HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Management Hurricane Response Plan-1984 • • • • • • • • • • PENDER COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT HURRICANE RESPONSE PLAN JUNE 1984 • TABLE OF CONTENTS • Pie Number RECORD OF CHANGES .................................................. ii I. AUTHORITIES ................................................. 1 II. REFERENCES ................................................... 1 III. PURPOSE AND SCOPE ........................................... 1 IV. ORGANIZATION ................................................ 1 V. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS ....................................... 3 VI. WARNING AND ALERTING SYSTEM ................................. 4 VII. INCREASED READINESS ACTION CHECKLIST ......................... 4 VIII. EVACUTION AREAS, ROUTES AND SHELTER LOCATION ................ 5 IX. REENTRY ..................................................... 7 X. RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................ 8 Local .................................................. 8 State and Federal Agencies ............................. 8 XI. COrMNICATIONS.............................................. 8 • XII. PUBLIC INFORMATION .......................................... 9 XIII. EXERCISES ................................................... 9 XIV. APPROVAL .................................................... 10 Attachment 1 - Line of Succession Attachment 2 - Warning and Alerting Flow Chart Attachment 3 - Increased Readiness Action Checklist Attachment 4 - Conditions/Actions Flow Chart Attachment 5 - Evacuation Areas, Routes and Shelter Locations - Map Attachment 6 - EBS Announcement Attachment 7 - Hurricane Evacuation Decision Procedure • • • • • [1 • • • • RECORD OF CHANGES CHANGE NUMBER DATE OF CHANGE DATE ENTERED CHANGE MADE BY: (SIGNATURE) [1 ii I. Authorities: A. North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 166A. • B. Emergency Management Ordinance for Pender County. II. Reference: A. North Carolina Disaster Relief and Assistance Plan (NCDR&AP). • B. Pender County Disaster Relief and Assistance Plan (PCDR&AP). C. Pender County - American National Red Cross Agreement with Carolinas Division, ANRC, dated April 19, 1977. D. Pender County - Pender County Public Schools Shelter Agreement, . dated June, 1974. III. Purpose and Scope: A. Purpose - This Plan has been developed to provide for an orderly and coordinated evacuation to minimize the effects of hurricanes • on residents and visitors in Pender County. The Plan provides for the alerting of selected officials, the evacuation of the public from danger areas and designation of shelters for evacuees. It also provides for reentry into evacuated areas when the threat to persons is ended. • B. Scope - This Plan is designed for use in hurricane situations. This Plan constitutes annex 0 to the Pender County Disaster Relief and Assistance Plan (PCDR&AP). IV. Organization: A. Hurricane evacuation involves both areas under county jurisdiction and municipal jur?z�c.4ction. As joint action is required of county and municipal a joint organization for decision making and use of res.needed. For these purposes, a Control Group and a Support Group are hereby established. B. Control Group 1. Mission - To exercise overall direction and control of hurricane evacuation operations including decisions to institute county- wide increased readiness conditions and such other actions deemed necessary due to the situation. 1 40 • 2. Composition a. The Chairman of the Pender County Board of Commissioners - Group Chairman. b. The Mayors or their representatives of: Surf City Topsail Beach Burgaw Atkinson c. The Pender County Emergency Management Coordinator - Advisor. d. The County Attorney - Legal Advisor. 3. Line of Succession - In the event that any of the members of the Control Group are not available, each primary member will be succeeded by alternates who will have the responsibility and authority of the primary member (See Attachment 1). C. Support Group 1. Mission - To provide personnel and material resources for the implementation of preplanned actions and actions as directed by the Control Group; provide direction to personnel engaged in operations; and, to provide information, data, and recommendations to the Control Group. 2. Composition a. County Finance Officer - Group Chief b. Sheriff c. Director of Social Services d. Superintendent of Schools e. County Health Director f. County Tax Supervisor g. Burgaw Fire Chief h. County Public Information Officer i. Rescue Squad Representative J. State Highway Patrol Liaison Officer k. Red Cross Liaison Officer D. The Control and Support Groups will be co -located in the Pender County Emergency Operating Center (EOC) to facilitate coordination. 