HomeMy WebLinkAboutNatural Area Inventory-1982NATURAL AREA INVENTORY OF HYDE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BY J. Merrill Lynch S. Lance Peacock The preparation of this report was financed through a Coastal Energy Impact Program grant provided by the'North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This CEIP grant was part of NOAA NA-80-AA-D-CZ149. The natural area inventory was supervised by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (Division of Parks and Recreation, N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development). Project No. Contract No. 81-03 October, 1982 1 2P. O. Box 6006 Raleich, NC 27628 DCM COPY DCM COPY lease do not remove!!!!! Division of Coastal Management a NATURAL AREA INVENTORY OF HYDE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BY J. Merrill Lynch S. Lance Peacock The preparation of this report was financed through a Coastal Energy Impact Program grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This CEIP grant was part of NOAA NA-80-AA-D-CZ149. The natural area inventory was supervised by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (Division of Parks and Recreation, N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development). Project No. Contract No. 81-03 October, 1982 1Route 2, Box 222-B Enfield, NC 27823 2P. O. Box 6006 Raleigh, NC 27628 a PREFACE The North Carolina Office of Coastal Management and the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, both units of the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, have commissioned a series of natural areas inventories for ten counties in the coastal zone of this state. The Hyde County inventory was conducted in 1982 and was financed by a Coastal Energy Impact Program (CEIP) grant. CEIP funded the Hyde County survey because of the potential environmental impacts of peat mining and other energy -related development. The recommendations made in this report by J. Merrill Lynch and S. Lance Peacock are advisory. Their inventory and recommendations are designed to help state and federal agencies, county officials, resource managers, landowners and developers work out effective land management and preser- vation mechanisms to protect the seven outstanding or exemplary natural areas described in the report. Agencies such as the N.C. Division of Environmental Management, Division of Land Resources, Division of Marine Fisheries, Wildlife Resources Commission, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National Marine Fisheries Service, and Environ- mental Protection Agency should find this report useful, as may university researchers, private consultants, and private conservation groups. The Office of Coastal Management will use the report in assessing permit applications and for federal and state consistency reviews. Merrill Lynch and Lance Peacock are experienced field biologists, who have previously been employed with the N.C. Natural Heritage Program and are most familiar with natural habitats throughout the North Carolina coastal plain region. The investigators were exceptionally well qualified to iden- tify, describe, and evaluate the most outstanding natural areas of the project region. Project investigators were instructed to identify natural areas that contain highly unique, endangered, or rare natural features, or high -quality representations of relatively undisturbed natural habitats, and which may be vulnerable to threats and damage from land use changes. Consequently, the investigators were advised not to report extensively on the large expanses of brackish marshes, or on lands and waters protected and administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior. The Hyde County inventory excludes three categories of natural environments possessing important ecological re- sources. ii Categories of natural environments not described in this inventory are: (1) Brackish Marsh. Vast expanses of marsh fringe the -shore- line along Pamlico Sound. For the most part, this eco- system is protected through State and federal regulatory programs. (2) National Wildlife Refuges. Both the Mattamuskeet and Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuges are recognized on the State Registry of Natural Heritage Areas. Lake Mattamuskeet, in excess of 50,000 acres in size, is the largest natural lake in North Carolina. The lake is bordered by a narrow band of woodlands and freshwater marshes. The refuge supports more than 100,000 wintering waterfowl and a large number of breeding ospreys. Bald eagles also over -winter at the lake. Swanquarter refuge is primarily composed of needlerush-brackish marsh and estuarine waters and is noted for large numbers of wintering waterfows and raptors. It supports a popula- tion of American Alligators, and a heron colony is known to breed in an old -growth cypress stand. Much of Swan - quarter refuge is designated as a National Wilderness Area. (3) Outer Banks Barrier Islands. Not included in the inventory project, Ocraocke Island is primarily owned and managed by the National Park Service. The narrow 12-mile-long barrier island is relatively undisturbed and provides a fine illustration of zonations --beach, fore dunes, sand flats, relict dunes, tidal creeks, live oak -wax myrtle maritime woods, and spartina marshes. The island supports large nesting populations of shorebirds. Also in the Ocracoke Inlet, on Shell Castle, Beacon, and North Rock Islands, nest the state's largest breeding colony of ._ brown pelicans, which is the northernmost breeding colony on the East Coast. The Office of Coastal Management, and the Coastal Resources Commission which it -serves, implement the Coastal Area Manage- ment Act of 1974 (CAMA). Under this statute, the North Carolina Coastal Management Plan has been prepared and approved. It includes the definition and designation of various Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC). In many cases, AECs coincide with natural areas that are herein recommended for preservation or special management. In some cases, AECs may encompass other areas --such as marsh zone wetlands --which are not extensively treated in this inventory. Peat mining has particular implications for these natural areas, some of which overlay exploitable peat deposits. Mining will remove natural vegetation, permanently alter the hydrology of the region, lower surface soil types from high organic iii histosoils to the clayey, sandy, and loamy soils typical of other parts of the outer coastal plain. Thus, natural communities, once mining is complete, almost certainly could never be re-established or reclaimed on mined -out land. Preservation of the best natural areas, and appropriate hydrological management, is necessary prior to and during active peat mining. The Natural Heritage Program is most pleased to have had this opportunity to conduct this project for the Office of Coastal Management. The inventory has revealed a number of extraordinary natural areas that possess natural elements of statewide or national priority and may be critical to the survival of North Carolina's natural diversity. Most of the identified sites were previously unknown and undocumented by the state'e scientific community. We are particularly impressed by the natural heritage values contained in the series of wetlands in the Alligator River corridor, the Scranton hardwood forest and the Gull Rock Game Land wetlands. The Natural Heritage Program hopes that these areas will be protected for the benefits of present and future generations of North Carolinians and for the preservation of the state's truly exceptional natural heritage. Charles E. Roe, Coordinator N.C. Natural Heritage Program November 16, 1982 iv ABSTRACT. Seven natural areas are described and delineated for Hyde County as a result of a field survey December 1981 - August 1982. The natural areas contain slightly over 52,000 acres and at least 42 significant features. All but two of the natural areas are wholly in private ownership. Publicly owned natural areas are the Gull Rock Game Lands and Salyer's Ridge. The entire natural area acreage is comprised of wetland habitats. u TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE_ .�����.� ..................................... ABSTRACT:�............................................ v TABLE -OF CONTENTS .................................... vi LISTOF FIGURES ...................................... vii LISTOF TABLES ....................................... viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..................................... ix INTRODUCTION......................................... 1 NATURAL AREA INVENTORY 13 Alligator River - Swan Lake 14 Cypress Park .................................... 49 Roper Island .................................... 67 New Lake Fork Pocosin ........................... 96 Gull Rock Game Lands 114 Scranton Hardwoods .............................. 158 Salyer's Ridge..............0................... 188 BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................... 214. GLOSSARY............................................. 219 vi LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. Natural Areas of Hyde County .......................... 13 2. Access information map, Alligator River - Swan Lake ........................................... 15 3. Significant features map, Alligator River - Swan Lake ........................................... 31 4. Access information map, Cypress Park .................. 50 5. Significant features map, Cypress Park ................ 57 6. Access information map, Roper Island .................. 68 7. Significant features map, Roper Island ................ 78 8. Access information map, New Lake Fork Pocosin............................................. 97 9. Significant features map, New Lake Fork Pocosin............................................. 103 10. Access information map, Gull Rock Game Lands ............................................... 115 11. Significant features map, Gull Rock Game Lands ............................................... 131 12. Access information map, Scranton Hardwoods ............ 159 13. Significant features map, Scranton Hardwoods .......... 172 14. Access information map, Salyer's Ridge ................ 189 15. Significant features map, Salyer's Ridge .............. 203 vii LIST OF TABLES Page 1. Selected Characteristics of Otte's g Pocosin Types ............................. viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The assistance of the following individuals is gratefully acknowledged: 1. Chuck Roe and Julie Moore of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, for the preparation of a workable set of inventory specifications, advice, and guidance through- out the project. 2. Rod McClanahan, District Biologist, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission; Otto.Florschutz, Jr., Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; and Kirby Ballance, Technician, Soil Conservation Service, Hyde County, for their assistance in helping to identify and document the significant natural areas of the county. 3. Pat White, private consulting forester, Plymouth, for his invaluable aid in locating natural areas, identifying land- owners, and providing a wealth of information on all aspects of the county's natural diversity. 4. Earl Faison, Roanoke Rapids, our pilot during the reconnais- sance flights, who aided our survey immeasurably. 5. Lee Otte, East Carolina University, Department of Geology, who provided valuable comments on pocosin ecology and peat information. ix INTRODUCTION Hyde County is in the northeastern section of North Carolina, situated in the Coastal Plain Province. The county is one of the oldest in the state, formed in 1705 as a sub -unit of the earlier Bath County, and having the name of Hyde since about 1712 (Powell, 1968). Hyde County has an area of about 1364 square miles, of which 634 are land and 730 are water. The approximately 873,000 acres encompass a variety of habitats, ranging from open lakes, brackish sounds and embayed rivers to freshwater marshes, pocosins and wooded swamps and flats, with minor areas of upland mixed pine - hardwood forests, as well as various maritime habitats on the outer banks. The mainland part of the county, which is the subject of the present study, is. located on the south side of the Pamlimarle peninsula, and is adjoined by Beaufort, Washington, Tyrrell and Dare Counties. Most of mainland Hyde County's boundaries also follow natural features: the Pungo River on the west, the Al- ligator River on much of the northern boundary, and Pamlico Sound on the east and south. The embayed and non-embayed portions of the Pungo and Alligator Rivers, and their tributaries, drain about half the county, with the other half draining into Pamlico Sound, either directly or through Lake Mattamuskeet. Many small embayments dissect the Pamlico Sound shoreline, including the Long Shoal River, Wyesocking Bay, Juniper Bay, Rose Bay and others. Large natural lakes are a prominent feature of the county, and include New Lake, part of the Pungo Lake, and Lake Mattamuskeet, the largest natural lake in the state. Swan Creek Lake, a much smaller blackwater lake, is located in the northwest part of the county along the channel of Swan Creek. Elevations on the mainland are 18 feet or less. SOILS AND RECENT GEOLOGY A modern soil survey of Hyde County has not been conducted, but a General Soils Map and Interpretations (SCS, 1973) has been produced, and is the source of the following soils data. Hyde County has six recognized Soil Associations, as follows: a) Myatt-Bladen Association - poorly drained soils with gray to dark gray fine sandy loam to loam sur- face layers and friable sandy clay loam to very firm clay subsoils. 1 Wet Ultisols which comprise about 7 percent of the county's total land acreage and are about 80 percent in cultivation. Natural areas identified: none. b) Weeksville-Pasquotank Association - very poorly drained soils with black to gray very fine sandy loam or silt loam surface layers over friable silt or stratified sands. Wet Inceptisols which comprise about 11 percent of the county's total land acreage and are 85 percent or more in cultivation. Natural areas identified: Salyer's Ridge and most of the'hardwood stands on the Gull Rock Game Lands natural area. c) Hyde-Bayboro Association —very poorly drained soils with thick black loam surface layers over firm clay loam to very firm clay subsoils. Wet Ultisols which comprise about 12 percent of the county's total land acreage and are about 25 percent in cultivation with the rest in timberland including pine plantations. Natural areas identified: Gull Rock Game Lands (in part); Scranton Hardwoods. d) Capers Association - very poorly drained soils with dark gray silty clay subsoils and loam surface layers over sticky, plastic, silty clay subsoils. Wet Entisols (marsh soils) which comprise about 7 percent of the county's total land acreage and are not cultivated. Natural areas identified: Gull Rock Game Lands (in part) . e) Dare-Pungo-Dorovan Association - very poorly drained soils with thick to moderately thick organic surface layers over mineral subsurface layers ranging from sand to clay. 2 Deep Histosols which comprise about 20 percent of the county's total land acreage. Large acreages are being placed in cultivation, and peat mining has been proposed within this group of soils. Natural areas identified: Alligator River; Roper Island (in part); New Lake Fork Pocosin. f) Ponzer-Belhaven-Wasda Association - very poorly drained soils with moderately thick to thin organic surface layers and loamy subsurface layers. Shallow Histosols (Wasda series soils are Histic Humaquepts) which comprise about 30 percent of the county's total land acreage. Extensively cleared for agriculture mostly during the past 20 years. Natural areas identified: Alligator River (in part); Roper Island (in part); Gull Rock Game Lands (in part). The entire area of mainland Hyde County is on the Pamlico _ terrace or Pamlico surface. The Pamlico is the lowest and youngest of the several generalized surfaces of the state's Coastal Plain recognized as having been formed during periods of higher sea level. The history of sea rise and fall is com- plex. About 75,000 years BP (Daniel, 1981), during the Pamlico transgression, the edge of the sea lay inland to a point now marked by the sandy ridge of the Suffolk Scarp. The toe of the scarp is now about 20 feet above modern sea level, and 15 miles west of the western boundary of Hyde County. During the peak of the Wisconsin glaciation (15,000 yrs. BP), sea level stood as much as 400 feet below its modern level (Daniel, 1981). Since that period the sea has risen to its present level, and continues to rise today. The complex cycle of marine transgressions and regressions has produced differing effects upon the topography of the alter- nately exposed and submerged surfaces. Rising seas slowed stream -erosion by raising stream base level, and planed off or obscured with silts and muds the previous surface features. Falling sea level in contrast exposed areas of the continental shelf and re- juvenated streams, increasing downcutting and topographic relief. Concurrently with the recent period of rising sea levels, conditions favorable to peat formation have prevailed in Hyde County and throughout the North Carolina Coastal Plain, in a variety of vegetational and topographic situations. During 3 the past 10,000 years, peat has been forming in blocked drainages, Carolina bays and river floodplains; under swamp forests, pocosins and marshes (Otte, 1981). Of these, however, only floodplain and coastal marsh peats appear to be caused by or directly related to sea level rise and position. Interior Hyde County peats are not a direct result of sea level rise (Otte, 1981). Peat has filled many of the topographic lows which were developed on the pre -peat Pamlico surface during the full -glacial lower stand of the sea, and peat deposits have spread beyond the original lows to mantle adjacent uplands. In the Dismal Swamp Oaks and Whitehead (1979) have intensively examined the topography at the base of the peat deposits, and find that a dendritic pattern of stream drainage was present before peat formation began. De- tailed exploration of the sub -peat "topography" has not been con- ducted in Hyde County, but extensive sampling of peat depths, in conjunction with surveys of energy -grade peat deposits, indicates the presence of a sub -peat system of stream channels similar to that in the Dismal Swamp (Ingram and Otte, 1982; Plate I). The regional trend of these peat -filled channels is from northwest to southeast. Stream channel peats are the norm in the vicinity of the Alligator River. THE VEGETATION Much of mainland Hyde County is comprised of a diversity of wetland habitat types, under the criteria established by Cowardin, et al.(1979). Uncleared areas of the county, almost without ex- ception, support hydrophytic vegetation, and soils of the county, whether drained or undrained, are predominantly hydric (90 percent or more; SCS, 1973). Either of these attributes is sufficient to indicate the presence of wetlands. As in most counties of North Carolina's lower Coastal Plain, large areas of wetland soils and vegetation have been cleared and put into agricultural production. This land use was concentrated on wet mineral soils throughout much of the historical period of development, but recently large acreages of peat lands have been intensively developed. Scattered areas of better -drained soils, primarily within the Myatt-Bladen and Weeksville-Pasguotank Soils Association, probably supported more mesic vegetation, but virtually all such sites have been cleared for many years. The forests of Hyde County, particularly the softwood timber, have been exploited since the colonial period. Timber cutting and similar activities do not necessarily entail a permanent alteration of plant communities, however. Plant communities in the north and northeastern and south and southwestern areas 4 of the county have retained considerable integrity of composition in the face of repeated .logging cycles - although with changes in the age class structure and increased presence of some species which are promoted by disturbance or by selective removal of their competitors. Recovery after logging is most complete in communities where extensive ditches have not been constructed. The vegetation of northeastern Hyde County in particular still exhibits a remarkable correlation with soil types, an observation which supports the conclusion that edaphic and related hydrologic and nutrient conditions still exert a controlling influence on the basic wetland communities of that part of the county. Contemporary disturbances affecting the Hyde County vegetation include continued timber cutting, fire suppression, clearing of wetland vegetation and draining of wetland soils for agriculture, and potentially, peat mining. The now -common practice of exten- sive ditching in conjunction with timbering will shift wetland sites toward drier conditions and prevent the self -maintenance and recovery of the vegetation. This process is ;ouch further advanced and readily observable in the Dismal Swamp (cf. Meaniey, 1979). Modern fire control and suppression also contribute to vege- tational changes. Fire is a natural and common force in the poco- sin vegetation which dominates the south-central and northeast parts of the county. Fire/vegetation relationships cannot be adequately expressed solely in terms of fire presence or fire absence, however. Where fire occurs, as in Hyde County pocosins, its influence on vegetation will be in large measure a function of its frequency. Although large wildfires continue to occur, fire frequency is being reduced over much of the county, purposely through fire control and incidentally through creation of cleared areas which act as firebreaks. Long term land -use commitments such as agricultural develop- ment obviously require an effectively permanent alteration of the ecosystem, including both biotic and abiotic components. Recent, ongoing and proposed land'conversion on the Hyde mainland totals many thousands of acres. Peat mining is the ultimate consumptive use proposed thus far for mainland Hyde County, in which the soil itself is removed from the site and used to produce energy. Peat mining is proposed in various areas near the Hyde/Dare County line. 5 OUTLINE OF PRINCIPAL VEGETATION TYPES IN MAINLAND HYDE COUNTY I. Aquatic Communities - submerged and floating aquatic plants are found in numerous areas of Hyde County, and in habitats ranging from fresh to brackish water. Pri- mary localities include the Alligator River shoreline, Pamlico Sound and its embayments, and extensive beds of aquatic species in Lake Mattamuskeet. Minor areas of aquatic vegetation are found in the small lakes in the northeastern part of the county, and in New Lake and Pungo Lake. II. Wetland Communities A. Brackish Marsh - very abundant in mainland Hyde County along the shoreline of Pamlico Sound. Vast ex- panses are located in Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge. B. Freshwater Marsh - naturally uncommon in the county; occurs in limited areas along the upper Alligator River, near the west end of Roper Island. The most extensive examples are in Lake Mattamuskeet. C. Cypress -gum -cedar Swamp Forest (Taxodium distichum-Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora-Chamaecyparis thyoides) - One of the most extensive palustrine plant communities of Hyde County, although now reduced in area by tim- bering and land clearing. Primarily associated with the embayed portion of the Alligator River, with dis- turbed examples also occurring on Roper Island. These palustrine swamps are on deep peat soils ap- parently subject to sporadic flooding from adjacent waterways (Otte, 1981). Isolated cypress stands were noted in the vicinity of West Bluff Bay on the shore of Pamlico Sound. Riverine cypress stands are found along the Pungo River, which is now channelized. D. Atlantic White Cedar - a seral sub -type within the pre- ceeding community. Most monospecific stands resulted after logging opened sites suitable for seedling establishment. In Hyde County occurs principally on deep peats, perhaps where underlain by sand (Buell and Cain, 1943). 6 E. Pocosin - the most common general habitat in Hyde County. A fire -influenced group of communities, always oc- curring on peats or peaty sands, but with considerable variation in the vegetation in response to varying peat depth, hydrology and availability of nutrients to the system. Four types recognized by Otte (1981) are Pond Pine Forest, Pond Pine Woodland, High Pocosin and Low Pocosin; his criteria for these types are sum- marized in Table 2. F. Mixed Hardwood Flats - this community consists primarily of oaks, including swamp chestnut oak (uercus michauxii), laurel oak (2_. laurifolia) and cherry - bark oak (g. pagodaefolia). Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) is usually a common component. Other hard- woods present in varying proportions, depending on site conditions, are tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), red maple (Acer rubrum), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) and shagbark hickory (Carya ovata). Beech (Fagus grandifolia) occurs at scattered, slightly better drained locales. Generally oc- cupies flat "upland" areas of poorly drained, silty, clayey, or fine loamy soils (usually wet Ultisols). Once an extensive community in Hyde County, Mixed Hardwood Flats are now severely reduced by agri- cultural clearing, logging and pine plantation development, and generally are one of the most threatened communities of the North Carolina Coastal Plain. G. Seral Pine and Hardwoods - distributed throughout Hyde County are areas of second -growth sweetgum, loblolly pine and red maple, which have grown up on disturbed sites such as old fields, logged areas, etc. These successional communities vary widely in age and size, often being disturbed repeatedly. Only one, Salyer's Ridge, has attained natural significance. They occur predominantly on poorly drained mineral soils. The pre -disturbance vegetation of most of these sites is not known, but probably was dominated by the same hydric to mesic hardwood species associated with palustrine Mixed Hardwood Flats. III. Terrestrial Communities - we located no true terrestrial plant communities in Hyde County. If significant examples existed historically, they were cleared at a very early stage in the development of the county. Possibly the western portion of the county originally supported ter- restrial communities on what is now cleared agricultural land. 7 co Soils Hydroperiod Shrubs Pond Pines TABLE 1 SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF OTTE'S POCOSIN TYPES (from Otte, 1981) low high pond pine pond pine pocosin pocosin woodland forest greater than four two to four feet of one to two feet of peaty sand to one feet of peat peat peat or two feet of sandy peat abundant surface flooded in wet sea- flooded or saturated saturated in wet sea- water in wet season; son; water table in wet season but son; water table drops saturated year-round below surface but dropping to mineral into mineral sediments except in severe remains within or- layer in dry season in dry season drought ganic layer in dry season height is two to height is four to height six to fif- height ten to twenty four feet on moss eight feet; tallest teen feet; shrub feet; generally mats; four to six on hummocks; density layer usually closed feet on hummocks; is closed closed density of lower shrubs open; of taller shrubs closed height to ten feet; height to 25 feet; up to 60 feet tall mostly less than 50 trees widely scat- widely scattered and 2 feet dbh; feet tall, dbh to tered, gnarled scattered, less 12 inches; canopy than 50% cover generally closed other vegetation and land use types in Hyde County include pine plantations, agricultural fields, abandoned fields and habitations, four major wildlife refuges, proposed peat mines, urban areas, and small expanses of impounded brackish marsh. 9 STUDY OBJECTIVES, METHODS AND RESULTS Contract requirements called for identification and field inventory of natural areas in mainland Hyde County: the Outer Banks and offshore islands in the sounds were excluded from the study area. The field inventory was community -oriented; we concentrated on locating natural communities of exceptional quality, based on such factors as size and age of canopy species, biologic, edaphic and hydrologic diversity, extensiveness of habitat(s) and contiguity with other natural areas, absence of intensive disturbance and recovery from past disturbance and the presence of a full range of communities and ecolo- gical conditions functioning as a system. To inventory the diverse communities of mainland Hyde County first necessitated a general county -wide reconnaissance. After review of several sets of aerial photographs, particularly November 1981 color infrared photography (US Environmental Pro- tection Agency, 1982), an initial inspection of the county by vehicle and on foot was completed in April, 1982. Shortly later, an aerial reconnaissance of the entire county was conducted. Species and site reports on file with the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program were examined concurrently with these activities, and knowledgeable individuals were interviewed (see acknowledge- ments). A basic tentative list of potential study areas began to emerge early in the reconnaissance, and was finalized by early June. During the reconnaissance period most of the private and public roads in the county were driven. Roads in most of the potential study areas identified during photography reviews were walked during April, and some areas were visited by boat later in the season. Throughout all periods of fieldwork, notes were taken on vegetation, both in study areas and, for comparative purposes, in areas not exhibiting superior natural qualities. Orthophotoquad diazo (blackline) prints were used in the field as guides in assessing the extent of large communities, the amount of recent disturbance and to some degree the cover com- position of inaccessible stands. Sites selected as representative of community types to be described in this report were examined on foot. Plant species lists, tree diameters at breast height, tree height and age estimates and a judgement of dominant species were all recorded. Examples we considered representative or superlative and on which we base our descriptions of the vegetation are mapped on the site report maps incorporated in the text. 10 We conducted an informal but complete survey of the breeding birds at most of the wooded and shrub -bog habitats upon which we report. We did not survey the avifauna of marsh habitats included as natural areas in this report. Other "high profile" vertebrates were noted where observed. The seven natural areas we have identified are as follows (also see county map): (1) Alligator River Swamp Forest - Swan Lake - 16,300 acres (2) Cypress Park - 300 acres (3) Roper Island - 9,500 acres (4) New Lake Fork Pocosin - 9,300 acres (5) Gull Rock Game Lands - 10,575 acres (6) Scranton Hardwoods - 6,000 acres (7) Salyer's Ridge - 80 acres The candidates represent several edaphic and biotic combinations. Most of the areas selected have a long history of disturbance of the cover vegetation by human activity; but all are considered to be recovered from past disturbance and ecologically intact; i.e. not drained, having continued frequent fire in fire -adapted vegetation, etc. Most of the areas are large, in keeping with the expansive and still relatively unbroken character of the vegetation in the northern and southern peripheries of the county, but no natural area was chosen on the basis of so-called "wilderness values." All support some rare plant and/or animal species, but none was chosen based solely on the presence of these organisms. Typical questions we considered when examining a potential site were: (1) Does the site have regional, state or county -wide significance as a natural area? (2) Are there unusual habitat conditions present? (3) Has the site recovered from or escaped prior disturbance? 11 (4) Is the site representative of a type of habitat which is rapidly being converted to other land uses? (5) Would loss of the habitat constitute an irretriev- able loss of resources to Hyde County? The inventory results reflect a bias toward large areas of relatively undisturbed land. A chief limit inherent in the study is that it was too broad; more attention should have been focused on analysis of communities at specific locations. While such an approach would have satisfied the desire for technically complete community descriptions, it would have diverted us from our objective to present useful natural areas data in the context of the county and its land use patterns as a whole. We recognize that certain biologically significant areas - and significant features at identified sites - have gone unnoted and unreported by us. We wish to point out the following areas in need of further inventory: (1) Brackish marshes in the upper portion of the Pungo River (2) Swamp forest along New Lake Fork of the Alligator River (3) Additional survey work in the New Lake Fork Pocosin (4) further survey work on Roper Island (5) Mesic hardwood flats east and southeast of New Holland (6) additional survey work on low pocosin area of Gull Rock Game Lands (7) aquatic and marsh communities around Lake Matta- muskeet (8) further survey work in the wilderness portions of the Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge (9) further survey work in pond pine pocosins along the Dare County line. (10) the "bird refuge" tract of the Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge. 12 - L figure I. mawAREAS Of N70L C00111'Y .r. Merr111 Lynch S. Lance Peacock 1982 1. A1119 or klwr - Swan lake 2. Cypreee Park 3. Soper Island e. Ner lake Pork P—.La S. Gull Puck Case Londe 6. Scranwa Nardeoode 7. Salyer'. Ridge Y.