HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Quality Systems with Constructed Wetlands-1994-1995 (2)EO New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management WATER QUALITY SYSTEMS WITH CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS An Environmental Education Program 1994 - 1995 THIS PROGRAM SPONSORED IN PART HY A CAMA GRANT FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT. OTHER SPONSORS INCLUDE GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY AND NELSON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES. THIS PROGRAM SPONSORED IN PART BY A CAMA GRANT FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT. OTHERSPONSORSINCLUDE GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY AND NELSON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES. TEACHER PREPARATION PACKAGE Environmental Education Program New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management Water Quality Systems with Constructed Wetlands I M M A ' I� 1 The New Hanover County Department.f!f vironment'g-I :Management is pleased to offer this opportunity for environmen E #on to pu id chaol science classes. This program will center on current and p `s? tewat pmcosses.jocated r¢gram at the New Hanover County Landfill on Hwy 421 Nor :<# x =1ntigt€t's:p is to provide teachers new educational tools that will`conible € Science curriculum in New Hanover County Schools. Gradelevel fosrniddle ::.. school eighth grade• with other possibilities forow0r:°grade#le :;rtta►l. An ultimate achiement from this€ pract isK be protected thr-ough-�i-nnovatrcre tract eater treat �':� #;h�#ully controlled and monitored as well as the benefits of natural wetlands. The accompanying materials offer a background and history of the current landfill and development of the various wastewater systems for treating landfill leachate. This information will provide you support material including videos that will prepare your class for a field trip to the landfill constructed wetland demonstration site and lab. The support materials and the field trip should provide the basis for continued classroom study afterwards in related areas. During their field trip, students will participate in field observations and tests of water samples taken at the constructed wetland demonstration plots. They will record the results and have an opportunity to enter their field data into a computer spreadsheet program. Other samples will be taken for microscopic observations in the laboratory. Students will gain an understanding of how their field work and observations will play an active role in determining a final design for the permanent constructed wetland at the landfill site. Students will discover how decisions from their field work and laboratory tests play an active roll in control of the wastewater \ J processes to produce a quality effluent. This program will initially involve the constructed wetland demonstration plots. As the program is developed further, it will involve other wastewater treatment processes and the surrounding natural areas of the landfill site. The natural areas Oon the landfill site offer opportunities to study native flora and fauna. Field Trio Guidelines Students and teachers will go to the Hwy 421 North landfill site to begin their field trip. They will meet with a field trip guide and continue to the constructed wetland demonstration area. Students will divide into groups and begin their observations and field tests using available test kits and portable measuring devices. Tests for dissolved oxygen, pH, Nitrates -Nitrites, temperature, flow, and Ammonia will be recorded (see Attachments A& B) for later evaluation and trending with computer spreadsheets. Samples will be taken at areas designated on the Field Data Sheet. Field work at the demo plots will be noted as follows: • From test kits, one can observe colormetrically how these constituents change as they are removed within the various wetland cell configurations. • While samples are taken and measurements are made, explanations of what the tests identify and their significance to process control and/or design will be noted.(see glossary)' b The impact of the waste products on th 61101..rlment shdidd emphasized if left untreated (aquatic toxicity, eutropr€rreductiv pv;r quality for drinking, recreation, etc.). Duringthe time field observations are made' .oi s > i Y lo.�k for O • k 3 . .. would be es of insects resent presence of aNpall n in types present, P >��1�::;::.v g in the cells, conditions of plants in each eels; eoihpa#r thlants each. cell:.and.presence of:a�gae...Th,pse-�t�_m{.s ax�dd:� true +:Y• ` Y. ♦n?.r ':�/ u./ f ?. :f. .{;ism i:::::. ... .........i •'}:::,'pri:;:ti cell efficiencies and th '��/:abiliti, SA rem r : .....n<3yp„_.•. �• wwx•::x•::,.;;. k..:•:...:!4:::a;.e....... "txa.:.:... :.: ::;•x::a::%:iiSi`.:..... .....:: ....... .. r:::•:rx:.`.P •- • Students should be familiar with the species of wetland plants in each plot and be able to identify these plants (i.e., cattails, bulrush). [Refer to Packet A, for the planting diagram and plant species list located in the paper "Design of A Constructed Wetland System for Leachate Treatment ...... on pages 3-17 & 3-18.1 Student groups will be instructed by a work plan on the other wastewater processes on site. The 4.0 MG lagoon is used for pretreatment of the leachate where some organic and inorganic constituents are removed. Secondary treatment and the final stage before discharge is the biological system established in the 75,000 gallon activated sludge tank. Various types of microscopic organisms exist in this system. A permanent constructed wetland will work with this mechanical system for "polishing" the final effluent or replace it altogether as the secondary system. The students should gain a perspective of how treatment systems work and the ability of mechanical and natural processes for wastewater treatment working together, or as separate units, to remove pollutants. Before leaving the demonstration area several samples will be taken for microscope observations. 2 ♦ This first phase of the field trip should take from 1-11/z hours. Travel time back o to the administration building (lab) is 10 - 15 minutes. ♦ The second phase of the field trip at the WASTEC administrative building (temporary until lab completed at landfill) consists of a brief demonstration of wetland plants. A video microscopic will be used to view slides and identify specific microorganisms from samples or prepared slides. A computer will be used to enter field data. (see Attachments C & D). Time allowance for the microscope and computer lab should be 11/2 hours. Plant Demonstration The demonstration will involve wetland plants in a glass enclosure to view the plant roots and soil layers. The soil layers are indicators of the microorgranism activities. Lighter soil areas are indicators of activity of aerobic microorganisms. The darker soil layers are indicators of anaerobic microorganisms or little or no oxygen. A test of the oxygen that exists around the plant roots (therefore supporting the aerobic microorganisms) is with the use of a methylene blue gel compound. The methylene blue will change colors when it is exposed to ax@a� pf oxygen. ' Microscopic Observations Microscope observations will consist of viewing sliderysa,..Y,ron the constructed wetlands demonstration plots. Other prepared sHd 0 ' lable for comparisons such as stained slides from the wetlandsactivaerr agoon ..............:.,.... :.:.: or purchased slides. A video camera and #no i r" are XV-1, ` coscopic observations ciA be easily seen: J.-I O'E"-, fi 9w I.. video printer for ideiTtifi-cation and EA-6 �`i tion -purp e : L e tr "s 'area' • comparisons of microorganisms in the different cells • comparing microorganisms between the cells, lagoon, and activated sludge • observing plant cells in healthy plants, and plants showing decomposition Items to be noted will be: • The number and types of microorganisms that occur around the plant roots of the wetland plants in comparison to organisms that exist in the mechanical activated sludge system. • Microorganisms in the activated sludge receive oxygen from a blower, whereas microorganisms occurring at the plant roots in the wetland cells receive oxygen that is transferred to the roots through the plants. Plant transfer is the primary source of oxygen in the subsurface wetland plots. • The surface systems receive oxygen also from wind action on the water surface introducing oxygen for use by the microorganisms. Part of the study is to determine if microorganisms or plants are the primary sources for removal of pollutants. K • Recognition of types of microorganisms will be related to the different plots relative to the performance of these plots. Other comparisons of microorganisms will be made between surface and subsurface plots, and treated and untreated leachate. There may also be differences between microorganisms that are growing in the different substrates in the plots such as sand, gravel, or crushed concrete. Computer Data Entry Data that was recorded at the wetland demonstration plots will be entered into the computer database (Microsoft Excel 5.0). Trend charts from the data will establish removal efficiencies within each cell and comparisons between groups of cells. Students can see the differences between the cells and make preliminary evaluations on their own. Field data recorded from other schools can be made available by disk or by hard copy so each school and perspective classes can maintain a year round record of how the cells are operating, particularly related to seasonal variations, plant growth, plant species, etc.. Field Trip Summary and Objectives Participating students in this field trip will gain v nop .ecl� astewater treatment, environmental biology, and the need to mam t s ari ,water quality initiatives and goals. Participants should be abie to ell i €: pment an understanding of the importance :of proteding-the- en i t r Orly our estuaries. n e ..cuz's�Q.::€€":<a `d its coastal waters and .. ts... {:.: h t... g.»th#.:..:`:»...:......:>........ <4•:..•: articipants will'h�►.:v.,e�>be�r introdicd``eeas that .. ... m mC;xr;::;..:,M.•.•,;,o:.•::+s........ :. c.,:w.,..,.....,.::r..:.:.:%:......::k:<rv:?:'6k:<ti:r.•.'•;':::;,•:;:.:;::••v«x•:.•::.:c<•r . preparation, ::<: provide more e�"ficient treatment of wastewater"constituents. Two exanipies at the landfill facility are: The use of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms (GEMS) to provide enhanced ammonia removal in the activated sludge process The use of natural plants in a constructed wetland to remove wastewater toxins. Studies during the field trip will show how plants and microorganisms function to affect the quality of water effluent from these systems. Participants will gain an understanding of the importance of using natural processes for wastewater treatment and the potential benefit of incorporating this method of treatment. Their work andinterpretations will help to further develop the education program in addition to providing details for a final constructed wetland design. A goal of the program is to provide a realistic concept of ways to protect the environment through innovative technologies and to encourage young people to enter Ointo environmental careers. 4 ODescriAtion and Summary of Package Inserts Several modules of information are available in this package. The intention of this information is to provide new processes for meeting current and future wastewater regulations and to help keep our coastal waters clean. Other types of information should provide you current guidelines in wastewater treatment and constructed wetlands. All of this information might be used at some time with your current science curriculum. It is primarily there to help you prepare students for the field trip to the county landfill constructed wetlands demonstration project and to answer students' questions. Several videos are available from the Water Environment Federation and brochures that will give a general overview of various aspects of water quality and wastewater treatment. Students need to develop an understanding of "the big picture" so they will fully realize the importance of the field work they will be participating in. These videos will be available at a convenient time for classes planning a field trip. One additional video is available on constructed wetlands. This is a "grassroots" tape with good general information on constructed wetlands. A final video is a brief multimedia video that should be viewed prior to taking a field trip to the wetland. Information packets are included as follows:. f:.._•_ : . • Information Packet A - Landfill b. .; #1VIA Prop Q � nst'ucted >:::::.::.::;::...;.: x >. r Wetland Project��'` # Q': • Information Packet B -General informatM-ds, CWWT News } : > • Information Packet C • Basic. Biolog• y.( ste:. E uthne > ' z > :,'! i �».a,�'�.,:sib::�:,Y•.'•no'�•,'•i:,�2•"}k'r"'• �;2 ; for CWWT lectures, Nit'agen Cye._.3. .: >;:::>::>>::<:<:<:» :::.::<;<:::>; •.:L-..} ...,ij..,�-..w..w,'�;k}'?+:i:'isdfi{.}u.'o'>ii::it•`.;}:>:;;:iiai' ov'�,J • InfYirmation Packe.Dnfartioineation ..wa ..,,�......_.. ••b^:J�>:•: t:Eti:::.t';�t::'•.:.^•.oen,..�,... ' ...:>,.+'�c''3:...,iv.•ic<ia2't;8:4»fax:;u&�ioi:?::o,.•,.,•::� .:.> lirocbiures and videos • Video Titles from the Water Environment Federation: Nature's Way Video, Clean Water for Toddy: What is Wastewater Treatment and Careers in Water Quality • Video Title on Constructed Wetlands from Wolverton Environmental Services: Artificial Marshlands Treatment Systems • Multimedia Video - A mixture of computer graphics, sounds and video to introduce the New Hanover County demo wetlands project and the educational tools that are available through these field trips. Transnortation and Directions Transportation could be funded by school PTAs. Principals of other schools have a budget for this type of program. The New Hanover County Landfill is located on Hwy 421 North. From downtown Wilmington, proceed on Third Street North and cross the Isabelle Stellings Holmes Bridge over the Northeast Cape Fear River. At the intersection take Hwy 421 North O 5.2 miles to the county landfill. The landfill will be the third right after you pass Cape Industries (note the white sign New Hanover County - Solid Waste Disposal Site). Your field trip guide will meet you at the entrance. Note: From the Hwy 421 Intersection and the Isabelle Stellings Holmes Bridge, you will pass by the county Waste -to -Energy facility after 1.9 miles marked by a sign "WASTEC". WASTEC is located north of the Arcadian Fertilizer Plant immediately past the railroad tracks and on the right. You will come back to this facility (administration building) for your microscope and computer lab. Safety • Student groups should pay careful attention to the field trip guides, which will consist of county personnel, college student intems, or volunteers. • Groups should stay in the area of observations and tests and not wander. • Lab test equipment should be handled with care. • Gloves should be wom before taking samples to keep from coming in direct contact with the wastewater. When samM. is complete, alIvays wash the gloves thoroughly before removing them. moving tle` ores, wash your hands thoroughly, using a disinfectant-t3' a 1 A, Handle all chemicals and reagents with carve=x,..nd beapi "ar with Oprecautions or wamings on labels. -.... ry ...... ..........._.......5... {;:. •.T •':':) ?? vk•}'a.•:? �:: ir:�:::'::••.a :ti : t} For more information. .... .. • , t <Sg...__,...;q....,q>:•:e::,.:.ya<::;:,:;:;..:.xr,•;<:<y,•;a:•;::�taa .d� M- ....«.... ; ,,:a i f � 4\.ii�;:;:K'.:j<!`:::5:2::4i._:�{:;?i.'•:;`.;::.i:;iri; i+:::t:'T.:.•:~,'Jv M'- j Contact the Mw Hanover C.ou� � en of sr� � at phone (910) 341-4340 or fax (910) 341-4371: a A 0 6 CONSTRUCTED WETLAND AND WASTEWATER GLOSSARY O Activated sludge - Sludge articles produced in raw or settled wastewater b the growth g g P P Y of organisms in aeration tanks in the presence of dissolved oxygen. The term "activated" comes from the fact that the particles are teeming with bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. Activated sludge is different from primary sludge in that the sludge particles contain many living organisms which can feed on the incoming wastewater. Aerobic - Conditions in constructed wetlands or other that are in the presence of "free" or dissolved oxygen. Some microorganisms can only live in these conditions and perform well in these conditions to change pollutants into less harmful constituents. Aerobic Bacteria - Bacteria which will live and reproduce only in an environment containing oxygen which is available for their respiration (breathing) namely atmospheric oxygen or oxygen dissolved in water. Oxygen combined chemically, such as in water molecules (H2O, cannot be used for respiration by aerobic bacteria). Ambient temperature - Measurement of the temperature of the prevailing dynamic environmental conditions in a given area. Measurement may be made by using a Temperature electrode and allowing the display or meter to stabilize and remain constant before recording a reading. Anaerobic - Conditions in constructed wetlands or other that are NOT present in the aquatic environment~ Certain species of microorganisms can live without oxygen and are important in completing the removal of pollutants in the water. O Anaerobic Bacteria - Bacteria that live and reproduce in an environment containing no "free" or dissolved oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria obtain their oxygen supply by breaking down chemical compounds which contain oxygen, such as sulfate ( SO4 ). Biomass - A mass or clump of living organisms feeding on the wastes in wastewater, dead organisms and other debris. This mass may be formed for, or function as protection against predators and storage of food supplies. Constructed Wetland - Wet areas created from non wetland sites for the sole purpose of wastewater or storm water treatment. These areas are not considered waters of the U.S. (normally). Constructed wetlands are treatment systems subject to monitoring and treatment whose discharges must meet NPDES permit effluent standards (EPA). Created Wetland - Areas intentionally developed from non wetland sites to produce or replace natural habitat. These wetlands often are the result of mitigation projects and are waters of the U.S. (normally). Created wetlands are planned, designed, constructed and monitored. In addition, their location must have maximum benefit to the environment and protected in perpetuity (EPA). Denitrification - The anaerobic biological reduction of nitrate nitrogen to nitrogen gas. Detritus - The heavy, coarse mixture of grit and organic material carried by wastewater. In constructed wetlands, detritus may be formed from dead or dying plants caused by natural situations or seasonal changes. Microscopic examination of this material usually reveals numerous organisms living on the material. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) - Molecular oxygen dissolved in water or wastewater. DO O measurements may be made with a portable DO meter. Insert the electrode into the water several centimeters until it stabilizes. Record the reading. L� Eutrophication - Nutrient enrichment of a lake or other water body, typically characterized by increased growth of planktonic algae and rooted plants. It can be accelerated by wastewater discharges and polluted runoff. Nutrients such as nitrogen compounds and phosphorus are the main contributors to nutrient enrichment. Evapotranspiration - The total water removed from an area by transpiration (plants) and by evaporation from soil, snow, and water surfaces. Leachate - Commonly referred to as "landfill leachate" and is rainwater that trickles through the trash in a landfill in addition to water already retained by the trash. The water (leachate) is collected in wet wells and transferred to a lagoon or other facility for treatment. Flow Rate - The rate that water flows through the wetland cells and measured in gallons per minute(gpm) or gallons per day(gpd). The flow may be recorded by noting the. time and reading on the cell flow meter totalizer or reading from a chart paper. Free Water Surface (FWS) constructed wetland. Water level is above the soil or gravel bed with plant rooted in the bottom. Water flow is mainly above the bottom soil. Functions - The physical, chemical, and biological process or attributes of a wetland. Grab Sample - A single sample of wastewater taken at neither a set time nor flow. Hydrophytes (also known as hydrophytic or wetland plants) - These plants have developed specialized physical structures, aerenchyma, loosely similar to bundles of O drinking straws, to transport atmospheric gases including oxygen through leaves and stems down to the roots to provide oxygen for respiration. Aerenchyma also transport respiratory by-products and other gases generated in the substrate back up the roots, stem, and leaves for release to the atmosphere, reducing potentially toxic accumulations in the region of growing roots. Because of these specialized structures, wetland plants are able to survive and grow in habitats with hostile root -growing conditions that would kill other plants. Consequently, wetland plants are often the best indicator of a wetlands system even though many wetlands plants can grow in drier environments if competition with terrestrial plants is limited. (Note that roots of normal, terrestrial plants obtain oxygen for respiration from gases within soil pore spaces and if those spaces are filled with water lacking oxygen, their roots die and the plant dies). Microorganisms - Very small organisms that can be seen only through a microscope. Some microorganisms use the wastes in wastewater for food and thus remove or alter much of the undesirable matter. Nitrification - The oxidation of ammonia nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen in wastewater and constructed wetlands by biological or chemical reactions. (see nitrogen cycle) Nitrogen(N) - An essential nutrient that is often present in wastewater as ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and organic nitrogen. The concentrations of each form and the sum (total nitrogen) are expressed as milligrams per liter (mg/L) elemental nitrogen. Measurements of ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite will be recorded in the field trip using Hach test kits for ammonia and nitrate -nitrite test strips for the other. O Nitrifying Bacteria - Bacteria that change the ammonia and organic nitrogen in wastewater into oxidized nitrogen (usually nitrate). NPDES - National Pollution Discharge Elimination System. This system is regulated by state and federal guidelines for effluent discharge to US surface waters. pH - An expression of the intensity of the basic or acid condition of a liquid. The pH may range from 0 -14 where 0 is the most acid,14 most basic, and 7 is neutral. Natural waters usually have a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. Constructed wetlands operate well in this range also. The pH will often determine the types of microorganisms that will predominate in a system. Pollution - Any change in the natural state of water which interferes with its beneficial reuse or causes failure to meet water -quality requirements. Secondary treatment - A level of treatment that produces secondary effluent. At the landfill, the lagoon acts as primary or pretreatment and the -activated sludge plant is the secondary treatment before discharge. The constructed wetlands will be tested for use as secondary treatment, that would effectively replace the activated sludge plant if the constructed wetlands were effective as secondary treatment during the pilot test. Subsurface ( Vegetated Submerged Bed)[VSB] Constructed Wetland - Water level is in the soil or gravel bed media with plant roots extending to the bottom of the bed., Water flow is mainly through the media. Surface (Free Water Surface)[FWS] Constructed Wetland - Water level is above the soil or gravel bed with plants rooted in the bottom. Water flow is mainly above the bottom soil. Thermal Stratification - The formation of layers of different temperatures in bodies of water. Totalizer - A device that continuously sums or adds the flow in gallons (gal) or million Ogallons (MG) or some other unit of measurement. Toxicity - A condition which may exist in wastes and will inhibit or destroy the growth or function of certain organisms. Temperature - The thermal state of a substance with respect to its ability to transmit heat to its environment. To measure the water temperature in the wetland cells, put the electrode several centimeters into the water and wait to stabilize before taking a reading. Tertiary Treatment - The treatment of wastewater beyond the secondary or biological stage. This term normally implies the removal of nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, and a high percentage of suspended solids. (Another term is advanced waste treatment) Some of the wetland demonstration plots will be tested for use as tertiary treatment systems. Wetland - Lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water table is usually at or near the surface, or the land is covered by shallow water. Wetlands must contain the following three attributes: (1) at least periodically, the land supports predominantly hydrophytes; (2) the substrate is predominantly undrained hydric soil, and (3) the substrate is nonsoil and is saturated with water or covered by shallow water at some time during the growing season of each year. Wetland Plants (see hydrophytes) - Plants capable of growing in an environment that is periodically but continuously inundated for more than 5 days during the growing season. Wetland Plant Types - Major plant species that are used in all constructed wetlands are Phragmites (Reed), Typha (Cattail), Scirpus (Bulrush), Juncus (Rush), and Carex (Sedge). O[See CWWT NEWS, Winter 1993 No. 2, page 4 & page 51ocated in Packet B] Some of these species will be used in the demonstration plots. (See Information Packet A for details in the "Design of a Constructed Wetland System for Leachate Treatment at the New Hanover County Landfill, North Carolina") Effects on Microorganisms - It should be noted that these microscopic organisms are sensitive to pH, temperature, and DO. They are sensitive in that certain species will predominate under certain conditions of pH, temperature, and DO. Each species play an n important role in removing pollutants. Extremes in any of the three items will often kill `-/ the microorganisms, but once conditions are stabilized, they will come back. At certain tunes, there are toxic substances that will completely remove the biological organisms and treatment of the wastewater will stop. Solutions are to identify the toxic substance and stop it at the source or provide additional methods of treatment to compensate for the substance. Only then will the beneficial microorganisms come back and survive to begin to treat the wastewater again. Effects of Nitrogen compounds on the receiving waters - Nitrogen compounds released into rivers and lakes can create abundant plant growth. This plant growth usually has a short life span with constant regeneration as long as the source of nitrogen is present. Microorganisms multiply and consequently use more and more oxygen as they feed on the dead plant materials, thus further reducing the oxygen content in the water. Fish kills develop when the oxygen in the water falls below certain levels. This process is called eutrophication A major consideration of using constructed wetlands for tertiary treatment is to help remove most of the nitrates from the wastewater before discharge to the river (See nitrogen cycle). Effects of Ammonia - Ammonia can be toxic to microorganisms and fish in low concentrations. Ammonia is also part of the nitrogen cycle and can be reduced to Nitrate by nitrifying bacteria. Ee DATA.XLS New Hanover County Pilot Wetlands Proiect School: Class: �J Name(s): Date Time Weather sunny cloudy rainy windy thunderstorms Temp. Sample location: 2 cell 3 call North South Middle In cell location: Influent Effluent Circle Sample Location on Drawing N �•W d' E S i Tvoe of Samole(s) Collected: PH DO Temp. NH3 NO2 NO3 Flow Initials #9 #3 #4 Notes: IINFLUENT FEED TANKS SEE DETAIL. FIGURE 4 NOT TO SCALE Parr, BUCJQ,EI', L (ATTACHMENT B) WETLAND INFLUENT STRUCTURE SEE DETAILS. FIGURE 5 (TYPICAL 5 PLACES) TOP of eaz►i — — — SFW #2 — (RAW) — ; TOP OF BERM Fm SFW $1 — (TREATED) ' TOP of BERM ORGANIC MATTER FEED SYSTEM SEE DETAIL. FIGURE 10 (TYPICAL 3 PLACES) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOP OF BERM SSFW #3 (RAW; BRICK) i P OFS M , .1 SSFW f2 (RAW; GRAVEL) SSFW1 (TREATED; GRAVEL) SURFACE FLOW WETLAND OUTFALL SUBSURFACE FLOW WETLAND OUTFALL, SEE DETAIL. FIGURE 6 E I0 3 FIGURE 8 (TYPICAL 2 PLACES WETLAND TRMENT CELL & PIPING PLAN RE 3 NH3DEMO5.XL5 101 New Hanover County Constructed Wetlands 1994 Influent and Effluent Data Influent Data Date SFW#1 SFW#2 SSFW#1 SSFW#2 SSFW#3 2/15/94 92.7 1.55 74.2 74.2 1.1 2/22/94 114 14.5 85.7 85.7 1.02 3/9/94 101 2.29 69.3 69.3 2.01 3/15/94 150 1.61 60.1 60.1 1.02 4/5/94 101 9.22 57.9 57.9 2.01 4112/94 137 2.02 56.1 56.1 0.72 .5/3/94 156 3.42 61.3 61.3 0.67 5/10/94 165 11.7 43.9 43.9 1.03 617194 147 1.81 47.2 47.2 0.85 6/14/94 133 2.21 53.5 53.5 1.03 7/6/94 147 1.44 26.1 26.1 0.39 7/12/94 84.1 25.2 32.8 32.8 1.08 8/2/94. 89.4 2.43 44.3 44.3 1.01 8/10/94 78.1 4.13 46.5 46.5 0.97 Effluent Data SSFW#1 SSFW#2 SSFW#3 2/15/94 42.1 31.9 0.42 2/22/94 25.1 26.1 0.72 3/9/94 22.8 23.6 0.54 3/15/94 28.6 22.7 0.33 4/5/94 27.8 29.5 0.43 4/12/94 30.1 23.1 0.56 513/94 21.6 30.2 0.31 5/10/94 18.9 21 0.29 6/7/94 22.9 27.1 0.29 6/14/94 27.2 33.3 0.44 7/6/94 33.2 29.4 0.39 7/12/94 21.3 26.1 0.44 8/2/94 20.6 27.6 0.53 8/10/94 25.4 26.6 0.31 (ATTACHMENT C) VO New Hanover Co. Constructed Wetlands Influent NH3 180 160 140 120 100 mg/L 80 60 40 20 0 2/1 5 2115 3/9 3/15 4/5 4/12 5/3 5/10 6/7 6/1 4 7/6 7/1 2 8/2 8/10 Sample Date —�— SFW#1 SFW#2 SSFW#1 SSFW#2 —}-- SSFW#3 New Hanover Co. Constructed Wetlands Effluent NH3 160 140 120 100 mg/L 80 60 40 20 0 2115 2/15 3/9 3/15 4/5 4/12 5/3 5/10 6/7 6/1 4 7/8 7/1 2 8/2 8/10 Sample Date --�-- SSFW#1 0 SSFW#2 —+-- SSFW#3 (ATTACHMENT D) CO Z Q J Z O W J 0 0 0 WATER QUALITY SYSTEMS WITH CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS LESSON PLAN I. SYNOPSIS This exercise has numerous objectives: (1) Learn the affects of pollutants on microorganisms; (2) Experience hands-on use of field and laboratory equipment in a practical application of sampling techniques and data gathering; (3) Compare the effectiveness of surface flow verses subsurface flow wetlands in the removal of contaminants from wastewater; (4) Identify plants and microorganisms which assist in the removal of contaminants. Upon completion of the exercise, the student should associate processes of contaminant reduction in a "constructed" wetland with processes occurring in naturally occurring wetlands and the need to protect these natural habitats. II. SUGGESTED TIME FOR FIELD TRIPS 2 hours in the field at the wetland. 2 hours in the laboratory. III. TEACHING MATERIALS Field Equipment - Thermometer - pH Meter - DO Meter - Colorimetric Test Kits Nitrate -Nitrite, Iron, and Ammonia. Sampling Equipment - 1 liter plastic beakers - Metal Spoons - Wooden tongue depressors - Grease pencils or labels - Trays for sorting - Blunt forceps - 12-inch ruler (HACH) for Alkalinity Lab Equipment - Personal computer with spreadsheet - Lotus 1,2,3 or Microsoft Excel 5.0 0 Video Microscope o - Computer Floppy Disk - Manuals for identifying aquatic macro - invertebrates, microorganisms, and aquatic or wetland plants IV. SUGGESTED ADVANCE PREPARATION - Review Lab Safety - Operation of field lab equipment pH, DO, Thermometer - Review colorimetric test for Nitrates - Nitrites, Iron, Alkalinity, Ammonia - Effects of pH, Ammonia, and other pollutants on microorganisms. - Use and care of a microscope - Preparation of slides for microscope viewing - Identification of microorganisms - Sampling techniques - Nitrogen cycle V. INTRODUCTION The discharge of impurities into bodies of water may cause a detriment to the quality of that water. Definitions of pollution include any interference with the beneficial use of the water or a failure to'meet certain established water quality standards. Present treatment technologies exist which minimize the effects of discharges into the receiving waters. However, as additional competition for use of water for drinking, recreational, and discharge purposes increases, higher quality effluent from treatment facilities will become necessary. Low cost and effective mechanisms to improve water quality may be available by looking to natural processes and understanding their functions. The possibility of utilizing "constructed" wetlands to improve treatment processes while providing a new habitat for wildlife is the driving force behind the constructed wetland demonstration project. There are many types of wastes which pollute our waters; wastewater discharges, stormwater run-off, industrial discharges, and non -point sources such as agricultural.run- off. DISSOLVED OXYGEN (DO) ONatural elements and organisms are often used to determine the extent of pollution in a body of water. One element in particular, oxygen, is necessary to sustain most aquatic life. Most surface water contains less than 0.001% Dissolved Oxygen (10 milligrams of oxygen per liter of water, or 10 mg/L). Because oxygen is abundant in natural waters, many aquatic organisms are very sensitive to the lack of it. When oxidizable wastes are introduced into the water, bacteria begin to feed on the waste and decompose_ or break down complex waste into simple compounds. The bacteria also uses available dissolved oxygen from the water and are called Aerobic Bacteria. As more organic waste is added, the bacteria reproduces rapidly, depleting the oxygen supply possibly to the point to use up the supply of oxygen quicker than it can be replenished by natural diffusion from the atmosphere. The depletion of oxygen causes "fish kills" and destroys most other living things in the body of water. In order to determine the availability of dissolved oxygen, the student will measure and record dissolved oxygen levels throughout the wetland systems using a membrane electrode. Other indicators are also used to determine the health of a surface water. Two such indicators which will be monitored in the demonstration wetlands plots by the students are temperature and pH, or concentration of the hydrogen ion. Temperature effects a number of processes including feeding, growth, reproduction, and respiration. In wastewater treatment, accurate temperature measurements are helpful in evaluating process performance because temperature is one of the most important factors affecting microbial growth. Generally stated, the rate of microbial growth doubles for every 10° C increase in temperature within -the specific temperature range of the microbe. Thermometers are calibrated for either total immersion or partial immersion. A thermometer calibrated for total immersion must be completely immersed in the wastewater sample to give a correct reading, while a partial -immersion thermometer must be immersed in the sample to the depth of the etched circle around the stem for a correct reading. If a fahrenheit thermometer is used, the reading may be converted to Centigrade by the following formula: °c= 5 (°F-32 ) 9 (3) The student will observe the effects of temperature on O the microorganisms by trending efficiency of containment removal (primarily ammonia) through seasonal variations. (Trends from previous data will be provided by the field trip instructor). K PRECAUTIONARY PROCEDURES When obtaining the temperature of a sample, the following procedures should be followed: 1) To attain truly representative temperature measurement, it is necessary either to take the temperature reading at the point of sampling or immediately following sample collection. A large sample volume should be used to avoid a temperature change during the measurement. 2) The accuracy of the thermometer used should be occasionally verified against a precision thermometer certified by the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). 3) The thermometer should be left in the sample while it is read. HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION (pH) Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH) is the measurement of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The intensity of acidity or alkalinity is numerically expressed by its pH. A pH value of 7.0 is neutral, while values 7 to 14 are alkaline and values 0 to 7 are acid. pH can be measured colorimetrically or electrometically. The"electrometric method (pH meter) is preferred in all applications because it is not as subject to interference by color, tubidity, colloidal matter, various oxidants and reductants as is the less expensive colorimetric method. The pH measurements are valuable in process control because pH is one of the environmental factors that affect the activity and health of microorganisms. Sudden changes in pH are detrimental to biological processes. Generally, the pH of the secondary effluent will be close to 7. A pH drop may be noticeable in a biological process achieving nitrification because alkalinity is destroyed and carbon dioxide is produced during the nitrification process. PRECAUTIONARY PROCEDURES 0 When performing the pH test, the following procedures should be followed: 1) Grab samples should be used for the pH measurement. The pH test should be performed on the samples immediately following collection before the temperature or dissolved gas content can change significantly. Do not heat or stir the pH sample as a change in temperature or dissolved gas content will affect -.the pH value. 2) Do not contaminate the buffer by pouring the used buffer solution back into the buffer container. 3) Calibrate the pH meter with a buffer solution of approximately the same temperature and pH as the sample to be tested. Adjust the pH meter's tempebature compensator for each pH measurement. 4) Avoid fouling the electrodes with oil or grease. 5) Erratic results or drifting should prompt an investigation of the electrode. VI. PROCEDURE IN THE FIELD This exercise will be performed in two components: field sampling and instrument measurements, and; laboratory microscopic examination and data entry. FIELD SAMPLING Upon arrival at the wetland plots, the class will be divided into groups. A suggested class size is no more than thirty (30) students which allows six (6) groups of five (5) students each. Each group will be given an assignment of chemical or instrument tests, measurements, or biological or water sample collection. The group will be responsible for monitoring influent and effluent of each of the five cells for their specific assignment as follows: (1) Group 1 - Field Observations and Sample Collections Observe weather conditions noting temperature, wind velocity and direction, sky conditions, time and date, and any other unusual conditions. Record observations on the data form. Q (5, Water, sediment, and vegetative sample containers should be labeled according to type and location of sample. Sample locations will be predetermined by the field instructor. (2) Group 2 - Temperature and pH Follow the directions for use of the Corning Digital portable pH meter. Progress through the sampling stations monitoring temperature and pH. Samples should be obtained at each location in the container provided. The sample container should be triple rinsed with sample, .discarding the rinse water back into the wetland. Fill the container to a depth of 3 to 4 inches. The probe should be submerged two inches below the sample surface allowing sufficient time for the instrument to stabilize. Upon stabilization record the temperature. Press the pH button on the instrument and allow stabilization. Record the pH on the data form. Rinse the probe generously with distilled water before proceding to the next station. (3) Group 3 - Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Follow the directions for use of the Cole-Parmer Dissolved Oxygen Field Meter. Progress through the sampling stations monitoring dissolved oxygen. Samples should be O obtained at each predetermined station in the container provided. Triple rinse the sample container with sample water, discarding the rinse water back into the wetland. Fill the container to a depth of 3 to 4 inches. Submerge the probe two (2) inches below the sample surface allowing sufficient time for the instrument to stabilize. Record the DO reading on the data form. Rinse the probe generously with distilled water before proceeding to the next station. (4) Group 4 - Nitrate/Nitrite Follow the directions on the Hach Nitrate/Nitrite field sample kit. Progress through the sampling stations monitoring Nitrate/Nitrite. Samples should be obtained at each pre- determined station in the container provided with the test kit. Triple rinse the sample container with sample water, discarding the rinse water back into the wetland. Fill the test kit vial to the mark with sample and add the contents of the packet from the test kit. Mix the contents according to directions. Compare the sample to the color disc and record the result on the data form. Rinse the sample vial generously with distilled water discarding the rinsate into the bucket provided. Proceed to the next station. (6) (5) Group 5 - Ammonia OFollow the directions on the Hach Ammonia Field Sample Kit. Progress through the sampling stations monitoring ammonia. Samples should be obtained at each predetermined station in the container provided with the test kit. Triple rinse the sample container with sample water, discarding the rinse water back into the wetland. Fill the test kit vial to the mark with sample and add the reagent from the test kit as instructed. Mix the contents according to directions. Compare the sample to the color disc and- record the results on the data form. Rinse the sample vial generously with distilled water discarding the rinsate into the bucket provided. Proceed to the next station. (6) Group 6 - Acid Mine Drainage Follow the directions on the Hach Acid Mine Drainage Field Sample Kit. Progress through the sampling stations monitoring Acidity, Alkalinity and Iron. Samples should be obtained at each predetermined station in the container provided with the test kit. Triple rinse the sample container with sample water, discarding the rinse water back into the wetland. Fill the test kit vial to the mark with sample and O add the reagent from the test kit as instructed. Mix the contents according to directions. Compare the sample to the color disc and record the results on the data form. Rinse the sample vial generously with distilled water discarding the rinsate into the bucket provided. Proceed to the next station. VII. PROCEDURE IN THE LABORATORY The second phase of the field trip will be conducted in the laboratory. Student groups 1, 2 and 3 will proceed to the video microscope to view slides of samples obtained from the field exercise. Wet drop slides may be prepared from the samples, or previously prepared stained slides of microorganisms may be used. Students will be instructed to identify the organisms as* ameoboids, flagellates, free swimming ciliates, stalked ciliates, rotifers, or worms. Once the organisms are identified into groups, the students will be instructed to identify the predominant group from each slide and associate the predominant group with its location in the wetland system. The information will be recorded on the Work Sheet for Microscopic Examination. Student work groups 4, 5 and 6 will proceed to the computer work station. Data collected from the field exercise will be entered into the computer spread sheet and graphed for each parameter monitored on each wetland cell to determine trends. Once completed, the two groups will change work locations. EO c$) K K U61 VIII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Which of the wetland plots provided the most reduction in ammonia? 2. Was the plot which provided the most overall contaminant reduction a surface flow wetland or subsurface flow wetland? 3. Did you observe a difference in the wetland plots receiving lagoon wastewater compared to the plots receiving effluent from the activated sludge treatment plant? If so, what were your observations? 4. What was the predominant microbiological group? Where were they found? Why do you think they were found at that location? 5. Do you think temperature and pH will affect the wetland's plants? The microorganisms? What affects would you expect to observe? 6. How is dissolved oxygen (DO) used to monitor the health of a body of water? 7. What effects do untreated wastewaters have on receiving streams? 8. Why are chemical tests for pollution sometimes not as reliable as biological assessments? 9. How did dissolved oxygen vary across the plots? Which plot had the most DO? Which had the least DO? 10. How is dissolved oxygen added to wetland plots? River water? Ocean water? 11. In general what is pollution? 12. What pollutants would you expect to find in landfill leachate? 13. What is leachate? 14. How do you carry a microscope? 15. Identify the parts of a microscope? 16. What are the procedures used in microscopic viewing -of a slide? i9i 17. What are Aerobic Bacteria? Anaerobic Bacteria? 18. Describe the Nitrogen Cycle. 19. What is Hydrogen Ion concentration? Why is it important to monitor pH? 20. How does temperature affect biological systems? 21. Which plot showed the most abundant plant growth? 22. Which plant type appeared to be the most abundant? 23. Which wetland type (surface or subsurface) had the most abundant plot growth? 24. Explain why this wetland type had the most abundant plant growth. (nutrients, substrates) 25. Were there any dead spots in the plots? 26. Which plots? 27. Explain why these dead spots exist. Ee O (10) MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF MICROORGANISMS LESSON PLAN O After completing this exercise you should be able to: (1) Identify the parts of the microscope. (2) care for a microscope. (3) Use the microscope to view microorganisms. (4) Recognize groups of microorganisms present in wastewaters. (5) Identify predominant groups of microorganisms present in wastewaters. CARE OF THE MICROSCOPE 1. When carrying the instrument, grasp the arm with one hand, and place the other hand under the base as a support. Keep the instrument in an upright position. When the light source is O not attached, take the scope to your laboratory table first, and then return for the light source. Do not carry both items at the same time. 2. Keep the microscope at least 6 inches from the edge of your laboratory table. 3. Do not handle the lenses with your fingers. Perspiration contains fatty acids and other substances that can mar the lens glass. Always use lens paper for cleaning the optical system. 4. Wipe the lenses of the microscope before and after use. 5. Do not tamper with any components of the instrument. If the microscope does not seem to be functioning, notify the instructor immediately. 6. Do not allow chemicals to come into contact with any part of the instrument. 7. Always be certain that the low -power objective is in the working position -that is, in line with the body tube -before putting the microscope away. M 8. In removing the plug of the light source, do not pull on the O wire, but grasp the plug firmly and disconnect it from the socket. 9. If a cover is provided for the microscope, be certain that it covers the entire instrument. USING THE MICROSCOPE Correct observations of microorganisms are dependent on a basic understanding of a microscope and its parts. The microscope provided has a built-in light source. The flat portion of the microscope on which the specimen rests is called the stacte. Located in the stage is a condenser that ensures proper illumination in the objective. The condenser has an adjustable diaphragm which permits reduction of the excess light in the objective. Too much light through the condenser will make some specimens appear invisible, while too little light hides the detail of some specimens. When viewing the specimen, the optics of the microscope result in inversion of the image so that the specimen must be moved in the opposite direction to the apparent motion as observed in the microscope. The light passes through the specimen into the objective, the lower lens. There are three objectives located on the revolving nosepiece, 4X, 1OX and 40X. Light travels from either of these three objectives through the barrel into the eyepiece where the image is magnified more. The eyepiece has 1OX magnification. Thus the total magnification of the image is the product of the eyepiece times the objective. The microscope we are using has a 1OX eyepiece and 4X objective that equals 40X magnification, 1OX eyepiece with a IOX objective that equals 100X magnification and the 1OX eyepiece with a 40X objective that equals 400X magnification. There are two focusing adjustments on the microscope. The coarse adjustment is used to locate the approximate focus of the specimen. The fine adjustment permits final focusing. One of the most difficult aspects of using a microscope is finding the microorganism you are looking for. The easiest way is to locate the specimen with the 1OX objective. The objective is lowered until it almost touches the specimen and then the objective is slowly moved away from the specimen with the coarse adjustment. Once the specimen comes into view, the fine adjustment is used to make precise focusing. Large microorganisms as found in waste- waters are normally observed at 100X magnification. Q (2) 0 PROCEDURE FOR EXAMINATION 1. Place a drop of wastewater or material from the sample onto the 1" x 3" slide (using an eyedropper to collect sample). 2. Gently lower the coverslip in place. 3. Scan the slide from left to right; top to bottom. Identify and tally microorganisms as the slide is scanned. 4. Use the Work Sheet for Microscopic Examination to tally micro- organisms viewed. Total the number of organisms counted in each group and register the results. Three slides per sample should be examined. Total the number of organisms counted in each group. The three higher totals are interpreted as the predominating organisms.' eyepiec objecti fixture sc arm co -axial hai fine adjust coarse adjust Preset focus Illuminator or built in Illumination Q (3) prism box evolving nosepiece nosepiece objective lens stage condenser condenser stop is or disc diaphragm mirror base QNEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DATE: WORKSHEET FOR MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION PM TIME: AM BY: TEMP: SAMPLE LOCATION: 0- C MICROORGANISM SLIDE SLIDE SLIDE TOTAL GROUP NO. 1 NO. 2 NO. 3 AMOEBOIDS FLAGELLATES FREE SWIMMING CILIATES STALKED CILIATES ROTIFERS WORMS N RELATIVE PREDOMINANCE: 2. 3. m 0 MULTIMEDIA VIDEO GUIDE 0 Eel K Environmental Education Field Trip Guide :.:............ What are Constructed Wetlands? Where are the Constructed Wetlands? What is this demonstration project abomW -*What are your field trip activities? 4* What will you learn from this experience? at Are Constructed Wetlands? {:ry sites for the sole purpose wastewater or sto rmwate r treatment. Two types of Constructed Wetl ds -10 Surface (Free Water Surface) Subsurface( Vegetated Submerged . Bed) m Locatea at the New Hanover t;ou Landfill Site, Hwy 421 North m What will this demonstration project accomplish? Develop an understanding of the limitations of constructed wetlands for Nitrogen removal in coastal NC Make a full-scale design recommendation for New Hanover County Landfill m Wastewater from the landfill is called leachate What is landfill leachate? Rainwater that trickles thro gh the trash in addition to water already etained by the trash in the landfill cell. m What is the current wastewa er treatment system Consists of a 4.0 MG lagoon and a .075 MG Wastewater Plant m The five demonstration plots will receive landfill leachate in different stages of treatment From the 4.0 MG pretreatment lagoon From the 75,000 gallon wastewater plant wetlands m Three are subsurface constructed wetlands m Two are surface constructed wetlands m These five pilot scale plots can be operated in many flow configurations t will your field trip involve? ield observations and tests icroscopic studies omputer data input and chart ends to interpretation IN Id Trip Activities - Phase 1 field observations n of plant spec )nditions of plants Subsurface wetland p Surface wetland plots )bservations of animals, insects ind amphibians that inhabit hese areas Field Trip Activities - Phase 2 " Microscopic Observations Y Study types of microorganisms T Identify most abundunt microorganism type Compare microorganisms in the different wetland cells Compare microorganisms with other wastewater processes Id Trip Activities - Phase 1 water samples with field ant ph meters dissolve oxygen meters colormetric test kits Tests that will be perform d water samples.... pH & Dissolved Oxy e Nitrates & Nitrites Ammonia & Temperature Flow measurement Field Trip Activities - Phase 2 r Computer Data Entry Enter your field data in a spreadsheet Interpret Field Data Trend data to determne pollutant removal efficiencies in the different wetland cells What can you expect to learn? Effects of pollutants on microorganisms Experience hands-on use of field and laboratory equipment V Compare the effectiveness of surface flow versus subsurface flow wetlands in the removal of contaminants from wastewater What can you expect to learn? v�, Identify plants and microorganisms which assist in the removal of contaminants Upon completion of the exercise, be able to associate processes of contaminant reduction in a "constructed" wetland with processes occurring in natural occurring wetlands and the need to protect these natural habitats 0 0 0 Environmental Education Field Trip Guide it What are Constructed Wetlands? f Where are the Constructed Wetlands? i What Is this demonstration project ab What are your field trip activities? AM Im What will you learn from this experience?, Are Constructed Wetlands? sites for the sole purpose of wastewater or stormwater treatment. Two types of Constructed Wetl 'A Surface (Free Water Surface) it Subsurface( Vegetated Submerged Bed) m Located at the New Hanover County Landfill Site, Hwy 421 North m What will this demonstration project accomplish? Develop an understanding of the limitations of constructed wetlands for Nitrogen removal in coastal NC Make a full-scale design recommendation for New Hanover County Landfill K ti }y}:.: }.} t; �.ti:j :r ,}tiT . {.}r v:; k?•: `+Ctiti v , }v}i yvy.ti} } ?�\G;?Y ••t•}i. .+,:;:;.:s;:Yh'tt `'� ��}}>>tt.:; ..ti >>T,t::;,; •:?t•:Tv Y `�.t't?; "tir•4^ ?��yI.; #.K•�. is}�;i:�{('�i� ;, �If•^\y{tip ?t: }.�: ti \}:.T: f ?:ti\>ti '•}:'i4?''; :{;�:.. }• Yi:•4:"�:??�?TitT.}: `i`'�v i.ti\_i•j}? .k??ti'#:. Q v3;v i?4:,;T:?:?:i•t} V?,•t:}'•:?). :�:��:'<:?:}::,?..�>.•:•:•:�k•.vv':E��v.....;��v '' '','•:;• •.Z;..y:t ..:}'..?:i �: r ;:4;?Tt•?'yt: m Wastewater from the landfill is called leachate -What is landfill lose ats7 m Rainwater that trickles thro igh the trash In addition to water already retained by" the trash In the landfill cell. m What is the current wastowate treatment system m Consists of a 4. 