HomeMy WebLinkAboutNatural Area Study-1981y �-"j AR, A Z va y. PROPERTY OF DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE M NATURAL AREA INVENTORY OF PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BY Steven W. Leonard Richard J. Davis The preparation of this report was financed through a Coastal Energy Impact Program grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This CEIP grant was part of NOAA grant NA-80-AA-D-CZ149. The natural area inventory was supervised by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (Division of Parks and Recreation, N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development). IF Project No. 80-06 Contract No. C-6037 October, 1981 1Southeast Research Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 3475 Wilmington, NC 28406 ft Abstract. Ten natural areas are described and delineated for Pender County as a result of a field survey during May - October 1981. The natural areas contain slightly more than 101,000 acres and at least 104 significant features. The largest percentage of natural area lands (67 percent) is managed by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission. A large fraction of the remaining natural area acreage is comprised of river swamp. Only a small percentage of natural area acreage is non -wetland. Of those areas inventoried, the least satisfactory survey was performed on possibly the most significant natural area in the county-- Angola Bay-- where conventional methods of field analysis are nearly impossible to perform. Several promising natural areas were also discovered, but due to various constraints, were not examined adequately. These sites occur mostly along the Cape Fear River, the upper section of the Northeast Cape Fear River, Holly Shelter Creek sub -basin, Penderlea Game Lands, and the "Mooretown ponds". Research is continuing on the flora associated with the Invershiel-Meggett soil association near Maple Hill, and a composite "Birds of Pender County" is planned. ii I&. w TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Angola Bay, Holly Shelter Bay Natural Area . . . . . . . . 6 Northeast Cape Fear River Natural Area . . . . . . . . . . 26 Black River Natural Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Southwest Ridge Natural Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Lanier Quarry Savanna Natural Area . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Jones Creek Savanna Natural Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 421 Sand Ridge Natural Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Moores Creek Wildlife Reservation Natural Area . . . . . . 119 Lea Island, Hutaff Island Natural Area . . . . . . . . . . 133 Rocky Point Marl Forest Natural Area . . . . . . . . . . . 146 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 162 iii LIST OF FIGURES N Page 4 1. Pender County and surrounding features: Atlantic Ocean, and the Counties of New Hanover (N. H.), Brunswick (Br.), Columbus (C.), Bladen (B1.), Sampson (S.), Duplin (D.), and Onslow (0.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. Angola Bay section of Angola Bay, Holly Shelter Bay NaturalArea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3. Holly Shelter Game Lands section of Angola Bay, Holly Shelter Bay Natural Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4. Significant features of Holly Shelter Game Lands section of Angola Bay, Holly Shelter Bay Natural Area. Code: (1) High quality wetland community, (2) High quality terrestrial community, (3) Endangered or threatened species, (4) Special concern species, (5) Outstanding geomorphology, (6) Special management area. Features 1, 4, 5, and 6 also apply to Angola Bay section. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. . . . . . . . . 16 5. Northeast Cape Fear River Natural Area (north section). Mapscale: 1 in. = 2 mi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6. Northeast Cape Fear River Natural Area (south section). Map " scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 7. Significant features of Northeast Cape Fear River Natural Area (north section). Code: (1) High quality wetland community, (2) Endangered or threatened species. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 8. Significant features of Northeast Cape Fear River Natural Area (south section). Code: (1) High quality wetland community, (2) Endangered or threatened species. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 9. Black River Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. . . . . . 49 10. Significant features of Black River Natural Area. Code: (1) High quality wetland community, (2) High quality wetland community (possible virgin stand), (3) Endangered or threat- ened species, (4) Outstanding aquatic feature. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 11. Southwest Ridge Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. . . . 65 continued M iv Page 12. Significant features of Southwest Ridge Natural Area. Code: (1) High quality terrestrial community, (2) En- dangered or threatened species. Map scale: 1 in. = 2,000 ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 13. Lanier Quarry Savanna Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 14. Significant features of Lanier Quarry Savanna Natural Area. Code: (1) Endangered or threatened species, (2) Unusual species assemblage, (3) High floristic diversity. Map scale: 1 in. = 600 ft. . . . . . . . . . 85 15. Jones Creek Savanna Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 16. Significant features of Jones Creek Savanna Natural Area. Code: (1) Endangered or threatened species, (2) Special management area. Map scale: 1 in. = 1200 ft. 100 17. 421 Sand Ridge Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. 107 18. Significant features of 421 Sand Ridge Natural Area. Code: (1) Endangered or threatened species, (2) out- standing geomorphologic feature. Map scale: 1 in. = 1.4 mi. (highway not drawn to scale). . . . . . . . . . . 113 19. Moores Creek Wildlife Reservation Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 20. Significant features of Moores Creek Wildlife Reservation Natural Area. Code: (1) Endangered or threatened species, (2) Special management area, (3) High faunistic diversity. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. . . . . . . . . . . 126 21. Lea Island, Hutaff Island Natural Area. Map scale: i in. = 2 mi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 22. Significant features of Lea Island, Hutaff Island Natural Area. Code: (1) High quality terrestrial community, (2) Endangered or threatened species, (3) Special geomorphologic feature. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. 141 23. Rocky Point Marl Forest Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 24. Significant features of Rocky Point Marl Forest Natural Area. Code: (1) Endangered or threatened species, (2) Unusual species assemblage, (3) Outstanding geologic feature. Map scale: 1 in. = 1500 ft. . . . . . . . . . . 153 VA LIST OF TABLES Page 1. Significance summary of Angola Bay, Holly Shelter Bay Natural Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2. Significance summary of Northeast Cape Fear River Natural Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3. Significance summary of Black River Natural Area . . . . . . . 51 4. Significance summary of Southwest Ridge Natural Area . . . . . 68 5. Significance summary of Lanier Quarry Savanna Natural Area . . 80 6. Significance summary of Jones Creek Savanna Natural Area . . . 96 7. Significance summary of 421 Sand Ridge Natural Area 109 8. Significance summary of Moores Creek Wildlife Reservation Natural Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 9. Significance summary of Lea Island, Hutaff Island Natural Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 10. Significance summary of Rocky Point Marl Forest Natural Area . 150 vi h f INTRODUCTION Seventh in size in North Carolina, Pender County has an area of 869 sq mi including 857 sq mi of land and 12 sq mi of water. The approxi- mately 550,000 ac in the county consist of forest and forested wetlands (81%), agriculture (11%), developed (2%), water and marshlands (1%) and other miscellaneous land uses (5%). Pender County is the newest county in eastern North Carolina of those bordering the Atlantic Ocean. The county was formed in 1875 from New Hanover, and in addition to the Atlantic Ocean and New Hanover County, it has contiguous boundaries with the following counties: Brunswick, Columbus, Bladen, Sampson, Duplin, and Onslow.(FIGURE 1). Three major rivers lie partly within the county. The most extensive river mileage is from the Northeast Cape Fear, followed by the Black River, and the Cape Fear River. All three rivers are navigable for lengthy distances, although the upper stretches of the Black River during periods of dry weather can only be safely navigated with small outboard or canoe. Several of the tributary streams which empty into the rivers are also navigable. Major tributary streams of the Northeast Cape Fear River are (in Pender County): Long Creek, Turkey Creek, Island Creek, Harrison/Merrick Creeks, Burgaw Creek, and Holly Shelter Creek. Moores Creek is the largest sub -basin in Pender County which empties into the Black River. There are no major Pender County drainages, other than Black River, which, in Pender, enter the Cape Fear. Nevertheless, the entire county lies within the Cape Fear Basin. The generalized geology of Pender County dates from the Cretaceous Period, during which time the Pee Dee formation, consisting of gray -to - green sands, impure limestones, and lenses of marine clays and interbedded sands, was deposited. This formation is considered the basement complex beneath the western half of the county. East of the Pee Dee formation and extending in a belt from the Rocky Point area northeast to Maple Hill is Eocene Castle Hayne limestone, a chalky -white, sandy -shell limestone or dense silicified gray limestone. Outcrops of this formation are uncommon but do occur on the McRae Farm, east of Rocky Point. The formation is in significant quantities to make commercial exploitation feasible. The overburden varies considerably, as does the consistency of the stone. Near Maple Hill, the proximity of the Castle Hayne formation to the surface is sufficient to strongly alter soil pH. As a result the basic soil reaction affects vegetation and promotes atypical coastal plain communities: East of the Castle Hayne formation is a broad belt of mostly Quaternary sands and clays, a belt that is roughly delineated by the present route of US 17. Soils of Pender County are diverse, and county shows ten soil series: (1) Johnston-Lumbee Association: soils with loamy subsoils, on low-lying stream terraces. the preliminary soil map of the Very poorly to poorly drained first bottom floodplains and ' r � J � D ' ► r i C s FIGURE 1. Pender County and surrounding features: Atlantic Ocean, and the Counties of New Hanover (N. H.), Brunswick (Br.), Columbus (C.), Bladen (B1.), Sampson (S.), Duplin (D.), and Onslow (0.). i } 2 (2) Dorovan-Ponzer Association: Very poorly drained soils with organic surfaces and sandy to loamy subsoils occurring in upland bays and in flood plains of tributaries of major streams. (3) Barclay-Pasquotank-Weeksville Association: Somewhat poorly drained to very poorly drained soils with silty surface layers and silty subsoils on level to nearly level low broad flats. (4) Bladen-Lumbee-Craven Association: Poorly drained to moderately well drained soils with clayey to loamy subsoils on level to gently sloped uplands and broad low-lying stream terrace areas. (5) Lumbee-Johns-Kalmia Association: Well drained to poorly drained soils with loamy subsoils on level to gently sloping stream terraces in the coastal plain. (6) Capers-Newhan Association: Very poorly drained to excessively drained, sandy to clayey, marsh and coastal dune soils on tidal flats and gently sloping areas near beaches and waterways along the coast subject to tidal flooding. (7) Lynn Haven-Leon-Kureb Association: Poorly drained to excessively well drained sandy soils with spodic horizons in the subsoil on broad low flats and sloping ridges in the coastal plain. (8) Invershiel-Meggett Association: Well drained to poorly drained soils that have loamy subsoils underlain by marl on lower marine terraces, stream terraces, and first bottom. (9) Wehadkee-Chewacla Association: Poorly drained to somewhat poorly drained soils with friable loamy subsoils on nearly level first bottom flood plains. (10) Portsmouth-Wakulla Association: Very poorly drained to exces- sively drained soils that have friable loamy to sandy subsoils on nearly level stream terraces and gently sloping broad upland ridges. Vegetation and land use in Pender County are similar to that of adjacent counties. Non -forested lands occur throughout the county and include many types of vegetation cover: agriculture, abandoned fields, developed lands, open water, tidal marshes, barrier islands and beaches. Forested lands are predominantly mixed pine, and depending upon site characteristics may be longleaf pine, loblolly pine, slash pine, or pond pine. Bottomlands which are forested are usually covered with cypress, either in relatively pure stands, or more typically in mixed associations with water tupelo, red maple, black gum, sweetgum, or other hardwood species. Tidal influence is felt in the lower stretches of the Northeast Cape Fear and Black Rivers and through all of the Pender portion of the Cape Fear River. Brackish water wedges move upstream in the lower Northeast Cape Fear system, and freshwater to slightly brackish water marshes are occasionally seen along the shoreline. Carolina bay pocosins are not prevalent in Pender County as they are in Bladen and parts of Brunswick, Columbus, and Sampson. However, they do occur, and some of them have been drained for blueberry culture. By far the largest extent of pocosin (and possibly the most significant natural features on the county) are the joint embayments of Angola Bay and Holly Shelter Bay. Minor variations in terms of total county acreage of forests 3 are found near Rocky Point where a mixed hardwood composition stands out in contrast to the typical loblolly or pond pine forest, and to lesser extent, the red cedar woodlands along the mainland fringe adjacent to y the tidal marshes. In the latter case, these woodlands are found on calcareous substrates-- Indian middens, or more recently, dredged material islands along the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. Except for the coastal and corridor development along US 17, vegetation and land use in Pender County may be visualized as a giant "V", in which the arms of the "V" are comprised of swamps and woodlands along the Cape Fear/Black System to the left and the Northeast Cape Fear/Angola-Holly Shelter Bays System to the right, and separated by a broad wedge-shaped agricultural area. To inventory these diverse habitats for natural areas and endangered and threatened species first necessitated a county -wide reconnaissance. In late April, 1981 a rapid inspection of the county from as many of the secondary and primary roads as possible was undertaken. Brief side trips, consisting of walks of a few hundred yards were taken at selected points, often in creek bottoms, or in upland woods. Secondly, a planned survey of localities which had previously been recorded by Natural Heritage personnel and provided to us in the format of computer printout of known stations for endangered/threatened species, or unique biotic communities was performed. Thirdly, a survey of bottomlands, marshes, and the barrier islands was conducted by boat. As a tentative list of potential natural areas began to emerge, aerial inspection was completed. Altogether, the s Pender County Natural -Areas Inventory included 49 field days: 38 by ground, 9 by water, and 2 by air. Road mileage totalled slightly less than 3,700 mi. w The inventory results reflect a bias toward occurrences of endangered species and large areas of contiguous undisturbed lands. Perhaps the chief fault of the study is that is was too broad-- that more attention should have been focused on specific areas or types of areas. A glaring shortcoming is that certain areas are.biologically significant, but as a result of constraints of this contract, may have unintentionally been excluded. Therefore, we wish to point out the following areas in need of further investigation: (1) Cape Fear River Swamp of Brunswick, Columbus, and Pender Counties (2) Roan Island (3) Larkins Cypress Grove, Bladen and Pender Counties (This remarkable cypress stand of old -growth trees was found late in the study. It is possibly the oldest extant timber stand in Pender County. Buttresses of trees are sometimes 15-20 ft thick; DBH, or diameter above the buttress enlargement is usually 3 ft, but on some individuals reaches 6-8.ft.) (4) Penderlea Game Lands (5) Mooretown Ponds, an area of sinkholes north of Northeast Cape Fear River (6) Holly Shelter savannas (7) Saltmarshes (8) Angola Bay, Pender and Duplin Counties (9) Maple Hill area w 4 We have identified ten significant natural areas that vary in size from about 200 ac to almost 50,000 ac. These ten candidates are repre- sentative of several edaphic and biotic combinations. They range from xeric to hydric; from acidic to basic; from sea level to more than 70 ft in elevation; from biologically undisturbed to man -dominated. Some of the areas contain several populations of endangered and threatened species. The decision as to which areas to include and which areas to exclude was largely subjective, but did include objective elements. Typical questions that we considered when examining a potential site were (1) Does the site have regional, state, or county -wide uniqueness? (2) Are there unusual habitat conditions present? .(3) Are there endangered, threatened, or rare species present? (4) Is the site representative of a type of habitat which is rapidly being converted to other land uses? (5) Does the site have protective, management, or habitat enhancement status? (6) Would loss of the habitat constitute an irretrievable loss of resource to Pender County? (7) Is natural area designation congruent with the activities and land use intentions of the landowner(s)? From our own observations of land use activity in the county, and from discussion with officials and landowners, we saw and learned of a few activities r. which lack provision for biological enhancement. Landowner education on the benefits of a regular controlled -burn program and voluntary implementation would reduce the risks of catastrophic forest fire. Establishment of hedgerows, wildlife food plots, and a crop rotation sequence with food and cover during critical nesting times would greatly benefit wildlife, and should be incor- porated into large agricultural enterprises. Consideration of natural flora and fauna, as well as potential impact on wetland systems should be given prominence in development plans for industry. Piecemeal residential development in which maximum numbers of units are placed on -minimum acreage should be evaluated with extreme care. Future land use trends and the consequences of estuarine deterioration on finfish and shellfish in Pender waters should be assessed for long term as well as short term effects. Two natural areas in the county are located in proximity to limestone mines, and therefore, are potentially threatened by mining activity. Two natural areas are located along major highway corridors (I-40, under construc- tion and US 421) and may be affected by industrial development. One natural area is subject to beach residential development. On the other hand, three natural areas are already afforded protective status, and two others, comprised predominantly of swamp lands are unlikely to be drastically altered. In terms of acreage, the overwhelming percentage of natural area lands in Pender County is now protected under the jurisdiction of the NC Wildlife Resources Commission. From this brief inventory of the natural features and resources of Pender County, we were very impressed-- by their diversity and by their quality. The natural heritage of Pender County is one of which all North Carolinians can be justly proud. 5 w NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Angola Bay, Holly Shelter Bay 2. County: Pender 3. Location: Angola Bay is located in the northeast part of Pender County, east of US 117 and the Northeast Cape Fear River, and extending into southern Duplin County. Holly Shelter Bay is located in east -central Pender County , south of NC 53, east of the Northeast Cape Fear River,' and northwest of US 17. Coordinates: Angola Bay: Vicinity of 34°40'N, 77°50'W; Holly Shelter Bay: Vicinity of 34030'N, 770401W.(FIGURES 2,3). 4. Topographic Quadrangle(s): Angola Bay: Burgaw (1942) and Maple Hill (1943); Holly Shelter Bay: Complete in 7.5' maps except for Folkstone and including parts of Stag Park (1981), Maple Hill SW (1981), Mooretown (1970), Topsail (1970), and Holly Ridge (1970). 5. Size: Approximately 20,000 ac within the Pender County portion of Angola Bay Game Land, and 48,500 ac within the Holly Shelter Wildlife Management Area. 6. Elevation: 15 ft or slightly less to 30 ft above mean sea level 7. Access: Angola Bay is inaccessible! The southern periphery can be reached by traveling northeast from Burgaw on NC 53 for approximately 8 miles. Private, gated roads extend northward but do not go as far as the State Game Land boundary. Holly Shelter Bay includes limited access from US 17, north of Hampstead and from SR 1520 which parallels the Northeast Cape Fear River. It is advisable, before entering Holly Shelter Bay, to acquaint oneself with pertinent regulations. Therefore, it is suggested that entrance to the natural area include a visit to the Game Lands headquarters on SR 1520, ca. 7 miles north of NC 210. 8. Names of Investigators: S. W. Leonard Ricky Davis P. 0. Box 3475 126 Duncansby Court Wilmington, NC 28406 Cary, NC 27511 9. Date(s) of Investigation: May -September, 1981 10. Priority Rating: High 11A. Prose Description of Site: From the air, the two vast areas of Angola Bay and Holly Shelter Bay appear as limitless green wilderness. With diameters of more than 10 miles, and in the case of Angola Bay, no roads or trails, they rank with Dismal Swamp, the Dare County peninsula, the "open grounds" of Carteret County, and the Green Swamp as some of North Carolina's most inaccessible interior wetlands. For almost fifty years Angola and Holly Shelter have been owned by the State, and 0 -j D U p L I N C 0 U N T 4 ud 13 4 13 2.6 I �Oj Eden 3 7 1-4 (,53 FIGURE 2. Angola Bay section of Angola Bay, Holly Shelter Bay Natural Area. d 0 00 r r'� B�dawe, 710 l .0 ' 1561 J.t isoU �� '.'�' Vista ielp y _ Wa 1 .a v (lre• loath U A Fier FIGURE 3. Holly Shelter Game Lands section of Angola Bay, Holly Shelter Bay Natural Area. more recently, managed as wildlife preserves. Adjacent lands are often owned by timber companies which have attempted to replace the inferior forests of pond pine with other species. The term "bay" is often used in reference to elliptic depressions known more completely as "Carolina bays;" however, the size, shape, and surrounding features of Angola and Holly Shelter suggest instead, a geomorphological origin as gigantic embayments. Close inspection of aerial photographs reveals that within these embayments are typical Carolina bay ellipses. Thus the origin of interior Carolina bays postdates the origin of Angola and Holly Shelter. Several sand ridges, ranging in elevation from a foot or two above the adjacent pocosin swamp to ten to fifteen feet, are located within the boundaries of the pocosin. In Angola Bay, not far from the Duplin County line, one such ridge is used as a Forest Service landing strip. The history of the bay vegetation is closely linked to wildfires. Old photography occasionally shows fire scars-- darkened areas, or tracts of regrowth timber which differs markedly from nearby stands. Because of the impassibility of heavy machinery over the boggy soil, fire fighting is difficult, and may be restricted to aerial application of retardents. Historically, fires were allow to burn and smoulder until rains or soil moisture eventually extinguished them. Thus the vegetation has changed during the past century as a combination of factors-- fire prevention, drainage, natural succession-- have all interacted to give the ecological conditions observed today. w Vegetation of the bays differs, not so much in overall species composition, but in the relative acreage of communities. Angola Bay is, for the most part, a treeless or near -treeless expanse of ever- green shrubbery, with pond pines scattered here and there, or sometimes a localized zone of sweet bay or 1oblolly bay. The interior of Holly Shelter has much larger volumes of pond pine timber than Angola Bay, but it nevertheless does have a large treeless area in the northeastern part. The southeastern part of Holly Shelter, in what might be termed the "rim" contains higher -elevation sand and sandy clay, which is covered with longleaf pine that is periodically burned. As a result, the southeast quadrant of Holly Shelter has superlative longleaf pine savannas, which gradually dip toward the northwest into titi and bald cypress wetlands. The only known stand of Atlantic white cedar in either of the two bays occurs in Holly Shelter in the drainage basin of Trumpeter Swamp. Wildlife in the bays enjoys the seclusion afforded by thousands of acres of pocosin. Black bear populations exist in both bays, and there is probably migration between the two bays. Deer are plentiful, and the Holly Shelter Game Lands provide hunters with bow and conventional firearm seasons. A large shallow waterfowl impoundment of approximately 200 acres has recently been constructed in Holly Shelter, and contains adult alligators as well as waterfowl. Water in the embayments is highly acidic, and hence, is not conducive to gamefish management. 