` NATURAL AREA INVENTORY FORM (To be prepared for each site) Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Alligator River - Swan Lake Natural Area 2. County: Hyde 3. Location: Northeastern Hyde County; the area along the south side of the Alligator River between the Intracoastal Waterway on the west and the Swan Lake area on the east. 4. Topographic quadrangle(s): Fairfield NW (1974), Fairfield NE (1974), Engelhard West (1974), Engelhard East (1975), and Engelhard NW (1975). 5. Size: Approximately 16,300 acres (all private); measured with a grid calculator 6. Elevation: 0-5 feet msl 7. Access: Best access is from the south via First Street and 4th Avenue West. Several unnamed spur roads branch off of 4th Avenue West into portions of swamp interior. 8. Names of investigators: J. Merrill Lynch S. Lance Peacock Route 2, Box 222-B P. 0. Box 6006 Enfield, NC 27823 Raleigh, NC 27628 9. Date(s) of investigation: April 8, May 9, June 30, August 12, 1982 10. Priority rating: High 14 lla. Prose Description of Natural Area INTRODUCTION The most extensive natural lands remaining in Hyde County are located along a corridor bordering the Alligator River in the northern portion of the county. These lands extend from the Dare County line (north of Swan Lake) westward to and in- cluding the large island known as Roper Island formed by the Intracoastal Waterway channel and the natural Alligator River Channel. Because of the size of this area and the varying qualities of the natural vegetation types, the Alligator River corridor has been divided into two contiguous natural areas, Roper Island (see pp. ) and the Alligator River Swamp Forest, the latter site which will be discussed in this site report. The Alligator River Swamp Forest, encompassing about 16,300 acres, is bordered by Roper Island (Intracoastal Waterway) on the west and by Swan Lake on the east (see Fig. ). The natural area exists as a corridor along the Al- ligator River and varies in width from about 1.5 miles to 3 miles, and has a length of about 7 miles. The southern boundary of the natural area lies adjacent to a huge super - farm development, part of a consortium of agricorporations,, which extend south almost to the western end of Lake Matta- muskeet. This vast area, now mostly cleared and planted in corn and soybeans,was originally a pond pine pocosin wetland. The natural area corridor runs generally east -west except for the eastern end near Swan Lake where the Alligator River abruptly turns north and the natural area swings to the north-northeast where it intercepts the Dare County line. Swan Creek Lake, a natural freshwater lake, lies along Swan Creek, a poorly defined drainage tributary of the Alligator River. This tributary extends south beyond Swan Lake into cleared agricultural areas, part of the superfarm development mentioned above. A wooded buffer, dominated by swamp forest vegetation similar to the Al- ligator River corridor proper, extends as a strip � to 1 mile wide along this drainage for a distance of about 3 miles. The Alligator River Swamp Forest Natural Area is very similar in terms of vegetation types, ecology, and soils to the Dare County portion of the swamp forest which lies just to the north of the site along the east bank of the Alligator River. The Dare County Natural Area is described in detail in "Natural Areas of the Dare County Peninsula," pp. 16 The valuable timber resources of the swamp forests have been exploited periodically over the last two cen- turies by logging interests. As a result the natural area today is a mosaic of various age classes, i.e., selectively cut stands, recent clearcuts, and scattered old -growth stands, depending on the intensity and methods of past logging operations as well as the accessibility of the stands. Much of the natural area adjacent to the Alligator River is roadless, most of the timber apparently having been removed by long -abandoned tram and scid roads which are no longer visible. Access roads and ditches are primarily located along the margins of the natural area and were built for access to the adjacent agricultural fields. Land -clearing operations continue to eat away at the swamp forest corridor, particularly in the arm of the natural area south of Swan Lake. Recently, ad- ditional roads and ditches have been constructed into some of the pure Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) stands near Swan Lake, and some of these stands have been clearcut during the past ten years. The logging of swamp forest timber continues today. Soils of the natural area are primarily deep Histosols. The area is mapped as the Dare-Pungo-Dorovan association: very poorly drained soils with thick to moderately thick organic surface layers over mineral subsurface layers (SCS 1973). Detailed soil mapping is not available for the site although the Alligator River swamp forests just to the north in Dare County have been mapped (Barnes, 1981). The Pungo soil series, classified as dysic, thermic Typic Medisaprists, is the most extensive soil unit, occurring as a wide band along the Alligator River. V r.VrPATTOW The predominant vegetation type along much of the Alli- gator River in Hyde County is swamp forest composed of four principal species which form the canopy in a mixture of varying proportions. In most of the stands no single species is a true dominant but rather the canopy is a heterogeneous mixture of species. Swamp blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica var. bi- flora)'is the tree species which is most widely distributed and a conspicuous co -dominant in most of the stands. Based on canopy dominance data taken in a fairly typical stand south of Swan Creek Lake, swamp blackgum is the predicted co -dominant in most of the swamp forest stands in the natural area. The physiognomy of the mature swamp blackgum stands along the Alligator River is much different from that of stands along brownwater river systems, due to the significant 17 component of swamp and lowland conifers in the canopy and subcanopy layers and to the density of bay trees and other wetland shrubs in the shrub layers. Atlantic white cedar or juniper (Chamaecyparis thyoides) and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) join swamp blackgum in the canopy, and often can be considered a co -dominant gymnosperm component of the canopy. The distribution and relative dominance of these two species is much more variable than that of swamp blackgum. Atlantic white cedar particularly has a patchy distribution as a result of both selective and clearcutting operations in many parts of the natural area. In most stands it is a less important co -dominant; in others its dominance locally exceeds that of swamp blackgum. Through- out the natural area in the mature stands, Atlantic white cedar is a medium to large and beautiful tree with a shaggy conical top and long clear. trunk. Some individuals reach 24 inches dbh. Loblolly pine is much more scattered in all stands investigated, but often attains comparable diameters and usually exceeds cedar and swamp blackgum in height. The fourth characteristic swamp forest tree is baldcypress (Taxodium distichum). This species is usually present as scattered old -growth, flat-topped, "cull" trees which are often 80-90 feet in height. These old -growth giants are almost invariably deformed specimens of low commercial value left behind from past logging operations. They are usually too scattered to be considered co -dominants in the community but because of their superior height and trunk diameters they are conspicuous members of the swamp forest landscape. The cypress of the natural area do not seen to regenerate readily after cutting. In most swamp forest stands cypress has importance values of 50% or less al- though in a few localized old -growth stands it is a true dominant, sharing the canopy.with a few tall loblolly pines, under which swamp blackgum and Atlantic white cedar form a subcanopy"_layer. In addition to the four principal tree species just discussed, several others reach the canopy but are of far less importance. Red maple (Acer rubrum) is locally domi- nant where cypress, cedar and swamp gum have been removed or thinned out by logging, but does not attain dominance in stands where the latter species have been less heavily cut or where fewer logging cycles have occurred. Pond pine (Pinus serotina) is occasional in the canopy, as are isolated large sweet bays (Magnolia virginiana). 18 Generally, the swamp forest subcanopy consists of smaller individuals of swamp blackgum and red maple, with an occasional sweet bay. This stratum is not well -developed, except as noted where bald cypress forms the true canopy. The shrub layers of the swamp forest are rather open and are generally occupied by one or two species. A tall shrub layer of red bay (Persea borbonia) is locally present, ranging in height from 15-20 feet. Sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia) and fetterbush (Lyonia lucida) are usually the dominant low shrubs; bitter gallberry (Ilex labra) and highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) are scattered. Ground cover is absent except for sphag- num mats. The ground surface is wet, with shallow standing water present in local depressions during winter and spring. Cypress knees (to 2 feet tall) and many fallen'.logs add to the rough and hummocky surface pattern. Two main community types are designated in the swamp forest portions of the natural area, based on the features summarized in the preceding discussion. Occupying most of the swamp forest sites is a community consisting of Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora-mixed lowland conifers/Persea bor- bonia/Clethra alnifolia-Lyonia lucida (Swamp black gum - mixed lowland conifers/Red bay/Sweet pepperbush-fetterbush; CT 1); bald cypress is usually present but reduced in im- portance due to past cutting. The second community type occurs where bald cypress is still dominant: Taxodium distichum/Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora-mixed lowland con- ifers/Persea borbonia/Clethra alnifolia-Lyonia lucida (Bald cypress/Swamp black gum -mixed lowland conifers/Red bay/ Sweet pepperbush-fetterbush; CT 2). Both these community types are correlated with the Pungo soil series which is the predominant soil mapping unit in the Alligator River natural area. The average height and trunk diameters of these two community types varies considerably within the natural area. Generally the swamp blackgum-mixed conifer (CT 1) stands range from 60-75 feet in height and have average dbh values of 12-18 inches. Scattered trees of 24 inches dbh and higher are usually present. The baldcypress dominated stands are usually taller (75-90 feet) and have average dbh values of 14-20 inches, sometimes more. Atlantic white cedar is widely distributed throughout the natural area and is found in two distinct physiognomic forms. Over much of the area is occurs as scattered medium to old -growth trees either in the subcanopy or canopy layers. It may reach 25%-50o relative dominance on these sites. In some areas it occurs as a distinct even -age monospecific community (Chamaecyparis thyoides/ mixed shrubs (Atlantic white-cedar/mixed shrubs; CT 3), 19 usually in relatively young age classes. In these situations the white cedar forms dense, uniform -height stands excluding most other species except for bay and pocosin shrubs which usually form a rather sparse low shrub layer. These stands range in height from 15 feet up to 35-40 feet with the older stands having a more diverse mixture of other swamp forest canopy trees. The shrub layer is moderately well developed in this community, but not extremely dense or diverse. Typical species include sweet pepperbush, highbush blueberry and sweet gallberry. Herbs are scarce; some partridgeberry (Mitchella repens) and netted chain fern (Woodwardia areolata) are usually found. These monospecific stands develop after fire or clear - cutting, when open, sunny conditions promote germination and subsequent rapid growth of seedlings. Within the natural area are several stands ranging from several acres to over 200 acres in size almost all of which are located within the swamp blackgum-mixed conifer dominated communities. A fourth and very different community is a series of pond pine stands located in the western and northeastern corners of the natural area. The most extensive area is located east and northeast of Swan Creek Lake and extends into Dare County. This portion was examined only during a brief aerial reconnaissance. The western section is located along 4th Avenue West near the margin of large agricultural fields adjacent to the southern boundary of the natural area. The community type in closely -examined stands is Pinus serotina/Acer rubrum-Persea borbonia/mixed shrubs (Pond pine/ Red maple -red bay/mixed shrubs; CT 4). The canopy size classes are varied in this community but most of the stands are mature ranging to old -growth. The largest pines seen are along 4th Avenue West on a 700-acre stand (see map ). Here the average dbh is 12-14 inches, height about 70 feet and the canopy is open. The subcanopy in this stand is poorly defined; red maple is present but not dominant, and a few pockets of swamp black gum occur locally. Associated with the latter are scattered bald cypress which join pond pine in the canopy. A distinctly lower tall -shrub stratum is composed of red bay and lesser amounts of small red maples. ,The lowest shrubs present include fetterbush and bitter gallberry beneath the red bay layer; some cane (Arundinaria gigantea) also occupies this lowest layer. These species do not form a dense growth and the ground is fairly open within the stand. 20 The community along 4th Avenue West is the best -quality pond pine stand in the Alligator River natural area in terms of a mature stand of well -developed large trees. The pond pine stands near Swan Creek Lake (about 4300 acres) appear to be very similar to the 4th Avenue West stand in composition, but without equivalent size and height in the canopy. These stands are excellent examples of Otte's (1981) pond pine forest pocosin type, although considerably more open than is called for by his classifi- cation, perhaps due to fire and/or logging history. The canopy is open ranging to scattered; trees are 40-50 feet tall and 8-12 inches dbh. The tall shrub layer is again distinctly below the canopy, and is comprised of red bay and red maple. Cane is locally dense; the low shrubs occurring at the 4th Avenue West site are present here also. These stands are not burned regularly. The pond pine stands are associated with soils of the Roper series (mineral with a histic epipedon) and Ponzer, Belhaven and Kilkenny series (shallow Histosols). These represent the shallowest organic deposits in the Alligator River natural area. ECOLOGY OF CYPRESS -GUM AND CEDAR STANDS The swamp forests along the Alligator River are non - alluvial in the sense that the Alligator is an estuary or embayed stream, not heavily loaded with sediment from the upstream parts of the Alligator River system, or frequently experiencing high overbank flows. These swamp forest com- munities correlate closely with deep Histosols of the Pungo series (see Barnes, 1981), although certain of the dominant tree species are common associates on mineral alluvium and floodplain peats along brownwater coastal plain rivers. Furthermore, the Pungo series and similar deep peats are dominated by pocosin vegetation in other parts of Hyde County and elsewhere. Although the Hyde County swamp forests are physiognomically and hydrologically distinct from those of the river floodplains, they appear to be much more closely related to the distant river swamps than to the nearby poco- sins. The question arises as to what ecological influences are controlling the development of the swamp forests of the Alligator River, and conversely, what factors prevent poco- sin development. Otte (1981), in addressing the problem of transitional development from swamp forest to pocosin vegetation, states that neither peat thickness nor fire can be considered suf- ficient to control pocosin development. He points out that many thick peats, including those in the Alligator River natural area, are vegetated by swamp forest. He also notes 21 that fire has historically occurred in such vegetation without a subsequent pocosin development, as indicated by charcoal layers sandwiched within forest peat pro- files. Otte reports that water flow patterns are the major difference between swamp forest sites and poco- sin sites. In swamp forests the water flows primarily into and through the system, whereas, in poco- sins the major direction of flow is out of the system. Thus, for pocosins, the only major source of water is precipitation, whereas for swamp forests, besides precipitation, a large amount of water comes in from the surrounding higher ground [or adjacent through -flowing streams] (Otte, 1981). Daniel (1981), discussing flow sources and relation- ships in peatlands, makes supporting observations of the correlation between vegetation types and the predominant direction and source of water movements. He links the swamp forest vegetation type directly with relatively nutrient -rich groundwater, stream and surface flows into peatlands which are topographically situated to receive such flows; while interstream peatlands elevated above the surrounding terrain receive water only from nutrient - poor precipitation. Otte (pers. comm., 1982), based on field surveys and laboratory peat analyses conducted on the Alligator River peat deposits, feels that the swamp forests occupy locations which are and have been subject to flooding by sediment -laden waters backing up the Al- ligator River during major flooding events in the Albe- marle Sound/Roanoke River system, with the resulting sedi- ment and nutrient input maintaining the swamp forest system as predicted by his and Daniel's hypothesis. Otte's data demonstrate that the mineral content in peat is greatest close to the river, an expected pattern if river flooding provides sediment to the system. The topographic arrange- ment of the Hyde County peatlands is consistent with Otte's view. Many of the thick peat deposits are not domed, but instead are associated with the Alligator River and its tributaries (Otte and Ingram, 1980); Ingram and Otte, 1982); where they are theoretically exposed to flooding from the river. One question which may be asked is whether the Alligator River swamp forests might be correctly considered alluvial in light of Otte's convincing argument that flood -transported sedi- ment so strongly influences the vegetation. An additional point of interest is whether the land -clearing activities of man have in the past three centuries tended to favor swamp forests locally on peats by increasing stream sediment loads 22 and thus nutrient influx. Otte (pers. comm., 1982), without proposing an answer to this elusive problem, has noted an increased mineral content in the extreme upper layer of peats he has sampled which may be subject to flooding; and he attributes this to such human activity. At the same time the direct effect of logging and clearing for agri- culture has been to reduce the extent of the swamp forest community throughout the peatlands of North Carolina (Ashe and Pinchot, 1897; Kologiski, 1977; Christensen, et al. 1981; Daniel, 1981). OTHER FEATURES A geomorphological feature of interest is Swan Creek Lake (400 acres; see map). This blackwater lake represents a type which is characteristic of small tributaries to the Alligator River in Hyde and Dare Counties. These small lakes are irregular in shape but often elongate on a north - south axis, and usually appear to have been formed by local widening along pre-existing stream systems. Long reaches of the original narrow channel are often present upstream and downstream from a given lake, as is the case with Swan Creek Lake. These lakes are of uncertain origin, but may be deep peat burns which have been shaped by wave and cur- rent action. WILDLIFE AND AVIAN DIVERSITY Wildlife values through the Alligator River natural area are superior. Black bear sign (tracks, scat, clawed trees) were common along all roads throughout the site. Although no attempt is made here to interpret the highly visible sign of this large and mobile animal in terms of relative or absolute abundance, the species is evidently using all habitats in the natural area. White-tailed deer are common at least in association with roads. Raccoon, marsh rabbit and gray squirrel are fairly common. Breeding bird diversity is exceptional in the natural area, due both to the diverse habitats present and to the structural diversity of the swamp forests in particular. The wood warblers are especially well -represented, with 10 species breeding in the swamp forest communities proper, where certain species are exceptionally abundant (see Table 1) . 23 The black -throated green warbler, while found in much younger vegetation elsewhere in Hyde County, occurs in its greatest densities in mature swamp forests where conifers such as bald cypress, Atlantic white cedar and loblolly pine are an important component of the canopy; this warbler is also common in pure white cedar stands. It is a very local breeder in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina (Parnell, 1977). Two other generally uncommon to rare nesting species in the Coastal Plain are Swainson's and worm -eating warblers (Potter, et al., 1980); both are fairly common throughout the swamp forests of the Alligator River natural area. Swainson's warbler prefers shrub thickets, often sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), within mature swamp forest stands having a closed canopy; it was not recorded in pure white cedar stands. Worm -eating warblers are less habitat - specific, occurring in mature swamp growth, pure cedar stands and second -growth scrub. Our Hyde County observations on habitat and relative abundance during the 1982 breeding season agree closely with Meanley's (1979) conclusions based on field work during eight consecutive breeding seasons from 1966 to 1973 in similar habitats in the Dismal Swamp, centered about 70 miles to the northwest. Meanley notes the abundance of the black -throated green warbler in the Dismal Swamp. He also points out the scarcity of Ken- tucky warblers (three in eight seasons) and black -and -white warblers; we found none of either species during the nesting season. In his study area he found Swainson's warbler slightly more common than we did in Hyde, but considered the worm -eating warbler a notably rare breeder, whereas it is fairly common in the natural area. 24 llb. Prose Description of Site Significance: The qualities of extent, development and maturity which make the stands attractive to various timber companies are the same qualities which impart significance to the Alligator River swamp forests as a natural area. Although subjected to steady and continuing cutting in recent decades, signifi- cant amounts of these swamp forests remain as excellent ex- amples of a vegetation type which has been exploited since the early colonial period. The mature swamp forests of southern Dare County also offer an exceptional opportunity for research into the ecological factors controlling the vegetation over peats in the southeast. Together with adjacent wetlands to the north, these swamp forests pro- vide an uninterrupted corridor along the Alligator River from Roper Island to the Dare County line and on into Dare County itself. The southern swamp forest fauna is well -represented in the natural area. Black bear occur throughout, and the available habitat is extensive enough to maintain a popu- lation. The avifaunal component particularly is intact and notably diverse, in keeping with the structural divers- ity of the swamp forest itself. Approximately 40 breeding bird species are known to date from the swamp forests proper, including 10 wood warblers. Two less extensive vegetation types within the described area add to the overall diversity and have significant features in their own right. The monospecific Atlantic white cedar stands, actually part of the general swamp forest system, support many of the same breeding birds discussed above. The pond pine stands in places attain canopy tree sizes of note. Also, of geomorphological interest, is the 400-acre Swan Creek Lake, a blackwater lake which supports a small American Alligator population and is an undisturbed example of a natural lake type limited to deep peat areas of Hyde and Dare Counties. 25 N rn 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment Leap High -quality wetland Nyssa sylvatica var. i ora-mixe ow- The swamp forests of the Al - plant community CT 1 land conifers/Persea borbonia/Clethra ligator River in Hyde County idnifolia-Lyonia luci a form, with contiguous stands in Dare County, the state's Representative example of CT inventoried best remaining example of the by authors palustrine swamp forest system which once was a predominant vegetation type over much of the eastern North Carolina peatlands. They are virtually the only example of signifi- cant areal extent. Although much impacted by centuries o logging activities, the natural area retains a signi- ficant amount of old -growth timber, superlative wildlife habitat (particularly for black bear), a wilderness aspect, and contiguity with - swamp forest wetlands to EKE north in Dare County and to the west Roper Island). High -quality wetland Taxodium distichum/Nyssa sylvatica var. See preceding comparative plant community CT 2 biflora-mixed lowland conifers/Persea assessment; this CT is a less borbonia/Clethra alnifolia-Lyonia disturbed butmuch less ex- lucida tensive type within the same Representative example inventoried swamp forest system. by authors 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature mapnd Leqe b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment Iiigh-quality wetland plant community CT 3 Chamaecyparis thyoides/mixed shrubs Well -developed examples of a younger seral vegetation type a"s Representative example surveyed by aerial reconnaissance which contributes to the over - all diversity of the natural area. High -quality wetland plant community CT 4 Pinus serotina/Acer rubrum-Persea bor- bonia/mixed shrubs Good to excellent examples of pone pine forest and pond pine :Representative example inventoried b authors woodland (sensu Otte, 1981); contiguity with adjacent swamp forest communities contributes to the overall diversity of the natural area and enhances the diversity of wildlife habitat. Endangered species 5 American Alligator Federal and state endangered; a small but apparently repro- ducing population in Swan Creek Lake; near northern limits of species range. 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment Leap Threatened species Through- Red -shouldered Hawk Listed as threatened in N.C. out by Cooper, et al., 1977; sizable and vigorous popu- lation in excellent habitat. concern Special species p p Through- Black Bear Listed as o SpecialConcern out in N.C. by Cooper, et•al., 1977; undetermined population but believed to be relatively high; habitat sufficiently extensive and remote for maintenance of long-term popu- lation. CT 1, CT Black -throated Green Warbler, Species of wood warblers which Rare species 2, CT 3 Swainson's Warbler, Worm -eating Warbler are uncommon and locally dis- tributed breeding birds in the N.C. coastal plain, primarily in forested wetland habitats associated with peat or peaty mineral soils. The swamp forest communities of the natural area have large popu- lations of these species; the disjunct coastal plain popu- lation of the Black -throated Green Warbler occurs in num-., bers equalled only in the Great Dismal Swamp and the adjacent Dare County portion of the Alligator River swamp. N ko 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment Legend Avian Species Diversity CT 1,2,3 Diverse assemblage of breeding birds Approximately 40 species are known or are suspected of breeding in the swamp forest communities. This total in- cludes 10 species of wood warblers and 5 species of woodpeckers. This represents an excellent total for a forested wetland ecosystem in the N.C. coastal plain. Unusual geomorphological Swan Creek Lake is located 5 Swan Creek Lake feature along the channel of Swan Creek. This lake and several other examples in the adjoin- ing Dare County peninsula (Back Lake, Milltail Lake, Whipping Creek Lake) are dis- similar -from most other natural coastal plain lakes, such as Phelps and Pungo, in being located along peat -filled stream channels rather than in topographically elevated por- tions of the landscape. These "stream channel" lakes may be the result of deep peat burns, although their origin is still uncertain. Swan Creek Lake is an excellent example of this rare geomorphological feature, w CO 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature Leapnd qe b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment both in terms of lack of disturbance and its wilder- ness character. • _ .I • \ .•a 1.•a NR I PIP. •M�� N•po,lNw • , • - t • YuML HIM [%1 i i '' \ • - ltw - n9i�NQ6E CJ— •�_�l nDiY�iY itPAf'S 7- __—__ PANE Co : q 6,4 r.. • y� t :i:;:i::::'s:::::: L •A K• £ li 'A -D I' N. G .. SS ry `_.. . • .. - , SWAN CREEK aill .:7a:::::::.. ::::::: N / 1 - LAKE 5 7 �i. :: CT CT. 2 , C 2 / CT 1 Fig. 3. Significant features: ALLIGATOR RIVER - SWAN LAKE - . /� Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: 14. Number of Owners: 1 Type Private 100 % Public % Unknown % 15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information). Pamlico Properties, Inc., P. 0. Box G, Macon, GA 31202 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information). Steve Barnes .agronomist First Colony Farms Route 1, Box 201 Creswell NC 27928 17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): Not known. 32 18. Uses of natural area: Essentially all of the natural area has been logged over in several cycles to obtain the successively most valuable remaining or regenerated timber. Most of the timber was removed by a com- bination of barge and a system of tram roads. Recently, Atlantic white cedar stands have been clearcut, particularly in the Swan Creek drainage area. Other species which have been selectively logged are baldcypress, loblolly pine, and swamp blackgum. Hunting is a low -intensity use throughout the area; deer and black bear are the principal game species. Bee yards are placed seasonally at scattered locations along the roads. The inland margins of the natural area are steadily being cleared and drained for agricultural development. Portions along the southern margin have been ditched and a road system constructed although clearing of the vegetation has not yet begun. Peat mining for energy production is possible on these soils in the long term. Pamlico Properties, Inc. has recently applied for a permit to begin experimental peat mining within the natural area. 19, uses of surrounding land: a. Wildland 50 % b. Agricultural land 50 20. Preservation Status: c. high -intensity forestry % d. developed % V Cat * % *Description of preservation status 6 100 private land, not protected as a natural area by owner I � I 21. Regulatory protections in force: The Army Corps of Engineers "404" permit regulations apply to this area. The Federal Endangeredspecies Act of 1973 protects or and its habitat. These two sources of regulation are limited in scope and ultimate effect. 33 22. Threats: Timber cutting is the chief threat to the natural integrity of the site in the short term. Additional land clearing associated with the "superfarm" development to the south continues to erode the margins of the natural area. Logging, per se, is not the primary cause of ecological degradation. It is the associated ditch and road construction which results in lowered water tables and in increasing accessibility of the swamp forest interior. Al- though the road construction increases the "edge effect" and bene- fits certain species, it also increases access and makes large game species, such as black bear, more susceptible to hunting pressure. There is also a threat of peat mining in the area. Recently, a peat mining permit application has been submitted for much of the natural area. Otte and.Ingram (1980) have found energy grade peat (less than 25% ash at 0% moisture) under much of the natural area. Agricultural development is limited as a threat to some degree because the woody peats are uneconomical to farm. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: The Alligator River -Swan Creek Lake natural area offers an excellent opportunity for conservation of a superlative palustrine (non-riverine) swamp forest system. In conjunction with adjacent Dare County natural areas, the tract contains an extensive wetland ecosystem containing a diverse assemblage of communities and as- sociated wildlife diversity. The Alligator River natural lands corridor is one of the largest relatively undisturbed swamp forest tracts remaining in the N.C. coastal plain. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service should look into the possibility of acquiring the land and establishing a national wildlife refuge unit. 34 Natural Characteristics Summar 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 1 Community type: Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora-mixed lowland conifers/ Persea borbonia/Clethra alnifolia-Lyonia lucida Community cover type: Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora-mixed lowland conifers General habitat feature: palustrine swamp Average canopy height: 60-75 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: 50-75+ years Canopy cover: partially open -closed Estimated size of community: 9400 acres Successional stage: near climax Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora Chamaecyparis thyoides Pinus taeda Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Acer rubrum canopy species transgressives Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None. Sphagnum sp. is abundant ground cover over much of area. W Natural Characteristics Summary 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 3 Community type: Chamaecyparis thyoides/mixed shrubs Community cover type: Chamaecyparis thyoides General habitat feature: palustrine swamp Average canopy height: 30-40 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: less than 50 years Canopy cover: closed Estimated size of community: 500 Successional stage: early -mid successional Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Acer rubrum Clethra alnifolia Persea borbonia Vaccinium corymbosum Ilex coriacea Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None Sphagnum sp. mats are usually present. 37 Natural Characteristics Summary 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 2 Community type: Taxodium distichum/Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora- mixed lowland conifers/Persea borbonia/Clethra alnifolia-Lyonia lucida Community cover type: Taxodium distichum General habitat feature: palustrine swamp Average canopy height: 75-90 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: 75+ years Canopy cover: open Estimated size of community: 1000 Successional stage: Climax Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Pinus taeda Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Acer rubrum Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None Sphagnum sp. is an abundant ground cover of much of the area. 36 Natural Characteristics Summar 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 4 Community type: Pinus serotina/Acer rubrum-Persea borbonia/mixed shrubs Community cover type: Pinus serotina General habitat feature: palustrine wetland jiverage canopy height: 60-75 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: 50-75 years Canopy cover: Open Estimated size of community: 5000 acres Successional stage: near climax to climax (probably pyroclimax) Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora Ilex glabra Lyonia lucida Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Arundinaria gigantea (locally dominant) Vines: Smilax laurifolia 38 24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 1, 2, 3, 4 Soil series: Pungo Soil classification: dysic, thermic Typic Medisaprists Soil association: Dare-Pungo-Dorovan pH class: Extremely acid (less than 4.5) Source of information: General Soil Map of Hyde County, N.C., SCS, USDA, 1973 Other notes: 24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 1, 2, 3, 4 Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: Fresh -acid Water regime: Saturated Drainage class: very poorly drained Drainage basin: Alligator River Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, saturated, fresh - acid, interaqueous palustrine system. 39 24d. Topography Summary: CT 1, 2, 3, 4 Landform: Peat -mantled flat Shelter: Open Aspect: Not applicable Slope Angle: Not applicable Profile: Not applicable Surface patterns: Hummocky; many fallen logs and uprooted trees; scattered numerous depressions Position: Not applicable 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: An assemblage of early successional to climax communities occupying a very poorly drained, peat -mantled flat plain along the Alligator River and Swan Creek in the Coastal Plain Province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Pleistocene Pamlico Terrace formation (less than 100,000 yrs. BP) overlying the Miocene Yorktown formation (15-25 my BP). Geological Formation age: See above. References Cited: Daniels, R. B., E. E. Gamble, and W. H. Wheeler. 1978. Age of Soil Landscapes in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Soil Science Society of America Journal 42: 98-105. 40 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: American alligator Species legal status and authority: Federally endangered Endangered Species Act of 1973 Number of populations on site: Unknown. Number of individuals per population: Unknown. Size or Maturity of individuals: probably all age classes Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative % flowering % fruiting % General vigor of population: unknown -not observed by authors within natural area. Disturbance or threats to population: Illegal trapping Habitat characteristics Plant community: aquatic communities in Swan Lake Topography: n/a Soil Series: n/a Microclimate: n/a Drainage basin: n/a Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists. AERIAL OR DETAILED MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 41 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Red -shouldered Hawk Species legal status and authority: Threatened in North Carolina (Cooper et al., 1977) Number of populations on site: Unknown, probably at least 2-3 nesting pairs Number of individuals per population: 2 adults plus young of the year Size or Maturity of individuals: adult and immatures Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative % flowering % fruiting % General vigor of population: Excellent Disturbance or threats to population: Clearcutting, conversion of swamp forest to agriculture Habitat characteristics Plant community: all of the swamp forest communities Topography: Soil Series: Microclimate: Drainage basin: Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists. AERIAL OR DETAILED MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 42 26. Sum -nary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Black Bear Species legal status and authority: Of Special Concern in N.C. (Cooper et al., 1977) Number of populations on site: one Number of individuals per population: not known but believed to be significantly high Size or Maturity of individuals: probably all ages Phenology of population: Eg: vegetative % flowering % fruiting % General vigor of population: Not known but believed to be good. At least one bear was observed (near 4th Avenue West on 12 August) and numerous tracks and scat were seen throughout natural area. Disturbance or threats to population: Illegal hunting, land clearing and conversion of swamp forest and pocosin habitats to agriculture. Habitat characteristics Plant community: Throughout Topography: n/a Soil Series: n/a Microclimate: n/a Drainage basin: n/a Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists. AERIAL OR DETAILED MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 43 27. Master species lists: Alligator River Swamp Forest ACERACEAE Acer rubrum ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex glabra I. coriacea I. opaca BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia areolata W. virginica CAPRIFOLIACEAE Viburnum nudum CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia CUPRESSACEAE Chamaecyparis thyoides CCEERACEAE Carex spp. CYRILLACEAE Cyrilla racemiflora ERICACEAE Leucothoe axillaris Lyonia lucida Vaccinium corymbosum LAURACEAE Persea borbonia LILIACEAE Smilax laurifolia LOGANIACEAE Gelsemium sempervirens LCRANTHACEAE Phoradendron serotinum MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia virginiana MYRICACEAE Myrica heterophylla NYSSACEAE Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora ORCHIDACEAE Tipularia discolor PINACEAE Pinus taeda • P. serotina 45 POACEAE Andropogon sp. Arundinaria gigantea POLYPODIACEAE Polypodium polypodioides TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum THEACEAE Gordonia lasianthus VITACEAE Parthenocissus quinquefolia Green Frog Southern Leopard Frog Carpenter Frog Canebrake Rattlesnake AMPHIBIANS REPTILES 46 BIRDS (Emphasis of bird lists is on breeding or summering species; lack of adequate field work during the other seasons prevented compilation of a complete list.) KEY PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient; spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; permanent, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Wood Duck Great Blue Heron Green Heron Red-tailed Hawk Red -shouldered Hawk Common Bobwhite Ring -billed Gull Mourning Dove Yellow -billed Cuckoo Screech Owl Great Horned Owl Barred Owl Ruby -throated Hummingbird Common Flicker Pileated Woodpecker Red -bellied Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker Great Crested Flycatcher Barn Swallow Purple Martin Common Crow Fish Crow Carolina Chickadee Tufted Titmouse Winter Wren Carolina Wren Gray Catbird Brown Thrasher Wood Thrush Hermit Thrush PR* PR SR* PR* PR* PR* WV PR* SR* PR* PR* PR* SR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* SR* SV SV PR* PV PR* PR* WR PR* PR* PR* SR* WR 47 Blue -gray Gnatcatcher SR* Ruby -crowned Kinglet WR White -eyed Vireo SR*, Prothonotary Warbler SR* Swainson's Warbler SR* Worm -eating Warbler SR* Northern Parula Warbler SR* Yellow-rumped Warbler WR Black -throated Green Warbler SR* Yellow -throated Warbler SR* Pine Warbler PR* Prairie Warbler SR* Common Yellowthroat PR* Hooded Warbler SR* Common Grackle PV Brown -headed Cowbird PR* Northern Cardinal PR* Indigo Bunting SR* Pine Siskin WV Rufous -sided Towhee PR* Swamp Sparrow WR Song Sparrow WR MAMMALS possibly winters Raccoon - many tracks, several seen White-tailed Deer - abundant tracks, many seen Eastern Gray Squirrel - commonly seen Black Bear - many tracks and scat, at least one observed near 4th Avenue West Bobcat - one set of tracks Marsh Rabbit - tracks 48 NATURAL AREA INVENTORY FORM (To be prepared for each site) Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Cypress Park 2. County: Hyde 3. Location: In northeastern Hyde County about 4.3 air -miles north of Engelhard 4. Topographic quadrangle(s): Engelhard East (1975) Engelhard West (1974) 5. Size: 300 acres (measured with a grid calculator) 6. Elevation: 4-5 feet mean sea level 7. Access: The natural area can be reached from one of several ways. 1) From the Town of Engelhard go north on US 264 for about 4.3 miles to junction with 2nd Avenue East on left, a private farm road. Turn left (west) and go about 2.8 miles through large cleared fields to block of swamp forest on right (north). Sign marks entrance to gated dirt road and trail which enters the natural area. 2) The site can also be reached by taking SR 1311 north from junction with US 264 about 2 miles west of Engelhard. Continue on SR 1311 about 4.5 miles to junction with private dirt road on right (1st Street) which provides access to Mattamuskeet and Lux Farms. Turn right on 1st Street and go north about 2.6 miles to junction with 2nd Avenue East. Turn right (east) on this road and go about 2.7 miles to Cypress Park entrance (on left). 8. Names of investigators: J. Merrill Lynch Route 2, Box 222-B Enfield, NC 27823 9. Dates of investigation: April 7, June 30, 1982 10. Priority rating: Medium 49 S. Lance Peacock P. 0. Box 6006 Raleigh, NC 27628 5� lla. Prose Description of Site: Cypress Park is a 300-acre tract of old -growth swamp forest timber located in a very poorly drained, peat -dom- inated area northeast of Lake Mattamuskeet. The stand has been protected as a natural area for a number of years. It probably is the last remaining stand of virgin or near - virgin swamp forest remaining in Hyde County. The topography of the natural area and the surrounding land is essentially flat. There is a poorly defined drainage system connected with Swan Creek Lake to the north which ex- tends south to Cypress Park. This drainage corridor is about 1-1.5 miles wide and is slightly lower (4-5 feet msl) in elevation than the surrounding flat landscape (5-7 feet msl). Before the advent of drainage canals and ditches, natural flow was probably from Cypress Park north along the drainage corridor to Swan Creek then into Swan Creek Lake and eventually the Alligator River. Storm flooding from the Alligator River probably inundated the natural area on rare occasions. Today, a well-intregrated network of par- allel drainage canals connected by a series of lateral ditches has been constructed which completely surrounds the natural area. This drainage network has significantly altered the natural hydrology of the natural area by diverting runoff into adjacent Pamlico Sound and by lowering the water table by several feet. This drainage system, accompanied by large- scale land clearing for row crop agriculture, has effectively isolated the Cypress Park natural area from the drainage cor- ridor. The long-term effects of this development on the vege- tation community is probably substantial and will be discussed later in this section. The vegetation of Cypress Park is dominated by an old - growth stand of baldcypress (Taxodium distichum). The com- munity type is Taxodium distichum/Acer rubrum/Persea borbonia (baldcypress/red maple/redbay; CT 1). This community is characterized by a tall, open to partially closed canopy of baldcypress 80-90 feet tall over a subcanopy of red maple and a tall shrub layer of redbay. There is no well-defined low shrub layer although redbay transgressives and seedlings are common throughout. The ground cover is sparse except for scattered patches of Virginia chain -fern (Woodwardia virginica), poison -ivy (Rhus radicans), and yellow jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens), the latter species locally abundant in openings. Although there are occasional canopy specimens of swamp blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora) scattered throughout, the overwhelmingly dominant tree is baldcypress. This is an 51 old -age stand with average dbh's of about 33 inches with some trees reaching 53 inches dbh. The cypress have characteristic flat-topped crowns but do not have very enlarged buttresses, a trait which has been observed elsewhere in the Alligator River palustrine wetlands of Hyde and Dare Counties. Evidence of fire is apparent throughout the tract; almost all of the canopy trees have burn scars on their lower trunks. These scars do not appear to be very recent however, and it is likely that the isolation of the tract by the adjacent land clearing has prevented recent fires and will continue to act as a fire buffer in the future. The average trunk diameter and the canopy height of the cypress are strikingly uniform, suggesting that the trees are all about the same age. Equally striking is the absence of cypress transgressives or seedlings in the stand, indicating that the species is not reproducing itself. Other similar mature cypress stands in the Alligator River region exhibit this apparent lack of successful reproduction. The species needs abundant sunlight and a moist but not inundated seedbed for successful germination. Young seedlings cannot tolerate extended flooding or fire (Fowells, 1965). Con- ditions which would prepare an ideal seedbed for cypress regeneration probably would include an extended drought accompanied by an intense crown fire which would kill the existing overshadowing vegetation. Catastrophic events such as these probably occurred rarely during pre -settlement times. Once the cypress reached sufficient height they were probably able to withstand all but the most intense wildfires, as evi- denced by the abundant burn marks on the still living trees within the tract. The stand appears to be slowly changing due to the at- trition of the standing cypress. Many old but still standing dead trees are scattered throughout and many fallen logs litter the ground. Interestingly, the sizeable gaps left by the fallen giants are not being occupied by other smaller cypress. As mentioned before there are no younger cypress present to re- place them. Red maple, red bay, and an occasional sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) are quick to assume dominance within these open spots in the canopy. The drainage of the region for agricultural development began in the 1960's and is continuing at the present time. There is now cleared land containing row crops on three sides of the natural area and additional swamp forest and pocosin wetlands are being drained and cleared. Although difficult to quantitatively document, this large-scale regional drainage has undoubtedly had a profound effect on the natural area. There are several visible signs of disturbance. Cypress "knees" up to about one foot tall are scattered throughout the natural area. These modified roots indicate that, at 52 least formerly, the seasonal high water table ranged up to about the one foot depth over much of the site. Today, the upper layers of the organic soils covering the area remain dried out.throughout much of the year. These generally drier conditions are coupled with an absence of fire pro- vided by the buffering effect of nearby fields. Sweetgum, a typical "weed" tree which often invades heavily cut -over or drained swamps, is now present within the natural area. It is not known to occur in undrained palustrine swamp forests in other areas of the Alligator River corridor. Probably this species is a recent "invader" on the site. It is also a com- petitor with cypress, and because of its less exacting germin- ation requirements and fast -growth, it will likely increase as the cypress gradually die out from natural diseases and other causes. The prognosis for the natural area is not a good one. Currently the site represents an excellent example of a climax swamp forest palustrine wetland, and is probably the nearest thing to virgin timber remaining in Hyde County. It is a stand which is probably representative of the original Alligator River swamp forests of Hyde and Dare Counties before the advent of extensive logging operations. However, in a long- term sense the stand is dying. In a large, unaltered and un- drained wetland system a stand such as this might be expected to continue indefinitely, if natural wildfires and other natural conditions were allowed to exist. The present situation is far from natural conditions. As already mentioned, the stand has been almost completely isolated by adjacent land clearing oper- ations. The natural hydrological patterns have been altered. The stand now is even acting as a wind-borne sediment trap. Large amounts of fine-grained peat and silt particles collect on the leaves of the vegetation, blown in from adjacent fields. Because of these man -induced conditions which appear to be permanent and probably intensifying in the future, the natural area is not given a high priority for protection, although it is still considered a significant remnant example of a swamp forest wetland. The soils within the natural area are mapped as the Dare- Pungo-Dorovan association, very poorly drained soils with thick to moderately thick organic surface layers which range from 51 to over 91 inches in depth (SCS, 1973). Soil Series desig- nation for the natural area proper has not been made but it is likely to be Pungo, classified as dysic, thermic Typic Medis- aprists (based on soil mapping data from adjacent Dare County; Barnes, 1981). These deep peat soils are prominant throughout much of the Alligator River corridor in Hyde, Dare, and Tyrrell Counties. 53 The wildlife values of the tract are high. The numerous cavities supplied by the old -growth cypress provide important denning and nesting sites for mammals and many species of cavity -nesting birds. Black bears use the area as evidenced by common scratch marks on the cypress trunks and by scat deposits. Other common game mammals include eastern gray squirrel and white-tailed deer. The tract plays an increasingly important role as escape cover and refuge for many wildlife species as more acreage is continually cleared for agriculture. The tract is presently connected via a disturbed but still wooded buffer strip to the Alligator River Swamp Forest natural area. Because of its small size (300 acres), its significance as wildlife habitat will decline markedly if it is severed from the nearby natural area. Unfortunately, it appears likely that the adjacent connecting corridor will soon be converted to agriculture. 54 llb. Prose Description of Site Significance: The Cypress Park natural area contains probably the last remaining, near -virgin stand of baldcypress in Hyde County. Although other mature, old -growth stands exist in the Alligator River swamp forest, none are known which approach the trunk diameters and overall size of the trees in Cypress Park. The stand (structurally and compositionally) probably most closely approximates the original presettle- ment palustrine swamp forest wetlands along the Alligator River corridor. The site, when combined with the much larger Alligator River Swamp Forest natural area to the north, contains sig- nificant habitat for a number of game and non -game wildlife species, notably black bear. 55 Ln M 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature Map b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment Legend High -quality wetland Taxodium distichum/Acer rubrum/Persea Excellent example of a climax, ulant community CT 1 borbonia near -virgin swamp forest stand, dominated by very old -growth baldc ress• although recently disturbed by nearly drainage _projects the stand still is one of the best remaining relictual examples of swam forest timber once commonly associated with eat -dominated palustrine wetland systems in the N.C. coastal plain. Special Concern species CT 1 Black bear Listed as of Special Concern in N.C. (Cooper, et al., 1977). Increasingly rare in the coastal plain due to wide scale destruction of pocosin and swamp forest habitat. Probably uses natural area for feeding and escape cover; natural area not nearly large enough by itself to support viable population. Large tree size CT 1 Taxodium distichum Some of the largest baldcypress known in Hyde County. Trees up to 90 feet tall and 53 inches dbh are present. :3 $4 U N N v » b N W 4J G b U W .H a or •r{ N Ul I41 X i t /' 11 I I Irll 0 '1 I .II �1� li it,'r+l , I ' 11. ♦ '•i ( f I.I I II 1 � �' 1 ;,•, R.r �/ i l I lh',!!•IJ;j 1 , Is,llil !IIIj11� ,�,II'r I, Is' I ell I rl__.'lll ;' '1 j'h'� 1 i, •.I Y' II �{ ;('I 'II i I !: ' , ' 1 � �- ' 1�'1 � li II !!, � � rl 1�J 1 Itl I' i ( !., ` 1' 1 ! I �• ,, 1.1 liyll{ill•pp {� Ill�llir'I lilti I+I, j Ia, '�i!i•1 III'I I',',I 41{I ',, .i .I,r I'I{' II �' 11� I1 r' y ffI I 1 I I I � •li r'1 1(I I ' ''' 1 1 t ' 11 I1 . I ,• �' I01'I�'Iii{{,IIt11j,1I' i l 11� 1I�I �'I'LI •,I�II'J.r,l': �, M' II++,II' I'; 1� II 1 .'lli� �t +�'1�17 I IyI ,l` 11 !�i' I ..•'•1! li 1 ' ! 11 � i I r .I i I !.t I �l!,`I' !M r�l I. 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''I' 'r' ! z i , �r 1 : ��\ b I.,I�i{yl;+ �11!I111 �y I/i'll i 14 I; It,q �,I'',f�l ri;t,.'. I1;'111��1'hl �11111 1 �'�,I16, � �'11,1'I 111 I�rLI III, y,. \� �1T { t I�'llli.11'�Ir�'ll i ('!�!:, 'i'i �� ' ! :'ll': t" III I I111 r • !'y ;I , 1..I i` In Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: Type Private Public Unknown 100 g g s 14. Number of Owners: 1 15. Nane(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information). Georgia Timberlands P. 0. Box G Macon, GA 31202 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information). B. B. (Pat) White P. 0. Box 851 Plymouth, NC 27962 17attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): Not definitely known, but apparently owner has decided to protect site. 58 18. Uses of natural area: The natural area has been protected by the owner as a nature preserve for some time. The southern border of the site is marked by a large wooden sign proclaiming "Cypress Park." A gated narrow road leads into the site from the southern border and deadends at the edge of the cypress stand. From this point a foot trail leads further into the stand and makes a loop, connecting back to the starting point. The site is apparently used from time to time for nature walks by school groups and other groups. In fact, the site achieved a degree of notoriety when a wedding ceremony was performed a few years ago under the cypress. It is obvious that the site is protected and maintained by the owner in recognition of its natural values. 19, Uses of surrounding land: a. Wildland 10 % c. high -intensity forestry % b. Agricultural land 90 % d. developed % 20. Preservation Status: Cat * % *Description of preservation status 4 100 Private land, protected by owner or lessee. 21. Regulatory protections in force: The Army Corps of Engineers "404" permit process applies to this area. 59 22. Threats: Although, as already mentioned, the site is protected and maintained in its natural condition, it is imminently threatened by the fairly recent land -use alterations which have occurred around it. Three sides of the natural area are now bounded by extensive agricultural fields, the result of large-scale ditching and canal construction which lowered the water table sufficiently to allow crop production. The natural area itself and a thin buffer strip were left intact during this land -clearing process. However, the resultant lowering of the water table and removal of surrounding vegetation have significantly altered the hydrological and ecological processes of the swamp forest system, and have effectively doomed the site. The lowered water table has allowed the in- vasion of "weedy" tree species such as sweetgum, and the proliferation of red maple. Unless the former high water conditions can be reintroduced, the old -growth cypress and swamp blackgum will eventually die out and be re- placed by a red maple-sweetgum forest. Unable to re- generate itself because of the competition from these species, the old -growth cypress stand will slowly change as the older trees die out from disease, light- ning, and other factors. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: The Cypress Park natural area at present represents a protected remnant example of a palustrine swamp forest wetland in a relatively undisturbed old -growth condition. Because of past logging operations, very few swamp forest stands remain in the eastern coastal plain which are still dominated by old -growth cypress. The site would make an ideal study area to use as a comparison with non -cypress dominated communities. From a long-term perspective, the site has probably been irreparably altered by the clearing and drainage operations which have almost completely en- circled the area. It is doubtful that water control measures could be implemented to raise the water table to previous levels and recreate a more natural hydrologic regime. However, this does not mean the site should not be preserved. At the present time and for some years hence- forth, it will represent an interesting remnant of a peat - dominated, palustrine swamp forest ecosystem which was quite extensive but is now rapidly being cleared and converted to other uses. The site could be used as an interpretive out- door classroom for schools, natural history organizations and other interested groups. 60 Natural Characteristics Summar 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 1 Community type: Taxodium distichum/Acer rubrum/Persea borbonia Community cover type: Taxodium distichum General habitat feature: palustrine swamp forest Average canopy height: 80-90 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: 200+ Canopy cover: Partially closed to open Estimated size of community: 300 acres Successional stage: Climax Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora, Ilex opaca, Liquidambar styraciflua, Ilex glabra Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Woodwardia virginica, Rhus radicans, Gelsemium sempervirens, Euonymus americanus 61 24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 1 Soil series: not known Soil classification: - Soil association: Dare-Pungo-Dorovan pH class: very strongly acid Source of information: General Soil Map of Hyde County, N.C., SCS, USDA, 1973 Other notes: 24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 1 Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: Fresh -acid Water regime: Saturated (originally), now temporarily flooded (?) Drainage class: Very poorly drained Drainage basin: Swan Lake Creek -- Alligator River Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, originally saturated now temporarily flooded (?) due to artificial drainage, fresh -acid, interaqueous palustrine system. 62 24d. Topography Summary: CT 1 Landform: Palustrine swamp forest Shelter: open Aspect: n/a Slope Angle: n/a Profile: Flat Surface patterns: Hummocky; many logs and stumps, shallow depressions Position: n/a 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: A climax community occupying a very poorly drained, peat - mantled drainage corridor which drains into Swan Creek and eventually into the Alligator River in the Coastal Plain Pro- vince of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Surficial peat deposits overlying Pleistocene (Pamlico Terrace formation) sediments. Geological Formation age: Recent (less than 10,000 BP) - peat sediments Pleistocene (less than 100,000 yrs. BP) - sands and clays of Pamlico Terrace References Cited: Daniels, R. B., E. E. Gamble, and W. H. Wheeler. 1978. Age of Soil Landscapes in the Coastal Plain of N.C. Soil Science Soc. of Am. Journal 42: 98-105. 0 26. Su=iary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Black bear Species legal status and authority: Of Special Concern in N.C. (Cooper et al., 1977) Number of populations on site: one Number of individuals per population: Unknown; a few individuals travel through the site from large swamp forest area to the north. Size or Maturity of individuals: - Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative flowering % fruiting % -- General vigor of population: unknown Disturbance or threats to population: land clearing; illegal hunting Habitat characteristics Plant community: CT 1 Topography: Soil Series: Microclimate: Drainage basin: Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species List. AERIAL OR DETAILED zUiPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 64 27. Master species lists: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) ACERACEAE Acer rubrum ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex coriacea I. glabra I. opaca ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium platyneuron BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia virginica CELASTRACEAE Euonymus americanus ERICACEAE Vaccinium corymbosum HAMAMELIDACEAE Liquidambar styraciflua LAURACEAE Persea borbonia LILIACEAE Smilax laurifolia S. rotundifolia LOGANIACEAE Gelsemium sempervirens LORANTHACEAE Phoradendron serotinum MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia virginiana NYSSACEAE Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora PINACEAE Pinus taeda POLYPODIACEAE Polypodium polypodioides SAXIFRAGACEAE Decumaria barbara TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum 65 AMPHIBIANS None recorded REPTILES Canebrake Rattlesnake BIRDS (Emphasis of bird lists if on breeding or summering species; lack of adequate field work during the other seasons prevented compilation of a complete list.) IUsM PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; year-round, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Wood Duck PR* Great Horned Owl PR* Pileated Woodpecker PR* Hairy Woodpecker PR* Red -bellied Woodpecker PR* Downy Woodpecker PR* Carolina Chickadee PR* Fish Crow PV Blue -gray Gnatcatcher SR* Carolina Wren PR* Hermit Thrush WR Yellow-rumped Warbler WR Northern Cardinal PR* Rufous -sided Towhee PR* MAMMALS Eastern Gray Squirrel (several seen) White-tailed Deer (abundant tracks) Black Bear (scratch marks, scat) 66 NATURAL AREA INVENTORY FORM (To be prepared for each site) Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Roper Island 2. County: Hyde 3. Location: Along the Alligator River in northern Hyde County. Island formed by Intracoastal Waterway on south and river on north, east, and west. About 6 air - miles due north of Lake Mattamuskeet. 4. Topographic quadrangle(s): Fairfield (1974) Fairfield NW (1974) Fairfield NE (1974) 5. Size: About 9,500 acres; measured with a grid calculator 6. Elevation: 0-4 feet above mean sea level 7. Access: By boat only; several private boat ramps along the Alligator River in Tyrrell County. Closest ramp open to public is on the Intracoastal Waterway at the NC 94 bridge, about 3 miles SW of island. 8. Names of investigators: J. Merrill Lynch Route 2, Box 222-B Enfield, NC 27823 9. Dates of investigation: April 8, June 16, 1982 10. Priority rating: Low -medium 67 S. Lance Peacock P. 0. Box 6006 Raleigh, NC 27628 ®�1 :.W4 Am lla. Prose Description of Site: Roper Island is part of an extensive wetland corridor along the Alligator River in the northern portion of Hyde County. The most extensive natural lands remaining in the county occur along this corridor which stretches from the New Lake Fork Pocosin natural area on the west across Roper Island, and to the Alligator River -Swan Lake natural area on the east, a distance of over 21 air -miles. When com- bined the three natural areas encompass over 35,000 acres. The Roper Island natural area is about 9500 acres in size. It is located in a wide bend of the Alligator River, which forms a natural boundary on three sides. The southern boundary is along the Intracoastal Waterway (IWW), a man- made channel constructed during the 1930's creating Roper Island (see map). Much of the land across the IWW from the island was formerly pocosin and swamp forest but has now been cleared for agriculture. Lands opposite the Alligator River (in Tyrrell County) from the natural area are generally forested wetlands although former wetlands in the vicinity of Gum Neck are now in agriculture. The Alligator River channel upstream from the Northwest Fork confluence is a typical coastal plain blackwater stream characterized by a series of sharp meanders. The slow -moving river maintains a channel width of about 400-500 feet in this section. Three small blackwater streams drain into this sec- tion of the river along the western side of Roper Island. These streams originate �r to 11 mile in the island interior. Downstream from the Northwest Fork confluence, the Alli- gator River widens considerably to about 1500-3000 feet and becomes an embayed estuarine stream. The river continues to widen gradually to the confluence of the IWW at the extreme eastern end of the natural area. The topography of Roper Island is essentially flat. Elevation of the natural portions ranges from sea level along the river to about four feet msl. The only signifi- cant topographic relief on the island is along the IWW spoil banks where the elevation reaches 8 feet msl. This sandy spoil bank varies from 100-300 yards wide and is approxi- mately seven miles long, paralleling the north bank of the IWW. The remainder of the island is dominated by peaty sands and shallow to deep peats. 