HomeMy WebLinkAboutOfficial Subdivision Ordinance-1999TOWN OF COMO HERTFORD COUNTY North Carolina OFFICIAL SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - Danny D. Edwards, MAYOR Molly Eubank, TOWN CLERK TOWN COUNCIL Danny D. Edwards, Mayor Helen Curle Stephen Pearce Irvin Stephens-- John K. Wheeler PLANNING BOARD Danny D. Edwards, Chairman Helen Curle Stephen Pearce Irvin Stephens John K. Wheeler .. Technical A The Mid -East P.O. Bo) Washington, North (252) 941 Joseph G. Dooley, Jr., Planner. Gail Pinkham, Admi �k DCM COPY DCM COPY lease do not remove!!!!! Division of Coastal Management ADOPTED: AUGUST 26,1999 The preparation of this document was financed in part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through fimds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE A TITLE AND INTENT....................................................................................... I SectionSD-1001 Title........................................................... ............................................... I SectionSD-1002 Intent........................................................................................................1 ARTICLEB AUTHORITY..................................................................................................... 2 Section SD-1011 Authority..................................................................................................2 Section SD-1012 Jurisdiction...............................................................................................2 ARTICLE C PREREQUISITES.............................................................................................3 Section SD-1021 Prerequisite to Plat Recordation............................................................... 3 ARTICLE D * PUBLIC SERVICES......................................................................................... 4 Section SD-1026 Acceptance of Public Services................................................................. 4 ARTICLEE DEFINITIONS................................................................................................... 5 Section SD-1031 Definitions Pertaining to Grammatical Usage ......................................... 5 Section SD-1032 Subdivision Defined................................................................................. 5 Section SD-1033 Definition Pertaining to Access............................................................... 5 Section SD-1034 Definition Pertaining to Rural Roads ....................................................... 6 Section SD-1035 Definition Concerning Land and Land Use ............................................. 6 Section SD-1036 Definitions Pertaining to Lots and Buildings .......................................... 6 ARTICLE F LEGAL PROVISIONS...................................................................................... 8 Section SD-1046 Procedure for Plat Approval.................................................................... 8 Section SD-1047 Statement By Owner................................................................................ 8 Section SD-1048 Effect of Plat Approval on Dedications................................................... 8 Section SD-1049 Severability.............................................................................................. 8 Section SD-1050 Variances..................................................................................................9 Section SD-1051 Amendments............................................................................................ 9 Section SD-1052 Abrogation............................................................................................... 9 Section SD-1054 Prior Inconsistent Ordinances................................................................ 10 ARTICLE G REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION PLATS ..........................11 SectionSD-1061 General................................................................................................... 11 ARTICLE H SKETCH DESIGN PLAN..............................................................................12 Section SD-1071 Submission of Sketch Design Plan ...........................12 Section SD-1072 Sketch Design Plan Requirements. .............................12 Section SD-1073 Sketch Design Plan Contents Required ................................................. 12 Section SD-1074 Study by Technical Review Committee................................................12 Section SD-1075 Approval of Sketch Plan ........................................................................ 13 ARTICLE I PRELIMINARY PLAT...................................................................................14 Section SD-1081 Submission of Preliminary Plat............................................................. 14 Section SD-1082 Preliminary Plat Requirements.............................................................. 14 Section SD-1083 Preliminary Plat Contents Required....................................................... 14 o TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Section SD-1084 Additional Required Data......................................................................14 Section SD-1085 Study by Technical Review Committee................................................15 Section SD-1086 Public Hearing.......................................................................................15 Section SD-1087 Preliminary Approval.............................................................................16 ARTICLEJ FINAL PLAT...................................................................................................17 Section SD-1100 Public Improvements Installation or Guarantees...................................17 Section SD-1101 Performance Guarantee..........................................................................17 Section SD-1102 Final Plat Review Relationship to Performance Guarantees .................18 Section SD-1103 Defects Guarantee..................................................................................18 Section SD-1104 Final Plat Review Contingent Upon Execution of Guarantees..............18 SectionSD-1105 The Final Plat.................................................................................. 18 Section SD-1106 Plat Submitted........................................................................................18 Section SD-1107 Plat Prepared..........................................................................................19 Section SD-1108 Final Plat Requirements.........................................................................19 Section SD-1109 Final Plat Contents Required................................................................. 20 Section SD-1110 Maintenance Guarantee..........................................................................21 Section SD-1111 Review Procedure.................................................................................. 22 Section SD-1112 Effect of Plat Approval on Dedications ................................................. 23 Section SD-1114 Recording of the Final Plat................................................................ 24 Section SD-1115 Resubdivision Procedures...................................................................... 24 Section SD-1116 Plat May Be Required on Any Subdivision of Land ............................. 24 ARTICLE K IMPROVEMENTS AND MINEVIUM STANDARDS OF DESIGN ........... 25 Section SD-1127 Name of Subdivision.............................................................................. 25 Section SD-1128 General Design Standards...................................................................... 25 Section SD-1129 Site Conditions....................................................................................... 25 Section SD-1130 Natural Assets........................................................................................ 25 Section SD-1131 Suitability of Land................................................................................. 25 Section SD-1132 Physical Improvements..........................................................................26 Section SD-1133 Streets.....................................................................................................26 SectionSD-1134 Blocks.................................................................................................... 