HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Quality Systems with Constructed Wetlands-1994-1995Now limover County Department of Environmental Management WATER QUALITY SYSTEMS WITH CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS An Environmental Education Program 1994 - 1995 THIS PROGRAM SPONSORED IN PART BY A CAMA GRANT FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT, OTHER SPONSORS INCLUDE GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY AND NELSON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES. INFORMATION PACKET A The New Hanover County High -Tech Landfill: How It Came to Be and How It Works New Hanover County established North Carolina's first landfill utilizing artificial liners with leachate monitoring and treatment systems in November, 1981. Basically a response to the County's landfill crisis of 1980, this pioneering facility has been of invaluable assistance to other communities seeking to develop similar high-tech landfills and to the State of North Carolina in developing regulations affecting landfills. Moreover, it affords New Hanover County residents and environmentally secure method of landfill disposal. The story of the present New Hanover County Landfill began in 1979 when the County's contracted landfill, then located near the Flemington Community, was closed due to alleged groundwater contamination. Numerous lawsuits, including a suit from the Department of Justice would evolve from this site. The following two sites, the Carolina Beach and Blue Clay Road Landfills, also contracted, would also draw the County into litigation. The literally without a landfill for a week, was forced to ship its solid waste to Raleigh. Finally, the courts ruled that the County's contractor could operate a temporary landfill site for a period of one year until a permanent site could be located. Unable to find a suitable site within the County, the search turned to surrounding Counties with a regional approach in mind. When the effort to establish a regional landfill proved fruitless, the County once again mounted a search within its own borders and was able to locate a site on Hwy 421 North, provided synthetic liners were used. The use of synthetic liners, wastewater treatment, and monitoring are the keys that make the New Hanover County Landfill special. The conventional landfill is basically an excavation cell which is filled with refuse. Refuse is compacted as the earthen layer of several feet and vegetated. The conventional landfill offers no mechanisms to protect groundwater from contamination. The New Hanover County Landfill differs from the conventional type in that each landfill cell utilizes two synthetic plastic liners which prevent the leaching of contaminated rainwater into groundwater. This leachate or contaminated rainwater is pumped from the cell, treated at an on -site wastewater treatment plant, and then discharged into the Northeast Cape Fear River. Both pretreatment and post -treatment wastewater is monitored extensively. Each landfill cell is a self-contained system. When closed, a synthetic plastic cap is used to seal the cell and prevent the introduction of rainfall, thereby minimizing the generation of leachate. As well, a "passive" landfill gas collection system has been installed. Finally, special wells allow the monitoring of groundwater for contamination. It is perhaps hard to believe that North Carolina's first high-tech landfill was constructed in a matter of only 90 days. In subsequent years the cell configuration was modified and improved, synthetic caps replaced clay ones, and improvements in landfill gas collection system (which will. utilize landfill gas for energy production) loom on the near horizon. The New Hanover County Landfill is looked to as a model, both from design as well as operational standpoints, by solid waste experts across North Carolina. While in the coming years other local governments will be scrambling to bring their landfills in line with deadlines for the EPA'S Subtitle D regulations, New Hanover County is already largely in compliance with those regulations. It is truly a facility that the residents of New Hanover County can be proud of, typifying the lightning pace of solid waste management improvements made by the County over the last decade. PROPOSAL NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT TO DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT CAMA Local Planning and Management Grant(15A NCAC 7L) New Hanover County's 450 ton per day (TPD) Waste -to -Energy Facility and the 215 acre solid waste disposal site is managed by the County's Department of Environmental Management. Three people are primarily responsible for the leachate treatment system in addition to a contract consultant and temporary employee. The following statements will describe New Hanover County's current involvement and future planning for leachate treatment. Background New Hanover County developed North Carolina's first high-tech double lined landfill in November, 1981. The site consists of four (4) cells each of approximately seven (7) acres with leachate collection and pumping stations. The pump stations deliver leachate to a 2.5 acre four (4) million gallon lagoon. In March 1983, a 14,000 gpd extended aeration plant was added to further enhance treatment and in 1992 this was replaced with a 50,000 gpd extended aeration plant. In 1984, North Carolinas's first Waste - to -Energy Facility opened in New Hanover County with a capacity of 200 TPD. An expansion of this facility was completed in 1991 augmenting its capacity to 450 TPD. Ash from this facility is disposed at the New Hanover County secure landfill. Until 1989, when biomonitoring became an NPDES requirement, the leachate treatment system was capable of meeting State and Federal discharge limitations. This new toxicity standard has created a new challenge in the treatment of leachate and meeting permit requirements. During this same period a renewed environmental awareness from the public has intensified with a need to understand and become better educated of the environmental concerns facing our nation. To meet this need, education for environmental awareness should begin in our own communities. r t Scope of Work Tremendous effort has taken place in the past ten (10) years to evaluate and optimize the leachate treatment system at New Hanover County's solid waste disposal site. During the past three years, three personnel have become involved in an innovative process of compiling information, analytical data and implementing various treatment techniques within the current leachate treatment system. Recently, an additional person was added as temporary staff to meet a need to enhance the capabilities to organize analytical data and enhance the information system. It has been determined that an additional stage of treatment is needed to the present system to enhance the current process and as development to meet future water quality standards. Constructed wetlands have been explored and studied. The basis for using the constructed wetland approach is the result of searching for a low-cost, low tech alternative to conventional wastewater treatment. Additionally, a method for simple biological treatment is needed with low maintenance costs that could continue after post -closure of the disposal site. Several sites utilizing constructed wetlands to treat various types of wastewater have been visited (Florida). New Hanover County was recently represented at a course of study emphasizing constructed wetlands presented by the University of Colorado. Currently, New Hanover County is working with NC State University and Sea Grant with a proposal to develop a demonstration project for a constructed wetland. This is the initial approach to accomplishing the goals of maintaining a high -quality stream discharge to meet current and future water quality standards. A summary of this project is as follows: Five pilot -scale wetland plots will be constructed at the New Hanover County Secure Landfill. These wetland plots will be designed after the two basic constructed wetland types, Free Water Surface (FWS) and Subsurface (SF). Design variations of these pilot wetland plots will provide the needed data for a final design recommendation. P) Leachate collected from the landfill contains high levels of ammonia which will lead to ammonia toxicity. Currently, leachate collected from the landfill is aerobically treated to achieve nitrification, converting ammonia to nitrate. This treatment system is very effective in warm weather but not always in cold weather. In addition, it would be desirable to have a treatment system that will require low maintenance, will enhance the land use after closure of the landfill, and will remove all nitrogen rather than just ammonia nitrogen to prevent nutrient enrichment of the receiving water. Constructed wetlands may provide all of these advantages. This project will provide an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of constructed wetlands for treatment of the leachate as well as for additional treatment of the effluent from the currently used aerobic treatment system. Products from this project would be: • understanding of the limitations of constructed wetlands for Nitrogen removal in coastal North Carolina • full-scale treatment recommendation for New Hanover County • recommendations for application of constructed wetlands for Nitrogen removal • low cost leachate treatment which may be utilized by others The need to use constructed wetlands for treating landfill leachate for improving water quality is only a portion of what is intended by New Hanover County's Department of Environmental Management. The department's goal is to utilize the landfill area for the development of a "wilderness park" that would make use of constructed and natural wetlands on the current site. During the course of this planning and development period, a need to organize and document the growing amount of information being generated becomes increasingly apparent. In the course of the last two to three years, greater demands have been placed on this department to provide and present information and details to interest groups in education, industry, and other communities. This has intensified 3 due to recent changes in requirements in the nation with respect to how solid waste is handled and treated (Subtitle D). It becomes increasingly important to be capable of presenting detailed information about the operation in a professional manner to benefit