0 MO lagoon and a .075 Ma Wastewater Plant m The five demonstration plots will receive landfill leachato in different stages of treatment ® From the 4.0 MO pretreatment lagoon m From the 75,000 gallon wastewater plant m Three are subsurface constructed wetlands ® Two are surface constructed wetlands m These five pilot scale plots can be operated in many flow configurations will your field trip involve? observations and tests iscopic studies Mar data input and chart interpretation 0 K Trip Activities - Phase 1 field observations cation of plant species inditions of plants Subsurface wetland pi s Surface wetland plots Iservations of animals, insects d amphibians that inhabit :se areas Field Trip Activities - Phase 2 t Microscopic Observations Study types of microorganisms + Identify most abundunt microorganism type " Compare microorganisms in the different wetland cells Compare microorganisms with other wastewater processes Activities - Phase 1 water samples with field ph meters dissolve oxygen meters colormetric test kits Tests that will be perforn ed on 1 water samples.... pH & Dissolved Ox all. Nitrates & Nitrites Ammonia & Temperature Flow measurement Field Trip Activities - Phase 2 Computer Data Entry " Enter your field data in a spreadsheet " Interpret Field Data Trend data to determne pollutant removal efficiencies in the different wetland cells M K K What can you expect to loam? " Effects of pollutants on microorganisms r Experience hands-on use of field and laboratory equipment ° Compare the effectiveness of surface flow versus subsurface flow wetlands in the removal of contaminants from wastewater What can you expect to learn? Identify plants and microorganisms which assist in the removal of contaminants Upon completion of the exercise, be able to associate processes of contaminant reduction in a "constructed" wetland with processes occurring in natural occurring wetlands and the need to protect these natural habitats z 0 a 0 LL z iat are constructed wetlands? me Constructed wetlands are desig,ned and built similartonatural wetlandstotre:tt+yastew•a- ter. They consist of a shallow depression in the zruund with a level bottom. The Ilim is controlled in constructed wctlands so the water is spread evenly among, the wetland plants. In natural wetlands. 90% of the water may flow through small channels. Controlling, the flow allows natural proc- esses to occur and clean the wastewater more efficiently. w build wetlands? Constructed wetlands provide simple and effective wastewater treatment. They can be used to treat domestic, agricultural, industrial, and mining wastewaters. Theirconstruction costs are much less (50 to 90%) than conventional systems and their operating costs are very low. Constructed wetlands are also pleasant to look at, attract desired wildlife, and pro- vide environmental education opportunities. ®ow do constructed wetlands work? Wastewater flows through a pipe from a septic tank or other type of primary wastewater treatment system into the con- structed wetland. Wastewater can either flow on top of the existing soil (surface) or through a porous medium such as gravel (subsurface). Flow is distributed evenly across the width of the wetland cell. A wa- terproof liner is used on the sides and bottom of the cell to prevent leaks and assure ade- quate water for the wetland plants. This cell is planted with wetland plants such as cat- tails and bulrushes. Roots and stems of the plants form a dense mat. Here chemical. hiological, and physical processes occur to treat the wastewater. Water levels are con- trolled in both surface and subsurface sys- tems. In subsurface systems. the normal water level is kept I inch below a gravel surface which improves treatment and controls mosquitoes. A second cell may be added. for more treat- ment. It may be left unlined so that treated water seeps into the soil below. In smaller systems the Second cell can contain a laver of�.Y.ravel. covered with soil.and then mulch. wetland plants such as iris, elephant ear. and arrowhead. The plants transpire water into the atmosphere. The wetlands may or may not discharge treated wastewater into sur- face waters depending upon the desi�_n, size. and local site conditions. ®ow is wastewater treated in con- structed wetlands ? As waste++titers flow through the system. suspended solids and trace metals settle and are filtered. Trace metals are also absorbed by plants and or- ganic material. Organisms which live in water, on rocks, in soil. and on stems and roots of wetland plants use these organic materials and nutrients as trod. Plants pro- vide much of the oxygen needed by the org,anisms to live and !row. Plant roots keep the rocks or soil loose so that water can tloa through easily. w not use constructed %cetlands to treat all wastewater? The lack of standard information for engineers is cur- rently limiting, the design and construction ofeffective low cost systems. Constructed wetlands may not effectively treat some types of complex pollutants. Thesesystems also need more land than conventional Sys- tems. Hig,h land costs and lack of suitable land can make construction of large systems impractical. Sites which are relatively flat. ha%edeepsoils.andalow groundwater [able are needed forsniall scale systems. Nlosqui- toes can also be a problem, but this can be prevented or controlled with proper system design and management. nre constructed wetlands foryou? Constructed wetlands will answermany, but not every, wastewater need. They may be used by small towns. developers, small busi- nesses. individual homes with failed septic systems, farms operations, and some types of industry. They meet secondary treatment limits and can be designed for advanced treatment. Their construction and operating costs are very low, and they do not need operators who are highly trained. Small towns and rural areas often have problems meeting todays strict water qual- ity standards. Many lack central wastewa- ter treatment systems. Constructed wet- lands can now provide them with a good wastewater treatment alternative. Smaller versions can also be built to meet the needs of homes with failed septic systems. Con- structed wetlands can help us improve water quality as we learn more and apply them ef- fectively to treat various types of wastewa- ters. here can I get more information? Contact TVA's Water Quality Department, HB 2S270C, 311 Broad Street. Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402-2801 or call (615) 751- 3164. ',�,:;�!: xr `'�` Y3 ice?"'f`31u�"v'�;":�.:��?€5�'���rt. ��"�r.��+."�►it�6�►.��a"�f�l's_tivPl�; �pi►n�"ifred by `')r Mat are wetlands? Wetlands are "wet" areas that at least sometimes, have waterlogged soils or are covered with a shallow laver of water. In these areas, water is the most important element. Plants and animals found in wetlands can only live in watery environments. Marshes, swamps, bogs, sloughs and floodplains are types of wetlands. Dy are wetlands important to US? Wetlands help improve water quality, store floodwaters, reduce erosion, and re- charge groundwater. They are essential breeding grounds and habitat for fish and wildlife. Wetlands also provide recrea- tional areas to fish and hunt, and important products such as timber and seafood. Wet- lands are truly nature's wonderlands! ©ow do wetlands help improve water quality? Surface water runoff from land flows through wetlands before reaching open water. Here the water slows down. Suspended solids settle and are fil- tered by plants. Organic material and nutri- ents are used as food by organisms. Trace metals settle in the soil and are absorbed by plants. Pollutants are reduced and changed into harmless substances by complex and natural processes occurring among wetland plants and animals. Dy are wetlands so important to wildlife? Wetlands are critical to the sur- vival of many animals. For many, like the beaver, muskrat, and wood duck, wetlands are the only places they can live. Other animals such as the striped bass and deer. depend on wetlands for food, water, and cover. Millionsofw'aterfowland shorebirds breed and winter in wetlands every year. Also. wetlands sustain nearly 1/3 of the Na- tion's threatened and endangered species. Mty have so many of our Nation's wetlands been destroyed? in the past, wetlands were regarded as wastelands —sources of mosquitoes, flies, and unpleas- ant odors. Most people felt wetlands were places to be avoided or eliminated. As a result, over half of America's original wet- lands have been drained and converted to farmland or filled forhousing developments and industrial facilities. They have even been used as dump sites for household and hazardous wastes. However, as we increase our knowledge and understanding, our atti- tudes and care of wetlands are improving. Mhat is being done to protect wetlands? The major regulatory tool for protecting wetlands is Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act. It regulates dis- charge of dredged or fill materials into most wetlands. Govemment agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service obtain wet- lands each year with Federal funds. Other government programs induce wetland con- servation through private incentives. For example, the Water Bank Program pays landowners toprotect waterfowl habitat. The 1986 Tax Reform Act prohibits income tax Wedands provide recreational areas to fish and hunt. deductions by farmers to drain or fill wet- lands. The 1985 Swampbuster Program removes most Federal flood and crop insur- ance and price support from farmers who convert wetlands to farmlands. The Envi- ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) estab- lished an Office of Wetlands Protection in 1986 to provide national leadership to pro- tect wetlands. A truly effective program to protect the Nation's wetlands needs coop- eration of al] government agencies, develop- ers, environmental groups, scientists. engi- neers, and individuals. Mhat can you do to protect wetlands? Active citizen support is essential.. Protect wetlands on your own property. Become involved in local plan- ning and zoning issues and resist proposed developments in wetlands. Reportconstruc- tion taking place in wetlands to your state conservation agency, the EPA, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Support envi- ronmental groups such as the National Wildlife Federation. Conservation Founda- tion. Ducks Unlimited, and !nature Conser- vancy. These groups are active in lobbying for important wetland legislation and/or buying wetlands. i here can .I get more informa- tion? Contact EPA's Weiland Unit. 345 Courtland Street, N.E., Atlanta. Georgia 30365. tr x ,,T•,"Pc'��v-�,-.�..+,.�r..x?. s ;ara'�"�•'•��. +-r.'"''3�1"„''" "�'_" `�.i �-�'vS� .-Fz%a�«c""� t'..'.'�,.,. ,T.�..�'f�1TT r.".s... u'..atis�:ae%Jr %,;�.'1,;;'. •,dri:�i.:�da Q Hrs4x3.iia:5�. s'x rr� : r _ �; � �•� y,- �+�`wn, a- s._;Z�., �, � a Constructed Wetlandslikethis one are being built throughout the nation to handle wastewater from mostly small rural communities and homes where traditional treatment systems are a problem. 'Vr•144'f.•�..• N �y,r Wastewater flows into the constructed wetland from a septic tank UI-'Ul 1'+S"iY/•" �••\ '.'.rfr.I�,•,J,,, or other type of primary treatment system. Here the wastewater is .•r"''"'" " ": " ,"• V..1M�MIAI fNr-�"" I•( r.1I'IMYr• '•• evenly distributed among the plants where microorganisms and r Cell 2 I4,w1., IwJIF W„rVw al,,r. r r V ; • ` .rlp WrYr„•r ® - chemical reactions break down organic materials and pollutants. 14vur• °•• •. I , I I4.vrp "`.. i vw.. t�. .ail • .,,.v„ r Ju> .Nr. 91•.Jr '> �, 6�. a ,""" Constructed wetlands provide simple, effective, and low cost v,l;r"tt+r,r+>+,Y• """ •�y;4 r �ti`• v •; , „1�'r• :� ' �..-y:• "• .- •' wastewater treatment when o -lv!ty iW" " \I'''f v *✓' "'' c mpared with conventional systems. \ut. �, )r„ 1,. ' tv +Y'.• r i Gi - ' Vv,`• YI ,"VIM Nb•�plp Y. }, �1�., • �•• t•: ('ihY; tq >y,: .1►:,Y •11��. 14.M � rl • � .. ail L 4ir,Nrw.•vaip. 111;H MI, \�II,'•O'.,\M 111r••�•Ilr. �rrYfrF�. '•�"il "'ryyl r ''• ' ,• s utJap4t J4•W^..� i•. � 1 I / �ri./[�..•' ,l * :�i u 14 N I/ 1•Y �,rp _ > �• + lid Cell \luw;rvr,%�/t wyy.'t�l' �\1 ,•I '{ '�yr.�j�lj �/' •�. .'.y.•:� r'+114'vUr• W ,:, •,' 17 I, •�. ' �\'7�. fir, ��Lr`cv,Y'IJ,'!t//,;r\t ��� 1 ti;7r/����f !'•�°%�/.�� a •%w ��• '••'Q•'••. , J\',"IS . , 1. ",.W..Jr•.y�i `'�• ,,� /1� � �/� �•/ � r � .` ;``�Y� � 1�`••-:.<�Yt• Zt) � �� /7 I it � T• r. •°,v,.a �• { `1\/ � 1 �I. /' L7 %: �w+'v..,Y•...•^,'' L\ (� Op�,,t� 1',�,14 ' i:4 ' ;W.•YtY•.r II Illi1'aY •yl{/.I .•°"0. , `.f �l{ r M �/{ r Mp•,Iri•: ��"'e•� Ifr±ll:i ,K "•+.: J IN �I 3 tt uY.,a!�µ ul F•17 r 1a • ,•. _ 1J O�>'�y(yt�'�j�I I'� I.MM •• •1 ,Wastewater enters the constructed wetland (1) where it is distributed evenly across the width of the first �". cell by a series of plastic valves or PVC tees (2). The first cell contains gravel 3 A waterproof liner is lined on the sides and the bottom of the first cell to conserve water and provide more effective rr;; .,d�' •M':,ll,rYl, r treatment (4). Cattails and bulrushes are usually planted In the first cell (5). """'v,�S ";ii% %: t"•'+ w•, The roots of these marsh plants form a dense mat among the gravel (6). Here chemical, \v�!`"'' biological and physical processes take lace which purify the water. Water from the first \� ,\,�c• 9 P Ys P P P fY cell passes Into the second cell through a perforated pipe embedded In large stone (7). The water level within each cell is regulated by swivel standpipes located In concrete tanks :at the end of each cell 8 . Wastewater in the second cell is distributed even across this tyt.'rrl� +owj1 t,�. r?ll�f}1ti1 tl r. O o ;; , j , � 1�� J � : ?cell through another perforated pipe (t3). Cell 2 has a layer of gravel (10) covered with 1 •ii1J topsoil 11 and then mulch 12 „r . .. li?it j•1,; I (i's;i pl'+.'t�i'; f l P ( ) ( ). This cell is planted with a variety of ornamental wetland �! is �t`t; ilJ plants such as iris, elephant ear and arrowhead (13). The water In cell 2 eventually seeps Into the soil below (14) or passes into another perforated pipe (15) where it is released into a drainfield similar to those used with conventional septic tanks (16).' Figure 1. Cut -A -Way Perspective of a Constructed Wetlands System NATURE IN `\ \ CARBON DIOXIDE OXYGEN CO2 OXYGEN OXYGEN • ACTION 02 NITROGEN �� i 02 �• 10D 102 I 'N2 CARBON DIOXIDE NOS • 02 02 Organisms live on the rocks, in the soil, CO �� • and on the stems and r000ts of wetland 2/ • • I Qz �, plants. These organisms naturally absorb A 2 02 `1 and break down wastewater pollutants. CH4 I 02 �j _ The plants provide oxygen to the organisms. • • • 02 O. The roots keep the rocks or soil loose so the water can flow through easily. Nutrients in NO3 02 02 i the wastewater also fertilize the wetland • O plants. ■ z I 02 02 102 ot � NOS ■ � 02 \, � ■ Organisms in the soil break down CH4 • • 02 % 02 • wastewater pollutants. x ■ • 02 No 02 .^�� of �f .. ■ x CH4 • • NOS cm t o I NOS • I ■ 0 x CH4 1 � �j x ° / ♦ Free Oxygen Zone A • U o ♦ Chemically Bound Oxygen Zone ! No Oxygen Zone i° Organic Material x3'g ■ Nitrogen Compounds •p 0�° , �PoO ■ OOoo; , y'=: Oxygen leaking through pores in the roots ♦ Phosphorus ....... .� • iJ /1 �• c o x� �' creates "micro -zones" of bacterial activity. '! A Solids o °o' p p k O d(! The zone closest to the root has the most � � • "• ...• : ti 1 •• -� oxygen and supports the greatest amount �C Metals O Oo�,^ •� O 0��0 �/, 8� of biological activity. • Bacteria and Viruses ^— --- �♦■ ■ �♦'tix ♦x♦ • � • no�000�� �?p �� x .off.. ---- • w x � u0 WASTEWATER L 0° x o° o "TREATED" WATER O OO �,� OEN10 o0 C1���•11• li... .... ... ... �.. ... ... �.. ..i u.1 PA, J1% THE USE OF WETLAND SYSTEMS FOR WATER TREATMENT Interest in wetlands for water treatment can be attributed to the following: • Public demand for more stringent effluent standards; including removal of nutrients, organics, suspended matter and heavy metals • Recognition of natural treatment functions of wetlands • Escalating costs of conventional treatment of facilities • Appreciation of aesthetic and wildlife benefits provided by wetlands • Recognition that wetland treatment may be the only possible alternative (i.e. wetlands treatment versus no treatment) I MECHANISMS FOR NUTRIENT AND POLLUTANT REMOVAL BY WETLANDS BOTH NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL WETLANDS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO EFFECTIVELY REMOVE NUTRIENTS, SOLIDS AND OTHER POLLUTANTS FROM STORMWATER AS WELL AS DOMESTIC WASTEWATER (SEWAGE EFFLUENT) THESE BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS REMOVE POLLUTANTS THROUGH A SERIES OF COMPLEX PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES, INCLUDING: • Entrapment • Sedimentation • Adsorption • Chemical precipitation (phosphorus) • Biological Processes ► Bacterial denitrification ► Bacterial and algal uptake ► Uptake by wetland vegetation FUNCTIONAL ATTRIBUTES OF WETLANDS • GROUNDWATER RECHARGE/DISCHARGE • FLOOD FLOW ALTERATION • SEDIMENT STABILIZATION • REMOVAL OF NUTRIENTS, SEDIMENT AND TOXICS • GENERAL WILDLIFE HABITAT • SUPPORT UNIQUE BIOLOGICAL SPECIES • WILDLIFE BREEDING, MIGRATION OR WINTERING • UNIQUE HABITATS/NATIONAL HERITAGE • RECREATION New Shoot -Water Surface '!Rhizome ROOT HAIR ENLARGED Reduced Zone Figure 5. Wetlands plants have the unique ability to transport oxygen to support their roots growing in anaerobic substrates. :y 7 Man -Made used to treat a vv ste Natural v _08 x _ system�_� i �n � nal tit f� Yioi� _ for treating wastewater i ttt�rat�ttls av�ntl► u�� a#t t� piartts wtrare'tn►crooYga�srira arxk�tt�tuloat tea#s,� r TYIfK''hfAA/f�f*'[}t1♦!PiYtAIC'PIl1tI.'Yft�Nk1iR11tQ saves money By JANEr OLSON StafWiuea Flushing the toilet has become a matter of pride for residents in Ar- cata, Calif. North Carolina officials think the same , thing can happen here. a Y.. All it takes, they say, is a little bit of teamwork between mankind and Mother Nature.' Communities -an across the na- tion are making a good name for the nasty, sometimes . smelly ► job of sewage treatment. In these com- munities; mechanized sewagei treatment systems are out. Wet- lands are in. They're treating waste the mtu-, ral way — filtering it through a se- ries of man-made Ponds, marshes and planted fields. The wastewater that comes out b just as clean = if not cleaner — than what is dumped from conventional systems. And- the -_system itself: can be- come a cotnrnunity asset. Arcata has developed its string of- man- made- marshes. into a. large park, which has -spawned loads of com- muni�_pride. - c -deers call the systems-!mn-. stnrcted wetlands." •, i Government officials c4- them ` good news. "Constructed wetlands have three things going -for them," said Don Flowers, director of the Alber- marle Commission, - a council of governments in northeastern North Carolina. `Number one, .iVworks. Number two; - it's low. -tech;. and number three, it's chN1f1;." t 1 Mr. Flowers' group is looking for money to help Hyde County build a constructed wetland for the com- munity of; Engelhard,:. The' group also is working :.with : two Gates County elementary.. schools that plan to use wellari sue= - r The northeastern North Carolina projects could become. pioneering efforts for the rest of the state. u- "We plan to issue permits for some of these to see how they work," said Roger Thorpe, regional water quality supervisor for the N.C. Division of Environmental Management in Washington, N.C. Though some countries have been using the systems for as many entersand. form a dense mat among the is distributed grovel. Here chemical, even biological and physical into basin. processes purify _ the water. . Cattails and bulrushes Water passes intoahe In the second cell - water: passes tfuougtt ;. .' second cell through ornamental wetland plants then seepsthrough perforated pipe. The mulch, topsoil and gravel and eventually into water level is regulated soil below. Excess water is released into a by standpipes. - drainfield similar to those used with septic tanl Ornamental wetland plants such as «, .. irises., elephant ears and arrowheads �-- as 20 years, the systems are con- nutrients trom the waste through A conventional sewage system isidered experimental in the United , their roots and flourish above the would be too costlyforHyde Coun- iStates:: State and federal regulators surface. residents. The high a- ter ;are trying to get. -a ha dle on how All of this happens without the a tetable ble would require deep instal- Isuccessful they are. odor or unsightly lagoons used in lation of sewer and chat The U.S. Environmental Protec- conventional systems. _ling , means _ astronomical costsi, said lion Agency is conducting a nation- As a result, the system becomes Dick -George, assistant director of wide survey, trying to find out how ; an attraction for wildlife and nature the Albemarle Commission. many communities are using the i lovers. In Arcata, birdwatchers .. Mr.. George is sure .the county ;systems and how well they work.A ! have counted almost 200 bird spe- can save money with the wetland preliminary survey turned up 154 cies in the wastewater treatment system, but he is unsure of how community systems already in use i system -turned -sanctuary, accord- much. Building the wetland cells ,or in the planning stages. The sur- ing to a recent article in Smithson- would cost between $300,000 and °vey didn't count the many systems i ran magazine- $400,000, he said. But Hyde Coun- in use at individual homes. "The outpourings of Arcata's toi- ty also would have to build a pump - State officials have collected piles i lets have become a source of civic ing system to get sewage from of information from the Tennessee ;pride —and humor, says the anti- homeowners' septic tanks to the Valley Authority, which has helped ' c1e by freelance writer Doug Stew- wetlands. That system has yet to communities in a number of .states art. 'The town inaugurated its new be designed. design and build the systems. From sewage system by holding a 'Flush In contrast, engineers have told what they've seen and heard: Mr. with Pride' festival. Citizens wore, Hyde County officials that it would Thorpe saidl systems seem to T-shirts emblazoned with the festi- val s logo, a salmon leaping out of a cost $490,000 to treat the waste work., .; They work sewage toilet as a great blue heron perched from one school near Lake Matta - ' muskeet, Mr. George said. through a series of�wedand '011 the seat.".:... _ =` "A visitor's center is being That's close to the cost of build - the for Engelhard, Before waste goes to the wet- planned for the park, and there's }mg wetlands land systems, it filters through a talk of posting signs inside its toilet. which would treat 35 times more man-made system, such as a lagoon or septic. tank. There, large solids stalls that will read: 'Thank You for " a Gates County, schools plan are removed. Next, a series of pumps and plas- Your Contribution.' MIr. Flowers of the Albemarle -to build wetland. systems for Mr• George said. tic pipes moves the wastewater to the wetland system. There, soil, Commission envisions similar suc-,�, . cesses in North Carolina if all goes : I know about 35 percent of the gravel, water and plant roots act as well with the pioneer effort in En- schools in North Carolina -. i . that filters, removing tiny solids from gem. - "We're excited as all get out' have their own on -site sewage treatment are going to be just over - Microorganisms that live in the about it," he said. "We think it's joY� to hear that news." be said. wetland systems feast on organic going to be a solution for the whole " material in the wastewater, remov,. , state ing it just as they do in conventional-; In Engelhard, a high water table Itt'has caused the failure of septic sys- treatment systems. `tee. Sewage is running off home - :Natural chemical reactions take ,place as the waste travels through owners property into a creek that the cells, reducing the amount of runs the Pamlico Sound. Baste - ammonia and nitrogen in the waste. na counts ts in the creek are 100 tunes higher than the level the state The waste acts as a fertilizer in considers safe. the wetland system. Plants absorb V, DISSEMINATION C WWT NEWS CLEANER WATER FROM NATURE Volume 1 Fall 1992 No. 1 FROM THE TREATMENT PIT This issue of CWWT NEWS begins our effort to keep all you constructed wetlanders informed. Send us information on your classroom activities, publications, awards, and research. (Thanks to all who sent information for this first issue. ed.). PESTS Are you worried about mosquito problems in your constructed wetland? Perhaps you do not feel killifish or mosquito fish are appropriate to your design, here is an alternative. First, make sure you have good water flow and no pooling or ponding. Second, check periodically for mosquito larvae in areas that may seem stagnant. Third, if you discover mosquito larvae, treat with BTl (Bacillus thurmgiensis). This is a bacterial "pesticide" highly specific for mosquito larvae, and safe to use. The pluses for BTl are: • targets mosquito larvae only. • reduces or eliminates spraying of insecticides • less environmental and human damage, and • more cost effective. The minuses are: • specific for mosquito larvae so application must occur within 1-2 days of larval hatch, • impossible to target a specific brood once the mosquito becomes established. This is because mosq:; oes are emerging, laying eggs and hatc ;ing continuously during the warm weather months. (see Ninivaggi in R,af=-rences. e-J.`. TREATMENT COMPARISON The major problems facing wastewater treatment in the U.S. today are': (1) the high cost of constructing, operating and maintaining a conventional waste treatment facility, and (2) the continuous destruction of wetlands for the expansion of agriculture and construction projects. The growing interest in using natural and constructed wetlands systems arises from economic considerations. In the main, wetlands systems are cheaper to construct, maintain and operate. The following is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of using constructed wetlands to treat wastewater. Tablel. The benefits and the costs of using constructed wetlands for wastewater treatmentl. BENEFITS COSTS cheaper to build needs a larger land area cheaper to operate potential mosquito habitat energy efficient lacks optimal design factors consistent and reliable engineers and regulators unfamiliar with technology simple operation pulsed releases may cause phosphorus problems advanced technology poor operation may produce undesirable odors may eliminate sludge some geographical handling areas may be temperature and season dependent eliminate handling of may spread chemicals I pathogens aesthetically leasin accepts load variations attractive to wildlife 1. This information adapted from 3iotmatment News. 2(9), 1992. CWWT NEWS Volume 1 Fall 1992 No. 1 Page 2 NEWS ITEMS (Tell us what you are doing. ed.) The first of the Wastewater Treatment with Advanced Integrated Wastewater Pond Systems and Constructed Wetlands short courses was October 27- 30, 1992 at the Ramada Inn in Fort Collins. Everyone wore a name tag. (Send Maury Albertson suggestions for sites and cooperation for future short courses. ed.). From out behind the bam in Bowling Green, Ohio, Gary Silverman reports that: His project to develop a wetland to treat agriculture runoff 'should get started this Fall' He'll let us know more in the future. (Great news Gary. We look forward to more information.-ed.) INFORMATION MODELING Mathematical models are abstract representations of the real world. Each model's construction occurs for a variety of reasons which include • a simplified description of the system of interest, and • a method for prediction of dynamic change over time. Every model must have three basic properties (goals). these are: • realism (degree to which the mathematics correspond to the concepts they represent), • precision (ability of the model to predict numerical change and mimic the real world data), and . • generality (how many different situations can this model address). Developing a model of your constructed wetland and its function starts with a conceptual analysis. Initially, decide whether the model is stochastic (includes affects of random variability in forcing functions and parameters)or deterministic (ignores random variability). The mathematical statements will have four basic elements (Figure 1 and Table 2 ) • system variales (numbers 'hat represent the condition ct "- s; s::m at arptirrej. • transfer functions (interactions between the components of the system), • forcing functions (inputs to the system that itself), and • parameters (constants of the mathematical equations). In the following example, P(t)=Po + Pg(t) - Pe(t) represents the change in biomass of a population over a period of time. The model states that for any period in time the Phytoplankton Biomass [P(t)] is equal to the Initial Population E-Yomass Size [Po] plus the Growth of the Population Biomass [Pg(t)] minus the Amount of Biomass Grazed [Pe(t)]. Figure 1 is pictorial view of a system under study for the effects of grazing on phytoplankton by zooplanidon. WATER QUAl(TT Ew \ I _t rxrroruwxrow H zoorwrKTON J'r� 1.DwwW6LAn• FILTER FILO M) 1 aDYTDr• NUTRIENTS AASTR Figure 1 . Develop the cer>tral concept first. Table 2. Every model.must have the followina basics. ITEM COMPONENT SYSTEM VARIABLES- PHYTOPLANKTON ZOOPLANKTON TRANSFER FUNCTIONS GRAZING RATE GROWTHRATE FEEDING PATTERN BIOMASS FORCING FUNCTIONS TEMPERATURE SALINITY ifmarine WATER TRANSPARENCY WATERDENSITY DEPTH DAYLENGTH LIGHT SOLAR RADIANCE TIMEOFDAY NUTRIENTS PARAMETERS1 A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. 1. An examp;e of a parameter is a mathematical expression that ircreases and decreases the light i—ensity over a 24 hour Faricx4— v j`. CWWT NEWS Volume 1 Fall 1992 No. 1 Page 3 Bill Oswalds Fecal Facts The following are yields from three principle gases formed in the sewage treatment process CiAS WEIGHT CARBON ( m/ft3) (g m) METHANE 20 15 (CH4) CARBON 56 15 DIOXIDE (CO2) NITROGEN 35 0 (N2) ON THE AVERAGE: • WE EAT 10 GRAMS OF NITROGEN/DAY • WE RELEASE 80 GRAMS OF DRY WEIGHT SOLIDS PER DAY EDUCATION FROM THE MIND OF BILL OSWALD TITLE: Demonstration of the Cleansing Capacity of a Natural System PURPOSE:Demonstrate the effectiveness of natural biological systems for controlling carbon and gtzr•;rating oxygen for odor control. PRINCIPAL: In wastewater, when the oxygen demand by the growing bacteria exceeds the oxygen released by the microalgae the liquid will have a "vile" odor. When the oxygen released by microalgae vials or exceeds the oxygen demanded by the bacteria the "vile" odor disappears. MATERIALS: • sewage or industrial waste effluent water • natural pond or aquarium water green with microalgae • dilution water (ref.1) • cleaned and sterilized 500 ml or 1000 ml Erlenmeyer flasks (number depends on replicates) • metal caps for flasks PROCEDURE: 1. Fill Erlenmeyer flasks with sewage effluent and dilution water (for the 1000 ml flasks use 500 ml, for the 500 ml flasks use 200 ml total volume): Figure 2. Experimental flasks with dilution on labels. Dilution: (1). full sewage effluent (2). one half sewage effluent (SE) to one half dilution water (DW) (3). 1 SE to 5 DW (4). 1 SE to 10 DW (5). 1 SE to 20 DW (6). 1 SE to 40 DW SWIRL TO MIX 2. add 1 ml of fresh pond water to each flask. SWIRL TO MIX 3. set flasks in a north window or out of direct sunlight. 4. daily swirl flask, remove metal cap, and sniff. 5. record impressions of the odor and when it disappears (ref.2). 6. plot a histogram of odor disappearance time aaainst dilution. 7.have students interpret, analyze, draw conclusions and explain what is happening. "o1, CWWT NEWS Volume 1 Fall 1992 No. 1 Page 4 REFERENCES: Also, the National Ecology Research Center, 2627 1. Dilution Water. ANON. 1985 (or later Redwing Road, Fort Collins, Colorado 80526-2899 edition), Standard Methods for the is responsible for computer modeling courses in Examination of Water and Waste Water. Automated Wetland Creation/Restoration American Public Health Association, Bibliogra hn ical pig 52aa, Wetland Classification Washington D.C. pp. 527-528. Training, Habitat Evaluation Procedures and Habitat 2. Odor. ANON. 1985 (or later edition), Suitability Index. Contact Mike for more information. Standard Methods for the Examination of He has a list of the courses and the costs. Water and Waste Water. American Public From Jack Gordon tending his sour mash in Health Association, Washington D.C. pp. 85- Cookeville: Brown, D. S. 1992. Sent the following 91 • EPA information on wetlands for wastewater 3. Eutrophication Trends in the United treatment from the 1991, Database: North American States --A Problem. Oswald, W.J. and C.G. Wetlands for Water Quality Treatment mm ij Goleuke. 1966. Journal of the Water Pollution for Wetland Wastewater Treatment Systems. If you Control Federation. 38(6):964-974. did not get a copy, contact Jack Gordon at TTU. SOURCES From The Editor collecting poison Ivy In a local wetland: OF America's Endangered Wetlands. A brochure available INFORMATION from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Contains many excellent color photos on one side and a poster with the benefits of wetlands on the other. " Contact the local office of the Department of the r Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Status and Trends of Wetlands and Deepwater ((A Habitats. Available for $5.00 from Department of Forest and Wood Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523. (Information sources of scientific and contemporary nature. Send us input for this section. ed.) R I. BROCHURES, MAPS, REPORTS From Steve Buchberger drinking that Ohio River water so carefully filtered by all the people upstream: National Wetlands Maps. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has a map covering all the states (scale=1:3,268,00) except Alaska. The map measures 3.5 x 5.5 feet. For further information about this map and other wetlands inventory products call 1-800-872- 6277. Price is $10.00 for the map. The address is USGS Map Sales, Box 25286, Denver, CO 80255. Wetlands Restoration, Enhancement, or Creation. Chapter 13 of the Engineering Field Handbook developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service address the subjects of processes and characteristics, planning and site selection, design, implementation, monitoring, and manageiment. n"equest from your local office of the Soil Ccrservation Service. From Mike Ells dusting off his snowshoes in the north woods: Anon. 1992. ".1arket and Gove.-nment Failures in Environmental Management: Wetlands and Forests. OECD Publications and lnformation Center, 2001 L Strut, N.W.. W'_ashinglon, D.C. 20036-4910, $2400. call 1-300- =56 CECD. II. COMPUTER PROGRAMS From Mike Ells hibernating In the woods of Michigan: Wetlands Education. A, 2 high density floppy disk, program written for the PC. Purchase from Public Brand Software, P.O. Box 51315, Indianapolis, IN 46251. Price is $10.00. (Program requires a PC with a VGA monitor to display graphics. It will run on an EGA but only text and a constructed wetland graphic display. Students at the Naval Academy find it interesting. ed.) From the Editor scractching the poison ivy: Powerpoint. (version 2.01 for Mac, 3.0 for PC)Presentation graphics for both Macintosh and PCs running Windows 3.1. This programs is an object oriented drawing program that makes overheads, 35mm slides and handouts. Purchase from Macwarehouse (Macintosh) or Microwarehouse (PC) 47 Water Street, South Norwalk, Connecticut 06854 (800-622-62222). Price is $245.00 for Mac, $315.00 for PC. Service Bureau. Need'a place to send the graphics you produced with Powerpoint and print them in color , I C IAWt/T N Fall 1 as an overhead or paper, make you a 35mm color slide from the info on your computer disc? I suggest you contact Nextwave Productions, 134 Tenth Avenue, New York, NY 10011-4727 (800-445-9002, Fax:212- 989-9675). First check your University and see if the Media Department has a color printer, and/or a slide maker. In fact, most large cities have service bureaus. (/ find the Service Bureau to be cheaper and faster than the local media department. ed.) 111. ORGANIZATIONS ASSOCIATION OF STATE WETLAND MANAGERS Jon Kusler, Exec. Dir. PO Box 2463 Berne,NY12023,Phone:(518)8721804.Professionals involved in wetland management. Wetland News (quarterly). Focuses on the promotion and improvement of protection and management in U.S. wetlands. NATIONAL WETLANDS TECHNICAL COUNCIL Nicole Veillernx, Exec.Sec. 1616 P St. NW, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202)328-5150. Scientists in the field of wetlands ecology. National Wetlands Newsletter( bimonthly). Focuses on coastal resources issues, including management and policy. IV. REFERENCES Alper, J.1992. War Over the Wetlands: Ecologists vs. the White House. Science 257: 1043-1044. Bohlen, C. C. 1989. Controversy Over Federal Definition of Wetlands. Bioscience. March 139. Chabreck, R. H. 1988. Coastal Marshes: Ecology and Wildlife Management. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. Farber, S. and R. Constanza. 1987. The economic value of wetlands systems. Journal of Environmental Management. 24(1): 41-51. Marble, A.D. 1992. A Guide to Wetland Functional Design. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FI. 222 pp. This guide to wet lands provides coherent design guidance or. wetland replacement for estuarine, palustrine, riverine, and lcustrine systems. Mitche'.I. J.G. 1992. Our Disappearing Wetlands. National Geographic, 182(4):3-45. Ninivaggi, D. 1989. Managing New York's Mosquito Coast. The Conservationist. July -August. Rostar:. T. 1992. Wetlands. American Nurseryman. 15 April: 35-45. Stein�21, P. 1990. No Net Loss. Audubon. July: 18- 21. WiiliaM.son, L.1992. What's a V:etland. Outdoor Life. March:46-49. V. ADDITIONS ERRATA FOR NATURAL SYSTEMS FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENT (S.C. Reed, E.J. Middlebrooks, D.W. Crites) McGraw - HiII Book Company, New York, NY, SECOND PRINTING, JUNE 5, 1991 Chapter 4, page 119, Table 4.6, the k20 is not defined, insert: k20=O.0064 Chapter 6, 1. page 175, equation (6.2) add the term d to the numerator inside the parenthesis (d is depth of water in meters). 2. page 175, definition of A factor, under equation 6.2. This gives 0.52, that is valid for untreated wastes and primary effluent. The A factor should be 0.73 for SOD S 30 mg/L. . 3. page 175; in list of term definitions for equation 6.2 add: d= water depth in meters. 4. page 178, third line from -top, now ends: becomes, change to: becomes, for primary effluent: (this change Is needed since the 0.52 factor in the equations is only valid for untreated or primary effluent. 5. pages 182-183, equations 6.11, 6.12, 6.13 and 6.14. As presented, these equations are only valid for primary effluent because of the 0.6539 factor in the numerator of each equation. These equations will he valid for the general case if + 1nA is substituted for the -0. 6539. 6. page 183, definition of rate constant Kt. Change = k200.1)(T-20°) to: = K20(1.06) (T-20°). 7. page 183, example 6.1 is not correct since the 1.1 factor for temperature adjustment has been changed as indicated above (item 6). 8. page 190, eqquation 6.20. Change to: KT = K20(1.06) ( -20°). 9. page 190, 1 st line under equation 6.20 which defines K20, add the following: K20 = 1.104 for gravel and rock media, K20 = 0.806 for sand and soil media. 10. page 191. Delete entire page, this concept has not been validated. 11. page 192, delete first three lines at top of page since this is a continuation of deleted discussion on previous page. 12. page 194, The results of example 6.2 are not correct since steps 4 and 5 in the procedure used incorrect values for K20 and the temperature correction. K20 in this case should have been 0.806, and the 1.1 factor in step 5 should be 1 . r 6. Substitution of these values will then give the correct answer. r Volume 1 VT GD (Send us terms and definitions for this section. ed.) Some of the following definitions are from Marble (1992)-see SOURCES OF INFORMATION section. Ammonium volatilization - Abiotic process which results in the removal of ammonium by outgassing. Artificially flooded - The amount and duration of flooding is controlled by means of pumps or siphons in combination with dikes and dams. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) - The oxygen requirements of wastewaters, effluents and polluted waters. It is a measure of the oxygen required to degrade organic material, oxidize inorganics (sulphide, ferrous iron, reduced forms of nitrogen). Channel - An open conduit which periodically or continuously contains moving water. Channel flow - Observable movement of surface water in a confined zone. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) - The COD is a measure of the oxygen equivalent of the organic matter of a sample that is susceptible to oxidation by a strong chemical oxidant. Cluster - Wetlands situated so that there is a large number of wetland acres per total square miles. Clustered wetlands are not necessarily contiguous. Constricted outlet - A surface outlet on a channel less than one-third the maximum width of the wetland, or a surface outlet on 'a standing body of water less than one -tenth the width of the wetland. Constructed wetland - wet areas created from non wetland sites for the sole purpose of wastewater or storm water treatment. These areas are not considered wasters of the U.S. (normally). Constructed wetlands are treatment systems subject to monitoring and treatment whose discharges must meet NPDES permit effluent limits as well as state water quality standards (EPA). Created wetland - areas intentionally developed from non wetland sites to produce or replace natural habitat. These wetlands often are the result of mitigation projects and are waters of the U.S. (normally). Created wetlands are planned, designed, constructed and monitored. In addition, their location must have „naxi.mu�M ben c-fit to the environment and protected in perpetuity (EPA). Darcy's law - Darcy's Law describes the flow of groundwater into, through, and out of a wetland. The law states that the flow of groundwater is proportional to the (1) slope of the piezometric surface (hydraulic gradient,, and the (2) hydraulic conductivity (pe-rmeatility) of the soil. Darcy's Law is G=(k)(a)(s) where G=flow rate of ground water (volume/unit time), k=permeabili!,/ 'ength'unit time), a=cross-sectional Fall 1992 No. 1 Page 6 area, and s=hydraulic gradient (slope of water table or piezometric surface). Deep water - Surface water depth greater than 6.5 feet and lacking vegetation. Denitrlflcatlon - The conversion of nitrate to gaseous nitrogen by microbes in anaerobic conditions. Extreme high water of spring tides - The highest tide occurring during a lunar month, usually near the new or full moon. Extreme low water of spring tides - The lowest tide occurring during a lunar month, usually near the new or full moon. Fetch - The maximum open water distance unimpeded by intersecting islands, erect vegetation, or other obstructions. Fringe wetland - Fringe wetlands along a channel. The total width of these wetlands is less than three times the width of the adjacent channel. Fringe wetlands on a standing body of water occupy less than one-third the surface area of a standing body of water at the time of highest annual water. Functions - The physical, chemical, and biological process or attributes of a wetland. Hydroperlod - The seasonal occurrence of flooding and/or saturated soil conditions. Interspersion - The degree of intermingling of different cover types, regardless of.the number of types or their relative proportions. Mean. high Water - The average height of high water in tidal waters over 19 years. Mean low water - The average height of low water in tidal waters over 19 yews... - Nitrogen` fixation - The conversion of gaseous nitrogen into organic nitrogen forms by bacteria and blue-green algae...- _ Normal water table level - The average `wat6t table elevation during the growing season. Overland flow - Runoff water originating from a rainstorm or snow melt which flows over the ground surface. Pathogens - These are microscopic organisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, tapeworms eggs, etc.) that cause human or animal disease. Examples of these are intestinal bacteria (Shigella) that produce dysentery and a virus producing the liver infection, hepatitis. Plezometric surface - Imaginary surface to which water rises in wells in a confined aquifer. Regularly flooded - The tidal water alternately floods and exposes the land surface at least less once daily. Saturated -The substrate is saturated to the surface for extended periods of time during the growing season, but surface water is seldom present Seasonally flooded - Surface water is present for extended periods especially early in the growing season, but is absent at the end of the season in most years. When surface water is absent, the water table is often near the land surface. Semipermanently flooded - Surface water persists throughout the growing season in most years. CWWT NEWS Volume 1 Fall 1992 No. 1 Page 7 Wren.surface water is absent, the water table is usually Wetlands there our new eco-obligation; so let's all be at or very near the land surface. sure - Shallow water - Surface water depth less than 2 that appropriately taught technicians and feet. Area usually environmentalists prevail vegetated. Colorado wetlands, it's August & were leavin' but still, Sheetftow - Water within a wetland which is not Let's carefully reconsider Johnson's Comers, Prof's confined to a channel. Oswald & Maury & Bill. Spring tide - The highest high and lowest low tides during the lunar month. All these non -compliant wetlands - next summer we'll Sub tidal - The substrate is permanently flooded with sure tidal water. try to return to CSU, Fort Collins, and see if they're out Surface water Any water, temporary or permanent, there still. above the ground surface, observable with an unaided eye. Temporarily flooded - Surface water is present during brief periods during the growing season, but the water table usually lies well below the soil surface for most of the season. Toxicant - Any substance Present in water, wastewater, or runoff that may kill fish or other aquatic life, or could be harmful to the public health. Unconstricted outlet - A surface outlet on a channel greater than one-third the maximum width of the area or larger adjoining area or a surface outlet on a standing body of water greater than one -tenth the width of the area or larger adjoining area. WETLAND - Lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is covered by shallow water... Wetlands must contain the following three attributes: (1) at least periodically, the land supports aredo minaritiy hyd opayte5, (2-) the .substrate i5 predominantly undrained hydric soil, and (3) the substrate is nonsoil and is saturated with water or covered by shallow water at some time during the growing season of each year (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). CREATIVITY t=_4 The following libretto is the winner of the Golden Sludge Award. The inspiration for the composition came while inhaling fumes from a waste treatment lagoon. (ed.) An Ode to Constructed Wetlands (sung to the tune of "Summertime") by The Chicago Bard Wetlands - where the catfish ain't jumpin' and the duckweed's not high We- lands - way up near the Rocky Mountains so high Wetlands there's our new assertion. to protect them from James Watt, Ann Gorsuch Buford & Dan Quayle. With compliant wetland thoughts - were at home now, with our E- mail, our lost name tags and our appropriate quilt But were still thinking of all those coliforms, their phosphates, overloaded nitrates, and all of that silt. Constructed Wetlands - where we want good green algae & aerobic microbes to play Constructed Wetlands - where we can't afford to see eutrophism in August, -nor overbank flooding -and toxic releases in May. Wetlands, the developers are rich, but V.P. candidate Gore is good lookin' so help save our wetland's resources before they've all been tooken' Wetlands where new mosquito fish' II soon be jumpin' • and nvno ycincu..aur aucicu reed grass' II grow high so rest for the winter & we'll return to save the wetlands, bye & bye. Are you interested in a CWWT T-shirt? Let the editor know by mail, e-mail, phone. The cost is in the area of $9-10 per shirt, and is 100% cotton, printed one side and printing one color. More information with the next Newsletter. LET US HEAR FROM YOU CWWT NEWS !s published quarterly through the Civil E^ginee^^c Decar—ent a: Colorado State University. tt is a pro;ac: 4.by the National Science Foundation Undercraduate Faculty Enhancement Program. Send ca:nmen:s, intorma::-.n, and news to the Editorial Staff. John Foerster fedacr), Oceanography (9d), U.S. Nava' Academy. Annapo' s, Md. 21402. Rob Harrison on), College of Forest Resources. U. ersi of 71as'- - ton, Seattle, WA 98195 Ron Lavigne (`=_alure), Department of Plant and So;: Sciences, Unive:s;ty of Massachusetts, Amherst, MS e,003. C L DISSEMINATION Constructed Wetlands Group Civil Engineering Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 CWWT -NEWc,, CLEANER WATER FROM NATURE Volume 1 Fam 1992 No. 1 - State of CC-1-0rado Official hlai; CWWTNEWS CLEANER WATER FROM NATURE Volume 1 WINTER 1993 No. 2 FROM THE TREATMENT PIT This issue of CWWT NEWS continues our effort to keep all you constructed wetlanders informed. Continue to send us information on your classroom activities, publications, awards, and research. (Thanks to all who sent information for this issue. You sent a lot. Ed.). CONSTRUCTED WRTLANDS Are you thinking about a small constructed wetland? Perhaps you have some acreage on your campus where an outdoor laboratory using a constructed wetland could benefit your teaching and research. The following information may help. By constructing a wetland, you can simulate a number of physical, engineering, biological and chemical functions. Quoting the Water Pollution Control Federation. (1990), "The major physical determinant of wetlands -hydrology -can be readily simulated, and a vast variety of wetlands plants can be successfully propagated. Man-made (constructed) wetlands, therefore, are relatively simple to design and build. Although natural and constructed wetlands may differ widely in their absolute combination of physical, chemical, and biological characters, they are similar in macroscopic functions such as organic matter and nitrogen assimilation potential." Figures 1 and 2 are schematics of the two major types of constructed wetlands, the Vegetative Submerged Bed (VSB), and the Free Water Surface (FWS). Table 1 lists some examples of the cleansing capacity of constructed and natural wetlands. For further information read Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment (WPCF 1990). [I ED, SOIL ,ucted wetland. Water level is in the soil or gravel bed with plant roots extending to the bottom of the bed. Water flow is mainly through the bottom soil (modified from WPCF 1990). WETLAND ATER SOIL, SAND, OR GRAVEL LINER NATIVE SOIL" e Water Surface (FWS) constructed wetland. the bottom. Water flow is mainly above the bottom soil (modified from WPCF 1990). CWWT NEWS Volume I Winter 1993 No. 2 Page 2 1 4 Summary of selected constructed and natural wetlands with some assimilation information (adapted from WPCF1990) NAME TYPEI AREA INFI r HLR2 AVE. HRT L:W BOD5 TSSr3 N7 P (Ha) (m3/d) DEPTH (days) RATIO � (%r s( BURYa VSB 0.04 10.56 2.64 50.0 18.9 25.0 86 92 70 32 'ANElrG. VSB 0.0065 3.04 4.58 76.0 16.3 5.3 99 98 94 - FWS 0.0361 87.2 24.16 47.0 1.9 10.0 51 85 23 FWS 0.132 17.0 1.29 30.0 23.3 83.5 59 61 39 46 N/M 1.0 321.0 3.21 20.0 6.2 0.25 - - 77 95 N/M 20.0 2778.0 1.39 30.5 22.0 3.75 80 88 88 51 1 - TYPE=Vegetated Submerged Bed (VSB), a. Boyt et at (1977) Free Water Surface (FWS), b. Gersberg et at (1986) NaturaVMarsh (N/M). c. Gearheart et at (1985) 2 - Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR). d Herskowitz et al(1987) 3 - Hydraulic Residence Time (HRT). e. Tilton and Kadlec (1979) 4 - Length to Width (L:W). f. Knight (1987) 5 - Biochemical Oxygen Demand. 6 - Total Suspended Solids (TSS). 7 - Ammonia Nitrogen (N). 8 - Total Phosphorous P . Are you worried about mosquito problems in your new constructed wetland? Make sure you have good water flow and no pooling or ponding. Second, check periodically for mosquito larvae in areas that may seem stagnant. Third, if you discover mosquito larvae, treat with B77 (Bacillus thur[Wiensis). See the Fall issue of the CWWT Newsletter for further information on mosquitoes. NEWS ITEMS (Tell us what you are doing. Ed.) Are you ready for the final Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment Workshop during the summer of 1993? The dates are July 26-30. See you there (bring your name tag). Maury Albertson, watching the snow fall in Fort Collins, needs suggestions for sites and cooperation for future CWWT short courses. Let him know. any ideas you have. - Taking time from the slopes, Lee Anne Martinez wants T. us to know she has.a new address. The Pony Express delivers Lee Anne's mail at the Department of Life Sciences, University of Southern Colorado, 2200 G .Bonforte Blvd. Pueblo, CO 81001-4901 (719) 549- r ; . 2743. Rob Harrison surveyed constructed wetlands in China after our workshop last summer. The Chinese call them rice paddies. He did mention that his air conditioned ox cart did not have a hookup to INTERNET. .While. sipping his Cuba de .Libre, Luis Perez reports from Puerto Rico that he has an association with a consulting firm developing a demonstration -pilot of a CWWT for either Puerto Rico or the Dominican Republic. He will send us more information as the project develops. Between catching scrod and eating baked beans, Bill Moeller sends us a super suggestion. Do you have students, undergraduate or graduate, who are doing CWWT related projects? How about sending us a paragraph about their project for the Newsletter? (See a later section. Ed) With a glass of vintage zinfandel raised high, Rhea Williamson reports she is finishing up a project, working on another, reviewing research on the Hayward marsh wastewater polishing, and collaborating with a professor at the University of Washington on the chelation potential of water. In between, she is teaching 4 classes. There is no time for the pool hall this semester. Rhea promises a few short paragraphs on her research for the next newsletter. Up to his waist in mating Phragmites, Ron Lavigne reports he is getting a new CWWT going for Shelbume. Falls, MA, developing a CWWT system to treat fish wastes near Amherst, MA, and planning the installation of a peat moss -reed -canary grass system for a local landfill. Ron is teaching Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment (PL-Soils 597W) at the University of Massachusetts. Keep your eyes open for the next issue of the CWWT News because Ron CWWT NEWS Volume 1 Winter 1993 No. 2 Paee 3 promises to stop picking through the refuse at the local landfill long enough to tell us about the Shelburne Falls CWWT. Just back from watching the coal mines close, Ted Williams reports that he continues to experiment on manganese and iron retention. He reports that manganese effectively retains only as an oxidative process, while iron retention occurs best under anaerobic conditions as part of sulfate reduction and pyrite precipitation. He has a design and is testing a combined treatment process as a pilot project in a greenhouse. Modelling of the processes from lab scale to pilot and eventually field scale continues. The editors hope Ted will send us at least a crumb of his results for the next Newsletter. From the shores of the Chesapeake Bay, contemplating life after the Defense Department, John Foerster reports on two areas of research. First, he reports for those interested in remote sensing that he has a paper in Remote Sensing of Environment (Northeast North Pacific Ocean: Surface Current Pattern Shifts During the Spring, Remote Sens. Environ. 43:149-159. 