28 Section SD-1135 SD-1136 Water and Sewerage Systems................................................................ Easements 28 29 Section .............................................................................................. ARTICLE L COMPLIANCE WITH OFFICIAL PLANS AND MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES.................................................................................................30 Section SD-1148 Zoning and Other Plans......................................................................... 30 a ARTICLE M SUBDIVISION ADMINISTRATOR............................................................. 31 ARTICLEN FEES ................................................................................................................. 32 aARTICLE O ENACTMENT AND EFFECTIVE DATE .................................................... 33 ARTICLE A TITLE AND INTENT Section SD-1001 Title This ordinance shall be known, cited and referred to as the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Como, North Carolina. Section SD-1002- Intent (a) To establish reasonable and uniform procedures and standards for the orderly growth and development of the Town of Como and its Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction in accordance with the Como Land Use Regulations, as amended and supplemented. (b) To provide for the coordination of streets and highways within proposed subdivisions with existing or planned streets and highways and with other public facilities. (c) To provide for the dedication or reservation of recreation areas serving residents of the immediate neighborhood within the subdivision. (d) To provide for the dedication or reservation of rights -of -way or easements for street and utility purposes. (e) To provide for the distribution of population and traffic in a manner that will avoid congestion and overcrowding and will create conditions essential to public health, safety, and the general welfare. (f) To provide requirements for the more orderly development of subdivisions by construction of community service facilities in town policies and standards. (g) In addition, this ordinance is designed to encourage the wise, productive, and beneficial use of the natural resources of the Town, to maintain a healthy and pleasant environment, and to preserve the natural historical beauty of the Town and its Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction. 1 ARTICLE B AUTHORITY Section SD-1011 Authority This ordinance is hereby adopted under the authority and provisions of the General Statues of North Carolina, Chapter 160A-371 ET SEQ, as amended and supplemented. Section SD-1012 Jurisdiction The regulations contained herein as provided in G. S. 160A, shall govern each and every subdivision within the jurisdiction of the Town of Como and its Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction as directed in the Code of Ordinances for the Town of Como. 2 ARTICLE C PREREQUISITES Section SD-1021 Prerequisite to Plat Recordation After the effective date of this ordinance, each individual subdivision plat of land within the Town of Como's jurisdiction and its Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction shall require approval by the Town Council on recommendation of the Planning Board. c ARTICLE D PUBLIC SERVICES Section SD-1026 Acceptance of Public Services No street shall be maintained by the town nor street dedication accepted for ownership and/or maintenance by the town, not shall water, or sewer or other town facilities or services be extended to or connected within any subdivision until the requirements set forth by this ordinance and other applicable regulations, ordinances, and statutes, have been fully complied with and a final plan has been approved by the Planning Board and recorded with the County of Hertford Register of Deeds. All lots improved after the effective date of this ordinance shall abut a public street. No final plat shall be approved or recorded showing private streets. I! I ARTICLE E DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this ordinance, certain words or terms used herein shall be defined as follows: Section SD-1031 Definitions Pertaining to Grammatical Usage The word " ersonincludes a firm association entity, corporation, trust and P " tY� iP company, as well as an individual. OThe words "used for" shall be considered as though followed by the words "or intended, arranged, or designed to be used". a " ,� " » « The word lot shall include the words plot , "parcel", or `tract . The word "shall" is always mandatory. Section SD-1032 Subdivision Defined For the purposes of this ordinance, "Subdivision" means all divisions of a tract or parcel of land into two (2) or more lots, building sites, or other divisions for the purpose of sale or building development (whether immediate or future), and shall include all divisions of land involving the dedication of a new street or a change in existing streets; but the following shall not be included awithin this definition nor be subject to the regulations authorized by this Part: 1. The combination or recombination of portions of previously platted lots where the total number of lots is not increased and the resultant lots are equal to or exceed the standards of the atown as shown in its subdivision regulations; 2. The division of land into parcels greater than ten (10) acres where no street right-of-way dedication is involved; 3. The public acquisition by purchase of strips of land for the widening or opening of streets; and a 4. The division of a tract in single ownership whose entire area is no greater that two (2) acres into not more than three (3) lots, where no street right-of-way dedication is involved and where the resultant lots are equal to or exceed the standards of the town, as shown in this aordinance. Section SD-1033 Definition Pertaining to Access Alley - A roadway, other than a street, which affords only a secondary means of access to a abutting property, and which is not intended for general traffic circulation. Street - A public dedicated thoroughfare or road, which is maintained by the State of North Carolina or the Town of Como. 7 0 Section SD-1034 Definition Pertaining to Rural Roads O Principal Arterial - A rural link in a network of continuous roads serving vehicle movements having trip length and travel density characteristics of substantial statewide or interstate travel. This network would consist of Interstate routes and other routes designed as principal arterials. Minor Arterial - A rural link in network of continuous roads joining cities and larger towns and providing intrastate and intercounty service at relatively high (55 MPH) overall travel speeds. Collector - A road which collects traffic from local roads and streets and serves as the most direct route to a major street or a community facility. Local Road - A road whose primary purpose is to provide access to adjacent land and for travel over relatively short distances. Cul-de-sac - A cul-de-sac is a short street having only one end open to traffic with the opposite end being permanently terminated and a vehicular turn -around provided. Section SD-1035 Definition Concerning Land and Land Use Dedication - A gift, by the owner, of a right to the use of land for stated purposes. A dedication must be in writing and in recordable form, and is completed with an acceptance and recordation. Easement - A grant in writing and in recordable form by the property owner for use by the public, a corporation or person(s) of a strip of land for specific reasons. Open Space - An area (land and/or water) generally lacking in manmade structures and reserved for enjoyment in its unaltered state. Public Water Supply - Any water supply furnished potable water to ten or more residents or businesses, or combination of residents and businesses. Approval by the Sanitary Engineering Division, State Board of Health, Department of Human Resources is required. a Reservation - A reservation of land not involving the transfer of property rights in writing and in recordable form. It simply constitutes an obligation to keep property free from development for a a stated period of time. Subdivider - Any person, firm, or corporation who subdivides or develops any land