those working with community planning or educational interests. This also stimulates the development of continued relationships with New Hanover County at professional and educational levels or as a community involvement project. This site has proven to be an area of high interest as noted recently from the department's involvement with NC State University and Sea Grant. The past six months has been spent working with UNC-Wilmington in developing background information for our current and future process planning. Therefore, it is the intention of this department to develop an intern program with UNC Wilmington under the biological/environmental sciences program. Other interests from UNC-Wilmington include using this site for classroom studies, field trips, etc. as they relate to the current process and future planning concerning constructed wetlands. This could also be extended to public school science classes or as a community project involving volunteers with citizens in our community taking part in the planning and development. Closing Statement New Hanover County has met many challenges since the opening of its lined landfill in late 1981. As the first secure landfill in North Carolina and in much of the Southeast, we serve as a model for others. New Hanover County continues to move in a positive way to exceed environmental requirements. This is evident by its facilities for the treatment of leachate and the disposal of solid waste. New Hanover County would be proud to be among the innovators that use wetlands for water treatment; to be able to provide research facilities to further understand the full potential of wetlands in an on -site treatment system; and to be able to offer guidance and instruction in the educational opportunities that are stimulated from this very essential project. 4 Design of a Constructed Wetland System for Leachate Treatm ant at the New Hanover County Landfill, North Carolina 0 Design of a Constructed Wetland System for Leachate Treatment at the New Hanover County Landfill, North Carolina Prepared for New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management Wilmington, North Carolina Prepared by: Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. 4201 North View Dr., Suite 302 1560 Orange Ave., Suite 700 Bowie, MD 20716 Winter Park, FL 32789 Draft Report March 1993 r Design of a Constructed Wetland System for Leachate Treatment at the New Hanover County Landfill, North Carolina Table of Contents Section Title 1 Introduction 1.1 Background - 1.2 Objectives 2 Design Parameters 2.1 Design Criteria 2.2 Experimental Design 3 Construction Design 3.1 Location and Layout 3.2 Earthwork and Liner System 3.3 Piping and Flow -Control Structures 3.4 Bed Materials 3.5 Wetland Plant Community 3.6 Organic Carbon Additions 3.7 Water Quality Sampling 4 Cost of Construction 5 References Appendices A Project Background and Design Parameters B Manufacturer's Information 1 2-1 2-1 2-2 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-4 3-13 3-14 3-19 3-21 A-1 B-1 b POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. Section I Introduction 1.1 BACKGROUND The New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management has contracted Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan, inc. (PBS&.J) to prepare construction plans for a wetland treatment system to serve as a pilot study for treating leachate generated at the New Hanover County Secure Landfill. The design of the wetland treatment system is a'cooperative effort between New Hanover County; the North Carolina State University Departments of Civil Engineering, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, and Forestry; UNC Sea Grant College; the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (DEHNR), Division of Coastal Management (DCM); Mr. Mike Neslon; and PBS&J. A detailed description of the background for this project has been prepared (Liehr and coworkers 1993) and is provided in Appendix A for reference. In summary, the New Hanover County Secure Landfill, which was the first double -lined landfill equipped with leachate collection in the United States, receives a mixed waste stream consisting of municipal waste, construction and demolition debris, and ash residue from the County's 450 ton per day waste -to -energy incinerator. Leachate is collected from two closed and two active landfill cells and pretreated in a 2.5 acre, 4 million gallon, lined lagoon. Pretreated leachate is pumped to a 50,000 gallon per day extended aeration treatment plant for final treatment before being filtered to remove solids and discharged to the Northeast Cape Fear River. The effluent is discharged in accordance with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued to the County by the 1-1 F". NCDEHNR Division of Environmental Management. The County has investigated the use of constructed wetlands as a possible low cost and low maintenance alternative to the extended aeration treatment plant for the long-term treatment of landfill leachate and is instituting this pilot study to test the feasibility and effectiveness of a constructed wetland system. .1.2 OBJECTIVES New Hanover County is interested in securing a long-term, low maintenance method for treating its landfill leachate that is both economically and environmentally feasible and beneficial to the public. With this goal in mind, the objectives of this pilot project are as follows: • Determine if leachate quality can be improved using constructed wetlands • Determine if a constructed wetland system is a viable low cost and low maintenance alternative to an extended aeration plant for treating landfill leachate • Determine the optimum design and operation parameters for a large-scale constructed wetland system to treat leachate I Other related objectives include: • Use the wetland system as a tool for public education and scientific research on the potential uses and benefits of constructed wetlands for water quality improvement in coastal North Carolina • Incorporate large-scale treatment wetlands into the wilderness park post -closure plan for the landfill 1-2 POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. Section 2 Design Parameters 2.1 DESIGN CRITERIA The design criteria for the wetland treatment system were prepared by Liehr and coworkers (1993 see Appendix B) with modifications made during discussions held at the February 24, 1994 project kick-off meeting. The critical criteria used to prepare the construction design of the New Hanover Wetland treatment system are as follows: Average Areal Cell Dimensions (w z 1) ................. 3 m z 12 m (10 ft. z 39 ft.) Average Water Depth: Surface Flow Wetland S (FW) Cells (water only) ....... 30 cm (1 ft.) Subsurface Flow Wetland (SSFW) Cells (gravel & water) .. 60 cm (2 ft.) Storage Volume: SFW Cells: Water and plants .......................... 11.3 m' (3,212 gal.) Water only ................ 8 m3 (2,274 gal.) SSFW Cells: Water and gravel .......................... 22m3 (6,252 gal.) Water only .............................. 8 m3 (2,274 gal.) Design Inflow Rate ............................ 0.57 m'/cell-day (137 gal/cell-day) Hydraulic Loading Rate ........................... 1.5 cm/ha-day (0.24 in/acre-day) Estimated Nitrogen Loading Rate ..................... 31 Kg N/ha-day (27.6 lb N/ac-day) 2-1 Residence or Detention Time ........................ 14 days Flow Regime: SFW Cells .............................. Continuous or draw-down/fill SSFW Cells ............................. Continuous Cell Bed Materials SFWCells .............................. Sand SSFW Cells ............................. V gravel or V crushed brick Plant Community Matrix ........................... Mixed herbaceous marsh 2.2 EXPEPJAIENTAL DESIGN Liehr and coworkers (1993) and Liehr (1994) have identified three hypotheses that they wish to test during the performance monitoring of the pilot project and various experimental design parameters that they would manipulate to test these hypotheses (see documents in Appendix A). In as much as these hypotheses and the experimental design affect the construction design of the wetland treatment system they are described below. The three hypotheses that would be tested during the monitoring period are: (1) Free water surface and subsurface flow constructed wetlands can provide effective removal of nitrogen all year in coastal North Carolina (2) Oxygen needed for nitrification will limit nitrogen removal in these systems most of the year. (3) Inexpensive, locally available material can be used as the support media In order to test these hypotheses, the researchers wished to incorporate certain features in jthe design to allow for the experimental manipulation of the treatment cells. Three design issues regarding nitrogen removal by the wetland system were presented by Professor Liehr and Mr. House and discussed during the February 24 project kick-off meeting. Each of these design issues is discussed below. (1) Originally Liehr and coworkers (1993) proposed to operate each cell independently. Upon further consideration it was proposed (Liehr 1994) that the cells be designed with the flexibility of either operating the cells independently or operating a SFW cell in series with a SSFW cell. It is postulated that higher nitrification rates may be obtained in the SFW cells and higher denitrification rates may be obtained in the SSFW cells. By operating SFW and SSFW cells in series, nitrogen removal by nitrification - denitrification could be enhanced. This concept has been incorporated into the piping and flow control aspects of the construction design. . (2) Because both nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria require a source of organic carbon to fuel their metabolism, concern was expressed that nitrogen removal by these bacteria would be limited by a lack of available organic carbon, especially during the first year of operation. This issue has been addressed in the construction design in two ways: • Supplemental additions of organic carbon can be added to the sand substrate of the SFW cells and to the gravel bed of the SSFW cells. Additions to the SSFW cells will be via a perforated PVC pipe installed in the bed. • Several of the plant species that will be used to establish the marsh communities in the treatment cells will be fleshy species that have rapid decomposition rates, thus providing the microbial communities with a ready source of organic carbon. (3) It is postulated that natural wetlands that undergo periodic flooding and draw -down may be more effective in removing excess nitrogen from water than permanently 2-3 inundated wetlands. The basis for this argument is that periodic aeration of wetland soils enhances nitrification, and overall nitrogen removal. The construction design incorporates a bottom drain value for- all of the wetland cells than can be manually operated to completely drain the cell. While all cells are so equipped for maintenance purposes, it is understood that only the SFW cells would be operated in a draw -down and fill flow regime. 