2 In the event it becomes necessary to move the groups to an alternate EOC location, the new location will be announced. FIRST ALTERNATE - Commissioners' Room, Burgaw, Administration Building. SECOND ALTERNATE - Pender County Facility Building. V. Concept of Operations: The concept for hurricane evacuation in Pender County calls for: A. Early alerting of officials and concerned agencies in the entire county. B. Overall direction and decision making by the Control Group. C. Increased readiness actions taken progressively as the hurricane approaches and as the threat of injury and damage increases. D. Evacuation of residents and visitors on beaches and in threatened low-lying areas upon decision of the Control Group. E. Movement of evacuees out of the county or if necessary to designated and operating public shelters. Primary shelters will normally be open first and secondary shelters will be opened only if necessary and required. (See paragraph VIII of this Plan). F. Mass care for evacuees in predesignated shelters in accordance with agreements. G. Reentry of evacuees to evacuated areas when authorized by the Control Group and when the hurricane threat has passed or damage assessments indicate that reentry is feasible. H. Local governments request State and/or Federal assistance, as necessary through the State EOC or if the State Emergency Response Team (SERT) is activated as directed by SERT. I. The submission of damage assessment reports within 48 hours of the passing of the hurricane, (See annex F of the Pender County Disaster Relief and Assistance Plan) to State EOC or to the SERT if it is activated, as directed. J. When SERT is established (to the satisfaction of the SERT Operations Officer), the State will assume responsibility for directing State agency participation in emergency operations and coordinating actions involving both State and local agencies. The exact time at which the State will assume direction and control is when SERT dispatches a message to each county concerned, the State EOC, and the State Warning Point. This message will state that: 0 3 1. Option A - At the request of the county or counties concerned, SERT has been established and assumes direction and control authority effective at the specified date and time, or; 2. Option B - A State of Disaster or Emergency has been declared, the SERT has been established and assumes direction and control authority effective at the specified date and time. 3. NOTE: When a State of Disaster or Emergency is declared by the Governor, the State has the authority to assume responsibility for Directing and conducting emergency operations. This is not meant to negate local governments' continuing responsibility to protect the people prior to the arrival and establishment of SERT as described above. VI. Warning and Alert Systems: The system for dissemination of hurricane watches and warnings and for notification of departments and populace that the evacuation plan will be executed, is shown as a flow chart. (See Attachment 2). VII. Increased Readiness Action Checklist: (See Attachment 3 - Checklist, and Attachment 4 - Condition/Action Flow Chart). A. The following increased readiness conditions are established: Condition 5 Hurricane Season (June 1 - November 30) 40 Condition 4 Alert - Hurricane Advisory Condition 3 Hurricane Watch or approximately 36 to 48 hours to forecasted landfall Condition 2 Hurricane Warning or approximately 18 to 24 hours to forecasted landfall Condition 1 24 Hours or less to forecasted landfall Condition 0 Landfall Reentry Threat removed or damage assessment allows B. The Control Group will declare the condition after coordination with the National Weather Service. The Support Group will implement actions for each condition when announced. NOTE: In the eventuality of a pre -season hurricane, it may be necessary to first institute a condition of readiness other than Condition 5. Under peculiar circumstances it 4 11 • C7 C' may be necessary to skip a condition and go directly into a more advanced condition, This means that all of the actions required in the declared condition must be completed in the available time. The increased readiness conditions as stated above should remain standard, but the timing of the required actions may vary depending on the situation involved. VIII. Evacuation Areas, Routes and Shelter Location; (See Attachment 5) A. General 1. Under a hurricane warning condition (see Attachment 3 - Increased Readiness Condition Checklist) the populace of the county will be advised to evacuate all barrier islands and low-lying areas of the mainland and move well inland emphasizing that shelter space in in the county is limited, (See Attachment 6) 2. The locations of primary shelters are shown on Attachment 5. Secondary shelters are not shown on Attachment 5, 3. Norm -ally primary shelters are opened first and secondary shelters are opened only after it becomes apparent that the primary shelters will not accommodate the number of persons requiring shelter. 4. Manning of the primary shelters (and the secondary shelters if it becomes necessary - if needed) is the responsibility of the local chapter of the American Red Cross supported by the Pender County Department of Social Services and school personnel. B. Shelters 1. Primary Building Name Location 1. Topsail Jr./Sr. Hampstead, NC High School 2. Topsail Elementary Hampstead, NC Spaces (40 sq/ft/person) 833 205 3. Topsail Middle Hampstead, NC 546 School Total Spaces 1584 5 LM 2. Secondary Building Location Spaces (40 sq/ft/person) 1. Rocky Point Elem. Rocky Point, NC 280 • School 2. Long Creek/Grady Highway #210 522 Elementary School 3. Burgaw Elementary Burgaw, NC 925 • School 4. Burgaw Junior High Burgaw, NC 291 School 5. Pender County Court Burgaw, NC 373 House 6. Pender County Admin. Burgaw, NC 116 Building . 