HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Use Plan Update-1998t 1 1 1 1 1 DCM COPY DCM COPY lease do not remove!!!!! Division of Coastal Management Copy LAND USE PLAN UPDATE TOWN OF CAPE CARTERET NORTH CAROLINA Adopted by the Cape Carteret Town Board: October 20, 1997 Certified by the Coastal Resources Commission: January 22, 1998 Prepared by THE WOOTEN COMPANY Engineering -Planning -Architecture Raleigh/Greenville, North Carolina The preparation of this report was financed in part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. I TABLE OF CONTENTS ' 1.000 INTRODUCTION AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................... 1-1 1.100 Purpose.......................................................................................... 1-1 ' 1.200 1.300 Overview of the Land Use Plan Update .................................................. 1-1 Summary of Land Use Issues............................................................... 1-3 1.400 Summary of Data Collection and Analysis ............................................... 1-4 ' 1.500 1.600 Summary of Policy Statements............................................................. 1-5 Summary of Land Classifications.......................................................... 1-7 1.700 Implementation and Management Strategies ............................................. 1-8 ' 2.000 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS ' 2.100 Existing Conditions.......................................................................... 2-1 2.110 Population...........................................................................2-1 2.111 Population Size and Growth Trends .............................. 2-1 1 2.112 Age Composition and Distribution ............................... 2.113 Racial Composition .................................................. 2-2 2-3 2.114 Household Population ............................................... 2-3 ' 2.120 Economy............................................................................ 2.121 Employment...........................................................2-3 2-3 2.122 Income Characteristics .............................................. 2-4 2.123 Trade and Services ................................................... 2-4 ' 2.124 Tourism................................................................ 2-5 2.125 Commercial Fishing . . 2-5 2.130 Existing Land Use................................................................. 2-6 2.131 Residential Land Use ...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. 2-7 ' 2.132 Commercial Land Use .............................................. 2-9 2.133 Public/Institutional Land Use ...................................... 2-9 2.134 Industrial Land Use ...................... 2-9 ' 2.135 Vacant Land ........................................................... 2-9 2.140 Current Plans, Policies, and Regulations Affecting Land Use ........... 2-10 ' 2.141 Storm Hazard Mitigation and Post Disaster Reconstruction Plan ............................... 2-10 2.142 Zoning Ordinance...................................................2-10 2.143 Subdivision Regulations...........................................2-10 2.144 Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance ........................... 2-10 2.145 Building Codes......................................................2-10 ' 2.146 1990 Public Sound Access, Parks and Recreation and Town Beautification Plan....................................2-11 2.147 1980 Shoreline Access Study.....................................2-11 ' 2.200 Constraints to Land Development........................................................2-11 2.210 Land Suitability...................................................................2-11 2.211 Physical Limitations for Development .......................... 2-11 ' 2.211.1 Hazard Areas ............................................. 2.211.2 Soil Limitations . . 2-11 2-12 2.211.3 Availability and Quality of Public Water Supply..2-12 A Table of Contents -January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 0 2.211.4 Water Quality Conditions..............................2-15 2.211.5 Water Quality Classes and Standards................2-18 2.211.6 Water Quality Use -Support Ratings..................2-18 2.211.7 Areas with Excessive Slope and High Erosion Potential .................................................. 2-19 2.212 Fragile Areas ......................................................... 2-19 2.212.1 Areas of Environmental Concern .....................2-20 2.212.2 Other Fragile Areas ..................................... 2-20 2.213 Areas with Resource Potential .................................... 2-21 2.220 Carrying Capacity Analysis .................................................... 2-21 2.221 Urban Services......................................................2-21 2.221.1 Water Service ............................................ 2-22 2.221.2 Sewer......................................................2-22 2.221.3 Police Protection.........................................2-22 2.221.4 Fire Protection ........................................... 2-23 2.221.5 Emergency Medical Services ..........................2-23 2.221.6 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal ................2-23 2.221.7 Recreation.................................................2-23 2.221.8 Education..................................................2-24 2.221.9 Public Administration Ability .........................2-24 2.222 Transportation Services............................................2-24 2.230 Estimated Demand...............................................................2-24 2.231 Population Projections.............................................2-26 2.232 Economic Outlook .................................................. 2-26 2.233 Future Land Needs.................................................2-26 2.234 Summary of Community Facilities Needs......................2-27 3.000 POLICY STATEMENTS.............................................................................. 3-1 3.100 Analysis Of Policy Statements In The 1992 CAMA Plan ............................. 3-1 3.110 Former Resource Protection Policies .......................................... 3-1 3.120 Former Resource Production and Management Policies ................... 3-3 3.130 Former Economic and Community Development Policies ................ 3-3 3.200 Development of Updated Resource Protection Policies ................................ 3-4 3.210 Constraints to Land Development .............................................. 3-4 3.211 Flood Hazard Areas ................................................. 3-4 3.212 Soil Suitability/Septic Tank Use .................................. 3-4 3.220 Areas of Environmental Concern ............................................... 3-4 3.221 Coastal Wetlands ..................................................... 3-5 3.222 Estuarine Waters and Public Trust Areas ....................... 3-5 3.223 Estuarine Shoreline .................................................. 3-5 3.224 Outstanding Resource Waters ...................................... 3-6 3.230 Other Fragile Areas ............................................................... 3-6 3.231 Sound and Estuarine System Islands ............................. 3-6 3.232 Freshwater Wetlands ................................................ 3-6 3.233 Historical and Archaeological Sites .............................. 3-6 3.240 Hurricane and Flood Evacuation Needs and Plans .......................... 3-6 3.250 Potable Water Supply Protection ............................................... 3-7 3.260 Use of Package Treatment Plants .............................................. 3-7 Table of Contents -January 22, 1998 ii Cape Carteret CAAL9 Land Use Plan Update 3.270 Stormwater Runoff, Water Quality Problems, and Management Measures........................................................... 3-7 3.280 Marinas, Piers, Docks, and Floating Home Development ................ 3-8 3.290 Industrial Impacts on Fragile Areas ............................................ 3-9 3.290.1 Sea Level Rise Impacts ............................................. 3-9 3.290.2 Bulkhead Installation Damage to Marshes ...................... 3-9 3.300 Development of Updated Resource Production and Management Policies......... 3-9 3.310 Productive Agricultural Lands ................................................. 3-10 3.320 Commercial Forest Lands......................................................3-10 3.330 Mineral Production Areas ......................................................3-10 3.340 Commercial and Recreational Fisheries......................................3-10 3.350 Off -Road Vehicles................................................................3-11 3.360 Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Land Development Impacts on Resources ................................... 3-11 3.370 Peat or Phosphate Mining Impacts on Resources .......................... 3-11 3.400 Development of Updated Economic and Community Development Policies ..... 3-11 3.410 General Land Development Policies..........................................3-12 3.420 Desired Types of Urban Growth Patterns ................................... 3-12 3.430 Local Commitment to Providing Services to Development .............. 3-13 3.440 Redevelopment of Developed Areas .......................................... 3-13 3.450 Commitment to State and Federal Programs ................................ 3-13 3.460 Assistance to Channel Maintenance Projects ................................ 3-13 3.470 Energy Facility Siting and Development....................................3-14 3.480 Tourism............................................................................ 3-14 3.490 Coastal and Estuarine Water Beach Access ................................. 3-14 3.490.1 Anticipated Residential Development and Requisite Support Services........................................3-14 3.490.2 Other Identified Local Land Development Issues ............. 3-15 3.500 Development of Updated Continuing Public Participation Policies ................ 3-15 3.600 Storm Hazard Mitigation, Post -Disaster Recovery, and EvacuationPlans............................................................................. 3-16 3.700 Proposed Implementation Methods....................................................... 3-21 3.800 Intergovernmental Coordination and Implementation ................................. 3-21 4.000 LAND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM.............................................................. 4-1 4.100 Land Classifications.......................................................................... 4-1 4.110 Developed Classification......................................................... 4-1 4.120 Urban Transition Classification................................................. 4-1 4.130 Limited Transition Classification ............................................... 4-2 4.140 Community Classification....................................................... 4-2 4.150 Rural Classification............................................................... 4-2 4.160 Rural with Services Classification ............................................. 4-2 4.170 Conservation Classification...................................................... 4-3 4.200 Uses Included In Each Classification...................................................... 4-3 4.210 Developed Classification......................................................... 4-3 4.220 Urban Transition Classification................................................. 4-3 4.230 Conservation Classification...................................................... 4-3 4.300 Land Classification Map..................................................................... 4-4 Table of Contents January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAM Land Use Plan Update ut 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 1 2 4 5 6 Figure 4.310 Developed Classification......................................................... 4-4 4.320 Urban Transition Classification................................................. 4-4 4.330 Conservation Classification...................................................... 4-4 4.400 Relationship of Policy Statements and Land Classifications .......................... 4-4 4.410 Developed Classification......................................................... 4-6 4.420 Urban Transition Classification................................................. 4-6 4.430 Conservation Classification...................................................... 4-6 LIST OF TABLES Page Population Size, Population Growth Rates.............................................................. 2-1 Travel -Related Employment, Expenditures, & Tax Receipts ........................................ 2-5 Commercial Seafood Landings............................................................................. 2-6 Land Use By Type and Acreage, Cape Carteret Planning Jurisdiction, 1996 .................... 2-7 Water Classifications for the Town of Cape Carteret ................................................. 2-19 Description of Hurricane Categories..................................................................... 3-17 LIST OF FIGURES Page 1 General Location Map....................................................................................... 1-2 2 Existing Land Use Map..................................................................................... 2-8 3 Fragile Areas Including the Estuarine Shoreline AEC...............................................2-13 4 General Locations of Soils with Severe Limitations .................................................. 2-14 5 Water Classification Map..................................................................................2-17 6 1995 Average Annual Daily Traffic Counts............................................................2-25 7 Composite Hazards Map...................................................................................3-18 8 Land Classification Map..................................................................................... 4-5 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Page AIndex of Data Sources....................................................................................... A-1 B Comparison of Growth Rate of Municipalities In the Region........................................A-3 C Components of Population Change........................................................................ A-4 D Age Distribution, Historical and Projected.............................................................. A-5 E Median Age of the Population............................................................................. A-7 F Racial Composition of the Population.................................................................... A-8 G Housing Characteristics, Household Population........................................................A-9 H Employment by Industry Group, Cape Carteret...................................................... A-10 ICommuting Patterns........................................................................................ A-11 J Employment by Industry Group, Carteret County ................................................... A-12 K Income Characteristics..................................................................................... A-13 Table of Contents January 22, 1998 iv Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update LRetail Sales................................................................................................... A-14 M Housing by Structure Type............................................................................... A-15 N Authorized Construction By Building Permit......................................................... A-16 O Soil Limitations For Selected Land Uses.............................................................. A-17 P Soils with Severe Limitations for Septic Tank Absorption Fields ................................ A-18 QPopulation Projections..................................................................................... A-19 R Future Residential Land Needs.......................................................................... A-20 S Summary of Alternative Policy Issues.................................................................. A-21 T Public Participation Process.............................................................................. A-22 UGlossary ...................................................................................................... A-25 Table of Contents —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAAM Land Use Plan Update v 7 1.000 INTRODUCTION AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY H 0 1.000 INTRODUCTION AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.100 Purpose Land development generally involves a series of decisions by both private individuals and the public sector. In order to promote the public interest in the land development process, the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) requires that local governments prepare, adopt, and keep current a land use plan. The land use plan is intended to provide a framework that will guide local governmental officials as they make a day -today and long-range decisions that affect land development. The land use plan will also be used by state and federal agencies in making project consistency, project funding, and CAMA permit decisions. CAMA regulations require that an update be made of land use plans every five years. The Town of Cape Carteret's previous land use plan was updated in 1992. The update is designed to ensure that all current land development issues are reviewed and reflected in the land use plan. Also, the Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) recently adopted revised planning guidelines which include requirements not addressed in the town's 1992 plan. The land use plan update also provides an opportunity to evaluate policy statements and to determine their effectiveness in implementing the land development objectives of the community. The study area for this land use plan update is the Cape Carteret Planning Jurisdiction which includes the Town of Cape Carteret and its one mile extraterritorial planning and zoning jurisdiction (see Figure 1). The planning period for the land use plan update is ten years. 1.200 Overview of the Land Use Plan Update This land use plan update for Cape Carteret follows the methodology recommended by CAMA in its Land Use Planning Guidelines (Subchapter 7B of the North Carolina Administrative Code). Section 2.00 of this land use plan involves an analysis of existing conditions in Cape Carteret including population, economy, and land use as well as an analysis of plans and regulations that affect land use. Demographic, economic, and land use trends are identified and their implications for the future use of land are analyzed. Section 2.000 also provides a description of the major constraints to land development in the Cape Carteret area. The general suitability of land for development is analyzed and includes a discussion of physical limitations for development, fragile land and water areas, and areas with resource potential. The analysis of land suitability is particularly useful in preparing the land classifications which are discussed in Section 4.000. Existing community facilities and municipal services are also reviewed and summarized in Section 2.000. An evaluation of Cape Carteret's ability to provide basic municipal services is made following an analysis of population projections and future land demands. The data analyzed in Section 2.000 provide important information upon which policy decisions are based. Data sources utilized in the preparation of this land use plan update are summarized in Appendix A. Section 3.000 contains an evaluation of the 1992 Land Use Plan policy statements and outlines policies designed to address land development and growth management issues identified through the analysis of existing factors that affect land use. Policy statements concerning resource protection, resource production and management, economic and community development (including neighborhood -oriented land use policies), public participation, and storm hazard mitigation, post - disaster recovery, and evacuation are delineated in this section. The policies are intended to 1.000 Introduction and Executive Summary —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 1-1 The preparation of this map was financed in pait::::: ::::: i :• ::::: through a grant provided by the North Carolina'::; ;: ::;: :::;:-:::•::•:::'r:::•:::•: i s:.:.::::.-:.: •.:•.: •.•:.•:.•.•:.•:.•.•..•.•:.::.•::.:.•:.•: Coastal Management Program, through the,funds::::-:::::::: •:::::::::::�:� � ::: Provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management.Act ::::::;: ) of 1972, as amended, which Is administered by th )Officelof_Ocean and Coastal'Resource Management, ) National oceanic nic and Atmospheric Administration. \ .................::::::::::::::..... P ................. ........................ .. / I .'tCiao d: Gr:eelc ... r ?. \ :B i 1 1 L v a e • , ��-- �� < \ .................. ': `' :....!. .f . �i 1 R(1QlIP Bogue Airfield r Legend — — — — — Planning Jurisdiction -- Watershed Boundary general Location M own of Cape Carte &11 ,:1........... :....:...Surrounding .Communities::::* establish guidelines to be utilized by the town in making day -today local planning decisions and by state and federal agencies in project consistency, project funding, and permit decisions. The policy statements were developed based upon the previously described analysis of existing conditions, land use trends, and constraints to land development as well as citizen input obtained through the town's public participation process. The land classification system described in Section 4.000 provides a means of assisting in the implementation of the land development policy statements. The land classification system provides a basic framework for identifying the future use of land and illustrates the town's policies as to where and to what density it wants growth to occur. The land classification system also delineates where the town wants to conserve natural and cultural resources. Section 4.000 provides a description of the land uses proposed within each land classification. The land classification map presented in this section graphically illustrates the land classification system as applied to the Cape Carteret Planning Jurisdiction. ' 1.300 Summary of Land Use Issues The major land use and development issues identified during the preparation of this land use ' plan update that will affect Cape Carteret during the next ten year period include the following (not presented here in any priority order): Resource Protection Issues • Stormwater runoff impacts. • Water quality of surface and ground waters. • Long-term solutions to wastewater treatment and disposal. • Guiding growth to areas best suited to accommodate development. • The impacts of floating homes. • The demand for and impacts of marinas. Resource Production and Management Issues The impact of land development activities on marine fisheries. The provision of public recreational space and water access. Economic and Community Development Issues • Maintaining low residential densities. • Managing infill development in established residential areas. • Commercial land use encroachment in residential areas. • Managing strip commercial development adjacent to NC Highways 24 and 58. • Coordination of comprehensive stormwater management practices and policies with adjoining local governments. • Regional solutions to wastewater disposal needs. • Provision of waterfront access. • Promoting marina development. • Signs and billboards. 1.000 Introduction and Executive Summary —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 1-3 H • Annexation by adjoining municipalities of Cape Carteret's ETJ. • Incorporation of new municipalities within the town's future growth areas. 1.400 Summary of Data Collection and Analysis The data analyzed in Section 2.000 were collected from a wide variety of sources (see Appendix A, Index of Data Sources) including published documents, governmental and private organizations, and individuals. Printed and digital map data were utilized in the preparation of this section of the plan. The major conclusions resulting from the data collection and analysis include: • The town's population is 1,179, an increase of over 16 percent since 1990. • Cape Carteret is primarily a residential-resort/retirement community that is also a commercial services and retail center for the southwestern portion of Carteret County. • The predominant land use in Cape Carteret is single-family residences. • Most of the commercially use land is located in the northeastern corner of the NC Highway 24/58 intersection and adjacent to the NC Highway 58 corridor north of Pettiford Creek. • There are currently no traditional industrial nor manufacturing land uses within the town's planning region. • The town's planning jurisdiction is located within two 14-digit watersheds, Pettiford Creek and Deer Creek. • Within the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction, the primary water pollution sources of estuarine waters are estimated to be multiple nonpoint sources —including agriculture, forestry, urban runoff, septic tank runoff, and marinas. • The Division of Water Quality (formerly DEM) has classified Western Bogue Sound and parts of Pettiford Creek as SA waters. In addition, the western part of Bogue Sound that is within the town's planning jurisdiction has also been designated as an Outstanding Resource Water (ORW). • The surface waters in the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction are classified as `fully supporting' except for Pettiford Creek, a small area on Deer Creek, and two small areas on Bogue Sound which are rated as `partially supporting'. • Identified fragile areas within the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction include the state - designated Areas of Environmental Concern (AFC's), Hunting Island, and freshwater wetlands. • Public water service in Cape Carteret is provided by the West Carteret Water District. • Wastewater disposal in Cape Carteret is provided by individual subsurface disposal systems or by privately -owned package treatment plants. • The town, along with eight other municipalities and Carteret County, has recently completed the first phase of an interlocal sewer study that evaluated the possibility of land application methods of wastewater treatment. The second phase of the study will examine the possibilities of increasing the permitted discharge at each of the three existing wastewater treatment plants in Carteret County and will explore funding alternatives for the construction of a county -wide sewer system_ Cape Carteret is also participating in a four -county (Carteret, Onslow, Craven, and Pamlico) study that is exploring long-term regional solutions to wastewater needs. • The town has a municipal staff of 8 employees that perform general administration, public works, public utilities, planning, and building inspection services. The current ' 1.000 Introduction and Executive Summary —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret C4A14 Land Use Plan Update 1-4 H staffing level is considered sufficient to provide the level of municipal services necessary to meet current and anticipated demand • According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation's 1995 Transportation Improvement Program Document, the only improvement or construction project currently underway for the Town of Cape Carteret is the widening of NC 24 from Swansboro to Morehead City. • The town's population is projected to increase during the ten-year planning period from approximately 1,180 in 1995 to 1,341 in 2005. • Cape Carteret's projected growth rate is slightly higher than that anticipated for the state as a whole. • The economy of Cape Carteret and Carteret County is expected to remain based on retail trade, services, and tourism. Cape Carteret's employment is expected to continue to be centered around the services and retail trade sectors of the economy. • Based upon the anticipated population increase of 161 persons by 2005 and the average household population size in the 1990 US Census of Population (2.29 persons per household), it is projected that an additional 70 residential units will be needed through the end of the 10-year planning period. • Based upon population projections and estimates of land needs, no additional major community facilities will be required during the 10-year study period to accommodate the anticipated growth. • As new land development increases the town's wastewater disposal needs and as existing subsurface disposal systems begin to fail, water quality will be adversely impacted. Consequently, the provision of adequate wastewater treatment is a paramount concern to the Town of Cape Carteret and all of western Carteret County. 