2-4 POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. Section 3 Construction Design 3.1 LOCATION AND LAYOUT The wetland treatment system will be located just south of the southwest quarter of landfill cell 1 at the New Hanover County Secure Landfill (Figure 1). A relatively flat, grassy area lying between cell 1 and the access road to the leachate treatment plant was selected for siting the five wetland treatment cells (Figure 2). As shown in Figure 2, the treatment cells will be arranged in two stages, with the first stage consisting of two surface flow wetland cells sharing a common internal berm and the second stage consisting of three subsurface flow wetland cells sharing, in common, two internal berms. The piping and flow design for the system will allow leachate to be discharged directly to each cell, independently of the other cells, or for flow to be routed from the surface flow wetland cells to subsurface flow wetland cells, thus operating the two types of wetland cells in series. 3.2 EARTHWORK AND LINER SYSTEM The wetland cells are designed to allow for gravity flow throughout the treatment system once the leachate enters the influent feed tanks. To accomplish this, the cells will be excavated below the existing site grade. The elevation of the downstream subsurface flow wetland cells will be lower than the upstream surface flow wetland cells. Each wetland cell will be cut and filled to acquire the appropriate grades. Berms around each cell will be formed at a slope of 3 horizontal to 1 vertical. A liner system will then be placed over the bottom and sides (berms) of the cells. 3-1 .■ � s 9T.8 f� I c� i 1 1 / 3 I / 3 2 � 4P1 At F� 4P 20. S POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN. INC. WETLAND TREATMENT CELL LAYOUT FIGURE 2 REPRO PRODUCTS. INC. 713 314359 An estimate of the earthwork required to form the cells was prepared by PBS&J. The total volume of cut and fill estimated is 215 cubic yards (cy) and 179 cy, respectively. The wetland treatment cells will be lined in accordance with the State of North Carolina Solid Waste Management Regulations Leachate Storage Requirements (T 15A: 13B.1680(E)(2)) which state: "At a minimum, surface impoundments shall be designed with a liner system equivalent to the liner system for the landfill unit generating the liquid. " The liner system that will be used for the wetland treatment cells is similar to that designed for landfill cell 4A (the most recently designed landfill cell) and thus will meet or exceed the liner systems for the landfill cells generating the leachate. The liner system will consist of the following components: • a 60 mil. high density polyethylene (HDPE) primary liner, underlain by: • a geonet leak detection laver, underlain by: • a 60 mil HDPE secondary liner, underlain by: • a claymax geosynthetic clay liner (i.e., a bentonite impregnated geotextile). The primary liner will be overlain by an 8 ounce non -woven geotextile layer to protect the primary liner from punctures during installation of bed materials (i.e., sand, gravel and crushed brick layers) and from plant roots. 3.3 PIPING AND FLOW -CONTROL STRUCTURES As configured, the wetland treatment system will allow for the treatment of raw leachate from the existing lagoons in parallel with the treatment of treated leachate from the existing treatment plant. Figure 3 presents the piping plan for the five (5) wetland cells. 3-4 For treating raw leachate, a 250 gallon influent feed tank (Figure 4) will be located upstream of Surface Flow Wetland (SFW) No. 2. The County is currently pumping leachate from the lagoon to the treatment plant. It is proposed that a 1/2-inch pipe be connected to the existing pumping system to transfer raw leachate from the lagoon to the influent feed tank. For further treatment of leachate from the treatment plant, effluent (treated leachate) from the plant will be pumped to the wetland system. A second 250 gallon influent feed tank for treated leachate will be located upstream of SFW No. 1. Refer to Appendix B for information on the tank. As discussed in Section 2, the feed rate into a wetland cell is approximately 6 ml/s (0.1 gallons per minute) or 137 gallons per day. Each tank is designed to maintain a constant volume of leachate within the tank. A 2-inch overflow outlet is provided approximately 6 inches from the top of the tank. Excess leachate pumped into the tank will overflow into the outlet which is connected to a drainline. Overflow from both influent feed tanks will be returned by gravity to the lagoon. As shown in Figure 4 leachate is discharged from the feed tank through a 2 inch pipe header system. Valves are provided to allow the operator to direct leachate to the SFW cell, the Subsurface Flow Wetland (SSFW) cell, or to the drainline back to the lagoon. If the SSFW is to be operated in series with SFW cell, the valve to the SSFW is in the closed position. If the operation is parallel, the valve to the SSFW is open. Leachate is discharged into each of the cells in the same manner. A small flow measuring device is provided to control the dosage rate onto the cell and is located approximately one foot above the water level (see Figure 5). Called a "dipper", leachate flows into 1.5 gallon storage tray. Refer to Appendix B for information on the dipper. The dipper is based on the pivot and counterweight principle. When the storage tray is filled, the tray tips forward to discharge the leachate into the wetland. The counterweight returns the storage tray into the filling position. The leachate will be discharged perpendicular to the flow direction of the cell. This will allow the leachate to become thoroughly mixed prior to treatment. 3-6 :ai.4somV MINNOW gmmmmla svolmi_- �t ��•. e � PAO G° °°PiA 'Op�E�1T TRH NOT TO SCALE pm, �. im �► To s UR PIPE Gp,l.) \y �' 10 gU � SOW BSub- �� lqQ��lgNq�F ooN o INFLUENT FEED TANK FIGURE 4 BOTTOM OF LINER TOP OF BERM N U' ;t M INFLUENT FLOW DEVICE 0 I — r7 to 2" BALL VALVE W/ 90' ELBOW INFLUENT FLOW - DEVICE to r- 4" HDPE SDR 32.5 FILLED W/ CONCRETE SAND, GRAVEL, OR ' • •'' • • • . BRICK LAYER 0lii 1" x 12" SQUARE HDPE PLATE WELDED TO PIPE 2" x 8' PT TURNED ON SIDES (TYP.) 2" INFLUENT PIPE PRESSURE TREATED (PT) DECK BOARDS 2" x 8" PT T INFLUENT PIPE 2" x 4" PT. I 3 12' SFW 9' SSFW TOP OF BERM 2' I f NOT TO SCALE ELEVATION Parr, XXXL". WETLAND INFLUENT STRUCTURE FIGURE 5 Effluent from each SFW cell leaves the cell through an effluent outfall pipe (Figure 6). The outfall pipe consists of a vertical 6" diameter PVC pipe with 1/2-inch holes located every 3 inches. Treated leachate enters the pipe and discharges from the cell beneath the berm. The effluent outfall pipe is also equipped with a submerged ball valve. The cell can be drained by opening this valve. The water level in each SFW cell is controlled by the effluent piping system outside the cell. As shown on Figure 6, a reducing tee is located downstream of the first ball valve. Under normal operating conditions, the second ball valve downstream of the reducing tee is closed, forcing the effluent up through a 1 1/2-inch pipe header. It is the height of the 1 1/2-inch header that controls the water level in the wetland cell. The header is equipped with two sliding sleeves (Figure 7) which allows the height of the header to be raised or lowered. Therefore, the water level in the cell can be raised or lowered. To adjust the height of the header, the bolts at each sleeve must be loosened. The header can then be raised or lowered, and then the bolts are tightened. A sample port is also provided on the header for easy collection of treated leachate samples from the SFW. Depending on the mode of operation, the effluent from the SFW cells can be directed to the downstream SSFW cells, ,or returned to the lagoon via the drain line. For wetlands treatment in series, effluent from SFW No. 1 (treatment plant leachate) flows to SSFW No. 1. Further treatment of effluent from SFW No. 2 can be directed to either SSFW No. 2 (gravel media) or to SSFW No. 3 (brick media). A series of buried valves allows the operator to select the point of discharge of effluent from SFW No. 2. Leachate is introduced to the SSFW cells the same way leachate was added to the SFW cells. The method for removing leachate from the SSFW cells differs from the effluent outfall pipe described for the SFW cells. An effluent collection pipe is located along the bottom of the cell liner and covered by gravel media (Figure 8). Four 1/2-inch diameter holes are drilled 6-inches apart along each end of the collection pipe. The effluent enters the collection pipe and exits beneath the berm. Similar to the effluent piping system for the SFW cells, the 3-9 y..... �.... �..� J, JAM J. AM as MEL MIK. M 64 Ho RlsE EN lES p PIPE CAP S �RF Ap w qcE ART W/ aALl 0 W SQIAiIVE, 9 k � ARE �ShiNG REo, N� Ile 13 .010 dool LA 6000 fo NOT TO SCALE r%.LL U O FU SOWSWSURF �qez hb micla SURFACE FLOW. " FIGURE 6 nc WETLAND OUTFALL 0 z m 0 c� 12" LONG -1/2" 0 PIPE r SOCKET FLANGE TYPICAL) "Cr RING (VITON) " 0 PIPE I /2" BALL VALVE (THD) W/ MORT, THREADED PIPE NIPPLE Ve SPG x 1 /2" FPT ZEDUCER BUSHING J-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 3/4" REDUCING TEE SLIDING SLEEVE DETAIL ,SAMPLE PORT DETAIL P=, mxmSC"L SLIDING SLEEVE & SAMPLE PORT DETAILS FIGURE 7 �rAKM TOO � of Q , Risk M of R , LAY�YFRcRqVE Top °F e F R� 7Vy .o i .. Plegl) p FN qQAP RT i'�'� l) NOT TO SCALE POST. KXKLEY, S� L JERNIGAR LW- SAMOLF �o i �`► �,,:, ��, it p�lq�I°R1 7' eq %" I SFE pO Q�l i (� q l & ��Lvq Yql� f �� �; , PAC SAILF Zz Nil eok T � 4" RFpk 4° CIN�xT�.00, EF ��� i �fi0O0 T� SUBSURFACE FLOW WETLAND OUTFALL FIGURE 8 IINFLUENT FEED TANKS SEE DETAIL, FIGURE 4 WETLAND INFLUENT STRUCTURE SEE DETAILS, FIGURE S (TYPICAL 5 PLACES) — — — — — — — — — of s--------, SFW #2 —J TOP OF BERM ' -- ;km SFW 01 , (TREATED) , — — — — — — — — — TOP OF BERM-------� SURFACE FLOW WETLAND OUTFALL SEE DETAIL. FIGURE Ca (TYPICAL 2 PLACES) ORGANIC MATTER FEED SYSTEM SEE DETAIL, FIGURE 10 (TYPICAL 3 PLACES) 1400 00 SUBSURFACE FLOW WETLAND OUTFALL SEE DETAIL, FIGURE 8 (TYPICAL 3 PLACES) LEACHATE) TO LAGOON FROM LEACHATE TREATMENT PLANT NOT TO SCALE PasT, ., WC. r" WETLAND TREATMENT CELL & PIPING PLAN FIGURE 3 water level in the gravel media is controlled by piping header downstream of the cell, which can be raised or lowered. All effluent from the SSFW cells is returned to the leachate lagoon. Under normal operations, the second buried valve is closed, which directs the flow through the water level control header. To drain the SSFW cell, the second valve is opened, allowing the cell to drain directly back to the lagoon. To minimize the cost of construction, most of the piping can be constructed of Schedule 40 PVC pipe. PBS&3 recommends that the 1/2-inch pipe from the raw leachate pump, and the treatment plant pump be Schedule 80 PVC. Most valves are designed to be PVC ball valves with true -union connections for easier maintenance. All buried valves are to be provided with 2-inch square operating nuts and valve boxes for easy access. 