HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubdivision Ordinance Draft-1989E L-1 The preparation of this Draft Subdivision Ordinance was financed in part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided.by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is adminis- tered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, L I FES�. j 'UFCES . df Nlt1Ut,itt r � 1 1 DRAFT 2 CRAVEN COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE 3 ARTICLE I 4 BASIS 5 1. Authoritv and Purpose 6 This Ordinance is entitled Subdivision Ordinance for the 7 County of Craven and may be cited as the Subdiisio 8 Ordinance. 9 This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to Chapter 153A, 10 Article 18, of the General Statutes of North Carolina for the 11 purpose of supporting and guiding the proper subdivision and 12 resubdivision of land within the subdivision jurisdiction of 13 Craven County in order to promote the public health, safety 14 - and general welfare of its citizens and to promote the 15 orderly growth of the County. Chapter 153A, Section 335 16 defines "subdivision" as "all divisions of a tract or parcel 17 of land into two or more lots, buildings sites, or other 18 divisions for the purpose of sale or building development 19 (whether immediate or future) and includes all division of 20 land involving the dedication of a new street or a change in :- 21 existing streets; however, the following is not included 22 within this definition and is not subject to any regulations 23 enacted pursuant to this Part: 24 (1) The combination or recombination of portions 25 of previously platted lots if the total number of lots 26 is not increased and the resultant lots are equal to or 27 exceed the standards of the county as shown in its 28 subdivision regulations; 29 (2) The division of land into parcels greater than 30 10 acres if no street right-of-way dedication is 31 involved; 32 (3) The public acquisition by purchase of strips 33 of land for widening or opening streets; and 34 (4) The division of a tract in single ownership 35 the entire area of which is no greater than two acres 36 into not more than three lots, if no street right-of-way 37 dedication is involved and if the resultant lots are 38 equal to or exceed the standards of the county as shown 39 by its subdivision regulations. r r 40 2. Jurisdiction 41 This Ordinance shall govern each and every subdivision 42 of land within Craven County except that land within the 43 subdivision jurisdiction of any municipality, unless such 44. municipality shall have by resolution formally requested the 45 County to enforce this Ordinance within the municipality's 46 jurisdiction. 47 ARTICLE II 48 COMPLIANCE 49 1. Approval of Plat 50 No subdivision plat of. land within the subdivision 51 jurisdiction of Craven County shall be filed or recorded by 52 the Register of Deeds for Craven County until it shall have 53 been submitted and approved in accordance with this Ordinance 54 and until such approval is entered on the face of the final 55 plat by the Chairman of, or other member authorized by, the 56 Craven County Subdivision Review Board,.hereinafter known as 57 the "Board". 58 2.. Permits 59 No building permits shall - be issued for, nor shall • 60 water, sewer, or other County facilities or services be 61 extended to or connected with, any subdivision for which a 62 plat is required to be approved until the'General Development 63 Plan has been approved by the Board. ARTICLE III 65 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBDIVISIONS 66 1. Suitabilitv of Land 67 Where land to be subdivided is found by the Board to be 68 subject to the conditions of flooding, improper drainage, 69 severe erosion, slides, or to have other characteristics 70 which pose an ascertainable danger to health, safety, or 71 property, the subdivider shall take measures necessary to 72 correct said conditions and to eliminate said dangers. In 73 making such determinations the Board shall take into 74 consideration official U. S. Department of Housing and Urban 75 Development Flood Hazard Boundary Maps, the Craven County 76 Soil Survey, and recommendations of the Corps of Engineers, 77 the. Soil Conservation Service, U.S.D.A., and the Craven 78 County Board of Health. Any findings made by the Board 79 pursuant to this section and the basis for said findings 80 shall be in writing and recorded in the minutes of the Board. KA r , 81 When the land to be subdivided falls within an area of 82 Environmental Concern, the following shall be shown on such • 83 map: When this plat was prepared, the areas shown as areas of 84 Environmental Concern on the plat met the standards of the 85 North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission for such areas. 86 A Coastal Area Management Act permit may be required for any 87 development within those areas. 88 2. Streets 89 The General .Development Plan must be accompanied by 90 evidence satisfactory to the Board as to the proposed method 91 of street access, as prescribed herein, to all lots to be 92 platted, which evidence shall provide detailed information as 93 to proposed elevations, cut and fill, drainage, traffic 94 circulation and other construction details required by a 95 municipality, the North Carolina Secondary Roads Council 96 and/or the North Carolina Department of Transportation (both 97 of which are hereinafter referred to as "D.O.T."), or by the 98 Board. The installation of all streets, in accordance with 99 requirements set forth below, shall be required prior to 100 final plat approval unless otherwise permitted pursuant to 101 Article V. Further, the subdivider shall meet all 102 requirements of North Carolina General Statute Section 136- 103 102.6. • J04 2.01 Municipal Streets 105 All streets to be built in an incorporated municipality .106 having adopted this Ordinance shall be constructed as 107 described on the approved General Development Plan and shall 108 meet the minimum road construction standards of the 109 municipality so that said streets, when completed, are 110 eligible for maintenance by said municipality. 111 2.02 Public Streets 112 Unless otherwise designated by the Board pursuant to 113 Section 2.03 of this Article, all streets to be built outside 114 an incorporated municipality shall be designed, built, and 115 dedicated in accordance with existing applicable policies and 116 standards of D.O.T. so that said streets, when completed, are 117 eligible for acceptance on the State Highway System. 118 2.03 Private Streets 119 Upon request the Board may permit certain streets to be 120 designated as private for the purposes of providing street 121 access to the following: 122 (a) Residential subdivisions with streets designed • 123 to provide exclusive access only to said subdivision; or 3 t � r 124 (b) Minor subdivisions with a street serving too 125 few lots for inclusion into the North Carolina Secondary 126 Road System. 127 Private streets may be established as follows: 128 2.031 Private Residential Streets 129 If an owners' association is established for perpetual 130 ownership and maintenance of streets and rights -of -way 131 within, and/or which provide exclusive access to a 132 subdivision, then said streets and rights -of -way may be 133 designated as "private residential streets". In such case 134 the subdivider shall dedicate at least a 50 foot right-of-way 135 to said owner's association but shall not be required to 136 dedicate street right-of-way for public use. All private 137 residential streets shall be designed, built, and dedicated 138. as shown on the approved General Development Plan in 139 accordance with standards set forth in the following section. 140 2.032 Private Residential Street Standards 141 The plans for all private residential streets shall be 142 prepared and/or certified by a registered engineer or 143 surveyor and shall meet the following standards: .144 (a) Drainage • 145 Objective: The roadway shall be aligned and 146 constructed such that adequate drainage is provided from 147 the surface and subsurface of said roadway, as well as 148 across said roadway from adjacent property. 149 Standards: Minimum storm sewer or drainage way 150 Capacity - 10 year storm 151 Minimum cross drainage 152 Capacity - 25 year storm 153 (b) Width and alignment: 154 Objective: The roadway, including shoulders, shall 155 be of sufficient width and design to provide for 156 travelways, emergency pullover space, parking space, and 157 a berm or shoulder adequate to accommodate expected 158 traffic conditions. 