1.500 Summary of Policy Statements The issues delineated in Section 1.300 statements which are outlined in detail in Section that imposes additional local requirements for A more restrictive than the CAMA minimum use drystack storage facilities (Section 3.280, Policy are more restrictive than the CAMA regulations. plan (1992 Land Use Plan Update) have beer concerning resource protection is to give the higl the area's natural resources, to safeguard and p aesthetic values, and to ensure that developm comnatihle with the characteristics of the natL were discussed in the formulation of policy 3.00. The town developed two policy statements -eas of Environmental Concern which would be standards. The town's policies of prohibiting 7) and floating homes (Section 3.280, Policy 8) Many of the policy statements from the previous retained. The town's overall general policy est priority to the protection and management of :rpetuate their biological, social, economic, and mt occurring within natural resource areas is ral areas so as to minimize the likelihood of significant loss of private property and public resources. It is the town's intent that its policies concerning resource protection policies be consistent with CAMA 7H Use Standards, except as noted above. The town's overall general policy concerning resource production and management is to support the effective management of the area's natural resources so as to ensure the continued ' environmental and economic well being of the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction. The town will continue to consider the impacts on local and regional natural resources in all land development decisions and will seek to improve the cooperation and coordination with other public and private agencies involved with natural resource production and management. It is the town's intent that its policies concerning resource production and management be consistent with CAMA 7H Use Standards. Cape Carteret's overall general policy concerning economic and community 1.000 Introduction and Executive Summary —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAAM Land Use Plan Update 1-5 ' development is to consider growth of the community as a desirable objective. Further, the town will promote only those types of development that do not significantly impact natural resources and which retain and maintain the town's present character. New policy statements were developed which address a variety of issues and include: Resource Protection and Resource Production and Management Policies • Restricting land uses in coastal wetlands to only those developments which are water - dependent and which will meet state and/or federal permitting requirements for ' acceptable impacts. ' • Prohibiting the filling of freshwater wetlands except as permitted by the US Army Corps of Engineers. • Permitting marina construction in coastal wetlands and in primary nursery areas in ' accordance with the CAMA 7H Use Standards, local zoning, and other land use regulations. ' • Excluding development from sound and estuarine system islands. ' • Making local development restrictions for that portion of the estuarine shoreline which is contiguous to waters classified as ORW no more restrictive than the CAMA 7H Use Standards. • Requiring that a land development project proposing to use a package sewage treatment plant include (1) the formation of a legal, private entity to properly operate and maintain such package treatment plant and (2) the development of a contingency plan to own and operate such treatment plant should the private operation fail. • Continuing to participate in meetings of the Regional Wastewater Task Force. • Promoting the coordination with adjoining local government jurisdictions of comprehensive stormwater management practices and polices to enhance water quality. • Promoting the use of best available management practices to minimize the degradation of water quality resulting from stormwater runoff. • Encouraging marina siting and design which promotes proper flushing action. • Permitting the development of noncommercial docking facilities to serve individual residential lots in accordance with CAMA 7H Use Standards. • Prohibiting dry stack storage boat facilities, in conjunction with marina development, in accordance with the provisions of the town's marina ordinance. • Opposing the location of floating structures within the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction. 1.000 Introduction and Executive Sununary—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 1-6 • Allowing public mooring fields in accordance with CAMA Use Standards. Economic and Community Development Policies • Supporting the management and direction of the town's growth and development in balance with the availability of municipal services. • Promoting a variety of land uses which complement the residential, commercial, institutional, and recreational needs of the community. Industrial development is generally considered not to be desirable nor compatible with the town's character and ability to provide municipal services. • Maintaining current residential densities in order to preserve the overall low -density character of Cape Carteret's residential areas. • Supporting local intergovernmental cooperation with regard to land use planning issues, such as ETJ areas, annexation agreements, thoroughfare planning, and regional sewage systems. • Remaining committed to providing appropriate municipal services to support additional land development. • Seeking to improve the town's capacity to provide municipal services. • Considering an amendment to the town's subdivision regulations to require that new ' development be connected to a public water system whenever such water system is readily available to the property at the time of development. • Continuing to support the exploration, assessment, and development of estuarine access opportunities. • Considering annexing areas within the existing ETJ as these areas meet the statutory qualifications for annexation. 1.600 Summary of Land Classifications The Land Classification Map (see Figure 8) includes three land classifications: (i) Developed; (ii) Urban Transition, and (iii) Conservation. The Land Classification Map graphically illustrates the locations of the various classifications. Because of the scale of the Land Classification Map, the Conservation classifications can not be mapped with any degree of accuracy. Precise locations for some areas classified as Conservation must be determined by field investigation by the appropriate permitting agency. The general location of the various land classifications are described below. Developed Classification. The Developed classification generally includes land that is being used for urban purposes. The Developed area generally includes Old Cape Carteret, 1.000 Introduction and Executive Summary —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 1-7 n Country Club Point Subdivision, Bayshore Park Subdivision, Star Hill Subdivision, Fox Forest Subdivision, Quail Wood Acres Subdivision, strip residential areas abutting Taylor Notion Road and NC Highway 58, and a small subdivision along Pettiford Park Circle. Commercial areas included in the Developed classification are located primarily in the northeastern corner of the NC Highway 24/58 intersection and along the NC 24 and NC 58 corridors. Municipal services are currently provided to the overwhelming majority of the Developed area. Urban Transition Classification. This classification includes the predominantly vacant, undeveloped areas located on the northern and northeastern fringes of the current Cape Carteret corporate limits; a large undeveloped area generally in the triangle formed by Taylor Notion Road, NC Highway 58, and NC Highway 24; and an undeveloped area located on the south side of NC Highway 24 between Yaupon Drive and Bogue Sound Drive. The majority of the area classified as Urban Transition is currently zoned either R- 20 or R-30. Portions of the Urban Transition area are potential annexation areas. Municipal services are expected to ultimately be extended into such areas. Conservation Classification. This classification includes Hunting Island and AECs 1 delineated in Section 4.230. Much of the area designated as Conservation is within identified flood hazard areas. Because of the map scale, the Conservation classification can not be accurately mapped. The precise location of coastal wetlands, freshwater wetlands, ' and the estuarine shoreline must be determined by field investigation. The town concurs with CAMA AEC standards for properties located in the Conservation classification and with the US Army Corps of Engineers regulations for `404' wetlands. The major Land Classification Map change from the town's 1992 plan involves the three land classifications delineated above whereas the former plan contained only two classifications -- Urban Transition and Conservation. The updated plan recommends that existing developed areas be classified as Developed and that large, undeveloped areas be classified as Urban Transition. The former plan did not include a Developed classification within the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction. 1.700 Implementation and Management Strategies In order to implement the policies outlined in the Land Use Plan Update, the Cape Carteret Town Board and Planning Board will utilize the policy statements as one of the bases for decision - making when land development requests are made. Policy statements will be taken into consideration when reviewing rezonings, zoning text amendments, special use permits, and subdivision plats. The Cape Carteret Board of Adjustment will also review policies outlined in this plan prior to making decisions on variances and special use permit requests. Cape Carteret will continue to administer and enforce its land use regulatory tools particularly the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, and Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. The town will review the current regulatory tools to eliminate inconsistencies which may exist between the tools and the policies outlined in this plan. ' 1.000 Introduction and Executive Summary —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 1-8 ' The town will ensure a continuous planning process by conducting periodic reviews of the Land Use Plan's policies. This review will be the responsibility of the Cape Carteret Planning Board who will coordinate such reviews with the Town Board. P 1.000 Introduction and Executive Summary —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 1-9 u it Ll 2.000 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS L ' 2.000 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS The data collected and analyzed in this chapter are designed to provide an information base which ' will be helpful in making policy decisions about future land use and land development in the Cape Carteret Planning Region. Existing conditions regarding population, the local economy, land use, and current plans and policies that affect land use are described in Section 2.100. Constraints to land development are discussed in Section 2.200 which includes an analysis of land suitability, the capacity of Cape Carteret to provide basic community services, and the anticipated demand on community services. 1 2.100 Existing Conditions 2.110 Population. Population characteristics which are analyzed in this land use plan ' update include population size and growth trends, age distribution, racial composition, and household population. u 1 2.111 Population Size and Growth Trends. Cape Carteret's 1994 population as estimated by the North Carolina Office of State Planning is 1,179. Table 1 below provides a comparison of the population size and rates of population growth for Cape Carteret with those of Carteret County and the state: Table 1 POPULATION SIZE 60<:.:;:......:....:......;:;:>.«;<::l'Q 4.;:::.:::::.....:::::.....:198f2.:::.:::::::::.:..:...............:::::::::::::::::::.:.::::.:..:...:::. >«`4 Cape Carteret 52 ................................................................................................:::::::1 616 944 1,013 179 Carteret County 27,438 31,603 41,092 52,553 56,624 North Carolina 4,556,155 5,084,411 5,880,095 6,632,448 7,064,470 POPULATION GROWTH RATES ............................: :.......................::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::.::::::::.:::::.:.................... ::>::><: < :::::: 80:1:990.>::`.;::::.::>::>199Etri.994':;'>:.>::;:< Cape Carteret 1,084.6 % 53.2 % 7.3 % 16.4 % Carteret County 15.2 % 30.0 % 27.9 % 7.7 % North Carolina 11.6 % 15.6 % 12. 8 % 6.5 % Sources: US Census of Population 1960 - 1990; NC Municipal Population, NC Office of State Planning, 1995 A review of the town's population since its incorporation in 1957 indicates a steady, though fluctuating pattern of growth. The town's greatest growth occurred between 1957 and 1980 when it's rate of growth greatly exceeded that of Carteret County and the state. Between 1980 and 1990 however, the town's growth rate fell below that of the county and the state. Projections by the NC Office of State Planning indicate that the town's growth rate since 1990 is exceeding the growth rate of both Carteret County and the state. 2.000 Data Collection: and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-1 The town's 1980-1990 growth rate of 7.3 percent was among the lowest of ' selected coastal municipalities in the immediate region surrounding Cape Carteret [see Appendix B]. Since 1990, however, Cape Carteret's growth rate ranking has improved to the fifth highest among the nineteen cities in the immediate region. Carteret County's growth rate during the 1980-1990 time period placed it as the 5th fastest growing county in North Carolina. As seen in Appendix C, Carteret County's growth is attributable in large part to heavy migration into the area. In ' 1990, the county's net migration rate of 21.5 % was substantially higher than that of counties in the region and that of the state. Projections by the NC Office of State Planning indicate that Carteret County's net migration rate, while remaining higher than the statewide and regional rates, will decrease in future years. In 1990, Cape Carteret contained 480 persons per square mile The population density figure in 1990 statewide was 136 persons per square mile and for ' Carteret County, 99 persons per square mile. While seasonal and recreational population is an important part in the overall ' population of Carteret County, it does not have a significant impact on the total population of Cape Carteret. According to the 1990 US Census, Cape Carteret had 102 vacant seasonal and migratory housing units. By comparison, Carteret County ' had 10,138 such units in 1990. Based upon a January 1996 windshield survey of the town and its planning region, seasonal housing was determined to be an insignificant portion of the total housing stock, and thus the population as well. Non -permanent ' population in the form of motel population is also a relatively minor addition to the seasonal housing population given the fact that only one 43-unit motel is located in Cape Carteret. Seasonal and recreational population fluctuates with the tourist �I 1 season but does have some influence on the overall population impacts on public facility needs and public services. 2.112 Age Composition and Distribution. The age composition of Cape Carteret's population in 1990 varied from that of the County and the state [see Appendix D]. Cape Carteret had a much higher proportion of retirement -aged persons (65 years and older) and a lower proportion of school -aged persons (18-24 years) and working - aged persons (25-64 years) than both Carteret County and the state. Long-term demographic projections by the North Carolina Office of State Planning for Carteret County (see Appendix D) indicate that the share of the population under the age of 18 years will decrease slightly, the school -age and working -age population will increase slightly, and the elderly population will experience the largest growth rate. The anticipated aging of the population will have long-term implications for health care services as well as for the housing industry. A greater demand for medical care, in -home services, institutional care, and housing tailored for the elderly can be expected in future years. The population of Cape Carteret, reflective of the current national trend, is aging. The median age in Cape Carteret in 1990 was 52.6 years. The town's median age in 1990 was considerably higher that the national, state, and county 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-2 11 medians [see Appendix E]. The town's higher median age is attributable primarily to an influx of retirement -aged persons into the community. 2.113 Racial Composition. Racial composition data for Cape Carteret in the 1990 census indicate that the town is 99.3 percent white and 0.7 percent all other races. The town's minority population is lower that of the state as a whole (24.5%) but considerably higher than that of Carteret County (9.7%). Long-term projections forecast a declining minority population for both Carteret County and the state [see Appendix F] 2.114 Household Population. Cape Carteret's household population size, like that on the national level, has been steadily decreasing. In 1980, Cape Carteret had an average of 2.63 persons per household. By 1990, the figure had decreased to 2.29 persons, a lower household population average than Carteret County (2.43 persons) and the state as a whole (2.54 persons). The average household population is projected to decline even further as the overall family size decreases and the number of single -person households increases [see Appendix G]. Single -person households in Cape Carteret in 1990 comprised over 18 percent of the town's total occupied housing. The continued trend of fewer persons per household will have an impact on the future types and sizes of dwelling units. ' 2.120 Economy. The economy of Carteret County is based largely on retail trade, services, tourism, commercial fishing, port activities, manufacturing, and agriculture. Cape Carteret is a commercial services and retail center for the southwestern portion of the fI 11 county. The town is primarily a residential-resort/retirement community and has no industrial base. The economic indicators reviewed in this section include employment, income, trade and services, tourism, and commercial fishing. 2.121 Employment. As shown in Appendix H, over 56 percent of the town's civilian labor force in 1990 was employed in two employment categories, the services sector and wholesale/retail trade sector. The construction and public administration sectors were the next largest employment categories. Although employment in Cape Carteret is centered around the services and retail trade sectors, many residents in the working -age category are employed in Carteret County and the surrounding area. The largest employment sectors in Carteret County in 1990 were the services, trade, and governmental sectors. When compared to the state, Carteret County's proportion of workers in the wholesale and retail trade, services, construction, and finance/real estate sectors is higher and lower in the agriculture, manufacturing, and government sectors. Governmental employment in the Carteret County area includes municipal and county employment, state employment, and federal employment. State employment consists largely of the county school system, a variety of university and state government marine research facilities, and Carteret Community College. Federal employment in Carteret County includes federal service employees and military employees. 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-3 iAccording to data from the 1990 census, over 27 percent of all employed residents commuted out of Carteret County to their workplace. The majority of out - commuters traveled to Craven County (62 percent) and Onslow County (19 percent). In -commuters came primarily from the same two counties: Craven County (45 percent) and Onslow County (26 percent). Carteret County had more workers leaving the county (6,828) than it had coming into the county (2,785). A more detailed explanation of commuting patterns can be found in Appendix I. Projections made by the North Carolina Office of State Planning indicate that ' North Carolina's employment growth is expected to continue to be consistently higher than the national average through the year 2000. The largest employment gains are anticipated in the non -manufacturing sector, particularly' the services and trade sectors. The local and state government sector is also expected to grow significantly as decentralization of the federal government increases. Specific employment projections for Carteret County by Woods and Poole Economics [see Appendix J] indicate increases in the wholesale and retail trade, government, and construction sectors from 1990 and 2010. Employment decreases are anticipated in the same time period for the agriculture, manufacturing, and services sectors. Wholesale and retail trade is projected to continue as the largest single employment sector, followed by the services and government sectors. ' 2.122 Income Characteristics. In 1989, the per capita income in Cape Carteret was $16,697 compared to $13,227 for all of Carteret County and $12,885 statewide. Although projected data is not available for Cape Carteret, forecasts made for Carteret County provide a good indication of future incomes that can be expected in the area. Appendix H delineates per capita projections for Carteret County and North Carolina through 2010. These projections indicate that while the per capita ' income in Carteret County will increase in the future years, it will continue to remain below that of the state as a whole. Mean household income data are also provided in Appendix K. 2.123 Trade and Services. According to the 1992 Census of Retail Trade, retail sales in Carteret County totaled $441,389,000. In 1992 the county contained 551 retail establishments that employed 4,844 persons. As shown in Appendix L, the leading retail categories with the largest sales in 1990 were food stores, automobile dealers, general merchandise, and eating and drinking places. Retail sales projections by Woods and Poole Economics for Carteret County indicate that, while there will be sizeable increases in the volume of retail sales, the rate of retail sales growth will decrease in future years. Retail sectors projected to show proportional increases in total sales include general merchandise, automobile dealers, eating and drinking places, and miscellaneous retail stores. These projections are consistent with long-term forecasts by the North Carolina Office of 1 State Planning which predict somewhat slower economic growth through the end of this century. ' 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-4 ' The service industry sectors particularly strong in Cape Carteret include educational, health, and other related professional services; personal services; and ' business and repair services 2.124 Tourism. Travel and tourism contribute substantially to the economy of Cape ' Carteret and Carteret County. The table below shows a comparison of travel -related employment and expenditures in 1995 for Carteret County, selected coastal counties, and the state: I �7, iJ Table 2 TRAVEL -RELATED EMPLOYMENT, EXPENDITURES, & TAX RECEIPTS Selected Coastal Counties 1995 Local Expenditures Payroll Tax Receipts Employment ($ Millions) ($ Millions) ($ Millions) Beaufort 410 38.19 5.50 1.86 Brunswick 3,260 176.22 36.08 9.96 Carteret 3,430 187.26 37.82 9.57 Craven 950 60.01 14.25 1.19 Dare 7,750 349.82 80.00 15.21 New Hanover 4,380 220.91 56.23 7.56 Onslow 1,370 87.2 20.34 2.60 Pamlico 80 9.84 1.21 0.86 North Carolina 161,000 9,195.33 2,590.56 244.61 Source: Economic Impact of Travel and Tourism on North Carolina, US Travel Data Center, 1996. In 1995, Carteret County ranked llth in the state in travel -related expenditures and in travel -related employment. The economic impact of travel and tourism in Carteret County increased 48 percent from 1989 to 1994; the statewide increase during the same period was 32 percent. The greatest effect of travel spending throughout North Carolina is felt in the foodservice, lodging, public transportation, and automobile transportation sectors of the economy. The secondary effects of travel and tourism also has a major impact on the local economy of Cape Carteret and Carteret County. Each travel -related dollar enters the economy and creates secondary economic impacts. Travel -related expenditures become wages and salaries, capital to purchase other goods and services, sales tax, and income tax. The additional travel -related spending results in the creation of other jobs in the community. 2.125 Commercial Fishing. Carteret County led the state in 1995 in total seafood landings and total value of seafood landings. Carteret County -has consistently been the statewide leader in total seafood landings since 1977. The county's share of 1995 seafood landings represented over 23 percent of the entire state's total 2. 000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-5 commercial dockside value and 45 percent of the statewide landings. Like the tourism industry, commercial and sport fishing also have a economic multiplier effect that impacts other sectors of the local economy. Commercial seafood landings and commercial dockside value data for selected coastal counties are delineated below in Table 3. Table 3 COMMERCIAL SEAFOOD LANDINGS Selected Coastal Counties 1995 Beaufort 10,341,860 $ 9,017,387 Brunswick 3,713,685 5,335,044 Carteret 80, 721,183 26, 029, 720 Craven 526,009 512,115 Dare 39,350,171 27,537,823 New Hanover 2,269,979 3,277,344 Onslow 3,419,286 5,529,096 Pamlico 8,673,935 11,018,915 North Carolina 177,705,558 112,214,663 Source: Commercial Landings Statistics, North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries. 2.130 Existing Land Use. While the predominant land use in Cape Carteret is residential, ' the public/institutional/recreational land use category contains the greatest amount of developed acreage. As indicated in Table 4, residential uses account for almost 37 percent of the developed acreage but public/institutional/recreational uses encompass over 51 percent of the developed acreage. The largest single use within the public/institutional/recreational category is the Star Hill Golf and Country Club which accounts for approximately 90 percent of the total acreage in this category. A considerable ' amount of vacant land remains throughout the town's planning region, estimated at approximately 61 percent of the total acreage within the town's corporate limits and its extraterritorial planning and zoning jurisdiction. Figure 2 delineates the existing land use patterns with the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction. The Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction is located within two 14-digit watersheds (Pettiford Creek, #03020106020030 and Deer Creek, #03020106020040) as delineated by the US Natural Resource Conservation ' Service. These two watersheds are located with subbasin 030501 and 030503, respectively of the White Oak River Basin. The boundaries of there two watersheds are delineated on Figures 1-12. ' The Pettiford Creek watershed encompasses roughly the northern one-half of the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction. The predominant land use within this watershed is low 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-6 �I density single-family residences, but the largest, single land use is the Star Hill Golf and Country Club. Several large, undeveloped tracts are within this watershed and are located primarily in the northern and northeastern portions of the town's ETJ area on the immediate periphery of the corporate limits. The NC Highway 58 corridor is perhaps the most heavily developed portion of this watershed and includes a mixture of commercial, residential, and institutional land uses. The Deer Creek watershed encompasses the most intensively developed portions of the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction. Again, the predominant land use is low density single-family residences and includes the Country Club, Country Club Point, Bayshore Park, Fox Forest, and Quail Wood Acres Subdivisions. Commercial and institutional land uses within this watershed are chiefly located along the NC Highway 24 corridor and in the northeast corner of the NC Highway 24/58 intersection. Institutional land uses within this watershed include the White Oak Elementary School and the Cape Carteret Town Hall facilities. The majority of the vacant, undeveloped land in this watershed is located along the north and south sides of NC Highway 24. Many vacant lots are also located within the residential subdivisions delineated above. ' 2.131 Residential Land Use. The overwhelming majority of residential land uses are situated within six areas: (i) the Country Club Subdivision located west of Deer Creek between NC Highway 24 and Bogue Sound, (ii) the Country Club Point Subdivision located ' east of Deer Creek and north of Bogue Sound, (iii) the Bayshore Park Subdivision located north of the Country Club Point Subdivision and south of NC Highway 24, (iv) the Star Hill Subdivision located on the northeast side of Taylor Notion Road generally between NC ' Highway 24 and Pettiford Creek, (v) the Fox Forest Subdivision located southeast of Star Hill Drive and north of NC Highway 24, and (vi) the Quail Wood Acres Subdivision k Table 4 LAND USE BY TYPE AND ACREAGE CAPE CARTERET PLANNING JURISDICTION 1996 Percent of Percent of Land Use Acres Developed Acreage Total Acreage Residential 196 36.6% 14.2% Commercial 64 12.0 % 4.7 % Public/Institutional/Recreational 275 51.4& 20.0% Industrial 0 0.0 % 0.0 % Vacant' 841 0.0 % 61.1 % Totals 1,376 100.0 % 100.0 % 1 Includes developable land as well as land subject to flood hazard, wetlands, etc. Source: Estimated from existing land use maps prepared by The Wooten Company. 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-7 E I The preparatlon•dithls map -was financed in part ✓ by;the North Carolina through a gr(ant-provided V/�✓✓ ra � ICoastallManaugementlPro gram, throughlthe funds provided by the-Nortrth-Carolina Coastal Management Act of 1972, as amended Wh cl h is administered by the Office of Ocean -and -Coastal Resource Management, nd.Atmospheric am National_O ec Administration. acam , PETTTPORD RAY WHITE OAK RIVER o °1 �o a 0 O f WHOAK ' RI RIVER BOA7X0(1EE coa 1 s- WHITE OAK RIVER N S . o o. ` r �� � i � Imo' 1 ��♦ Figure 2 Existing Land Use Map Cape Carteret, NC Land Use Legend - - _ _ _ _ ; Residential F1100IIM Commercial �fUA Public, Institutional, & Recreational Undeveloped Town Limits _ _ _ ETJ / Watershed Boundary WOhelen Company 1 /22/98 — _ ' located east of Star Hill Road at the terminus of Pine Lake Road. All other residential land uses are strip residential areas abutting Taylor Notion Road and NC Highway 58 and a small subdivision along Hopeland Road. Well over three -fourths of the residential land uses are comprised of single- family detached dwellings on lots generally ranging from 10,000 square feet to one -acre. As seen in Appendix M, of the 566 dwelling units in Cape Carteret in 1990, over 77 percent were single-family residences, less than 2 percent were multi -family dwellings, and about 21 percent were manufactured homes. Cape Carteret's proportion of single-family ' dwellings is considerably higher than that found throughout Carteret County and that statewide. The town's proportion of manufactured homes is lower than the county percentage but higher than the statewide percentage. The majority of manufactured homes ' are located within the Bayshore Park Subdivision and in the strip residential areas along NC Highway 58 and Hopeland Road. As shown in Appendix N, the overwhelming majority of recent residential construction has been single-family residential. The majority of future residential land uses are expected to be infill development within the existing subdivisions delineated above as well as new residential ' developments on vacant land located on the periphery of the current town limits. 