3.4 BED MATERIALS Bed materials or substrates will be installed in the wetland treatment cells to support the wetland plant and microbial communities. Bed materials will be installed on top of a non- woven geotextile overlying the liner system for each cell. The following bed materials will be used in the treatment cells: • A 12 inch (30 cm) laver of clean sand in each of the two surface flow wetland cells (SFW #1 and SFW #2); • A 24 inch (60 cm) layer of one -inch gravel in two of the subsurface flow wetland cells (SSFW #1 and SSFW #2); and • A 24 inch (60 cm) layer of one inch crushed brick in one of the subsurface flow wetland cells (SSFW #3). The sand substrate for the surface flow wetland cells will likely be excavated from the 3-13 Mlandfill site. The USDA Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey of New Hanover County (Weaver 1977) identifies the majority of the landfill site as being comprised of Kureb sand, an excessively drained, rapidly permeable soil. Smaller areas on the site consist of Leon sand and Rimini sand, which are poorly drained and excessively drained soils, respectively. It would be preferable to use topsoil (i.e., the top 12 24 inches of soil) for the sand substrate if such a source is readily available on -site. Topsoil should contain a better balance of plant nutrients to support wetland plant growth than sand excavated from greater depths. The sand substrate may be supplemented with a source of organic carbon prior to its installation in the beds (see Section 3.6). Approximately 12 cubic yards of soil will be used T' for bed materials in each of the two surface flow cells. Two substrates are proposed to be used in the subsurface flow wetland cells: gravel and crushed brick (Liehr and coworkers 1993). Both of these substrates are specified as one -inch sized material in order to provide similar flow characteristics and leachate volumes, and thus similar detention times, within the three subsurface flow cells. The use of crushed brick was proposed for two reasons: (1) culled brick is a locally available waste product that could be put to beneficial use rather than disposing it in the landfill, and (2) there is some evidence that the brick may aid in the removal of phosphorus from the leachate. Approximately 24 cubic yards of gravel or brick will be used for bed materials in each of the three subsurface flow cells. 3.5 WETLAND PLANT COMMUNITY Based on a review of previous studies, Liehr and coworkers (1993) originally proposed that the following plant species be used in the wetland treatment system: • Broad leaf cattail (Typha latifolia) for the surface flow cells, • A mixture of soft stem bulrush (Scirpus validus) and soft rush (Junus effitsus) for the subsurface flow cells. During the February 24, 1994 project kick-off meeting, the attendees discussed the issue of the composition of the wetland plant community to be used in the wetland treatment cells and the following guidelines were agreed upon: (1) The same wetland plant community should be used for all cells since this would provide a better basis for comparison of cell performance. (2) A diverse assemblage of wetland plant species should be used rather than a single species (monoculture), since this may provide the treatment system with greater overall ecological diversity and thus, possibly, a greater number of biological/biochemical pathways for pollutant removal and transformation. (3) The plant community should include fleshy plant species, such as pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata) and arrowhead (Sagittaria latifolia), that will readily decompose, thus providing a carbon source for the microbial community (especially nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria). Given the guidelines listed above, the following plant species will be used to make up the wetland plant community for the treatment cells: • Sweetflag (Acorus calamus) • Soft rush (Juncus effusus) • Arrow arum (Peltandra virginia) • Pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata) • Lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus) • Arrowhead (Sagittaria latifolia) • Softstem bulrush (Scirpus validus) • Burreed (Sparganium americanum) According to Thurnhorst (1993) all of the above species can tolerate regular to permanent inundation up to 1 foot of water depth, except sweetflag which can withstand regular to permanent inundation up to 0.5 feet. Based on PBS&Fs experience, softstem bulrush, 3-15 pickerel weed and arrowhead are often found in the deeper portions of natural wetlands whereas the other species listed above usually occur at shallower depths. Species such as sweetflag, pickerel weed, arrow arum, lizard's tail and arrowhead were selected because these non persistent species should decompose rapidly, thus providing a ready source of organic carbon for the microbial community. Soft rush, softstem bulrush and burreed should persist during the winter season, providing permanent, above -ground physical structure to the wetland community. IThe planting plan for the wetland treatment cells is shown in Figure 9. The same planting plan is used for both the SFW cells and the SSFW cells so that the cells will be comparable in their biological/biochemical pollutant removal and transformation processes. The plan specifies planting each species in repeating units or pods along the length of each wetland treatment, cell. Softstem bulrush, pickerel weed and arrowhead are planted in the central portion of the wetland cells, since these species should grow better in the deeper central portion of the SFW cells. The. size of these central pods would be approximately 6.5 ft. x 6.5 ft. (2 m x 2 m) in the SFW cells and approximately 7.5 ft. x 6.5 ft. (2.3 in x 2.0 m) in the SSFW cells. Sweetflag, soft rush, burreed, arrow arum and lizard's tail would be planted in smaller pods along the margins of each cell, since these species should grow better along the shallower side slopes of the SFW cells. The size of these smaller pods would vary from approximately 3.25 ft. x 4.25 ft. (1.0 in x 1.3 m) for the SFW cells to 4.0 ft. x 4.25 ft. (1.25 m x 1.3 m) for the SSFW cells. The initial 1 meter length at the influent end of each cell will not be planted to allow for an open water zone for mixing the influent leachate. Quantities of plant materials required for the wetland treatment system were estimated based on the pod dimension specified in the planting plan and the growth characteristics of each individual plant species. Plant sizes and planting densities were selected to provide good coverage (i.e., 50 - 85%) within one year of plant installation. The quantities and specifications for wetland plant materials are listed in Table 1. It is estimated that approximately 1,900 plants will be needed to stock the wetland treatment cells. 3-16 Ac Je Sa Pv Pc SI Ac I Je I Sa Sv 0 Ac I Je I Sa I Pv I Ac I Je I Sa Sc SI Sc Ac — Acorus calamus ,-'Je — Juncus effusus Pv — Peltandra virginica Pc — Pontederia cordata SI — Sagittaria latifolia Sc — Sanaus cernuus ,/Sv — Scirpus validus Sa — Sparganium americanum NTS POST. BUCKLEY, SCHUN E. JERNIGAN, INC. WETLAND PLANTING PLAN FIGURE 9 IODI1C1S, INC. 70 314359 Wetland _CellStratum_ Surface Flow ~herb (2 cells) Subsurface Flow I herb (3 cells) TABLE 1. WETLAND PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS Name Common Name Plant Size _Scientific Scirpus validus Softstem bulrush peat pot Pontederia cordata Pickerel weed bare root Sa ittaria latifolia Arrowhead bare root _ Juncus effusus Soft rush Beat pot Acorus calamus Sweetflag bare root Peltan_dr_a vir inica Arrow arum bare root Sarurus cernuus Lizard's tail bare root parganium americanum Burreed bare root Total Number of Plants for Surface Flow Cells Scir us validus Softstem bulrush peat pot Pontederia cordata Pickerel weed bare root Sagittaria latifolia Arrowhead bare root Juncus effusus Soft rush peat pot Acorus calamus Sweetflag bare root Peltandra vir inica Arrow arum 'bare root Sarurus cernuus Lizard's tail bare root parganium americanum Burreed bare root Total Number of Plants for Subsurface Flow Cells Total Number of Plants for Pilot Wetland Treatment System DensityArea/Species o./s . ft. (sq. ft. Number of Plants 0.25 169 42 0.44 169 74 0.44 169 74 0.44 110 48 1.00 110 110 1.00 110 110 1.00 110 110 1.00 110 110 679 0.25 293 73 0.44 293 129 0.44 293 129 0.44 204 90 1.00 204 204 1.00 204 204 1.00 204 204 1.00 204 204 1237 1916, All of the species listed above can be obtain commercially from nurseries specializing in the propagation of wetland plants. The following nurseries propagate wetland plants and are possible sources for the plants specified for the wetland treatment system: Van Hoose's Nursery, Inc. Central Florida Native Flora 1581 Hosier Road Box 1045 Suffolk, VA 23434 (804)539-4833 San Antonio, FL 33576 (904)588-3687 Environmental Concern, Inc. 210 West Chew Avenue Pinelands Nursery P.O. Box P 323 Island Road St. Michaels, MD 21663 Columbus, NJ 08022 (410)745-9620 (609)291-9486 3.6 ORGANIC CARBON ADDITION It may be desirable to add an external source of organic carbon to the treatment cells -to promote higher rates of nitrification and denitrification, especially during the first year of operation and testing of the pilot project. Professor Liehr and Mr. House have investigated the possible use of an organic waste material consisting of dead, washed bacterial cells as a supplemental, organic carbon source. The organic waste under consideration would be obtained from the Takata