69 Two soil associations are recognized on the island (SCS 1973). The southeastern portion adjacent to the IWW (excluding the spoil banks) is classified as the Ponzer-Belhaven-Wasda association: very poorly drained soils with moderately thick to thin organic surface layers. Most of the western, northern, and eastern portions are classified as the Dare-Pungo-Dorovan associ- ation: very poorly drained soils with thick to moderately thick organic surface layers. No detailed soil mapping has been done on Roper Island; however, based on soils information from similar areas along the Alligator River in Dare County, the deeper peats are probably the Pungo series (Barnes 1981). Ingram and Otte (1982) have mapped the peat deposits of Roper Island as part of a study of deposits throughout the Pamlimarle Peninsula. Depths of 8-10 feet are prevalent along the Alligator River and gradually thin towards the in- terior of the island. Relatively small areas of peaty sand or sandy peat are mapped near the IWW. About 75% of the island is underlain by peat 2 feet or more in depth. THE VEGETATION A brackish marsh community is located along the Alligator River in the southwestern portion of Roper Island. It extends along both sides of the river from the confluence with the IWW downstream (north-northeast) for about 7.5 river miles. The most extensive marshes are located at the extreme southwestern corner of the island near the IWW and gradually become narrower and more shrub -dominated towards the northern end of the island before the Northwest Fork confluence. The brackish marsh community (780 acres) is dominated by narrow -leaved cattail (Typha angustifolia) with some sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) intermixed. The primary community type is Typha angustifolia (narrow -leaved cattail; CT 1) although in some areas sawgrass is frequent enough to be considered a codominant. Along the back edges of the marsh shrubs such as groundsel tree (Baccharis halimifolia) and seashore mallow (Kosteletskya virginica) are common with shrub -sized loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), red maple (Acer rubrum), and some Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides). The shrub marsh zone becomes more prominent in the downstream sections, particularly past Kilkenny Landing, where it extends from the riverbank in- land until grading into various forested wetland communities. 70 The cattail marsh is widest near the IWW-Alligator River confluence where it reaches a width of about 2000 feet. The marshes are also quite extensive on the Tyrrell County side of the river where they extend downstream to the NC 94 bridge. The Raper Island marshes are characterized by an abundance of standing dead baldcypress (Taxodium distichum). These "skele- ton" stands of dead timber occur throughout the brackish marsh community, from along the riverbank inland to the forested edge of the marsh community. The dead cypress vary in size class. Most are rather small, about 6-8 inches dbh and about 20-30 feet tall. There are scattered stands of much larger dead cypress, up to 70 feet tall and 18 inches dbh (diameter at breast height). The cause of the massive cypress kill is believed to be saltwater intrusion associated with storm tides in the late 1950's and early 1960's (Otto Florschutz, pers. comm. 1982). "Skeleton" cypress stands are a common feature along the upper reaches of tidal creeks and estuarine rivers in the lower North Carolina coastal plain. The cypress die -off has resulted in more extensive marshes on Roper Island although there are signs that woody vegetation is invading rapidly and may eventually replace the marsh system. As mentioned earlier, red maples and loblolly pine are vigorously invading the marsh, particularly in the downstream sections more distant from the IWW. These shrub -sized (5-15 feet) trees are also spreading from the forested interior towards the riverbank. It is noteworthy that the most extensive, best developed portions of the marsh are near the IWW. This implies that the saline in- fluence of the waterway may be controlling the establishment of woody vegetation in this section. . The cattail marsh community also extends up the several major and the numerous minor streams draining the west side of Roper Island. Along the shallow margins of these streams beds of pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata) are common. Other species noted include water pimpernel (Samolus parviflorus), various bladderworts (Utricularia spp.), and fragrant water - lily (Nymphaea odorata). The blackwater streams range from several hundred feet in length (many) to 4-� mile long (three). American alligators have been reported from Roper Island by local fishermen and Wildlife Resources Commission personnel (N.C. Natural Heritage Program files). Although we saw no sign of the species, there appeared to be excellent habitat available along these blackwater tributary streams. Other wildlife noted included abundant raccoon tracks and many nesting birds. One active Osprey nest was seen in a dead cypress tree and nesting red -winged blackbirds, eastern kingbirds, prothonotary warblers, .common yellowthroats, and great crested flycatchers were very common. Secretive marsh nesting birds are probably present 71 although we saw only least bitterns on our boat trip. Unlike the brackish marsh community which is easily acces- sible by boat, the interior forested wetlands of the island are much more difficult to survey and inventory. Comprising about 90% of the island's acreage, these forested wetlands are acces- sible from only one location along a road and canal leading from the Alligator River about 11 mile into the island interior (see map). Notes taken along this canal were compared with observ- ations made during our aerial reconnaissance of the entire island. Extrapolations were made using a combination of our ground and aerial observations. We emphasize that more detailed ground field work is needed to more accurately describe and delineate the various plant communities present on the island. The fol- lowing descriptions are general in nature and point to the need for more field work. The forested wetlands of the island can be divided into two major types: 1) a swamp forest dominated by various com- binations of baldcypress (Taxodium distichum, red maple (Acer rubrum), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), swamp blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora), and Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides); and 2) an open pond pine (Pinus serotina) forest over a dense understory of bay trees and evergreen shrubs. The swamp forest is located primarily along the northern portion of the island adjacent to the embayed section of the Alligator River, and in the southwestern corner near the head of Jack's Creek (see map). Most of the areas surveyed along the river contain young to medium growth closed stands of lob - lolly pine, red maple, and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua). Canopy heights are generally 40-60 feet. Most of the cypress have been removed during past timber operations. Swamp black - gum is sometimes present in almost pure stands. Occasional stands of baldcypress are also present but these are relatively minor in extent and are composed of trees in young age classes. Most cypress stands seen were 40-50 feet in height and 12-14 inches dbh. The swamp forest stands appear to be limited mainly to a fairly narrow band (to 2500 feet) adjacent to the river channel. We saw no stands in the northern section which were significant enough to be granted community type designations or mentioned in the significance summary of this report. The swamp forest stands in the southwestern corner of the island are centered around the headwaters of Jack's Creek. This area was surveyed by air only. Several stands of baldcypress were observed along with scattered small groups of Atlantic white cedar. One area south of Jack's Creek has a fairly high density of white cedar. Swamp blackgum is fairly common with the cypress and white cedar in this section. The height of the vegetation and the underlying shrub composition could not be determined during our aerial observations. However, some 72 of the cypress appeared to be fairly tall (+70 feet) and flat- topped, indicating a mature or climax condition. The white cedar appeared to be young to medium growth (10-40 feet tall). Most of the white cedar of the island is located in the Jack's Creek area. Some of the white cedar stands appear to be dense enough to be considered a monospecific community and are clas- sified as Chamaecyparis thycides (Atlantic white cedar; CT 2). The combined acreage of the swamp forest vegetation is estimated to be about 800-1000 acres. Most of this area was probably originally dominated by a greater proportion of bald - cypress, swamp blackgum, and white cedar. Today, most of the timber is composed of red maple, sweetgum, and loblolly pine, species which assumed dominance when the more valuable timber species were cut out. The vegetation association most prominent on the island, and the least disturbed by past logging activities, is the pond pine -dominated wetlands. Most of the island interior is dominated by this association (about 7200 acres). This association is characterized by open stands of pond pine, some of which reach 80 feet in height and have dbh's of 12-14 inches. These older -growth stands are composed of flat- top pines and represent the least disturbed forest community on the island. The understory vegetation is somewhat variable, both structurally and in species composition. Based on our ground observations along a transect adjacent to a canal (see map), the understory is composed of a dense tall shrub layer of red maple, redbay, and some sweetbay. This layer ranges from 20- 40 feet tall. Underneath is a dense low shrub (2-20 feet) layer dominated by smaller redbay, fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), sweet gallberry (Ilex coriacea) , and locally, giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea). Virginia chain fern (Woodwardia virginica) is common as a ground cover over much of the area, and is particularly abundant in openings or in disturbed cut - over sections. The lower shrub layer is covered by very dense, impenetrable tangles of laurel -leaved greenbriar (Smilax lauri- folia) . Scattered amongst the flattop pond pines are a few old - growth baldcypress which are about the same size. These cypress are probably "cull" trees left by past timber operations because of various imperfections. Based on our aerial observations, the open pond pine stands are quite extensive in the island's interior. In some areas red 73 maple and the bay species form a distinct subcanopy under the pines. In other areas, a dense evergreen shrub layer composed of bays, fetterbush, and gallberries is the dominant under- growth with red maple essentially absent. Also present in scattered dense stands is swamp blackgum. This species usually seems to occur in dense, almost monospecific stands within the pond pine community. Scattered individuals of small to medium -size Atlantic white cedar are present. No dense stands of this species are present in the pond pine stands. The community type(s) can be classified as Pinus serotina/ Acer rubrum-Persea borbonia/Persea borbonia and mixed evergreen shrubs//Smilax laurifolia (Pond pine/red maple-redbay/redbay and mixed evergreen shrubs//laurel-leaved greenbriar or Pinus serotina/Persea borbonia and mixed evergreen shrubs//Smilax laurifolia; CT 3). WILDLIFE AND AVIAN DIVERSITY The wildlife values of the pond pine stands and the swamp forest areas are probably significant. White-tailed deer sign is prevalent and the species is reported to be very common on the island (Florschutz 1979). Florschutz (op. cit.) also reports plentiful bobcat and raccoon although we saw no sign of the former. Black bear are present, as evidenced by tracks and other sign, and the habitats are sufficiently diverse and extensive to support a viable population of this declining mammal. The American alligator, a federally listed endangered species, has been reported and suit- able habitat is present in the small creeks draining into the Alligator River on the island's west side. At least 39 species of breeding birds are present, including species such as Osprey and Wood Duck. Additional field work will undoubtedly reveal the presence of additional nesting species. Although no evidence was seen, there is a good possibility that one or two clans of red - cockaded woodpeckers, a federally endangered species, are present. The open stands of old -growth pond pines provide excellent habitat for the species. An active cavity tree was discovered this summer in an open pond pine stand directly across the IWW from the island. The location of this cavity is only about 1000 feet from the natural area; it is highly possible that the birds of this colony use the pines on Roper Island as foraging habitat. Intensive ground recon- naissance is needed to assess the species' status on the island. 74 llb. Prose Description of Site Significance: The Roper Island natural area is situated within an extensive corridor of nearly contiguous natural wetlands associated with the Alligator River. The New Lake Fork Pocosin natural area (9300 acres) lies about 5 miles west of the island. The Alligator River -Swan Lake natural area (16,300 acres) lies directly ad- jacent to the east side of the natural area. When combined these three tracts encompass about 35,100 acres containing almost the entire spectrum of wetland habitats associated with the deep peat landscape of the lower coastal plain. These wet- lands have superlative wildlife values, particularly for nesting birds and for many species of furbearers including bobcat and black bear, which require substantial amounts of land to main- tain viable populations. Roper Island does not contain the best examples of forested wetland types known in the coastal plain. Less disturbed, older - growth stands are present in other sections of the Alligator River corridor. Its wetland vegetation, the majority of which is not in a pristine condition, nonetheless represents a significant acreage which has never been drained or clearcut, and which still retains a relatively natural hydrological system. The construction of the Intracoastal Waterway, which may have had a negative impact on the natural drainage systems of the region, also has had a positive effect on the Raper Island natural area, isolating it from the mainland and, in effect, creating a de facto wilderness. Another significant aspect of the natural area is the pristine esthetic quality of the Alligator River, particularly the meandering section along the west side of Roper Island. The clear, unpolluted, tea -colored water, the scenic marshes, and the vast, undeveloped landscape combine to give this section a high mark as an estheti- cally pleasing landscape. Wildlife values of Roper Island are considered high. The American alligator, a federally endangered species, is reported to occur in the small streams along the island's west side. Other rare species, such as black bear and red -shouldered hawk are also present. There is a good possibility, though there is no definite proof at present, that the island supports a small but significant population of red -cockaded woodpeckers, a federally endangered species. 75 rn 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature Leap b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment High -quality wetland plant community CT 1 Typha angustifolia Fairly extensive (780 acres) brackish marsh. Habitat for a areal extent of marsh number of marsh -nesting birds and animals. Habitat for federally endangered American alligator. High -quality wetland plant community CT 2 Chamaecyparis thyoides Several dense stands are loca- ted near headwaters of Jack's :• ••....•.. areal extent of white cedar stands Creek. while not unusually extensive or old -growth, these stands add to the overall di- versity of the island and pro- vide nesting habitat for cer- tain woodland breeding birds. High -quality wetland plant community CT 3 Pinus serotina Acer rubrum-Persea bor- bonia/Persea borbonia and mixed ever- Extensive (7000+ acres) commun- ity occupying most of island. green shrubs//Smilax laurifolia or Includes some old -growth stands containing trees to 80 feet tall Pinus serotina/Persea borbonia and mixed evergreen shrubs//Smilax lauri- with dbh's of 12-14 inches. Good habitat for black bear. folia Representative example of old -growth stand surveyed by authors — J J 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature b. Description of significant feature C. Comparative assessment Leap Endangered Species CT 1 American Alligator Federally endangered (Endan- gered Species Act, 1973). Not small seen by authors but reported streams by WRC personnel and local raining fishermen from creeks along west side west side of island. Habitat of island good for species.' Threatened Species through- Red -shouldered Hawk Threatened in N.C. (Cooper, et. out al. 1977). At least 2-3 ne:J:in pairs are present on island. Habitat excellent. Special Concern Species CT 1, Osprey Of special concern in N.C. (Cooper, et al., 1977). At IWW and least one nesting pair is Alligator present along west side of River island on river. Special Concern Species outoug Black Bear Of special concern in N.C. (Cooper, et al., 1977). Unde- termined population present. Habitat sufficiently extensive and diverse, along with other Alligator River corridor wet- lands, to support population. Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: Type Private 100 % Public % Unknown % 14. Number of Owners: 3 15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information). 1) Adams -Roper, Inc. (8210 acres) - primary owner c/o Jay M. DeVoss, Sec. Devoss and Scott P. 0. Box 30 Decatur, Indiana 47633 2) Glenn B. O'Neal (275 acres) _ Creek Road Piperville, PA 18947 3) Harry M. DeWitt (370 acres) 11619 Gibson St. Silver Spring, MD 20962 *Adams -Roper, Inc. went bankrupt in July, 1982 - present status of ownership is not known. 16. Name(s).of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information). 1) Otto Florschutz, Jr., Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service P. 0. Box 581 Washington, NC 27889 17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): Not known; previous owners were interested in selling property to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or The Nature Conservancy. 79 18. Uses of natural area: Much of the natural area has been logged over in several cycles to obtain the successively most valuable remaining or regenerated timber. Early loggers used barges and a series of tram roads to remove timber. Recently (1979), loggers dug a short canal into the Alligator River side of the island and selectively cut timber along this canal and along a series of skidder trails. The canal construction was halted when the Army Corps of Engineers issued a cease -and -desist order re- quiring a "404" wetlands permit. Some logging continues at the present time by cable. There has been no agricultural development on the island. However, there have been some small-scale logging, clearing, and bush -hogging operations along the Intracoastal Waterway (IWW) spoil area. A portion of the spoil area has been opened to cattle grazing. Construction of the IWW in the 1930's created Roper Island and effectively curtailed many uses by cutting the area off from the mainland. Some deer hunting is done by the present and neighboring owners. Excellent fishing is reported along the Alligator River and along the three major streams which drain out of Roper Island. 19, Uses of surrounding land: a. Wildland 70 % b. Agricultural land % 20. Preservation Status: c. high -intensity forestry % d. developed 30 % (Intracoastal Waterway) Cat * % *Description of preservation status 6 100 Private land, not protected as a natural area by owner. 21. Regulatory protections in force: The Army Corps of Engineers "404" permit process applies to this area. 80 22. Threats: The major threat to Roper Island is continued logging operations. Much merchantable loblolly and pond pine, baldcypress, swamp blackgum, and some Atlantic white cedar are present on the island. Much of this timber is located in the relatively inaccessible interior. Logging of course results in locally severe disturbance; however, the island may have some degree of protection from modern timbering practices (i.e., construction of access roads and associ- ated drainage canals) because of the requirements for federal dredge and fill permits (Section 404 of Clean Water Act). This permit regulation has already halted one attempt to construct an access canal on the island. Peat mining is a potential threat; Otte and Ingram (1980) found energy grade peat (less than 25% ash at 0% moisture) under much of the island. However, the lack of vehicular access to the natural area and the low elevation of the site will probably pro- hibit any mining in the foreseeable future. Agricultural development is another potential threat. The southeastern portion of the island is shallow peat or peaty sand and could be successfully farmed if drained. Again, the problem of access and the federal permit re- quirements pose a severe constraint for any development plans. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: The section of the Alligator River from the southwest confluence with the IWW downstream to the Northwest Fork confluence should be nominated for designation as a wild and scenic river. If Roper Island is offered to The Nature Conservancy as a bargain sale or as a gift, TNC should accept and trans- fer the lands eventually to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice as a part of the national wildlife refuge system. Other more significant natural areas in the Alligator River corridor of Hyde and Dare Counties should receive a higher priority for protection and this should be taken into account if and when negotiations for the acquisition of Roper Island occur. 81 The entire island should be acquired, including the 400-acre IWW spoil bank, so that management activities such as controlled burning could be freely implemented. The interior of the island should be protected and pre- served in its natural state with only limited trails, boardwalks, and other public use facilities maintained. 82 Natural Characteristics Summary 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 1 Community type: Typha angustifolia Community cover type: Typha angustifolia General habitat feature: Brackish marsh Average canopy height: - Estimated age of canopy trees: - Canopy cover: - Estimated size of community: 780 acres Successional stage: successional to forested wetland Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): standing dead Taxodium distichum Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Cladium jamaicense 83 Natural Characteristics Summary 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 2 Community type: Chamaecyparis thyoides Community cover type: Chamaecyparis thyoides General habitat feature: White cedar bog Average canopy height: unknown Estimated age of canopy trees: unknown Canopy cover: closed Estimated size of community: 200 acres Successional stage: early -mid successional Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None _ Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Not known. Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Not known. 84 Natural Characteristics Summary 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 3 Community type: Pinus serotina/Acer rubrum-Persea borbonia/ Persea borbonia and mixed evergreen shrubs// Smilax laurifolia or Pinus serotina/Persea borbonia and mixed evergreen shrubs//Smilax laurifolia Community cover type: Pinus serotina General habitat feature: palustrine swamp or pocosin Average canopy height: 50-60 up to 80 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: 50 to 100+ years Canopy cover: open Estimated size of community: 7200 acres Successional stage: late successional to pyroclimax Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): none Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Lyonia lucida, Ilex coriacea, Magnolia virginiana Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Arundinaria giganta (occasionally dominant) 85 24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 1, 2, 3 Soil series: not known Soil classification: not determined Soil association: 1) Ponzer-Belhaven-Wasda 2) Dare-Pungo-Dorovan pH class: extremely acid Source of information: General Soil Map of Hyde County, N.C., SCS, 1973 Other notes: 24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 1, 2, 3 Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: Fresh -acid Water regime: Saturated (CT 2, 3) to intermittently flooded (CT 1) Drainage class: Very poorly drained Drainage basin: Alligator River Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, saturated to intermittently flooded, fresh -acid, interaqueous, palustrine system. 86 24d. Topography Summary: CT 1, 2, 3 Landform: Peat -mantled terrace or flat Shelter: Open (CT 1) to sheltered (CT 2, 3) Aspect: not applicable Slope Angle: not applicable Profile: Flat Surface patterns: generally smooth, except for small depressions, stream channels, etc. Position: not applicable 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: An assemblage of early successional to pyroclimax brackish marsh and palustrine forested wetland communities occupying a very poorly drained, peat -mantled flat plain along the Alligator River and the Intracoastal Waterway in the Coastal Plain Province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Recent peats over Pleistocene Pamlico Terrace Formation sands and clays over Upper Miocene Yorktown Formation sands and clays. Geological Formation age: Recent = less than 10,000 yrs. BP Pleistocene Pamlico Terrace = less than 100,000 yrs. BP Upper Miocene Yorktown Formation = 18-22 million years BP References Cited: Daniels, R. B., E. E. Gamble, and W. H. Wheeler. 1978. Age of Soil Landscapes in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Soil Science Society of America Journal 42: 98-105. 87 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: American alligator Species legal status and authority: Federally endangered (Endangered Species Act of 1973) Number of populations on site: ? Number of individuals per population: ? Size or Maturity of individuals: ? Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative % - flowering % - fruiting % - General vigor of population: Unknown. Not seen by authors but reported by WRC personnel and local fishermen to occur in small creeks draining into Alligator River on west side of island. Disturbance or threats to population: Illegal shooting Habitat characteristics Plant community: CT 1, open water of creeks Topography: - Soil Series: - Microclimate: - Drainage basin: - Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists. AERIAL OR DETAILED MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 88 26. Sum. -nary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Red -shouldered Hawk Species legal status and authority: Threatened In N.C. (Cooper, et al., 1977) Number of populations on site: 2113 pairs Number of individuals per population: 2 (male and female) plus young of year Size or Maturity of individuals: adult and immature Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative % - flowering % - fruiting % - General vigor of population: Excellent. Habitat extensive and diverse. Disturbance or threats to population: Clearcutting, drainage, pesticides. Habitat characteristics Plant community: Throughout Topography: - Soil Series: - Microclimate: - Drainage basin: - Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists. AERIAL OR DETAILED :'LAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 89 26. Sum --nary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Osprey Species legal status and authority: Of Special Concern in N.C. (Cooper et al., 1977) Number of populations on site: one Number of individuals per population: 2 plus young of year Size or Maturity of individuals: adult and immature Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative % - flowering % - fruiting % - General vigor of population: Good. At least one nest observed in top of dead cypress along Alligator River about 1 mile upstream from con- fluence with Northwest Fork. Disturbance or threats to population: pesticides, illegal shooting Habitat characteristics Plant community: CT 1, open water Topography: - Soil Series: - Microclimate: - Drainage basin: - Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists. AERIAL OR DETAILED MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 90 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Black Bear Species legal status and authority: Of Special Concern in N.C. (Cooper, et al., 1977) Number of populations on site: one Number of individuals per population: undetermined Size or Maturity of individuals: unknown Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative % - flowering % - fruiting % - General vigor of population: Unknown. One set of tracks seen by authors along canal edge in northern section of island. Florschutz (1979) reports den tree on island. Habitat extensive and diverse; most of island is inaccessible to hunters. Disturbance or threats to population: clearcutting, drainage Habitat characteristics Plant community: Throughout Topography: - Soil Series: - Microclimate: - Drainage basin: - Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists. AERIAL OR DETAILED MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY :HARKED. 91 27. Master Species List: VASCULAR PLANTS (arranged alphabetically by family) ACERACEAE Acer rubrum ALISMATACEAE Sagittaria sp. ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex coriacea I. glabra ASTERACEAE Baccharis halimifolia BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia virginica CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia CUPRESSACEAE Chamaecyparis thyoides CYPERACEAE Carex spp. Cladium jamaicense Scirpus americanus CYRILLACEAE Cyrilla racemiflora ERICACEAE Leucothoe axillaris Lyonia lucida Rhododendron viscosum Vaccinium corymbosum HAMAMELIDACEAE Liuqidambar styraciflua LAURACEAE Persea borbonia LENTIBULARIACEAE Utricularia spp. LILIACEAE Smilax laurifolia LOGANIACEAE Gelsemium sempervirens MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia virginiana MALVACEAE Kosteletskya virginica 92 MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera M. heterophylla NYSSACEAE Nyssa sylvatica var. NYMPHAEACEAE Nymphaea odorata OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda regalis var. PINACEAE Pinus serotina P. taeda POACEAE Arundinaria gigantea PONTEDERIACEAE Pontederia cordata PRIMULACEAE Samolus parviflorus TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum TYPHACEAE Typha angustifolia Green Treefrog Gray Treefrog Southern Cricket Frog Carpenter Frog Green Frog None recorded biflora spectabilis AMPHIBIANS REPTILES 93 BIRDS (Emphasis of bird lists is on breeding or summering species; lack of adequate field work during the other seasons prevented compilation of a complete list.) KEY PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient; spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; year-round, summer or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Great Blue Heron PV Green Heron SR* Least Bittern SR* Wood Duck PR* Turkey Vulture PR* Red -shouldered Hawk PR* Osprey SR* Common Bobwhite PR* Laughing Gull SV Mourning Dove PR* Yellow -billed Cuckoo SR* Chimney Swift SV Ruby -throated Hummingbird SR* Belted Kingfisher PV Common Flicker PR* Pileated Woodpecker PR* Red -bellied Woodpecker PR* Downy Woodpecker PR* Red-headed Woodpecker PR* Eastern Kingbird SR* Great Crested Flycatcher SR* Eastern Pewee SR* Barn Swallow SV Common Crow PR* Fish Crow PR* Carolina Chickadee PR* Carolina Wren PR* Gray Catbird PR* Wood Thrush SR* White -eyed Vireo SR* Prothonotary Warbler SR* Northern Parula Warbler SR* 94 Yellow -throated Warbler SR* Pine Warbler PR* Prairie Warbler SR* Ovenbird SR* Common Yellowthroat PR* Hooded Warbler SR* Red -winged Blackbird PR* Common Grackle PR* Brown -headed Cowbird PR* Northern Cardinal PR* Indigo Bunting SR* Rufous -sided Towhee PR* Raccoon - tracks common White-tailed Deer - abundant tracks Black Bear - one set of tracks 0 95 NATURAL AREA INVENTORY FORM (To be prepared for each site) Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: New Lake Fork Pocosin 2. County: Hyde 3. Location: Southeast of Alligator (New) Lake between New Lake Fork of the Alligator River and the Intra- coastal Waterway 4. Topographic quadrangle(s): New Lakd SE (1974) 5. Size: Approximately 9300 acres, measured with grid calculator 6. Elevation: 2-12 feet above mean sea level 7. Access: The southwestern side can be reached by taking SR 1303 north towards Alligator (New) Lake. About 4 miles north of the SR 1302 junction, the road bends sharply to the right (east). At this corner take the unmarked private dirt road on the right (southeast) which intersects SR 1303. Natural area begins about one mile down this road (named Boundary Road on some maps). 