2.132 Commercial Land Use. Most of the commercially -used land is located in the ' northeastern corner of the NC Highway 24/58 intersection and adjacent to the NC Highway 58 corridor between Pettiford Creek and the northernmost boundary of the town's ETJ. Smaller commercial areas are located the south NC Highway 24 corridor between Bonita Street and Anita Forte Drive and along the north NC Highway 24 corridor between Fox ' Drive and Taylor Notion Road. The existing commercial land uses are primarily retail, professional service, and business service establishments. ' The town's current zoning patterns indicate that future commercial areas are anticipated to be located along the NC Highway 24 corridor between the Taylor Notion Road/NC 24 intersection and the White Oak School property, between Channel View Court ' and Bayshore Drive, and along the NC Highway 58 corridor north of Pettiford Creek. ' 2.133 Public/Institutional/Recreational Land Use. As noted earlier, the majority of the town's developed land is contained within this land use category primarily due to large acreage of the Star Hill Golf and Country Club. Other land uses within this category ' include the Cape Carteret Town Hall facilities, the White Oak Elementary School, churches, and privately -owned dockages. The privately -owned air strip located within the Star Hill Subdivision is also included in this land use category. 2.134 Industrial Land Use. There are currently no traditional industrial nor manufacturing land uses within the town's planning region. Several heavy commercial uses are, however, located within the town's B-30, Light Industrial zoning classification. Currently, no large tracts nor large amounts of acreage are zoned for light industrial use. 2.135 Vacant Land. Vacant, developable land is scattered throughout the planning ' region, but the largest tracts are located within the triangle formed by Taylor Notion Road, NC Highway 24, and NC Highway 58 and along the northern and northeastern periphery of ' 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-9 ' the town's ETJ. Many vacant lots are located within the existing residential subdivisions described in Section 2.131. ' 2.140 Current Plans, Policies, and Regulations Affecting Land Use. The Town of Cape Carteret has prepared various plans and has developed policies and regulations that have significant implications for land use planning. The following sections provide a brief description of these plans, policies, and regulations. 2.141 Storm Hazard Mitigation and Post Disaster Reconstruction Plan. This ' plan provides for the mitigation of hurricane hazards and establishes guidelines for evacuation and reconstruction following a major storm. A more detailed description of storm hazard mitigation, evacuation, and post -disaster recovery policies is I provided in Section 3.600. 2.142 Zoning Ordinance. The town's Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 1974. ' This ordinance provides use, dimensional, and developmental standards for all new construction within the town and its one -mile extraterritorial planning jurisdiction. The ordinance establishes 7 zoning districts including 4 residential, 2 commercial, ' and 1 industrial. Residential classifications permit maximum densities that range from 2.1 to 5.5 dwelling units per acre. The majority of land, however, is zoned for single-family residential use at a density of 2.1 dwelling units per acre. The R-10M district allows a variety of housing types including single-family detached, multi- family, congregate, and manufactured residences. Manufactured home parks are permitted in the B-30 district. Commercial zoning classifications permit a wide ' variety of retail, wholesale, office, and business service uses. Light manufacturing uses are permitted in the B-30 district. ' 2.143 Subdivision Regulations The existing Subdivision Regulations, which were originally adopted in 1985, basically provide platting procedures and developmental standards for residential subdivisions. The Subdivision Regulations are also ' administered within the town's corporate limits and the extraterritorial planning and zoning jurisdictional area. Subdivision plat review affords the town an opportunity to coordinate street and utility layouts in emerging residential areas. 2.144 Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance Cape Carteret has adopted a model Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance which was prepared by the Federal Emergency ' Management Agency. Adoption and enforcement of this ordinance permits the town to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. The ordinance delineates flood hazard areas and establishes developmental standards within those areas. Most ' uses are prohibited within designated floodways. Building development in other identified flood hazard areas is basically permitted as long as the lowest floor elevation of structures is above the base flood elevation. ' 2.145 Building Codes The town, through the county building inspection department, administers the state building code throughout the entire planning and zoning jurisdiction. The building code establishes minimum building and plumbing ' construction standards for new buildings. The town also administers nationally recognized electrical and mechanical codes. ' 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-10 0 ' 2.146 1990 Public Sound Access, Parks and Recreation and Town Beautification Plan This plan identified public access areas on Bogue Sound as well as potential ' town and neighborhood park sites throughout the community. The plan also delineated a recommended priority schedule and cost estimates for implementing the plan. 2.147 1980 Shoreline Access Study This plan identified areas of recreational improvements and outlined methods to carry out the recommended improvements. ' 2.200 Constraints to Land Development This section of the land use plan update analyzes the general suitability of land within the ' Cape Carteret Planning and Zoning Jurisdiction. Also included within this section is a discussion of Cape Carteret's capacity to provide basic community services as well as the projected demand on community services. 2.210 Land Suitability. The analysis of land suitability includes a discussion of physical limitations for development, the location of environmentally fragile areas, and the location ' of areas with resource potential. The Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction is located within two major watersheds: #03020106020040 and #03020106020030. The general boundaries of these watersheds are delineated on Figures 1-8. ' 2.211 Physical Limitations for Development ' 2.211.1 Hazard Areas. Man-made hazard areas in Cape Carteret include the Star Hill Airport, the Bogue Airfield US Military Reservation, and NC 24. The airport facilities are identified as hazard areas due to the general nature of airport operations. Flights into and out of these two airfields pose a hazard to Cape Carteret and its' citizens. NC 24 is listed as a hazard to the Town due to the risks associated with its use as a strategic military highway. The ' constant movement of troops and materiel to and from the Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base increases the risks associated with living in close proximity to a major roadway. ' Natural hazard areas include floodable areas. The following description of the principal flood problems in Cape Carteret is from the "Flood Insurance Study, Town of Cape Carteret" which was prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in 1974: "Cape Carteret is vulnerable to flooding from storm tides generated in the Atlantic Ocean by hurricanes and other severe wind storms. Because of the Town's proximity to Bogue Inlet, the tide level in the Atlantic Ocean directly affects the level of both Bogue Sound and Pettiford Creek, creating a twofold flood problem. The sound shore is subject to flooding and direct wave attack by storm tides in Bogue Sound. Property bordering on Pettiford Creek is subject to flood damage 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-11 n ' from storm tides propagated up the White Oak River from Bogue Inlet." ' Flood hazard areas have been delineated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and are identified in Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). The latest update for the FIRM was conducted in 1983 and is ' available for review at the Cape Carteret Town Hall. The maps delineate the 100-year and 500-year flood boundaries and provide base flood elevation data. Areas of the 100-year coastal flood with velocity (3 feet or more of 1 wave action) are also depicted on the flood hazard maps as Velocity Zones. The 100-year flood area is the base flood for purposes of floodplain management measures. Base flood elevations within the 100-year flood area ' are minimal and are not valid here. The general location of the 100-year flood hazard area is shown in Figure 3. ' All development on land in identified flood hazard areas, including areas susceptible to sea level rise, is regulated by the town's Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance which requires that new buildings be elevated above the ' base flood elevations. 2.211.2 Soil Limitations. The study area consists of four general soil map units: (i) Lafitte-Hobucken-Carteret, (ii) Wando-Seabrook-Kureb, (iii) Baymeade-Onslow-Lynchburg, and (iv) Leon-Murville-Mandarin. Appendix O delineates the soils within these four general map units and shows the ' limitations of each soil type for building site development and subsurface sewage disposal. Figure 4 shows the general location of soil types that have overall severe limitations for site development and septic system use. The ' limiting characteristics for septic tank absorption fields, which include wetness, flooding and ponding, low soil strength, rapid permeability, and slope, are shown in Appendix P. ' A detailed soils analysis (Soil Survey of Carteret County, North Carolina; US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1987) is available which highlights limitations and hazards inherent in the various soils. The Soil Conservation Service, located in Beaufort, can provide more detailed information about specific soil types. Because the Carteret County ' Environmental Health Department determines the suitability of each site for septic tanks and absorption fields on a case -by -case basis, it should be consulted to obtain a specific site evaluation and permit. 2.211.3 Availability and Quality of Public Water Supply. Cape Carteret receives its water supply from the West Carteret Water District. Water is stored in a 600,000 gallon elevated tank. Currently, the Water District ' pumps about 366,000 gallons of water per day. Thus, they comply with the State mandated water storage requirement. Cape Carteret presently uses approximately 74,000 gallons per day. The current system has the capacity 1 to triple that level should there be an increase in demand. There are no plans for major improvements or additions to the water system at this time. ' 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-12 Coastal Manage provided by the of 1972, as amei Offlewof Ocean National Oceani 0 MIII18 DA[ Arm by the BOAT..ou" CRE 13 N 8Ta BOCUa SOUND t N 9 R aoc 3-11 01 ..�.;. , 0 BOTTYmscpBB% (INMZWrL 'D'=W-Q Figure 3 Fragile Areas Including the Estuarine Shoreline AEC Cape Carteret, NC 0 100-Yr. Flood Hazard Area ED Primary Nursery Areas Estuarine Shoreline * --------- Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas Town Limits T ----- Watershed Boundary ----- . ETJ Sound and Estuarine System Islands: - Hunting Island Other AEC and Fragile Areas Not Mapped: - Coastal Wetlands - Estuarine Waters - Public Trust Waters - Freshwater Wetlands *Note: Western Bogue Sound is designated as an Outstanding Resource Water by the North Carolina Environmental Commission. As such, property within 575 feet of the mean high water line must abide by the development standards set forth in the CAMA legislation. Within all non-ORW areas, the estuarine shoreline AEC is 75 feet of the mean high water line. N Wole oden Company W E S Scale: 1" = 2,000' 1/22/98 __ 2.211.4 Water Quality Conditions. The northern portion of the Town of Cape Carteret's planning jurisdiction is located within Subbasin 030501 ' (White Oak River and tributaries) of the White Oak River Basin. This subbasin includes portions of Onslow, Jones, Craven, and Carteret Counties. Most of this subbasin is within the Croatan National Forest and Hoffman State Forest and is relatively undisturbed. A significant portion of waters in this subbasin are estuarine, including the waters around Hammocks Beach State Park, the intracoastal waterway, Bogue Sound, much of the White Oak I River, and Most of Queen Creek and Bear Creek. Other than the Town of Maysville, the majority of major development within the subbasin is located along the coast at the Towns of Swansboro and Cape Carteret. There are no ' major dischargers in the subbasin. The largest discharger, the Swansboro wastewater treatment plant, discharges 0.3 million gallons per day into Foster Creek. tThe southern portion of the Town of Cape Carteret's planning jurisdiction is located within Subbasin 030503 (Newport River and tributaries ' including Bogue Sound) of the White Oak River Basin. This subbasin includes the central portion of Carteret County, extending from the Croatan National Forest to Beaufort and Beaufort Inlet. Most of this subbasin is estuarine with the Newport River as the only major source of freshwater. Other than the Town of Newport, the majority of major development within the subbasin is located along the coast at Morehead City, Beaufort, Atlantic ' Beach, and Bogue Banks. There are four major dischargers in this subbasin. The Newport wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) discharges to the Newport River, the Morehead City WWTP discharges into Calico Creek, and the ' Beaufort Fisheries and Beaufort WWTPs both discharge into Taylors Creek. Water pollution is caused by a number of substances including ' sediment, nutrients, bacteria, oxygen -demanding wastes and toxic substances such as heavy metals, chlorine and pesticides. Sources of these pollutants are divided into two general categories. point sources and nonpoint sources. Point sources are basically discharges that enter surface waters through a pipe, ditch, or other well-defined point of discharge and often include discharges from wastewater treatment plants or large urban and industrial stormwater systems. Within the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction, there are no major point source dischargers. ' Nonpoint sources generally include stormwater runoff from small urban areas (less than 100,000 population), forestry, mining, agricultural lands and other. Examples of the types of land use activities that can serve as ' sources of nonpoint pollution include land development, construction, crop production, animal feeding lots, failing septic systems, landfills, roads, and parking lots. Fecal coliform bacteria and nutrients are major pollutants I associated with nonpoint source pollution. Unlike point source pollution, 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-15 nonpoint pollution sources are diffuse in nature and occur at random intervals depending on rainfall frequency and intensity. ' Within the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction, the primary water pollution sources of estuarine waters are estimated to be multiple nonpoint sources -including agriculture, forestry, urban runoff, septic tank runoff, and ' marinas. Because of the large number of Outstanding Resource Water areas within the 030503 subbasin, water quality, according the draft "White Oak River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan" prepared by the NC Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section in July 1996, in the sounds is considered to be generally excellent due largely to good tidal flushing. Water quality concerns have arisen since a bridge was built across the White I Oak River in the mid-1930's. It has been suggested that bridge development has decreased tidal flushing in the river which has resulted in elevated coliform and decreased salinity levels. During the planning of road ' improvements in the area, the NC Department of Transportation has been investigating potential ways to improve hydraulic exchange upstream and downstream of the bridge. iThe main reasons for closures in shellfish waters in the 030501 subbasin appear to be related to land disturbing activities, agriculture, and large marinas. Within the 030503 subbasin, development and marinas are the main reasons for closures of shellfish waters. The activities that contribute to this condition include, but are not limited to, construction, urban stormwater, failing septic systems, and agricultural activities. Control of these types of ' activities include a wide variety of state agencies, local health departments, local municipal and county governments, and private property owners. There is no prescriptive remedy to solve the problem of closed shellfish waters. Rather, it will require a great deal of collaboration and coordination to achieve the common goal of protecting and restoring shellfish waters. Areas closed to shellfishing in the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction are delineated ' in Figure 5. In 1990, the Division of Water Quality (formerly DEM) reported findings of a special study of marinas in coastal North Carolina. Eleven marinas were the subject of the study and five of these were located in Bogue Sound. While the primary objective of the study was to characterize the water quality of marinas relative to ambient waters, there was no evidence that the marinas in the study were a source of pollutants to ambient monitoring stations. Dye tracer studies suggested that the transport of ' pollutants from marinas might be concentrated near shore instead of in open waterways where the ambient stations were located. The report recommended that marina siting and design use features which promote flushing such as 1 locating marinas near inlets, minimizing the restriction of entrance channels, and minimizing stagnant corners by using rounded corners, level bottoms sloping towards the entrance, and avoiding bends. 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-16 preparation of this map was financed In part ugh a grant provided by the North Carolina stal Management Program, through funds riled by the Coastal Zone Management Act 37Z as amended, which is administered by 7f"e of ocedh and Coa$taf ]too" y sh, 11 0 I N e 0 MIR We �1cp lip 'The precise location of Coastal Wetlands, Freshwater Wetlands -Estuarine Waters or Public _. Figure 5 Water Classification Map Cape Carteret, NC Legend Estuarine Shoreline - Town Limits �---- Watershed Boundary y ----- ETJ ® SA Water Closed to Shellfishing ® Partially Supporting Water Notes: Bogue Sound and Pettiford Creek are both categorized as SA Class Waters. Western Bogue Sound, which includes the portion of the Sound adjacent to Cape Carteret, is also designated as an Oustanding Resource Water (ORW) by the NCDEM. All waters within the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction are rated as fully supporting except as noted hereon. N W E o S Mies The Wooten Company ' The NC Division of Water Quality's monitoring program integrates biological, chemical, and physical data assessment to provide information for basinwide planning. The seven major monitoring programs utilized by DWQ ' include the following: • Benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring ' • Fish population and tissue monitoring • Lakes assessment • Aquatic toxicity monitoring • Special studies and chemical/physical water quality investigations • Sediment oxygen demand monitoring • Ambient water quality monitoring Each of these monitoring programs is described in more detail in the White ' Oak River Basinwide Plan. 2.211.5 Water Quality Classes and Standards. All surface waters in North Carolina are assigned a primary water classification, and they may also be ' assigned one or more supplemental classifications. Figure 5 shows the water quality classifications for waters in the vicinity of Cape Carteret. The Division of Water Quality (formerly DEM) has classified Western Bogue Sound and parts of Pettiford Creek as SA waters. In addition, the western part of Bogue Sound that is within the town's planning jurisdiction has also been designated as an Outstanding Resource Water (ORW). An ' accompanying description of some of the regulations governing the use of these waters is given in Table 5. ' 2.211.6 Water Quality Use -Support Ratings. Another important method for assessing water quality is to determine whether the quality is sufficient to support the uses for which the waterbody has been classified by the state. The word `uses' refers to activities such as swimming, fishing, aquatic life protection, and water supply. All surface waters are rated as either `fully supporting' (S), 'support -threatened' (ST), `partially supporting' (PS), or ' `nonsupporting' (NS). The terms refer to whether the classified uses of the water are being fully supported, partially supported, or are not supported. As an example, saltwaters classified for commercial shellfish harvesting would be ' rated as fully supporting if bacterial levels in the water were low enough to allow harvesting. However, if fecal coliform bacterial levels were too high to allow shellfish to be harvested, but not too high to prevent swimming, then ' the waters would be rated as partially supporting since they only support the swimming. If the waters were impacted to the point that even swimming was disallowed, the waters would be rated as nonsupporting. The surface waters ' in the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction are classified as 'fully supporting' except for Pettiford Creek, a small area on Deer Creek, and two small areas on Bogue Sound which are rated as `partially supporting' (see Figure 5). r ' 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-18 L I Table 5 WATER CLASSIFICATIONS FOR THE TOWN OF CAPE CARTERET D,�r��a�::ot':Viater n alit Omar :C1ass�C�catans .>: SA *Commercial *The Sedimentation Low Density Low Density Option Low shellfish Control Commission has Option 25% � Density harvesting; as many as 5 increased 30 ft. from Eneineered Option *plus SC and design standards for surface waters. Controls 1/3 acre SB Best Uses projects in all HQW i • N/A Eneineered ! zones. See ' ': Controls Sedimentation Control i• N/A Rules for Design i Standards in Sensitive Watersheds (15A NCAC 4B.0024). i D pision:ii#`:Waier . ualit ecouda...Class,.. s.......... .. ....... ....................... Outstanding Resource *Excellent The Sedimentation New developments located within 575' of the mean Waters (ORW) quality Control Commission has i high water level of ORW class waters must meet, at a saltwater and; as many as 5 increased E minimum, the Low Density Options specified in the *Outstanding design standards for Coastal Stormwater Management Rules for SA class Fish Habitat; or projects in all HQW I waters. Specific stormwater control strategies for *High Existing/ zones. See protecting ORW class saltwaters are developed during Attainable Sedimentation Control the process to reclassify waters with the ORW Recreation; or Rules for Design supplemental classification. •Special Standards in Sensitive Federal or Watersheds (15A NCAC State 4B.0024). designation; or •Part of a State/National j Park/Forest; or j •High j ecological/ j scientific significance. I Source: A Guide to North Carolina's Tidal Saltwater Classifications, Cape Fear Council of Governments 1994. 2.211.7 Areas with Excessive Slope and High Erosion Potential. The topography of Cape Carteret rises fairly rapidly from the sound shore to a maximum elevation of about 40 feet above mean sea level (msl). In the area between NC 24 and the shoreline, the maximum elevation is approximately 25 feet (msl). North of NC 24, elevations generally are above 20 feet msl with one area reaching nearly 40 feet msl. Along most of the northern town limits, Pettiford Creek is characterized by a bluff which rises sharply to above 10 feet msl. 2.212 Fragile Areas. Fragile areas within the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction which could easily be damaged or destroyed by inappropriate or poorly planned 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-19 LI i I development include the state -designated areas of environmental concern, sound and estuarine system islands, and freshwater wetlands. 2.212.1 Areas of Environmental Concern. Areas of environmental concern (AEC's) include coastal wetlands, estuarine waters and public trust areas, and the estuarine shoreline. Coastal wetlands are defined as any marshes subject ' to regular or occasional flooding by lunar or wind tides. Estuarine waters are defined by the Coastal Management Act as all the waters of the Atlantic Ocean within the boundary of North Carolina and all the water of bays, ' sounds, rivers, and tributaries thereto seaward of the dividing line between coastal fishing waters and inland fishing waters. Public trust areas include waters and submerged lands in the coastal region where the public has rights ' of use and/or ownership, including rights of navigation and recreation. The estuarine shoreline area of environmental concern in Cape Carteret is (i) all shorelands within 75 feet landward of the mean high water level, or normal ' water level, of the estuarine waters and (ii) for those shorelands adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) in the Western Bogue Sound, 575 feet landward of the mean high water level, or normal water level, of the ' estuarine waters. Development within the designated areas of environmental concern is ' limited by CAMA regulations and development guidelines. Generally, the development standards for coastal wetlands, estuarine waters, and public trust areas permit only water -dependent uses such as navigation channels, dredging ' projects, docks, piers, bulkheads, boat ramps, groins, and bridges. Priority is, however, given to the conservation of these AEC's. CAMA standards for estuarine shoreline development generally require that (i) the development not ' cause significant damage to estuarine resources; (ii) the development not interfere with public rights of access to or use of navigable waters or public resources; (iii) the development preserve and not weaken natural barriers to erosion; (iv) impervious surfaces not exceed 25 percent (30 percent for non- ORW areas) of the lot area located within the AEC boundary; (v) the development comply with state soil erosion, sedimentation, and stormwater management regulations; and (vi) the development comply with the Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan. Additional use standards for development projects within the ORW estuarine shoreline include (i) having no stormwater collection system and (ii) providing a buffer zone of at least 30 feet from the mean high water line. Specific CAMA development standards for AEC's can be found in 15 NCAC 7H. Figure 3 shows the general location of the estuarine shoreline. Other AEC's are not mapped. The precise location of ' coastal wetlands must be determined by field investigation; therefore, they are not included in Figure 3. ' 2.212.2 Other Fragile Areas. This section describes areas of particular concern not covered under the AEC designation. Estuarine system islands and freshwater wetlands fall into this category and are present in the Cape ' Carteret area. The shorelines of estuarine islands are, however, classified as areas of environmental concern. Freshwater wetlands include all other ' 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plat: Update 2-20 E wetlands not classified as coastal wetlands. These freshwater wetlands are not covered by CAMA regulations but are protected by the Clean Water Act. Consequently, the US Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for regulating these ' 404' wetlands. Permits must be obtained from the Corps prior to disturbing any freshwater wetlands. As with coastal wetlands, the precise location of freshwater wetlands can only be determined through a field investigation and analysis. Consequently, freshwater wetlands are not included in Figure 3. However, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has, through it's National Wetlands Inventory, identified the general location of wetlands. The National Wetlands Inventory Maps are available from the US Department of the Interior and the NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Soil and Water Conservation. The wetlands maps are not intended to be utilized for regulatory purposes. The Cape Carteret planning area contains many archaeologically ' sensitive sites. The North Carolina Division of Archives and History has identified 11 sites that they deem significantly important. All of these sites have been disturbed by urban development. However, artifacts from the ' various Indian tribes that inhabited the region could still be found and as a result, the NC Division of Archives and History has recommended that plans for further development in these areas be carefully reviewed. ' 2.213 Areas with Resource Potential. Areas with resource potential within the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction include (i) a designated Primary Nursery Area ' (PNA), (ii) game land, and (iii) a wildlife sanctuary. (i) PNA areas have been designated by the State as being highly productive for juvenile habitat of marine species. Pettiford Creek and Bay are the only areas identified by the NC Marine Fisheries Division fulfilling this criteria. (ii) One parcel within Cape Carteret's planning jurisdiction is part of the Croatan Game Land. The game land is located on both sides of US 58, north of NC 24. (iii) The McLean Sanctuary, also known as Hunting Island, is owned and managed by The National Audubon Society. The sanctuary is located within the designated 100-year flood hazard area and contains some wetlands areas. This is the only sanctuary located in the Cape Carteret planning area. ' 2.220 Carrying Capacity Analysis. The following analysis provides an evaluation of the ability of Cape Carteret to provide the basic community services necessary to meet the ' current and anticipated demand for such services. The existing community services are reviewed as well as the demand for services based upon population and land use projections. ' 2.221 Urban Services. Urban services evaluated in this section include water and sewer services, police and fire protection, emergency medical services, solid waste collection and disposal, recreation, education, and administrative services. 