activities of the Carteret County Tourism Development Bureau. IV-13 Transportation (a) Emerald Isle supports the development of a detailed thoroughfare/transportation plan for the U.S. 58 (Emerald Drive) corridor. This plan should focus on problems in the area included in blocks 42, 41, 40, 39 and 38. Assistance for preparation of the plan will be sought from the North Carolina Department of Transportation. This plan should be coordinated with a specific and detailed land use/zoning plan for the U.S. 58 corridor. (b) The Town of Emerald Isle supports the following specific transportation improvements: -- The construction of a third bridge between Bogue Banks and the mainland. -- The town supports improved synchronization of all traffic lights on U.S. 58 within Emerald Isle and the light at the U.S. 58/N.C. 24 intersection. It also supports the use of other traffic techniques which will improve traffic flow on U.S. 58. This should include consideration of the construction of an overpass with a clover leaf interchange at the N.C. 24/U.S. 58 intersection. At a minimum, an at grade diamond shaped intersection should be constructed to provide isolated turn lanes with yield signs and lanes to aid merging traffic. -- The construction of a limited access highway from Emerald Isle to Kinston. -- The construction of alternates on U.S. 70 bypassing Clayton, Goldsboro, Kinston, and Havelock. -- The construction of three lanes on Highway 58 from Emerald Isle through to Atlantic Beach. (c) The Town of Emerald Isle reserves the right to comment on other specific transportation improvements following completion of the U.S. 58 corridor transportation plan. Development/Growth Obiectives Through enforcement of local ordinances including zoning, subdivision and the dune and vegetation ordinance, the Town of Emerald Isle will strive to accomplish the following growth objectives: -- Maintain commercial zoning in areas identified in the October 6, 1983, commercial zoning plan. -- It is the town's objective to maintain current densities through strict enforcement of the town's zoning ordinance. -- Except for approved special uses, protect single-family residential areas from intrusions of multi -family and commercial development. -- Restrict the rezoning of any additional property for the development of new mobile home parks. 1 _l 1 I IV-14 �1 J -- Strive to protect the dunes and vegetation. -- Improve enforcement of the dune and vegetation ordinance. -- Encourage the growth of permanent residential development, seasonal residential development, single-family dwelling units, and day visitor traffic. -- The town will support the long-range commercial planning for the B-1, B-2 and B-3 zoning which was adopted on October 6, 1983. THESE DEVELOPMENT/GROWTH POLICIES WILL ONLY BE SUPPORTED AND ENFORCED THROUGH LOCAL ORDINANCES AND CONTROLS. The town will review all local ordinances to ensure consistency with these policies. Land Use Trends The town's land use trends have been thoroughly discussed in other sections of this plan. Those trends include: -- Increasing infringement of development in maritime forest areas: -- Development of and traffic congestion along the U.S. 58 corridor. -- Increasing pressure for the development of central sewer service. -- Increasing peak population with associated traffic congestion and demand for off-street parking facilities. -- The rate of development within Emerald Isle is rapidly increasing with associated increases in demand for local services. -- Stormwater/drainage problems have increased with development. -- All Areas of Environmental Concern face the threat of damage resulting from the increasing development. These land use trends should be monitored by the town and controlled through existing local, state, and federal land use regulations including CAMA, "404" regulations, sanitary regulations, and the town's subdivision and zoning ordinances and building inspection program. During the ten-year planning period, the town will focus on reducing and/or eliminating problems in the following areas: (1) Traffic congestion; (2) Provision of off-street parking; (3) Protecting the environment with emphasis on dunes, vegetation, and sound areas; (4) Improvement of shoreline access facilities; (5) Drainage; (6) Provision of a central sewer system. IV-15 F. CONTINUING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION POLICIES As the initial step in the preparation this document, Emerald Isle prepared and adopted a "Public Participation Plan" (see Appendix 11). The plan outlined the methodology for citizen involvement. Public involvement was to be generated through public information meetings, advertising in local newspapers, radio public service announcements, and development of the plan by the Town of Emerald Isle Planning Board. At the outset of the process, all adjacent jurisdictions were requested to advise the Town of Emerald Isle if they desired to be notified of meetings at which the land use plan update was discussed. A public information meeting was conducted at the outset of the project on November 14, 1995, at 7:00 p.m., at the Emerald Isle Town Hall in Emerald Isle. Also, a description of the land use preparation process and schedule was published in the Carteret County News and Times. Subsequently, meetings of the Planning Board were held on February 20, 1996; April 15, 1996; May 20, 1996; June 5, 1996; and August 19, 1996. All meetings were advertised and open to the public. On September 24, 1996, a public information meeting was conducted to give individuals an opportunity to comment on the draft plan prior to its submittal to the Division of Coastal Management (DCM). This meeting was advertised in the Carteret County News and Times on September 13, 1996, and announced on local radio stations. The preliminary plan was submitted to the DCM for comment on October 2, 1996. Following receipt of DCM comments, the plan was amended, and a formal public hearing on the final document was conducted on September 9, 1997. The public hearing was advertised in the Carteret County News and Times on August 6, 1997. The plan was approved by the Emerald Isle Board of Commissioners on September 9, 1997, and submitted to the Coastal Resources Commission for certification. The plan was certified on September 26, 1997. Citizen input will continue to be solicited, primarily through the Planning Board, with advertised and adequately publicized public