7. Pender County FacilityBurgaw, NC 238 Building 8. Pender High School Highway #53 1765 9. Penderlea Junior High Penderlea, NC 628 . School 10. Willard Elementary Willard, NC 283 School 11. West Pender Elem. Highway #53 265 • School 12. Atkinson Junior High Atkinson, NC 481 School Total Spaces 6167 GRAND TOTAL SPACES 7751 i 0 E M C. Evacuation Routes and Traffic Control Points (TCP) 1. Evacuation routes and traffic control points (TCP) are shown on Attachment 5. • 2. Traffic control points and manning responsibilities are shown below. a. TCP Manning Responsibility A Surf City and/or Topsail Beach Police B Sheriff's Department and/or State Highway Patrol C Sheriff's Department and/or State Highway Patrol D Sheriff's Department and/or State Highway Patrol E Sheriff's Deaprtment and/or State Highway Patrol 3. The Pender County Sheriff's Department supported by the State Highway Patrol is responsible for observing low—lying areas along evacuation routes and informing the EOC if it appears such areas may become impassable. IX. Reentry: A. Upon cancellation of all huricane warnings and watches which include Pender County and when no damage has been experienced, the Control Group will authorize reentry to all evacuated areas. B. Prohibition of reentry and prevention of looting 1. The Control Group will decide which areas of the county, if any, must remain evacuated, and will designate the law enforcement agency which is responsible for prohibiting reentry and for the security of property in those areas. 2. Requests for State assistance in the prevention of reentry and prohibition of looting should be made to the State EOC or to the SERT, if it is operational. 0 7 0 X. Responsibilities: A. Local . 1. Control Group - Overall direction as contained in paragraph IV-B. 2. Support Group - As shown in responsibility blocks on the Increased Readiness Action Checklist, Attachment 3. 3. Pender County Emergency :Management Coordinator. a. Serve as advisor to the Control Group, b. Coordinate actions of the Support Group and operations involving local non -government organizations and operations of forces from outside of the county. C. Assist in the operation of the Pender County EOC. d. Furnish Situation Reports to the State EOC. e. Develop and conduct exercises to test and evaluate this Plan. B. State and Federal Agencies 1. National Weather Service - Provides hurricane watches, warnings 40 and related weather information. 2. U. S. Coast Guard a. Provides warning to ships and boats in affected coastal areas. b. Assists in coastal evacuation upon request as needed. • 3. State Highway Patrol a. Operates State Warning Point and passes weather information via Police Information Network (PIN). b. Responsible for traffic control on State Highway Systems. 4. State Division of Emergency Management or SERT, if it is operational. a. Receives requests for assistance, coordinates State actions, and arranges for assistance from Federal agencies. b. Area Emergency Management Coordinator (1) Assists in coordination of evacuation efforts. (2) Assists in coordination of State assistance. XI. Communications: A. Communications will be in accordance with Annex C, Pender County Disaster Relief and Assistance Plan (PCDR&AP). 0 8 r 40 B. The Sheriff's Department will insure that communications between the Control and Support Groups, shelters, and traffic control points is maintained. XII. Public Information: A. The Public Information Officer (PIO) (presently the County Finance Officer) will provide information to the public via the news media and otherwise based upon decisions of the Control Group to include the following: 1. Precautionary/preparatory measures recommended for the public. 2. Evacuation instruction. (See Attachment 6). 3. Reentry instructions. 4. Damage information. B. Warnings to the public will also be disseminated by the news media (radio, television, newspapers, and NOAA Weather radio), from Weather Service Bulletins, advisories and statements as received directly and as provided through the warning system. XIII. Exercises: An exercise will be conducted annually to test and evaluate this Plan. 9 XIV. Approval: Submitted: Emergency Management Coordinator Accepted: American National Red Cross Cape Fear Chapter U r This Plan is approved by the undersigned; Chairman, Pender County Board of Commissioners Sheriff, Pender County Mayor, Surf City Mayor, Topsail Beach Mayor, Burgaw Mayor, Atkinson 10 [7 CONTROL GROUP LINE OF SUCCESSION PRIMARY MEMBER 1ST ALTERNATE 1. Gordon Jones Cecil Eakins Chairman Vice Chairman P. 0. Box 336 Rt. 1, Box 324 Burgaw, NC 28425 Ivanhoe, NC 28447 259-4460 283-5610 2. Joseph Paliotti Robert A. King Surf City Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Rt. 1, Box 196 P. 0. Box 17 Holly Ridge, NC Surf City, NC 3. Milton Oppegaard William Best Topsail Beach Mayor Pro Tem Mayor P. O. Box 31 P. 0. Box 164 Topsail Beach, Topsail Beach, NC NC 4. Charles Harrell Gordon Futch Burgaw Mayor Mayor Pro Tem P. 0. Box 235 P. 0. Box 221 Burgaw, NC Burgaw, NC 5. Jack Turner Mickey Langston Atkinson Mayor Mayor Pro Tem P. 0. Box 56 P. 0. Box 72 Atkinson, NC Atkinson, NC 6. George Wright F. Eugene Kelly Sheriff Chief Deputy P. 0. Box 125 P. 0. Box 125 Burgaw, NC Burgaw, NC 259-2334 259-9191 . 