1993). Second, John and a student,Scott Smart,. will present a paper on trace metals in oyster toadfish at the May meeting of the American Geophysical Union. This is a proof of concept study using a proton induced x-ray emissions (PIXE) system to analyze and quantify trace metals in biological material. The PIXE is a possible tool to study trac6 metal concentrations In constructed- wetlands vegetation. Anybody interested in collaborating on a research project, let him know. INFORMATION (;� :i1�� \I.rir� V Ai! Did you know this about cattail marshes? The following is information from Bray 1962. &Ross VISIBLE RADIATION Mew w Anon. Figure 3. Visible radiation energy budget for a cattail marsh during the growing season (data from Bray 1962) "0" ~T441trtNtrw I, rrsuTa�. TOTAL RAMTM Figure 4. Total radiation energy budget for a cattail marsh during the growing season (dada from Bray 1962) STUDENTS CORNER This is just in from a weary Alain Hebert, a student trying to keep a chapter ahead of Bill Moeller at UMASS-Loweq. WATER BODY The objective of this research is learning about the ,resistance to mixing between different layers of water. Water in a shallow pond or constructed wetland may stratify due to temperature or specific gravity. This results in behavior Ike the ep►limnion and hypolimnion in lakes. The question is, what happens to these layers in shallow water, under weather related phenomena? Wind is an important factor in the study. Presently, my work is a literature review. (Alain. we crusty old CWWTers would Ike some results and references to publish in the next Newsletter. Thanks for the information. Ed.) The following is from Midshipman Sarah Crouse at the Naval Academy. She reviewed the literature and submitted information about the importance of wetlands in the removal of sediment from run-off. THE IMPACT OF SEDIMENT REMOVAL BY NON -TIDAL WETLANDS Besides the location and size of the wetland in relation to the size of the drainage basin, slope, and .volume of run-off, vegetation type directly affects the filtering ability. Plants contribute to the roughness coefficient which decreases water velocity and. promotes sedimentation. To demonstrate the importance of the wetland, Ranwell (1972) developed a regression equation to assist in estimating the effectiveness of plants in removing sediments. The egtiMiMis A=0.643(E) + 0.0462 (P) + 0.00135 "(0 a 1.143 I CWWT NEWS Volume 1 Winter 1993 No. 2 Pant 41, ' 1 where A = accretion, E • mean height of site above sea level in meters, P - mean height of plants at the site in centimeters, and B = biomass or average dry weight of vegetation in grams/meter2. By comparing elevation to vegetation height to biomass, Ranwell (1972) suggested that the vegetation height accounted for 70% of the sediment trapping, while the bulk of the vegetation filtered another 20%. Plants considered good for this filtration are reed (Phragmites), cattails (Typha), and tall cordgrass (Spartina). In addition to the vegetation that trap sediments, wetlands constructed for sediment removal must have low inlet velocities, and adequate detention time. In Sarah's report, there was a reference to The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers model (Gee1991) that estimates the size of a basin necessary to achieve a 100% retention of particles larger than 0.125mm (fine sand). Perhaps you modelers could use this model as a starting place for estimating sizes of wetlands needed for soil retention. (Sarah's references are in the Reference Section. Thanks for the helpful information. Ed.) EDUCATION FROM THE MIND OF RON LAVIGNE Ron is accumulating and developing overheads and instructional slides for CWWT teaching. The following are interesting examples from which you can plot the evolution of a constructed wetland. (Originals by Ron re -drawn by the Editor.) PHRA GMl TES (Reed) _♦. TYPHA (Cattail)--► SCIRPUS (Bulrush)—► JUNCUS (Rush) —► CAREX (Sedge,Y� Figure 5. Rea* culWaded plants frequently used for developing a constructed wetland (choose a pit)• LOCAL ECOTYPE ADAPTED TO NTDROLOOKS OF COW RESISTANT TO PESTS AND OXTGER TRANSPORT TOLERANCE TO ADVERSE CUAV ECONOASCAL TO PROPAGATE AND MANAGE: LOCALLY AVAILASLE SUPPLY SECRETION OF NOCIDAL ASIUTY TO ASSIWLATE TOLIRANT OF NIGH CONCENTRA77ONS OF NUTISENTS AND Figure 6. Desr&le characteristics for plants used in wetland treatment systems. . ,. I CWWT NEWS Volume 1 Winter 1993 No. 2 PaRe S 1 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION AND 0✓ CONTAMINANTS SHADING j TO SUPPRESS ALGAE GROWTH SUBSTRATE FOR MICROBIAL ACTIVITY ON OXYGEN PROVIDING A TRANSPORT TO ROOTS AND SUBSTRATE FOR MICROBIAL RHIZOMES ACTIVITY ON j RHIZOMES, ROOTS AND STEMS x C. ,� 11 ter , FILTRATION IMPROVE HYDRAULIC POSSIBLE CONDUCTIVITY OF MICROBIAL SUBSTRATE EXUDATES Figure 7. The functions provided by plants in constructed wetland treatment systems. SEWAGE TREATED PNRAGMITES%a OR EFFL DENT VERWSLE boors I RN?oYE "Dow XounEr +��- a:f�oR IMPERVIOUS LINER ELOPE ! Figure 8. A typical vegetated submerged bed (VSB) constructed wetland treatment system. EDITORIAL (Do you have a student needing a short project? Do you have a reference? Help the Newsletter compare the various types of wastewater treatment from treatment plant to marsh. . Send information for the next issue of the Newsletter. Ed.) The following information is from Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment (WPCF1990). Calculating the means of the data for the three types of natural systems shows a relative similarity in the removal of two important treatment efficiency indicators, total suspended solids and biochemical oxygen demand. .J 0 W a I Figure 9. Comparison of the three major types d natural waste treatment systems (VSB=vegetative submerged bed FWS-free water surface, NU -natural marsh) for removal efficiency of total suspended solids. J > 0 M W n 0 m VS8 FWS MAY Figure 10. Comparison of the three major types of natural waste treatment systems (VSB-vegetalive submerged bed, FWS-free water surface, N/M-mural marsh) for removal efficiency of total 5-day biochemical oxygen demand. Data means are in Table 2. The data have limits and in several instances comparative criteria are missing. Should standards exist for data collection such as information on the removal efficiency of total suspended solids (TSS) and 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (1301)), on hydraulic residence time, hydraulic loading rate (HLR), inflow volume, treatment volume, depth, length to width ratio (L:W), temperature, and location? Is there a central data base for coliedion and storage of this information? What are your feelings, ideas, commends. suggestions? Let the editor know. Table 2 Mean criteria for the three types of natural wastewater treatmentsldata from WPCF19901. TYPE AREA Ha INFO t d 1 R W Lrntf TSS % BOD % VSB 0.05 38.5 10.0.0 L39.4 79.3 72.4 FWS 3.1 241.4 6.7 1 83.3 68.0 N/M 20.0 2432 1.2.8 84.3 79.5 CWWT NEWS Volume 1 Winter 1993 No: 2 PaRe 6 (Send Rob Harrison information on courses you teach, and teaching materials you use, or tried and found were not adequate, that relate to CWWT. We wish to make this available to all in the future. Ed.) While waiting for a sunny day In Seattle, Rob Harrison sends this about his courses. During the Fall quarter, take UHF475, Wetland Ecology. Learn about wetland formation, plants, soil, hydrology and CWWT. Students of various disciplines take the course. Kem Ewing and Rob Harrison teach the course. During the winter quarter, Rob offers-FRM507, Beneficial Use of Organic Wastes. The emphasis is on utilization of aqueous, relatively non -hazardous waste (sewage sludge, wastewater, and compost) as nutrient and organic matter sources. Use of these wastes is for increasing the productivity and the value of biological systems with the goal of optimizing treatment. This course is new and Rob promises to let us know more about it in the next Newsletter. Ted Williams, taking time out from retaining his metals, reports that at Penn State University his CWWT expertise is useful in the course Aquatic Ecology. His CWWT emphasis is on acid mine drainage and lectures on mitigation, metal removal, chemical and microbial processes, as well as construction and operation. He finds the students' interest increases when they see how to build a wetland from scratch, and that they work. - - - SOURCES OF INFORMATION . Y � �v (Information sources of scientific and contemporary nature. Send us input for this section. Ed.) I. BROCHURES, MAPS, REPORTS From Genero Lopez, really seeing water flow down the Rio Grande, sends us information on CWWT adivites in southwest Texas. He sends information that the county engineer in Brownsville, Andrew Cueto, is at the forefront of CWWT activity. The following is some of Mr. Cueto's work 1. The applicability of Natural Systems to Wastewaer Treatment and Water. Reuse. 2. La Apkacion De Sistemas Naturales Para El Tratamiento Del drenage Y EI Reuso Del Aqua. 3. Development of Criteria for the Design and Constriction of Engineered Aquatic treatment Units in Texas. Give Genaro a call (at 210:544-8289 or FAX at 210:544-8988 to get an address If you want a copy of these papers. (The editor has copies of the papers.) Taking a break from snow boarding Lee Anne Martinez suggests we read about Dr. Bill Wolverton and his CWWT ideas. Burke, W.K. 1993. A green solution to water pollution. The Rotarlan (Feb):16-17. Lee Anne, also, suggests that Dr. Wolverton might be an excellent choice for an invited speaker at the workshop this coming summer. Contemplating the movement of nutrients from soil to Spartina, Steve Broome reports that there is a new CWWT research facility at the TVA. For more information, contact the Agricultural Research Department of TVA at 205:386-2201. Steve suggests that Dr. Roland Hauck of the National Fertilizer Research Center, at TVA is a possiblity for an invited speaker for next summer's workshop. II. COMPUTER PROGRAMS Thinking of adding aquaculture to your to CWWT? The following are a couple of programs that might help. 1. WATER0 ( pond water quality management). 2. FIELD RECORDS. 3. GROWCATS (catfish pond culture). 4. FISHY. The programs are available from the Extension Computer Applications and Services Department, Mississippi Cooperative Extension Service, Wississo State University, P.O. Box 5446, Mississippi State, MS 39762. The cost is $5.00 1 you supply your disks. The programs are IBM PC or Corrpatble running DOS. Want a Cheap way to protect your IBM PC or Compatible (DOS operating system) from most viruses? The following Is a poor person's scheme to prevent viruses from crashing your operating system. FROM THE DESK OF SANDY FILTER PRIVATE SCIENTIST 1. Boot computer and at the C> OR C:b(DRIVE PROMPT) open the directory,(C>DIR[ ]), locate the files and do the following I .a r CWWT NEWS Volume 1 5.0 C> DOS 3.2 C> I C> Note: Qo, or C:b IS THE HARD DRIVE PROMPT IS A SPACE (put a space here) [ ] IS THE ENTER KEY (strike the enter key here 2. If the COMMAND COM (DOS 5.0) file is not in the C> directory, then open the DOS directory, locate the file, and do the following C> CD\DOS[ ] C> ATTRIB^+R^COMMAND COM[ ] 3. To view your handy work be in the directory where you changed the file (MAIN DIRECTORY C> OR C> CD\DOS) AND TYPE THE COMMAND C>ATTRIB[ ] (LOOK FOR THE FILE(S) WITH THE R) - DOS 5.0 C:\> ATTRIB^C *.SYS (OR .COM)[] -DOS 3.2 4. If you need to change these boot files, bad a new version, etc., just use the same commands and instead of +R (READ ONLY) change to -R (WRITE). The purpose is to prevent a virus writing to your operating system. This is a temporary fix (replace in the future with a virus protection program or Norton Utilities). It you need help, see your DOS Manual under Attribute. III. ORGANIZATIONS International Assoclation on Water lift, Specialist Group on the Use of Macrophytes in Water Pollution Control. This just in from the palatial veranda of Steve Broome. Dr. Hans Brix (Secretary/Newsletter Editor), Department of Plant Ecology, University of Aarhus, 68 Nordlandsvej, DK-8240 Risskov Denmark is the contact to join this group. The group consists of approximately 450 members from 58 countries. They publish a Newsletter on wetland treatment systems. The group Chairman is Dr. Robert H. Kadlec of the University of Michigan, and the North America Coordinator is Dr. Don Hammer of TVA IV. PUBLICATIONS Between contemplating the chelation potential of water and the end of the drought in California, Rhea Williamson sends the following: Brodie, G.A. 1990. Treatment of Acid Drainage Using Constructed Wetlands Experiences of the Tennessee Valley Authority. pp. 77-83. In: Winter 1993 No. 2 Page 7 J Proceedings of the 1990 National Symposium on Mining. OES Oublications U. of Kentudry, 302 Mining Laboratory, Lexington, KY 40506-0046 (606:257-3343). Brodie, GA., D.A. Hammer, and D.A. Tomijanovich. 1988. Constructed Wetlands for Acid Drainage Control in the Tennessee Valley. pp. 325-331. in: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Surface Mining and Reclamation. Vol.1. U.S. Bureau of Mines, I.C. 9183. Pittsburgh, PA For a copy contact S. Williams, U.S. Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box 18070, Pittsburgh PA 15236 (412)892-6540. Hedin, R.S., M. Hyman, and R.W. Hammack 1988. pp. 382-388. In: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Surface Mining and Reclamation. Vol.1. U.S. Bureau of Mines, I.C. 9183. Pittsburgh, PA. Fora copy contact S. Williams, U.S. Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box 18070, Pittsburgh PA 15236 (412)892-6368. Hedin, R.S. 1989. Treatment of Coal Mine Drainage with Constnxted Wetlands. pp. 349-362. In: Wetlands Ecology and Conservation: Emphasis In Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Academy of Science Easton PA. For copies contact R. Hedin, U.S: Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box 18070, Pittsburgh PA 15236 (412)892-6368. Hedin, R.S. ands R.W. Naim. 1990. Sizing and Performance of Constructed Wetlands: Case Studies. pp.385-392. In: Proceedings of the 1990 Mining and Reclamation Conference and Exhibition. Vol.11. For a copy contact West Virginia University Publication Services, Communications Building, Morgantown WV 26506 (304)293-6368. Kepler, D.A. 1990. Wetland Sizing, Design, and Treatment Effectiveness for Coal Mine Drainage. pp.403-408. In: Proceedings of the 1990 Mining and Reclamation Conference and Exhibition. Vol.11. For a copy contact West Virginia University Publication Services, Comnvinications Building, Morgantown WV 26506 at (304)293-6368. Mike Carr, just in from shoveling his way to work, sends a couple of references for you to get in touch with (from Lewis Publishers, 2000 Coporate Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33431, 800-272-7737): Lyons, J.G. Practical Handbook for Wetlands identification and Delineation. ISBN#0-87371-590-X. Moshid, GA. Constructed Wetlands for Water Qualdy Improvements. ISBN#0-87371-550-0. EPA. Created and Natural Wetlands for Controlling Nonpoint Sources of Pollution. ISBN#0- 878371-943-3. CCWWT NEWS Volume 1 Winter 1993 No. 2 Pade 8 - J Kentula, M.E. An Approach to Improving Decision Aust, M.W., R. Lea, and J.D. Gregory. 1991. Removal Making in Wetland Restoration and Creation. of Floodwater Sediments by a Clearcut ISBN#0-87371-937-9. Tupelo -Cypress Wetland. Water Resources Bulletin 27:111-116. Have some questions on reconstructing a habitat? Greeson, P.E., J.R. Clark, and J.E. Clark (eds.).1978. John Foerster reports that the following books have Wetland Functions and Values: Time State of some good ideas. Our Understanding. Proc. Nall. Syn p. on Buckley,G.P.(ed).1989.Biological Habitat Wetlands. American Water Resources Reconstruction. from Belhaven Press, 25 Association, Minneapolis. 674pp. Floral Streer, London WC2E 9DS, Great Gee, M.D.1991. Predicting deposition Patterns in Britian. A book on the assumptions and Small Basins. Tech. Pap. No.133. U.S. Army ecological principles underlying biological Corps of Engineers, Alexandria, Va. habitat reconstruction. It has awide range of McIntyre, S.C., and J.W. Naney. 1991. Sediment practical and experimental techniques. Deposition in a Forested Inland Wetland with a PERL. 1990. A Manual for Assessing Restored steep -famed Watershed. Jrl. Soil Water and Natural Coastal Wetlands. Pacific Conserv. 46:64-66. Estuarine Research Laboratory, San Diego Phillips, J.D. 1989. Fluvial Sediment Storage in State University. Order from Dr. Joy Zedler, Wetlands. Water Res. Bull. 25:867-873. PERL, SDSU, San Diego, CA 92182-0057 for Ranwel , D.S.1972. Ecology of Salt Marshes and Sand $10.00 payable to PERL acct.#96885. Dunes. Chapman and Hall, London. 258pp. V. REFERENCES The following are the literature citations in Table 1. Boyt, R.L., S.E. Bayley, and J. Zottek, Jr.1977. removal of nutrients from treated municipal wastewater by wetland vegetation. J. Water Pollution Control Federation 49*789-799. 'Gearheart, RAJ. Williams, H. Holbrook, and M. Ives.1985. City of Arcata Marsh Pilot Project. Wetland Bacteria Speciation and Harvesting Effects on Effluent Quality. Environmental Resources Engineering Department, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA. Gersberg, R.M., V.G. Elkins, S.R. Lyon, and C.R. Goldman.1986. Role of aquatic plants in wastewater treatment by artificial wetlands. Water Resources 20:363-368. Herskowitz, J., S. Black, and W. Lewandowski. 1987. Listowel artificial marsh treatment project. p.237-246. In: K.R. Reddy and W.H. Smith (eds.).Aquatic Plants for Water Treatment and Resource Recovery. Magnolia Pub. Inc. Orlando, FI. Knight, R.L. 1987. Performance of a natural wetland treatment system for wastewater management. J. Water Pollution Control Federation 59:746-756. Tilton, D.L., and R.H. Kadlec.1979. The utilization of freshwater wetland for nutrient removal from secondarily treated wastewater effluent. J. Environmental Quality 8:328-334. WPCF.1990. Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment. Manual of Practice FDA6. Water Pollution Control Federation, Alexandria VA. The following are some Literature citations contributed by Sarah Crouse. Athanas, C.1988. Nutrient and Sediment Removal by Freshwater, Non -tidal Wetlands: An Overview of the Important Scientific Literature. Report for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Water Resources Adm`nistration. OTHER SOURCES Bray, J.R.1962.Estimates of energy budget for a Typha (cattail)marsh.Sclence 36:1119-1120. Burke, W.K.1993. A Green Solution to Water Pollution. Rotarian. (Feb):16-17. Vf. CONFERENCE and Reclamation. WHEN: May 16-19, 1993 WHERE: Spokane, WA INFORMATION: Contact Benjamin A. Zamora, Natural Resource Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6410. 509.335-6166, FAX 509:335-7862. CWWT GLOSSARY C WT (Send us terms and defuutbns for this sedan. ed.) HRT-Hydrauk residence time in days (natural wetland) HRT=o x V/Q HRT- hydraulic residence time (days), V. wetland volume at given stage (m3), o - average inflow rate (rm3/day)e - void fraction. HRT-Hydraulic residence time in days (constructed wetland -Free Water Surface) HRT=(10000)(H) (A)e/Q HRT- hydraulic residence time (days), A - wetland area (Ha) Q - flow rate (m3/day), e - void fraction, H - water depth (m). Department at Colorado State University. It 4 a project funded by the National Science Foundation Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement Program. Send comments, information, and news to r* Editorial Staff. John Fwrstar (editor), Oceanography (9d), U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. 21402. Rob Harrison (education), Cottage of Forest Resocnces, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 Ron Lav'rgnmh s (leatu , Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Massa seas, Aerst. MS 01003. INFORMATION PACKET C Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators Annual School BASIC BIOLOGY -- GRADE III I. Basic Processes of Life -- are to obtain energy and carbon for growth and maintenance. A. Photosynthesis -- the process by which green plants and certain anaerobic bacteria utilize the energy of captured sunlight for the fixation (reduction) of carbon dioxide into organic carbon. 1. The energy is used to make the carbon to carbon bond (reduce CO2) energy Af -c-c-c-c- 2. The light capturing component is chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants. 3. Overall equation Chlorophyl t . - 6 CO2 + 6H2O light B. Energy Extraction Processes CH 0 +60 6 12 6 2�.:.:._.:-.. major source to atmosphere.. 1. Aerobic Respiration -- Oxidation of organic carbon compounds to CO2 and H2O using molecular oxygen as the oxidant Organic Carbon + 02 -} CO2 + H2O + Energy Most living organisms are aerobic. This type of metabolism yields the most energy per mole of organic compounds. Therefore, these organisms are usually the fastest growers. They predominate in secondary wastewater treatment and clean streams. Their products are not odiferous. 2. Fermentation =- Under some circumstances normally aerobic organisms can live on oxygen (facultative organisms) by using a more. oxidized organic compound to oxidize.a more reduced one. This yields much less energy than aerobic respiration since some carbon to carbon bond energy remains in the product. a. reduced organic compound + oxidized organic compound + reduced organic product + CO2 + H2O + energy b. The product compounds are short chain acids, aldehydes, and ketones. These are often odiferous; therefore, fermentative (low oxygen conditions are to be avoided. r � r 3. Anaerobic Respiration -- Under low or zero oxygen conditions certain organisms may use an ion (SO4, NO3, CO3) to oxidize an organic compound. a. Organic compound NO3 N2 SO4 —� H 2 S CO_ CH4 + CO2 + H2O + Energy b. Denitrification is a nitrogen removal process carried out by many facultative organisms. We also use this in sewers or overloaded systems i.e., add nitrate (NO 3--> N2). c. Sulfate reduction (SO --+ H2S) is major source of H2S (rotten egg) odor in wastewater systems. Results from anaerobic conditions. d. Carbon dioxide reduction (methane formation) is responsible for the success of anaerobic digestion (CO CH4). 4. Chemolithotrophy -- certain organisms obtain energy from the oxidation of inorganic compounds. They get carbon for "cellular constituents from CO2 (like photosynthesis only energy does not come from light). a. Nitrification NH3 + 02 --> NO- (Nitrosomonas) NO2 + 02--*NO 3 (Ni trobacter) This type of metabolism is responsible for the nitrogenous oxygen demand (NOD). This may decrease stream dissolved oxygen well below standards. Therefore, nitrification is often being designed into wastewater treatment plants. Requires oxygen and long SRT since nitrifiers grow very slowly. Note also that if nitrification takes place in secondary unit and the size or operation of the final clarifier allows dissolved oxgyen to ' reach zero, denitrification may take place in the final settling tank. The sludge may rise on bubbles of nitrogen gas -- rising sludge. b. Sulfide oxidation H2S + 2 0 � H2SO4 (Thiobacillus) This often occurs in systems where there is a change from anaerobic to aerobic (for example,.long force main drop ing into gravity line). The resultant H2SO4 (sulfuric acid causes corrosion of certain pipe materials. c. Growth 1. General or Net Growth Ot = uN - KdN Net Growth Growth Death and N = number of bacteria t = time u = specific growth rate, 1/t Kd = specific death rate, 1/t u= umax S K +S s lima:, maximum growth rate S = growth limiting substrate concentration 2. Batch Growth r43 N s4a�-la n ar.V a •l E nclo5 ev%ocLs f+;„e 1Qg: S " KS -� 0 Kd -} 0 acclimatizing or getting larger Exponential S >> Ks p -} max Kd -s 0 growing very fast; disperse growth Stationary or Endogenous S Ks s `max u 2 Kd_u grow very slowly, produce sticky extracellular polymers (glue); convert S and cells to CO2 + H2O decline or death S « Ks u+0 Kd -} u 3.. Treatment Systems Growth and Maintenance 1. Want most cells to be respiring (maintenance) rather than growing. 2. If growing make more sludge i.e. cells. 3. Want to adher to rocks (attached growth system) or flocculate (suspended growth system). Both require extracellular polymers. f II. Secondary Wastewater Treatment Microbiology A. Requirements 1. Food = waste BOD or S from Monod equation 2. Enough oxygen 3. Maximum active biomass (microorganisms) or N from General growth equation B. Activated Sludge - Suspended growth type 1. Bacterial floc formation is required from this type of treatment (maximum biomass) a. The aerator has an artifically high concentration of bacteria. This is maintained by recycle (return sludge), but to be recycled bacteria must settle in final tank. This settling requires floc (more dense than water). 2. Floc forming bacteria are largely -Zoo lea ramigera. Filamentous bacteria are also i ortant if they are internal to the floc (structural strength . On the other hand, if they.are external,::. _Tn fe e noA rz.X f?f Yn 0-� they increase resistance to settling. This is known as a"bulking condition (poorly compacted sludge; SVI 100). Often an increase in aeration or a decrease in organic loading will cure bulking. If D.O. is high; waste sludge. F:M too low. 3. Growth Rate -- In order to stay in the system the bacteria must grow faster than the flow through time + the time in return sludge. Otherwise, they will wash out. SRT or MCRT are measures of the amount of time allowed for growth. If these are long, slow growers, e.g., nitrifiers may exist. Normally SRT is set so that only a quite restricted group of important species will exist. 4. Protozoa -- some bacteria grow free in the water i.e. not floc. -These bacteria don't settle and, therefore, would be BOD in effluent. But if protozoa consume these the effluent is clean. a. Free living ciliates (Paramecium) consume free living bacteria and are indicative of hu a numbers of such bacteria. Why? Paramecium grows slowly ?wash out) unless there is a huge source of food (free living bacteria). Huge numbers of free living bacteria mean relatively fewer bacteria in floc; therefore, poor activated sludge. b. Stalked ciliates (Vortecella) attach to floc and consume free living bacteria. Since they are attached to floc, they settle and are returned. Thus, their presence allows "clean" effluent and is indicative of good activated sludge. C. Trickling Filter (attached growth type) 1. Organisms must be attached to medium. More surface are, more organisms. 2. Types of microorganisms -- fungi and many bacteria including Zooglea ramigera. 3. Slime thickness. O Sl�rn� � J Slime must be quite thin for maximum activity. Is kept thin by turbulence and grazing. • 4. Grazers -- many protozoa, -nematodes, and Psychoda-larvae. III. Anaerobic Digestion' ` A. Acid Formation Complex organics — 0 small organic acids_+ CO2 +.H+ + H2 B. Methane Formation small organic acids-* CH4 + CO2 (consumes H+); 70% . CO2 + H2 -� CH4 + H2O 30% C. Upset (souring) occurs when either methane formers die (.fastidious organisms) so that acid (H+) is not removed (low pH) or when acid formers make more acid than methane formers can use (usually shock load). D. Cure? Decrease feed, increase mixing, add lime (don't over lime) or bicarbonate. IV. Ecological Consequences of Water Pollution A. Oxygen Sag 1. Until the present time most wastewater treatment has been for the purpose of: a. Preserving the oxygen resource of the stream b. Preserving the aesthetic quality of the stream 2. Dissolved oxygen decreases below the outfall until some critical value is reached; then D.O. increases. At the same time, the BOD decreases. THE ENVIRONMENT 201 z is' 016 J_ 141 ,E 12! 10 B�OCFIEMI a $ OXYGEN DE rn 6 DISSOLVED ISSOLVED q OXYGEN OXYGEN a 2 24 12 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 MILES • FIGURE 1. The assumptions in the hypothetical pollution case under discussion are a stream flow of 100 cfs, a discharge of raw sewage from a community of 40,000, and a water temperature of 25'C, with typical variation of dissolved oxygen and BOD. 3. The concentration of oxygen is a function of the rate of deoxygenation and reaeration. THE ENVIRONMENT 20 z la 3 16 14 12 0 30 W. BIOCHEMICAL 8 XYGEN DEMAND 6 DISSOLVED DEOXYGENATIO14 DES q OXYGEN REAERATiON RATE OXYGEN Q ^ 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 S. 6 7 8 9 DAYS 24 12 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 MILES • FIGURE 2. The dissolved oxygen concentration in the stream is partially de. stroyed by the pollution load. Full depletion is avoided by ►eaeration processes. Y . B. Eutrophication -- well nourished, abundant algal growth. 1. Law of the minimum -- the growth of any microorganism will be limited by the supply of that factor which is required for growth and present in the least concentration relative to the requirement. 2. Nitrogen and phosphorus are most often growth limiting chemicals, in turbid waters light is often limiting. 3. Eutrophication is a problem in lakes, reservoirs, or slow rivers which receive wastewater effluents containing N and P or runoff (agricultural or urban) which contain N and P. 4. Presently eutrophication is controlled by the removal of P from wastewater. This only works if the other non -point sources are insignificant. Outline for CWWT Lectures Michael Richard Lecture 1: Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Microbiology. I. Bacteria. A. aerobic heterotrophic bacteria. 1. single and biofilm bacteria. 2. floc -forming bacteria. 3. filamentous bacteria. B. aerobic autotrophic bacteria. 1. nitrifying bacteria. 2. sulfide oxidizing bacteria. C. anaerobic bacteria. 1. nitrate reducing bacteria (denitrifiers). 2. sulfate reducing bacteria (sulfide producers). 3. organic acid and methane producers. 4. photosynthetic anaerobic bacteria. II. Fungi and Yeast. III. Algae. A. green algae. B. blue green bacteria. IV. Higher life forms. A. protozoa. B. invertebrates. Lecture 2: Major Microorganism Induced Water Chemistry Changes in Aerobic Wastewater Treatment. I. Organic carbon (BOD) removal. A. aerobic mineralization to biomass and COz. B. anaerobic production of organic acids and methane. C. inorganic carbon removal by algal growth and impact on pH. II. Nitrogen removal. A. urea degradation. B. nitrogen incorporation into biomass. C. nitrification. D. denitrification. E. ammonia volatilization. III. Phosphorus removal. A. phosphorus incorporation into biomass. B. biological phosphorus removal. C. phosphorus precipitation. IV. Sulfur removal. A. sulfide production. B. sulfide oxidation. page 2 Lecture 3: Major Microorganism Induced Problems in Aerobic Wastewater Treatment. I. Activated Sludge. A. filamentous and nonfilamentous bulking. B. filamentous foaming. C. nitrification - lox pH. D. denitrification - floating sludge. E. sulfide toxicity. II. Lagoons. A. organic overloading and organic acid production. B. low dissolved oxygen and sulfide production. C. algae overgrowth. III. Wetlands. A. solids removal and production by surface and subsurface systems. B. sulfide production and odors. C. production of ammonia and phosphorus in wetlands effluents.' Presented at the USEPA's Natural/Constructed Wetlands Treatment Systems Workshop, Denver, CO, September, 1991. TROUBLESHOOTING THE AERATED AND FACULTATIVE WASTE TREATMENT LAGOON by Michael Richard, Ph.D. Dick Bowman, P.E. Dept. Environmental Health and Colorado Dept. of Health Colorado State University Water Quality Control Division Fort Collins, CO 80523 222 S. 6th St., Room 232 Grand Junction, CO 81501 INTRODUCTION Lagoon treatment is a simple, cost-effective method to handle disposal of domestic 'wastewater most often used by small communities. As of 1980, approximately 7000 waste stabilization lagoons were in use in the U.S. (1). Advantages of lagoons are that they are relatively inexpensive; they are simple to operate (compared to other waste treatment methods) they -withstand shock loadings better than other biological treatment processes (for example, wastes from a campground or resort); and they remove nitrogen and phosphorus in addition .to carbonaceous materials (biochemical oxygen demand or` BOD). However, many variables affect the quality of lagoon effluents and, at times, effluent quality is not suitable for discharge to the environment. Waste stabilization lagoons involve a number of physical, chemical and microbiological processes. Wastewater is held in relatively shallow basins for a time period sufficient to permit stabilization of wastewater organics (BOD), to cause die -away of pathogens (disinfection), and to allow percolation, evaporation or controlled discharge of the treated water. Lagoons duplicate in an accelerated fashion the natural purification processes that normally occur"in natural waters. An additional function of lagoons, often overlooked, is sludge storage for later removal and disposal. Lagoon systems in common use can be classified as aerated or non -aerated (facultative) . This paper will present a general overview of domestic waste treatment lagoons and a discussion of lagoon microbiology, cold weather operation, fate of conventional pollutants in lagoons, disinfection, and a discussion of operational problems and their causes. Facultative Lagoons Facultative lagoons are usually 4-8 feet deep and have an upper aerobic layer overlying a -deeper anaerobic layer (1). The aerobic layer is quite important in maintaining an oxidizing environment in which gases escaping the lower anaerobic layer are oxidized, - preventing odors. Facultative lagoons rely on natural surface aeration and algal photosynthesis to supply the oxygen needed for aerobic bacterial stabilization of wastes. The organic loading rate, limited by natural aeration capacity, is usually 15-50 lbs. BODa/acre/day. Hydraulic detention times vary from 5 to 30 days in temperate climates, and to 180 days in cold climates (1). 4 1 � , Aerobic stabilization of BOD by aerobic bacteria occurs in the upper oxygenated layer, supplied with oxygen at least partly by algal photosynthesis, while BOD is converted to methane in the lower anaerobic layer by methane bacteria. There is a symbiosis between bacteria and algae in this process and both microbial components are necessary for successful operation. Facultative lagoons are the easiest type of lagoon system to operate, but there are limits to their performance. Effluent BOD5 values range from 20 to 80 mg/L and -suspended solids from 30 to 150 mg/L (1)(mostly algae). A large surface area is required to keep organic loadings in a suitable range. Organic overloading leads to complete anaerobic conditions which causes odors and high effluent BODa values. Facultative lagoons frequently have seasonally poor performance and odor production, usually in the early spring in cold climates that have wintertime ice cover. Aerated Lagoons Mechanical aeration supplements or, replaces algal photosynthesis as the source of oxygen for waste stabilization in an aerated lagoon,. which increases the cost of operation but decreasesthe size (and cost) of the system. The allowable organic loading is higher for aerated lagoons than for facultative lagoons (in the range 50-200 lbs. BOD/acre/day on a comparative basis). The oxygenation requirement frequently used is 1.5 lbs. oxygen/lb. of applied BODa, however, the actual oxygen required may be 1.75 - 2.50 lbs. oxygen/lb. BODa applied when the sludge oxygen demand is included (2). In Colorado, the allowable organic loading to an aerated lagoon is based on supplying 1.5 pounds of oxygen per pound of BOD per day and supplying this oxygen in a 16 hour period (which is 2.25 lbs. oxygen/lb. BOD5). Aeration is provided by brush aerators, propeller pumps or by rising air bubbles from a diffused air system. Many aerated lagoons evolved from overloaded facultative. lagoons. Properly designed aerated lagoons are 8-12 feet deep which allows adequate room for sludge storage at the bottom of the lagoon below the influence of mixing. One problem with upgrading a facultative lagoon to an aerated one is the lack of sludge storage capacity in a shallow basin. Algae may or may not play a major role in oxygenation of aerated lagoons, depending on the organic loading rate and mixing conditions. Continuous mixing disfavors algal growth due to blockage of light by the stirred solids. If algal photosynthesis is desired, then intermittent mixing should be used. Aerated lagoons operated at higher organic loading approach activated sludge in function, however, with less biomass present (100-300 mg/L dry weight biomass). True activated sludge units involve biomass (sludge) recycle, which increases the biomass concentration to 1000-4000 mg/L. Dissolved oxygen concentrations in a facultative or aerated lagoon may vary significantly over a 24-hour period as shown in Figure 1 (modified from reference 3). Dissolved oxygen concentration can be 200-300 % of saturation at mid -afternoon due to algal photosynthesis. At night, dissolved oxygen concentration drops to a minimum, due to bacterial and algal respiration. Odor production would be most expected at night. A single dissolved oxygen measurement at mid -day is not reliable to judge whether aeration is sufficient. If supplemental mechanical aeration is used, it is most appropriate to run this at night during the lowest oxygen period. Note that 2 operation of mechanical aeration during the daytime when the lagoon is supersaturated in oxygen due to algae growth may actually strip oxygen to the atmosphere. The Microbiology of Waste Treatment Lagoons Microorganisms found in aerated and facultative lagoons are more diverse than observed in many other biological treatment processes. Both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria are involved as well as algae and some higher life forms such as rotifers, daphnia and insect larvae. The aerobic bacteria that occur are similar to those found in other treatment processes such as activated sludge. Freely dispersed, floc -forming and filamentous bacteria occur. All function similarly to oxidize organic carbon (BOD) to produce CO2 and new bacteria (sludge). Anaerobic bacteria that commonly occur are involved in methane formation (methane bacteria) and in sulfide oxidation (sulfur bacteria). Anaerobic methane formation involves two different groups of anaerobic bacteria that function together to convert organic materials to methane via a -two step process: acid-forming bacteria —this diverse group of bacteria converts organic materials under anaerobic conditions to simple alcohols and organic acids such as acetic, propionic and butyric. These bacteria are hardy and occur over a wide pH range. methane forming bacteria - this limited group of bacteria converts acetic acid under anaerobic conditions to methane. These are environmentally sensitive and have a narrow pH range of pH 6.8-7.4. Note that the product of the acid formers (acetic acid) becomes the substrate for the methane producers. A problem at times exists where the acid formers overproduce, lowering the pH below where the methane bacteria can function (a PH < 6.5). This can stop methane formation and lead to a build-up of sludge with a low pH. In an anaerobic fermentor, this is called a "stuck digestor". The anaerobic sulfur bacteria, represented by about 17 genera, oxidize reduced sulfur compounds (HzS) using light energy to produce sulfur and sulfate. All are either strict anaerobes or microaerophillic. Most common are Chromatium, Thiocvstis and Chlorobium which can grow. in profusion and give a lagoon a pink or red color. Their finding is most often an indication of organic overloading and anaerobic conditions. Conversion of odorous sulfides to sulfur and sulfate by these sulfur bacteria is a significant odor control mechanism in facultative and anaerobic lagoons, and can be desirable. Occasionally, sulfur bacteria occur in a lagoon due to treatment of high sulfate wastewater, not related to organic loading. Algae are aerobic organisms that are photosynthetic and grow with simple inorganic compounds (CO2, NH3, NOa, PO4) using light as an energy source. These are desirable in lagoons as they generate oxygen needed by bacteria for waste stabilization. Three major groups occur in lagoons, based on their chlorophyll type: brown algae (diatoms), green algae, and red algae. The predominant algal species at any given time in a lagoon is dependent on growth 3 conditions, particularly temperature, organic loading, oxygen status and nutrient availability. A fourth type of "algae" common to lagoons is the cyanobacteria or blue- green bacteria. These organisms grow much as the true algae, with the exception that most species can fix atmospheric nitrogen. Blue-green bacteria often bloom in lagoons and some species produce odorous and toxic by-products. Algae can bloom in lagoons at any time of the year (even under the ice), however, a succession of algal types often is observed in lagoons over the season. A common pattern is: Season Growth Conditions Main Organisms winter low light, low temperature none spring high light, low temperature diatoms summer high light, high temperature •green algae fall low light, high temperature blue-green bacteria Algae can grow to such an extent in lagoons (bloom) that they consume for photosynthesis all of the carbon dioxide and bicarbonate present, leaving only carbonate as the lagoon buffering species. This causes the pH of the lagoon to become alkaline. PH values of 9.5 or greater are common in lagoons during algal blooms which can lead to lagoon effluent pH violations (in most states this is pH = 9). It should be noted that an increase in the lagoon pH caused by algal growth can be beneficial. Natural disinfection of pathogens in lagoons is enhanced at higher pH. Phosphorus removal by natural chemical precipitation is greatly enhanced at pH values greater than pH = 8.5. In addition, ammonia stripping to the atmosphere is.enhanced at higher pH values (NH3 is strippable, not NH.`). Many higher life forms develop in lagoons. These include protozoa and eucaryotic organisms such as rotifers, daphnia, chironomides (midge larvae) and mosquito larvae. These organisms play a role in waste purification by feeding on bacteria and algae and promoting flocculation and settling of particulate material. Rotifers and daphnia are particularly important in controlling algae overgrowth and these often "bloom" when algae concentrations are high. Mosquitoes grow in lagoons where shoreline vegetation is not removed and these may cause a nuisance and public health problem. Culex tarsalis, the vector of Western Equine Encephalitis in the western U.S., grows well in waste lagoons (1). Cold Weather Operation Temperature controls the growth and activity of microorganisms, both bacteria and algae, and the stabilization rate of organic wastes. Microbial growth and waste stabilization follow the Q10 rule: the reaction rate doubles or halves for each 10C temperature change. Necessary temperatures for important microorganisms in lagoons are (1): 4 heterotrophic bacterial oxidation of BOD 5-40C algal growth and oxygen production 5-40C anaerobic fermentation ) 14C These conditions are not always met in colder climates, where lagoon surface freezing occurs. At lagoon temperatures of less than 5C, lagoons function merely to store wastewater organics. Due to this, discharge from lagoons in colder climates may need to be seasonal, with effluent being discharged once or twice per year when effluent quality is satisfactory. Optimum lagoon performance in colder climates occurs in the summer and fall, when lagoon temperatures are highest. In geographical areas with a cold climate and wintertime lagoon ice cover, influent BOD may not be properly oxidized by bacteria due to cold temperature and is merely stored in the lagoon. The oxygen demand in the system in the spring when temperatures warm may be 3-5 fold the applied BOD loading because of the stored BOD demand, and odors often result at this time of the year (4). Lagoon organic loading rates have to be lower and hydraulic detention times longer in cold climates. Lagoon size is determined for the lower organic loading rate permissible in the winter, often 180 days detention time (1). Further, discharge of effluent should not occur from an ice -covered lagoon. Anaerobic conditions prevail in a lagoon that is ice -covered and effluent quality will be poor. Often, a mechanical aerator is operated in the wintertime to prevent.complete freezing of a lagoon surface. Seasonal temperature changes also cause thermal stratification in some lagoons. This can result in a sudden mixing of the upper and lower layers of a lagoon in the spring and fall (overturn periods). Significant odor production and a poor quality effluent may •occur during these overturn periods. Fate of Pollutants in Lagoon Systems Organic wastes (BOD) are ultimately converted to COz, methane and inert sludge in a lagoon system. In time, the sludge may accumulate and need to be removed from the lagoon. Most waste treatment lagoons remove 85-95% of influent BOD5, if given enough time and are not organically overloaded or limited by aeration. Typically, about 50% of the applied BOD ends up as new bacteria (sludge). Anaerobic degradation, if it occurs, further reduces the remaining BOD by 50%, lost to the atmosphere as CH4 gas. Overall, a net 75- 30% BOD removal as gases (CO2 and CH4) occurs in lagoons (2). About 20-25% of the influent waste ends up as a sludge which may accumulate in the lagoon and which needs to be periodically removed and disposed of (unless continuously lost to the effluent). One to'.two ft3/per capita/year sludge accumulation may be expected in most lagoons (5). Nitrogen in wastewater is principally in the form of organic nitrogen (protein) and ammonia. Most of the organic nitrogen is rapidly converted to ammonia by ammonifying bacteria in the lagoon. Ammonia is removed from wastewater in lagoons through three processes: (1) stripping to the atmosphere, significant at pH values greater than pH=8 often induced by algal growth; (2) assimilation into microorganisms (bacteria and algae); and (3) 5 41 bacterial nitrification followed by denitrification. Lagoons can remove 50 to 99% of influent nitrogen, depending on operation (1). Bacterial nitrification is strongly temperature dependent and ceases below a temperature of approximately 5C. This is why lagoon effluent ammonia concentration is highest in the wintertime. Phosphorus is also removed in lagoons by assimilation into microorgan- isms. However, the main phosphorus removal mechanism in lagoons appears to be chemical precipitation and phosphorus accumulation in the bottom sludge, enhanced by high pH values induced by algal growth (pH > 8.5). Lagoons can remove 30-90% of influent phosphorus (1). Disinfection A typical domestic wastewater contains approximately 107-e fecal coliform bacteria per 100 mis. Pathogen content of the wastewater is variable, dependent on the carrier and prevalent disease rates in the community. It is generally accepted that a treated wastewater effluent presents little risk if the fecal coliform count is less than 200 per 100 mis. Fecal coliforms and pathogens do not grow in wastewater lagoons and steadily die -away with time due to natural processes such as..starvation, predation, toxicity, sunlight (W) stress, and flocculation and sedimentation. Fecal coliform die -off is highly related to time and temperature, as shown in Figure 2 (from reference 6). The time required for natural fecal coliform die -off usually dictates the hydraulic detention time (and hence size) of most lagoons unless the final effluent is disinfected. From Figure 2 it can be seen that a single lagoon operated at 15C would yield an effluent suitable for discharge (<200 fecal coliforms per 100 mis.) after approximately 80 days .of retention time. However, at a lagoon temperature of less than 10C, an effluent fecal coliform count suitable for discharge would not be achieved through natural processes in any reasonable time for a single lagoon. This is why lagoons often produce an effluent with high fecal coliform counts during the wintertime. Multiple lagoons in series achieve better fecal coliform removal than a single lagoon. Chemical (chlorine, chlorine dioxide or ozone) or ultraviolet light disinfection of lagoon effluents is often needed to protect downstream water users from the risk of disease. Most used is chlorine and only this will be discussed here. Chlorine disinfection is generally successful at 1-2 mg/L combined chlor- ine residual for a contact time of at least 60 minutes. Proper disinfection requires good mixing of the chlorine and the effluent. Most problems in lagoon effluent disinfection are due to either a low initial chlorine dose or improper mixing. Sufficient chlorine must first be added to overcome any immediate chemical chlorine demand in the effluent. Chlorine demanding substances whip consume chlorine and interfere with disinfection include: some soluble organic compounds, especially organic acids; hydrogen sulfide;. nitrite: and algae. Hydrogen sulfide, common in organically overloaded lagoons and when lagoons are frozen over, exerts a chlorine demand of 5 mg/L chlorine per mg/L hydrogen sulfide. Combined chlorine residuals may cause algae clumping and settling, often lowering the effluent total suspended solids. Free chlorine at concentrations greater than 0.5 mg/L cause algal 0 cell lysis (breakup)(1). This releases the cell contents and causes significant chlorine demand and an increase in the effluent BOD. Reinoculation of lagoons with waterfowl feces may raise the effluent fecal coliform levels to unacceptable amounts. Here, unless effluent chemical disinfection is used, some form of waterfowl control may be needed. Effluent Violations in Lagoon Systems Based on our experience, the most common problems leading to poor lagoon performance are: (1) low dissolved oxygen and poor BOD removal; (2) loss of wastewater solids to the final effluent by short-circuiting or sludge build- up; and (3) algal overgrowth. A summary of common problems in lagoon operation and possible solutions is given in Table 1. A listing of the visual/sensual and microscopic observations that occur with some of these problems is given in Table 3. BOD5 violations in lagoon effluents are often accompanied_ by high effluent total -suspended solids (TSS). A BOD5/TSS ratio of >0.5 in a lagoon effluent is usually an indication of a solids loss problem. High solids in lagoon effluents have several causes: 1. solids overload with influent wastewater solids (sludge) being carried through the lagoon to the final effluent. 2. lagoon short-circuiting with sludge being carried through to the final effluent. 3. growth of waste treatment microorganisms that won't settle by gravity before effluent discharge. This is usually proliferation of filamentous bacteria (termed bulking sludge). 4. algal overgrowth (bloom) in the system and loss of these to the effluent. A microscopic examination of the solids present in a lagoon effluent can usually identify the nature of the problem. Troubleshooting the Waste Treatment Lagoon Many different problems can occur in lagoon operation that can lead to effluent violations (see Table 1). Troubleshooting a problem should begin with a thorough engineering evaluation for proper organic loading rate and hydraulic detention time, adequate aeration and mixing, possible short- circuiting, and sludge build-up." Additional recommended procedures are a microscopic solids analysis, measurement of the diurnal dissolved oxygen concentration and pH, and performance of the filtered/unfiltered BODs comparison. 7 One approach to the resolution of lagoon problems is the microscopic solids analysis, performed for each lagoon cell at the transfer point and the final effluent before chlorination. This technique requires the microscopic examination of fresh lagoon samples using a phase contrast microscope capable of achieving a total magnification of 1000X. Solids types present and their relative abundance are measured by this technique. Solids type categories include: (1) raw Wastewater or sludge solids; (2) treatment solids (bacterial flocs); (3) filamentous bacteria; (4) sulfur bacteria; and (5) algae. These solids types are easily recognized with a little experience. The significance of these solids types is explained in Table 2. It is recommended that a soluble/total BON analysis be performed on the lagoon final effluent, to be done in conjunction with the microscopic examination. Here, the lagoon effluent sample is analyzed for BON in two ways: (1) as normal for total BON; and (2) first filtered through a 0.45 um pore size filter and the filtrate analyzed for BOD5 (soluble BODO . The difference, between these two values is the particulate BODE present. A particulate BON value of )50% of the total BOD5 indicates a solids loss problem in the lagoon effluent. The microscopic examination is then used to identify the types of solids being lost from the lagoon thus leading to the cause(s) of the problem. Basic types of information needed for troubleshooting lagoons are: 1. the -type of waste being treated, whether domestic, industrial or mixed domestic -industrial, and whether septage is allowed in the system. 2. the hydraulic detention time for each lagoon cell and the system as a whole. 3. if a facultative lagoon, the organic loading rate expressed as lbs. BOD/surface acre/day. if an aerated lagoon, the organic loading rate in lbs. BOD/day and the pounds of oxygen being supplied per day (the aerator manufacturer stated oxygen transfer rate downrated for the field transfer rate at the elevation and temperature of operation). 4. lagoon dissolved oxygen measurements at several. places and depths in each cell and the dissolved oxygen diurnal fluctuation. 5. the lagoon pH (each cell) and any diurnal fluctuation. 6. a check, if needed, for lagoon hydraulic short-circuiting (dye or salt addition). 7. a solids analysis for the effluent, including both the unfiltered/ filtered BOD5 analysis and a microscopic examination. An analysis of this information usually yields a pretty good picture of the problems occurring. F An example of data obtained for a domestic waste three cell lagoon system (first two cells aerated) in noncompliance for effluent BODE is shown in Figure 3. Total BON was lowest in the effluent from cell #1 (50 mg/L) and actually increased somewhat in subsequent cells. The BOD5 in the lagoon cells was almost all particulate BODE (filtered out by a 0.45 um pore size filter) with soluble BODE (that passing through the filter) <5 mg/L in all three cells. TSS was high in all lagoon cells, actually increasing in cell #2 compared to cell #1. The BOD5 and TSS in the lagoon cells was almost all due to algae cells, present at 2.3 to 3.5 X 106 cells/ml. Chemical signs of algae overgrowth were a decreasing alkalinity concentration, an increasing pH and an increasing dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) through the three lagoon cells. Algae growth was removing alkalinity (CO2 and HCO3-) as a source of inorganic carbon for growth, causing the pH to increase. Algae growth was also producing oxygen, reaching supersaturation in cell #3. The microscopic examination and counting would have readily revealed this high effluent BODE problem to be due to algae overgrowth, however, analysis of the chemical data would have lead to the same conclusion. Control of Algae Overgrowth in Lagoons Algal growth in lagoons and loss of these to the final effluent (algae are BOD) is the single most common problem in lagoon operation in Colorado in the summertime. One ton dry weight of algae can be produced for each million gallons of domestic wastewater treated under optimum conditions (for the algae). It is not uncommon to see BOD values increase in the latter cells of a multicell lagoon system due to algal growth. Systems that control algae well have sufficient hydraulic detention time and number of cells (4-5) to allow algae to exhaust growth nutrients by the final cell and to settle naturally (algae settle when starved). Algal overgrowth is easy to diagnose -- green effluent and microscopically an abundance of algae. Algae concentrations in lagoons range from 10 to 150 mg/L (as TSS). Algal counts above approximately 1-3 X 105 per ml generally contribute BOD above a 30 mg/L effluent limit. Algal counts above 106 per ml yield an effluent BOD value above 100 mg/L. Algae exert an oxygen demand in the BOD test due to their respiration and due to their stimulation of bacterial respiration when used as a food source by bacteria. The exact BOD of algae can not be given as the extent that they degrade in the BOD five day test is dependent on the initial "health" of the algae and the algae species present. For example, Fitzgerald (7) found that dead Chlorella (autoclaved) had a BODs four times that of live Chlorella, due to their more rapid use as a food source by heterotrophic bacteria. Further, algal respiration in the BOD bottle is highly variable. Fitzgerald (7) found that algae grown under conditions of sufficient CO2 (pH 7-7.5) were more active in using oxygen in the BOD test bottle than algae grown at CO2 deficient conditions (pH 9). Also, the presence of different algal species caused different amounts of oxygen use in the BOD test. . Fitzgerald (7) reported the following specific oxygen use by several species of algae: Pi Algal Species Chlorella Scenesdesmus Nostoc Glocotrichia 5 Day Oxygen Use mg DO / mg SS 0.05 - 0.19 0.13 0.09. 