meetings held to discuss special land use issues and to keep citizens informed. Mom, �l 1 IV-16 I EMERALD ISLE STORM HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN IA. EXISTING DEVELOPMENT Section D of the 1991 Emerald Isle Land Use Plan addresses existing land use in detail. In 1990, a total of 2,378.8 acres were developed. Ninety three percent, or 2,217.05 of the developed acres, were utilized for residential development. The residential development included 4,569 dwelling units. Of that total, approximately 500 dwelling units, or almost eleven percent of the town's housing stock, was located within the 100-year floodplain. All structures would be subject to damage from high winds. B. EMERALD ISLE FLOOD HAZARD AREAS The following Emerald Isle areas are subject to flood hazards: (1) ocean erodible areas of environmental concern (AECs), (2) inlet hazard AECs, and (3) estuarine shoreline and ocean shoreline AECs and flood hazard areas. The AECs are delineated on Map 7A, 713, and 7C in the 1996 Land Use Plan. Map 5 in the 1996 Land Use Plan provides a general delineation of areas that would be subjected to flood hazard from storm -related "storm surge." Storm flooding is potentially more extensive in the areas included in the 100-year floodplain. These 100-year floodplain areas are defined through the National Flood Insurance Program. The National Flood Insurance Program defines V-zones, which refer to flood prone areas that are also susceptible to high velocity wave surges. Emerald Isle was converted to the Regular Phase of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in 1977 with the issuance of Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS). Town officials received updated maps in 1984 and 1985. Data is provided by Map 9A, 96, and 9C. This map defines the relationship of existing land use to flood hazard areas. Flood crest elevations in the "V" zones range from 11 to 16 feet AMSL (above mean sea level). Areas along Bogue Sound are not within "V" zones. The "V" zones basically parallel the ocean to a depth of approximately 1 00'to 250' inland from mean high water. Less than 8% of the town's area lies within the "V" zones. The "V" zones are not developed. The balance of the flood prone areas include the portion of the 100-year floodplain area that is not within the "V" zone. Again, Map 9A, 913, and 9C portrays the area subject to flooding during the 100-year storm in accordance with the FIRM. The FIRM designates these areas as "A" zones. Approximately 15 percent of the town is within "A" zones. The "A" zone includes the approximately 500 dwelling units subject to flooding from a 100-year flood. Commercial development is not significantly affected by the 100-year floodplain. IC. HIGH WINDS High winds are the major determinants of a hurricane, by definition, i.e., a tropical disturbance with sustained winds of at least 73 miles per hour. Extreme hurricanes can have winds of up to 165 miles per hour, with gusts up to 200 miles per hour. These winds circulate around the center or "eye" of the storm. Although the friction or impact of the winds hitting land from I IV-17 U) W Q Z W O O Q o¢ W -i 0 a. J O mU- Mz aO W N O Q O. Li. Z oQ U �' Z G1 Q O Q. I mU- �v� O N i LL. Z _ 0 C) �M i Q R N> c� Lei e z Q M !L: W ' Wo oa oa J Q U Q' Z 0 Q O QO m In 0 0^ J LU u- Z N Q- N > =U 0 Ld = Q 00 r= m m m m w m� m m r m r BALANCE OF 100 YFAR FLOOD PLAIN ("A" ZONES) HIGH HAZARD FLOOD A.E.C. ("V" ZONES) IV-19 L ..efon or ar. •w .tl rN.K.� Mwgl� a grmt poaNaC pf � tMoughC yRwrOa� b tha Cwatd 2ona Monagamwt w et 19T$ tl aman0a4 ar�itA tl on wowed by Ya Oftica d Oratl an0 COG" Rewun N.a.gwnwt. Ndlo" Ocaft* ww ptmoaWNrk Adn w"fts m MAP 9B TO" OF EA/£R.4L O ISLE mo FLOOD HAZARD AREAS BALANCE OF 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ("A" ZONES) HIGH HAZARD FLOOD A.E.C. ("V" ZONES) 4 BALANCE OF 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ("A" ZONES) N BALANCE OF 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ("A" ZONES) 3 1 ' I I I i B06UE SOUND � I �..�..� •� I t I I I, I I I • . : • i�oa�a 1• M, :14.4! �i°"Es. .o..e ..r • e ...... ....* . i . ..' • • ... ; • e •..... ».. I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I AF I • ( 0 1 + I i 1 w !I s ( 1 • I 1 ( • I 1 • • I I i 3 HIGH HAZARD FLOOD wrcwwric OCEw,v A.E.C. ("V" ZONES) HIGH HAZARD FLOOD 'nofreP ff�.q'a'R""0'd i W fensoga a tram rsvfMd 1f tb A.E.C. ('.V" ZONES) .C.p.�rw. �`°�,b f za» Menays ae fsrz - aawa0ed, eAid1 is o6niiigend M WA a su , ' ' ry r.••► - Office el Ocem and Coww Resow- Yaw>4emaM. majow l Onman k d Afawspeoie A*nmWr§ftL MAP 9C r0" OF ZWER.4L D ISLE Mo FLOOD HAZARD AREAS IV-20 J the water causes some dissipation of the full force, there is still a tremendous amount of energy left to cause damage to buildings, overturn mobile homes, down trees and power lines, and destroy crops. Also, tornadoes are often spawned by hurricane wind patterns. Wind stress, therefore, is an important consideration in storm hazard mitigation planning. (Refer to Section E.2. Flood Hazard Areas of the 1996 Emerald Isle Land Use Plan.) D. ESTIMATED SEVERITY OF POSSIBLE HAZARD AREA DAMAGES The 1997 Emerald Isle real property tax valuation was $950,000,000. Structures constitute about $687,604,411 of the total tax digest. This ratio of structure value to property represents the high value and quantity of undeveloped land. Additional property at risk during a major storm includes roads, public buildings and facilities, public utilities, and tax exempt property. Potential worst case flood damage to privately owned structures in Emerald Isle from a 100-year storm event is estimated to be approximately $41,400,000. This does not include any damage from wind, which may be significant. E. ANTICIPATED DEVELOPMENT IN HAZARD AREAS Approximately 37 acres of developable land remains vacant in Emerald Isle; i.e., the land has not been subdivided for development. The majority of this land lies above the 100-year floodplain and significant areas are also above the 500-year event. F. EXISTING EMERALD ISLE HAZARD MITIGATION POLICIES AND REGULATIONS Emerald Isle regulates development in hazard areas primarily through its zoning ordinance, dunes and vegetation control ordinance, and floodplain management regulations. Development in AEC areas must conform with state guidelines and land use plan policies. The primary provisions of Emerald Isle zoning, dunes and vegetation control and floodplain management regulations related to hazard area development are summarized below: Emerald Isle Zoning Ordinance 1. Single-family residences, duplexes and multi -family structures are allowed in the town's residential districts as permitted uses regardless of whether such districts are located in hazard areas. 