7. Jerry D. Randall EM Coordinator Rt. 2, Box 37-G Hampstead, NC 28443 259-2629 270-2432 ATTACHMENT 1 2ND ALTERNATE 3RD ALTERNATE Willie B. Nixon Commissioner P. 0. Box 454 Burgaw, NC 28425 259-2843 Donald Helms Councilman P. 0. Box 455 Surf City, NC Bill Godwin Commissioner P. 0. Box 10 Topsail Beach, NC Lloyd Bellamy Commissioner P. 0. Box 241 Burgaw, NC Wayne Applewhite Commissioner Rt. 1, Box 7 Atkinson, NC Danny DelloBuono Chief Deputy P. 0. Box 125 Burgaw, NC Bonnie W. Parker Commissioner Rt. 1, Box 328 Rocky Pt., NC 28457 259-4209 Douglas Thomas Councilman Rt. 1, Box 91 Holly Ridge, NC Harold Hanig Commissioner P. 0. Box 149 Topsail Beach, NC Carlton Harrell Commissioner P. 0. Box 186 Burgaw, NC John Ray, Jr. Commissioner P. 0. Box 186 Atkinson, NC Leroy J. Shepard Captain P. 0. Box 125 Burgaw, NC L t , NWS l j WIGINATLS) I WJkMING AND LILERTING YLOW CHAPT PAD T O/TV --�I+ WEATt-�F'+iI RE 1 SUBSCRIBERS STATE COUNTY WARNING COUNTY WARNING WARNING POINT POINT (SNP) (SHERIFF'S SYSTEM MUNICIPAL OFF I E NOTE (2) WARNING t MUNICIPAL POINT WARNING (POLICE W NY�Ek.M( 2 ) DEPT. ALERTS = Chm.County Bd.of E(RALEIG:H) TATE Commissioners OC AREA t - Mayors COORDINATORS i - Sheriff - EM Coordinator P U B L I C ALERTS ALERTS ALERTS - Supt. of Schools - State Officials - Local F.M - Mayor - County Health and Depts. Coords. in all - Chief of Director - American Nat'l. affected and Police Director of Social Red Cross - adjacent - Fire Services Carolinas Div. counties Chief - Rep. County Vol. - Federal Agencies - Other Fire Depts. (N.C. Offices) Dept. - Rep. County Rescue Heads Squads - Red Cross Officer - Hwy. Patrol Officer - Other Members of this Control and Support Group NOTES (1) County and municipal warning systems disseminate warnings to the public by use of radio/tv bulletins, newspaper extras, handbills, signes, loud speakers or other aural systems, and door to door. Law enforcement, rescue squads and volunteer citizens organizations used to spread warnings when activated by the control group. (2) Warnings relayed by PIN. Where no terminal, passed by phone/radio from nearest terminal by agreement. (3) County and municipal warning systems disseminate warnings to the public by use of radio/tv bulletins, news- paper extras, hand bills, signs, loud speaker or other aural systems, and door to door. Law enforcement rescue squads and volunteer citizens organizations used to spread warnings when activated by the control group. 2-1 ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 3 0 0 0 DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL AGENCY SHERIFF SERVICES Responsibilities: - Direction L control of evaz:•.:ation. and Responsibilities: _ reentry operations. - Overall shelter - Operate County ha ring Syster. operations. - Serves as liaison officer for all law - Provides personne).to enforce-ent agencies within the county. assist in operation - En sure co,:- mication between Control of shelters any: ASE INCRD and Support Croups, Shelter and Traffic registration of READINESS Control Points evacuees. T CONDITION 5 9EGIN'NING OF FURPL?CANE S ASON 1. Provide notice to Control and CONDITION 4 Support Groups. HURRICANE ADVISORY 2. Review piars and proced.res. Notify Control a_ad Support Group me__,:rrs 1 • Make initia-1 Mntact CONDITION) 3 that Hurricane 'watch issued. with Red Crr-Ss to i_ n• 36 to 48 HOURS OR 2. Gas up all vehicles. sane that shelter re- gui —ents will be HUF.FtICAh= KATCfi 3. Check all equIpme.-it. satisfie-d. 1. Assign personnel to 1. Notify Control and Support G.rouTs that Hurricane i:a--ring issued. shelters. 2. Coordinate with and 2. Mobilize per-scnnel. a-ssist F_- Cross CONDITION 2 3. Finalize pia.^s to direct evacuation if re;.resentative. 18 to 24 HOURS OR ordered. EiL RP-rcl�DL VEkRSZNG 4. Assist motorists presently eva-c uating voluntarily. 5. Representative ran EOC. I. Vehicles with loudspeakers to areas in 1. Provide personnel CONDITION 1 which evacuation ordered. to assist with shelter registration LESS THAN 24 Knrtn.c 2. Patrol evacuated area EVACUATION 3. Coordinate provision of coc--,mications between shelters, checkpoints and MC. 4. love stragglers and stay -behinds to best availableP possible. 1. Ste�=e evacuated areas as best as con - CONDIIT�I+ON��0 ditions permit. "I. -HD Z!'1.i . 1. Continue to assist 1. Prevent looting. Red Cross as needed. 2. Check personnel and equipment. Request needed assistance. 3. Control access to evacuated areas. P_r�'..17?- Maintain liaison with other law enforce- aent agencies. N=: These Zra representative actions. The increa.se4 reae-ness action cneutlibL LUL your plan should contain the degree of detail necessary to insure smith ope~ation of the plan. 3-1 • I«REASED READINESS ACTION CHECKLIST SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Fee s-biIities: Provide facilities to be used as shelters. Provide persorzal tc assist in operation of shelters. Provide school bus tra-.s- portatica when re nested. COUNTY HEALTH DIRECTOR F.asponsibility: - 1--:sure t"at health and cediea needs are provid&d during evac-�ation, shelter and reentry. 1. Update hurricane e a uation plan. 2. Check warning s�lst ^ and insure notification rester - 3. Insure that sheltz s are designated IAW led Cress A 4. Release cenez b ricane information to public. 