159 Further, the alignment of said roadway including 160 grades, horizontal curves, vertical curves, and the 161 super elevation in each curve shall be designed to 162 provide for safe traffic movement at the intended design 163 speed as well as to provide for slight distance which 164 will insure adequate stopping time. M Standards: Max. No. of Minimum Stopping Dwelling Units Surface Width Max. Design Sight Type Street Served (D.U.) No Curb Curb Surfacing Grade Speed Dist. Cul-de-sac or loop less than 15 D.U. 20' 20' Gravel 15% 20 mph 100, Residential street 15-60 D.U. 20' 24' Pavement 12% 30 mph 200' Residential greater than collector 60 D.U. 20' 28' Pavement 8% 35 mph 250' 4(a) t , • 165 Minimum Width of Shoulder of Berm: 166 Ditch = 6' shoulder 167 Swale = 4' shoulder 168 Curb = 3' berm 169 (c) Intersections: 170 Objectives: All intersections shall be well marked 171 and shall have an adequate stopping sight distance. 172 Grades at intersections should be minimized and the 173 angle of intersecting streets should be as close to 90 174 degrees as possible. 175 Standards: 176 Minimum angle of 60 degrees 177 Maximum grade at intersection 5 percent 178 (d) Material and Procedure Specifications: 179 All bridges, culverts, curbing, surfacing 180 materials, and construction practices and procedures 181 shall meet D.O.T. speficiations. 182 Where a gravel surface is permitted pursuant to Section • =183 2.032 (b) above, the procedure and materials shall be the 184 same as those prescribed by D.O.T. for hard surfaced streets 185 except that the paved surfacing may be omitted. 186 All- street plans shall be reviewed by the County 187 Engineer prior to approval of the General Development Plan. 188 The Board may, upon written application of the subdivider, 189 grant minor variances from stated standards provided said 190 variances are consistent with the stated objectives. Prior 191 to considering said application the Board shall refer it to 192 the staff and County Engineer for comment. 193 2.033 Private Minor Streets 194 Certain streets and rights -of -way may be designated as 195 private minor streets if: 196 (a) The proposed street provides access to no more 197 than four lots, proposed or existing, and intersects 198 with a public street; and 199 (b) Provisions satisfactory to the Board or its 200 staff are made for: 201 • 202 (1) Continuing common use of the street by property owners to be served by said street; and 5 203 (2) Access for public service and emergency 204 vehicles; and 205 (3) Continuing private maintenance of said 206 street to provide for safe passage of expected 207 traffic. 208 An easement or right-of-way at least 30 feet wide for 209 the full length of the street must be provided and additional 210 width may be required by the Board if necessary for drainage 211 or utilities. Said street shall be located, designed, and 212 built such that it provides a safe intersection with a public 213 street and safe passage of public service and emergency 214 vehicles. 215 2.04 Conformity to Surrounding Development 216 The proposed street layout within a subdivision shall be 217 coordinated with the existing street system of the 218 surrounding area and, where possible, existing principal 219 streets shall be extended. 220 No existing access to adjacent properties may be closed 221 which would render said adjacent property inaccessible, 222 unless other arrangements are made to render comparable 223 access to said property. In no case shall a subdivision be 224 developed such that an adjacent property becomes completely • ::225 unaccessible. 226 2.05 Frontage Streets 227 Where a subdivision adjoins a heavily traveled street, 228 in the interest of highway safety, the subdivider may be 229 required by the Board to provide either a frontage street 230 parallel to said heavily traveled street or reverse frontage 231 on a smaller street. Where reverse frontage is required, 232 private driveways shall not have direct access to said 233 heavily traveled street. 234 2.06 Pedestrian Ways / _ 235 Streets shall be designed or walkways provided to assure 236 safe and reasonable access to parks, playgrounds, schools, 237 and other places of public assembly. Crosswalks may be 238 required by the Board. 239 2.07 Blocks 240 The length, width and shape of blocks shall be designed 241 to provide for the following: 242 (a) Adequate building sites for the proposed use; • 243 and 0 244 (b) Needs for vehicular and pedestrian • 245 circulation; and 246 (c) Control and safety of traffic; and 247 (d) Convenient access to scenic overlooks and 248 water areas. 249 However, at no time shall block lengths exceed one 250 thousand four hundred (1,400) feet or be less than four 251 hundred (400) feet. 252 2.08 Service Ways 253 Service ways and/or fire lanes shall be provided for all 254 lots designed for commercial or industrial purposes and shall 255 be adequate to provide reasonable access for all necessary 256 service vehicles. 257 3. Names of Subdivisions and Streets 258 The name of a subdivision shall neither duplicate nor 259 closely approximate the name of an existing subdivision with: 260 the County. 261 Proposed streets which are obviously in alignment with 262 existing streets shall be given the same name as the existing 263 street. The assignment of new names is subject to Board • 264 approval, and duplication of existing names, phonetically or 265 otherwise, shall be avoided. Street markers of a design 266 approved by the Board shall be installed at each intersection 267 in uniform locations. 268 4. Water and Sewer Systems 269 The General Development Plan shall be accompanied by 270 evidence satisfactory to the Board of the proposed method and 271 system of water supply and sanitary sewage collection and 272 disposal for all lots intended for a use requiring domestic 273 water supply and/or sanitary sewer. Except in the case of 274 individual septic tanks, the installation of all said sytems, 275 in accordance with plans to be approved as set forth below, 276 shall be required prior to final plat approval unless 277 otherwise permitted pursuant to Article V. 278 4.01 Public Systems 279 Where the proposed system is to be connected to one or 280 more public systems, as defined in Appendix B, the General 281 Development Plan shall be accompanied by a complete set of 282 construction plans for the proposed system. Said plans shall 283 have been approved by the engineer of the public system(s) 284 and any appropriate State agency prior to their approval by • 285 the Board. 7 286 4.02 Community Systems 287 Where the proposed system is a community system as 288 defined in Appendix B, the General Development Plan shall be 289 accompanied by the approval of, and documents required by, 290 the appropriate agency as set forth in Appendix B. If, at any 291 time, the proposed system is to be connected to any public 292 system, all requirements of Section 4.01 above, shall apply. 293 4.03 Individual Systems 294 Where the proposed system is an individual system, as 295 defined in Appendix B, the General Development`Plan shall be 296 accompanied by the approval of the Craven County Health 297 Department and shall show that the subdivider has complied 298 with all ordinances and regulations of the Craven County 299 Board of Health and applicable State law. The statement from 300 the Health Department shall show that each lot has adequate 301 land area and soil conditions suitable to accommodate the 302 proposed methods of water supply and sewage disposal and 303 shall be based upon a field investigation as approved by the 304 Craven County Health Department. 305 4.04 Public System Extensions 306 The Board may require any lot to be served by public _307 :308 water and/or sewer systems if such service can reasonably be • provided by extending existing systems. 309 4.05 Fire Hydrants 310 Where a water line six inches or greater in diameter is 311 required in a public or community system, fire hydrants shall 312 be installed on said line. The hydrants shall be spaced so 313 that coverage to all building sites along said line may be 314 provided with not more than 500 feet of hose and shall be 315 located to facilitate access, hose laying and drainage. 