HomeMy WebLinkAboutRegional Development Impact Survey of Citizen Opinion-1996r REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IMPACT 1996 Survey of Citizen Opinion, Currituck County lease do not remove!!!!! 7 Division of Coastal Management Regional Development Services Eastern North Carolina's Gateway to New Horizons �RCl,�llir.ry APR 21996 E A S T CAROLINA UNIVERSITY SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA MARCH, 1996 CONDUCTED BY Kenneth Wilson, Ph.D. Claudia Williams Tonya Bizzell Kimberly H. Harris Michael J. Langer Amy Shende EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY THE SURVEY RESEARCH LABORATORY REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY INTRODUCTION Traditionally American businesses have focused on the bottom line of a profit/loss statement and public employees have focused on election results to measure their success. While these are important measures of success, they are not the only ones. People may vote for candidates while opposing some of the positions they support. People may vote for the "lesser of two evils" or for the "better of two great candidates." During the last decade people working at all levels of government in the United States have become aware of the need to systematically evaluate their performance. People from many different perspectives (e.g., Total Quality Management and Reinventing Government) have recognized that customer satisfaction with both the product and services provide the important foundation underlying future success. Since judgments of customer satisfaction are often based on informal feedback, it can be very biased and inaccurate. Many people working in private enterprises and in government (national, state and local) have turned to scientific surveys of their customers to evaluate this important area. In 1995, the East Carolina University Survey Research Laboratory began working with the Planning Inspections Department of Currituck County, to develop a scientific survey of Currituck County. The research design emphasized the need for accurate and valid data assessing citizen views on a wide range of issues important to the future of Currituck County. A draft version of the questionnaire was circulated for comment and revision. The final design was approved by the Currituck County Board of Commissioners. RESEARCH DESIGN The research was designed and executed according to the scientific standards for mail surveys developed by Don Dillman at the Washington State University. The Dillman Total Design Method specifies rules for questionnaire development, length and format, packet contents, mailing procedures and follow-ups. This research design calls for three questionnaire mailings and a postcard reminder. 1 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY On November 21, 1995, the questionnaire, a cover letter explaining the purpose of the survey and a stamped return envelope was mailed to the random sample of 789 Currituck County property owners. On November 28, 1995, a follow-up postcard reminding people to return their questionnaires and thanking them for their help was mailed to all respondents. On December 15, 1995, a second questionnaire, cover letter and return envelope was mailed to everyone who had not responded. Finally, on January 3, 1996, a third questionnaire, cover letter and return envelope was mailed to everyone who had not responded by that date. Ten people were eliminated from the sample: six people because the Post Office could not deliver their questionnaires; two respondents had died; two reported that they had sold their property in Currituck County. The response rate for the survey was 71.0 percent. This response rate meets all scientific standards for mail surveys and allows for accurate and valid estimation of the views of the population of property owners in Currituck County. In virtually every survey, some respondents fail to answer some questions (or choose a "don't know" response). The cases are relatively few in this survey. Following normal survey procedure, in most cases these responses have been excluded from percentages and tables in the text. They have been included in Appendix B, Survey Frequencies. F 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY MAJOR FINDINGS 1. The citizens of Currituck County were very pleased with the quality of life that they currently enjoy. However, many were worried about the future. Nearly half of the citizens believe that development will negatively affect the quality of life in Currituck County over the next 10 years. 2. When the citizens were asked to evaluate general goals for the county, the overall pattern showed that the citizens of Currituck County have a complex system of values. The pattern suggests that the citizens want to see development and growth that is consistent with the rural character of the county and does not harm the environment or the water quality in the county. Citizen support for protecting the water quality in the sounds and rivers is particularly strong. If forced to choose between development and the environment, citizen support for protecting the environment is clearly stronger. 3. When the respondents were asked to evaluate specific proposals that are being considered, there was very strong citizen support for measures that limit the impact of development on the county including two provisions already adopted and the proposed impact fees. This may reflect the citizens' lack of confidence that the new development code will protect the quality of life in Currituck County. There is also support for measures that increase open space in subdivisions 4. When the five lane highway of US 158 and NC 168 becomes overcrowded, most citizens prefer a by-pass versus expanding the number of lanes on highway US 158 and NC 168. Allowing US 158 and NC 168 to stay overcrowded has more support than expanding them to seven lanes. People also favor connecting subdivisions to local roads that will allow citizens to avoid these highways. 5. The county was evenly divided on the issue of building a paved road north of Corolla to Virginia. 3 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY 6. Even though most of the respondents felt that Currituck. needed additional recreational areas, the majority were not in favor of paying more taxes or user fees in order to increase the number of recreational areas. 7. When the respondents were asked to evaluate eight county services, the highest ratings were given to the public library and the emergency medical services. Most citizens also gave high ratings to the police, fire protection, and the schools. While only a minority of citizens gave positive ratings to recreational services, government administration and trash collection, more citizens gave them good ratings than bad ratings. 8. The county was divided on whether to build a centralized sewer system. Respondents were also divided on extending the county's water system to four areas that were not currently being served. Most citizens did feel that Currituck County should work with the surrounding areas to find a source of water. 9. A majority of the respondents thought that the current federal, state, and local regulations provided "about the right amount" of protection to Currituck's environment. Few people thought that the current regulations provided "too.much protection." 10. Large majorities of the citizens were willing to support new county programs to protect the quality of environmental resources in Currituck County. 11. The open-ended questions show that the citizens of Currituck County share a widespread belief that the best thing about their county is the rural atmosphere and country lifestyle. J 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY DESCRIPTION OF THE RESPONDENTS The first seven questions provide background information on the people responding to the survey. Table 1 shows that roughly one-third of the respondents lived outside Currituck County with most of the remainder living on the mainland. Table 2 shows that the majority of the respondents were full time residents (59.30) with roughly one-third being non-resident property owners (31.6%). Less than 10 percent were seasonal residents of Currituck County. TABLE 1: Where do you live? TOTAL RESPONDING 533 PERCENT Outside Currituck County 36.4 Knotts Island 2.3 Gibbs Woods 2.1 Mainland, North of Coinjock 29.1 Mainland, South of Coinjock 22.9 Outer Banks From Corolla South 5.6 Outer Banks.North of Corolla 1.7 TABLE 2: Which of the following best describes you? TOTAL RESPONDING 548 PERCENT Full Time Resident 59.3 Seasonal Resident 9.1 Non -Resident Property Owner 31.6 Most of the full-time and seasonal residents of Currituck County are well established in the community, with almost two-thirds living there over 10 years. Table 3 shows that only 16.6% of the respondents report becoming either full-time or seasonal residents in the last five years. TABLE 3: You have been a seasonal or full time resident of Currituck County for: TOTAL RESPONDING 386 PERCENT 5 Years Or Less 16.6 Between 5 Years and 10 Years 19.2 Over 10 Years 64.2 5 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY TABLE 4: Where in Currituck County do you own property? If you own property in more than one location, circle ALL that apply. TOTAL RESPONSES 565 PERCENT Knotts Island 4.0 Gibbs Woods 2.4 Mainland, North of Coinjock 37.6 Mainland, South of Coinjock 33.8 Outer Banks from Corolla South 17.2 Outer Banks North of Corolla 18.0 The majority of property owners in Currituck County (71.40) own their property on the mainland or on the Outer Banks (35.2%). Table 5 shows that most respondents live in single family homes. Mobile homes account for almost all of the rest. TABLE 5: What best describes your residence? TOTAL RESPONDING 414 PERCENT Single -Wide Mobile Home 8.2 Double Wide Mobile Home 10.6 House 78.5 Condo or Townhouse 0.5 Apartment 0.5 Camper 1.7 TABLE 6: The primary wage earner living in this house currently works in: TOTAL RESPONDING 342 PERCENT Currituck County 34.5 Dare County 5.8 Camden/Pasquotank or Elsewhere -NC 4.4 Virginia 52.0 The primary wage earner is currently unemployed. 3.2 0 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY TABLE 7: Other wage earners living in this house currently work in: (circle all that apply) TOTAL RESPONDING 405 PERCENT Currituck County 25.2 Dare County 10.6 Camden/Pasquotank or Elsewhere in NC 5.7 Virginia 25.2 No Others Wage Earners 33.3 . Most primary wage earners living in the respondent worked in Virginia. Only employed in Currituck County. Secondary more likely to be employed close to home number being employed in Virginia and in (See Table 7). the same place as one-third were wage earners were with an equal Currituck County QUALITY OF LIFE IN CURRITUCK COUNTY Respondents were asked two questions that assessed their overall views on the quality of life in Currituck County. The first asked them to rate Currituck as a place to live today. Almost one-third gave it the highest rating (See Table 8) and another 40.9 percent said it was a "good" place to live. Roughly one of every four respondents rated Currituck as average or below average. TABLE 8: How would you rate Currituck County as a place to live today? TOTAL.RESPONDING 518 PERCENT Very Good 31.5 Good 40.9 Average 22.0 Poor 4.4 Very Poor 1.2 Next respondents were asked a question to assess their opinion of how development affects the quality of life in Currituck County (See Table 9). The respondents were almost evenly split in this question. Almost half (46.1%) thought that continued development would have a positive effect while 49.1 percent of the respondents thought that it would have a negative effect. Wl 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY TABLE 9: Assuming the development now occurring continues (same type and speed) how will it affect Currituck County as a place to live ten years from now? TOTAL RESPONDING 516 PERCENT Very Positive Effect 15.5 Positive Effect 30.6 No Effect 4.8 Negative Effect 32.8 Very Negative Effect 16.3 These two tables suggest that while the citizens of Currituck County were very pleased with the quality of life that they currently enjoyed, many were worried about the future. Nearly half of the citizens believed that development will negatively affect the quality of life over the next 10 years. CITIZEN OPINIONS OF THE EFFECTS OF POSSIBLE ACTIONS ON FUTURE QUALITY OF LIFE - Growth does not occur in a vacuum. Citizens were asked to evaluate how nineteen possible courses of action would affect the quality of life in Currituck County. Table 10 presents the proportion who gave each action a "positive" or "most positive" rating. The first thing to notice in Table 10 is that the majority of the citizen respondents felt every initiative presented to them had a positive effect on quality of life in Currituck County. However, the degree of positive effect of those initiatives does vary a great deal. Six of the actions were supported by over 80 percent of the citizens as having a positive effect on quality of life. They are: 1) Protecting the water quality in the sounds and rivers (94.9%) 2) Protecting residential property from undesirable development (88.5%) 3) Protecting the environment (88.3%) 4) Making new development pay for its services (85.5%) 5) Improving highway safety (81.1%) 6) Protecting the rural character of (80.1%) impact on county Currituck County 8 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY TABLE 10: Citizen Opinions on how nineteen possible actions would affect the quality of life in Currituck County. PERCENT POSITIVE EFFECT Slowing the speed of growth 68.0 Protecting residential property from undesirable development (e.g., noise, odor, traffic, etc.) 88.5 Improving Currituck's appearance (e.g., remove dilapidated buildings, landscaping, etc.) 78.3 Protecting the rural character of Currituck County. 80.1 Allowing growth only when County facilities (i.e., school) are available. 73.6 Opening more public recreational areas. 61.4 Providing bike lanes along roads. 54.6 Preserving farmland. 68.8 Preserving historic buildings and sites. 78.5 Making new development pay for impact on county services. 85.5 Improving school facilities. 77.6 Recruiting new industries. 63.1 Protecting the environment. 88.3 Improving drainage. 75.0 Protecting the water quality in the sounds and rivers. 94.9 Providing a variety of housing types and prices available (single family, duplexes, apartments) 52.3 Improving highway safety. 81.1 Providing more public access to sounds, rivers, and creeks. 56.4 Providing more commercial shopping areas in Currituck. 55.4 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY Although supported by a majority of respondents, the four actions with low support for having a positive effect on quality of life in Currituck County are as follows: 1) Providing more public access to sounds, rivers and creeks (56.4%) 2) Providing more commercial shopping areas (55.4%) 3) Providing bike lanes along roads (54.6%) 4) Providing a variety of housing types and prices (52.3%) The actions identified as having the least positive effect on quality of life in Curritick County are: 1) Providing a variety of housing types and prices (30.2%) 2) Recruiting new industries (27.4%) 3) Providing more commercial shopping areas (27.3%) When the citizens were asked to evaluate specific actions for the county, the overall pattern suggests that the citizens want to see development and growth that is consistent with the rural character of the county and does not harm the environment or the water quality in the county. Citizen support for protecting the water quality in the sounds and rivers is particularly strong. If forced to choose between development and the environment, citizen support for protecting the environment is clearly stronger. 10 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY CITIZEN OPINIONS OF SPECIFIC POLICIES AND PROGRAMS Next people were asked to give their opinions of several specific policies and programs. Respondents were shown diagrams and descriptions of two different types of subdivisions -- a conventional subdivision and open space subdivision (See Questionnaire, Appendix A). They were asked to indicate the subdivision they would prefer to see developed in Currituck County. Table 11 shows that most citizens would prefer to see more open space subdivisions developed in Currituck County. TABLE 11: Citizen preferences for conventional and open space subdivisions in Currituck County. TOTAL RESPONDING 451 PERCENT Conventional Subdivision 37.7 Open Space Subdivision 62.3 _d Next the respondents were asked whether they supported five changes that the Board of Commissioners had recently made to the development code. These results are presented in Table 12. In most cases a majority of the citizens support the changes made by the Board of Commissioners and in every case, more citizens support the change than oppose it. The strongest support is for the requirement to limit development to the County's capacity to provide adequate public facilities (e.g., schools, fire, etc.). The Commissioners decision to require statements that explain how a new development will impact county services was also supported by over 80 percent of the citizens. Consistent with their endorsement of the "open space" subdivision, almost two-thirds of the respondents supported the change that requires improvements to open space in residential developments. Citizen opinion was more divided on the two decisions to increase lot sizes. A majority (52.5 versus 23.6) supported increasing the lot size in all zones but Agriculture to 40,000 square feet. A plurality (45.3 Vs 24.5) of the citizens supported increasing the lot size in the Agriculture Zone to 3 acres. While these results show that the Board of Commissioners actions were clearly supported by the citizens of Currituck County, the fact that a substantial minority (almost one-fourth) opposed increasing lot sizes suggests that a continuing debate should be expected. 11 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION TABLE 12: Citizen support for five changes development code recently made by County Board of Commissioners. CURRITUCK COUNTY to the the Currituck PERCENT. PERCENT SUPPORT DO NOT SUPPORT Require that developments not exceed the ability of Currituck to provide 83.6 7.9 adequate public facilities. Increase lot size in all zones but Agriculture to 40,000 sq. ft. 52.5 23.6 Increase lot size in Agriculture zone to 3 acres. 45.3 24.5 Require improvements to open space in residential developments (e.g., 64.5 15.5 ballfields, tennis courts, etc.). Require statements that explain how a new development will impact county 80.1 8.0 services for all subdivisions of 20 or more lots. To assess the respondents' overall feelings about the course of future development in Currituck County after they reflected on these changes in the Development Code, they were asked to.indicate how confident they were that the County's development regulations would maintain or improve the quality of life in Currituck County. Roughly equal percentages reported that they were "confident" (31.7%) and "not confident" (31.9%). The largest group said they did - not know (36.5%) if these regulations would maintain or improve the quality of life in Currituck County. TABLE 13: Including these changes, how confident are you that current county development regulations will maintain or improve the quality of life in Currituck County? TOTAL RESPONDING 524 PERCENT Confident 31.7 Don't know 36.5 Not confident 31.9 12 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY While the Board of Commissioners has adopted important changes in the Currituck County Development Code, more changes are currently being considered. Respondents were asked to indicate their support for or opposition to four additional changes to the development code. The results are presented in Table 14. TABLE 14: Citizen support for four additional changes to the development code being considered by the Currituck County Board of Commissioners PERCENT PERCENT SUPPORT DO NOT SUPPORT Require curbs and gutters on new 54.8 25.6 streets in developments. Requiring sidewalks for new 48.6 29.9 developments. Require street lights for new 62.5 22.5 developments. Establish impact fees so new development offsets the costs to 74.3 9.4 county services. A plurality of the citizens supported all of the proposed changes in the development code. However, the level of support is relatively low for the proposal to require curbs, gutters and sidewalks in new developments. The opposition is also fairly large. Support for requiring new developments to have street lights was stronger but there was still a significant minority who opposed this measure. These results suggest that while most people support these changes, there will be substantial controversy when they are considered. The proposal to establish impact fees to offset the costs of providing county services to new developments was supported by a large majority of the citizens of Currituck County. Almost three -fourths of the citizens support this proposal while less then ten percent oppose it. There is very strong citizen support for.measures that limit the impact of development on the county including the two measures already adopted and the proposed impact fees. The overwhelming support of the proposed impact fee legislation may reflect the citizens' lack of confidence that the new development code will protect the quality of life in Currituck County. There is also support for measures that increase open space in subdivisions. 13 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY TRAFFIC ISSUES The respondents were asked their opinions on four issues concerning highways and traffic facing Currituck County. To assess how involved the citizens want their county official to be, they were asked to indicate if the county should be more or less active in improving safety along its streets. Table 15 shows that over half of the Currituck residents felt that the county should become more active in improving the safety along the streets of the community. Most of the remaining respondents (43.5%) were happy with the current level of involvement. TABLE 15: Overall, how active do you think the county should be in improving safety along streets? TOTAL RESPONDING 506 PERCENT Become more active 54.7 Maintain current level 43.5 Become less active 1.8 TABLE 16: Once NC 168 is widened to 5 lanes, and traffic continues to increase on US 158 and NC 168 to a point where the 5 lane road becomes overcrowded, which method do you think would be best to correct the overcrowding? TOTAL RESPONDING 502 PERCENT Widen US 158 & NC 168 13.1 to 7 lanes or more Bypass overcrowded 58.2 roads Leave as 5 lanes with 28.7 no bypass The majority of the respondents (58.2%) believe that the best choice would be to bypass overcrowded roads. Over one-fourth (28.7%) were in favor of leaving an overcrowded 5 lane highway with no bypass. Only a small minority of the respondents would be in favor of widening the road to 7 lanes or more. 14 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY TABLE 17: Should the -county require new subdivisions to connect to community roads so local traffic can avoid highway 158 and highway 168? TOTAL RESPONDING 519 PERCENT Yes 58.8 Don't Know 24.3 No 17.0 Over half of the respondents felt that the county should require new subdivisions to connect to community roads so that local traffic could avoid the major highways. Almost one-fourth did not know if this action should be taken. TABLE 18: Currently there is no paved road on the Outer Banks north of Corolla into the Carova Beach area. Would you support a paved road north of Corolla to the Virginia state line? TOTAL RESPONDING 528 PERCENT Yes 42.2 Don't know 14.2 No 43.6 The levels of support for and opposition to the development of a paved road north of Corolla to the Virginia state line were almost equal. Most people have an opinion but there is no county wide consensus on this issue. Most of the citizens of Currituck want the County to actively promote highway safety. When US 158 and NC 168 become overcrowded again, most citizens prefer a by-pass to expanding the number of lanes in highway US 158 and NC 168. Letting these highways stay overcrowded has more support than expanding them to seven lanes. People also favor connecting subdivisions to local roads that will allow citizens to avoid these highways. The county was evenly divided on the issue of building a paved road north of Corolla to Virginia. 