5. Conduct exercise t test entire plat.. 1. Review plans and p ocedures and alert personnel. 2. Coordinate pre: are io:s as necessary. 1. Fake initial contact with Red Cross on using exist- ing schools as shelters as planned. 1. Close schools, send pupils home if schools in szssiaa. 2. Mobilize pe-rsonnel and assign them to desia:,at-.d shelters. 3. Conduct joint inspection of desig-rated shelters with :fed Cross r�resent- ative. 4. Represent.ativa man EOC. 1. As Red Cress volunteers, assist in the operation of the shelter. 1. Provide personnel to assist in the operation of shelters. 11. �sobilize personnel. 2. Representative ran EX. 3. Insure a.de--uate bealth per- so;iael in shelters. 4. Insure shelters are rain- tained in a sanitary condi- tion. S. Report pertinent health ia- for--ation to officials. 1. Evaluate and provide to the Control Group a recorrenda- tion on the health aspects• of reentry into da-aged areas. COUNTY FINANCE OFFICER F-espc:sibilities : - F'aintain financial dbta, - Adapt accounting tb provide P.�.ergency czL�c»dx t•.;re info-=aticn upon request. are current. eement and Flans to opera4.e� 1. Record all expenditures relating to hurricane in se; arate accounts. 2. Representative r..zn BDC. 1. Assenae personnel. 2. Provide financial data on emergency expenditures to Control Group. ATTACHMENT 3 3-? r [7 COUNTY TAX REPRESENTATIVE - VOL. REPRESENTATIVE - VOL. AIERICAN NATIONAL RED SUPERVISOR FIRE DEPAiZEN S Raspor.sib . itias: RESCUE SQUADS CROSS - LOCAL CHAPTER Responstbility: - - Coordinate fire Responsibilities: - Conduct DA go fighting support Zespersibilities: - Cperate designated RM Assess-ments. - ULrouShout the coL-_' - Coordirate provision of Cross shelters. (volunteer) . res—ue opesatiors. - Provide other Rai Cross - Assist sheriff upon - Provide &=bQia-ice ser- assistance. req .est. vice to trar.sport ron- a=l-,ulatory persons. shelters are cure. . 1. Gas up all vehicles 1. Gas up all vehicles, 1. Nobilize Personnel. 2. Check all e1i:p- 2. Check all equip.--,ent. 2. Designate L assign per -sorrel to specific shelters. 1. Representative 1_ Mobilize personnel 1. Mobilize personnel. 1_ Brief shelter unscers. man EOC. 2. Render assistance 2. t5cve ncna_-.bulat_ry 2. Conduct joint in rent-_ y as r Yuested_ pesscns and provide of shelters with schc. 3. Coordirate fire other assistance as officials. ' fighting activi- reiuested. 3. Representative =?-n EOC. ties. 3. Cc ordiaat.e rescue 4_ Upon EOC direction,ore_ operations. 11 operate shelters. 5. xeep EOC infor--ed of shelter sit"tion. 17 iss,=61e per- 1. Rp_-r:ar assistance 1. Conduct res":e opera- 1. c�e:ate s.elttrs as ser.nn:, as r ested. �- lions. long as necessary. 2. Conduct dr— age 2. Inform control grocp 1 . . Render ass-sts.nce to n.ssess�.er.t. of L�.-.�.et pe:serr.el ar.� needy persons. 1. furnish: da=e;e ei•u_p�nt needs. asEess=ent data to b:OC . •4. RA ,.se prcYerty , ., ATTAC 11MENT 3 3-3 CONDITIONS/ACTIONS HURRICANE CONDITION 4 F L 0 W C H A R T ADVISORY ACTION5 Hurricane Threat Removed---10 Return to Normal HURRICANE ATTACHMENT 4 4-1 WATCH OR CflNDTTION 3 36 to 48 ACTIONS watch Cancelled Return to Normal HOURS NWS HARNINGS HURRICANE No watches Return to Normal WARNING OR CONDITION 2 18 to 24 ACTIONS Warning Cancelled HOURS Watch Reinstated�Hold in—___). Watch --� Return to Normal Condition 2 Cancelled FURRICANE WARNING OR CONDITION 1 No Watches Reentry_._...# Return to Normal LESS T1iAN ACTIONS EVACUATION warning Cancelled/ �1 24 HOURS Watch Hold in Watch Reentry_ Return to Normal Rein- stated CONDITION 0 DAMAGE SELECTIVE RECOVERY LANDFALL ASSESSMENT REENTRY REPAIR • RESTORATION • • • • 11 PENDER COUNTY HURRICANE EVACUATION PLAN D*�.lop.d 6y the Pender Co.nty CiTil F6p4redness Agency in Conjunction with the North Carolina Division of CiTil Preparedness Hurricane Safety Mule. Y..v .�. a.. aaa u•uM' W w.i .wv .i.o raw mal."r THE ETE OF THE- e b i aY.dr /v►K bw..� a.. ne Y b f.t• Y..• .� . Y. stivYlw YY� e.�■•wY rrflYF.Iv�Y. �.aba..lr �w b 1 ...J.. +.. L C.w l.wv ..r.. d►.v .� Jvw � w ..o.a Y .y W w�v •y. vv +...e .. r,.••...vi use �r wa.T•T—'w Yn'vN v1��^ Sale Boating Precautions • ; � ..� ,.....,..raw..... ,.., r....ws .....�. w.a a ....��.w • 5-1 0 1y..gfrl•`Y.�w.•rla lr •.y Y.Yb Jl�av brd.[Y •...•Yw vibev� Y�br d bn IL • .. YJmMfi.Yr r.ijll�'o^'Ksi.. 1la .w i.D.�.•�.rl.e{.Yr.. l.wS � Ya. �wLgM w..l nndb,A.. ywi YY w..r. yr Jb.lf YY.mI b. wYsm7 wd R'Jb fa �.. rw� eumr-.+►+w'� laws. e..y . rYY•� • r .Ya.. sd� r b w.... • � ..w r s r le ar >. a..p..r .. v. a�.w ■�.I..ew r�ir . t a+eew w.e„ r..'.v . �'. n.+�'. Y+.�r wyYe,.. a� of rs r r c..w A. Y.! ♦v B. ry Y ►.O.m. v ti ar.ka..al f.nY.ca.E Y•rc.cf .au.awwwrr ar.r rw.E.re..w •u•w.rl.�. r.ws alrMlf?aE MPi.-i 14. • lar.. AYE'S EY£Li[O io aival Y ...Fa RT.W FPAZ ATTACHMENT 5 instructions for Evacuees peer County Evscnation Time: 4 Chars ., 1:1. W1 e1r ,••Y:.ti tl, .tTIY YJ•I.VX.6 tv w trw i..d .-m9 •_rvr(nt[.co..ul ... rwY w•'�d rthnt. .,t.0 • Ol.ck or •.[ .. ,[el«.tad �• aroma vita amtt.. l..r ea.. at. tnt aw.. r.d w t.�.l rY ..ram[.r .+no. tlwnt.q. s..t c,t1. S.t rr r.t .yla..d .z.:w wcn..r ..d •�. mul.od •:ms tn. ul .. t•.1 v.n • • l.c.ud m ytoW .,tl .1..