316 5. Storm Water Drainage 317 The General Development Plan shall be accompanied by 318 evidence satisfactory to the Board as to the proposed method 319 of providing for. storm water drainage. It shall be the 320 responsibility of the subdivider to provide a drainage system 321 which is designed to meet the following objectives: 322 (a) Provide for adequate drainage from all roads, 323 parking lots, and other developed areas; and 324 (b) Provide a suitable building area on each lot 325 intended for building development which is safe from 40 326 inundation, erosion, or subsidence; and. 327 • 328 (c) Prevent both the unneccessary impoundment of natural drainage ways and the creation of areas of 329 standing water; and 330 (d) Insure that existing drainage ways serving 331 adjacent properties are maintained; and 332 (e) Insure that natural runoff levels are not 333 substantially. increased in order to prevent harmful., 334 flooding downstream and to maintain desirable 335 groundwater levels; and 336 (f) Prevent inundation of surface water into 337 sanitary sewer systems; and 338 (g) Protect all roads, driveways, utilities and 339 other types of development from damages caused by 340 improper drainage control. 341 The design of said system shall be subject to approval 342 of the Board and the installation of said system shall be 343 required prior to final plat approval pursuant to Article V 344 of this Ordinance. 345 Easements for all drainage ways shall be provided as 346 required by Article IV, Section 2.02 of this Ordinance. The =347 Board shall have the authority to require curb and gutter, • 348 underground drainage, and other improvements it finds 349 necessary to meet the above objectives. In all subdivisions 350 outside an incorporated municipality with new street 351 right-of-way to be dedicated to the public, the District 352 Engineer of D.O.T. must review and certify his approval of 353 drainage plans pursuant to Article V, Section 4.02 of this 354 Ordinance. 355 6. Sedimentation Control 356 In order to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation 357 pollution of streams, springs, flat water bodies, or other 358 drainage networks, the subdivider shall show proof of an 359 erosion and sediment control plan which has been approved by 360 the State or local agency having jurisdiction in accordance 361 with The Rules and Regulations for Erosion and Sediment 362 Control as adopted by the North Carolina ediment Control 363 Comm sion, April, 1974, as amended. 364 7. Surveying and Placement of Monuments 365 "The Manual of Practice for Land Surveying", as adopted 366 by the North Carolina Board of Registration for Professional 367 Engineers and Land Surveyors, under provisions of Chapter 89 • 368 of the North Carolina General Statutes, shall apply when 369 conducting surveys in order to determine the accuracy for 9 370. surveys and placement of monuments, control corners, markers, • 371 and property corner ties, and to determine other standards 372 and procedures governing the practice of land surveying for 373 subdivisions. 374 8. Air Quality 375 As required by Chapter 143, Article 21, of the North 376 Carolina General Statutes, all subdivisions of more than 500 377 units at a density of more than 7,680.persons per square mile. 378 (12 persons/acre) shall show proof of compliance with Air 379 Quality guidelines established by the Environmental 380 Management Commission of North Carolina Department of Natural 381 and Economic Resources. 382 9. Other Improvements 383 The subdivider is encouraged to consider this section as 384 he develops plans for any subdivision. Furthermore, the 385 Board shall recommend to the Board of commissioners policies 386 and standards relating to the location, design, installation, 387 and reservation of the following: 388 (a) Underground electrical, telephone, 389 television, and other distribution lines; and 390 (b) Measures providing for safe pedestrian • `�391 movement throughout the subdivision either within the 392 street right-of-way or within reserved pedestrian ways; 393 and 394 (c) Outdoor lighting at intersections; 395 turnarounds; or other locations; and 396 (d) Areas of significant scenic, historical, 397 cultural, or ecological value; and 398 (e) Land for recreation, school sites, or other 399 public facilities. 400 ARTICLE IV 401 DESIGN STANDARDS 402 THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS MINIMUM 403 REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL SUBDIVISIONS OR RESUBDIVISIONS: 404 1. Lots 405 The lot size, width, depth, shape, orientation, and 406 building setback lines shall be appropriate for the location 407 of the subdivision and for the type of development and use 408 contemplated and shall be sufficient to accommodate proposed • 409 utilities. 10 410 1.01 Single -Family Residential Lots • . 411 Any lot(s) in a subdivision intended for the development 412 of a detached, single-family dwelling unit(s) shall comply 413 with the following requirements: 414 1.011 Area 415 In order to provide adequate land area and to 416 accommodate the use of septic tanks and private sources of - 417 water in a safe, healthful manner, the following requirements .. 418 shall be met: 419 Minimum 420 Lot Area Approx. 421 (a) Lots served by 422 both public sewer 423 and public water 8,000 sq. ft. 1/5 acre 424 (b) Lots served by 425 only public 426 sewer 10,000 sq. ft. 1/4 acre 427 (c) Lots served by 428 only public 429 water 20,000 sq. ft. 1/2 acre • 430 (d) Lots served by 431 neither public 432 sewer nor public 433 water 30,000 sq. ft. 3/4 acre 434 (Community water or sewer systems as defined in Appendix B 435 are considered "public" systems in this section). 436 The Craven County Health Department must, according to State 437 law and Ordinances of the Craven County Board of Health, 438 require larger lot sizes if necessary to protect public 439 health and insure proper operation of septic tanks and wells. 440 The Board may, upon application of the subdivider, permit 441 lots smaller than the minimums set forth herein, provided 442 that the proposed smaller lot size is approved by the Craven 443 County Health Department. Even though said Department 444 approves said proposed smaller lot size, the Board is not 445 required to approve said application. 446 1.012 Width 447 Each lot shall have a minimum width of 70 feet across 448 the center of the proposed building site and a minimum at the 449 street right-of-way line of 70 feet. In the event the lot • 450 fronts on a cul-de-sac, the minimum lot width fronting on the 11 451 street may be 35 feet. However, a minimum of 25 feet may be 452 permitted at the street right-of-way at the discretion of the • 453 Board. Corner lots shall have an extra width of 10 feet to 454 permit adequate setback from side streets. 455 1.013 Depth 456 Each lot shall have an average depth of at least one 457 hundred (100) feet. For any lot of less than one acre, the 458 average depth shall be no greater than 2.5 times its average 459 width, except where that portion of the lot which exceeds 460 this requirement (1) is used for easements, or (2) is set 461 aside for the purpose of providing a buffer area, or (3) is an 462 area which is in some way unsuitable for development. 463 .1.014 Setbacks 464 Each lot shall contain a suitable building site which shall 465 lie within the following building setback lines: 466 Distance from center line of existing State 467 maintained streets (not meeting D.O.T. standards) 60 feet 468 Distance from front right-of-way line on all 469 other streets 30 feet 470 Distance from side property line 10 feet • '471 Distance from side property line abutting street 20 feet 472 Distance from rear property line 25 feet 473 Said setback distance requirements may be reduced by the 474 Board provided that evidence found satisfactory by the Board 475 is submitted by the subdivider to the Board which insures 476 that any structure erected on said site shall: 477 (a) Be adequately buffered from the adjoining 478 street to insure safety and reduction of noise; and 479 (b) , Not impede sight distance on curves and at 480 intersections; and 481 (c) Be adequately buffered or be a suitable 482 distance from any structure on an adjoining lot to 483 insure privacy and adequate circulation; and 484 (d) Not encroach on any property line. 485 1.02 Multi -Family Residential Lots 486 Each lot intended for the development of more than one 487 dwelling unit, shall have a minimum lot size of 12,000 square • 12 488 feet and shall have at least 3,000 square feet of lot per 489 dwelling unit. The standards set forth in Section 1.01 of • 490 this Article, except those standards set forth in Section 491 1.011 ( a ) and (b) , shall also apply. 492 1.03 Commercial or Industrial Lots 493 Each lot intended for commercial or industrial purposes, 494 shall be of a sufficient size to accomodate anticipated 495 parking and service needs. The standards set forth in Section 496 1.01 of this Article, except those standards set forth in 497 Section 1.011 (a) and 1.014 shall also apply. 