15 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY CITIZEN EVALUATION OF COUNTY SERVICES The next section of the questionnaire focused on the respondents' perception of the services offered by Currituck County. The first two questions asked about the quantity of public recreation areas in the County. TABLE 19: In Currituck County, there are public recreation areas. TOTAL RESPONDING 453 PERCENT Too many 3.3 The right amount of 34.4 Too few 62.3 Most (62.3%) of the respondents felt that Currituck County has too few public recreation areas with most of the remaining respondents indicating that the number of recreation areas is about right. TABLE 20: Are you willing to pay more taxes or user fees in order to provide additional parks and recreation areas in Currituck County? TOTAL RESPONDING 444 PERCENT Yes 28.4 Don't know 14.5 No 57.1 Even though most of the respondents felt that Currituck needed additional recreational areas, the majority were not in favor of paying more taxes or user fees in order to increase the number of recreational areas (57.1%). Only slightly over one-fourth (28.4%) were willing in increase taxes or user fees to create additional recreational centers. The respondents were asked to evaluate eight county services, rating them from "very good" to "very bad." The highest ratings were given to the public library and the emergency medical services. Both of these county services were rated as "good" or "very good" by over sixty percent of the citizens. A majority of the citizens gave these ratings to the police, fire protection, and the schools. Only a minority of citizens were willing to give recreational services, government administration and trash collection 16 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY positive ratings. The proportion of "bad" and "very bad" ratings given to recreational services (29.3%), government administration (20.3%) and trash collection (32.10) was lower than the proportion of positive ratings. TABLE 21: Percentage of citizen rating various county services as "good" or "very good." PERCENT Police protection 58.6 Trash collection 37.9 Schools 56.2 Recreational services 32.0 Public library service 65.1 Fire protection 57.2 Emergency medical service 63.7 Government administration 1 36.2 The final set of questions in this section asked the respondents' opinions on sewer and water issues. The first question asked if Currituck County should establish a centralized sewer system throughout the county. While a small majority of the respondents support the centralized sewer system, a large minority oppose it (See Table 22). TABLE 22: Should Currituck County establish a centralized sewer system throughout the county? TOTAL RESPONDING 501 PERCENT Yes 51.9 Don't know 2.2 No 45.9 Respondents were also asked if it is important to extend the county's water system to four areas that are not currently being served (See Table 23). A small majority support extending the water system to the lower section of the mainland and a large minority of the respondents supports extending it to the Outer Banks. Only roughly one in four supported extending the water system to Gibbs Woods or Knotts Island. Most citizens feel that Currituck County should work with the surrounding areas to find a source of water (See Table 24). 17 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY TABLE 23: Is it important for the county to provide water in the following areas that are not currently being served? PERCENT Lower section of mainland 52.8 Gibbs Woods 26.9 Knotts Island 28.8 Outer Banks 45.8 TABLE 24: Should Currituck County work with the surrounding areas, i.e. Dare County and Virginia, to find a source of water for the region? TOTAL RESPONDING 519 PERCENT Yes 82.2 Don't know 17.0 No 0.7 Even though most of the respondents felt that Currituck needed additional recreational areas, the majority were not in favor of paying more taxes or user fees in order to increase the number of recreational areas. The respondents were asked to evaluate eight county services. The highest ratings were given to the public library and the emergency medical services. Most citizens also gave high ratings to the police, fire protection, and the schools. While only a minority of citizens gave positiveratings to recreational services, government administration and trash collection, more citizens gave them good ratings than bad ratings. The county was divided on whether to build a centralized sewer system. Respondents were also divided on extending the county's water system to four areas that are not currently being served. Most citizens did feel that Currituck County should work with the surrounding areas to find a source of water. S 18 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY A final set of questions asked respondents to focus on the quality of the environment in Currituck County and to indicate what they thought of several approaches to protecting the environment. TABLE 25: How would you rate the quality of Currituck County's environment? TOTAL RESPONDING 522 PERCENT Better than average 54.2 Average 42.3 Below average 3.4 Table 25 shows how the respondents rated the quality of Currituck County's environment. A majority of the citizens rate their county's environment as "better than average." Almost everyone else rated the quality of the environment in Currituck County as "average." Only 3.4 percent rated Currituck's environmental quality as "below average." TABLE 26: In your opinion, do current federal, state and local regulations protecting Currituck County's environment provide: TOTAL RESPONDING 493 PERCENT Too much protection 15.8 About right 58.4 Too little protection 25.8 The citizens were asked their opinions of the current environmental regulations. Over half (58.4%) of the respondents thought that the current federal, state, and local regulations provide about the right amount of protection to Currituck's environment. The next largest block thought that the regulations provided too little protection. Few people thought that the current regulations provide too much protection. Finally, respondents were asked if they would support Currituck County taking action to protect six different natural resources. The results are presented in Table 27. 19 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY TABLE 27: Proportion of citizens who support Currituck County taking action to protect the following resources. PERCENT Trees/vegetation 72.2 Surface water (i.e., sounds & rivers) 87.4 Ground water resources (drinking water) 89.8 Agricultural land 64.7 Wildlife habitat 77.0 Scenic roadways 65.9 A majority of the citizens,support taking action in each of the six areas. Over 80 percent of the citizens supported actions to protect ground water and surface water. Roughly three -fourths of the citizens supported actions to protect wildlife habitat and trees and vegetation. Roughly two-thirds supported actions to protect scenic roadways and agricultural -land. Almost everyone rated the quality of the environment in Currituck County as "better than average" or "average." Over half of the respondents thought that the current federal, state, and local regulations provide about the right amount of protection to Currituck's environment and few people thought that the current regulations provide "too much protection." Large majorities of the citizens were willing to support new county programs to protect environmental quality. 20 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY RESPONSES FOR OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS In order to better assess the respondents' views in five areas, they were asked to write short explanations of their positions. The literature on survey research shows that many Americans skip open-ended questions however this trend was not evident for the citizens of Currituck County. The fact that most respondents took the time to write a comment to more than one of these questions testifies to their commitment to improving local government. These questions give readers insight into the views of those citizens who care deeply about a topic. The tables in this section provide an overview of these responses but interested readers should take the time to read the respondents answers which are reproduced in Appendix C. The first open-ended question asked people "if there is anything else you feel should be done to improve the quality of life in Currituck County." Out of the 553 respondents to the overall survey, there were 260 (47.1%) respondents who made comments on this question. A summary of the frequencies (actual number of comments in parenthesis) for the twenty most common answers is presented in Table 28. While many people have clear ideas of other things that should be done to improve the quality of life in Currituck County, they are very diverse. The issue mentioned by the largest number of respondents was to minimize or stop residential development. It was mentioned by 11.9 percent of the respondents. The only other issue to be mentioned by ten percent of the sample was improving law enforcement. At the end of the section where respondents evaluated the recent changes and possible future changes to the development code, they were asked to indicate if there was anything else that the Board of Commissioners should consider. Out of the 553 respondents to the overall survey, 198 (35.9%) responded to this question. The frequencies (actual number of comments in parenthesis) for the most commonly mentioned responses to this question are presented in Table 29. Again the respondents offer a wide variety of suggestions. The only suggestion to gather support from 10 percent of the respondents is to minimize or slow development and growth in Currituck County. 21 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY The third open-ended question asked respondents to tell what they like most about Currituck County. Out of the 553 respondents to the overall survey, there were 449 (81.3%) respondents who answered this question. The frequencies (actual number of comments in parenthesis) for the most commonly mentioned responses to this question are presented in Table 30. In this case, there is a consensus. Almost half (48.1%) of the respondents report that they like the rural atmosphere and country lifestyle that they have found in Currituck County. It is rare to find such wide spread agreement in the answers to an open-ended question. It would seem to reflect a high value placed on this characteristic of Currituck County. Three other characteristics of Currituck County are cited by at least 10 percent of the citizens. The Ocean, beaches, sound and coast are mentioned by one in every six people. The people of Currituck are also cited by over ten percent of their fellow citizens as the thing they like most about the county. The third popular characteristic of Currituck County was its clean environment and magnificent natural resources (wetlands, wildlife and clean air). Since no place is perfect, respondent were asked "What do you like least about Currituck County?" Out of the 553 respondents to the overall survey, there were 406 (73.6%) respondents who answered this question. The frequencies (actual number of comments in parenthesis) for the most 20 commonly mentioned responses to this question are presented in Table 31. While most people were willing to tell us what they like least about the county, the citizens of Currituck do not have a widespread, shared idea of its biggest problem. Two issues were mentioned by more than ten percent of the respondents. The most commonly mentioned problem was too much growth and development. It was mentioned by one citizen in six. The other popular negative characteristic was the traffic, especially on summer weekends. Finally, respondents were asked if there was anything else that "needs to be considered when we are working to maintain a high quality of life in Currituck County? There were 345 (62.5%) respondents who made comments on this question. The frequencies (actual number of comments in parenthesis) for the 15 most commonly mentioned responses to this question are presented in Table 32. 22 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY While most people answered this question, none of the issues that they raised were shared by ten percent of their fellow citizens. The most common suggestions were to consider the schools (9.6%), law enforcement (9.6%) and recreation for young people in the county (9.0%). While it is not totally clear, one possible common theme to these answers is a concern for the youth of Currituck County. Readers should take the time to are reproduced in Appendix C. While how widespread opinions are, a single thoughtful citizen may be the source improvement. CONCLUSION read the comments that it is important to know comment from a of significant The citizens of Currituck County should be proud that their local government has cared enough to develop and carry out a careful, scientific study to assess their views on the issues. The material presented in this report will provide commissioners, planning board members, and staff planners with vital information to help them develop their plans for the next decade. The hard work is still ahead -- developing programs and policies so that the citizens of Currituck County will be as pleased with and as proud of their county ten years from now as they are today. 23 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY TABLE 28: If there is anything else you feel should be done to improve the quality of life in Currituck County, please describe it in the space below. N of People Making Comments = 260 PERCENT Minimize or stop developing 11.9% (most refer to residential) (31) Improve law enforcement 10.0% (prevent & prosecute crime) (26) Increase/Improve public water 9.6% service (25) Protect our environment (dunes, 8.1% beaches, sound, farmland, air) (21) Build a recreational facility for 6.2% the public/youth (16) Improve schools(school buildings, 5.4% school system, teachers, etc.) (14) Keep Currituck the way it is! 5.0% Preserve the rural life, etc.) (13) Increase business and industry 5.0% (general shopping, dining, etc.) (13) Increase/Improve sewage and 4.6% drainage (12) Clean-up roadside eyesores (bill 4.2% boards, shacks, pig parlor, etc.) (11) Increase/Improve trash (waste 4.2% removal) service (11) Widen/Expand/Improve Roads 3.8% (10) Implement/Improve emergency 3.8% services (fire, ambulatory, etc.) (10) Regulate/Limit Population Growth 3.5% (9) Increase animal (pet) control law 3.1% enforcement (8) Decrease government controls 2.7% (Respect property rights) (7) Open a local (chain) grocery 2.3% store (6) Plan better for growth 2.3% (6) Implement/Enforce proper zoning 2.3% restrictions (6) Build more to create jobs 1.9% (5) 24 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY TABLE 29: Other than those listed above, what steps do you think the Board of Commissioners should take concerning growth and development in Currituck County? N of People Making Comments = 198 PERCENT Minimize/Slow/Stop Development 10.6% and Growth (21) Provide Public Water System 7.6% (15) Require developers to pay impact 6.6% fees for public services (13) Plan Better for Growth and 5.0% Development (10) Provide some recreation and other 5.0% activities for children (10) Consider growth only for the 4.5% benefit of current citizens (9) Provide better services and 4.5% facilities (9) Increase business and industry 4.5% (9) Provide Sewage/drainage system 4.50 (9) Clean/Expand/Improve roads and 4.5% road signs (9) Create decent paying jobs for 3.0% residents (6) Increase or maintain lot size 3.0% (6) Improve old developments before 3.0% or with new ones Build quality, affordable housing 3.0% (no more trailers and apartments) (6) Be mindful of Currituck heritage 3.0% (plan to preserve it) (6) Encourage/Welcome Growth and 3.0% Development (flexible regulations) (•6) Upgrade police force 2.5% (5) Attract more high -income folks 2.5% (5) Provide street lights (in both 2.5% old and new developments) (5) Ensure compliance of developers 2.0% (4) Provide waste removal/trash 2.0% service (4) 25 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY TABLE 30: What do you like most about Currituck County? N of People Making Comments = 449 PERCENT The Rural Atmosphere/Country Living 48.1% (quiet, beauty, relaxed lifestyle) (216) Beaches/Ocean/Sound/Coast 16.7% (75) The People/Community (friends, 11.6% neighbors) (52) Clean Environment/Natural Resources 11.4% (wetlands, wildlife, clean air) (51) The Climate 4.5% (20) Open Spaces 4.5% (20) Low crime rate (safety here) 4.2% (19) Fishing and Hunting 4.2% (19) It's home (includes location in 4.2% general) (19) Proximity to Metropolitan/Urban 4.2% Areas (Norfolk, VA Beach) (19) Low Taxes here 4.0% (18) Quality of Life 2.4% (11) The Sound 2.0% (9) Good Schools 1.6% (7) Northern Outer Banks area 1.1% (5) The Off-season 1.1% (5) What it used to be 1.1% (5) It's not commercialized 1.1% (5) County Commissioners care 1.0% (4) People care about senior citizens 1.0% here (4) Potential for growth 1.0% (4) 26 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY TABLE 31: What do you like least about Currituck County? N of People Making Comments = 406 PERCENT Too much growth and development 16.50 too fast (with poor planning) (67) Too much traffic (especially 14.3% summer and weekends) (58) Politics/Local Government 7.9% (32) Lack of shops and businesses 7.9% (must drive too far) (32) Taxes too high with little 7.1% visible benefits . (29) Strangers/tourists/crowds coming 5.9% in (population problems) (24) Schools, School Board 4.9% (20) Trash Service (we pay to take it 4.9% to dumpster, want yard pick-up) (20) Shabby developments (trailers, 4.7% etc.) (19) Roads 4.7% (19) Need recreation, activities, and 4.4% support for youth (18) Police force/Law enforcement are 3.7% lacking (15) Public Water Service (lacks 3.7% quality and coverage) (15) Drugs and Crime 3.7% (15) Lack of concern for environment 3.0% (12) Lack grocery/drug store 2.5% (10) Inadequate fire protection and/or 2.2% emergency services (9) Lack of good jobs 2.0% (8) Billboards (tacky, dilapidated) 1.7% (7) Poor sewage/drainage 1.5% (6) 27 1995-6 SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION CURRITUCK COUNTY TABLE 32: What else do you feel needs to be considered when we are working to maintain a high quality of life in Currituck County? N of People Making Comments = 345 PERCENT The schools/education 9.6% (34) Improving police and law - 9.6% enforcement(prevent drugs, crime) (33) Safe places/recreation for youths 9.0% (31) Control/Plan for growth 6.9% (24) Protection of Environment/Natural 6.7% Resources (23) Involve, Inform, Consider 6.7% Citizens when planning (23) Bringing in more business, 6.1% industry, restaurants, shops,etc. (21) Improve/Provide Public Water 5.5% (19) Improve/Beautify Roads 5.5% (19) Remain Rural 4.9% (17) Bring Jobs (increase pay scale) 4.9% (17) Don't raise taxes, see tax 4.6% dollars at work (16) Build the Bridge (may consider 4.6% charging toll) (16 ) Improve/Reform Local Government 4.3% (15) Decrease and Control Development 4.3% (15) 28 APPENDIX A CURRITUCK COUNTY SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE 29 Survey of Citizens' Views and Opinions zVCK epU� -A . A 1070 30 Please circle the number that most closely represents your answer. 1. Where do you live? 1. I LIVE OUTSIDE CURRITUCK COUNTY 2. KNOTTS ISLAND 3. GIBBS WOODS 4. MAINLAND, NORTH OF COINJOCK CANAL 5. MAINLAND, SOUTH OF COINJOCK CANAL 6. OUTER BANKS FROM COROLLA SOUTH 7. OUTER BANKS NORTH OF COROLLA 2. Which of the following best describes you? 1. FULL TIME RESIDENT 2. SEASONAL RESIDENT 3. NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY OWNER 3. You have been a seasonal or full-time resident of Currituck County for. 1. I AM NOT A RESIDENT 2. 5 YEARS OR LESS 3. BETWEEN 5 YEARS AND 10 YEARS 4. OVER 10 YEARS 4. Where in Currituck County do you own property? If you own property in more than one location, circle ALL that apply. 1. I DO NOT OWN PROPERTY IN CURRITUCK COUNTY 2. KNOTTS ISLAND 3. GIBBS WOODS 4. MAINLAND, NORTH OF COINJOCK CANAL 5. MAINLAND, SOUTH OF COINJOCK CANAL 6. OUTER BANKS FROM COROLLA SOUTH 7. OUTER BANKS NORTH OF COROLLA 31 5. What best describes your residence? 1. SINGLE -WIDE MOBILE HOME 2. DOUBLE -WIDE MOBILE HOME 3. HOUSE 4. CONDO OR TOWNHOUSE 5. APARTMENT 6. CAMPER 7. LIVE OUTSIDE CURRITUCK COUNTY 6. The primary wage earner living in this house currently works in: 1. CURRITUCK COUNTY 2. DARE COUNTY 3. CAMDEN/PASQUOTANK OR ELSEWHERE IN NC 4. VIRGINIA 5. THE PRIMARY WAGE EARNER IS CURRENTLY UNEMPLOYED 6. OTHER 7. Other wage earners living in this house currently work in: [Please circle as many answers as apply] 1. CURRITUCK COUNTY 2. DARE COUNTY 3. CAMDEN/PASQUOTANK OR ELSEWHERE IN NC 4. VIRGR41A 5. THERE ARE NO OTHER WAGE EARNERS 6. OTHER 8. How would you rate Currituck County as a place to live today? 1. VERY GOOD 2. GOOD 3. AVERAGE 4. POOR 5. VERY POOR 9. Assuming the development now occurring continues (same type and speed), how will it affect Currituck County as a place to live 10 years from now? 1. VERY POSITIVE EFFECT 2. POSITIVE EFFECT 3. NO EFFECT 4. NEGATIVE EFFECT 5. VERY NEGATIVE EFFECT 32 Protecting residential property from undesirable development (e.g., noise, odor, traffic, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 Improving Currituck's appearance (e.g., remove dilapidated buildings, landscaping, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 Protecting the rural character of Currituck County 1 2 3 4 5 Allowing growth only when County facilities (i.e. schools) are available 1 2 3 4 5 Opening more public recreational areas 1 2 3 4 5 Providing bike lanes along roads 1 2 3 4 5 Preserving farmland 1 2 3 4 5 Preserving historic buildings and sites 1 2 3 4 5 Making new development pay for impact on county services 1 2 3 4 5 Improving school facilities 1 2 3 4 5 33 MOST LEAST POSITIVE NO POSITIVE EFFECT EFFECT EFFECT Recruiting new industries 1 2 3 4 5 Protecting the environment 1 2 3 4 5 Improving drainage 1 2 3 4 5 Protecting the water quality in the sounds and rivers 1 2 3 4 5 Providing a variety of housing types and prices available (e.g., single family, duplexes, apartments, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 Improving highway safety 1 2 3 4 5 Providing more public access to sounds, rivers, and creeks 1 2 3 4 5 Providing more commercial shopping areas in Currituck 1 2 3 4 5 11. If there is anything else you feel should be done to improve the quality of life in Currmituck County, please describe it in the space below. 34 12. Below are two different types of subdivisions for the same property. Subdivision A is a Conventional Subdivision and Subdivision B is an Oven Space Subdivision. The total site area is 50 acres and both subdivisions contain 33 lots. Please circle the letter of the subdivision you would prefer to see developed in Currituck County. A. Conventional Subdivision: large lot sizes of 40,000 square feet or more; small community open space area of 2.5 acres; small community waterfront park with community dock. B. Open Space Subdivision: small lot sizes of 12,000 square feet or more, large community open space area of 40 acres; avoids placing lots in sensitive environmental areas such as wetlands, woodlands, near water bodies and scenic areas; large community waterfront park with community dock. 35 13. The Board of Commissioners recently made changes to the development code. The Commissioners expect these changes to slow the speed of development and to improve the quality of development in the county. This section asks for your opinion of the changes already made by the Board of Commissioners? SUPPORT DONT DO NOT IDEA KNOW SUPPORT Require that developments not exceed the ability of Currituck to provide adequate public facilities (e.g. schools, fire) 1 2 3 Increase lot size in all zones but Agriculture to 40,000 sq. ft. 1 2 3 Increase lot size in Agriculture zone to 3 acres 1 2 3 Require improvements to open space in residential development (e.g., ball - fields, tennis courts, etc.) 1 2 3 Require statements that explain how a new development will impact county services for all subdivisions of 20 or more lots 1 2 3 14. Including these changes, how confident are you that current county development regulations will maintain or improve the quality of life in Curritack County? 1. CONFIDENT 2. DON'T KNOW 3. NOT CONFIDENT 36 15. The Board of Commissioners are considering additional changes to the development code. The Comma sioners expect these changes to slow the speed of development and to improve the quality of development in the county. This section asks for your opinion of the changes currently being considered by the Board. SUPPORT DONT DO NOT IDEA KNOW SUPPORT Require curbs and gutters on new streets in developments 1 2 3 Require sidewalks for new developments 1 2 3 Require street lights for new developments 1 2 3 Establish impact fees so new development offsets the costs to county services 1 2 3 16. Other than those listed above, what steps do you think the Board of Commissioners should take concerning growth and development in Currituck County? 37 17. Overall, how active do you think the county should be in improving safety along streets? 1. BECOME MORE ACTIVE 2. MAINTAIN CURRENT LEVEL 3. BECOME LESS ACTIVE 18. Once NC 168 is widened to 5 lanes, and traffic continues to increase on US 158 and NC 168 to a point where the 5 lane road becomes overcrowded, which method do you think would be best to -correct the overcrowding? 1. WIDEN US 158 & NC 168 TO 7 LANES OR MORE 2. BYPASS OVERCROWDED ROADS 3. LEAVE AS 5 LANES WITH NO BYPASS 19. Should the county require new subdivisions to connect to community roads so local traffic can avoid highway 158 and highway 168? 1. YES 2. NO 3. DON'T KNOW 20. Currently there is no paved road on the Outer Banks north of Corolla into the Carova Beach area. Would you support a paved road north of Corolla to the Virginia state line? 1. YES 2. NO 3. DON'T KNOW 21. In Curritack County, there are public recreation areas. 1. TOO MANY 2. THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF 3. TOO FEW 22. Are you willing to pay more taxes or user fees in order to provide additional parks and recreation areas in Currituck County? 1. YES 2. NO 3. DON'T KNOW 38 23. Please rate the following county services: VERY NE=R VERY GOOD GOOD GOOD BAD BAD OR BAD Police protection 1 2 3 4 5 Trash collection 1 2 3 4 5 Schools 1 2 3 4 5 Recreation 1 2 3 4 5 Public Library 1 2 3 4 5 Fire protection 1 2 3 4 5 Emergency Medical 1 2 3 4 5 - Government Administration 1 2 3 4 5 24. Should Currituck County establish a centralized sewer system throughout the county? 1. YES 2. NO 25. Currituck County has a water system on the mainland serving the upper 2/3rds of the county. Is it important for the county to provide water to the following areas: DON'T YES . KNOW NO Lower section of the mainland 1 2 3 Gibbs Woods 1 2 3 Knotts Island 1 2 3 Outer Banks 1 2 3 39 26. Should Currituck County work with surrounding areas, i.e. Dare County and Virginia, to find a source of water for the region? 1. YES 2. NO 27. How would you rate the quality of Currituck County's environment? 1. BETTER THAN AVERAGE 2. AVERAGE 3. BELOW AVERAGE 28. In your opinion, do current federal, state and local regulations protecting Currituck County's environment provide: 1. TOO MUCH PROTECTION 2. ABOUT THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF PROTECTION 3. TOO LITTLE PROTECTION 29. Would you support Currituck County taking action to protect the following resources? Trees/Vegetation Surface water (i.e., sounds & rivers) Ground water resources (Drinking water) Agricultural land Wildlife habitat Scenic Roadways SUPPORT DONT DO NOT IDEA KNOW SUPPORT 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 40 30. What do you like most about Currituck County? 