2. Mobile home parks are permitted only in MH mobile homes districts and subject to special development standards. 3. Non -conforming structures (i.e., those not meeting setback or other similar requirements) are not specifically dealt with by the Emerald Isle zoning ordinance. 4. Non -conforming uses can generally be rebuilt unless destroyed or damaged beyond 50% of value or if the use is abandoned for 180 continuous days, provided however no provision of the zoning ordinance shall prevent the reconstruction by the owner of a non -conforming residence occupied by its owner at the time of destruction. t �\ IV-21 Dunes and Vegetation Protection Ordinance At least 45% of the natural vegetation must be left in place on residential lots and 15% or 25% on commercial lots, depending on zoning, under the terms of this ordinance. Floodplain Management Regulations The floodplain ordinance is part of the town's zoning ordinance (Article 1). It is designed to meet requirements of the National Flood Insurance key provisions, including: 1. All new residential construction or substantial improvements (repairs or reconstruction worth 50 percent of market value) must be elevated to or above the base flood level elevations. 2. Commercial buildings located in either the "V" or "A" zones must be elevated to the base flood level or floodproofed. 3. Open space or breakaway walls must be used below base flood elevation in the "V" zones. 4. The design and installation of anchorings and pilings must be certified by a registered engineer or architect. 5. No alteration of dunes or use of fill for structural support shall occur in the "V" zone. Mobile Home Regulations The town's zoning ordinance establishes mobile home placement and design standards. Flood hazard design considerations are included in the zoning ordinance floodplain regulations. Those regulations require elevation above the 100-year flood elevation, tiedowns, and place a prohibition on mobile homes locating in "V" zones. G. POLICY STATEMENTS: STORM HAZARD MITIGATION In order to minimize the damage caused by the effects of a hurricane or other major storm, Emerald Isle proposes the following policies: High Winds Emerald Isle supports enforcement of the N.C. State Building Code. The town will enforce the State Building Code on wind resistant construction with design standards of 110 mph wind loads. Flooding Emerald Isle is an active participant in the National Flood Insurance Program and is supportive of hazard mitigation elements. Emerald Isle is participating in the regular phase of the insurance program and enforces a Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. Emerald Isle also supports continued enforcement of the CAMA and 404 Wetlands development permit IV-22 Fj I processes in areas potentially susceptible to flooding. When reviewing development proposals, the town will work to reduce density in areas susceptible to flooding. In addition, the town will encourage the public purchase of land in the most hazardous areas. Evacuation Plans ' Emerald Isle will coordinate evacuation planning with the Carteret County Emergency Management Coordinator. The town will encourage motels, condominiums, and multi -family developments (five or more dwelling units) to post evacuation instructions that identify routes and the locations of available public shelters. The town will update an evacuation route map annually. Copies will be kept at the town's municipal building for free distribution to the public. Implementation: Storm Hazard Mitigation 1. Emerald Isle will continue to enforce the standards of the State Building Code. 2. The town will continue to support enforcement of State and Federal programs which aid in mitigation of hurricane hazards, including CAMA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit process, FEMA, as well as local ordinances such as zoning and flood damage prevention regulations. 3. The town will discourage high density development in high hazard areas through implementation of the town's Zoning Ordinance. 4. The Town of Emerald Isle supports the public acquisition of high hazard areas with state and federal funds when voluntary acquisition can be accomplished. The town discourages condemnation of land for this purpose. 5. The town does a good job of controlling mobile home developments in order to minimize hazard damages. Mobile homes are restricted to a specific district and must conform with elevation and other requirements. L I IV-23 POST -DISASTER RECONSTRUCTION PLAN AND POLICIES A. INTRODUCTION I A post -disaster plan provides a program that will permit a local government to deal with the aftermaths of a storm in an organized and efficient manner. The plan provides the mechanisms, procedures, and policies that will enable a local community to learn from its storm experiences and to rebuild the community in a wise and practical manner. , A post -disaster reconstruction plan encompasses three distinct reconstruction periods: -- The emergency period is the reconstruction phase immediately after a storm. The emphasis is on restoring public health and safety, assessing the nature and extent of storm damage, and qualifying for and obtaining whatever federal and state assistance might be available. -- The restoration period covers the weeks and months following a storm disaster. The emphasis during this period is on restoring community facilities, utilities, essential businesses, etc., so that the community can once again function in a normal manner. -- The replacement reconstruction period is the period during which the community is rebuilt. The period could last from months to years depending on the nature and extent of the damaged incurred. , It is important that local officials clearly understand the joint federal -state -local procedures for providing assistance to rebuild after a storm so that local damage assessment and reconstruction efforts are carried out in an efficient manner that qualifies the community for the different types of assistance that are available. The requirements are generally delineated in the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-288) which authorizes a wide range of financial and direct assistance to both local communities and individuals. The sequence of procedures to be followed after a major storm event is as follows: 1. Local damage assessment teams survey storm damage within the community and , report this damage to the County Emergency Services ,Coordinator. 