498 2. Easements 499 Easements shall be provided as follows: 500 2.01 Utility Easements 501 Easements for utilities shall be provided, preferable 502 centered on rear or side lot lines, and shall be at least 503 fifteen (15) feet in width. 504 2.02 Drainage Easements 505 An easement shall be reserved by the subdivider or 506 otherwise provided conforming with the lines of any 507 drainageway into which natural drainage has been diverted. 508 Said drainageway shall be of sufficient width to carry storm 509 water runoff from a 10 year storm. 510 2.03 Buffer Strip 511. The Board may require a buffer strip no more than ten 512 (10) feet wide adjacent to a major street or a commercial or 513 industrial development. The Board may also require the 514 subdivider to arrange for, or be responsible for, the 515 planting and maintenance of said buffer strip. 516 ARTICLE V 517 PROCEDURE FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION PLATS 518 1. General 519 To secureapproval of a plat, as required by this 520 Ordinance, the subdivider shall follow procedures set forth 521 in this Article. A minor subdivision (defined in Section 2 522 of this Article) may be approved pursuant to Section 2 of 523 this Article. All other subdivisions shall be approved 524 pursuant to Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 of this Article. • 13 525 In the event a plat falls within one of the exceptions • 526 527 to the definition of a subdivision, such excepted plat shall be accompanied by a statement from the County Planning 528 Director to that effect and shall be duly noted on the plat. 529 2. Minor Subdivisions 530 Procedures for handling applications for approval `of 531 minor subdivisions are intended to simplify the processing of 532 routine small subdivisions with due regard to the protection 533 of the public interest. 534 A minor subdivision is the division of a tract of land 535 into no more than four (4) lots with access to be provided 536 either from an existing public street or from a private minor 537 street (defined in Article III, Section 2.03) . ! 538 Where the subdivider intends to develop a minor 539 subdivision he may apply for final approval through the 540 procedures set forth in Section 2.01. Said intent shall be 541 stated, in writing, in a form acceptable to the Board and 542 signed by the subdivider. { 543 2.01 Procedure for Approval 544 Final approval of a plat for any minor subdivision may 545_ be granted by the staff of the Board, which has been 546 designated a planning agency by the Craven County • 547 Commissioners pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 548 153A-321, subsequent to the following procedure. 549 (a) The subdivider shall submit two (2) copies of 550 a surveyed plat meeting the requirements of Section 6.01 551 of this Article. Further, he shall provide satisfactory, 552 evidence describing the following: ' 553 1. Methods of providing a water supply and ' 554 sewage disposal to each lot, including any State or 555 local approvals which may be needed; and 556 2. Methods of providing access to each lot 557 including the name of any new street; and 558 3. Methods of providing for adequate 559 drainage. 560 (b) The staff shall review said minor subdivision 561 and shall find that it either does or does not meet the 562 requirements of this Ordinance and what improvements, if 563 any, will be required by this Ordinance. (See Section 5 564 of this Article). i 14 565 (c) If it is found that improvements will be 566 required the subdivider shall submit three additional 567 copies of said plat describing the plans for said 568 improvements. Upon approval of said plans by the staff, 569 a copy shall be forwarded to the Director of Public 570 Safety who shall, upon completion and installation of 571 said improvements, inspect said minor subdivision and 572 shall certify that all improvements either have or have 573 not been installed in accordance with said plans and the 574 requirements of this Ordinance. 575 Note: At this stage, the subdivider may post 576 improvement guarantees pursuant to Section 5 of this 577 Article and receive final approval of his subdivision 578 plat. - 579 (d) Once said subdivision has been approved and it 580 is found that no additional improvements are required, 581 or if additional improvements are required and have been 582 certified by the Director of Public Safety, the staff 583 shall then certify final approval in writing on all 584 copies of said subdivision plat. One copy shall be 585 recorded with the minutes of the Board and the approved 586 surveyed plat shall be returned to the subdivider who 587 shall record said plat with the office of. the Craven 588 County Register of Deeds within 30 days of receipt. -589 Failure on the part of the subdivider to record said • 590 plat within said 30 days shall render said approval null 591 and void. 592 (e) Decisions of the staff may be appealed at any 593 time by the subdivider to the Board. If an appeal is 594 made, it shall be heard and decided by the Board at its 595 next regularly scheduled meeting, provided that, if the 596 Board finds that sufficient information is not available 597 to it, the Board may continue the hearing and/or 598 postpone its decision for no more than 32 days. 599 3. Subdivisions 600 Where the subdivider intends to divide.a tract into 5 or 601 more lots he shall receive final approval -from the Board 602 subsequent to procedures set forth in the remaining sections 603 of this Article. 604 3.01 Preliminary Application 605 . In order to initiate discussions between the subdivider 606 and the Board early in the design process, the subdivider 607 shall submit for all subdivisions, other than minor 608 subdivisions, a preliminary application to the Board or its • 609 staff prior to preparing the general development plan. 15 610 Said application shall include: • 611 (a) A vicinity map at a scale of 1" = 400' locating 612 said subdivision in relation to the surrounding area 613 showing the boundaries of the entire tract(s) ultimately 614 to be subdivided and the boundaries of that portion of 615 the tract to be developed initially• and 0 • 616 (b) A preliminary application form containing all 617 information required by the Preliminary Application as 618 found in Appendix C. 619 The Board or its staff shall review said application 620 with the subidivider so that each shall know what is 621 expected. 622 3.02 Preliminary Site Plan 623 The Preliminary Site Plan shall show at least that 624 portion of the subdivision that the subdivider plans to 625 develop at this time. 626 If the subdivider intends to divide the entire tract 627 into 15 or more lots he shall also submit 5 copies of a 628 preliminary site plan at least 14 days prior to a regularly 629 scheduled meeting of the Board at which said plan is to be 630 considered, although said time limit may be waived at the :_631 discretion of the Board. Although not required, it is 632 suggested that a preliminary site plan be submitted for all 633 subdivisions to insure that preliminary plans are correct 634 prior to preparing extensive engineering details. 635 Said preliminary site plan shall be at a scale of at 636 least 1" = 200' and contain all information required in the 637 Preliminary Site Plan Check list as found in Appendix D. 638 The Board shall review and either approve, approve 639 conditionally, or disapprove each preliminary site plan. 640 First consideration shall be at the first regularly scheduled 641 meeting after the plan is submitted, pursuant to Section 3.01 642 above. The Board shall take action on the preliminary site 643 plan within thirty-two (32) days of its first consideration. 644 4. General Development Plan 645 For every subdivision except minor subdivisions, a 646 General Development Plan, containing all required 647 information, shall be submitted to the Board at least 648 fourteen (14) days prior to the regular meeting at which said 649 plan is to be considered although said time limit may be 650 waived at the discretion of the Board.. Six copies of said 651 plan shall be required, provided that additional copies may 652 be required by the Board or its staff, if needed. 16 653 4.01 Contents Required • 654 The General Development Plan shall include the site plan 655 (as required by Section 3.02 of this Article) in its final 656 form as well as all other information required by the General 657 Development Plan Checklist as found in Appendix E of this 658 Ordinance. 