31. What do you like least about Currituck County? 32. What else do you feel needs to be considered when we are working to maintain a high quality of life in Currituck County. Thank you very much for your help. If you would like a brief summary of the results, please check the box below. 41 APPENDIX B CURRITUCK COUNTY SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION FREQUENCIES 42 Currituck County Survey of Citizens' Vie►ts and Opinions 1995-96 TABLE 1: Where do you live? TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 I LIVE OUTSIDE 194 CURRITUCK COUNTY 35.1 KNOTTS ISLAND 12 2.2 GIBBS WOODS 11 2.0 MAINLAND NORTH OF 155 COINJOCK CANAL 28.0 MAINLAND SOUTH OF 122 COINJOCK CANAL 22.1 OUTER BANKS FROM 30 COROLLA SOUTH 5.4 OUTER BANKS NORTH 9 OF COROLLA 1.6 DON'T KNOW 1 0.2 NO ANSWER 19 3.4 TABLE 2: Which of the following best describes you? TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 FULL TIME RESIDENT 325 58.8 SEASONAL RESIDENT 50 9.0 NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY 173 OWNER 31.3 DON'T KNOW 0 0.0 NO ANSWER 5 0.9 43 TABLE 3: You have been a seasonal or full time resident of Currituck County for: TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 I AM NOT A RESIDENT 153 27.7 5 YEARS OR LESS 64 11.6 BETWEEN 5 YEARS AND 74 10 YEARS 13.4 OVER 10 YEARS 248 44.8 DON'T KNOW 0 0.0 NO ANSWER 14 2.5 TABLE 4: Where in Currituck County do you own property? If you own property in more than one location, CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY. TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 I DO NOT OWN PROPERTY 29 IN CURRITUCK COUNTY 4.7 KNOTTS ISLAND 20 3.2 GIBBS WOODS 12 1.9 MAINLAND NORTH OF 188 COINJOCK CANAL 30.3 MAINLAND SOUTH OF 169 COINJOCK CANAL 27.3 OUTER BANKS FROM 86 COROLLA SOUTH 13.9 OUTER BANKS NORTH OF 90 COROLLA 14.5. DON'T KNOW 3 0.5 NO ANSWER 23 3.7 44 TABLE 5: What best decsribes your residence? TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SINGLE -WIDE MOBILE 34 HOME 6.1 DOUBLE -WIDE MOBILE 44 HOME 8.0 HOUSE 325 58.8 CONDO OR TOWNHOUSE 2 0.4 APARTMENT 2 0.4 CAMPER 7 1.3 LIVE OUTSIDE 124 CURRITUCK COUNTY 22.4 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 13 2.4 TABLE 6: The primary wage earner living in this house currently works in: TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 CURRITUCK COUNTY 118 21.3 DARE COUNTY 20 3.6 CAMDEN/PASQUOTANK OR 15 ELSEWHERE IN NC 2.7 VIRGINIA 178 32.2 THE PRIMARY WAGE 11 EARNER IS UNEMPLOYED 2.0 OTHER 173 31.3 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 36 6.5 45 TABLE 7: Other wage earners living in this house currently work in: (circle all that apply) TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 CURRITUCK COUNTY 102 17.7 DARE COUNTY 43 7.5 CAMDEN/PASQUOTANK OR 23 ELSEWHERE IN NC 4.0 VIRGINIA 102 17.7 NO OTHER WAGE EARNERS 135 23.4 OTHER 98 17.0 DON'T KNOW 1 0.2 NO ANSWER 73 12.7 TABLE 8: How would you rate Currituck County as a place to live today? TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 VERY GOOD 163 29.5 GOOD 212 38.3 AVERAGE 114 20.6 POOR 23 4.2 VERY POOR 6 1.1 DON'T KNOW 4 0.7 NO ANSWER 31 5.6 46 TABLE 9: Assuming the development now occurring continues (same type and speed) how will it affect Currituck co. as a place to live ten years from now? TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 VERY POSITIVE EFFECT 80 14.5 POSITIVE EFFECT 158 28.6 NO EFFECT 25 4.5 NEGATIVE EFFECT 169 30.6 VERY NAGATIVE EFFECT 84 15.2 DON'T KNOW 6 1.1 NO ANSWER 31 5.6 TABLE 10: Slowing the speed of growth TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 236 EFFECT 42.7 2 106 19.2 3 NO EFFECT 52 9.4 4 42 7.6 5 LEAST POSITIVE 67 EFFECT 12.1 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 48 8.7 47 TABLE 11: Protecting residential property from undesirable development (e.g., noise, odor, traffic, etc.) TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 349 EFFECT 63.1 2 103 18.6 3 NO EFFECT 34 6.1 4 9 1.6 5 LEAST POSITIVE 16 EFFECT 2.9 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 40 7.2 TABLE 12: Improving Currituck's appearance (e.g., remove dilapidated buildings, landscaping, etc.) TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 289 EFFECT 52.3 2 108 19.5 3 NO EFFECT 71 12.8 4 15 2.7 5 LEAST POSITIVE 24 EFFECT 4.3 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 44 8.0 48 TABLE 13: Protecting the rural character of Currituck County TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 281 EFFECT 50.8 2 125 22.6 3 NO EFFECT 60 10.8 4 24 4.3 5 LEAST POSITIVE 17 EFFECT 3.1 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 44 8.0 TABLE 14: Allowing growth only when County facilities (i.e., school) are available TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 271 EFFECT 49.0 2 104 18.8 3 NO EFFECT 65 11.8 4 32 5.8 5 LEAST POSITIVE 37 EFFECT 6.7 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 42 7.6 49 TABLE 15: Opening more public recreational areas TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 187 EFFECT 33.8 2 124 22.4 3 NO EFFECT 104 18.8 4 35 6.3 5 LEAST POSITIVE 57 EFFECT 10.3 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 44 8.0 TABLE 16: Providing bike lanes along roads TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 161 EFFECT 29.1 2 117 21.2 3 NO EFFECT 116 21.0 4 32 5.8 5 LEAST POSITIVE 83 EFFECT 15.0 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 42 7.6 50 TABLE 17: Preserving farmland TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 212 EFFECT 38.3 2 137 24.8 3 NO EFFECT 115 20.8 4 22 4.0 5 LEAST POSITIVE 21 EFFECT 3.8 DON'T KNOW 3 0.5 NO ANSWER 43 7.8 TABLE 18: Preserving historic buildings and sites TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 254 EFFECT 45.9 2 147 26.6 3 NO EFFECT 69 12.5 4 15 2.7 5 LEAST POSITIVE 26 EFFECT 4.7 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 40 7.2 51 TABLE 19: Making new development pay for impact on county services TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 314 EFFECT 56.8 2 124 22.4 3 NO EFFECT 41 7.4 4 17 3.1 5 LEAST POSITIVE 16 EFFECT 2.9 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 39 7.1 TABLE 20: Improving school facilities TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 271 EFFECT 49.0 2 120 21.7 3 NO EFFECT 90 16.3 4 11 2.0 5 LEAST POSITIVE 12 EFFECT 2.2 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 47 8.5 52 TABLE 21: Recruiting new industries TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 207 EFFECT 37.4 2 109 19.7 3 NO EFFECT 48 8.7 4 55 9.9 5 LEAST POSITIVE 82 EFFECT 14.8 DON'T KNOW 3 0.5 NO ANSWER 49 8.9 TABLE 22: Protecting the environment TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 329 EFFECT 59.5 2 122 22.1 3 NO EFFECT 43 7.8 4 10 1.8 5 LEAST POSITIVE 7 EFFECT 1.3 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 40 7.2 53 TABLE 23: Improving drainage TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 225 EFFECT 40.7 2 153 27.7 3 NO EFFECT 98 17.7 4 18 3.3 5 LEAST POSITIVE 10 EFFECT 1.8 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 47 8.5 TABLE 24: Protecting the water quality in the sounds and rivers TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 381 EFFECT 68.9 2 105 19.0 3 NO EFFECT 19 3.4 4 6 1.1 5 LEAST POSITIVE 1 EFFECT 0.2 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 39 7.1 54 TABLE 25: Providing a variety of housing types and prices available (e.g., single family, duplexes, apartments, etc.) TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 146 EFFECT 26.4 2 116 21.0 3 NO EFFECT 88 15.9 4 60 10.8 5 LEAST POSITIVE 91 EFFECT 16.5 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 50 9.0 TABLE 26: Improving highway safety TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 254 EFFECT 45.9 2 157 28.4 3 NO EFFECT 73 13.2 4 11 2.0 5 LEAST POSITIVE 12 EFFECT 2.2 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 44 8.0 55 TABLE 27: Providing more public access to sounds, rivers, and creeks TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 173 EFFECT 31.3 2 115 20.8 3 NO EFFECT 107 19.3 4 55 9.9 5 LEAST POSITIVE 61 EFFECT 11.0 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 40 7.2 TABLE 28: Providing more commercial shopping areas in Currituck TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 1 MOST POSITIVE 180 EFFECT 32.5 2 104 18.8 3 NO EFFECT 89 16.1 4 52 9.4 5 LEAST POSITIVE 88 EFFECT 15.9 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 38 6.9 56 TABLE 30: Please circle the letter of the subdivision you would prefer to see developed in Currituck County. TOTAL ' TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 A. CONVENTIONAL 170 SUBDIVISION 30.7 B. OPEN SPACE 281 SUBDIVISION 50.8 DON'T KNOW 3 0.5 NO ANSWER 99 17.9 TABLE 31: Require that the developments not exceed the ability of Curri tuck to provide adequate public facilities (e.g., schools, fire) TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 442 79.9 DON'T KNOW 45 8.1 DO NOT SUPPORT 42 7.6 NO ANSWER 24 4.3 TABLE 32: Increase lot size in all zones but Agriculture to 40,000 sq. ft. TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 274 49.5 DON'T KNOW 125 22.6 DO NOT SUPPORT 123 22.2 NO ANSWER 31 5.6 57 TABLE 33: Increase lot size in Agriculture zone to 3 acres. TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 237 42.9 DON'T KNOW 158 28.6 DO NOT SUPPORT 128 23.1 NO ANSWER 30 5.4 TABLE 34: Require improvements to open space in residential developments (e.g., ballfields, tennis courts, etc.) TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 338 61.1 DON'T KNOW 105 19.0 DO NOT SUPPORT 81 14.6 NO ANSWER 29 5.2 TABLE 35: Require statements that explain how a new development will impact county services for all subdivisions of 20 or more lots. TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 419 75.8 DON'T KNOW 62 11.2 DO NOT SUPPORT 42 7.6 NO ANSWER 30 5.4 58 TABLE 36: Including these changes, how confident are you that current county development regulations will maintain or improve the quality of life in Currituck County? TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 CONFIDENT 166 30.0 DON'T KNOW 191 34.5 NOT CONFIDENT 167 30.2 NO ANSWER 29 5.2 TABLE 37: This section asks for your opinion of the changes currently being considered by the Board. Require curbs and gutters on new streets in developments. TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 287 51.9 DON'T KNOW 103 18.6 DO NOT SUPPORT 134 24.2 NO ANSWER 29 5.2 TABLE 38: Require sidewalks for new developments. TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 252 45.6 DON'T KNOW ill 20.1 DO NOT SUPPORT 155 28.0 NO ANSWER 35 6.3 59 TABLE 39: Require street lights for new developments. TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 325 58.8 DON'T KNOW 78 14.1 DO NOT SUPPORT 117 21.2 NO ANSWER 33 6.0 TABLE 40: Establish impact fees so new development offsets the costs to county services. TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 388 70.2 DON'T KNOW 85 15.4 DO NOT SUPPORT 49 8.9 NO ANSWER 31 5.6 60 TABLE 42: Overall, how active do you think the county should be in improving safety along streets? TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 ' BECOME MORE ACTIVE 277 50.1 MAINTAIN CURRENT 220 LEVEL 39.8 BECOME LESS ACTIVE 9 1.6 DON'T KNOW 2 0.4 NO ANSWER 45 8.1 TABLE 43: Once NC168 is widened to 5 lanes, and traffic continues to increase on US158 and NC168 to a point where the 5 lane road becomes overcrowded, which method do you think would be best to correct the overcrowding? TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 WIDEN US158 & NC168 66 TO 7 OR MORE LANES 11.9 BYPASS OVERCROWDED 292 ROADS 52.8 LEAVE AS 5 LANES 144 WITH NO BYPASS 26.0 DON'T KNOW 4 0.7 NO ANSWER 47 8.5 W 61 TABLE 44: Should the county require new subdivisions to connect to community roads so local traffic can avoid highway 158 and highway 168? TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 YES 305 55.2 NO 88 15.9 DON'T KNOW 127 23.0 NO ANSWER 33 6.0 TABLE 45: Currently there is no paved road on the Outer Banks north of Corolla into the Carova Beach area. Would you support a paved road north of Corolla to the Virginia state line? _ TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 YES 224 40.5 NO 230 41.6 DON'T KNOW 75 13.6 NO ANSWER 24 4.3 TABLE 46: In Currituck County, there are public recreation areas. TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 TOO MANY 15 2.7 THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF 156 28.2 TOO FEW 282 51.0 DON'T KNOW 15 2.7 NO ANSWER 85. 62 15.4 TABLE 47: Are you willing to pay more taxes or user fees in order to provide additional parks and recreation areas in Currituck County? TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 YES 147 26.6 NO 297 53.7 DON'T KNOW 75 13.6 NO ANSWER 34 6.1 TABLE 48: Please rate the following county services: Police protection TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 VERY GOOD 68 12.3 GOOD 215 38.9 NEITHER GOOD OR BAD 143 25.9 BAD 39 7.1 VERY BAD 18 3.3 DON'T KNOW 16 2.9 NO ANSWER 54 9.8 63 TABLE 49: Trash Collection TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 VERY GOOD 45 8.1 GOOD 132 23.9 NEITHER GOOD OR BAD 140 25.3 BAD 66 11.9 VERY BAD 84 15.2 DON'T KNOW 16 2.9 NO ANSWER 70 12.7 TABLE 50: Schools TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 VERY GOOD 55 9.9 GOOD 202 36.5 NEITHER GOOD OR BAD 159 28.8 BAD 30 5.4 VERY BAD 11 2.0 DON'T KNOW 20 3.6 NO ANSWER 76 13.7 64 TABLE 51: Recreation TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 VERY GOOD 28 5.1 GOOD 123 ' 22.2 NEITHER GOOD OR BAD 182 32.9 BAD 87 15.7 VERY BAD 51 9.2 DON'T KNOW 16 2.9 NO ANSWER 66 11.9 TABLE 52: Public Library TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 VERY GOOD 98 17.7 GOOD 206 37.3 NEITHER GOOD OR BAD 126 22.8 BAD 26 4.7 VERY BAD 11 • 2.0 DON'T KNOW 18 3.3 NO ANSWER 68 12.3 65 TABLE 53: Fire Protection TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 VERY GOOD 68 12.3 GOOD 204 36.9 NEITHER GOOD OR BAD 136 24.6 BAD 39 7.1 VERY BAD 29 5.2 DON'T KNOW 17 3.1 NO ANSWER 60 10.8 TABLE 54: Emergency Medical TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 VERY GOOD 95 17.2 GOOD 209 37.8 NEITHER GOOD OR BAD 119 21.5 BAD 38 6.9 VERY BAD 16 2.9 DON'T KNOW 17 3.1 NO ANSWER 59 10.7 66 r t. i TABLE 55: Government Administration TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 VERY GOOD 31 5.6 GOOD 138 25.0 NEITHER GOOD OR BAD 203 36.7 BAD 65 11.8 VERY BAD 30 5.4 DON'T KNOW 17 3.1 NO ANSWER 69 12.5 TABLE 56: Should Currituck County establish a centralized sewer system through- out the county? TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 YES 261 47.2 NO 230 41.6 DON'T KNOW 11 2.0 NO ANSWER 51 9.2 TABLE 57: Is it important for the county to provide water in the following areas: Lower section of the mainland r TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 } YES 261 47.2 DON'T KNOW 168 30.4 NO 65 11.8 67 NO ANSWER 59 10.7 TABLE 58: Gibbs Woods TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 YES 129 23.3 DON'T KNOW 242 43.8 NO 109 19.7 NO ANSWER 73 13.2 TABLE 59: Knotts Island TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 YES 140 25.3 DON'T KNOW 234 42.3 NO 112 20.3 NO ANSWER 67 12.1 TABLE 60: Outer Banks TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 YES 227 41.0 DON'T KNOW 161 29.1 NO 108 19.5 NO ANSWER 57 10.3 ti 68 TABLE 61: Should Currituck County work with the surrounding areas, i.e. Dare County and Virginia, to find a source of water for the region? TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 YES 427 77.2 NO 88 15.9 DON'T KNOW 4 0.7 NO ANSWER 34 6.1 TABLE 62: How would you rate the quality of Currituck County's environment? TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 BETTER THAN AVERAGE 283 51.2 AVERAGE 221 40.0 BELOW AVERAGE 18 3.3 DON'T KNOW 5 0.9 NO ANSWER 26 4.7 TABLE 63: In your opinion, do current federal, state and local regulations protecting Curritick County's environment provide: TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 TOO MUCH PROTECTION 78 14.1 ABOUT THE RIGHT 288 AMOUNT OF PROTECTION 52.1 TOO LITTLE PROTECTION 127 23.0 DON'T KNOW 9 1.6 69 NO ANSWER 51 9.2 TABLE 64: Would you support Currituck County taking action to protect the following resources? Trees/Vegetation TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 381 68.9 DON'T KNOW 89 16.1 DO NOT SUPPORT 58 10.5 NO ANSWER 25 4.5 TABLE 65: Surface water (i.e.,sounds & rivers) TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 464 83.9 DON'T KNOW 44 8.0 DO NOT SUPPORT 23 4.2 NO ANSWER 22 4.0 TABLE 66: Ground water resources (Drinking water) TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 476 86.1 DON'T KNOW 39 7.1 DO NOT SUPPORT 15 2.7 NO ANSWER 23 4.2 70 TABLE 67: Agricultural land TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 341 61.7 DON'T KNOW 128 23.1 .DO NOT SUPPORT 58 10.5 NO ANSWER 26 4.7 TABLE 68: Wildlife habitat TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 I SUPPORT IDEA 406 73.4 DON'T KNOW 74 13.4 DO NOT SUPPORT 47 8.5 NO ANSWER 26 4.7 TABLE 69: Scenic Roadways TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 SUPPORT IDEA 346 62.6 DON'T KNOW 120 21.7 DO NOT SUPPORT 59 10.7 NO ANSWER 28 5.1 71 TABLE 73: Please send brief summary. TOTAL TOTAL RESPONDING 553 100.0 YES 331 59.9 NO ANSWER 222 40.1 72 APPENDIX C CURRITUCK COUNTY SURVEY OF CITIZEN OPINION ANSWERS TO OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS 73 Table 29: If there is anything else you feel should be done to improve the quality of life in Currituck County, please describe it in the space below. A large grocery store chain where we could buy our groceries near home, meaning weekly or biweekly (Ex. Food Lion). Currituck County needs a police department. The area to cover makes the sheriffs department unable to respond when needed quickly. An urgent medical care facility is needed on the Coinjock Currituck side. Enforce litter laws! Take good care of the beach. Tax base equals 75% from the beach. Without the beach, Currituck would be in the lowest 10% of the counties in North Carolina for income or standard of living. Public water system to the whole county. A theme park would be a great start. It would create income and would be a place for tourist to spend money in this county, rather than just in Dare. Minimize the building development on the outer banks. Environmental ... Do not over develop. There is no way I can answer these questions since I have not been in the area in 12 years. Mid -county bridge. Water to lower Currituck mainland. New or improved CATV service. 5 or 7 lane Battlefield Blvd. Reorganize building inspections department. Prosecute and send to jail the crooks and druggies, rather than putting them back on the street. The swimming pool at the Whale Head Club should be made public. All of the Whale Head Club and property should not be a museum, but should be areas for boating and other recreation. Industry and its associated problems are what is driving retirees out of the New Jersey/New York area to seek refuge in places like Currituck County. Pollution of air and water, overcrowding, increased cancer rates, increased crime; all are associated with industrilized areas. Provide water to all residents where population and roads/right-of-way are present. I would like to see the area of Gibbs Woods be provided with city water. With living so close to swampy areas, our water is only used for bathing, washing clothes, etc. I currently pay for Colligan service and also buy bottled water, which adds up. Willing to pay for city water. Provide garbage pickup. There should be more enforcement of the game laws. Have more game wardens, even part-time. It has been proven over and over again that massive residential development does not pay. The benefits of development does not keep pace with cost or liabilities. If residential development is to be encouraged, keep lot size larger and require developers to pay all costs both short and long term. Stop all development county wide. Affordable housing to buy or rent. 74 Dredge area entering whalehead marina. Schools definitely need improvement and I wonder what is being done with the 10% taxes on rentals on the Currituck outer banks. Children need recreational facilities. It would be nice to have a decent food/grocery store in the northern part of county. Remove the immoral topless bars and maintain a "family" community. Implement and improve the Sherriff's Department so that it can effectively deal with drugs known in the county. Better planning for growth and it's impact on roads, schools, welfare, & quality of life. Crime prevention, outlaw police monitoring devices and more police. Put more Sherriffs on staff and try to stop drugs in the county. Less government, less development. Halt subdivisions until and as facilites come on line for any subdivision of more than 3 lots. County officials must assume fiscal responsibility- raise money and build public buildings without bond issues. Cease matching funds just because they are available, match only with needs. County residences & property owners should have the opportunity to buy beach tags south of Corolla & allowed on the beach. Money from this should go to protection of the environment and county services. Would limit amount of traffic on beach & allow quads, trikes, & beach vehicles with proper tags. Better roads. Provide sewage and drainage. Also improve fire/EMT services for existing sub -divisions and developments. We also need major hospital and health services in Currituck County. Increase law enforcement services to keep peace with development and tourism. More officers so that the area north of Corolla can be monitored more to keep cars off the dunes and ATVs off dunes. Efforts should be made to concentrate develop in particular locations or particular tracts of land by developing a system for the purchase and sale of development rights as they relate to specific tracts there by compensating land owners to sell development rights, allow developers who purchase the rights greater density. In doing so, open space areas can be preserved and more amenities can be required in subdivision with higher density. More specific and controlled activities for senior citizens. Developers should pay a premium for any business activity. (Impact fee) Make natural gas available for home heating. The farmland in the county is a natural for golf course development and the accompanying housing could be for retired folks without school age children. The county should make an effort to attract more golf on the mainland. Provide adequate water supply. Planting of trees and shrubs along all major highways wherever possible. Control Virginia and out of state traffic. Don't stop it, just control it. Billboards are not attractive, especially when not regularly maintained. 75 Teach children what side of the road to walk on and enforce it by law. Keep dogs on own property. As a tax payer, one without a vote, I feel we get very little for the money we pay. I'd like to see more lifeguards on the beach and more vehicle control on the beach in particular. Cars travel much too fast on the beach around people, children and pets. We need to be able to turn in license numbers and get a response. Better police service in lower Currituck County. Keep it the way it is. Improve quality of law enforcement. Improve trash service. Restrict recreational driving on beaches. Remove businesses activities from beaches and wildlife areas, i.e., ATV, gliders, and rental horses. Public disclosure of dist. of tax revenures collected & spent enclose in taxes. The leash law should be throughout the county. Until the quality of people and family life improve there is not much you can do to improve life in Currituck. I have been here since 1972 and have seen the quality of life continue to decline and I believe it has nothing to do with any lack of zoning laws, but has to do with new people in the county and the way they live their lives. Allowing permanent residents to have garbage pickup service. Too much law is no good. Respect people's property rights. Mandatory countywide waterland sewage. See Myrtle Beach, Pawley Island, Surfside, Murrels Inlet area "S.C.". Widen N.C. roads secondary such as 1142 to 20' instead of 15'. 20' pavement required in subdivision entrance roads. More business and industry. Currituck County needs to develop its plan that allows an orderly development of Corolla/Corova. The tourist industry will dominate the rural aspect of Currituck if allowed to go at it's current rate. The all weather tourist industry can pay for major improvements in quality of life. Limiting and controlling development of the Outer Banks to preserve the natural character of the environment such as: zoning of minimum size lots no less than 1/2 acre. Water should be trucked in for swimming pools and hot tubs. Reduce traffic generating uses on the Outer Banks. Improved trash pickup north of Corolla. Now there is no approved way to dispose of old couches, refrigerators, etc. Do a better job of protecting the environment and remember that Currituck was once a sportsman paradise. Thanks to our local government no more. Of course, we must not forget the greed of a few non -government individuals. Actively seeking to establish a central recreation complex similar to United Way Family Centers for residents to use, particularly in the Barco area. Better support of public library. Better cooperation with Humane Society in support ofleash laws. Keep it as it is please! Have people who live in developments keep their dog and cats in their own yard! Improve the school system. Greaten hunting restrictions. Increase animal control. Another county bank. Help in restoring washed out beaches. Protect dunes already established and creating more done protection for ocean front. 