9 As account of Holly Shelter as it appeared thirty-five years ago is found in B. W. Well's "Vegetation of Holly Shelter Wildlife Management Area"; N. C. Dept. Cons. and Dev., Div. Game and Inland Fisheries, Bulletin #2 (1946). 11B. Prose Description of Site Significance: Angola Bay and Holly Shelter Bay are unique landforms in North Carolina. They are large and biologically poorly known. Angola Bay, particularly, is in need of intensive study, but due to the formidable conditions of saturated soil, floating organic mats, dense shrubs, catbriers, areal expanse, black bears, venomous snakes, mosquitoes, ticks, and sultry weather, summertime study is unthinkable. Nevertheless, the work needs to be done. That large portions of the two areas are protected and managed assures no immediate threats to the endangered species found within this natural area. Theft of insectivorous plants is a common problem along the eastern boundary of Holly Shelter, but we saw excellent populations of several species. In summary, the significance of Angola Bay and Holly Shelter Bay is that (a) they are unique, (b) they are large, (c) they are not likely to be threatened, (d) they are owned by the State, (e) they are managed, and (f) they contain endangered plants and animals. 12. Significance Summary: (see TABLE 1) Legal Status, Use and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: Private 0%, Public 100%, but with restricted access, Unknown 0% 14. Number of Owners: 1 15. Name(s) of Owners) and/or Custodians) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Raleigh, NC 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): Mr. Charles "Vic" French, Wildlife Management Technician II, Route 1, Box 222, Burgaw, NC 28425. Mr. French is Holly Shelter Game Lands Manager. 17. Attitude of Owner or Custodian Toward Preservation (contact?): Owner not contacted. It is locally rumored that Angola Bay has been considered for a land swap. 18. Uses of Natural Area: Angola Bay-- Game Preserve; Holly Shelter Game Lands-- Hunting, scientific research, minor amounts of nature study and observation by vacationers and regional residents. 19. Uses of Surrounding Land: Wildland 20%, Agricultural land 10%, High - intensity forestry 700, Developed 0% 10 N TABLE 1. Significance summary of Angola Bay, Holly Shelter Bay Natural Area. Feature High quality wetland community High quality terrestrial community Endangered or threatened sp. Endangered or threatened sp. Endangered or threatened sp. Endangered or threatened sp. Special concern species Outstanding geomorphology Special management area Map Legend 1 2 3a 3b 3c 3d 4 5 "„ Description of feature Comparative assessment Pond pine pocosin Longleaf pine savanna Venus'fly-trap Dwarf fothergilla Rough -leaf loosestrife Red -cockaded Woodpecker Black bear Isolated embayments NC Game Lands/Preserve The most extensive area of this community type in southeastern NC Extensive, well -managed, containing many rare spp. Large,vigorous populations Scattered populations; some very large and vigorous Extremely rare in county and in natural area Several breeding colonies known from natural area One or two populations; known from both bay areas Unique landform feature, this natural area possibly best examples in NC Area owned by, State and already protected 20. Preservation Status: Category 1, 100% Wildlife Preserve and Wildlife Management Area 21. Regulatory Protection in Forcer Restricted access, regulated hunting, protection of exploited and endangered species, CAMA coastal wetlands, fragile areas, natural hazard areas. 22. Threats: Potential drop in water table from drainage of adjacent swamplands and pocosins. Peat utilization is a possible threat, but at this time, not probable. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: Controlled burning would reduce the wildfire hazard, upgrade wildlife habitat, and promote botanically diverse savanna development. We do not make management recommendations for Angola Bay until further study is conducted; in the interim, we strongly encourage minimal access, and no drainage, timber harvest, or wildlife food plot clearance. Natural Characteristics Summary 24A. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary: Community type: Pinus serotina/Cyrilla racemiflora-Zenobia • pulverulenta; peripheral stands of Pinus palustris/Aristides stricta; isolated examples of Taxodium distichum-Nyssa biflora Community cover type: Predominantly Pinus serotina General habitat feature: Pond pine pocosin Average canopy height: 25 ft Estimated age of canopy trees: 40-60 yrs Canopy cover: Open Estimated size of community: Total of 40,000 ac Successional stage: Edaphic climax Sere type: Hydrosere Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Gaylussacia frondosa, Lyonia lucida, Myrica cerifera, Ilex coriacea, Ilex glabra, Persea borbonia Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Woodwardia virginica 24B. Soil Summary (by community type) Soil series: Pamlico Soil classification: Histosols; Typic Medihemists to Fibric Terric Medihemists 1 Soil association: Dorovan-Ponzer pH class: acidic to extremely acidic Moisture class: Very poorly drained Source of information: General Soil Map, Pender County, USDA, SCS (1972); Soil Taxonomy, Agri. Handbook # 436 Other notes: None 12 24C. Hydrology Summary (by community type) Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Aqueous Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Saturated to intermittently exposed Drainage class: Very poorly drained Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, saturated to intermittently exposed, freshwater palustrine system. 24D. Topography Summary Landform: Nearly circular marine embayments with drainage seaward blocked by Pleistocene sands Shelter: Deeply sheltered Aspect: not applicable Slope angle: not applicable Profile: Concave to flat Surface patterns: Smooth Position: not applicable 25. Physiographic Characterization of Natural Area: An edaphic climax community of a hydrosere which occupies a relict embayment which now drains into the Northeast Cape Fear River and situated in the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Cretaceous Pee Dee formation and Eocene Castle Hayne formation overlain by Pleistocene to Recent sands Geological Formation age: Cretaceous formation: 60 million years; Eocene formation: 40-50 million years; Pleistocene to Recent: 1-3 million years to approximately 6 thousand years before present 26. Summary - Endangered and Threatened Species (1) Name of species: Dionaea muscipula (DIONAEACEAE) Venus' fly -trap Species legal status and authority: NC threatened endemic, exploited (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 3 seen in Holly Shelter Number of individuals per population: 15 to 1,000 Size or maturity of individuals: All stages Phenology of population: Vegetative: 60%; Flowering: 25%; Fruiting 15% General vigor of population: Vigorous Disturbance or threats to population: Harvesting by local residents; some enforcement by Holly Shelter Game Lands staff Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Longleaf pine savannas Topography: Level to gently sloping Soil series: Localized occurrence of Leon sand Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plant and animal species present: Aristida stricta, Vaccinium crassifolium, Polygala lutea, Polygala cruciata, Chaptalia tomentosa, Chrysopsis graminifolia; Whitetail deer (tracks) 13 (2) Name of species: Fothergilla gardenii (HAMAMELIDACEAE) Dwarf fothergilla Species legal status and authority: NC threatened peripheral (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: 100 Size or maturity of individuals: Mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 50a; Flowering 0%; Fruiting: 50% General vigor of population: Vigorous Disturbance or threats to population: None evident Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Ecotonal border of.a black gum/gallberry drainage and a cutover longleaf pine savanna Topography: 2% slope Soil series: Lynn Haven Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plant and animal species present: Plants: Ilex lg abra, Myrica cerifera, Vaccinium atrococcum, Vaccinium crassifclium, Andropogon sp. Animals: See attached master species lists.. (3) Name of species: Lysimachia asperulaefolia (PRIMULACEAE) Rough -leaf loosestrife Species legal status and authority: NC endangered endemic (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: 6 Size or maturity of population: Mature Phenology of individuals: Vegetative: 66%; Flowering 33%; Fruiting 0% General vigor of population: Fair Disturbance or threats to population: Plants were found in a firebreak Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Ecotonal border between a longleaf pine savanna and a cypress/titi swamp Topography: 2% slope Soil series: Presumed to be Lynn Haven Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plant and animal species present: Plants: Aristida stricta Andropogon virginicus, Rhexia mariana, Rhexia alifanus, Polygala lutea, Lycopodium aloepecuroides. Animals: See attached master species lists. (4) Name of species: Red -cockaded Woodpecker Species legal status and authority: Federally endangered (Cooper et al. 1977) — — Number of populations on site: Reported by Holly Shelter Game Lands personnel to be around 14 within Holly Shelter; not determined for Angola Bay Number of individuals per population: l to ca. 10 Size or maturity of individuals: Breeding populations present Phenology of population: Not applicable 14 r General vigor of population: Not determined Disturbance or threats to population: In cases where birds are using pond pines for cavity trees, growth of understory, lightning strikes, and natural demise of trees are causing disturbance, but on the whole sufficient habitat remains for a stable population to thrive. Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Primary community is longleaf pine; secondary community is pond pine Topography: Usually level or nearly so Soil series: Leon sand to Pamlico muck Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape -Fear River Other plant and animal species present: See attached master species lists. (5) Name of species: Black Bear Species legal status and authority: NC special concern (Cooper et al. 1977) — — Number of populations on site: 1, possibly 2 Number of individuals: Thought to be around 35 Size or maturity of individuals: Breeding population(s) Phenology of population: Not applicable General vigor of population: Good Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Animals are wide-ranging and use a variety • of habitats. a (See FIGURE 4 for detailed map of endangered and threatened species locations.) 15 C,e .. N 15 Creek'._ •r, l HOLLY SHELTER • ; GAME LAND 1,4,6 _.....N.EW..RD. ...... .......... � 3d w1 �! ' ' ✓ 3a �' IS]0 �> e i CQfskrn , �ezK i � ti `r;seo 3 - \ n FIGURE 4. Significant features of Holly Shelter Game Lands section of Angola Bay, Holly Shelter Bay Natural Area. Code: (1) High quality wetland community, (2) High quality terrestrial community (3) Endangered or threatened species, (4) Special concern species, (5) Outstanding geomorphology, (6) Special management area. Features 1, 4, 5, and 6 also apply to Angola Bay section. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. 16 Z 27. Master Species Lists: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) ACEEACEAE Acer rubrum AMARYLLIDACEAE Hypoxis hirsuta H. hirsuta var. leptocarpa H. micrantha ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans R. vernix APIACEAE Centella asiatica Eryngium integrifolium E. yuccifolium Hydrocotyle umbellata Oxypolis filiformis 0. ternata AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex coriacea I. glabra I. opaca ASCLEPIADACEAE Asclepias humistrata A. lanceolata ASPIDIACEAE Thelypteris palustris ASTERACEAE Aster tortifolius A. linariifolius Carduus repandus C. spinosissimus Carphephorus bellidifolius C. tomentosus Chaptalia tomentosa Chrysopsis gossypina. C. graminifolia Chondrophora nudata Coreopsis angustifolia C. basalis C. falcata C. tinctoria Elephantopus nudatus Erigeron vernus Eupatorium album E. capillifolium E. leucolepis E. perfoliatum 17 I Eupatorium pilosum E. recurvans E. rotundifolium E. serotinum Euthamia tenuifolia Happlopappus divaricatus Helianthus atrorubens H. heterophyllus Liatris graminifolia Marshallia graminifolia Mikania scandens Pterocaulon pycnostachyum Pyrrhopappus carolinianus Solidago odora S. stricta Trilisa paniculata BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia areolata W. virginica BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia usneoides BURMANNIACEAE Burmannia capitata CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia elongata L. glandulosa ' L. nuttallii L. puberula CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera sempervirens Viburnum nudum CISTACEAE Lechea leggettii CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia CONVOLVULACEAE Bonamia patens var. angustifolia CUPRESSACEAE Chamaecyparis thyoides CYPERACEAE Carex crinita C. walteriana Dichromena latifolia Eleocharis obtusa Fimbristylis autumnalis Fuirena squarrosa Psilocarya nitens Rhynchospora cephalantha R. chapmanii R. pallida R. torreyana 18 Scleria pauciflora S. reticularis S. triglomerata CYRILLACEAE Cyrilla racemiflora DIONAEACEAE Dionaea muscipula DROSERACEAE Drosera brevifolia D.. capillaris D. intermedia ERICACEAE Cassandra calyculata Gaylussacia dumosa G. frondosa Kalmia angustifolia var. caroliniana Leucothoe axillaris L. racemosa Lyonia ligustrina L. lucida L. mariana Rhododendron atlanticum R. viscosum Vaccinium atrococcum V. corymbosum V. crassifolium V. elliottii • V. stamineum V. tenellum Zenobia pulverulenta ERIOCAULACEAE Eriocaulon compressum E. decangulare Lachnocaulon anceps EUPHORBIACEAE Cnidoscolus stimulosus Euphorbia curtisii FABACEAE Amorpha herbacea Baptisia cinerea B. tinctoria Galactia regularis Indigofera caroliniana Lespedeza capitata L. hirta L. repens L. steuvei L. virginica Rhynchosia difformis Tephrosia spicata Zornia bracteata w 19 f FAGACEAE Castanea pumila Quercus incana Q. laevis Q. margaretta Q. marilandica Q. pumila Q. virginiana GENTIANACEAE Sabatia campanulata S. stellaris HAEMODORACEAE Lachnanthes caroliniana HAMAMELIDACEAE Fothergilla gardenii Liquidambar styraciflua HYPERICACEAE Hypericum gentianoides H. hypericoides H. reductum H. stans H. walteri IRIDACEAE Sisyrinchium mucronatum var. atlanticum JUNCACEAE Juncus coriaceus J. repens LAMIACEAE Hyptis alata Pycnanthenum flexuosum Scutellaria integrifolia LAUTACEAE Persea borbonia LENTIBULARIACEAE Pinguicula caerulea P. lutea Utricularia subulata LILIACEAE Aletris farinosa Melanthium virginicum Pleea tenuifolia Smilax laurifolia Tofieldia racemosa Zigadenus densus Z. glaberrimus LOGANIACEAE Gelsemium sempervirens Mitreola petiolata Polypremum procumbens LORANTHACEAE Phoradendron serotinum 20 LYCOPODIACEAE Lycopodium aloepecuroides L. appressum L. carolinianum MAGNOLIACEAE Liriodendron tulipifera Magnolia virginiana MELASTOMATACEAE Rhexia alifanus R. lutea R. mariana R. petiolata MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera M. cerifera var. pumila M. heterophylla NYSSACEAE Nyssa biflora ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia palustris Oenothera laciniata ORCHIDACEAE Calopogon pallidus C. pulchellus Cleistes divaricata Habenaria blephariglottis H. ciliaris H. cristata H. nivea Pogonia ophioglossoides Spiranthes cernua S. praecox S. vernalis OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda cinnamomea 0. regalis var. spectabilis PINACEAE Pinus palustris P. serotina P. taeda POACEAE. Andropogon gerardi A. scoparius A. ternarius A. virginicus Anthaenantia rufa Aristida purpurascens A. stricta Arundinaria gigantea Leptoloma cognatum 21 • Muhlenbergia capillaris Panicum angustifolium P. commutatum P. dichotomum P. laxiflorum P. scoparium P. tenue Paspalum dilatatum P. praecox Triplasis purpurea POLYGALACEAE Polygala cruciata P. cymosa P. hookeri P. lutea P. mariana P. ramosa POLYPODIACEAE Polypodium polypodioides PRIMULACEAE Lysimachia asperulaefolia L. loomsii PTERIDACEAE Pteridium aquilinum ROSACEAE Amelanchier canadensis A. obovalis ' Rosa palustris Rubus trivialis Sorbus arbutifolia SARRACENIACEAE Sarracenia flava S. purpurea SAXIFRAGACEAE Itea virginica SCROPHYLARIACEAE Agalinis purpurea A. setacea Penstemon australis Seymeria cassioides SOLANACEAE Physalis angulata TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum THEACEAE Gordonia lasianthus VIOLACEAE Viola lanceolata VITACEAE Vitis rotundifolia 22 XYRIDACEAE Xyris ambigua X. baldwiniana X. caroliniana X. difformis X. platylepis AMPHIBIANS Broken -striped Newt Slimy Salamander Southern Toad Oak Toad Southern Cricket Frog Squirrel Treefrog Little Grass Frog Southern Leopard Frog REPTILES American Alligator Eastern Mud Turtle Eastern Box Turtle Spotted Turtle Yellow -bellied Turtle Snapping Turtle Eastern Glass Lizard Green Anole Ground Skink Black Racer Corn Snake J BIRDS Key PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, 11V = Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Green Heron SV Great Blue Heron pV Wood Duck PR* Turkey Vulture PR Black Vulture PR Red-tailed Hawk PR* Red -shouldered Hawk PR* V 23 American Kestrel WR Bobwhite PR* Spotted Sandpiper T Solitary Sandpiper T Mourning Dove PR* Yellow -billed Cuckoo SR* Chimney Swift SR* Ruby -throated Hummingbird SV Common Flicker PR* Pileated Woodpecker PR* Red -cockaded Woodpecker PR* Red -bellied Woodpecker PR* Red-headed Woodpecker PR* Downy Woodpecker PR* Eastern Kingbird SR* Great Crested Flycatcher SR* Eastern Phoebe WR Acadian Flycatcher SV Eastern Wood Pewee SV* Rough -winged Swallow T Barn Swallow SV Purple Martin SV Blue Jay PR* Common Crow PR* Fish Crow PR* Carolina Chickadee PR* Tufted Titmouse PR* White -breasted Nuthatch PV Brown -headed Nuthatch PR* Carolina Wren PR* Mockingbird PR* Catbird PR* Brown Thrasher PR* American Robin PV Wood Thrush SV Eastern Bluebird PR* Blue -gray Gnatcatcher SR* Cedar Waxwing WR Starling PV White -eyed Vireo SR* Yellow -throated Vireo SV Red -eyed Vireo SV Black -and -white Warbler T Prothonotary Warbler SR* Swainson's Warbler SR* Worm -eating Warbler SR* Northern Parula Warbler SR* Yellow Warbler T Black -throated Blue Warbler T .Yellow-rumped Warbler WR Yellow -throated Warbler J SR* 24 Pine Warbler Prairie Warbler Ovenbird Northern Waterthrush Common Yellowthroat Yellow -breasted Chat Hooded Warbler Eastern Meadowlark Red -winged Blackbird Orchard Oriole Common Grackle Brown -headed Cowbird Scarlet Tanager Summer Tanager Cardinal Blue Grosbeak Indigo Bunting Pine Siskin American Goldfinch Rufous -sided Towhee Chipping Sparrow Field Sparrow White -throated Sparrow Swamp Sparrow Eastern Mole Black Bear Raccoon Mink Fox Bobcat Eastern Cottontail Marsh Rabbit Whitetail Deer MAMMALS 25 PR* SR* T T PR* SR* SR* PR* Pv SR* SR* SR* T SR* PR* SR* SR* Wv WR PR* WR WR WR WR V r NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Northeast Cape Fear River 2. County: Pender (with parts of Island Creek in New Hanover) 3. Location: From the New Hanover County line, east of US 421 near 34020'N, 78000'W upstream and including portions of Holly Shelter Creek to a point about 2 miles downstream from the NC 53 bridge near 340351N, 77050'W. This natural area is about 40 river miles long_(FIGURES 5, 6). 4. Topographic Quadrangle(s): Castle Hayne (1970), Rocky Point (1970), Scotts Hill (1970), Mooretown (1970), Stag Park (1981) 5. Size: 13,800 ac (est.) 6. Elevation: 3 ft to 6 ft above mean sea level, occasionally including higher bluffs adjacent to the river. 7. Access: Boat access points are Cowpens Landing at the end of SR 1428 (private, open to the public for fee), Clarks Landing on Long Creek at the end of SR 1408, Wildlife Resources Commission landing at US 117 bridge, Lanes Ferry landing at NC 210 bridge, Wildlife Resources Commission landing near Holly Shelter Game Lands headquarters, and Wildlife Resources Commission landing at White Stocking at the end of SR 1512. 8. Names of Investigators: S. W. Leonard Ricky Davis P. 0. Box 3475 126 Duncansby Court Wilmington, NC 28406 Cary, NC 27511 9. Date(s) of Investigation: May through September, 1981 10. Priority Rating: High 11A. Prose Description of Site: Black -water rivers in North Carolina are rare, and among the most pristine is the Northeast Cape Fear. The riverside development of industry which is present along the lower reach of the river in New Hanover County is absent from Pender County. The uppermost industry along the river is located near Castle Hayne and consists of Ideal Cement and Diamond Shamrock-- industries which utilize the Castle Hayne limestone, which rarely crops out along the river's bank. Residential development tends to be clustered at but two places-- Castle Hayne and Stag Park. The river itself winds through a mixed forest of predominantly bald cypress and black gum, occasionally with high bluffs where loblolly pine may be seen. The woods are draped with Spanish moss, and birds V 26 jI1—n `` a{.`- ��y FA5 3.2 \\ �✓+ % tom. 5 311 Ile 306 1312 53 XX Ix ypI•: 30• H •;;• ♦ wv A ` •.Z 817 L ti : ✓ �y try ,f _ ^? BURGAW 5, POP. !J.. e •••r I `� � \ Walkers �% � — of N •� tax 1414 j1320 L' 11 1112 1511 3 • • :' { ek 3.0 Ot C.,.ek.... ,} Poe ,�••'f t;: ti•j io 1.2 f4.i imiry Poinr.2t •• • I .6 t tl 3.2 _ Isle.. ',.,\ A ( �. % ��llyy;•'}} • ..gym fer_ i 1 2 �.2e I ,. isle Va• L5A �:•�:. • M �''tn'i �}y. FIGURE 5. Northeast Cape Fear River Natural Area (north section). Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. P4l It • A a N OD 4 "•MI �. / '°' AA ' i y i 2.4 • �1 1 N fA5 e. IN 0 •I mi l 1 1 t d I,I / 4 U �I V/",. C- 0.0 I 4 � o N E W F; A N O V E R FIGURE 6. Northeast Cape Fear River Natural Area (south section). Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. are abundant. Turtles slide off half -submerged logs as one passes, and sometimes a water snake or alligator splashes. Shallows along the shoreline or around the infrequent islands in the river have dense beds of the narrow -leaf form of cowdock. Because the lower reach of the river has no weirs or other impounding structures, anadromous fish move into and out of the river. Fishing pressure is light and is mostly confined to the spring runs of shad. Recreational boating is popular near the public access points, with perhaps heaviest concentration being near Castle Hayne. The adjacent swamps of the Northeast Cape Fear add to the mystique. Large cypress trees, with diameters in excess of 6 feet are not at all uncommon. The tidally inundated swamp floor is mucky and treacherous to the timid, but unusual and interesting flora and fauna are found there. We saw the mustard, Cardamine longii,at numerous places south of NC 210, and a small population of the river quillwort, Isoetes riparia, along Island Creek. Old cypress trees with horizontal branches bedecked with resurrection fern turned out to harbor mats of the epiphytic orchid, Epidendrum conopseum. From Burgaw Creek upstream to Holly Shelter Creek, we saw in July, numerous clumps of a yellow - flowered loosestrife, tentatively identified as Lysimachia lanceolata var. hybrida. The scarlet -velvet fruits of the sarvis-leaf holly, Ilex amelanchier, impressed us as we boated up Holly Shelter Creek. Y The river has long stretches of placid water south of NC 210; upstream the turns are more frequent, and sometimes an arching canopy of river birch obscures the sky. Short, dead-end coves attest to a meandering channel, and with the assistance of topographic quad- rangles, oxbow ponds can be located. The history of the river is as alluring as the biota. Barbadoan explorers reached the Stag Park vicinity in the mid-1600s. A century later rich planters-- the Ashes, the Moores, and others owned plantations along the banks. Colonial artifacts lie buried in the river silt. A marker at Castle Hayne describes an early drawbridge built across the river. Rich in lore, rich in flora, rich in fauna, the Northeast Cape Fear demands that we slow our pace and leisurely indulge in the pleasures of an incomparable natural area. Drift with the tide by Point Pleasant or silently paddle a canoe down Harrisons Creek, you will experience a never -to -be -forgotten sensation of the richness of the out-of-doors. Northeast Cape Fear-- natural area unexcelled. 11B. Prose pescription of Site Significance: The Northeast Cape Fear Natural Area offers multiple recreational opportunities and a super- lative study area for black -water river systems. The major feature of the river and its associated swamps is that they are intact; thus they provide a lengthy corridor for wildlife, contain seven species of special interest plants, several animals (many reports of alligators, not verified by our study) of concern, and connect the major wilderness KW* areas in Pender County. Although activities in navigable waters and wetlands is now regulated by the Corps of Engineers, "high ground" development could have a devastating affect on the quality of the water and the remoteness aspect of the system. We rank the Northeast Cape Fear near the top of Pender County natural areas, based on the condition of its swamplands, the fact that this river is the highest volume black -water stream in southeastern North Carolina, the potential threat to it as industrial and residential development edge upstream from Wilmington, and the presence of several threatened species. 12. Significance Summary (See TABLE 2) Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: Private: 99%, Public: 1%, Unknown 0% 14. Number of owners: Approximately 30 15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): Major landowners are Bruce B. Cameron, 2219 Blythe Rd., Wilmington, NC (763-1054), Corbett Industries, Inc., Wrightsboro (Wilmington, NC) (763-4646), Southern Furniture of Conover, Inc., International Paper Company, Harry W. Williams, Williams Lumber Co., Burgaw, NC, H. H. Bate, Mrs. Nell H. Trask; public land is small section of Holly Shelter Game Lands which borders the east shore of the river. 