659 In addition, the Board may, under the authority of the 660 Craven County Resolution Requiring the Filing of an 661 Environmental.Impact Statement, adopted and pursuant to. 662 Chapter 113A of the North Carolina General Statutes, require 663 an Environmental Impact Statement for any. subdivision 664 exceeding two acres in size. 665 4.02 Review Procedure 666 The Board shall review and either approve, approve 667 conditionally, or disapprove each General Development Plan. 668 First consideration of said plan shall be at the next 669 regularly scheduled meeting of the Board after the plan is 670 submitted pursuant to Section 4.01, above. The Board shall 671 take action on the General Development Plan within thirty-two 672 (32) days of its first consideration or at the next regularly 673 scheduled meeting after receiving responses from the public 674 reviewing agencies enumerated below. • `675 Before final action on any General Development Plan is 676 taken by the Board, copies of said plan shall be referred by 677 the Board to those public agencies concerned with new 678 development for review and comment. Said agencies shall 679 include, but are not limited to, the following: 680 (a) District Engineer of D.O.T. regarding streets 681 and drainage; and 682 (b) Craven County Health Department and/or other 683 appropriate departments and agencies (See Appendix B) 684 regarding sanitary sewer and water systems; and 685 (c) t Soil Conservation Service U.S.D.A., regarding 686 sedimentation, drainage, and the suitability of the site 687 for development; and 688 (d) Craven County Board of Education regarding 689 school site reservations, if any; and 690 (e) Craven County Parks and Recreation Advisory 691 Commission regarding dedications of open space and/or 692 recreational sites, if any. 693 Where this Ordinance requires proof of approval from • 694 other State or local agencies, the following certificates 17 695 (substantially consistent in form to those shown in Appendix • 696 G) shall be. received by the Board prior to.final approval of 697 any General Development Plan: 698 (a) A certificate signed by the appropriate D.O.T. 699 official stipulating that the plans for any proposed 700 street system to be dedicated to the public outside any 701 incorporated municipality are approved. 702 (b) A certificate signed by the appropriate 703 municipal official stipulating that the plans for any 704 proposed street systems to be dedicated to the public in 705 said municipality are approved; 706 (c) A certificate(s) signed by the appropriate 707 State and/or local official(s) (indicated in Appendix B) 708 stipulating that the plans for water supply and/or .709 sewage disposal systems proposed for installation meet 710 all pertinent requirements and are approved; and 711 (d) A certificate signed by the appropriate State 712 or local official stipulating that the erosion and 713 sedimentation control plan is approved. 714 If the Board approves the General Development Plan, such 715 approval shall be indicated on three copies by the following 716 certificate signed by the Chairman or other authorized member. • �717 of the Board: 718 719 720 721 722 "Certificate of Approval by the Subdivision Review Board" This certifies that the Craven County Subdivision Review Board approved the General Development Plan for the Subdivision at its meeting on the day of 723 724 Date Chairman, Craven County Sub- 725 division Review Board 726 One (1) copy shall be transmitted to the Director of 727 Public Safety, one (1) copy shall be returned to the 728 subdivider, and one (1) copy shall be retained by the Board. 729 If the Board disapproves or approves conditionally said 730 plan, the reasons for such action shall be stated in writing 731 and entered in the records of the Board. The subdivider may 732 make changes and submit a revised plan which revision shall 733 be submitted, reviewed, and acted upon by the Board pursuant 734 to this section. 735 Approval of the General Development Plan shall be valid 736 for one (1) year unless a written extension is granted by the 737 Board on or before the one (1) year anniversary of said • 738 approval. If the final plat is not submitted for approval 739 within said one (1) year period or any period of extension, 740 the said approval of the General Development Plan shall be 741 null and void. 742 5. Improvements Installation or Guarantees 743 Upon approval of the General Development Plan by the 744 Board, the subdivider may proceed with the installation of or 745 arrangement for required improvements. Required improvements 746 include the following: 747 (a) Street access to each lot; and `. 748 (b ) A water supply for each lot; and 749 (c) A sewage disposal system (exempting septic 750 tanks) for each lot; and 751 (d) Any required drainage or sedimentation control 752 facilities; and 753 (e) Street markers; and 754 (f) Fire hydrants, where required; and • -.755 (g) Any corrective measures required pursuant to 756 Article III, Section 1. 757 5.01 Completion of Improvements 758 Except as provided in Section 5.02, below and prior to 759 final plat submission or approval, the subdivider shall 760 complete, install, and dedicate all required improvements as 761 specified on the approved General Development Plan for that 762 portion of the subdivision to be shown on the Final Plat. The 763 subdivider shall certify the dedication of said improvements 764 in accordance with Section 5.032 of this Article. 765 5.02 Improvements Guarantees 766 5.021 Agreement and Guarantees Required 767 In lieu of requiring the completion, installation 768 and dedication of all improvements prior to Final Plat 769 approval, the Board may enter into an agreement with the 770 subdivider whereby the subdivider shall agree to 771 complete all required improvements as specified by the 772 approved General Development Plan for that portion of 773 the subdivision to be shown on the Final Plat. Once 774 said agreement is signed by both parties, the Final Plat • 775 may be approved by the Board. To secure this agreement, 19 776 the subdivider shall provide, subject to the approval of 777 the Board, either one, or a combination of, the • 778 following guarantees: 779 (a) Surety Performance Bond(s) 780 The subdivider shall obtain a performance 781 bond(s) from a surety bonding company authorized to 782 do business in North Carolina. The bond(s) shall 783 be payable to the County of Craven and shall be in 784 an amount equal to 1.25 times the entire cost, as 785 estimated by the subdivider and proved by the 786 Director of Public Safety, of installing all 787 required improvements. The duration of the bond(s) 788 shall be until such time as the improvements are 789 accepted by the Board pursuant to Section 5.022 of 790 this Article, but for not more than one year with 791 the possibility of one time extension. 792 (b) Cash or Equivalent Securit 793 The subdivider shall deposit cash or other 794 instrument readily convertible into cash at face 795 value, either with the County or in escrow with a 796 financial institution designated as an official 797 depository of of County. The use of any instrument 798 other than cash shall be subject to the approval of • 7-799 the Board. The amount of deposit shall be equal to 800 1.25 times the cost, as estimated by the subdivider 801 and approved by the Director of Public Safety, of 802 installing all required improvements. 803 If cash or other instrument is deposited in escrow 804 with a financial institution as provided above, 805 then the subdivider shall file with the Board an 806 agreement between the financial institution and 807 himself guaranteeing the following: 808 1. That said escrow account shall be held in 809 trust until released by the Board and may not 810 be used or pledged by the subdivider in any 811 other matter during the term of the escrow; 812 and 813 2. That in the case of a failure on the part 814 of the subdivider to complete said 815 improvements, the financial institution 816 shall, upon notification by the Board, 817 immediately either pay to the County of Craven 818 all funds in said account, or deliver to the 819 County any other instruments fully endorsed or 820 otherwise made payable in full to the county. r1 U 20 • 821 5.022 Release of Guarantee Security 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 5.03 839 FMI I&: 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 The Board may release a portion of any security posted pursuant to Section 5.02 of this Article, as the improvements are completed and recommended for approval pursuant to Section 5.03 of this Article. Within thirty-two (32) days after receiving the certificates required by Section 5.03 of this Article, the Board shall approve or not approve said improvements. If the Board approves said improvements, then it shall immediately release any security posted pursuant to Section 5.02 of this Article. 