76 Allow more rapid development of northern Currituck, Outer Banks. Widen route 12. A second bridge in Corolla is needed. . Do not enlarge government. Do not build large expensive government buildings. Keep the country atmosphere. I like the idea of building more for job purposes; however, the country setting is still very important. The road north from Corolla to Virginia state line. Giving property owners priority access to the beach to 4-wheel up to their property. Proper zoning to protect and enhance property values. We have too much low end housing and this attracts folks that do not really help the quality of life in our county. Instead of building expensive architectural schools, build educational facilities on minor subdivision restrictions. We are running costs so high that average consumers cannot afford to pay prices. Make public water and sewage available to all households, if possible. We are looking forward to the new bridge. Let's see the county pay for some recreational facilities on the beach!! Like some of that occupancy tax they collect over here 6040 Currituck is too strict on single -wide trailers. A lot of young families starting out and retired couples can get single-wides and put them on lots and they'd be just as nice as double-wides. This has never made sense to us. We are born and raised residents. Don't allow dog -hunting in Currituck. Hunters are standing along side of roads with guns and it doesn't look too good nor is it safe. Street lights in the new developments. There are too many trailers (for kids) at Moyock Elementary School! The school is too small. Build a road north from the existing road up to at least Swan Beach. Limit the building of multi -home developments to at least 3 acres per lot and keep it that way. With present school building program and aging population, school facilities should be less problems. The county should be zoned mostly for quiet, residential, environmentally protected area with businesses in small spots of high density, not scattered along the main highway. Restrict marginal businesses such as used car sales and encourage major employers (i.e. Food Lion, Wal-Mart, etc.) to build in the county. Bridge to Currituck County & Outer Banks. County wide sewer. Better law enforcement programs. A road is needed at north beach in back of the dunes to protect the beach. Restrict the beach traffic. Decrease the population. W Police the rules! It needs more doctor's offices or a place you can go to for help. Needs more fire department help and equipment (ambulances,etc.) 911 (emergency response). Mandate 24 hour emergency services, i.e., fire department. Not all volunteers. You evaluate property much above its real value intentionally overtaxing property owners. If a policy of regulated growth is implemented, then allows the growth to occur, and allows auxillary facilities to materialize, i.e., sewage treatment and extended water supply. Allow people to use their land without so many restrictions. Zoning and restrictions, etc., are responsible for many homeless people in our country. Regular public transportaion. Buses to stop and pick passengers up at their residence. A recreation center for the youth. More types of recreations like bowling alleys, movie theaters, roller skating rinks, etc. Not just outdoor recreation. Concentrate the development in designated areas. Preserve the remaining areas by leaving them in their natural state. Need to have more recreational areas and activities for the children of all ages. This is very much needed and strongly support effort to obtain these goals. No more used car lots. Attract new car dealers. Insist on natural barriers in front of automobile cemeteries. Do not permit strobe lights. On the Outer Banks: put a bike lane along route 12, improve the trash collection and make the sound accessable. Reduce local government expenses and bureaucracy. Protect the wild horses north of Corolla. No northern paved roads. Develop the Whalehead Club and Currituck Lighthouse into a public park and facility. The county water. Install a sewage system. There should be an independent garbage pick-up to pick up at homes and the individual propety owner pays for it. Have some shopping centers come in then we would not be supporting Virginia. Parks and recreations for youth and children. Schools: With over 50% of county taxes going to the schood board, Currituck should have some of the best schools in the state. Management of school funds should be revised and there should be tighter controls on spending. 78 Great thought should be put into types of housing and where they are to be located. A good restaurant in Coinjock area. Stop bringing in outside residents. Have brought in children that have had a bad effect on our children. In just the last 5 years the discipline has become a horrible problem. Example, fights, drugs, and language, etc. Good reputation is long gone. Clean up #158 eyesores (shacks bad signs). Professional oversight regarding school -board, etc. Flexibility regarding building permits. Recreational facilities for youth! County push for public access areas to water, scenic sites etc. Smaller lot sizes/better site plans Restrict the traffic north of Corolla to landowners and their guests. I have a seasonal residence in Carova and the beach has too much traffic with no destination. The 4-wheel mania must stop! We need paid firefighters in Knotts Island and funds for the fire department, rescue squad and improvement of law enforcement. Growth will occur if the market demands it. Growth, however, can be directed to certain areas with some county development ordinance, most of which already exists. Slow the growth in Currituck County Please build a large chain grocery store. Spend more time and money on mainland Currituck, to slow tourist down. Attractions should never have changed where Albermarle Museum was originally going to be. Commissioners spend too much time and emphasis on beach property. At least one public boat ramp in lower county from Jarvisburg south to Saint Harbor. The strand of beach I travel to and from work on was my beautiful route of peace. Now during most of the months, it has become a nightmare. We at the north beach need desperately to restrict traffic to permits in order to save the beach, the dunes, the wildlife. Please hear our cry for help. Better Roads. Prohibit mobile homes and parks. Seek to attract large houses on large tracts of land. A car/boat wash. Don't .... the farmer for being the backbone of Currituck in the past. We need a public ramp on the Albemarle Sound. There is not one place to put a boat in south of the bridge to the end of the peninsula, 20 miles! I have not been in the county for years. Its slower growth. Start a daycare center for people who work evening and nights. Street lights would benefit everyone on those dark, lonely, stretches of road. 79 Improve the roads. Widen them from the southern shores to Corolla for safety purposes and an easier route out in case of an emergency. Open up the outlet to Norfolk by way of a new bridge. Lower the prices of land and allowing single wides to be put on land. Allow you to do whatever you want on your own land once you purchase it. Door to door trash pick-up and recycleables. Hasten a bridge to Corolla. Recognize the benefits (financially and otherwise) of the "non -mainland" parties of the county and put more money into them. Enforce the abandoned vehicle law. Punish those who break the law - don't give them suspended sentences. More effective police patrolling. Careful planning so as not over growing the area. New industries if chosen to "fly with the environment" - growth should be managed not stopped. The tax base would best increase by bringing interesting businesses and industry to Currituck. More housing without industry only brings more Virginians in to live but they still work and shop in Virginia. Residents alone can't support the needed money for schools that will be required with residential growth. We need industry and retail businesses first, before rapid housing growth. The rural farms are polluting the sound. Protecting the shallow water of the sound is critical to the county. Stop the drugs in Gibbs Wood. When developing Currituck, do not build houses so close. Leave people some space and trees. Do not close them in. That is why they come here. A grocery store is needed. A bowling alley would be nice. Widening the road is a good idea. Please, for future children's sake improve the school systems. i.e. more educational fieldtrips, updated worksheets and books. My child had worksheets from 1970! Some teachers should be investigated and dismissed (Mrs. Griffin who says she's just staying until she can retire, and is very nasty to students.) Allow airport development, shopping malls and colleges! Remove the billboards from the roadside. All adjacent property owners should be notified by mail on all proposed commercial development. This is supposed to be the policy now so we understand but it was not carried out in a recent development joining our property. Shopping is 1 12 hours away, we need some type of upper scale shopping. A leash law. Build the new bridge. Clean up. Get rid of filthy run down, falling down trailers and houses. Don't you have a building code??? Enforce it! Avoid what happened to Dare County south of milepost 10 to 14 and from 18 on. 80 Make sure to plan carefully. Development codes should follow the master plan. Protect as much of the wildlife and character of the county. Watch commercial growth i.e. fast food, strip shopping, etc! Change from the septic tank to a county sewage system. Extend county water lines all the way south to the bridge. Preserve the beaches. Improve the police and fire protection on the Outer Banks and work to find adequate water sources for the development which has already been approved. Attempt to influence the widening of route 168 on the Virginia side through legislators in Raleigh. Build the third bridge!! Currituck County was once sportman's paradise, now with the development we're running out of space. Reduce the use of pesticide run-off into our sound waters and bring back more animal life, prevent construction which require the cutting down of our trees. Making it affordable for low income families to hook-up to the water line. There are no public recreational areas in Currituck County. This is a must- children have no place to go. Need restaurants, shopping and a variety of banks. Improve highways. Leash law in subdivisions. Keep development down. Maintain rural atmosphere. Protect Sound and it's areas. A real grave concern by elected officials as to what we the people see as needed improvements not what some New York analyst says we need. To create more jobs that pay good so I can find a job in Currituck County. To build shopping centers and an emergency center like a patient first in Moyock. We need a high school on the north end of the county. 18 miles is too far to go to school. It's hard to be involved as a parent in the activities. We need door to door trash pick up, a paid fire department and a police de-partment. I feel to keep Currituck a county, we should slow down on building, preserve the woods for the wildlife that we do have in Currituck. Stop trying to turn Currituck into a city with all the building of new homes and stores. Discipline in school. Teachers can't teach and students can't learn in a no discipline environment. Teachers can't even protect themselves from abuse by students in Currituck. The roadside beautification. The Currituck Thank You signs are great. Provide services and access to the outer banks north of Corolla. Improve water quality in the county water system. 81 More stores. Provide excellent school facilities for students. The farmland cannot support the growth of Currituck. Develop a program for the young people (teenagers). There is currently nothing for them to do in Currituck County. Keep the commercial areas compact in certain areas along the highway i.e. Grandy, rather than all the way from Moyock to Harburger. Do away with puds, stick to 12 acre lots, this was what the people wanted on the outer banks. The last land use planning survey was not followed; now look at it. All the so called open space has been filled with houses and you can't support the water and sewer requirements. We definately don't need housing units/apartments. I would like to see what open/swampland is left and leave it alone. Protect the environment of Currituck. That's why I moved and retired here. We desperatley need strict and more law enforcement! Drugs are taking over the county. Clean up the drugs and crime and we will have a beautiful place to live and raise our children. Involve parents! Halt the growth until public services can catch up regarding: schools, water, fire protection and public safety. There are in some cases a need to be able to have single -wide mobile homes. If a person owns land it is a shame to have to go in a trailer park. File a questionnaire concerning character and financial status before allowing people to purchase property in the county. Also their age and family size. Less control in people's life and property by Currituck County. Would like to see a plan implemented to keep public traffic from using the beaches as a thoroughfare and also to build an all weather road for property owners north of Corolla. Both would help preserve the environment and the natural shoreline. More jobs for the younger people. More law enforcement or get rid of these car sales along the highway (Looks terrible). Enforce all zoning restrictions. This has not been done (Grandy, North Carolina, Walnut Island, has become horrible). Drugs, junk cars, old trail-ers moved in, (small) additions are done without permits and nothing is done about it. Drugs are known to be sold and nothing is being done. I purchased a lot in 1972 and three more later. When I retired I planned to build a nice place in Walnut Island. It was nice there until subsidized rents (trailers) that brought in law breakers, drugs, etc. began. Now I am trying to sell out and get out. I've been to many meetings with county officials. Nothing has improved as promised. I believe we need to ease our zoning and solicit commercial development, i.e. shopping centers, grocery, drug and dry cleaning stores. Charge a user fee to pay for needed schools water, etc. I like Currituck County and I'll say again and again the Sherriff's Department needs a Sheriff and Deputy that cares. Remove the billboards from the roadside. 82 I think the wealthy persons building the expensive homes should pay their share of taxes instead of raising on my trailer to offset their taxes. Keep the paths/walkways over the dunes clean. Please do not let the wealthy developers ruin every acre with new subdivisions. Let the County Council stand up for the county. Take care of what you have before you try for more. Remove the pig parlor on.the highway. The central sewage. Improve the drinking water as it is bad. I feel that charging $90.00 for trash disposal a year for property owners who are only at their property 4-5 times a summer is too much. Better control of speed limits particulary in Grandy. I live in Moyock and they closed the drug store. We need a Food Lion and at least a drug store. Enforced spot zonings a must to protect residential areas from industry & commercial property. Route 158 should not be one continuous long commerical corridor. Keep some towns with rural atmosphere interspersed with commercial tracts. Provide compensation to retain farms, countryside. Improve water quality and quantity to the Outer Banks area, especially Corolla and North Corolla. . Stop the idiotic school board spending, implement new user impact fees, stop duplicating county services on the outer banks and hire a dozen more deputies. County -wide ordinance banning loose dogs and 4-wheeler ATVs and dirtbikes in residential neigborhoods. Cut down in spending and reduce the taxes. The beauty of the Sound itself at times is indescribable, but environmental monitoring could be strenghtened to provide Currituck County with the best recreational facility possible. Please pay heed to the development of Corolla/Duck area - it has affected the sound greatly. I feel the best thing about Currituck county where I live in Carova Beach is the lack of development and I want to keep it that way. New land purchases should be stopped. Use already purchased land and build on to existing schools. Install more street lights especially at turn offs along highways 168 & 158. Higher density zoning for developments, along with improvements in availability of water and sewage disposal, which will greatly increase the tax base and in turn improve living conditions. The rural character of the county can be preserved and still allow development with proper development controls. Stop growth. Water quality and sewage treatment are seriously inadequate considering growth that has been occurring particularly on the Outer Banks. Carefully control business permits for flea markets, etc., in order to present a better roadside appearance for permanent residents and tourists passing through. A county ordinance to force existing productive businesses to maintain some neatness of appearance. 83 Currituck needs to slow down its growth commercially. There is nothing that gets done on our side most of the time. The water and sewage. New industries are not clear enough a question. Non -manufacturing businesses would be ok. Example, prison. More recreational facilities for children and young adults. How can you keep growth to a minimum? While saving farmland - bring industry - shopping - housing variety. I would never approve all the developments until you could increase schools, police, fire, and all the needed government services that come with growth. You need to implement those first and then allow limited development. You need industry then housing, but that's not the way it works and we all know that! I would like to see a trash/garbage pick up service integrated into a public works system. Water quality in the sounds, creeks, and wetlands. Protect from sewage and surface pollution. Provide a county park with a play area. I've been waiting 20 years for a Food Lion. Moyock has the largest concentration of people and the least is provided for us. Improve the roads, ditches, drainage, and power line. Save our children! The shool officials and teachers need backing from the law enforcement officers to rid the schools of drug pushers/dealers. Law enforcement officers should arrest members of the wealthy families who are involved in drugs. Bring more jobs in Currituck Co. so people will not have to go outside of county to make a living. We are still waiting for county water!! It has been so many years we have given up hope! More help for senior citizens. Upper Currituck has vans to take them to the nut site, lower Currituck doesn't. Do not let so many trailer double or single wides come in. The school system is terribly overcrowded. The rapid growth in the Deich area has ruined the natural beauty. It could be like living in Disney World! Provide entertainment or sports or hobbies for young people growing up in the community so that they don't turn to violence, vandalism or drugs. Instead, let them be proud of the community. The need for bike paths can not be over emphasized! Except for winter months traffic is dangerous to both motorist and pedestrians. Sudden stops and start impede traffic flow. 1.Adequate fire protection. 2.Promoting organic farming procedures to protect our ground water and air. 3.Better animal welfare (spelled Humane Society) support from county. Bowling, movies and a recreation center for residents but charge a fee to visitors. Outdoor concerts and races . too. 84 Spend the tax dollars received in the area the tax dollars came from. Taxation without representation is unconstitutional, but taxation without thought to spending those dollars on a pro -rated basis from whence they came is reprehensible. Require stricter dog laws. Too many dogs run free. Large farm across the road (168) from Roland Creek Road #1347, drain on said road years ago filled in a ditch when they logged and before they sold the land, namely Ferrel Brothers. Expand the school system; building the zoning as not to overcrowd. Better. enforcement of game hunting law. Stop catering to the whims and wishes of private developers. Stop allowing backdoor policies to pressure commissioners into granting developer's rezoning. We need a water system in the southern mainland desperately! Our well water is below average. If development must occur, preserve the woodland and open farmland. Do not allow development to occur and overburden communities with increased taxes that some people cannot afford. More growth off 168 with access limited. Commercial and residential zoning areas. Get that bridge built. I still remember the $50 paid in the eighties for "city water". Remove commercial advertising bill boards from Highway 158. I think if something was done to control the tourist traffic Currituck County would be an enjoyable place to live again. Recruiting new industries if environmentally sound. No hog farms as we see what they have done to rivers and sounds in other parts of North Carolina. Reduce traffic. Slow the speed of traffic off of the main roads. Slow the rate of commercial development. Provide water for areas of the county who have problem obtaining good drinking water due to iron content, etc. (eg., Gibbs Woods, Knotts Island) Better management of money spent for public facilities. A decrease in personal property tax. Trash festivals can be an incentive for clean-ups if entertainment is suitable for residents of retired ages and food is of appropriate quantity and quality. Do not hire musicians who look and perform like prisoners at a police lineup. Do not jam too many homes in an area. No more development, leave it as it is! Make more jobs available to Currituck County persons. Provide more things to do for retired people. Provide communities for retired people only - such as Florida has done. 85 Set up more refuges or have a state park on the sound or river, and stay on Virginia about route 168 (four lane; North Carolina has done their part). We need more people in the sheriff's department. There are too many break-ins and no investigation department. Crack down on the sale of illegal drugs! Establish and enforce ordinances requiring upkeep in appearance of property -especially residential. Establish curbside trash/garbage pick-up. I am sorry I can not answer more questions. For over forty years my husband and one or two of the children enjoyed weekends and weeks of quiet and fishing at Knotts Island. The people were all so friendly and kind to us. We had planned to retire on Knotts Island. My aunt gave us land in Chesterfield to be near her. Some services should be looked at periodically to determine if they are cost effective. (Meals for senior citizens, etc.) Slow down new home construction south of Corolla. Too many rentals for the market. Real estate agents forecast 20-22 weeks of rental, but most people get 14-16 weeks. This creates a large negative cash flow and leads to unhappy property owners. You should leave old barns and buildings that are aged but not dilapidated. The three lot limit for building restrains owners who only have one or two lots in a development. A central sewage system would be able to relieve this restriction. I like the county like it is! Get rid of drugs. Please- there should be a job created for an inspector to drive through Currituck, especially the back roads and issue warnings to remove trash, junk cars, etc. Build the bridge. Improve the water supply. Prohibit secret builders fees charged by developers or require disclosure. Improve the training or oversee the quality of training of the fire department volunteers. Mid county bridge. Low density development Moyock. Orient development and services mid -county. To be honest, we will not be in this area in about 8 years. We will retire where we will be fairly certain taxes will not be a major expense. We have worked hard to make sure we have funds for this. The tax base in this area continues to increase. County officials should be more in touch with the needs of people of the county and not special interest groups or themselves. Allow large communities to incorporate. It's all too much for 5 commissioners to handle. Allow billboards for more local businesses. Less restrictive to new businesses and environmentally acceptable industry. More restrictive to new residential subdivisions. More law enforcement to get a handle on the huge drug problems on the mainland. Lower taxes and repeal trash disposal fee. 86 Table 41: Other than those listed above, what steps do you think the Board of Commissioners should take concerning growth and development in Currituck County? Again, law enforcement isn't mentioned. Before we can provide housing and businesses we need to upgrade to a police department. To consider growth only for the benefit of present citizens as a whole, and not for the benefit of a few developers and speculators. Require impact fees for the police, schools, the fire department, rescue, etc. on a clear formula (per dwelling). Also buses so developers can factor that cost into each unit. Public water system to Outer Banks. Too much development in Outer Banks with no central water system. If you want all of the above move to the city! Look into creating jobs for the residence of this county that pays more than $4.25 an hour. Minimize. Environmental issues were not addressed. We need to preserve!! Building better services and better planning. As the county grows, commissioners should adjust their way of thinking to accommodate that growth. Be fle:able. Let's clean up the junk, mobile home parks, and look toward the next century, not backwards. Should not allow anymore development on the Outer Banks until a source of water is available. Should encourage the development of hotel, motel, and other recreational development that does not impact the schools and other facilities. Replace the county planning director. There should be a moretorium on the rampant mass development occuring on the outer banks. Currituck needs to preserve its most precious reserve before it disappears under a mass of beach houses and condos as it has in Dare. Water! Stop allowing larger developers to have their way! Pine Island, Monterey Shores, and Ocean Hill. Do not let anymore subdivisions be built in the county, just single residents Provide a larger variety of restaurants; Oyster Bar, Pizza Hut, Steak House etc. Environmental areas should have first consideration but a choice should be given to all who want to live here. We will not be a tourist attraction like the Outer Banks but we should look attractive enough to garner revenue from out-of-towners. Stop all development county wide. Before a development is approved, careful consideration should be made to ensure that the people who will live there have access to adequate facilities to maintain a higher standard of living. Very concerned about the inadequate fire protection and the increasing astronomical cost of homeowners insurance. I also wonder about the "good oleboy" network in the law enforcement area. Children need recreational faci-lities and I fear these will not appear until it is too late for mt children. More access by water to the Outer Banks for mainland residents. 