2. Damage information is compiled and summarized by Carteret County, and the nature i and extent of damage is reported to the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management. 3. DEM compiles local data and makes recommendations to the Governor concerning state action. "emergency" "major 4. The Governor may request a Presidential declaration of or disaster." A Presidential declaration makes a variety of federal resources available to local communities and individuals. 5. Federal Relief assistance provided to a community after an "emergency" has been declared typically ends one month after the initial Presidential declaration. Where a , I V-24 I "major disaster" has been declared, federal assistance for "emergency" work typically ends six months after the declaration and federal assistance for "permanent" work ends after 18 months. B. ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL DAMAGE ASSESSMENT TEAM A local damage assessment team should include individuals who are qualified to give reliable ' estimates of the original value of structures, an estimated value of sustained damages, and a description of the repairs and costs that will be needed to rebuild each structure. The total team may consist of the following: iAdministrative Town Administrator Building Inspector Assistant Building Inspector Part-time Building Inspector Police Chief Police Officers Fire Chief Mayor Members of the Board of Commissioners Street Maintenance Supervisor ' Assistant Street Maintenance Supervisor The Building Inspector should head the Damage Assessment Team. Other members of the team should consist of the Assistant Building Inspector, the Maintenance Supervisor, and volunteers recruited from the community. Town personnel and volunteers must be recruited, organized and trained prior to a storm occurrence. There should also be back-ups or alternates to ensure the availability of adequate resources. The suggested make-up of the Emerald Isle Damage Assessment Team is as follows: Building Inspector Assistant Building Inspector Local Property Appraiser (MAI or qualified broker) Maintenance Supervisor Mayor and members of the Board of Commissioners Town Administrator Building contractors The Mayor should immediately undertake a recruitment effort to secure the necessary volunteers and to establish a training program to familiarize the members of the damage assessment team with required damage classification procedures and reporting requirements. In doing so, it must be recognized that it might be very difficult to fill certain positions, such ' as the building contractor position, because the services of individuals with such skills will likely be in a great demand after a storm disaster. I IV-25 C. DAMAGE ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS Damage assessment is defined as rapid means of determining a realistic estimate of the amount of damage caused by a natural or manmade disaster. For a storm disaster, it is expressed in terms of 1) number of structures damaged; 2) magnitude of damage by structure type; 3) estimated total dollar loss; and 4) estimated total dollar loss covered by insurance. After a major storm event, members of the Damage Assessment Team should report to the Emergency Operations Center for a briefing prior to deployment. There are about 4,500 dwelling units in the town. The extent of damage will depend on the magnitude of the storm and where landfall occurs along the Atlantic coast. Because of the potentially large job at hand, the limited personnel resources available to conduct the assessments, and the limited time within which the initial assessment must be made, the first phase of the assessment should consist of only an external visual survey of damaged structures. A more detailed second phase assessment can be made after the initial damage reports are filed. The initial damage assessment should make an estimate of the extent of damage incurred by each structure and identify the cause (wind, flooding, wave action, combination, etc.) of the damage to each structure. Damaged structures should be classified in accordance with the suggested state guidelines as follows: -- Destroyed (repairs would cost more than 80 percent of value). -- Major (repairs would cost more than 30 percent of the value). -- Minor (repairs would cost less than 30 percent of the value, but the structure is currently uninhabitable). -- Habitable (some minor damage, with repairs less than 15 percent of the value). Note: CAMA regulations consider a structure to be destroyed if damaged more than 50% of its value, and a CAMA permit will be required for reconstruction of such structures. It will be necessary to thoroughly document each assessment. In many cases, mail boxes and other information typically used to identify specific structures will not be found. Consequently, the Damage Assessment Team must be provided with tax maps, other maps, and photographic equipment in order to record and document its field observations. Enough information to complete the Damage Assessment Worksheet must be obtained on each damaged structure. The second phase of the Damage Assessment Operation will be to estimate the value of the damages sustained. This operation should be carried out in the Emergency Operations Center under the direction and supervision of the Town Administrator. Specific administrative employees in Town Hall should be assigned to assist in carrying out this task. ri [-I Lj n, Ll IV-26 In order to estimate total damage values, it will be necessary to have the following information available for use at the Emergency Operations Center: ' -- A set of property tax maps identical to those utilized by the damage assessment field team. -- Copies of all town property tax records. This information should indicate the estimated value of all commercial and residential structures within the town. Because time will be of the essence, it is recommended that the town immediately commence a project listing the property values of existing structures in Carteret County on the appropriate lots of the property tax maps that will be kept at