5.023 Substantial Compliance with Forms in Appendix G Forms for agreements, performance bonds, letters of credit, escrow account, or cash equivalents authorized by Section 5.02 of this Article shall conform substantially to the forms. prescribed in Appendix G, Sections 4, 5, and 6. Inspection and Certification 5.031 Certificate of Improvements The Director of Public Safety or other qualified person designated by the Board shall. regularly inspect the construction of required improvements. Upon completion of these improvements, said inspector shall file with the Board a statement (1) certifying that said improvements have been either completed as required, or completed as required except for certain listed minor defects, and (2) recommending the approval of said improvements. (See Appendix G). 5.032 Subdivider's Certificates Upon completion of the required improvements, the subdivider shall file with the Board the following certificates: (a) Certificate of Completion and Warranty The certificate of completion and warranty shall stipulate the following: (See Appendix G). 1. That all improvements required by this Ordinance have been completed; and 2. That these improvements are in compliance. with the minimum standards specified by this Ordinance for their construction; and 21 861 3. That the subdivider knows of no defects • 862 863 from any cause and that he will warrant all improvements against defects in materials and 864 workmanship for a period of one year after the 865 Certificate of Completion and Warranty is 866 executed; and 867 4. That in the event any defects are 868 discovered in materials or workmanship in any 869 required improvements during the warranty 870 period, the subdivider will, at his expense,. 871 replace and/or repair said defects to the 872 satisfaction of the Board. 873 (b) Certificate of Dedication and Maintenance 874 The certificate of dedication and maintenance 875 shall stipulate the following (See Appendix G): 876 1. That all property and improvements are 877 owned by the subdivider and are free of any 878 encumbrance or lien except as enumerated; and 879 2. That the subdivider has freely dedicated 880 or reserved all required rights -of -way, 881 easements, streets, utilities, open spaces, 882 or other improvements to public or private use '7883 as noted on the approved General Development • 884 Plan and has freely established minimum 885 building setback lines; and 886 3. That the subdivider shall be responsible 887 for the maintenance of all improvements until 888 either said improvements are taken over the 889 the appropriate public agency or arrangements 890 satisfactory to the Board have been made for 891 maintenance of said improvements. 892 Both of said certificates shall be filed with 893 the Final Plat except when improvements guarantees 894 are' used. When said guarantees are used, said 895 certificates shall be filed with the Board when 896 improvements are completed and shall be forwarded 897 to the Register of Deeds to be recorded either with 898 the Final Plat or as separate documents. 899 5.033 Form of Certificates 900 Certificates required pursuant to Subsections 901 5.031 and 5.032 of this Article shall conform 902 substantially to the certificate forms prescribed in 903 Appendix G, Sections 1, 2, and 3. r1 U 22 P C� C� 904 6. Final Plat 905 The Final Plat shall constitute only that portion of the 906 subdivision which the subdivider proposes to record and 907 develop at that time. 908 Once the Board has either approved all required 909 improvement or has entered into an improvements guarantee 910 agreement with the subdivider than the Final Plat may be 911 approved by the Board. The subdivider shall submit four (4) 912 copies and one (1) original of said plat to the Board no less 913 than fourteen (14) days prior to the regular Board meeting at 914 which it shall be considered for approval, although said time 915 limit may be waived at the discretion of the Board. Said plat 916 shall be submitted not more than twelve (12) months after the 917 date on which the General Development Plan was approved, 918 unless a written extension of this time limit is granted by 919 the Board on or before the one-year anniversary of the 920 approval of the General Development Plan. 921 6.01 Contents Required 922 The original of the final plat shall be prepared on 923 linen or film by a registered land surveyor, licensed to 924 practice in the State of North Carolina. Said plat shall 925 conform to the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 926 Section 47-30 as amended. Further, said plat shall be :-927 fifteen (15) inches by twenty (20) inches or twenty (20) 928 inches by thirty (30) inches and of a scale not less than one 929 inch equals two hundred feet (1" = 2001). 930 The Final Plat shall depict or contain all information 931 required in the Final Plat Checklist as found in Appendix F 932 of this Ordinance. 933 6.02 Review Procedure 934 The Final Plat shall be reviewed according to the 935 following procedure: 936 First consideration shall be at the next regularly 937 scheduled meeting of the Board after the Final Plat is 938 submitted pursuant to Section 6.01 of this Article. The 939 Board shall approve or disapprove the Final Plat at its first 940 consideration within thirty-two (32) days of its first 941 consideration by the Board. 942 During its consideration of the Final Plat, the Board 943 may.appoint such qualified persons as it deems necessary to 944 confirm the accuracy of the Final Plat. If substantial 945 errors are found by the Board, the plat shall not be approved 946 until such errors have been corrected by the subdivider. 23 '947 If the Board approves the Final Plat, such approval 948 shall be indicated on the original and each copy.of the plat 949 by the following certificate signed by the Chairman or other 950 authorized member of the Board: 951 "Certificate of Approval Ily the Subdivision Review Board" 952 This certifies that the Craven County Subdivision Review 953 Board approved the Final Plat of the 954 Subdivision at its meeting on the day of 955 956 957 Date Chairman, Craven County Subdivision 958 Review Board 959 If the Board disapproves the Final Plat, the Board shall 960 state in writing its reasons for such action, specifying the 961 provisions of this Ordinance with which the plat does not 962 comply. One copy of this statement shall be transmitted to 963 the subdivider within fifteen (15) days of disapproval; one 964 copy shall be retained by the Board as a part of its 965 proceedings, and one copy shall be sent to the Register of 966 Deeds. If the final plat is disapproved, the subdivider may 967 make such changes as needed to bring the plat into compliance 968 with the provisions of this Ordinance and resubmit the same 969 for reconsideration by the Board pursuant.to the procedures -970 set forth in this Section. 971 6.03 Effect of Plat Approval on Dedications 972 The approval of a Final Plat shall not constitute or 973 effect the acceptance by the County of the dedication of any 974 land, utility line, or other facility shown on said plat. 975 6.04 Disposition of Copies 976 If the Final Plat is approved by the Board, such 977 approval shall be noted on the original tracing of said plat 978 and on four (4) copies as required by Section 6 of this 979 Article. Said original tracing shall be recorded by the 980 subdivider with the Craven County Register of Deeds within 981 thirty (30) days after final plat approval or said approval 982 shall be null and void. The remaining prints shall be 983 distributed as follows: 984 ( a ) Board of Commissions - 1 copy (b) Director of Public Safety - 1 copy 24 986 (c) The subdivider - 1 copy • 987 (d) Subdivision Review Board 1 copy 988 6.05 Resubdivison Procedures 989 For any replatting or resubdivision of land, the same 990 procedures and requirements shall apply as prescribed in this 991 Ordinance for an original subdivision. 