87 Encourage business and industry to locate here. Encourage retirement communities. Encourage growth. Increase the tax base. Improve public facilities and improve schools. Questions 1 & 2 do not take into consideration water runoff. Crime prevention. Levy heavy fees as per expected impact. Have fees placed in interest escrow until all funds are available for new facilities. Discourage large areas of industry and manufacturing - disperse them throughout the county. Schools. Garbage. Roads. For every new development requiring above criteria, the county should require an older development(s) to receive the same which would improve and increase its value and be more appealing. Build a second bridge and reduce the traffic. Consider issuing a permit or charging a fee to drive on the beach. Try to get some light industries in Currituck County. Media coverage of developers intent and follow up to insure strict compliance. Provide natural gas for home consumption. Don't change impact fee so great that the average home builder can't hook on to the water. Do not allow outsiders, i.e., city slickers to tell us how to run and develop the county. Growth and development are necessary and healthy if done cautiously and wisely. New developers need to include things such as additional public services needed to support development. The county is having a hard enough time now meeting those needs with no new development. Slow development. Use same rules for all development, such as Perk Tests, wet lands, etc. We don't need the look of the big city with sidewalks and street lights and high taxes. If you do, you will not have a growth problem, we will all just move to the big city. Emergency facilities to grow, i.e., fire, first aid, etc. Take steps to make pet owners keep their pets on their property. A 40,000 foot lot should be big enough for their pets to roam on without turning them loose on the neighborhood. There are entirely to many crab pots in the sound. The more growth, the more taxes will be paid. Currituck has too many lower income residents, let higher income individuals come into the area to offset the lower income. It will improve our services. Be happy that people want to move to your area. Don't make the new folks do things that you did not have to do when you moved there! Waterland sewage as in #11. Also widen secondary roads as in #11. Bulkhead roads boardered by water. Improve current water supply and treatment - too hard now. Require all utilities to be underground including those existing along roads. Closely monitor development that encrouches on wetlands or shoreline. Keep these areas public if possible. 88 A comprehensive development plan for Corolla - Corova that preserves the wilderness character but allows the development of tourist destinations of high quality. A large protion of the taxes collected in Currituck County is generated from the homeowners of the Northern Outer Banks (as we understand approximately 85%). A consideration should be given to the taxpayers whose needs have been ignored. Ex Water, building, natural habitat. I'm not so much interested in the new developments as I am in the old substandard area of Currituck. i.e., run down old houses and trailer parks. Stop most of the growth. Before changes are made in development code, conduct a public opinion poll of residents of Currituck County. We moved to Moyock to get away from apartments that were built around our area. Apartments bring people who cause problems. I don't want apartments built in Moyock! Recreation for the children. The beach is one of the county's most important assets. Beach development is very important for the future. Have some system of cleaning up roads. Pay as you go without bonds. Doing the same for older communities. To improve is always helpful even for the worst community. I have never seen a county anywhere where there is not one identifiable industry or plant for folks to work in. Why is that? I feel that growth should not be curbed, that the time spent on this should be allocated on how to deal with the situation and use it to an advantage. Before more growth, be sure there's enough schools and services to accomodate. School Bus for outer banks. Put a stop light at Pudding Ridge Road and the 168 intersection for the Quail Run development. Currituck County needs more family fun activities; bowling, theatre, etc. Concentrate on possible marketing techniques to bring in more industry in this area along with shopping centers. I don't know about current plans as we only own lots which we haven't seen in 20 years. Water and sewer for all new developments. Also, fencing for the playground for the kids of the new development. Zone for business. Encourage cleanup -water and land. Provide natural habitat areas and encourage more. Provide a good water supply-R.O. not wells. Provide a good waste treatment, not outdated solutions. Follow the rules! Lower tax assessment. 89 I think that regulations now under consideration will seriously affect the ability of local people to sell their land for development. Several local people would like to do this! Including me! Use common sense and let people build what they can afford as long as they meet sensible sanitary and environmental practices. We need more industry in the county in order to provide more job opportunities. Overall drainage should be considered and address who is responsible for future maintainance of drainage ditches. Increase developers fees all around! Have development pay for the impact on county services up front. Set aside more public recreational areas and water access. Be sure all parts of the county benefits from expenditures. 98% of the money and attention go to the north end of the county and Outer Banks. The whole county paid for a water system to benefit the northern people in power! Be mindful of the heritage of Currituck as it elates to the rural form community, its natural surroundings and the Currituck Sound. And always, please put the interest of the people here now first to eliminate catch 22 situations. Do not permit business (or any) driveway close to street intersections, i.e., 7-11 at 158 and Walnut Island Blvd. Be flexible on regulations. Allow no multi -unit housing projects. Do not encourage more low income housing - the county is full of this type. Continue to seek input (such as this survey) from county taxpayers. Avoid high density housing. Obtain water rights from Virginia Beach for Lake Gaston sufficient to support growth. Install sewage system. Provide industry - seek to bring in more shopping, restaurants, and hotels. Farmland should be preserved; it's some of the richest soil in the country. Development should stop until the county drafts a comprehensive plan that emphasizes and preserves its rural character. Have minimal and maximum amount to be spent on individual dwellings in the different done components. Don't know about requiring curbs because that is dependent upon elevations, topography, etc. Impact fees for services would be dependent upon Outer Banks b/c would be in excess of resident average. Limit growth to certain corridors of the county. Wide spread/scattered growth is most costly. One acre or more for new homes and no townhouses, condos or strip malls. We need sewage system in order to get new businesses. . 90 Possible cost of house sales. Please put some regulations on businesses that use the stretch of beach between Corolla and Caravas. I have watched trucks and 34 wheelers tear down dunes in 1 week of summer. A lot of people want to drive their 4 wheel drives on the beach but they don't care shape they leave beach in. They should support access by water (i.e. bridges, etc.) or roads as opposed to beach access only to the Carova Beach area in the northern part of the county. Eliminate mobile homes and parks. Hire a qualified county manager to guide the county in the proper direction to manage growth suitable for Currituck. The Commissioner should be a policy board not a county managing board. Put street lights on Knotts Island. Impact fees need to be reasonable while at the same time encouraging quality development. Slow development so Currituck does not share with Chesapeake and Virginia Beach their problem with water, overpopulations, etc. Stop all sub -divisions until our school, police, fire and rescue can accomodate what we already have here. The right step. Extreme importance of specific planning and judgement before development. Pave road completely not partially. Advertise more to attract tourists, then 1% goes right to the bottom line. Close the loop holes in the laws that allow people to do as they want to, e.g., see rules are followed. I think they should consider something for children and teens because if they have something to do (a game room etc.) they will get in a lot less trouble. Until industry comes into Currituck County there is no need for massive housing development. Don't allow "junk" development, such as go-kart tracks, water slides and jet -ski operations. Support resturants, retail shops, etc. Build so younger people can afford housing without moving into apartments or slums around the area. I do not think any more developments should be started until more schools are built in Currituck County. The elementary school is very overcrowded. Some students are crammed in single -wide trailers. Enforce noise ordinances. Enforce stray dog ordinances. Enforce better police protection throughout the county. Anything to encourage growth on the Outer Banks. Think about and consider the income of existing Currituck County residents, availability of higher paying jobs and the abilities to occupy those jobs. 91 Carefully evaluate the impact of improving the quality of development to the point that the average person can't afford to live in the county. While Corolla is really beautiful, the housing prices have priced many good homeowners out of the market. Watch public beach access by others not part of private community. Watch development in wildlife areas -soon there will be none! Attract more business. As the commissioners think about future development I hope they will keep in mind their obligation to current property owners. Require dedication by developers for school sites where possible and where headed. Build the third bridge!!! Myself, I think development should stop. The county supported itself 15 and 20 years ago without development. Let's get home builders to put in developments the proper roads and sidewalks. Improve the lighting system in streets. Keep these people from destroying the forest and our wetlands. Increase minimum lot sizes. Make developers pay their share of cost of schools, county services, recreation. No more trailer parks. Make tax department access developers full asking price, that they are aksing for their lots. To have county trash pick-up. To build apartments for senior citizens. To bring some kind of recreation center or YMCA for the kids. Pets should be contained (restrained by their owners) in all subdivisions. We need recreational areas. The gym types for our kids. It must be run by the Agriculture Extension office or hired out. Keep us informed of new changes. Large lots do not control growth they just take up more land and reduce the value of land. This is a ridiculous way to grow. Treat all development equal and according to zoning laws. Quit changing in the middle of the stream to accommodate certain people. Let the individual decide. He or she is the one that's going to live there, etc. We need places to work in Curtituck. Keep our money in our county. We need more and better law enforcement. We do not have enough manpower to cover the county. Suggest that a study be conducted on how the county could supply water to all who live within the area, ground water contamination has been caused by increased waste water from the ever increasing development. Available housing and services must match the ability to pay if economic growth is to occur. A development of 200 lots. Anything larger would surely make it difficult to supply water, etc., as well as crime protection and overcrowding our schools. 92 Be a resident of Currituck county for five years before becoming eligible to purchase property. School children entering the county by development or otherwise shoud pay a impact school entrance fee yearly of $500.00 for five years. Try to stop it. If new development has all these new rules, what effect would it have on the old ones that do not have shut light and the other. Would the old development taxes go up for the new? People can't live if taxes keep going up. There has to be a line drawn, lot of people live on fixed income. I agree with the concern for new growth and there should be, but first we need a board of commissioners to clean up what has happened in the past and the state of North Carolina to come down on them if they don't. No one wants to live (invest) in or build near an area that has become trashed. This can be done with proper leadership and law enforcement. Require developers to share cost of main roads to be widened outside of developments such as Dozus Road, Brumsey Road. Building code shoudl be changed to 16" center on all buildings. Regarding number 13 (open space development) We agree with providing park type areas as long as all the trees and plants are not destroyed. Use old farm land if available. Require all new developments to have adequate recreational areas put in as they are being built. Make sure it is done and done right. Put in street lights and develop the already existing water plan. Better road signs for turn offs of 158 into side roads, particulary at night. Growth is ineviatble; it's critical to develop variety - lot sizes, industry & farms, otherwise if whole county has no variety, boredom sets in. I've seen it happen in a lot of communities. Allow lot & houses to beg rouped & varied to maintain lively atmosphere, differing class & opinions. Find a solution (feasible) to the water problem (quality and quantity). Improve roads to improve traffic flow and congestion. A bond for the schools. It's becoming a bedroom community for the Tide -water and beach areas and has tourism as a number one industry. We need more food and drug stores. Also, maybe a park around the Moyock area. More affordable housing for low to middle class. Limit the size of development, enforce the noise ordinance, lower the speed limits and allow those who purchase property for private development 10 to 15 years ago to go ahead and do so. You have legislated me out of my retirement! That mainland Currituck is a different sort of place than the Outer Banks of either Dare or Currituck County. That rampant growth would be detrimental to the character of it. Assure available water possibly via Lake Gaston and Virginia. Proceed cautiously with large scale developments. Industry and people defile the land and take more from the land and area than they can ever return. Make Currituck a model by "care and concern". pig] Stop catering to the "big shots" and take all developments as they come. Make all comply to the same rules and regulations. Use zoning to set a number of lots per acre. Use physical conditions (soiltyped, utilities available, etc.) to determine the lot sizes. Place deed restrictions on the balance of property to restrict use to open space, farmland, etc. Try stopping so many housing developments. We want this to stay the country not the city. This is a good place to live now. But moving so many strangers in? I'm scared of what could go wrong. Avoid Virginia Beach -type development on the outer banks. It is inevitable that mainland Currituck County will be the bedroom community for the Outer Banks. This should be encouraged. Recent B of C code changes are anti -growth and should be rescinded. Some areas for development may not blend in with the sidewalks although they may be a good idea with development (but should be predicated on character.) If not already on staff, hire a well qualified planner to administer the program. Study before approval. We have enough growth. Over run schools. Taxes are too high for senior citizens. I favor slower growth. Precautions should be taken to guard property becoming so high, natives can't afford to buy property or pay taxes. Rich outsiders are taking over our county. It's not right for natives and their children to leave the country home they loved. Better access to Carova. In reference to the above, support or new support to the 4 issues listed would depend much on the kind of development area. Needs to be economically feasible. I strongly suggest implementing a toll at Southland in order to generate funds for the county. If we do not do this, Chesapeake will and then we will be losing out all the way. It can be done if you take appropriate steps. We will be stuck if Chesapeake does it first. Maintain large lots acreage for new home. Quality not quantity. No overcrowding. A few good homes. Open area. Public access to sounds and ocean front parking and bath houses. Protect the environment, water, wetlands and woodlands. No lot size should be under one acre. Quit worrying about the tourists and be concerned about the residents. Frankly, I don't give a damn about the tourists. Better fire protection. Roads and drainage programs. Somehow what you do to the new developers you are doing to lifetime people of this county, either grandfather lifetime residents or people who have lived here all their lives, so they will not be penalized for new development coming in this county. Have sense enough to know that where you put 8 or more double wides trailers on a piece of land that it is a trailer park. 94 (Community gyms and pools. The proposed mid -county bridge, while having many advantages, will completely chang the character of the Northern Banks! Crime will increase dramaticlly because it gravitated to areas of easy access. Development will go out of control and many tourists who come here to get away will be forced to go elsewhere. 1.Limiting "steel buildings" to industrial parks only. 2.Zoning only certain locations as commercial and industrial (not just because it's on the highway) to control "sprawl". All strip malls should have public restrooms. The landlord should be responsible as not to stress the store owners over restroom use to the public. That's the worse thing about Dare County codes. There should be a way to help older subdivisions upgrade their roads. My community does not have the means to improve or adequately maintain the roads. Old county subdivision requirements and present Department of Transportation requirements seen to eliminate any hope of improvement. I don't think that any exceptions can be made in these cases. Develop the water system in lower Currituck County. Retain all quality requirements on new structures. On lots developed in 1975 why did you approve sand filled drain lines, then amend to 2 lots in a subdivision? I know it will work and so did Mr. Ralph Hollowell, Edenton, NC Health Department. Need open space development. Need to change subdivision rules so we won't have this along road development. Stop this strip development along the roads. It is non-stop houses and then comes 35 mph on a major road! Why can't they have 1 road from the development to the road? Limit growth as long as possible or end up looking like Virginia Beach. Increase the lot size in agricultural zones to 5 acres and not allow any exceptions. Require developers of fifty lots of more to contribute an ample school site/public park site ... and require the developer to pay $10,000 per lot for the construction of the school. Different in seasonal occupancy and year round areas. In a resort area it is unreal to require school to be built before development. Also curbs and sidewalks depend on traffic on streets. Restrict access to northern Outer Banks, many days people come there for the days, tear up the beach with 4 wheel drive trucks and ATVs. Create a lot of unwanted traffic and drinking. Very little law enforcement. Remove delapidated houses and buildings, junk cars, etc. Protect freshwater acquiters on Currituck Outer Banks. Install more street lights in/on rural subdivisions which already exist. Insure that tax rates are equitable between Mainland and Outer Banks. Also water, sewer and trash charges. Stop it (the growth) all together. Find more recreation for the kids. We have nothing! The county needs to think of the future -come up to the 20th century regarding development. Take the growth slow, it's a beautiful county and has some old history. Make sure our waterways, schools and fire departments can handle the growth. A major grocery store around the stateline on 168 would be very prosperous. 95 Since building vacation mental houses, taxes have risen sharply and no service has changed for the better. The outer banks pays more than half of all taxes paid by mainland residents, yet we have no vote or representation Eliminate mobile homes and parks (mobile). Provide street lighting in older established residential communities where there is a substantial concentration of housing such as "Walnut Island". I think they need to slow the growth down! Our back roads are in need of repair. They are concentrating on widening 168 and all other roads are being forgotten!! Example-Tulls Creek Road and Dozier Road both need major work. The county repairs Brunsey Road which is a dead end with no traffic. Should restrict low income apartments and be consistent when making laws to achieve slower growth. Ensure there is a water treatment facility for areas on the Outer Banks and less reliance on individual wells. Make each development support it's own needs. Stop over building and developing in small areas. No more shopping centers Maintain, update and improve medical facilities. Organize more outreach i.e. those needing meals, etc. Maintain and supervise clean up programs- even along back roads -we are the taxpayers! The number of septic tanks being allowed; the size of a house on the lot; and keeping people and development off the dunes. i.e. If the home is oceanfront, require that a walkway be built to the beach. Develop plan - follow for everyone. Utilize soil types. Cluster develop. Centralize growth. Low growth both ends. High growth central. I saw in the paper an article on a new ordinance that restricts parking on the streets in the Whalehead area. I believe the developers should be made to set aside parking areas for people on the beach and be required to put enough parking areas on rental cottages to accomodate people renting them. Make it easier for businesses and industry. Need jobs and places to shop. Make it harder for strictly residential growth. Developers should have to pay a premium; an impact fee, etc. for demands placed on county -wide water system. Begin thought process for traffic problems in the next 15 years. It is going to get rough. 4 70: What do you like most about Currituck County? The beauty, quiet and off season. Rural atmosphere. It's fun to watch the evolution of a 19th century county turn into a 21st century county. Beaches. Area. It's a rural community. It's natural beauty, sand dunes and open beaches. The water. We enjoy fishing and boating. The natural areas. Natural resources. Convenience to ocean and metropolitan Norfolk. The quietness. The Atlantic Ocean. The people. Location to urban and coastal areas. Low taxes. The good quality of life and the beaches. We love the quieter, more laid-back lifestyle; Currituck cares about the senior citizens. Rural area. Off-season on Outer Banks. That it is a quiet county with a real low crime rate. I like the fact that everyone knows each other and the friendships based on knowing each other so well. Central location for beach access and shopping availability. People. The peacefulness and knowing I live in a community which is safe from drugs and crime. The clean roads and highways. Fairly quiet country scenery, etc. Overall beautiful county to live in. If development would slow and law increase protection, it could be a great place to live again. The outdoors, fishing, hunting and people. Considerably lower taxes; security in reference to property and bodily harm The rural nature, low taxes, small government, good schools, outdoor environment and abundance of water. 97 The peace and quiet for our neighborhood. Being able to hunt, especially with high power rifles. It's a small community and the peace and quiet. Rural atmosphere. What it used to be. The sound and living on the water. The quiet, the darkness, the stars. Lower crime. No traffic lights, I used to like the lack of traffic and small schools. It's not the Outer Banks. Rural nature and ease of living. Hopefully lower crime rate. Rural, open space. Not crowded. The country living. Fishing and hunting. It's out of Virginia. Small population. The small communities. The emptyness - no phones and etc. The ocean. Remoteness and clean beaches. It's history. It's country. Low crime, low taxes, scenery and space. The natural environment and the people. Beach. It's not a high crime area. The quiet rural lifestyle. I hope it doesn't change that much. Good developments on Currituck Beach and the Good Soundfront Developments. The rural setting. The quality of life and opportunity. 