8. Names of investigators: J. Merrill Lynch S. Lance Peacock Route 2, Box 222-B P. O. Box 6006 Enfield, NC 27823 Raleigh, NC 27628 9. Date(s) of investigation: April 8, August 11, 1982 10. Priority rating: Medium. 96 `10 lla. Prose Description of Site: The New Lake Fork Pocosin is a 9300-acre tract of various pocosin habitats located about one mile southeast of Alligator (New) Lake. The predominantly high pocosin vegetation of the tract is associated with a long, finger -like extension of deep peat which occurs along the drainage and headwaters region of the Alligator River. The natural area contains a representative example of high pocosin vegetation which has not been drained and which is contiguous with other pocosin and swamp forest wetlands in the.Alligator River drainage corridor. Other poco- sin vegetation types present are pond pine woodland and possibly pond pine forest. These and the high pocosin type are categories of pocosin vegetation proposed by Otte (1981). His definitions of the types are summarized in Table 1. The natural area is bordered on the west and southwest by drained pocosin and cleared fields. The southern border is along the Intracoastal Waterway and the east and north boundary is the New Lake Fork of the Alligator River. The entire natural area was intensely burned during the spring of 1982. This fire completely killed about 90% of the pond pines; the remaining 10% were resprouting from the trunk _ during our visit. At least some sections of the pocosin peat were still burning in August. Smoke rising from a bed of peat near Boundary Road was observed. Before the fire the site was dominated by an open stand of low; -second -growth pond pines (Pinus serotina), about 15 feet tall with average dbh's of 4-6 inches. Several different age classes of taller pines were also present. Trees in the 30-40 foot height range were fairly common but widely scattered. A few old -growth, flat-topped pines 60-70 feet tall were also present. Frequent fires and/or timbering probably removed most of the old -growth trees, leaving a thicker growth of scrubby, second -growth trees. The post -fire community has a distinctly different aspect. Standing dead pond pine trunks are numerous and are variable in height depending on age class as discussed in the previous paragraph. This skeleton forest extends along both sides of Boundary Road as far as one can see. The shrub layer underneath the pine trunks is very dense, averaging 2-4 feet in height. The fire burned most of the shrub stems to the ground but there was vigorous new growth from root sprouts. Although a close examination of the shrub 98 flora indicated a number of species present, honeybells (Zenobia pulverulenta) appeared to be most abundant. This species forms a dense shrub layer over about 80% of the pocosin. Scattered with honeybells is fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), bitter gallberry (Ilex glabra), a blueberry (Vaccinium sp.), chokecherry (Sorbus arbutifolia), and dwarfed red bay (Persea borbonia). Throughout the site numerous pond pine seedlings about one foot tall are present. Laurel -leaved greenbriar (Smilax laurifolia) is a common vine in the shrub layer but has not yet developed the inpene- trable tangle characteristic of many burned pocosins. The herb layer is poorly developed. In the more open areas, Virginia chain fern (Woodwardia virginica) forms dense colonies. It is also present in smaller numbers under the denser shrub layers. In some openings with standing surface water, a sedge (Carex walteria.na) is present in small patches. Some portions of the pocosin are dominated in the shrub zone by dense patches of giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea). Cane is usually associated with shallow peats or peaty mineral soils so it is assumed that these patches are correlated with shallow peat or where there is a significant mineral component in the soil. The community type of the pocosin can be classified as dead Pinus serotina trunks/Zenobia pulverulenta-mixed pocosin shrubs or Arundinaria gigantea (dead pond pine trunks/honey- bells-mixed pocosin shrubs or giant cane; CT 1). The giant cane -dominated areas are relatively minor in extent (20%) and are not separated out in the vegetation mapping. The other pocosin vegetation types are also not mapped. The natural area boundary extends to the New Lake Fork of the Alligator River. This northern section of the natural area is inaccessible except by boat and time constraints prevented a field survey. Aerial reconnaissance and review of aerial photo- graphy indicates that the pocosin vegetation described above is gradually replaced by swamp forest along New Lake Fork. A zone dominated by what appears to be swamp blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora), red maple (Acer rubrum), and some baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) is present. The extent of fire damage to the swamp forest section is unknown. Dense smoke in the vicinity during our aerial recon- naissance prevented a close inspection of the swamp forest. The entire natural area is underlain by shallow to moderately deep peats (Ingram and Otte, 1982). Peat depths vary from 0-8 feet. Generally the deeper peats (6-8 feet) extend NE -SW across 99 the central portion of the natural area and gradually thin out toward Alligator Lake to the north and the Intracoastal Waterway to the south. Two soil associations are found in the natural area (SCS, 1973). The shallower peat areas are mapped as the Ponzer-Belhaven-Wasda association. The deeper peats are mapped as the Dare-Pungo-Dorovan association. Both soils associations are characterized by organic surface layers which are very poorly drained. 100 llb. Prose Description of Site Significance: The New Lake Fork Pocosin is one of the two largest relatively undisturbed pocosins remaining in Hyde County. It and the Gull Rock Game Lands Pocosin are the two most extensive examples of a wetland ecosystem which once was a widespread and dominant aspect of the county landscape. Most of the other large pocosi.ns in the county, located north of Lake Mattamuskeet and west of Alligator Lake, have been ditched, drained, and in most cases cleared for agriculture. Relatively small tracts of ditched pocosin remain in these areas. Black bear are known to occur and the tract is ex- tensive enough along with adjacent wooded buffers along the Alligator River to support a viable population. Bob- cat are also present in the natural area along with a sizeable population of white-tailed deer. A small breeding population of Red -shouldered Hawks, a state threatened species, is present. The undrained condition and extensive size of the natural area coupled with its location contiguous or nearly contiguous with adjacent forested wetlands is of primary significance. 101 H 0 N 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature Leap b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment High -quality wetland plant community CT 1 -d—ea-d Pinus sero ina trunks7zenobia pulverulenta-mixed pocosin shrubs or Extensive (8000+ acres) tract of undrained i o osin ve - Arundinaria gigantea etation. Along with the Gull Rock Game Lands pocosin. this tract is one of the two best i Portion of CT inventoried by authors Hyde County. Part of the Alli- gator d o ido which includes the Roper -Island and Allictator River Swamp Forest natural areas. Threatened Species through- out Red -shouldered Hawk Threatened in N.C. (Cooper, breeding pairs are present. Hahitat extensive enouah to support viable population. Special Concern Species P p through- out Black Bear Of special concern in N.C. (Cooper, et al. 1977). Popu- lation of undetermined size resent. Habitat excellent for species because of its large size lack of access and abundance of berry -producing shrubs. Fig. 9. Significant features: NEW LAKE FORK POCOSIN Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: 14. Number of Owners: 2 Type Private 100 % Public % Unknown % 15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information), 1) First Colony Farms 2) Rich Farms Route 1, Box 201 Belhaven, NC 27810 Creswell, NC 27928 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information). None known. 17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): Not known. 104 18. Uses of natural area: The natural area has been logged over in the past and much of the larger merchantable pond pine has been removed. Wildfires have removed most remaining merchantable timber from the tract. Hunting is a low intensity use throughout the western portion of the area accessible by roads. The degree of illegal hunting, if any, is unknown. Modern agricultural development has not been attempted in the natural area; the predominantly deep peat soils are considered inferior for agricultural use due to excessive wood content (Barnes, pers. comm., 1982). Peat mining for energy production is possible on these soils in the long term. 19, Uses of surrounding land: a. Wildland 40 % b. Agricultural land 30 % 20. Preservation Status: c. high -intensity forestry d. developed 30 % (Intracoastal Waterway) Cat * % *Description of preservation status 6 100 Private land, not protected as a natural area by owner. 21. Regulatory protections in force: The Army Corps of Engineers "404" permit process applies to this area. 105 22. Threats: Peat mining is a potential threat; Otte and Ingram (1980) have found energy grade peat (less than 25% ash at 0% moisture) under much of the natural area. Agricultural development is limited as a threat to some degree because the woody peats are currently uneconomical to farm. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: The area should be recognized as a crucial component of the Alligator River wetlands corridor which extends east of the natural area and includes Roper Island and the Alligator River Swamp Forest. Its importance as an excellent representative pocosin ecosystem will increase as additional drainage and clearing operations con- tinue to fragment the remaining pocosin areas along the Alligator River corridor. Contact with the owners should be made by the N.C. Natural Heritage Program to determine their short and long-term plans for the tract and to inform them of the natural area's biological significance as a relatively large, intact pocosin system. If, in the future, the site is protected, management will be required to maintain the pocosin vegetation in its present state. Controlled burning should be implemented to maintain the diversity of the pocosin system. Patrolling, gates, and enforcement agreements with the state's Wildlife Resources Commission may be needed to control unlawful hunting. 106 Natural Characteristics Summary 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 1 Community type: dead Pinus serotina trunks/Zenobia pulverulenta- mixed pocosin shrubs or Arundinaria gigantea Community cover type: Zenobia pulverulenta-mixed pocosin shrubs or Arundinaria gigantea General habitat feature: high pocosin Average canopy height: pre -fire = 15 feet, now 2-4 feet (shrubs) Estimated age of canopy trees: - Canopy cover: not applicable Estimated size of community: 8000+ acres Successional stage: Pyroclimax Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Lyonia lucida, Ilex glabra, Vaccinium sp., Persea borbonia, Sorbus arbutifolia Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Smilax laurifolia Woodwardia virginica Carex walteriana 107 24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 1 Soil series: not known Soil classification: - Soil association: 1) Ponzer-Belhaven-Wasda (shallow peats) 2) Dare-Pungo-Dorovan (deep peats) pH class: Extremely acid Source of information: General Soil Map of Hyde County, SCS, 1973 Other notes: 24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 1 Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: Fresh -acid Water regime: Saturated Drainage class: Very poorly drained Drainage basin: New Lake Fork of Alligator River Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, saturated, fresh -acid, interaqueous palustrine system. 108 24d. Topography Summary: CT 1 Landform: peat -mantled flat Shelter: Open Aspect: not applicable Slope Angle: not applicable Profile: Flat Surface patterns: Hummocky, many small depressions and fallen tree trunks Position: not applicable 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: Pyroclimax and successional communities occupying a very poorly drained, peat -mantled flat near the headwaters of the New Lake Fork of the Alligator River in the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Recent peats over Pleistocene (Pamlico Terrace) sands and clays over Upper Miocene (Yorktown Formation) fossiliferous sands and clays. Geological Formation age: Recent - less than 10,000 yrs. BP Pleistocene - 10,000 to 100,000 yrs. BP Upper Miocene - 18-22 million years BP References Cited: Daniels, R. B., E. E. Gamble, and W. H. Wheeler. 1978. Age of Soil Landscapes in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Soil Science of America Journal 42: 98-105. 109 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Red -shouldered Hawk Species legal status and authority: Threatened in N.C. (Cooper et al., 1977) Number of populations on site: one Number of individuals per population: 2 plus young of year Size or Maturity of individuals: adult and immature Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative % - flowering % - fruiting % - General vigor of population: Believed to be good. One pair with young seen along Boundary Road; other pairs probably present along New Lake Fork. Disturbance or threats to population: Land clearing and drainage Habitat characteristics Plant community: CT 1 Topography: - Soil Series: - Microclimate: - Drainage basin: - Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species List. AERIAL OR DETAILED MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 110 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Black Bear Species legal status and authority: Of Special Concern in N.C. (Cooper et al., 1977) Number of populations on site: one Number of individuals per population: unknown Size or Maturity of individuals: unknown Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative % - flowering % - fruiting % - General vigor of population: Not known. One set of tracks seen along Boundary Road. Disturbance or threats to population: Land clearing, drainage, road construction, illegal hunting. Habitat characteristics Plant community: CT 1 Topography: - Soil Series: - Microclimate: - Drainage basin: - Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species List. AERIAL OR DETAILED ;MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. ill 27. Master Species List: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) ACERACEAE Acer rubrum AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex glabra I. coriacea BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia virginica CYPERACEAE Carex walteriana ERICACEAE Gaylussacia frondosa Kalmia angustifolia Lyonia lucida Vaccinium sp. Zenobia pulerulenta LAURACEAE Persea borbonia LILIACEAE Smilax laurifolia MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia virginiana NYSSACEAE Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora PINACEAE Pinus serotina POACEAE Arundinaria gigantea ROSACEAE Sorbus arbutifolia THEACEAE Gordonia lasianthus None recorded None recorded. AMPHIBIANS REPTILES 112 BIRDS (Emphasis of bird lists is on breeding or summering species; lack of adequate field work during the other seasons prevented compilation of a complete list.) KEY PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient; spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; year-round, summer or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Great Blue Heron Turkey Vulture Red -shouldered Hawk Common Bobwhite Mourning Dove Screech Owl Common Flicker Downy Woodpecker Red-headed Woodpecker Belted Kingfisher Eastern Kingbird Tree Swallow Fish Crow Carolina Chickadee Gray Catbird Brown Thrasher Eastern Bluebird Prairie Warbler Common Yellowthroat Blue Grosbeak Indigo Bunting Raccoon (tracks) White-tailed Deer (abundant tracks) Bobcat (1 set of tracks) Black Bear (1 set of tracks and scat) 113 PV PV PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* PV SR* T PR* PR* PR* PR* PR* SR* SR* SR* SR* NATURAL AREA INVENTORY FORM (To be prepared for each site) Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Gull Rock Game Lands 2. County: Hyde 3. Location: In the southern part of the county between New Holland and Pamlico Sound. 4. Topographic quadrangle(s): New Holland (1974) Bluff Point (1951) 5. Size: Approximately 10,575 acres, measured with a grid calculator 6. Elevation: 0-4 feet above mean sea level 7. Access: There are several access points. The sweetgum stand is best reached by taking SR 1122 to Hydeland and from there a private dirt road due east 0.7 miles. The eastern side of the sweetgum stand can be reached from several points along SR 1164 0.3-1.3 miles south of New Holland. The pond pine pocosin is along the west side of SR 1164 be- tween 3.1 and 4.2 miles south of New Holland. The eastern margin of the low pocosin can be reached by going south from New Holland 3.1 miles on SR 1164 to dirt road on right (west). Turn right and walk down dirt road for about 1.2 miles to junction with north -south dirt road. Low pocosin is along west side of this road. A repre- sentative example of brackish marsh can be seen at end of SR 1164 at Pamlico Sound. 8. Names of investigators: J. Merrill Lynch S. Lance Peacock Route 2, Box 222-B P. O. Box 6006 Enfield, NC 27823 Raleigh, NC 27628 9. Date(s) of investigation: April 9, 29, June 16, 17, 28, 1982 10. Priority rating: High 114 ff.1 `wlI lla. Prose Description of Natural Area INTRODUCTION Located between Lake Mattamuskeet and Pamlico Sound in the southern part of Hyde County, the Gull Rock Game Lands Natural Area encompasses a variety of wetland habitats ranging from hardwood -dominated swamp forest and pond pine pocosin to shrub marsh and brackish marsh systems. This wide band of contiguous wetland habitats forms an uninterrupted transect which begins in the Hydeland sweetgum-mixed hardwoods swamp forest, proceeds through the extensive pond pine pocosins in the central portion of the natural area, and includes an area of open, low shrub pocosin. Beyond that the natural area extends to the Pamlico Sound brackish marshes. This wide band of natural wetlands is split into four distinct habitat units based on differences in soils, hydrol- ogy, and fire regime. The four major vegetation associations correlated with each unit are discussed in the following pages along with their soil -habitat relationships, general ecology, and wildlife components. The Gull Rock Game Lands natural area, about 10,575 acres in size, is bounded on the east by the Lake Mattamuskeet Out - fall Canal (SR 1164) and on the west by agricultural fields near SR 1122 (in the vicinity of Hydeland) and the Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge boundary. Much of this immense tract is located within the boundaries of the state-owned Gull Rock Game Lands, but there are also privately -owned tracts along the northern periphery and in the central interior. In terms of local topography, the entire natural area is a broad, very poorly drained flat associated with the head- water region of the Juniper Bay Creek drainage system. Overall drainage is poorly developed but water flow appears to be in a southwestward direction into Juniper Bay Creek. Elevation ranges from sea level to about 4 feet. Soils of the natural area have been mapped as four dis- tinct soil associations (SCS 1973). No detailed soil mapping is currently available. These four soil associations occur as wide bands trending generally east -west parallel to the long axis of Lake Mattamuskeet and the Pamlico Sound shore- line. There is a significant correlation between the soil associations and the four habitat units which comprise the natural area. The four soil associations are (north to south) : 116 1) Weeksville-Pasquotank: Very poorly and poorly drained mineral soils with black to gray very fine sandy loam or silt loam surface layers (Typic Humaquepts and Typic Haplaquepts) 2) Hyde-Bayboro: Very poorly drained mineral soils with thick black loam surface layers (Typic Umbraquults and Umbric Paleaquults) 3) Ponzer-Belhaven-Wasda: Very poorly drained organic soils with moderately thick to thin organic surface layers (Terric Medisaprists and Histic Humaquepts) 4) Capers: Very poorly drained mineral soils with dark gray silty clay and loamy surface layers (Typic Sulfaquents) Descriptions from SCS (1973). VF.r.RTATTOM The vegetation of the natural area is a diverse assemblage of hardwood -dominated stands, baldcypress stands, pond pine pocosin, low shrub pocosin, shrub marsh, and brackish marsh. In general these vegetation associations occur as wide bands or zones in a transect running north to south. They are closely correlated with the four soil associations described in the pre- ceding section. These vegetation -soil associations do not ex- hibit discrete boundaries, but rather change gradually along moisture and peat depth gradients. For the sake of clarity, it is best to describe these vegetation associations individually. In the following dis- cussion they are arranged in order as they are encountered along a north -south transect beginning near Hydeland and ending at Pamlico Sound: 1) Hydeland-Gull Rock Sweetgum-Hardwoods Stand 2) Gull Rock Pond Pine Pocosin (this includes several small, isolated baldcypress stands) 3) Gull Rock Low Pocosin 4) Gull Rock brackish marshes (includes shrub marsh zone) 117 (1) Hydeland-Gull Rock Sweetgum-Hardwoods Stands Along the northern portion of the natural area is a band of swamp or bottomland hardwoods dominated in many areas by sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua). These stands occupy an area about one mile wide by two miles long. The eastern end is along the Outfall Canal (SR 1164) just south of New Holland. The western end is at the edge of agri- cultural fields about 0.7 mile east of Hydeland. The northern boundary runs along the edge of agricultural fields adjacent to US 264 and the southern boundary grades into pond pine pocosin. The areal extent of this associ- ation is about 1000 acres. Sweetgum is the most widespread of the many hardwoods comprising the stands, exhibiting the most consistent dens- ity and distribution. Red maple (Acer rubrum) is also very common and often is codominant with sweetgum in the canopy. Other less common but widely distributed canopy trees include laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), American elm (Ulmus americana), baldcypress (Taxodium distichum), and swamp blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora). Surprisingly, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) is generally very uncommon in the area. Age and size classes of the sweetgum-mixed hardwoods stands vary consid- erably from one area to another, probably due to varying intensity and frequency of past logging operations. Several community types at least are present within the natural area, of which the two most commonly encountered are described here. The oldest, least disturbed stands are char- acterized as Liquidambar styraciflua-mixed hydric hardwoods/ locally dominant Symplocos tinctoria-Ligustrum sinense/mixed mesic herbs and ferns (sweetgum-mixed hydric hardwoods/locally dominant horse sugar -swamp privet/mixed hydric herbs and ferns; CT 1). Sweetgum accounts for about 50% of the importance value. Other common canopy trees are baldcypress, American elm, red maple, and laurel oak. There is essentially no sub - canopy layer in these stands. Horsesugar and swamp privet form locally dense shrub thickets 10-20 feet tall. However, over much of the area these two shrubs are only sparingly present along with scattered canopy transgressives. Almost everywhere a number of ferns and herbs form a 100 percent ground cover. Most common is netted chain fern (Woodwardia areolata). In some areas this species forms almost pure populations. Other common species include Virginia chain fern (Woodwardia virginica) which is usually associated with depressions of standing water, cinnamon fern (Osmunda cin- 118 namomea), poison ivy (Rhus radicans), southern lady fern (Athyrium asplenioides), enchanters' nightshade (Circaea lutetians) and giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea) . In- terestingly, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) is rather uncommon and, except in disturbed areas, does not form extensive ground patches. High -climbing vines are abundant throughout the hardwood stands. Most common species are trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans), cross vine (Anisostichus capreolata), poison ivy, climbing hydrangea (Decumaria barbara), and wild grape (Vitis sp.). The canopy height of the sweetgum-mixed hydrichard- woods community ranges to a maximum 75-80 feet although generally it is in the 60-75 foot range. The canopy is usually closed except where windfalls or other disturbances have created openings. The average dbh of the canopy trees ranges from 16 to 19 inches. The absence of a subcanopy layer and the absence of a well-defined shrub layer (except locally) gives the understory an open, park -like aspect. This openness makes traversing the area on foot relatively easy and provides esthetic appeal. The fern diversity of the community is worth mentioning. Eleven species are known to occur: Southern lady, cinnamon, netted and Virginia chain, royal (Osmunda regalis var. spec- - tabilis), bracken (Pteridium aquilinum), resurrection (Poly - podium polypodioides), New York (Thelypteris noveboracensis), ebony spleenwort (Asplenium platyneuron), sensitive (Onoclea sensibilis), and log (Dryopteris celsa). We know of no other area in the North Carolina coastal plain (with the possible exception of the Great Dismal Swamp) with a comparable di- versity of ferns. It is likely that further field work in the area will uncover the presence of rare hybrids or ad- ditional species. A second widely distributed community type is Liquidambar styraciflua-Acer rubrum/locally dominant Myrica heterophylla/ mixed hydricherbs and ferns (sweetgum-red maple/locally domi- nant bayberry/mixed hydricherbs and ferns) . This community is similar to the one previously described except that red maple is a co -dominant canopy component with sweetgum. Local patches of bayberry are associated with wet depressions. This community is generally younger in age with corresponding lower average canopy height (50-60 feet) and average dbh (12-14 inches). This is probably a result of more intensive and/or more fre- quent cutting disturbances. Understory density of canopy transgressives is somewhat higher than in the older sweetgum- 119 mixed mesic hardwood stands. Ground cover is usually 100% with the same species composition present. The ground surface of the sweetgum-hardwood stands is slightly undulating or uneven. There are many scattered depressions which contain standing water up to 6 inches deep. These semipermanent pools are not large enough to noticeably affect the canopy tree distribution. However, they clearly affect the distribution of the ground cover species and some of the shrubs. Virginia chain fern usually is found growing in dense patches only within the depressions. Bayberry is also associated with the pools; it forms dense thickets in and around some of them. It is probable that standing water covers most if not all of the area periodically during the winter months and that only the deeper depressions retain standing water during the late summer and autumn. Scattered old stumps are present throughout. There is no evidence of cutting within the past 40-50 years, at least within the game lands portion of the hardwood stands. Although the entire area shows signs of past cutting disturbance, much of it has regained characteristics usually associated with mature or climax stands: distinct zonation of canopy and herb layers; open, park -like under - story; and low density and frequency of introduced exotics, i.e., Japonese honeysuckle and swamp privet. The soils of the sweetgum-hardwood stands has been mapped as the Weeksville-Pasquotank association (SCS 1973). These are very poorly drained mineral soils which occur around the periphery of bake Mattamuskeet. Portions of the hardwood stands may lie in areas dominated by the Hyde- Bayboro association. This association of very poorly drained mineral soils occurs as a wide zone south of the Weeksville-Pasquotank soils and is transitional to the shallow organic soils occurring within the Pungo-Belhaven- Wasda association. (2) Gull Rock Pond Pine Pocosin This vegetation association occupies much of the central and southern portions of the natural area. It is characterized by dense stands of pond pine (Pinus serotina). The association is located south of the adjoining sweet - gum -hardwood stands. It is by far the largest of the four associations, encompassing about 7000 acres. The eastern 120 border is along the Outfall Canal (SR 1164) and the western border grades into the Gull Rock Low Pocosin described later in this report. The southern border grades into shrub marsh near Pamlico Sound. Otte (1981) proposes a basic pocosin classification which relates vegetation to combined factors of peat depth, seasonal wetness, and nutrient availability from underlying mineral strata or elsewhere (See Table). His system is em- ployed in the following description of the plant communities present in the Gull Rock Pond Pine Pocosin and the Low Poco- sin. The most extensive natural community within this area is Otte's pond pine forest type. The essential criteria for this pocosin type are: sandy peats less than two feet in depth, water table which drops down into the underlying mineral sediments during dry seasons, rare to absent standing water, and site dominated by 10-20 feet tall "bay" shrubs with dense canopy layer of pond pines usually less than 50 feet tall. A representative example of this pond pine forest type observed in the field is located along the Outfall Canal (SR 1164) about 3.2 miles south of New Holland. The com- munity type is classified as Pinus serotina/Persea borbonia/ mixed pocosin shrubs//Smilax laurifolia (pond pine/red bay/ mixed pocosin shrubs//laurel-leaved greenbriar; CT 2). The closed canopy is 40-50 feet tall and dominated exclusively by pond pine; dbh's are less than 12 inches. A dense tall shrub layer of red bay is located underneath with an under- lying dense low shrub layer composed of several pocosin shrubs such as bitter gallberry (Ilex glabra), fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), and chokecherry (Sorbus arbutifolia). There is essentially no ground layer. The intertwining vine, laurel -leaved greenbriar, is ubiquitous and forms an almost inpenetrable tangle in the shrub layers. Other "bay" shrubs are scattered within this community. Sweet bay (Magnolia virginiana) and loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus) occur but are not common enough to be con- sidered co -dominant components of the tall shrub layer. This community occupies much of the natural area be- tween the hardwood stands located on mineral soils to the north and the low pocosin area located on deep peat to the southwest. The dense pond pine-redbay pocosin community is situated on sandy peats and shallow peats around the outer margin of a deeper peat deposit near the headwaters of the Juniper Bay 121 Creek drainage. The deepest peat deposits are located in an area dominated by low pocosin and some high pocosin, situated southwest of the dense pond pine stands described above. In general, the vegetational pattern as one moves from the outer margins of the peat deposit to the inner "center" of maximum peat thickness is across a moisture and peat thickness gradi- ent. Pond pine forest around the shallow peat margins grades into high pocosin and finally to low pocosin in the center of the peat body. This pattern follows the general intrapocosin variation described by Otte (1981). The soils of the pond pine pocosin vegetation association have not been mapped in detail. The soil association is pro- bably Ponzer-Belhaven-Wasda: very poorly drained organic soils. The pond pine stands are associated with the shallower peat deposits of this soil association. A distinctly different vegetation type is present within the pond pine pocosin area. Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) stands occur as small (less than 50 acres) isolated "islands" along the southern portion of the natural area within 1.5 miles of Pamlico Sound. These stands were not investigated from the ground but were surveyed aerially and located on aerial photographs. Baldcypress predominates in the canopy along with a few tall pines (either Pinus taeda or P. sero- tina). Canopy height is 70-90 feet. Understory vegetation could not be definitely determined but appeared to consist of red maple (Acer rubrum) and bay shrubs. The physiognomy of these stands is striking when compared with the adjoining pond pine stands. The controlling factors determining the distribution and formation of these cypress stands is unknown. Soil differences and hydrology are probable factors; further field work is needed to determine what the controlling factors are. (3) Gull Rock Low Pocosin This vegetation association is located in the central por- tion of the natural area. It is surrounded on all four sides by the pond pine pocosin described earlier. The low pocosin, about 1900 acres in size, is located almost wholly within the state-owned game lands except for a very small area along its eastern margin contained in the Ficklen tract. Otte (1981) describes the following characteristics of low pocosin: greater than 4 feet of peat, saturated soils with abundant surface water up to 2 feet deep during wet seasons, dense pocosin shrub vegetation with heights of 2-4 feet with scattered, stunted pond pines up to 10 feet tall. 122 A representative example of low pocosin observed in the field is located along a north -south access road situated about 1.25 miles west of the Outfall Canal Road (SR 1164). The dominant vegetation observed here is titi (Cyrilla race- miflora), 4-6 feet tall over an assemblage of slightly lower shrubs including stunted redbay (Persea borbonia), fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), honeybells (Zenobia pulverulenta) and choke- cherry (Sorbus arbutifolia). In more open patches a dense herb layer composed of Virginia chain fern (Woodwardia vir- ginica) is present. Pond pines are very scattered to almost completely absent. They are stunted, less than 10 feet tall and with dbh's less than three inches. Scattered small lob - lolly bays (Gordonia lasianthus) 5-10 feet tall are also present. The community type is Cyrilla racemiflora-mixed pocosin shrubs/Woodwardia virginica (titi-mixed pocosin shrubs/Vir- ginia chain fern; CT 3). There is much local variation in dominance of the shrub species. In some areas there are open zones dominated exclusively by Virginia chain fern. Sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia) forms locally dense zones in scattered locations. Other zones dominated by honeybells, chokecherry, and fetterbush are also present. Laurel -leaved greenbriar (Smilax laurifolia) forms a dense tangle throughout much of the shrub zone. In some open, wet depressions several pitcherplants occur (Sarracenia purpurea, S. flava). Pitcherplants are also found along the ditch and road margins. Unfortunately, the wettest and lowest portions of the low pocosin were not field checked. An area of about 500 acres located southwest of the north -south access road appears to be dominated by low shrubs 2-4 feet in height and possibly by a sedge marsh system. This area was sur- veyed by air in April 1982. From our aerial observations this area appears to be a very wet, treeless, low shrub and/or sedge marsh dominated wetland. Ground field work is needed to determine the community types present. The low pocosin vegetation types described above appear to be correlated with a deep peat deposit mapped by Otte and Ingram (1980). Their peat survey covered six square miles, of which approximately 1.5 are underlain by peat up to 2 feet thick, 2.25 by peat 2-4 feet thick, and 2.25 by peat 4-5 feet thick. The deepest parts of this peat deposit are believed to lie underneath the low pocosin area. 123 It should also be mentioned that a third pocosin type, high pocosin, is also present within the natural area. This type is transitional between low pocosin and pond pine forest. Its characteristics are: peat depth of 2-4 feet, saturated organic soils with water tables which drop 1-2 feet below the surface in dry seasons, dense shrub layer dominated by bay species 4-8 feet tall with scattered pond pines to 25 feet tall. Areas sampled which match this description are located between the Outfall Canal Road and the Low Pocosin area. There is a gradual increase in pond pine density and height and shrub layer height as one proceeds east from the low pocosin to the pond pine forest along the Outfall Canal. Most areas of high pocosin are included in the Gull Rock pond pine pocosin vegetation association. Because there is a con- tinuum of vegetation types it is not practical to delineate the areal extent of the high pocosin-dominated areas. The soils of the low pocosin have been mapped as the Ponzer-Belhaven-Wasda association (SCS 1973). The deeper organics, i.e., Ponzer and Belhaven series, probably dom- inate in this area. (4) Gull Rock Brackish Marshes This vegetation association occupies about 675 acres along the Pamlico Sound shoreline in the southern portion of the natural area. The brackish marsh zone is fairly extensive along the sound and its many small bays, averaging between 1000 and 3000 feet in width. Three distinct zones are present which are controlled by flooding frequency and duration. Adjacent to the open water is a zone dominated by almost pure stands of black needlerush (Juncus roemarianus). The needlerush marsh is irregularly flooded by above average high tides and storm tides. Threesquare (Scirpus americanus) forms small, dense patches within the needlerush zone. The next higher marsh is dominated by sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense). These plants form a dense layer up to nine feet in height. The separation of the needlerush and sawgrass zones is usually quite distinct. Flooding occurs only occasionally in this zone. These two marsh types are listed as CT 4 in the significance summary and biotic summary tables. Further inland the sawgrass grades gradually into a shrub marsh system which contains along with sawgrass various shrubs such as bayberry (Myrica sp.), groundsel 124 tree (Baccharis halimifolia), small red maple (Acer rubrum) transgressives and small pond pine. The shrubs assume in- creasing dominance and gradually increase in height as one moves inland. The shrub zone grades gradually into a pond pine -red maple low tree zone which eventually becomes pond pine pocosin. The shrub marsh zone is flooded on rare oc- casions by storm tides. The soils of this vegetation type have been mapped as the Capers association: very poorly drained mineral soils which are mildly alkaline due to the salt influence from the adjacent brackish sound. WILDLIFE AND AVIAN DIVERSITY The Gull Rock Game Lands natural area has superlative values for a diversity of game and non -game species. The natural area, by virtue of its size, remoteness, and habitat diversity, supports one of the last viable black bear popu- lations in the coastal plain. The natural area, along with the adjacent wilderness areas of Swanquarter National Wild- life Refuge and more disturbed portions of the Gull Rock Game Lands, encompasses a total of about 20,000 acres. Much of this acreage is either formally designated wilder- ness (8800 acres of the Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge) or de facto wilderness (much of the Gull Rock Game Lands). Its large size and ecological diversity provide crutial nesting, denning, and feeding habitat for many wildlife species. Sixty-three species of breeding birds are known to occur and at least 8 species of mammals are present. Ac- cording to Rod McClanahan (WRC District biologist) the area supports "very large" black bear and "large" white-tailed deer populations. Our observations of numerous track and scat sign of both black bear and white-tailed deer support McClanahan's information. Bear sign are particularly pre- valent in the low pocosin area. Bobcat are also reported to be present in undetermined numbers. 125 llb. Prose Description of Site Significance: The Gull Rock Game Lands natural area contains the highest diversity of wetland habitat types in a relatively natural state remaining in Hyde County. The natural area contains excellent examples of brackish marsh; low, high, and pond pine -dominated pocosin; and sweetgum-mixed hard- wood flats. All of these vegetation types are situated in one contiguous tract and form an uninterrupted corridor from Pamlico Sound inland to New Holland, with extensive marshes adjoining to the west on Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge. Although subjected to periodic cutting in the past, the pocosin and hardwoods communities have retained significant natural qualities in the present second -growth timber. The sweetgum-hardwood flats are an example of a rapidly disappearing coastal plain vegetation association. Although more disturbed than the hardwood flats contained in the Scranton Hardwoods natural area, they nevertheless contain a substantial amount of mature timber and provide habitat for a number of wildlife species. _ The low pocosin community is an excellent example of an undrained, shrub -dominated wetland system and is buffered by an extensive pond pine pocosin surrounding it. The brackish marshes along Pamlico Sound are critical habitat for a number of invertebrate as well as vertebrate animals. These marshes are widespread along the sound and are included in the natural area primarily because they are part of a continuum of habitats which add to the natural area's diversity. The southern coastal fauna is well -represented in the natural area. Black bear occur throughout and the diversity and extensiveness of the habitats is sufficient to maintain a viable population. The avifaunal component is notably diverse, in keeping with the habitat diversity present. Approximately 63 breeding bird species are known to occur, including five species of woodpeckers and 12 species of wood warblers. The natural area provides habitat for a small American Alligator population, an endangered species. A state en- dangered peripheral plant, Southern Twayblade, is present in the sweetgum-hardwood flats. An unusually high diversity of ferns (eleven species) is also a noteworthy feature of that habitat. 126 N v 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment Leap High -quality wetland Liquidambar styraciflua-mixed hydric Mature, second -growth wetland plant community CT 1 hardwoods/locally dominant Symplocos community which is an excellent tinctoria-Ligustrum sinense/mixed hydric example of a mesic-hydric herbs and ferns hardwood stand associated with wet mineral soils. Most of the "hardwood flats" in Hyde Old -growth section of CT inventoried County and elsewhere in the by authors N.C. coastal plain have been drained and converted to either agricultural or silvi- cultural production. This is one of the few remaining tracts which contains mature timber. High -quality wetland Pinus serotina/Persea borbonia/mixed Good example of pond pine - plant community CT 2 pocosin shrubs//Smilax laurifolia dominated pocosin. This com- Representative example of CT munity is similar to many other pond pine stands associated with peat -dominated pocosins in the coastal plain. Its major significance is as a buffer around the low pocosin community and its contiguity with both that community and the mixed mesic hardwood stands. It is also signifi- cant for its value as wildlife habitat, particularly for black bear. N N CO 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature LMapnd b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment High -quality wetland plant community CT 3 Cyrilla racemiflora-mixed pocosin shrubs/Koodwardia virginica Excellent example of a wet low Approximate areal extent of CT disturbed condition. It forms with CT 2 a system of relative- ly undisturbed pocosin habitats which illustrate most of the characteristic pocosin vege- tation t pes. High -quality wetland plant community CT 4 a) Juncus roemarianus and Excellent example of undrained brackish marsh systems. b) Cladium jamaicense Habitat for a number of marsh and wading birds. Primary Approximate areal extent of CT significance of these marshes is their contiguity along a vegetation gradient with the pond pine pocosin communities mentioned in the text. Endangered species CT 1 Listera australis (Southern twayblade) Endangered peripheral in N.C. (Cooper, et al., 1977). Com- mon throughout much of the hardwood stands. H N ko 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment LMap Endangered species g p portions American alligator Federally endangered (Endan- of CT 2, ered Species Act of 1973). 3, 4 Reported to occur in potholes and drainage canals in eastern and southern portions of natural area Rod McClanahan WRC District biologist, pers. comm. 982). Threatened s ecies p CT 1, Red -shouldered Hawk Threatened throughout N.C. CT 2 (Cooper et al., 1977). At least 2 nesting pairs are resent in wooded northern and central sections of natural area. Special Concern Species edge of Osprey Of Special Concern in N.C. Pamlico (Cooper et al. 1977). At .Sound least several nesting pairs are known in natural area. Special Concern Species through- Black Bear Of Special Concern in N.C. out (Cooper et al. 1977). "Very large" population in natural area (Rod McClanahan, WRC district biologist, pers. comm., _ 1982). Area is large and di- verse enough to support viable population. One of two re- w 0 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions). - by site a. Feature Flap Le end b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment aining strongholds for species in county (the other is the Alligator River swamp forest corridor). Unusual fern diversity CT 1 Eleven species of ferns Eleven species of ferns are known to occur in the mixed hydrichardwood stands. This is considered to be an unusual- ly high diversity for the N.C. Coastal Plain. Only known area of comparable diversity is in the Great Dismal Swamp. 1 `\ T£T ` y \ `p I 3OR33Ei 3amciiM IVNOIIYN `\83,LNYRflNY, wmt \\ LTJ 0 y��p I .oW.H tuwurrj rs+u...a..r x I- Q -- x tl 'i x !l•IB Irs3 _ - _ VL � �:�;���� �?;�;�;���::r:�'r::'�:•� �:�'r:'�:�':�irrr�;';' ter' >.1� - �4.a o°. 4 \ ; `, • _� a J'\;NI Ij x V 'I 3 x V 7 ` F -. T 10, : _ - .. . ice.. -. • V '� �N - - r I .� . -I . • �. �'--�• i � T'M __�--._ SQI3vri awvo xoo'd aZn9 :sazniea3 4ue0TJTu5TS *TT •big Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: 14. Number of Owners: 17 Type Private 15 % Public 85 % Unknown % 15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information). (in order of importance) 1) State of North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Gull Rock Game Lands Unit 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27611 2) James S. Ficklen, Jr. (agent) P. O. Box 2127 E.C.U. Station Greenville, NC 27834 3) C. Gilbert Gibbs Engelhard, NC 27824 4) Zelma Howard Route 1, Box 131 Swanquarter, NC 27885 plus additional 13 owners of small fractions of sweetgum section of natural area; various addresses. 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information). 1) Rod McClanahan Route 1, Box 442-B Jamesville, NC 27846 17. Attitude of owner or custodiam toward preservation (contacted?): Not known. 132 18. Uses of natural area: The state-owned gamelands section of the natural area is open to public hunting and is managed for that purpose. The primary game species is white-tailed deer; other smaller game such as squirrel, rabbit, quail, and dove are also hunted. The game - lands is a protected black bear sanctuary; no hunting is allowed for that species. Hunting is also a primary use on the privately owner tracts within the natural area, particularly those adjoining agricultural fields along the northern border. Timber harvesting is an on -going use throughout the state game lands where there is merchantable timber. Blocks of timber are periodically sold to private companies to generate revenue. Much of the recent timber sales have been in the extensive pond pine stands where clearcutting methods have been used to remove the timber. Much of the game lands portion on the sweetgum- hardwood stands has been selectively cut .(high -graded) over the years. Logging in this area was periodically active at least back into the 1800's and early 1900's when much of the timber was removed by rail. An old tram road, now maintained as a hunting access trail, runs east -west across the natural area between Hydeland and SR 1164. There has apparently been no timbering in this portion of the natural area within the past twenty years or so. The privately owned portions of the sweet - gum -hardwood stands have a similar cutting history. Portions of the pond pine pocosin stands on the gamelands just outside the natural area boundaries have recently been burned, diked, and impounded to create waterfowl impoundments. Two large impoundments are located near the end of SR 1164 along the west side of the road. Several others are planned east of SR 1164 several miles from the natural area. As far as is known, the Wildlife Resources Commission has no plans to impound any areas within the natural area boundaries. 19. Uses of surrounding land: a. Wildland 75 % c. high -intensity forestry b. Agricultural land 25 % d. developed % 10 133 20. Preservation Status: Cat * % *Description of preservation status 2 85 Public land, informally recognized as a natural area 6 15 Private land, not protected by owner or lessee 21. Regulatory protections in force: The Army Corps of Engineers "404" permit process applies to this area; the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 protects the American alligator and its habitat. These two sources of regulation are limited in scope and effect. 22. Threats: The natural area contains a relatively small body of energy -grade peats (Otte and Ingram, 1980). Barnes (pers. comm., 1982) states that peats of the Ponzer soil series, which are prevalent on the. site, are considered generally well suited to peat energy production, within certain mineral (ash) content limits which must be tested on a per - site basis. Exploitation of peat for energy must be considered a potential activity at the site, although it is highly unlikely that the Wildlife Resources Commission will find such use compatible with present wildlife management policies. Timber management on the game lands, particularly in the pond pine stands, is an ongoing use. Blocks of timber have been clearcut within the past ten years and additional areas are slated to be cut. The associated road and ditch construction has a negative impact on some wildlife species, notably black bear, by increasing access and likelihood of illegal hunting. The hardwood stands, although not timbered in recent years, may be subject to cutting in the future. Waterfowl impoundments have been established adjacent to the natural area in areas formerly dominated by high marsh and pond pine pocosin. There are no additional impoundments planned for the near future within the natural area. 134 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: The natural area offers an excellent opportunity for con- servation of a variety of wetland habitats. The N.C. Natural Heritage Program should initiate contact with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission about the possibility of designating por- tions of the game lands as registered natural areas. Portions of the sweetgum-mixed hardwoods stands and the low pocosin should receive top priority for additional protection because of their superlative natural values. Management of the natural area should include controlled burning of portions of the low pocosin area, and restrictions on timber sales in the best preserved, mature hardwood and baldcypress stands. 135 Natural Characteristics Summary 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 1 Community type: Liquidambar styraciflua-mixed hydric hardwoods/ locally dominant Symplocos tinctoria-Ligustrum sinese/mixed hydric herbs and ferns. Community cover type: Liquidambar styraciflua-mixed hydrichardwoods General habitat feature: hardwood flats Average canopy height: 75-80 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: unknown Canopy cover: closed Estimated size of community: less than 1000 acres Successional stage: late successional Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Ulmus americana, Acer rubrum, Quercus laurifolia, Taxodium distichum Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Leucothoe axillaris, Ilex opaca Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Woodwardia areolata, W. virginica, Circaea lutetiana, Osmunda cinnamomea, Arundinaria gigantea, Rhus radicans, Athyrium asplenioides, Lonicera japonica 136 Natural Characteristics Summary 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 2 Community type: Pinus serotina/Persea borbonia/mixed pocosin shrubs// Smilax laurifolia Community cover type: Pinus serotina General habitat feature: pond pine pocosin Average canopy height: 40-50 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: unknown Canopy cover: closed Estimated size of community: less than 7000 acres Successional stage: mid to late successional Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): none Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Magnolia virginiana, Gordonia lasianthus, Acer rubrum, Lyonia lucida, Ilex glabra, Sorbus arbutifolia Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Woodwardia virginica 137 Natural Characteristics Summary 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 3 Community type: Cyrilla racemiflora-mixed pocosin shrubs/Woodwardia virginica Community cover type: Cyrilla racemiflora-mixed pocosin shrubs General habitat feature: low pocosin Average canopy height: not applicable Estimated age of canopy trees: not applicable Canopy cover: not applicable Estimated size of community: 1900 acres Successional stage: late successional or pyro-edaphic climax? Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): none Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Persea borbonia, Lyonia lucida, Zenobia pulverulenta, Sorbus arbutifolia, Clethra alnifolia, Gordonia lasianthus Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Smilax laurifolia 138 Natural Characteristics Summar 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 4 Community type: 1) Juncus roemarianus, 2) Cladium jamaicense Community cover type: 1) Juncus roemarianus, 2) Cladium jamaicense General habitat feature: irregularly flooded brackish marsh Average canopy height: not applicable Estimated age of canopy trees: not applicable Canopy cover: not applicable Estimated size of community: 675 acres Successional stage: climax Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Baccharis haliminifolia, Myrica cerifera Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Scirpus americanus 139 24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 1 Soil series: Undetermined Soil classification: Weeksville: Typic Humaquepts Pasquotank: Typic Haplaquepts Soil association: Weeksville-Pasquotank pH class: very strongly acid Source of information: General Soil Map of Hyde County, SCS, 1973 Other notes: 24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 1 Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: fresh Water regime: Intermittently flooded Drainage class: Very poorly drained Drainage basin: Juniper Bay Creek into Pamlico Sound Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, intermittently flooded, fresh, interaqueous, palustrine system. 140 24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 2 Soil series: Undetermined Soil classification: Ponzer: Terric Medisaprists Belhaven: Terric Medisaprists Wasda: Histic Humaquepts Soil association: Ponzer-Belhaven-Wasda pH class: Extremely acid Source of information: General Soil Map of Hyde County, SCS, 1973 Other notes: This community is probably dominated by the shallower organics. 24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 2 Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: fresh Water regime: temporarily flooded to saturated Drainage class: very poorly drained Drainage basin: Juniper Bay Creek into Pamlico Sound Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, temporarily flooded to saturated, fresh, inter - aqueous palustrine system. 141 24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 3 Soil series: probably Ponzer Soil classification: See CT 2 Soil association: Ponzer-Belhaven-Wasda pH class: Extremely acid Source of information: General Soil Map of Hyde County, SCS, 1973 Other notes: 24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 3 Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: saturated Drainage class: Very poorly drained Drainage basin: Juniper Bay Creek into Pamlico Sound Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, saturated, fresh, interaqueous palustrine system. 142 24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 4 Soil series: undetermined, probably Capers Soil classification: Capers: Typic Sulfaquents Soil association: Capers pH class: unknown Source of information: General Soil Map of Hyde County, SCS, 1973 Other notes: 24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 4 Hydrologic system: Estuarine Hydrologic subsystem: Intertidal Water chemistry: Brackish Water regime: Irregularly flooded Drainage class: Very poorly drained Drainage basin: Pamlico Sound Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, irregularly flooded, brackish, intertidal, estuarine system. 143 24b. 1) Topography Summary: CT 1 Landform: non -alluvial flat Shelter: Sheltered Aspect: not applicable Slope Angle: not applicable Profile: Flat Surface patterns: Generally smooth; many scattered depressions Position: not applicable 2) Topography Summary: CT 2, 3 Landform: non -alluvial, peat -mantled flat Shelter: sheltered Aspect: not applicable Slope Angle: not applicable Profile: Flat Surface patterns: hummocky; particularly in CT 3 Position: not applicable 3) Topography Summary: CT 4 Landform: brackish marsh Shelter: open Aspect: not applicable Slope Angle: not applicable Profile: Flat Surface patterns: Smooth, except for small scattered depressions and small tidal creeks Position: not applicable 144 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: Mid -successional to near -climax communities on mineral and peat -dominated landscape on the Pamlico Terrace in the Coastal Plain Province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Pleistocene Pamlico Terrace formation over the Upper Miocene Yorktown Formation. Geological Formation age: Pleistocene Pamlico Terrace: less than 100,000 yrs. BP Upper Miocene Yorktown Formation: 18-22 million yrs. BP References Cited: Daniels, R. B., E. E. Gamble, and W. H. Wheeler. 1978. Age of Soil Landscapes in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Soil Science Soc. of Am. Journal 42: 98-105. 145 26. SuaLaary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Listera australis Species legal status and authority: Endangered peripheral in North Carolina (Cooper et al., 1977) Number of populations on site: one Number of individuals per population: Present as scattered individuals over a large area. Size or Maturity of individuals: all ages Phenology of population: not known Eg: vegetative % flowering % fruiting % General vigor of population: Excellent Disturbance or threats to population: Clearcutting or conversion of hardwood forests to other uses Habitat characteristics Plant community: CT 1 Topography: slightly elevated rises Soil Series: Weeksville-Pasquotank association Microclimate: - Drainage basin: - Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists. AERIAL OR DETAILED MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 146 26. SuaLnary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: American Alligator Species legal status and authority: Federally Endangered (Endangered Species Act of 1973) Number of populations on site: one Number of individuals per population: undetermined; not observed by authors, reported to occur in potholes and drainage ditches - in portions of natural area. Size or Maturity of individuals: not known Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative % - flowering % - fruiting % - General vigor of population: not known Disturbance or threats to population: none known Habitat characteristics Plant community: CT 2, 3, 4 Topography: - Soil Series: - Microclimate: - Drainage basin: - Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species List. AERIAL OR DETAILED MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 147 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Red -shouldered Hawk Species legal status and authority: Threatened in North Carolina (Cooper et al., 1977). Number of populations on site: 2+ pairs Number of individuals per population: 2 (male and female) per pair plus young of year Size or Maturity of individuals: all ages Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative % - flowering % - fruiting % - General vigor of population: Excellent Disturbance or threats to population: Drainage and conversion to • agriculture, pesticides, clear - cutting Habitat characteristics Plant community: CT 1, 2 Topography: - Soil Series: - Microclimate: Drainage basin: - Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species List. AERIAL OR DETAILED 1111APS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 148 26. Summary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Black Bear Species legal status and authority: Of Special Concern'in N.C. (Cooper, et al., 1977) Number of populations on site: one Number of individuals per population: Undetermined but believed to be relatively high Size or Maturity of individuals: all ages Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative % flowering % fruiting % General vigor of population: Probably excellent Disturbance or threats to population: Clearcutting, conversion of wetlands to agriculture, illegal hunting Habitat characteristics Plant community: throughout Topography: - Soil Series: - Microclimate: - Drainage basin: - Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species Lists. AERIAL OR DETAILED MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 149 27. Master Species List: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) ARECACEAE Acer rubrum ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans R. copalina APIACEAE Centella asiatica Sanicula sp. AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex coriacea I. glabra I. opaca ARACEAE Arisaema triphyllum ARECACEAE Sabal minor • ASCLEPIADACEAE Matelea sp. ASPIDIACEAE Athyrum asplenicides Dryopteris celsa Onoclea sensibilis Thelypteris noveboracensis ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium platyneuron ASTERACEAE Baccharis haliminifolia BALSAMINACEAE Impatiens capensis BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia areolata W. virginica BIGNONIACEAE Anisostichus capreolata Campsis radicans CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera japonica CELASTRACEAE Euonymus americanus CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia COMMELINACEAE Commelina virginica 150 CONVOLVULACEAE Cuscuta sp. CORAACEAE Cornus stricta CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus virginiana CYPERACEAE Carex spp. Scirpus americanus Cladium jamaicense CYRILLACEAE Cyrilla racemiflora DIOSCOREACEAE Dioscorea villosa ERICACEAE Galussacia sp. Vaccinium corymbosum Vaccinium sp. Leucothoe axillaris Zenobia pulverulenta Lyonia lucida L. mariana FAGACEAE Quercus laurifolia Q. michauxii GENTIANACEAE Bartonia virginica HAMAMELIDACEAE Li-quidambar styraciflua JUNCACEAE Juncus roemarianus Juncus sp. LAURACEAE Persea borbonia Lindera benzoin LILIACEAE Smilax rotundifolia S. laurifolia LOGANIACEAE Gelsemium sempervirens LORANTHACEAE Phoradendron serotinum MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia virginiana Liriodendron tulipifera MORACEAE Morus rubra MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera M. heterophylla 151 NYSSACEAE Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora OLEACEAE Fraxinus pennsylvanica Ligustrum sinense ONAGRACEAE Circaea lutetiana _ OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Botrychium sp. ORCHIDACEAE Listera australis OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda cinnamomea 0. regalis var. spectabilis OXALIDACEAE Oxalis sp. PHYTOLACCACEAE Phytolacca americana PINACEAE Pinus taeda P. serotina POACEAE Arundinaria gigantea Distichlis spicata Uniola sessiliflora POLYGONACEAE Polygonum sp. POLYPODIACEAE Polypodium polypodioides PONTEDERIACEAE Pontederia cordata PTERIDACEAE Pteridium aquilinum RHAMNACEAE Berchemia scandens ROSACEAE Crataequs sp. Prunus serotina Rubus sp. Sorbus arbutifolia RUBIACEAE Cephalanthus occidentalis Mitchella re_pens Galium spp. SALICACEAE Salix sp. Populus heterophylla SARRACENIACEAE Sarracenia flava S. purpurea 152 SAURURACEAE Saururus cernuus SAXIFRAGACEAE Decumaria barbara Itea virginica SYMPLOCOCEAE Symplocos tinctoria TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum THEACEAE Gordonia lasianthus TYPHACEAE Typha latifolia T. angustifolia ULMACEAE Ulmus americans URTICACEAE Boehmeria cylindrica VERBENACEAE Callicarpa americana VITLACEAE Viola sp. VITACEAE Parthenocissus quinquefolia Vitis sp. Gray Treefrog Southern Toad Eastern Kingsnake Banded Watersnake Hog -nosed Snake Rough Green Snake Black Rat Snake Painted Turtle Yellow -bellied Turtle Five -lined Skink Broad -headed Skink AMPHIBIANS REPTILES 153 BIRDS (Emphasis of bird lists is on breeding or summering species; lack of adequate field work during the other seasons prevented compilation of a complete list.) KEY PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; year-round, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Common Loon WR Double -crested Cormorant PV Green Heron SR* Louisiana Heron PV Great Blue Heron PR* Least Bittern SR* Black Duck PR (may breed) Godwall PR (may breed) Wood Duck PR* Turkey Vulture _ PR* Black Vulture PV Red-tailed Hawk PR* Red -shouldered Hawk PR* Osprey SR* Common Bobwhite PR* Sara T Clapper Rail PR* Spotted Sandpiper T Lesser Yellowlegs T Least Sandpiper T Great Black -backed Gull WR Herring Gull WR Ring -billed Gull WR Laughing Gull SR Forster's Tern SR* Least Tern SV Royal Tern SV Mourning Dove PR* Chuck-will's-Widow SR* Common Nighthawk SR Yellow -billed Cuckoo SR* Chimney Swift SV Ruby -throated Hummingbird SR* 154 Common Flicker PR* Pileated Woodpecker PR* Red -bellied Woodpecker PR* Hairy Woodpecker PR* Downy Woodpecker PR* Eastern Kingbird SR* Great Crested Flycatcher SR* Acadian Flycatcher SR* Eastern Pewee SR* Barn Swallow SV Purple Martin SV Blue Jay PR* Common Crow PR* Fish Crow PR* Carolina Chickadee PR* Tufted Titmouse PR* Brown -headed Nuthatch PR* Carolina Wren PR* Long -billed Marsh Wren PR* Gray Catbird PR* Brown Thrasher PR* American Robin PR* Wood Thrush SR* Blue -gray Gnatcatcher SR* Starling PV White -eyed Vireo SR* Red -eyed Vireo SR* Prothonotary Warbler SR* Swainson's Warbler SR* Yellow Warbler T Northern Parula Warbler SR* Yellow-rumped Warbler WR Black -throated Green Warbler SR* Yellow -throated Warbler SR* Pine Warbler PR* Prairie Warbler SR* Northern Waterthrush T Ovenbird SR* Common Yellowthroat PR* Yellow -breasted Chat SR* Hooded Warbler SR* American Redstart SR* Bobolink T Eastern Meadowlark PR* Red -winged Blackbird PR* Orchard Oriole SR* Boat -tailed Grackle PR* Common Grackle PR* (may winter) 155 Brown -headed Cowbird PR* Northern Cardinal PR* Blue Grosbeak SR* Indigo Bunting SR* American Goldfinch PV Rufous -sided Towhee PR* Seaside Sparrow PR* Swamp Sparrow WR Song Sparrow WR MAMMALS White-tailed Deer Marsh Rabbit Cottontail Rabbit Bobcat Raccoon opossum Eastern Gray Squirrel Black Bear 156 - abundant tracks throughout - several seen - several seen - no sign observed by authors, reported by WRC personnel - tracks common - several sets of tracks - several seen - numerous signs observed including scratched trees, scat, and 4-5 sets of tracks; most sign around low pocosin area. NATURAL AREA INVENTORY FORM (To be prepared for each site) Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Scranton Hardwoods 2. County: Hyde 3. Location: Along the east side of US 264 between Scranton Creek and the Intracoastal Waterway. 