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information): None 17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): Not contacted 18. Uses of natural area: Recreational boating, fishing, hunting 19. Uses of surrounding land: Wildland: 25%; Agricultural land, 40%; High -intensity forestry, 25%; Developed, 5% 20. Preservation Status: Category 7, 100% 21. Regulatory protections in force: Wetlands, natural hazard areas 22. Threats: Piecemeal development along the river bluffs; no threats to the overwhelming percentage of swamplands. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: Tributary stream swamps may be easier to manage than the main stem of the river. Island Creek and Harrisons Creek are considered exceptional areas for preservation, either by acquisition or landowner registry. Regulations in effect for activities in wetlands is probably sufficient for adequate site protection. 30 TABLE 2. Significance summary of Northeast Cape Fear River Natural Area. Feature High quality wetland community Endangered or threatened sp. Endangered or threatened sp. Endangered or threatened sp. w N Endangered or threatened sp. Endangered or threatened sp. Endangered or threatened sp. Endangered or threatened sp. Endangered or threatened sp. Map Legend Description of feature Comparative assessment 1 Blackwater river swamp Broad floodplain with mostly old -growth cypress 2a Sarvis-leaf holly Very large population in lower Holly Shelter Creek drainage 2b Long's bittercress Proposed inclusion, based on occurrence at two NC localities 2c River quillwort Major range extension southward 2d European cow -lily Common throughout all major drainages of natural area 2e Creeping marsh -purslane A single large population in Harrisons Creek 2f Green -fly orchid Probably largest number of colonies in NC 2g May hawthorn Two known populations of very rare species 2h Anhinga Single bird sighted Natural Characteristics Summary 24A. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary: Community type: Taxodium distichum-Acer rubrum-Nyssa biflora Community cover type: Taxodium distichum General habitat feature: Riverine swamp Average canopy height: 60 ft Estimated age of canopy trees: 50-200 years Canopy cover: Closed Estimated size of community: 80% of total acreage or 11,000 ac Successional stage: Climax Sere type: Pelosere Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Liquidambar styraciflua, Pinus taeda Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Cornus stricta, Ilex verticillata Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Senecio glabellus, Gratiola virginiana, Pluchea camphorata, Lobelia cardinalis, Decumaria barbara 24B. Soil Summary (by community type) Soil series: Dorovan series in tidal region of river; Johnston and Lumbee soils in upper stretches of river floodplain. Soil classification: Not determined Soil association: Johnston-Lumbee pH class: Strongly acid to medium acid Moisture class: Poorly drained Source of information: General Soil Map, Pender County, USDA, SCS, (1972). Other notes: None 24C. Hydrology Summary (by community type) Hydrologic system: Riverine Hydrologic subsystem: Tidal and Lower Perennial Water chemistry: Fresh to mixosaline Water regime: Tidal, regularly flooded, irregularly flooded, and nontidal, intermittently exposed , seasonally flooded. Drainage class: Poorly drained to very poorly drained Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Hydrology characterization: Poorly to very poorly drained bottomland sloughs, terraces, and bars, covered with moisture -retaining silts and silty sands with water table frequently at the surface. 24D. Topography Summary Landform: Riverine floodplain Shelter: Deeply sheltered Aspect: North - South in lower reach; East - West in upper, reach Slope: Level to gently sloping Profile: Level to concave + Surface pattern: Irregularly undulating Position: Not applicable Y 32 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: A tidally flooded to seasonally flooded climax community of a hydric pelosere in the alluvial plain of the Northeast Cape Fear River, underlain by mostly Eocene Castle Hayne limestone in the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain. The Northeast Cape Fear drains into the estuary of the Cape Fear River. Geological Formation: Eocene Castle Hayne limestone cover by fluvial deposits of sand, silt, and organic detritus. Geological Formation age: Eocene formation: 40-50 million years. 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species (1) Name of species: Ilex amelanchier (AQUIFOLIACEAE) Sarvis-leaf holly Species legal status and authority: NC threatened throughout (Cooper et al. 1977). Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: Possibly 500 Size or maturity of individuals: Immature and mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 50%; Flowering: 0%; Fruiting: 50% General vigor of population: Very vigorous Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Swampy red maple -cypress- black gum woodlands Topography: Level Soil series: Johnston or Lumbee Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Holly Shelter Creek and Northeast Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Fraxinus caroliniana, Ilex verticillata, Cornus stricta; Animals: see attached master species lists. (2) Name of species: Cardamine longii (BRASSICACEAE) Long's bittercress Species legal status and authority: Proposed NC threatened throughout, based on present records of only two county occurrences in NC- Pender and Jones. Number of populations on site: 3 Number of individuals per population: Ca. 50-100 Size or maturity of individuals: Mostly mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 20%; Flowering: 0%; Fruiting: 80% General vigor of population: Vigorous Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Open, mucky exposures in deep cypress swamps Topography: Level Soil series: Johnston Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River, Long Creek and Island Creek sub -basins Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Senecio glabellus, Bacopa caroliniana . Animals: See attached master species lists. 33 (3) Name of species: Isoetes riparia (ISOETACEAE) River quillwort Species legal status and authority: NC threatened peripheral (Cooper • et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: Ca. 50 Size or maturity of individuals: All mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 0%; Flowering: Not applicable; Fruiting: 100% General vigor of population: Fair Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Taxodium distichum (cypress) swamp Topography: Level Soil series: Johnston Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Island Creek sub -basin of Northeast Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: None is this stratum. Animals: See attached master species lists. (4) Name of species: Nu har luteum ssp. sagittifolium (NYMPHAEACEAE) Spatter -dock or cowdock Species legal status and authority: NC threatened peripheral (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: Too numerous to count, probably more than 100 Size or maturity of individuals: All stages of growth and reproduction Phenology of population: Vegetative: 60%; Flowering: 20%; Fruiting 20% General vigor of population: Very vigorous Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Spatter -dock (floating leaf, rooted) Topography: Not applicable Soil series: Not determined Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River and all tributaries Other plants and animal species present: Plants: None. Animals: Not determined. (5) Name of species: Ludwigia repens (ONAGRACEAE) Creeping marsh - purslane Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: Ca. 200 Size or maturity of individuals: Mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 100%; Flowering: 0%; Fruiting:0% General vigor of population: Vigorous Disturbances or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Slough in cypress swamp Topography: Concave Soil series: Lumbee _ Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Harrisons Creek sub -basin of Northeast Cape Fear River. Other plants and animal species present: Plants: None in this stratum. Animals: Not determined. 34 (6) Name of species: Epidendrum conopseum (ORCHIDACEAE) Green -fly Orchid Species legal status and authority: NC endangered peripheral (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 9 Number of individuals per population: 20 to ca. 200 Size or maturity of populations: Mature Phenology of population: Due to different times of field survey, some of the populations had not begun to flower. In late July when the species was flowering, a typical colony was about 80% vegetative and 20% flowering. General vigor of population: Vigorous Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Cypress swamp Topography: Not applicable Soil series: Not applicable Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River and larger tributary streams Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Polypodium polypodioides, Tillandia usneoides. Animals: See bird list in attached master species lists: (7) Name of species: Crataegus aestivalis (ROSACEAE) May hawthorn Species legal status and authority: NC threatened peripheral (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: 1 observed Size or maturity of population: Mature Phenology of population: The single plant, when found was in fruit General vigor of population: Good Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Cypress -mixed hardwood Topography: Level Soil series: Lumbee Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Quercus lyrata, Quercus laurifolia, Viburnum nudum. Animals: See attached master species lists. (8) Name of species: Anhinga anhinga Water turkey or anhinga Species legal status and authority: NC threatened (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: 1 Size or maturity of population: Mature Phenology of population: Not applicable General vigor of population: Not determined Disturbance or threats to population: Not determined Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Cypress swamp 35 Topography: Level Soil series: Johnston Microclimate: Not applicable Drainage basin: Island Creek sub -basin of Northeast Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Fraxinus caroliniana Tillandsia usneoides, Acer rubrum, Cornus stricta. Animals: See attached master species lists. (See FIGURES 7, 8 for detailed maps of endangered and threatened species locations.) 36 St. H.1— rkJ�- 1520 ZZV Crack _rn 2e FIGURE 7. Significant features of Northeast Cape Fear River Natural Area (north section). Code: (1) High quality wetland community, (2) Endangered or threatened species. Map scale: 1 in. =2mi. 91VA `9 A.' I IA_34 21 O> F. Rx Poin. 1, L-9 -Y 6-N 11.1 pe 3.2 2.3 • 33 Is 140* 2. 0. i. L 9 F. I Uarlboro Z late 4.2 2edi i 13.3 -2 2d C— FIGURE 8. Significant features of Northeast Cape Fear River Natural Area (south section). Code: (1) High quality wetland community, (2) Endangered or threatened species. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. 11 38 27. Master Species Lists: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) ACANTHACEAE Justicia ovata Ruellia caroliniensis ACERACEAE Acer rubrum ALISMATACEAE Sagittaria graminea AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera philoxeroides Amaranthus cannabinus AMARYLLIDACEAE Hymenocallis crassifolia Hypoxis hirsuta var. leptocarpa ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans R. vernix ANNONACEAE Asimina triloba APIACEAE Centella asiatica Cicuta maculata Eryngium aquaticum Hydrocotyle umbellata Ptilimnium capillaceum Sium suave AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex amelanchier I. coriacea I. glabra I. opaca I. verticillata ARACEAE Arisaema triphyllum Orontium aquaticum Peltandra virginica ARALIACEAE Aralia spinosa ARECACEAE Sabal minor ARISTOLOCHIACEAE Aristolochia serpentaria Hexastylis arifolia ASPIDIACEAE Athyrium asplenioides Onoclea sensibilis Thelypteris palustris 39 ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium platyneuron ASTERACEAE Baccharis halimifolia Bidens bipinnata B. laevis Coreopsis helianthoides Helenium autumnale Mikania scandens Pluchea camphorata Senecio glabellus Vernonia noveboracensis BETULACEAE Alnus serrulata Betula nigra Carpinus caroliniana BIGNONIACEAE Anisostichus capreolatus Campsis radicans Catalpa speciosa BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia areolata W. virginica BRASSICACEAE Cardamine hirsuta C. longii C. pensylvanica Rorippa islandica BROMELIACEAE Tillandsis usneoides CALLITRICHACEAE Callitriche heterophylla CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia cardinalis CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera japonica L. sempervirens Sambucus canadensis Viburnum nudum CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia CONVOLVULACEAE Cuscuta compacta CORNACEAE Cornus amomum C. stricta CUCURBITACEAE Melothria pendula CYPERACEAE Carex crinita C. elliottii Cu Carex folliculata var. australis C. incomperta C. lurida C. rosea Eleocharis obtusa Scirpus cyperinus CYRILLACEAE Cyrilla racemiflora DIOSCOREACEAE Dioscorea villosa EBENACEAE Diospyros virginiana ERICACEAE Leucothoe axillaris L. racemosa Lyonia lucida Rhododendron nudiflorum Vaccinium stamineum ERIOCAULACEAE Eriocaulon compressum EUPHORBIACEAE Sapium sebiferum FABACEAE Albizzia julibrissin Amorpha fruticosa Amphicarpa bracteata Apios americana Wisteria frutescens FAGACEAE Quercus falcata var. pagodaefolia Q. laurifolia Q. lyrata Q. michauxii Q. nigra Q. shumardii GENTIANACEAE Nymphoides aquatica HALORAGACEAE Proserpinaca palustris P. pectinata HAMAMELIDACEAE Liquidambar styraciflua HIPPOCASTANACEAE Aesculus pavia HYDROCHARITACEAE Egeria densa HYPERICACEAE Hypericum densiflorum IRIDACEAE Iris tridentata 41 ISOETACEAE Isoetes riparia JUGLANDACEAE Carya aquatica C. glabra C. tomentosa JUNCACEAE Juncus effusus J. repens LAMIACEAE Collinsonia canadensis Glechoma hederacea Lycopus virginicus Teuchrium canadensis LAURACEAE Lindera benzoin Persea borbonia Sassafras albidum LEMNACEAE Lemna sp. Spirodela polyrhiza Wolffiella floridana LILIACEAE Medeola virginiana Smilax glauca S. rotundifolia LOGANIACEAE Gelsemium sempervirens LORANTHACEAE Phoradendron serotinum LYTHRACEAE Decodon verticillatus Lythrum lineare Rotala ramosior MAGNOLIACEAE Liriodendron tulipifera Magnolia virginiana MALVACEAE Hibiscus moscheutos MENISPERMACEAE Cocculus carolinus MORACEAE Maclura pomifera Morus rubra MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera NYMPHAEACEAE Nuphar luteum ssp. sagittifolium Nymphoides aquatica NYSSACEAE Nyssa aquatica N. biflora 42 OLEACEAE Chionanthus virginicus Fraxinus caroliniana F. pensylvanica F. pensylvanica var. subintegerrima Ligustrum sinense ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia alternifolia L. palustris L. repens L. uruguayensis Oenothera fruticosa OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Botrychium biternatum ORCHIDACEAE Epidendrum conopseum Spiranthes cernua var. odorata OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda cinnamomea 0. regalis var. spectabilis PASSIFLORACEAE Passiflora lutea PINACEAE Pinus taeda PLATANACEAE Platanus occidentalis POACEAE Arundinaria gigantea Axonopus affinis Echinochloa crus-galli Elymus virginicus Leersia oryzoides Melica mutica Panicum virgatum Uniola laxa Zizaniopsis miliacea POLYGONACEAE Polygonum arifolium P. hydropiperoides P. pensylvanicum P. persicaria P. punctatum P. sagittatum Rumex verticillatus Tovara virginiana POLYPODIACEAE Polypodium polypodioides PONTEDERIACEAE Pontederia cordata PRIMULACEAE Lysimachia lanceolata var. hybrida Samolus parviflorus 43 RANUNCULACEAE Clematis crispa Ranunculus carolinianus Thalictrum thalictroides RHAMNACEAE Berchemia scandens ROSACEAE Crataegus aestivalis C. flava Rosa palustris Rubus betulifolius Sorbus arbutifolius RUBIACEAE Cephalanthus occidentalis Oldenlandia uniflora Richardia brasiliensis SALICACEAE Populus heterophylla Salix caroliniana S. nigra SAURURACEAE Saururus cernuus SAXIFRAGACEAE Decumaria barbara Itea virginica SCROPHULARIACEAE Bacopa caroliniana Gratiola virginiana Mimulus ringens SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginella apoda SYMPLOCACEAE Symplocos ti.nctoria TAXODIACEAE Taxodium ascendens T. distichum THEACEAE Gordonia lasianthus Stewartia malacodendron TILIACEAE Tilia caroliniana TYPHACEAE Typha angustifolia T. domingensis T. latifolia ULMACEAE Celtis laevigata Ulmus americana URTICACEAE Boehmeria cylindrica Pilea pumila 44 VERBENACEAE Callicarpa americana Lippia nodiflora VIOLACEAE Viola papilionacea VITACEAE Ampelopsis arborea Parthenocissus quinquefolia Vitis aestivalis V. labrusca V. rotundifolia A AMPHIBIANS Slimy Salamander Southern Toad Pickerel Frog Leopard Frog REPTILES Snapping Turtle Yellow -bellied Turtle Green Anole Six -lined Racerunner Five -lined Skink Banded Water Snake Brown Water Snake Rough Green Snake Mud Snake Black Racer Yellow Rat Snake Southern Copperhead Eastern Cottonmouth BIRDS Key PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Anhinga SV Great Blue Heron PR* Green Heron SR* Little Blue Heron SV 45 Yellow -crowned Night Heron SR* (?) White Ibis SV Wood Duck PR* Turkey Vulture PV Red -shouldered Hawk PR* Bobwhite PR* Spotted Sandpiper T Solitary Sandpiper T Mourning Dove PR* Yellow -billed Cuckoo SR* Screech Owl PV Barred Owl PR* Common Nighthawk SV Chimney Swift SR* Ruby -throated Hummingbird SV Belted Kingfisher PR* Common Flicker PR* Pileated Woodpecker PR* Red -bellied Woodpecker PR* Hairy Woodpecker PR* Downy Woodpecker PR* Eastern Kingbird SV Crested Flycatcher SR* Eastern Phoebe WR Acadian Flycatcher SR* .Rough -winged Swallow SR* ' Barn Swallow SR* Purple Martin SV Blue Jay PR* Fish Crow PR* Common Crow PV Carolina Chickadee PR* Tufted Titmouse PR* White -breasted Nuthatch PR* Carolina Wren PR* Mockingbird PR* Catbird PR* Brown Thrasher PR* Wood Thrush SR* Blue -gray Gnatcatcher SR* Ruby -crowned Kinglet WR Cedar Waxwing WR Starling PR* White -eyed Vireo SR* Yellow -throated Vireo SR* Solitary Vireo WR Red -eyed Vireo SR* Prothonotary Warbler SR* Swainson's Warbler SR* Blue -winged Warbler T Northern Parula Warbler SR* 46 Yellow Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Yellow -throated Warbler Pine Warbler Prairie Warbler Kentucky Warbler Common Yellowthroat Yellow -breasted Chat Red -winged Blackbird Orchard Oriole Common Grackle Brown -headed Cowbird Summer Tanager Cardinal - Rufous -sided Towhee White -throated Sparrow Swamp Sparrow Opossum Raccoon Eastern Gray Squirrel Marsh Rabbit Whitetail Deer MAMMALS r-M T WR SR* PV SV SR* (?) PR* SV PR* SR* PR* PR* SR* PR* PR* WR WR NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Black River 2. County: Pender (and adjacent Bladen) 3. Location: The natural area stretches from the mouth of the Black River wherb it empties into the Cape Fear upstream for approximately 25 river miles to a point about 2 miles downstream from Beatty Bridge (SR 1201). Coordinates: 340201N, 78003'W to 34130'N, 78°151W (FIGURE 9). 4. Topographic Quadrangle(s): Acme (1954), Atkinson (1955), White Lake (1954) 5. Size: 9,500 ac 6. Elevation: 3 ft to 8 ft above mean sea level 7. Access: Private and public boating access points along the Cape Fear River; a single Wildlife Resources landing from an unnumbered dirt road off SR 1547 in Bladen County, about a mile downstream from the NC 53 bridge. The river corridor can be reached via NC 210. 8. Names of Investigators: S. W. Leonard Ricky Davis P. 0. Box 3475 126 Duncansby Court Wilmington, NC 28406 Cary, NC 27511 9. Date(s) of Investigation: May through September, 1981 10. Priority Rating: High 11A. Prose Description of Site: The Black River is, in many respects, similar to the Northeast Cape Fear, but it is also different. The channel takes a more winding course, and in the upper stretches, is filled with shallow sandbars, which scarcely allow navigation by small outboard engines. Scattered residential development is present along portions of the river. Along the lower reach of the river, luxuriant marshes are frequent, although never reaching appreciable areal extent. Swamps are low and poorly drained, seldom having any banks of a foot or two in height as occurs along the Northeast Cape Fear. Instead, the river gradually decreases in depth to a rooted aquatic vegetation zone that grades into marshlands, or typically into cypress -gum -maple woodlands. Bluffs are unusual and landmarks difficult to discern. Upstream from NC 210, the channel divides and re -divides, thus forming numerous small islands. Short, dead-end sloughs diverge, and unless one is familiar with the river, or has appropriate maps, the first-time trip upstream can result in many wrong turns. 48 Even before reaching NC 53 on an upstream trip, one encounters segments of sluggish water followed by narrow, sharp bends where • river birches bridge the canopy, snags project from the banks, and the water swirls and eddies more like the channels of Piedmont streams. Vegetation is predominantly a cypress -hardwood forest in the floodplain swamps, until one approaches NC 53. Suddenly a grove of large cypress trees appears on the north bank. The trees are flat- topped, and the horizontal branches contain a profusion of resurrection ferns and Spanish moss. Infrequently, clumps of green -fly orchid can be detected with binoculars. Beyond NC 53, the cypress forest (which we have named the "Larkins Cove Cypress Forest" after one of the owners) becomes more spectacular. The stand extends to the south bank (Bladen County) and partly into the lower reach of Colly Swamp. Ancient individuals have diameters above the swollen buttresses of 6 or more feet; the buttresses themselves may be 15-20 feet in thickness. This forest is unique for Pender (and Bladen?) County and is in need of additional study. During the latter part of the survey, an examination of one small area revealed May hawthorn and sarvis holly, and other rare species are likely to occur there. Fauna in the area is likewise probably amphibians and reptiles. prevented intensive investigation. diverse, particularly birds, and Extremely heavy rains during August 11B. Prose Description of Site Significance: Several noteworthy plants were found in the Black River corridor during the survey, but the most important feature of the natural area is the Larkins Cove cypress forest. Not only are the trees extraordinarily large, but the shrub stratum and herb layer contains rare species. The area is not delineated on our map, partly because the extent of the forest in Bladen County was not investigated. In all of Pender County, we did not see any counterpart forest, either in overall size of trees, species composition, or size of stand. Future reassessment of this basin may warrant a map revision in order to include more of the Larkins Cove stand and less of the floodplain downstream. 12. Significance Summary (see TABLE 3) Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: Private: 100% 14. Number of owners: Approximately 20 15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): Major landowners are C. Haymore Larkins, Jr., John D. Larkins, Jr., Canal Industries, International Paper Co., Georgia-Pacific, Corbett Industries, David A. Barefoot, Catharine Lewis heirs, Benjamin Cone, A. Wallace Moore, R. S. Hilburn, Carole Keith Bruning heirs. 50 TABLE 3. Significance summary of Black River Natural Area. Feature Map Legend Description of feature Comparative assessment High quality wetland community 1 High quality wetland community 2 Endangered or threatened sp. 3a Ln Endangered or threatened sp. 3b Endangered or threatened sp. 3c Endangered or threatened sp. 3d Outstanding aquatic feature 4 Blackwater river swamp Virgin or ancient second - growth cypress forest Sagittaria stagnorum Sarvis-leaf holly Green -fly orchid May hawthorn Black River Broad floodplain which provides a wildland corridor for game.spp. and nongame fauna Most extensive grouping of largest cypress seen in county One of three populations known in NC (proposed) Abundant in upper drainage of natural area Occasional colonies, less extensive than in Northeast Cape Fear N. A. Sparse in area; not seen with fruit Sparsely developed, scenic stream, high potential for pastoral recreation 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): Not available 17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): One custodian was contacted. He is manager of a large tract on the upper stretch of the river, and the property is currently managed for timber and wildlife. 18. Uses of natural area: Recreational boating, hunting, fishing. 19. Uses of surrounding land: Wildland: 60%; Agricultural land: 10%; High -intensity forestry: 25%; Developed: 5% 20. Preservation Status: Category 4, 10%; Category 7, 90% 21. Regulatory protections in force: Wetlands, natural hazard area 22. Threats: Small amounts of local residential development, limited to higher bluffs and banks of river. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: Acquisition of the the Larkins Cove Cypress Forest, or agreement among landowners to protect the stand as much as possible. The remainder of the river could be better utilized with an additional boat ramp on the east side, downstream from NC 210. At the mouth of Black River is a large island, Roan Island, that was circumnavigated during the ` survey, but the interior was not examined from the ground. Further study may show this island to be a suitable natural area. It is owned, in various tracts by Corbett Industries. Natural Characteristics Summary 24A. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary: Community type: Taxodium distichum- Acer rubrum forest Community cover type: Taxodium distichum General habitat feature: Riverine swamp Average canopy height: 40 ft Estimated age of canopy trees: 80-250 years Canopy cover: Closed to somewhat open Estimated size of community: 7,500 ac,. with the Larkins Cove Cypress stand comprising approximately 600 ac. Successional stage: Climax Sere type: Pelosere Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Polypodium polypodioides, Nyssa biflora, Quercus lyrata, Liquidambar styraciflua Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Cornus stricta, Crataegus sp. Ilex verticillata, Betula nigra Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Justicia ovata, Boehmeria cylindrica 52 24B. Soil Summary (by community type) Soil series: Dorovan series in tidal region of river; Johnston and Lumbee soils in upper reaches of river Soil classification: Not determined Soil association: Johnston-Lumbee pH class: Strongly acid to medium acid Moisture class: Poorly drained Source of information: General Soil Map, Pender County, USDA, SCS, (1972). 