deemed to be a subdivision as defined by this ordinance. aSection SD-1036 Definitions Pertaining to Lots and Buildings Building - Any structure having a roof, including, but not limited to tents, awnings, carports, and such devices. Building Setback Line - A line parallel to the front property line which establishes the minimum Oallowable distance between nearest portions of any building, steps, eaves, gutters, and similar fixtures, and the street right-of-way line when measured perpendicularly thereto. a Lot - A portion of subdivision or any other parcel of land intended as a unit for transfer of ownership or for development, or both. Lot of Record - A lot which is part of a subdivision, a plat of which has been recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hertford County, or a lot described by metes and bounds, the description of which has been recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Hertford County. Corner Lot - A lot located at the intersection of two (2) or more streets. A lot abutting on a curved street or streets shall be considered a corner lot if straight lines drawn from the foremost o 0 0 points of the side lot lines to the foremost point of the lot meet at an interior angle of less than 135 degrees. a Interior Lot - Any lot other than a corner lot. Through Lot or "Double Fronta eg Lot„ - A lot other than a comer lot with frontage on more than one street. Through lots abutting two (2) streets may be referred to as double frontage lots. aPlat - A map or plan of a parcel of land, which is to be, or has been subdivided. I II a I'll 0 I II 51 a o ARTICLE F LEGAL PROVISIONS Section SD-1046 Procedure for Plat Approval After the effective date of this ordinance, no subdivision plat of land within the Town of Como jurisdiction shall be filed or recorded until it has been submitted to and approved by the Town Council upon recommendation of the Planning Board as set forth in Article C of this ordinance, and until this approval is entered in writing on the face of the plat by the Mayor and Chairman of the Planning Board. The Hertford County Register of Deeds shall not file or record a plat of a subdivision of land located within the Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction of Como that has not been approved in accordance with these provisions, nor shall the Clerk of Superior Court order or direct the recording of a plat if the recording would be in conflict with this section. Section SD-1047 Statement By Owner The owner of land shown on a subdivision plat submitted for recording, or his authorized agent, authorized in writing, shall sign a statement on the plat stating whether or not any land shown thereon is within the subdivision regulation jurisdiction of. Como, and consents to the filing or recording. Section SD-1048 Effect of Plat Approval on Dedications Pursuant to G. S. 1604-374, the approval of a plat shall not be deemed to constitute or effect the acceptance by the city or public of the dedication of any street or other ground, public utility, or other public facility shown on the plat. However, the Town Council may by resolution accept any dedication made to the public of lands or facilities for streets, parks, public utility lines, or other public purposes, when the lands or facilities are located within Como's subdivision regulation jurisdiction. Acceptance of dedication of lands or facilities located within its subdivision regulation jurisdiction but outside the corporate limits of Como shall not place on the town any duty to open, operate, repair, or maintain any street, utility line, or other land, or facility, and the town shall in no event be held to answer in any civil action or proceeding for failure to open, repair, or maintain any street outside its corporate limits. Section SD-1049 Severability Should any section or provision of this ordinance be decided by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid. 8 Section SD-1050 Variances 1. General: Where the Planning Board finds that extraordinary hardships or practical difficulties may result from strict compliance with these regulations, other than those self- created, or that the interest of the citizens may be served to a greater extent by an alternative proposal, it may approve variances to these subdivision regulations so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured, provided that such variance shall not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of this ordinance; and further provided the Planning Board shall make findings based upon the evidence presented to it in each specific case that: (a) The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public safety, health, or welfare or injurious to other property. (b) The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unique to the property for which the variance is sought and are not applicable generally to other property. (c) Because of the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the specific property involved, a particular hardship to the owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of this ordinance was carried out. (d) The variances will not in any manner vary the provisions of the Como Zoning Ordinance or Como Land Use Regulations. 2. Conditions: In approving variances, the Planning Board may require such conditions as will, in its judgement, secure substantially the objectives, standards or requirements of this ordinance. 3. Procedures: A petition for any such variance shall be submitted in writing by the subdivider at the time when the sketch design plan is filed for the consideration of the Planning Board. The petition shall state fully the grounds for the application and all of the facts relied upon by the petitioner. Section SD-1051 Amendments The Town Council may from time to time amend the terms of this ordinance, . but no amendment shall become effective unless it shall have been proposed by or shall have been submitted to the Planning Board for review and recommendation. The Planning Board shall have forth -five (45) days within which to submit its report. If the Planning Board fails to submit its report within the specified time, it shall be assumed to have approved the amendment. Section SD-1052 Abrogation It is not intended that this ordinance repeal, abrogate, annul, impair, or interfere with existing easements, covenants, deed restrictions, agreements, rules, regulations or permits previously adopted or issued pursuant to law. However, where this ordinance imposes greater restrictions, the provisions of this ordinance shall govern. Section SD-1053 Penalties for Violation After the effective date of this ordinance, any person who, being the owner or agent of the owner of any land located within the Town jurisdiction or the Extraterritorial Planning 0 B Jurisdiction of this ordinance, thereafter subdivides his land in violation of this ordinance or transfers or sells land by reference to, exhibition of, or any other use of a plat showing a a subdivision of the land before the plat has been properly approved under the terms of this ordinance and recorded in the office of the Hertford County Register of Deeds, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The descriptions by metes and bounds in the instrument of transfer or other document used in the process of selling or transferring land shall not exempt the transaction from this penalty. The Town of Como, through its attorney or other official designated by the Town Council, may enjoin illegal subdivision, transfer or sale of land by action for injunction. Further, aviolators of this ordinance shall be subject, upon conviction, to a fine and/or imprisonment as provided by G. S. 14-4. Section SD-1054 Prior Inconsistent Ordinances a All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are to the extent of such inconsistency, hereby repealed. 