0.40 Algal control methods are varied and a listing of the most common methods along with some of the advantages anc disadvantages of each is given in Table 4. The basic outline used in Table 4 __ `-;m reference 1, with modifications based on our experience. Algae overgrowth in Waste treatment lagoons is a common cause of effluent BODa. violations in the summertime in Colorado (8). A number of algae control or removal methods have been used with varying success in Colorado. There are approximately 800 NPDES permitted wastewater treatment facilities in Colorado -- 600 of these are lagoons. The majority of these lagoon systems are small, less than one MGD flow. Due to this, algae control methods most generally applicable need to be inexpensive and require little operation and maintenance time. A number of systems use land application of lagoon effluent, generally with good success. Effluent filtration processes have met with mixed success. Intermittent sand filters and slow rate gravel percolation beds have been successful at algae removal without undue operational problems. Rock dike filters have not generally been successful in Colorado, due to plugging and anaerobic conditions (although these have been successful elsewhere (9)). Use of microstrainers has not been successful, due to rapid plugging by the microalgae found in most lagoon effluents. In pond chemical algae control i=s been widely used in Colorado. Copper sulfate is most used, however, this has met with mixed success. This chemical needs to be applied before algae growth becomes a problem -- its main function is to prevent algae growth. If applied after algae growth becomes excessive, then high effluent BON values may result -- a to discharge in the effluent of dead algae (which may exert a more rapid than live algae in the BOD test bottle). Also, the copper dosage:__::: .a precisely controlled or else all microlife in the lagoon is damaged. _.:_.:ant copper sulfate use may lead to a build-up of copper in the lagoon sludge, making disposal of this sludge a bigger problem in the future. Chlorine applied prior to or in the final lagoon cell may aid algae clumping and settling. It is .common to see accumulated settled algae in chlorine contact chambers. When used for algae control, the chlorine dose must be controlled carefully. Combined chlorine residuals <10 mg/L cause algal cell clumping and settling. . Combined chlorine residuals >10 mg/L and any free chlorine residual causes algal cell lysis which can increase the effluent BODs (1). Trial use of an algae destruction chamber in one system in Colorado using chlorine dosing before the final lagoon cell resulted in increased effluent BODa, due to lysis of algae cells. 10 Chemical light shading using dyes (Aquashade) has been successful at several systems. However, the chemical used is not USEPA approved for discharge to public waters and this method can only be used for non - discharging systems. Physical light shading has proved successful at several systems examined. Most common is the overgrowth of duckweed (Lemna sp.) in the final lagoon cell. If properly controlled, a duckweed cover effectively reduces algae growth by physical light shading (10). However, if not controlled, a duckweed cover can lead to,serious effluent BON problems. If allowed to overgrow, all aeration to the final cell is eliminated and a septic effluent can result. Also, in Colorado and other cold climates, a duckweed cover has to be removed from the final cell before winter. If not removed (harvested), it dies at the first freeze, sinks to the bottom of the lagoon and undergoes degradation, exerting a huge BODa demand and causing high effluent BODa values. A newer method of physical light shading has proven successful at two small Colorado lagoon systems in controlling algae overgrowth and in bringing these systems into compliance for effluent BODa. Both systems installed a suspended greenhouse fabric material over the final lagoon cell. This cover effectively blocked 80% of the incoming light and reduced algae growth. A small problem with this method developed in that low effluent oxygen concentrations resulted at times. Some algae growth for oxygenation is needed in the final cell. It appears that some "operation" is necessary at times with a light cover to allow more light to the final cell. Other problems with this method are the need to remove the cover in the wintertime to avoid damage and the difficulty in covering larger sized lagoon cells. One of the most promising algae removal methods, suitable for all lagoon systems but especially appropriate for smaller systems, is the use of a constructed wetlands as an algae removal method in place of the final lagoon polishing cell. The constructed wetlands should be a subsurface system with media selected to maximize algae removal and allow its biodegradation. This could be readily placed within the existing polishing cell structure at most facilities. Once operating, little or no operation and maintenance would be required. A pilot program to test the performance of four constructed wetland designs for algae removal is now being conducted at the City of Las Animas, CO by the City of Las Animas, Colorado State University, the Colorado Department of Health and the USEPA. Once the wetland design is proven, use of constructed wetlands should prove widely applicable as a lagoon effluent polishing method, especially for smaller systems. 11 References Cited 1. Municipal Wastewater Stabilization Ponds Design Manual, USEPA, Center for Environmental Research "nformation, Cincinnati, OH, EPA-62511-83-015, 1983. 2. G. A. Boulier and T.J. Atchison, Practical Design and Application of the Aerated -Facultative Lagoon Process, Hinde Engineering Co., Highland Park, IL, 1975. 3. K. Mudrack and S. Kunst, Biology of Sewage Treatment and Water Pollution Control, J. Wiley and Sons, NY, 1986. 4. G.R. Marais and M.S. Capri, A Simplified Kinetic Theory for Aerated Lagoons; Second International Symposium for Waste Treatment Lagoons, Kansas City, MO, 1970. 5. W.J. Oswald, Pond Research and Installation Experiences in California, USPHS Pub. No. 872, Washington, D.C., 1960. 6. W.J. Oswald, Course Materials for Graduate Course in Wastewater Treatment, University of ,California, Berkeley, 1975. 7. G.P. Fitzgerald, The Effect of Algae on BOD Measurements, J. Water Poll. Control. Fed. 36:1524, 1964. 8. M.G. Richard, M. Van Mouwerik and D. Bowman, Causes of Domestic Waste Treatment Lagoon Noncompliance in Colorado, presented at the Rocky Mountain Water Pollution Control Association's Annual Meeting, Jackson, WY, 1991. 9. E.J. Middlebrooks, Review of Rock Filters for the Upgrade of Lagoon Effluents, J. Water Poll. Control Fed. 60:1657, 1988. 10. J. Zirschky and S.C. Reed, The Use of Duckweed for Wastewater Treatment, J. Water Poll. Control Fed. 60:1253, 1988. 12 PROTOZOA AND ACTIVATED SLUDGE OPERATION by Michael Richard, Ph.D. Colorado State University Microscopic observation of protozoa and other higher life forms in activated sludge is a common and widespread practice. Generally, the types of organisms present can be related to plant performance and effluent quality. Further, these organisms have a specific use in toxicity assessment. Activated sludge is a relatively "simple" microbial community (from a morphological point of view), 'consisting of free and flocculated bacteria (and filamentous bacteria, at times), protozoa, rotifers, nematodes and a few other invertebrates. Protozoa and other higher life forms are basically aerobic and bacteriovorous. A few flagellates occur which are anaerobic and a number of flagellates occur which are saprophytic, using soluble BOD for growth. Carnivorous protozoa, both free ciliates and attached ciliates (suctorians), occur which feed on other protozoa. Chlorophyll -bearing flagellates are incidentally observed, derived from the aeration basin walls. Protozoa and other higher life forms constitute approximately 5% of the activated sludge biomass and are represented by about 200 species (Curds, 1973; Curds, 1975). Numbers can range from 100 to >100,000 per mL, generally dominated by protozoa, with 500-several thousand per mL observed commonly. These organisms are an important component of activated sludge and they perform a number of functions. Foremost is the removal of nonflocculated bacteria (coliforms and pathogens) from wastewater through their feeding activities, yielding a clarified effluent (Curds et al., 1968; Curds and Fey, 1969). Additionally, these organisms may contribute to biomass flocculation through production of fecal pellets and mucus (Curds, 1975) and may function to break up large floc masses and encourage a more active biomass through their motility (Javornicky and Prokesova, 1963). Observation of these organisms is easily done by placing one drop (0.05 mL) of activated sludge on a microscope slide, adding a cover glass, and examining it at 100X using phase contrast illumination. All protozoa and other higher life forms present should be counted by scanning the entire cover glass area using the microscope's mechanical stage and the results averaged for 4-5 separate preparations. The total number of organisms present per mL of activated sludge culture would be the average count per cover glass area times 20. If a large number of organisms are present, at times observed for flagellates, count the number present per field of view (at 100X), average this for 10-20 fields of view, and multiply this number by the number of fields of view for the cover glass area (typically about 300 at 100X magnification for a 22 X 22mm cover glass). This procedure should be conducted frequently (several times a week or even daily) as protozoan populations in activated sludge can change rapidly under some circumstances (for example, toxicity upset). i3 Taxonomic classification of these organisms is based primarily on motility. The six basic groups observed in activated sludge are flagellates, amoebae, free-swimming ciliates, attached (stalked) ciliates, rotifers and a few other invertebrates. Identification of these to species is not necessary, however, recognition of the major groups of protozoa and higher life forms is useful in activated sludge operation. The most common protozoa and higher life forms observed in activated sludge based on my experience are shown in Figure 1. More detailed taxonomic identification keys for these can be found as follows: protozoa - Curds, 1969; Curds, 1975; Jahn, Bovee and Jahn, 1980; Mudrack and Kunst, 1986; rotifers - Calaway, 1968; Doohan, 1975; Gerardi, 1987; nematodes - Calaway, 1963; Schiemer, 1975; Tarjan, 1977; Gerardi, 1987a; and annelids - De L.G. Solbe, 1975. The major groups of protozoa and higher life forms found in activated sludge are described below. flagellates - these are small (5-20 um), oval or elongated forms actively motile by one or more long, whip -like flagella. Many. species found in activated sludge feed on soluble BOD and their presence can indicate a high soluble BOD condition. amoebae - these are variable in shape and size (10-200 um) and are motile by pseudopodia ("false feet"). Some species present in lightly loaded plants have a hard, ornate "shell". Amoebae grow well on particulate BOD and are able to tolerate a low DO environment. free-swimming_ ciliates - these are round- to oval -shaped (20-400 um) and are actively motile by rows of short, hair -like cilia. Some species have cilia fused into spikes which aid in crawling on the activated sludge solids ("crawlers"). Ciliates usually occur at conditions of good floc formation and generally indicate good activated sludge operation. attached ciliates - these appear much as the ciliates above, but are found attached to flocs via a stalk which may be either rigid or contractile. Also, some species have one organism per stalk while others are colonial. Stalked ciliates are generally a sign of stable activated sludge operation and the species found can be used to indicate approximate sludge age with the colonial forms occurring at longer MCRT. rotifers - these appear in various shapes and are much larger (50 -500 um) and more complex in structure than protozoa. Most are motile and attach to activated sludge flocs by a contractile "foot". These occur over a wide range in sludge MCRT with some species indicative of longer MCRT. higher invertebrates - these include nematodes, tardigrades such as Macrobiotus, and annelids such as Nais and Aelosoma (which can impart a reddish color to activated sludge due to their red- or orange -colored "eyespots"). Nematodes are generally only observed in longer MCRT systems while the tardigrades and annelids appear to occur only in nitrifying activated sludge systems, probably due to their susceptibility to ammonia toxicity. These various protozoan and invertebrate groups develop in activated sludge according to growth conditions. Protozoa have growth rates of one per day or higher (20C)(Curds, 1975) and rotifers have growth rates of 1-2 per day (20C)(Doohan, 1975), which rarely limits their development in most activated 2 sludge systems. Nematodes have a longer doubling time and these generally only develop in long MCRT systems (HPCF, 1990). Food availability, principally freely dispersed bacteria or turbidity, primarily determines which group predominates. Flagellates, amoebae, and some small, free-swimming ciliates require a high prey density (>106-7 per mL) due to their inefficient feeding mechanism of chase and capture. These are selected for at plant startup and at low MCRT and high F/M conditions. Attached ciliates, rotifers, and other invertebrates differ in that they develop at lower prey densities due to their attachment to the activated sludge floc and their ability to feed by ciliary action ("filter feeding"). These are selected for at long MCRT and low F/M. This leads to a marked succession of protozoa and other higher life forms in activated sludge according to process parameters, shown in Table Optimum activated sludge performance occurs when there is a balance among free-swimming and attached ciliates and rotifers. An overabundance of flagellates, amoebae, or free-swimming ciliates is an indication of high organic loading (high F/M) while an overabundance of attached ciliates, rotifers, and other higher life forms, especially nematodes, is an indication of low organic loading (low F/M). These relationships are summarized in Table 1 and Figure 2. Sludge settling often deteriorates at the extremes of the F/M range, so many plants attempt to adjust process parameters based on the types of protozoans and other higher life forms observed in• the activated sludge. Table 1. Organic Loading of Activated Sludge and Predominant Higher Life Forms Observed x. Condition Predominant Groups high organic loading flagellates, amoebae, and small, free- swimming ciliates. optimum organic loading good diversity of organisms, dominated by free-swimming and stalked ciliates. low organic loading stalked ciliates, rotifers, and higher invertebrates, especially nematodes. * references: Reynoldson, 1942; Baines et al., 1953; Curds and Cockburn, 1970; 1970a; Curds, 1975; Mudrack and Kunst, 1986. One of the most valuable uses of microscopic observation of these organisms is in toxicity assessment. These organisms, particularly ciliates and rotifers, are generally the first to be impacted by toxic materials and these may serve in essence as an in situ biomonitoring test for toxicants or other adverse stresses. The first noticeable sign of toxicity or stress is usually a slowing or cessation in cilia movement for the ciliates. Next, the predominant protozoan groups shift toward flagellates and small, free-swimming ciliates which often "bloom" to high numbers (>10,000 per mQ . This is an indication of the breakup of the activated sludge floc and overabundance of free bacteria (turbidity), used by these organisms as a food source. Finally, in severe cases, these protozoans die, which may lead to foaming caused by a large release of protozoan cell contents. Toxicants yielding severe toxicity for these organisms include heavy metals and cyanide. Stresses other than toxicity that induce these responses include low oxygen supply, pH outside the range 6.0 - 8.0, and high temperature. Protozoa and other higher life forms are generally absent from industrial activated sludge systems operated at temperatures above 37-40C. References Jahn, T.L., L. Bovee and E.F. Jahn, How to Know the Protozoa, 3rd Ed., Wm C. Brown Co., Dubuque, IA, 1980. Mudrack, K. and S. Kunst, Biology of Sewage Treatment and Water Pollution Control, John Wiley and Sons, NY, 1986. Curds, C.R., Chapter 5 "Protozoa" in Ecological Aspects _f Used -Water Treatment. Vol. I. The Organisms and Their Ecology, C.R. Curds and H.A. Hawkes, Eds., Academic Press, NY, 1975. Schiemer, F., Chapter 6 "Nematoda" in Ecological Aspects of Used -Water Treatment. Vol. I. The Organisms and Their Ecology, C.R. Curds and H.A. Hawkes, Eds., Academic Press, NY, 1975. Doohan, D., Chapter 7 "Rotifera" in Ecological Aspects of Used -Water Treatment. Vol. I. The Organisms and Their Ecology, C.R. Curds and H.A. Hawkes, Eds., Academic Press, NY, 1975. De L.G. Solbe, J.F., Chapter 8 "Annelida" in Ecological Aspects of Used -Water Treatment. Vol. I. The Organisms and Their Ecology, C.R. Curds and H.A. Hawkes, Eds., Academic Press, NY, 1975. ANON, Wastewater. Biology: The Microlife, Water Poll. Control. Fed., Alexandria, VA, 1990. Curds, C.R., An Illustrated Key to the British Freshwater Ciliated Protozoa Commonly Found in Activated Sludge, Technical Paper No. 12, Water Pollution Research, Ministry of Technology, London, 1969. Calaway, W.T., "Nematodes in Wastewater Treatment", J. Water Poll. Control Fed. 35:1006, 1963. Gerardi, M.H., "An Operator's Guide to Free -Living Nematodes in Wastewater Treatment", Public Works 118:47, 1987a. Tarjan, A.C. et al., "An Illustrated Key to Nematodes Found in Fresh Water", J. Water Poll. Control Fed. 49:2318, 1977. Calaway, W.T., The Metazoa of Waste Treatment Processes - Rotifers", J. Water Poll. Control Fed. 40:412, 1968 4 Gerardi, M.H., "An Operator's Guide to Rotifers in Wastewater Treatment Processes", Public Works 118:66, 1987. Curds, C.R., "The Role of Protozoa in the Activated Sludge Process", Am. Zool. 13.161, 1973. Curds, C.R., et al., "An Experimental Study of the Role of the Ciliated Protozoa in the Activated Sludge Process", J. Water Poll. Control Fed. 67:312, 1968. Curds, C.R., and G.J. Fey, "The Effect of Ciliated Protozoa on the Fate of Escherichia coli in the Activated Sludge Process", Water Res. 3:853, 1969. Javornicky, P., and V. Prokesova, "The Influence of Protozoa and. Bacteria Upon the Oxidation of Organic Substances in Water", Int. Revue Ges., Hydrobiol. Hydogr. 48:335, 1963. Baines,• S., et al., "Protozoa as Indicators in Activated Sludge Treatment", Sew. Ind. Wastes 25:1023, 1953. Reynoldson, T.B., "Vorticella as an Indicator Organism in Activated Sludge", Nature (London) 149: 608, 1942. Curds, C.R., and A. Cockburn, "Protozoa in Biological Sewage Treatment Processes - I. A survey of the Protozoa Fauna of British Percolating Filters and Activated Sludge Plants", Water Res. 4:225, 1970. Curds, C.R., and A. Cockburn, "Protozoa in Biological Sewage Treatment Processes - II. Protozoa as Indicators in the Activated Sludge Process", Water Res. 4:237, 1970a. 5 17 FIGURE 1. Representative Protozoa and Higher Life Forms Found in Activated Sludge and Other Secondary Processes. 1. Flagellates: _.� 22 23 24 2. Amoebae: VV 32 27 �.'' 31 26 29 3. Free -Swimming Ciliates: 6 • J `�3 a •cam. � 7 HIV* ,p 11 iT ti %18ti ' 6 4. Attached Ciliates: ,= 22 S. Rotifers: .0 1 M •1 29 PZ44 6. Higher Invertebrates: l• 25 2T L � w �i+{ T 32 ■ KEY FOR ORGANISMS SHOWN IN FIGURE 1 Flagellates: 22 Codosiga 23 Oikomonas 24 Bodo 9 Eudorina 11 Mallomonas Amoebae: 26 Hartmanella 29 Mayorella 27 Amoeba 31 Difflugia 32 Euglypha Free -Swimming Ciliates: 7 Chilodonella 10 Paramecium 11 Frontonia 17 Oxytricha _ 18 Euplotes 5 Lacrymaria 6 Dileptus Attached Cialiates: 22 Vorticella 29 Carchesium 24 Epistylis 25 Zoothamnium 27 Tokophrya Rotifers: 16 _ Filina 1 Philodina 32 Platyias 3 Rotaria Higher Invertebrates: 5 tardigrade (Macrobiotus) 7 bristle -worm (Nais) 12 nematode 7 ' `1 GOOD SETTLING ROTIFERS STRAGGLERS 4l PIN FLOC W ROTIFERS STALKED NEMATODES STALKED U Z C ILIA T ES a CILIATES ROTIFERS w a FREE SWIM. id a CILIATES NEMATODES > FREE E' SWIMMING CILIATES STALKED a � CILIATES FREE SWIMMING ROTIFERS CILIATES FREE STALKED FLAGELLATES SWIMMING CILIATES CILIATES FREE SWIM. o: CILIATES FLAGELLATES FLAGELLATES FLAGELLATES FLAGELLATES A MOEBOIDS I A MOEBOIDS A MOEBOIDS AMOEBOIDS A MOEBOIDS RELATIVE NUMBER OF MICROORGANISMS VS. SLUDGE QUALITY FIGURE 2 w)�- no of z- n C V rr Dc m� 0 33m -4 D °mo <0 n� ow z 0 r Presented "at the EPA's Seventh Annual National Operator Training Conference, Altamonte Springs, Florida, June 11-12, 1990. TROUBLESHOOTING ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS CONTROL Michael G. Richard, Ph.D Department of Environmental Health Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 INTRODUCTION Many problems can -develop in activated sludge operation that adversely affect effluent quality with origins in the engineering, hydraulic and microbiological components of the process. The real "heart" of the activated sludge system is the development and mainten- ance of a mixed microbial culture (activated sludge) that treats waste- water and which can be managed. This paper will discuss the types of microbiological problems that can occur in activated sludge operation. My approach to troubleshooting the activated sludge process is based on microscopic_ examination and oxygen uptake rate (OUR) testing to determine the basic cause of the problem or upset and whether it is microbiological in nature. These methods are easy, fast and inexpen- sive, compared to other approaches, and are generally understandable and accepted. A number of different problems can occur in activated sludge operation that are related to the "quality" of the activated sludge developed. Those that will be discussed in this paper include: dispersed (non -settleable) growth, filamentous and "slime" bulking, filamentous foaming, nitrification-denitrification problems and toxicity. ACTIVATED SLUDGE FLOC FORMATION AND DISPERSED GROWTH PROBLEMS Basic floc formation, required for activated sludge operation due to the use of gravity clarifiers, is due to a growth form of many species of natural bacteria. Floc -forming species share the characteristic of the formation of an extracellular polysaccharide ("slime") layer, also termed a glycocalyx. This material, which consists of polysaccharide, protein and sometimes cellulose fibrils, "cements" the bacteria together to form a floc. Floc formation occurs at lower growth rates and at lower nutrient levels (starvation or stationary growth conditions). Floc -forming species often grow as "normal" bacteria, in a dispersed and non -settleable form, if the growth rate is too fast. This latter condition, termed dispersed growth, occurs rarely in domestic waste activated sludge operation but occurs often in industrial waste treatment, generally due to high organic loading (high F/M conditions). Here, no flocs develop and biomass settling does not occur, resulting in a very turbid effluent. The correct remedial action for a dispersed growth problem is a reduction in the F/M of the system (slow it down). Dispersed growth problems often occur after a toxicity or hydraulic washout event when the activated sludge biomass is low and high F/M conditions prevail. At times, small, weak flocs are formed in activated sludge that are easily sheared and subject to hydraulic surge flotation in the final clarifier leading to a turbid effluent. These small flocs, termed pin floc, consist only of floc -forming bacteria without a filament backbone and usually are (50-75 um in diameter. This condition most occurs in an over -oxidized sludge, e.g. over -extended aeration. Free floating filaments can, times, cause a dispersed growth problem. Here, the cause is filamenE-specific and is the same as for filamentous bulking (discussed below). FILAMENTOUS BULKING A 'bulking sludge is defined as one which settles and compacts slowly. An operational definition often used is a sludge with a sludge volume index (SVI) of >150 ml/g. However, each plant will have a specific SVI value where sludge is lost to the final effluent, which can vary from a SVI (100 ml/g to >300 ml/g, depending on the size and performance of the final clarifier(s) and hydraulic considerations. Thus, a bulking sludge may or may not lead to a bulking problem, depending on the specific treatment plant's ability to contain the sludge within the clarifier. A certain amount of filamentous bacteria can be beneficial to the activated sludge process. A lack of filamentous bacteria can lead to small, easily sheared flocs (pin -floc) that settle well but leave behind a turbid effluent. Filaments are hypothesized to serve as a "backbone" to floc structure, allowing the formation of larger, stronger flocs. The presence of some filaments also serves to catch and hold small particles during sludge settling, yielding a lower turbidity effluent. It is only When filaments grow in large amounts (approximately 107 um filaments per gram of activated sludge) that hindrance in sludge settling and compaction occurs. In concept, bulking can be envisioned as the physical effects of the filaments on the close approach and compaction of activated sludge solids (flocs). Depending on the type of filament involved, two forms of interference in sludge settling occur: (1) interfloc-bridging - where the filaments extend from the floc surface and physically hold the floc particles apart; and 2) open -floc structure - where the filaments grow mostly within the floc and the floc grows around and attached to the filaments. Here, the floc becomes large, irregularly -shaped, and contains substantial internal voids. Tr_^ latter type of bulking is often overlooked by the untrained observer. A bulking sludge can result in the loss of sludge inventory to the treated effluent, causing environmental damage and NPDES vi:lations. In severe cases, loss of the sludge inventory can lead to a loss of the plant's treatment capacity and failure of the process. Additionally, K disinfection of the treated wastewater can become compromised by the excess solids present during bulking. In less severe cases, bulking leads to excessive return sludge recycle rates and problems in waste activated sludge disposal. Many problems in waste sludge thickening are really filamentous bulking problems. The true incidence of bulking in the U.S. is unknown but has been estimated to affect at least 60% of plants, either continuously or intermittently. Recent work in Colorado suggests that at least 90% of activated sludge plants experience a bulking episode at least once during the year. Bulking may be one of the main reasons why approximately 50% of U.S. activated sludge plants don't consistently meet their NPDES discharge standards. Early microbiological investigations into filamentous* organisms found in activated sludge were hampered by a lack of knowledge concerning the types of filaments that may occur. Usually, Sphaerotilus natans was diagnosed, often without adequate identification. However, it is now known •that approximately 20 different filamentous bacteria commonly occur in activated sludge and each may lead to operational problems. D.H. Eikelboom in Holland (Water Research 9:365, 1975) provided a rational basis to "identify" the different filamentous bacteria found in activated sludge. This identification system is based on filament characteristics as viewed under phase contrast microscopy for live samples (in situ) and two simple staining reactions: the Gram and Neisser stain. Each filament can be "classified" using a four digit code, avoiding the earlier problems of lack of specific genus names. This is important as many of the filaments found in activated sludge have not been isolated in pure culture and hence their identity remains unknown. As these filaments are isolated and properly named (a current research thrust), generic names replace the four digit number code. Hence, the current list of filaments is a hybrid between numbers and genus names. Work by David Jenkins and coworkers at the University of California, Berkeley, applied this filament identification system to bulking sludges in the U.S. Filaments were observed to be the cause of bulking activated sludge in almost all of the bulking episodes examined from 270 separate treatment plants. The responsible filaments were identified and ranked using Eikelboom's system which is shown in Table 1 (note the use of both four digit numbers and genus names). From this it becomes clear that certain filaments occur more commonly as a cause of bulking than others. For example, six filaments' account for >90% of bulking episodes investigated ("the biggies"). Similar surveys of the occurrence of"filaments in bulking sludges performed in Europe and South Africa have yielded different patterns of specific filament occurrence than observed in the U.S. This is logical as activated sludge plants are operated differently in various parts of the world and the filaments that develop depend strongly on the operating conditions and plant design. 3 TABLE 1. Filament Abundance in USA Bulking Activated Sludge Plants. PERCENTAGE OF PLANTS WITH BULKING SLUDGE WHERE FILAMENT WAS OBSERVED RANK FILAMENTOUS ORGANISM TO BE DOMINANT' *Z Nocardia spp. 31 1 type 1701 29 2 type 021N 19 3 type 0041 16 4 Thiothrix spp. 12 5 SSphaerotilus natans 12 6 Microthrix parvicella 10 7 type 0092 9 8 Haliscomenobacter hydrossis 9 9 type 0675. 7 10 type 0803 6 11 Nostocoida limicola 6 12 type 1851 6 13 type 0961 4 14 type 0581 3 15 Beggiatoa spp. 1 16 fungi 1 17 type 0914 .1 - all others 1 .1 based on a survey of 270 bulking U.S. activated sludge plants (35 states). 2 Nocardia spp. was the most commonly observed filament; its occurrence is related to foaming, not bulking. Work again by David Jenkins and coworkers has correlated bulking by specific filaments with plant operation (Table 2). Many of these associations are tentative and, for some filaments, not complete, but may serve as a general guideline. This is an area of active research and more definitive filament -specific causes (and remedies) should become available in the future. Five specific causes of filament growth (and bulking) are currently recognized. The information in Table 2 is now used in reverse to the way that it was developed -- from the identification of the most significant filaments -present in a bulking sludge, the "cause" for such growth can be determined. Note that some filaments have more than one cause as shown in Table 2. The combination of conditions listed may favor bulking by a particular filament more so than any single condition. It is important to perform filament identification early in a bulking episode to observe the causative organism. Once bulking continues for some time, process upset can lead to the proliferation of other filament types (secondary filaments) which can confuse diagnosis of the real cause. 4 Today, many activated sludge plants regularly monitor the occurrence and abundance of filaments in their sludge, which has become an important process control tool. This often leads to "heading off" a bulking episode before it becomes serious. Since the microbial population in activated sludge changes slowly (in most cases), generally requiring 2-3 sludge ages to radically change, this microscopic observation needs to be performed only at weekly intervals. However, during a period of bulking onset or during application of remedial actions such as chlorination, daily observation of the activated sludge is warranted. TABLE 2. Filament Types as Indicators of Conditions Causing Activated Sludge Bulking. Suggested Causative Condition Indicator,Filament Types Low Dissolved Oxygen (for the applied organic loading) Low Organic Loading Rate (low F/M) Septic Wastes / Sulfides S. natans, type 1701 and H. hydrossis M. parvicella, Nocardia spp., H. hydrossis, types 021N, 0041, 0675, 0092, 0581, 1851, 0961, and 0803. Thiothrix spp., Beggiatoa spp., and Type 021N. Nutrient Deficiency - N and/or P Thiothrix spp. and types 021N, 0041 (industrial -wastes only) and 0675. Low pH ((pH 6.0) SLIME BULKING fungi. Nitrogen and phosphorus can be growth limiting if not present in sufficient amounts in influent wastewater, a problem with industrial wastes and not domestic wastes. In general, a BOD5:N:P weight ratio in the wastewater of 100:5:1 is needed for complete BOD removal. Other nutrients such as iron or 'sulfur have been reported as limiting to activated sludge, but. this is not common. Signs of nutrient deficiency include: filamentous bulking; a viscous activated sludge which exhibits significant exopolysaccharide ("slime") when "stained" with India ink; and foam on the aeration basin which contains exopolysaccha ride (which has surface active properties). One check for nutrient deficiency is to be sure that some ammonia or nitrate and ortho-phosphate remain in the effluent at all times. 5 �.s Extracellular polysaccharide is produced by all activated sludge bacteria and is, in part, responsible for floc formation. Overproduction of this polysaccharide can occur at nutrient deficiency (and also oxygen deficiency or high F/M) which builds up in the sludge (it is poorly degraded) and leads to poor sludge settling, termed "slime bulking", and to problems in sludge dewatering. Normal activated sludge contains from 10 to 20% polysaccharide on a dry weight basis with the higher polysaccharide content occurring at younger sludge ages. Sludges with polysaccharide content above 20% may have settling and dewatering problems (values to 70% have been observed with some nutrient deficient industrial waste sludges). Overproduction of polysaccharide is caused by the growth of floc - forming organisms which at nutrient deficiency form substantial amounts of exocellular polysaccharides ("slime"). This "slime" is a metabolic shunt product produced when insufficient nitrogen and/or phosphorus is available to produce necessary cell components such as proteins. These shunt products also may be produced at low dissolved oxygen and at high organic loading (high F/M). A special case related to slime bulking is zoogloeal bulking. Here, fingered zoogloeal organisms may proliferate in activated sludge to the extent that sludge settling is hindered. The responsible organism is Zoogloea ramigera, the "classical" floc -former. Here, large masses of this dendritic floc -former may physically interfere in sludge settling and compaction similar to filamentous bulking. This zoogloeal organism is encouraged for at high F/M conditions. FILAMENTOUS FOAMING A brief review of activated sludge foams and their causes is given in Table 3. Use of microscopic examination can readily diagnose most of these, particularly when filaments are involved. Three filamentous organisms can cause activated sludge foaming: Nocardia spp. and Microthrix parvicella (commonly), and type 1863 (rarely). The following discussion will focus on Nocardial foaming as it appears to be the most common and severe, and little as yet is known of foaming by the other filaments. Nocardial foaming appears to occur at approximately 40% of activated sludge plants in the U.S. Nocardia spp. and Microthrix parvicella both appear to grow, and cause foaming, at lower MCRT operation and when significant amounts of grease and fat are present in the aeration basin (their preferred growth substrate). Both are essentially "lower F/M" filaments. N. Table 3. Description and Causes of Activated Sludge Foams Foam Description thin, white to grey foam white, frothy, billowing foam pumice -like, grey foam (ashing) thick sludge blanket on the final clarifier(s) thick, pasty or slimy, greyish foam (industrial systemg only) thick, brown, stable foam enriched in filaments Causes) low cell residence time or "young" sludge (startup foam) once common due to nonbiodegradable deter- gents (now uncommon) excessive fines recycle from other pro- cesses (e.g. anaerobic digesters) denitrification nutrient -deficient foam; foam consists of polysaccharide material released from the floc filament -induced foaming, caused by Nocardia, Microthrix or type 1863. Nocardial foam occurs as a thick, stable, brown foam or "scum" inches to many feet thick on aeration basin and final clarifier surfaces. Normal scum traps (too small) and Water sprays (too weak) may be useless to control this type of foam. This foam consists of activated sludge solids (flocs) containing large amounts of Nocardia filaments growing from their surface and is quite stable, compared to most other foams, due to the physical "interlocking" of the Nocardia filaments. These foams are easy to diagnose microscopically - they are dominated by branched, Gram positive filaments and a simple Gram stain of the foam is all that. is needed. The analysis should include comparison to the underlying MLSS (prepare both samples for Gram staining on the same slide). A true Nocardial foam will contain 10-100 fold more Nocardia than the underlying MLSS. Nocardial foams also contain substantial lipid concentrations (hexane extractables), up to 40% of dry weight versus 5- 10% for Nocardia-free activated sludge solids (whether this lipid content of foams is due to the Nocardia themselves or to entrapped grease and fat is not clear). In addition, these foams contain significant entrapped air, with a bulk density of approximately 0.7 g/cc. Nocardial foams occur in all types of plants, with no particular association with specific modes of operation or aeration. These foams may be more severe in plants with fine bubble or jet aeration and in oxygen activated sludge plants. These foams also occur equally in plants treating domestic, industrial and mixed wastes. Industrial wastes promoting Nocardial growth (and foaming) include dairy, meat and slaughterhouse, food processing, pharmaceutical, and any others that contain a significant amount of grease, oil or fat. Nocardial foaming is also associated with high density restaurant operation in recreational 7 �� areas in Colorado (e.g. ski resorts and summer camps). I have even observed Nocardial foaming caused by treatment of locomotive washing wastes. Severe Nocardial foams cause a number of operational problems. These include aesthetics, odors, and safety hazards if they overflow basins to cover walkways and handrails. In cold weather these foams can freeze, necessitating "pick and shovel" removal. Foam may escape to the effluent, increasing effluent suspended solids and compromising disinfection. In covered aeration basins, foam can accumulate to exceed the available hydraulic head for gravity flow of wastewater through the basin. Process control can be compromised if a significant fraction of a plant's solids inventory is present in the non -circulating foam (e.g. up to 40% of the total solids inventory can be present in such foams and process control calculations may not be correct). There should be some concern expressed for the handling of Nocardial foams. The most common Nocardia species.found in such foams, N. amarae, is not pathogenic to lahoratory animals; however, other less frequently isolated actinomycete strains are known opportunistic human pathogens (e.g-. N. caviae, N. brasiliensis, N. asteroides and strains of Mycobacterium). No actual infection has been documented, however, treatment plant workers and nearby residents may be at risk. Control of Nocardial foaming is difficult with no "quick fixes". Chemical antifoam agents have not proven generally effective, probably because these act on chemical surfactants and not on a solids -stabilized system. Many plants reduce aeration to control foaming, but process performance may suffer if oxygen becomes limiting. Further, low oxygen - induced bulking may occur when this is done. The "classic" cure for Nocardia growth and foaming has been to reduce the SRT to less than 9 days. However, many plants have had to reduce the SRT to less than 2 days for Nocardia control, and -this may be inconsistent with other process goals, such as nitrification, or sludge handling capability. Recent studies have shown that a number of Nocardia species are involved in foaming, and these differ significantly in growth rate over a fivefold range. The two most dominant species appear to be N. amarae (slow growing) and N. rhodochrus (also known as Rhodococcus spp.)(fast growing). It is possible that the SRT needed to control Nocardial foaming is dependent on which species is involved, which would be plant specific. Physical control of foams is most widely practiced using enlarged surface scum traps and forceful water sprays (often containing chlorine) and disposal of this material separate from any process that could recycle this material back to the aeration basin system. Despite some early reports of foam control using addition of anaerobic digester supernatant, this control method has not proven widely successful. Also, return sludge chlorination has not eliminated Nocardia, although it often helps, due to Nocardia's growth mostly within the activated sludge flocs where it isn't readily contacted by chlorine. 8 Many anaerobic digester foaming incidents may be attributed to treatment of Nocardia-containing waste activated sludge. A nationwide survey in 1981 by the American Society of Civil Engineers revealed that as many as half of the anaerobic digesters in use had experienced foaming at one time or another. It was recently reported that 54% of 26 California activated sludge plants surveyed had recently experienced anaerobic digester foaming ( van Niekerk et al. JWPCF 59:249, 1987). Here, it is important to remember that Nocardia cells float, dead or alive. Even though Nocardia are strict aerobes, their cells are readily floated (and cause foaming) even under anaerobic conditions. NITRIFICATION - DENITRIFICATION PROBLEMS Nitrification can create some problems in activated sludge operation. Many plants experience an upset condition, often including dispersed growth and filamentous bulking, every spring when warmer temperatures induce nitrification. Some plants experience a loss of chlorine disinfection during nitrification onset, due to a transient period (weeks) of nitrite build-up. Nitrite has a significant chlorine demand while ammonia and nitrate do not. A large problem in some plants is a low pH (to pH = 4) caused by extensive nitrification and low wastewater alkalinity. Some plants reduce aeration to reduce nitrification or add soda ash or lime as a source of alkalinity if this becomes a problem. The use of lower dissolved oxygen concentration (1.0 mg/L or less) to control nitrification is not without risk of inducing filamentous bulking by low dissolved oxygen filaments. Another problem caused by nitrification is denitrification. Here, bacteria common in the activated sludge floc respire using nitrate in place of .free oxygen when it is lacking and release nitrogen gas a a by- product. This gas is only slightly soluble in water and small nitrogen gas bubbles form in the activated sludge and cause sludge blanket flotation in the final clarifier (a rising sludge). An indication of the occurrence of denitrification can be obtained by holding the sludge in the settling test jar for several hours -- if the sludge rises ("pops") within 2 hours or less, denitrification problems may be occurring. Denitrification problems are more prevalent during the warmer times of the year and can be more severe if a filamentous sludge is present, due to more extensive entrapment of the nitrogen gas bubbles by a filamentous sludge. Control of denitrification is either by control of nitrification (reduced sludge age or aeration) or by removing the sludge faster from the final clarifier (increased RAS rates) or by increasing the dissolved oxygen concentration in the final clarifier. This can be done by increasing the aeration basin dissolved oxygen concentration, especially at the clarifier end of a plug flow system. One method useful in severe cases is the addition of hydrogen peroxide as an oxygen source directly to the center well of the final clarifier. Nitrification and denitrification problems can be particularly troublesome in industrial waste systems where ammonia is supplemented. FJ Here, ammonia must be present in the aeration basin at all times to allow proper biotreatment and to avoid filamentous or slime bulking but must be kept below approximately 5 mg/L to avoid nitrification- denitrification problems (low pH and floating sludge). The common practice of batch addition of nutri^nts to the aeration basin often leads to nitrification-denitrificatic --roblems. TOXICITY Toxic shocks are a common and often severe problem in activated sludge operation. In a recent study, severe toxicity upset was experienced by approximately 10% of 25 Colorado activated sludge plants examined during one year. Toxicity problems were found to be a larger problem in small communities compared to larger cities, due to the lack of dilution of toxic releases in small systems. Examples of toxicity events were the washing of cement or lime trucks to a manhole, dumping of congealed diesel fuel to the sewer system, release of metal sludges to the sewer system from a metal plater and overload of small systems with septage (high organic acids and sulfides). Sulfide toxicity to activated sludge is more common than currently recognized. Sulfide may originate from outside the activated sludge system -- from septic influent wastewater or from septage disposal -- or may originate "in-house" -- from anaerobic digester flows or from aeration basins or primary or final clarifiers with sludge build-up and anaerobic conditions. . Toxicity can be diagnosed microscopically, often in the following sequence: 1. an initial flagellate "bloom"; 2. subsequent complete die -off of protozoa and higher life forms; 3. biomass deflocculation, often accompanied by foaming; 4. loss of BOD removal; and 5. filamentous bulking upon process recovery. Toxic wastes generally do not favor filaments directly (except in the case of HzS), rather, upset conditions allow filaments to proliferate. For example, bulking by Sphaerotilus natans frequently follows a toxic upset due to a high F/M condition. Here the "true" F/M value may be IOX that calculated based on total biomass present, due to low viability of the biomass. While microscopic observations can diagnose toxicity (after the fact), a better method is the use of the OUR test to detect toxicity early. The OUR of an activated sludge fed increasing amounts of a nontoxic waste will initially rise with increasing waste additions to the test bottle, followed by no further increase in OUR with even higher waste additions. In contrast, the OUR of an activated sludge fed a toxic waste may increase initially with increasing waste strength, but will 10 decrease rather dramatically at waste additions above a toxicity threshold value. A useful definition of microbial "death" is when the fed OUR is less than the basal endogenous rate. The OUR test is simple (all that is required is a BOD bottle and a dissolved oxygen probe) and usually takes less than two hours to perform. The normal OUR of your activated sludge must be known beforehand, so run this test periodically to know what is normal for your plant. SUMMARY Most activated sludge upsets and loss of process control are caused by one of several microbiological problems which include poor floc formation and dispersed growth, filamentous and slime bulking, filamentous foaming, nitrification-denitrification problems and toxicity. Use of the microscopic examination and the OUR test, if needed, are invaluable tools in troubleshooting the activated sludge process. Once the cause of the problem or upset is known, several problem -specific remedies can be used, most often with good success. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Manual on the Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking and Foaming, D. Jenkins, M.G. Richard and D.T. Daigger, Water Research Commission, Republic of South Africa, 1984. (available through Ridgeline Press, Lafayette, CA (415-283-5836). Activated Sludge Microbiology, M.G. Richard, Water Pollution Control Federation, Alexandria, VA, 1989. (703-684-2400). The Relationship Between Viability and Respiration Rate in the Activated Sludge Process, I. Walker and M. Davis, Hater Research 11:575, 1977. 11 Presented at the Rocky Mountain Water Pollution Control Association's Annual Conference, Durango, Colorado, September 9, 1992. CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS FOR TERTIARY TREATMENT OF ALGAE -LADEN LAGOON EFFLUENT AT LAS ANIMAS, COLORADO by Michael Richard, Ph.D. RBD Engineering Consultants, Fort Collins, Colorado Affiliate Faculty, Dept. Environmental' Health, Colorado State University John Snyder, M.S. Graduate Research Assistant. Dept. Environmental Health, .Colorado State University John Trent Public Works Director City of Las Animas, Colorado INTRODUCTION Constructed wetlands are currently receiving considerable attention in the Rocky Mountain Region, and nationally, as a means of providing lower cost, ecologically sound wastewater treatment for smaller communities. Constructed wetlands are particularly being examined as a tertiary treatment process to upgrade existing treatment processes, particularly lagoons. There are approximately 400 NPDES permitted domestic wastewater treatment lagoons in Colorado, many of which don't consistently meet their discharged effluent quality for BODY and TSS. A recent study showed that the most common cause of poor quality treated effluent for a domestic waste lagoon in Colorado was algae overgrowth in the lagoon and loss of algae to the final effluent as BOD5 and TSS (M. Richard and M. Van Mouwerik, "Causes of Poor Effluent Quality for Colorado Domestic Waste Treatment Lagoons", presented at the RMWPCA's Annual Meeting, Jackson, WY, Sept., 1991). Some form of effluent algae removal is needed by many of these domestic waste .lagoons to meet their discharged effluent. quality for BOD5 and TSS. The City of Las Animas, Colorado, operates a facultative (non -aerated) lagoon for domestic wastewater treatment, originally constructed in 1957 and upgraded in 1983 to accommodate a daily average wastewater flow of 0.30 MGD. The system consists of 4 cells totaling 41.6 surface acres at a depth of 4 feet and an average hydraulic detention time of 270 days. This lagoon system has had consistent summertime problems in meeting its treated effluent quality of BODe = 30 mg/L and TSS = 75 mg/L. Extensive studies of the system showed that algae overgrowth in the system and discharge of these to the final effluent in the summertime to be responsible for poor effluent quality. No control of algae overgrowth could be obtained through operational modes due to the -long detention time, shallow lagoons, and a highly mineralized water 33 quality that all contribute to extensive algae growth. Some form of effluent tertiary treatment was needed to remove algae from the final effluent in order to meet effluent quality. Given the limited resources of a small community such as Las Animas, an algae removal method was needed that was cost- effective and able to be operated with a limited amount of manpower. Constructed wetlands were chosen as the most promising method to achieve algae removal. Questions arose as to the design of constructed wetlands specifically for algae removal and for operation in Colorado's cold climate._ A pilot study was undertaken between the City of Las Animas, RBD Engineering Consultants, and the Department of Environmental Health, Colorado State University (CSU) to design and construct 4 pilot scale constructed wetlands for algae removal, each differing in design, and to operate these for a two year period to find the best design. Following completion of this two year study, a final wetlands design will be recommended, based on the pilot study results. This paper presents the results of the initial 10 months of operation of the pilot scale wetlands in providing tertiary treatment of algae -laden lagoon effluent at Las Animas, Colorado. Design and Operation of the Pilot Scale Constructed Wetlands Four pilot scale constructed wetlands were built and put into operation in October, 1991 to treat lagoon effluent at the City of Las Animas. A summary of the design features is given in Table 1. Each of the four wetlands are 20 X 40 feet in dimension and 3 feet deep with a 2% slope across the wetlands. Each is lined with plastic and the treated effluent is pumped back to the lagoon. Each receives 1000 GPD lagoon effluent, carefully controlled and measured and adjusted daily. Each was planted with 200 cattails placed on two foot centers, harvested locally. Four different pilot scale wetlands were built. One is a surface flow system (W4) while three are subsurface flow systems (K2-W4), differing in gravel size as given in Table 1. The rationale for these selections was to compare surface versus subsurface flow systems and to evaluate the performance of different gravel sizes. The size of the pilot scale wetlands and the choice of hydraulic loading were based on an anticipated solids (algae) maximum loading of 5 gm/MZ/day. This value was selected based on a review of intermittent sand filtration performance for algae removal and selection of a value not causing plugging for an extended period of time. The primary concern in the wetlands' design was for gravel plugging, given the nature of the solids to be removed (algae). A fundamental question posed by this research was whether the gravel size should be large, to prevent plugging, or small, to maximize algae removal. Analytical Testing Each of the pilot scale wetlands' effluents and the influent lagoon eff- luent were routinely sampled and tested for a number of inorganic, organic and microbiological parameters, given in Table 1. This testing was initially performed monthly for the first 6 months of operation, then twice a month thereafter (continuing now). All analyses are being conducted at CSU in the 2 Dept. of Environmental Health or by the CSU Soils Testing Laboratory. CSU personnel are inspecting and sampling the systems once per month with the in- between sampling- being done by City of Las Animas personnel with overnight shipping of refrigerated samples to CSU. Results Cattail Development The cattails remained dormant (brown) following planting through the winter. Cattail growth started in March and these developed rapidly through July to five feet in height, shown in Figure 1. Cattail development was equal for the surface system and two of the subsurface systems (w4, and K2 and w3, respectively), but was less for the coarse gravel subsurface system M) (this system had a 6 inch layer of fine gravel over its surface). There was a problem in cattail development on the coarse gravel strata that could limit its use in a full scale system. Initial Operation Period Since the pilot scale wetlands were placed in operation in October, little plant development and treatment .was expected for the initial operation period through the winter. The water level was maintained at the gravel surface 'for the subsurface systems and raised from the normal operating level of 6 inches to 12-16 inches for the surface system during the freezing period (December -February). No problems were encountered due to freezing. The lagoon effluent and the surface wetland operated at 1C in December -February while the subsurface systems never fell below 4C for the same time period. Algae removal by the surface wetland was negligible during the initial 6 months of operation, due to immature plant development and the lack of sufficient plants to provide adequate "straining". Algae removal by the subsurface systems. was excellent, >90% algae removal, within one day of starting flow and this removal has been maintained consistently thereafter. This excellent algae removal by the newly constructed subsurface wetlands demonstrated that algae settling and removal in the quiescent environment of the subsurface gravel is a major algae removal mechanism even without the added algae removal mechanisms due to microbiological growth (biofilm trapping and biodegradation). The algae concentration, BODs and TSS in the wastewater being treated (lagoon effluent) are shown in Figure 2. Algae were present at significant amounts (at or above 1 X 105/mL) in the lagoon effluent throughout the study period, increasing dramatically to over 106/mL in May and June (and continuing through the summer). The lagoon effluent exceeded 30 mg/L BODs after March (which continues) and exceeded 75 mg/L TSS for all months but December due to algae growth in the lagoon. The increase in lagoon effluent BODs and TSS coincident with increased algae numbers is clearly shown in Figure 2. The performance of the pilot scale wetlands in algae removal is shown in Table 2 for the initial phase of startup operation (before extensive plant growth). Algae were consistently reduced by more than 90% (often to 99%) by the subsurface systems (Table 2). The surface system (w4) did not yield good algae removal and even increased the algae counts, due to algae growth in the surface flow system. This failure of the surface flow system to remove algae was. due in part to an immature plant development which could change as the plants develop into a denser stand in the future. TSS removal by the wetlands for the period March through June is shown in Figure 3. The surface wetland NO did not remove TSS to any significant extent compared to the influent wastewater (WO). All three subsurface wetlands (W1, W2 and W3) significantly reduced the TSS to values consistently meeting the system's effluent standard (75 mg/L TSS). There didn't appear to be any difference in TSS removal among the three subsurface systems, each differing in gravel size. The solids comprising the TSS were quite different among the systems, based on microscopic characterization of these solids. Solids (TSS) in the influent and surface system NO were almost all algae cells. Solids in the three subsurface system effluents consisted mostly of general organic and inorganic debris and significant amounts of elemental, colloidal sulfur with low amounts of algae cells. Established Operation, July, 1992 A summary of the effluent values obtained for the three subsurface wetlands along with the lagoon effluent (wetlands influent) for July, 1992 is given in Table 3. This month was chosen as representative of current operation with good plant development. Performance of the wetlands should continue to improve as the plants develop further. Data for the surface flow system are not shown as sampling of this system has been suspended temporally due to poor performance in algae removal (sampling will resume when the plants develop more fully). Following is a brief discussion of the data shown in Table 3. All three subsurface systems gave essentially the same performance and will be discussed here together. It should be noted that, to date, no indication of wetlands plugging has been observed, irrespective of gravel size used. As given earlier, all three of the subsurface wetlands removed almost all of the algae present in the influent. Compared to the lagoon effluent, significant chemical changes occurred in the subsurface wetlands' effluents, indicating extensive algae cell destruction (mineralization) within the wetlands. The pH of the wetlands' effluents decreased approximately one pH unit compared to the influent. This was -due to extensive carbon dioxide production during algae cell mineralization. This increased carbon dioxide production yielded a significant increase in effluent alkalinity of approximately 200 mg/L. .Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the wetlands' effluents were low, <1.0 mg/L, however, sufficient dissolved oxygen was present to not have septic conditions (no significant odor was observed). Substantial elementai, colloidal sulfur was present in the effluents, indicating extensive use of sulfate as an oxygen source by sulfate reducing bacteria in the mineralization (degradation) of algae. Sulfate concentrations decreased 300 to 500 mg/L- within the subsurface systems, supporting sulfate respiration as a major source of "oxygen" in algal cell degradation. n IL BODs and TSS removal by all three subsurface systems was good, producing an effluent meeting the system's discharge parameters (30 mg/L BOD5 and 75 mg/L TSS). Algae removal was >94% for these samples. The BOD5 remaining in all subsurface effluents was primarily particulate (filterable) with low soluble BODs being present. This particulate BODs was composed not of algae cells, but of particulate organic debris (dead algae parts). Further evidence of extensive algae degradation and mineralization in the subsurface wetlands is shown by an increase in ammonia and total phosphorus M in the wetlands' effluents. Apparently, algal mineralization is releasing inorganic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus to the wetlands' effluents. The increase in total nitrogen (TKN) in the wetlands' effluents compared to the influent (lagoon effluent) is due to storage of algae cells in the subsurface systems during the colder period and mineralization of these to ammonia at warmer temperatures. Nitrification of released ammonia in the subsurface wetlands has been inconsistent and, in July, nonexistent. The subsurface wetlands were oxygen limited for nitrification in July. This was indicated by the lack of significant dissolved oxygen ((1.0 mg/L), the lack of nitrification (nitrate), and the finding of considerable sulfate reduction and elemental sulfur in the wetlands' effluents. These subsurface systems are essentially -a sulfate -based oxygen supply system at present. It awaits to be seen whether plant oxygenation in the subsurface wetlands will play a greater role in the future as the plants further develop. Increased plant oxygenation, if sufficient, will be detectable by an increase in effluent nitrate. Conclusions The following conclusions are based on the initial 10 months of operation of the pilot scale systems. Some of these are expected to change during the second year of wetlands operation as the plants grow and mature and contribute more oxygen to the subsurface. Conclusions for the initial phase of the study are: 1. the surface wetland system has not removed algae to any significant extent, even yielding increased algae numbers due to algae growth. This could change in the future as the plants grow and mature. 2. the subsurface wetland systems significantly removed algae cells, generally )95% removal, and are now producing an effluent meeting the system's effluent requirements for BOD5 and TSS. 3. no plugging has occurred to date in the subsurface systems and all three subsurface systems are performing about the same irrespective of gravel size. However, the coarse gravel wetland has had poorer plant development than for the other two finer gravel size systems, suggesting the coarse gravel to be unsuitable for a full scale system. 4. the subsurface wetlands are currently oxygen limited, at least for nitrifi- cation, and appear to be operating with sulfate as the major oxygen source for algae mineralization. It awaits to be seen whether, with further plant development, plant oxygenation in the subsurface wetlands will increase the subsurface dissolved oxygen levels and increase nitrification. 5 37 5. extensive algae mineralization without an algae build-up is occurring in the subsurface wetlands, evidenced by an increase in carbon dioxide, ammonia and total phosphorus in the wetlands' effluents. These are all expected products of complete algae mineralization and indicate development of an active algae -degrading microbiological population in the subsurface wetlands. In essence," the subsurface wetlands are acting as a self-cleaning biological filter for algae. Further Effort This study will continue through October, 1993 (another year) in its existing format. The second year of operation should yield final optimum performance of the systems as the plants further develop and mature. A full year's operation with mature plants will be presented when the study is completed. A full scale constructed wetlands for tertiary treatment of Las Animas lagoon effluent should be in operation by the end of 1994. Table 1 Details of Wetlands Construction and Analytical Parameters Being Tested. WETLANDS CONSTRUCTION Four Pilot Wetlands Constructed 10/4/92 Each 20 % 40 feet, 3 feet deep, 2% slope 200 cattails each, 2 foot centers Each 1000 gpd flow Wetland Type Medium Size W1 subsurface coarse 4" W2 subsurface medium 1 1/2" W3 subsurface fine 3/4" W4 surface Inorganic Organic Microbiological ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS TESTED pH DO temperature TDS alkalinity sulfate chloride BODa total BODa particulate BODa soluble nitrate ammonia hardness calcium magnesium sodium total phosphorus TSS TKN algae count and identification sulfur bacteria filamentous bacteria protozoa and metazoans n7L1 a114J tlL&.LUVU .� .3QH1VA=U U"%.0 FUL =V"L" LLVW JLaLL I.V JUIM, L'77 L.P zaaimvltlu twice per month thereafter. 7 31 Table 2 Summary of Algae Counts and Removal in the Wetlands for the Period March Through June. 1992. Algae Count per mL Date WO W1 W2 W3 W4 3/17/92 2.25 X 105 6.16 X 103 1.77 X 104 9.93 X 104 1.69 X 105 4/16/92 1.65 X 105 <1.54 X:102 <1.54 X 102 <1.54 X 104 1.40 X 103 5/16/92 8.37 X 105 8.47 X 102 7.70 X 102 9.39 X 103 1.51 X 106 6/2/92 1.'85 X 106 4.62 X 104 1.06 X 105 6.78 X 104 3.33 X 105 6/15/92 1.72 X 106 0.70 X 102 3.72 X 104 1.02 X 105 3.05 X 106 Percent Algae Removal Date WO W1 W2 W3 W4 3/17/92 - 97 92 56* 25 4/16/92 - >99 >99 >99 15 5/16/92 - 99 99 99 increase 6/2/92 - 98 94 96 82 6/15/92 - >99 98 94 increase * surface flow problem. 8 Table 3. Summary of Analytical Data for 7/15/92 Wetlands Samples. Analytical Lagoon Wetland Wetland Wetland Parameter Effluent #1 #2 #3 PH 8.50 7.45 7.22 7.53 Dissolved Oxygen 11.7 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Temperature C 26 22 23 22 TLS 4588 4304 4199 4648 Alkalinity 117 322 353 395 Chloride 654 576 546 617 Sulfate 2498 2077 1985 2252 Hardness :: 1298 1258 1236 1285 Calcium 254 253 247 257 Magnesium 162 153 151 156 Sodium 972 898 878 928 NH4-N <0.1 8.4 10.4 8.4 NO3-N <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Total N (TKN) 2.8 11.2 13.3 12.6 Total P 1.1 1.7 1.9 1.7 TSS 204 37 33 24 BODE total 55 18 29 15 BON particulate 49 13 23 9 BOD5 soluble 6 5 6 6 Algae Count /mL 7.6 % 103 4.6 % 104 3.8 % 104 2.6 % 103 All values reported in mg/L except as noted; alkalinity and hardness re- ported as CaCO3 equivalent. 7 Lit Figure 1. Grovth of the Cattails in the Constructed Wetland Systems. Wetland 1 6 S Auerage 4 Catta i 1 Height 2 Feet 1 0 Auerage Cattail Height Feet 6 S Auerage 4 Cattail 3 Height Feet 2 1 0 Auerage Cattail Height Feet April May June July Wetland 2 April May June July Wetland 3 April May June July Wetland 4 April May June July 10 Figure 2. Algae Concentration, BOD5 and TSS in the Wetlands' Influent. 20 15 Algae Count per mL 10 X105 5 0 200 150 mg/L 100 50 0 algae 11/14 12/16 1/21 2/16 3/17 4/16 5/16 6/2 6/15 BODt 11/14 12/16 1/21 2/16 3/17 4/16 5/16 6/2 6/15 11 u3 Figure 3. TSS in the Wetland Systems• Effluents for the Period March Through June, 1992. N TSS MgA 25� CO 15 10 E W2 W1 W3 3/17 4/16 5/16 6/2 6/15 Date Il S E c 578 U 0 6 12 le 24 6 12 18 24 tight Day Night Day Mght Figure 1, Diurnal Oxygen. Concentration in a Lagoon, NOTE The graph indicates that the lowest dissolved oxygen levels occur early in the morning due to the oeroblc bacteria and algoe utilizing oxygen during the night. The highest dlssoiveci oxygen level is late In the afternoon due to algal photosynthesis. It Is likely the aerators must run more at night to compensate for the algae metabolizing oxygen. It Is Important to Insure proper aerator operation during the day for adequate mixing and to eliminate potential stratification. 140 H .90 } a 0 z w F- so .0 x C o to zc MEAN POND TEMPERATURE. -C Figure 2. Effluent Coliform MPN/100 mL for a Single Facultative Lagoon as a Function of Time and Temperature. Initial Coliform HPN was 108/100 ML. 14 Figure 3. Example Troubleshooting Data for a Domestic Waste Three Cell Lagoon System in Effluent BODS Violation Due to Algae Overgrowth Total BOD5 Soluble BODS BOD5, mgiL BODS, mg/L Alk.: mg/L DO, mg/L BOD5, mg/L Inf 1 2 3 Particulate BODS TSS, mg/L Inf 1 2 3 Alkalinity pH Inf 1 2 3 Dissolved Oxygen Inf 1 2 3 TSS Inf 1 2 3 pH Inf 1 2 3 Algae Count per mL Inf 1 2 3 15 1 2 3 47 PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSES POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS I. Odors 1. organic overload L increase aeration capacity 2. poor aeration or mixing 2. alter aerator running time— change or supplement type of aeration 3.* previous ice -covered lagoons 3. increase aerator running time, change type of aerator to eliminate ice cover 4; duckweed growth 4. increase aerator running time, chemical treatment, physical removal (harvest), add ducks or geese weed growth along-- phjysicad removal by pulling, mowing, lagoon banks harboring flies burning, or chemical treatment and mosquitoes, trapping -- -- and organics state EL Poor BOD, Removal 1. organic overloading L. increase aeration capacity 2. short- circuiting 1 improve inlet -outlet conditions, add babies. add recirculation to improve mixing, aad or improve aeration or lagoons 3. ice covered lagoon 3. change or add aerator 4, recent reduction in lagoon temp 4. increase hydraulic detention time 5. algal bloom S. increase mechanical mixing, add physical shade, floatim: :-over such as swim'ining pool cover, Styrofoam sheets or balls, duckweed I cover, addition of algal predator such as Daphnia. add chemicals (copper sulfate), addition of constructed wetlands to polish eflluent UL High effluent TSS- I- sdgaibloom L sec algal bloom solution above- 2- -excessive lagoon mixing or 2. see short-,drcuiting above short-circuiting 3. spring or fail turnover 3. add different types of aeration to eliminate stratification oradd supplemental aeration excessive solids buildup in., •4. physically remove solids by pump or sludge bottoms of lagoons -.'bargr- -proper sludge disposal in conformance -with and federal regulations IV. Poor fecal coliform. 1. chlorine residual too low or 1. increase chlorine feed rate, provide 40-1 1:w removal poor chlorine contact chamber ratio, provide adequate flash mixing, provide a design minimum 30 min. detention time at peak flow 2. increase in chlorine demanding 2. remove solids from chlorine chamber, substances in effluent increase chlorine feed rate (H.,S, NO=) .3. water fowl contamination 3. increase chlorine feed rate V.. High pH vala dioxide' = r_'sWalgal blocin solution above bicarbonate kalictitp VL Low pH values 1. accumulation of organic sludge; 1. physically remove sludge by -pumping or stuck in the "acid phase" sludge dredge 2. extensive nitrification 2, increase aerator running time, add recirculation 3. organic overloading 3. increase aeration capacity, add recirculation 4. excessive Daphnia growth 4. increase aeration capacity or aerator running time Inlig AMA SOLIDS TYPES PRESENT INDICATED PROBLEMS) L raw wastewater solids or sludge particle - short-circuiting - - poor aeration and improper waste stabilization - sludge buildup and need for sludge removal 2. treatment solids - organic overloading or sludge accumulation 3.. filamentous bacteria - ` x certain types indicate low dissolved oxygen and sulfides; — . .. .......... . improved aeration or mixing are needed 4, sulfur bacteria - low dissolved oxygen and sulfide production; also may be related to influent water quality (high sulfate groundwater) S. algae =algal overgrowth; most common cause of high effluent - - 'solids and BOD, In the summertime LAGOON ODOR MICROSCOPIC PROBLEM SOLUTION APPEARANCE OBSERVATION dear . none' little suspended material none none . ....u_...v...._.. r_.. -.`-L __ r..-.:r:r- i� .._-.EYS-:.�- �.•_•/1 t1T ... +. - s...-:J _ .�.._ Ja.• brown earthy small bacterial flocs none; usually none good operation s•?rT._. ..^n-• \!i i,!Y�iaafP•ei+,_tis!°RA..' .T-_.r-fSl++*,.._•+_- grey -black .septic -sewage precipitatedsniffdesiritlocs, �' organicoverlulding; increasearratiou enm filamentous sulfur bacteria• raw dissolved oxygen.. :capacity, add baffles. _�.. influent sludge _ or additional cells �- - - sbort-circm oz improve inlet -outlet y r design, recirculatlom_ remove sledge. _iµ .. :" ♦ +.0 Y2 -_„e} r -• s �,_c_ _rY'- _>i+. } accmmn.L tt1Qn ,Y ._���"xLe4rir - 3._'• �__ a,.�a s sC .y�Y2ran3.�sI .. I a. _ _ _ _ sa.'aJo4=�` •; _ _ L`.'Lr`.�+a':Je..f"..-rt wE' - ..,L.��..__ •_ green grassy/earthy green algae bloom algal bloom, pH often see algal bloom >9; long detention solution (Table 1) time; organic underloading - 4.- .,n '.{ _ .._ .r+.•e awl-w.m-.s�sT4..-1.�'�'^-mow r :•e'K=. as -. .� w ;!. ;_d•�. . aS- s- gz;4pr =, bloom r removea9scafi-ota, l . c ..' n �'rt � �"' _ � � r - •a" a ., f�tpYy� decrease , ' n .2 T r -.?i. s? y%'r.'ac'3x s''` -rn •:�.Y r z sF .rt4f'-t. .t'�H .trz r 'a s-� �.y*c "t'_111�oZif' e' water depth to .> t,;,,;`-t-- .:;.y i`'• A. .w . r _e. .��,•j r. `-' -.. .decrease hydraulic ' l M" '+ ti Tt ] ae -•• - i { {L % C ` dUCLt�YY.l1Lle� -I V:tx .r �y`•x -'. �`_ _ 7 Af v: t_ � S, y .a]F•t T. ---•rt 4 S _."` iti'•• �� -_ L. ,�.? #.y -G < .'-]1tY S'` •'_'a'L - K ')•- -�' f .CCAU TyIyO�NL-�1 AY � •r- r ; ice.... �-_, �:. .. ,.r..-:�•y,� �.r,.y�tx ••.,F � -..�:� a- •.� i..r^ �r%'z� ,{; . a _ .:� � �... , Y -,,. • � ''ALGALBLOOW ` ''^a„a..J* r sa-T* i-.�•f`,--tea ��'4�-.a } v i- z-w�. 2u •F-.si z .i 3.-. - .^' !' � •ax"- _+lt .ct7a:; :..:: ir.ea s. "C'r -'•"� rs• �.,,,�►: ..�...+_�. i >-J_-_.r .ta'isa- '`t. s^ wa..•--.a¢- red streaks none or septic high amounts of Daphnia Daphnia overgrowth, increase aerator often after algal running time, bloom ya recirculate entirely red; r (rottetrb .sulfur bacteria :- r anaerobic! gross .,K ~' aerat Legg -odor); ; (chrVmatium sp) ,�. organic overloading-. :: running tame oi,: rr - �^ w f y andundei+. r �tion.: fncreas�caeratJon ` x r,a Y Y •.•� r. i - 1 V +iirtw+_�j �..i•4M' . '._.y ��'.:: �-_. � - • .cbai✓ 1 �i_ w{ �- �.fi{ ♦ �" Tl. t.'. t .' r :��- ti".-.`.t'-. < l-R1i1�1211.F .yti � ,.,�:.e. �..•i .4• F � e�.�- Yr� � `l`�.Yiiti _ .�.�.� rTl"V .M•y. _h1 •K ? y.T lI•'� �' +i-i ��aK ^`' �s .l'-Jf._''_•q_v iy. .0 "". ..... .Sc r.. ✓ ,�;.X.n._•-5• aua �....,. _r.� , 17 �� TABLE 4. SOLUTIONS TO ALGAE OVERGROWTH PROBLEMS IN WASTE TREATMENT LAGOONS. TYPE OF ALGAE REMOVAL OR CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES 1. Land Application Systems a. slow rate infiltration similar to conventional irrigation practices effective for algae removal labor intensive such as sprinkler or flood irrigation crop harvesting offsets cost require large land area nutrients may also be removed may only be used seasonally in some areas b, rapid infiltration intermittent flooding of shallow basins filled effective for algae removal labor intensive with relatively coarse material less land area required must be protected in cold climates c. overland flow effluent is applied to gently sloping fields on nutrients may also be removed less effective for algae removal impermeable soils 2. Effluent Filtration Processes r 00 a. intermittent sand concrete or lined earthen basin filled with specific very effective in removing algae expensive for small systems filtration filtration media and an underdrain collection system relatively small Land area needed labor (operation) intensive operated intermittently (multiple basins required) need protection in cold climates b. rock dike filters the Lagoon effluent discharges through a rock bed or inexpensive often poor performance due to dike; algae settle onto the rock surfaces and are low 0 B M requirements plugging and anaerobic condi- biologically degraded tions with effluent degradation c. effluent microstrainers these are stainless steel or fabric mesh materials simple add -on device can be labor intensive due to with specific pore sizes, often to 1 um relatively inexpensive plugging and the need to clean d. high rate direct conventional rapid sand and multimedia filtration effective for algae removal expensive filtration labor intensive I 3. Mechanical and Chemical Coagulation -Clarification a. chemical coagulation and time, alum or ferric salts are added to the effluent effective for algae removal expensive and labor intensive clarification to destabilize and coagulate algae; solids produced sludge disposal necessary are removed by sedimentation of filtration (above) - Table 4, continued. b. flotation c. centrifugation 4. Chemical Addition a. copper sulfate �_j b. chlorine c. algae destruct unit 5. In Pond Controls algae are removed from the effluent by fine air effective for algae removal bubble flotation, usually with an assisting polymer small area needed simple add -on process algae are removed from the effluent by a mechanical simple add -on device or air driven centirfuge operated continuously small area needed applied to lagoon cells by bag dragging or spraying; inexpensive and effective toxic to algae at specific copper concentrations chlorine applied prior to or in the polishing pond inexpensive aids algae settling helps BOD and TSS removal an underground, baffled tank where the effluent is can be cost-effective contacted with chlorine; algae are killed and settle a. controlled discharge ponds effluent is discharged only during seasonal periods batch treatment, testing and dis- of low algae growth charge of effluent ensures meeting discharge requirements b. total containment ponds evaporation or infiltration equals influent waste- no surface discharge water flow; no discharge I high cost high 0 & M requirements sludge disposal necessary performance not known sludge disposal necessary must be applied before algae growth, not after overdosing kills all biotife copper may buildup in sludge copper must be monitored for in the final effluent if overdosed, may kill algae and actually increase effluent BOD if overdosed, effleunt BOB may increase sludge removal necessary Large land area needed for effluent holding large land area needed not suitable in wet climates c. variable depth effluent effluent from the final lagoon cell can be dis- effective when algae stratification ineffective at turnover times drawoff charged from various depths; the operator can occurs testing for the cleanest layer select discharge from the cleanest layer must be done N O Table 4, continued. d. chemical light shading e. physical light shading 6. Biological Control a. invertebrates b. aquaculture c. autoflocculation 7. Constructed Wetlands a. constructed wetlands dyes (Aquashade) can be added that block specific efficient and cost-effective wavelengths of light used by algae a greenhouse fabric material can be installed on or over final lagoon cells to block light and re- duce algae growth Daphnia, rotifers and other invertebrates may be specifically added to lagoons to prey upon algae water hyacinth and duckweed (Lemna) can be used to limit algae growth, primarily by light shading effective relatively inexpensive biological control effective Little operation needed certain species of algae (e.g. Chlorella) may floc effective together to form floating algae blankets at certain growth conditions can only be used in non - discharging systems; not legal to discharge to public waters difficult to install subject to weather damage Limited to small systems invertebrates must be separately cultured and available when needed difficult to control Labor intensive: the plants must be harvested not suitable in cold climates difficult to maintain specific algae culture difficult to get correct auto - flocculation conditions an engineered and constructed wetlands replaces the subsurface systems effective proper design for algae removal Lagoon polishing pond for effluent polishing at algae removal and degradation needed replaces the polishing pond and no potential for plugging and odors new land area needed r-j kD Table 4, continued. b. flotation algae are removed from the effluent by fine air effective for algae removal bubble flotation, usually with an assisting polymer small area needed simple add -on process c. centrifugation algae are removed from the effluent by a mechanical simple add -on device or air driven centirfuge operated continuously small area needed 4. Chemical Addition a.copper sulfate applied to lagoon cells by bag dragging or spraying; inexpensive and effective toxic to algae at specific copper concentrations b. chlorine chlorine applied prior to or in the polishing pond inexpensive aids algae settling helps B00 and TSS removal c. algae destruct unit an underground, baffled tank where the effluent is can be cost-effective contacted with chlorine; algae are killed and settle high cost high 0 B M requirements sludge disposal necessary performance not known sludge disposal necessary must be applied before algae growth, not after overdosing kills all biolife copper may buildup in sludge copper must be monitored for in the final effluent it overdosed, may kill algae and actually increase effluent Boo if overdosed, effleunt B00 may increase sludge removal necessary S. In Pond Controls a. controlled discharge ponds effluent is discharged only during seasonal periods batch treatment, testing and dis- large land area needed for of low algae growth charge of effluent ensures meeting effluent holding discharge requirements b. total containment ponds evaporation or infiltration equals influent waste- no surface discharge large land area needed water flow; no discharge not suitable in wet climates c. variable depth effluent effluent from the final lagoon cell can be dis- effective when algae stratification ineffective at turnover times drawoff charged from various depths; the operator can occurs testing for the cleanest layer select discharge from the cleanest layer must be done Table 4,;continued_ r d. chemical light shading dyes (Aquashade) can be added that 'block specific efficient and cost-effective can only be used in non - discharging systems; not legal wavelengths of light used by algae to discharge to public waters e. physical light shading a greenhouse fabric material can be installed on effective inexpensive difficult to install subject to weather damage j or over final lagoon cells to block light and re- relatively Limited to small system duce algae growth 6. Biological Control a. invertebrates ' D ia, rotifers another d othinvertebrates may be biological control invertebrates must be separately cultured and available when sppecifically added to lagoons to prey upon algae eci needed difficult to control b. aquaculture water hyacinth and duckweed (Lean) can be used effective labor intensive: the plants to limit algae growth, primarily by light shading little operation needed must be harvested •,not suitable in cold climates bi O c. autoflocculation certain species of algae (e.g. Chtorella) may floc effective difficult to maintain specific together to form floating algae blankets at certain algae culture growth conditions difficult to get correct auto - 'flocculation conditions 7. Constructed Wetlands a. constructed wetlands an engineered and constructed wetlands replaces the subsurface systems effective proper design for algae removal Lagoon polishing pond for effluent polishing at algae removal and degradation needed replaces the polishing pond and no potential for plugging and odors new land area needed t Denitrification Reduction of nitrates to gaseous nitrogen by bacteria e.g. pseudo monas Nitrate formation (Nitrification) Nitrite oxidized to nitrate by Nitrobacter Nitrite formation Ammonia oxidized to nitrite by Nitrosomonas Ammonia formation (Ammonification) Amino acids deaminated by many microorganisms. Ammonia one of the end products of this process NITROGEN CYCLE Nitrogen (Atmospheric) Nitrogen fixation Atmospheric nitrogen fixed by many micro- organisms e.g.Rhizobium, Nitrate serves as plant foo Organic nitrogen formation "Fixed" nitrogen utilized b plants --converted to plant protein;plants consumed by Many heterotropic animals; snimals proteins, species reduce nitrate etc. formed to ammonia via nitrite Microorganisms utilize' ammonia as nitrogen source and synthesize` cellular proteins Soil Organic Nitrogen Excretion products of animals, dead animals and plant tissue deposited in ,s-o i 1 . Organic nitrogen degradation Proteins, nucleic acids etc., attacked by. a wide variety of microorganisms, complete: breakdown, yields mixtures of smino acids. RMN KET D 0 ducating the public about their role in today's water quality issues is the focus of the Water Environment Federation's brochures. Designed to fit into a #10 enve- lope, the brochures are useful as information mailers, bill inserts, meeting and exhibit handouts, and plant tour and school program handouts. For a complimenta- ry sample of any brochure, please call 1-800-666-0206. Customized Brochures Several of these brochures can be custom printed with your organizations name, address, or specific concerns. For further information, call the Public Affairs Department at 1-703-684-2400. vBiosolids: Too Valuable To Waste This brochure explains that the material we wash down our drains is not waste, but a valuable age-old resource for enriching the soil. Citizens will learn about biosolids management in their communities, how they can become advocates for recycling, and beneficial uses of biosolids products. Order No. Quantity Price H8888GA Under 1,000 $.20 each 1,000 to 4,999 .19 each 5,000 to 9,999 .18 each 10,000 to 24,999 .16 each 25,000 and up .14 each Nonpoint Source Pollution: You Are the Key to the Cleanup. Nonpoint source pollution kills wildlife and closes beaches, yet many people don't know what it is. Designed for the general public, this brochure describes nonpoint source pollution and its impact on the environment. And through an illustrated action guide, the brochure details steps that the average person can take to control this insidious form of pollution. Clean Water: A Bargain At Any Cost The way clean water is paid for is changing. This piece will give citizens an understanding of how this will happen and what it means to them. It will help you explain your organization's commitment to continue to provide clean, safe, and affordable water. Order No. Quantity Price H3333GA Under 1,000 $.20 each 1,000 to 4,999 .19 each 5,000 to 9,999 .18 each 10,000 to 24,999 .16 each 25,000 and up .14 each Order No. Quantity Price HH440GA Under 1,000 $.20 each 1,000 to 4,999 .19 each 5,000 to 9,999 .18 each 10,000 to 24,999 .16 each 25,000 and up .14 each From Outside U.S. & Canada Call 1-703-684-2452 or Fax Your Order to 1-703-684-2492. -7z j Bottom Line' `64 r� BROCHURES Nature's Way: How Wastewater Treatment Works For You More than a million copies of this brochure have been distributed to municipalities, corporations, and consultants who want to provide consumers with an overview of the wastewater treatment process. Order No. Quantity Price Z1109GA Under 1,000 $.20 each 1,000 to 4,999 .19 each 5,000 to 9,999 .18 each 10,000 to 24,999 .16 each 25,000 and up_ . .14_each i Price Household Hazardous Waste: What . ;Order No. Quantity' You Should & Shouldn't. DO = H1111GA Under1;000 $.20 each 1,000 to 4,999 .19 each Safety disposing of household hazardous waste is:•'-•. 5,000 to 9,999 .18 each: ` the focus of this brochure. Includes a color -coded ' 10,000. to 24,999 .16 each reference guide on how to dispose of over 70 com-'' 25,000 and up .14 each mon household materials, a'rundown on the best ways to reduce household hazardous waste, and look at the pros and cons of current disposal meth`," ods. w t. Groundwater: Why You Should Care This colorful brochure explains where groundwater comes from and where it is found in easy -to -under- stand terms. Gives citizens practical information on ., how individuals and society can help in preventing groundwater contamination. Order No. Quantity Price H2222GA Under 1,000 $.20 each 1,000 to 4,999 .19 each 5,000 to 9,999 .18 each p 10,000 to 24,999 . .16 each 25,000 and up .14 each Hazardous. Waste Reduction: The Bottom Line Small.businesses can learn how to save money by reducing the amount of hazardous waste they gener- ate. The brochure includes a step-by-step flow chart for setting up a waste reduction program. Municipalities and plants may wish to order large �j quantities for business customers. Quantity Price Under.1,000 $.20 each. 1,000 to 4,999 .19 each 5,000 to 9,999 .18 each _ i= 10,000 to 24,999 .16 each 25,000 and up .14 each For Membership Information or to Order Call Member Services Center-1-800-666-0206 Clean Water.#o Today: What is Wastewater 66afinent? The role of the waste- water treatment plant is carefully docu- mented in this 18- page brochure. This detailed introduction to wastewater treat- ment is supported by clear illustrations and a complete glossary. The publication describes the typical publicly' owned treatment works (POTWs) in order to give the p6blie'a clear understanding of the water pollution:control indus- a try' , Order No. Quantity Price Z1003GA 1 to.50 copies $1.00 each 51 to 100 copies .80 each 101-to 1,000 copies .75 each Over.1,000 copies .60 each t- Water Reuse: Good For Your Lawn , Quantity .— ---,Price and Your -Wallet _-.2000-24,999 ' $:o9_each 25,000 and up `'�:08 each Drinking water, a limited and valuable resource, is. - wasted on uses such as lawri irrigation when ``reclaimed" water is available. This bill stuffer explains why it is in the public's best interest to support water reuse programs as freshwater supplies become scarcer and more expensive to develop. Order No. HS1302GA How To Dispose Of Household Hazardous Wastes-. These smaller "mini -brochures" are perfect for utili- ty companies to -include in their bills or other cus- tomer mailings. Features the popular "Household Hazardous Waste" chart, which indicates the best disposal methods for household materials_, in a new;' smaller, lighter weight format. They can also be customized with your company name and logo. Call for pricing. Personalized $.15 each .10 each Water Reuse: Gbbd,for Your Lawn and Your Wallet Order No. HH220GA -- -- — — Quantity, -Trice 2000-24,999 --: "$.09.each 25,000`and Sp_ '.08 each Personalized $.15 each .10 each hature's Way Video Z Let's Save Water Coldrirrg..Book The popular Nattire's Way slide show has been Created to teach elementary school children -about adapted to video using state-of-the-artvideo tech- the importance of water conservation. The coloring niques. Music and computer -enhanced graphics tell book describes the story of water and illustrates the the story of clean water. An excellent format for amount of water needed for several day-to-day school and plant presentations. VHS only. activities. Available through WEF, courtesy of the Order No. Z1165GA Member Price: $45.00 Non -Member Price: $65.00 Little Rock Utility, Little Rock, Arkansas. . Order No. Z1298GA Price: $.35 each 20 copies for $5.00 From Outside U.S. & Canada Call 1-703-684-2452 or Fax Your Order to 1-703-684.2492. n H2O TV ---.!.The Water Environment Curriculum Program 20 TV —The Water Environment Curriculum Program is targeted at grades 5 through 9-4he age at which most students study water quality. Through the Adopt -A -School , Program; WEF encourages members to donate these materials to' local school districts.-, For more information on on sponsorin9 your school, contact the:WEF Public Affairs De"partmentpt .1-703 684-2400. The Groundwater Adventure, Resource'Guide, shows educators'additional activi- The often puzzling concept of groundwater is graphically explained using a video game format. Dino Sorrus, WEF's animated -water quality spokes - dinosaur, is the game -master. He helps a live-actiod- student gain points by preventing groundwater pol- lution from industrial, agricultural, and private resi- dential sources. The Groundwater Advititu*ii--LTheStudent Resource Guide reinforces- and e"x'pands upon the- _p concepts of how groundwater becomes . olluted,the- challenges of cleaning it, and the student's role in protecting our largest water supply. The Groundwater Adventure7,-The Teacher's. Saving Water — The Conservation Unit,. Imagine a visit to a museum, set sometime,in the, - future.'. Dino Sorrus, the museum's exhibit curator, explains how all of the earth's-water, except for one.. small vial, has been wasted or polluted- beyond use. Through computer graphics and animation students can travel to the future to'see what can and might happen—'unlesi. Students also learn what they can do today. Saving Water —The StudenrResource Guide tak.qs'students from the.,'.'why" to''the "how" of water conservation. Re-emphasizing the importance of water conservation, it expands upon ways students can help save water and presents.easy activities for conserving water. ties for in -class use to reinforce the basic concepts... presented in the video. Includes glossary of terms," used in the video and a sample test. Groundwater Treatment Unit Each, package includes one VHS video, one teacher's guide, and 20 student guides. Order No. Price-, VHS Package Z1268GA $49.00 PAL Format* Z1271GA $59.00 Teacher's Guide Z1270GA $ 9.00 Student Guide Z1269GA $ 1.25 Saving Water —The Teacher's Resource Guide brings water conservation from the abstract to a day-to-day activity. Over a dozen activities; answers to often -asked questions, and a glossary give educators the information they need,to help, y. students understand their role in water conservation. r. Saving Water —The Conservation Unit Each package includes one VHS video, one teacher's guide, and 20 student guides. Order No. Price. VHS Package Z1280GA $49.00 PAL Form'a't* Z1295GA $59.00 Teacher's:Guide Z1285GA $ 9.00 Student Guide Z1290GA $ 1.25 1,1.nr ) - , - I !I.."' Ilastewater treatment H20;TV tt'inncr of AnrcrrcEtir'Sixteh of Asso— tion - Executives' 1988 Gold Circle Award and U.S. Industrial Film & Video Festival Silver Screen Award. Starting with a "music video" style introduction;' a combination of live action and Dino Sorrus, WEF's animated water quality spoke"s-dinosaur, present a complete examination of the wastewater treatment process.- Students will he entertained and challenged into understanding water quality issues. Wastewater Treatment The Student Resource Guide provides a comprehensive look at wastewater treatment. Surface Wrater Unit First place winner of Television Association Contest. From an explanation of how the water cycle, . works to.a look,at today',s-water quality issues, this - video presents a thorough overview of this.valuable resource. Dino Sorrus, WEF's animated wateK,qual- ity spokes -dinosaur, introduces live -action students - reporting on the state of thday's-surface water quali- ty. The video provides students=With ideas for how they can lessen or prevent water pollution. - Surface Water —The Student Resource Guide gives students an appreciation of the how nature and people work together to protect our precious surface water. Wastewater Treitment—The"riciier'ti` Resource Guide is a c, ►refull� or�(atmicd �wde Ica-: L, :(uring activities, a summary of the student guide, a glossary, and a sample test. Wastewater Treatment Unit Each package include. Qne WS video, one teacher's guide, and 20 student guides. Order No. Prioe ,k- t VHS Package!,.. Z1210GA,:. $49,00 77= PAL Format*,' r1215Gp $59.00 Teacher's Giiide Z1190GA; $ 9.00 Student Guidi• ' 1`1200GA $ 1.25 Surface Water— The Teacher's Resource Guide provides a step-by-step approach for classroom teachers to follow. 'Provides students with a scien- tific overview`s 1i+tll;as current surface water quali- ty issues. Surface-Wate:uni; Each pAckage-inclttdes one VHS video, one teacher's guide;:andZO student guides. Order No. Price VHS Package' Z1240GA $49.00 PAL Format* �, Z1255GA;• $59.00 Teach er° Gutda Z1220GA $ 9.00 Student Ouide _ Z1230GA $ 1.25 * PAL is an international video format. This order will include one PAL video, one teacher's guide?ang 20-stOdent guides. V Teachers, Curriculum -SOcia(rsfs, Resource Coordinators All of WEF's Water Environment Curriculum videos may be ordered through New Dimension Me orth American distributor. New D mension Me is may be reached at 85803 Lorane ighway, Eugene. OR 97405, or call toll-free, -800-288-4456. T-shirts From WEF's award-winhin video curriculum . ,. series, the colorful H,)0-TV logo is brightly air- brushed on white cotton T-shirts. Size Order No. Member Price Non -Member Price Adults XL N0024GA $12.00 $15.00 Child's M (10-12) N0025GA $10.00 $13.00 Child's L (12-14) N0026GA $10.00 $13.00 From Outside U.S. & Canada Call 1-703-684-2452 or Fax Your Order to 1-703-684.2492. 67 d, Careers in Water Quality Brochure Designed for high school students, this brochure covers a variety of career opportunities in water quality. It describes engineering, management, operations, research, regulation, and public interest Opportunities. Explains the interests, skills, and educational training required for each career. Can be used alone or to supplement the "Careers in Water Quality" video. areers in Water Quality Video Helps intermediate and high school students explore the diverse and exciting career opportunities in all aspects of the water quality field. Features profes- sionals discussing their jobs and the expanding opportunities in the profession. Students are encouraged to consider how their own skills and interests, applied to a career in water quality, could truly make a difference. VHS only.. 16 minutes. Order No. Z1400GA Member Price: $49.00 Non -Member Price: $79.00 Order No. Quantity Price HH330GA Under 50 $.30 eac SI 50 to 99 .25 each 100 to 999 .20 each 1,000 and up .15 each Coming Soon!!' The 1993 Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator's Salary.Survey.. Watch Federation Highlights for publication date.. 68 Table of Contents -------------------------- I Acknowledgments............................................................................. 1 II Executive Summary.......................................................................... 3 IIIIntroduction ....................................................................................... 7 IV Issue Highlights............................................................................... 10 V Planning Process............................................................................ 14 VI Vision and Goals............................................................................ 16 VII Natural Resources.......................................................................... 24 VIII Land Use and Urban Design.......................................................... 35 IX Transportation................................................................................ 42 X Community Infrastructure.............................................................. 50 XIHousing .......................................................................................... 61 XII Economic Development................................................................. 68 XIII Historic Preservation...................................................................... 76 )(IV Storm and Natural Hazards .......................... :................................. 79 XV Land Classifications/Map.............................................................. 83 Appendix................................................................................................... 88 A. Definitions................................................................................ 89 B. List of Available Reports......................................................... 91 I. Acknowledgments Steering Committee John Jefferies, Chairman William Caster, Chairman, County Commissioners Hamilton Hicks, Mayor, Wilmington City Council Buzz Birzenieks, County Commissioners Harper Peterson, City Council Kirk Davy (1997-99), County Planning Board Rodney Harris (1999), County Planning Board Glenn Richardson, Chairman, Wilmington Planning Commission Wes Beckner, Chamber of Commerce Carlton Fisher, Wihnington Regional Association of Realtors Johnnie Henagan, Council of Neighborhoods Association Tilghman Herring, Historic District Commission Edward Higgins, Chairman, Board of Education Debbie Keck, Board of Education, alternate Jim Hunter, At -Large Representative Jim Kenny, President, Home Builders Association Gerry McCants, At -Large Representative Linda Pearce, Elderhaus Representative Ernest Puskas, Castle Hayne Area Representative Tracy Skrabal, Environmental Representative Special Acknowledgement Members of Community Growth Planning & Chairman, Bob Warwick Citizens that participated in the Public Forums, Public Opinion Survey, Sub -Committee Public Meetings, Steering Committee meetings, and fall 1998 Public Forum/Hearing New Hanover County Board of Commissioners William A. Caster, Chairman Robert G. Greer, Vice Chairman Buzz Birzenieks Ted Davis, Jr. Charles R. Howell Wilmington City Council Hamilton E. Hicks, Jr., Mayor Don Betz, Mayor 1981-97 Katherine B. Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Frank S. Conlon J. C. Hearne, II Rose Ann Mack 1997-98 Laura Padgett 1993-97 Harper W. Peterson Jim Quinn Charles H. Rivenbark, Jr. County Planning Board Members Rodney Harris, Chairman Kirk Davy 1997-99 McKinley Dull Joyce Fernando John Galarde Michael Keenan Robert Murphy 1997-98 Frank Smith James E. Wolle Wilmington Planning Commission Glenn Richardson, Chairman Jack Watkins, Vice Chairman Frank Hamilton, III 1995-98 Donald M. Hand 1996-99 Rose Ann Mack Terry Richardson Mark Saulnier Elaine Selden Stephen Stein New Hanover County www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/ Planning Department 414 Chestnut St., Suite 304, Wilmington, NC 28401 Tel. (910) 341-7165, Fax (910) 341-4556 Dexter Hayes, Director Patrick Lowe, Assistant Director Chris O'Keefe, Senior Planner Wanda Coston, Planner Sam Burgess, Planner Grant D. Gore, Graphics Technician Pete Avery, Senior Planner 1984-99 Phoebe Saavedra, Secretary 1989-99 Margie Titus, Intern Bert Hatchell, Intern 1997-98 Elizabeth Adams, Intem 1997. Mike Gutekunst, Intern 1998 Katheryn Quinelly, Intern 1997 Kim Wolfer, Intern 1996-97 Information Technology Mike Arkinson, GIS Manager Bruce Walker, GIS Analyst Budget Cam Griffin, Budget Director Managers Office David Weaver, Assistant County Manager Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager County Public Schools Bill Hance, Assistant Superintendent for Operations Engineering Wyatt Blanchard, County Engineer Environmental Management Ray Church, Director Fire Services Phil Kouwe, Fire Services Administrator Libraries David Paynter, Director Parks Neil Lewis, Director Sheriff Joe McQueen, Sheriff City of Wilmington www.ci.wilmington.nc.us/ Planning Division 202 N. 3`d St., 4t' Floor, Wilmington, NC 28402 Tel. (910) 341-3258, Fax (910) 341-7801 Wayne Clark, Planning Manager Mark Zeigler, Planner Bill Austin, Transportation Planner John Ponder, Transportation Planning Engineer Chad Ives, GIS Planner Dorothy Chavious, Department Secretary Deborah Haynes, Graphics Technician Bruce Johnston, Engineering Technician Arcelia Wicker, Director of Planning 1981-98 Ockert Fourie, Planner 1998 Mark Sudduth, Intern 1997 Zachary Taylor, Intern 1997 City Managers Office Mike Hargett, Asst City Manager (Interim Planning Manager 1998) Development Management Andrea Surratt, Development Mgmt. Manager Kaye Graybeal, Historic Preservation Planner Mellisa Allcox, Development Mgmt. Intern 1997-98 Eleanor Price, Historic Preservation Consultant Jayson Ward, Planning Technician 1997-98 Paul D. Harsch, Intern 1997 Community Development Mark Karet, Community Development Manager Gaines Townsend, Planner Hattie Herring, Code Enforcement Officer 1989-99 Fred Reisz, Housing Services Counselor Bettie Bisbee, WHFD, Inc. Program Manager Robert Lucas, WHFD, Inc. Administrator Information Technology Services Jim Sahlie, GIS Systems Analyst Administration Services Susan Dankel, Director 1975-99 Engineering Bill Penny, City Engineer Dave Mayes, Engineer Police John Cease, Chief of Police Sharon Pulley, Captain Public Services & Facilities Ed Fare, Director Public Utilities Hugh Caldwell, Director Fire Sam Hill, Fire Chief Cape Fear Community College Eric McKeithan, President Carl Brown, Vice President for Institutional Services Facilitator Robert Gerlach, President, The VTA Group Todd Gerlach, Facilitator N. C. Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources — Division of Coastal Management Zoe Bruner, District Planner Kathy Vincent, District Planner The preparation of this document was financed in part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. • Date: July 30, 1999 2 H. Executive Summary INTRODUCTION Population Growth Pressures Between 1997 and 2010 it is projected that 31,000 new people will join the population of Wilmington and New Hanover County. This is an increase from 149,000 people in 1997 to 180,000 in 2010. The challenge for the County and City is to wisely allocate land use in the urban, urbanizing, and rural areas for existing residents as well as projected newcomers. Plan Background Information and Land Use Survey The 1997-2010 Comprehensive Plan has been in the making since December 1996 when elected officials of the City and County authorized the creation of the Plan. Throughout 1997 and into spring of 1998 technical reports were written addressing: population; environmental resources and constraints; existing land use; transportation; community infrastructure/fiscal impact analysis; hurricane mitigation/reconstruction; housing; economy; and other background information. In October 1997 a public opinion survey of registered voters was conducted. The results showed that the major land use issue of public concern was that the current rate of growth was much too fast. Survey respondents also expressed the desire for more economic growth, but only if it is the right kind of growth such as high technology industrial. Eighty nine percent of the survey respondents expressed the desire that developers pay for infrastructure costs caused by new development, such as roads and schools. Protection of the environment was another clear direction of the survey. Public Participation and Plan Guidance In the fall of 1997 six Public Forums were held across the City and County. Input was solicited regarding the environment, land use and design, community infrastructure, transportation, housing, and economy. The Plan Public Forums also included participants from a citizen driven Community Growth Planning initiative. Throughout 1998 the Comprehensive Plan's development and continued public participation process was guided by an 18 member Steering Committee. Jointly appointed by the County Commissioners and City Council, the Steering Committee was comprised of community members from diverse backgrounds including: elected officials; planning commission and board members; business, environment, development, minorities real estate, and the school board. The Public participation process continued into the spring of 1998 with four Public Sub - Committees meetings which were attended by more than 70 non -appointed volunteer members. These meetings were used to gather additional information and create draft policy statements for the Comprehensive Plan topics. Issues and vision statements from Community Growth Planning were also included in the Sub -Committee meetings. During the summer and fall of 1998 the Steering Committee molded the issues and policies generated by the Public Sub -Committees, added detailed implementation actions and 3 developed a vision statement for the Plan. In the fall of 1998 the future land use technical report was written incorporating proposed concepts from the public and Steering Committee. In October 1998 the draft Plan was presented to City Council and the County Commissioners and was authorized to be sent to the State for review. In the Spring and Summer 1999 the plan was modified to address the state's review comments. Public hearing consideration and final adoption of the Plan by the City and County is scheduled for fall 1999. CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT PHYSICAL PLAN GUIDE Land Classification - Guiding Architecture for the Physical Plan The guiding architecture for the physical Plan is provided by the land classification map. Intensity of development ranges from urban land to the less developed rural and resource protection areas. The land classes are: developed; urban transition; limited transition; community; rural; conservation; and resource protection. Natural Resources Protection Protection and preservation of our natural resources is important to our economic and community well being. Natural resource protection addresses water quality, open space, wetlands, creeks rivers and flood plain, estuaries, beaches, potable water supply, air quality, agriculture and forestry, and harvesting mineral and fishery resources. Conservation Corridors, Greenways, Parks and Open Space The Plan provides for conservation corridors and greenways that link and incorporate conservation areas, key parks and open space areas. The plan encourages the development of residential neighborhoods that provide environmentally sensitive design and an integration of open space. Residential Neighborhood Development The Plan focuses on modern residential development designs and options for Traditional Neighborhood Development with narrower tree lined streets and sidewalks that emphasize a pedestrian orientation and scale. Diverse housing types and lot sizes are encouraged. Public spaces such as formal public parks, village greens are desired features in the Plan. Linking Pedestrian Friendly Business and Residential Development The Plan envisions concentrating business and residential development in nodes, while retaining open space. The business nodes would include highly accessible linked pedestrian friendly commercial centers, surrounded by mixed density residential neighborhoods. Moving out from these centers the residential densities would decrease. The Plan establishes guidelines for creating development regulations, along with incentives, that will encourage innovation and provide flexibility in land use development. Urban Design for Business and Residential Neighborhood Development The Plan addresses the recurring theme desired by our citizens for improved design guidelines for thoroughfare landscaping and signage, pedestrian access, dedicated bicycle routes, and pedestrian friendly shopping centers and parking lots. The Plan design guidelines address strip commercial development and the establishment of an integrated transportation network. 