Chemical Products Plant in New Hanover County. In discussions with Professor Liehr and Mr. House, it was decided that organic carbon additions could be made directly to the sand bedding in the SFW cells, but that an alternative feed system would be required for the SSFW cells. Based on an idea proposed by Mr. House and Professor Liehr, an organic carbon feed system was designed that consists of solid PVC feed and drain lines leading to and from a perforated 6 inch PVC pipe. The perforated pvc pipe will be installed within the gravel bed, 12 inches from the bottom of the bed. near the influent end of each SSFW cell (Figures 3 and 10). A slurry of the organic Imaterial could then be introduced to each SSFW cell though the solid PVC feed pipe, 3-19 No CAP P C NpUt NOT TO SCALE M=, KXKuY, SCHM& I-pw.kUWrW4= s1�� RU�NU �NFI RE UFO IV Npo Usu �1Fo w�R� lv c ORGANIC CARBON FEED SYSTEM Tpp O BERM • I FIGURE 10 allowing organic carbon to be slowly released to the bed concurrent with leachate flow through the bed. 3.7 WATER QUALITY SAMPLING In order to collect treated leachate samples fronl So,, middle and bottom depths within -the gravel bed of the SSFW cells, a water quality sampling device was devised for in situ sample collection (Figure 11). The device consists of a vertically supported 3 inch PVC pipe installed within the gravel bed. The PVC pipe contains three sample ports at depths of 4 inches (10 cm), 12 inches (30 cm) and 20 inches (50 cm) below the surface of the gravel bed. Each sample port consists of 1/4 inch diameter polyethylene tubing inserted through a 1/4 inch hole in the PVC pipe at the appropriate depth and glued in place with silicone caulk. From the sample port, each polyethylene tube runs out of the top opening of the PVC pipe and over to the nearest berm, where samples can be collected from the desired depth using a hand vacuum pump and vacuum flask -assembly. Four water quality sampling devices will be installed in each SSFW cell, such that duplicate samples can be collected from locations approximately 1/3 and 2/3 of the distance downstream of the influent mixing zone of each SSFW cell. 3-21 S� �p�C eSuR PpRTP�pF \ w� W P�Cglp� 1u Top o 8oP of . ` � Rick oRq 1 (Ix U jn) 10 6o G� `�YERcRA POST, - FFIGURE xxxm rm-amrg" mm SAMPLING MANIFOLD SC" . 11 POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. Section 4 Cost of Construction A probable cost of construction was estimated by PBS&J for the constructed wetland treatment system. The estimate includes the following items. 0 Earthwork • Liner System installation • Piping, Valves, and Flow Control • Wetland System and Plants, and • Miscellaneous Items. The probable cost of construction is presented in Table 2. 4-1 TABLE 2. PROBABLE COST OF CONSTRUCTION EARTHWORK - Cut $ 650 - Fill $ 500 Subtotal' $ 1,150 LINER SYSTEM - Geosynthetic Clay Liner $ 5,600 - 60 mil HDPE Liner $ 7,750 - Geonet $ 2,600 - Geotextile $ 650 Subtotal $16,600 PIPING AND FLOW CONTROL - Yard piping and Valves $22,400 - Influent Tanks (250 gal) and Stands $ 2,600 - Inflow Measuring Devices (United Dippers) $ 325 Subtotal $25,325 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS - Influent Piers $ 3,600 - Sampling Ports $ 400 - Organic Feed Systems $ 1,200 WETLAND SYSTEM - Sand (24 cy) No cost(*) - Gravel (48 cy) $ 850 - Brick (24 cy) No cost(**) - Plants (installed) $ 2,375 TOTAL $51,500 Available on -site material ** Locally available 4-2 POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. Section 5 References Liehr, S. 1994. Memorandum to B. Doll and A.R. Rubin on Meeting with New Hanover County and consultants on design of test plots. Dated February 22, 1994. 2 pp. Liehr, S.K., B. Doll, R.A. Rubin and H. House, 1993. Constructed Wetlands for Treatment of High Nitrogen Waste Waters: Pilot Study at New Hanover County Landfill. A proposal to the UNC Sea Grant College Program. 29 pp. Thunhorst, G.A., 1993. Wetland Planting Guide for the Northeastern United States, Plants for Wetland Creation, Restoration and Enhancement. Environmental Concern Inc., St. Michaels, MD. 179 pp. Weaver, A. 1977. Soil Survey of New Hanover County, North Carolina. USDA Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. 69 pp. + maps. 5-1 POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. Appendix A Project Background and Design Parameters TO: Barbara Doll, A.Robert Rubin FROM: Sarah Liehr DATE: February 22, 1994 RE: meeting with New Hanover County and consultants on design of test plots Hal and I met today to organize our thoughts on what things we would like to be considered in the actual design of the test plots. If you have comments, additions, etc., let me know today or tomorrow (or Thurs. if you are going to be at the meeting!). The main thing we want is to design the maximum amount of flexibility into these plots. We intend to start with our original plan: five plots including one FWS and one SSF receiving treated effluent (high nitrate in summer, ammonia in winter) and one FWS and two SSF receiving leachate from the holding lagoon (high ammonia all the time). However, if it becomes obvious that these systems won't provide good treatment we would like to be able to change the configuration or operation. These are the design flexibility features we thought of: 1) We have discussed the possibility (probably good possibility) that the SSF plots will not get adequate nitrification. One thing we could do about this is to put a FWS and a SSF in series, assuming that we will get nitrification in the FWS and denitrification in the SSF. One possible arrangement of plots that would allow changing the flow from the. five parallel setup is the following: A J This arrangement would allow us to run the five plots in parallel, run FWS to SSF, or compare the FWS,SSF series to SSF alone (for the plots receiving lagoon leachate). This setup would eliminate the option of running two plots in series in the order SSF to FWS, but we could not think of a reason why we would want to do that anyway. 2) Another way we might be able to improve nitrification in the SSF plots is to use intermittant flow (periodic drawdown). We want to be sure we have enough control over water levels that we can do this, and we want to install the proper valves, etc. that would allow us to install a mechanism to time this automatically at a later date if we choose to. 3) Another way to improve nitrification if it is oxygen limited (and prevent clogging problems, etc.) is to distribute the inflow along the length of the plot. We did not decide on a mechanism for doing this, but we want to discuss it at this stage to make sure we have the option of installing the appropriate distribution devices later. 4) It may turn out that carbon source is limiting denitrification/nitrogen removal. We also want to plan for a system of adding supplemental carbon source. We are pursuing possibilities for testing Takata waste as a carbon source; we want to plan for that possibility now. The following are other issues we thought of to mention at this time: - measurement of flow rates in influent and effluent - water level control - two -valve exit drain so that we can take water from either top or bottom - how the lining will be secured around the edges, how it will be covered, etc. - size of brick/substrate; whether we could do this in association with others on campus who are currently studying use of brick in wetlands (this doesn't have to be resolved right now). A Proposal to the UNC Sea Grant College Program For Research Entitled Constructed Wetlands for Treatment of High Nitrogen Waste Waters: Pilot Study at New Hanover County Landfill Covering the Period from January 1, 1994 to December 31. 1996 Requested Support for three years in the Amount of S 181,692 Matching Support from North Carolina State University in the Amount of $9,939 A/ 27 Sarah K. Liehr Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Barbara Do UNC Sea Grant AINM5110a� AeV44 - - Robert A. Rubin Ex. Associate Professor Bio. and Agric. Engineering 2 ri�L Halford House Forestry Depart rent W.L. Klarman Vice Chancellor for Research North Carolina State University Submitted. April 15, 1993 �1� CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS FOR TREATMENT OF HIGH NITROGEN WASTE WATERS: PILOT STUDY AT NEW HANOVER COUNTY LANDFILL Sarah K. Liehr (PI), Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University Barbara Doll (Co -PI), UNC Sea Grant College Program 1 Robert A. Rubin (Co -PI), Extension Associate Professor, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, North Carolina State University Halford House (Co -PI), Research Associate, Department of Forestry, North Carolina State University I INTRODUCTION Eutrophication of coastal waters is a problem in North Carolina, as it is in much of the country (McCullough, 1984). In many of North Carolina's Atlantic -bound river basins as well as other coastal and inland waters, nitrogen addition is the cause of algal blooms and subsequent water quality degradation. Nitrogen sources include wastewater effluents from municipal treatment facilities and septic systems, agricultural and urban runoff, animal wastes from feedlots and 1 confinement operations, landfill leachates, and various food processing effluents. Many of these 1 sources are difficult to control because of lack of collection systems, remote locations, or expense. Constructed wetland systems offer many advantages as a low cost, low maintenance method of providing treatment (Butler et al., 1990; Gearheart, 1992). Wetland systems have been demonstrated to be effective for removing BOD, suspended solids, nitrogen and sometimes phosphorus, metals and toxic organics (Reed et al., 1988; Reed and Brown, 1992a; Soukup et al., 1992; Wolverton and Bounds, 1988; Wolverton and Wolverton, 1992). These systems consist of lined basins containing a solid substrate, such as soil or stone, and some type of emergent aquatic vegetation, frequently Typha (cattail), Phragmites (common reed), or Scirpus (bulrush). Wastewater that is applied to the system is treated by natural physical, chemical and biological processes. The key removal mechanism for nitrogen in these systems appears to be microbiological (Reed et al, 1988; Watson et al., 1988), through the processes of nitrification (microbial conversion of ammonia to nitrate) and denitrification (microbial conversion of nitrate to N2 ), although sedimentation/filtration, ammonia volatization and plant uptake may also contribute to removal (Rogers et al., 1991; Schiemp et al., 1990). The role of the emergent