7 10 ARTICLE G REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION PLATS Section SD-1061 General Pursuant to G. S. 160A-373, no final plat of a subdivision within the jurisdiction of the Town of Como as established in Article C of this ordinance shall be recorded by the Register of Deeds of Hertford County until it has been approved by the Town Council as provided herein. To secure such approval of a final plat, the subdivider shall generally follow the procedures established in this Article, basically includes two (2) steps for a minor subdivision and three (3) steps for a major subdivision. Minor Subdivision (2 lots or less) Sketch Plan Final Subdivision Plat Major Subdivision (More than 2 lots) Sketch Plan Preliminary Plat Final Subdivision Plat 11 ARTICLE H SKETCH DESIGN PLAN Section SD-1071 Submission of Sketch Design Plan Prior to the preliminary plat application in the case of major subdivisions and prior to the final plat application in the case of minor subdivision, the subdivider shall submit to the Planning Board a simple sketch plan of the proposed subdivision. The Subdivider shall, at this time, discuss the proposed development with the Planning Board and become familiar with the regulations affecting the land to be subdivided. Section SD-1072 Sketch Design Plan Requirements Format - The sketch design plan shall be made. Number of Copies and Graphic Media - A minimum of eight (8) copies of a sketch design plan shall be submitted. No specific graphic media must be employed. Size of Plan and Scale - Although no specific size or scale requirements apply to sketch design plans, it is recommended that the requirements applicable to preliminary and final plats be utilized. Administrative Fees - Administrative fees are charged in connection with the, submission of sketch design plans. Certification - No certificates must be provided in connection with the submission of sketch design plans. Section SD-1073 Sketch Design Plan Contents Required D 1. A sketch vicinity map showing the location of the subdivision in relation to neighboring tracts, subdivisions, roads, and waterways. 2. The boundaries of the tract, including all land'in the "same ownership", as defined herein, O with an indication of the portion which is proposed to be subdivided. 3. The total acreage to be subdivided. 4. The existing and proposed uses of the land within the subdivision. a 5. The proposed street and lot layout. 6. The name, if any, of the proposed subdivision. 7. 8. The zoning classification(s) of the tract and of adjacent properties. The name, address, and telephone number of the owner. 9. The name, address, and telephone number of the engineer/surveyor. U Section SD-1074 Study by Technical Review Committee A Technical Review Committee shall be appointed by the Town Council. This committee shall have three (3) members representing the Planning Consultant, Town Clerk, and Engineering/Public Works Representative. 0 12 The Technical Review Committee shall transmit the sketch plan for review to appropriate officials or agencies of the local and/or county government, school districts, including any review by regional or state bodies which would be appropriate under state or federal law. The Technical Review Committee shall request that all officials and agencies, to whom a request for review has been made, submit their report to the T. R. C. within thirty (30) business days after the receipt of the request. The T. R. C. will consider all the reports submitted by the officials and agencies concerning the sketch plan and shall submit a report for proposed action to the Planning Board for the next available regular meeting. The Technical Review Committee report to the Planning Board shall in no case be made later than sixty (60) business days following the date of application for sketch plan approval. Planning Board review of Technical Review Committee report on Sketch Plan: The Planning Board shall review the sketch plan and the report from the Technical Review Committee, taking into consideration the requirements of this ordinance. Particular attention will be given to the arrangement, location and width of streets, sewage disposal, drainage, lot sizes and arrangements, the further development of adjoining lands as yet unsubdivided, and the requirements, and recommendations of the Como Land Use Regulations as adopted by the Town Council. After the regular Planning Board meeting at which the proposed subdivision is first discussed, the Planning Board may schedule a field trip to the site of the proposed subdivision, accompanied by the owner or his representative. Section SD-1075 Approval of Sketch Plan After reviewing and discussing the sketch plan and report from the Technical Review Committee and other reports as submitted by invited agencies and officials, the Planning Board will advise the applicant of the specific changes or additions, if any, it will require in the layout, and the character and extent of required improvements and reservations which it will require as a result of further study of the subdivision in - final form. Said approval shall only constitute authorization to prepare and submit a preliminary plat in the case of a major subdivision and final subdivision plat in the case of a minor subdivision. Such approval or disapproval shall be made by the Planning Board within thirty (30) business days after receiving the report of the Technical Review Committee. 13 0 n ARTICLE I PRELIABNARY PLAT Section SD-1081 Submission of Preliminary Plat aBased upon the approval of the Planning Board of the sketch plan for a major subdivision, the applicant shall submit three (3) copies of the preliminary plat, and any supplementary materials, to the Planning Board at least ten (10) business days prior to the regular meeting of athat board, for every subdivision of land classified as major and which is located within the Town jurisdiction or its Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction of the Town of Como. Section SD-1082 Preliminary Plat Requirements Number of Copies and Graphic Media - Ten (10) copies of the preliminary plat shall be submitted. No specific graphic media must be employed. Size of Plat and Scale - The preliminary plat submitted shall conform to the size and scale requirements specified on forms for this purpose. Administrative Fees - Administrative fees shall be charged in connection with the submission of preliminary plats. Certifications - No certifications must be provided in connection with the submission of preliminary plats. aSection SD-1083 Preliminary Plat Contents Required The preliminary plat shall depict or contain the following information; plats not depicting or acontaining the following data shall be returned to the subdivider, or his authorized agent for completion, and resubmission: 1. The proposed name of the subdivision. 2. A sketch .vicinity map showing the relationship between the proposed subdivision and the surrounding area at the scale specified on the forms for this purpose. 3. The boundaries of the tract or portion thereof to be subdivided, distinctly and accurately represented, with all bearing and distances shown. 4. Scale, denoted both graphically and numerically. a5. North arrow and date. 6. Name, address, and telephone number of the owner, applicant, engineer, and planner. Section SD-1084 Additional Required Data n 1. The plans for proposed utility layouts, including sanitary sewers, water distribution u lines, telephone and electrical service lines, illustrating connections to existing systems. Plans for water supply and/or sewage disposal must be accompanied by letters of preliminary approval by the appropriate County and State authorities. Plans must show line sizes, and location of fire hydrants, blow -offs, manholes, pumps, force mains and gate valves, and shall include profiles based upon Mean Sea Level datum for sanitary and storm sewers_ . a2. Site Data D - 14 (a) Acreage in total tract (b) Acreage in parks and other nonresidential use, excluding streets (c) Total number of parcels created (d) Linear feet in streets 3. The location of existing and platted property lines, streets (public and private), buildings, water sources, railroads, transmission lines, sewers, swales, bridges, culverts, and drainpipes, water mains, town limit lines, and any public utility easements. 4. The names and addresses of owners of adjoining properties and any adjoining subdivisions of record (or proposed and under review, with present use). 5. The zoning classification(s) of the tract to be subdivided, variances, if any, to be required. 6. Proposed minimum building setback lines. 7. Proposed streets, existing and platted streets on adjoining properties and in the proposed subdivision, rights -of -way, pavement widths, approximate grades, design engineering data for all corners and curves and typical street cross sections. If any street is proposed to intersect with a state maintained road, the plat shall be accompanied byan application for driveway approval as required by the Department of Transportation, Division of Highway's Manual on Driveway V Regulations. 