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-21 P ' 2.221.1 Water Service. As previously mentioned, Cape Carteret receives water from the West Carteret Water District. Water is drawn from the Castle Hayne Aquifer and distributed to the various localities. In 1995, the Cape Carteret portion of the water district included approximately 540 customers. The average annual daily water use by these customers in 1995 was 0.074 MGD. The average monthly water use for 1995 was as follows: t►1 >.... .... . :::,.......,.. ,. 0.087 MGDJanuary:::::...... 0.052 MGD::::::.::::: July ' 0.075 MGD February 0.054 MGD August 0.086 MGD March 0.054 MGD September 0.072 MGD April 0.066 MGD October 0.079 MGD May 0.065 MGD November ' 0.067 MGD June 0.068 MGD December The largest water user in 1995 in Cape Carteret was the White Oak ' Elementary School which used an average of 49,000 gallons of water per month. There are no other significant water users in the Cape Carteret area. ' 2.221.2 Sewer. The Town of Cape Carteret does not currently have a municipal sewer system in place. Wastewater disposal is provided by ' individual subsurface disposal systems or by privately -owned package treatment plants. The town, along with eight other municipalities and Carteret County, has recently completed the first phase of an interlocal sewer ' study that evaluated the possibility of land application methods of wastewater treatment. The study indicated that land application methods alone could not adequately handle the total wastewater needs of all of the municipalities and ' the county, primarily due to the unavailability of a sufficient supply of suitable land. However, the study did indicate that land application methods could handle a large portion of the existing and projected wastewater ' treatment needs of the participating cities and the county. The second phase of the interlocal study, which was funded in part through a regional planning grant provided by the Division of Coastal Management, is currently underway. This phase of the study will examine the possibilities of increasing ' the permitted discharge at each of the three existing wastewater treatment plants in Carteret County and will explore funding alternatives for the construction of a county -wide sewer system. Cape Carteret is also participating in a four -county (Carteret, Onslow, Craven, and Pamlico) study that is exploring long-term regional solutions to wastewater needs. ' 2.221.3 Police Protection. Cape Carteret receives police protection from the Cape Carteret Police Department which is located on W.B. McLean Drive. The Cape Carteret Police Department, with a staff of 5 full-time personnel, ' appears to have adequate manpower to provide police services to the community. The current ratio of police officers to Town population is 1 officer per 236 residents. National law enforcement standards recommend two police officers per 1,000 population. ' 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-22 2.221.4 Fire Protection. The Cape Carteret Volunteer Fire and Rescue District provides prevention and fire suppression services to the Town as well as a fire district that encompasses areas outside the corporate limits of Cape ' Carteret. The fire insurance rating within Cape Carteret fire district is a 9. Correspondingly, the volunteer fire department must retain a minimum of 22 active firefighters. In 1995, the District responded to approximately 50 calls. ' The fire station is located just off NC 24 in Cedar Point. All firefighting equipment meets the National Fire Protection Association's standards. 2.221.5 Emergency Medical Services. The Cape Carteret Fire and Rescue District also provides emergency medical services to the town and a service district (which parallels the fire district). The rescue squad, with 15 volunteer personnel, responded to approximately 150 calls in 1995. Basic emergency medical treatment and transportation to hospitals are the general services provided by the rescue squad. The equipment and staffing of the ' rescue squad appear adequate to provide emergency medical services through the study period. ' 2.221.6 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal. Solid waste collection services for the town are provided through a contract with a private garbage collector. Unlike county residents, Cape Carteret residents are not required ' to pay an annual waste collection fee. Rather, this service is funded through the Town's property tax collections. Currently, curbside garbage collection occurs once a week. The frequency of brush and yard debris collection is ' determined by seasonal demands. A curbside recycling program is also in place and collections are made once every two weeks. White goods are collected twice a year. No deficiencies with the existing collection system ' have been identified. Solid waste is currently disposed of in a tri-county regional landfill, located at Tuscarora in Craven County. 1 Carteret County operates a system of greenbox collection sites throughout the county portion of the study ' area. County residents are responsible for private disposal of solid waste. ' 2.221.7 Recreation. The Town of Cape Carteret does not own, operate, or manage any recreational programs or facilities. Until recently, the Town had been leasing two tracts of land from the original developer of the area for waterfront access. However, both leases have expired and a renewal agreement has not been reached. As a result, the Town has no public waterfront access. The only recreational facility located in the Town is a ' public golf course located in the Star Hill neighborhood. A boat access is located within Cape Carteret's ETJ on Hunting Bay Drive. This area, located adjacent to Bogue Sound, is managed by a local civic recreation association. ' A 1990 study on sound access, parks, and recreation identified water access and other recreational needs. To date however, no public water access I areas nor recreational sites have been developed by the town. Based upon ' 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-23 C� ' national outdoor recreational space standards of six to ten acres per 1,000 population, 7 to 12 acres of outdoor recreational space is currently needed. 2.221.8 Education. Carteret County operates one school, White Oak Elementary School, in the Cape Carteret area. Enrollment data for the 1995- 1996 school year indicates that there are currently 637 students attending ' White Oak Elementary. The school is presently operating beyond its capacity. ' Carteret County has proposed to begin construction by the end of 1996 of an elementary and high school in the Broad Creek area located east of Cape Carteret. These additional schools will help to alleviate capacity problems at the White Oak School. 2.221.9 Public Administration Ability. The Town of Cape Carteret operates under a mayor -council form of government. The town has a municipal staff of 8 employees that perform general administration, public works, public utilities, planning, and building inspection services. The ' current staffing level is considered sufficient to provide the level of municipal services necessary to meet current and anticipated demand. 2.222 Transportation Services. The Town of Cape Carteret maintains about 16 miles of streets within its corporate limits. Major thoroughfares and other streets outside of the town limits are maintained by the NC Department of Transportation. The state also has maintenance responsibility for all bridges in the area. Currently, there is no Thoroughfare Plan for the Cape Carteret area. However, traffic counts provided by NCDOT in 1995 for major roadways are shown in Figure 6. Because of Cape Carteret's location in relation to vacation destinations along the barrier islands of North Carolina such as Emerald Isle and Atlantic Beach, these numbers are skewed somewhat due to the inability to reflect the variation in traffic loads between the heavily traveled "beach season" and the rest of the year. Thus, roadways may be over capacity during some months and at or below vehicle load capacity during others. According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation's 1995 Transportation Improvement Program Document, the only improvement or construction project currently underway for the Town of Cape Carteret is the widening of NC 24 from Swansboro to Morehead City. Air service to Cape Carteret is available through commercial airports located in nearby New Bern and Jacksonville. 2.230 Estimated Demand. In order to effectively address land development issues and to formulate community policies, it is necessary to project population and economic change. Such projections are the basis for determining community facility and land use needs. Consequently, the following sections discuss population projections, local 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-24 The preparation of this map was financed in part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds 7 provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which Is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Res�p��ce agerr National Oceanic and Atmosphencgdmini tion. 17,800 ! U 15,500 1 o, j 14000 j .000 Source: NCDOT Figure 6 1995 Average Annual Daily Traffic Counts N W E S Scale: 1" = 2,000' Cape Carteret, NC LEGEND ETJ City Limits 1 /22198 WThe ooten Company economic forecasts, future land needs, and demands on community facilities and services. ' 2.231 Population Projections. The town's population is projected to increase during the ten-year planning period from approximately 1,180 in 1995 to 1,341 in 2005. This projection is based upon a growth rate that is comparable to that projected for Carteret County by the NC Office of State Budget and Management. ' Cape Carteret's projected growth rate is slightly higher than that anticipated for the state as a whole. Appendix Q provides historical and projected population data through 2010 for Carteret County and Cape Carteret. Population growth has, ' in the past, resulted largely from in -migration. Given the town's current policies on expansion of the corporate limits and growth of the community, it is expected that annexation will play a larger role in the town's future population increases. 2.232 Economic Outlook. No significant economic changes are forecast during the planning period. The economy of Cape Carteret and Carteret County is expected to remain based on retail trade, services, and tourism. Cape Carteret's employment is ' expected to continue to be centered around the services and retail trade sectors of the economy. Overall, long-term employment growth in future years is anticipated to be concentrated in non -manufacturing sectors of the economy. Tourism is expected to ' continue to play a prominent role in the local economy. Consistent with long-term forecasts by the NC Office of State Budget and Management, Cape Carteret's economic growth is, however, projected to be somewhat slower through the end of this century than it was during the 1980s. 2.233 Future Land Needs. Based upon the anticipated population increase of 161 ' persons by 2005 and the average household population size in the 1990 US Census of Population (2.29 persons per household), it is projected that an additional 70 residential units will be needed through the end of the 10-year planning period. Assuming that future residential construction will basically follow the existing ' housing distribution pattern, approximately 53 single-family units, 2 multi -family units, and 15 manufactured homes will be added to the existing housing stock. Assuming also that current density levels will not be significantly changed in the ' future, new single-family residential uses are projected to account for 19 to 26 acres of land, multi -family residential 1 to 2 acres, and manufactured homes 3 to 5 acres [see Appendix R]. Sufficient vacant land exists in the study area to accommodate the projected residential growth. The demand for additional nonresidential land is also expected to increase ' during the planning period. Given the availability of commercially -zoned vacant land, it is anticipated that new commercial development can be primarily accommodated in existing commercial areas on NC Highways 24 and 58. ' 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-26 ' 2.234 Summary of Community Facilities Needs. Based upon population projections and estimates of land needs, no additional major community facilities will be required during the 10-year study period to accommodate the anticipated growth. However, in order to provide outdoor recreation space, as recommended by national standards, the town currently needs 7 to 12 acres of outdoor space to meet existing demand and 1 to 2 acres to meet the outdoor space needs of the projected population increase during the study period. Long-term wastewater treatment is a need that the town is evaluating along with neighboring municipalities, Carteret County, and surrounding counties. To date however, no definitive solution nor facilities plan has evolved from ' the studies. As new land development increases the town's wastewater disposal needs and as existing subsurface disposal systems begin to fail, water quality will be adversely impacted. Consequently, the provision of adequate wastewater treatment is ' a paramount concern to the Town of Cape Carteret and all of western Carteret County. 2.000 Data Collection and Analysis January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 2-27 H Z W a� off a� 0 0 0 M r = m = r m r = m = = = m = = = r = = 1 3.000 POLICY STATEMENTS The primary purpose of the land use plan update is to develop policy statements on those land use issues which will affect the Town of Cape Carteret during the ten-year planning period. Previous sections of this update have addressed (i) existing conditions such as population, the local economy, natural features, and current land use; (ii) constraints to land development; and (iii) the projected demand on services. This section of the update provides policies designed to address land development growth management issues. The policy statements are particularly important not only for use by the town but by other governmental agencies as well. Specifically, policy statements have implications for: (i) local land planning in Cape Carteret, (ii) CAMA development permits, and (iii) the review of projects utilizing state or federal funds as well as state and federal projects that may not be located with the town but which may have a direct impact on Cape Carteret. Policies must be developed which are, at a minimum, equal to and consistent with CAMA's guidelines and use standards for Areas of Environmental Concern. The town may, however, develop policies which exceed the minimum standards established by CAMA for Areas of Environmental Concern. Policy statements are useful to the town in establishing guidelines for day -today planning endeavors such as rezoning requests, site plan review, subdivision plat review, zoning text amendments, and requests for variances. Therefore, policy statements can serve as the basis for decision -making by the Cape Carteret Town Board, building inspectors and zoning administrators, Planning Board, and Board of Adjustment. Policy statements will also be utilized by CAMA to review requests for development permits in areas of environmental concern. Consequently, land development projects that are not consistent with the town's policy statements will not be approved by CAMA. Similarly, projects which propose to utilize state or federal funds will be reviewed for consistency with the policy statements. This section provides an analysis of previous policy statements outlined in the town's 1992 land use plan and includes policy statements on resource protection, resource production and management, economic and community development, public participation, and storm hazard mitigation, post -disaster recovery, and evacuation. These policy statements have been developed based upon the previous analysis of existing conditions, land use trends, and constraints to land development. Citizen input through public meetings and the Planning Board, which served as the Land Use Plan Advisory Committee, was also instrumental in formulating the policy statements. Various alternatives were considered by the town. Alternative policies which were discussed but not adopted are summarized in Appendix S. 3.100 Analysis Of Policy Statements In The 1992 CAMA Plan ' The 1992 CAMA Land Use Plan Update policy statements have been reviewed. This section provides a summary evaluation of the major policies and recommendations delineated in the 1992 Plan. 1 3.110 Former Resource Protection Policies. Resource protection policies in the 1992 plan addressed coastal wetlands, estuarine waters and estuarine shoreline, outstanding resource waters, flood hazard areas, estuarine erosion areas, areas with soil limitations, primary nursery areas, use of package sewage treatment plants, 3.000 Policy Statements January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-1 marina and floating home development, drystacking facilities, upland excavation for marina basins, bulkhead construction, and development of sound and estuarine system islands. The previously developed resource protection policies were consistent with CAMA policies and use standards except for a more restrictive policy concerning development of the estuarine shoreline contiguous to waters classified as Outstanding Resource Waters. The policy in the 1992 plan stated that the town should be more protective than the CAMA regulations. The conservation of coastal wetlands was encouraged as was the conservation of estuarine waters and public trust areas. Development of the estuarine shoreline was allowed provided that there were no significant adverse impacts of estuarine resources and provided that development was consistent with CAMA and applicable town regulations. Specifically, it was the town's policy to allow residential, commercial, and recreational land uses if natural barriers to erosion were not weakened or eliminated, development did not interfere with existing public access, natural drainage was unchanged, no pollution was generated, and the development conformed with state soil erosion and sedimentation control regulations. The town's policy on package treatment plants was to allow them were deemed appropriate and to specifically require, in the absence of a centralized sewer system, a package treatment plant for all new commercial development. ' Stormwater management policies supported the strict enforcement of existing sedimentation and pollution control measures. The town proposed to investigate the need for a local soil erosion and sedimentation ordinance. Such an ordinance has not, to date, been adopted. The 1992 plan also promoted the development of marinas and docking 1 facilities to serve individual residential lots. Floating homes or boats used for long- term occupancy were not permitted within the Cape Carteret planning area. Such a policy is more restrictive than the CAMA policy regarding floating homes in that the ' CAMA policies allow floating homes within marinas. Dry stack storage boat facilities were also not allowed with the town's planning jurisdiction, a policy which is also more restrictive than the CAMA requirements. Policies allowed bulkhead installation provided CAMA use standards were adhered to and there was no irreversible damage to existing sensitive marshes. The town, in reviewing specific requests for land development, has approved land development projects which were consistent with its resource protection policies. Cape Carteret has continued to enforce its Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. 1 In general, areas in the Cape Carteret Planning Jurisdiction with significant physical limitations have not been developed. Development within areas of environmental concern has been compatible with CAMA regulations and the town's land use controls. 3.000 Policy Statements --January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-2 I 3.120 Former Resource Production and Management Policies. The policies in the 1992 plan recognized the value of commercial and recreational fisheries to the area. -Specific policy. statements were developed .which concerned commercial and recreational fisheries and development impacts on resource areas. Policies encouraged the reduction of stormwater run-off into pristine and productive waters, supported the regulation of the density of development and the placement of septic systems in areas adjacent to productive water bodies, encouraged the provision of adequate public access to Bogue Sound for recreational purposes for residents and property owners, and recommended that non -buildable lots be acquired by the town for recreational use. The town has striven to approve land development projects which were consistent with its policy of allowing only water -dependent uses in coastal and estuarine waters which had no major significant adverse impact on water quality and fish habitats. 3.130 Former Economic and Community Development Policies. Previous policies addressed the town's commitment to manage and direct growth in balance with available municipal services and soil suitability and to guide new development away from AECs and hazardous areas. Specific policy statements addressed general land development, desired types of urban growth patterns, local commitment to providing services to development, redevelopment of developed areas, commitment to state and federal programs, assistance to channel maintenance projects, energy facilities siting, tourism, estuarine beach access, and anticipated residential development. The town's general land development policies stated that growth should be managed and guided by the suitability of the land to accommodate the use, the capacity of the environment, compatibility with the goals and objectives of the town, density, and the availability of support facilities and services. Policies also stated that industrial development was not desirable nor compatible with the town's character and capacity to provide municipal services; that the town would maintain areas for exclusive use of conventional single-family dwellings, provide an area to accommodate manufactured homes, and encourage additional areas for multi -family dwellings; and that the town would retain a 40-foot building height limitation. Policies also encouraged commercial development to cluster in the northeast quadrant of the NC Highway 24/58 intersection, discouraged strip highway commercial development, and required access roads for new commercial development on NC Highways 24 and 58 and on Taylor -Notion Road. Policies encouraged the development of public estuarine access opportunities as described in the 1990 Public Sound Access, Parks and Recreation and Town Beautification Plan. To date, no new public water access areas nor recreational areas have been developed by the town. 3.000 Policy Statements January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-3 I I I I A wide variety of local community development policies concerning town appearance and cleanliness, public works and services, traffic circulation and transportation, public safety and security, culture and recreation, town administration, and economic and community development were also included in the 1992 Plan. Cape Carteret has striven to adhere to the community development policies of the 1992 Plan and has made several amendments to its zoning ordinance to address some of the issues delineated in the previous plan. 3.200 Development of Updated Resource Protection Policies The major issues discussed in the formulation of resource protection policy statements include the following topics (not presented here in any priority order): • the demand for and impacts of marinas. • stormwater runoff impacts. • surface and ground water quality. • long-term solutions to wastewater treatment and disposal. The town's overall general policy concerning resource protection is to give the highest priority to the protection and management of the area's natural resources, to safeguard and perpetuate their biological, social, economic, and aesthetic values, and to ensure that development occurring within natural resource areas is compatible with the characteristics of the natural areas so as to minimize the likelihood of significant loss of private property and public resources. It is the town's intent that its policies concerning resource protection policies be consistent with CAMA 7H Use Standards except for the town's policies concerning drystack storage facilities (Section 3.280, Policy 7) and floating homes (Section 3.280, Policy 8) which are more restrictive than the CAMA use standards. After a discussion of resource protection issues, the policy statements delineated in Section 3.210 through Section 3.290.2 were developed. 3.210 Constraints to Land Development. 3.211 Flood Hazard Areas. Policy 1: The town will continue to enforce the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance which requires new construction to be elevated above the established 100-year flood elevation. 3.212 Soil Suitability/Septic Tank Use. Policy 1: Septic tank installation, where permissible, shall be in accordance with applicable county health department regulations. 3.220 Areas of Environmental Concern. The Town of Cape Carteret concurs with the CAMA 7H Use Standards for each of the Areas of Environmental Concern delineated below. 3.000 Policy Statements —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-4 J 1 3.221 Coastal Wetlands. - Poli 1: . The town will restrict land uses in coastal wetlands to those uses that support wetlands conservation and which do not adversely affect their delicate balance. The highest priority will be given to the conservation of coastal wetlands identified as of the highest functional significance on maps supplied by the Division of Coastal Management. Policy 2: Only those uses which require water access and cannot function elsewhere will be permitted in coastal wetlands consistent with CAMA 7H Use Standards and local development regulations. Such uses include utility easements, navigation channels, dredging projects, docks, piers, mooring pilings, boat ramps, navigational aids, groins, culverts, and bridges. Each proposed use shall be evaluated for compliance with state standards. Policy 3. Marina construction will not be permitted in coastal wetlands except as may be allowed by CAMA 7H Use Standards. Policy 4: Coastal wetlands should only be filled consistent with the CAMA 7H Use Standards. 3.222 Estuarine Waters and Public Trust Areas. Polio The town's policy is to restrict development in estuarine waters and public trust waters to those uses which will not cause significant degradation of the natural function nor condition of the estuarine waters and public trust areas. Polio 2: Only those uses which require water access and cannot function elsewhere will be permitted in estuarine waters and public trust waters consistent with CAMA 7H Use Standards and local development regulations. Policy 3: Marina construction may be permitted in estuarine waters including those which are classified as primary nursery areas in accordance with the CAMA 7H Use Standards and local land development regulations. 3.223 Estuarine Shoreline. Policy 1: The town will permit residential, commercial, and recreational development with concurrent attention to the prevention of erosion, preservation of public access, provision of proper drainage, and prevention of pollution. 3.000 Policy Statements —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-5 1 Policy2. Appropriate land uses within the estuarine shoreline include any permissible land uses authorized by the Cape Carteret Zoning Ordinance and Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance that conform to CAMA 1 _ development standards. , 3.224 Outstanding Resource Waters. 1 Policy 1: Cape Carteret recognizes the significance of the western Bogue Sound ORW designation. The town's development policies for the estuarine shoreline contiguous to waters classified as ORW shall be consistent with the CAMA 7H Use Standards. 3.230 Other Fragile Areas 3.231 Sound and Estuarine System Islands. Policy 1: It is the town's policy that these islands not be considered for intensive urban development. The town encourages the public or private land trust purchase, ownership, and conservation of sound and estuarine system islands. Policy 2: Any permissible use or development shall be in accordance with applicable CAMA standards and local land development regulations. 3.232 Freshwater Wetlands. Polly 1: The town will coordinate the review of land development plans with the US Army Corps of Engineers when site plans indicate development activities in areas identified as wetlands. Poll 2: The town prohibits any filling of freshwater wetlands except as permitted by the US Army Corps of Engineers. 3.233 Historical and Archaeological Sites. The study area contains no sites listed in the National Register of Historic Places nor any sites on the Study List for future inclusion in the National Register. Archaeologically sensitive sites have, however, been identified in the Cape Carteret planning area. All of these sites have been 1 previously disturbed by urban development. Therefore, no policy statement is necessary. 1 3.240 Hurricane and Flood Evacuation Needs and Plans. (See Section 3.600) 1 3.000 Policy Statements —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-6 3.250 Potable Water Supply Protection. Polio The town will coordinate land development activities involving hazardous chemical or petroleum storage and disposal with the appropriate county and i state regulatory agencies. The town also supports management practices which address the incidental use of hazardous materials such as insecticides, herbicides, fertilizers, etc. Police 2: The town supports the use of water conservation practices and groundwater protection measures in order to prevent lowering the water table, to limit the quantity of wastewater generated, and to protect the quality of water. 