24C. Hydrology Summary (by community type) Hydrologic system: Riverine Hydrologic subsystem: Tidal and Lower Perrenial Water chemistry: Fresh to mixosaline Water regime: Tidal, regularly flooded, irregularly flooded, and nontidal, intermittently exposed, seasonally flooded Drainage class: Poorly drained to very poorly drained Drainage basin: Cape Fear River Hydrology characterization: Poorly to very poorly drained bottomland sloughs, terraces, and bars, covered with moisture -retaining silts and silty sands with water table frequently at the surface. 24D. Topography Summary Landform: Riverine floodplain Shelter: Deeply sheltered Aspect: More or less easy - west Slope: Level to gently sloping Profile: Level to concave Surface patters: Irregularly undulating Position: Not applicable 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: A tidally flooded to seasonally flooded climax community of a hydric pelosere in the alluvial plain of the Black River; area underlain by Cretaceous (Pee Dee formation) sands, impure limestones, marine clays and interbedded sands in the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Basement formation is the Cretaceous Pee Dee formation.. _ Geological Formation age: 60 million years 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species (1) Name of species: Sagittaria stagnorum, sensu Godfrey & Wooten; S. subulata var. gracillima sensu Radford et al. (ALISMATACEAE) no common name Species legal status and authority: Proposed as a threatened peripheral, based on locations in only Pender and Wilson Counties in North Carolina. Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: Difficult to estimate, but possibly a few thousand " 53 Size or maturity of individuals: Mostly immature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 85%; Flowering: 10%; Fruiting: 5% General vigor of population: Presumed to be vigorous, but population vigor is likely regulated by flooding or other ecological conditions in the mucky sloughs where the plant grows. when discovered here, the plants were often covered by a thick algal mat. Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Cypress, with considerable understory of water ash Topography: Slightly concave Soil series: Johnston Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Black River tributary of the Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Bacopa caroliniana Gratiola sp. Micranthemum umbrosum. Animals: See attached master species lists. (2) Name of species: Ilex amelanchier (AQUIFOLIACEAE) Sarvis-leaf holly Species legal status and authority: NC threatened throughout (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 observed Number of individuals per population: 50 or more Size or maturity of individuals: Immature and mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 50%, Flowering: 0%; Fruiting 50% General vigor of population: Population found after August floods. Leaves and probably fruits had been stripped from plants. A new growth of leaves was apparent. Population presumed to be vigorous. Disturbance or threats to population: None other than aforementioned flooding hazard. Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Cypress with understory of water ash Topography: Level Soil series: Johnston or Lumbee Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Black River tributary of Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Rhus radicans, Decumaria Barbara, Boehmeria cylindrica. Animals: See attached master species lists. (3) Name of species: Epidendrum conopseum (ORCHIDACEAE) Green -fly orchid Species legal status and authority: NC endangered peripheral (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: 50-150 Size or maturity of population: Mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 100%; Flowering 0%; Fruiting 0% General vigor of population: Vigorous Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Cypress swamp Topography: Level 54 Soil series: Johnston Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Black River tributary of Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Polypodium polypodicides, Decumaria barbara, Tillandsia usneoides. Animals: See attached master species lists. (4) Name of species: Crataegus aestivalis (ROSACEAE) May hawthorn Species legal status and authority: NC threatened peripheral (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: 10 Size or maturity of population: Immature and mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 100%; Flowering: 0%; Fruiting: 0% General vigor of population: Fair Disturbance or threats to population: Intense shading and bank erosion Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Cypress swamp Topography: Level to gently sloping Soil series: Lumbee Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Black River tributary of the Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Betula nigra, Salix nigra, Ilex verticillata, Carpinus carolinianus. Animals: See attached master species lists. (See FIGURE 10 for detailed map of endangered and threatened species locations.) 4.1 FIGURE 10. Significant features of Black River Natural Area. Code: (1) High quality wetland community, (2) High quality wetland community (possible virgin stand), (3) Endangered or threatened species, (4) Outstanding aquatic feature. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. 56 27. Master Species Lists: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) ACANTHACEAE Justicia ovata ACERACEAE Acer rubrum AIZOACEAE Mollugo verticillata ALISMATACEAE Sagittaria graminea S. stagnorum (S. subulata var. gracillima) S. subulata AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera philoxeroides AMARYLLIDACEAE Hymenocallis crassifolia ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans R. vernix APIACEAE Centella asiatica Cicuta maculata Hydrocotyle umbellata Ptilimnium capillaceum AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex amelanchier I. coriacea I. glabra I. verticillata ARACEAE Orontium aquaticum Peltandra virginica ARECACEAE Sabal minor ASPIDIACEAE Athyrium asplenioides Onoclea sensibilis Thelypteris palustris ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium platyneuron ASTERACEAE Bidens aristosa Mikania scandens Pluchea camphorata Senecio glabellus Vernonia noveboracensis BETULACEAE Alnus serrulata 57 Betula nigra Carpinus caroliniana BIGNONIACEAE Anisostichus capreolata Campsis radicans BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia areolata W. virginica BROMELIACEAE - Tillandsia usneoides CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia cardinalis CAPRIFOLIACEAE Sambucus canadensis Viburnum nudism CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia CONVOLVULACEAE Cuscuta compacta CORNACEAE Cornus stricta CYPERACEAE Carex intumescens C. lupulina C. rosea Fuirena squarrosa Rhynchospora macrostachya Scirpus cyperinus CYRILLACEAE Cyrilla racemiflora ERICACEAE Leucothoe axillaris L. racemosa Lyonia lucida Rhododendron nudiflorum R. viscosum ERIOCAULACEAE Eriocaulon compressum FABACEAE Amorpha fruticosa Cassia nictitans Daubentonia punicea Wisteria sinensis FAGACEAE Quercus laurifolia Q. lyrata Q. michauxii Q. nigra Q. phellos HAMAMELIDACEAE Liquidambar styraciflua 58 IRIDACEAE Iris tridentata JUGLANDACEAE Carya aquatica C. glabra JUNCACEAE Juncus biflorus J. effusus LAMIACEAE Lycopus rubellus Salvia lyrata Satureja georgiana Teuchrium canadensis LAURACEAE Persea borbonia LILIACEAE Smilax glauca S. laurifolia S. rotundifolia LOGANIACEAE Gelsemium sempervirens LORANTHACEAE Phoradendron serotinum LYTHRACEAE Decodon verticillatus MAGNOLIACEAE Liriodendron tulipifera Magnolia virginiana MORACEAE Morus rubra MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera NYMPHAEACEAE Nuphar luteum ssp. sagittifolium NYSSACEAE Nyssa aquatica N. biflora OLEACEAE Fraxinus caroliniana F. pensylvanica var. subintegerrima ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia palustris ORCHIDACEAE Epidendrum conopseum Spiranthes cernua var.-odorata OSMUNDACEAE . Osmunda cinnamomea 0. regalis var. spectabilis PINACEAE Pinus taeda 59 PLATANACEAE Platanus occidentalis POACEAE Andropogon gerardi Arundinaria gigantea Eleusine indica Elymus virginicus Erianthus giganteus Glyceria striata Panicum hemitomon Sacciolepis striata POLYGONACEAE Polygonum arifolium P. hydropiperoides P. punctatum P. sagittatum POLYPODIACEAE Polypodium polypodioides PONTEDERIACEAE Pontederia cordata PRIMULACEAE Samolus parviflorus RHAMNACEAE Berchemia scandens ROSACEAE Crataegus aestivalis Rosa palustris Rubus argutus RUBIACEAE Cephalanthus occidentalis SALICACEAE Populus heterophyllus Salix caroliniana S. nigra SAURURACEAE Saururus cernuus SAXIFRAGACEAE Decumaria barbara Itea virginica SCROPHULARIACEAE Bacopa caroliniana Gratiola neglecta G. virginiana Micranthemum umbrosum TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum TYPHACEAE Typha angustifolia T. domingensis T. latifolia m ULMACEAE Celtis laevigata Ulmus americana URTICACEAE Boehmeria cylindrica VERBENACEAE Lippia nodiflora VIOLACEAE Viola papilionacea VITACEAE Ampelopsis arborea Parthenocissus quinquefolia Vitis aestivalis V. rotundifolia AMPHIBIANS Leopard Frog Bullfrog REPTILES Yellow -bellied Turtle Banded Water Snake Red -bellied Water Snake Black Racer Corn Snake BIRDS Rey PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; permanent, summer or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Great Blue Heron PR* (�) Green Heron SR* Little Blue Heron SV Louisiana Heron SV Yellow -crowned Night Heron SR* (?) White Ibis SV Wood Duck PR* Turkey Vulture PV Black Vulture PV Red-tailed Hawk PV Red -shouldered Hawk PR* 61 Osprey SV Bobwhite PV - Spotted Sandpiper T Mourning Dove PR* Yellow -billed Cuckoo SR* Barred Owl PR* Chimney Swift SR* Ruby -throated Hummingbird SV Belted Kingfisher PR* Common Flicker PR* Pileated Woodpecker PR* Red -bellied Woodpecker PR* Red-headed Woodpecker PR* Hairy Woodpecker PR* Downy Woodpecker PR* Crested Flycatcher SR* Acadian Flycatcher SR* Rough -winged Swallow SR* Barn Swallow SR* Purple Martin SV Blue Jay PR* Fish Crow PR* Common Crow PR* - Carolina Chickadee PR* Tufted Titmouse PR* White -breasted Nuthatch PR* ' Brown -headed Nuthatch PR* Carolina Wren PR* Mockingbird PR* Catbird PR* Brown Thrasher PR* Wood Thrush SR* Eastern Bluebird PV Blue -gray Gnatcatcher SR* Starling PR* White -eyed Vireo SR* Yellow -throated Vireo SR* Red -eyed Vireo SR* Black -and -white Warbler T Prothonotary Warbler SR* Swainson's Warbler SR* Northern Parula Warbler SR* Yellow-rumped Warbler WR Yellow -throated Warbler SR* Pine Warbler PR* Prairie Warbler SV Northern Waterthrush T Louisiana Waterthrush SR* Common Yellowthroat PV Hooded Warbler SR* American Redstart SR* 62 c?) House sparrow pV Red -winged Blackbird PR* Orchard Oriole SR* Common Grackle PR* Brown -headed Cowbird PR* Summer Tanager SR* Cardinal PR* Indigo Bunting SV American Goldfinch WR Rufous -sided Towhee PR* White -throated Sparrow WR Opossum Raccoon Eastern Gray Squirrel Muskrat Whitetail Deer MAMMALS 63 NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Southwest Ridge 2. County: Pender 3. Location: East central part of county in the Northeast Cape Fear River Basin. Area is south to west of Ashes Creek and lie adjacent to and parallels the northern boundary of Holly Shelter Game Lands. Coordinates: 340321N, 77044'W.(FIGURE 11). 4. Topographic Quadrangle(s): Maple Hill, NC 1981 5. Size: 200 acres 6. Elevation: 33 ft to 44 ft above mean sea level 7. Access: From Northeast Cape Fear River on NC 210, go 1.1 miles east on NC 210 to the intersection of SR 1520. Turn left (north) and go approximately 7 miles to the Holly Shelter Game Lands headquarters. Turn right (east) through a gate on the Game Land's Lodge Road and • go 4.2 miles to the last hunter access trail (unmarked, but with pocosin trees and shrubs cut in a more or less linear corridor) just before large impoundment on right side of Lodge Road. Walk the hunter trail to the ridge, about 0.5 miles. 8. Names of Investigators: S. W. Leonard Ricky Davis P. 0. Box 3475 126 Duncansby Court Wilmington, NC 28406 Cary, NC 27511 9. Date(s) of Investigation: May 19, June 25, and July 23, 1981 10. Priority Rating: High 11A. Prose Description of Site: Southwest Ridge is a weakly crescent - shaped sand body which trends east -west and is located adjacent to the northern boundary of Holly Shelter Bay. An inspection of aerial photography or the USGS topographic quadrangle shows Southwest Ridge matching a counterpart northeast ridge, thus forming an elliptic landform of the general shape and orientation of a Carolina Bay. The ridge is composed of loose well -drained and grayish -to -pale yellow sand, except along the edges and the topographically lower western tip where this layer of sand covers dark organic materials. Elevation of the ridge is about 10-15 ft higher than the adjacent pocosin. Water table varies, and fluctuations are hampered by the presence within the soil profile of pans. The typical occurrence of a large body of sand along the southeast margin of most Carolina bays is missing from this area-- a fact which may be related to the 64 /tl C,"k —_ HOLLY SHELTER l` GAME LAND a -� I ` 1 Wit I sic ewod. - r5 FIGURE 11. Southwest Ridge Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. 65 ®1 bisection of the bay by Ashes Creek. Streamflow, however, is not toward the southeast as one would logically surmise from examination of maps, but instead, is in the opposite direction. Surrounding vegetation is mostly dense evergreen shrub pocosin beneath an open pond pine canopy on the south; on the north is a wet, incipient savanna (now mostly covered with shrubs as a result of fire prevention). Canopy species vary north of the ridge, and depending upon elevation, and hence, water regime, may be longleaf pine, pond pine, or a combination of each.. Vegetation of Southwest Ridge is,predominantly open longleaf pine woods with a marginal pond pine ecotone (along with wiregrass). There are no turkey oaks present on the ridge. Ground cover is com- prised of wiregrass and creeping blueberry as dominants with scattered clones or individuals of other :^._-sbaceous, or rarely, woody species. A shrub layer as well as a subcanopy are missing. Bases of the long- leaf pines are not charred, thus ruling out fire as a causative agent in preventing development of woodv subcanopy layers, although longleaf pine is traditionally recognized as a fire -maintained edaphic climax. Grass -stage seedlings and saplings of longleaf pine are sparse and do not show any visible and obvious colonization pattern. Dead canopy trees are also sparse, although present over much of the ridge, and they appear to have died as a result of factors other than lightning strikes. Human occupancy of the site is presumed to be prehistoric, and site use continues to the present on a seasonal basis. Fabric - impressed, grit -tempered potsherds and cracked rock and flakes were recovered from exposed soil on the northeast counterpart of Southwest Ridge. Many of the longleaf pines show scars from the turpentine/ naval stores industry, and as late as 1954-56, the area was selectively logged. Southwest Ridge is a popular hunting area, and in addition to pedestrian access from Lodge Road south of the site, a jeep trail has been constructed from the north. (This access road was not investigated during the study.) Detailed discussion of the Holly Shelter area is found in B. W. Wells' "Vegetation of Holly Shelter Wildlife Management Area"; N. C. Dept. Cons. and Dev., Div. Game and Inland Fisheries, Bulletin #2 (1946). 11B. Prose Description of Site Significance: The features of Southwest Ridge which are most distinctive to the first-time visitor are (1) the contrast in vegetation types between the extraordinarily dense pocosin and the open, park -like appearance of the ridge; (2) the lack of a shrub layer, which accentuates the height of the pines; (3) the isolation of the site; and (4) the abrupt rise in elevation, as one approaches the ridge from the south. The combination of a relatively large and vigorous population W of the federally endangered Red -cockaded Woodpecker in a 150-year old longleaf pine stand surrounded by thousands of acres of pocosin is the primary significant feature of this natural area. Of secondary impartance, larger because of the lesser status, are occurrences of Venus' fly -traps, roughleaf loosestrife, and dwarf fothergilla. The location of Southwest Ridge is unique-- there being to our knowledge, only one other large sand ridge within a major expanse of bay (located in Angola Bay in northern Pender County). The significance of the Red -cockaded Woodpecker colony is that it is apparently in a stable condition, is thriving, and occupies a timber stand with arrested subcanopy development. The number of cavity trees per number of available longleaf pines is quite high. Owing to the inaccessibility of the ridge and the absence of logging, the colony site should continue to remain in satisfactory condition and should be preserved. The plant community, with its absence of turkey oak, is unusual and probably should be considered an anomalous variant of the longleaf pine/turkey oak/wire grass community type. Isolation of the ridge may be the limiting factor for turkey oak, since a few scattered plants of that species were found on the northeast counterpart ridge. Moreover, the dense ground cover of creeping blueberry and wire grass on Southwest Ridge, together with infrequent fires, may account for the absence of turkey oak and also the scarcity of longleaf pine seedlings. 12. Significance Summary: (see TABLE 4 ) Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: Private 32%, Public 68%, Unknown 0% 14. Number of Owners: 3 15. Name(s) of Owner(s) and/or Custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): (1) University of North Carolina, Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund (Mrs. Grace Wagoner, University Property Office, 134 East Franklin Street (165-A), Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919/966-3296) (2) W. F. Sledge, P. 0. Box 523, Whiteville, NC 28742 (919/642-7029) (3) Jabe Six Properties, Ltd., P. 0. Box 1806, Wilmington, NC 28402 (James Z. Godwin/E. W. Godwin's Sons Lumber Co. 919/762-7747) 16. Name(s) of Knowledgeable Person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information). (1) Charles "Vic" French, Wildlife Management Technician II, Route 1, Box 222, Burgaw, NC 28425. Mr. French is Holly Shelter Game Lands Manager, and he has a thorough knowledge of the property and surrounding areas. 67 TABLE 4. Significance summary of Southwest Ridge Natural Area. Feature Map Legend Description of feature Comparative assessment High quality terrestrial 1 Longleaf pine - wiregrass Isolated ridge with 150- community sand ridge year old longleaf pines Endangered or threatened sp. 2a Venus' fly -trap Sparse population in ecotone Endangered or threatened sp. 2b Rough -leaf loosestrife Sparse population in ecotone Endangered or threatened sp. 2c Dwarf fothergilla Extremely large population at west end of ridge Endangered or CO threatened sp. 2d Red -cockaded Woodpecker Fifteen active, 11 inactive, and 1 enlarged cavity. Ten adults seen; population appears stable 17. Attitude of Owner or Custodian Toward Preservation (contacted?): Jabe Six Properties, Ltd., was contacted on July 24, 1981. The owners expressed an interest to sell their 1/6 undivided interest in the 800 ac parcel which includes Southwest Ridge. Mr. W. F. Sledge was contacted on July 27, 1981 regarding his 1/2 interest in the 90 ac tract at the east end of Southwest Ridge. He also expressed a favorable attitude toward sale of the property, or other disposition of his share to a conservation foundation. 18. Uses of Natural Area: The area was last selectively logged between 1954 and 1956. Evidence is present that indicates use, formerly, of the area for gathering naval stores. Historically and at present, the area is used mainly for deer hunting. The ridge might have some archaeological significance. 19. Uses of Surrounding Land: Wildland 100% 20. Preservation Status: Category 3, 68%; Category 6, 32% 21. Regulatory Protection in Force: No regulatory protections in effect 22. Threats: No major threats to the area at this time except that possible timber harvest of some of the trees is feasible during very dry weather or when access from the north is provided. A deed from 1954 indicates that timber rights are held separately for the western portion of the tract. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: (1) Improved access by pedestrian trail, (2) abandonment of jeep trail from north, (3) plan for control burns, (4) discouragement for game food -plot development, (5) prohibition of logging, and (6) acquisition for potential inclusion into Holly Shelter Game Lands with regulated hunter access" and utilization. Natural Characteristics Summary 24A. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary: Community type: Pinus palustris/Aristida stricta-Vaccinium crassifolium Community cover type: Pinus palustris General habitat feature: Longleaf pine sand ridge Average canopy height: 50-60*ft Estimated age of canopy trees: 150 yrs (tree ring counts of 146, 149, and 154 yrs from increment borings). Canopy cover: Open Estimated size of community: 200 ac Successional stage: Edaphic climax Sere type: Psammosere Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None M Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant) : None Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Amorpha herbacea, Pteridium aquilinum, Chrysopsis graminifolia, Pterocaulon pycnostachyum 24B. Soil Summary (by community type) Soil series: Mandorin and Alpin Soil classification: Mandorin: Fine sand, mixed acidic, humic; Alpin: Fine sand, mixed acidic, thermic, coated typic, quartzpsamments Soil association: Alpin-Mandorin pH class: Mandorin: Extremely acid to neutral; Alpin: Extremely acid to neutral Moisture class: Mandorin: Somewhat poorly drained; Alpin: Exces- sively drained Source of information: Description prepared from site analyses on July 23, 1981 by W. L. Barnhill, Soil Scientist and assisted by John Ray and Jay Milam, Pender County SCS Office. Other notes: Barnhill cautioned that the pH readings of 7.0 may have been faulty because of the techniques used during the field anaylses. Slight acidity was expected. 24C. Hydrology Summary (by community type) Hydrologic system: Terrestrial Hydrologic subsystem: Mesic (Mandorin) to Dry-xeric (Alpin) Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: not applicable Drainage class: Somewhat poorly to excessively drained Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Hydrology characterization: Somewhat poorly to excessively drained elevated sand ridge surrounded by poorly drained muck and mucky sands. 24D. Topography Summary Landform: Sand ridge with Carolina Bay rim characteristics Shelter: Deeply sheltered Aspect: North - South Slope angle: Gently sloping (2-60) Profile: Convex Surface patterns: Smooth Position: Entire slope 25. Physiographic Characterization of Natural Area: A fire -maintained climax community of a psammosere on an isolated sand ridge in the Holly Shelter Bay. The ridge drains toward the Northeast Cape Fear River and is underlain by Eocene Castle Hayne limestone in the Embayed Section of the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain region. Geological Formation: Eocene Castle Hayne limestone overlain by Quaternary sands (Renfro and Feray 1978). Geological Formation Age: Eocene formation: 40-50 million yrs; Quaternary sands: 6,000 to 1 million yrs. 70 References Cited: Renfro, H. B. and Dan E. Feray. 1978. Geological Highway Map of the Mid -Atlantic Region. American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Map No. 4. 26. Summary - Endangered and Threatened Species (1) Name of species: Dionaea muscipula (DIONAEACEAE) Venus' fly -trap Species legal status and authority: NC threatened endemic, exploited (Cooper et al. 1977) Number cf populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: Less than 50 Size or maturity of individuals: Small and scattered; probably declining population size due to minimum site disturbance, infrequent fires, and shading by pocosin shrubs. Phenology of population: Vegetative: 40%; Flowering 60%; Fruiting: Not determined General vigor of population: Mostly mature plants; little reproduction Disturbance or threats to population: Natural invasion and growth of evergreen shrubs Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Disturbed ecotonal margin between longleaf pine ridge and evergreen shrub pocosin Topography: 1% slope Soil series: Slumped sand over Pamlico or Murville muck Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River . Other plant and animal species present: Plants: Clethra alnifolia, Cyrilla racemiflora, Vaccinium crassifolium, Pinus serotina, Gaylussacia frondosa, Ilex glabra, Ilex coriacea, Persea borbonia, Magnolia virginiana, Drosera intermedia, Aristida stricta, X ris baldwiniana. Animals: See attached master species lists. (2) Name of species: Fothergilla gardenii (HAMAMELIDACEAE) Dwarf fothergilla Species legal status and authority: NC threatened peripheral (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: Several thousand Size or maturity of individuals: -mature plants 1-2 ft tall Phenology of population: Vegetative: 30%; Flowering 70%; Fruiting 50% General vigor of population: Excellent Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Ecotone between longleaf pine ridge and evergreen shrub pocosin Topography: Level Soil series: Mandorin Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plant and animal species present: Plants: Pinus palustris Pinus serotina, Clethra alnifolia, Vaccinium crassifolium, Aristida _ stricta, Vaccinium tenellum, Ilex glabra,,Myrica cerifera var. pumila. Animals: See attached master species lists. 