992 7. Variances 993 Where a subdivider can show that strict adherence to a 994 provision(s) of this Ordinance would, because of conditions 995 peculiar to the site, cause an unnecessary hardship, the 996 subdivider may submit a written application to the Board of 997 Commissioners for a variance from said provision(s) . Said 998 application may be delivered by the subdivider either to the 999 Board (or its staff) or to the Board of Commissioners who 1000 shall refer it immediately to the Board for consideration and. 1001 recommendation. The Board shall consider said application 1002 within thirty-two (32) days of its submission and within that 1003 time, shall recommend in writing to the Board of 1004 Commissioners that said Commissioners either approve or not 1005 approve the application. Said recommendation shall state the 1006 reasoning upon which it is based. By its second regular 1007 meeting after receipt of the Board's recommendation, the • 1008 Board of Commissioners shall either approve or not approve 1009 said application, provided that approval of said application 1010 shall be given only the the extent that the Board of 1011 Commissioners finds to be absolutely necessary and not to an 1012 extent which would violate the terms of this Ordinance. If 1013 the application is approved and a variance granted by the 1014 Board of Commissioners, said approval and the basis therefor 1015 shall be entered in the minutes of the Commissioners. 1016 8. Amendments 1017 The Board of Commissioners may from time to time.amend 1018 the terms of this Ordinance, pursuant to North Carolina 1019 General Statute 153A-323, but no amendment shall become 1020 effective unless it shall have been proposed by, or shall 1021 have been submitted to, the Board for review and 1022 recommendation. 1023 ARTICLE VI 1024 SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD 1025 1. Board Established 1026 There is hereby established the Craven County • 1027 Subdivision Review Board, designated by the Craven County 25 1028 Commissioners as a planning agency pursuant to North Carolina • 1029 General Statute 153A-321, and known in this Ordinance as the 1030 "Board". 1031 2. Powers and Duties 1032 Pursuant to the requirements and procedures set forth in 1033 this Ordinance, the Board shall have the following powers and 1034 duties: 1035 (a) To consider and review all proposed 1036 subdivisions of land within the subdivision jurisdiction 1037 of this Ordinance; and 1038 (b) To approve or disapprove said proposed 1039 subdivisions; and 1040 (c) To enforce the. provisions of this Ordinance 1041 through legal action, if necessary; and 1042 (d) To review and make recommendations to the 1043 Board of Commissioners regarding proposed variances from 1044 and amendments to the Ordinance; and 1045 (e) To enter into contracts and agreements 1046 authorized in this Ordinance and to enter into such 1047 other contracts and agreements as the Board of 1048 Commissioners may approve. 1049 3. Membership 1050 The Board shall be appointed by the Board of 1051 Commissioners, and shall consist of seven members. Said 1052 members shall be appointed from the following groups or 1053 classes: 1054 (a) Three citizens -at -large; and 1055 (b) Four experts whose primary field of employment 1056 or area of expertise in any of the following: engineer., 1057 real estate developer, architect, finance, real estate 1058 sales, water and air quality, surveyor, land planner or 1059 landscape architect. 1060 4. Terms 1061 Three members of the Board shall be appointed for an 1062 initial term expiring , and four members 1063 of the Board shall be appointed for an initial term expiring 1064 Thereafter each term shall be for a 1065 period of four years and shall expire on 1066 Each member shall serve until a • 1067 successor is appointed. Vacancies shall be filled by the 26 1068 Board of Commissioners by appointment for the duration of any • 1069 unexpired term. No person may be appointed to serve more 1070 than two consecutive terms. 1071 5. Chairman 1072 The Board of Commissioners shall appoint one of the 1073 members of the Board to serve as Chairman. The initial term 1074 of the Chairman shall be through 1075 Thereafter, the Board of Commissioners shall appoint the 1076 Chairman for a period of two years to expire 1077 No member may be appointed to 1078 serve more than two consecutive terms as Chairman. A vacancy 1079 in the position of Chairman shall be filled by appointment of 1080 one of the members of the Board by the Board of Commissioners 1081 to fill the unexpired term. 1082 The Board shall select its own Vice -Chairman to preside 1083 or act in the event of the absence or incapacity of the 1084 Chairman. The provisions of the preceding paragraph with 1085 respect to the term and succession of the Chairman shall also 1086 apply to the Vice -Chairman. 1087 6. Meetings 1088 The Board shall establish a regular time and place to 1089 meet, provided that it shall meet at least once a month. 1090 • Either the Chairman or Vice -Chairman may call special 1091 meetings as he deems necessary upon two days actual notice, 1092 oral or written. A quorum of the members of the Board must be 1093 present in order to transact business, and a majority of the 1094 members shall constitute a quorum. All meetings shall be 1095 open to the public. 1096 7. Attendance at Meetings by Board Members 1097 If any member is absent from three consecutive regular 1098 meetings which are unexcused by the Chairman of the Board, 1099 then said Chairman shall notify the Board of Commissioners. 1100 Upon receipt of said notification, the Board of Commissioners 1101 may declare a vacancy on the Board and may appoint a new 1102 member for the remainder of the term. • 1103 8. Conflicts by Board Members 1104 Any Board member shall be disqualified from considering, 1105 reviewing, or voting on any proposed subdivision in which he 1106 has a direct or indirect interest. A member may be 1107 disqualified only by Board action in which the member whose 1108 qualification is in question shall not vote. 27 1109 9. Voting • 1110 All actions of the Board shall be upon majority vote of 1111 the members present at the meeting who are qualified to vote 1112 thereon. 1113 10. Appointments 1114 The following persons are appointed to the Board for the 1115 term and group indicated: 1116 Name Term Expiring. Group or Class 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 • 1124 is hereby appointed as the initial 1125 Chairman of the Board. 1126 ARTICLE VII 1127 LEGAL PROVISIONS 1128 1. Criminal and Civil Procedures 1129 From the effective date of this Ordinance, any person 1130 who, being the,owner or agent of the owner of any land located 1131 within the jurisdiction of this Ordinance, either subdivides 1132 his land in violation of this Ordinance or transfers or sells 1133 land by reference to, exhibition of, or any other use of a 1134 plat showing a subdivision of the land before the plat has 1135 been approved and recorded pursuant to this Ordinance, shall 1136 be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine 1137 and/or imprisonment as provided in North Carolina General 1138 Statute 14-4. 1139 The County may enjoin any subdivision, transfer, or sale 1140 of land not made in compliance with this Ordinance. 28 1141 The description by metes and bounds in the instrument of 1142 transfer or other document used in the process of selling or • 1143 transferring land shall not exempt the transaction from this 1144 Ordinance. 1145 2. Separability 1146 Should any section or provision of this Ordinance be 1147 found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be 1148 unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect 1149 the validity of the Ordinance as a.whole or any part thereof 1150 other than the part so found to be unconstitutional or 1151 invalid. 1152 3. Registration of Ordinance 1153 In accordance with Article 153A-332 of the General 1154 Statutes of North Carolina, the Board of Commissioners shall 1155 file a copy of this Ordinance for registration with the , 1156 Register of Deeds for Craven County. 1157 4. Abrogation 1158 This Ordinance shall neither repeal, abrogate, annul, 1159 impair, not interfere with any existing subdivisions, the 1160 plats of which are properly recorded in the Office of the 1161 Register of Deeds prior to the effective date of this • 1162 Ordinance nor with existing easements, covenants, deed 1163 restrictions, agreements, or permits previously adopted or 1164 issued pursuant to law prior to the effective date of this 1165 Ordinance. 1166 5. Effect on Existing Legislation 1167 Where this Ordinance conflicts with existing ordinances, 1168 statutes, or regulations effective in the jurisdiction of 1169 this Ordinance and enacted by the County, State, or Federal 1170 governments or their agencies, then the ordinance, statute, 1171 or regulation requiring the higher standard shall apply. 29 1172 6. Effective Date 1173 This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon 1174 its adoption. 