3.260 Use of Package Treatment Plants. Policy_]: Package treatment plants may be permitted in areas in which public sewer service is currently unavailable and where the sewer service utility has determined that the municipal sewer system is not likely to be extended in the future provided that the treatment plants conform to state permitting requirements. Policy 2: The town will require, through its zoning ordinance and ' subdivision regulations, that a land development project proposing the use of a package treatment plant shall include (i) the formation of a legal, private entity to properly operate and maintain such package treatment plant and (ii) the development of a contingency plan to own and operate such package treatment plant should the private operation fail. 3.270 Stormwater Runoff, Water Quality Problems, and Management Measures jPolicy_]. Cape Carteret will promote the use of best available management practices to minimize the degradation of water quality resulting from stormwater runoff, examples of these practices include using pervious or semi -pervious materials for driveways and walks, retaining natural vegetation along marsh and waterfront areas, and allowing stormwater to percolate into the ground rather than discharging it directly to coastal waters. Policy 2: The town will coordinate its approval of land development projects with (i) the permitting requirements and stormwater regulations of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section, and (ii) the soil erosion and sedimentation control regulations of the Land Quality Section of the North Carolina Division of Land Resources. Policy 3: The town promotes the coordination with adjoining local government jurisdictions of comprehensive stormwater management practices and policies to enhance water quality. 3.000 Policy Statements —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-7 Policy 4: The town will continue to participate in the Carteret County Interlocal Agency and the Regional Wastewater Task Force to develop solutions for ' discharge alternatives for treated wastewater. 3.280 Marinas, Piers, Docks, and Floating Home Development. 1 Policy 1: The town encourages the establishment of attractive, environmentally -responsible marina, boat storage, and water access facilities for residents and vacationers consistent with CAMA regulations and local zoning and other regulations. Policy 2: Marina construction will not be permitted in coastal wetlands 1 except as may be allowed by CAMA 7H Use Standards. Marina construction will be permitted in estuarine waters which are classified as primary nursery areas in accordance with the CAMA 7H Use Standards and local land development Iregulations. Policy 3: Upland marina construction will be permitted in areas located ' adjacent to primary nursery areas and where channel dredging for access to deeper waters would be through primary nursery areas in accordance with the CAMA 7H Use Standards and local land development regulations. Policy 4: The town will permit the development of noncommercial docking facilities to serve individual residential lots in accordance with CAMA 7H Use IStandards. Policy S: Piers serving residential uses and nonresidential uses allowed by zoning shall be permitted in primary nursery areas. Policy 6: The town encourages the construction of boat docking facilities by I landowner or homeowner associations that are designed to service only lots within a designated subdivision. Policy 7. The Town of Cape Carteret does not permit dry stack boat facilities within its planning jurisdiction. This policy is more restrictive than CAMA minimum use standards since the CAMA regulations will allow drystack storage facilities with marina development. Policy 8: Floating structures will not be permitted within the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction. Floating structures are defined as any structure, not a boat, supported by a means of flotation, designed to be used without a permanent foundation, which is used or intended for human habitation or commerce. A structure will be considered a floating structure when it is inhabited or used for commercial purposes for more than thirty days in any one location. A boat may be deemed a floating structure when its means of propulsion has been removed or rendered inoperative and it contains at least 200 square feet of living space area. A boat is defined as a vessel or watercraft of any type or size specifically designed to be self- propelled, whether by engine, sail, oar, or paddle or other means, which is used to 3.000 Policy Statements January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-8 travel from place to place by water. This policy is more restrictive than CAMA minimum use standards for floating homes since the CAMA regulations will allow floating homes within marinas. Policy 9.• Public mooring fields shall be permitted in accordance with CAMA regulations. Policy 10: The town encourages marina siting and design which promotes proper flushing action. Such design features include locating marinas near inlets, maximizing the opening of entrance channels, and minimizing stagnant corners by using rounded corners, level bottoms sloping towards the entrance, and avoiding bends. 3.290 Industrial Impacts on Fragile Areas. Policy 1: The town, through its Zoning Ordinance, will ensure that industrial development does not adversely impact identified fragile lands. 3.290.1 Sea Level Rise Impacts. Policy 1: Due to the uncertainty surrounding the extent and magnitude of ' sea level rise, the Town of Cape Carteret does not feel it is in a position at this time to develop a specific policy statement. Policy 2: The town supports continued state research into the problems associated with sea level rise and will consider the development of policies to address sea level rise as more data concerning problem definition and alternative solutions are 1 made available. 3.290.2 Bulkhead Installation Damage to Marshes. Policy 1: Cape Carteret will permit bulkhead installation provided that all of the use standards of 15 NCAC 7H.0208(b)(7) are adhered to. 3.300 Development of Updated Resource Production and Management Policies The major issues discussed in the development of resource production and management policy statements centered around the following topics: the impact of land development activities on marine fisheries. the provision of public recreational space and water access. The town's overall general policy concerning resource production and management is I to support the effective management of the area's natural resources so as to ensure the continued environmental and economic well being of the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction. he town will continue to consider the impacts on local and regional natural resources in all land development decisions and will seek to improve the cooperation and coordination with other public and private agencies involved with natural resource production and management. 3.000 Policy Statements January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-9 1 It is the town's intent that its policies concerning resource production and management be consistent with CAMA 7H Use Standards. Following a discussion of the above issues, the resource production and management policies outlined in Section 3.310 through Section 3.370 Iwere formulated. 3.310 Productive Agricultural Lands. No productive agricultural lands are located 1 within the Cape Carteret planning area. Therefore, no policy statement is necessary. 3.320 Commercial Forest Lands. No commercial forest lands are located within the Cape Carteret planning area. Therefore, no policy statement is necessary. 3.330 Mineral Production Areas. No existing or potential mineral production areas are located within the Cape Carteret planning area. Such mining operations would, however, not be permitted within the town's planning jurisdiction under the current zoning regulations. Therefore, no policy statement is necessary. 3.340 Commercial and Recreational Fisheries. Polio- 1: Cape Carteret will allow in coastal wetland areas only those developments which require water access and cannot function elsewhere and which will meet state and/or federal permitting requirements for acceptable impacts on ' coastal and estuarine water fish habitats. Police 2: The town will cooperate with the Water Quality Section, NC I Division of Environmental Management to preserve and improve riverine and estuarine water quality. Policy 3: Cape Carteret will ensure that developments locating adjacent to coastal waters make every effort to mitigate any adverse effects on riverine and estuarine water quality and on primary nursery and fish habitat areas. The town will maintain it's current low density zoning classifications and will ensure that subsurface sewage disposal systems are permitted only in conformance with county health department regulations. Polig 4 Marina construction will be permitted in accordance with the CAMA 7H Use Standards and local land development regulations. Policy 5: Trawling activities in estuarine waters are not opposed by the town as long as such activities meet state and/or federal permitting requirements for acceptable impacts on the estuarine waters. Polio, 6: The town will strive to provide or purchase adequate public access to Bogue Sound for recreational purposes for residents and property owners. Policy 7. Cape Carteret recognizes the significance of the western Bogue Sound ORW designation. The town's development policies for the estuarine shoreline contiguous to waters classified as ORW shall be consistent with the CAMA 7H Use Standards. 3.000 Policy Statements —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-10 I I� 3.350 Off -Road Vehicles. Police 1: Off -road vehicles will not be permitted, through the town's- general ordinance powers, on any sound and estuarine system islands. Off -road vehicle use in other sections of the planning area is not considered an issue. 3.360 Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Land Development Impacts on Resources. Police 1: Only those uses which require water access and cannot function elsewhere will be permitted in coastal wetlands consistent with CAMA permitting requirements. Polia 2: Residential, commercial, and industrial land development in the ' estuarine shoreline will be allowed only if the applicable permitting agency has determined that such development meets state and/or federal permitting requirements for acceptable impacts on estuarine resources and water quality. ' Policy-3- Marina construction will be permitted in accordance with CAMA 7H Use Standards and local land development regulations. 3.370 Peat or Phosphate Mining Impacts on Resources. Policy P Peat or phosphate mining operations are not now nor are they anticipated to be located in the Cape Carteret planning area. Such mining operations would, however, not be permitted within the town's planning jurisdiction under the current zoning regulations. 3.400 Development of Updated Economic and Community Development Policies A wide array of issues were identified as economic and community development policy statements were being formulated. The major issues involved the following topics: • maintaining low residential densities. • the impacts of commercial development. • commercial land use encroachment in residential areas. • annexation by adjoining municipalities of Cape Carteret's ETJ. • incorporation of new municipalities within the town's future growth areas. • managing strip commercial development adjacent to NC 24/58. • the impact of tourism on Cape Carteret. • improvements to major thoroughfares. • provision of waterfront access. • promoting marina development. • minimum lot area requirements for lots of record. • congestion at the intersection of NC Highways 24 and 58. • signs and billboards. 3.000 Policy Statements —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-11 d J P I Cape Carteret's overall general policy concerning economic and community development is to consider growth of the community as a desirable objective. Further, the town will. promote only- those types of development that do not significantly impact natural resources and which retain and maintain the town's present character. After a discussion of economic and community development issues, the policy statements delineated in Section 3.410 through Section 3.490.2 were formulated. 3.410 General Land Development Policies Polio : Cape Carteret supports managing and directing the town's growth and development in balance with the availability of municipal services. Further, the town will promote only those types of development that will meet state and/or federal permitting requirements for acceptable impacts on natural resources and which retain and maintain the town's present character. Policy 2: The town will encourage land development in areas that currently have the necessary support infrastructure (water, streets, etc.) or where these services can readily be made available. Land development will be guided to areas that have public water and an adequate street system to accommodate increased land development. Polio The town will promote the continued low -density residential development character of areas located on the fringes of the extraterritorial jurisdiction and in locations adjacent to identified fragile and hazard areas. Poliev 4: The town will support local intergovernmental cooperation with regard to land use planning issues, such as ETJ areas, annexation agreements, thoroughfare planning, and regional sewage systems. 3.420 Desired Types of Urban Growth Patterns. Polio Cape Carteret will continue to promote a variety of land uses which complement the residential, commercial, institutional, and recreational needs of the community. Industrial development is generally considered not to be desirable nor compatible with the town's character and ability to provide municipal services. Poliev 2: Current residential densities will be maintained in order to preserve the overall low -density character of Cape Carteret's residential areas. Poliev 3: Multi -family residential development will be encouraged at a moderate density range of approximately five dwelling units per acre. Such development will be guided to locations in which adequate utilities and a sufficient street system are available. Policy 4: Cape Carteret will maintain residential areas that are used exclusively for conventional single-family dwellings. 3.000 Policy Statements —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-12 I 1 I Policy 5: The town will continue to enforce the requirement that new subdivisions provide lands for neighborhood recreation use. . Polia 6: Cape Carteret will encourage the development of attractive commercial and professional buildings along the NC Highway 24 and 58 corridors. Policy 7. The town will continue to enforce zoning ordinance standards for the control of screening and buffers in commercial areas. 3.430 Local Commitment to Providing Services to Development. Policy 1: Cape Carteret will remain committed to providing appropriate municipal services to support additional development. Policy 2: The provision of basic municipal services shall be based upon the town's financial capacity and the economic feasibility of providing the municipal service. Policy 3: The town supports the current four -county study that is investigating long-term regional solutions to wastewater needs. Policy 4: The town will consider amending the subdivisions regulations and other applicable town codes to require that new development be connected to a public water system whenever such water system is readily available to the property at the time of development. 3.440 Redevelopment of Developed Areas. Policy P The town encourages the redevelopment of older, established residential neighborhoods at the same density and intensity of scale as that currently existing in the neighborhoods. Policy 2: Replacement of existing structures within AECs shall be permitted in accordance with the CAMA requirements of 15 NCAC 7J.0210 and .0211. 3.450 Commitment to State and Federal Programs. Policy 1, Cape Carteret will evaluate state and federal programs which impact the town's development. The town's policy has generally been to assist and cooperate with state and federal offices in local development programs. 3.460 Assistance to Channel Maintenance Projects. Policy-]: Cape Carteret supports the US Army Corps of Engineers in its efforts to maintain the Intracoastal Waterway. 3.000 Policy Statements --January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-13 3.470 Energy Facility Siting and Development. Polia 1 • Since industrial development is generally considered not ' desireable nor compatible with the town's character and ability to provide municipal services, electric generating plants, onshore refineries, storage facilities, and related onshore support facilities are not considered desireable land uses within the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction. Policy 2: The Town of Cape Carteret does not oppose offshore exploratory drilling for oil or gas as long as the activities meet state and/or federal permitting requirements for acceptable impacts and any identified adverse economic impacts on Cape Carteret can be mitigated or negated. 3.480 Tourism. Policy 1 Cape Carteret supports efforts to promote the area for tourism development which is consistent with the town's land use policies. Policy 2: The town will promote tourist support businesses and services in its highway -oriented commercial areas. ' 3.490 Coastal and Estuarine Water Beach Access. Polia 1: The town will continue to support the exploration, assessment, and development of estuarine access opportunities. Policy 2: The town will continue to require, through its Subdivision Regulations, provisions for common water access in waterfront subdivisions. 3.490.1 Anticipated Residential Development and Requisite Support Services. Residential development which is projected for future years will primarily involve low -density single-family residences at a density of approximately 1 to 3 dwelling units per acre. Such development is anticipated principally in the northern and eastern portions of the town's planning jurisdiction. Multi -family residential development is projected to occur, for the most part, at a moderate -density of 3 to S dwelling units per acre. Multi -family development is expected to locate in areas currently zoned for such use, primarily in the northeastern portion of the planning area. Existing basic public facilities and services are generally considered adequate to serve the projected residential development through the planning period. However, recreational space and long-term wastewater treatment are needs that will be generated by increased residential development. Policy 1: The town will promote residential densities as outlined above. I Higher densities will be permitted only in areas with adequate utilities and with a street system that has the capacity to sufficiently handle increased vehicle trips. 3.000 Policy Statements —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-14 I ' Policv 2: The town will continue to require, through its subdivision regulations, provisions for the dedication of community service facilities or payment of an in -lieu of fee in residential subdivision developments of four or more lots. ' 3.490.2 Other Identified Local Land Development Issues. In addition to the general community development issues and policies discussed previously, a variety of ' local land development concerns exist that are important to the town. Consequently, the following policies are developed to address those issues. ' Polio Cape Carteret will strive to improve and enhance the town's visual quality and attractiveness. Police 2: The town will seek to improve its capacity to provide municipal services. ' Policy 3: It is the overall policy of the town to meet the increasing need to move people and goods from place to place conveniently, safely, quickly, and efficiently. Policv 4: It is the town's policy to provide the highest level of safety possible for people and property in response to growth and development. ' Policy 5: The town will seek to maintain an environment where cultural and recreational activities can flourish. Policy 6: The town will seek to monitor and manage growth by monitoring staff and development service needs in planning, engineering, and inspection to ' maintain and improve quality development as growth increases. Policy 7: Cape Carteret will consider annexing areas within the existing ETJ as these areas meet the statutory qualifications for annexation. Policy 8: In order to keepits land development regulator tools current and Y to ensure that such tools are effectively implementing the policies of this Updated Land Use Plan, the town will investigate opportunities for grant assistance from the Division of Coastal Management to update and revise its zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations. 3.500 Development of Updated Continuing Public Participation Policies The Town of Cape Carteret recognizes the importance of providing citizens with opportunities to participate in the community's planning process. The town also recognizes that citizen participation and citizen education must be made available on a continuing basis. To that end, the town adopted a citizen participation plan during the initial stages of the CAMA Land Use Plan Update process. The Citizen Participation Plan provided for (i) the designation by the Town Board of the Planning Board as the advisory committee responsible ' for drafting an update of the land use plan (the Planning Board is composed of citizens that represent a cross-section of the community); (ii); a joint meeting of the Town Board and the 3.000 Policy Statements —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-15 11 ' Planning Board to serve as both an orientation meeting and an educational opportunity to inform the general public of the purposes of the CAMA Land Use Plan and the process for updating the plan (iii) meetings of the Planning Board at strategic points in the land use update process; (iv) a .second public -information meeting following the completion of a preliminary draft land use plan; (v) newspaper releases concerning the land use planning process, preliminary plan, and final plan; (vi) a public hearing before the Town Board to review and adopt the Land Use Plan Update; and (vii) public notices in the local newspaper of meetings and the availability of the draft plan. An intergovernmental coordination meeting, sponsored by the Carteret County Mayor's Association, was held with Carteret County and ' the municipalities within the county. The purpose of the meeting was to identify and discuss significant land use issues of common concern. A complete listing of activities which implemented the town's citizen participation plan as well as a copy of the Citizen Participation Plan adopted by the Town of Cape Carteret is provided in Appendix T. The town has assessed the effectiveness of its citizen participation plan and has determined that the process permitted broad public participation at key formulative stages in the preparation of the land use plan update. In addition to allowing citizen input, the process also helped to educate the public about land use planning and the management and protection of natural resources. The town will ensure a continuous planning process by conducting periodic reviews of ' the Land Use Plan's policies. This review will be the responsibility of the Cape Carteret Planning Board and Town Board. 1 3.600 Storm Hazard Mitigation, Post -Disaster Recovery, and Evacuation Plans The Town of Cape Carteret adopted the Hurricane Evacuation Plan, prepared for ' Carteret County by the Carteret County Office of Emergency Management, in July 1985. The Evacuation Plan provides evacuation guidance to governmental officials and emergency service organizations and assigns specific responsibilities for implementing the plan in the event of a hurricane. The plan includes provisions for the organization of a decision making control group, development of a warning and alerting systems, delineation of evacuation routes, identification of emergency shelter locations, and development of re-entry procedures. The Hurricane Evacuation Plan can be reviewed at the Carteret County Emergency Management Office in Beaufort or at the Cape Carteret Town Hall. The town will continue to support the Hurricane Evacuation Plan by providing assistance and participation as required by the plan. Cape Carteret also supports the continuation of hurricane awareness programs. ' Storm Surge Inundation Areas have been delineated by the US Army Corps of Engineers as part of the Eastern NC Hurricane Evacuation Study (1987). While the storm surge areas generally parallel the 100-year flood hazard areas shown in Figure 3, there are some additional parts of the study area that are subject to hurricane -induced flooding. These areas are primarily (i) the area east of Deer Creek and south of NC Highway 24 and (ii) the area immediately north of Pettiford Creek. Of these three areas, the most intensely developed is the area east of Deer Creek which includes the Bayshore Park and Country Club Point Subdivisions. It is estimated that the area contains approximately 100-150 dwelling units. The area immediately north of Pettiford Creek is largely undeveloped with a few scattered ' 3. 000 Policy Statements --January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-16 ' single-family dwellings. Storm surge areas are shown in the Composite Hazards Map (Figure 7). Flooding as well as high winds would impact the Cape Carteret area during a major coastal storm. The table below describes the impact of the various categories of hurricanes: Table 6 DESCRIPTION OF HURRICANE CATEGORIES Category Winds Storm Surge Damage Expected Category 1 74-95 MPH 4-5 Feet Minimal Damage Category 2 96-110 MPH 6-8 Feet Moderate Damage Category 3 111-130 MPH 9-12 Feet Extensive Damage Category 4 131-155 MPH 13-18 Feet Extreme Damage Category 5 155+ MPH 18+ Feet Catastrophic Damage The following policies are developed to mitigate the effects of high winds, storm ' surge, and flooding. Policy 1: Cape Carteret will continue to enforce the state building code ' requirements that relate to wind -resistant construction standards. Policy 2: Cape Carteret will continue to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program and to enforce the flood damage prevention ordinance. PolicZ Cape Carteret will avoid zoning areas susceptible to storm surge ' for higher density residential uses and intensive nonresidential uses. Policy 4: Cape Carteret will continue to support and cooperate with Carteret County and other local units of government in emergency management planning and training. ' Policies to discourage development, particularly high -density or large structures in the most hazardous areas include the following previously outlined policies: ' • Section 3.211, Policy 1. The town will continue to enforce the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance which requires new construction to be elevated above the established 100-year flood elevation. 3.000 Policy Statements —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-17 preparation of this map was financed In part ugh a grant provided by the North C-j a stal Management Program, through funds Tided by the Coastal Zone Management Act ??Z as amended, which is administered by PBT77POBD BAT ; FZMFORD CP"K Q o0 _ o W= OAK BDBB V OAF PJM $UMWAT BOAfHO(SB BOQUB S7UM ®�. %�.-r�-.,- -VA - JII� ♦ , G Figure 7 Composite Hazards Map Cape Carteret, NC Fill MNO N -2 Surge Areas Category I Category 3 Additional Surge Area Category 4-5 Additional Surge Area Town Limits ETJ 1• �.gga�� �� 1/ ,i Watershed Boundary �� ♦ e•.-� . J� pi« w �. end ,�, �,� ar,��di aw i � �� ��i� �� a'�� and E ���� '��•ft"+��� 1 ♦ r� a, s. `.,,, ►ffi �Source: Eastern N.C. Hurricane Evacuation Study, US Affny Corps of ,� • A��•'r`�♦.� ��r Engineers, pp.���_,'Qr7�1] W `fig/��� i��!►�-'.v'�.!!p//%�rl!>v� t-+-' �� �� �fly i $ ties JARTI ♦ ♦ `, ••� Ar ,ice • � .�� ♦ d` � � (31 � . XXOP RONNI 1 � `��� ��I� ���,����� Wit/ P• 9,y -- b�.' �� . ! I11%�'�fr,A•, o�� �►� 7G i�♦�\s!r♦�� .a �d �'°s �•'�n!�tts�yt`�t�d�9�` � ,. e. The v Wooten jCompany, �w Mies 1/22/98 �,,�� • Section 3.231, Policy 1. It is the town's policy that sound and estuarine system islands not be considered for development. • Section 3.410, -Policy 3. The. town will promote- the continued low -density residential development character of areas located on the fringes of the extraterritorial jurisdiction and in locations adjacent to identified fragile and hazard areas. • Section 3.420, Policy 2. Current residential densities will be maintained in order to preserve the overall low -density character of Cape Carteret's residential areas. ' The town's policy concerning the public acquisition of land in the most hazardous areas is not to acquire such lands. ' In the aftermath of a major storm, Cape Carteret recognizes that the reconstruction process occurs in four periods which overlap yet follow each other in sequence after a disaster strikes. These periods are as follows: ' 1. Emergency Period. The initial days or weeks after the disaster when social and economic activities are most seriously disrupted and attention focuses on the dead, ' injured, missing, and homeless. 