4 Historic Preservation Downtown Wilmington has inherited a unique treasure of existing historic residences and business properties. The Plan recognizes the need to nurture and maintain this rich cultural heritage through historic preservation guidelines. Community Infrastructure The Plan provides direction for community infrastructure needs including schools, libraries, parks, sheriff and police, fire, roads, water, sewer, and storm water. Fiscal impact analysis shows that provision of community infrastructure is cost efficient if focused within an Urban Service Area, with the added benefit of deterring urban sprawl. Policy direction includes how to pay for the needed community infrastructure with exploration of alternative forms of financing. Also addressed are the improvements needed to provide a high quality level of service, and to prevent a decline in the level of service provided to County and City residents. Paying for community infrastructure should be fairly shared by new development and existing residents. Transportation The Plan acts as a guide for transportation planning. Directions include: new major and minor thoroughfares; widening of existing streets where appropriate; the feasibility of multi - modal transit alternatives; park and ride lots, express bus service, carpool and vanpool services; increased rubber tired trolley service; bicycle and pedestrian pathways; and congestion management. Storms and Natural Hazards The Plan addresses storms and natural hazards through emergency management plans that provide for mitigation, evacuation, and recovery in the event of a hurricane or disaster. Recovery management also includes the provision for a recovery task force. HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL NEEDS Housing One of the key housing components of the Plan is to increase affordable housing for low and moderate income persons. Methods for increasing affordable housing and ownership include: expanding existing programs; establishing a mortgage revenue bond program; and establishing a land trust program for affordable housing land acquisition. Other key related housing components in the Plan are: creating County minimum housing standards and enforcement, and enhancing the City's; consolidating the City and County Community Development Block Grant program to increase money for programs; increasing affordable rental housing; expanding programs for the homeless population; increasing public outreach by government on growth and development challenges; housing challenges for the elderly and special needs population; and adequate student housing for University of North Carolina - Wilmington and Cape Fear Community College. W1 Economy The Plan addresses the need for a coordinated economic development strategy that will attract high paying, environmentally friendly employers to create a more diversified economy. Another key concept of economic development in the Plan is to increase the skills level and education of the workforce. The Plan addresses this challenge through school and work programs of Cape Fear Community College and the County public schools. The need for vocational education is particularly emphasized. Other economic development needs addressed by the Plan are: improving employment opportunities in economically distressed areas of the City and County; supporting the Wilmington State Port's need to deepen the harbor, improve inland highway and rail access and upgrade the terminal; support the local water dependent marine economy; support airport growth and expansion; and encourage a diversified economy including heritage and historic preservation tourism, boating, and eco-tourism. III. Introduction Background The Wilmington City Council and New Hanover County Commissioners agreed to jointly prepare a Comprehensive Plan in anticipation of continued growth, and in response to the scheduled update of the Land Use Plan, as required under the provisions of the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), and the Wilmington Urban Area Transportation Plan. These plans have future land use implications for the City and County, and are coordinated through the Comprehensive Plan. The 1974 Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), requires a cooperative coastal land management program between local government and the State of North Carolina for preparing, adopting and enforcing local land use plans. CAMA requires that local government within 20 coastal North Carolina counties prepare land use plans which provide protection, preservation, orderly development and management. Wilmington is classified as an Urbanized Area by the US Census Bureau. As a result of this designation, the area is required to have a continuous transportation planning process that encompasses the urban area around Wilmington. A Greater Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is responsible for guiding the transportation planning. One of the main roles of the MPO is to develop the Transportation Plan. The Wilmington -New Hanover County Comprehensive Plan will become an official public document of the Wilmington City Council and the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners upon its adoption. Public hearings and adoption for the Plan are scheduled for Fall 1999. The Plan will act as a set of long range, general guidelines for local decision making. Upon local adoption the Plan will be officially certified by the State and used by regional, State and Federal agencies in making project consistency determinations, funding and permit decisions. The Comprehensive Plan provides guidance to City and County officials in their decisions on development plans, programs, regulations and incentives. The Plan also communicates local government policies to interested citizens and organizations. While the Comprehensive Plan is not statutorily binding in the sense of an ordinance, it is an important policy document that is adopted, amended and updated by formal action of the City Council, Board of Commissioners, and the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission. This Plan is the fourth update to the original Wilmington -New Hanover CAMA Land Use Plan which was adopted by the City Council and the Board of Commissioners in 1976. Previous updates to the original Plan in accordance with State planning guidelines occurred in 1981, 1986 and 1993. 7 Purpose of the Plan The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County have experienced a high level of population and employment growth throughout the 1990's. This growth is exerting increasing pressure on the City and County's ability to provide services, insure wise development of the land, and minimize further degradation of our resources and loss of our natural landscape. The City -County Comprehensive Plan addresses the following: • Recognize the need and provide for effective environmental and conservation management measures to ensure environmental protection. • Guide and monitor land use changes as a result of development and redevelopment. • Meet the transportation challenges with diverse solutions including automobile, bus, bicycle and pedestrian., • Maintain and enhance the fiscal sustainability and community infrastructure needs. • Support and enhance affordable housing and minimum housing programs. • Increase efforts to improve economic diversification, and efforts to attract employers with high paying jobs. • Protect and nurture our historic heritage. • Ensure citizen protection through proactive plans for hurricanes or other natural disasters. • Provide a land classification system and map to chart a course of growth and development, and land conservation. Components of the Plan The Comprehensive Plan consists of the following sections: issue highlights; planning process; vision and goals; issues, policies, and implementation actions; land classifications and map. Any changes, additions, or deletions to these elements require an amendment to this Plan. Technical reports were used to support and provide information for the public and Steering Committee and are available from the County and City Planning offices. A title list of available documents is included in the Appendix. Issues This section lists the issues of importance to the community. They were developed through the public participation process and the guidance of the Steering Committee. The issues relate to natural resources, land use and urban design, community infrastructure, transportation, housing, historic preservation, economy, and storm and natural hazards. 8 Planning Process This section contains details of the planning process for public participation and the role of the Steering Committee. The planning process was used to create a vision and goals; identify issues affecting the community; and create policies and implementation actions to address the issues. Vision and Goals This section contains the vision and goals of the Comprehensive Plan. The vision and goals were synthesized by the Steering Committee as a result of issues and policies brought forward by the public through the planning process. Issues, Policies, and Implementation Actions This section of the Plan contains the issues (a restatement from the highlighted issue section), policies and implementation actions to guide future growth and development. The topics are: natural resources, land use and urban design, community infrastructure, transportation, housing, historic preservation, economy, and storm and natural hazards. For each of the main topics the implementation actions have been consolidated into tables that provide the following detail: the priority given to the action item; the estimated relative cost of implementation; the fiscal year in which it is proposed to be initiated; and the responsible agency. These implementation action tables are to be used to evaluate progress in implementing the Plan policies, and will serve as an annual status report to City Council and the County Commissioners. Land Classifications and Map The land classification and map show the location of the land categories which are: developed; urban transition; limited transition; community; rural; and conservation. These categories are intended to guide and promote wise development, redevelopment, and natural resource conservation for the Plan. The policies and implementation actions fit within the architecture provided by the land classification. Definitions The appendix contains definitions to be used with the Plan elements containing issues, policies, and implementation actions. E IV. Issue Highlights Introduction An important first step in the Comprehensive Plan process was to identify community concerns. Issues were identified through an extensive public consultation, participation and review process which included: a New Hanover County voter survey (Eastcoast Consumer Research Group, October 1997); public forums; the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce's Community Growth Planning initiative; and the public Comprehensive Plan Subcommittees, and Steering Committee. The issues, as expressed by the community through this collaborative process, have been grouped into the following topics: natural resources; land use and urban design; community infrastructure; transportation; housing; economy; historic preservation; and storm and natural hazards. The following major issues were identified. Natural Resource Issues 1. Clean Water. Continued declining water quality has led to strong community desire for protection and enhancement of our surface and ground water quality and to bring all coastal water up to the highest quality possible. 2. Open Space Preservation and Acquisition. Loss of open space and farmlands to development has resulted in strong community desire to preserve remaining areas of public use; greenways, bike paths, hiking trails, conservation areas. 3. Environmental Protection and Quality of Life. The special quality of our coastal environment is perceived as an important ingredient in our overall quality of life including our potential for continued economic growth. We must ensure the protection and enhancement of our natural resources. 4. Growth Management. The current rate of growth is much too fast for the community's comfort level and it is having a perceived negative impact on the quality of life. The Comprehensive Plan must have implementable policies to encourage sustainable and orderly growth. 5. Implementation of Plans. Identified as a weak area in previous plans; the Comprehensive Plan should identify the time frame, resource costs, accountability, and feedback necessary to ensure its implementation. Land Use and Urban Design Issues 1. Allocation of sufficient land for all desirable land use types. 2. Flexible and innovative site plan criteria are needed to guide the development process throughout the county. 3. Continue to promote Wilmington as a regional trade center. 10 4. Minimize dependence on the automobile by changing land use patterns and providing facilities for alternative methods of transportation. 5. Allow higher density where adequate infrastructure exists and where natural conditions will not be adversely effected. 6. Land use plans and regulations effecting land use should be coordinated between the City and County and should incorporate the conclusions of other planning efforts (i.e. Community Growth, Downtown 2020, River Corridor Plan). 7. Define urban growth boundaries. 8. Identify elements that define quality of life and determine the impacts of the built environment on those elements. Transportation Issues 1. The full impact of new development and changes in land use on transportation systems, and the cost of mitigating this impact, is not adequately addressed. 2. Efforts to improve flow of people and products are not sufficiently coordinated. 3. Alternative forms of transport are not given enough emphasis. 4. Strip development along thoroughfares. 5. The preservation of transportation corridors is inadequate. 6. The appearance of road arteries needs improvement. 7. The construction and maintenance of transportation facilities negatively impacts the environment, particularly water quality. 8. Driveway access to arterial roads are not sufficiently controlled. 9. Traffic volume exceeds the capacity of street networks. 10. The negative affects of new roads on neighborhoods. Community Infrastructure Issues 1. The uncoordinated, costly provision of community services and facilities is of concern. 2. The high cost of infrastructure investment places a burden on public and private financial resources. 3. Storm water drainage problems caused by existing and future development raises concern. 4. There are inadequate sewer and water services in some unincorporated areas. 11 5. The optimal location, use and maintenance of education facilities, some of which are overcrowded and need improvements. 6. Insufficient provision of community open space, recreation and cultural facilities for present and future needs. 7. Recognition of Downtown Wilmington as the regional cultural nucleus. 8. Maintenance of adequate police and fire services in unincorporated areas. 9. Increased waste management problem due to growth and development. 10. The proliferation of telecommunication towers. Housing Issues 1. The City minimum housing program should be improved. The County should establish and adopt a minimum housing code and enforcement program. 2. There is a documented need for affordable housing, particularly for low and moderate income residents. 3. The City and County need to ensure that it is receiving the maximum amount of federal and state financial opportunities for community and economic development. 4. There is a need to provide an increased amount of affordable rental housing. 5. There are an estimated 800 homeless persons County wide with the majority living in the City. 6. Neighborhood residents need a mechanism to voice their concerns regarding growth, and change, and the County and City needs an efficient way to provide information to residents. 7. There is a need for adequate housing for the special need population, elderly, and disabled in the City and County. 8. With the growth of UNC-Wilmington and Cape Fear Community College, students will need adequate on and off campus housing. Economy Issues 1. There needs to be improved economic diversification, and continued effort to attract employers that provide high paying jobs. 2. Continue efforts to attract and retain business to economically distressed areas. 3. To remain competitive into the next decade the State port will need to deepen its harbor, improve inland highway and rail access, and upgrade the terminal. 12 4. The area could increase marine related employment opportunities with: marine technology; aquaculture; the aquarium; and boat manufacturing and marinas. 5. The Wilmington International Airport needs to expand to improve its competitiveness while working to ensure community compatibility. 6. There is a need to balance tourism with a diversified economy. 7. There is a need to increase workforce preparedness, especially for the marginally trained and under educated. Historic Preservation Issue The City and County need to identify, protect and plan for the preservation of its historic and cultural resources. Storm and Natural Hazard Issues 1. Three. hurricanes and five major storms in the past few years have focused attention on the need for examination of many existing ordinances and building codes. 2. Use of land susceptible to hurricane and flooding damage must be scrutinized to assure the safety of visitors and citizens. 3. It is the responsibility of the governments of New Hanover County, the City of Wilmington and the beach Communities to provide a plan of action to protect the lives and property of their citizens and visitors. 13 V. Planning Process Community Participants to the Plan Public involvement was assured throughout the creation of the Comprehensive Plan with: public forums; a public opinion survey; inclusion of a citizen Community Growth Planning initiative; Public Subcommittees; and a Steering Committee. • A Public Opinion Survey. • Six Public Forums. • A citizen initiative, Community Growth Planning. • Four Public Comprehensive Plan Subcommittee meetings. • Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee with 21 oversight meetings. • Public Forum on Draft Comprehensive Plan Subject topics discussed included: natural resources; land use and urban design; community infrastructure; transportation; housing; economy; historic preservation; and storm and natural hazards. Public Opinion Survey The Public Opinion Survey was conducted in 1997 through a random telephone survey of 410 registered voters in New Hanover County. Detailed findings of the survey indicate: "The current rate of (County) growth is much too fast for voters to accept and is much higher than previous study levels. A total of 72% said growth was too fast, versus 5 1 % in 1991 or 41% in 1986. The voter population has decided to accept more (economic activity in the County) but it is limited to mostly "light high tech" industrial business. This suggests that most voters like (economic) growth if it is the right growth. The voters definitely want developers to pay for the infrastructure costs, roads, schools, ect., caused by their growth or developments. The 89% rating was even higher than the 83% or 84% ratings of the previous studies (1986 and 1991). However, developers would likely pass along any of these costs to their buyers, voters or taxpayers or businesses." "Half of the voters said that continued growth and development is just as important as protecting the environment in the current study. This indicates that they are having difficulty in choosing, because both issues are important. Most of the voters are willing to see City and County dollars spent on solving their most important problem (growth). The 88% current study level is much stronger than the previous study levels (1991 and 1986). There was no clear choice on what (transportation) facility needs improvement. Responses were evenly distributed across most choices, except for a slight preference for improved roads. This likely reflects their traffic issue concerns." 14 Public Forums In the fall of 1997 six Public Forums were held across the County and included help from Community Growth Planning volunteers. Public input was solicited with a growth and land use survey and prioritized issues. Including a Citizen Initiative - Community Growth Planning In response to concerns over rapid growth in the planning area a citizen driven Community Growth Planning initiative was supported by the Chamber of Commerce. This initiative identified and prioritized growth related issues facing our community. Community Growth Planning conducted a visioning process attended by more than 250 citizens, representing over 90 civic groups during six public meetings. Initiative issues and vision ideas were incorporated directly into the Comprehensive Plan. This citizen initiative and the Comprehensive Plan have been mutually beneficial. Public Subcommittees The Public Subcommittees for the Comprehensive Plan consisted of over 70 non - appointed volunteer members who attended four meetings over a three month period during the Spring of 1998. The Subcommittees developed issue and policy statements, and implementation actions. This process included issues raised by Community Growth Planning. Plan Oversight - Steering Committee The Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, was appointed by elected officials to representing the community in creation of the Comprehensive Plan. The Steering Committee met 18 times in 1998, from February to October and provided oversight for the duration of the plan development. The statements and actions developed by the Public Subcommittees were forwarded to the Steering Committee for review and refinement for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan. The Steering Committee created a vision statement and goals summarizing the statements and actions for the Plan. A public hearing was held in September 1998 to further solicit information regarding the draft Comprehensive Plan. In October 1998 the County Commissioners and City Council authorized the submittal of this draft Comprehensive Plan to the State for Initial Review. State comments were addressed in three meetings form February to June 1998. Public hearings, consideration and adoption of the Plan by the County Commissioners and City Council is scheduled for the Fall of 1999. 15 VI. Vision and Goals VISION STATEMENT Wilmington and New Hanover County are rich in history, natural resources and tradition. These are the characteristics that have formed our way of life and have made the area attractive to those who live and visit here. This way of life has adapted to changing times and to new people of differing ethnic proportion, customs and background. The natural resources have contributed to the area's economic prosperity and beauty. Our vision is to continue to adapt to growth as we preserve the values that make our community a great place to live in harmony with the earth and the sea and give our people unique opportunity for making a living. Thus, we combine the legacy of the past with the promise of the future. VISION OBJECTIVES Our Way of Life Our overall quality of life will be enhanced through the preservation, renovation and restoration of our neighborhoods. We will have parks, greenways, and bike paths that provide recreational opportunities for every citizen. Our region will offer outstanding, affordable health care systems and facilities. All these elements will continue to make this area a very desirable place to live, work and raise a family. Government There will be cooperation among all government agencies. We will defeat crime, drugs and violence through community wide commitment and action, coordinating educational, preventive, enforcement and rehabilitative programs and initiatives. Infrastructure and Transportation Our infrastructure systems will meet the needs of our economy and provide a high level of service to a growing population in a fiscally responsible manner. 16 Our highways will meet the appropriate levels of service and scheduled plans will be ahead of anticipated growth patterns. There will be an inter -modal transportation system serving our County, State and Region. Housing and Economics Safe, sanitary and affordable housing will be available to every citizen. Business development and diversity will embrace all economic, ethnic, social and cultural segments of the community. We will have grown our economic base and average wages/salaries by growing our high tech, heritage tourism, movie industry and port industry. We are recognized for our culturally diverse and highly inclusive business community. The business and industrial sectors will first look within our community for human resources development. Employment and financial opportunities will be provided for all citizens. Our historic and commercial districts will flourish and continue to be a hub for economic and cultural activities. Education Our children and their education will be this community's highest priority beginning at the pre-school level. Our school system test results will be among the leaders in the state. Vocational and technical training alternatives will begin at the middle school level. Cape Fear Community College and UNC-Wilmington will continue to grow and offer advanced vocational and post -secondary educational opportunities. Environment We envision that in the year 2020, Wilmington and New Hanover County will be an environmentally clean area with a healthy economy. Our natural resources, including our beaches, rivers, sounds, aquifers, natural vegetation and tree canopy will be preserved and protected. 17 GOALS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The following goals and common themes for the Wilmington and New Hanover County Comprehensive Plan are summarized from the policies and implementation actions. CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT - PHYSICAL PLAN Land Classification The guiding architecture for the physical Plan is provided by the following mapped land classifications. Land classes range from developed urban land to the less developed rural and resource protected environment. The land classification system is supported and complemented by zoning. Land Classification - Guiding Architecture for the Physical Plan Developed Limited Transition Rural Resource Protection Urban Transition Community Conservation The developed and urban transition classes comprise the urban service area. The purpose of the developed class is to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. The urban transition class provides for future intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with necessary urban services. The developed and urban transition classes allow residential densities greater than 2.5 units per acre. Residential densities may not exceed 2.5 units per acre for the non -urban service area composed of: limited transition; community; rural; conservation; and resource protection. The limited transition class provided for development in areas that will have some services, but at lower densities than those associated with urban transition. The community class provides for a "crossroads" type of development to help meet housing, shopping, employment and public service needs within the more rural areas of the County. The rural class provides for areas of low intensity land uses, such as agriculture, forests, and mineral extraction areas. The conservation class provides long-term management and protection of significant, limited or irreplaceable natural resources. The resource protection class provides preservation and protection of important natural, historic, scenic, wildlife, and recreation resources. Conservation and Development - Physical Plan The Plan's policies and implementation actions fit within the land classification. Together they address the need to balance conservation and development, through physical planning, for the City and County. The following are the key physical Plan elements and objectives. Kev Elements for the Conservation and Development - Phvsical Plan Natural Resource Protection Conservation Corridors, Greenways, Parks, and Open Space Residential Neighborhood Development Linking Pedestrian Friendly Business and Residential Development 18 Urban Design for Business and Residential Neighborhood Development Historic Preservation Community Infrastructure Transportation Storm and Natural Hazards Natural Resource Protection Our City and County is characterized by low lying land and tidal waters that meet the Atlantic Ocean. The plan emphasizes protection of our marshlands which act as a natural stormwater management system. Wetlands act as hurricane buffers, protect us from flooding, and are important natural filters for plants and animals. Natural resource protection focus areas include water quality, open space, wetlands, creeks rivers and flood plain areas, estuaries, beaches, potable water supply, air quality, agriculture and forestry, and harvesting mineral and fishery resources. Conservation Corridors, Greenways, Parks and Open Space The plan provides for conservation corridors and greenways which are linear open space systems that link and incorporate conservation areas, key parks, open space areas and utility corridors. The Plan includes neighborhood, community and regional parks. These are intended to provide a wide range of facilities to serve the diverse recreational and sporting needs of the community. The parks and facilities serve both passive and active recreational needs of the community. The proposed facilities range from playgrounds, picnic areas, basketball courts, baseball diamonds and tennis courts to larger athletic fields and parks which provide for resource oriented activities, such as boating, fishing, and hiking. Specialized parks include golf courses and nature parks. Proposed greenways would be located along natural and -or man-made features and would serve as conservation areas or as recreation areas for walking, jogging, biking and enjoying nature. The conservation component of greenways afford opportunities to protect and connect key natural features and functions, preserve essential water resources, act as natural filtration areas for runoff and pollutants, and to provide corridors for wildlife migration. Greenways are typically located along streams, flood plains and wetlands, and correspond to natural vegetated buffers adjacent to wetlands and perennial stream channels. Greenways may be either publicly or privately owned. Utility corridors such as roads, canals, reservoir shorelines and water, sewer, and power line easements can also be good locations for greenways. Greenways range in improvements from slightly cleared natural pathways to fully paved bike and pedestrian paths, and may or may not be accessible to the public. Residential Neighborhood Development The Plan provides guidelines for creating regulations and incentives that will encourage the development of residential neighborhoods with environmentally sensitive design and an integrated open space system. The Plan focuses on improving modern residential development designs such as planned unit developments. The Plan accommodates Traditional Neighborhood 19 Development with smaller lot neighborhoods, narrower tree lined streets, and sidewalks on both sides of the street. This design emphasizes a pedestrian orientation and scale. Diverse housing types and lot sizes are mixed and houses are located close to the fronting street. There may also be compatible nonresidential uses mixed in among the residential uses in the neighborhood. Public spaces, such as formal neighborhood parks, village greens or squares are primary features included in the design. These serve as focal points for community interaction to compensate for the smaller lot sizes. Traditional neighborhood designs include alleys for access to parking and for essential public services. Most traditional neighborhoods use on -street parking , which also serves to reduce traffic speed, buffer sidewalk pedestrians from traffic, and supply daily overflow or guest parking. Linking Pedestrian Friendly Business and Residential Development The Plan envisions concentrating business and residential development in nodes, while retaining open space. This vision provides an alternative to unattractive, inefficient, and land wasteful strip development, with isolated cut off residential neighborhoods. This vision decreases dependence on the automobile. The business nodes would include highly accessible, pedestrian friendly commercial centers, surrounded by mixed density residential neighborhoods. Moving outwards from these centers, the residential densities would decrease. The Plan provides for innovation and flexibility in land use. Proposed business and residential nodes are identified, but the precise internal arrangement of the commercial, office, institutional and higher density residential uses that make up the activity center is not specified. Instead the Plan establishes for creating development regulations along with incentives that will provide for innovation and flexibility in land use development. Changes to the Unified Development Ordinance regulations and procedures will provide the flexibility for innovation to establish and promote a hierarchy of neighborhood, community and regional activity centers. Urban Design for Business and Residential Neighborhood Development A recurring theme from the community involvement and consultation process was a desire for improved urban design. These included thoroughfare landscaping and signage, pedestrian access, dedicated bicycle routes, and pedestrian friendly shopping centers and parking lots. The Plan includes general design guidelines to be expanded in the Unified Development Ordinance. The aim is to maintain and enhance the City and County's visual appeal and its image as an attractive place in which to live, work and recreate. The Plan design guidelines address the aesthetic qualities of residential areas, activity and employment centers. The focus of the Plan design guidelines is on the preservation and creation of a connected open space system with recreation facilities, and the preservation of environmentally significant features and functions. The design guidelines also address preventing strip commercial development, and the establishment of an integrated transportation network. The Plan guidelines serve as a basis for developing specific regulations, standards and requirements to manage growth and development. 20 Historic Preservation Closely related to urban design for business and Traditional Neighborhood Development is the unique treasure of existing historic residences and business properties, primarily located in downtown Wilmington. The public involvement process of the Plan identified the need to nurture and maintain this rich cultural heritage through historic preservation. To date a revised set of historic preservation guidelines has been writen for homeowners, builders and contractors. The Plan recognizes the established Historic Districts which protect and preserve areas with architectural significance, heritage, historic importance, and their overall aesthetic qualities. Community Infrastructure The Comprehensive Plan serves as an official statement of where growth and development will be given preference in the future. Not only does it serve to guide investment decisions by the private sector and citizens; the plan provides a powerful tool to direct new community infrastructure and investment. The developed and urban transition land classes comprise the urban service area of the Wilmington and the unincorporated County (see map in Land Classification section of Plan). Beyond the urban service area are the land classes of the non -urban service area. Guiding growth in the urban service area will deter land development sprawl and provide for more efficient infrastructure levels of service. Policy direction on how to pay for the needed community infrastructure includes exploration of alternative forms of financing included impact fees, bonds, user fees, and tax increases for the improvements needed to have a high quality level of service. These infrastructure projects will prevent a decline in the level of service provided to County and City residents. Paying for community infrastructure will be fairly shared by new development and existing residents. Transportation The Greater Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is responsible for developing and implementing the Transportation Plan for most of the Plan study area. The MPO includes the City of Wilmington, New Hanover and Brunswick Counties, Belville, Leland, Navassa, and Wrightsville Beach. Future housing and employment data forms the basis for the development and testing of alternate transportation plans. These plans were developed taking into account economic feasibility, public desires, and environmental impacts. For these plans to be successfully implemented, the future rights -of -way must be procured or protected. The current draft Greater Wilmington Urban Area Transportation Plan contains recommended improvements to the transportation system and these recommendations are reaffirmed by the policies and actions contained in the Comprehensive Plan. Recommendations focus on the following. • The provision of major and minor new thoroughfares. • Widening of existing streets where appropriate. 21 • The feasibility of multi -modal transit alternatives. • Park and ride lots, express bus service, and carpool and vanpool services. • Increased rubber tired trolley service. • Bicycle and pedestrian pathways. • Congestion management. Storms and Natural Hazards Three hurricanes passing over our County and City between 1996 and 1998 fully demonstrate the need for proactive storm and natural hazard policies with implementation actions in the Plan. The policies and implementation actions address mitigation, evacuation, and recovery in the event of a hurricane or disaster. These policies and actions focus on measures to safeguard increased future populations from the risk of natural disaster. A Recovery Task Force may be appointed with the responsibility for directing reconstruction after a damaging storm. If needed the City and County may retain on a seasonal basis a facilitator or consultant to assist with mitigation, evacuation, recovery efforts. Actions address immediate removal and debris clean up and restoration of services following a major storm event. HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - SOCIAL NEEDS Housing and Related Challenges The following are key housing related challenges to come out of the Plan public consultation process. The Plan supports the effort for the City to enhance it's minimum housing program, and for the County to establish a minimum housing program with appropriate enforcement. The Plan contains policy and action to increase affordable housing for low and moderate income persons. Methods for increasing affordable housing and ownership for low and moderate income residents include: expanding existing programs; establishing a mortgage revenue bond program; and establishing a land trust program for affordable housing land acquisition. Federal and State funding for housing and economic development programs would be maximized through a consolidation of the County and City, Housing and Urban Development, Community Development Block Grant program. It is recommended that consolidation of the City and County programs should be considered. The amount of rental affordable housing needs to be increased and the Plan calls for an expanded City rental rehabilitation loan program and the establishment of a similar County program. The City and County homeless population is a challenge to be addressed. The Plan calls for expanded programs for homeless shelters with acceptable quality accommodations, and with an emphasis on housing for the mentally disabled. There are concerns for better public outreach on growth and development. These concerns include the need for better communication in both the City and County between 22 government staff, elected officials, and citizens neighborhood associations. The Plan calls for creating neighborhood guidelines to remedy this challenge. The elderly population in the City and County will increase because of immigrating retirees and aging "baby boomers" in the next decade. The Plan calls for establishing a housing program to deal with the challenge of the projected increase in persons with special needs and elderly persons. To insure that there will be adequate student housing for the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and Cape Fear Community College, the Plan calls for an on and off campus student housing program coordinated with the University, the College, and the City and County. Economy Key economic concepts to come out of the Plan public consultation process include the following. Data from the economic technical report show that 57% of the jobs in the County are relatively low paying, consisting of retail trade, service, and construction. Manufacturing jobs are the highest paying but they have been steadily declining and now constitute only 11% of the work force. Policy and implementation action to address this challenge is to develop a coordinated economic development strategy to attract high paying employers, while creating a more diversified economy. Some areas are economically distressed and both the City and County are working with non-profit and for profits organizations to attract and retain business in these areas. A priority is to expand economic opportunities for low and moderate income residents so that poverty is reduced, and employment increased. As more businesses are located in economically distressed areas commercial districts will improve and.related jobs will increase for local residents. From 1990 to 1996 the Wilmington State Port Authority added to the state economy by ripple effect: 46,000 new jobs, $1.3 billion in income; $8.3 billion in new sales; $185 million in new taxes. This major player in our local economy will need to remain competitive into the next decade by deepening its harbor, improving inland highway and rail access, and upgrading the terminal. The Plan supports the needed Port upgrades with policy and implementation actions. An important part our coastal County and port City heritage is the water dependent marine economy. The Plan supports: local aquaculture research and marine technology; the expansion efforts of the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher; and expanded boat manufacturing and boating services such as marinas. The Plan encourages airport economic growth and development that will be compatible with surrounding land uses. The City and County are a favorite destination for tourists. New Hanover County's per capita retail sales ranked fourth highest in the state in 1995. The Plan encourages a diversified 23 economy including heritage and historic preservation tourism, boating tourism, and eco-tourism activity. A skilled and educated workforce is essential for a healthy economy. The Plan addresses this challenge by supporting the school and work programs of Cape Fear Community College and the New Hanover County Public Schools. Vocational education is a particular emphasis to the Plan. An action item in the Plan is to expand the job skills program for the post high school aged under -prepared. The Plan supports a study needed to prepare guidelines to address challenge of public school drop outs and high school students working excessively during the school year. 24 VII. Natural Resources (Environment) ISSUES............................................................................................................................ The following issues have been identified by Citizens through the Community Growth Planning Initiative and throughout the Comprehensive Plan public participation process, which has included public forums, a telephone public opinion survey, Subcommittees, and the Steering Committee Task Groups. 1. Clean Water - continued declining water quality has led to strong community desire for protection and enhancement of our surface and groundwater quality and to bring all coastal waters up to the highest quality possible. 2. Open Space Preservation & Acquisition - loss of open space and farmlands to development has resulted in strong community desire to preserve remaining areas for public use; parks, greenways, bike paths, hiking trails, conservation areas; Save Airlie Gardens! 3. Environmental Protection/Quality of Life - the special quality of our coastal environment is perceived as an important ingredient in our overall quality of life including our potential for continued economic growth. We must ensure the protection and enhancement of our natural resources as stewards for future generations. 4. Growth Management- the current rate of growth is much too fast for the community's comfort level and it is having a perceived negative impact on the quality of life. The Comprehensive Plan must have implementable policies to encourage sustainable and orderly growth. 5. Implementation of Plans - identified as a weak area in previous plans; the Comprehensive Plan should identify the time frame, resource/costs, accountability, and feedback necessary to ensure its implementation. 24 Natural Resources POLICIES........................................................................................................................................ A. RESOURCE PROTECTION We must preserve, protect and enhance the area's natural resources, because the quality of our environment is an important ingredient in our overall quality of life, including our potential for continued economic growth. The protection of our resources shall be pursued in a regional context with area -wide planning, through a political process that favors long-term goals over short-term interests and provides accountability for the implementation of the goals and policies stated herein. 1. WATER QUALITY The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall: 1.1 Prevent further deterioration of estuarine water quality and loss of public trust uses in the creeks and sounds and bring all coastal waters quality up to its use designation as determined by the Division(s) of Water Quality, Marine Fisheries, Health, and E.P.A. 1.2 Ensure the protection of water quality throughout the Cape Fear River Basin within New Hanover County and the management & maintenance of drainage within our coastal watersheds through participation in the development of regional water quality / stormwater management programs. 1.3 Ensure the protection, preservation and wise use of our natural resources by careful review and consideration of the anticipated impacts of development through the creation and implementation of an Environmental Review Program. 1.4 It is the intent of this plan to further provide for the protection and improvement of our water quality through our Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The UDO should specify standards for water quality, buffers, setbacks, density, impervious surface, and overlay corridors; it should consider estuarine, river and other feeder creeks water quality; and it should build upon existing information and ordinances. 2. OPEN SPACE The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall: 2.1 Ensure the preservation of adequate open space for its continued enjoyment and contribution to our community today and for generations to come, to protect our natural environment and wildlife habitats and to provide educational & recreational opportunities. 2.2 Identify and protect wildlife corridors as a part of the greenway system and require their protection or mitigation with all new development. 2.3 Preserve Airlie Gardens as a part of the greenway system to provide public open space, natural environment and water quality protection, coastal landscape, educational opportunities, and to ensure its continued enjoyment and contribution to our community. 2.4 Ensure the protection of our community's significant trees and the provision of adequate 25 landscaping to address urban design and resource protection issues through the update of city and county development ordinances & processes and establishment of a joint Tree Advisory Commission. Encourage and support the replacement of trees lost to natural disaster and the use of native vegetation in landscaping. 2.5 Provide for the protection, acquisition and development of public shorefront and boat access areas. 3. NATURAL RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall: 3.1 Preserve and restore shell fishing to all SA waters and bring all coastal waters designated or formerly designated SA up to their use designation. 3.2 Provide for the continued protection of the Cape Fear River from the cumulative impacts of development by ensuring that Industrial permitting does not exceed the river's carrying capacity and land disturbing activities are carefully reviewed and considered for their potential sediment/turbidity and nutrient impacts. 3.3 Minimize dense development activities in ocean erodible areas, high hazard flood areas, inlet hazard areas, and coastal & federally regulated wetlands to protect the public safety, reduce the risk of property damage, and provide for the long-term protection and management of these environmentally significant resources due to their natural role in the integrity of the coastal region. 3.4 Ensure the protection of coastal and federally regulated wetlands that have important functional significance through early identification in the development process. Review of development proposals should seek to achieve the hierarchical goals of avoidance, minimization, and/or compensation. 3.5 Ensure the protection of our undeveloped barrier and estuarine system islands and support research and passive recreation as their primary uses. Undeveloped barrier and estuarine system islands should not be developed and should be identified as public acquisition areas. 3.6 Carefully control development activities within the 100-year floodplain to minimize density and impervious surfaces and require low intensity uses such as open space and recreation, to protect the public safety, reduce the risk of property damage, and provide for the long-term protection and management of these environmentally significant resources. • Limited shared industrial access corridors and exceptionally designed residential development projects may be allowed within the floodplain only where it can be demonstrated that the project cannot be located out of the floodplain and where adverse impacts to the estuarine system can be shown to be negligible. • All projects shall comply with hierarchical review standards of avoidance, minimization, and compensation for unavoidable impacts. 3.7 Require that the cumulative and secondary impacts of land use and development, and the limited carrying capacity of our coastal ecosystems be considered in all land use decisions and in the development or revision of local plans, capital facilities, services, and ordinances. 26 3.8 Allow channel maintenance projects only where the public trust interest is preserved or enhanced; significant economic or recreational benefits will occur for planning area residents; and no significant adverse impacts will occur on shoreline dynamics. Support State and Federal channel and inlet maintenance projects, including the continued use and development of the Wilmington Harbor and the State Ports, maintenance of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, and beach renourishment projects. 3.9 Allow estuarine shoreline erosion control only where the public trust interest is not adversely impacted and the public shoreline will be the primary beneficiary.The shoreline stabilization method chosen shall, to the maximum extent feasible, maintain water quality and avoid or minimize adverse effects on nearshore habitat or natural resources. 3.10 Carefully control development activities within the estuarine watersheds to prevent the degradation of water quality in the creeks and sounds, to protect the public health, and to ensure the protection of these vital natural resources by reducing nutrient, pesticide, sediment and otherharmful loadings through density controls, setbacks, buffers, impervious surface limits, and other means. The following standards shall apply: • Limit density to 2.5 units/acre or less in Resource Protection & Conservation. • Limit impervious surface coverage. • Increase existing setbacks and establish a natural vegetative buffer to effectively filter runoff prior to entering surface waters. 3.11 To preserve, protect, and where possible restore water quality and vital estuarine resources, a naturally vegetated buffer with an average width of 35 linear feet shall be established or maintained within established setback areas defined as Conservation Overlay Districts (COD'S). The determination and management of buffers must balance the above stated goals with the property owner's right to develop and use the property. Guidelines for standards to maintain, alter and properly manage vegetation within the buffer areas should be established within the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) process and should be included in the COD guidelines. 3.12 Limit density in hydric soils and Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC's)wand encourage Planned Residential Development and Planned Unit Development to allow greater design flexibility to save trees and natural buffers. 3.13 Clearcutting or mowing of coastal wetland vegetation within any coastal wetland AEC shall not be allowed. 4. AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall: 4.1 Prohibit the use of estuarine waters, estuarine shorelines and public trust areas for development activity which would result in significant adverse impact to the natural function of these areas. 4.2 Carefully control development activities within AEC's to prevent the degradation of water quality and to ensure the protection of these vital natural resources by reducing nutrient, pesticide, sediment and other harmful loadings through the use of density control, setbacks, buffers, impervious surface limits, and other means. The following standards shall apply: • Limit density to 2.5 units/acre or less in Resource Protection and Conservation. 27 Limit impervious surface coverage. Increase existing setbacks and establish a natural vegetative buffer to effectively filter runoff prior to entering surface waters. 4.3 Support the preservation, protection, and acquisition of the Masonboro Island Estuarine Research Reserve 4.4 Discourage the development of undeveloped barrier and estuarine system islands. 4.5 Continue the phased development and extension of the County sewer system within the urban services area as a means of eliminating water pollution from malfunctioning or inadequate septic systems and package treatment plants. In Conservation and Resource Protection areas an environmental review shall be required prior to sewer system development or extension and no additional density shall be allowed in these areas. Planned Residential Development, Planned Unit Development and other methods of cluster development shall be encouraged to allow greater design flexibility. 4.6 Allow only tertiary sewage treatment plants of the highest quality, whose standards of operation provide the greatest measure of water quality protection, to discharge into public surface waters; and then only if it is not feasible to connect to the public sewer system, or as an alternative, on or off -site land application located away from surface waters. 4.7 Seek to provide additional boat access facilities, recognizing that adequate, properly sited facilities are essential to the preservation of both the environment and economy. 4.8 Allow the development of marinas, dry stack storage, and moorings as a means of providing public access to the extent that their development shall not adversely effect estuarine resources or public trust waters. • Marinas shall not be allowed in Primary Nursery Areas(PNA), Outstanding Resource Waters(ORW), or open Shellfishing Waters(SA). • Moorings and mooring fields shall not be allowed where they may have an adverse effect on navigation channels. • Pumpout facilities shall be required for existing marinas which have boats containing enclosed heads. 4.9 Allow uses of estuarine and public trust waters that provide benefits to the public and which satisfy riparian access needs of private property owners. In tidal waters, docks shall be limited to the minimum necessary to provide riparian access to waterfront property owners 4.10 Not allow new dredging activities in Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), or Shellfishing Waters (SA) , except for the purpose of scientific research, designed for the purpose of protecting and enhancing water quality, and where supported by sound scientific and technical knowledge. Limited exceptions may be allowed for the urban waterfront and Wilmington's ports, consistent with the goals and objectives of the Cape Fear River Corridor Plan (1997) and the Downtown 2020 Plan (1998). 4.11 Clearcutting or mowing of coastal wetland vegetation within any coastal wetland AEC shall not be allowed. 28 4.12 Prohibit floating home development in order to protect our public trust and estuarine waters and to avoid impacts on hurricane mitigation efforts. 4.13 Pursue a policy of "retreat" along our estuarine shorelines in order to accommodate future sea level rise and wetland migration. 4.14 Allow shoreline erosion control and stabilization above our marsh wetlands only where the public trust interest is not impacted and the public shoreline will be the primary beneficiary. The shoreline stabilization method chosen shall, to the maximum extent feasible, maintain water quality and avoid or minimize adverse effects on nearshore habitat or natural resources. 5. POTABLE WATER SUPPLY The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall: 5.1 Ensure that all land use and development decisions protect our groundwater aquifers. 5.2 Not allow the development of mining operations if, based upon the best available information and scientific data, adverse impacts to the ground water aquifer will most probably occur. 5.3 Conserve and protect the best sources of potable surface and groundwater. 5.4 Preserve the Castle Hayne and Pee Dee aquifers in their present unpolluted state as the primary groundwater resources for the County. 6. _ OTHER FRAGILE OR HAZARDOUS AREAS The City of Wilmington and New Hanover, County shall: 6.1 Continue to support plans for the safe transportation of hazardous materials, for the prevention and clean-up of spills of toxic materials, and the evacuation of area residents in response to natural or man-made hazardous events. 6.2 Carefully review the siting of all industries, including energy facilities and high voltage utilities, to ensure the protection of area residents and natural resources. Development of all off -shore mineral, oil, and gas resources shall be discouraged. 