4. Topographic quadrangle(s): Ponzer (1974) Scranton (1974) 5. Size: Approximately 6000 acres; measured with grid calculator 6. Elevation: 4-8 feet above mean sea level 7. Access: Any number of points along US 264 which forms west boundary of natural area. Old -growth stands are located primarily between 1.4 and 2.5 miles south of the Intracoastal Waterway bridge. 8. Names of investigators: J. Merrill Lynch S. Lance Peacock Route 2, Box 222-B P. O. Box 6006 Enfield, NC 27823 Raleigh, NC 27628 9. Date(s) of investigation: February 26, April 9, June 28, August 12, 1982 10. Priority rating: High -very high 157 lla. Prose Description of Site: INTRODUCTION The Scranton Hardwoods natural area is a 6000-acre wetland containing the most extensive tract of non -alluvial, hydric hardwoods known in the Pamlimarle Peninsula and prob- ably the largest contiguous block anywhere in the North Carolina coastal plain. The wetland hardwood stands are an outstanding example of an undrained, relatively undis- turbed system and include several tracts of climax-, old - growth timber representing several plant communities which are endangered in the coastal plain. The area also has superlative wildlife values and supports a diversity of game and nongame wildlife species. Hydric hardwood flats, otherwise known as oak flats or bottoms, are similar in species composition and struc- tural physiognomy to bottomland hardwoods found on alluvial terraces and natural levees along brownwater rivers in the coastal plain. The major difference is the geomorphic land - form with which they are associated. Hardwood or oak flats are situated on "upland" terraces underlain by poorly drained soils, and differ from alluvial bottomland hardwoods in not being associated with stream or river floodplains and there- fore not subject to annual stream flooding. These non -alluvial oak flats are usually associated with poorly drained silty, clayey, or fine loamy soils located on the lower marine ter- races of the lower coastal plain. The oak flats wetland system is discussed in more detail in the Vegetation section. The Scranton Hardwoods natural area is located in western Hyde County between Lake Mattamuskeet and the Pungo River. The tract is bordered on the north by the Intracoastal Waterway, on the south by Scranton Creek, on the west by US Highway 264, and on the east by exten- sive pine plantations and agricultural fields. The natural area is situated about 1.75 miles east of the embayed Pungo River estuary and is drained by two small tributaries of that river. Wilkerson Creek, a portion of which has been modified by the Intracoastal Waterway, drains the northern portion of the tract. A poorly defined, narrow drainage basin or floodplain occurs along the stream channel. Water flow is intermittent in the upper parts of the stream basin. The southern part of the natural area is drained by Scranton Creek, a some- what larger stream which is affected by tidal influence from the Pungo River. Most of the natural area between 159 these two streams is essentially flat; elevations range from about 4 feet along the streams to 8 feet in the eastern margin of the tract. This interstream flat is essentially undrained. Surface ponding is common, particularly during the winter months, and the seasonal high water table is at or near the surface during this period. Soils of the natural area are primarily wet Ultisols. No detailed soil mapping is available for the area al- though the soil association is mapped as Hyde-Bayboro (SCS, 1973). The Hyde silt loam series is classified as fine -silty, mixed, thermic Typic Umbraquults. The Bayboro loam series is classified as clayey, mixed, thermic Umbric Paleaquults. Both soil types are very poorly drained soils with thick loamy surface layers over firm clay loam to very firm clay subsoils. UF.MPTATTON The natural area is dominated for the most part by stands of mixed hardwoods or pine -mixed hardwoods. The hardwood stands vary in structure, age, and species com- position depending on a number of interrelated factors, including soil differences and past logging history. In these mesic hardwood stands there are no dominant canopy species; rather a number of species share co -dominance with loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) in varying proportions. Slight rises or depressions affect soils and drainage with a corresponding shift in canopy species composition and relative dominance. Differences in canopy composition between slightly higher and lower portions of the landscape are slight compared with the differences between the climax, old -growth stands and recently cut, younger growth stands. Frequency and intensity of past logging operations account for most of the vegetation differences. A series of quarter points was taken to quantitatively determine the relative frequency, dominance, and density of the various canopy tree species. Based on this data the mature climax stands are classified as Mixed hydric oaks and Pinus taeda/Carpinus caroliniana/Carex spp. or Saururus cernuus (Mixed hydricoaks and loblolly pine/iron- wood/mixed sedges or lizard's tail; CT 1). The principle oaks in this community, listed in order of their importance are: cherrybark oak (Quercus falcata var. pagodaefolia), laurel oak (Q. laurifolia), and swamp chestnut oak (Q. michauxii). Other hardwoods present in varying proportions 160 include (in order of importance): tulip poplar (Lirio- dendron tulipifera), red maple (Acer rubrum), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), American elm (Ulmus americana), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), shagbark hickory (Carya ovata), and swamp blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora). Scattered throughout the slightly higher, better drained areas are large beech (Fagus grandifolia). In general, swamp chestnut and cherrybark oaks along with loblolly pine are more common on the slightly better drained areas of the tract and laurel oak, green ash, and American elm are more frequent in the lower, more poorly drained areas. There is no subcanopy layer. A tall shrub zone dominated by ironwood is present throughout much of the natural area although pawpaw (Asimina triloba), and spicebush (Lindera benzoin) are locally common. There is much variation in dominance of the ground cover. The higher areas are dominated by spanglegrass (Uniola sessiliflora) or in some areas by giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea). Other slightly wetter sites are dominated by various sedges (Carex spp.) or by lizard's tail. There appears also to be some seasonal variation in ground cover dominance. Lizard's tail and spanglegrass form dense colonies during the late summer but are much less abundant during the early part of the growing season. Vines are common.throughout the natural area. Common species include cross -vine (Anisostichus capreolata), trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans), rattan vine (Berchemia scandens), grape (Vitis sp.), and climbing hydrangea (Decum- aria barbara). The canopy is essentially closed although numerous wind - thrown trees provide openings. Canopy height ranges from 75-90 feet and individual crowns of the oaks are character- istically broad and expansive, a common condition in old - growth hardwood stands. Consequently, the individual trees are rather widely spaced. In one area sampled there was an average of 100 canopy trees per acre. The average dbh (diam- eter at breast height) of the stands varies considerably. In the mature, climax stands along US 264, the average dbh is 20 inches although there are many scattered old -growth trees much larger. Some of the maximum'dbh's measured were: green ash (38 inches), swamp chestnut oak (51 inches), cherrybark oak (45 inches), and laurel oak (66.5 inches). The understory layer of ironwood is essentially open. The low density of shrubs and canopy transgressives gives the area an open, park -like aspect. 161 The plant community (CT 1) described above is represented by mature stands just east of US 264 (see map). Thes high - quality stands have undergone the least disturbance in terms of past timber cutting. Scattered old stumps and old logging trails are still visible and indicate that at least some of the high-grade timber was removed. The age of the stumps suggests that logging operations were conducted some time ago, probably no more recently than 75 years ago. The high average dbh (20 inches) and the presence of numerous old - growth trees indicates that the cutting was not very intense. The surface underlying much of the pine -mixed oaks com- munity is relatively flat. There are numerous slight, localized rises and depressions. Relief is on the order of 1-2 feet be- tween these topographic highs and lows. Some low-lying areas have ponded waters up to several inches deep even during mid- summer. These and other slightly higher areas are probably often inundated during the winter months when water tables are high and evapotranspiration rates are low. Numerous depressions formed by uprooted trees are scattered through- out. These depressions along with the slight undulations mentioned above give the ground surface an uneven appearance. The best -formed, mature stands of mixed oaks and loblolly pine occupy an area of about 1720 acres (see map). Other sections included within the natural area have been subjected to recent heavy thinning and clearcutting. One rectangular block (75 acres) located in the northern interior of the natural area has been clearcut and reseeded in dense loblolly pines 10-20 feet tall. Another much larger tract located in the eastern part of the natural area has been heavily thinned within the past 10-15 years. Thinning removed almost all of the high-grade oaks, ash, and pine. The canopy in this section is now dominated by sweetgum, tulip poplar, red maple, and swamp blackgum. The canopy is more open than in the mature stands and there is an abundance of shrubby canopy transgressives. Understory layers are much denser due to the increased amount of sunlight. Although these more heavily timbered stands are not considered to be of high natural significance relative to the undisturbed stands, they still retain some natural qualities because of the continued domination by hardwood species. This point can be more clearly understood when one compares the vegetation surrounding the natural area to the thinned hardwood stands. Intensively managed loblolly pine plantations covering several thousand acres now almostly completely encompass the natural area. Conversion of the hardwood stands to managed tree farms greatly reduces both floristic and faunistic diversity; artificial drainage associated with the development of these tree farms further alters the ecosystem. 162 The thinned hardwood stands may, over time, slowly develop into mature mixed oak communities similar to the present old -growth stands. There is an abundant seed source present and gradual replacement of more "weedy" tree species by the climax forest species can occur on the site, if no further cutting occurs. The thinned stands occupy about 4180 acres and serve as an important hardwood buffer adjoining the surrounding pine plantation. Contrasting with the hardwood -dominated forest com- munity described above is a small area (100 acres) of brackish marsh located along Scranton Creek. This marsh can be divided into three distinct zones which are cor- related with flooding frequency and duration. The lower marsh zone along the stream channel is dominated by an almost pure zone of black needlerush (Juncus roemarianus). The higher marsh zone is dominated by dense stands of sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense). Salt grass (Distichlis spicata) forms small, concentric zones within the saw - grass marsh. This zonation pattern seems to be typical of most brackish creeks in western and southern Hyde County. Because much more extensive examples of these brackish marsh communities occur elsewhere in the county, the _ natural area marsh is not considered to be a highly significant example of this habitat type. Ecology of HydricHardwood or "Oak" Flats The term "oak flats" has been used to describe this characteristic bottomland hardwood forest type in the coastal plain. Pinchot and Ashe (1897) in a discussion of the various vegetation types in the North Carolina coastal plain listed four general bottomland or wetland forest types: 1) pond pine pocosin, Z) Atlantic white cedar swamps, 3) gum and cypress swamps, and 4) oak flats. In their definition of oak flats Pinchot and Ashe (oa. cit.) described them as forests "... in which numerous broad -leaf trees, chiefly oaks, constitute the greater portion of the growth ..." They further state that oak flats occur along the borders of cypress and gum swamps on damp or moist usually deep loams, and are often inun- dated during the spring. They mention a diversity of bottomland oaks along with loblolly pine as characteristic canopy components. They include bottomland associations of broad -leaf trees which occur on floodplain terraces and natural levees along brownwater streams and rivers in the oak flats category. 163 Although similar in many respects we feel that the alluvial bottomland forests and the non -alluvial, "upland" wetland forests should be considered distinct types based on their position on different geomorphological landforms. Non-riverine oak flats were probably once extensive in Hyde County in areas dominated by fine loamy, silty and clayey soils with high water tables. Soils of this type - occur as wide bands around Lake Mattamuskeet and along the Pungo River (SCS 1973). However, these soil types when properly drained have high agricultural productivity, and most have been drained, cleared, and converted to farm- land. The wettest, most poorly drained mineral soils have been largely converted to silviculture, as evidenced by the extensive pine plantations surrounding the natural area. The remaining "scraps" of hardwood flats are typically small (less than 100 acres) and isolated. Their ecological integrity has been severely reduced as a result of the large scale clearing operations. Today in Hyde County there are only two remaining large blocks of hardwood flats which have not been converted to other uses. The Scranton Hardwoods stand is the last pri- vately owned tract and the state-owned Gull Rock Gamelands south of Lake Mattamuskeet contains the remaining stands. The conversion of the oak (hardwood) flats has not been limited to Hyde County; once -extensive stands in other lower coastal plain counties have also been reduced to small, isolated remnants. Other than Hyde County, the best remaining stands are located in Pamlico County. For a description of these see "Natural Areas of Pamlico County" (Peacock and Lynch, 1982; pp. ). The hardwood stands in Hyde County and elsewhere tend to occur as concentric bands surrounding areas of medium to deep peats. To the east of the natural area is a large peat deposit associated with the Alligator River drainage. This peat body extends across the northern part of the county and includes much of the area between Alligator (New) and Pungo Lakes. The peaty surface layers gradually thin out in the direction of the Pungo River and the natural area. Several miles east of the natural area the peat -dom- inated (organic) soils are gradually replaced by mesic to hydric mineral soils. This soil change has a pronounced effect on the vegetation communities. Pond pine -bay shrub pocosin and swamp blackgum communities associated with the peat soils are replaced by mesic hardwoods occupying the wet mineral soils. The gradation between the two vegetation types is gradual and has been altered by extensive land -use changes in the area (pine plantations and cleared fields). 164 The same relative position of hardwood flats along the outer margins of a peat -dominated landscape is found in Pamlico County in and around the Light Grounds Pocosin. There hardwood flats similar to the Scranton Hardwoods stands occur as a concentric band surrounding the peaty pocosin wetland. This relationship has not been described previously in the literature and further, more intensive field work by hydrologists, botanists, pedologists and others is urgently needed to describe this unique and rapidly disappearing pocosin-hardwood flats ecosystem. Wildlife and Avian Diversity The Scranton Hardwoods natural area has superlative values in terms of wildlife habitat and avian diversity. The tract supports the largest deer herd in Hyde County (Rod McClanahan, WRC District biologist, pers. Comm. 1982) and probably some of the densest populations known anywhere in the state. The area is designated an official black bear sanctuary by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. Although no bear sign was observed by us, bears are reported to feed in and pass through the area occasionally (McClanahan, pers. comm. 1982). Because of the increasing isolation of the tract due to massive land clearing operations north and east of the natural area, it is unlikely that the site can support a viable bear population in the future. The natural area also contains a Wild Turkey population as a result of a February 1981 release of 15 birds (Rod Mc- Clanahan, WRC biologist, pers. comm. 1982). At least one brood was successfully reared in the summer of 1982 and it is likely that a viable breeding population will become established. The mature oak stands provide ideal habitat for the species and its large size (6000 acres) insures sufficient space to support a population. Wild Turkeys were probably originally native in Hyde and adjacent counties until illegal hunting and habitat destruction caused their demise some years ago (McClanahan, pers. comm., 1982). The forested wetland supports at least 35 species of breeding birds including 5 species of woodpeckers and 7 species of wood warblers. The only known Hyde County population of White -breasted Nuthatches is found here. In the lower coastal plain this species is restricted to mature riverine cypress -gum swamps and hardwood flats. 165 llb. Prose Description of Site Significance: Scranton Hardwoods natural area is the most extensive example of a hydric palustrine (non-riverine) hardwood system located in the North Carolina coastal plain. The old -growth hydrichardwood stands total about 1700 acres and are surrounded by about 4000 acres of less significant but still important buffer hardwood stands of various age classes. The old -growth component is the largest contiguous "block" of relatively undisturbed,hydric oaks and other hardwoods in a climax successional stage known in the North Carolina coastal plain. The hardwood stands are one of the most endangered wetland forest systems in the coastal plain. When ade- quately drained, the soils of the hardwood "flats" make productive cropland and they are also excellent for in- tensive loblolly pine tree farms. For these reasons, much of what once was dominated by these wetlands is now in row crop agriculture and pine plantations. The last remnants of natural vegetation have been reduced in most cases to scattered woodlots and other small, isolated blocks. The Scranton Hardwoods tract protects by far the largest "block" of these wetlands known in the coastal plain. The natural area should receive top priority for the protection of this last protected example of a once extensive wetland system. Equally significant is the superlative wildlife values of the natural area. Its large size (6000 acres) coupled with an abundance of mast -producing oaks and other hard- woods provides ideal habitat for a number of species de- pendent on mature hardwood stands. The tract supports a very large white-tailed deer population (reported to be one of the largest in the county) and serves as an im- portant sanctuary for black bear during their seasonal movements. A Wild Turkey restoration program is under- way on the property and an additional 35 species of breeding birds are known to occur. Birds associated with mature hardwoods are particularly abundant. At least one endangered plant species is known to occur. Southern twayblade, a species of orchid listed as a state endangered peripheral, is found over much of the natural area. Further field work may reveal additional rare or endangered species. 166 r rn 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment LMaend High -quality wetland Mixed bottomland oaks and Pinus taeda/ This is the most extensive Xja CT 1 >inus caroliniana/Carex spP. or tract of mature h dric to Saururus cernuus mesic oaks and other hard- woods associated with a non- riverine hardwood flat wet- land known in the N.C. coastal Mature, old -growth portion of CT 1 plain. The mature, climax stands encompass a contiguous 1720 acres, by far the largest block known anywhere in the N.C. coastal plain. Average canopydbh of these stands is 20 inches and canopy height is 75-90 feet. An additional nearly 4000 acres of more dis- turbed but still intact hard- wood stands provides a signi- ficant buffer to the best stands. Endangered species CT 1 Listera australis (Southern Twayblade) Endangered peripheral in N.C. (Cooper et al. 1977). Large, vigorous population present throughout natural area. N rn 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature Map Le end b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment Threatened Species through- out Red -shouldered Hawk Considered threatened in N.C. -by Cooner et al (1977)- At least 2-3 breeding pairs occur within Habitat is sufficiently exten- si lation. Species Concern species through- out Black Bear Considered to be "of special concern" in N.C. by Cooper Pi - al. (1977). Area provides sanctuary and feeding for transient bears although not extensive enough to support viable population. Rare Speciesthrough- out White -breasted Nuthatch Uncommon to rare in the Pamli- marle Peninsula of N.C. Re- stricted to mature cypress -gum swamps and hardwood flats. Fairly common permanent resi- dent in natural area. Only known population in Hyde County. r rn 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature slap b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment Le end Avian Species Diversity p Y through- out 35 species of breeding woodland birds Extensive forested wetland provides -critical babitat for a diversity of woodland specie climax hardwoods for nesting habitat. Total includes 5 species of woodpeckers and 9 species of -wood warblers. Man species are becoming increas- in 1 uncommon in county and elsewhere due to habitat de- struction as a result of draining and clearing opera- tions. Superlative Wildlife through- White-tailed deer, Wild Turkey, Area supports one of thelargest Habitat out Eastern graV squirrel deer herds in Hyde County (Rod McClanahan, pers. comm., 1982). Excellent habitat for intro- duced Wild Turkeys which were released on the tract in 1981. Only known population of turlv-y in the Pamlimarle Peninsula. Mature oak stands provide habi- tat for a large population of eastern gray squirrels. Other furbearers, including raccoon and eastern cottontail, are also common. r J 0 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature r`ap Lec end b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment Unusually large trees CT 1 Quercus laurifolia, Q. michauxii, Q. falcata var. pagodaefolia, Fraxinus Many scattered very large old - growth canopy trees are pennsylvanica scattered in the mature hard- wood stands. Some of the largest dbh's measured include: Swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii)-51 inches, Cherry - bark oak (Q. falcata var. pagodaefolia)-45 inches, Laurel oak (Q. laurifolia)-66.5 inches, Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)-38 inches. Many trees reach 90 feet in height. The laurel oak is of state champion size. There is potential for several other state champion trees in tract. IN \ V , a, T:' ' t •,•.::•: fir, � t 'I ,. to ., I '}' •. '� ,.,,. ?,%�,} r:•;}:•};:,:•=f I ,+' ? ' }{ ,'} ,,' '1� '�.•,.,, ,.,,. ..•.,.,., " 4 ,' � ',fig` �. ''J' ,d •:i: ':t. tip. 7� � t yj : 1, _l..)��1t 1 I • � f ?•', , • • ' � ` I , / — 1 �„� h�et C /. K Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: Type Private 100 % Public % Unknown € 14. Number of Owners: 1 15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information), Bruce B. Cameron P. O. Box 3649 Wilmington, NC 28406 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information). Rod McClanahan Bill Lawrence WRC District Biologist WRC Wildlife Protector Route 1, Box 442-B Box 27 Jamesville, NC 27846 Scranton, NC 27875 17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): Not contacted. 172 - 18. Uses of natural area: All of the natural area has been selectively logged in several cycles to obtain the successively most valuable re- maining or regenerated timber. Some of the older growth stands contain old stumps which appear to be cypress. These stands contain a significant amount of valuable mature standing timber, mostly loblolly pine, swamp chestnut oak and cherrybark oak. The older growth stands do not appear to have been logged during the past fifty to seventy-five years. Other stands have been selectively logged for valuable oak, pine, and hickory timber much more recently. These stands contain a higher proportion of lower quality timber such as sweetgum and red maple mixed in with oaks and other species. A network of roads and associated clearings is maintained within the natural area. These roads are used primarily for hunting activities and secondarily for fire control and access for timber removal. In addition to the road system, a grass airplane runway is maintained along with several cabins near the Intracoastal Waterway. The area is used as a private hunting and fishing retreat by the owner and is actively managed for wildlife production by the owner in conjunction with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC). Access to the property is strictly limited and all roads leading in from the adjacent US 264 highway are blocked by locked gates. Hunting rights in the area are re- stricted and there are no areas open to the general public. This policy of access restrictions and limited hunting along with accompanying game management in effect protects the wild- life of the area. Although some timber harvesting is done on the tract, it appears that this practice is mainly to enhance wildlife habitat by creating more edge effect and a greater diversity of game foods rather than providing cash flow or timber sales profits. The tract is regularly patrolled by WRC personnel and "no hunting" signs are posted at frequent intervals along US 264. Recently, WRC biologists have cooperated with the owner in attempting to establish a Wild Turkey population in the area. Wild birds were released about a year ago and reproduction was successful this spring with at least one brood produced. Apparently at least a portion of the natural area was the site of attempted farming operations. Old furrows can still be seen in some areas adjacent to US 264. Judging from the size of the present vegetation, these operations ceased at least 75 years ago if not longer. 173 19. Uses of surrounding land: a. Wildland 10 % b. Agricultural land 20. Preservation Status: C. High -intensity forestry 90 % d. Developed % Cat *% *Description of preservation status 4 100 Private land, protected by owner 21. Regulatory protections in force: None known. 22. Threats: Timber cutting is the chief disruptive activity in the short term. The selective cutting which has been practiced over much of the natural area has maintained dominance by valuable wildlife food trees such as oaks, hickories, and other hardwoods. More intense cutting in the future could cause a proportional shift to less desirable hardwoods such as sweetgum and red maple, and significantly lower the site's natural and wildlife values. Good conservation techniques are presently being practiced to maintain the mature oak -pine stands along with some desirable edge effect along the roads. It appears that the present owner intends to maintain a high -quality bottomland hardwoods habitat for wildlife. However, in the long-term the tract could be sold or divided and the present conditions altered. The long term plans of the owner are not known. Another more minor threat is the possible widening of the existing dual -lane highway to a four -lane superhighway. This would damage a significant portion of the old -growth stands, most of which lie adjacent to the highway. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: The Scranton Hardwoods natural area offers an excellent opportunity for conservation of a significantly large block of an undrained, palustrine (non-riverine) mesic hardwoods system. It is the largest contiguous block of palustrine 174 Natural Characteristics Summary 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 1 Community type: Mixed hydricoaks and Pinus taeda/Carpinus caroliniana/ Carex spp. or Saururus cernuus Community cover type: Mixed hydricoaks and Pinus taeda General habitat feature: nonalluvial hardwood flats ,Iverage canopy height: 80 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: 100+ Canopy cover: Closed Estimated size of community: old -growth stands total about 1720 acres Successional stage: near -climax to climax Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Listed in order of importance value (based on 10 quarter points): Quercus pagodaefolia, Pinus taeda, Quercus laurifolia, Liriodendron tulipifera, Acer rubrum, Quercus michauxii Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Diospyros virginiana, Asimina triloba, Cornus sp., Magnolia virginiana, Vaccinium corymbosum, Crataequs sp., Sabal minor, Lindera benzoin Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Galium sp., Tipularia discolor, Lonicera japonica, Asplenium platyneuron, Mitchella repens, Euonymus americanus, Uniola sessilifolia 176 mesic hardwoods known in the coastal plain of North Carolina. Its values are enhanced by its relatively undisturbed character, the presence of old -growth forest stands, and its superlative wildlife values. The owner should be encouraged to continue the wise management of the tract's wildlife and natural values in cooperation with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. In addition, the tract should be registered as an out- standing example of a mesic hardwoods ecosystem by the N.C. Natural Heritage Program. To assure protection in the long term, The Nature Conservancy should make contact with the owner and investigate the possibility of establishing a nature preserve in an estate settlement. 175 24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 1 Soil series: unknown, probably Hyde and Bayboro Soil classification: Hyde: fine -silty, mixed, thermic Typic Umbraquults Bayboro: clayey, mixed, thermic Umbric Paleaquults Soil association: Hyde-Bayboro pH class: Very strongly acid Source of information: General Soil Map of Hyde County, North Carolina, SCS, USDA, 1973. Other notes: 24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 1 Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: Fresh -acid Water regime: intermittently flooded Drainage class: Very poorly drained Drainage basin: Wilkerson and Scranton Creeks-- Pungo River-- Pamlico River Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, intermittently flooded, fresh -acid, interaqueous palustrine system. 177 24d. Topography Summary: CT 1 Landform: Interstream flat dominated by mineral soils Shelter: sheltered Aspect: n/a Slope Angle: n/a Profile: Flat Surface patterns: Generally smooth, except for small depressions and slightly elevated ridges; elevation gradient less than 2 feet over much of the area. 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: A series of mid -successional to climax bottomland hardwoods and brackish marsh communities located on the Pamlico Terrace and drained by Wilkerson and Scranton Creeks, in the Coastal Plain province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Pleistocene Pamlico Terrace deposits overlying Upper Miocene Yorktown Formation. Geological Formation age: Pamlico Terrace: less than 100,000 yrs. BP Yorktown Formation: 15-25 million yrs. BP References Cited: Daniels, R. B., E. E. Gamble, and W. H. Wheeler. 1978. Age of Soil Landscapes in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Soil Science Soc. of Am. Journal 42: 98-105. 