2. Restoration Period. The first weeks or months after the disaster when attention focuses on debris removal and the rapid repair of damaged utilities, housing, and ' commercial structures. This period marks the transition from the response phase to the recovery phase. ' 3. Replacement Reconstruction Period. Several weeks after the disaster and possibly continuing for several years with concentration placed on reconstruction of those buildings and utilities which were damaged beyond repair. ' 4. Commemorative, Betterment, and Developmental Reconstruction Period. Usually several years after the disaster when attention is directed toward the I memorialization of the disaster and to mark the town's post disaster improvements and/or to enhance future growth. The actual amount of time it takes to recover from a natural disaster depends primarily upon the extent of damages incurred. During the restoration period, the town staff will evaluate the condition of damaged or destroyed public facilities and submit a report to the ' town board. At that time, consideration will be given to relocating any destroyed facilities out of high risk damage areas. Such relocation shall occur only when more satisfactory or lower risk locations are both feasible and readily available. ' During the emergency period, public safety will be the primary concern. Debris removal, securing power lines, assessing potable water quality , and opening lines of ' transportation and communication are actionsto be. taken by the county, EMC, FEMA, NCDOT, health department, NC National Guard, Civil Air Patrol, and local law enforcement t3.000 Policy Statements —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-19 agencies. These agencies, with assistance from the mayor and town staff, will be responsible for organizing volunteers and utilizing available resources in clean-up activities. ' Immediately following a natural disaster, during which substantial physical damage has incurred, the Cape Carteret Town Board will enact a post disaster reconstruction ' moratorium. This moratorium should remain in place until heavily damaged areas can be cleared and mapped for detailed review. At that time, the town board should consider the following: 1 1. Should there be changes in land use densities, locations, etc.? 2. Are modifications needed in the local building codes? 3. What kinds of efforts and financial commitments are necessary to make the town more effective and more attractive? ' 4. Should there be any local compensation or special financial assistance for private property losses? ' 5. How should the necessary increased local public expenditures be financed? I 6. Should normal or extraordinary decision -making mechanisms be used to guide post -disaster recovery? The town board will establish a Recovery Task Force to assist in overseeing the reconstruction process and to recommend any necessary policy changes. This task force will be comprised of citizens of varied backgrounds who are familiar with the Town of Cape Carteret. Individual members should be appointed by the town board in a manner similar to the appointment of other advisory board members, with special emphasis placed upon obtaining a variety of expertise. The task force will consist of no less than eight and no more ' than fifteen members. The following guidelines will be followed for post -disaster repairs and reconstruction: ' 1. Timing and Completion of Damage Estimates. The preliminary damage assessment will be completed by the building inspector within the first five days after the disaster. This assessment will be submitted to the town board. Damage survey reports will be completed by the building inspector within three months of the disaster. ' 2. Timing and Completion of Temporary Development Moratoria. The town board, upon receipt of the building inspector's damage report, shall decide if damage is ' substantial enough to warrant a temporary development moratorium. If so, development will be suspended in affected areas until redevelopment policy is established (within six months). ' 3. Post Disaster Development Standards. Development standards for post -disaster reconstruction will follow established state building codes and any other policies 3.000 Policy Statements January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-20 enacted by the town board during the moratorium. Where nonconforming structures have suffered damage exceeding 60 percent of the structure's value, they may be rebuilt only in conformance with the current standards. During the restoration period, the any town -owned public utilities will be repaired to an operational level. During the reconstruction period, utility reconstruction and relocation if feasible and necessary, will take place. The Cape Carteret Town Board will make all policy decisions concerning the Town of Cape Carteret and its extraterritorial planning jurisdiction. ' The town will be responsible for implementation of those policies and for compliance with the policies. ' 3.700 Proposed Implementation Methods In order to implement the previously outlined policies, the Cape Carteret Town Board and Planning Board will utilize the policy statements as one of the bases for decision -making when land development requests are made. Policy statements will be taken into consideration when reviewing rezonings, zoning text amendments, and subdivision plats. The Cape Carteret Board of Adjustment will also review policies outlined in this plan prior to making decisions on variances. Cape Carteret will continue to administer and enforce its land use regulatory tools ' particularly the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, and Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. The town will review the current regulatory tools to eliminate inconsistencies which may exist between the tools and the policies outlined in this plan. Specifically, Zoning I Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations amendments which will be investigated in order to implement the policy statements involving the following topics: 0 permitting retail sales in marinas. • addressing minimum lot area requirements for lots of record in the R-20 zoning district. • sign regulations. • requiring mandatory water connections for new construction. 3.800 Intergovernmental Coordination and Implementation In developing the update to it's land use plan, the Town of Cape Carteret, in 1 conjunction with Carteret County and all of the municipalities within the county, held an intergovernmental coordination meeting in August 1996 to identify land use and development issues of mutual concern. The meeting was held to ensure that land use issues and concerns of adjoining planning jurisdictions were discussed. Regional issues and concerns identified by the Town of Cape Carteret which were discussed at the meeting included the following: (1) Expansion of municipal ETJ areas. (2) Incorporation of new municipalities without regard to the new town's capability to provide municipal services or the adverse impact of the new town on existing municipalities. 3.000 Policy Statements —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-21 ' (3) Annexation/delineation of future growth area agreements with the Towns of Cedar Point and Bogue. ' (4) Billboard control along the causeway to Emerald Isle. (5) Traffic congestion at the NC Highway 24/58 intersection. (6) Coordination of comprehensive stormwater management practices and policies with adjoining local governments. (7) Regional solutions to wastewater disposal needs. ' Other joint meetings to discuss development issues of regional significance include the North Carolina Municipalities meeting held in Emerald Isle in November 1996, meetings of the Carteret County Interlocal Agency (consisting of nine Carteret County municipalities) to ' assess long-term wastewater management alternatives, and meetings of the Regional Wastewater Task Force which has been evaluating long-term options for wastewater treatment in Carteret, Craven, Onslow, and Pamlico Counties. 3.000 Policy Statements —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 3-22 [J I 1 Ll 4.000 LAND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM 1 I 4.000 LAND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM The land classification system was developed as a means of assisting in the implementation of the land development policies. The land classification system is intended to be supported and complemented by zoning, subdivision regulations, and other land management tools. The land classification system is not a regulatory mechanism but is, rather, a tool to help implement land development policies. The land classification system provides a framework to be used by the town to identify the future use of land. The designation of land classes allows the town to illustrate its policy statements as to where and to what density it wants growth to occur, and where it wants to conserve natural and cultural resources by guiding growth. 4.100 Land Classifications The CAMA regulations delineate seven land classes: Developed, Urban Transition, Limited Transition, Community, Rural, Rural with Services, and Conservation. In applying the land classification system, the town has placed particular attention on how, where, and when land development of certain types and intensity will be encouraged or discouraged. 4.110 Developed Classification. The purpose of the Developed land classification is to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing towns and their urban environs. Urban land uses and higher intensity uses, which presently require the traditional urban services, should be classified as Developed. Areas included in the Developed classification are currently urban in character, have minimal undeveloped land remaining, and have in place or are scheduled to have in place municipal or public services. Urban in character includes mixed land uses such as residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and other uses at high to moderate densities. Services include water, sewer, recreational facilities, streets, and police and fire protection. Areas developed for predominantly residential purposes meet the intent of this classification if they exhibit: ' (i) a density of 3 or more dwellings per acre; or (ii) a majority of lots of 15,000 square feet or less which are provided or scheduled to be provided with the traditional urban services; and/or (iii) permanent population densities are high and seasonal population may swell significantly. n 4.120 Urban Transition Classification. The purpose of the Urban Transition classification is to provide for future intensive urban development on lands that are suitable for development and that will be provided with the necessary urban services to support intensive urban development. Included in the Urban Transition classification are areas presently being developed for urban purposes or areas which will be developed in the next five to ten years. These areas are in an urban `transition' state of development, going from lower intensity uses to higher intensity uses and as such will eventually require urban services. Examples of areas meeting the intent of this classification are lands included within municipal extraterritorial planning boundaries and areas being considered for annexation. Areas classified as Urban Transition will provide lands for intensive urban growth when lands in the developed 4.000 Land Classification System January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Update 4-1 classification are not available. The Urban Transition classification includes mixed land uses such as residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and other uses at or ' approaching high to moderate densities. Areas that are predominantly residential meet the intent of this classification if- (i) they are approaching three dwelling units per acre, or (ii) a majority of the lots are 15,000 square feet or less and will be provided with essential urban services to support this high density development, or (iii) are contiguous to existing developed municipal areas. ' 4.130 Limited Transition Classification. The purpose of the Limited Transition classification is to provide for development in areas that have some services but are suitable for lower densities than those associated with the Urban Transition classification and/or are geographically remote from existing towns. ' Areas meeting the intent of this classification will experience increased development during the planning period and will be in a state of development necessitating some municipal -type services. These areas are of modest densities and are often suitable for the ' provision of closed water systems rather than individual wells. The Limited Transition classification is intended for predominantly residential development with a density of three units per acre or less, or the majority of lots are 15,000 square feet or greater. Clustering ' or development associated with planned unit developments may be appropriate in the Limited Transition class. In the case of the Cape Carteret Planning Jurisdiction, it has been determined that no areas would fall within this classification. ' 4.140 Community Classification. The purpose of this classification is to provide clustered, mixed land uses at low densities to help meet the housing, shopping, and employment and other needs in rural areas. Since this classification is usually associated with `crossroads development' in counties, it has been determined not to be applicable to the Cape Carteret Planning Jurisdiction. 4.150 Rural Classification. The Rural classification is intended to provide for agriculture, forestry, mineral extraction, and other allied uses traditionally associated with an agrarian ' region as well as uses that, due to their hazardous or noxious nature, should be located in a relatively isolated and undeveloped area. Very low density dispersed residential uses on large lots with on -site water and sewer are consistent with the intent of this classification. Because there are no large agricultural and/or forestry areas within the Cape Carteret Planning Jurisdiction, the Rural classification has been determined not to be applicable. ' 4.160 Rural with Services Classification. The Rural Services classification is intended to provide for very low density land uses including residential use where limited water services are provided in order to avert an existing or projected health problem. Because this ' classification is concerned with predominantly agrarian areas with known or anticipated water quality problems, it has been determined not to be applicable to the Cape Carteret Planning Jurisdiction. 4.000 Land Classification System —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Update 4-2 n P 4.170 Conservation Classification. The purpose of the Conservation classification is to provide for the effective long-term management and protection of significant, limited, or irreplaceable areas. Areas meeting the intent of this classification include Areas of Environmental Concern (AECs) as defined by CAMA and other similar environmentally sensitive lands such as `404' wetlands (wetlands other than statutorily defined coastal wetlands). The Conservation classification is intended to be applied to areas that, because of their unique, productive, limited, cultural, or natural features, should be either not developed at all (preserved), or if developed, done so in an extremely limited fashion. Urban services, public or private, should not be provided in areas classified as Conservation as a catalyst to stimulate intense development. It is intended that limited, on -site services will adequately support any restricted development within this classification. While AEC standards will occasionally permit urban -type development and limited services on a lot -by -lot basis within various AECs, it should be noted that this is the exception rather than the rule. The primary intent of the Conservation classification is to provide protection for the resources included therein. 4.200 Uses Included In Each Classification The following general land uses are allowed within the land classifications applicable to the Cape Carteret Planning Jurisdiction: 4.210 Developed Classification. Mixed land uses (residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional) are included in the Developed classification. Residential densities generally range from a maximum of two to five dwelling units per acre. Higher densities, up to a maximum of 8 units per acre, are permitted within planned residential developments. Residential uses include single-family detached (including manufactured homes on individual lots) and attached dwellings, multi -family structures, retirement facilities, and manufactured home parks. Commercial land uses include a wide variety of retail, service, and office and professional uses. Major shopping facilities, concentrated clusters of free-standing retail establishments, and commercial marine establishments are included. Industrial land uses include light manufacturing establishments. Institutional land uses include uses such as the White Oak School as well as governmental, semi-public, and private institutional and recreational land uses. 4.220 Urban Transition Classification. Land uses in this classification may include mixed land uses but they are not as intensively developed as in the previous classification. The areas classified as Urban Transition in the Cape Carteret Planning Jurisdiction are predominantly undeveloped lands on the periphery of the existing developed areas. 4.230 Conservation Classification. The Conservation classification includes identified AECs (coastal wetlands, estuarine waters, public trust waters, estuarine shoreline) Hunting Island, and `404' freshwater wetlands protected by the Clean Water Act.. No development other than those uses which require water access and cannot function elsewhere is allowed in coastal wetlands and estuarine and public trust waters. The town concurs with CAMA AEC Standards for properties located in the Conservation classification and with the US Army Corps of Engineers regulations for `404' wetlands. 4.000 Land Classification System January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAAM Land Use Update 4-3 ' Development within the estuarine shoreline must be in accordance with CAMA regulations and guidelines and the applicable Cape Carteret Zoning Ordinance provisions. Permits must t be obtained from the US Army Corps of Engineers prior to disturbing any freshwater wetlands. Most of the land areas classified as Conservation are within identified flood hazard areas and permissible land uses are, therefore, restricted to those which create no ' significant adverse impact on base flood levels. 4.300 Land Classification Map The Land Classification Map (see Figure 8) includes three land classifications: (i) Developed; (ii) Urban Transition; and (iii) Conservation. The Land Classification Map graphically illustrates the locations of the various classifications. Because of the scale of the Land Classification Map, the Conservation classifications can not be mapped with any degree of ' accuracy. Precise locations for some areas classified as Conservation must be determined by field investigation by the appropriate permitting agency. The general locations of the various land classifications are described below. ' 4.310 Developed Classification. The Developed classification generally includes land that is being used for urban purposes. The Developed area generally includes Old Cape ' Carteret, Country Club Point Subdivision, Bayshore Park Subdivision, Star Hill Subdivision, Fox Forest Subdivision, Quail Wood Acres Subdivision, strip residential areas abutting Taylor Notion Road and NC Highway 58, and a small subdivision along Pettiford ' Park Circle. Commercial areas included in the Developed classification are located primarily in the northeastern corner of the NC Highway 24/58 intersection and along the NC 24 and NC 58 corridors. Municipal services are currently provided to the ' overwhelming majority of the Developed area. 4.320 Urban Transition Classification. This classification includes the predominantly vacant, undeveloped areas located on the northern and northeastern fringes of the current Cape Carteret corporate limits; a large undeveloped area generally in the triangle formed by Taylor Notion Road, NC Highway 58, and NC Highway 24; and an undeveloped area located on the south side of NC Highway 24 between Yaupon Drive and Bogue Sound Drive. The majority of the area classified as Urban Transition is currently zoned either R- 20 or R-30. Portions of the Urban Transition area are potential annexation areas. ' Municipal services are expected to ultimately be extended into such areas. 4.330 Conservation Classification. This classification includes Hunting Island, `404' ' freshwater wetlands protected by the Clean Water Act, and AECs delineated in Section 4.230. Much of the area designated as Conservation is within identified flood hazard areas. Because of the map scale, the Conservation classification can not be accurately mapped. The precise location of coastal wetlands, freshwater wetlands, and the estuarine shoreline must be determined by field investigation. The town concurs with CAMA AEC standards for properties located in the Conservation classification and with the US Army Corps of Engineers regulations for `404' wetlands.. ' 4.400 Relationship Y of Policy Statements and Land Classifications The following sections discuss how the land use policy statements contained in Section 3.000 apply to each of the classifications delineated on the Land Classification Map (Figure 8). 4.000 Land Classification System January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAAM Land Use Update 4-4 e preparation of this map was financed in part ough a grant provided by the North Carolina astal Management Program, through funds � 7vided by the Coastal Zone Management Act / 1972, as amended, which is administered b /qD 0 - O \\ ❑ 0 N S kv/ / P",Fc*o 6e G NOTE 1: Due to the map scale, the conservation classification can not be accurately mapped. The conservation classification includes, Coastal Wetlands, Estuarine Waters, Public Trust Waters, the Estuarine Shoreline, and identified Fragile Areas. See section 4.340. The precise location of Coastal and Freshwater Wetlands and the Estuarine Shoreline must be determined by field investigation. NOTE 2: Western Bogue Sound is designated as an Outstanding Resource Water by the North Carolina Environmental Commission. As such, property within 575 feet of the mean high water line must abide by the development standards set forth in the CAMA legislation. Within all non-ORW areas, the estuarine shoreline AEC is 75 feet of the mean high water line. Figure 8 ,\ Land Classification Map Cape Carteret, NC !_ Developed Urban Transition Conservation City Limits SEE NOTE 1 --- ETJ T ---- Watershed Boundary Boundary of Western Bogue Sound ORW weo1on Estuarine Shoreline AEC Company 1 /22/98 The Town of Cape Carteret does not propose to impose any additional local requirements for Areas of Environmental Concern which are more restrictive than the CAMA 7H Use Standards administered by the NC Division of Coastal Management with the exception that the town's policy for drystack storage facilities (Section 3.280, Policy 7) and the town's policy for floating homes (Section 3.280, Policy 8) are more restrictive than CAMA standards in that drystack storage facilities and floating homes are not permitted within the Cape Carteret planning jurisdiction. CAMA use standards will allow floating homes within marinas. 4.410 Developed Classification. Policy statements have been formulated which encourage a variety of land uses to meet the housing, employment, shopping, recreation, and cultural needs of the citizens of the Cape Carteret Planning Jurisdiction. Policy statements have also been developed which encourage land development that has or can readily obtain adequate support infrastructure. Moderate residential densities (5 dwelling units per acre) are promoted in areas with sufficient utilities and an adequate street system. Multi -family development is promoted in areas currently zoned R-10M. Commercial development and professional services are encouraged along the NC Highway 24 and 58 corridors. The redevelopment of older, established residential neighborhoods is encouraged at the same density and intensity of scale as that currently existing within such neighborhoods. 4.420 Urban Transition Classification. Policy statements have been developed which apply to the Urban Transition classification. These policies address the provision of urban services and the density of development. Intensive urban development is guided to areas that currently have the necessary support infrastructure or where these services can readily be made available. Land development will be guided to areas that have public water and an adequate street system to accommodate increased land development. Low -density residential uses are promoted as are the current maximum densities of approximately 2 to 3 dwelling units per acres. Policy statements have been developed which continue a commitment to provide, within the town's financial capacity, appropriate municipal services to support additional development. 4.430 Conservation Classification. Policy statements which apply to areas within the Conservation classification are concerned with the appropriate use and management of AECs and other fragile areas and the protection of water quality. Policy statements have been developed which give priority to the conservation of coastal wetlands. Water - dependent uses are the only uses which are allowed in coastal wetlands, estuarine waters, and public trust waters. Hunting Island is identified as a fragile area. Development within the estuarine shoreline is allowed only if it meets state and/or federal permitting requirements for acceptable impacts on estuarine resources and water quality. Developments locating adjacent to coastal waters are encouraged to make every effort to mitigate any adverse effects on estuarine water quality and on primary nursery and fish habitat areas. Off -road vehicles are prohibited on sound and estuarine system islands. Policies have been developed that promote the use of best available management practices to minimize the threat of pollution from stormwater runoff. The town encourages the coordination with adjoining local governments of comprehensive stormwater management practices and policies that enhance water quality. ' 4.000 Land Classification System —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Update 4-6 m m m m m r m m m m m m m m m r m m m APPENDIX A INDEX OF DATA SOURCES During the preparation of this land use plan update, a wide variety of data sources were utilized. The general data sources are outlined below as are specific reference materials. GENERAL DATA SOURCES Town of Cape Carteret. West Carteret Water District. Carteret County Inspections Department. Cape Carteret Volunteer Fire and Rescue District. Carteret County Economic Development Council. Carteret County Office of Emergency Management. Carteret County Planning Department. Carteret County Schools. N.C. Department of Commerce, Travel and Tourism Division. N.C. Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources, Division of Coastal Management. N.C. Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources, Division of Marine Fisheries. N.C. Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Recreation. N.C. Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources, Division of Soil and Water Conservation. N.C. Office of State Planning. N.C. State Ports Authority. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers Home Administration. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Services. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census REFERENCE MATERIALS Albemarle -Pamlico Estuarine System, Preliminary Technical Analysis of the Status and Trends, N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, December 1989. Authorized Construction By Building Permit, Bureau of Census, Construction and Statistics Division, Building Permits Branch, 1991-1994. Carteret County Hurricane Evacuation Plan, Carteret County Office of Emergency Management, July 1988. Census of Population, Housing, Retail Trade, Service Industries, and Wholesale Trade, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, 1960-1990. Characterization of Baseline Demographic Trends In The Year -Round and Recreational Population In The Albemarle -Pamlico Estuarine Study Area, Paul D. Tschetter, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, May 1989. AppendixA—lanuary 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-1 1 1 I Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan, Technical Document, Albemarle -Pamlico Estuarine Study, November 1994. Draft White Oak River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan, NC Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section, July 1996. Economic Impact of Travel and Tourism on North Carolina, N.C. Department of Commerce, Division of Travel and Tourism, 1995. Flood Insurance Study, Town of Cape Carteret, N.C., Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1974. Land Use Planning Information Packet, Carteret County, N.C. Division of Coastal Management, 1995. Town of Cape Carteret Land Use Plan Update, Ken Weeden and Associates, 1992. North Carolina Municipal Population, 1994, N.C. Office of State Planning, 1995. North Carolina Population Projections, N.C. Office of State Planning, 1995. North Carolina State Profile, February 1995, Woods and Poole Economics, Washington, DC. Soils Survey of Carteret County, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, September 1987. Storm Hazard Mitigation Plan and Post Disaster Reconstruction Plan, George Eichler & Associates and Satilla Planning, Inc., June 1984. "The Effects of Global Warming and Sea -Level Rise on Coastal North Carolina," R. Paul Wilms, Carolina Planning, Fall 1990. Transportation Improvement Program, N.C. Department of Transportation. Subdivision Regulations, Town of Cape Carteret, N.C. Zoning Ordinance, Town of Cape Carteret, N.C. Appendix A —January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-2 nI u APPENDIX B 1 COMPARISON OF CAPE CARTERET'S POPULATION GROWTH RATE WITH SELECTED MUNICIPALITIES IN THE REGION _..:::.:..._...........:........................... Jacksonville .............................................................. Onslow 18,259 ....................................................................... 30,398 75,230 .... _... ................ 64.5% ................. _..... 147.5% Richlands Onslow 825 996 1,252 20.7 % 25.7 % ' New Bern Craven 14,557 17,363 219285 19.3% 22.6% Atlantic Beach Carteret 941 1,938 2,267 106.0% 17.0% Cape Carteret Carteret 944 1,013 1,179 7.3 % 16.4% Indian Beach Carteret 54 153 177 183.3 % 15.7 % ' Emerald Isle Carteret 865 2,434 2,798 181.4% 15.0% Pine Knoll Shores Carteret 646 1,360 1,543 110.5% 13.5% Swansboro Onslow 976 1,165 1,321 19.4 % 13.4 % ' Newport Craven 1,883 2,516 2,778 33.6% 10.4% Cedar Point Carteret 479 628 688 31.1 % 9.6% Oriental Pamlico 536 786 857 46.6 % 9.0 % Maysville Jones 877 892 952 1.7 % 6.7 % Morehead City Carteret 4,359 6,046 6,384 38.7% 5.6% Beaufort Carteret 3,826 3,808 3,997 -0.5% 5.0% ' Bayboro Pamlico 759 733 750 -3.4 % 2.3 % Havelock Craven 17,718 20,300 20,700 14.5% 2.0% tAlliance Pamlico 616 681 699 10.5 % -1.8 % Trenton Jones 294 230 224 -21.8% -2.6% 1 Sources: U.S. Census, 1980 and 1990; North Carolina Municipal Population, Office of State Planning, 1995. Appendix B-January 22. 