•t<, .L Iw tl .SaEt t.s •rc...un .w L.al. 30-1] a.lomttm i .r9.n [•[ .11 y. tam. tiv tr[[:.[ l.l.... at lmr Ur rulyd .`w. rmtt`ctrO.co..ul .. ritr 1m.tM a sro.�.d ten ..... •. [ t..• .... to emt m>3:--..a.•k __-3<-+ice Aarri"m Evacuetica Routes &" S61tars C .el. 3[ D •! [ —f •t a► t<v..al r.u. re •. ,.c. u. 101..,1 .tan t.>ra a O: ...t tltl ..a {•ft m ..C. 110. 'µ«ll Ll r.urY/ • � twl ,.r Wm utt m Y.l. tl. bml Ia....cic.t• uo— 1•e.t.d. I t:.w 4[.ctir. al tr.tl ac W.lt•t I :r ar..ot:er a m p sw.aa r..n, t ~••wr rl. m e.c. m e.... ell. ,t 04 •..,.l..0 as ra •..i:.•1. s.v+ rovu,l c,mlr .a t,[!. tap..lt elr.u[1 eceal ip o,.a epn save.: ■iQ: m•ls.t . ). 101..+1 ]u.,or e:c. fc�o.l, Im.t.d ,. erp.:..d will m ..w m11 tl tau 4 .Lc. Lc 1 .m 1o(.ui tlr.nut( Xla� .[. ttil.• w mp.clel. / aa,r ats.M t, —U. ra,ttu. LTa Ia+O s ' save Ilef for ss t•a•.e m.les We_•mcsm,. _ —� aY.aLl 4 utcc.e m sa. 1ra.r a.ry tY.1t tlpe.n.... tbcrdtaeea. 1.0. I.. M. I.t9�. 1_C. i►tl! Ov 3lsnlll L 5-2 ATTACHMENT 5 C DATE TIME AM PM EBS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE BROADCAST Gordon Jones, Chairman of the Pender County Board of Commissioners, has announced that due to the approach of Hurricane evacuation is being recommended for the barrier islands and low-lying areas of Pender County, effective immediately. The areas which are in particular danger are all of Topsail Island (including Surf City, Topsail Beach and Del Mar Beach) and low-lying areas adjacent to the Intracoastal Waterway. Persons in these areas should immediately evacuate and move well inland. Shelters are being established at the following school locations: 1. TODSail High School 2. Topsail Elementary School 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The shelters are being opened with the assistance of the American Red Cross and will provide shelter and food. The chairman pointed out that although the shelters are being opened, space is extremely limited and a visit with friends or relatives, or -,staying in a motel or hotel well inland would be a good idea. Fast Food restaurants and gas stations in the area have been requested to remain open as long as possible to provide service to those individuals who plan to evacuate. Also, he said that pets, firearms, and alcoholic beverages will ATTACHMENT 6 6-I i ,n.ot be allowed..: .in the,...sh,elters.. -;Pets should ,.bD, ,left in an animal: shelter, animal hospital or other safe place. i Jerry D. Randall, Emergency Management Coordinator for Pender County, said that all persons coming to the shelters should bring bedding, special medicines and foods, including foods for babies, and flashlights. i NOTE: RADIO AND TELEVISION STATIONS PLEASE REPEAT AT 15 MINUTES INTERVALS. 0 11 i ATTACHMENT 6 6-2 i 11 -ATTACHMENT 7 - HURRICANE EVACUATION DECISIGa PROCEDURE I. GENERAL - Shown below is the procedure to be followed and factors to be considered when preparing recommendations or making decisions regarding hurricane evacuation and will be used with Tab D (Evacua- tion Decision Worksheet). II. PROCEDURE - Pender County, in conjunction with the. State Division of Emergency Management, will follow the procedure shown below in w order to determine the need for evacuation of Topsail Island and other low-lying areas of the county. A. Obtain the estimated point of and time of landfall and category of the storm by contacting the National Weather Service. If this point crosses or comes within 100 miles of the North Carolina coast take the following action. Complete items 1 and 2 on Tab D. B. Determine the threatened coastal area; this is the area defined in the advisory as being under either a hurricane watch or hurricane warning. Complete item 3 of Tab D. C. Go to Tab A - Pender County Hurricane Evacuation Time Study and using the area defined in B. above, identify the maximum total two-way evacuation time within the defined area. Add three (3) hours to this time if evacuation will take place during hours of darkness. If the storm is Category 5, add an additional hour. See Tab B - Saffir/Simpson Scale. Place this total figure in item 4 of Tab D. D. Compute the number of hours until predicted landfall using the information obtained in A above. Subtract four (4) hours to allow for forecast uncertainty. Place this total figure in item 5, Tab D. E.. Determine if evacuation can be carried out safely by comparing the adjusted time until predicted landfall (D above) with the time required for evacuation (C above). Check yes or no on item 6 on Tab D. F. Using the number of hours to predicted landfall (D above) refer to the Table 1, Column 1, and select the forecast period closest to, but greater than, the number of hours to landfall. Check yes or no on items 7a. and 7b of Tab D. 11 7-1 11 G. Complete items 8 thresgh 11 on Tab D. TABLE 1. MAXIMUM PROBABILITY VALUES WITHIN FORECAST PERIODS • Column 1 Column 2 FORECAST PERIOD MAXIMUM PROBABILITY VALUES 72 hours 10% 48 hours 13% 36 hours 20% 24 hours 35% 12 hours 60% H. Any decision to recommend or order evacuation must to made before the time until landfall is less than the time required for evacuation, otherwise the evacuees will not have time to clear the hazard area prior to the arrival of gale force winds or the evacuation routes become impassible. I. SUBSEQUENT PROBABILITIES. The actions