the Emergency Operations Center. While somewhat of a tedious job, it should be manageable if it is initiated now and completed over a 2 to 3 month period. The information will prove invaluable if a storm disaster does occur. This set of tax maps should be updated annually prior to the hurricane season. The town should update property tax information annually before the hurricane season. This information should then be kept available in the Emergency Operations Center for estimating the value of sustained damages covered by hazard insurance. In order to produce the damage value information required, the following methodology is recommended: The number of businesses and residential structures that have been damaged within the town should be summarized by damage classification category. ' 2. The value of each damaged structure should be obtained from the marked set of town tax maps and multiplied by the following percentages for appropriate damage classification category: -- Destroyed - Over 80% -- Major Damage - Over 30% -- Minor Damage (uninhabitable) - 30% or less ' -- Habitable - 15% 3. The total value of damages for the town should then be summarized and reported, as required to the County Emergency Operations Center. 4. The estimated value loss covered by hazard insurance should then be determined by: ' 1) estimating full coverage for all damaged structures for situations where the average value of such coverage exceeds the amount of damage to the structure; and 2) multiplying the number of structures where damage exceeds the average value of insurance coverage by the average value of such coverage. The Damage Assessment Plan is intended to be the mechanism for estimating overall property ' damage in the event of a civil disaster. The procedure recommended above represents an approach for making a relatively quick, realistic "order of magnitude" damage estimate after a disaster. I IV-27 D. ORGANIZATION OF RECOVERY OPERATION Damage assessment operations are oriented to take place during the emergency period. After , the emergency operations to restore public health and safety and the initial damage assessments are completed, the state guidelines suggest that a Recovery Task Force to guide restoration and reconstruction activities be created. In Emerald Isle, the Mayor and ' Commission will assume the responsibilities of such Task Force with the Town Administrator directing day-to-day operations based on the policy guidelines received from the Mayor and Commission. The following must be accomplished: 1. Establishing re-entry procedures. 2. Establishing an overall restoration schedule. ' 3. Setting restoration priorities. 4. Determining requirements for outside assistance and requesting such assistance when beyond local capabilities. 5. Keeping the appropriate county and state officials informed using Situation and Damage Report. 6. Keeping the public informed. ' 7. Assembling and maintaining records of actions taken and expenditures and obligations incurred. 8. Proclaiming a local "state of emergency" if warranted. 9. Commencing cleanup, debris removal and utility restoration activities which would include coordination of restoration activities undertaken by private utility companies. 10. Undertaking repair and restoration of essential public facilities and services in accordance with priorities developed through the situation evaluations. 11. Assistingprivate businesses and individual property owners in obtaining ' P p p y g information on the various types of assistance that might be available to them from federal and state agencies. In Before the Storm, a sequence and schedule for undertaking local reconstruction and restoration activities is presented. The schedule was deliberately left vague because specific ' reconstruction needs will not be known until after a storm hits and the magnitude of the damage can be assessed. The following sequence of activities and schedule is submitted as a guide which should be considered by the Mayor, Town Administrator, Commissioners, and ' Damage Assessment Team, and revised as necessary after the damage assessment activities are completed. r� IV-28 ' Activity 1) Complete initial damage assessment. 2) Complete second phase damage assessment. 3) Prepare summary of reconstruction priorities 4) Decision with regard to imposition of temporary development moratorium 5) Set reconstruction priorities and prepare master reconstruction schedule 6) Begin repairs to critical utilities and facilities 7) Permitting of reconstruction activities for all structures receiving minor damage not included in development moratorium areas 8) Permitting of reconstruction activities for all structures receiving major damage not included in development moratorium areas 9) Initiate assessment of existing mitigation policies 10) Complete re-evaluation of hazard areas and mitigation policies in areas subjected to development moratorium 11) Review mitigation policies and development standards for areas subjected to development moratorium and lift development moratorium 12) Permit new development Time Frame Immediately after storm passes. Completed by second week after the storm. Completed one week after second phase damage assessment is completed. One week after second phase assessment is completed. Completed one week after summary of reconstruction needs is completed. As soon as possible after disaster. One week after second phase damage assessment is completed. Two weeks after second phase damage assessment is completed. Two weeks after second phase damage assessment is completed. The length of the period for conducting the re-evaluations and receiving input from the state should not exceed two months. Two months after temporary development moratorium is imposed. (Subject to change based on circumstances encountered). Upon suspension of any temporary development moratorium. IV-29 E. RECOMMENDED RECONSTRUCTION POLICIES All the following policies have been designed to be 1) considered and adopted by the Mayor and Commissioners of Emerald Isle prior to a storm, and 2) implemented, as appropriate, after a storm occurs: Re-entry 1. The town will prepare a list of individuals (by name and address) who should be allowed to return to Emerald Isle in the event of an evacuation and subsequent blockade. These people would be allowed to return to aid with clean-up operations. The list should include but not necessarily be limited to people such as pharmacists, electricians, town employees, etc. 2. Re-entry of Emerald Town residents and/or property owners shall not be permitted until 1) the critical damage assessment has been completed; 2) the Mayor proclaims the town safe to re-enter, after the Carteret County Control Group issues an overall re-entry order. 