8. Proposed lot lines, lot and block numbers and approximate dimensions. 9. Wooded areas, marshes, swamps, ponds or lakes, streams or stream beds, and any other natural features affecting the site. 10. The preliminary plat should be accompanied by a copy of any proposed deed restrictions 0 or similar covenants when deemed necessary by the Planning Board. 11. Environmental Impact Statement - Pursuant to Chapter 113A of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Planning Board may require the subdivider to submit an environmental impact statement with his preliminary plat if: The development exceeds two (2) acres in area, and if the Board deems it necessary due to the nature of the land to be subdivided, or peculiarities in the proposed layout. 12. Any other informationconsidered by either the subdivider or the -Planning Board to be pertinent to the review of the preliminary plat; i.e., topographic map showing vertical contours. Section SD-1085 Study by Technical Review Committee The preliminary plat shall be referred to the Technical Review Committee for its review, recommendations, and report. Such report of the Technical Review Committee shall be submitted in writing to the Planning Board at the time of the next regular meeting. Section SD-1086 Public Hearing The Planning Board shall hold a public hearing on the preliminary plat. Notice of public hearing shall be given in a newspaper of general circulation in Hertford County at least fifteen (15) business days prior to the date set for the public hearing. At the time of the public hearing, the applicant shall submit a/an certification/affidavit stating that he has notified by certified and regular mail, each adjacent or opposite owner of property as indicated on the application for subdivision approval at least ten (10) business days prior to the public hearing. 15 Section SD-1087 Preliminary Approval After the Planning Board has reviewed the preliminary plat and construction plans, the report of the Technical Review Committee, any other municipal recommendations and testimony and exhibits submitted at the public hearing, the applicant shall be advised of any required changes and/or additions. The Planning Board shall approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the preliminary plat within thirty (30) business days after the date of the regular meeting held. one (1) copy of the proposed preliminary plat shall be returned to the applicant with the date of approval, conditional approval, or disapproval, and the reasons for the decision. Before the Planning Board approves a preliminary plat showing park reservation or land for other local government use proposed to be dedicated to the local government the Planning Board shall obtain approval of the park or land reservation from the Town Council. 16 ARTICLE J FINAL PLAT Section SD-1100 Public Improvements Installation or Guarantees Upon approval of the preliminary plat (for major subdivision) or a sketch design plan (for minor subdivision) by the Planning Board, the subdivider may proceed with the preparation of the final plats, and the installation or arrangement for required improvements in accordance with the approved preliminary plat and the requirements of this ordinance. Section SD-1101 Performance Guarantee In lieu of prior construction of the improvements required by this ordinance the Town of Como may, for the purpose of approving a final plat, accept a performance guarantee by contract from the subdivider that such improvements will be carried out according to the design specifications as contained in Article K of this ordinance. Such guarantee by contract shall be in one of the following forms. 1. A surety bond made by a surety company licensed to do business in North Carolina in an amount of not less than 100% nor more than 125% of the estimated cost of the construction of the required improvements. The cost of construction shall be determined by the Town Council. 2. A certified check or irrevocable letter of credit accompanied by the appropriate sight draft, drawn in favor of the Town of Como in an amount of not less than 110% nor more than 125% of the estimated cost of the construction of the required improvements. The cost of construction shall be determined by the Town Council. 3. Cash deposited with the Town of Como in an amount of not less than 110% nor more than 125% of the estimated cost of the construction of the required improvements. The cost of construction shall be determined by the Town Council. 4. Land, the value of such property shall be not less than 100% of the. estimated .cost of construction of the required improvements. The cost of construction shall be determined by the Town Council. The Hertford County Tax Assessor, or his authorized agent, shall establish the value of any property so used. The Town Council shall retain the right to reject the use of any property when the value of such property is sufficiently unstable, or for other reasons that could inhibit the Town from exchanging the property for a sufficient amount of money to complete the required improvements. When property is offered as an improvement guarantee, the subdivider shall: (a) Execute an agreement with the trustee, instructing the trustee to release the property to the Town of Como in the case of default. The agreement shall also state that the property may be released only upon consent of the Town Council. The agreement shall be placed on file with the Town Clerk. (b) File with the Town Council an affidavit affirming that the property to be used as a performance guarantee is free and clear of any encumbrances or liens at the time it is to be put in trust. 17 (c) Execute and file with the Town Council an agreement stating that the property to be placed in trust as a performance guarantee will not be used for any other purpose, or pledged as a security in any other matter, until it is released by the Town Council. Section SD-1102 Final Plat Review Relationship to Performance Guarantees No final plat will be accepted for review by the Planning Board unless accompanied by written notice by the Town Council of Como acknowledging compliance with Article G, Section SD-1064 of this ordinance. Section SD-1103 Defects Guarantee The Town Council shall require a bond guaranteeing utility taps, curbs, gutters, street pavement, sidewalks, drainage facilities, water and sewer lines, and other improvements against defects for one year. This bond shall be in an amount determined by the Planning Board in consultation with the Technical Review Committee and shall be in cash or be made by a surety company authorized to do business in North Carolina. Section SD-1104 Final Plat Review Contingent Upon Execution of Guarantees No final plat will be accepted for review by the Planning Board or the Town Council unless accompanied by written notice by the Town Clerk acknowledging compliance with this ordinance, as well as all other municipal ordinances. Section SD-1105 . The Final Plat The final plat shall constitute only that portion of the preliminary plat, which the subdivider proposes to record, and develop at the time; such portion shall -conform to all requirements of this ordinance. No final plat shall be approved unless and until the subdivider shall be installed in that area, a represented on the final plat, all improvements required by this ordinance or shall have guaranteed their installation as provided for in Section SD-1101 of this ordinance. aSection SD-1106 Plat Submitted The subdivider shall submit the final plat, so marked, to the Chairman of the Planning Board or his designee not less than fourteen (14) business days prior to the Planning Board meeting at which it will be considered for approval; further, the plat shall be submitted not more than twelve (12) months after the date on which the preliminary plat was approved, otherwise such approval shall be null and void unless a written extension of this limit is granted by the Planning Board on or before one-year anniversary of the approval. I 0 18 Section SD-1107 Plat Prepared The final plat shall be prepared by a surveyor or professional engineer licensed and registered to practice in the State