71 (3) Name of species: Lysimachia asperulaefolia (PRIMULACEAE) Rough - leaf loosestrife Species legal status and authority: NC endangered endemic (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: 23 Size or maturity of individuals: Approximately 1 ft in height; mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 75%; Flowering 25%; Fruiting 250 General vigor of population: Fair Disturbance or threats to population: Natural invasion and growth of evergreen shrubs. Population is located in a disturbed area of hunter trail. At this site, plants probably require disturbance by man for survival. Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Open, chopped area of hunter access trail in a pond pine pocosin Topography: Level Soil series: Pamlico or Murville muck Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plant and animal species present: Plants: Pinus serotina Ilex glabra, Ilex coriacea, Ilex americana, Magnolia virginiana Persea borbonia, Zenobia pulverulenta, Cassandra calyculata, Smilax laurifolia, Drosera intermedia. Animals: See attached master species lists. (4) Name of species: Red -cockaded Woodpecker Species legal status and authority: Federally endangered (Cooper et al. 1977) — — Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: 15 active cavities, 10 adults seen Size or maturity of individuals: Adult Phenology of population: Not applicable General vigor of population: Apparently healthy and reproducing Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Longleaf pine/wire grass --creeping blueberry Topography: Sloping to level Soil series: Mandorin and Alpin Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plant and animal species present: See attached master species lists. (See FIGURE 12 for detailed map of endangered and threatened species locations.) 72 ■1 FIGURE 12. Significant features of Southwest Ridge Natural area. Code: (1) High quality terrestrial community, (2) Endangered or threatened species. Map scale: 1 in. = 2,000 ft. 73 27. Master Species Lists: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex glabra ASTERACEAE Carduus repandus Carphephorus bellidifolius Chrysopsis graminifolia Liatris graminifolia Pterocaulon pycnostachyum BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia virginica CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia CONVOLVULACEAE Bonamia patens var. angustifolia CYRILLACEAE Cyrilla racemiflora DIONAEACEAE Dionaea muscipula DROSERACEAE Drosera capillaris D. intermedia ERICACEAE Gaylussacia frondosa Leucothoe ligustrina Vaccinium crassifolium V. tenellum EUPHORBIACEAE Cnidoscolus stimulosus FABACEAE Amorpha herbacea Stylosanthes biflora HAMAMELIDACEAE Fothergilla gardenii HYPERICACEAE Hypericum reductum IRIDACEAE Sisyrinchium arenicola LAURACEAE Persea borbonia MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia virginiana MELASTOMATACEAE Rhexia alifanus R. mariana MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera 74 Myrica cerifera var. pumila M. heterophylla PINACEAE Pinus palustris P. serotina POACEAE Andropogon scoparius A. virginicus Aristida stricta Panicum sp. PRIMULACEAE Lysimachia asperulaefolia ' PTERIDACEAE Pteridium aquilinum SARRACENIACEAE Sarracenia flava S. purpurea THEACEAE Gordonia lasianthus XYRIDACEAE Xyris sp. AMPHIBIANS Southern Toad Oak Toad REPTILES Eastern Box Turtle Green Anole Six -lined Racerunner Ground Skink Broad -headed Skink Northe-n Black Racer Corn Snake BIRDS Key PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Turkey Vulture pV Bobwhite PR* Mourning Dove pV Chimney Swift SV 75 Common Flicker Pileated Woodpecker Red -bellied Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker Red -cockaded Woodpecker Eastern Kingbird Crested Flycatcher Eastern Wood Pewee Blue Jay Common Crow Fish Crow Carolina Chickadee Brown -headed Nuthatch Carolina Wren Gray Catbird Eastern Bluebird Starling Pine Warbler Prairie Warbler Common Yellowthroat Yellow -breasted Chat Eastern Meadowlark Common Grackle Brown -headed Cowbird Summer Tanager Cardinal Blue Grosbeak Indigo Bunting Rufous -sided Towhee Field Sparrow Whitetail Deer Black Bear IVV PR* PR* PV PR* PR* SR* SR* SR* PV PV PV PR* PR* PR* SR* PR* PV PR* SV SR* SV PV PV PV SR* PR* SV SV PR* WV NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Lanier Quarry Savanna 2. County: Pender 3. Location: Lanier Quarry Savanna is located southeast of Maple Hill and south of NC 50, 0.3 miles, and southeast of SR 1532, approximately 0.4 miles. The site is reached by dirt road which turns left (east) off SR 1532 at a small cemetery. Coordinates: 34°38'N, 77°401W (FIGURE 13). 4. Topographic Quadrangle(s): Maple Hill, NC 1981; Maple Hill, SW, NC (1981) 5. Size: Ca. 140 ac 6. Elevation: 18 ft to 24 ft above mean sea level 7. Access: By private road from SR 1532, proceed 2.2 mi. southeast of Maple Hill to the intersection of SR 1532, turn right (south) and go 0.3 mi. to private road on left by cemetery. Turn on dirt road and follow this road past quarry to an open, disturbed area, eventually to be mined. The central part of savanna is then located west of this clearing, but parts of woodlands are included in natural area. 8. Names of investigators: S. W. Leonard Ricky Davis P. 0. Box 3475 126 Duncansby Court Wilmington, NC 28406 Cary, NC 27511 9. Date(s) of Investigation: May -October, 1981 10. Priority Rating: High 11A. Prose Description of Site: Lanier Quarry Savanna is a flat expanse with scattered longleaf pines surrounded by the swamp of Sandy Run Creek and small, wooded tributary drainages. The savanna is reportedly maintained by local landowners who periodically burn the area in order to promote growth of insectivorous plants, which they harvest for local sale. During the investigation of the savanna, peripheral woodlands were found to contain several rare species of interest, and therefore, the natural area has been expanded from the initial site study by Alan S. Weakley in August 1980. In addition to the botanical significance of the natural area, and perhaps the major contributing factor to the uniqueness of the flora is the presence of underlying strata of a weakly consolidated, fossiliferous limestone. Overburdan is relatively thin, generally being less than 10 ft. Soil pH was tested by Lamotte kit found to be in the range of 7.5 to 8.0. No other savannas are known in Pender County which contain comparable flora and have these soil conditions, 77 520 )eo 14 ? 50 M.Pi. 152n tP 'N' TO HOLLY ROGE — FIGURE 13. Lanier Quarry Savanna Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 Mi. 78 although nearby areas in Onslow County are similar. The savanna contains a profusion of herbaceous plants, and is dominated by the grass, Ctenium aromaticum. Large numbers of pitcher plants are present, and in certain areas of the savanna, Venus' fly -traps. The peak of the flowering season occurs in late spring and early summer and again in early autumn. 11B. Prose Description of Site Significance: Physical and biological features are important site characteristics. According to.personal communication between Lee Otte and Alan Weakley, the site is an important type location for marine Miocene fauna as well as an "excellent example of fossiliferous Castle Hayne limestone." Significant botanical components are Venus'fly-traps, pitcher plants, Cooley's meadow -rue, the recently -discovered prairie onion, Allium stellatum, and a potentially undescribed species of the family Apiaceae. The site may be the most important representative example of a Pinus palustris/Ctenium aromaticum savanna in North Carolina. 12. Significance Summary: (See TABLE 5) Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: Private 1000, Public 0%, Unknown 0% 14. Number of Owners: 13, possibly others 15. Name(s) of owners) and/or custodians) (with address, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): S. A. Lanier; Heirs of Christine James; Boyce J. Williams; Mildred James; Heirs of Hannah James; Coy A. Lee; Theodore Lee; Preston Marshburn; Terry Lee and Leora Lee; Linbert and Frances Shepard; Isaac and Mildred Lee; June Williams heirs; John Shepard, Jr., Evelyn Shepard Lee, Mamie Shepard Watkins, Luberta Shepard Walker, Viola Shepard Hand; Sampson James, Bertie Wheeler, and Bert L. Wheeler; and Marvin L. Goodson. 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): Alan S. Weakley, Duke University, Department of Botany, Durham, NC 17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): Two of the owners who are utilizing the limestone resource for agricultural lime were contacted (S. A. Lanier and Marvin Goodson). A plant rescue effort was arranged for removal of some of the plants. Owners of the main part of the savanna were not contacted. Most of these owners reside in the Maple Hill area. 18. Uses of natural area: The chief uses are related to exploitation of insectivorous plant population and limestone mining. rm TABLE 5. Significance summary of Lanier Quarry Savanna Natural Area. Feature Map Legend Description of feature Comparative assessment Endangered or threatened sp. la Venus' fly -trap Large population but exploited at this site Endangered or threatened sp. lb Prairie onion New species to NC, disjunct from Midwest Endangered or threatened sp. lc Cooley's meadow -rue Small population, endemic to southeast NC, possibly in GA and FL Endangered or threatened sp. ld Carolina parnassia Scattered over much of area, but small colonies CD 0 Endangered or threatened sp. le Scale -leaf gerardia Small colonies over much of savanna; seldom found elsewhere Unusual species assemblage 2 A potential new sp. Unusual occurrence of of Oxypolis growing with basic soil conditions in lb, lc, and le savanna habitat High floristic diversity 3 Large population of Similar to Holly Shelter insectivorous plants savannas, but with different soil conditions 19. Uses of Surrounding Land: Wildland 80%, Agricultural land 10%, Developed 10% 20. Preservation Status: Category 6, 100% 21. Regulatory Protections in Force: No regulatory protections known 22. Threats: Potential for limestone mining, residential development or farming. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: Change of ownership through donations of land or acquisition will require an annual or biennial controlled burn to keep the savanna in its present condition. At the present time, this management alternative is achieved, albeit for different purposes (to sustain an insectivorous plant population for small-scale harvest). There are no major threats for timber harvest since the board -footage per acre is small; however, pine plantation would probably alter the site characteristics, and thus is not recommended. Due to the large number of landowners, any change in the "status quo" of the site may have serious implications and lead toward loss of habitat. Acquisition of site seems to be the most urgent need, although protection from insectivorous plant exploitation would be impossible. However, protection of mineral resource and therefore site integrity, with above -stated limitations, would then be possible. Natural Characteristics Summary 24A. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary: Community type:. Pinus palustris/Ctenium aromaticum Community cover type: Pi.nus palustris General habitat feature: Savanna Average canopy height: 50 ft Estimated age of canopy trees: 50-75 years Canopy cover: Open Estimated size of community: 40 ac of contiguous savanna; 30 ac of peripheral savanna; 20 ac of disturbed area; 50 ac of miscellaneous timberland Successional stage: Fire -maintained climax Sere type: Variant of psammosere Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Centella asiatica, Chondrophora nudata, Chrysopsis graminifolia, Marshallia graminifolia, Eupatorium recurvans, Drosera spp., Rhexia spp., Melanthium virginicum, Zigadenus glaberrimus, Tofieldia racemosa, Habenaria spp., Aristida spp., Polygala spp., Lycopodium carolinianum 81 24B. Soil Summary (by community type) Soil series: Invershiel and Meggett Soil classification: Spodosols Soil association: Invershiel-Meggett pH class: Frequently 7.5 or higher; localized conditions with slightly acidic soils or acidic surface horizons, seldom lower than pH of 6. Moisture class: Well drained to poorly drained Source of information: General Soil Map, Pender County, USDA, SCS, (1972). 24C. Hydrology Summary (by community type) Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Saturated Drainage class: Somewhat poorly drained Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Hydrology characterization: Somewhat poorly drained flat to gently sloping savanna over calcareous substrates of the Invershiel-Meggett soil association. 24D. Topography Summary Landform: Terrace; flat Shelter: Open Aspect: None Slope Angle: Nearly level with slight slope to the south (0-2°) Profile: Flat Surface patterns: Nearly smooth Position: Not applicable 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: A fire -maintained climax community of a basic psammosere on a flat to gently sloping terrace of Sandy Run Swamp, a tributary of the Northeast Cape Fear River. The terrace is underlain by Eocene Castle Hayne limestone in the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Eocene Castle Hayne limestone Geological Formation age: 40-50 million years 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species (1) Name of species: Dionaea muscipula (DIONAEACEAE) Venus' fly -trap Species legal status and authority: NC threatened endemic, exploited (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: several hundred Size or maturity of individuals: Various; immature to mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 60%; Flowering: 40%; Fruiting: not determined General vigor of population: Very vigorous Disturbance or threats to population: Limestone mining, local collecting Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Longleaf pine savanna 82 Topography: Flat Soil series: Invershiel and/or Meggett Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plants and animal.species present: Plants: Drosera capillaris, Drosera leucantha, Polygala lutea, Polygala cruciata, Rhexia mariana, Rhexia alifanus, Habenaria spp., Marshallia graminifolia; Animals: see attached master species lists. (2) Name of species: (Proposed, new to North Carolina) Allium stellatum (LILIACEAE) Prairie onion Species legal status and authority: None Number of populations on site: 2 Number of individuals per population: 10 and 40 Size or maturity of individuals: Mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: Not determined; Flowering: 100%; Fruiting: 80% General vigor of population: Very vigorous to fair Disturbance or threats to population: The larger population subject to eradication if road to quarry is widened. Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Ecotonal margin between wiregrass savanna and mixed hardwood/cypress drainage; also mixed hardwoods Topography: Level to slightly concave Soil series: Invershiel and/or Meggett Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Agalinis purpurea, Oxypolis ternata, Andropogon sp., Aristida stricta, Zigadenus glaberrimus, Coreopsis helianthoides, Helenium autumnale; Animals: see attached• master species lists. (3) Name of species: Thalictrum cooleyi (RANUNCULACEAE) Cooley's meadow rue Species legal status and authority: NC endangered endemic (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: Ca. 25 Size or maturity of individuals: Immature and mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 60%; Flowering: 40%; Fruiting: not determined General vigor of population: Fair Disturbance or threats to population: Shading Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Ecotone of wiregrass savanna and mixed hardwoods Topography: Flat to slightly concave Soil series: Invershiel and/or Meggett Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Carex sp.. Elephantopus carolinianus, Rosa palustris, Myrica cerifera, • Asclepias lanceolata; Animals: see attached master species lists. 83 (4) Name of species: Parnassia caroliniana (SAXIFRAGACEAE) Carolina parnassia Species legal status and authority: NC threatened (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1, possibly others ' Number of individuals per population: 40 Size or maturity of individuals: Mature Phenology of population: Vegetative:' 100% General vigor of population: Fair Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Longleaf pine/wiregrass savanna Topography: Level Soil series: Invershiel and/or Meggett Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Andropogon sp. Asclepias lanceolata, Marshallia graminifolia, Aster sp., Polygala ramosa, Dichromena latifolia; Animals: see attached master species lists. (5) Name of species: Agalinis aphylla (SCROPHULARIACEAE) Scale leaf gerardia Species legal status and authority: NC endangered peripheral (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: 25 Size or maturity of individuals: Mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 0%; Flowering: 20%; Fruiting: 80% General vigor of population: Vigorous Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Wiregrass savanna Topography: Level Soil series: Invershiel and/or Meggett Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Agalinis purpurea, Eryngium integrifolium, Coreopsis helianthoides, Helenium autumnale, Oxypolis ternata, Andropogon sp., Allium stellatum, Zigadenus glaberrimus; Animals: see attached master species lists. (6) Note: Late in the survey, during a brief inspection of the area, numerous plants of Agalinis fasciculata were seen in the general area. Population and habitat characterisitcs were not determined, due to time constraints. (See FIGURE 14 for detailed map of endangered and threatened species locations.) 84 0 O E9 0 l532 C EM \ I wepoks S v A N N A 1d •1 L.ANIEK 3 16 lc ' • • - .: � woos A OLD F%ELD ,. "d JA 4� S Am ON RuN 6U)Aw%P FIGURE 14. Significant features of Lanier Quarry Savanna Natural Area. Code: (1) Endangered or threatened species, (2) Unusual.species assemblage, (3) High floristic diversity. Map scale: 1 in = 600 ft. 85 27. Master Species Lists: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) ACERACEAE Acer rubrum AMARYLLIDACEAE Hypoxis hirsuta H. micrantha ANACARDIACEAE Rhus copallina R. radicans APIACEAE Centella asiatica Eryngium integrifolium E. yuccifolium Hydrocotyle umbellata Oxypolis filiformis 0. ternata AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex coriacea I. glabra ASCLEPIADACEAE Asclepias lanceolata ASTERACEAE Aster linariifolius A. novi-belgii Baccharis halimifolia Balduina uniflora Cacalia lanceolata Carduus repandus Carphephorus tomentosus Chaptalia tomentosa Chondrophora nudata Chrysopsis graminifolia Conyza canadensis Coreopsis angustifolia C. falcata C. helianthoides C. lanceolata Elephantopus nudatus Eupatorium capillifolium E. coelestinum E. recurvans E. rotundifolium Euthamia tenuifolia Helenium autumnale Helianthus angustifolius H. heterophyllus Krigia virginica 86 Liatris graminifolia L. spicata var. resinosa Marshallia graminifolia Mikania scandens Pluchea camphorata Pyrrhopappus carolinianus Solidago stricta Trilisa paniculata Vernonia angustifolia BIGNONIACEAE Campsis radicans BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia virginica BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia usneoides CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia elongata L. nuttallii CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia CYPERACEAE Carex walteriana Dichromena latifolia Eleocharis obtusa Fuirena squarrosa Psilocarya nitens Rhynchospora baldwinii R. cephalantha R. fascicularis Scleria pauciflora S. reticularis CYRILLACEAE Cyrilla racemiflora DIAPENSIACEAE Pyxidanthera barbulata DIONAEACEAE Dionaea muscipula DROSERACEAE Drosera capillaris D. intermedia D. leucantha ERICACEAE Gaylussacia dumosa Kalmia angustifolia var. caroliniana Lyonia ligustrina Rhododendron atlanticum Vaccinium crassifolium ERIOCAULACEAE Eriocaulon decangulare Lachnocaulon anceps 87 FABACEAE Baptisia tinctoria Cassia fasciculata Centrosema virginianum Crotalaria purshii Desmodium lineatum D. tenuifolium Galactia volubilis Stylocanthes biflora Tephrosia spicata Zornia bracteata FAGACEAE Quercus nigra GENTIANACEAE Sabatia brachiata S. campanulata S. difformis HAEMODORACEAE Lachnanthes caroliniana HALORAGACEAE Proserpinaca palustris HAMAMELIDACEAE Liquidambar styraciflua HYPERICACEAE Hypericum cistifolium H. galioides H. stans IRIDACEAE Iris tridentata Sisyrinchium mucronatum var. atlanticum LAMIACEAE Pycnanthemum flexuosum Scutellaria integrifolia LAURACEAE Persea borbonia LENTIBULARIACEAE Pinguicula caerulea LILIACEAE Aletris farinosa Allium stellatum Lilium catesbaei Melanthium virginicum Pleea tenuifolia Smilax glauca S. laurifolia Tofieldia racemosa Zigadenus glaberrimus LOGANIACEAE Gelsemium sempervirens Mitreola petiolata 88 LORANTHACEAE Phoradendron serotinum LYCOPODIACEAE Lycopodium aloepecuriodes L. carolinianum MAGNOLIACEAE Liriodendron tulipifera Magnolia virginiana MELASTOMATACEAE Rhexia alifanus R. lutea R. mariana R. petiolata MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera M. cerifera var. pumila M. heterophylla NYSSACEAE Nyssa biflora ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia linearis L. palustris ORCHIDACEAE Calopogon pallidus C. pulchellus Cleistes divaricata Habenaria blephariglottis H. ciliaris H. clavellata H. cristata Pogonia ophioglossoides Spiranthes cernua OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda cinnamomea 0. regalis var. spectabilis •PINACEAE Pinus palustris P. serotina P. taeda POACEAE Agrostis hyemalis Andropogon scoparius A. virginicus Anthaenantia rufa Aristida longispica A. stricta A. virgata Arundinaria gigantea Ctenium aromaticum Erianthus giganteus E *1 Muhlenbergia expansa Panicum aciculare P. tenue P. sp. Paspalum dilatatum P. praecox POLYGALACEAE Polygala brevifolia P. cruciata P. cymosa P. hookeri P. lutea P. ramosa POLYPODIACEAE Polypodium polypodioides PRIMULACEAE Lysimachia loomsii PTERIDACEAE Pteridium aquilinum RANUNCULACEAE Thalictrum cooleyi ROSACEAE Sorbus arbutifolia SALICACEAE Salix caroliniana SARRACENIACEAE Sarracenia flava S. purpurea SAXIFRAGACEAE Itea virginica Parnassia caroliniana SCROPHULARIACEAE Agalinis aphylla A. purpurea Linaria canadensis Penstemon laevigatus Seymeria cassioides SYMPLOCACEAE Symplocos tinctoria TYPHACEAE Typha domingensis VERBENACEAE Lippia nodiflora VIOLACEAE Viola lanceolata TAXODIACEAE Taxodium ascendens T. distichum XYRIDACEAE Xyris baldwiniana X. brevifolia X. caroliniana m AMPHIBIANS Southern Toad Oak Toad REPTILES Eastern Box Turtle BIRDS Key PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Turkey Vulture PV Black Vulture PV Red-tailed Hawk PV Bobwhite PR* Mourning Dove PR* Chimney Swift SV Common Flicker PR* Red -bellied Woodpecker PR* Red-headed Woodpecker PR* Downy Woodpecker PR* Eastern Kingbird SR* Crested Flycatcher SR* Eastern Wood Pewee SR* Purple Martin SV Blue Jay PV Common Crow PV Fish Crow PV Carolina Chickadee PR* Brown -headed Nuthatch PR* Carolina Wren PR* Mockingbird PR* Brown Thrasher PR* Eastern Bluebird PR* Starling PV White -eyed Vireo SR* Pine Warbler PR* Prairie Warbler SR* Common Yellowthroat PR* Eastern Meadowlark PR* Orchard Oriole SR* Common Grackle PR* 91 Summer Tanager Cardinal Blue Grosbeak Rufous -sided Towhee Field Sparrow Raccoon Eastern Cottontail Whitetail Deer SR* PR* SR* PR* PR* NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Jones Creek Savanna 2. County: Pender 3. Location: The savanna is located on the south side of SR 1202 in the northwestern part of the county, northwest of Atkinson, about 3 miles by road, and on the east side of the drainage of Jones Creek. Coordinates: 34032'N, 780131W (FIGURE 15). 4. Topographic Quadrangle: Atkinson, NC 1955 (15' series) 5. Size: 350 ac 6. Elevation: 60 ft to 75 ft above mean sea level 7. Access: By paved road (SR 1201) and private driveway; site is approximately 2 miles east of Black River. 8. Names of investigators: S. W. Leonard Ricky Davis P. O. Box 3475 126 Duncansby Court Wilmington, NC 28406 Cary, NC 27511 9. Date(s) of Investigation: May -September 1981 10. Priority Rating: High 11A. Prose Description of Site: The Jones Creek Savanna is part of a 9,000 acre tract, privately owned, between SR 1201 and NC 53 on the east side of the Black River. The savanna has been managed for several years for timber and wildlife-- the owner being aware of the significant features herein described. Wildlife food plots have been strategically. located on the property, and some of these are included within the boundaries of the natural area. Although the preponderance of the tract is comprised of longleaf pine, loblolly pine, and some pond pine timber, smaller habitats of mixed pine -hardwoods and drainage ditches and pocosin are also present. To the west of the site is a large undulating tract of sloughs and ridges which were formed by channel meandering of Black River. North, east, and southeast of the tract are agricultural lands and other tracts of pine timber, but none of the woodlands have been managed with the intensity and care as the Jones Creek tract. Jones Creek Savanna is located near the'western contact of the Lumbee-Johns-Kalmia soil association with the Lynn Haven-Leon-Kureb association. The topography is flat to gently sloping and poorly drained. The major feature of the site is a vigorous population of 93 - 3A'3S' !2! lid ,�L.o •120, 3206 12-1 4 '2 ATKIN -SON PCP. 3.11 1219 c..N PAS 12 2.,) 1i. 2 3 0 .0 1204.1 L6 LLY1 0 34-30' ­ks 3 10 110 in! 1100 f CA- z MOORES ro NATIONAL PMUTARY PARK gh 30 9 0 0 fps It AS '-4 SHO 8kff RIVER_ 34*25' Ll q5 L FIGURE 15. Jones Creek Savanna Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. 