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-3 APPENDIX C COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE - CARTERET-COUNTY AND NORTH CAROLINA 1980 TO 1990 Population Change 11,461 752,353 Births 6,983 901,708 Deaths 4,345 527,545 Natural Increase 2,638 374,163 Net Migration 8,823 378,190 Migration Rate' 21.5% 6.4% 'Migration rate is the difference between in -migration and out -migration expressed as a percentage of the total population. COMPONENTS OF POPULATION GROWTH SELECTED COUNTIES IN THE REGION 1980-2010 Beaufort 4.8 2.9 1.9 4.7 2.1 2.6 2.0 0.0 2.0 Carteret 27.9 6.4 21.5 22.2 2.6 19.6 15.7 0.4 15.3 Craven 14.9 14.5 0.4 15.1 11.4 3.7 12.0 8.7 3.3 Onslow 32.9 23.8 9.1 13.2 18.3 -5.0 17.1 17.2 -0.2 Pamlico 9.3 2.4 7.0 8.7 -0.3 9.0 5.3 -2.5 7.8 NC 12.8 6.4 6.4 12.3 6.0 6.3 8.4 3.9 4.5 Source: N.C. Population Projections, Office of State Planning, 1995. Appendix C-January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAM Land Use Plan Update A-4 Age Category Under 18 Years School Age 18-24 Years College Age 25-64 Years Working Age 65 + Years Retirement Age Totals APPENDIX D AGE DISTRIBUTION 1990 Number % of Total % of Total % of Total 163 16.2 % 22.4 % 24.2 % 46 4.6% 9.3% 11.8% 495 49.1 % 54.0 % 51.9 % 304 30.1 % 14.3 % 12.1 % 1,008 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % Source: U.S. Census of Population, 1990. Appendix D—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-5 M M r M M M r M M M M M M M M M M M M Age Category Under 18 Years School Age 18-24 Years College Age 25-64 Years Working Age 65 + Years Retirement Age Totals APPENDIX D (continued) HISTORICAL AND PROJECTED AGE DISTRIBUTION 1990-2010 Carteret North Carteret North Carteret North County Carolina County Carolina County Carolina 22.4 % 24.2 % 20.5 % 24.3 % 18.4 % 23.1 % 9.3% 11.8% 8.4% 9.9% 8.2% 10.4% 54.0 % 51.9 % 54.7 % 52.9 % 55.0 % 52.5 % 14.3% 12.1 % 16.4% 12.9% 18.4% 14.0% 100.0 % 100.0 % 1 100.0 % 100.0 % 1 100.0 % 100.0 % Source: North Carolina Projections, Office of State Planning, 1995. Appendix D-January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX E MEDIAN AGE OF THE POPULATION 1970-2010 Cape Carteret 1970 n/a 1980 n/a 1990 52.6 2000 2010 N/A N/A Carteret County 28.3 31.4 35.8 39.8 43.9 North Carolina 26.5 29.6 33.0 36.2 38.5 United States 28.0 30.0 32.8 35.7 37.5 Sources: U.S. Census of Population, 1970-1990. Woods and Poole Economics, North Carolina State Profile, 1995. N.C. Population Projections, N.C. Office of State Planning, 1995. Appendix E—January 2, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-7 = M M M M M M M M M M M M M = M M M M APPENDIX F RACIAL COMPOSITION OF THE POPULATION 1990 Cape Carteret 1,001 99.3% 0 0.0% 7 0.7% 1,008 100.0% Carteret County 479445 90.3% 4,385 8.3% 726 1.4% 529556 100% North Carolina 5,008,491 75.5% 1,456,323 22.0% 163,823 2.5% 6,628,637 100% Carteret County North Carolina RACIAL COMPOSITION TRENDS 1970-2010 ............ ... .................. . ....... ': . ...... .... ........... ............. .3 . .................... .. 0R(i.... .... ........ x a...�.x.x....:..:X.."........ .... ...... X, . .... 2 , . ........................................ .... .... ........... .. :::::"'N ........ . ... . ...... ........ .......... . .......... . .......... ... Wh't: .......... .... . .... :Wh e::::: .. ............ ........... ... ......... .............. .................... ... .......... Wh ....... .............................. ............ ................ ..................... M.:* ........ ........... -J ........ ...... Idt :::N .. .... -W ....... .. ........ -h 88.6% 76.8% 11.4% 23.2% 89.7% 76.6% 10.3% 23.4% 90.3% 75.5% 9.7% 24.5% 92.0% 77.8% 8.0% 22.2% 91.2% 75.1% 8.8% 24.9% Sources: U.S. Census of Population, 1970-1990. NC Population Projections, NC Office of State Planning, 1995. Woods and Poole Economics, North Carolina State Profile, 1995. Appendix F-January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAAM Land Use Plan Update A-8 APPENDIX G HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS General Household Characteristics 1990 Total Housing Units 580 34,576 2,818,193 Occupied Housing Units 441 21,238 2,517,026 % Occupied 76.0 % 61.4 % 89.3 % No. Owner -Occupied 383 15,761 1,711, 817 No. Renter -Occupied 58 5,477 805,209 % Owner -Occupied 86.8 % 74.2 % 68.0 % % Renter Occupied 13.2 % 25.8 % 32.0 % % W/ 1.01 or More Persons Per Room 1.1 % 2.0 % 2.8 % Median Value, Owner -Occupied Units $94,800 $73,100 $65,800 Total Vacant Units 139 13,338 301,167 For Seasonal, Recreational Use 102 10,138 98,714 Homeowner Vacancy Rate 2.8 % 3.4 % 1.8 % Rental Vacancy Rate 13.4 % 23.9 % 9.2 % Household Population (Persons Per Occupied Dwelling) Cape Carteret n/a 2.63 2.29 Carteret County 3.13 2.66 2.43 North Carolina 3.24 2.78 2.54 Sources: U.S. Census of Housing, 1970-1990 Appendix G January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAAL4 Land Use Plan Update A-9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i APPENDIX H EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY GROUP - --PERSONS 16 YEARS AND OLDER CAPE CARTERET 1990 Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries Mining Construction Manufacturing TCPU t Wholesale/Retail Trade FIRE' Services Public Administration TOTAL Transportation, Communication and Public Utilities 2Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Source: U.S. Census of Population, 1990 Appendix H—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update ......................................................................................................................... 12 3.3 % 2 0.6% 39 10.9 % 27 7.5 % 11 3.1% 94 26.3 % 29 8.1 % 108 30.2% 36 10.0 % 358 100% A-10 APPENDIX I COMMUTING PATTERNS CARTERET COUNTY 1990 -COMMUTERSIN-COMMUTER52 No. % No. % Craven County 4,237 62.1% Craven County 1,268 45.5% Onslow County 1,303- 19.1 % Onslow County 750 26.9% Wake County 223 3.3% Lenoir County 75 2.7% Beaufort County 71 1.0% Pitt County 68 2.4% Durham County 67 1.0% Pamlico County 45 1.6% Pitt County 65 0.9% New Hanover 44 1.6% Jones County 55 0.8% Jones County 31 1.1 % All Other Destinations (76) 807 11.8% All Other Destinations (50) 504 18.2% TOTAL 6,828 100.0% TOTAL 2,785 100.0% PERCENT OF 27.3 % — PERCENT OF 13.3 % --- EMPLOYED RESIDENTS EMPLOYED PERSONS WHO ARE OUT- WHO ARE IN - COMMUTERS COMMUTERS 'Persons traveling from Carteret County to places of employment located outside of Carteret County. 2Persons traveling to jobs located in Carteret County from areas located outside of Carteret County. Source: 1990 Census of Population and Housing. Appendix I —January Z 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-11 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX J EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY GROUP CARTERET COUNTY TOTAL EMPLOYMENT (0001s) 10.29 16.66 24.12 27.68 30.97 Agriculture 9.9% 10.6% 6.3% 6.0% 5.4% Mining 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Construction 5.5% 5.6% 6.3% 7.4% 7.4% Manufacturing 16.0% 13.6% 7.5% 6.0% 5.2% TCPU' 5.9% 3.5% 3.4% 3.5% 3.3% Wholesale/Retail Trade 22.6% 25.3% 29.7% 31.9% 35.4% FIREZ 2.7% 4.9% 7.5% 7.0% 7.4% Services 20.2% 19.1 % 23.1 % 21.2% 19.6% Government 17.2 % 17.3 % 16.2 17.0 % 16.3 % TOTALS 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 'Transportation, Communication & Public Utilities. 2Finance, Insurance & Real Estate. Sources: U.S. Census of Population Woods and Poole Economics, North Carolina State Profile, 1995. Appendix J-January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-12 APPENDIX K INCOME CHARACTERISTICS CARTERET- COUNTY Per Capita Income (In Current Dollars) 1970 $2,759 $3,228 85.5 % 1980 $7,571 $8,002 9.4 % 1990 $14,233 $16,275 87.4 % 2000 $20, 899 $25,068 83.4 % 2010 $32, 876 $41, 611 79.0 % Mean Household Income (In Current Dollars) 1970 $8,751 $10,612 82.5 % 1980 $20,274 $22,392 90.5 % 1990 $34, 680 $41, 695 83.2 % 2000 $50,642 $63,877 79.3 % 2010 $79,255 $105,478 75.1% Source: Woods & Poole Economics, North Carolina State Profile, 1995. Appendix K—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-13 APPENDIX L RETAIL SALES CARTERET COUNTY 1990-2010 Building Materials, Hardware, SIC 52 37.11 10.5% 48.94 10.9% 60.86 10.9% General Merchandise, SIC 53 47.01 13.2 % 74.06 16.5 % 96.03 17.3% Food Stores, SIC 54 89.86 25.3 % 95.20 21.2 % 107.58 19.3 % Automobile Dealers, SIC 55 59.70 16.8% 77.56 17.3% 96.42 17.3% Gasoline Service Stations, SIC 554 18.95 5.3% 20.19 4.5% 24.29 4.4% Apparel & Accessories, SIC 56 13.37 3.8% 15.62 3.5% 19.25 3.5% Furniture, Home Furnishings, SIC 57 16.20 4.6 % 19.52 4.3 % 24.18 4.3 % Eating & Drinking Places, SIC 58 42.88 12.1 % 58.11 13.0 77.96 14.0% Drug Stores, SIC 591 12.82 3.6% 15.73 3.5% 20.29 3.6% Miscellaneous Retail Stores, SIC 59 16.95 4.8% 23.69 5.3% 29.82 5.4% 354.85 100.0% 448.62 100.0% 556.68 100.0% TOTAL RETAIL SALES tIn millions, 1987 dollars. Source: Woods and Poole Economics, North Carolina State Profile, February 1995. Appendix L January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAAM Land Use Plan Update A-14 APPENDIX M HOUSING BY STRUCTURE TYPE CAPE CARTERET Single -Family 438 77.1 % 1 Unit Detached 434 76.7 % 1 Unit Attached 4 0.7% Multi -Family 11 1.9 % 2-4 Units 11 1.9% 5-9 Units 0 0.0% 10+ Units 0 0.0% Manufactured Home 117 20.7 % TOTAL UNITS 566 100.0% COMPARISON OF HOUSING BY STRUCTURE TYPE 1990 Single -Family Multi -Family Manufactured Home TOTAL Source: U.S. Census of Housing, 1990. Appendix M--January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update 77.4% 54.1 % 67.6% 0.7% 18.0%v 16.3% 20.7% 27.9% 16.1 % 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% A-15 M APPENDIX N AUTHORIZED RESDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDING PERMIT CAPE CARTERET 1991-1995 Single -Family Units Duplex Units 3-4 Units 5+ Units Manufactured Homes TOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS APPROVED 6 6 14 49 75 96% 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 4% 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 14 49 Sources: Town of Cape Carteret and Carteret County Inspections Department. 78 100% Appendix N—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-16 M M M M M r M M M M M M M M M M M M M APPENDIX O SOIL LIMITATIONS FOR SELECTED LAND USES Soil Name/Symbol Dwellings Without Basements Dwellings With Basements Small Commercial Buildings Local Roads and Streets Septic Tank Absorption Fields Arapahoe, Ap Severe Severe Severe Severe Severe Baymeade, ByB Slight Moderate Slight Slight Slight Carteret, CH Severe Severe Severe Severe Severe Hobucken, HB Severe Severe Severe Severe Severe Kureb, KuB Slight Slight Slight Slight Severe Leon, Ln Severe Severe Severe Severe Severe Masontown, MA Severe Severe Severe Severe Severe Murville, Mu Severe Severe Severe Severe Severe Newhan, Nd Severe Severe Severe Severe Severe Onslow, On Moderate Severe Moderate Moderate Severe Seabrook, Se Moderate Severe Moderate Moderate Severe Wando, WaB Slight Slight Slight Slight Severe Source: Soil Survey of Carteret County, NC; September 1987. Appendix O—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAAM Land Use Plan Update A-17 I IAPPENDIX P SOILS WITH SEVERE LIMITATIONS FOR -SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION FIELDS I I Ap X X .............. .......... ...... .. ........ . ........ ... . .. ............ ................... ...... ..... .......... ...... ... ............... ..... . ............ ....... ................... X Carteret CH X .......... ................................................ .................... ............ . .. . ............................................... ...... ...... .............. . ....... . ..... . .............. ........................ .. .. ............ ... .............. ..................... ...... . ................. ..... .. ....... ........................... .. . . ........................................... .. ........ ........ ....... . ...... . X .................... ....... ........... .......... .......... .......... . .......................... ...................................... ............................... .... ........ ...... ....... Kureb, KuB .... .......... ................................................ ...... ... .. .... ... ......... . . . . . ............... ................ .... ............... .............................. .. .................. . . ................... ...... Masontown, MA X .............................. ...... ............................................................. ..... ........... .. ..... ..... .......................X............; ............................................................ .. ...­...­... ... ....... ­­.. . ....... ........ ........ .. ....... .. ... ..... ............... ....... ... . ... ..... *­...... .:.:..: rv.t j .... . ..... ............... . . .............. . .............................. ....... ... ......... .. .. .. ... ..... .. ......... ..... . .......... o...­.........­ ...... M:.% ..... 1. ......... ....... ..... .... .......................... . ..... ... Newhan, Nd X . .......................... ................ .:%.: ................................. .......... ........... ........... ...... ........... ................. ...... . . ............... ....................... ...................... ­ .... ... x:, ................................. . ..................... ........................ ........... ........ ................ 06"': X ......................... ............. ........... ........... ..... ............ ... ....... ....... .......................... Seabrook, Se ................... *** .... ­:' ..... . ... ... :­ .................. ........ ............................ ................ ............................ ...... ...... ....................... .......... ........... . ... ....................... ........... .................... w. ........... .............. ... . . ....... "s ...................................................................... ......... . ..................... ..... .... ...... . Source: Soil Survey of Carteret County, NC. September, 1987. ............. . . . .............. I I I I I I I t Appendix P—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAAM Land Use Plan Update A-18 I M r M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M r Carteret County Cape Carteret APPENDIX Q POPULATION PROJECTIONS 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2010 23,059 27,438 31,603 41,092 52,553 64,209' 69,543' 74,280' n/a 52 616 944 1,013 1,2382 1,3412 1,4322 12000-2010 projections by NC Office of State Planning, NC Population Projections, 1995. 2Based upon an identical 1990-2010 growth rate as projected for Carteret County by the N.C. Office of State Planning (1990-2000: 22.2%; 2000-2005: 8.31 %; 2005-2010: 6.81 %). Source: The Wooten Company, 1996. Appendix Q— Ianuary 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-19 M = = = M r M = = = = M = r = = = M APPENDIX R FUTURE RESIDENTIAL LAND NEEDS 1995- 2005 TOTAL PROJECTED RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS: ' 71 DISTRIBUTION OF PROJECTED DWELLING UNITS:2 54 Single-family 2 Multi -family 15 Manufactured Homes TOTAL PROJECTED RESIDENTIAL LAND NEEDS: (Anticipated Density Levels in Parenthesis) 19-26 Acres Single -Family (2.1 to 2.9 DU/AC) 1-2 Acres Multi -Family (2.9 to 8.0 DU/AC) 3-5 Acres Manufactured Homes (2.9 to 5.5DU/AC) 'Based upon a population increase of 162 persons and an average household population size of 2.29 persons per household. 2Based upon the same distribution pattern found in the 1990 Census of Population and Housing: single-family, 77 percent; multi -family, 2 percent; and manufactured home, 21 percent. Source: The Wooten Company, 1996. Appendix R—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-20 APPENDIX S SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVE POLICY ISSUES -WHICH WERE CONSIDERED BUT -NOT DEVELOPED INTO POLICY STATEMENTS 1. Resource Protection Policy Issues • Prohibiting marinas, including dredging for marinas, in coastal wetlands. • Prohibiting marina development in designated primary nursery areas. Establishing more stringent requirements than the CAMA regulations for development within the estuarine shoreline. Requiring package treatment plants for all commercial development. 2. Resource Production and Management Policy Issues Developing a water use ordinance. 3. Economic and Community Development Policy Issues Requiring that existing development with private wells connect to the public water system. • Development of an appearance code. Developing more stringent sign regulations. Increasing residential densities for multi -family development. Allowing drystack storage facilities in conjunction with marina development. Eliminating the current 40-foot height limitation for residential structures. Appendix S—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-21 APPENDIX T PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS A. CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Cape Carteret Town Board, on November 20, 1995, designated the Planning Board as the Cape Carteret Land Use Plan Advisory Committee. The Planning Board is composed of the following persons: Fred Grube, Chairman Jerry Gowan, Vice Chairman Denny DelMauro, Secretary Ed Petrilli Lenny Pelletier Kevin White John Yenkowsky B. MEETING DATES (1) Advisory Committee November 20, 1995 February 6, 1996 May 9, 1996 June 4, 1996 July 2, 1996 October 14, 1996 (2) Public Meetings November 20, 1995,Town Board Public Informational Meeting October 21, 1996, Town Board Public Informational Meeting February 10, 1997 October 20, 1997 (3) Intergovernmental Coordination Meeting August 21, 1996. Meeting sponsored by the Carteret County Mayor's Association. Representatives from Carteret County and the municipalities within Carteret County met to discuss land use planning issues that had been identified during the land use plan update process. Elected officials,local government staff, consultants, and the general public participated in the meeting. (4) Public Hearing October 20, 1997 C. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN A copy of the Citizen Participation Plan adopted by the Town Board is attached. Appendix T—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-22 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN CAMA Land Use Plan Update Town of Cape Carteret November 20, .1995 ' Subchapter 7B of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Land Use Planning Guidelines, requires the P g q that the Land Use Plan update process include a variety of educational efforts and participation ' techniques to assure that all segments of the community have a full and adequate opportunity to participate in all stages of the land use plan development. It is therefore the responsibility of the town to involve, inform and educate a broad cross-section of the town's populace. It is the town's intent to have a continuous citizen participation process that achieves these purposes. The following steps will be taken to provide information to the public and to encourage citizen ' involvement: 1. Designation of an Advisory Committee ' The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Cape Carteret will designate the Planning Board as the agency responsible for drafting an update of the land use plan. The Planning Board will serve in a review and advisory capacity to the Town Board and the town's Planning Consultant, The Wooten Company. The Planning Board will meet on a periodic basis with the Planning Consultant to review draft materials prepared by the Planning Consultant, assist the Planning Consultant with defining land use issues and concerns, and provide general input. The Planning Board will keep the Town Board apprised of its activities and progress through regular oral and/or written reports to the Town Board. ' The Planning Board is composed of citizens that represent a broad cross- section of the population of the Town of Cape Carteret and its extraterritorial planning jurisdiction. i2. Initial Public Information Meeting A joint meeting of the Town Board and the Planning Board will be held in 1 November 1995 to serve as both an orientation meeting for the Town Board and the Planning Board and an educational opportunity to inform the general public of the purpose of the CAMA Land Use Plan and the process for updating the Plan, to review the policy statements contained within the 1992 Land Use Plan, and to outline the town's public participation process. ' 3. Periodic Planning Board Meetings It is anticipated that the Planning Board will meet at strategic points throughout the land use planning process to provide general input into the plan 1 development and to review materials prepared by the Planning Consultant. Meetings will be held to identify goals and objectives; identify land use issues; review a summary report on existing conditions, constraints to land ' development, and estimated demands on land and community facilities and services; review draft policy statements; and review a draft of the entire land use plan update. Planning Board meetings will be conducted from January to Appendix T—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-23 ' July 1996 and will be held as part of the regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting or as a special meeting. Notices will be published prior to each ' meeting. An opportunity for public comment and input will be afforded at each meeting. 4. Public Information Meeting on the Preliminary Draft Plan Following the completion of a preliminary draft Land Use Plan Update, a second public information meeting will be held jointly by the Town Board and the Planning Board. The purpose of this meeting will be to review the draft Plan, particularly the policy statements that have been developed and the proposed land classifications. The meeting will afford another opportunity for public involvement prior to a formal public hearing on the adoption of the ' updated Plan. The meeting date is projected to be in September 1996. Copies of the preliminary draft Land Use Plan will be available at the town hall. ' 5. Public Hearing A formal public hearing will be held by the Town Board to review the final draft Plan and to solicit citizen comments on the update of the Land Use Plan. ' Following the public hearing, the Town Board will consider action on adoption of the Plan. The public hearing will be advertised by newspaper notice at least 30 days prior to the date of the public hearing which is anticipated to be held ' in December 1996. Notice of the public hearing will also be posted at the town hall. Copies of the final draft Land Use Plan will be available for review at the town hall. 6. Additional Means of Soliciting Public Involvement In addition to the meetings outlined above, the town will utilize the following ' means to increase public involvement and information: • news releases prior to the public information meetings and the ' public hearing. It is anticipated that the news releases will lead to newspaper articles and public service announcements. H • presentations by Town Board and/or Planning Board members to civic, business, church, and similar groups. • summary report on existing conditions, constraints, and estimated demands. • summary report on preliminary draft policy statements. The summary reports will be available for public review at the town hall. Copies of the reports will also be made available to the media. Appendix T—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAAL4 Land Use Plan Update A-24 IAPPENDIX U I GLOSSARY Anadromous. Ascending rivers from the sea for breeding. Fish species, such as shad, herring, and striped bass, migrate from their primary habitats in the ocean up freshwater rivers and streams to spawn. Areas of Environmental Concern. The Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) designates four categories of areas of environmental concern (AEC's): the estuarine system, the ocean hazard system, ' public water supplies, and natural and cultural resource areas. These AEC's, and the standards for development within them, cover almost all coastal waters and three percent of the land in the twenty coastal counties in North Carolina. ' Coastal Complex Natural Areas. Lands that support native plant and animal communities and provide habitat qualities which have remained essentially unchanged by human activity. Coastal Wetlands. Any salt marsh or other marsh subject to regular or occasional flooding by tides, including wind tides (whether or not the tide waters reach the marshland areas through natural or ' artificial watercourses), provided this shall not include hurricane nor tropical storm tides. Coastal wetlands contain some, but not necessarily all, of the following marsh plant species: Cord Grass . Bulrush Black Needlerush . Saw Grass Glasswort . Cat -tail ' Salt Grass . Salt Meadow Grass Sea Lavender . Salt Reed Grass Also included in this definition is such contiguous land as the Secretary of the NC Department of 1 Environment , Health and Natural Resources reasonably deems necessary to affect by any such order in carrying out the purposes of the CAMA regulations. Estuarine Shorelines. Those non -ocean shorelines which are especially vulnerable to erosion, flooding, or other adverse effects of wind and water and are intimately connected to the estuary. This area extends from the mean high water level or normal water level along the estuaries, sounds, bays ' and brackish waters for a distance of 75 feet landward. For those estuarine shorelines immediately contiguous to waters classified as Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), the estuarine shoreline extends 575 feet landward from the mean high water level or normal water level. ' Estuarine System. The coast's broad network of brackish sounds, marshes, and the shorelines surrounding them. The following components of the estuarine system have been designated as AEC's: ' estuarine waters, public trust areas, coastal wetlands, and estuarine shorelines Estuarine Waters. All the waters of the Atlantic Ocean within the boundary of North Carolina and all ' the waters of the bays, sounds, rivers, and tributaries thereto seaward of the dividing line between coastal fishing waters and inland fishing waters, as set forth in an agreement adopted by the Wildlife Resources Commission and the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Appendix U—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAAM Land Use Plan Update A-25 ' Estuary. A semi -enclosed body of water where fresh water draining from the mainland mixes with salt water from the ocean. ' Floating Structures. Any structure, not a boat, supported by a means of flotation, designed to be used without a permanent foundation, which is used or intended for human habitation or commerce. A structure is considered a floating structure when it is inhabited or used for commercial purposes for ' more than thirty days in any one location. A boat may be deemed a floating structure when its means of propulsion has been removed or rendered inoperative and it contains at least 200 square feet of living space area. A boat is defined as a vessel or watercraft of any type or size specifically designed ' to be self-propelled, whether by engine, sail, oar, or paddle or other means, which is used to travel from place to place by water. Freshwater Wetlands. Swamps and inland wetlands that are not covered by the Coastal Area Management Act, unless the Coastal Resource Commission designates them as a natural resource AEC. Freshwater wetlands are protected by the Clean Water Act and a US Army Corps of Engineers permit ' is required for work in them. Freestanding Moorings. Any means to attach a ship, boat, vessel, floating structure or other water craft to a stationary underwater device, mooring buoy, buoyed anchor, or piling (as long as the piling is not associated with an existing or proposed pier, dock, or boathouse). Marinas. Any publicly- or privately -owned dock, basin, or wet boat storage facility constructed to accommodate more than 10 boats and providing any of the following services: permanent or transient docking spaces, dry storage, fueling facilities, haulout facilities, and repair service. Excluded from this definition are boat ramp facilities allowing access only, temporary docking, and none of the preceding services. Natural and Cultural Resource Areas. Areas containing environmental, natural or cultural resources of more than local significance in which uncontrolled or incompatible development could result in major or irreversible damage to natural systems or cultural resources; scientific, educational, or 1 associative values; or aesthetic qualities. Normal High Water. The ordinary extent of high tide based upon site conditions such as presence and location of vegetation, which has its distribution influenced by tidal action, and the location of the apparent high tide line. Normal Water Level. The level of water bodies with less than six inches of lunar tide during periods of little or no wind. It can be determined by the presence of such physical and biological indicators as erosion escarpments, trash lines, water lines, marsh grasses, and barnacles. Ocean Beaches. Lands consisting of unconsolidated soil materials that extend from the mean low water line landward to a point where either the growth of vegetation occurs or a distinct change in slope or elevation alters the configuration of the landform, whichever is farther landward. Ocean Hazard Areas. Beaches, frontal dunes, inlet lands, and other areas along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline in which geologic, vegetative, and soil conditions indicate a substantial possibility of excessive erosion or flood damage. The ocean hazard system of AEC's contains the following areas: ocean erodible areas, high hazard flood areas, inlet hazard areas, and unvegetated beach areas. Appendix U—January 22. 