6.3. Ensure that industrial permitting on the Cape Fear River does not exceed the rivers carving capacity and that land disturbing activities are carefully reviewed and considered for their potential cumulative impacts. 6.4. Ensure the continued protection of the Masonboro Island Estuarine Research Reserve and support the preservation and acquisition efforts. 7. AIR QUALITY The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall: 7.1 Ensure the protection and enhancement of air quality in our community through continued commitment and actions to meet or exceed the Cape Fear Region's National Air Quality Standards. 29 B. RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT We must seek to ensure the continued sustainable development of the area's natural resources through responsible management which avoids short sighted or premature commitments and fulfills our community's needs without permanent impairment to the resource base. We will support efforts to wisely manage the natural resources of the area and the region through cooperation with other governmental entities and public and private agencies. 1. AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTRY RESOURCES The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall: 1.1 Discourage the premature conversion of the planning area's remaining farmlands and commercial woodlands into more intensive uses. 2. MINERAL RESOURCES The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall: 2.1 Not allow the development of mining operations if, based upon the best available information and scientific data, adverse impacts to the ground water aquifer or other significant environmental resources will most probably occur. 3. FISHERIES RESOURCES The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall: 3.1 Support the continued productivity of commercial and recreational fisheries through the protection of the unique coastal ecosystems, including primary nursery areas, shellfish waters and coastal marshes upon which they depend, and the Masonboro Island Estuarine Research Reserve. 3.2 Pursue the protection, preservation, and restoration of shellfishing in all SA waters. 4. OFF -ROAD VEHICLES The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall: 4.1 Ensure the continued protection of ecologically sensitive ocean and estuarine shoreline areas through monitoring and control of off -road vehicle use, including signage programs, rewards, increased fines, and other means. 30 Policy #'s .:......... Implementation Actions DetatI for Actions �'riority Resources Fiscal; ltespons b�lhy Status .: .................. Requued Xear(sj All Annually review and update the 1) Develop a review and update process for the implementation One (1) $ All Planning implementation action schedule action schedule A. RESOURCE PROTECTION A.1. Water Quality AL I Develop a regional water quality/ 1) Develop a joint city/county drainage and water quality program One (1) $$$$$ 1999 - Planning / stormwater management program to include ocean, river and estuarine water quality monitoring 2000 - Engineering 2001 - 2) Develop drainage systems and design standards that reflect the 2002 natural carrying capacity of the watershed (ie-soils, slope, permeability, & other natural features) 3) Develop specific water quality standards and development performance standards for each watershed, to include max. impervious surface, buffers, permeable paving, reduced parking surfaces, and others. 4) Develop standards to ensure the retention, acquisition and management of natural vegetative buffers to preserve, maintain and protect water quality. 5) Update/develop subdivision design standards to protect and improve water quality in sensitive areas. 6) Seek legislation to require that NCDOT modify its standards to ensure the protection and enhancement of water quality 7) Develop educational programs and other strategies to deal with point and non -point source impacts on water quality, such as pet waste and other sources. 8) Establish a funding mechanism through a county -wide assessment and/or basin specific utility district fee, and pursue all available grants. 9) Continue to support the Lower Cape Fear River Program & the UNCW Tidal Creeks Program. Also see A.1.3 > Also see A.1.3 > A.1.2 See A.1.1 > See A.1.1 > 31 :....:....Policy.. .......... ..... s io.. ft...'.A............c........t...i......d..........n............... . c..n...t...a. ..... I I ........ o:j ..... ....... ............. .......................................... s ............ ails'f6r:A0..i.o.. I'll., .... ........ ............... .............. . P....fl.. I. ... I ..... ....... ..... .................... X ....... .o.. ... i. .............................. .Y........................... ........ .............................U....................... .............. . .. .. .......l......�.....p.....l:. ...6....m... ..t. .I ........................ ... .. ........................ .. . . ................... ...R...' .­ uirc. ........6.s..... ..m......i....b ............. . .i . .................. .. ......... . X...... ..................-..:..X..u..:..s ...—................ ... .. ... ... A.1.3 Develop an environmental review 1) Develop an environmental review process and ordinance, to be One (1) $$ 1999 Planning program required for all major development projects, or any development in conservation, resource protection, coastal 404 wetlands or other sensitive areas; to include: a) guidelines for the evaluation of cumulative impacts on the community. b) guidelines for review of impacts in accordance with goals of avoidance, minimization, compensation and/or mitigation. c) identification and protection of historical, archaeological, and other conservation resources d) preservation of significant /specie trees e) guidelines for mitigation of impacts A.1.4 Update city and county 1) Revise and update the Unified Development Ordinance One (1) 1999 Planning development processes and ordinances 2) Include new standards to address identified resource protection issues, urban design issues, tree preservation / landscaping issues and others. 3) Develop specific performance standards for setbacks, natural vegetated buffers, and impervious surface linits for each watershed. 4) Revise and update development/permit review process Also seeA.1.1 &A.1.3 > Also see A. 1. 1 & A. 1.3 > A.2 Open Space A2.1 Develop a comprehensive open I)Develop and implement ajoint city -county masterplan for open Two (2) 1999- Planning/ Parks space, greenways and trails system space, greenways, parks, and trails. 2003 2)Develop a funding program to ensure adequate resources are allocated. Funding strategies for consideration, to include fees, bonds, grants, and others. 3)Develop public access/boat access area plans 4)ldentify areas on Future Land Use and Land Classification Maps Also see A.1.3 > Also see A. 1.3 > A.2.2 See A. 1.3 & A.2.1 > See A. 1.3 & A.2.1 > A.2.3 Preserve Airlie Gardens Pursue acquisition /preservation strategies, to include program One (1) 1998- Planning/ Parks Completed funding through grants, bonds, and others. 1999 Also see A.2.1 > Also see A.2.1 > 32 A.2.4-2.5 See A.1.4 & A.2.1 > See A.1.4 & A.2.1 > A.3 Natural Resource Constraints A.3.1 See A.1.1 > See A.1.1 > A.3.2 Support the protection of the Cape 1) Support the Lower Cape Fear River Program, Cape Fear River One (1) $ 1999- Planning Fear River from the cumulative Assembly, Cape Fear Resource, Conservation & Development 2002 impacts of development Council, and the Cape Fear River Basin Modeling Program (NC Div. of Water Quality). 2) Support the development of best management practices and pursue their implementation for upstream non -point sources of pollution, including agricultural (hog, poultry, etc) and forestry operations. 3) Support a continued moratorium on new or expanded industrial hog fanning operations pending basinwide environmental impact assessment. Also see A.1.3 > Also see A.1.3 > A.3.3-3.7 See A.1.3 & A.1.4 > See A.1.3 & A.1.4 > A.3.8 See A.1.3 > See A.1.3 > A.3.9 See A.1.1 & A.1.3 > See A.1.1 & A.1.3 > A3.10-3.13 See A.1.1, A.1.3 & A.1.4 > See A.1.1, A.1.3 & A.1.4 > A.4 Areas of Environmental Concern A.4.1 See A.1.1 & A.1.3 > See A.1.1 & A.1.3 > A.4.2 See A.1.1 > See A.1.1 > A.4.3 Support the protection and 1) Pursue island acquisition and preservation strategies One (1) $$ 1999- Planning preservation of Masonboro Island 2002 Estuarine Research Reserve 2) Develop guidelines for the environmental review process to ensure no significant adverse effects from mainland development activities 3) Support the scientific research activities of the Reserve AAA See A.1.3, A.1.4 & A.4.3 > See A.1.3, A.1.4 & A.4.3 > A.4.5-4.6 See A.1.3 > See A.1.3 > A.4.7 See A.2.1 > See A.2.1 > 33 A.4.8 See A.1.3 & A.2.1 > See A.1.3 & A.2.1 > A.4.9-4.10 See A.1.3 > See A.1.3 > A4.11-4.12 See A.1.4 > See A.1.4 > A.4.13 See A.1.3 & A.1.4 > See A.1.3 & A.1.4 > A.4.14 See A.1.3 > See A.1.3 > A.5 Potable Water Supply A.5.1-5.5 See A.1.3 & A.1.4 > See A.1.3 & A.1.4 > A.6 Other Fragile or Hazardous Areas A.6.1-6.3 See A.1.3 > See A.1.3 > A.6.4 See A.1.3 & A.4.3 > See A.1.3 & A.4.3 > A.7 Air Quality A.7.1 See A.1.3 > See A.1.3 > B. RESOURCE PRODUCTION & MANAGEMENT B.1 Agricultural & Forestry Resources B.1.1 See A.1.3 > See A.1.3 > B.2 Mineral Resources B.2.1 See A.1.1 > See A.1.1 > B.3 Fisheries Resources B.3.1-3.2 See A.1.1 & A.1.3 > See A.1.1 & A.1.3 > B.4 Off -Road Vehicles B.4.1 See A.1.3 > See A.1.3 > 34 VIII. Land Use and Urban Design ISSUES......................................................................................................... 1. Allocation of sufficient land for all desirable land use types. 2. Flexible and Innovative site plan criteria are needed to guide the development process throughout the County. 3. Continue to promote Wilmington as a regional trade center. 4. Minimize dependence on the automobile by changing land use patterns and providing facilities for alternative methods of transportation. 5. Allow higher density where adequate infrastructure exists and where natural conditions will not be adversely effected. 6. Land use plans and regulations effecting land use should be coordinated between the city and county and should incorporate the conclusions of other planning efforts (ie. Community Growth, Downtown 2020, River Corridor Plan). 7. Define urban service district. 8. Identify elements that define quality of life and determine the impacts of the built environment on those elements. 35 Land Use and Urban Design POLICIES...................................................................................... . 1. Location/Demand 1.1 The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall strive to enhance the quality of the built environment while preserving and protecting the area's natural environment. 1.2 The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County will designate sufficient land area and suitable locations for the various land use types. 2. Open Space, Cultural and Recreation 2.1 The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County will strive to acquire, protect and beautify historic and cultural sites, corridors along key roadways and significant open spaces. 3. Industrial 3.1 New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington will delineate areas for industrial usage so that these sites maximize the efficient use of man made resources while not harming the fragile ecosystem or causing undue impacts upon residents. 4. Commercial 4.1 New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington will assure that land is available for commercial uses within close proximity to the markets they serve while not diminishing the quality of residential and mixed use neighborhoods. 5. Mixed Use 5.1 The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County will promote mixed use development in undeveloped areas in order to maximize benefits from available infrastructure, preserve valuable natural resources including open space and reduce dependency on the automobile. 6. Residential Neighborhoods 6.1 The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall strive to protect the character of the area's existing residential neighborhoods. 7. Design/Regulatory 7.1 The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall encourage innovative development strategies while providing flexible design guidelines that enhance the aesthetic impact of the built environment. 7.2 New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington shall adopt specific performance criteria to encourage the conservation of natural resources and enhance economic desirability by promoting accessibility of goods and services, providing alternatives to automobile transportation and adopting specific performance criteria for new development. 36 . S. Infrastructure 8.1 New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington shall promote development within an established urban service area defined by the existence of essential urban services and the planned provision of those services. 37 LAND USE AND URBAN DESIGN Policy# Implementation Actions Details for'Actions Priority Resources Fiscal ----'' Responsibility Status Required'Year(s)__ 1 LOCATION/DEMAND 1.2 Use projected needs and available Compare projections with future land use N/A $ September Planning services identified in the technical map. 1998 studies as the basis for land use allocations. 1.2 Locate land use types based on the Future Land Use Map N/A $ September Steering following guiding policies and 1998 Committee implementation items; 2 OPEN SPACE, CULTURAL AND RECREATIONAL 2.1 Establish protective corridors along key Reflect on Future Land Use Map (Sept. 1 $ Spring, Steering roadways, historic and cultural sites '98), incorporate into revisions to UDO; 1999 Com/Planning and other areas that are visually Brd./ Planning significant. Com./ Planning 2.1 Pursue railroad and other rights -of -way Monitor for abandonment. 2 $ Planning On -Going as potential open space, trailway and recreation areas. 2.1 Identify environmentally sensitive land Incorporate into Parks Master Plan and 2 $$$ 1999- Parks & Rec./ as potential open space and recreation Capital Improvement Programs. 2000 Admin./ areas and key sites for parks. Planning 3 INDUSTRIAL 3.1 Locate heavy industrial uses in Reflect on Future Land Use Map (Sept., 1 $ Spring, Steering Com. locations w/adequate land area to 1998), incorporate into revisions to UDO. 1999 /Planning accommodate expansive sites required Commission/ for such uses; that are environmentally Planning suitable; and, where necessary infrastructure (utilities, transportation facilities) is available or included in capital improvement plans. 3.1 Allow light industrial (clean) uses in Reflect on Future Land Use Map (Sept., 1 $ Spring, Steering Com. mixed use areas with clear requirements 1998), incorporate into revisions to UDO. 1999 /Planning for location on no less than collector Commission/ streets, availability of utilities, and Planning appropriate performance controls to address odor, noise, lighting and other impacts on surrounding uses. 3.1 Provide a wide choice of sites with Develop inventory of sites. 2 $ 1999- Planning/WID/ good access to labor markets, suppliers 2000 Chamber/ & buyers through consultation w/ SPA/UNCW Wilm. Indus. Devel., the State Port and others in the field of industrial promotion. 38 f LAND USE AND URBAN DESIGN Policy# Implementation Actions Details for A' ions'1 ti ` Prtori,ty Resources Required Fiscal Responsibility Status 'Year(s), 4 COMMERCIAL 4.1 Locate regional commercial nodes at Reflect on Future Land Use Map (Sept., 1 $ Spring, Steering Com. major intersections to accommodate 1998), incorporate into revisions to UDO. 1999 /Planning uses that serve a regional market. Commission/ Planning 4.1 Designate the central business district Reflect on Future Land Use Map (Sept., 1 $ Spring, Steering Com. as a regional trade/office center. 1998), incorporate into revisions to UDO. 1999 /Planning Commission/ Planning 4.1 Locate commercial centers to provide Conduct design charettes, research 1 $ Fall, 1998 Steering community level service and trade regulations in other communities, Com/Planning needs at key intersections or on major incorporate results into UDO revision. Brd./ Planning thoroughfares with appropriate Com./ Planning performance and design requirements. 4.1 Allow neighborhood level commercial Conduct design charettes, research 1 $ Fall, 1998 Steering in mixed use areas with strict guidelines regulations in other communities, Com/Planning for development. incorporate results into UDO revision. Brd./ Planning Com./ Planning 5 MIXED USE 5.1 Develop performance criteria for mixed Conduct design charettes, research 1 $ Fall, 1998 Steering use development to ensure proper regulations in other communities, Com/Planning design, density, access, etc. incorporate results into UDO revision. Brd./ Planning Com./ Planning 5.1 Designate undeveloped and Reflect on Future Land Use Map (Sept. 1 $ Spring, Steering underdeveloped areas as mixed use to '98), incorporate into revisions to UDO; 1999 Com/Planning accommodate residential and less Brd./ Planning intense commercial, office, industrial Com./ Planning uses with strict performance controls. 6 RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS 6.1 Afford existing residential Conduct design charettes, research 1 $ Fall, 1998 Steering neighborhoods performance standards regulations in other communities, Com/Planning to keep the neighborhood character incorporate results into UDO revision. Brd./ Planning consistent with the pattern of Com./ Planning development for the area. 6.1 Afford a higher level of protection for Conduct design charettes, research 1 $ Fall, 1998 Steering existing residential neighborhoods by regulations in other communities, Com/Planning limiting non-residential uses and incorporate results into UDO revision. Brd./ Planning allowing public review. Com./ Planning 39 LAND USE AND URBAN DESIGN Policy# . lmplementation Actions Details for Actions Priority Resources % Required Fiscal Year(s), Responsibility Status _ 7 DESIGN/REGULATORY 7.1 Develop performance standards that Conduct design charettes, research 1 $ Fall, 1998 Steering will allow the mingling of compatible regulations in other communities, Com/Planning uses. incorporate results into UDO revision. Brd./ Planning Com./ Planning 7.1 Develop specific urban design Conduct design charettes, research 1 $ Fall, 1998 Steering standards to promote public spaces. regulations in other communities, Com/Planning incorporate results into UDO revision. Brd./ Planning Com./ Planning 7.2 Conduct design charettes to develop Conduct design charettes, research 1 $ Fall, 1998 Steering models (examples) of desirable regulations in other communities, Com/Planning characteristics of development elements incorporate results into UDO revision. Brd./ Planning (streets, parks, neighborhood Com./ Planning services,... ). 7.2 Provide incentives to property owners Conduct research and develop changes to 2 $ 1999 — Planning to preserve and reclaim key natural unified development ordinance. 2000 resources through innovative design using available public and private resources towards creative approaches toward acquisition. 7.2 Develop standards to ensure that heavy Revise unified development ordinance. 1 $ Spring, Planning Board/ industrial areas have adequate access 1999 Planning and are properly distanced from and Commission minimize impacts such as noise, fumes and lighting, on adjoining non- industrial areas. 7.2 Provide design criteria for regional Conduct design charettes, research 1 $ Fall, 1998 Steering nodes to ensure the appropriate regulations in other communities, Com/Planning relationship to the existing streetscape. incorporate results into UDO revision. Brd./ Planning Criteria will address the issues of Com./ Planning congestion, visual clutter, utilities and the proper relationship with adjoining properties. 7.2 Provide clear requirements for mixed Conduct design charettes, research 1 $ Fall, 1998 Steering use development to include maximum regulations in other communities, Com/Planning square footage, buildable area ratio, incorporate results into UDO revision. Brd./ Planning impervious surface coverage, Com./ Planning landscaping buffering, lighting, access, height, density, exterior materials, parking, orientation to the street, etc. 40 LAND USE AND URBAN DESIGN POiIC # y Iin lementat�ori Actions _ _ 1' Details for Actions Priority Resources R equired Fiscal Year(s), Responsibility Status o.. 8 JINFRASTRUCTURE 8.1 Promote alternative modes of Conduct, research and develop changes to 2 ° $ 1999— Planning' transportation in design guidelines. unified development ordinance. 2000 8.1 Ref. Approved plans, such as Wilm. Incorporate into applicable regulations. 2 $ 1999— Planning Downtown Plan, Vision 2020 and the 2000 historic district guidelines, in applicable development guidelines. 8.1 Modify applicable plans, regulations & Incorporate into 1999 — 2000 budget 2 $ 1999— Planning/ budgets to focus provision of urban- process. 2000 Admin. level services within the areas desig. as "Urban" on the land classification map. 8.1 Modify development regulations to Revise unified development ordinance. 1 $ Spring, Planning Board/ encourage development within the 1999 Planning urban services area where existing Commission infrastructure is available. 8.1 Consider the cost of infrastructure that Revise unified development ordinance. 2 $ Spring, Planning Board/ are land use driven in modifying 1999 Planning development regulations. Commission 8.1 Initiate innovative capital facilities Revise unified development ordinance. 2 $ Spring, Planning Board/ financing as part of the development 1999 Planning approval process. Commission 8.1 Implement the comprehensive plan Incorporate into 1999 — 2000 budget 2 $ 1999— Planning/ through the City and County capital process. 2000 Admin. improvement programs. 8.1 Pursue joint ownership by the City and Continue City/County Utilities Committee. 1 1999— City Council/ Present County of major utility systems. 2000 County Com- missioners/ Admin 8.1 Develop schematic collector street plan Complete work on the collector street 1 $$ Spring, Planning/ as a guide in the development approval network in the metropolitan planning area; 1999 NCDOT/ TCC process and implementation of an possibly consulting contract. effective transportation network. 8.1 Consider providing state of the art Conduct research and develop changes to 3 $ 1999— Planning technical services such as fiber optic unified development ordinance. 2000 lines which make the area more attractive to prospective coml. & industrial companies when planning other essential urban services. 41 IX. Transportation ISSUES................................................................................................... 1. The full impact of new development and changes in land use on transportation systems, and the cost of mitigating this impact, is not adequately addressed. 2. Efforts to improve flow of people and products are not sufficiently coordinated. 3. Alternative forms of transport are not given enough emphasis. 4. Strip development along thoroughfares. 5. The preservation of transportation corridors is inadequate. 6. The appearance of road arteries needs improvement. 7. The construction and maintenance of transportation facilities negatively impacts the environment, particularly water quality. 8. Driveway access to arterial roads are not sufficiently controlled. 9. Traffic volume exceeds the capacity of street networks. 10. The negative affects of new roads on neighborhoods. 42 Transportation POLICIES............................................................................................ - 11. TRAFFIC 1.1 The City and County shall initiate and support increased funding from state, and federal agencies to improve the flow of people and products to and in the City and County. 1.2 The MPO and the urban area jurisdictions shall encourage the State and the federal authorities to provide interstate connections to areas south of the urban area. 1.3 The City and County shall work with the MPO and NCDOT to increase the capacity of the existing street network and other transportation facilities. 1.4 The County shall reduce the impact of new driveways on the roadway network. 1.5 The City and County shall require street connectivity and minimizing cul-de-sac development through collector street planning. 1.6 In order that existing and planned thoroughfares may operate adequately, all new development must adhere to the intent and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF TRANSPORTATION 2.1 The City and County shall support improved non -highway transportation facilities, including rail, airport, and shipping facilities for both passengers and freight to access the area. 2.2 City and County shall work with the NCDOT and the MPO to encourage alternative forms of transportation including regional rail, local transit, Transportation Demand Measures such as van -pooling and ride sharing, and an inter -modal transportation system. 2.3 New development and improvements to existing facilities shall make provision for a comprehensive network of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, including pedestrian causeways, breezeways and crossings, on collector streets and major arterials. These facilities will provide an alternative to the automobile. 3. AESTHETICS 3.1 The City and County, through the MPO, will encourage the State to improve the community through enhancements of streetscaping, including the preservation and use of indigenous flora, on new and existing streets. 3.2 The City and County shall ensure the preservation of adequate landscaping and tree protection for parking lots, sidewalks and in street right-of-ways for both public and private projects. 43 4. 4.1 Priority shall be given to environmental concerns, in particular water quality and surface water management, when considering the construction and maintenance of transportation facilities. Reasonable and feasible road construction and design alternatives to protect water quality should be considered for all projects. 4.2 Have regard for noise, air quality, and other environmental impacts on existing neighborhood areas when constructing and maintaining transportation facilities. 5. CORRIDOR PROTECTION 5.1 Local government and the State shall identify and utilize sources of funds and incentives to purchase or preserve thoroughfare or rail corridors in a timely and equitable manner. Where necessary the City will participate in these improvements using impact fees, bonds and or tax increases. 5.2 City, County and State will investigate and use regulatory provisions for preserving thoroughfare and rail corridors. 5.3 The City and County will cooperate through an agreement to allow for the purchase of rail and road corridors 44 TRANSPORTATION Po1i Implementation'Actions sfarAcions Resources 1?Yi secaarl eibal�' tatusPiotail SRequre' ;u .. , 1.0 Traffic 1.1.1 The Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Implement ongoing MPO $ 1998-on City of Established Planning Organization(MPO) shall coordinate operations Wilmington, New process programs aimed at improving the flow of people Hanover Co., and products. NCDOT, FHWA 1.1.2 The MPO's transportation planning horizon shall MPO Staff currently implementing 25 year $ Plan must be City of Established be at a minimum 25 years to anticipate future planning horizon updated every Wilmington, New process growth. 5 years Hanover Co., NCDOT 1.2.1 Create an interstate type facilities to connect with I- MPO works with NCDOT, SCDOT, $$$$$ 1998-? MPO, SCDOT, New Project 20 at Florence, South Carolina FHWA, and Florence SC to determine NCDOT, FHWA feasibility, desirability and funding of connection. 1.2.2 Create an interstate type facility to connect to MPO works with NCDOT, SCDOT, $$$$$ 1998-? MPO, SCDOT, New Project Charlotte, North Carolina. FHWA, and Charlotte NC to determine NCDOT, FHWA feasibility, desirability and funding of connection. 1.3.1 The City and County and NCDOT shall implement MPO conducts study and makes $$ 1999-on NCDOT, City of Continuing the Urban Area Congestion Management System recommendations to NCDOT and the City Wilmington Project and level of service standard currently being of Wilmington developed by the MPO. 1.3.2 All appropriate law enforcement agencies shall Increased enforcement of traffic laws $$ Continuous State Highway Continuing improve the enforcement of traffic laws. Patrol, New Project Hanover County Sheriffs Dept., City of Wilmington Police 1.3.3 The City shall continue to improve the areas signal Continuos upgrade of traffic operations data 1 $$ Continuous City of Continuing system, and to provide the public with more and equipment. Proactive public Wilmington Project information on this program. information effort. 1.3.4 Continue to work with NCDOT to improve that Continuos cooperation 1 $ Continuous City of Continuing portion of the signal system under their control. Wilmington Project 1.3.5 Work with the MPO and NCDOT to create Create Plans, Receive Funding, Implement 1 $$$$$ 1999-on MPO responsible New Project interchanges at major intersections throughout the for creating plans 45 TRANSPORTATION I i Pali Imptearaentatian Actaons Resources Fisoal'',. # : Details forAct�ons Priors Required :' Year R onsibyI esp ty Status'; . -.o, i•� �..�.. .�. .,-" >iax.v 1, vt,. �5..,, Y°+.,o„,P „�.Id .. a'...�. street network. Where necessary the City will and acquiring participate in these improvements using impact funding, City of fees, bonds and or tax increases. Wilmington, NCDOT, and FHWA responsible for funding and implementing 1.3.6 The City, NCDOT and other appropriate agencies Create Plans, Receive Funding, Implement 1 $$$ 1999-on MPO and City shall construct Separate bicycle and pedestrian responsible for facilities where appropriate. creating plans and acquiring funding, City of Wilmington, NCDOT, and FHWA responsible for funding and implementing 1.4.1 The County shall adopt more stringent driveway Prepare, review and adopt amendment to 1 $ 1999 New Hanover Ongoing standards. standards Co./UDO 1.4.2 The City and County shall enact land use policies Prepare, and adopt standards $ 1999 New Hanover Ongoing that minimize driveway access to major Co./UDO thoroughfares 1.5.1 Develop collector street networks for small areas. Prepare collector street plans in cooperation 1 $$ 1999-2001(?) MPO, New Plans currently with property owners and affected Hanover Co., created as neighborhoods. Adoption by appropriate City of development is board. Wilmington approved Implemented as areas built out by development and City of Wilmington 1.6.1 Conform to the Comprehensive Plan policies by Ongoing process conducted by Planning I $ Continuous City of Continuous examining all proposed rezoning and subdivisions Commissions, Technical Review staff and Wilmington, New compliance with the intents and policies of the governing boards Hanover Co. 46 TRANSPORTATION Policy;; Iiit leinentaticiri`ActionsE_ P ` x �,;; Details fOr'Actlons Prin Resources Fiscal , Res anstbah -, - -f ty Required Yea p V"' plan. 2.0 Alternative Forms of Transportation 2.1.1 Encourage the improvement of freight and MPO, NH Co., City of Wilmington 1 $ Continuous NCDOT, CSX Continuous passenger rail service to Wilmington and New Hanover County. 2.1.2 Encourage the growth of the North Carolina State NH Co., City of Wilmington, $ Continuous NC Ports Continuous Port at Wilmington with infrastructure Authority, NC improvements and increased channel depths for Dept. of shipping. Commerce, Army Corps. of Engineers 2.1.3 Encourage the growth of the Wilmington NH Co., City of Wilmington $ Continuous Airport Continuous International Airport Authority, NCDOT, City of Wilmington, NH Co. 2.2.1 Implement the Transportation Demand Measures Plan identifies potential corporate $$ 1999 MPO, City of Ongoing program being developed by Wilmington participants and users, design service, adopt Wilmington, Transportation Authority. program, apply for Federal and State NCDOT assistance, implement 2.2.2 Periodically evaluate the feasibility of all forms of Monitor existing service and identify $ Continuous MPO, Continuous public transportation including buses, trolleys, and potential service expansion and Wilmington light rail for or any or all portions of the area, modification opportunities. Evaluate areas Transit Authority. prepare a conceptual light rail master plan for the outside of the City through transportation NH Co. urban area and participate in ongoing NCDOT planning process. Transportation passenger rail and multi -modal feasibility studies. 2.2.3 Actively participate in ongoing NCDOT passenger Support NCDOT efforts to provide high $$$$ 1998 - ? MPO, WTA, Ongoing rail and multi -modal facilities studies. Support passenger rail service between Wilmington Wilmington, New funding objectives of the NCDOT in order to and Charlotte. Hanover County assure viability of the Charlotte to Wilmington passenger rail service. 2.3.1 Implement the recommendations of the New Seek Federal, State and Local funding to high $$$ Continuous NH Co. Bicycle Continuous Hanover County Bicycle Advisory Committee. implement the Plan. Develop and Advisory implement Capital Improvements schedule Committee, for construction of facilities. MPO, City of Wilmington, NCDOT 47 TRANSPORTATION Policy, Aa-,�M Imptementation'Actions Itesonrces ': cso Fiscal . ; w , ., , 2 . , ,. sz Details farActton pnonty,--.,i- . espon rty R sib Status' #< ... , .; e ear, 2.3.2 Strongly encourage the State to provide bicycle Request NCDOT to improve facilities for , high $ Continuous MPO, City of Continuous and pedestrian facilities in conjunction with new Bicycle and pedestrian access as they Wilmington, construction and improvements to transportation upgrade facilities NCDOT facilities. 3.0 Aesthetics 3.1.1 The City and County will participate with NCDOT Identify corridors needing enhancement, 1 $$$ 2000-2005 MPO, City of New Project to enhance streetscaping through the use of develop plan for needed enhancements. Wilmington, regulations, impact fees, bonds and or tax Request funding from NCDOT for NCDOT increases. enhancements. Seek necessary local funding for enhancements and maintenance. 3.1.2 The City and County will participate with NCDOT Identify corridors for enhanced * 1 $ 1999- MPO, City of New Project to enhance streetscaping by encouraging private streetscaping. Coordinate maintenance and Wilmington, NH Unified initiatives. ROW access issues with NCDOT. Enact Co., NCDOT Development regulations with incentives for Ordinance improvements. Work to inform and organize private interests to improve corridors. 3.1.3 City and County shall enforce regulations to create Strictly enforce regulations to control $ 1999 City of Unified less obtrusive commercial signage and billboards. billboards. Wilmington, NH Development Co., Ordinance 3.2.1 Develop design standards, ordinances and Prepare and adopt specific design standards $ 1999 City of Unified regulations that specifically identify the natural and ordinances to reflect community Wilmington, NH Development resources to be preserved with development and standards for resource protection to give Co., Ordinance redevelopment.. specific guidance as to which resources to protect. 4.0 Environment 4.1.1 NCDOT shall adhere to or exceed to State and Review proposed NCDOT actions to insure $ Continuous MPO, Cape Fear Continuous Federal Environmental regulations for the compliance with applicable regulations. Council of construction and maintenance of transportation Governments NH facilities. Co. City of Wilmington 4.1.2 The City of Wilmington shall establish standards Prepare and adopt specific design standards $$ 2000 City of Unified for the construction of transportation facilities that and ordinances to reflect community Wilmington Development exceed State and Federal requirements for water standards for resource protection to give Ordinance quality and surface water management. specific guidance as to the required level of water quality protection. 48 TRANSPORTATION Polio � � .. ;.tm lementatioit Actions..., ,., ;, p �.44 -, � � � �k�. �.. < i o �f�ons Deta if rAe � � Pnpn ty rr'Sk+'Kw4V Resources •Fiscal ; Re ans�bili ;� r,; � . Status &# . r 0' _ Requ�recl Year .,�. .......;�r...... 4.1.3 The City and County shall seek legislation to Identify specific concerns with NCDOT's $ 1999 City of Continuos require NCDOT to exceed State and Federal current practices and seek legislation to Wilmington, NH requirements for water quality and surface water address these issues. Co., MPO, Local management. environmental groups and agencies 4.2.1 All proposals for the construction and maintenance All appropriate review boards shall review $ Continuous NH Co. City of Continuous of transportation facilities, shall be reviewed for proposed local government and private Wilmington noise and other environmental impacts on existing actions to insure compliance with neighborhood areas. applicable regulations. 5.0 Corridor Protection 5.1.1 Local and State Governments will identify The MPO and NCDOT will prepare Phased 1 $$$ 2000-2002 NCDOT, MPO, New Project thoroughfare and rail corridors as completely as Environmental studies after adoption of the NH Co. City of possible through appropriate environmental Thoroughfare Plan to identify proposed Wilmington studies. corridors as closely as possible in compliance with guidelines established by the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) 5.1.2 City, County and State will investigate and use Identify and enforce provis-ions of State $ 1999 NH Co. City of New Project regulatory provisions for preserving thoroughfare law that protect Thoroughfare Plan Corri- Wilmington Unified corridors. dors. Modify local ordinan-ces where Development necessary to pro -vide the maximum amount Ordinance of corridor protection allowed under State law. 5.1.3 The City and County will cooperate through an Establish an agreement between the City $$ 1999 NH Co., City of New Project agreement to allow for the purchase of rail and and the County to allow the County to Wilmington Unified road corridors. request that the City proceed with necessary Development actions to improve the street network. Ordinance 49 X. Community Infrastructure ISSUES................................................................................................... 1. Uncoordinated, costly provision of non municipal services and facilities. 2. The high cost of infrastructure investment. 3. Storm water drainage problems caused by existing and future development. 4. Inadequate sewer and water services in some unincorporated areas. 5. Optimal location, use and maintenance of education facilities, some of which are overcrowded and need improvements. 6. Insufficient provision of community open space, recreation and cultural facilities. 7. Recognition of Downtown Wilmington as the regional cultural nucleus. 8. Maintenance of adequate police and fire services in unincorporated areas. 9. Increased waste management problem due to growth and development. 10. The proliferation of telecommunication towers. 50 Community Infrastructure POLICIES................................................................................................. 1. FACILITY AND SERVICE PROVISION LL Provide timely, cost-effective and efficient capital facilities and community infrastructure services based on the Growth Management Strategy and the Preferred Urban Structure. 1.2. Coordinate, rationalize and consolidate where appropriate, City, County and other governmental agencies programs for the provision and maintenance of infrastructure and community facilities and services. 1.3. Explore alternative forms of financing including impact fees, bonds, user fees, and tax increases for the infrastructure improvements needed to have a high quality level of service and to prevent a decline in the levels of service provided to the County -City residents. Infrastructure needs to be addressed in this effort shall include transportation, education, sewer, water, recreation, libraries, police, fire, stormwater management, and other services deemed to be appropriate. _ 2. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 2.1. Expand storm water management to include areas not incorporated in existing programs. 2.2. Develop a County stormwater management and water quality program that includes our adjacent ocean, river, and estuarine systems. 2.3. Develop a City and County stormwater management program that fairly balances the financial cost between existing and new development. 2.4. Prohibit and seek to eliminate collection systems that directly discharge stormwater to surface waters. 2.5. Ensure that drainage from land use activities has a rate of flow and volume characteristics as near to predevelopment conditions as possible to provide for the protection of our water quality. 3. SEWER AND WATER 3.1. Provide public sewer service to existing development in unincorporated areas that have inadequate and malfunctioning septic systems and package treatment plants. 3.2. Consolidate the City and County sewer and water system. 3.3. Ensure optimal use of sewage treatment facilities. 3.4. Ensure the provision of sufficient, affordable water and sewer services to proposed new service centers and industrial sites in the unincorporated areas of the Plan. 51 4. SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION 4.1. Give a higher priority to the maintenance and optimal use of existing education facilities. 4.2. Elementary schools and kindergartens should be encouraged to locate in areas where they would provide the maximum benefit to adjoining neighborhoods. 4.3. New schools shall be constructed by New Hanover County to maintain an adequate level of service. 4.4. Encourage greater coordination in planning and budgeting with the School Board and County and City government. 5. CULTURAL ARTS AND RECREATION 5.1. Emphasis on economically distressed City neighborhoods with inadequate facilities. 5.2. Recognize the Downtown as the cultural nucleus which nurtures, supports and strengthens cultural centers throughout the region. 5.3. Develop a joint master plan for a comprehensive system of open space, greenways, parks and trails throughout the city and county that will provide for both the present and expected population growth. 5.4. Preserve utility easements as part of the greenway system as passive open space areas and combine them with trails and trail access areas where possible. 6. POLICE AND FIRE SERVICES 6.1. Provide timely and adequate staffing and facilities to maintain and improve the level of police and fire services. 7. SOLID WASTE 7.1. Establish and maintain an environmentally responsible, cost effective system for managing solid waste, that protects public health, and provides adequate waste disposal capacity, mandatory solid waste collection and recycling services, and waste reduction opportunities. 7.2. Meet and exceed established waste reduction goal. 7.3. Continue to seek ways to reduce and manage the solid waste stream through establishment of countywide garbage pick-up, expanded recycling programs, encouraging composting, expanded hazardous waste pick-up/education, and multi jurisdictional cooperation. 7.4. Eliminate illegal trash dumping through strict monitoring and enforcement, including increased fines, signage program, rewards, and other means. 7.5. Continue to support and improve the County's innovative incinerator and landfill system. 52 8. COMMUNICATION 8.1. Require telecommunication companies to share facilities through the joint use, and location of telecommunication equipment. 53 COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE 1.0 FACILITY AND SERVICE PROVISION 1.1.1 Develop a program for the rigorous Fiscal Impact Study. 1 $$ 1999 City and County economic analysis of infrastructure and Develop a modal to measure the cost impact community facility investments, which of major infrastructure expansion due to considers the fiscal impact, level of annexation proposals. service, benefit, and the priority according to a preferred urban structure. 1.1.2 Develop a program for joint Investigate feasibility; formulate conditions 1 $ 1999 City, County, public/private infrastructure investment and required agreements; and design financial institutions opportunities. organizational structure & developers. 1.1.3 Develop a joint City -County Committee Committee review and implement program 1 $ for Com- 1999 City and County set to review financing techniques and to based on Committee recommendations. mittee review. up Committee with recommend alternative financing $ to $$$ private sector methods. depending on representation. program size. 1.2.1 Develop interlocal agreements and Unified Development Ordinance 1 $ Currently City and County unified development codes to establish Ongoing consistency. 1.2.2 Develop a joint City and County Capital Capital Facilities Plan 2 $ 1990 City and County Facilities Plan. 1.2.3 Strengthen infrastructure inspection and Determine staffing requirements and 2 $ Currently County maintenance programs in the County. develop infrastructure prerequisites Ongoing 1.2.4 Develop guidelines for the interregional Develop criteria, conditions, requirements 2 $ 2002 City and County sharing of sewer facilities when and cost sharing formula. economically feasible. 2.0 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 2.1.1 Develop a storm water management and Develop a program proposal for 1 $ 1999 / County and City water quality program for existing and consideration. Program shall include 2000 new development in the County. adjacent ocean, river, and estuarine system. Coordinate and join this program with the existing City Program. 54 COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE Create program to prohibit and methods to eliminate collection systems that directly discharge stormwater to surface waters. Create program to ensure that drainage from land use activities has a rate of flow and volume characteristics as near to predevelopment conditions as possible to provide for the protection of our water quality. Develop a County storm water management 1 $$-$$$ 1999 / County and City financing program. Investigate using the depending on 2000 Unified Development Ordinance or similar size of program as a mechanism to carry out program. program. Coordinate and join this program with the existing City program. Ensure that there is an equitable and balanced financing program for existing and new development in the County and City. 3.0 SEWER AND WATER 3.1.1 Develop a Capital Facilities Plan for Capital Facilities Plan 1 $ 1999 — County and City areas that should be provided with sewer 2001 and water services based on environmental concerns, water quality concerns and servicing costs. 3.2.1 Develop County standards for the Develop design standards 2 $ 1999 County and City installation of utilities that are consistent to those of the City 3.3.1 Develop fiscal and environmental Develop and evaluate alternative strategies. 3 $ 2001 City, County and responsible strategies for the long term State management and disposal of sewage sludge. 55 COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE 3.4.1 On completion of the Thoroughfare Plan Review zoning and prepare land use 2 $ 2001 City and County update, review the existing zoning and its alternatives for consideration with next potential to develop into service centers, update of the Comprehensive Plan. as well as the feasibility and cost of providing water, sewer and other infrastructure services to these areas. 3.4.2 Give higher priority to the servicing of Identify priority areas. 1 $$ Ongoing City and County existing and new industrial sites. Incorporate in City and County Servicing annual Program 4.0 SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION - INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES 4.1.1 Provide annual funding for the sustained Include funding in annual Education 1 $$ Ongoing Board of Education maintenance of facilities that serve both budget. Ensure that school facilities in older the existing and future education needs areas of the City and County receive of the community. adequate maintenance. 4.1.2 Plan and locate schools to allow for Determine needs; develop location criteria 2 $ Ongoing Board of Education future expansion, and to ensure better and standards. and shared use of the facilities and campus. 4.1.3 Develop an understanding of the long- Anticipate needs and technological trends, 1 $ Ongoing Education agencies term costs/implication of computer and consider adaptable systems technology. 4.2.1 Determine the needs and plan for the Determine needs; develop location criteria 1 $ Ongoing Board of Education optimal location of elementary schools and standards. and kindergartens. 4.3.1 Explore the use of alternative forms of Conduct a study. Create a committee to 1 $$ to $$$ New Board of Education financing for improving New Hanover oversee study and carry out depend-ing on New Hanover County Schools. recommendations. size of program County Schools Other County and City pertinent government branches. 56 - i COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE . 4.3.2 Adequately fund the New Hanover Coordinate facilities program with the other 1 $$$ Ongoing Board of Education County School new school facility County and City branches of government. as result New Hanover program. Create a quality control program to ensure of passed County Schools high quality construction. school Other County and bond City pertinent government branches. 4.3.3 Provide a greater emphasis for athletic Upgrade existing and build high quality 1 $$ to $$$ Ongoing Board of Education facilities at existing and new schools. athletic fields, ball fields, tracks, pools, depend-ing on as result New Hanover gymnasiums, outdoor playgrounds for size of program of passed County Schools school children, with improved sodding, school Other County and and related facility improvements, bond City pertinent including maintenance. government branches. 4.4.1 Coordinate new school facilities and Hold regular meetings with concerned 1 $ Needs to Board of Education maintenance upgrade program. parties for increased coordination with be New Hanover above 4.0 items with New Hanover County ongoing County Schools Schools, School Board and other pertinent Other County and branches of County and City government. City pertinent Create benchmarks for monitoring progress. government branches 5.0 CULTURAL ARTS AND RECREATION 5.1.1 Prepare and implement a joint Prepare and Implement a Greenway/Open 3 $$ 1999 City and County City/County Greenway/Open Space Plan Space Plan. for the establishment of a contiguous Determine requirements, funding, Greenway System that links acquisition and protection options; include neighborhoods to community activity trails. Insure that plan provides for both centers, and serves the recreational and present and expected population growth. open space needs of the community. 5.1.2 Continue to implement, fund and join Prepare and Implement a joint 1 $$ Ongoing County together the County and City Park Plans. Greenway/Open Space Plan. 5.1.3 Develop public/private partnerships for Prepare and Implement a Greenway/Open 1 $ 1999 City and County the provision of recreation facilities Space Plan. WA COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE 5.1.4 Establish, in the unincorporated areas, Prepare and Implement a Greenway/Open 1 $ 1999 County requirements for commercial and Space Plan. residential development to reserve land for open space/recreation or provide a fee in lieu. 5.1.5 Develop different acquisition/protection Prepare and Implement a Greenway/Open 1 $ 1999 City, County and options for significant sites for open Space Plan. Include State space/recreation, such as purchase, utility easement preservation as part of the public/private partnerships, conservation greenway system as passive open space easements and conservation trusts. areas and combine them with trails and trail access areas where possible. 5.1.6 Develop a public participation process Public Participation Plan 1 Existing 1999 City and County for the acquisition and preservation of process to be significant sites for open reviewed space/recreation. 5.1.7 Continue to expand and enlarge existing Determine expected future growth and 1 $$$ Ongoing County library facilities to maintain the current needs. . level of service to the community. 5.1.8 Continue to support and improve the Determine expected future growth and 2 $$ Ongoing County museum facilities. needs and formulate a long term development strategy. 5.1.9 Investigate the feasibility of providing a Determine needs, requirements and 1 $$ Ongoing City, County and convention center to serve the needs of feasibility. surrounding local the community and its surrounding area. authorities 5.1.10 Investigate the feasibility of providing a Determine needs, requirements and 2 $ Ongoing City, County and performing arts center to serve the needs feasibility surrounding local of the community and its surrounding authorities area. 5.1.11 Encourage the provision of social and Determine needs and priorities; and identify 2 Ongoing Advocacy group(s) cultural opportunities for the aging opportunities. for the elderly, City, population. County 58 COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE 5.2.1 Support and implement the goals and 1 $$ Ongoing City, County, recommendations of the Wilmington DARE, Inc., Downtown Plan: Vision 2020, the Cape Fear River Corridor Plan; and DARE, Inc. that reinforces the cultural importance of the Downtown area. 5.2.2- Develop additional and support existing Identify opportunities; develop and 1 $ Ongoing City, County, programs that specifically promote, implement programs strengthen and support Downtown Wilmington as the regional cultural center. 6.0 POLICE AND FIRE SERVICES 6.1.1 Plan and provide staffing and facilities Determine projected future needs. 1 $$ Annual City and County for police and fire services at least proportionate to the growth in the community. 7.0 SOLID WASTE 7.1.1 The County and City together with the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management 1 $ Ongoing City, County and Towns of Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Plan. Include methods to eliminate illegal the Towns of and Wrightsville Beach will continue trash dumping by strict monitoring and Carolina Beach, their joint update of the Comprehensive enforcement, increased fines, signage Kure Beach, and Solid Waste Management Plan every 3 program, rewards and other means. Include Wrightsville Beach years, and establish programs and set continued support and improve innovative goals for the management and reduction incinerator and landfill system of solid waste for the next 10 years. 7.1.2 Expand local government recycling. Address with the Comprehensive Solid 1 $$ Ongoing City and County Waste Management Plan. Including: expand collection programs; encourage commercial recovery programs which focus on paper fiber materials; promote local private recovery/recycling initia-tives; encourage composting; expand hazardous waste pick-up and education; and promote local construction -demolition recycling - recovery programs. M1 COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE 8.0 COMMUNICATION 8.1.1 Amend regulations to require the joint Amend regulations; develop standards and 2 $ 1999 City and County use and location of equipment on requirements. existing telecommunication towers and other public and private structures. XI. Housing ISSUES................................................................................................... 1. The City minimum housing program should be improved. The County should establish and adopt a minimum housing code and enforcement program. 2. There is a documented need for affordable housing, particularly for low and moderate income residents. 3. The City and County need to ensure that they are receiving the maximum amount of federal and state financial opportunities for community and economic development. 4. There is a need to provide an increased amount of affordable rental housing. 5. There are an estimated 800 homeless persons County wide with the majority living in the City. 6. .Neighborhood residents need a mechanism to voice their concerns regarding growth and change, and the County and City need an efficient way to provide information to residents. 