of North Carolina. The final plat shall substantially conform to the preliminary plat as it was approved. The final plat shall conform to the provisions of plats, subdivisions, and mapping requirements as set forth in General Statute 47-30. Section SD-1108 Final Plat Requirements Number of Copies and Graphic Media — Three (3) copies of the final plat shall be submitted; one (1) of these shall be drawn in ink on material suitable for reproduction; two (2) shall be black or blue line paper prints. Size of Plat and Scale — Final plats shall have an outside marginal size of not more than twenty-one (21) inches by thirty (30) inches nor less than eight and one-half (8 1/2) inches by eleven (11) inches, including one and one-half (1 1/2) inch for binding on the left margin and one half (1/2) inch border on each of the other sides. Where size of land areas or suitable scale to assure legibility require, maps may be placed on two (2) or more sheets with appropriate match lines. Final plats shall be drawnat a scale of one (1) inch equals two hundred (200) feet, or greater. Administrative Fees — Submission of the final plat must be accompanied by a filing fee set by the Town Council and posted at Town Hall. Certification Required — The following signed certificates shall appear on all copies of the final plat which are submitted to the Planning Board by the subdivider: 1. Certificate of Ownership and Dedication I hereby certify that I am the owner of the property shown and described hereon, which is located in the subdivision jurisdiction of the Town of Como and that I hereby adopt this plan of subdivision with my free consent, established minimum building setback lines, and dedicate all streets, alleys, walks, parks, and other sites and easements to public or private use as noted. Furthermore, I hereby dedicate all sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water lines to the Town of Como. aDate Owner(s) 2. Certification of Approval of Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems I hereby certify that the water supply and sewage disposal systems installed or proposed for installation in (name) Subdivision meet necessary public health requirements, and are hereby approved. UDate County Health Officer or His Authorized Representative 19 (Above Certification not required for subdivisions which are connected, or will be connected, to existing publicly owned and operated water supply and sewage disposal systems.) 3. Certificate of Survey and Accuracy I, , certify that this map was (drawn by me) (drawn under my supervision) from (an actual survey made by me) (an actual survey made under my supervision) (deed description recorded in Book , Page , Book , Page etc.) (other); that the error of closure as calculated by latitudes and departures is ; that the boundaries not surveyed are shown as broken lines plotted from information found in Book , Page _; that this map was prepared in accordance with G. S. 47-30 as amended. Witness my hand and seal this day of A.D., 19 Surveyor or Engineer License or Registration Number 4. Certificate or ADnroval of the Design and Installation of Streets, Utilities, and other Required Improvement I hereby certify that all streets, utilities and other required improvements have been installed in an acceptable manner and according to Town of Como specifications and standards in the (name) Subdivision or that guarantees of the installation of the required improvements in an amount and manner satisfactory to the Town of Como has been received, and that the filing fee for this plat, in the amount of $ has been paid. Date Section SD-1109 Final Plat Contents Required Town Clerk The final plat shall depict or contain the following information; plats not illustrating or containing the following data shall be returned to the subdivider or his authorized agent for completion and resubmission. 1. The name of the subdivision. 2. The exact boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided fully dimensioned by lengths and bearings, and the location of intersecting boundary lines of adjoining lands. 3. Scale denoted both graphically and numerically. 4. The plans for utility layouts, including sewers, storm sewers, water distributing lines, natural gas, telephone and electric service, illustrating connections to existing systems or plans for individual water supply systems or plans for individual water supply systems and/or sewage disposal systems. Plans must show line sizes, the location of fire hydrants, blow -offs, manholes, pumps, force mains, and gate valves. 5. Street names. 00] I 6. The location, purpose, and dimensions of areas to be used for purposes other than residential. 7. Minimum building setback lines. 8. The names and addresses of owners of adjoining properties and any adjoining subdivisions of record (or proposed and under review with present use). 9. The location and dimensions of all rights -of -way, utility or other easements, riding trails, natural buffers, pedestrian or bicycle paths, and areas to be dedicated to public use with the purpose of each stated. 10. Right -of -way lines, and pavement widths of all streets, and the location and width of all adjacent streets (public and private) and easements. 11. Property lines, buildings or other structures, water courses, railroads, bridges culverts, astorm drains, both on the land to be subdivided and on the land immediately adjoining, corporate limits, township boundaries, and county lines. a 12. The accurate locations and descriptions of all monuments, markers, and control points. 13. The blocks numbered consecutively throughout the entire subdivision and the lots a numbered consecutively throughout each block. 14. The deed restrictions or any other similar covenants proposed for the subdivision, if any. 15. The date of the survey and plat preparation. 16. North arrow and declination. 17. All certifications as required by Section SD-1108 of these Subdivision Regulations Oand State Statutes. 18. The name (s) of the township (s) , county (s) , and state in which the subdivision is located. O19. The name(s) , address(es), and telephone number(s) of the owner(s), mortgagee(s), registered surveyor(s), land planner(s), architect(s), landscape architect(s), and professional engineer(s) responsible for the subdivision and the registration number(s) and seal(s), of the professional engineer(s) and registered surveyor(s): 20. Any other information considered by either the subdivider or the Planning Board to abe pertinent to the review of the final plat. Section SD-1110 Maintenance Guarantee aThe Town Clerk shall secure from all subdividers a letter in which said subdivider shall agree to maintain the backfill and any improvements located thereon and any ditch, which has abeen dug in connection with the installation of such improvements. Such a letter shall be binding on the subdivider for a period of one year after the acceptance of such improvements by the Town of Como. Q 0 0 21 a Section SD-1111 Review Procedure Final plats shall be reviewed according to the following procedures: Public Hearing (� Upon receipt of formal application and all accompanying material, the Town Clerk shall call LJ a public hearing. Notice of public hearing shall be given in a newspaper of general circulation in Hertford County at least fifteen (15) business days prior to the date set for the public hearing. Copies of the final plat with any additional construction plans will be maintained at Town Hall for public review prior to the hearing. At the time of the public hearing, the applicant shall submit a/an certification/affidavit stating that he has notified by certified and regular mail, each adjacent owner or opposite owner of property as indicated on the application for subdivision approval at least ten (10) business days prior to the public hearing. At the public hearing the a Planning Board will give any opportunity to any interested person(s) to examine or comment upon the final plat and construction plans. Planning Board Review The Planning Board shall approve or disapprove the final plat within thirty (30) business days after the public hearing. During its review of the final plat, the Planning Board may appoint any engineer or surveyor to confirm the accuracy of the final plat. If substantial errors are found, in the opinion of the Planning Board, the costs for corrections shall be charged to the subdivider and the plat shall not be approved until such errors have been corrected and costs paid. The Planning Board shall approve, modify and approve, or disapprove the subdivision application by resolution, which shall set forth in detail the following: 1. Any conditions to which approval is subject. 