94 the federally endangered Red -cockaded Woodpecker. Suitable habitat also occurs outside the boundaries of the natural area, which was here restricted to include the better part of open savanna lands. On the upland portions of the property, and over all of the delineated natural area, there is low probability of prehistoric cultural material; however, the ridges and bluffs adjacent to Black River were utilized, and further archaeological investigations in this area may prove to be significant. Therefore, the boundaries, as identified, may need revisionin the future. 11B. Prose Description of Site Significance: Three biological features of Jones C reek savanna were recorded: Red -cockaded Woodpeckers, Bachman's Sparrow, and Venus' fly -traps. The site is given additional consideration and higher rank because of protected status and excellent land management by the owner. Furthermore, the total holdings of the tract, comprising almost 10,000 acres of diverse communities, ranging from riverine swamp to high flatwoods merits placement as one of Pender County's more significant natural areas. Field work was concentrated in the savanna portions of the property and subsequent investigations may reveal additional acreages which need to be described. 12. Significance Summary (See TABLE 6) Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: Private 100% 14. Number of Owners: 1 15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers., and other pertinent information): Owner prefers to remain anonymous. 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): See 15; also Lance Peacock, The Nature Conservancy, Raleigh, and Merrill Lynch, NC Natural Heritage Program, Raleigh. 17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): Custodian contacted. Attitude.of owner is very favorable toward preservation. 18. Uses of natural area: Privately used for hunting; game management. 19. Uses of surrounding land: Wildland 70%; High -intensity forestry 30% 20. Preservation Status: Category 4, 100% 95 TABLE 6. Significance summary of Jones Creek Savanna Natural Area. Feature Map Legend Description of feature Comparative asse-sment Endangered or threatened sp. la Venus' fly -trap Small population in wettest part of savanna Endangered or threatened sp. lb Red -cockaded Woodpecker Population in good condition, natural area managed for timber and game; good habitat available Endangered or threatened sp. lc Bachman's Sparrow Twelve males and several family groups seen Special management area 2 Pine savanna on rota- Part of 9,000 ac preserve; rn tional burn program; diverse habitats and spp. game food plot develop- ment 21. Regulatory protections in force: None other than those provided by landowner. 22. Threats: None 23. Management and Preservation Recommendations: None needed as presently managed. Landowner may be receptive to registration of site. Natural Characteristics Summary 24A. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary: Community type: Pinus palustris/Aristida stricta savanna Community cover type: Pinus palustris General habitat feature: Longleaf pine savanna Average canopy height: 60 ft Estimated age of canopy trees: 60-80 years as determined by increment borings Canopy cover: Open Estimated size of community: Approximately 300 ac, but in discontinuous tracts, interrupted by small drainages, and areas of pocosin. Successional stage: Fire -maintained climax Sere type: Psammosere Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Pinus serotina Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Stump sprouts of Liquidambar styraciflua, Magnolia virginiana, Persea borbonia, and Ilex glabra Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Xyris platylepis, Lobelia nuttallii, Liatris graminifolia, Scleria sp., Sarracenia flava, Drosera capillaris, Lycopodium aloepe- curoides, Polygala cruciata 24B. Soil Summary (by community type) Soil series: Lumbee, Johns, and Kalmia Soil classification: Alfisols Soil association: Lumbee-Johns-Kalmia pH class: 5.0 to 6.0; very strongly acid to medium acid Moisture class: Well drained to poorly drained Source of information: General Soil Map, Pender County, USDA, SCS (1972) and site testing with Lamotte test kit 24C. Hydrology Summary (by community type) Hydrologic system: Terrestrial Hydrologic subsystem: Wet to mesic Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Not applicable Drainage class: Somewhat poorly drained Drainage basin: Black River tributary of Cape Fear River Hydrology characterization: Somewhat poorly drained elevated terrace of Black River system, nearly level to very gently sloping into the lesser drainage of Jones Creek. 97 24D. Topography Summary Landform: Terrace flat Shelter: Partly sheltered Aspect: If applicable, west Slope angle: Very gently sloping (0-20) to flat Profile: Flat Surface patterns: Smooth Position: Not applicable 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: A fire -maintained climax community of a poorly drained psammosere on an upland terrace of Jones Creek, a tributary of Black River, and underlain by Cretaceous Pee Dee formation of impure limestones and sands and sandy clays of the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Cretaceous Pee Dee formation overlain by Quaternary sands. . Geological Formation age: Cretaceous formation: 60 million years; Quaternary sands: 6,000 to 1 million years. 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species: (1) Name of species: Dionaea muscipula (DIONAEACEAE) Venus' fly -trap Species legal status and authority: NC threatened endemic, exploited (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: 40 Size or maturity of individuals: Seedlings, mature plants Phenology of population: Vegetative: 100%; site not visited during flowering or fruiting times. General vigor of population: Vigorous Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Longleaf pine savanna Topography: Level Soil series: Lumbee, Johns, or Kalmia Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Sarracenia flava , Drosera sp., Eriocaulon decangulare, Xyris sp.; Animals: see attached master species lists. (2) Name of species: Red -cockaded Woodpecker Species legal status and authority: Federally endangered (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: Not determined Number of individuals per population: 5 active cavities, 7 inactive cavities, 2 active starts, and 3 inactive starts Size or maturity of individuals: Adult Phenology of population:- Not applicable General vigor of population: Apparently healthy and reproducing Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: 98 Plant community: Longleaf pine savanna Topography: Level Soil series: Lumbee, Johns, or Kalmia Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Cape Fear River Other plant and animal species present: See attached master species lists. (3) Name of species: Bachman's Sparrow Species Legal status and authority: NC threatened (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: Twelve singing males and several family groups Size or maturity of individuals: Immature and mature Phenology of population: Not applicable General vigor of population: Vigorous Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Longleaf pine savanna Topography: Level Soil series: Lumbee, Johns, or Kalmia Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Cape Fear River Other plants and animals present: See attached master species lists. (See FIGURE 16.for detailed map of endangered and threatened species locations.) m •z 'Izm "r • lb lb • lc LAKE FIGURE 16. Significant features of Jones Creek Savanna Natural Area. Code: (1) Endangered or threatened species, (2) Special management area. Map scale: 1 in. = 1200 ft. 100 27. Master Species Lists: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) ACERACEAE Acer rubrum AMARYLLIDACEAE Hypoxis hirsuta H. micrantha ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans APIACEAE Eryngium yuccifolium Hydrocotyle umbellata Oxypolis ternata AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex glabra ASCLEPIADACEAE Asclepias humistrata A. lanceolata ASTERACEAE Aster linariifolius A. spectabilis A. squarrosus A. tortifolius Carduus lecontei Carphephorus tomentosus Chaptalia tomentosa Chrysopsis gossypina C. graminifolia Coreopsis angustifolia Elephantopus nudatus Eupatorium album E. leucolepis E. rotundifolium Helianthus heterophyllus Liatris graminifolia Marshallia graminifolia Solidago stricta Trilisa odoratissima BLECHNACEAE woodwardia virginica BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia usneoides CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia nuttallii CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia CYPERACEAE Dichromena latifolia 101 Fuirena squarrosa Rhynchospora cephalantha Scleria pauciflora CYRILLACEAE + Cyrilla racemiflora DIONAEACEAE Dionaea muscipula DROSERACEAE Drosera capillaris D. leucantha ERICACEAE Gaylussacia dumosa Lyonia ligustrina Vaccinium crassifolium ERIOCAULACEAE Eriocaulon decangulare FABACEAE Amorpha herbacea Baptisia cinerea B. tinctoria Cassia nictitans Lespedeza virginica Tephrosia spicata FAGACEAE Quercus marilandica GENTIANACEAE Sabatia campanulata S. stellaris HAEMODORACEAE Lachnathes caroliniana HAMAMELIDACEAE Liquidambar styraciflua HYPERICACEAE Hypericum stans IRIDACEAE Sisyrinchium mucronatum var. atlanticum LAMIACEAE Pycnanthemum flexuosum LAURACEAE Persea borbonia LENTIBULARIACEAE Pinguicula caerulea P. lutea Utricularia subulata LRLDACEAE Aletris farinosa Lilium catesbaei Melanthium virginicum Smilax bona-nox S. laurifolia Tofieldia racemosa Zigadenus glaberrimus 102 LOGANIACEAE Gelsemium sempervirens Mitreola petiolata LORANTHACEAE Phoradendron serotinum LYCOPODIACEAE Lycopodium aloepecuroides L. appressum L. carolinianum MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia virginiana MELASTOMATACEAE Rhexia alifanus R. lutea R. mariana R. petiolata MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera NYSSACEAE Nyssa biflora ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia hirtella ORCHIDACEAE Calopogon pulchellus Habenaria blephariglottis H. ciliaris H. cristata Pogonia ophioglossoides OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda cinnamomea 0. regalis var. spectabilis PINACEAE Pinus palustris P. serotina P. taeda POACEAE Andropogon scoparius Arundinaria gigantea Ctenium aromaticum Panicum aciculare Uniola laxa POLYGALACEAE Polygala brevifolia P. cruciata P. lutea PTERIDACEAE Pteridium aquilinum SARRACENIACEAE Sarracenia flava S. purpurea 103 SCROPHULARIACEAE Agalinis purpurea Seymeria cassioides SOLANACEAE Physalis angulata SYMPLOCACEAE Symplocos tinctoria TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum VIOLACEAE Viola lanceolata XYRIDACEAE Xyris ambigua X. baldwiniana X. platylepis AMPHIBIANS Southern Toad Southern Cricket Frog REPTILES Eastern Mud Turtle Eastern Box Turtle Eastern Glass Lizard Green Anole Six -lined Racerunner Ground Skink Black Racer Canebrake Rattlesnake BIRDS KEY PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Turkey Vulture pV Red-tailed Hawk pV Bobwhite PR* Turkey PR* Mourning Dove PR* Common Flicker PR* Pileated Woodpecker PR* 104 Red -bellied Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker Red -cockaded Woodpecker Eastern Kingbird Crested Flycatcher Eastern Wood Pewee Blue Jay Common Crow Carolina Chickadee Tufted Titmouse Brown -headed Nuthatch Carolina Wren Mockingbird Catbird Brown Thrasher Eastern Bluebird Blue -gray Gnatcatcher Starling White -eyed Vireo Red -eyed Vireo Northern Parula Warbler Yellow -throated Warbler Pine Warbler Prairie Warbler Common Yellowthroat Yellow -breasted Chat Eastern Meadowlark Orchard Oriole Common Grackle Brown -headed Cowbird Summer Tanager Cardinal Indigo Bunting Blue Grosbeak Rufous -sided Towhee Field Sparrow Bachman's Sparrow Raccoon Eastern Mole Eastern Gray Squirrel Eastern Cottontail Whitetail Deer MAMMALS 105 PR* PR* PR* SR* SR* SR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* SR* PR* SR* SV SV SV PR* SR* PR* SR* PR* SR* PR* PR* SR* PR* SR* SR* PR* PR* PR* NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: 421 Sand Ridge 2. County: Pender 3. Location: On both sides of US 421, from the Pender-New Hanover County line, northwest for approximately 3 miles. The natural area is bounded of the east by the swamp of the Northeast Cape Fear River and on the west by the swamp of Black River, included in the Black River Natural Area. Coordinates: 340221N, 780011W (FIGURE 17). 4. Topographic Quadrangle: Acme, NC 1954 (15' series) 5. Size: 3,080 ac 6. Elevation: 10 ft to 40 ft above mean sea level 7. Access: Pedestrian access from US 421; infrequent hunter trails usually gated and locked. 8. Names of Investigators: S. W. Leonard Ricky Davis P. 0. Box 3475 126 Duncansby Court Wilmington, NC 28406 Cary, NC 27511 9. Date(s) of Investigation: May 6 and August 28, 1981 10. Priority rating: High 11A. Prose Description of Site: The 421 Sand Ridge Natural Area occupies a peninsula between the Northeast Cape Fear and the Cape Fear Rivers. The geologic processes which were responsible for this landform include marine, riverine, and eolian factors. Sand was initially deposited during Pleistocene high sea level periods, uplifted, became increasingly well drained as the river valleys deepened, and during previous periods of vegetation cover absence, was sculptured by wind erosion and deposition. This landform is unique in North Carolina, partly because few other narrow peninsulas between major river systems have the contrast in elevation and particle size magnitude that is found on the 421 ridge. (A similar peninsula is present in South Carolina at the confluence of the Pee Dee and Little Pee Dee Rivers.) Subsurface sand is yellow and deep; surface material is highly leached, and appears white, or grayish when mixed with organics. The topography is seldom level, and the surface is marked by eolian depressions, solution slumps, Carolina bay ellipses, and sluggish, meandering streams. From the crest of the ridge to the river swamps, the cover vegetation changes from longleaf pine - turkey oak to longleaf pine - gallberry and eventually to pond pine pocosin. Wet depressions are usually filled 106 I � , Cua, MOORES - - • .�� CREEK 31 d> I NATIONAL A LaARY,PARK 1113 �AbpoRis\ - 1.0] t� L ` nl]i Imo;] •. `; `�y�e a c F. 111� _ MOnfuque C, I�Od 7 Rf TR Th� BOfwgh tio3: )11�0] A � I 1' 04 1103 FEAR ��pROLCH�. ROAN ISLAND s f i c <3+ Y „WRw 6 - t_Of e,l ,v J I`!(,III1(11 Clarkf � Landing � aye , �= �3 ........ ......... .............. aiiuise:: �F;�i 11 3a° o° a o� C 0 U N T Y FIGURE 17. 421 Sand Ridge Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. 107 by thickets of evergreen shrubs and catbrier or occasionally by pond cypress. Forests on the ridge do not contain unusual -size trees, unique assemblages of species, or high volume boardfootage. The natural area includes, however, colonies of the federally -protected Red -cockaded Woodpecker, and the size class and condition of the longleaf pine forests indicates that a larger population of birds could be sustained, under proper management conditions. Altogether the 421 Sand Ridge Natural Area contains the largest area of longleaf pine - turkey oak forest that we found in Pender County. 11B. Prose Description of Site Significance: The so-called "Brunswick Escarpment" extends from Brunswick County, near Orton Plantation, across northwestern New Hanover County, and terminates in southern Pender County-- as the 421 sand ridge. While escarpments such as this are not unknown elsewhere, the occurrence in North Carolina of a sizeable sand body, excluding the fall -line sandhills, is relatively unique. A second factor of significance in this natural area is the occurrence of several colonies of Red -cockaded Woodpeckers. Prehistoric and historic significance was not investigated during this study, but prior to 1980, several archaeological forays in the area produced noteworthy collections of artifacts. Aboriginal implements have been found in the area which indicate occupancy around 5,000 years before present. Further investigations along these lines should be conducted. 12. Significance Summary (See TABLE 7) Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: Private 100a 14. Number of Owners: Generally, 2 15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): (1) Bruce B. Cameron, 2219 Blythe Rd., Wilmington, NC (763-1054) (2) Corbett Package Co., and Corbett Industries, Wrightsboro (Wilmington), NC (763-4646) 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): Jay Carter, Southern Pines, is familiar with locations of Red -cockaded Woodpeckers in natural area. 17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): Owners not contacted, but reportedly favor industrial development of tract. 18. Uses of natural area: Hunting 19. Uses of surrounding land: Wildland 1000 108 TABLE 7. Significance summary of 421 Sand Ridge Natural Area. Feature Map Legend Endangered or threatened sp. Endangered or threatened sp. Outstanding geomorphologic feature N 0 Description of feature Comparative assessment la Beyrich's bog button Stable population with intermediates; infrequent lb Red -cockaded Woodpecker Several small colonies; fairly good habitat 2 Brunswick escarpment Present in three -county area only 20. Preservation Status: Category 7, 100% 21. Regulatory protections in force: Unknown 22. Threats: No major threats are evident. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: Because both of the principal landowners are among the largest landholders in Pender County, there may be opportunity to preserve all or significant pieces of this natural area. Based on land use trends in New Hanover County and the apparent planning and zoning strategy in Brunswick to encourage industrial development, the Pender County portion of the Brunswick Escarpment may, in the future, be all that remains in a natural condition. Therefore, it is recommended that second phase investigation (precise boundary delineation, discussion with landowners, etc.) be conducted. Fire is a significant component of ecology of this natural area, and piecemeal industrial and/or residential development may require increased fire protection of both developed and undeveloped woodlands. Should this be the case, management and preservation would be difficult to implement. Natural Characteristics Summary 24A. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary: Community type: Pinus palustris-Quercus laevis/Aristida stricta forest Community cover type: Pinus palustris General habitat feature: Longleaf pine sand ridge Average canopy height: 35 ft Estimated age of canopy trees: 40-70 years Canopy cover: Varies from closed to open Estimated size of community: Probably more than 10,000 ac, but in the circumscribed natural area, possibly 75 percent of the 3,080 Ac. Successional stage: Edaphic climax Sere type: Psammosere Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant) : None Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Quercus margaretta, Quercus incana Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Cnidoscolus stimulosus, Chrysopsis gossypina, Stipulicida setacea, Agalinis setacea, Selaginella arenicola spp. acanthonota 24B. Soil Summary (by community type) Soil series: Kureb, Rimini, Lakeland, Leon, and Wakulla sands Soil classification: Not determined Soil association: Lynn Haven-Leon-Kureb pH class: Very strongly acid Moisture class: Excessively drained Source of information: General Soil Map, Pender County, USDA, SCS, (1972). 24C. Hydrology Summary (by community type) Hydrologic system: Terrestrial 110 Hydrologic subsystem: Very dry-xeric Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Not applicable Drainage class: Excessively drained Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear and Cape Fear Rivers Hydrology characterization: Excessively drained sand ridge occupying the peninsula between the Northeast Cape Fear and the Cape Fear River Basins. 24D. Topography Summary Landform: Escarpment sand ridge Shelter: Open to partly sheltered Aspect: Northeast - southwest Slope Angle: Gently sloping to sloping Profile: Constant, with slight variations of microrelief Surface patterns: Irregular Position: Upper and mid -slope 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: An edaphic climax community of a psammosere on an escarpment sand ridge, scalloped laterally by meanders of the Northeast Cape Fear and Cape Fear Rivers, and vertically by wind erosion, Carolina bay formation, and/or solution slumping. The ridge drains into both river basins, is underlain by Eocene Castle Hayne limestone, and is comprised of deep _ sands of Pleistocene and Holocene origin, deposited in the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Eocene Castle Hayne limestone; Pleistocene and - Hol6cene sands Geological Formation age: Eocene formation: 40-50 million years; Pleistocene deposits: 6,000 to ca. 3 million years before present; Holocene: slightly less than 6,000 years before present 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species: (1) Name of species: Lachnocaulon beyrichianum (ERIOCAULACEAE) Beyrich's bog button Species legal status and authority: NC threatened peripheral (Cooper et al. 1977) .Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: 50 Size or maturity of individuals: Mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 0%; Flowering 1000; Fruiting 1000 General vigor of population: Vigorous Disturbance or threats to population: None Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Margin of pond cypress depression Topography: Concave; pond Soil series: Probably a localized Dorovan-Ponzer association Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Polygala cymosa, " Rhexia mariana, Aristida sp., Aletris farinosa; Animals: see attached master species lists. ill • (2) Name of species: Red -cockaded Woodpecker Species legal status and authority: Federally endangered (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations on site: Not determined Number of individuals per population: Five trees with active cavities, inactive cavities or starts were seen; also one bird. Size or maturity of individuals: Presumed to be a breeding population Phenology of population: Not applicable General vigor of population: Not determined Disturbance or threats to population: None visible Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Longleaf pine - turkey oak sand ridge Topography: Gently sloping to sloping Soil series: Kureb sand Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River, Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Polygonella polygama, Froelichia sp., Vaccinium sp.; Animals: see attached master species lists. (See FIGURE 18 for detailed map of endangered and threatened species locations.) 112 FIGURE 18. Significant features Area. Code: (1) Endangered or standing geomorphologic feature. (highway not drawn to scale). 113 J of 421 Sand Ridge Natural threatened species, (2) Out - Map scale: 1 in. = 1.4 mi. 27. Master Species Lists: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) ACERACEAE Acer rubrum AMARANTHACEAE Froelichia floridana AMARYLLIDACEAE Hypoxis hirsuta H. micrantha ANACARDIACEAE Rhus copallina R. radicans R. toxicodendron ANNONACEAE Asimina parviflora APIACEAE Centella asiatica AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex cassine I. cassine var. myrtifolia • I. coriacea I. glabra I. opaca ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium platyneuron ASTERACEAE Ambrosia artemesiifolia Carduus lecontei C. spinosissimus Chondrophora nudata Chrysopsis gossypina C. graminifolia Conyza canadensis Coreopsis angustifolia Erigeron quercifolius Eupatorium capillifolium E. recurvans Haplopappus divaricatus Helenium amarum Krigia virginica Liatris graminifolia Marshallia graminifolia Mikania scandens Silphium compositum Trilisa paniculata BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia areolata W. virginica 114 BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia usneoides CACTACEAE Opuntia compressa CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera sempervirens CARYOPHYLLACEAE Arenaria caroliniana Stipulicida setacea CISTACEAE Lechea villosa CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia COMMELINACEAE Tradescantia rosea var. graminea CONVOLVULACEAE Bonamia patens var. patens B. patens var. angustifolia Ipomoea pandurata CYPERACEAE Bulbostylis capillaris B. ciliatifolia Carex grayi Dichromena latifolia Rhynchospora chalarocephala R. corniculata DIAPENSIACEAE Pyxidanthera barbulata DROSERACEAE Drosera capillaris EBENACEAE Diospyros virginiana ERICACEAE Gaylussacia dumosa G. frondosa Lyonia lucida Rhododendron atlanticum Vaccinium arboreum V. crassifolium V. elliottii V. stamineum V. tenellum ERIOCAULACEAE Lachnocaulon anceps L. beyrichianum EUPHORBIACEAE Cnidoscolus stimulosus Euphorbia ipecacuanhae FABACEAE Amorpha herbacea 115 Baptisia tinctoria Crotalaria purshii Galactia regularis Lupinus perennis L. villosus Rhynchosia difformis Tephrosia spicata FAGACEAE Castanea pumila Quercus incana Q. laevis Q. margaretta Q. pumila Q. virginiana HYPERICACEAE Hypericum reductum LAURACEAE Persea borbonia Sassafras albidum LILIACEAE Smilax bona-nox S. laurifolia LOGANIACEAE « Gelsemium sempervirens LYCOPODIACEAE Lycopodium aloepecuroides L. carolinianum MELASTOMATACEAE Rhexia mariana MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera NYSSACEAE Nyssa biflora OLEACEAE Osmanthus americanus OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda cinnamomea O. regalis var. spectabilis PINACEAE Pinus palustris P. serotina P. taeda POACEAE Andropogon scoparius A. virginicus Arundinaria gigantea Panicum ciliatum P. lancearium POLYGALACEAE Polygala cymosa 116 POLYGONACEAE Polygonella polygama PTERIDACEAE Pteridium aquilinum RUBIACEAE Richardia scabra SCROPHULARIACEAE Agalinis purpurea A. setacea Seymeria cassioides SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginella arenicola spp. acanthoftota TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum VERBENACEAE Callicarpa americana VITACEAE Vitis rotundifolia AMPHIBIANS Southern Toad Oak Toad Southern Cricket Frog Squirrel Tree Frog REPTILES Eastern Glass Lizard Green Anole Six -lined Racerunner Ground Skink Black Racer BIRDS Key PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Turkey Vulture pV Red-tailed Hawk pV American Kestrel WR Bobwhite PR* 117 Mourning Dove Common Nighthawk Common Flicker Red -cockaded Woodpecker Eastern Kingbird Crested Flycatcher Blue Jay Common Crow Fish Crow Carolina Chickadee Brown -headed Nuthatch Carolina Wren Mockingbird Catbird American Robin Eastern Bluebird Blue -gray Gnatcatcher Starling Pine Warbler Prairie Warbler Eastern Meadowlark Red -winged Blackbird Common Grackle Summer Tanager Cardinal Blue Grosbeak Rufous -sided Towhee Field Sparrow Eastern Mole Eastern Fox Squirrel Eastern Cottontail Whitetail Deer MAMMALS 118. PR* SR* PR* PR* SR* SR* PR* PR* PV PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* WR PR* SR* PR* PR* SR* PV PV PR* SR* PR* SR* PR* WR NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Moores Creek Wildlife Reservation 2. County: Pender 3. Location: The natural area stretches from NC 53 along both sides of Moores Creek, downstream to a point about a mile south of Moores Creek National Military Park, and includes the bottomlands of Mill Branch upstream to SR 1128 and an area of flatwoods along SR 1100. Coordinates: 340301N, 780081W (FIGURE 19). 