3. A list of Emerald Isle property owners and residents shall be maintained at the bridge entrances to the Bogue Banks. Valid identification must be shown in order to proceed on to the island. Passes shall be issued and displayed at all times until the State of Emergency is officially lifted. (This procedure will require cooperation and reciprocal assistance from all Bogue Banks towns and unincorporated Salter Path. The towns of Emerald Isle and Atlantic Beach should take the lead in establishing such procedures as each has jurisdiction at each of the two bridges.) Permitting 1. Building permits to restore structures located outside of designated AEC areas that were previously built in conformance with local codes, standards, and the provisions of the North Carolina Building Code shall be issued automatically. 2. All structures suffering major damages as defined in the Town's Damage Assessment Plan shall be repaired or rebuilt to conform with the provisions of the North Carolina Building Code, the Emerald Isle Zoning Ordinance, and the Emerald Isle Floodplain Management Regulations. 3. All structures suffering minor damage as defined in the Emerald Isle Damage Assessment Plan shall be permitted to be rebuilt to their original state before the storm condition. 4. For all structures in designated AECs and for all mobile home locations, a determination shall be made for each AEC as to whether the provisions of the N.C. Building Code, the state regulations for Areas of Environmental Concern, the Emerald Isle Floodplain Management Regulations appeared adequate in minimizing storm damages. For areas where the construction and use requirements appear adequate, permits shall be issued in accordance with permitting policies 1, 2 and 3. For AECs where the construction and use requirements do not appear to have been adequate in mitigating damages, a Temporary Development Moratorium for all structures located within that specific AEC L' 1 I V-30 1 1 shall be imposed. If mobile home damage is extensive, a moratorium on the rebuilding or replacement of mobile homes should be imposed in order for the town to decide whether this should remain a permitted use. 5. Permits shall not be issued in areas subject to a temporary development moratorium until such a moratorium is lifted by the Emerald Isle Board of Commissioners. Utility and Facility Reconstruction 1. All damaged water systems components shall be repaired so as to be elevated above the 100-year floodplain or shall be floodproofed, with the methods employed and the construction being certified by a registered professional engineer. 2. Overhead power lines and utility poles along Highway 58 present the greatest obstacle to the safe evacuation of residents in the event of a major storm disaster. Relocating these lines underground or moving them away from rights -of -way would be very costly at this time. However, if major damage occurs as a result of a storm, the cost effectiveness would improve and public safety considerations might override economic considerations. Emerald Isle encourages the relocation of overhead power lines underground or away from evacuation routes if substantial damage to the existing system is sustained during a major storm. Temporary Development Moratorium Under certain circumstances, interim development moratoriums can be used in order to give a local government time to assess damages, to make sound decisions and to learn from its storm experiences. Such a moratorium must be temporary and it must be reasonably related to the public health, safety and welfare. There is no doubt that Emerald Isle will suffer heavy and serious damages should a major storm make its landfall in its vicinity. Consequently, the town should be prepared to issue temporary development moratoriums as appropriate. It is not possible to determine prior to a storm whether a temporary development moratorium will be needed. Such a measure should only be used if damage in a particular area is very serious and if redevelopment of the area in the same manner as previously existed would submit the residents of the area to similar public health and safety problems. In Emerald Isle, such a situation is most likely to occur in one or more of the AECs. The Emerald Isle policy regarding the proclamation of temporary development moratoriums shall be: 1. To determine for each AEC whether the provisions of N.C. Building Code, the state guidelines for AECs, and the Emerald Isle Floodplain Management Regulations appeared adequate in minimizing storm damages. For AECs where the construction and use requirements do not appear adequate, a temporary development moratorium for all structures located within that specific AEC shall be imposed. IV-31 2. To assess the overall damage to mobile homes within one week of the storm occurrence and to determine whether a temporary moratorium on the rebuilding of mobile homes suffering major damage should be imposed. 3. After imposing a temporary development moratorium for an AEC, the Town of Emerald Isle shall request that the Coastal Resources Commission conduct a special analysis for the town and all other communities so similar in order to determine how local regulations for those hazard areas, which are based on state and/or federal guidelines or requirements, should be improved or modified. A response from the state within a reasonable time period as determined through negotiations should be requested. 4. The temporary building moratorium in all AECs shall be lifted after local ordinances and regulations have been revised based on state recommendations or decisions of the Mayor and Board of Commissioners. Reconstruction shall be permitted in accordance with existing regulations and requirements. 