98 Currituck Sound. It's beauty. The quiet country but not too far from the cities. Fishing. Country setting. We like the people, natural wildlife, and the water areas. That it's rural. Beauty. Open spaces. I am not in favor of too much development. Growing. The peace and quite. Few stoplights. Rural character. Natural beauty. Country - like for it to stay that way. Quiet. Good air. Mild climate. The people. Ocean. Feeling of openness. It's a quieter place to live and less congested in the summer. Rural lifestyle. The beaches and waterways. The water. The way it is now. Peace and tranquility, good neighbors, Currituck Sound, Food Lion, Dr. Martz, rural setting, safety. The school system. Corova. The Northern Outer Banks. The undeveloped areas and the openess of the areas. Natural beauty and the wildlife. As a weekend resident of Carova Beach, we like the remoteness we have there. The Currituck Sound and what's left of its natural beauty. Beauty and willingness to accept the new ideal. Rural atmosphere, yet close to metropolitan areas for cultrual opportunities. 99 It's a fine place to live, low taxes and extremely nice people. Open space. Property size. Country- in a project. Rural nature, agricultrral nature. The wetlands, sounds and agricultural areas. (Moyock)- rural setting, quiet and peaceful. There's not too many people or buildings. It's not polluted. I like the wildlife and safety. Quiet living and low taxes. Fine vacation spot! Good retirement spot! Nice quiet place to live. The high quality of development on the Outer Banks. The clean environment and slow pace with less dense homesites. Rural environment. Country, no big city life. The country -like atmosphere. The natural resources. Country atmosphere. Country living. Rural atmosphere. Close to cities in Virginia. Uncrowded. I haven't visited in years. Climate and people. The beauty of the area, the beaches, golf courses and resturants. This is my home. That it is rural. It's a wonderful place for all. I appreciate the senior citizen building and support! Water and wildlife. The rural atmosphere. Outlet surroundings. 100 We are rural! We want to stay that way. Location. People. Weather. Good country living. The quiet country living. It's on the water. The fact that we're not overcrowded -yet! Fishing, golfing, recreation, and open spaces. The environment. Pleasant rural setting fairly close to major urban areas/services. Rural atmosphere. Low taxes. Th\residents are warm, friendly people. Very low crime rate. The rural, relaxed lifestyle. The bit d estuary north of Corolla and the unpaved Corova Beach area. The q i 't. The en ' onment. The water Fishing on he sound. Great place It's location. The water. Where I am it is very peaceful in the sound. Peaceful. The beach. How the county s being improved from a very attractive but spoiled area to one in which the natural beauty can be reestablis ed. The location and he people. The county is ne the beach and not too far from Virginia. It's home. I have lived here most of my life. A sense of wildem ss in non -tourist times. TIT The rural atmosphere. Its location. Good country living. Its potential. The peace and quiet and not living in fear of family's life. Wildlife and the rural areas. i Open, rural atmosphere. / The rural setting and quality schools. Tranquility. Sun - sea- sound. Location. Weather. It's rural character. Rural life style. I was born, raised and educated here. The waterfront and close to beach. Rural areas. The rural lifestyle. Quality of life, rural but progressive, low crime, good neighbors. The outdoor living. The people and the rural waterfront setting. It's a wonderful place to live. Fishing and hunting. Rural farm land. Rural setting. A nice, clean, country place. The growth. The potential that is here. - Its rural character, yet it is close to the metropolitan of Norfolk and Virginia Beach. Country living. Clean environment and good schools. 102 It used to be not quite so crowded but I guess it's still better than towns. rural environment The beaches, hunting and fishing. '. The country living, atmosphere, low taxes, beaches and wetlands. Rural and recreational flavor and affordable houses. Peace - I'm a seasonal home owner It's not Dare County. The taxes, land, no city atmosphere and country living. Undeveloped land and waterways. The potential. Taxes were good when we had the dog track. We need another income source. The rural character. The land, ocean, beaches so clean and not over crowded. The people and county. Recreation for kids (i.e. baseball, basketball) It is a good place to live. Rural atmosphere, nearby modern amenities, quality of life. That it is largely unpopulated. The laid back atmosphere, the ocean, the times in dead of winter when I have peace. Commercial is in it's place. Quiet, well maintained and freindly people. The beaches. Rural area, untouched by commercialism. Quiet life on the water near major metropolitan area. Peace and quiet. • Quality of living. The tranquility. Beaches. Still trying to stay country. 103 The rural and historic aspects. Lower rates. The country living. Not too many people. A beautiful place to live if growth will stop. The feel of country living. The peace and quiet. That's why I won't move to the city. It's noisy. They are doing a nice job. I like the least developed part and the quiet. The residents. Living here is safer than the average places you live now a days. Layed back life style. Small town atmosphere. It's not commercialized. Beauty, open spaces and the beaches. The environment. The ocean. Weather. Small community, rural atmosphere. The rural lifestyle. Don't know. The people are friendlier. It has a rural feel. Undeveloped -rural nature. It's peaceful atmosphere. The fact that it is still rural. Natural beauty. The natural resources, the sound and fishing. The people, the ocean and the sound. Rural. or-, I The rural living and enjoying the sound. The people and the open land. It's not too populated. The wildlife. It is a beautiful and friendly place to We. I had to move to Ohio and I really miss Currituck County. I wish I was still there. Even the summer traffic didn't bother me and I lived right off 168. The quiet, rural lifestyle, access to the Outer Banks and good churches. The rural atmosphere, sounds, rivers, waterways, fishing and the people. The rural lifestyle, the school system and the people. It's quiet and restful. The beach. Space, wildlife, privacy when you want it. The country. The seashore. A rural area convenient to urban areas (Norfolk, Chesapeake, etc.) and also the coast (outer banks). The openess of the country. A quiet small town atmosphere. I've lived on the outer bank for 20 years and hope to retire soon to Currituck because it still holds the essence on eastern North Carolina. I like the open, undeveloped land, the wildlife on the land and the water. The rural character. Good living, it's near the ocean and beautiful surrounding areas. It's rural, the location and the people. The relaxed informal atmosphere. Fresh air, water and sunshine. Rural character and lack of commercialism. The country setting and ducks in my yard. Rural character. Good quality of life. The beautiful coastline. Lower taxes, friendly people. The rural atmosphere. 105 The natural beauty and peacefulness. The people. Its rural character and it's one hour from Norfolk. (Carova) The beach. I've lived here all my life, it was nice once. The open spaces and that it is natural. Fishing and fig trees grow easy. I just love the land. A quiet, good place for seniors. The rural atmosphere and it's close to the sounds and the ocean. County Commissioners really listen and care about citizens. The country and rural life with hunting & fishing are great. The rural environment. Living away from an overpopulated county. It's my native county where I was born and raised. Also the open space and most of the people. The country living. The rural atmosphere. That Currituck is still a peaceful place, low in crime, and good woods and land for hunting. It is a beautiful place to live and close to big cities like Norfolk and Virginia Beach. The Outer Banks. The casual lifestyle. Beautiful beaches. Not too commercialized. The location and historical background. It all started here. That it is in North Carolina, that it can be kept rural, residential and recreational if Currituck people are determined. The peace and serenity on the outer banks. The relative simplicity of the lifestyle. The rural atmosphere and open space. The quiet. A quiet, country atmosphere. u. We need more stores and movies. Best place to live. Most people are friendly. The rural area and schools The history, slow pace and the local people who are down to earth. The beaches. The country atmosphere. The waterways. The area itself; the people; the water and the weather. The outer banks commercial and residential building is generally well done but not on the mainland. The uncrowded living conditions which we are loosing fast. The quality of life. Environment is nice for fishing and hunting. It used to be a safe, quiet place to live and raise a family. The rural appearance and quietness. The quality and efforts of the staff. Rural environment. We still have some open space. It is my birth place and I have lived here most of my life, except the time I was away in WWII. It's in close proximity to the sound and desirable conditions to raise children. The rural atmosphere. Country living. Mix of people; rural and urban areas; small towns. The friendly people. It is small and everyone helps one another. The country living. Water for boating, swimming and fishing. The beautiful bay and ocean (area after you go over Currituck sound to Kitty Hawk on to Hatteras in DareCounty is a good model for Currituck to look at). The rural lifestyle. I love the natural beauty. 107 Because of small population. It's old fashioned country feel. It is a little less crime infested than Virginia. However, with more of them moving to N.C., I don't know how long we will enjoy our present safety. You're not jammed together. Officials do listen and try to help. Living near the water. The people and the peaceful beach. It is still somewhat shielded from some of the big city problems. To date, the low cost of living and good services and climate. The country style living. The isolation. The rural characteristic of country life. The country life. Friendly people - clean air. Small town atmosphere. We liked the quiet area we purchased our lot in ... we don't know how things are now. Slower pace of living. Country atmosphere - peaceful living away from stress, pollution, over -regulations. It's rural appeal. The waterways (river and sound) and hunting. Large lots and low taxes. It's quieter than the beach. The country atmosphere. The rural peacefulness. The rural environment and the majority of people are honest and neighborly. Rural surroundings, peace and quiet. The people are friendly and concerned for one another. Agriculture/ school system. The slow living. 108 Rural life and wildlife. The peaceful quiet, pastoral, rural environment. I like the fact that it is so desolate with little development. Low taxes, peace and quiet and a beautiful intracoastal waterway. I like it because it is home and I was born and raised here. The scenery and the environment. The rural atmosphere. That it is still the country. It's rural atmosphere. Friendly people. A family setting in the outer banks. The land and its people. Not crowded. Lower crime rate. The coastal character. Where I live is quiet and peaceful with good neighbors. The scenic beauty. The rural way of life. The Currituck Sound. It has good water quality and few congested boating areas. Environment! Quiet. Being close to shopping areas and grocery stores. It's heritage (Corolla). I lived here all my life and would like it to be like it used to be. Still have a "little" country living left. The seashore. That it is on the "undeveloped side". It's a central location to Virginia and the outer banks. Access to the water. The country and open land. Peace and quiet and a slower living pace. 109 Rural area. Friendly atmosphere. The residents make the area a great place to live. Its rural and undisturbed aspects the character of the sounds and swamps. Rural oriented living. Openness. The space and quiet living. The water. The satisfaction of having lived here all my life. The quiet, country environment, dark nights where you can see the moon and stars and low taxes. The natural beauty of water, vegetation, animals; birds etc. The slow pace. The lack of development. The rural atmosphere. It's still trying to hang on to its rural "feel". Open spaces and being rural. Being able to hunt and fish. Don't Know. Lower taxes. Born and raised here and hope that someday my daughter in Africa and family with 3 grandchildren will be able to come back and live on 1 acre or less, that one rule won't change. It's quiet and peaceful. The country style of life. Hunting, fishing, close to the ocean and close to Virginia. As I live off the main road (158), I like the quiet, the sunsets on the sound and the friendly people. It's quiet, there's a low crime rate and the fresh air. I did like it because it was country until the Commissioners let a trailer park be put in front of my house. The break from the rat race. Natural beauty and wildlife birds. Its hospitality. Friendly and honest people except for developers. Peace and quiet from September to June. I used to enjoy the "rustic" quality which is disappearing. Peaceful, quiet and not too much crime. 110 It's rural atmosphere. The somewhat isolated seashore. The quiet, rural lifestyle. The climate. The rural seaside envrionment. Rural community atmosphere and country living (Need space). Tax structure and living in the country. The clean, small communities and the friendly environment. Quiet country atmosphere. Location. The easy living and it's not that busy. The natural areas. Peaceful and well kept. Its "under" -populated character. Nautral, clean environment. Lack of industrial development. Country living and wildlife. The rural character. The rural feeling. Seashore, weather, atmosphere. I just love the place. It is where I was raised and plan to live. The traffic issue is the main complaint about Currituck County. The wildlife and water accessibility (Bell's Island). The peacefulness. The clean ocean. It's the ideal vacation site. Like the wild life and houses in Outer Banks and water and ducks. Location. Proposed highway additions. The natural resources and rural character. 111 Quiet, rural country environment. The country living. The natural beauty of the water areas and wildlife there. The friendly people and it's a quiet rural area. The quality of life and the cost of living. The easy going rural way of life. The slow pace. The seclusion. It's still country. It's peaceful, the nice people and low taxes. People, quaintness and quietness. It is peaceful, has good neighbors and low tax rates. It has good beaches. Clean air, people, and scenic areas. Rural character and sparse population. The laid back country life! I love being in the country but yet close to Elizabeth City and Norfolk. Not living there it is hard for me to know, but the people were wonderful. Rural. The beaches of the Outer Banks. The ferry, wildlife, community involvement and country atmosphere. The rural atmosphere and closeness to bodies of water. The rural setting, no street light or garbage collection, etc. The rural life with beautiful scenery. It is a county and that is what it should remain to be. A good place to live. I like it less each year since it is so hard to drive. Beach, people on beach, and extra high tides. The rural atmosphere, wildlife and knowing county administration. The outer banks and northern beaches -natural environment. It's close to the beaches! It's country! It's quiet. 112 My duck blind. The environment. That there are no roads for commercial buildings north of Corolla. Undeveloped - Rural Nature Environment Rural atmosphere - close to larger areas for shopping, recreation, etc., without being directly "inside" these areas. Not being in the city. Business potential. Great people. Nice billboards. It's a great place for anyone to live and is great for recreation and tourism. I live in the county close to the beach. Rural living. 113 Table 71: What do you like least about Currituck County? We do not support our youth. We need to think about our youth which will soon be our government. Lack of insect control. Refusal to accept the fact that the main reason for this existence depends upon a "lucky chance". i.e., the beach, and therefore act accordingly. Taxes on Outer Banks and not getting any or very little benefits. Public water system. People trying to make it a city. There's too much development in the outer banks. Wetland restrictions. We are over developing way too quickly. Building Inspections Department. Obstacles constantly created by the county to do anything with your own land. It is undecided geographical. I cannot think of anything I don't like. Changes placed upon developers during development phases of projects. No local places to shop. Schools are getting too crowded. Lack of animal (dog) control. Local areas such as 7-Eleven are hangouts for kids. Drugs are a real and growing problem. Driving so far to go shopping. Growth too fast for infrastructure. The way that it has built up in the last 10 years. The strangers moving in to the neighborhoods and all the crime that's coming with them. Need more public recreation. Summer traffic. The traffic in the summer time, but with the completion of the road work that should subside. Over and shabbily done development. Vacationers, traffic, out of staters and not treating the county with respect. Inconvenience during months when traffic on route 168 is next to unbearable It's becoming a bedroom community to Virginia Beach and Chesapeake which will eventually be very costly to provide services. The lack of businesses. I have to go to the beach or Elizabeth City. 114 Taxes are way too high. This is not good for the natives of Currituck County. Having to travel to get to stores. Overdevelopment, inadequate facilities. Liquor by the drink has not been legalized. Lack of adequate fire protection. The fear of population growth and concern for the environment. Topless bars, especially on 158. School Board. Advisory relationship to new business. Youth activities. Loss of tax dollars going to other areas due to entertainment, i.e., drinks and food. Local type government. Need "expert" planners. Too much traffic on 158. Crime prevention and emergency medical services. It's trying to be like Virginia. Elected officials failure to prevent rapid development. The schools. No paved road to our property. The congested traffic Non -county residences using and trashing the beaches. Schools are too far from where I live. They are building too fast. Not enough shopping areas. A lot of money being carried out of the county by local residents. Also would be tourist attractions. It's hard to get to. Traffic. There are no jobs for residents. We need more police protection in the county. Also if they see young kids out after a certain time, take them home and warn their mom and dad. Shoddy developments. Water quality (very poor). The lack of natural gas for home heat use. Lack of water and mid -county bridge to join the county. 115 Summer thru-traffic. The traffic going through it. The bureaucrat atmosphere when you try to find out something or get something done. Summer and weekend traffic on Highway 168. Not having door to door pick up garbage and trash service. Politics - Public offices and natives vs. non -natives. The development. Traffic. We feel as if a great deal of the taxes come from those who benefit the least. Too few policemen. Taxes going up. Traffic. Emergency services. Unrestricted development of Route 12 corridor. Unrestricted vehicle access of northern beaches eroding natural environment. Law protection. Shooting guns on Sundays in residential areas. Need dog leash law. Hauling trash. Access to my land. Not enough places to eat. Kids need more recreation. Poor sound water quality. The amount of cars on the highway in the summertime and the way the people drive. Apathy among the government officials and mainland - Outer Banks residents. What you are about to do; that is, tell tax -paying land -owners and home -owners what they can and can't do. Traffic on 158/168 May thru September. Voters not approving with pervious 25M bond for schools. Board decides without referendums on some decisions, such as raising water hook up fee to $3,000. Lack of comprehensive news coverage and publishing, both TV and printed. The drive and 168. Unchecked development without care to preservation of the natural character of Northern Outer Banks. Trash services in northern beach areas. Poor leadership in local government and especially the school system. Also how greed has taken over. County not wanting qualified volunteers to work on committees and officials that won't answer calls or return letters. 116 Lack of strong discipline policies and enforcement in school system, particularly at the junior high and high school. Nothing if they don't over develop. No stores. Have to go to Virginia. Developers who are not concerned about quality of life. Housing plans being developed. There are too many trailers, the school system is poor and there is only one bank. No sewer systems and no shopping centers. Traffic backs up in summer! The lack of a centralized water supply. The crowded roads that are inadequate. (Route 168 and the bridge) Politics. Not enough police availability. The roads. Certain regulations are too strict. Drinking water. Delapidated buildings, trash. It's all north/south. Must drive a long ways for anything. The traffic getting onto and off of the island. An additional bridge would be very beneficial. How to develop and dispose of my property. I pay taxes. I should have options. The lack of police and fire protection. Traffic. 3 acre lot in agricultural zone. Fighting over the Outer Banks; where money should be spent!! Not having building inspectors that really can give answers. Also having people move to the country, but bring the city with them. Too much retail development directly on 158. No big grocery store or drug store. 117 There's not enough shopping areas in Moyock; grocery/discount, etc. Politics on the North end. The overdevelopment. There's not enough services and major retail businesses. Lack of direct access form mainland to Outer Banks. Very limited selection of shopping areas for other than the most basic necessities. Zoning department. There's too much development too quickly. The talk about the presence of satanic and sex cult organizations in the county. (Moyock) Minimum services for high tax dollars on the outer banks. Too much taxing. Deer and dog hunters, mobile homes, too high taxes on wetlands. Not policing the rules! Not enough medical places. Not enough equipment for rescue workers or ambulances. No good shopping areas, i.e., hardware, cleaners, grocery store, Food Lion or Farmfresh. The taxes. Junk homes. Nit picking. We have no major medical facility. Need a medical center or hospital. Too few supermarkets. Heavy tourist crowds in the summer. Development. The fast growth. Lack of jobs within the county. No paved road to Corolla. The school system and the lack of shopping and recreation. Monterey Shores. Commissioners/Advisors focused on own needs! Traffic, drugs, crimes and seemingly ineffective law enforcement. 118 Lack of cultural activities. Access. Development. The rapid growth. Increasing development, traffic, etc. County politics. Too much control by the county by restricting the use of personal property. The overcrowding of 168. Rampant developments, particularly on waterfront/oceanfront property. Recent growth in Corolla and northern Outer Banks removed much of the natural vegetation and charm. The slummy trailer parks and red neck rif/raf. The possibilities of environmental damage. So many new people. No sewage system. The overcrowding of some areas. Billboards. No shopping available. No shopping centers. Building and planning office. The unplanned growth on US 158 and NC 168. The huge, unsightly highway billboards. Lack of good restaurants and too many fast food restaurants. Traffic. County political vision; bureaucratic enforcement (permits regulations). The Unneccessary 4-wheel traffic. The police department and fire/rescue of Knotts Island needs more monetary support. Access from Virginia and other parts of North Carolina. Knotts Island residents pay taxes for improvements only to the mainland. over building The bugs. We need grocery stores Zoning rules on signs and businesses. Unqualified people holding offices due to their name or family ties. 119 The planning. Too many drug outlets in the area. The changes from rural. There are too many cars. No place for kids to take swimming lessons. Threat of out of control growth beyond the ability to support it. Highway 168. The fact that big developers have taken over a most beautiful county. Waters are not being protected from sewage and trash. Power shortage The excessive real estate tax (which is escalating too rapidly) on uninhabited lots (not served by satisfactory roadways). We feel that absentee owners are being taken advantage of. Getting overdeveloped Mobile homes and parks. The grocery stores Leadership. The rapid growth and its effects on everything! Traffic, Taxes This is supposed to be the country. Too many people trying to make it a city. No company. Lack of water system. Too much development. We need to play catch up for schools, etc. Fight the drug and alcohol problems harder. Fishing on the surf is not as good. Carts from a nice rental place are getting too high. Paying $100.000 per year for a trash collection system that I have never used. The trailer laws and the pay in Currituck County is very low rated. Carrying trash to sites. Traffic to get to the Outer Banks. 