taken and factors considered above should be repeated each time the National Weather Service issues an advisory containing storm probabilities for landfall. (See Tab C to this Appendix.) r 7-2 11 TAB A - PENDER COUNTY EVACUATION TIME STUDY I. The information shown in the table below was provided by the Planning and Research Branch of the Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation. The times shown represent the time required after warning has been received. Total evacuation time is shown for one way (both lanes used to evacuate) and two way (one lane used for evacuation) traffic. The times shown are for the evacuation of the barrier islands only. A. The components of total evacuation time are defined as follows: 1. Mobilization Time - time required for preparation to begin evacuation. 2. Travel Time - time required to.clear the barrier islands not including queuing delay time (bottle necks). 3. Queuing Delay Time - delay time created when traffic demand exceeds the capacity of the evacuation route. 4. Hazards Time - the time difference between the arrival of gale force winds, heavy rain and flooding, and the time when the eye of the hurricane arrives. B. -Some of the more important assumptions used in compiling this information are as follows: 1. Average auto occupancy is 2.5 persons per vehicle. 2. Twenty percent of the evacuees leave before the order is given. 3. Manned traffic control points have been established. 4. Contraflow traffic is negligible compared to evacuation traffic. 5. Peak population estimates were used in making the evacuation time estimates. 6. The approach of a category 4 storm was hypothesized. 7. Evacuation is assumed to occur during daylight hours. PENDER COUNTY HAZARD MOBILIZATION TRAVEL QUEUING TOTAL TIME TOTAL TIME TOPSAIL ISLAND TIME TIME TIME DELAY TIME (ONE WAY) (TWO WAY) Surf City, Topsail Beach, Del Mar 3-5 3.5 .5 2 9-11 10-12 r Beach NOTE: Times are expressed in hours. 7-3 TAB B - SAF UVSIMPSCN HURRICANE SCAIE : CATEDDRY C E91RAL Iff 7-IBARS PRESSURE INCHES WINDS MPH SURGE (Ff) DAIAAa 1 :>980 >28.94 74-95 4-5 Minimal 2 :965-979 28.50-28..91.: 96-110 6-8 Moderate 3 :945-964 27.91-28:47 111-130 9-12 Extensive 4 :920-944 27.17-27.88 131-155 13-18 Extreme 5 :<920 <27.17 >155 >18 Catastrophic: . The Saffir/Simpson Hurricane Scale gives probable property damage and evacuation recomendations as follows: Scale No. 1 - Winds of 74 to 95 miles per hour. Damage primarily to shrubbery; trees,_7oliage and unanchored mobile homes. No real damage to other structures. Some damage to poorly constructed signs. Or: Storm Surge 4 to 5 feet above normal. Low-lying coastal roads inundated; minor pier damage, some small craft in exposed anchorages torn from moorings. Scale No. 2 - Winds of 96 to 110 miles per hour. Considerable damage to shrubbery an ree f-oliage, some trees blown down. Major damage to exposed mobile homes. Extensive damage to poorly. constructed signs. -Some damage to roofing materials of buildings; some window and door damage. No major damage to buildings. Or: Storm surge 6 to 8 feet above normal. Considerable damage to piers. Marinas flooded. Small craft in unprotected anchorages torn from moorings. Evacuation of some shoreline residences and low-lying inland areas required. Scale No. 3 - Winds of 111 to 130 miles per hour. Foliage torn from trees, large trees blown down. Practically all poorly constructed signs blown down. Some damage to roofing materials of buildings; some window.and door damage. Some structural damage to small buildings. Mobile homes destroyed. Or: Storm Surge 9 to 12 feet above normal. Serious flooding at coast and many smaller structures near coast destroyed; larger structures near coast damaged by battering waves and floating debris. Flat terrain 5 feet or less above sea level flooded inland 8 miles or more. Evacuation of low-lying residences within several blocks of shoreline possibly required. • Scale No. 4 - Winds of 131 to 155 miles per hour. Shrubs and trees blown down; all 'signs ss _own. Extensive damage to roofing materials, windows and doors. Complete failure of roofs on many small residences. Complete destruction of mobile homes. Or: Storm Surge to 13 to 18 feet above normal. Flat terrain 10 feet or less above sea level flooded inland as far as 6 miles. Major damage to lower floors of • structures near shore due to flooding and battering by waves and floating debris. Major erosion of beaches. Massive evacuation of all residences within 500 yards of shore possibly required, and of single -story residences on low ground within 2. miles of shore. 7-4 TAB B CCN'T. Scale No. 5 - Winds greater than 155 miles per hour. Shrubs and trees blown down, considerable damage to roofs of buildings; all signs down. Very severe and extai. sive damage to windows and doors. Complete failure of roofs on many structures and industrial buildings. Extensive shattering of glass in windows and doors. Some complete building failures. Small buildings overturned or blown away. Complete destruction of mobile homes. Or: Storm surge greater than 18 feet above normal: Major damage to lower floors of all structures less than 15 feet above sea level within 500 yards of shore. Massive evacuation of residential areas on low ground within 5 to 10 miles of shore possibly required. 