5. If a temporary moratorium on the rebuilding of mobile homes is imposed, the Board of Commissioners shall within one month determine whether the Emerald Isle Zoning Ordinance should be revised so that mobile homes are no longer a permitted use in any town zoning district. If such a policy decision is made, based on a review of the magnitude of damages sustained, all existing mobile homes would be treated as non -conforming uses in accordance with the recommended revision of the Emerald Isle Zoning Ordinance. Destructive Weather Plan The Town of Emerald Isle maintains a destructive weather plan that provides instructions for the organization and operation of the Town of Emerald Isle during destructive weather conditions. This plan is updated annually prior to each hurricane season. Therefore, the plan is not included. However, a copy of the current plan is available for public review at the Emerald Isle Municipal Building. 11 '1_ IV-32 SECTION V: RELATIONSHIP OF POLICIES AND LAND CLASSIFICATIONS The 15A NCAC 7B planning guidelines require that this land use plan relate the policies section to the land classification map and provide an indication as to which land uses are appropriate in each land classification. The Town of Emerald Isle zoning ordinance is consistent with the land classification map and supports the distribution of land uses shown on that map. A. DEVELOPED CLASS ' Emerald Isle's developed land classification is divided into the categories of residential, commercial, and public. The developed commercial category will continue to exist along U.S. 58 in blocks 15, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42. Further commercialization consistent with the October 6, 1983, commercial zoning plan will be allowed. Commercial, service, office -institutional, and commercial campgrounds consistent with the town's zoning ordinance shall be allowed. The developed residential classification will allow single-family and multi -family development which is consistent with the town's zoning ordinance. Through the planning period, the overall average residential density shall be maintained at eight dwelling units per acre. The developed public category is limited to town -owned property and includes only the Emerald Isle municipal building complex. The lands classified as developed will require basic urban I services. These lands either are developed or will be developed during the planning period. B. URBAN TRANSITION CLASS The urban transition classification will provide lands to accommodate future urban growth within the planning period. The overall average densities will be allowed up to eight dwelling units per acre. The urban transition lands are limited to blocks 14, 15, 18, 25, 47, 48, and 49. Most development within this classification will be single and multi -family, residential and ' special uses as allowed by the Emerald Isle zoning ordinance. In blocks 14 and 15, some commercialization may occur within the urban transition classification. Complete urban services will be required during the planning period. C. CON SERVATION CLASS The conservation classification will provide for the long-term management of Emerald Isle's areas of environmental concern. Development within the conservation classification must be consistent with the policies contained in this plan. Except for the town's dunes and vegetation protection ordinance, the town's beach and shore regulations ordinance, the policy opposing the location of floating structures within Emerald Isle, the maritime forests policy supporting design standards in maritime forest areas and local zoning restrictions on commercial development, prohibition of industrial development in Emerald Isle, mooring fields, and through restrictions in the Bogue Inlet Hazard Area, the policies contained in the plan are not more restrictive than the 15A NCAC 7H use standards. ' V-1 D. SUMMARY The Town of Emerald Isle enforces both zoning and subdivision ordinances. The zoning , ordinance is consistent with this land use plan and includes 17 separate zoning categories. The developed commercial category is an appropriate location for all zones except residential districts. The town's overlay districts which are designed to protect AECs may limit development in some developed commercial classified areas. Within the developed residential classified areas, only R-1 , R-2, RMF, RMH, and MH zoned uses and associated special uses should be allowed. The AEC overlay district may restrict residential development in some ' areas. Pj V-2 I = = = = m m = i = r = = = m = = r r APPENDIX I TOWN OF EMERALD ISLE LAND USE PLAN ' POLICIES CONSIDERED BUT NOT ADOPTED ' A. VISION STATEMENT -- Emerald Isle will continue to be primarily a residential community with an average density of eight dwelling units per acre. The town will continue to serve both as a year-round residential community and a seasonal resort area. A limited commercial "family atmosphere" will be maintained. The town will strive to balance the pressure for development with a concern for responsible environmental protection. B. RESOURCE PROTECTION POLICY STATEMENTS Soils -- Emerald Isle will maintain low -density residential development (8 dwelling units/acre or less) in order to decrease soil contamination and groundwater pollution from septic tanks. C. MISCELLANEOUS RESOURCE PROTECTION ' Mooring Fields -- Emerald Isle does not object to the establishment of mooring fields within its planning jurisdiction. ' Water Quality Management -- Emerald Isle will pursue development and adoption of a local ordinance to regulate ' swine production. D. RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT POLICIES Recreation Sources ' -- Emerald Isle supports the development of off-street parking facilities in both commercial and residential areas to serve shoreline access facilities. The town will review the impact of off-street parking on adjacent areas on a case -by -case basis. r 11 1� E. ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT POLICY STATEMENTS Community Attitude on Economic and Community Development -- Emerald Isle will support growth and development only at low to medium densities, consistent with the town's goal of maintaining a town -wide residential density ceiling of 8 unit/acre. The town will not permit any industrial development. Emerald Isle will ' maintain commercial development in areas zoned for commercial development in 1991. Community Facilities ' -- Emerald Isle considers its existing community facilities, including the community center which was under construction at the time of plan preparation, to be adequate to serve , the town's needs during the planning period. This policy statement does not apply to sewer facilities, shoreline access, outdoor recreation, and associated parking. ' Transportation -- Emerald Isle supports the provision of off-street parking for day visitors and permanent ' residents in both commercial and residential areas. Development/Growth Obiectives I -- Maintain overall town -wide average density at 8 dwelling units/acre or less. 