vegetation in nitrogen removal is to provide attachment sites for microbial growth, transport oxygen to the subsurface in the root zone method, and to provide some amount of direct uptake. I 2 There are two basic types of constructed wetlands used for treatment of wastewaters. FWS and SSF. The free water surface system (FWS) consists of a shallow basin containing sand or soil as the solid substrate. The surface is flooded with water to a depth of 6 to 24 inches. Typha appears to be well suited to this type of system and provides extensive surface area for attachment of microorganisms (Reed et al., 1988; EPA, 1988). Oxygen is provided by diffusion through the water surface; algae do not provide significant oxygen to the water because they are effectively shaded by the emergent vegetation. j . The subsurface flow system (SSF) uses a more hydraulically conductive substrate, such as coarse ■ sand or stone. Water applied to the system flows below the surface of the substrate, allowing filtration, sorption, precipitation, and microbial processes to remove contaminants. Microorganisms attach to the substrate surfaces; oxygen is provided primarily through transport by the plants from the air to the root zones (Reddy et al., 1989). Phragmires and Scirpus appear to be most effective for this root zone method of oxygen transfer because of deep penetration of roots and rhizomes into the subsurface (Conley et al., 1991; Cooper et al., 1989; Wood, 1990). Such reed bed treatment systems are already fairly common in Europe. Landfill leachate is a good example of a wastewater that wetlands present an attractive treatment option (Birkbeck et al., 1990; Dornbush, 1989; Keely et aL, 1992; Moshiri and Miller, 1991; Sanford et al., 1990; Staubitz et al., 1989; Surface et al., 1991). Most leachate is currently transported by truck to local municipal wastewater treatment plants. Hauling of leachate is expensive, potentially dangerous, and many wastewater facilities require pretreatment. On -site treatment by conventional processes usually involves high construction and operation costs, which continue for years after landfill closure. Alternative on -site treatment methods for leachate are becoming more important as more landfills collect and require treatment for their leachate as a result of legislative requirements. New Hanover County lies in the southern region of the North Carolina coastal plain at the mouth of the Cape Fear River. Bording the Atlantic Ocean, New Hanover County has a permanent population of approximately 120,000 with about 60,000 located in the county's largest municipality of Wilmington. In addition, New Hanover County receives about 1.3 million visitors per year. Average annual rainfall for the county is 136 cm (53.5 in); the average daily high temperature for the summer months is about- 310C (870F); the average daily low temperature for the winter months is 40C (390F). New Hanover County began operation of the first double -lined landfill with leachate collection in North Carolina in 1981. The county also operates a 450 ton per day (TPD) waste -to -energy incineration facility adjacent to the landfill. Ash from the incinerator is disposed of in the landfill. Leachate is currently collected from four separate landfill cells including 1, 2, 3A and 3B. Cells 1 and 2 are completed and capped, cell 3A is scheduled for closure in Spring 1993, and cell 3B is actively used primarily for disposal of incinerator ash and construction debris. The leachate collected from the landfill is pumped to a 2.5 acre, 4 million gallon capacity lagoon for pretreatment. From the lagoon the leachate is fed to a 50,000 gallon per day (gpd) extended aeration plant for further treatment. Filter cloth is used to remove solids from the aeration plant 3 effluent. which is then discharged to the Cape Fear River, in accordance with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) as mandated by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (DEHNR), Division of Environmental Management (DEM). In order to meet NPDES requirements, the effluent discharged to the Cape Fear River must have 30 milligrams per liter (mg/L) or less 5-day Biological Oxygen Demand (BODD, 30 mg/L or less of Total Suspended Solids (TSS), a pH between 6-9, must pass toxicity test as specified by DEM and must not cause the turbidity of the Cape Fear River to exceed 50 NTU. The facility is also requested to monitor concentrations of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), aluminum (Al), mercury (Hg), manganese (Mn), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (IP). In May, 1989, a toxicity reopener was placed on the landfill's NPDES permit which modified toxicity testing from 48 hour acute toxicity of Daphnia to 24 hour acute toxicity of fathead minnow. Prior to this new toxicity requirement the facility had no difficulty in meeting NPDES requirements. Leachate influent to the extended aeration plant from the lagoon is characterized by fairly low BOD5, TSS and metals and fairly high ammonia nitrogen and TN. BOD5-concentrations are generally less than 50 mg/L, but on occasion have gone as high as 260 mg/L. Most of the influent nitrogen is in the form of ammonia-N. Concentrations of ammonia-N up to 100 mg/L are common in the summer. Winter concentrations are somewhat higher, occasionally up to 200 mg/L. Effluent concentrations of BODS are generally less than 20 mg/L, with occasional higher levels. In the summer, most of the nitrogen in the effluent is in the form of nitrate, with ammonia-N concentrations generally in the range of 1 to 5 mg/L. During periods of cold weather, November or December to March, nitrifying bacteria slow down in the extended aeration plant, resulting in low to no removal of ammonia. In all instances, high ammonia concentrations of 8 parts per million (ppm) or greater have corresponded to failure of the toxicity test (Mike Nelson, personal comm.). However, the plant has consistently performed well during periods of warn weather. Additional testing has shown no evidence of toxicity from organics or metals in the effluent. Iron concentrations are frequently less than 0.5 mg/L, with occasionally higher Ievels, up to 6.0 mg/L. Other metals have consistently been present in very low concentrations. There are many potential benefits to New Hanover County of a wetland treatment system. The immediate concern is with meeting their toxicity standard by effectively removing ammonia during cold weather. Nitrification requires temperatures greater than 60C to be effective (Shammas, 1986; Hammer and Knight, 1992). Wetland systems may be able to provide warmer temperatures during cold periods by providing insulation with organic debris which prevents rapid heat Ioss stored in the ground and generated by microbial activity. This may be enough to enhance nitrification in the relatively mild coastal North Carolina climate. The County also wants to replace their extended aeration plant with a technology that requires less maintenance, such as a wetland system. This option is especially attractive for post -closure treatment of leachate, and would fit in well with current plans to develop a "wilderness park" at the site after closure of the landfill. A wetland system may also be better able to handle shock loadings of pollutants and may be effective at total nitrogen removal. Standards for total nitrogen are anticipated to be included in their discharge permit in the future. The County is very responsive to public opinion and is interested in developing a wetland treatment technology that would gain 4 public acceptance. They are also interested in the potential for using such a system as an educational tool that will help train environmental professonals and inform the general public about the potential for wetland treatment systems for applications in water quality improvement in coastal North Carolina. Constructed wetlands have many features that are attractive for use in water quality improvement in coastal areas. Although such systems have been shown to be effective in various applications, design criteria vary widely and are not. based on solid theory of removal mechanisms within these systems (Bavor et al, 1989; EPA, 1988; Reed and Brown, 1992a; Steiner et al., 1991; Watson et al., 1988). This project will use five pilot scale constructed wetland plots to test the effectiveness for treatment of this high ammonia landfill leachate. The focus will be on ammonia and total nitrogen removal. A mass balance approach will be used to identify how much nitrogen is actually removed and by what mechanisms. Other water quality parameters that will be studied include suspended solids, biochemical and chemical oxygen demand (BOD/COD), organic carbon, phosphorus, metals, alkalinity, and pH. These parameters will not be considered as extensively as nitrogen. The following hypotheses will be tested during this research: 1) Free water surface and subsurface flow constructed wetlands can provide effective removal of nitrogen all year in coastal North Carolina. 2) Oxygen needed for nitrification will limit nitrogen removal in these systems most of the year. 3) Inexpensive, locally available material can be used as the support media. OBJECTIVES ORMI 1 tell'IM-10-1. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the ability of constructed wetlands to treat a high nitrogen wastewater in a southeastern North Carolina coastal environment by treating leachate from the New Hanover County Landfill. Treatment ability will be determined in pilot scale wetland plots with different design strategies. Compare effectiveness of subsurface flow wetlands (SSF) and free water surface wetlands (FWS) under seasonal conditions. Deten-nine effect of loading rate and detention time on treatment ability of constructed wetlands. Determine the ability of constructed wetlands to treat both raw landfill leachate directly from the collection lagoon and aerobically pretreated leachate. 