178 26. Sum. -nary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Listera australis Species legal status and authority: Endangered peripheral in N.C. (Cooper et al., 1977) Number of populations on site: one Number of individuals per population: 500 plus Size or Maturity of individuals: immature and mature Phenology of population: not known Eg: vegetative % flowering % fruiting % General vigor of population: excellent Disturbance or threats to population: none known Habitat characteristics Plant community: CT 1 Topography: slightly elevated flats Soil Series: Hyde-Bayboro association Microclimate: - Drainage basin: Pungo River Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species List. AERIAL OR DETAILED MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 179 26. SuaLnary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Red -shouldered Hawk Species legal status and authority: Threatened in North Carolina (Cooper et al., 1977) Number of populations on site: 2+ breeding pairs Number of individuals per population: 2 adults plus young of the year Size or Maturity of individuals: adult and immature Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative % - flowering % - fruiting % - General vigor of population: Excellent Disturbance or threats to population: Clearcutting, conversion of hardwoods to pine plantations Habitat characteristics Plant community: Throughout Topography: Flat Soil Series: Hyde-Bayboro Microclimate: - Drainage basin: Pungo River Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species List. AERIAL OR DETAILED :MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 180 26. Su=nary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Black bear Species legal status and authority: Of Special Concern in North Carolina (Cooper et al., 19771, Number of populations on site: unknown Number of individuals per population: unknown Size or Maturity of individuals: all ages Phenology of population: not applicable Eg: vegetative % flowering % fruiting % General vigor of population: Not seen nor sign observed by authors. Reported to pass through the area occasionally on way to and from large pocosin areas to northeast (WRC biologists, pers. comm., 1982). Disturbance or threats to population: Habitat characteristics Plant community: Throughout Topography: - Soil Series: - Microclimate: - Drainage basin: Other plants and animal species present: See Master Species List. AERIAL OR DETAILED :TAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 181 27. Master Species List: VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) ACANTHACEAE Ruellia caroliniensis ACERACEAE Acer rubrum ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans ANNONACEAE Asimina triloba AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex opaca ARECACEAE Sabal minor ASPIDIACEAE Athyrium asplenioides Polystichum acrostichoides ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium platyneuron BERBERIDACEAE Podophyllum peltatum BETULACEAE Carpinus caroliniana BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia areolata W. virginica BIGNONIACEAE Anisostichus capreolata Campsis radicans CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera japonica CELASTRACEAE Euonymus americanus CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia CORNACEAE Cornus stricta CYPERACEAE Carex spp. EBENACEAE Diospyros virginiana ERICACEAE Vaccinium corymbosum Leucothoe axillaris 182 FAGACEAE Fagus grandifolia Quercus laurifolia Q. michauxii Q. phellos Q. falcata var. pagodaefolia HAMAMELIDACEAE Liquidambar styraciflua JUGLANDACEAE Carya ovata C. glabra JUNCACEAE Juncus sp. LAMIACEAE Scutellaria sp. LAURACEAE Lindera benzoin Persea borbonia LILIACEAE Smilax rotundifolia Smilax spp. LOGANIACEAE Gelsemium sempervirens LORANTHACEAE Phoradendron serotinum MAGNOLIACEAE Liriodendron tulipifera Magnolia virginiana NYSSACEAE Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora OLEACEAE Fraxinus pennsylvanica OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Botrychium sp. ORCHIDACEAE Listera australis Tipularia discolor PINACEAE Pinus taeda P. palustris POACEAE Arundinaria gigantea Uniola sessiliflora POLYPODIACEAE Polypodium polypodioides RANUNCULACEAE Ranunculus sp. RHAMNACEAE Berchemia scandens 183 ROSACEAE Crataegus spp. RUBIACEAE Galium sp. Mitchella repens SALICACEAE Populus heterophylla SAURURACEAE Saururus cernuus SAXIFRAGACEAE Decumaria barbara TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum ULMACEAE Ulmus americana URTICACEAE Boehmeria cylindrica VIOLACEAE Viola sp. VITACEAE Parthenocissus quinquefolia Vitis spp. Spring Peeper Fowler's Toad Gray Treefrog AMPHIBIANS REPTILES Eastern Box Turtle (common) Ground Skink Five -lined Skink Black Rat Snake 184 BIRDS (Emphasis of bird lists is on breeding or summering species; lack of adequate field work during the other seasons prevented compilation of a complete list.) Im PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; year-round, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Wood Duck PR* Turkey Vulture PR Black Vulture PR Red-tailed Hawk PR* Red -shouldered Hawk PR* Wild Turkey PR* (introduced; 15 birds released _ February 1981) Mourning Dove PR* Yellow -billed Cuckoo SR* Barred Owl PR* Chimney Swift SV Ruby -throated Hummingbird SR* Common Flicker PR* Pileated Woodpecker PR* Red -bellied Woodpecker PR* Hairy Woodpecker PR* Downy Woodpecker PR* Great Crested Flycatcher SR* Acadian Flycatcher SR* Eastern Pewee SR* Blue Jay PR* Common Crow PR* Carolina Chickadee PR* Tufted Titmouse PR* White -breasted Nuthatch PR* Carolina Wren PR* American Robin PR Wood Thrush SR* Blue -gray Gnatcatcher SR* Golden -crowned Kinglet WR Ruby -crowned Kinglet WR White -eyed Vireo SR* Red -eyed Vireo SR* Prothonotary Warbler SR* 185 Yellow-rumped Warbler WR Black -throated Green Warbler T Yellow -throated Warbler SR* Pine Warbler PR* Ovenbird SR* Common Yellowthroat SR* Hooded Warbler SR* Louisiana Waterthrush SR* Brown -headed Cowbird PR* Summer Tanager SR* Northern Cardinal PR* Evening Grosbeak WR White -throated Sparrow WR White-tailed Deer - abundant; up to 35 seen each trip; tracks and scat everywhere Eastern Cottontail Rabbit - several seen, tracks Raccoon - tracks common Opossum - tracks Eastern Gray Squirrel - several seen Black Bear - no tracks or sign observed by authors; reported to occur in area by WRC personnel 186 NATURAL AREA INVENTORY FORM (To be prepared for each site) Basic Information Summary Sheet 1. Natural Area Name: Salyer's Ridge Natural Area 2. County: Hyde 3. Location: Along the southern border of Rose Bay Canal near where it enters Lake Mattamuskeet. Natural area is completely within the Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge. 4. Topographic quadrangle(s): Swanquarter (1974) 5. Size: 80 acres 6. Elevation: 3-5 feet above mean sea level 7. Access: At Swindell Fork (junction of US 264 and SR 1304), go north on SR 1304 for 4.7 miles to Rose Bay Canal. Turn right (east) on dirt access road parallel to canal and go about 0.2 mile to deadend at entrance to refuge. Natural area is south and east of the refuge boundary on south side of canal. 8. Names of investigators: J. Merrill Lynch S. Lance Peacock Route 2, Box 222-B P. O. Box 6006 Enfield, NC 27823 Raleigh, NC 27628 9. Date(s) of investigation: April 8, 1982 10. Priority rating: Low 187 il lla. Prose Description of Site: The Salyer's Ridge Natural Area contains a mature stand of loblolly pine, one of the oldest -growth stands dominated by this species known in Hyde County. The 80-acre stand is part of the Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge and is designated a Re- search Natural Area by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The size and stature of the pines gives the tract impressive esthetic and scenic qualities although its overall significance as a natural area is not exceptionally high because of its suspected anthro- pomorphic origins. The tract is located near the southwestern corner of Lake Mattamuskeet, a large natural freshwater body encompassing about 40,000 acres. Much of the lake margin itself is dominated by emergent marsh vegetation and many sites have been impounded to enhance waterfowl habitat. Behind the marsh fringe is a forested swamp forest which, depending on location and past disturbance, is dominated by a number of wetland trees. The natural area proper is a part of the "lake margin" forested swamp forest complex. It is located about 0.5 mile from the present-day lake margin. In order to understand the natural area's relationship to the lake and the underlying soils it is necessary to describe briefly the geomorphology of the lake and the immediately surrounding lands. Lake Mattamuskeet's origin is not known. It has been sug- gested that the lake formed as a result of a deep peat burn and subsequently enlarged itself by wind and wave erosion along its shoreline. Another theory suggests.that the lake may be multi- ple carolina bays although this view is not a popular one at the present time (Mattamuskeet NWR Master Plan, no date). Regardless of its origin, the lake must at one time have been substantially larger than it is today. Examination of topographic maps covering the Lake Mattamuskeet area clearly indicate an arcuate series of slightly elevated ridges (5-8 feet msl) which encircle the lake at distances which average about one mile from the current lakeshore. These ridges were formed by a former lake shoreline when lake water levels were 3-5 feet higher than present levels. The area between these ridges and the present lakeshore is presently occupied by a mosaic of swamp forest wetlands, waterfowl impoundments, and drained cultivated fields. Many North Carolinians have pro- bably heard or read about the ill-fated attempt during the 1930's to drain the lake and convert it to agriculture. Al- though unsuccessful, this drainage attempt did allow some marginal farming operations to become established particularly 189 around the rim of the lake. Other slightly higher areas, particularly on the southern and eastern sides of the lake, have been under agriculture for a long time, probably at least since the mid-17001s. The natural area is situated in the area between the ridges (the former lake margin) and the present lake margin. At only 3-5 feet above sea level, the natural area occupies a low flat which was probably originally dominated by either a hardwood wetland or a baldcypress-hardwood wetland. The soils of the natural area are classified as the Weeksville-Pasquotank association: very poorly and poorly drained soils with black to gray very fine sandy loam or silty loam surface layers (SCS, 1973). The majority of this associ- ation in Hyde County occurs as a large, homogeneous body around the perimeter of Lake Mattamuskeet. Approximately 850 of the association acreage has been cleared for cultivation with many additional acres in the process of being cleared (SCS, 1973). The vegetation of the natural area is dominated by lob - lolly pine (Pinus taeda). The community type is Pinus taeda/ Symplocos tinctoria or locally Persea borbonia (loblolly pine/ horsesugar or locally by redbay; CT 1). This community is characterized by a tall closed canopy of pines 90-100 feet ' tall over a distinct shrub layer of horsesugar (also known as sweetleaf) and in places by dense patches of redbay. There is essentially no herb layer although poison ivy (Rhus radicans) is a locally abundant ground cover. Red maple (Acer rubrum) and sweetgum (Liquidambar styra- ciflua) are present as scattered individuals in the subcanopy layer (40-60 feet tall) but are not dominant enough to be con- sidered a subcanopy component in the community type. Vines are abundant throughout and include a diversity of high -climbing species: poison ivy, trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans), cross -vine (Anisostichus capreolata),.rattan-vine (Berchemia scandens), Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), and yellow jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens). Almost every pine trunk has at least one vine attached. Many of the vines appear to have started growing when the pines were quite small. The vines are free -swinging and are attached to the lower branches of the pines at heights of about 75 feet. The loblolly pines are impressive in their height (average: 90-100 feet) and in their trunk diameters (average: 22 inches). One of the more striking aspects of the pine stand's physiognomy is the overall even -age character of the trees. Most of the pines have about the same height and trunk diameter measurements. The age of the stand is estimated to be about 110 years old (Steve Frick, pers. comm. 1982). The even -aged character of the stand 190 suggests that the pines germinated and began growing in an open situation, probably in an abandoned field. The moist mineral soils of the area provided an ideal seedbed and the pines grew at a rapid rate, overtopping competing hardwoods and establishing canopy dominance. The scarcity of oaks and hickories in the subcanopy also suggests that the stand developed in an old - field situation. Oaks and hickories are typically slow growing species and their seed dispersion is usually by animal agents. This puts them at a distinct disadvantage in pioneer oldfield succession when there is an abundance of red maple, loblolly pine, and sweetgum in the vicinity, all of which produce seeds which are primarily wind dispersed. Apparently these latter species were able to colonize the area quickly and the pine, by virtue of its faster growth rate, eventually attained canopy dominance. The ground surface of the natural area is relatively smooth. There are some shallow depressions scattered about which may hold water after heavy rains but generally the surface is dry. The dense canopy of pines essentially blocks most sunlight from reaching the ground layer and there is very little herbaceous ground cover. 191 llb. Prose Description of Site Significance: The Salyer's Ridge natural area contains an old -growth stand of loblolly pine, and is probably the largest and oldest stand of this species in Hyde County. Because of its probable origin from an abandoned field, the stand can- not be considered completely "natural", although it can be considered to be an excellent example of a pine forest in the final stages of_oldfield succession. 192 H w 12. Significance Summary Table (categories represented and descriptions) - by site a. Feature M'ap Le end b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment High -quality wetland plant community CT 1 Pinus taeda/Symplocos tinctoria or locally Persea borbonia Largest stand of old -growth (+110 yrs. old) loblolly pines known in Hyde County. Trees average 90-100 feet tall and 22 inches dbh. Fig. 15. Significant features: SALYER'S RIDGE (community type occupies entire natural area) 194 Legal Status, Use, and Management 13. Ownership type by percent area: 14. Number of Owners: 1 Type Private Publ is Unknown 100 15. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information). Department of the Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge Route 1. Box W-2 Swanquarter, NC 27885 16. Name(s) of knowledgeable person(s) (with addresses, phone numbers, other pertinent information). Steve Frick, Manager Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge Route 1, Box W-2 Swanquarter, NC 27885 17. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?): The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serivice recognizes the site as an official research natural area. 195 18. Uses of natural area: The natural area has been set aside as a Research Natural Area within the Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge. It is to be managed for scientific and esthetic values. Natural suc- cession will be allowed to continue and no cutting or other dis- turbance to the vegetation is planned. The area receives little use from the public. No hunting is allowed within the tract. There is a maintained jeep trail which follows the refuge boundary and skirts the edge of the natural area. This trail is probably used infrequently by hikers, birdwatchers, and others. The tract is also registered as an outstanding natural area along with other sites within the refuge by the N.C. Natural Heritage Program. 19, Uses of surrounding land: a. Wildland 100 % b. Agricultural land 20. Preservation Status: c. high -intensity forestry % d. developed % Cat * % *Description of preservation status 1 100 Public land, formally designated as a natural area. 21. Regulatory protections in force: Protected by Fish and Wildlife service regulations as a Research Natural Area. 4 196 22. Threats: At the present time there is no threat to the natural area. It is identified as a Research Natural Area and managed in its natural state for scientific research. 23. Management and Preservation Recommendation: Refuge personnel should continue to protect the site in its natural state. Natural succession within the forest should be allowed to continue and scientific research activ- ities should be encouraged. 197 Natural Characteristics Summar 24a. Vegetation - Biotic Community Summary CT 1 Community type: Pinus taeda/Symplocos tinctoria or locally Persea borbonia Community cover type: Pinus taeda General habitat feature: non -alluvial, bottomland flat Average canopy height: 90-100 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: 110 years Canopy cover: closed to partially open Estimated size of community: 80 acres Successional stage: Late successional Common canopy species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): None Common sub -canopy or shrub stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Liquidambar styraciflua Acer rubrum Common herb stratum species in community cover or community type (but not dominant): Vines: Rhus radicans Berchemia scandens Campsis radicans Parthenocissus quinquefolia Anisostichus capreolata Gelsemium sempervirens 198 24b. Soil Summary (by community type) CT 1 Soil series: not known Soil classification: Weeksville: coarse -silty, mixed, acid, thermic Typic Humaquepts Pasquotank: coarse -silty, mixed, acid, thermic Typic Haplaquepts Soil association: Weeksville-Pasquotank pH class: Very strongly acid Source of information: General Soil Map of Hyde County, N.C., SCS, 1973 Other notes: 24c. Hydrology Summary (by community type) CT 1 Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Intermittently flooded Drainage class: Very poorly drained Drainage basin: Lake Mattamuskeet Hydrology characterization: A very poorly drained, intermittently flooded, fresh, interaqueous, palustrine system. 199 4 24d. Topography Summary: CT 1 Landform: non -alluvial flat (former lake margin) Shelter: closed Aspect: n/a Slope Angle: n/a Profile: Flat Surface patterns: Generally smooth Position: n/a 25. Physiographic characterization of natural area: A late successional community occupying a very poorly drained, non -alluvial flat near the margin of Lake Matta- muskeet in the Coastal Plain Province of the Atlantic Plain. Geological Formation: Pleistocene (Pamlico Terrace) sands and clays over Upper Miocene (Yorktown Formation) fossiliferous sands and clays. Geological Formation age: Pleistocene (Pamlico Terrace): less than 100,000 yrs. BP Upper Miocene (Yorktown Formation): 18-22 million yrs. BP References Cited: Daniels, R. B., E. E. Gamble, and W. H. Wheeler. 1978. Age of Soil Landscapes in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Soil Science Soc. of Am. Journal 42: 98-105. 200 10 26. Sum, -nary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: None recorded. Species legal status and authority: Number of populations on site: Number of individuals per population: Size or Maturity of individuals: Phenology of population: Eg: vegetative % flowering % fruiting % General vigor of population: Disturbance or threats to population: Habitat characteristics Plant community: Topography: Soil Series: Microclimate: Drainage basin: Other plants and animal species present: AERIAL OR DETAILED MAPS WITH POPULATIONS CLEARLY MARKED. 201 27. Master species lists: a VASCULAR PLANTS (listed alphabetically by family) ACERACEAE Acer rubrum ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans ANNONACEAE Asimina triloba APIACEAE Centella asiatica ASPIDIACEAE Athyrium asplenioides BIGNONIACEAE Anisostichus capreolata Campsis radicans BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia areolata W. virginica BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia usneoides CELASTRACEAE Euonymus americanus CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia CYPERACEAE Carex spp. ERICACEAE Vaccinium sp. FAGACEAE Quercus laurifolia HAMAMELIDACEAE Liquidambar styraciflua LAURACEAE Persea borbonia LILIACEAE Smilax rotundifolia LOGANIACEAE Gelsemium sempervirens MAGNOLIACEAE Liriodendron tulipifera Magnolia virginiana MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera NYSSACEAE Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora ORCHIDACEAE Goodyera pubescens Tipularia discolor 202 OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis PINACEAE Pinus taeda POLYPODIACEAE Polypodium polypodioides RHAMNACEAE Berchamia scandens RUBIACEAE Mitchella repens SYMPLOCACEAE Symplocos tinctoria TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum VITACEAE Parthenocissus quinquefolia vitis sp. AMPHIBIANS None recorded. REPTILES None recorded. 4 203 i BIRDS (Emphasis of bird lists is on breeding or summering species; lack of adequate field work during the other seasons prevented compilation of a complete list.) KEY PR = Permanent resident SR = Summer resident WR = Winter resident T = Transient, spring or fall PV, SV, WV = Visitor; year-round, summer, or winter * = Breeding or suspected breeding at site Common Flicker PR* Pileated Woodpecker PR* Red -bellied Woodpecker PR* Hairy Woodpecker PR* Downy Woodpecker PR* Fish Crow PV Carolina Chickadee PR* Tufted Titmouse PR* Blue -gray Gnatcatcher SR* Prothonotary Warbler SR* Yellow-rumped Warbler WR Pine Warbler PR* Ovenbird SR* MAMMALS White-tailed Deer (tracks) 204 BIBLIOGRAPHY Ashe, W. W. 1894. The Forests, Forest Lands, and Forest Products of Eastern North Carolina. N.C. Geol. Surv. Bull. #5. 128 pp. Ashe, W. W., and G. Pinchot. 1897. Timber Trees and Forests of North Carolina. N.C. Geol. Surv. Bull. #6. 227 pp. Barnes, J. S. 1981. Soils Map of First Colony Farms Lands, Dare County. First Colony Farms, Inc. Unpublished map. Barnes, J. S. 1982. First Colony Farms agronomist, Creswell, N.C. Pers. communication. Bellis, V., M. P. O'Connor and S. R. Riggs. 1975. Estuarine Shoreline Erosion in the Albemarle -Pamlico Region of North Carolina. University of North Carolina Sea Grant Publi- cation UNC SG 75-29. 67 pp. Biswell, H. H., and J. E. Foster. 1942.. Forest Grazing and Beef Cattle Production in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina: Results of a survey of 100 Cattle Producing Farms. N.C. Ag. Exp. Station Bull. #334. 22 pp, Biswell, H. H., R. W. Collins, J. E. Foster and T. S. Boggess, Jr. 1945. Native Forage Plants: Species Utilized by Beef Cattle on Forest Range in the North Carolina Coastal Plain. N.C. Ag. Exp. Station Bull. #353. 27 pp. Buell, M. F., and R. L. Cain. 1943. The Successional Role of Southern White Cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides, in South- eastern North Carolina. Ecology 24: 85-93. Campbell, R. G., and J. H. Hughes. 1981. Forest Management Systems in North Carolina Pocosins: Weyerhaeuser. pp. 199-213 in C. J. Richardson, (ed.). Pocosin Wetlands. Hutchinson Ross Publ. Co., Stroudsburg, PA. 364 pp. Christensen, N. L. 1980. Fire Regimes in Southeastern Eco- systems. pp. 112-136 in H. A. Mooney, T. Bonnicksen, N. L. Christensen, W. A. Reiners, and J. Lotan, (eds.). Fire Regimes and Ecosystem Properties. USDA For. Serv., Gen. Tech. Report, Washington, D.C. 593 pp. 41 205 Christensen, N. L., R. Burchell, A. Liggett and E. Simms. 1981. The Structure and Development of Pocosin Vege- tation. pp. 43-61 in C. J. Richardson, (ed.). Pocosin Wetlands. Hutchinson Ross Pub1. Co., Stroudsburg, PA. 364 pp. Cooper, J. E., S. S. Robinson and J. B. Funderburg (eds.). 1977. Endangered and Threatened Plants and Animals of North Carolina. N.C. State Museum of Natural History, Raleigh. 444 pp. Cowardin, L. M., V. Carter, F. C. Golet and E. T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. US FWS Office of Biological Services, Washington, D.C. 103 pp. Daniel, C., III. 1981. Hydrology, Geology and Soils of Poco- sins: A Comparison of Natural and Altered Systems. pp. 69-108 in C. J. Richardson, (ed.).. Pocosin Wetlands. Hutchinson Ross Publ. Co., Stroudsburg, PA. 364 pp. Daniels, R. B., E. E. Gamble, and W. H. Wheeler. 1978. Age of Soil Landscapes in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Soil Science Society of America Journal 42: 98-105. Environmental Protection Agency. 1982. Land Cover Inventory: Albemarle/Pamlico Peninsula. Vol. 2. Infrared aerial photography. ETCO. 1980. First Colony Farms Peat to Methanol Project. Unpublished report to Synthetic Fuels Corporation. Florschutz, Otto, Jr. 1979. Roper Island Preliminary Beiolo- gical Evaluation Report. Unpublished report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Asheville, N.C. Florschutz, Otto, Jr. 1982'. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, East Coast Biologist, Washington, N.C. Pers. communi- cation. Fowells, H. G. 1968. Silvics of Forest Trees of the United States. USDA, Agriculture Handbook #271, 762 pp. Giese, G. L., H. B. Wilder, and G. G. Parker, Jr. 1979. Hydrology of Major Estuaries and Sounds of North Caro- lina. U.S. Geo. Survey, Water Resources Investigations 79-46, Raleigh. 175 pp. 206 Godfrey, P. J., and M. M. Godfrey. 1977. Barrier Island Ecology of Cape Lookout National Seashore and Vicinity, North Carolina. NPS Scientific Monograph Series, #9. Washington, D.C. 160 pp. Hamilton, R. J., and R. L. Marchinton. 1980. Denning and Related Activities of Black Bears in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. pp. 122-126 in C. J. Martinka and K. L. McArthur, (eds.). Bears -their Biology and Manage- ment. Proceedings, International Bear Biol. Assoc. Conf., Kalispell, Montana. Hughes, R. H. 1957. Response of Cane to Burning in the North Carolina Coastal Plain. N.C. Ag. Exp. Station Bull. #402. 24 pp. Hughes, R. H. 1966. Fire Ecology of Canebrakes. Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference, Tallahassee, FL, 5: 149-157. Hughes, R. H., E. U. Dillard and J. B. Hilmon. 1960. Vegetation and Cattle Response Under two Systems of Grazing Cane Range in North Carolina. N.C. Ag. Exp. Station Bull. #412. 27 pp. Ingram, R. L., and L. J. Otte. 1982. Peat Deposits of Pamli- marle Peninsula -Dare, Hyde, Tyrrell, and Washington Counties, North Carolina. Prepared for the U.S. Dept. of Energy and the N.C. Energy Institute. 36 pp. + 1 map. Kaczorowski, R. T. 1976. The Carolina Bays: a Comparison with Modern Oriented Lakes. University of South Carolina, Coastal Res. Div., Tech. Rep. #13. 124 pp. Kologiski, R. L. 1977. The Phytosociology of the Green Swamp, North Carolina. N.C. Ag. Exp. Station Tech. Bull. #250. 101 pp. Martof, B. S., W. M. Palmer, J. R. Bailey, and J. R. Harrison. 1980. Amphibians and Reptiles of the Carolinas and Vir- ginia. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. 264 pp. Meanley, B. 1979. An Analysis of the Birdlife of the Dismal Swamp. pp. 261-276 in Paul W. Kirk, Jr. (ed.). The Great Dismal Swamp. University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville. 427 pp. 207 4 Mixon, R. B., and 0. H. Pilkey. 1976. Reconnaissance Geology of the Submerged and Emerged Coastal Plain Province, Cape Lookout Area, North Carolina. Geological Survey Professional Paper 859. Washington, D.C. 45 pp. Noffsinger, Robert. 1982. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Ecological Services, Raleigh, NC. Pers. communication. Oaks, R. Q., Jr.and D. R. Whitehead. 1979. Geologic Setting and Origin of the Dismal Swamp, Southeastern Virginia and North- eastern North Carolina. pp. 1-24 in Paul W. Kirk, Jr. (ed.). The Great Dismal Swamp. University of Virginia Press, Char- lottesville. 427 pp. Otte, L. J. 1981. Origin, Development and Maintenance of the Pocosin Wetlands of North Carolina. N.C. Natural Heritage Program, NC DNRCD, Raleigh. Unpublished report. 52 pp. Otte, L. J. 1982. Geology Department, East Carolina University, Greenville. Pers. communication. Otte, L. J., and R. L. Ingram. 1980. Peat Resources of North Carolina. Annual Report to N.C. Energy Institute, U.S. Dept. of Energy. DE-ACol-79ET-14693. 60 pp. Potter, E. F. 1982. Wintering and Breeding Birds of Pocosins and Adjacent Agricultural Fields in Dare County, North Carolina. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Raleigh. Un- published report. 94 pp. Potter, E. F., J. F. Parnell and R. P. Teulings. 1980. Birds of the Carolinas. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. 408 pp. Powell, W. S. 1968. The North Carolina Gazetteer. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. 561 pp. Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. 1183 pp. Radford, A. E., D. K. S. Otte, L. J. Otte, J. R. Massey and P. D. Whitson. 1980. Natural Heritage: Classification, Inventory, & Information. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. 674 pp. Shepherd, W. 0., E. U. Dillard and H. L. Lucas. 1951. Grazing and Fire Influences in Pond Pine Forests. N.C. Ag. Exp. Station Tech. Bull. #97. 57 pp. s 208 4 Soil Conservation Service. 1973. General Soil Map of Hyde County, N.C. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Wells, B. W. 1928. Plant Communities of the Coastal Plain of North Carolina and their Successional Relations. Ecology 9: 230-242. Wells, B. W. 1932 (reprinted 1967). The Natural Gardens of North Carolina. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. 458 pp. Wells, B. W. 1942. Ecological Problems of the Southeastern United States Coastal Plain. Bot. Rev. 8: 533-561. 209 0 4 GLOSSARY (from Bellis et al., 1975) Area of Environmental Concern -(AEC) Especially fragile or ecolo- gically unique areas of the North Carolina Coast where development should occur only if it is in harmony with natural processes. Areas of the coast where the public welfare might be endangered by unwise manipulation of the environment. BP - Before present. canopy - A layer of leaves and branches formed by the interlocking mosaic of tree tops in a forest. Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 - An act passed by the North Carolina legislature in 1974 intended to promote wise development of North Carolina'a coastal resources. Among other provisions this act calls for the designation of certain especially sensi- tive areas as 'Areas of Environmental Concern.' cypress fringe - A straight or curved line of cypress running paral- lel to the shoreline. Older cypress fringe has its trees standing in water while young cypress fringe occupies sandy beaches in front of eroding sand or clay banks. dbh - Diameter at breast height (diameter of tree in inches measured at a point 4.5 feet above the ground). ecological succession - Process by which one community of living organisms is gradually replaced by another. Usually each succes- sive community is more stable than the last, thus leading toward a final community especially well suited to the particular environ- mental conditions existing at that location. flood plain - Lowlands adjacent to a river or stream which become inundated during periods of high flow. Flood plains are a natural component of the river system and function as overflow storage areas. msl - Mean sea level. Pamlico Terrace - A low, flat, featureless, topographic surface extending over the Coastal Plain of the Southeastern U.S. at elevations less than 20 feet above sea level. It is considered the relict sea floor of the Sangamon Interglacial. Pamlimarle Peninsula - The peninsula bounded on the north by Albe- marle Sound and on the south by the Pamlico River. Includes all of Washington, Beaufort, and mainland portions of Dare and Hyde Counties. 210 peat - Accumulations of slowly decomposing plant remains. Peat is formed in swamps and marshes. Erosion of peat soils releases suspended organic matter into coastal waters as well as certain 'humic acids' which give water a tea colored stain. Pleistocene Epoch - That period of earth history which saw the advance and retreat of the four great Ice Ages. It is generally considered to have begun between 1 and 2 million years ago and to have continued up until about 18,000 years ago. relict beach ridge - Throughout the Southeastern U.S. ancient shorelines are detected at various elevations inland from the coast. These shorelines are often manifested as continuous ridges and are considered a product of higher stands of the sea during the Pleistocene Ice Ages. Sangamon Interglacial - A period of deglaciation (no continental ice sheets) during the Pleistocene Epoch between the Illinoian and Wisconsin Ice Ages. This period is generally considered to have taken place about 80-100,000 years ago. sp and spp - Species (singular and plural). Suffolk Scarp - A topographic ridge rising from 20 to 40 feet above sea level which runs parallel to the coast throughout North Carolina. It is considered an ancient shoreline formed during the Pleistocene Epoch. swamp forest - Type of forest characterized by seasonal flooding and water saturated organic soils. Water tupelo, swamp black gum and bald cypress are dominant tree species. Talbot (Chowan) Terrace - A rather flat but stream -dissected sur- face lying at an average elevation of 40-45 feet throughout South- eastern United States. It is considered to have been a sea floor during the Pleistocene Epoch. In North Carolina it lies west of the topographic ridge known as the Suffolk Scarp. Yorktown Formation - An ancient deposit of clay and clayey sand which typically contains abundant marine fossils including clams, snails, whale vertebrae, and shark teeth. It occurs extensively over eastern North Carolina and is generally considered a deposi- tional product of the Miocene Epoch which took place 15-20 million years ago. 211