2. The period of time when the performance bond shall be filled or the required improvements installed, whichever is applicable. 3. If approval is denied, the reasons for disapproval. One copy of this resolution shall be submitted to the subdivider within fifteen (15) business days from the date of the resolution; one copy shall be retained by the Planning Board as a part of its proceeding, and one copy shall be sent to the Town Clerk along with one copy of the final plat and construction plans, to be presented to the Como Town Council. Town Council Review The Como Town Council shall review the final plat with the resolution and any additional recommendations from the Planning Board and shall approve or disapprove the plat within forth -five (45) business days after the final plat public hearing held by the Planning Board. If the Town Council approves the final plat, such approval shall be shown on each copy of the plat by the following signed certificate: 22 0 Certificate of Approval for Recording . I hereby certify that the subdivision plat shown hereon has been found to comply with the Subdivision Regulations for Como, North Carolina and that this plat has been approved by the Town Council for recording in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hertford County. Date a(Seal) Town Clerk for Town Council Town of Como If the final plat is disapproved by the Town Council the reasons for such disapproval shall be stated in writing, specifying the provision(s) of this ordinance with which the final plat does not comply. One(1) copy of such reasons shall be retained by the Town Council as a part of its proceedings; one (1) copy shall be transmitted to the subdivider. If the final plat is disapproved, the subdivider may make such changes as will bring the final plat into compliance with this ordinance and resubmit same for the reconsideration by the Planning Board. Section SD-1112 Effect of Plat Approval on Dedications The approval of a final plat shall not be deemed to constitute or effect the acceptance by the Town of Como of the dedication of any street or other ground, public utility line, or other public facility shown on the plat. However, the Town of Como may by resolution of the Town Council accept any dedication made to the public of lands or facilities for streets, parks, public utility lines, or other public purposes, when the lands or facilities are located within its subdivision regulation jurisdiction. All streets must be designated either "Public" or "Private". Acceptance of dedications of lands or facilities located within the subdivision regulation jurisdiction, but outside the corporate limits of Como shall not require the town to open, operate, repair, or maintain any street, utility line, or other land or facility, and the town shall in no event be responsible in any civil action or proceeding for failure to open, repair, or maintain any street located outside its corporate limits. Section SD-1113 Disposition of Copies If the final plat is approved by the Town Council, one (1) print of the plat shall be returned to the subdivider. One (1) reproducible tracing shall be filed with the Town Clerk, and one (1) print shall be retained by the Planning Board. 23 Section SD-1114 Recording of the Final Plat It shall be the responsibility of the Town Clerk to file the plat with the Register of Deeds of Hertford County for recording within thirty (30) days after the date of Town Council approval; otherwise such approval shall be null and void. Section SD-1115 Resubdivision Procedures For any replatting or resubdivision of land, the same procedures, rules, and regulations shall apply as prescribed herein for an original subdivision. Lot sizes may, however, be varied on an approved plan after recording, provided that; 1. No lot or tract of land shall be created or sold that is smaller than the size shown on the approved plan. 2. Drainage, easements or rights -of -way shall not be changed. 3. Street alignment and block sizes shall not be changed. 4. The property line between the back of the lots shall not be changed. 5. The rear portion of lots shall not be subdivided from the front part. 6. The basic planning and design principles from the original approved subdivision shall be maintained. Section SD-1116 Plat May Be Required on Any Subdivision of Land Pursuant to G. S. 160A-372, the Como Town Council may require of the subdivider that a plat be prepared, approved, and recorded pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance whenever any subdivision of land takes place. 24 0 ARTICLE K BIPROVEMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS OF DESIGN Section SD-1127 Name of Subdivision The name of a proposed subdivision shall not duplicate nor closely approximate the name of an existing subdivision within town limits or Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction of the Town aof Como. Section SD-1128 General Design Standards All standards and specifications of the Town of Como, as now or hereafter adopted, shall govern the design, construction, and installation of all improvements. The Town Council may order the suspension of work being performed, if said standards and specifications are not adhered to. Section SD-1129 Site Conditions During construction, the building sites, shall be maintained by the subdivider so that adjacent residential or commercial development will not be disturbed. Specific requirements include keeping through streets in usable condition, maintaining a clean building site and preventing alitter from construction sites being deposited in adjacent lots and yards. No cut trees, tree stumps, timber, debris, earth, rocks, stones, junk, rubbish or other waste material of any kind shall be buried anywhere, or left, or deposited on any part of the subdivision at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. aSection SD-1130 Natural Assets In any subdivision, due consideration will be given to preserving and safeguarding the a natural assets of the community, including, but not limited to, watercourses, trees, and existing natural vegetation. Section SD-1131 Suitability of Land Storm Water Drainage aThe subdivider shall provide an adequate drainage system for the proper drainage of all surface water. The following design standards shall be adhered to: 1. No surface water shall be channeled or directed into a sanitary sewer. a2. The subdivider shall connect to an existing storm drainage system.. 3. Where an existing storm drainage system cannot feasibly be extended to the subdivision, a surface drainage system shall be designed to protect the proposed development a from standing storm water or other water damage. U D25 4. Surface drainage courses shall have side slopes of at least two (2) feet of horizontal distance for each one (1) foot of vertical distance, and courses shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the drainage area without flooding. 5. The minimum grade along the bottom of a surface drainage course shall be a vertical fall of at least one (1) foot in each 500 feet of horizontal distance. The design of any drainage system shall be subject to the approval of the Town Council. Sedimentation Pollution Control In order to prevent soil erosion and other sedimentation pollution problems, the subdivider shall comply with all requirements of the "North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973", and obtain approval from appropriate state agency of an erosion and sedimentation plan. Prevention of Flood Damage Lands known to be within a flood plain or any area known to be subject to flooding shall be so identified on the preliminary plat. Appropriate deed restrictions shall be filed for those lands subject to flooding, prohibiting their development for dwellings or other uses unless the sites are flood -protected as follows: 1. No structure or fill shall be placed in the floodway, which would interfere with the U natural watercourse. 2. Streets and utilities lines and structures may be placed within the flood plain only if their elevation is above maximum flood heights or if they are otherwise flood -protected. 