4. Topographic Quadrangle(s): Acme, NC 1954; Atkinson, NC 1955 (15'series) 5. Size: 4,500 ac 6. Elevation: 8 ft to 60 ft above mean sea level 7. Access: Natural area can be reached by travelling west from US 421 on NC 210, following the signs to Moores Creek National Military Park, or by following NC 53 west toward Atkinson. An excellent access route is to follow SR 1125 between Yamacraw and Rooks. Limited access is possible via the abandoned Atlantic Coast Line Railroad right-of-way northwest of Currie. 8. Names of Investigators: S. W. Leonard RZcky Davis P. 0. Box 3475 126 Duncansby Court Wilmington, NC 28406 Cary, NC 27511 9. Date(s) of Investigation: May -September 1981 10. Priority Rating: High 11A. Prose Description of Site: Moores Creek Wildlife Reservation (and registered black bear sanctuary) is a consolidated tract of land that formerly consisted of several parcels belonging to various members of the Simpson family, and now held under a single ownership. The land is situated on both sides of Moores Creek and is largely wooded, the major vegetation type of the lowlands being seasonally flooded cypress and mixed hardwoods, whereas the uplands are comprised of loblolly pine woods, old fields, or cultivated lands. Brief community surveys were made where the major roads cross the floodplain of Moores Creek; interior sections of the tract were not inventoried. There is no reason to indicate that community composition differs greatly from the southern extremity of the tract to the northern limits. Because the tract connects with the extreme lower portion of Moores Creek, and hence with the Black River corridor, the contiguity of forest provides sanctuary and lengthy habitat for wide-ranging fauna. 119 1111 "1 ` FAS- "al?0 IliJ :xj j3 FPSa 1176 10 �o -7 e• a Rooks a ��. - pro �LLL�>���, r:� •�::�::� n1s � / I ICI 1100 JJJ - - _ � Poird ,� '1 •F" 9 C BB/( .\�� _ Currie �] 1�QQ \\ '1_91 •,• ••ORES 9 11- /r ` NAL r 111] Ma�epw , PARK — ® .11 I�OS 174. p \l 1 - v _ 11]] 10 -k 1M / s A] _ - Monlayue ree. - \ ~'Ill II?111^ 0 .511"R RhIfP I117 .aou`O The 6yh •.A RIV r. " �!L31 ro I 0 j no nobs — 11 1101 0� 1101 r. �.FEAR �NORuvc`�FN - f �1 ROAN ISUND I j B I F A ' � N'pWe N " A RiAard. Rkfiard] J VER,\ FIGURE 19. Moores Creek Wildlife Reservation Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. 120 No unique communities, assemblages of species, endangered or threatened plant species were found in the Moores Creek Wildlife Reservation. In addition, landforms and underlying rock types and soil associations are not significantly different from other inner coastal plain streams. Consequently the site was included as a significant natural area in Pender County for other than botanical reasons. 11B. Prose Description of Site Significance: The features of Moores Creek Wildlife Reservation which make it a significant site are (1) the owner's attitude toward preservation and management, (2) the fact that the tract is relatively large and not divided into small landholdings, (3) the assemblages of communities are representative of large coastal plain stream floodplains and slopes, (4) the already existing regis- tration of the area as a game sanctuary, and (5) the presence of at least one thriving colony of the federally endangered Red -cockaded Woodpecker. Additionally, and with possible future implications for park status, is the location of the tract adjacent to the Moores Creek National Military Park. 12. Significance Summary (See TABLE 8) Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: Private 100% 14. Number of Owners: 1 15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): Dr. C. F. Simpson; Route 1, Box 273-A; Atkinson, NC 28421 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): None known 17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): Owner was very cordial when contacted and provided a considerable volume of background information pertaining to the Simpson'family, their activities in the community, and historical details of the plantation and family home. The owner's attitude toward preservation was assessed as excellent. 18. Uses of natural area: Marginal areas of agriculture, timber management, but largely game management for very limited large and small game hunting. 19. Uses of surrounding land: Wildland 30%; Agricultural land 40%; High - intensity forestry 15%; Developed 10% Undeveloped park land 5% 20. Preservation Status: Category 4, 100% (This area may Category 5 land, depending upon criteria of which we were unaware.) 121 TABLE 8. Significance summary of Moores Creek Wildlife Reservation Natural Area. Feature Map Legend Description of feature Comparative assessment Endangered or threatened sp. 1 Red -cockaded Woodpecker Special management area 2 Black bear sanctuary High faunistic diversity 3 Passerine bird habitat Active colony in declining habitat; 11 cavity (active and inact.) trees Large corridor connecting with Black River/Cape Fear River swamps Bottomland swamps and nearby pine woods offer secluded space for birds 21. Regulatory protections in force: Large portions of the property are regulated wetlands, being contiguous to navigable waters. 22. Threats: No major threats to the area. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: None beyond those procedures already implemented by owner. Natural Characteristics Summary 24A. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary Community type: CT-1: Taxodium distichum-Mixed hardwoods Community cover type: Taxodium distichum General habitat feature: Bottomland swamp Average canopy height: 50-60 ft Estimated age of canopy trees: 50 years Canopy cover: Closed Estimated size of community: 2,500 ac Successional stage: Late transient Sere type: Hydrosere Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Betula nigra, Liquidambar styraciflua, Pinus taeda, Quercus michauxii Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Alnus serrulata, Itea virginica, Ilex opaca Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Orontium aquaticum, Pluchea camphorata, Boehmeria cylindrica Community type: CT-2 Pinus taeda/Ilex glabra Community cover type: Pinus taeda General habitat feature: Pine flatwoods Average canopy height: 60 ft Estimated age of canopy trees: 75 years Canopy cover: Closed Estimated size of community: 1,000 ac Successional stage: Transient Sere type: Psammosere Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Vaccinium atrococcum, Magnolia virginiana Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Cnidoscolus stimulosus, Andropogon virginicus, Panicum sp. 24B. Soil Summary (CT-1) Soil series: Lumbee Soil classification: Not determined Soil association: Lumbee-Johns-Kalmia pH class: Very strongly acid to medium acid Moisture class: Poorly drained Source of information: General Soil Map, Pender County, USDA, SCS,(1972). 123 Soil Summary (CT-2) Soil series: Johns and Kalmia Soil classification: Not determined Soil association: Lumbee-Johns-Kalmia pH class: Strongly acid to medium acid Moisture class: Somewhat poorly drained Source of information: General Soil Map, to well drained Pender County, USDA, SCS, (1972). 24C. Hydrology Summary (CT-1) Hydrologic system: Riverine Hydrologic subsystem: Lower perennial Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Intermittently flooded Drainage class: Poorly drained Drainage basin: Cape Fear River Hydrology characterization: Poorly drained bottomlands adjacent to and including Moores Creek, Hydrology Summary (CT-2) Hydrologic system: Terrestrial Hydrologic subsystem: Mesic to dry-mesic Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Not applicable Drainage class: Somewhat poorly drained to moderately well drained Drainage basin: Cape Fear River Hydrology characterization: Somewhat poorly drained to moderately well drained sands occupying elevated terraces, sub -basin slopes, level intgr-basin, slightly eroded plains. 24D. Topography Summary (CT-1) Landform: Alluvial plain Shelter: Deeply sheltered Aspect: East -west Slope angle: Less than 2% Profile: Irregular to flat to slightly concave Surface patterns: Slightly undulating to smooth Position: Entire plain Topography Summary (CT-2) Landform: Interbasin flat Shelter: Partly sheltered Aspect: Not applicable Slope angle: Mostly less than 2% Profile: Flat Surface patterns: Smooth Position: Not applicable 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: Moores Creek Natural Area is a biologically, edaphically, hydrologically, and topographically diverse area of two major habitat types, bottomlands and uplands, which are dominated by transients and which drain into the Cape Fear River Basin 124 of the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Cretaceous Pee Dee formation overlain by Pleistocene and Holocene sands Geological Formation age: Cretaceous formation: 60 million years Pleistocene and Holocene: 3 million years to present 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species (1) Name of species: Red -cockaded Woodpecker Species legal status and authority: Federally endangered (Cooper et al. 1977) Number of populations of site: 1 observed Number of individuals per population: Two birds (adults) seen; one nest containing chicks located; seven inactive cavities and starts in live trees; two inactive cavities in dead trees; and one active start. Size or maturity of populations: Adult and immature Phenology of population: Not applicable General vigor of population: Evidence of reproduction Disturbance or threats to population: None present, although understory is dense, and if not burned in a few years could jeopardize degree of site activity. Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Loblolly pine forest Topography: Level Soil series: Probably Kalmia, but not determined Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Cape Fear River Other plants and animal species present: Plants: Ilex glabra, Ilex opaca, Liquidambar styraciflua, Magnolia virginiana, Gaylussacia frondosa, Acer rubrum, Vaccinium spp.; Animals: see attached master species lists. (See FIGURE 20 for detailed map of endangered species location.) 125 ' J? A - *' I,!s N CIS 120e � •d' v tt•: i roof. s? ^e• 5•' r ry I loo 1201 ATKINSON ( `words 13 _� f J FFFIII I. •� d120 J 11 9',y�, ,'` Ix7G_•-� 1 j N `r t ~ t ' JI � 11.0 70�. 'a21 10 e � � I I;ems . Y arrow x . .4 ift I Ix7 1. 12 RIVER '� .. �—•. y� u n' Iry - 1. �y+�, Ix� II•s } �. I IA 1110 Currie _ not ' ... I� ��\ - M CRFS K / ?S \� AP AM-9— AR PARK Ills rp a a o s ^1 44 \ / I]0 177e 1_0 210 FA0 3 1117 Moe 1.4 Still BIuF J1 Th. Borough '..'1' RIVER - -- -� � 1 00 • nos nr. y, "'3 Ja 1103 � l — 4 - IJCI C 3j ,7 1104, 1,67 1-07 e.: Cwk qjDL� �u FIGURE 20. Significant features of Moores Creek Wildlife Reservation Natural Area. Code: (1) Endangered or threatened species, (2) Special management area, (3) High faunistic diversity. Map scale: 1 in = 2 mi. 126 27. Master Species Lists: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) ACANTHACEAE Justicia ovata ACERACEAE Acer rubrum ALISMATACEAE Sagittaria falcata S. graminea AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera philoxeroides AMARYLLIDACEAE Hymenocallis crsssifolia ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans R. vernix APIACEAE Centella asiatica Cicuta maculata Hydrocotyle umbellata Ptilimnium capillaceum AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex coriacea I. glabra I. opaca I. verticillata ARACEAE Arisaema triphyllum Orontium aquaticum Peltandra virginica ASPLDNACEAE Athyrium asplenioides Onoclea sensibilis Thelypteris palustris ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium platyneuron ASTERACEAE Eupatorium fistulosum Mikania scandens Senecio glabellus Vernonia noveboracensis BETULACEAE Alnus serrulata Betula nigra Carpinus caroliniana BIGNONIACEAE Anisostichus capreolata Campsis radicans 127 BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia areolata W. virginica BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia usneoides CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia cardinalis CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera japonica L. sempervirens Sambucus canadensis Viburnum nudum V. prunifolium CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia CORNACEAE Cornus amomum C. florida C. stricta CYPERACEAE Carex albolutescens C. comosa C. crinita C. folliculata var. australis C. intumescens C. leptalea C. rosea C. tribuloides Cyperus iria C. strigosus Scirpus cyperinus CYRILLACEAE Cyrilla racemiflora ERICACEAE Chimaphila maculata Epigaea repens Gaylussacia frondosa Kalmia angustifolia var. caroliniana Leucothoe axillaris L. racemosa Lyonia ligustrina L. lucida L. mariana Rhododendron viscosum Vaccinium atrococcum V. corymbosum V. crassifolium V. elliottii V. stamineum 'EUPHORBIACEAE Acalypha rhomboidea 128 FABACEAE Amorpha fruticosa A. herbacea Apios americana Clitoria mariana Indigofera caroliniana Melilotus officinalis Pueraria lobata Trifolium campestre Vicia angustifolia wisteria frutescens FAGACEAE Quercus laurifolia Q. lyrata Q. michauxii Q. nigra HAMAMELIDACEAE Liquid ambar styraciflua JUGLANDACEAE Carya aquatica LAURACEAE Persea borbonia LILIACEAE Smilax glauca S. laurifolia S. rotundifolia LOGANIACEAE Gelsemium sempervirens LORANTHACEAE Phoradendron serotinum MAGNOLIACEAE Liriodendron tulipifera Magnolia virginiana MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera M. heterophylla NYMPHAEACEAE Nuphar luteum ssp. sagittifolium NYSSACEAE Nyssa aquatica N. biflora N. sylvatica OLEACEAE Chionanthus virginicus Fraxinus caroliniana F. pensylvanica F. tomentosa Ligustrum sinense Osmanthus americana ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia palustris 129 OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda cinnamomea O. regalis var. spectabilis PINACEAE Pinus taeda PLATANACEAE Platanus occidentalis POACEAE Arundinaria gigantea Erianthus giganteus Glyceria striata Sacciolepis striata POLYGONACEAE Polygonum arifolium P. hydropiperoides P. punctatum P. sagittatum POLYPODIOIDES Polypodium polypodioides PRIMULACEAE Samolus parviflorus RHAMNACEAE Berchemia scandens ROSACEAE Rosa palustris RUBIACEAE Cephalanthus occidentalis Galium circaezans SALICACEAE Populus heterophyllus Salix nigra SAURURACEAE Saururus cernuus SAXIFRAGACEAE Decumaria barbara Itea virginica SCROPHULARIACEAE Gratiola virginiana Micranthemum umbrosum TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum TYPHACEAE Typha latifolia ULMACEAE Ulmus americana URTICACEAE Boehmeria cylindrica VITACEAE Ampelopsis arborea Parthenocissus quinquefolia Vitis rotundifolia Wrol AMPHIBIANS Slimy Salamander Southern Toad Leopard Frog Bullfrog REPTILES Stinkpot Eastern Box Turtle Spotted Turtle Yellow -bellied Turtle Green Anole Fence Lizard Ground Skink Five -lined Skink Eastern Garter Snake Eastern King Snake BIRDS Key PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Green Heron SV Wood Duck PR* Turkey Vulture PV Black Vulture PV Red-tailed Hawk PV Red -shouldered Hawk PR* Bobwhite PR* Mourning Dove PR* Yellow -billed Cuckoo SR* Chimney Swift SR* Ruby -throated Hummingbird SR* Common Flicker PR* Pileated Woodpecker PR* Red -bellied Woodpecker PR* Hairy Woodpecker PR* Downy Woodpecker PR* Red -cockaded Woodpecker PR* Eastern Kingbird SV Great Crested Flycatcher SR Acadian Flycatcher SR* Eastern Wood Pewee SR* Rough -winged Swallow SV 131 Barn Swallow Purple Martin Blue Jay Common Crow Carolina Chickadee Tufted Titmouse White -breasted Nuthatch Brown -headed Nuthatch Carolina Wren Mockingbird Catbird Brown Thrasher American Robin Wood Thrush Blue-grat Gnatcatcher Starling White -eyed Vireo Yellow -throated Vireo Red -eyed Vireo Black -and -white Warbler Prothonotary Warbler Swainson's Warbler Northern Parula Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Yellow -throated Warbler Prairie Warbler Louisiana Waterthrush Common Yellowthroat Yellow -breasted Chat Hooded Warbler American Redstart House Sparrow Orchard Oriole Northern Oriole Common Grackle Brown -headed Cowbird Summer Tanager Cardinal Blue Grosbeak Indigo Bunting American Goldfinch Rufous -sided Towhee Field Sparrow White -throated Sparrow Swamp Sparrow Opossum Raccoon Eastern Gray Squirrel Eastern Cottontail Whitetail Deer MAMMALS 132 SV SV PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* SR* SR* PR* SR* SR* SR* T SR* SR* SR* WR SR* SV SR* PR* SR* SR* SR* PV SR* T PV PR* SR* PR* SR* SR* WR PR* PV WR WR c?) c?) NATURAL AREA INVENTORY FORM Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Lea Island, Hutaff Island 2. County: Pender 3. Location: The two coastal barrier islands are located in the southeast quadrant of the county, southeast of Hampstead and southwest of Surf City. They are separated from each other by Old Topsail Inlet. Lea Island, the northernmost of the two, is separated from Topsail Island and Topsail Beach by New Topsail Inlet. Hutaff Island, on its south- western extremity, is separated from Figure Eight Island (New Hanover County) by Rich Inlet. Coordinates for the two barrier islands are as follows: 341201N, 77°401W (Lea); 34°19'N, 77*41' (Hutaff).(FIGURE 21) 4. Topographic Quadrangle: Hampstead, NC 1970 5. Size: Approximately 550 acres (200 ac on Lea; 350 ac on Hutaff) 6. Elevation: Sealevel to 20 ft MSL for Lea; sealevel to 25 ft MSL for Hutaff 7. Access: Boat: Coast Guard marked navigation channel through New Topsail Inlet; Howard Channel from Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) to northern end of Lea Island, passable only with small boat at or near high tide; Greene Channel and Nixon Channel to Rich Inlet and to south end of Hutaff Island are navigable from AIWW at low tide. 8. Names of Investigators: S. W. Leonard Ricky Davis P. 0. Box 3475 126 Duncansby Court Wilmington, NC 28406 Cary, NC 27511 9. Date(s) of Investigation: July 10, July 21, 1981 10. Priority Rating: High 11A. Prose Description of Site: Lea and Hutaff Islands are two of the six unoccupied and undeveloped islands south of Cape Lookout in North Carolina. Seasonally occupied structures are located on each (one on Lea Island and two on Hutaff). A recently -constructed, private dock with space for multiple boat moorings is present on the mainland side of Lea Island. The islands are composed of sand and fragments of shell, and may contain buried lenses of peat. The leeward portions grade into salt - marsh, salt flats, or mud flats, and here, the sediment is finer - grained. Accretion is occurring at the southwest ends of both islands, whereas wind and wave erosion have removed much of the foredunes in the midsections of the islands. Dredged material deposition at the north 133 3Z2 \ 1e11 i 0�0 40 � 'J loll Woodbide f i s ` Cie. 11 7 � ISA] L 3 f •9 36 I". / L �e* Amandale IS% TOpwl . U13 ISbd GQ I I � I570 156 7p QQ I SI. Sp qs u7sSll - Isjf /� - .y r1.. W—d ants psrwd ! /• "i" TOPSAIL BEACH 17 Ible '77 �Idls.�' �•/ P. 108 bl 7 161e i b_le lea; i eoa I set �R 1 4'?:• �'�'��• "'tF .'- rI!E9. FIGURE 21. Lea Island, Hutaff Island Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. 134 end of Lea Island accounts for an unexpectedly high berm. Storm overwash is minimal, and occurs predominantly on the low southern portions of the islands. A high remnant foredune of a former barrier location is present on the northwest side of Lea Island, near the point where Long Point Channel curves into Eddy Sound. Vegetation of the islands is comprised of typical foredune herbs, such as sea oats and saltmeadow grass, sometimes mixed with waxmyrtle and yaupon shrubs, and an occasional juniper or live oak. There is no significant maritime forest on the islands. Fauna is best represented by shorebirds which feed, rest, and nest there, although deer are present on Hutaff Island. The fairly long expanses of beach provide nesting grounds for sea turtles. The shallow creeks and flats along the mainland sides of the islands contain a few areas of oyster "rocks", but may be more important biologically (and recreationally) as clam and crab grounds. 11B. Prose Description of Site Significance: The most significant features of Lea and Hutaff Islands are their absence of residential and com- mercial development, their use as turtle nesting areas, two rookery sites for terns, black skimmers, and Wilson's plover, populations of Drummond's prickly pear cactus and the seashore amaranth, and their geographical position and function as wave energy dissipaters. Indications are that development of Lea Island is forthcoming. It is difficult to envisage a development plan which will provide access, electricity, water, sewerage, and other amenities of residential land use that will not be imperilled by foredune erosion, storm over - wash, inlet migration, and water quality decline. While the floristic significance of the islands would not necessarily be impaired by development, the faunistic components are susceptible to loss of habitat. Therefore, a high priority rating is given to the islands, and is based on the scarcity of undeveloped barrier islands in North Carolina and on the faunal utilization. 12. Significance Summary: (See TABLE 9) Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: Private 1000, Public 0%, Unknown 0%, based on the assumption that State of North Carolina does not claim that portion of the marshlands and tidal flats lying below mean high tide. 14. Number of Owners: 2 15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent informaiton): Lea Island, Inc.; heirs of George Henry Hutaff 135 TABLE 9. Significance summary of Lea Island, Hutaff Island Natural Area. Feature Map Legend Description of feature Comparative assessment High quality terrestrial 1 Maritime mixed shrub/ Only two relatively community herb community undisturbed barrier islands in county Endangered or threatened sp. 2a Beach amaranth Small colonies on upper beach berm; sp. very rare (proposed) F, Endangered or threatened sp. 2b Brown Pelican Regular visitor to islands m and adjacent waters Special geomorphologic feature 3 Barrier islands Dynamic landform, protecting estuarine communities and shore of mainland 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): Alan S. Weakley, Duke University, Dept. of Botany, Durham, NC 17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): Owners not contacted; new boat dock located of the mainland side of Lea Island and a fairly new house near the north end support the inference that this island may be slated for development. 18. Uses of natural area: Recreational use, primarily focused on beach and surf -related activities; seasonal residency; fishing and shellfishing. 19. Uses of surrounding land: Wildland (including open water, marshes, tidal flats, etc.) 80%; Developed 20% 20. Preservation Status: Category 7, 10Q% 21. Regulatory protections in force: CAMA wetlands, hazard areas, fragile areas 22. Threats: Natural erosion of beach; potential residential development; overwash hazard. Note should be made of a second level of threat to this natural area. Nesting shorebirds are especially vulnerable to recreational visitors' dogs which are seldom, if ever, kept on leash. In addition, nests are frequently difficult to see, and eggs and chicks may be crushed by pedestrian access. Finally, eggs and young birds which are left unprotected from the sun when adults are disturbed by visitors and pets are also vulnerable. Thus the significance of the islands as shorebird nesting sites can be indirectly lost through negligence, lack of user education, and a multiplicity of man -related factors. To a lesser degree, and depending upon future use of ORV (off -road vehicle) activity on the islands, comparable threats may affect utilization of the beaches by nesting sea turtles. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: The islands are prohibitively expensive for acquisition. Owner cooperation to preserve, voluntarily, as much of the natural area as possible is recommended. Dredged material deposition to the northern end of Lea Island indirectly benefits both shorebirds and littoral drift southward, by providing a sandy, elevated nesting area, which gradually erodes with particles of shell and sand moved along the beach. We are of the opinion that beach nourishment, dune stabilization, and/or marsh creation are unwarranted in this natural area, eventhough severe erosion could occur in the future. Public access should be restricted and the island communities monitored for signs of abuse and excessive man -related community disturbance. Natural Characteristics Summary 24A. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary Community type: (This natural area contains all of the classic maritime strand communities with the exception of live oak forest. A broad 137 interpretation will be used in this treatment, and will deal with dunelands, which may be high foredunes, dominated by sea oats, or low rear dunes and overwash flats with a mixture of shrubs, small trees, forbs, or barren spots. One should also keep in mind that as presently delineated, the natural area contains wetland communities comprised of smooth cordgrass, ox-eye, purslane, and other vascular plants as well as sand flats and mud flats which are tidally inundated. A composite community, dominated by waxmyrtle, yaupon, and sea oats is used here as the representative "beach" type, since it occupies a large percentage of the total natural area acreage, and is the community complex most likely to be threatened by activities of people on the islands.) Myrica cerifera-Ilex vomitoria/Uniola paniculata Community cover type: Ilex vomitoria General habitat feature: Beach dunes Average canopy height: 6 ft when present Estimated age of canopy trees: Not applicable Canopy cover: Open to closed Estimated size of community: 200 ac Successional stage: Pioneer and Trnasient Sere type: Psammosere Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Juniperus virginiana Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Iva frutescens Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Croton punctatus, Iresine rhizomatosa, Physalis viscosa ssp. maritima 24B. ' Soil Summary (by community type) Soil series: Capers, Corolla, Newhan, and beach soils Soil classification; Not determined Soil association: Beach-foredune association; Newhan-Corolla complex pH class: Not determined Moisture class: Excessively drained Source of information: Soil Survey, Outer Banks, North Carolina, USDA, SCS (1977) 24C. Hydrology Summary (by community type) Hydrologic system: Terrestrial Hydrologic subsystem: Dry-xeric Water chemistry: Fresh to saline Water regime: Not applicable Drainage class: Somewhat excessively drained Drainage basin: Coastal; not applicable Hydrology characterization: Somewhat excessively drained dunes, which are alternately wetted by salt spray and rainwater with a perched water table "floating" over saline water (Ghyben-Herzberg lens). 24D. Topography Summary Landform: Barrier islands 138 Shelter: Open Aspect: Northwest -southeast Slope angle: variable, 1-8% Profile: Convex Surface patterns: Irregular Position: All of slope above mean high water 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: A dune -decorated barrier covered sparsely by shrubs and forbs of a halopsammosere of Holocene age in the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Holocene sands Geological Formation age: 6,000 years or less 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species (1) Name of species: (Proposed addition, based on a three -county NC distribution, presence of species on upper beach berm, and subject to erosional processes, flooding, etc., and in our experience, never found in any abundance-- often populations of 20 or fewer plants) Amaranthus pumilus (AMARANTHACEAE) Beach amaranth Species legal status and authority: None Number of populations on site: 2 Number of individuals per population: 10 and 20 Size or maturity of individuals: Mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 0%; Flowering: 100%; Fruiting: 100% General vigor of population: Good Disturbance or threats.to population: Flooding. overwash, burial, sand -blasting, dessication, etc. are all habitat factors, but plants persist and evidently have adapted to these "threats." Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Not applicable. This species is usually the most seaward species on the upper beach berm. Topography: Flat Soil series: Beach soil, undifferentiated by horizon Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Not applicable Other plants and animal species present: Plants: none; Animals: see attached master species lists. Drainage basin: Not applicable Other plants and animal species present: Plants: none; Animals: various shorebirds, see attached master species list of birds. (2) Name of species: Brown Pelican Species legal status and authority: Federally endangered (Cooper et al. 1977) .Number of populations on site: Not determined Number of individuals per population: 50-100? Size or maturity of individuals: Immature and mature Phenology of population: Not applicable General vigor of population: Not determined Disturbance or threats to population: Not determined 139 Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Not applicable Topography: Not applicable Soil series: Not applicable Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Not applicable Other plants and animal species present: Plants: none; Animals: see attached master species list of birds. (See FIGURE 22 for detailed map of endangered and threatened species locations) 140 �i Y' bcnowes . 1 f � , n o' Woodside { • 'b c1� a d n j 1 sei o� !i7 ✓,„+ kkie r' 15e4 �sFF r 3 ises ise6 ref SO � old _,asl s Hamps!sad • ,1615 y° ' TOPSAIL BEACH 17 iei4'?'7/J , 16, �_ `��, POP. 108 I n 9 1611 Iej s 160e �t tr 1603 ET G _34 zt r �ti qQ ash r FIGURE 22. Significant features of Lea Island, Hutaff Island Natural Area. Code: (1) High quality terrestrial community, (2) Endangered or threatened species, (3) Special geomorphologic feature. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. 141 27. Master Species Lists: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus pumilus Iresine rhizomatosa APIACEAE Centella asiatica Hydrocotyle bonariensis AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex vomitoria ASCLEPIADACEAE Cynanchum angustifolium ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium platyneuron ASTERACEAE Baccharis halimifolia Borrichia frutescens Carduus spinosissimus Chrysopsis mariana C. subaxillaris Conyza canadensis Eupatorium capillifolium Gnaphalium obtusifolium Iva frutescens I. imbricata Solidago sempervirens BRASSICACEAE Cakile edentula Lepidium virginicum CACTACEAE Opuntia drummondii CHENOPODIACEAE Salicornia bigelovii S. virginica Salsola kali COMMELINACEAE Commelina erecta CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus virginiana CYPERACEAE Cyperus esculentus C. retrorsus Fimbristylis castanea EUPHORBIACEAE Croton punctatus Euphorbia polygonifolia FABACEAE Strophostyles helvola 142 FAGACEAE Quercus geminata • JUNCACEAE Juncus roemerianus LAURACEAE Persea borbonia LILIACEAE Smilax auriculata S. bona-nox Yucca aloifolia MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera ONAGRACEAE Oenothera humifusa PLUMBAGINACEAE Limonium carolinianum POACEAE Andropogon virginicus Cenchrus tribuloides Cynodon dactylon Eragrostis spectabilis Panicum amarum P. amarulum P. virgatum Spartina alterniflora S. patens Triplasis purpurea Uniola paniculata ROSACEAE Prunus carolinianus RUBIACEAE Diodia teres SOLANACEAE Physalis viscosa ssp. maritime ULMACEAE Celtis,laevigata VITACEAE Vitis labrusca REPTILES Carolina Diamondback Terrapin Eastern Glass Lizard 143 BIRDS Key PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Brown Pelican SV Double -crested Cormorant pV Great Blue Heron pV Green Heron SV Little Blue Heron SV Cattle Egret SV Great Egret pV Snowy Egret pV Louisiana Heron pV Black -crowned Night Heron pV White Ibis pV Osprey SV Clapper Rail PR* American Oystercatcher PR* Semi=palmated Plover WR Piping Plover WR Wilson's Plover SR* American Golden Plover T Black -bellied Plover WR Ruddy Turnstone WR Whimbrel T Spotted Sandpiper T Willet PR* Greater Yellowlegs WR Lesser Yellowlegs T Red Knot T Pectoral Sandpiper WR Least Sandpiper WR Dunlin WR Short -billed Dowitcher WR Semi -palmated Sandpiper T Western Sandpiper WR Marbled Godwit WR Sanderling WR Great Black -backed Gull WR Herring Gull WR Ring -billed Gull WR Laughing Gull SV Gull -billed Tern SR* Forster's Tern WR 144 Common Tern Least Tern Royal Tern Sandwich Tern Caspian Tern Black Tern Black Skimmer Rock Dove Mourning Dove Chimney Swift Belted Kingfisher Eastern Kingbird Tree Swallow Bank Swallow Barn Swallow Purple Martin Fish Crow Carolina Wren Mockingbird Brown Thrasher Starling White -eyed Vireo Yellow Warbler Prairie Warbler Common Yellowthroat American Redstart House Sparrow Bobolink Eastern Meadowlark Red -wing Blackbird Boat -tailed Grackle Common Grackle Brown -headed Cowbird Cardinal .Indigo Bunting Painted Bunting Rufous -sided Towhee Seaside Sparrow Eastern Cottontail Whitetail Deer MAMMALS 145 SR* SR* PV SV T T PR* PV PR* SV PV SV WR T SV SV PV* PV PR* PV PV SV T SV PV T PV T PR* PR* PR* PV PV PR* SV SV PR* PR* NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: 2. County: Pender Rocky Point Marl Forest 3. Location: The original location of the Rocky Point Marl Forest was north of NC 210 and SR 1516, about 1.5 miles northeast of the village of Rocky Point, and situated on the old McRae property, now owned by Oleander Corporation. This area was examined intermittently from 1968 until 1980, and a preliminary site description was prepared by Alan S. Weakley. Around 1978 or 1979, the area was timbered, and while none of the threatened species which were known from there were harvested, it may be decades before this tract returns, if ever, to any semblance of its former condition. Being familiar with the original Rocky Point Marl Forest, we searched for other examples of this unique vegetation assemblage in the area, and found two potential candidates. One site, located on Batts property, northeast of the McRae place, is comprised of little more than a small springy drainage with very sparse outcroppings of the Castle Hayne limestone. A second area was located which contains a sizeable population of nutmeg hickory -- one of the -dominant indicators-- and is now described as the Rocky Point Marl Forest. This timber stand is located east of US 117, on both sides (north and south) of SR 1517, beginning just east of Rocky Point School, or about 0.6 miles east of US 117. Coordinates: 34°25'N, 770521W (FIGURE 23). 4. Topographic Quadrangle(s): Rocky Point, NC 1970, Mooretown, NC 1970 5. Size: 400 ac 6. Elevation: 25 ft to 30 ft above mean sea level 7. Access: Natural area may be reached by travelling east on SR 1517 from US 117, a road which is paved as far as Rocky Point School. Continue on this road to a major overhead power line which passes through the natural area, as does the right-of-way for Interstate 40. 8. Names of Investigators: S. W. Leonard Ricky Davis •P. 0. Box 3475 126 Duncansby Court Wilmington, NC 28406 Cary, NC 27511 9. Date(s) of Investigation: May -September 1981 10. Priority Rating: High 11A. Prose Description of Site: In southeastern North Carolina, outcrops of the Castle Hayne limestone are usually restricted to bluffs along 146 St 117 ? vvdh \ _ Fi'P Iyk L ni 77 ;410 W, 1320 51-dw-* 'k As 1.1 .2 '60Q 1.2 'AS FAS .6 2 .3 1519 <1 133 —2- s 1171 S 1007 `02 ---------------- C, 0 LV , , Al FIGURE 23. Rocky Point Marl Forest Natural Area. Map scale: 1 in. = 2 mi. 10VA larger creeks and rivers. Seldom are these outcrops exposed above the ordinary water level, and if they do occur at higher elevations, any unusual plants which may temporarily become established there are soon swept away by flood waters. In contrast to these rare occurrences along creeks and rivers is a large area of Castle Hayne limestone that crops out on the surface, or is buried beneath a few inches of soil, in the vicinity of Rocky Point. The calcareous substrate is mapped on the Pender County Soil Survey (1972) as an Invershiel-Meggett soil association, but the better exposures of rock are located between US 117 and the Northeast Cape Fear River. Along SR 1517, a flat wooded area has been recognized for several years by the senior author as floristically unusual, but never examined extensively. These woodlands can be immediately recognized by several botanical indicators. Wet, swampy areas often have a very dense understory (shrub stratum) of the dwarf palmetto, Sabal minor. The dominant forest is usually a mix of hardwood species, but not the common oak -hickory association which is found elsewhere in the State. Basswood is a common canopy component along woodland borders, and pines are very infrequent, if at all present in any given stand. In deciduous forests the spring flora is sometimes notable; here, it is not unusually diverse, but the associates may be uncommon. For example, the red buckeye is very abundant, and in some parts of the woodlands, the wild ginger, Asarum. Species more commonly found in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge sometimes reach their eastern range limits in these forests. In woodlands with circumneutral soils, we have collected such taxa as Collinsonia canadensis, Thalictrum thalictroides, Anemone virginiana, and Silphium asteriscus. A few noteworthy southern species reach the northern limits of their distribution in this area. Because the soil is sometimes rocky, gravelly, or fossiliferous, the area is occasionally frequented by paleontologists or others seeking sharks teeth, bones, or other animal remains. The natural area provides many opportunities for research, and is one of the most distinctive habitats in Pender County. 11B. Prose Description of Site Significance: Significant features of the Rocky Point Marl Forest include a broad spectrum of geological, edaphic, and biological elements. The most important feature to us is the uniqueness of the total habitat-- a mixed hardwood forest developed over a calcareous substrate. Plants of interest in this natural area are nutmeg hickory (Carya myristicaeformis) which was first reported from the McRae farm (only known county where it occurs in NC), Ruellia strepens, also known only from this area in NC, Scirpus fontinalis, a rare member of the sedge family, Cornus asperifolia, known only from New Hanover and Pender Counties, and Carex willdenowii var. megarhyncha, a variety collected only once from the McRae farm, and found elsewhere in Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana. Futher botanical investigation will doubtlessly disclose other species of interest. With the exception of the Maple Hill area, the Rocky Point Marl Forest probably has the highest potential for new species occurrences as any place in the county. 148 12. Significance Summary (See TABLE 10) Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: Private 90%; Public 10% 14. Number of Owners: At least 8 15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): State of NC (Interstate 40 right-of-way) Harry Williams, Mrs. J. R. Croom, Rocky Point Elementary School, S. W. Causey, Richard Shew, Daisy R. Ford Scott, Georgia-Pacific Co. 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information): None 17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): Owners were not contacted. 18. Uses of natural area: Hunting, timber harvest 19. Uses of surrounding land: Wildland 30%; Agricultural land 50%; High -intensity forestry 10%; Developed 10% 20. Preservation Status: Category 3, 10%; Category 7, 90% 21. Regulatory protections in force: None known 22. Threats: Construction of I-40 will likely increase the potential threat of development along the highway corridor. Other threats are potential limestone extraction, borrow material for road fill, timber harvest, clearance for agriculture. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: Protection of the forest through acquisition is recommended. In this case, exclusion of fire is required since the dominant woodland species to not have fire tolerance. Natural Characteristics Summary 24A. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary Community type: Mixed hardwoods/Sabal minor Community cover type: Mixed hardwoods General habitat feature: Hardwood forest over marl Average canopy height: 50 ft Estimated age of canopy trees: Various; 50 years Canopy cover: Closed Estimated size of community: 400 ac Successional stage: Transient Sere type: Lithosere? 149 TABLE 10. Significance summary of Rocky Point Marl Forest Natural Area. Feature Map Legend Description of feature Comparative assessment Endangered or threatened sp. 1 Nutmeg hickory Only known population in NC in this area Unusual species assemblage 2 Disjunct occurrences One of two sites in county and unique species with Invershiel-Meggett soil associations assoc.; limestone at surface or very shallow Outstanding geologic feature 3 Castle Hayne limestone Exploited resource; important fossils and type locality in general area H Ul 0 Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Morus rubra, Quercus shumardii, Ulmus americana Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Cornus florida, Cercis canadensis, Myrica cerifera Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Cardamine bulbosa, Dryopteris ludoviciana Geranium maculatum, Arisaema triphyllum 24B. Soil Summary (by community type) Soil series: Invershiel and/or Meggett Soil classification: Alfisol Soil association: Invershiel-Meggett pH class: Depending upon depth of underlying limestone, strongly acidic to moderately alkaline Moisture class: Hydric Source of information: Natural area inventory (preliminary) prepared by Alan S. Weakley for McRae tract; Pender County General Soil Map, USDA, SCS, 1972. 24C. Hydrology Summary (by community type) Hydrologic System: Terrestrial to palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Mesic to interaqueous Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Intermittently flooded for palustrine system Drainage class: Somewhat poorly drained Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Hydrology characterization: Somewhat poorly drained loamy sands and calcareous clays over Eocene Castle Hayne limestone, intermittently flooded, and draining into the Northeast Cape Fear River Basin. 24D. Topography Summary Landform: Lowland plain Shelter: Open to moderately sheltered Aspect: Not applicable Slope angle: Nearly level Profile: Flat Surface patterns: Flats, pans, slightly dissected by drainages Position: Not applicable 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: A mixed mesophytic forest of a pelosere on a nearly level lowland plain, underlain by limestone of the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Eocene Castle Hayne limestone Geological Formation age: 40-50 million years 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species (1) Name of species: Carya myristicaeformis (JUGLANDACEAE) Nutmeg hickory Species legal status and authority: NC Endangered peripheral (Cooper et al. 1977) 151 7 Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: 40 Size or Maturity of individuals: Immature and mature Phenology of population: Vegetative: 70%; Flowering: 0%; Fruiting 30% General vigor of population: Vigorous Disturbance or threats to population: Some trees were cut during clearance for I-40; no other disturbances visible or known. Habitat characteristics: Plant community: Mixed hardwoods Topography: Smooth Soil series: Invershiel or Meggett Microclimate: Not determined Drainage basin: Northeast Cape Fear River Other plants and animals present: Plants: Cornus asperifolia, Cercis canadensis, Sabal minor, Quercus nigra, _Q. michauxii, Tilia caroliniana; Animals: see attached master species lists. (See FIGURE 24 for detailed map of endangered and threatened species locations) 152 FIGURE- 24. Significant features of Rocky Point Marl Forest Natural Area. Code: (1) Endangered or threatened species, (2) Unusual species assemblage, (3) Outstanding geologic feature. Map scale: 1 in. = 1500 ft. 153 27. Master Species Lists: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) ACANTHACEAE Justicia ovata Ruellia caroliniensis R. strepens ACERACEAE Acer negundo A. rubrum A. saccharum ssp. floridanum AIZOACEAE Mollugo verticillata ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans ANNONACEAE Asimina triloba APIACEAE Centella asiatica Chaerophyllum tainturieri Cryptotaenia canadensis Sanicula canadensis r S. marilandica Sium suave APOCYNACEAE Apocynum cannabinum AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex opaca ARACEAE Arisaema triphyllum Orontium aquaticum Peltandra virginica ARALIACEAE Aralia spinosa ARECACEAE Sabal minor ASPIDIACEAE Athyrium asplenioides Dryopteris ludoviciana Polystichum acrostichoides Thelypteris palustris ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium platyneuron ARISTOLOCHIACEAE Aristolochia serpentaria Asarum canadense ASCLEPIADACEAE Asclepias variegata Matelea gonocarpa 154 ASTERACEAE Ambrosia artemesiifolia Antennaria solitaria Aster pilosus Baccharis halimifolia Elephantopus carolinianus Erechtites hieracifolia Eupatorium capillifolium Senecio glabellus Silphium asteriscus Vernonia noveboracensis BALSAMINACEAE Impatiens capensis BERBERIDACEAE Podophyllum peltatum BETULACEAE Carpinus caroliniana Ostrya virginiana BIGNONIACEAE Anisostichus capreolata Campsis radicans BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia areolata BRASSICACEAE Cardamine bulbosa C. pensylvanica BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia usneoides CALLITRICHACEAE Callitriche heterophylla CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera japonica Sambucus canadensis Viburnum dentatum var. lucidum V. nudum V. prunifolium CELASTRACEAE Euonymus americanus CONVOLVULACEAE Ipomoea lacunosa I. pandurata I. purpurea I. trichocarpa CORNACEAE Cornus asperifolia C. florida C. stricta CYPERACEAE Carex debilis C. glaucescens Scirpus fontinalis 155 DIOSCOREACEAE Dioscorea villosa EBENACEAE Diospyros virginiana ERICACEAE Vaccinium stamineum FABACEAE Amphicarpa bracteata Cassia fasciculata Cercis canadensis FAGACEAE Quercus alba Q. lyrata Q. michauxii Q. nigra Q. phellos Q. shumardii GERANIACEAE Geranium carolinianum G. maculatum HAMAMELIDACEAE Liquidambar styraciflua HIPPOCASTANACEAE Aesculus pavia A. sylvatica A. pavia X sylvatica HYPERICACEAE Hypericum mutilum IRIDACEAE Sisyrinchium sp. JUGLANDACEAE Carya aquatica C. cordiformis C. glabra C. myristicaeformis Juglans nigra LAMIACEAE Salvia lyrata Teuchrium canadensis LAURACEAE Lindera benzoin Persea borbonia Sassafras albidum LILIACEAE Allium bivalve Amianthemum muscaetoxicum Smilax bona-nox S. glauca S. laurifolia S. rotundifolia 156 LOGANIACEAE Gelsemium sempervirens LORANTHACEAE Phoradendron serotinum LYTHRACEAE Lythrum lanceolatum MAGNOLIACEAE Liriodendron tulipifera MENISPERMACEAE Cocculus carolinus MORACEAE Morus rubra MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera OLEACEAE Chionanthus virginicus Fraxinus pensylvanica F. tomentosa Ligustrum sinense ONAGRACEAE Circaea lutetiana ssp. canadensis Ludwigia palustris L. virgata Oenothera laciniata OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Botrychium virginianum OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda cinnamomea PASSIFLORACEAE Passiflora incarnata P. lutea PHRYMACEAE Phryma leptostachya PHYTOLACCACEAE Phytolacca americana PINACEAE Pinus taeda POACEAE Arundinaria gigantea Briza minor Calamagrostis cinnoides Digitaria sanguinalis Echinochloa walteri Eleusine indica Elymus virginicus Melica mutica Panicum sp. Poa autumnalis Uniola laxa 157 POLYGONACEAE Polygonum punctatum Tovara virginiana POLYPODIACEAE Polypodium polypodioides PORTULACACEAE Claytonia virginica PRIMULACEAE Samolus parviflorus PTERIDACEAE Pteridium aquilinum RANUNCULACEAE Anemone virginiana Clematis crispa C. virginiana Ranunculus carolinianus R. recurvatus RHAMNACEAE Berchemia scandens Ceanothus americanus ROSACEAE Agrimonia pubescens var. microcarpa Duchesnea indica Geum canadense Prunus caroliniana Rosa palustris A Rubus argutus R. betulifolius R. flagellaris R. hispidus RUBIACEAE Diodia virginiana Galium circaezans Houstonia purpurea SALICACEAE Salix caroliniana S. nigra SAXIFRAGACEAE Decumaris barbara SCROPHULARIACEAE Mecardonia acuminata Mimulus ringens Penstemon australis Verbascum blattaria SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginella apoda STERCULIACEAE Melochia corchorifolia TILIACEAE Tilia caroliniana 158 ULMACEAE Celtis laevigata Ulmus alata U. americana URTICACEAE Boehmeria cylindrica VALERIANACEAE Valerianella radiata VERBENACEAE Callicarpa americana Verbena brasiliensis V. urticifolia VITACEAE Ampelopsis arborea Parthenocissus quinquefolius Vitis aestivalis V. rotundifolia AMPHIBIANS Slimy Salamander Southern Toad REPTILES Eastern Box Turtle Black Racer BIRDS Key PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, WV - Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Great Blue Heron PV Green Heron SV Wood Duck PV Turkey Vulture PV Red-tailed Hawk PV Red -shouldered Hawk PR* Bobwhite PR* Rock Dove PV Mourning Dove PR* Yellow -billed Cuckoo SR* 159 Chimney Swift SV Ruby -throated Hummingbird SR* Common Flicker PR* Pileated Woodpecker PR* Red -bellied Woodpecker PR* Hairy Woodpecker PR* Downy Woodpecker PR* Eastern Kingbird SV Great Crested Flycatcher SR* Eastern Phoebe WR Acadian Flycatcher SR* Barn Swallow SV (?) Purple Martin SV (?) Blue Jay PR* Common Crow PV Fish Crow PV Carolina Chickadee PR* Tufted Titmouse PR* White -breasted Nuthatch PR* Brown -headed Nuthatch PR* Carolina Wren PR* Mockingbird PR* Brown Thrasher PR* Wood Thrush SR* Blue -gray Gnatcatcher SR* Starling PR* ' White -eyed Vireo SR* Yellow -throated Vireo SR* Red -eyed Vireo SR* Black -and -white Warbler T Prothonotary Warbler SR* Swainson's Warbler SR* Northern Parula Warbler SR* Yellow Warbler T Black -throated Blue Warbler T Yellow -throated Warbler SR* Blackpoll Warbler T Prairie Warbler SR* Ovenbird T Louisiana Waterthrush T Kentucky Warbler SR* Common Yellowthroat PR* Yellow -breasted Chat SR* Hooded Warbler SR* American Redstart T House Sparrow PV Bobolink T Eastern Meadowlark PV Red -winged Blackbird PV 160 Orchard Oriole SR* Common Grackle PR* Brown -headed Cowbird PR* Summer Tanager SR* Cardinal PR* Indigo Bunting SR* Rufous -sided Towhee PR* Field Sparrow pp White -throated Sparrow WR Opossum Raccoon Marsh Rabbit Whitetail Deer MAMMALS 161 a REFERENCES Cooper, John E., Sarah S. Robinson, and John B. Funderburg, eds. 1977. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina. Proceedings of the Symposium on Endangered and Threatened Biota of North Carolina, Meredith College, Raleigh; November 7-8, 1975. N. C. St. Mus. Nat. Hist. publication, Raleigh. Renfro, H. B. and Dan E. Feray. 1978. Geological Highway Map of the Mid -Atlantic Region. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Map No. 4, Tulsa, OK. Soil Conservation Service. 1972. General Soil Map of Pender County, North Carolina. U. S. Dept. Agri., Raleigh. Wells, B. W. 1946. Vegetation of Holly Area. N. C. Dept. Cons. and Dev., No. 2, Raleigh. 162 Shelter Wildlife Management Game and Inland Fisheries Bulletin