5 • Investigate economics and effectiveness of alternative support media. • Observe evidence of long-term problems, including clogging of SSF and excessive sedimentation in FWS systems. • Construct and plant five test plots • Establish good plant growth • Begin sampling • Complete one full year of data collection • Complete preliminary analysis to look for operational diff culties and potential problems • Make minor adjustments to operational stragegy as necessary Remaining, Work • Collect second full year of data after plants have become more fully established in the wetlands • Analyze data and compare operational strategies in the different plots • Make recommendations METHODOLOGY Five pilot -scale wetland plots will be constructed at the New Hanover County Landfill. Leachate collected from the landfill has been found to contain high levels of ammonia, causing potential 6 • problems with ammonia toxicity. Currently, leachate collected from the landfill is aerobically treated to achieve nitrification, converting ammonia to nitrate. This treatment system is very effective in warm weather but not always in cold weather. This project will provide the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of constructed wetlands for treatment of the leachate as well as for additional treatment of the effluent from the currently used aerobic treatment system. The project objectives will be addressed by the following strategies: Free Water Surface vs. Subsurface Flow Wetlands Parallel plots will be used to evaluate the relative effectiveness of subsurface flow wetlands (SSF) and free water surface wetlands (FWS). Each of these types of systems has advantages and disadvantages. FWS wetlands may get better oxygen transfer, do not have clogging problems, and provide better opportunity for ammonia volatization. SSF wetlands should get better temperature control in the winter and will not require mosquito control (Reed et al.,1988). This research will include an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of these two basic types of wetlands. Factors that will be considered in the analysis will include: cost of construction; treatment efficiency, especially under cold weather conditions; evidence of long- term problems and aesthetics for post -closure use of landfill site. N-Ioading and Detention Time the effect of loading rate and detention time will be determined by strategic placement of sample locations within each bed, allowing analysis of several detention times and mass loading rates within each bed.. Flow rate will be kept constant Data collected will allow a critical evaluation of design assumptions. Three of the wetland plots will receive leachate directly from the collection lagoon. The other two cells will receive effluent from the aerated treatment system currently in place. This arrangement will allow evaluation of use of constructed wetlands for complete leachate treatment and for polishing the effluent of the treatment system by providing additional nitrification for ammonia removal and denitrification for nitrate removal. Substrate The effectiveness and economics of alternative support media for subsurface flow will be evaluated. The current recommendation for support media is to use a one -inch gravel to minimize problems with clogging (Cooper et al., 1989; Sanford et al, 1990; Steiner and Freeman 1988; Steiner et al., 1991). Probable alternative substrate is culled bricks, compared to locally available gravel or marl. Use of a locally available waste product, such as culled bricks, could be economically favorable as well as ease the waste disposal problem of landfilling unwanted brick. Free surface wetlands will use on -site fill soil, primarily a slightly silty, clayey sand. Long -Term Problems Evidence of long-term problems will be examined. Such evidence includes clogging of subsurface flow wetland by organic matter which may cause change in water level, resulting in ponding. Another long-term problem that will be examined is sedimentation of free surface wetland. Accumulation of organics will be measured in both types of systems. ' 7 Pilot Plot Set-un Pilot plots will be built and sampled according to the following strategy in order to test the stated hypotheses. Pilot Plot Cells Five 12 m by 3 m pilot plot cells will be built with resulting length to width ratios of 4:1 (Figure 1), which corresponds to current recommendations (Crites, 1992; Hammer and Knight, 1992). Previous recommendations suggested larger length to width ratios for the purpose of minimizing short circuiting in the beds (Steiner and Freeman, 1989). However, this strategy is more costly and can result in overioading the front end of the systems. Three of the cells will receive untreated leachate from the holding lagoon. One of these cells will be a FWS wetland and two will be SSF wetlands. One of the SSF wetlands will use a standard gravel support media and the other will use a locally available waste product, such as culled brick, as an alternative. These cells will receive high ammonia influent all year, and will test the ability and limitations of such systems to remove ammonia. Two of the cells will receive treated effluent from the extended aeration plant. This effluent contains high levels of nitrate most of the year when effective nitrification takes place in the 1 treatment plant. One of these cells will be a FWS wetland and the other will be a SSF wetland using the alternative support media. This arrangement will allow analysis of the effectiveness of these two types of wetlands for denitrification during most of the year, and will demonstrate 1 effectiveness of ammonia removal during the cold season when nitrification is not'effective in 1 the treatment plant. Plants A mixture of Scirpus validus and Juncus eff=is will be used in the SSF systems. Scirpus has been shown to be effective in the root zone method of treatment in SSF wetland systems and is a locally abundant plant (Conley et al., 1991; Watson et al, 1989; Wood, 1990). Juncus is also locally common, and is better at over -wintering than many other wetland plants. Typha latifolia will be used in the FWS systems. This species has been shown to be effective in constructed FWS wetlands (Birkbeck et al., 1990; Reed et al., 1988). Water Depth In the SSF systems, the support media will be 60 cm deep and the water level will be maintained just below the surface of the support media. This depth was selected based on the depth of root penetration of the plant species, which will be important for effective oxygen transfer by the root zone method. Scirpus has the deepest root penetration of the commonly used wetland plants, up to 76 cm (Cooper et al, 1989; Gersberg et al., 1986). In the FWS systems, the soil substrate will be 30 cm deep, and the water depth will be maintained between 20 - 60 cm, averaging 30 cm. Shallow water depths will provide better oxygen transfer through surface diffusion and is expected to allow better nitrification (Crites, 1992). The same conditions will possibly allow greater ammonia volatization. Figure 1. Schematic diagram of wetland pilot plots. treated leachate * Sample locations BED A: Free Water Surface BED B: Subsurface Flow/ Brick Media BED C: Free Water Surface BED D: Subsurface Flow/ Brick Media BED E: Subsurface Flow/ Gravel Media raw leachate g Detention Time and Loading Rates Flow rates through the systems will be determined based on detention time. Detention time for each system will be 14 days. Previous studies have shown that 14 days detention time is adequate for treatment in most FWS systems; shorter detention times have been recommended for SSF systems (Conley et al, 1991; EPA, 1988; Reed and Brown, 1992b; Watson et al.,1989). Alternate detention times will be analyzed by sampling at intermediate locations along the test plots. Two types of loading rates are important for proper operation of wetland systems. One type is hydraulic loading rate (HLR), which is volume per area per time. The other is mass loading rate (MLR), which is mass of N per area per time. The SSF systems have total volumes of 22 m3. Assuming a porosity of 0.35 for the gravel or alternative media, the total volume available for flow is about 8 m3. To achieve an overall detention time of 14 day, a flow rate of about 0.57 m3/day is required. This flow rate would result in a HLR of 1.5 cm/day and a MLR of 31 kg N/ha-day (based on a maximum influent concentration of 200 mg NIL). The HLR is within currently recommended guidelines ( Hammer and Knight, 1992; Platter and Netter, 1992, Watson et al., 1988; 1989); the MLR is higher than some recommendations (Hammer and Knight, 1992; Swindell and Jackson, 1990; WPCF, 1990) and lower than others (Watson et al., 1989). Some design guidelines are given in terms of oxygen demand, assuming oxygen transfer into the system will be the limiting factor. The MLR of N corresponds to an oxygen demand loading of 142 kg OZ/ha-day. This is within some published values for maximum oxygen transfer by the root zone method (Armstrong et al, 1990; EPA, 1988; Reed et al, 1988). Tracer tests will be performed to determine actual flow rates required to achieve the desired detention time in the plots after plants become established The FWS systems with 30 cm water depth contain a total volume of 11.3 m3. Assuming a porosity of 0.7 with fully established plants, the total volume available for flow is about 8 m3, which is the same as the SSF systems. Therefore, estimates of required flow rate, HLR, and MLR are the same for both types of systems. Again, the actual flow rate required will be determined in the system after plants have become established Loading rates for the full 14 day detention time are again similar to some of the recommended guidelines (EPA, 1988; Reed et al., 1988; WPCF, 1990). FWS wetlands may not be as limited by oxygen transfer as are SSF wetlands (Hammer and Knight, 1992) Sampling Locations Samples will be taken monthly for measurement of water quality parameters from the influent and the effluent of each test plot. In addition, samples will be taken from two locations within the plots (Figure 1). The first of these will be at a distance one-third the length of the plots, at a detention time of approximately 5 days. Samples will be taken from two places along a transect at this distance. At each of these two places, separate samples will be taken from the top, middle and bottom of the water column. The second location will be at a distance of two-thirds the length of the plots, at a detention time of approximately 10 days. Samples will be collected in the same way as at the first location. Therefore 14 samples will be collected from each plot. Collection -of separate samples at the top, middle, and bottom of the water columns will allow. analysis of the effectiveness of removal at different depths. providing information that will be useful in detemining optimum depths for such systems. E . Parameters To Be Measured The inflow and outflow rates to each system will be measured continuously. Rainfall data will also be collected at the landfill site. This information will allow