6 • • • • 0 0 7-5 I. Probabilities of hurricane conditions are now included in public tropical storm and hurricane advisories issued by the National Weather Service. The proba- bilities are -to assist officials who must make critical evacuation decisions hours before a hurricane warning can be issued. The probabilities will also be of value to coastal and offshore industries. _ II. The probabilities describe in percentages the chance that a storm's center will pass within about 65 miles of 44 selected locations from Brownsville, Texas to lip Eastport Maine. In North Carolina and neighboring states...probabilities are issued for Myrtle Beach -Wilmington -Morehead City..Cape Hatteras -and Norfolk. III. During a hurricane ... or tropical storm -the probabilities will be included in the advisories issued by the National Hurricane Center in Miami as early as 72 hours before a storm is forecasted to make landfall. w IV. The hurricane probabilities should not be compared with rainfall probabili- ties which can approach 100 percent. Hurricane probabilities will not be more than about 10 percent at 72 hours..13 to 18 percent at 48 hours... and 20 to 25 percent at 36 hours before forecasted landfall. The numbers will increase rapidly to 35 to 40 percent about 24 hours before landfall and to 60 to 70 percent about 12 hours • before landfall. V. In assessing ones risk...coastal residents should compare the probability figure for their location with those of neighboring locations. Those areas with higher probabilities are under a greater threat from an advancing hurricane. VI. in addition —coastal residents shwild by aware of increasing probabilities. Locations with increasing probabilities are at a greater risk than locations with stable or decreasing probabilities. VII. The following page is a sample Probability Table. 0 • • 0 7-6 TAB C CCN'T. ADVISORY NUMBER 7 TROPICAL STORM DEAN PROBABILITIES - FOR GUIDANCE IN HURRICANE PROTECTION PLANNING r BY GOVERNMENT AND DISASTER OFFICIALS CHANCES OF CENTER OF DEAN PASSING WITHIN 65 MILES OF LISTED LOCATIONS THROUGH 2 A14 EDT SUN OCT 2 1983 CHANCES EXPRESSED IN PER CENT...TIIES EDT ADDITIONAL PROBABILITIES 2 AM FRI 2 PM FRI 2 AM SAT TO"- L COASTAL THRU THRU THRU THRU THRIJ LOCATIONS 2 AM FRI 2 Ri FRI 2 AM SAT 2 AM SUN 2 AM SUN • COCOA BEACH X X X 2 2 DAYTONA BEACH FL X X 1 2 3 JACKSONVILLE FL X X 1 4 5 SAVANNAH GA X 1 2 4 7 CHARLESTON SC X 2 3 4 9 MYRTLE BEACH SC 1 3 4 4 12 WILMINGTON NC 1 7 3 3 14 MOREHEAD CITY NC 6 7 2 2 17 CAPE HATTERAS NC 17 2 2 X 21 NORFOLK VA 8 5 2 2 17 OCEAN CITY MD 3 ; . 7 2- 3 15 • ATLANTIC CITY NJ X 5 3 4 12 NEW YORK CITY NY X 2 3 5 10 MONTAUK POINT NY X 1 3 4 8 PROVIDENCE RI X 1 2 4 7 NA MCKET MA X 1 2 4 7 • HYANNIS MA X 1 2 4 7 BOSTON HA X X 2 4 6 PORTLAND ME X X 1 3 4 BAR HARBOR HE X X X 3 3 EASTPORT ME X X X 2 2 ST JOHN NB X X X 2 2 • YARDMOUTH NS X X X 3 3 HALIFAX NS X X X 2 2 TAMPA FL X X X 2 2 CELLAR KEY FL X X X 3 3 Sr MARKS FL X X 1 2 3 APALACHICOLA FL X X X 2 2 PANAMA CITY FL X X X 2 2 PENSACOLA FL X X X 2 2 MOBILE AL X X X 2 2 X MEANS LESS THAN ONE PERCENT 0 7-7 • TAB D - EVALUATION DECISICK WDRK SHEET DATE TIME This worksheet will be completed each time an advisory containing storm landfall • probabilities (See Tab C) is issued. 1. The estimated time of 'landfall is 2. The estimated point of landfall is 3. The threatened area is from to • 4. The total evacuation time (including safety factors) (computed in paragraph IIC page 7-1 ) is hours. 5. The time until landfall (computed in paragraph IID) is hours. Check One • yes no 6. Is there time to evacuate? [] [] 7. Do storm probabilities indicate evacuation? a. Is forecast probability approaching the maximum probabilit value in Table 1; • Column 2 (if forecast probability matc— hes or excee s the probability in Table 1, give even stronger consideration to evacuation.) 0 b. Is evacuation time greater than or approaches the next forecast period • (Table 1, Column 1)? c. If a and b above are yes, consider evacuation after considering items below: i 8. Other factors to consider. yes no • a. Is the storm above Category 1 (See Tab B-Saffir/Simpson Scale)? [] [] b. Has NWS issued a hurricane warning? (] [] c. Do current NZ storm surge predictions indicate inundation of '• populated areas? [] [] d. Do road and weather conditions permit evacuation? [] [] e. Will ferrys.that are needed for evacuation be able to stay in.. , operation long enough to complete evacuation? • f. Are drawbridges prepared to allow vehicular traffic only? [] [] g. Is there a large tourist population in the threatened area at this time? [] (] L 7-8 Tab D Cont'd. h. Have traffic control points on evacuation routes been staffed yes no (or can they be staffed prior to evacuation)? [] [] i. Have local governments in threatened areas already ordered or • recomtended evacuation? [] [] j. Can shelters be opened and staffed prior to evacuation? (] [] k. Will critical bridges in the threatened areas be passable during evacuation (Tab E)? [] [] 9. The larger the number of yes blocks which have been checked above ; the more evacuation should be considered. Answer the question below. 10. Should evacuation of threatened area be: recomended [] [] ordered [] [] 11. When should evacuation start? • r r-, r 0 7-9