1998 Cape Carteret CAMA Land Use Plan Update A-26 11 Outstanding Resource Waters. Estuarine waters and public trust areas classified by the NC ' Environmental Management Commission as waters of exceptional state or national recreational or ecological significance. Primary Nursery Areas. Areas in the estuarine system where initial post larval development of finfish and crustaceans takes place. They are usually located in the uppermost sections of an estuarine system where populations are uniformly early juvenile stages. Public Water Supplies. Public water supply AEC's include small surface water supply watersheds and public water supply well fields. Small water supply watersheds are catchment areas situated entirely within the coastal area which contain a water body classified as A -II by the Environmental Management Commission. Public water supply well fields are areas of well -drained sands that extend downward from the surface into the shallow ground water table which supplies the public with potable water. Public Trust Areas. All waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the lands thereunder from the mean high water mark to the seaward limit of state jurisdiction; all natural bodies of water subject to measurable ' lunar tides and lands thereunder to the mean high water mark; all navigable natural bodies of water and lands thereunder to the mean high water level or mean water level as the case may be, except privately - owned lakes to which the public has no right of access; all water in artificially created bodies of water ' containing significant public fishing resources or other public resources which are accessible to the public by navigation from bodies of water in which the public has acquired rights by prescription, custom, usage, dedication, or any other means. Public trust areas overlap with the estuarine waters AEC, but they also cover inland fishing waters that are not in the estuarine waters AEC. Significant Coastal Archaeological Resources. Areas that contain archaeological remains (objects, ' features, and/or sites) that have more than local significance to history or prehistory. Significant Coastal Historic Architectural Resources. Districts, structures, buildings, sites or objects that have more than local significance to history or architecture. Unique Coastal Geologic Formations. Sites that contain geologic formations that are unique or ' otherwise significant components of coastal systems, or that are especially notable examples of geologic formations or processes in the coastal area. Water -dependent Uses. Uses that must be located near or in water to accomplish their intended purpose. Examples include navigation channels, drainage ditches, docks, wharfs, piers, utility easements, revetments, culverts, mooring pilings, boat ramps, groins, bridges, and bridge approaches. Appendix U—January 22, 1998 Cape Carteret CAAM Land Use Plan Update A-27 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LEGEND Estuarine Waters Estuarine Shoreline Public Trust Waters �-- Coastal WeNands �� :. Mi i. tJl�t. �•� FISHING 1NATEItS - It4LAt`ID VyATfR :::... FISHING CO p57AE v : X• AEC BOUNDARY 75' -* _ Y r Y i � T MEAN HIGH WATER Concern. ESTUARINEOF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (Typical Creek, N.C.) 7V Estuarine System Areas of Environmental CAMDEN COUNTY PROPOSED LAND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM / � ' Y / '.,.,. .. .•. . C� �° .dry • ,•,.,• • •,•,•,•,•, � ;r Existing Land Use Map Past and Present Land Use Conditions and Trends �'������:�:�;�;�;�:�% ;�` Land Classification Map Land Class CAMA Requirements Area Description ...... ...........:ice :f �� � � � ;��►, Camden County has been and remains a predominantly • • • •.;,�; 1.`�.• • .. • . • • .. • • . • .... • . 501:� .',g agricultural area. Also, as in the past, large portions of the county • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • �yF COMMUNITY .. " .. S are still used for timber production. These trends should ' ' ' ° ' ' '•?�' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ti p ..,. }........... . �� , .•.•...,•.: ,; .,.,.• ,.,.1F Developed Currently supplied with Not Applicable .ti continue into the future. Most residential and commercial • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •;�:• • • • • ° • • CONSERVATION '•'•' ••••••••••••• •• •••••••••• ••..... ... • • • • • • • • • • •r:.•::.•.•...•.•:.•:. ,hy/ necessary public development is concentrated in the six communities with some ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - • • • • • • • • • • • • - b facilities and services. � �o additional housing scattered along major highways throughout •.•.•:.•:.•..•.•::.�::.•.•:.•.•:.•.•:.•.•.•.�ti fi N •••... RURAL RURAL Development and the count Camden Point Shores is a large recreational ••• •••••••• •••••••••••••°••••••• g �- Redevelopment Recom- ..•... ............. .......•....•.,•,• > community that has been developed at the south end of the • • • • • • • •...............................••••••••••••••••••••• • mended. ....... .... ••••••••••°•°•°"°•°"CAMDEN COUNTY DOES NOT HAVE AN AREA THAT MEETS THE county. Although this development has taken in a large land •..• •..•.•.•a •.•.• •.•.•..•.•.•. ••.•. ••: •••••�• : •°••••••••�• • •�• a the construction of recreational homes has been very slow. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •>r ....... .... °'?�• CRITERIA FOR THE DEVELOPED OR TRANSITION CLASSIFICATION. area, ... ........ ............ . ,as r •• •••:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•.:•�•.•::•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•�•:•:•{:•::•:•:•:•:•:•:•::•:.•:.'��� a Existing rowth The State of North Carolina has recently obtained ownership of a ............................................::. Transition O g g Not applicable large portion of the Dismal Swamp. This area is presently been •••• •••••••••••• '•'�••••••••••••••••••••••• areas in need of public ¢, planned for a State Park and Welcome Center area in conjunction 1•.•••: ••••:: ••: ••••••••:: ••••: •• •••••••••••••••••••••••°� •°•'•'•'•'•' \ services (water and/or ... ... ............ ..................... � sewer b Existing ;'. ,� with the improvement of U.S. 17 to a four lane facility. This activity :..................... �b ) O g .. . .... ... .... . . .. . .. .... .. h. �n „� can be expected to bring about some additional growth in the .......................... • • •.'s, growth areas with public ' South Mills area. �•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• �•••••••••• "' utilities where growth is �" ti 1•:::::: ••.'•'.•::.•:::::: ••: ::.•.•e':: • '.•.': •.': ••.•.•.•Q • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •4 w °•°!.;.;.•• { :.•.•.•:.•:.•.•.•.•:.•:.•:::.•::.•:.•:.•:.•.•.•. •.•:•.•.•.•.•.• 9 ti ..•: to be encouraged ....... ....................... ....•... ..:::: (c) New growth areas M.ti ,' �:::::::::•::::::;: ' :::::::•::::�'•:::' that will require public Y a, ......... . ......�•-.�:.•:.•: -:::..... .. services. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '• • • • • ; • • • • • �:• • • o �:�:•:•:•:� Community (a) Existing cluster of South Mills `.> o ti one or more land uses � -� " - . '� Community Camden !$'1 � ro w • • • • • . • • • • requiring Community, Belcross a w 7 • • ?e .P uirin limited or little Commune Shiloh `'•'•'•'•' public services. y' b Rural growth with I Community, �� �••.;.;.• � �' .. ..� O 9 t of Texaco ��..•.. ,7 �� ' - size of ten acres or less Beach Community, (c) Areas requiring Camden Point Shores 4 , � 9 ••;•;•;•, '/ •;•;•;•;•;;.� limited or no public i� X;�so y� ,{� \-,',•,•. ?70 /JJQ s \'f 3 9.. /'::° •, •,.� services. 4'"' 0' ;;fiw ,7 . >$' ,fib /)• •••'••� .n //1. ••: •'. • • o h a Fragile or critical �af�k � � �, � . ; sc �'�'�'�'•'� � N "' � ' •'�' '� � ^ Large forested area ,V �,�?, ° 7!J ' �' .... .•.•::� Conservation () g g ?/ l°' of �'•:•::•:•.`:•' environments as well as ....,...•. -P,D ., W .3 .2 .•...�.; adjacent to North S w �,, ti tit :::•:'::':''• •;J - ' F�5 ,'•'�f •.•'•'•':. 36'0 River between Broad '7 r:•'•:•:•::•:�:•: % •:•::•:.•:•:•'• hazard areas to be left ��� - .�, primarily in their natural Creek and `=L•'•'� •' J '� ' ' ' ' ' state with limited or no '......: : f . • �Q ,, _••,•; ,•,•••..� Indiantown creek N U • • development (b) Areas south of 158. Dismal �+'` ,6 1 F .,7 `,,,J Him ....;:;.•.;;;;;;; _ utQ' t�� ;�,•:F recognized as natural e ?, , � ` E",� �o �► J 1 u Swamp area at �s. ., ... .5 : S �1 ,,�,��/e c resources where Bevel- northwestern corner o ?/ 7J 3 S o ment should proceed J o , ,} with caution. p of county including all of Dismal Swam � �'... o J, r p r9 p State Park. Forested -ar �;:.::: �T ?" area along North Zll,d y Carolina/Virginia I -° �eFl � .•:: •:.•.•. 3 State line and also .��:' '•'::•:•; :•: s i forested area along C13A9 o � Y �;. :: \, Camden/Currituck ''' ' °�:• q 1 County line. Forested s � z ::.:.•.•.•:.•. area along asquotank River ,• • - from South Mills, �� ,� ' •• q i Morgans Corner and D x t h 1 _ r down to Camden 4,;, -' County Bridge at is Z 0JIV °� ncludes all tynatuhal Z F, `J �� areas that have not 2 �► .•.;.;., �.;.;.,.•.•. S ��E� �. J6°J ;.;.;.•: R' ' ?Oe� ,6 c been developed as of 8 R R " " R,vE / �s, the adopting of the _ �9 . a� 6J�°,� Land Classification `' ° ;.• ;., l °� Map in 1975. River 9" 1°6�' .as4' n :•;•;;;: fAs 1.9 1.6 erosive area on 1 , b Pasquotank River. High marsh areas or -No - _ � tributaries feeding in .To CURA1= — 1b •°'.'.•.''� P '*J \ • ? 'oa ('� 1.9' ..i ,'4 .g of .2 8 q the Pas uotank and �, ' FA TOCuRRITUCK North Rivers Camden •'.'• •'•••' �J 1.9 � '•' j.2 i � S yo `?o AP - . • • County Courthouse Via'' U =� " 7 \' '„�, Ft • .•.,., •,.,.,., J\� •' 'y _/70/ \ q r F� • • • • • • , • ;� 1 F _ 7 6 �?O �+' FYI F'Y , Q JJ \ ,•,•,• Rural ' BFIti _�� FxP.o j�.. t gaFT ?� ,oQ lF continuing agricultural z (a) Areas primarily in (a) All areas of the >' 6 .. . Lo �•'� �T ,. F F� k? EeN ';'� `�.,:a de FA To AARfO..-i �7Sp �A J4 'l c�\';';' J r 2 'Ik fqP'•' .6/a To g g county not included in J,,�&O, -%� r; " > gr Sou`" s ( .. ,. a, ,.,... s use (b) Areas set aside h `t b -• ,,�* RESIDENTIAL r _ r Xov UC COMMERCIAL b roy ,. U I INDUSTRIAL4011 ' �.D . Aim• �F � /Q s �`. � 3: , TRANSPORTATION c �� UT COMMUNICATIONS UTILITIES 6,` C ) �. \ r � � •� � � fir^ U G GOVERNMENT ) il '° 0 INSTITUTIONAL '` �' (�� �• "�° jy Cowl °• CHURCH p {f t � CULTUR AL 1 UE ENTERTAINMENT ` ! ., RECREATION � , 1 C� AGRICULTURAL FORESTLAND2,41 �f k �. WATER 1:' �ll�/ILL WETLANDa, � � T > 2 ss, a, O /,O' -' . 00 /, \ s � t 3Q ) P ro It „t I # n ❑� EO Z i. /� A, .� 5 FA t"ER • • •••'. J v ••• • FAP &ARCO b '�O,�f SOS •:::::: •, •,• •••. �� , • • , J • • • •�•F-F is ,',, � • -• • • •. 5 Q !i, '�J ''• • •► / FAS `1 i it '-+ �• ? , t � ' 1 •' / '�JJ ' • °.Cis N . /0, \ i .2 �' , • •••• '• Q ...•_• j �� J ° S ••'• •• h � Leh `� /,,a •••••'••••••••••• ,i i / ale{ C '�s� �'! /'� \ � /J , •'•';:::::• 01> X. 12 10 �( � 1 �. ,, a/p� J • •. .••• .. . ..... ..... / •• I /, _.• •,•,. • Z,, • ,• . .;.�.�.;.�.•. •. •.•.•.• / �it •• • • .,• t. •,•••,• ••::::: r III 1 � .•. y�•.•..,.,.,.;.•.• � ' � of r .i P )dic Review 't I The Land Classification Map, which is a local planning tool, \ •..� �• '; will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Planning Board. They will make recommendations for revisions if the need should arise prior to the required five-year review. Cr n 9 C Z t e commune y or for resource manage- conservation classes. ment (c) Areas (b) Areas where little requiring limited to no or no growth is public services. anticipated and where public services will be minimal (c) Areas presently in agricultural or rural use. Land Classification System / Orderly growth and development within the coastal area of North Carolina is the major intent of the Coastal Area Management Act. The Land Classification System is a tool which local government can use to guide future development in the county. This system offers the following advantages: First, the land classification system is a method of linking local land use plans and State land use policies. Lands are classified by local government, with a review process to ensure conformance with minimum guidelines for the system. Second, the system provides a guide for budgeting and planning for public investments in land. The Conservation class should alert State and local agencies to areas that should be n given high priority for purchase as public outdoor recreation lands. Similarly, the Transition class should alert local and state officials to begin acquiring land and easements necessary for schools, recreation, streets and other public purposes. By O identifying such lands early, State and local governments can more easily work together toward common ends. Third, the system should provide a useful framework for budgeting and planning for community facilities. Resources of c many State and Federal agencies are expended through grant programs to assist with construction of water, sewer and many other community facilities. The State -local system of land classification will help achieve a coordination of these diverse programs. Z Fourth, the system will provide a framework for coordinating regulatory policy. For example, lands classified Conservation deserve special attention from state regulatory agencies. Fifth, the system may help provide a framework for more equitable distribution of the land tax burden. In summary, land classification is a system for joint local -state involvement in land use planning and management. It provides a wide range of choices for local government in deciding its own future. At the same time, it provides increased assurance that basic land use needs are met across the state. County Land Classification Map In determining the land classification for the county, a population projection of 120 additional people over the next ten years was used. Because of the low population projection and the lack of communities that could be designated as either developed or in transition, it was assumed that most of the additional people will be locating in or adjacent to existing communities. 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Unless these areas are controlled by coordinated management, the very features of the coast which make it economically, aesthetically and ecologically rich will be destroyed. The Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) has the responsibility of identifying types of areas and designating specific areas in which uncontrolled or incompatible development might result in irreparable damage. They also must determine what types of use or development are appropriate within such areas. Prior to designation of Areas of Environmental Concern by the CRC, local government has been given the option to delineate, for the CRC, specific AEC's within the county. This has been done to assist the CRC in identifying where potential AEC areas exist in the county. Once the final designations are made by the CRC, it will be necessary to obtain a permit for minor development from the county, or the Coastal Resources Commission for major development. The following information includes seven eligible Areas of Environmental Concern that were found to exist in the county. Potential Interim Areas of Environmental Concern The Camden County Board of Commissioners recommended the following areas to the Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) as Potential Interim Areas of Environmental Concern (IAEC's). Their recommendation was based on information from the Camden County Planning Board. COASTAL WETLAND Description - Marshland containing specific species of salt marsh or other marsh vegetation. Significance - Marshland type vegetation and environment contributes to food supply and habitat of water fowl, fish and other wildlife within the productive estuarine system. Policy Objective - Preservation and management to safeguard and perpetuate biological, economic and aesthetic values. Appropriate land uses - Conservation of existing marshland is highest priority with second priority being water related recreational activities within the capacity of the area to sustain recreational development, if such development cannot function anywhere else. Location - Tributaries adjacent to North River portion of Raymond Creek. ESTUARINE WATERS Description - Coastal waters or tributaries seaward of the dividing line between coastal fishing waters and inland fishing waters (G.S. 11.3-229 (n) (2)). Significance - Among the most productive natural environments within the State and used for fishing, recreational, economical, navigational and aesthetic purposes. Policy Objective - Preservation and management to safeguard and perpetuate their biologic, economic, and aesthetic values. Appropriate Land Uses - Conservation of estuarine waters is highest priority with second priority being development of navigational channels, bulkheads to prevent erosion, provided that such activity will not be harmful to the biological and physical estuarine functions. Location - All waters of the Pasquotank River Basin downstream of the Highway 158 Bridge between Elizabeth City and Camden County. The Albemarle Sound and all waters of the North River south of the dividing line between coastal fishing waters and inland fishing waters. NATURAL HAZARD AREA- - ESTUARINE AND RIVER ERODIBLE AREAS Description - Estuarine area above ordinary high water where excessive erosion has a high probability of occurring based upon reasonable 25-year recession line. Significance - Natural hazard area of estuarine system especially vulnerable to erosion damage. Policy Objective - Insure development is responsive to erosion limitations to avoid property loss. Appropriate Land Uses - Recreational, rural and conservation activities represent appropriate land uses. Permanent or substantial residential, commercial, institutional or industrial structures are not appropriate unless stabilization has been achieved along the affected reach. Location - Note Areas that presently have stabilization such as bulkheading would not be included in the AEC area. -s8!1!I!0e; pue swej6ojd leuo!leajoaj avow paaN •z seaae buldweo pue bui� o!uo!d 's�jed ajow dolanap 01 paaN 'I uolleaaoad •palowojd aq pinoys eaje eql to le!lualod wsunol •5 -sai1pnuoddo qof jo noel e si aaaq •t papaau saulsnpu! palelai leinllnoul5e ajow .E •papaau saulsnpui leo!uyoal avow Z •aseq o!wouooe leinllnoube builslxa luawelddns of papaau si k1snpu! ajow • L 44MOJD oiwou033 •luawdolanap leulsnpui jo le!ojawwoo Iei1uap!saj poweilsaaun wojl paloaloid aq lsnw pue lueliodwl keA We spuel leinljnou6V -E •paAJasaj-d aq pinoys Slasse ouo1SIH Z -paloeloid aq pinoys al!lpl!M pue saoinosai leinleN • L Ie1u8wu0J1Au3 •sall!unwwoo ui paleiluaouoo aq pinoys g1Moi6 ajnln3 •t, •panojdwl aq of spaau Al!unwwoo aql to aouejeadde agl .E •papaau sl luawdolanap puel uo IOJJUO0 aaow •Z •pauueld aq lsnw luawdolanap ainln3 • L luawdolanap kunoD •pall!luap! alaM swalgojd pue sanssl 6u!Mollol ayl ljolle sly) to sllnsai aql uo pase8 -Alunoo eql to ylMoi6 ainlnl aql uo suoluldo Jlegl ane6 S1oluas Ioogos gblq OJ 'oslV -Suaa3uo0 a!agl ssajdxe of Al!unlioddo ue uaA16 OJGm splogasnog 000,e jaAO •swalgojd pue sanssl asn puel bulu!wialep ul ai!euuo!lsanb 6uluueld e to sllnsai aql pue suezil!o ql!M loeluoo leuosiad pazll!ln pjeo8 AjosIAPV g1Moj0 Alunoo uapwe0 aq I Ajuno0 a41 ui swalgojd ao sanssl asn puel jofeW •eulloJeO u1JON lelseo0 10 uoiliod e to luawa6euew pue luawdolanap Apapio 'uo1leA esaid Uolloaloid aql jol slseq eql wjol of papualui osle si ueld agl •suezll!0 Aluno0 uepwe0 to spaau pue sailslp atal uo paseq g1Moa6 ainlnl jol uolloajlp ap!Aoid of sl sluawala aaJul asagl to asodmd aql •waouoo IeluawuoJIAu310 seaJV wualul alq!bil3 pasodoid aql pue walsAS uo!leo!llSselO pueq agj 'SaA!1oafg0 pue sleo0 aql apnloul sluawala jolew aaJgl aql veld asn pueR Aluno0 uapwe0 aql do a� ew legl sluawala jolew aq1 ul!M Alunoo aql 10 suaz11!0 ap!Aoid of s1 sisdouAs s!gl to asodand aql sisdouAS ueid asn pueq ;o asodind -leaf ajenbs 000,09 to ssaoxa ul eaae ue aneg legl sainlonils ajow jo auo to uollonjlsuoo aAlonul g011LIM asogl 'jalemiepun ao puel uo saoinosai leanleu 6u11eneoxa ao 6Ulllup anlonU1 ley) asogl 'azis ui sajoe 0z uegl jale6i6 to asogl 'Sl!twad alels bulpeau Alluaiino sloaloid asogl :luawdolanap aofew aol Sauo anl6 II!M uo1SSlwwoO saoinosad lelseo0 agl •luawdolanap Joulw col sllwjad 6ulAi6 jol alglsuodsai aq ll!M Aluno0 uapwe0 -waouoo 12JUGWUOJIAUG 10 seaae ap!slno luawdolanap jol 1!waad e aiinbai sou saop 30V eql -1!waad e aneu lsnw waouoo Ieluawuonnua to eaje ue uigl1M luawdolanap AuV - walsAS 1!wjad 'U61S 6UIU1eM e sl 11 -eaae ley) to asn 1!q!gojd Aluessaoau sou seop waouoo IeluawuoalAua 10 auo se ease ue 10 u01leu6ls9a •eoueliodwl leouolslq to seaae pue spied alels pue leuo!leu 'sialeM alge6lneu 'spuelgsjew se eons seaae apnlcul Aegl •uo!sslwwo0 saoinosad lelseo0 aql Aq paleu6lsap aq ll!M sauepunoq alagl pue Seaje asagl - uaa0uo0 IeluawuoJ1Au3 10 SeaaV •1! ql!M owbe isnw Aluno0 uapwe0 ul puel aql to asn 'paldope sl ueld slgl legl MON -algel!ene saoinosai aql ql!M sleo6 asagl 6ulgoeaa Aol Bled algeuoseaa )sow aql pue 'Alunoo aql ul algellene saoinosai ag1 'Alunoo aql ul aldoad aql to sleo6 aql uo paseq aae sueld aql -ueld asn puel e pajedaid seq Alunoo goe3 - sueld asn pueq -ueld alagl bu!lelnwiol ul sjauoissiwwo0 Aluno0 uopwe0 aql Aq pasn pue '11!q aql Aq paleaao slool luawa6euew asn puel aofew aajgl ale buiMollol aql •luawdolanap pue y1Moi6 aininl a!agl aol sueld ajedaid of eulloae0 glaoN lelseo0 ul sallunoo 0z ul luawwano6 leool Seise legs Mel alels e sl bL6 L 1010V 1uaw06euew eaaV lelseo0 aql .10V luawa6euew eajV lelseo0 aql passed AlgwassV lejau% bL6 L a1­11 'eaae 01-11 to saoinosai leanleu lueliodwl to uo!loaloid pue g1Moi6 Apapio algeua of •uo!leajoaj pue k1snpul 'aojawwoo to uo!suedxa ainlnl 'uollonpoid pool aol salelS Pal!un aql ul suol6aa lueliodw! )sow aql 10 auo sl eulloae0 g1JoN 10 ease lelseoo aql ur-tnpoalul Based on a Soil Conservation Study conducted ova 31-year period the following 25-year recession lines have been established. Along the North River from Broad Creek up to the intersection of State Road 1101 on the Pasquotank River. 95-foot recession line. Along the Pasquotank River from State Road 1101 north along the river approximately 2 miles. 50-foot recession line. Along the Pasquotank River from Areneuse north along the river approximately 31/2 miles. 46-foot recession line. FRAGILE, HISTORIC OR NATURAL RESOURCES AREAS - COMPLEX NATURAL AREAS Description - Lands that support native plant and animal communities and provide habitat conditions or characteristics essentially unchanged by human activity. Significance - Provide example of conditions existing prior to coastal settlement by western man, also irreplaceable as scientific, educational and ecological resources. Policy Objectives - Preservation of natural conditions. Appropriate Land Uses - Uses consistent with policy; lands shall not be developed so as to jeopardize natural character; also, adjacent lands should not be developed so as to endanger the recognized value of the complex natural area. Location - Large forested area west of North River from Broad Creek north to the intersection of Indiantown Creek and U.S. 158. Forested area adjacent to the Pasquotank River from the Camden County Bridge of U.S. 158 up to the northern corner of the County. This does not include areas that were developed as of the adoption November 1975. Dismal Swamp State Park Area and adjacent forested areas at northern end of county. FRAGILE, HISTORIC OR NATURAL RESOURCE AREAS - AREAS THAT SUSTAIN REMNANT SPECIES Description - Areas that support native plants or animals that are either rare or endangered. Areas that provide habitat conditions necessary for the survival of existing population of rare or endangered species. Significance - Survival of certain native plants and animals that are now rare or endangered cannot be assured unless areas providing necessary habitat conditions are protected from development or land uses that might affect these conditions. Policy Objective - Preservation of habitat conditions necessary to the continuing survival of rare or endangered plants and animals. Minimize development or land uses that might jeopardize areas that support remnant species. Appropriate Land Uses - Land uses shall be those consistent with the policy objective. Land uses shall not be planned that will unnecessarily jeopardize the habitat conditions responsible for the continued survival of respective plants and animals. Location - Large forested area west of North River from Broad Creek to the intersection of Indiantown Creek and U.S. 158. Forested area adjacent to the Pasquotank River from the Camden County Bridge of U.S. 158 up to the northern corner of the County. This does not include areas that were developed as of adoption November, 1975. Dismal Swamp State Park areas and adjacent forested areas at northern end of county. Camden Count land use plan DCM COPY DCM COPY lease do not remove!!!!! Division of Coastal Management Copy SYNOPSIS AR. ; SUBJECT TO PUBLIC RIGHTS - CERTAIN PUBLIC TRUST AREAS Description - All waterways and land under to which the public may have rights of access or navigation as authorized by State Constitution. (Article XIV, Section 5) Significance - Public rights include navigation and recreation, as well as fishing, aesthetic and economic purposes or values. Policy Objective - To insure public rights and protect or preserve value. Appropriate Land Uses - Uses consistent with policy; water related land uses allowed if consistent with policy objective. Location - Pasquotank River, North River and Albemarle Sound and all tributaries that have public access by navigation. FRAGILE, HISTORIC OR NATURAL RESOURCE AREAS - EXISTING NATIONAL OR STATE PARKS Description - Existing sites that have been acquired for use as National or State parks. Significance - Existing National or State parks are areas containing environmental or natural resources of more than local significance. Policy Objective - To protect and preserve the scenic, historic, cultural, scientific and natural values of National or State parks. Appropriate Land Uses - Those consistent with above policy objective. All development in parks shall be planned and executed so as to in no way impair, damage or detract from the values for which the areas were established to preserve and protect. Location -The Dismal Swamp State Park is located at the northern end of the county adjacent to the Dismal Swamp Canal and along the North Carolina -Virginia state line. Capability to Sustain Growth As can be seen by past population trends and projected population growth, very little growth has or is expected to take place during the next 5 to 50 years. Based on population projections, there should be no problem accommodating the expected growth with existing zoning and subdivision regulations used as planning tools. Also, implementation of several of the objectives as stated in the plan should assure no problems with future development. One of the strongest deterents to problems in the future is the enforcement of septic tank regulations by the County Health Department. Desired Change in Population The County Growth Advisory Board received responses on the planning questionnaire pertaining to desired growth in the county. The information as outlined in the plan was made available to the County Commissioners. They determined that the majority of the people in the county would like to see a small increase in population, which is also indicated by the population projection. Cost of Services to Accommodate Projected Growth The cost for providing existing and projected population with services will depend upon the demands citizens of the county place on their county government. Most citizens are aware of the fact that, like most things, providing county services is costing more each year. However, the county's tax rate is low, which gives cou, government the flexibility to increase taxes if demand for sere,. s by citizens requires such action. •ir 'swelll!M 1 .O swe!II!M 'l aluugo(, uew� unoA •a pjegoiH S661L1 -8 a6Joa0 u01sleM •3 SalJeg0 IlaMod IleysJe.A su!ii�ad •O .M U11aew .3 .M •AGH Ao00W '1 PA01R sagao3 •w we!ll!M IlaB '0 alPp3 jS `uallnW 'l 'H lloggV .O ulA*ew S� Ue8 uewaagS MOIO '>I .V pueog tiosinpV 41moiD /4uno0 uapwe0 sweill!M Apued uosJagdow new eaoN uewjleg0 - s6u11SUH Ilassna paeog 6uluueld A(lunoD uapwe0 �Ja10 'keel �oer UOSUL40P uooew uewJ1e40-90lA 'Swe!II!M UINIJEJ3 uewj!et40 'kea-1 •3 •1 sJeuoissiwwo0 ;o pieole 14uno0 uepwe0 VL61. ;0 10V luawa6euew eaiV lelseoD 04101 luensind peiec!Wd sisdouAS ueid asn pue-i /4uno3 uapwe0 How to make it work The plan for Camden County is comprehensive. It can help retain the fine qualities of the County, while at the same time provide guidance for future growth. But before any real benefit can be gained, citizens as well as elected officials must carry out certain activities. The following are suggested methods to bring about implementation of the plan: 1) Revise zoning ordinance or subdivision regulations to require larger developments. 50 units or more to locate in existing community areas. 2) Revise subdivision regulations to require developments of 50 units or more to provide central sewage and water facilities. 3) Prepare a list of properties that are available and suitable for commercial or light industrial development. 4) Land that has been identified as available for commercial or industrial development should be tested for percolation and rezoned if necessary. 5) Prepare brochure to promote sites that are available for industrial or commercial development. 6) Conduct survey to determine feasibility of sites in county for recreational purposes. 7) Investigate acquisition of property for recreational use. 8) Prepare brochure that points out interesting areas in the county. 9) Determine which structures in the county should be preserved. 10) Consider reduction of property tax for owners of structures that are undergoing restoration. 1 1) County must adopt implementation and enforcement plan for AEC area by July 1, 1977. The complete Camden County Land Use Plan is available to citizens at the Zoning Officer's Office in the County Courthouse. The plan contains, in addition to the information provided in the synopsis, detailed information on natural resources, population, economy, existing land use and community facilities. You are invited to review this plan and forward your questions or comments to any member of the County Commissioners, Planning Board or Camden Growth Advisory Board. Again, you are urged to become involved in local decisions that will affect your future. Technical Assistance by Howard T. Capps, ASLA Landscape Architect • Planning Consultant Elizabeth City, North Carolina and North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources Division of Community Assistance Thomas B. Richter, Field Office Chief Howard T. Capps, Senior Planner Dee Holmes, Planner Technician Wilber Walker, Draftsman Peggy Sawyer, Secretary (ARPDC) Debbie Branch, Secretary (ARPDC) The preparation of this report was financially assisted by grants from the State of North Carolina, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Coastal Plains Regional Commission.