120 Traffic. The lack of attention to Corolla's needs. Unpaved roads Lack of garbage collection. Lack of enforcement of rules and regulations. Highways cluttered with election posters and billboards. Lack of recreational facilities. Lack of some basic businesses. No place to shop without traveling a lot of miles. Not anything for children and teens to do. There are no food stores in the northern part of the county. (With reasonable prices or selections) Failure to enforce "ascetic" standards for home construction in (very) Northern beaches Scattered - isolated shopping areas. The lack of retail business, restaurants and road accessibilities. Fear of overdevelopment. Traffic jams. The lack of concern for the environment -especially the water. Yankees Get rid of the recycling bin that costs $99.00 a year that is hardly used. The money management in the county and the school systems. Someone is not planning very well and wasting money that would have been spent towards something more prudent. ex. Money spent on the land on Pointers Road. Trash pickup, Dare County is full and development is moving north to Currituck. The construction. The school system. It must be improved for the children's sake. There are no schools, parks, colleges and community buildings for conferences, etc. Traffic and taxes The destruction of Moyock by the fire laning of highway 168. The lack of access to Corova from Sand Bridge. The drive from Corolla back to mainland. 121 There's no leash law. The crowded roads. The lack of a bridge to the Outer Banks. It looks so "low rent" from the main highway as you pass through. The development seems more directed toward the beach or lower Currituck. Volunteer fire dept. with out of date equipment. Police Dept. turning their heads to the drug dealer down the street, busted once and now deals in the open. Not enough street lights on the side roads. Not enough single family houses to rent. Run down trashy trailers and houses and yards - especially in Walnut Island and Grandy, North Carolina. Dare County businesses advertizing on the billboards that litter the drive along 158 like the "Pedro South of the Boarder" on 95. The lack of road access to Carova Beach. Lack of shopping facilities. Poor local government and poor preparation for the future. Summer traffic. Lack (or little) support on beach i.e. trash containers, lifesaving services. The drive from Great Bridge to Coinjock. Too much "politics" included with major decisions made by the Board of Commissioners. The idea of a new bridge to the northern banks. Rate of growth. The extreme rate of growth. The amount of new subdivision going up and wooded areas going down. Concern over continued availability of drinking water. A lack of shopping centers. The access roads from Norfolk. Taxes for no services (Carova)!! The development. The new malls and commercial development. It has no central sewer system and no water supply. Incovenient shopping, no dry cleaner, no selection of banks and no restaurants. Crowded ... and very inconvient dumpsters. The influx of tourists in the summer. 122 High land value/tax assessment. Over demand for county services relative to invested interest of "bedroom" residents. Elected officials don't listen to local people - natives - it's always the advice of outsiders who have moved in. No shopping centers, grocery stores. No restaurants, doctor offices, not enough of them. The summer traffic on route 168/158. That Currituck is becoming too crowded too fast, needs to slow down on building houses. Being a bedroom community for people from Virginia. The Political decisions. The growth of the county is too fast. Phone service on Outer Banks. The inspection department. That it is slowly being subsumed into the state of Virginia and it provides a place for transients who cannot make it in Virginia. No services, roads or access north of Corolla. The bigotry and narrow-mindedness of many county residents. The lack of trash pick-up. Large unsightly billboards on roadsides. We are so far from shopping centers. The drinking water. The road (two lanes). Drugs. The people trying to make the county flashy. Not enough jobs and they are low paying compared to other areas. The outer banks is remote without a bridge to mainland. The government administration of the county, wasting taxpayers money on surveys like this is a good example. The taxes. A few roads need fixing (Poyners Road, Tulls Creek Road, etc.). Shall I say the least desirable people moving here with no respect for our way of life or the environment. The rapid growth. Lack of support for regionalism and pitting mainland against outer banks. 123 Too much Virginia traffic during summer months. We cannot help that our county is so long, but we can't take advantage of something the county offers because of mileage. High taxes, development impact, and Currituck County having to build new schools about every three to six years. Development. Dumping on unimproved areas and seemingly little control over junk metal disposal, i.e. cars,etc. Heavy traffic during the summer months. Not enough to chose from to eat out. We have to go to Elizabeth City or Chesapeake for everything. The school system. The leadership of the board of commissioners. Law enforcement, lack of past and present. Zoning enforcement; there were many violations in the past and still going on (Grandy, North Carolina and Walnut Island). The politics. The traffic. The Sheriffs Department. Growing population. No real grocery stores north of Grandy. I don't like being poor. However, that is uncomfortable anywhere. I don't know how much longer I will be able to stand the taxes. No recreation for children or teens. No garbage pick up. We are paying for taking garbage to the dump. We used to do it for free. Government control. The "political" maneuvering; we need stronger leadership with some vision and courage. It is growing too fast and unplanned. Poor animal control laws. Rules and regulations do not apply to all equally. The trash fee for part-time users. Not wanting to develop and the same old people in office. The increase of low cost housing. The building of too many houses. 124 Better medical facilites. Bowling alley, activites for youth. Crowded roads and only one access to island. The traffic. Distances to shopping, etc. Rusty well water staining everything. Junky properties. Roads and water on Outer Banks. No modern conveniences, no large grocery stores. Most people drive 45 minutes to get anywhere. Traffic in the summer. It's behind times in many ways. The high taxes. Property taxes and the school board. Some deterioration of our quality of life, usually associated with sub standard developments. Unrestricted nature of residentail lots, i.e., lack of zoning concerning mobile and modular homes. The crime is rising and people aren't being punished enough. Mobile home parks. Unqualified people trying to run an expanding county. Overcrowding of OB in summer. At present, very happy but have concerns regarding development and overdevelopment. Crowds during the summer months. Low wages, no real amenities and inadquate management. The way the courthouse is run with assistants to the assistants and hire as few people as you can that will work & not just sit and look pretty. The congestion and traffic volume. The lack of planning to keep schools, water, etc. up to demands. That more people from other places are moving in and overcrowding our schools. Actions recently taken by the board of commissioners. Too much beach traffic. We need traffic lights to get on the busy highway for local residents. Overdevelopment, the lack of concern for water supply or quality and the degradation of the sounds and marshes. Traffic. 125 Government! Not enough fire protection. Too crowded. Locals can't get on the highway in summer for tourists. Overcrowded schools. Tourist - not able to get on or off 158 or 168. Excess of traffic. I don't like the county's government pushing regulations down people's throats. Example: The water system was voted down by majority. Then commissioners pushed it through anyway. Why vote? Example: People were not asked to vote on a major issue like Whalehead Club, which cost so much money. More needs to be done about drugs/crackhouses. Draw line in sand during summer months so taxpayers can enjoy their most valuable land. The access to the lot at Carova Beach. We need better youth activities for our youth; pop warner football, etc. The traffic on 168. The garbage is not collected. They promised water but didn't deliver. Current residential growth. Backward ideas concerning development. Indiscriminate, poorly planned development. Lack of considering housing for underprivileged families. Not maintaining open areas on the Outer Banks. Too much over development. It doesn't have anything for the teens to do. Getting too crowded. Too many people moving in. I don't like the fact that a community can have a speed limit unreasonablly reduced on a primary highway so their kids can unlawfully play in the street. Developers that are ruining a wonderful place. The lack of major food stores. Tourists and their "red carpet" treatment. Poor drainage, water quality, lack of fire protection and an increase in drugs in the area. Deep holes left by Outer Banks and other developers by selling dirt for roads, developments. Crop dusting and chemicals that are life threatening. No job's for our people living in our county and children have to go outside to support our families. 126 Highway 158 during the summer. There is too much growth too quickly. The traffic is horrible year round. Speed limit signs "45" have no meaning and that should be changed to "55". The summer crowds on the 158, the high taxes, like the $99.00 we pay and have to take the trash to the site. The high taxes. The Commissioners are too lazy to check into anything by personally inspecting it. They look at a map and don't get the whole picture. The fact that drugs are on the rise. The traffic. Traffic in the summer. Some developers never get their taxes paid. If they can't pay, forclose! No movies, recreation center, bowling alleys or malls. I came from an area with state, county and city or town streets and feel that was a better system. The development, high taxes and little service. Transportation (public) All facilities in the upper end of the county (the Senior Center is one). Too many people. The Health Department has too much authority and are too unreasonable about approving perk test. Ugly trailer parks and rental trailers. You don't make people pay their taxes. Ugly billboards. Houses not -stop along roads and all the low speed limits on major raods because of all the housing development along road. No household trash pick up. The congested traffic and the poor school system. Developments. Present development. The growth rate and policies. The break -neck speed of development. Lack of quality (exterior) construction, i.e., metal buildings on 158 & 168. potty looking commercial areas. Billboards. No trash collection. 127 The rapid growth of the county. The lack of roads other than 168. The lack of shopping (service areas) The taxes (in relation to services). Highway billboards. The traffic during tourist season makes Currituck undesirable to us. The inconvenience of food shopping. Taxes - and no door-to-door trash pickup. Traffic to and from the outer banks is a nightmare. Not enough law enforcement in Outer Banks north of Corolla. Police efficiency. Court house staff efficiency. The speed of development and the quality of county government. Route #168. Bad developments. No opportunity available for young people for job choices. Narrow roads i.e. route 12 and poor drainage of parts of route 12. Traffic during the summer months. The new development. Traffic in the summer. I don't like the idea that I pay taxes on a lot and the property does not perk. Negative thinking in all areas of government! Cost overruns on all major projects. The traffic in Virginia is getting to Currituck County. Alternate 168 has a trashy look. There are too many billboards and slummy areas. Overgrowth of grass in sounds! Blatant drug dealing. Run-down properties. Too many people on welfare who are unwilling to work. Traffic on 168 in the summer. Rapid growth. It is starting to resemble the beach of Virginia Beach during the summer. It's too crowded. Lack of shopping for foods, drug store and summer traffic. 128 The overcrowding of schools and not enough ballfields. The drug problems in the school. The lack of help from the Sheriff's Department. Congested traffic on highway 158/168 and uncontrolled development. Too much growth and drugs. As a resident of Outer Banks, north of Corolla, it is so far to court house. We need mid -county bridge & paved road to Virginia line. Cutting trees and no reseeding, excessive overdevelopment of the Outer Banks and the future of mid -county bridge. Overdevelopment in areas. Not enough recreation. Dare County tourist traffic. The difficulty and time it takes to get to Corolla. The garbage site needs more attention. The police need to come north of Corolla more often. Failure to enforce "ascetic" standards for home construction in (very) Northern beaches. Uncontrolled growth. Compared to other areas (that are similar) in the South (GA, Fl� Al., etc.) property taxes are high. I have done my research!! The fact that county officials favor the beach residents over the mainlanders. No jobs. Bad schools. No shopping malls or good shopping areas. Slowing growth and development will hurt Currituck County in years to come. Drug problems; summer traffic. Taxes. 129 Table 72: What else do you feel needs to be considered when we are working to maintain a high quality of life in Currituck County? Our youth, law enforcement, our elderly and recreation and activities for the current residents. Scenic qualities of Currituck. Sponsor cultural heritage and arts of the region. Maintain clean environment. Make the voting county have a vested right in the beach by providing public access to the sound and beach. Also, a county park on the beach but for Currituck County residents only. Public water to Outer Banks. Beach side (Outer Banks) pay a lot of tax for the entire county. Roads, bike, and walks and Outer Banks roads. Currituck is and should remain a rural community, not a suburb of Virginia. Minimize the over development that is currently taking place in the outer banks. At this rate it will soon be over built and loose its appeal and belike any other area. It had been a unique area. Lets not try to slow development, lets work with developers to make Currituck a nice place to live. What retired couple wants to keep a 3 acre lawn or 40,000 square foot for that matter. Change impact fees when a water tap or building permit is issued if that is needed. Be open and honest with the residents. Attract business to the county to support our youths for jobs at home. The mid -county Bridge is not needed. It will ruin the view of Currituck Sound and our populate of the Outer Banks. Reviewing boards should recognize that developers concerns parallel many of those regulated. The developer recognizes the fact that it is not marketable unless it is attractive, not only aesthetically, but in many ways. Board should not be adversarial. Medical care is a problem. The nearest hospital is Elizabeth City. Rundown housing is attracting a very undesirable element on the mainland. There should be a safe place for teens to gather in a drug -free environment Less billboards. People on a fixed income cannot afford more taxes. More recreation. Things for youth to do. More police/Sherriff, fire, safety, etc. on Outer Banks. The new bridge that has just been built should be a toll bridge. Not the bridge that is in the process of being built. It's not going to work. This money would help reduce taxes, build schools and other things that need to be done. But not to be used for pay raises for county officials. I feel we should always remember the younger generation (our kids) and what they will have to look forward to and also the problems that "our" decisions may cause them in their futures. Currituck County is unique within itself. Local government must keep Currituck county from becoming another Dare County or Virginia Beach municipality. Must keep some of it's rural characteristics. Do not forget about the areas of Gibbs Woods and Knotts Island when considering changes in Currituck County. We are a small community, but our growth is continuing as is in Currituck. We should have the same choices as those in the county. 130 Stricter laws. Better schools. If you charge for trash pick-up then it should be picked up. This would decrease littering. There should be more restaurants. Derive a plan to cause the state of Virginia to build roads (route 168) to ease traffic congestion. Charge $10.00 per month per resident in lieu of current fee for dumpsters and provide trash pick-up at least once a week. Remember what makes Currituck unique and attractive. Rural, nature, natural beauty, clean and small unintrusive government. Industry and more jobs. This is a seasonal area. We need more year round industries. Some of the old people had to move away because of taxes. Some had to sell what was handed down to them. Let's protect our children from this. Stop the development before it is too late. This county is known for wildlife and its peace and quiet. With all the cutting down of trees and destroying the wildlife habitat, it's going down hill fast. Control growth. Adequate public facilities, i.e., roads, schools, etc. Employment for residents (available in the county - light industry). Retail outlets. That it forever remains a fact that those living and working on the beach side are 50 miles from the courthouse, library, etc. Improve the fire protection. Increase EMS. Need better schools with quality education. Trim out the "pork" and get the school employees back to the classrooms to teach. Eliminate outcome based education. Create a recreational facility for the students to provide positive activities. Look to the future not the past. The business that will provide more shopping, tax dollars, and quality of life in the community should be given considerations to the economic feasibility of the county regulations and rules. Better schools. Ease up on social restrictions, assuring that they are socially motivated. Less government, fewer regulations. Impose high fees for subdivisions and business expansion. The future of our children. Upgrade traffic control. There are too many ucoordinated lights! Better roads. Improve what is here, older neighborhoods, road sides (scenic), fire department, sewage. Spend money equally. Build and improve in historic sense ex. Williamsburg, Virginia. Durham, North Carolina. Also community votes. Get another bridge, quick! 131 I know the county needs growth but not at the risk of loosing so much of the natural environment. Work on developing upper part of the county. Roads. Everyone should have access to a county water system and shouldn't have to pay so much to hook up. We need to get rid of the dope dealers in this county. I would like the county to see if they could do something about the teenagers and the young kids running the streets. See if you could hold the parents responsible for their actions. - The county should control development to ensure that we attract people who make positive contributions. We should not try to stop development by making it prohibitively expensive (i.e., Curb and gutter on 3 acre tracts). Enforce dog leash regulation. Enforce laws to prevent dumping garbage and waste materials on roadways and waterways. Provide a law to prevent hunting with rifles near homes and highways. Enforce the law to remove duck blind debris and greens after hunting season. Enforce the laws on recreation water -way vehicles. Move townhall meetings. Make the school board accountable. Involve more people in the county planning. Promote the county heritage. Thanks for the survey. Reduce size and number of billboards. Beautify roadways with trees and shrubs, preferably native species such as loblolly berry, cypess, white cedar, ... myrtle, etc. Enforce cleanup of dilapidated building and trashy areas. Public needs to be better informed on decisions affecting the county, especially when it comes to spending tax dollars. Are we so big that public input doesn't matter? The greed! We hope you are as truly concerned about the growth as you indicate. Police. Good roads. Fair tax. Jobs for our children to keep them in NC. More technology in the schools. Stronger law enforcement of remote area. Builders responsible for amenties of their development. Ditches and culvent pipes should be kept open. Better fire protection and more recreational centers to keep children off roads, i.e., no walking, skateboarding, etc. Teach proper bicycle laws and enforce them. -The tax payer. Build a bridge from mainland to Corolla. A better cable TV company. Young people need a starting place such as more trailer parks, however, there needs to be space between trailers, say at least 100' x 200' lots. A DMV office. College classes being offered in local schools. YMCA. No more modular homes.' Improved county services. Local address on each house. Let it grow! Leave it alone. 132 Bond issue for county wide water and sewage and securing all state and federal aid possible for same, state of art computer system in all schools. New county seat facilities, i.e., register of deeds with microfile, clerk of court offices. Zone commercial devlopment closely and maintain high standards. There's overcrowding in the Outer Banks. There is a natural limit to how much development the Outer Banks can sustain. The tendency to over build without regard to preservation of natural beauty and character of the area is degrading the area. Try not to over crowd the northern outer banks. Paved roads would kill the natural beauty of the area. Try to elect local officials that are intelligent enough for the job and don't have a conflict of interest. Don't let greed be the criteria for making decisions. Stronger technical/vocational program at high school. Separate alternative school for chronic troublemakers away from main campus. Hope you can give senior citizens on fixed income a tax break. Chesapeake, VA has a good program, giving senior citizens a tax break. Teaching of moral values in the school system. How much government action is desirable? Maintain the rural community and natural resources that Currituck County offers. Police, fire, and medical personnel needed to be added. Slow controlled growth and maintain a small town community (i.e. stores in small regional centers). Build a new causeway north of Corolla to a new paved road. Try and get government funds for a large part of this project. More police and fire protection. Water for the Outer Banks is the number one concern. Limit public recreation facilities that encourage "day tripping". Keep lot sizes large. Improve the water and water pressure. Do not bloat government. I love the place. Work on cleaning up lower income communities and drug elimination. Zoning and controlled development to enhance property values. Not make it impossible for the poorer person to enjoy Currituck. Rate of growth. Control the type of growth and assure public access to the beaches. We have to get away from being a bedroom county for Virginia and Dare. Efforts to bring in an industrial base is key to going forward or our county will just be a haven for low end developments. 133 I feel that agricultural land should be dealt with as per individual owner. If a person wants to farm his land, o.k. If a person wants to develop his land, o.k. Better education of our children. We have a good sheriff, our superintendent of schools is superior, our commissioners are fine people working for the county. Our county officers do a good job. We just want to keep it that way. Create more jobs to support families. Keep in mind that the Outer Banks is a family destination beach. Remember the ones that have always been here. Remember that we live here because it is rural. Stop trying to bring the city to the ones here from the city. Include the public more. This survey was a good idea. Quality of education is important because this is our future. A karate school would be wonderful. In widening Route 158, Moyock will need an additional traffic light at Puddin Ridge Road for better and safer access for Quail Run residents to 158 north and south. Look further into the future and plan ahead. Pre -Kindergarten or optional childcare. Transportation for senior citizens. Health and nutrition services for the afore mentioned groups. Entrepreneural and small business encouragement. Control of beach use at Corolla Beach area and north. It is beginning to look like a circus area instead of a pristine beach area. See attached letter (did not directly answer question). More billboards to let people know what is available here. Good police protection and sanitation programs. (Sewage) Equality between the mainland and the outer banks. The older natives. Have a good plan to control the growth. Not enough eating places. Would like a Dairy Queen across from Walnut Island in front of Food Lion. Keep the growth at a constant with larger, enough lots so that you are not in your neighbor's window. Better lighting and wider streets. Lower taxes. Interests of local business. The attitude necessary to create new business. Creation of jobs, attract industry. Do as much as possible to promote being good neighbors. Church attendance and good morals. Promote high morals among parents, teachers and students. 