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX I TOWN OF EMERALD ISLE LAND USE PLAN POLICIES CONSIDERED BUT NOT ADOPTED A. VISION STATEMENT -- Emerald Isle will continue to be primarily a residential community with an average density of eight dwelling units per acre. The town will continue to serve both as a year-round residential community and a seasonal resort area. A limited commercial "family atmosphere" will be maintained. The town will strive to balance the pressure for development with a concern for responsible environmental protection. B. RESOURCE PROTECTION POLICY STATEMENTS Soils Emerald Isle will maintain low -density residential development (8 dwelling units/acre Pr less) in order to decrease soil contamination and groundwater pollution from septic tanks. C. MISCELLANEOUS RESOURCE PROTECTION Mooring Fields -- Emerald Isle does not object to the establishment of mooring fields within its planning jurisdiction. Water Quality Management -- Emerald Isle will pursue development and adoption of a local ordinance to regulate swine production. D. RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT POLICIES Recreation Sources -- Emerald Isle supports the development of off-street parking facilities in both commercial and residential areas to serve shoreline access facilities. The town will review the impact of off-street parking on adjacent areas on a case -by -case basis. E. ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT POLICY STATEMENTS Communitv Attitude on Economic and Communitv Development -- Emerald Isle will support growth and development only at low to medium densities, consistent with the town's goal of maintaining a town -wide residential density ceiling of 8 unit/acre. The town will not permit any industrial development. Emerald Isle will maintain commercial development in areas zoned for commercial development in 1991. Communitv Facilities -- Emerald Isle considers its existing community facilities, including the community center which was under construction at the time of plan preparation, to be adequate to serve the town's needs during the planning period. This policy statement does not apply to sewer facilities, shoreline access, outdoor recreation, and associated parking. Transportation -- Emerald Isle supports the provision of off-street parking for day visitors and permanent residents in both commercial and residential areas. Development/Growth Obiectives -- Maintain overall town -wide average density at 8 dwelling units/acre or less. APPENDIX II TOWN OF EMERALD ISLE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN PREPARATION OF LAND USE PLAN ' FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 The Town of Emerald Isle has received a FY95-96 Coastal Area Management Act grant for the update of its existing Land Use Plan. Adequate citizen participation in the development of the Plan is essential -to the preparation of a document responsive to the needs of the citizens of Emerald Isle. To ensure such input, the following citizen participation program will be utilized by the town. The Planning Board will work with the town's planning consultant to ensure that the final product will survey existing land use, identify policies, recommend strategies/actions, and identify Areas of Environmental Concern. The plan will focus on issues expected to occur during the planning period, including infrastructure needs, housing needs, transportation planning, and environmental. A completely .new land classification- map will. be provided.-- -Specifically,_ the- _ planning consultant and the Planning Board will be responsible for ensuring accomplishment of - - the following:- - - - - - - - -_ -- Establishment of policies to deal with existing and anticipated land use issues. - Preparation of a land classification map. ' N Preparation of hurricane mitigation and post -disaster recovery plans and policies. Assessment of opportunities for participation in state and federal programs. -- An updated Land Use Plan based on an effective citizen participation process. ' The following schedule will be utilized: 1. November, 1995 - complete identification of existing land use problems, develop socioeconomic base data, and review community facilities needs. ' 2. November, 1995 -- Conduct initial meeting with the Town of Emerald Isle Board of Commissioners, and have the Citizen Participation Plan adopted. -- The Board of Commissioners will conduct a public information meeting. The meeting will be advertised in a local newspaper. The town will specifically discuss the policy statements contained in the 1991 Town of Emerald Isle Land Use Plan. The significance of the policy statements to the CAMA land use planning process shall be described. The process by which the Town of Emerald Isle will solicit the views of a wide cross-section of citizens in the development of the updated policy statements will be explained. ' 4. November, 1995 - May, 1996 -- Continue preparation of a draft Land Use Plan and conduct meetings with the Emerald Isle Planning Board. 5. June, 1996 - Present complete draft sections of the plan and preliminary policy statements to the Emerald Isle Planning Board. �I 6. July, 1996 -- Review draft Land Use Plan with Board of Commissioners, conduct a public ' information meeting for review of the proposed plan, and submit draft of completed Land Use Plan to the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources staff for ' review and comment. 7. Following receipt of Coastal Resources Commission comments (estimate October or ' November, 1996) -- Present proposed Land Use Plan to Board of Commissioners for adoption, and conduct a formal public hearing. All meetings of the Town of Emerald Isle Planning Board and Board of Commissioners at which ' the update of the Land Use Plan will be discussed will be advertised in a local newspaper in a non -legal ad section. In addition, public service announcements will be mailed to local radio ' stations and posted in the Municipal Building. All meetings will be open to the public. The town will encourage and consider all economic, social, ethnic, and cultural viewpoints. No major non-English speaking groups are known to exist in Emerald Isle. 10/13/95