3.. Buildings and dwelling units shall be built with a foundation heights sufficient to place the lowest habitable floor level above the maximum flood height for the area in which the Qbuilding is to be constructed. Section SD-1132 Physical Improvements Design Standards for Lots The lot size, width, depth, shape, orientation and minimum building setback lines shall meet and conform to the standards specified by the Como Zoning Ordinance. for the district in which the subdivision is located. All non-residential lots and other open space shall be designed to be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated and shall be subject to approval by the Planning Board. Larize Tracts or Parcels a Where land is subdivided into large parcels than ordinary building lots, such parcels should be so arranged so as to allow for the opening of future streets and logical further subdivision. OSection SD-1133 Streets Coordination and Continuation of Existing Streets aThe proposed street layout within a subdivision shall be coordinated with the existing street system of the surrounding area and where possible, existing principal streets shall be extended. Street Names Proposed streets which are obviously in alignment with existing streets shall be given the same name. In assigning new names, duplication of existing names shall be avoided and in no case shall the proposed name be phonetically similar to existing names regardless of the use of a 26 suffix such as street, road, drive, place, court, etc. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Board. a Design Standards Pavement widths and right-of-way widths shall not be less than the following: Type of Street R-O-W (feet) Pavement (feet) Minor Arterial 100 44 (with curb & gutter) 40 (without curb & gutter) Major Collector 80 44 (with curb & gutter) 40 (without curb & gutter) Minor Collector 60 28 (with curb & gutter) 24 (without curb & gutter) Local Road 50 28 (with curb & gutter) 24 (without curb & gutter) Specific Types of Streets Cul-de-sac 50 28 (with curb & gutter) 75 (Radius) 24 (without curb & gutter) Alley (no parking) 24 18 Roads and Streets Surfaces All subdivision streets and roads shall be constructed to meet the current requirements of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, standards for State maintenance. Tangents A tangent of at least twenty (20) feet shall be provided between reverse curves on all streets. Street Intersections Street intersections shall be laid out as follows: 1. All streets shall intersect as nearly as possible at right angles and no street shall intersect at less than 60 degrees. 2. Intersections with a major collector street shall be at least 1,000 feet apart measured from centerline to centerline. 3. Where a centerline offset (jog) occurs at an intersection, the distance between centerlines of the intersecting streets shall not be less than 125 feet. 4. Property lines of street intersections shall be rounded with a minimum radius of 25 feet. At an angle of intersection of less than 90 degrees, a greater radius is required, to be determined by the Planning Board. 5. Proper sight lines shall be maintained at all intersections of streets. There shall be a clear sight distance of 150 feet for major streets and 75 feet for all other streets from the point of intersection as measured along the centerline. No building or obstruction shall be permitted on this area. Landscaping All streets and parking areas shall be provided with adequate shading by deciduous trees to maximize .e cooling during the summer months. Trees shall be: 27 0 i 1. Spaced a minimum of 25 feet 2. Alternately spaced on opposing street sides a 3. Spaced at regular intervals without regard to property lines 4. Shall be plated for entire block at the same time. Cul-de-Sacs Permanent dead-end streets shall not exceed 500 feet in length, and shall be provided with a turn -around having a pavement diameter of 75 feet. Section SD-1134 Blocks General aThe lengths, widths, and shapes of blocks shall be determined with due regard to: 1. Provisions of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the use (� contemplated. U 2. Zoning requirements as to lot sizes and dimensions. 3. Needs for vehicular and pedestrian circulation. Q 4. Control and safety of street traffic. Block Length Blocks shall not be less than 400 feet nor more than 1,320 feet in length. Block Width Blocks shall have sufficient width to allow two tiers of lots of minimum depth except where single tier lots are required to separate residential development from through vehicular traffic or another type of use or when abutting a water area. Pedestrian Crosswalks Where deemed necessary by the Planning Board a pedestrian crosswalk at least 15 feet in width may be required to provide convenient public access to a public area such as a park, school, or to a water area such as a stream, river or lake. Section SD-1135 Water and Sewerage Systems The preliminary subdivision plat must be accompanied by satisfactory evidence as to the proposed method and system of water supply and sanitary sewage collection and disposal as follows. 1. Where the system is to be connected to the system owned and operated by the Town of Como, but not constructed by the town, the preliminary subdivision plat shall be accompanied by a complete set of construction plans for the proposed system, prepared by a registered engineer, and approved by the Town Council and the appropriate State agencies. Water supply systems shall be approved by the Town Council with recommendation from the Como Fire Department as to the location of hydrants and size of mains. No mains shall be less than six 6 inches inside diameter, and shall be laid out so as to create a complete loop circuit, with no dead end lines in excess of 300 feet. A blowout shall be placed at the dead end. Water and sewer lines should be installed in the street right-of-way where possible. 2. Where the proposed system will not make use of facilities owned and operated by the town, the proposed facilities shall be approved by the appropriate State and local agencies. 28 R 3. Where public or community water supply and/or sewerage systems are not available or to be provided, a written statement from the Hertford County Health Department shall be O submitted with the preliminary plat indicating that each lot has adequate land area, and soil conditions suitable to accommodate the proposed methods of water supply and sewage disposal. Section SD-1136 Easements Utility Easements Easements for underground or above ground utilities shall be provided where necessary across lots or preferable centered on rear or side lot lines and shall be at least thirty (30) feet in a width. Drainage Easement . Where a subdivision is traversed by a stream or drainage way, an easement shall be provided D conforming with the lines of such stream with a minimum width of thirty (30) feet for drainage ways. Buffer Strips a A buffer strip at least ten (10) feet in width shall be required by the Planning Board adjacent to a major street or a commercial or industrial development. This strip shall be in addition to the normally required lot dimension, shall be part of the platted lot, and shall be reserved for the aplanting of trees and shrubs by the owners. 0 R R 0 0 0 I U29 ARTICLE L COMPLIANCE WITH OFFICIAL PLANS AND MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES Section SD-1148 Zoning and Other Plans Proposed subdivisions must comply in all respects with the requirements of the Como Zoning Ordinance and Como Land Use Regulations in the area to be subdivided, and any other officially adopted plans and municipal ordinances. C ARTICLE M SUBDIVISION ADMINISTRATOR The Como Town Council will be the final authority for approval. 31 ARTICLE N FEES A Filing Fee of not less $100.00 nor more than $900.00 shall accompany each application. The base application fee shall be $100.00, plus $25.00 for each additional lot, with a maximum fee of $900.00 for each application. 32 ARTICLE O ENACTMENT AND EFFECTIVE DATE The Town Council of the Town of Como pursuant to the authority conferred by G. S. Chapter 160A, Article 19, Part 2, does hereby ordain and enact into law the following Articles and Sections to take effect and be in force from and after the 26th day of August, 1999. (SEAL) RON Now..., Town Clerk 33