134 We need a water system all the way to the end of the county (Point Harbor). Property owners rights, user fees for recreation, head tax for schools and drainage system maintainance. Mainly what is best for our children! Have those who place the burden on county service bear the burden for those services. A paved road to Corolla to prevent beach damage and provide emergency access and egress. Please improve ther quality of our water, it's aweful. The children. They are the future. Don't push them out of the schools and give them places to go to have fun instead of corner hangouts. Listen to some of their thoughts on these questions as well as the adults. You'll find that they would like some of the same things. Look to interest for youth, Care for elderly, activities for senior citizens and insure that law enforcement does a thorough job to keep the county as crime free as possible. County traditions for major holidays - parades, band concerts, activities on mainland. Go slow but keep working. Local residence. Property owners on Currituck's Outer Banks pay a considerable tax amount. Our needs should be supported as well as those living in other area of Currituck County. Drug testing for all county political employees. Keep above semi -regular standards. Use common sense. Medical clinic. Parks. Continue to seek input from taxpayers/residents. Build the bridge to the northern Outer Banks, put a toll on it, give residents toll ticket price breaks. No apartments and no low cost housing. Make whatever growth we have support itself and quit making me support your foul ups. Education, education and education! Public swimming place. One at each end of the county. Also, place to put boats - free. Listen to local people and not the big developer. Get some shopping centers and food stores such as Food Lion and Farm Fresh. Get the county office in order. We are paying high taxes for nothing. To an extent there is mainland development, it should be concentrated off of US 158 and NC 168. High density development on the outer banks should not be permitted. 135 More control of speeders through posted lower speed zone in Grandy, Moyock, and Shigo. Does the sheriff department ever issue speeding tickets? New industry, such as an assembley plant of some kind. We need better law enforcement practices. They don't seem to be well organized or familiar with catching criminals or what to do with them. COA branch campus, commercial growth encouragement, aesthetics along #158, attention to South mainland area, support to youth, water access for southern mainland (piers, ramps, docks) Corova Beach pays a disproportionate amount of taxes for services provided3/4-wheelers should require safety training. Quality of life is an admirable goal, but please do not let the quality of life concept translate into elimination of affordable lifestyles. Increase of development controls increases the cost of development. We need more industry for jobs and tax reasons. Better control on the Social Service Bureau also. Too many able bodied people are receiving assistance. We need more programs for the elderly on Knotts Island and more supervised recreation for the children. Ground water protection, dune and land erosion Moderate growth. Growth short of Dare, Virgnina Beach but something greater than existing agricultural. Plan roads before growth develops. Plan for schools and parks before further growth occurs. We need to get more Republicans in Currituck. To maintain a high quality of life in Currituck County as it is now! Don't change the rural character. Don't raise taxes!!! Stop building so many houses. Long Beach Island, New Jersey is so over crowded. In the summer there is a light on each corner. It's noisy because the houses are so close. The beaches are dirty. It takes 3 1/2 hours in the summer to get on the island and 45 minutes in winter. Don't destroy the Outer Banks like they, did in NJ. What type of businesses are allowed in the area. 1)Enforce minimum lot sizes. 2)Control of commercial growth to prevent a "french fry alley" 3)High quality water and sewer 4)Preserving the residential nature of the county while accomodating the inevitable future growth More law enforcement. I think the mid -county bridge would lesson traffic to Dare Co. Have a slowing of big development. Schools and learning centers. Permit system for north beach residents - Ernie's cows have done no damage compared to 3-wheelers breaking down the dunes. Discipline in schools. Arrest known drug dealers and control hangouts. The satisfaction of all landowners, residents and non-residents alike. Attract expensive homes and affluent owners who provide a good tax base to support county services. 136 Natural gas. The land owner and tax payer. Need more things to support the taxpayers like a big shopping enter in the Moyock Area. Work out some method of helping residents get access to 158 in heavy traffic months. Charge tolls for bridges, ferries, etc. We live on a dirt road. We would like to have it fixed. We pay taxes to you, now it is real bad. Just come and see. Water system. Access to more recreations. Lower taxes. The historical part of Currituck. Preserve the trees. Drugs are becoming one of our biggest problems. Drug tests should be given regularly to county and state employees and especially at random road blocks. Hopefully it will keep people on guard. You'd be surprised to know how many people slide by and still drive. Post heavy fines, loinger jail or prison terms. Maintaining the wetlands, natural environment, preserving dunes and careful, strict planning to maintain the quality of a (more or less) secluded area. Consider raising the pay scale in Currituck County. A few nice malls to shop without going 25 miles or more. Build another bridge over to Corolla. Build a bridge from Corolla to the mainland. Realize that the vast majority of tax dollars come from Corolla and put more money and county services into Corolla. Work with federal, state, and local officials to determine the high rate of cancer patients in the county. Public transportation. Create a youth center for teens/preteens that would provide activities outside of school. Activities: dances, sports, movies, crafts, swimming,etc. Require developers to pay for infrastructure improvements Age of citizens and needs. Students have to be bused too far to attend school. There needs to be more schools. Recreational activities are a good idea but also we need more things geared towards our teens and young adults. This county does not provide any activities or social areas for teens other than school activities. Allow high quality development. Discourage development that distracts from the beauty of the county. Promote development of services (medical, etc.) for the northern outer banks. Be sure any ordinances reflect the opinion of 100% of the people and not any "green" pressure groups. Stop the drugs coming into Gibbs Wood, which is mostly crack. 137 Having "professional" consultation. There is more money wasted in this county than is prudent. Evidently, the people holding some of these offices are not qualified to do so. Better trash collection for one. Better enforcement to keep dumping out of the woods. Better law enforcement. Better quality of businesses. Stop growth. I liked everything in Moyock. It is a great place to live. No more trailer parks and no more trailers. Enforce no littering. Remove all billboards. Protect the rights of native property owners of Currituck County especially consider the rights of older citizens who are often taken advantage of. Some housing with deep water dockage, more golf courses to complement the beach. Play area's and recreation centers for children and teens. Enforce the codes you already have! Realize the existing residents and don't drive them out of their homes like Dare County by driving up taxes and making it impossible for the native of generations (which makes the couty what it is) to exist. Be careful with the rezoning laws. Big business means more taxes and that's good, but too many empty buildings means trouble blight etc. Make sure Currituck county doesn't turn into a city like atmosphere. Let's not have Currituck jump ahead of our school, water, sewage, police and problems, etc. Better schools, better youth facilities and better police. As the year round population increases it will also increase in age. The county should anticpate more senior citizens and the special demands they will require. Beach erosion. Allowing growth when there is a water problem (Pine Island?). North county bridge? - to decrease traffic and improve exits during hurricane season Water and sewage and housing codes. Rigid growth of new development which should keep pace with county services. Preservation of the environment. If you don't protect it you (we) will end up looking like the New Jersey Coast (crowded and polluted). Level of taxation/just about right. I feel most people who live in Currituck County do so for the quiet country lifestyle. The rate of new development endangers that. I don't want to see us turn into an extension for Great Bridge, VA. Work and persuade Virginia to widen route 168 from the North Carolina line to interstate 64. Communication between the governing body and the people. Relieving weekend summer traffic problems through cooperation with adjoining jurisdictions. 138 Keeping Currituck County a sportman's paradise. On a long range period, the removal of septic tanks and the installation of a purification waste water plant because in time our drinking water level will be contaminated. Do not allow mobile home parks. Add recreation areas for children. Add amenities, i.e., banks, dry cleaners and restaurants. Maintain sufficient number of sheriff deputys in county to keep crime and drug problems to a minimum. A 24-hour fire department and rescue squad. Keep greedy land developers from over taxing schools and county services. Better garbage disposal. Water has to be the first priority. ,Get a cross section of people to serve on boards and committees (natives and women) not just people who want personal gain, much like our elected officials. More jobs. To think about the children and build boys or girls clubs, YMCAs. We badly need discipline in all schools and high standards of morality and proper education for our teachers and school boards and school superintendents. Also build toll roads where they are needed and not clogging our present roads. Keep all taxpayers in mind when decisions are made. The Whalehead Club and surrounding county property is a great asset. Develop it wisely. A bridge from midcounty to Corolla. There is no paved road north of Corolla. Protect the Outer Banks to produce high quality property with funds for Currituck mainland - no road to provide pass through along the Outer Banks. Improve the quality of education. My relatives who are high school graduates are in some cases practically illiterate. Affordable, quality childcare for young families. A facility/center that is state licensed or better still accredited. Curbside trash pickup. It needs a large grocery store in north Currituck. More group meetings. Schools should not take all the "rap" for tax increases. What about government buildings?? Public transport. Better education. Don't consider new residents as outsiders when a job becomes available. They may have a lot of input. More support for your county fire, rescue and police departments. Develop a program to entice new businesses to help keep some of the money in our own county. Seek quality development no matter what the lot size. Don not build a toll bridge and completelyruin the senic view of the Currituck Sound which is one of your pluses from the mainland as well as the outer banks. 139 Stop building. Soon there will be no more wildlife left. Water will be all polluted. History always repeats itself, think about it! Places to work. Places to play. Safety. Law enforcment. Education. Protect our farmers and our wildlife. This is not a city. This is a county that I am proud of. Halt all growth until the county's public services can catch up or have the developers pay for the following community sewer system and water, also construction of communtiy recreation facilities! A regional approach to needs such as water. Youth recreation facilities. Maintain it's rural quality. Prevent it from becoming a "bedroom" community of Virginia by strictly enforcing developments. Retirement housing, wholesome entertainment and continue to keep the people informed about what is being done in the county. Our judicial system in Currituck needs reform and also the county offices. Less government involvement in people's lives. Get rid of all the cars along Hwy. 168 & plant some nice trees & some places to get some decent food. Be able to get on and off the Hwy. better. Have a DMV in this area. Get another doctor here. A good food store. Keep in mind that North Carolina, Currituck area, needs tourists and property owners from other areas who pay taxes and spend money in the county. Those who live and "work" in the county, their rights to have a nice area to live is very important and if not protected they will leave. Later generations. While it does not effect me, I really feel that the children on the Outer Banks must get to school with less than the current time they now travel We need to get the dope out of Currituck County and it seems the Sheriff's Department is not to interested in doing so. They have been told of suspicious and obvious places, but they don't seem to follow up. Try to attract some chain stores (i.e. Food Lion, Wal-Mart, K-Mart) to the northern section of the county. I am going to leave that up to the rich persons. I am one of the poorer ones. I always get picked for things like this. Never picked in a lottery or drawing for money. If you are going to charg for garbage then start picking it up. If people don't want it picked up then still charge for them to take it to the dump. More communication. Do away with development. We would like to have our trash picked up once a week instead of every other week (Hampton Roads Sanitation and Bill Richardson have been contracted). Why are we paying for services we don't receive?? Make a decision about the new bridge (Corolla); make it a toll road. Announce definite plans and get on with it. There better be larger and better schools. Also better fine protection, etc. I can't believe the sheriff's office is closed on weekends. We have to call 911 for emergencies. WO Better water. Strict codes and enforced improved codes; hurricane zone. Use younger people in the county's work force. Get middle-class people in offices. More business and less low cost housing. People require services; schools and etc. Remove advertising signs on 158. Remove all junk cars. Change your rules. Full time fire department. Maintain variety by "area" zoning - most important. Don't let Route 158 turn into one big commercial corridor. Set aside a few areas for public swimming, boating, fishing, etc. now before land costs become prohibitive. Keep a good balance between government regulations and free enterprise to maintain a very beautiful environment. Jobs bringing opportunities to local people. Bring in IBM or 3M or something prosperous. Fewer politicians and more common sense approach to county administrative decisions! You need to consider what is best for the county as a whole, while not leaving those of us who already are longtime residents and small businesses out to dry because we don't provide a lot of county revenue. Continue to take steps encouraging orderly growth. Some type of impact fees need to be put in place to make new development pay for the financial burden they place on the county. Making people pay will insure quality developments. Maintaining the rural landscape. Brining in business so money will be spent in this county, but making sure it does not blight the landscape, i.e., Kill Devil Hills. Make everyone that owns anything pay their taxes and if they do not pay taxes they should not be allowed to serve as our county leaders. Health care. Water, water, water! Not to spoil the environment and the quality of life in Currituck County by developing it in favor of more revenues from industry, subdividions - Currituck County is a virtual paradise compared to Dare County. Recreation for all ages. Cut the water system workers in half and make the other half work. Cut the courthouse workers in half and make the other half work. Cut the county extension service workers and if Currituck County is helping to pay their salaries. They are absolutely worthless. The Planning Board and Commissioners seem to be controlled by whatever group yelled last and loudest. There's no long-term plan to provide for services needed. Take the wildlife in consideration more. Stop raising the taxes on so many things that we are already over taxed on. Higher density zoning for developments along with improvements in availability of water and sewage disposal will greatly increase the tax base and improve living conditions. 141 Proper planning, a land use plan that can be defended and is fair for residents and development as well. A good administrator and/or planning staff that work for the county. School buildings as we are able to finance. Do not over burden taxpayers. To try to see if we can find a way to get the state legislature to enforce judges to put a stricter penalty on drug offenders. Maintain excellence in schools. Work diligently on traffic control. Support farming and truck farmers and roadside stands existance. Maintain or improve the level/quality of the schools in the county. Reduce senior citizen taxes. We should not have to pay as high as the younger ones that have children in schools. Bringing in outsiders to overcrowd the schools. We need some industries or places for locals to work. Laws are good for some; bad for others. Natives or long time residents should be given extra consideration when it comes to laws of the land. It is senseless when a native owns at least an acre of land and can't build a home, because of a new law protecting growth They've earned their place supporting the county all these years. A bridge to Carova Beach. Better, higher paying jobs. Until Currituck County provides a paved road to Carova Beach I will never get to appreciate the "high quality of life in Currituck County". We need more deputies to police or at least show a presence in the area. Better schools. Better fire and emergency services. Recreational facilities for children and teens. We really need something to interest our kids and keep them out of trouble, especially in the winter. Maintenance of a quality sewer, maintain and strengthen the unique natural quality of Currituck County;"sense of place". The needs of all the people. Preserve the Spanish Mustangs on the Outer Banks. Restrict development north of Corolla. Preserve the natural beauty. It can't be replace when it's gone. Keep politics out of community affairs. Involve dedicated people who will protect what we have. The county recreations for the kids are nice but they need a neighborhood ballfield, etc. Cut down on power outages and length of time for services. Better communication between the mainland and Knotts Island residents. Drug dealers and drug users should be arrested, not protected by law enforcement officers. The largest drug dealers are big, big, and "respectable" businessmen. 142 Listen to all, not just a small group. More jobs and give our people 1st choice. Longtime residents have to care for their children or whatever they want to do with their land. Residents on fixed income. Don't let outsiders overrule the land. The lower end of the county need its own water supply (like Currituck and Grandy have). Stop advertising Currituck to the outside. We aren't getting quality people. I think you should be concerned about overcrowding. I also think you have to consider ways of helping senior citizens. Most are on fixed salaries and can't keep up with high taxes. Please remember that when it's time for the next tax hike. Currituck County is going to be the biggest trailer park in the state of NC. Do not let teachers charge coffee and cream for themselves for the school board to pay. Since I have only lived there a short period of time (vacations and summers) I am not qualified to answer. Public service -police, game commission, fire, school system and wages need to be higher for all county officials. Drive through Currituck mainland is tacky looking to say the least. Removing billboards would be an improvement. Take a second look at the mid -county bridge particularly if you are trying to control growth. Require permits for beach driving. The cleanliness of the highways. Keep the troublemakers off the streets and away from public hang outs. 1.0pinions of current taxpayers. 2. What the taxpayers want the county to look like in 2025. Do not infringe on my right to privacy, property, etc.! Maintain zoning. Allow more than one year to build on lots. More control of school spending. They waste money. Need to really work on getting open space subdivision going in this county. Need a health spa, pool, and etc. for all county people. Need a Food Lion at Moyock and some larger businesses in a certain area. Beach accesss w/bathrooms and parking Expedite issues voted upon in a timely fashion. Protecting the agricultural nature of Currituck County. Proper zoning is always #1. The people who live and work here that do not have the affluence or political connections the developers and business owners have. As noted, above all, protection of the environment! Avoid strip malls similar to Dare County. Supply water to lower Currituck. Limit mobile home establishments and campground type recreations. People are firing guns everywhere around us and we are afraid of stray bullets. Avoid development. Good road planning. More people are coming whether residents want them or not. 143 Not allowing Route 158 to look like 1 gigantic "strip" shopping center with billboards all over. I think finding ways to help people live with the traffic is the best way and to find a way to have more public places for the local people to enjoy and finding a way to keep our environment safe. Good schools, improvements of roads and we need a grocery store. Stop spending money foolishly. Keep taxes down. Keep development to a minimum -no more mall, fast food type places, etc. Dirt bikes and motorcycles should be outlawed in northern beaches. Beach buggies and ATV of norther beach property (1 per family). Owners should recieve special sticker when paying personal property taxes on them. No other people should be allowed to have ATV on the beach. Better and stricter highway patrols. Better water quality. Further adjustment of stoplights to accomodate local and turning motorists. More schools, a larger police force, and a more efficient trash collecting system. To use the information obtained from this survey to very carefully control the pace and scope of future development in the county. Involving Outer Banks residents in council decisions and actions (as in the case of this survey). The individual and his rights. Job related industries need to be brought into the county. Plus things for the young people of the county. Ten acres or more to build a new home is a very positive effect, yes! Traffic control. The hospital, schools and roads. Development is bound to come! Get these farmers off varoius committees and get someone with vision for the future. Not to grow too fast and not too big. A better police department. Lower taxes for the outer banks, garbage collection and the outer banks north area bridge. Currituck merchants and service people charge too much, causing tourist and outer banks property owners to purchase their needs in Virginia and other places. Curtail commercial fishing in Currituck Sound in order to rebuild fish stocks. We need to slow down on residential development and overcrowding our schools!! I would like to see the county take better care of our schools. Central Elementary needs a new gym and larger classrooms. If the county does not get so crowded, the quality of life will be much better. That would put more money in the county. I do wish I could answer all and I hope the best for Currituck. Need county jobs to be filled with best qualified people and not those with the best connections as it is now. Widen the road from Duck to Corolla. Add a road from Corolla to Virginia. 144 The county should help with the development of open areas for recreation. We need more police protection. A central sewage system. Seek out industry that complements current industries to ultimately provide tax base to take the burden off of landowners. Keep Currituck rural and not let it be turned into a city. Need to control number of people on beach since it is only road to house. The people do not understand it is only road we have and they are rude. I pay too much taxes to have a fight every time I go home if weather is nice. Never allow a mall. People go easily to Virginia, Elizabeth City or Nags Head. Be sure all commercial development is off 158 and 168. Provide the basics: police protection, fire departments, fresh water, education and_ keep it natural. The tourists are killing it! Organize town parades- the 4th of July, Easter, etc. Recreation -the young people need a hangout. Support the schools and athletic programs. The strain the tax payers are already under. Nonresident property owners have mad major investments in Currituck County. We are apprehensive of our interests being subjugated by local agendas. Require developers to pay for infrastructure improvements. Development plan. Low density both ends. Mid -county bridge SOON - no more game playing. I know the "Big Bridge Debate" has a lot of folks concerned. I really think there should be more studies done, and it should be the full-time residents to make this decision, not DOT, not government, because in this instance, the residents should decide. The building inspector's office needs a full-time inspector to assist people instead of the runaround that happens now. We need to clean up the drug traffic and stop slapping dealers on the hand and sending them home. Support local business growth so taxes don't have to go up. Do so without being too restrictive. Taking too many rights away from people will degradate quality of life. New bridge to Corolla, Corova, will eliminate a good portion of traffic. A new board of commissioners. 145 Regional Development Services East Carolina University Willis Building Greenville, NC 27858-4353