calculation of a water balance, assuming evapotranspiration is the only other loss of water from the systems. Temperature ('I'), dissolved oxygen (DO), and pH will be measured weekly at all the places that water samples are normally collected. Alkalinity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), volatile suspended solids (VSS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total phosphorus (TP), and dissolved phosphorus (diss.P) will be analyzed monthly. BOD will be measured quarterly to develop a conversion from COD to BOD. Metals (As, Cr, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Fe, Mn, Al, Hg) will be measured quarterly or as determined to be necessary. Phosphorus, BOD rand metals will be measured only in the influent and effluent. The concentrations of .important nitrogen species will be measured monthly. These species include nitratelnitrite (NO3-/NO2'), total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), and dissolved kjeldahl nitrogen (diss.TKN).. Analysis of dissolved as well as total kjeldahl nitrogen will allow determination of the contribution of sedimentation to removal of nitrogen in these systems. Nitrate will be present in dissolved form. Plant samples will be collected quarterly. These samples will be analyzed for dry weight, N, NO3-, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Cd. This analysis will allow estimates of the amount of nitrogen that has been removed by direct uptake by the plants. It will also give us an indication of metal uptake by the plants. Metal concentrations have typically been low in this leachate, and problems with metal accumulation are not expected. Samples will be taken from four locations within each plot, with two replicate samples taken per location. The accumulation of organics in the sediments will be measured semi-annually. Sediment samples will be taken and analyzed for organic matter and for nitrogen. This measurement is important as an indicator of accumulation of material that may cause long-term problems for operation of these systems. Clogging of SSF systems is of particular concern, but FWS wetlands may also become filled in with organic debris. Toxicity will be measured quarterly by New Hanover County according to their required protocol. Samples will be taken from the influent and effluent of each system. Scans of organics by GCMS will be done twice during the study to check for potential toxicity problems by priority pollutants. Data Analysis Influent and effluent rates are monitored continuously, and rainfall will be measured at the site. These measurements will allow us to calculate water loss by evapotranspiration and thereby the total water balance. Concentrations of nitrogen species will be used with flow data to determine mass flows of nitrogen species. Ammonia volatization rates will be calculated from TAN concentrations, pH and established transport relationships. Uptake of nitrogen by plant material will be estimated from plant tissue and total biomass analyses. Sedimentation of nitrogen will not be measured l 10 - directly, but estimates of the importance of this removal mechanism will be made based on data for total vs. dissolved nitrogen in the water and from sediment analyses. The rates of microbial activity, including nitrification and denitrification, will also not be measured directly, but will be determined by rate of changes in TAN, nitrate, and total nitrogen in the system after accounting for the other removal mechanisms. By determining rates of different removal mechanisms and not just determining whether nitrogen is removed, better recommendations and design criteria >i will be developed for these types of systems. Data from both FWS and SSF systems will be analyzed in. this way and compared for effectiveness of various removal mechanisms. Different detention times and loading rates will be evaluated by comparing data from several locations within each test plot. Data will be analyzed on a seasonal basis to determine if these systems will be effective for nitrogen or ammonia removal in cold weather. Additional insight into effectiveness of the various removal mechanisms will be obtained by comparing results from plots that receive raw leachate, containing mostly ammonia nitrogen, to those that receive aerobically treated leachate, containing mostly nitrate nitrogen. Data for other water quality parameters will also be analyzed for the purpose of gaining insight into the processes occurring in these systems. This insight will also be useful in developing meaningful design criteria. Accumulation of organic material in the support media will give an indication of potential for long-term problems in both types of systems. A complete analysis of long-term problems will not be possible as a result of this project, but some insight into potential problems may be gained. EXPECTED RESULTS The following is a list of the major results expected from the proposed research: • Develop an understanding of the limitations of constructed wetlands for N removal in coastal North Carolina. • Make full-scale treatment recommendation for New Hanover County Landfill. • Develop recommendations for application of constructed wetlands for N removal for other high N wastewaters in coastal North Carolina. This research will also be beneficial in association with other research projects. Graduate students in the Civil Engineering Department are currently working on related research, including a study of mechanisms of nitrogen removal in greenhouse wetland plots and development of a model of nitrogen removal in wetlands based on established mathematical descriptions of fundamental removal mechanisms. This research would interrelate to both of those projects. This research would also be enhanced by UNC-Wilmington students work in conjunction with New Hanover County to enumerate nitrifying bacteria. Development of this field experiment would provide opportunities for other graduate students to study related topics on established pilot scale test plots. 11 Another result of this project will be the development of an educational tool,for New Hanover County. The County plays an important role in public education, including school children as well as adults. They plan to use this research in developing their mission to educate the public in potential alternatives for waste treatment that preserve the quality of the environment. RELEVANCE TO NORTH CAROLINA Control of nitrogen effluents into coastal waters is an important problem in North Carolina. Eutrophication has resulted in algal blooms, populations of predatory algae, and nitrate toxicity to sensitive vegetation beds (Burkholder, 1991). This will also be useful to North Carolina given the mandate for communities to collect and treat their landfill leachate. Collection and treatment of landfill leachate will be a major expense for many communities. Wetland systems show promise as a technology for controlling nitrogen inputs to coastal waters from a variety of sources. Landfill leachate is only one problem source of nitrogen that might be able to take advantage of these systems. Other sources include. municipal wastewater, agricultural and urban runoff, feedlot wastes, animal confinement wastes, and food -related industrial wastewater. Some of these types of waste waters will require pretreatment, especially for removal of high BOD, prior to application to a wetland system. Even with pretreatment, wetland systems may be an economical and effective method for removal of some pollutants, including nitrogen. Using wetland treatment systems for non -toxic waste waters has the additional benefit of creating wildlife habitat (James and Bogaert, 1989; Feierabend, 1989; Wentz, 1987). The public is very concerned about loss of wildlife habitat (Hoban and Clifford, 1992) and would likely be receptive to the concept of using constructed wetlands to enhance the environment. North Carolina currently has no policy guidelines for the use of constructed wetlands for water treatment in the state. This work could be an important factor in defining a policy regarding this treatment method. RELEVANCE TO OTHER WORK Constructed wetlands are receiving much attention as an alternative treatment method for many types of waste waters. Constructed wetlands appear to have potential for removal of a number of pollutants, including BOD, TSS, N, P, metals and toxic organics. Many states have not yet developed well defined policies for use of constructed wetlands because necessary information is lacking. There is still considerable disagreement about the effectiveness of these systems. Design criteria are generally based on case -by -case input-output observations. The effectiveness of constructed wetlands for removal of ammonia nitrogen is particularly controversial. Some researchers question whether enough oxygen will be transported to the sediments to achieve nitrification in the root zone method (Brix and Schierup, 1990; Schierup et 12 al.. 1990). Others believe that the root zone method is effective in providing oxygen to the sediments (Armstrong et al., 1990; Conley et al., 1991; Gersberg et al., 1989). There is evidence that nitrification is the limiting step in nitrogen removal in many systems, with the supply of oxygen usually_the limiting factor (Choate et al, 1990; Hsieh and Coultas. 1989; Watson et al., 1988). Nitrification has been enhanced in several studies by providing aeration (Choate et al, 1991; Davies and Hart, 1990; Willadsen et al., 1990). Others have found that the limiting factor in nitrogen removal is the organic carbon supply required for denitrification (Gersberg et al., 1983, 1984). Many studies of constructed wetlands have not determined removal mechanisms and thereby do not offer insight into why some systems work well and others do not. This research will address the issue of removal mechanisms, which should improve our understanding of rate limiting factors, and will provide a basis for rational design criteria. 1 13 REFERENCES Armstrong, W., J. Armstrong, R.M. Beckett. 1990. Measurement and modelling of oxygen release from roots of Phragmites australis. In P.F. Cooper and B.C. Findlater (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on the Use of Constructed Wetlands in Water Pollution Control. Sept. 24-28, 1990. Cambridge, UK. pp. 41-5 L Bavor,H.J., D.J. Roser, P.J. Fisher, I.C. Smalls. 1989. Performance of solid -matrix wetland systems viewed as fixed film bioreactors. In Hammer, D.A. (ed.) 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