7. There is a need for adequate housing for the special needs population, elderly, and disabled in the City and County. 8. With the growth of UNC-Wilmington and Cape Fear Community College, students will need adequate on and off campus housing. 61 Housing POLICIES............................................................................................ 1. MINIMUM HOUSING PROGRAM The City shall enhance the minimum housing program. The County shall adopt a minimum housing program with enforcement. 2. AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAMS The County and City shall continue to support and enhance a broad range of affordable housing programs. Explore alternative forms of financing including impact fees, bonds, user fees, and tax increases for affordable housing. 3. MAXIMIZE FEDERAL AND STATE FUNDING The County and City shall maximize funding opportunities from federal and state sources for community and economic development. 4. RENTAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING The City and County shall increase affordable rental housing. 5. HOMELESS The County and City shall cooperate with non-profit organizations to provide temporary and transitional shelter to persons who are homeless and enhance a job referral program. 6. NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS The County, City, and residents shall be encouraged to use neighborhood associations for outreach information and education. 7. SPECIAL NEEDS AND ELDERLY The City and County shall cooperate with non-profit organizations to ensure an adequate supply of housing for special needs, the elderly, and the disabled. 8. ADEQUATE UNCW AND CFCC STUDENT HOUSING Working together the County, City, UNC-Wilmington, and Cape Fear Community College shall meet student housing needs. 62 HOUSING 1.0 MINIMUM HOUSING PROGRAM 1.1 The City shall improve its minimum 1.1.1 Develop code enforcement strategies that 1 $$ Current City Underway housing enforcement program. emphasize improvements in housing quality and preservation. A balance is recognized between expenses to property and home owners, and better living conditions for occupants. 1.2 The County shall adopt a minimum 1.2.1 Draft and adopt a minimum housing code. 1 $ 199-101 County None housing code and establish an A balance is recognized between expenses to enforcement program. property and home owners, and better living conditions for occupants. 1.2.2 Establish position(s) and hire code 1 $$ 199= 01 County None enforcement officer(s). 1.3 The City and County shall ensure that Ensure that there is adequate regulations and 1 $ On- City and County Ongoing City. there is strong code enforcement to code enforcement staff to remedy this situation. going New for County. remedy areas and lots with abandonded See 1.1 for City and 1.2 for County. City. vechicles, trash, debris, and boarded up 199= 01 housing. for County 2.0 AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAMS 2.1 Increase support of affordable housing 2.1.1 Home Ownership Pool loan program 1 $ existing On- City Ongoing programs. (HOP) $$ going County Direct Loans and Home Loans for housing expanded HUD rehabilitation programs Private Lending Fannie Mae Lease Purchase Institutions Project Home Community Development Block Grant Program Home Investment Partnership 2.1.2 Establish an affordable housing advocacy 2 $ '02-'03 City, County None coalition with wide representation. Nonprofit housing providers 2.2 Investigate and act upon ways to 2.2.1 Establish a mortgage revenue bond 1 $ study 199-101 City None increase affordable housing supply and program to provide affordable housing backed $$ program County ownership for low and moderate income by appropriate sources. Conduct a study with residents. recommendations. ��j HOUSING 2.2.2 Establish a land trust program for 1 $ study On- City Ongoing affordable housing land acquisition. Conduct a $$ program going County study with recommendations. 2.2.3 Encourage participation in the down 1 $$ On- City Ongoing payment assistance program. With the aid of going County grants, this program allows down payment NC Housing assistance for closing costs. Finance Agency 2.2.4 Investigate methods to reduce 1 $ On- City Ongoing development costs for affordable housing. going County Review development review process and codes. Make appropriate changes to Unified Development Ordinance. 2.2.5 Expand existing education programs on 2 $$ '02= 03 City None affordable housing opportunities, including expanded County home ownership for first time buyers. program 2.2.6 Set a target for future increased 2 $ study '02= 03 City None homeownership emphasizing first time home County buyers. Non-profit Conduct a study with recommendations. housing providers Private lending institutions 2.2.7 Encourage commercial banks to 1 $$ 199-101 City None participate in a below market rate mortgage expanded County interest program. program Private lending institutions 2.2.8 Inventory available sites as a resource for 2 $ '02-'03 City None new residential develop-ment and provide County incentives for the development of new housing. Con -duct a study with recommendations. 2.2.9 Investigate how to strengthen partnerships 2 $ '02-'03 City None with for profit developers to provide affordable County housing including density bonuses that provide additional affordable housing units. Conduct a study with recommendations include with Unified Development Ordinance. Md HOUSING 2.2.10 Conduct study with recommendations 2 $ '02-'03 City None regarding zoning changes that require mixed County income residential developments. 2.2.11 Conduct study with recommendations 2 $ '02-'03 City None regarding: incentives for an employer -assisted County housing program to assist development of affordable housing. 2.2.12 Cooperate with the Wilmington Housing 1 $ coordin- On- City Ongoing Authority in the maintenance, renovation and ation going Wilmington construction of affordable housing. $$$ Jervay Housing project and Authority other projects 2.2.13 Encourage scattered site affordable 1 $ 199= 01 City County None housing. 3.0 MAXIMIZE FEDERAL AND STATE FUNDING 3.1 Consider creating a consolidated Discussion between City and County and staffs 1 $ 199= 01 City None County and City Community and elected officials. Consult with HUD. County Development Block Grant program. 3.2 Insure that federal and state community Use existing staff. 1 $ On- City Ongoing and economic development funding going County opportunities are being maximized. 4.0 RENTAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING 4.1 Improve and expand the City rental Conduct study with recommendations. 1 $ study On- City Ongoing rehabilitation loan program. $$ program going 4.2 Establish a County rental rehabilitation Conduct study with recommendations. 1 $ study 199 '01 County None loan program. $$ program M HOUSING 4.3 Ensure that there is funding for a rent- Conduct study with recommendations. 1 $ study 199-101 City Ongoing to -own program in both the City and Determine appropriate level of funding. Decide County County. This program would enable a funding Non-profit renter to apply rent payments towards level range housing providers the purchase of a home. $ to $$ 4.4 Explore the possibility that apartment Conduct study with recommendations. 3 $ study '04= 05 County None complexes that are converted to $$ program City condominiums provide affordable units, or payments into a City and County affordable housing or non-profit housing program. 5.0 HOMELESS 5.1 Expand programs for homeless shelters Continued funding and support for Continuum 1 $ existing On- City, County, Ongoing with adequate quality accommodations of Care and other related programs. Ensure that program going HUD, with emphasis on housing for the the areas of the City and County that have high coordinating with mentally disabled. homeless concentrations receive specific 1 $$ expand '99= 01 Non profit None for expanded neighborhood outreach to remedy the challenge. program housing providers program including, Good Shepherd House, Salvation Army, and Cape Fear Rescue Mission. 5.2 Expand job referral program for the Through the Continuum of Care process address 2 $$ '02-'03 Through None for expanded homeless. counseling and job referral program to assist expanded City, County program homeless persons and households achieve self program Non -profits such sufficiency. as the Good Shepherd House. 6.0 NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS 6.1 Create neighborhood guidelines. Conduct a study with recommendations. 1 $ study 199-101 County None Discussion on: methods for public outreach; the $$ public City impact of new development on adjoining outreach Including: neighborhoods, such as density; housing by Council of type; home ownership; rental concerns; and Neighborhoods drainage. Create booklet. Association and other similar organizations :. HOUSING 7.0 SPECIAL NEEDS AND ELDERLY 7.1 Establish a housing program for the Conduct study with recommendations for 2 $ for study '02-'03 City None special needs, elderly, and disabled, that program creation; include congregate living County is integrated throughout the community. arrangements for the elderly, and other special $$ program Non-profit needs populations, e.g. nursing homes. Study housing providers how to integrate with private sector. Private business 7.2 Modify zoning regulations where Conduct a study with recommendations to 2 $ for study '02-'03 City None appropriate to encourage housing for include with Unified Development Ordinance. County the special needs, elderly, disabled. 8.0 ADEQUATE UNCW AND CFCC STUDENT HOUSING 8.1 Develop an on and off campus student Conduct a study with recommendations. 3 $ '04-'05 City None housing program for UNC-Wilmington. County UNCW 8.2 Develop an on and off campus student Conduct a study with recommendations. 3 $ '04205 City None housing program for Cape Fear CFCC Community College. 67 XH. Economic Development ISSUES................................................................................................... There needs to be improved economic diversification, and continued effort to attract employers that have high paying jobs. 2. Continue efforts to attract and retain business to economically distressed areas. To remain competitive into the next decade the State port will need to deepen its harbor, improve inland highway and rail access, and upgrade the terminal. 4. The area could increase water dependent marine related employment opportunities with: marine technology; aquaculture; the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher; and boat manufacturing and marinas. 5. The Wilmington International Airport needs to expand to improve its competitiveness while working to ensure community compatibility. 6. There is a need to balance tourism with a diversified economy. 7. There is a need to increase workforce preparedness, especially for the marginally trained and under educated. 68 Economic Development POLICIES................................................................................................. 1. GENERAL ECONOMY Develop a coordinated economic development strategy to attract high paying employers, that is economically diverse and environmentally mindful. 2. IMPROVING ECONOMICALLY DISTRESSED AREAS The City and County with non profit and for profit organizations shall work to attract and retain business in areas that are economically distressed. 3. WILMINGTON STATE PORT The County and City shall work with the State Port in achieving mutually acceptable development goals. 4. MARINE ECONOMY The City and County shall support the water dependent marine economy. 5. AIRPORT The County and City shall cooperate with the New Hanover County Airport Authority to increase the competitiveness, of the Wilmington International Airport while being mindful of the compatibility with adjacent businesses and homes. 6. TOURISM The City and County shall encourage tourism as part of a balanced and diversified economy. 7. SKILLED WORKFORCE AND EDUCATIO The County and City and private sector shall cooperate with schools to develop a properly trained work force with employable skills. 69 1.0 I GENERAL 1.1 Establish a task force with a mission to attract high paying diverse employers and consider incentives. economic development program. Economic Development agency, or consultant to guide process. Meet and create framework to proceed. Resolve who would compose task force; include private sector. Address topic for set time. End with recommendations to proceed after task force finished. Select lead public agency or consultant to do study with recommendations. Include these following items. 1.2.1 Strengthen existing public and private programs that target existing business for new expansion and job creation, including small businesses. 1.2.2 Establishing a Research and Development Park including infrastructure, with business connections to UNCW and CFCC. 1.2.3 Investigate establishing a local branch of the Office of Industrial Extension Service in the County. 1.2.4 Increase public outreach and improve awareness of the importance of business and industry to the tax base. 70 Lead agency or consultant With representation that should include: Private sector Wil. Industrial Develop. , Inc. Co. Commissioners, City Council Cape Fear Tomorrow UNCW, CFCC, Public Schools Chamber of Commerce, Black Cham. Com. Wilmington State Port Wil. International Airport Small Business Coalition Wil. New Han. Co. Commun. Devel. Corp. Small Business & Tech. Develop. Center— UNCW Partners for Economic Inclusion agency and or consultant. None None 1.5 ■ri Economic Development Investigate expanding the Conduct a study with recommendations. 1 $ study 199= 01 UNCW with NC State and NC A&T Program engineering cooperative Cost and logistics of expanding the coordination. currently is with education program between engineering program. $$ ex- UNCW and NC UNCW, NC State and NC Consider enhancing ties to local business. panded State. A&T. program Enhance: promotion of the 1.4.1 Strengthen promotion and incentives 1 $ Ongoing Wilmington Regional Film Commission Ongoing local film industry; and on behalf of the City and County. coordinating with: Private film industry; education opportunities. Meet with Task Force regarding continuous City and County. updates on "Film Guidelines." Establish and improve existing procedures for location filmmaking with Police, Fire and government. Create program to improve existing public relations with the community regarding on - location film making. Improve website, update computer programs with maintenance. 1.4.2 Strengthen and nurture the UNCW 2 $$ Ongoing UNCW Ongoing, Film Studies education program. Consider establishing a Conduct a study on the best method to 2 $ study '0243 An existing agency or consultant to conduct None program with incentives for achieve this with recommendations for study possibly with New Han. Co. Regional larger companies to assist setting up program. Medical Center, or UNCW, or the Early employees with high Childhood Faculty of CFCC with the County quality affordable child day and City. care. Develop a program to Conduct a study with recommendations for 2 $ '0243 Likely private initiative with possible None attract professional sports. program creation. government partnership. 71 Economic veve ECONOMICALLY DISTRESSED AREAS 2.1 Use of Community Identify and prioritize projects. Act upon 1 $$ Ongoing City Ongoing Development Block Grant proposals that have real potential to create County funds for programs and jobs. Insure that money is leveraged to activities that create jobs increase success. for low and moderate income persons. 2.2 Encourage and support the Research: which existing businesses have 1 $ 199= 01 City None federal Small Business contracts with the Federal Gov't. Educate Wilmington Industrial Development, Inc. Administration HUBZone potential clients regarding program. program to attract business Coordin-ate possible: relocation, and and jobs to the expansion of existing businesses. economically challenged areas of Wilmington. 2.3 Encourage the creation of Expand family resource centers and 2 $ existing Ongoing City, Including: Wilmington Community Ongoing family resource centers and programs into distressed areas. Support Coalition programs. existing programs. Examples include the $$ '02=03 Bottom, and Long Leaf Park Resource expanded None Center. program 2.4 Encourage public and Create flexible regulations in the Unified 2 $ 199-101 City None private business Development Ordinance. County partnerships for the Private Business development of speculative properties. 2.5 Ensure that the economic Study is underway and recommendations 2 Project Ongoing City Ongoing revitalization of Greenfield will be forthcoming. could I Wilmington Industrial Development, Inc. Industrial Park occurs. range from $ to 72 Economic Development PORT 3.1 Support the Wilmington Using the ports Master Capital 1 $ for Ongoing Wilmington State Port Ongoing State Port facilities to create Development Plan, follow the review- Federal agencies, including US Army COE a more competitive recommendations; including, deepening the ing study NC Dept. Commerce shipping port. shipping channel, and upgrading the and NC DOT terminal. Follow the recommendations of coordin- CSX Railroad the Transportation section of the ation. City and N. H. County Comprehensive Plan for improved inland Brunswick Co. highway and rail access. $$$ for carrying outthe recom- menda- tions. 3.3 Balance the needs of the Adhere to Cape Fear River Corridor Plan 3 $ Ongoing Wilmington State Port Ongoing State Port with the recommendations. Review study and City and N. H. County recreational boating on the coordinate with concerned parties. Brunswick Co. Cape Fear River. Coast Guard 4.0 MARINE ECONOMY 4.1 Support aquaculture 4.1.1 Enhance promotion of the 2 $ Ongoing UNCW Center for Marine Program exists, research and marine environmentally friendly aquaculture NC Sea Grant Program would con-sider technology. research technology. NC Marine Trades Services increased promotion. 4.1.2 Increase financial support of the 2 $$ '02= 03 Cape Fear Community College NC Marine Would con-sider existing marine technology education Trades Services increased program at CFCC. financial support. 4.2 Support the expansion Work with the Aquarium to ensure smooth 1 $$ Ongoing NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher Ongoing effort of the NC Aquarium expansion effort of building facilities. County at Fort Fisher. Chamber of Commerce 4.3 Support the efforts of Enhance the existing promotion, 2 $ Ongoing Small Business and Technology Development Ongoing marine trade services for advertisement, and public outreach. Center - UNCW expanded boat manufac- Coastal Waterways Heritage Tourism Council turing, and boating services such as marinas. 73 Economic Development # Implementation Actions Details cY , t y..aRources:: nongRe re FiscalPoli y Responsibili , Stat 4.4 Address the of loss of Conduct a study with recommendations 2 $ '0243 Coastal Waterways Heritage Tourism Council None public accessible boat slips by consultant or agency. Small Business and Technology Development and marinas to traveling Center — UNCW boaters. County, City 5.0 AIRPORT 5.1 Encourage airport Support the airport master plan with regard 1 $ On -going Wilmington International Airport Ongoing economic growth and to economic growth. Address compatibility County development. with the Land Use and Transportation City policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Coordinate with concerned parties. 6.0 TOURISM 6.1 Promote Wilmington and Conduct a study with recommendations on 2 $ '0243 Possibly use a consultant for study with: None the County as an area for how to increase heritage -historic Carolina Heritage Tourism Network heritage and historic preservation tourism; study likely Cape Fear Convention and Visitors Bureau preservation tourism. conducted by a consultant. 1898 Foundation 6.2 Support promotion of Support the existing promotion. 2 $ On -going Coastal Waterways Heritage Tourism Council Ongoing Wilmington as a boating with destination hub and related NC Marine Trades Services eco-tourism activity. 7.0 SKILLED WORKFORCE AND EDUCATION 7.1 Enhance support for school 7.1.1 Expand the existing Dual Enrollment 1 $$ 199-101 Cooperation with: Exists but needs and work programs with high school and community college Cape Fear Community College New Hanover pro -motion; Cape Fear Community program that emphasizes vocation training. Co. Board of Education consider College and New Hanover Advertise to students and parents. Pender County increased Co. Public Schools, Shaw University financial particularly with vocation support. 74 Economic Development 7.1.2 Expand the cooperative public 1 school and work internship programs for students. Develop a cooperative agreement. Expand the Job Ready internship program between business and the New Hanover County Public Schools. 7.2 Expand a job skills Expand the Human Resources Development 1 program for the post high Program with Continuing Education. school aged under - prepared. 199-101 New Hanover Co. Board of Education Exists but needs NC State Dept. of Commerce promo-tion. Volunteer efforts Cape Fear Partners for Career Success. Unions. under -funded. 7.3 Consider establtsnmg an Conduct a study witn recommendation e.g. 1 :5 'V9-U1 New Hanover Co. tsoara or taucatlon !None independent Board of using a consultant. Study other systems in possibly with consultant. Education supplemental other states with this authority. State education tax to improve the quality of public school education. 7.4 Address the public school Conduct a study and write guidelines, 1 $ 199-01 New Hanover Co. Board of Education None drop out challenge and high brochure, public affairs messages. possibly with consultant. school students working Discussion to include, drop out challenge, excessively during school excessive work by high school students, year. and methods to encourage employers to assist teenage persons to obtain a high school diploma. 75 XIII. Historic Preservation ISSUE................................................................................................... 1. The City and County need to identify protect and plan for the preservation of historic resources. Historic Preservation POLICIES............................................................................................. 1. The County and City in cooperation with non profit and for profit organizations shall preserve, and provide regulatory and cultural guidance for historic sites and areas. 2. Take proactive steps to identify and protect important historic and archaeological resources including an updated inventory of significant areas or sites and updates to current regulations to require identification of potential impacts, a plan for protection of sensitive areas/sites or a mitigation/ data recovery plan where preservation is not possible. Density credits should be used to aid in area/ site protection plans. 3. Support a community archaeological program that will provide assistance to help salvage threatened historic and archaeological sites and promote public education/ participation. 4. Continue the redevelopment of historic downtown Wilmington as a high priority, building on past successes and carefully matching public incentives with private investment. Care should be taken to preserve the visual character and historic atmosphere of old Wilmington. 76 Historic Preservation y s TT G, 1.1 Update and revise existing historic district Complete guidelines and 1 $ 198-199 City, (Preservation Consultant, in Draft form design guidelines to provide direction to the implement them. process of refining guidelines with homeowners, builders and contractors, and to public's and Historic District preserve visual and historic character in the Commission input) redevelopment of downtown Wilmington. 1.2 Conduct a city- and county -wide historic Complete survey. 1 $$ 198-199 Historic Wilmington Foundation, In process resource survey update that identifies Inc., City, and County additional historic resources, both architectural and natural. 1.3 Update existing National Register District Retain consultant to conduct 1 $ 199-100 City, Historic Wilmington None survey to identify contributing, survey update. Foundation, Inc. noncontributing resources for tax credit purposes, and demolished resources and new construction. 1.4 Expand boundaries of city's local historic Complete study and designation 1 $ 199 City, Historic Wilmington Draft form districts towards the north and south. report. Foundation, Inc., Consultant 1.5 Expand the boundaries of the National Conduct reconnaissance survey 1 $ '99-'03 City, Historic Wilmington None Register District to encompass adjoining areas with recommendations. Foundation, Inc that have become eligible for inclusion: 1.6 Enhance existing affordable housing programs See Housing implementation 1 $$ Ongoing City, and WHFD, Inc. On -going within the historic districts. Adopt design actions. guidelines and building codes to facilitate renovations in low-income areas. 1.7 Protect and maintain historic brick street Conduct survey and research 1 $ study 199-100 City, Historic District Commission, On -going pavers. and implement program. $ program Historic Wilmington Foundation, Inc. 1.8 Include Historic Preservation Plan as an Collect comments as 1 $ '98-'99 City, Historic District Commission, None element of the Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive Plan is updated. Historic Wilmington Foundation, Inc. 1.9 Initiate the establishment of Conservation Conduct public education. 3 $ '02204 City, Historic District Commission, None Districts. Historic Wilmington Foundation, Inc. 1.10 Establish local historic districts in early 20t - Conduct reconnaissance survey 2 $$ '99-'03 City, Historic District Commission, None century neighborhoods such as Forest Hills with recommendations. Historic Wilmington Foundation, Inc. and Sunset Park. 1.11 Establish historic resource design guidelines Use guidelines created by other 3 $ '04-'06 County, City, Historic Wilmington None that pertain to districts and landmarks to be county jurisdictions as a model Foundation, Inc. designated by the future County Historic and revise appropriately. Preservation Commission. 77 Historic Preservation etails for Actions 1.12 Coordinate historic preservation efforts and public education with non-profit historic preservation groups. Continuous outreach and interaction. 1 $ Ongoing City, County, Historic District Commission, Historic Wilmington Foundation, Inc., DARE, Inc. On -going 1.13 Take proactive steps to identify and protect Include: updated inventory of 2 $ for study 199-1101 City and County Need to add to important archaeological resources. significant areas or sites; study updates to current regulations to require identification of potential impacts; a plan for protection of sensitive areas; sites and mitigation; and use density credits to aid in area and site protection plans. Support a community 2 $$ for 199-101 City and County Need to add to archaeological program that will program pro -gram provide assistance to help; salvage threatened land and water sites archaeological sites; and promote public education and participation. 78 XIV. Storm & Natural Hazards ISSUES.................................................................................................. Three hurricanes and five major storms in the past few years have focused attention on the need for examination of many existing ordinances and building codes. 2. Use of land susceptible to hurricane and flooding damage must be scrutinized to assure the safety of visitors and citizens. 3. It is the responsibility of the governments of New Hanover County, the City of Wilmington and the beach Communities to provide a plan of action to protect the lives and property of their citizens and visitors. POLICIES................................................................................................... 1. Storm and Natural hazard Mitigation, Evacuation and Recovery Policies 1.1. In the event of a hurricane or disaster the City and County shall assess measures to safeguard future populations from development which may put increased numbers of people at risk in hazard incidents. 1.2. A Recovery Task Force may be appointed with the responsibility for directing reconstruction within New Hanover County after a damaging storm. 1.3. The City and County shall retain on a seasonal basis an assistance facilitator/consultant who, as directed by the County Manager, will be responsible for making recommendations and coordinating assistance to elected officials, the Recovery Task Force and the citizenry in the event of a Natural Hazard occurrence. 1.4. Immediately remove and clean up debris and restore services following a major storm event. 79 Storm`&Natural Hazards I Storm and Natural Hazard Mitigation, Evacuation and Recovery Policies 1.1. The City and County shall closely Planning and Inspections department review NHCO, $ 1 Ongoing Current preparedness level can monitor all reconstruction efforts process must be in tact and ready to respond Wilmington, be improved upon involving both public and private in case of hazard event. Follow Beach utilities, including roads, to provide for recommendations of Project Impact and Communities: less vulnerable redevelopment after a Hazard Mitigation Planning Initiative Planning, hurricane Inspections 1.1 Discourage high intensity uses and large Enforce current zoning and subdivision regs NHCO, $ structures from being constructed within regarding development in the floodplain. Wilmington, the 100 year floodplain, erosion prone Promote density tradeoffs for development Beach areas, and other locations susceptible to out of floodplain. Communities: hurricane and flooding hazards. Planning, Inspections; Private Following a storm event, take advantage Review repetitive loss properties, apply for NHCO, of opportunities to acquire or purchase grant funding when available. Have Wilmington, land located in storm hazard areas which database of priority properties for Beach are rendered unbuildable. The property acquisition. Follow recommendations of Communities: should satisfy objectives including, but Project Impact and Hazard Mitigation Planning, not limited to the conservation of open Planning Initiative Inspections space, scenic areas, and provision of public water access. 1.1 Declare a moratorium on the acceptance Take action - Follow recommendations of Planning of any request for rezoning in flood Project Impact and Hazard Mitigation Boards and prone areas other than for rezoning to a Planning Initiative Commissions, less intense use, unless that rezoning Elected request is initiated by the City or Officials County. 1998 1.1 Declare a moratorium on the permitting Identify areas impacted by hazard, declare Planning and $ H Spring, of any new construction, new utility moratorium. Follow recommendations of Inspections 1999 hook-ups, or redevelopment Project Impact and Hazard Mitigation Departments, construction that would increase the Planning Initiative Planning intensity of the land uses existing before Boards and the hurricane or disaster. Commissions, Elected Officials 80 Storm & Natural Hazards 1.1 Request that new assessment of hazard Prepare request for Elected official Planning $$ areas be performed, depending on the signature, make request departments, extent of flooding and the changes to Follow recommendations of Project Impact elected shoreline and inlets caused by the and Hazard Mitigation Planning Initiative officials hurricane. 1.2 The Task Force shall be responsible for Asses storm damages and impacts, organize Planning $ M On -Going advising the Board of the County meetings with Commisioners, advise Commissioners on a diverse range of post -storm issues. 1.2 A building moratorium may be Analyze post storm impacts, critical facility Task force, $ authorized or extended by the Recovery damage, asses need for moratorium, autorize County Task Force through a resolution by the if necessary. Commissioners Board of County Commissioners and/or City Council 1.3 The City and County shall retain on a • Determining the types of assistance County $ M 1999-2000 seasonal basis an assistance available to the City and County and Managers facilitator/consultant who, as directed by the type of assistance most needed. office, the County Manager • Assisting in the coordination of federal facilitator disaster recovery effort. • Coordinate State and Federal programs of assistance. • Informing the Citizenry of the types of assistance programs available. • Recommending to the Recovery Task Force and Board of Commissioners programs which are available and then acting as facilitator in securing those programs 1.4 The City and County shall be Coordinate necessary departments, prioritize Managers $$$ responsible for the overall supervision clean up effort, assign available resources to office, of cleanup and disposal of debris efficiently perform clean up deparment resulting from an intense storm event heads 1.4 In hurricane damaged areas, give Asses damages, prioritize repair work. Task force, $$ H Spring, priority to those repairs that restore Follow recommendations of Project Impact managers, 1999 service to the greatest number of people. and Hazard Mitigation Planning Initiative deparmtent heads 81 i Storm & Natural Hazards 1.4 Where economically feasible replace or Perform damage assesment, determine Deparment 555 relocate public utilities, that have facilities that should be replaced, seek grants heads, sustained major damage due to a or other funding, relocate facilities. Follow ` managers hurricane storm event, away from recommendations of Project Impact and offices, hurricane hazard areas or strengthen Hazard Mitigation Planning Initiative Emergency their construction management, private companys ie. Phone and electric 1.4 The North Carolina Department of Remove debris form roadways NCDOT, $$$ H Spring, Transportation(NCDOT) will remove Wilmington, 1999 and clean up debris from publicly Beach maintained roads immediately following Communities a maior storm event 1.4 The City of Wilmington will be Remove debris from streets. Wilmington $$$ M 1999-2000 responsible for the clean-up of City DOT streets 1.4 Private development homeowners will Remove debris from roads — contract Private $$ be responsible for the clean-up of debris services or perform removal, homeowners on private roads, or public roads not yet accepted by NCDOT 82 XV. Land Classifications/Map The land classification system is a means of assisting in the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan policies. It allows the local government and its citizens to specify those areas where certain policies will apply. The land classification system is intended to be supported and complemented by zoning, sub- division and other land use management tools. Together they provide the guidance to help realize the desired future land uses. The land classifications for the 1998 Wilmington -New Hanover County Comprehensive Plan Update are as follows: Developed The purpose of the Developed class is to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. These areas are already developed at a density approaching 1,500 dwelling units per square mile. Urban services are already in place or scheduled within the immediate future. Most of the land within the City of Wilmington is designated as Developed, except for some Urban Transition and Conservation areas. Density may exceed 2.5 units per acre within the Developed class, depending upon local zoning regulations. Urban Transition The purpose of the Urban Transition class is to provide for future intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with necessary urban services. The location of these areas is based upon land use planning policies requiring optimum efficiency in land utilization and public service delivery. Residential development can exceed 2.5 units per acre within the Urban Transition area provided the development is adequately designed to be compatible with existing and proposed surrounding land uses and it is served by: Sewer - the development shall be served by City or County sewer systems or private package treatment systems that meet the most stringent State requirements. 2. Municipal or County water system - the development shall be served by City or County water systems or a private water system constructed in accordance with City of Wilmington standards. 3. Direct access to a minor arterial or larger access road, as classified under the New Hanover CoupThoroughfare Classification System - the development may be required to fully provide or to share in the cost of the provision of roadway improvements needed to adequately serve the proposed development and the community in general. Limited Transition The purpose of the Limited Transition class is to provide for development in areas that will have some services, but at lower densities than those associated with Urban Transition. 83 Residential density should be no more than 2.5 units/acre, with lower density being more desirable. The use of clustering and Planned Unit Developments (PUD) is encouraged. These areas were previously designated as Transition and were intended to provide for more intensive future urban development. However the provision of public services has been scaled back and less intensive urban development is planned. Community The purpose of the Community class is to provide for a "crossroads" type of development to help meet housing, shopping, employment and public service needs within the more rural areas of the County. Services may be provided to these areas, but not to stimulate more intensive development. Density shall not exceed 2.5 units/acre. These rural areas of the planning jurisdiction are typically characterized by a small grouping of mixed land uses, such as community shopping, church, school and residences, which provide low intensity -,.:retail service and housing opportunities. The only area currently designated as "Community" is Castle Hayne. Rural The purpose of the Rural class is to provide for areas of low intensity land uses, such as agriculture, forest management, mineral extraction and other traditional agrarian uses. This classification discourages the premature conversion of these lands into urban -type uses and the subsequent loss of resource production. Other land uses of a noxious or hazardous nature with the potential for negative impacts on adjacent ` ' : uses may be allowed, provided that they can be sited in a manner which will minimize their negative effect on surrounding land uses and natural resources. Only low density residential development not exceeding 2.5 units per acre is permitted, since the extension of urban services into the Rural class would be an inefficient use of resources. Compatible commercial and industrial uses may also be allowed, provided that natural resources are not adversely impacted. Conservation The purpose of the Conservation class is to provide for effective long-term management and protection of significant, limited or irreplaceable natural resources while also protecting the rights of the property owner. Management of these areas may be required for a number of reasons, including natural, cultural, recreational, productive or scenic values. Lands placed in the Conservation class present challenges from a land use standpoint, as they are often the most desirable from a development perspective and they may be, at the same time, the most undesirable to develop from an environmental perspective. Lands placed in the Conservation class are generally the least desirable for development because: 84 1. They are too fragile to withstand development without losing their natural value; and/or 2. They have severe or hazardous limitations to development; and/or 3. Though they are not highly fragile or hazardous, the natural resources they represent are too valuable to endanger by development. In order to promote the highest and best use while preventing a negative impact on water quality, site specific flexibility and creativity is desirable. The application of regulations regarding issues such as density, buffers and impervious surfaces should enhance this flexibility. The use of incentives such as density credits and performance criteria is encouraged. Generally, estuarine areas of environmental concern (AEC's) as defined by the State of North Carolina and adjacent lands within the 100-year floodplain have been classified as Conservation. Conservation areas should be preserved in their natural state. Woodland, grassland and recreation areas not requiring filling are the most appropriate uses. Exceptions to this standard are limited to water - dependent uses (i.e., uses that cannot function elsewhere), shared industrial access corridors, and those exceptional development proposals which are sensitively designed so as to effectively preserve the natural functions of the site. The following guidelines clarify these Conservation area objectives and development of property should be limited to the following uses: 1. Water dependent uses - may include: utility easements, docks, wharves, boat ramps, dredging, bridge and bridge approaches, revetments, bulkheads, culverts, groins, navigational aide, moorings, pilings, navigational channels, simple access channels and drainage ditches. In some instances, a water -dependent use may involve coverage of sizeable land areas with limited opportunities to integrate the use with the site's natural features. This would require reclassification of the site. By contrast, water dependent uses which can be designed to preserve a site's natural features may not require reclassification. This would be the preferred type of development. 2. Shared industrial access corridors - as discussed in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' The Wilmington Harbor: Plan for Improvement, would provide necessary access to the channel of the Northeast Cape Fear River for industries located on high ground while minimizing the adverse environmental impacts of such access. 3. Exceptional developments preserving natural features are projects which are sensitively designed to be in harmony with the site's natural features and natural functions, and provide a balance with the highest and best use of the property. Such projects minimize erosion, runoff and siltation; minimize impervious surfaces impacts and protect estuarine resources; do not interfere with access to or use of navigable waters; do not require extraordinary public expenditures for maintenance; ensure that ground absorption sewage systems, if used, meet applicable standards; and should be aware of and not damage historic, architectural or archeological resources. 85 In no case, with the exception of the Wilmington National Register Historic District, shall residential density in the Conservation class be permitted to exceed 2.5 units per acre, regardless of the existence of public urban services. Residential densities may be required to be as low as 1.0 unit/acre or less, depending on the environmental constraints within a particular area. While certain Conservation areas may be served by public sewer in order to eliminate septic system pollution, this should not be misconstrued as an incentive to facilitate increased development density. Resource Protection The purpose of the Resource Protection class is to provide for the preservation and protection of important natural, historic, scenic, wildlife and recreational resources. The Resource Protection class has been, developed in recognition of the fact that New Hanover County, one of the most urbanized counties in the State still contains numerous areas of environmental or cultural sensitivity which merit protection from urban land uses. The Resource Protection class includes land adjacent to the estuarine waters which are classified SA by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. The class also includes land in the Castle Hayne area where the protection of farmland, a rural lifestyle, and the aquifer system are highly important issues. Generally residential densities greater than 2.5 units per acre shall not be permitted in the Resource Protection class and may be required to be as low as 1.0 unitlacre or less, depending on the development constraints within a particular area. Within the urban service boundary, residential density greater than 2.5 units per acre may be considered for exceptionally designed projects that meet performance based standards of the Unified Development Ordinance. These standards shall address the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies for urban design, water quality, greenways, transportation, levels of service and other development related impacts within the tidal creek watersheds. No increase in density may be considered until such time as the performance based standards of the Unified Development Ordinance are completed and adopted by the City and County. Compatible commercial and industrial development may be located within the Resource Protection class as long as important resources are not adversely impacted. It is important to note that the County sewer service being provided to portions of this area is intended for the purpose of eliminating septic pollution and not for encouraging substantial increases in the density of development. LAND CLASSIFICATION MAP Included on the next page is the Land Classification Map. This map indicates the location of each of the land classes previously described in this section. It is intended for general location purposes only and should not be utilized for site -specific interpretive purposes due to its scale. For more detailed information regarding the land classification for a specific site, contact the New Hanover County Planning Department or the City of Wilmington Planning and Development Department. 86 L Aw t zo, 7 o,40 I W%l Al; Av r 5 qo F**_oop) ❑ ❑ o ♦ � m Q ❑ ❑ r^� m a >M r r h 1 ! i k, • ,, ;,; .,� , �! er f" � J 1� t t�kl��'� ° y12��� f ;� �a ��" _ pie w„ � �, 1 j i �* I� a.� t..pf h ix�'v �"t a�°e f>an„ e.�,r P ,�.� � / � ,+:Cs h,. t ❑ i e f � •7 f r ❑ CL ����-,ti �"NibnC4.nk Urwi�,n�.rM�'.k^�.�st tiiftsa,.cGfdsLnr.+d"U�Y �!,as err Nnv'vns>'i`�ixD.d�dsJ.ue+wu:�fY.umvas�.fs'a�In;+ruk�i".Ules"eced5ad6 uL'�d.'�3tlCJ�tU4lLtl.�Yetiilfa+d.ufYf lSx,+Jc�bY]UrJ dw4:dvr^ - Appendix A. Definitions B. List of Available Reports ' 88 A. Definitions • Carrying Capacity- the number of individuals who can be supported without degrading the physical, ecological, cultural and social environments (eg. without reducing the ability of the environment to sustain the desired quality of life over the long term). • Cumulative Impacts- two or more individual effects which when considered together are considerable or which compound or increase other environmental effects. • Secondary Impacts- later and unintended effects of any direct man-made action or indirect repercussions of man-made actions. • Barrier Islands - any land formation composed of unconsolidated materials lying on the ocean side of the mainland and which have the following characteristics: a) The land is an island or part of island with a density equal to or less than one residential unit per five acres; b) the island area has been assigned the most severe rank with regard to hurricane forces; c) the island area is not connected to the mainland by a permanent network of roads and bridges that would allow safe and timely evacuation by land rather than boat; d) the island area does not qualify for the National Flood Insurance Program as administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency; e) the island area is classified as Conservation in the Land Use Plan; also includes estuarine islands, riverine islands, and spoil disposal islands (note: further clarification of this definition will be provided with amendments to zoning and subdivision definitions). Hydric Soils - Soils that are saturated or seasonally saturated with water at or near the surface (within 12-18 inches depending on soil type). Generalized characteristics include high organic matter content of the surface, low shrink swell potential, and frequent sustained flooding. All Class IV and some Class III Soils as defined in the 1981 technical report, Classification of Soils in New Hanover Countyfor Septic Tank Suitability. Development -any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation, or drilling operations; excluding bona fide farming activities. • Major Development - the term major development project shall include but is not limited to shopping centers, subdivision and other housing developments, and industrial and commercial projects, but shall not include any project of less than 2 contiguous acres in extent (G.S. 113A-9. Definitions -NC Environmental Policy Act). Watershed - the area of land where water that falls or is contained therein runs off or drains into the same river, stream, lake, estuary, or aquifer. Riparian Access - the legal right of waterfront property owners to construct docks or piers that are contained within the boundaries of their riparian area limit (90 degree angle from the edge of the channel back to the property line or shore). 89 • Marina - includes commercial marinas, rental slips, community boating facilities, and residential piers renting more than two slips. • Commercial Marina- any dock or basin and associated structures commercially providing permanent or temporary harboring or storing of two or more boats, pleasure or commercial, and providing marine services, including but not limited to retail sales for fuel, repair, convenient food stuffs, boats, engines, and accessory equipment. • Community Boating Facility- a private non-profit boating facility including a dock, pier, and/or launching ramp on property which has water frontage, the use of which is intended to serve 5 or more residential lots or units. The right to use such facility must be conferred by an easement appurtenant to the residential lot it is intended to serve. No commercial activities of any kind shall be allowed within the confines of the facility. • Mooring - any means to attach a ship, boat, vessel or other water craft to a stationary underwater device, buoy, buoyed anchor, or freestanding piling. • Water Dependant Uses- those activities or structures for which the use requires access or proximity to or siting adjacent to or within surface waters to fulfill its intended purpose, such as boat docks, ramps, shoreline stabilization measures, navigational aids and/or channels. Examples of structures that are not water dependant include but are not limited to commercial boat storage facilities, restaurants, residences, parking lots, trailers, hotels, motels, roadways, tennis courts, or swimming pools. • Passive Recreation- those activities which avoid or minimize the use of impervious or built upon surfaces, such as raised wooden walkways, vegetated greenways, non -paved pathways, and other similar uses. Passive recreation activities shall conform to standards for setbacks, buffers, impervious surfaces, etc. • Vegetated Buffer- an area that is or will be vegetated with native coastal species and which acts as a natural transition zone between coastal waters and adjacent upland land uses. Vegetated buffers should maintain a diversity of native plant species and types (eg. grasses, shrubs, and trees). 90 B. List of Available Reports The following is a list of available reports used with the Comprehensive Plan. Key words of reports are shown in bold. 1. New Hanover County Voter Survey, Eastcoast Research Wilmington, N.C., October 1997. 2. Population of New Hanover County and Wilmington, North Carolina, January 1999. 3. Economy of New Hanover County and Wilmington, North Carolina, January 1999. 4. Housing of New Hanover County and Wilmington, North Carolina, January 1999. 5. Wilmington Urban Area Draft Transportation Plan, 1999-2025. 6. Community Infrastructure. Description of the two reports. Final Level of Service, Cost & Revenue Factor Assumptions, April 1998 Fiscal Impact of Providing Services in 1998 and 2010, June 1998. 7. Environmental Resources and Constraints, of New Hanover County and Wilmington, North Carolina, October 1997. 8. Existing Land Use in New Hanover County, Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Kure Beach, and Carolina Beach, October 1997. 9. Future Land Use of New Hanover County and Wilmington, North Carolina, January 1999. 10. Hurricane Mitigation & Reconstruction, of New Hanover County and Wilmington, North Carolina, October 1997. 11. Summary of Plans, policies and Regulations for of New Hanover County and Wilmington, North Carolina, January 1999. 12. Implementation Evaluation, of the 1993 CAMA Land Use plan update for New Hanover County and Wilmington, North Carolina, January 1999. 13. Citizen Participation Plan of New Hanover County and Wilmington, North Carolina, January 1999. 91 0oafi 6YAwRa ,2522 90UmMy1,M, dYbWkWaa &^w28402 &k 970452-0001 Aam-W0452-0060 PRoe�+6�.�foaG 10/4/2005 Jon Giles Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 Re: CAMA Major Permit, 19 Osprey Drive, Joel Tomaselli Jon, .�utla-74 �t�.k�8,z8uos OCT 0 6 2005 Morehead City DCM Enclosed are the appropriate revised application materials for the CAMA Major Permit for Mr. Joel Tomaselli. Discussion with DMF indicates that the division would likely drop the objection to the proposed pier if the pier was extended to increase water depths under the proposed boat slips to those comparable to the existing 10 slip pier for the neighborhood. Therefore, the proposed pier has been extended to a total length of 200' to allow for, at a minimum, -2' MLW depths where the boats will be moored. Please contact me if you have any questions. or need additional information. Sincerely, Greg Finch Environmental Scientist Encl: Revised application materials cc: Joel Tomaselli Jonathan Howell Fritz Rhode Steven Everhart Joanne Steenhuis Ian McMillan Form DCM-MP-4 STRUCTURES (Construction within Public TYnst Areas) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application which relate to this proposed project. a. Dock(s) and/or Pier(s) (1) ,_ Commercial —Community ..L Private (2) Number 1 (3) Length goo (4) Width 06' (5) F'mger Piers Yes X_ No (i) Number NA (ii) Length NA (iii) Width NA (6) Platform(s) x Yes No (J) Number 1 (ii) Length 36' (iii) Width V (7) Number of slips proposed 2 (8) Proximity of structure to adjacent riparian property lines 7T (9) Width of water body &Pmx. 959 (10) Water depth at waterward end of pier at MLW or NWL Min. Z MLW b. Boathouse (including covered lifts) (1) NA Commercial NA Private (2) Length NA (3) Width NA c. Groin (e.g. wood, sheetpile, etc.) (1) • Number NA (2) Length(s) NA d. Breakwater (e.g. wood, sheetpile,'etc.) (1) Length NA (2) Average distance from MEW, NWL or wetlands NA (3) Maximum distance beyond MEW, NWL or wetlands NA ti s OCT 0 6 2005 Morehead City DCM e. Mooring buoys (1) NA Commercial �► Community NA Private (2) Number. NA (3) Description of buoy (Color, inscription, size, anchor, etc.) NA (4) Width of water body NA (5) Distance buoy(s) to be placed beyond shoreline NA f. Mooring structure (boatlift, mooring pilings, etc.) (1) __._ Commercial ,,,Community x Private (2) Number 2 Mooring Pilings (3) Length NA (4) Width NA g. Other (Give ampkw deseripdon) NA Appik t or Project Name s�natam 0 v�- �a1k1 aK Date Revised 0319S A RnTT(H1 J OCT 0 6 Zoos Morehead City ®C N O O MHW MLW Original Drawing and Design by Parker and Associates, Inc. Project, Yao d Crystal Shores, Section II, Lot 11 �nt►treeteneirtEa� ,t°erert�e 19 Osprey Drive Joel Tonaselli It e, Sam 2522 � w�e%lna 281102 Pier Cross Section��„./1eKh I_gPeeed -0� 9 9�0—//52-000� Scale- Datev Revision 1'=40' 02-05-154 Dates 9/22/O5 6/23/2005 10/4/05 Drawn Sheet GSF Numbem 2 of 3 AIWW ---------------------- ------------- Edge of Federally MaintainedIChannel -3--------------- Q +/- 3000' PROPOSED 6 1.81, 6 2.06 PIER MORRING 36,13' PILING (TYP• 2) 8,00, wil 15,00' 200.00' I� EDGE OF MARSH 31----=1------ ------_-_�_ J CDI�`= =--0_ -- ---- --_h APPROX. MEAN HIGH cuI WATER LINE 404 WETLANDS 2- _ _ _ - - _ I CIDLINE _ ------------I NORMA G. HUNTER ----------- _ & J. BOCKETT D.B. 1419, PG 417 30' CAMA LINE ------ i AEC LINE C11� I \ I TBF Properties, LLC D.B. 2169, PG 219 R�W _---- 50,00' _ - --- OSPREY DP EOP - �50 RAW FOP R 1W J CD' o Note: Topographic Lines Are C Interpotations and Not Exact. N o 0 0 mainat Draw,gg sign by ker and'FasseEao� s, Inc.