1175 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR THE 1176 COUNTY OF CRAVEN 1177 By: 1178 Chairman 1179 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1180 1181 County Attorney 1182 DATE: • 41 30 C APPENDIX B: APPROVAL OF WATER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS SYSTEM WATER SYSTEMS SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS TYPE DEFINITIONS REGLUMM AGENCY DEFINITIONS REGULATORY A i Individual Any well, spring, Craven County Health Any septic tank Craven County Health Systems stream or other Departmnt. or privy serving Department. source used to supply a single a single source with an effluent connection. discharge of less than 3,00.0 gal. per day. Ccanmmity Any water system Craven County Health Any package plant Division of Environ- Systems serving from two DeparbTent. or other sewage mental Management, NC to nine connec- treatment facility Department of Natural tions, inclusively. which serves sources j and Economic Resources. not on septic tanks Any water system Environmental Health or not connected to serving greater Section, Division of a public system. than nine connec- Health Services, N. C. tions but not Department of Human owned or operated Resources. ' by any govern- mental body. Public Any water system Governing body operat- Any sewage disposal Governing body operat- Systems owned and operated ing said system, system owned and ing said system. by Craven County, Environmental Health operated by Craven Division of Envi-ronmen- any municipality, Section, Departmnt of County, any muni.cipalit tal Management, N. C. or water di.st.rict. Human Resources. or sanitary sewage Department of Natural districts. and Economic Resources. s 9 APPENDIX C: PRELIMINARY APPLICATION FORM Identification: Subdivision Name Subdivider's Name Date Submitted Address Telephone Location: The following information is related to the entire tracts owned and/or expected to be developed in the vicinity by the subdivider: Tracts to be developed: Deed Reference(s) Tax Reference(s) Size of tract(s) Residential Industrial Commercial Public or Community Other: Specify Facilities Describe each (include acreage, t pical lot size(s), and the extent to which the subdivider intends to develop. 3. To be developed in stages? No Yes If yes, describe initial stage. Area to be developed acres Number of lots Typical lot size Proposed development 4. Expected Method of Water Supply Expected Method of Sewage Collection Public Source Public Source Community # Connections Community # Connec- Individual Individual tions 5. Expected Method of Street Access Existing Public Street New State Maintained Street(s) New Municipal Street(s): Municipality Private Residential Street(s) Approximate linear feet of new streets to be expected in intiial stage: 6. Amount of land to be disturbed in initial stage: 1kf- 57 7. Describe any potential hazard areas: , Flood Plain Slide Area Highly Erodable Soils Poorly Drained Areas Other I hereby certify that the above information is accurate: Signed: Subdivider COMMENTS: 58 El APPENDIX D: PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN CHECKLIST The following information shall be contained in the preliminary site plan prior to consideration by the Board: NAME OF SUBDIVISION LOCATION SUBDIVIDER SURVEYOR ENGINEER CHECKLIST: A. Base Information: Date Submitted ADDRESS TEL. ADDRESS TEL. ADDRESS TEL. Title Block - Subdivision name, subdivider's name and address, North Arrow, scale (min. 1"=200') denoted graphically and numerically, date of plat preparation, and township, county, and state in which subdivision is located. _ The boundaries of the tract or portion thereof to be subdivided, distinctl and accurately represented with all bearings and distances shown. Property lines and owner's names of adjoining properties and/or adjoining subdivisions of record. Significant natural features including wooded areas, marshes, major rock outcrops,.ponds or lakes, streams, or other natural features affecting the site. Existing physical features including buildings, railroads, easements, bridges, culverts, storm drains, streets, power lines, or utility lines both on the land to be subdivided or immediately adjacent to said land which will either effect or be effected by said subdivision. Topographical contour lines at five foot elevation intervals. B. Proposed Lot Layout: .Proposed lot and street right-of-way lines, building setback lines, easements, lot and block numbers, approximate dimensions, designation of any dedications or reservations to be made, and proposed use of land if other than single family residences. C. Proposed Street Layout: Sketch view of proposed streets showing pavement widths, curbing if any, street names with location of street sign, and proposed street names. -M „ D. Proposed Sewerage and Water System: Sketch view of proposed water distribution system, if any, and sanitary sewerage system if any. Sketch should show approximate line sizes, approximate location of any wells, man holes, fire hydrants, or,. - treatment facilities, and location of connections with existing systems. E. Proposed Drainage System: Sketch view of any drainage facilities including any open drainageways,. storm sewers, culverts, retaining ponds, or areas where water is. to be diverted through grading. Sketch should show approximate dimensions of any facilities. F. Other Improvements: Proposed location and description of any other improvements including, but not limited to, riding trails, sidewalks or pedestrian ways, . reserved open space or recreational facilities, school sites, commercial areas, or buffer strips. 60 ® APPENDIX E: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN CHECKLIST The following information shall be included with the general development plan prior to consideration by the Board: NAME OF SUBDIVISION DATE SUBMITTED LOCATION ADDRESS TEL. SUBDIVIDER ADDRESS TEL. SURVEYOR ADDRESS TEL. ENGINEER ADDRESS TEL. CHECKLIST: A. Site Plan: A final site plan containing all information required in Appendix D substantially conforming to the approved preliminary site plan where said plan was required. All improvements to be shown with final dimensions. B. Sewer and Water Plans: Final plans and specifications containing all data, calculations, and information required by the appropriate agencies (See Appendix B)- and necessary to construct said systems. C. Street Plans: Final plans and specifications for the proposed street system containing all data, calculations, and information required by D.O.T. or the County Engineer and necessary to construct said street. D. Storm -Drainage: _ A final drainage and sedimentation plan containing all data, calculations, and information required by appropriate State of local officials or necessary to describe a drainage system which can meet the objectives set forth in Article 3 Sections 5 and 6 of this Ordinance. E. Environmental Impact Statement: An Environmental Impact Statement, if required, pursuant to Article 5 Section 4.01 of this Ordinance. F. Certificates: (Submitted where required, prior to Board approval - See Article V Z 1. Sewer and Water System -- signed by appropriate officials, 2. Public Streets - signed by District Engineer of D,O,T, 3. Municipal Streets signed by appropriate municipal official, 4. Erosion and Sedimentation Control - signed by approprl'ate offtci�ls, 61 APPENDIX F: FINAL PLAT CHECKLIST The following requirements must be met prior to any review of the final plat by the Board: CHECKLIST: ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Notice that improvements guarantee has been accepted or certification of improvements has been granted; Submitted within twelve (12) months of general development plan approval, unless written extension is granted by the Board; Final plat is either 15 by 20 inches or 20 by 30 inches and is a scale of at least 1" = 2001; Five (5) copies submitted; 1 reproducible, 4 copies; NAME OF SUBDIVISION LOCATION Ob1NER SURVEYOR Date Final Plat Submitted Date General Development Plan Approved ADDRESS ADDRESS TEL. TEL. The following information must be submitted with, or be contained in, the Final Plat prior to consideration by the Board: Subdivision name, North Arrow, scale denoted graphically and numerically, date of plat preparation, and township and county and state in which the subdivision is located; The exact boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided fully dimensioned by lengths and bearings, and the location of intersecting boundary lines of adjoining lands; The names and deed references of owners of adjoining properties and adjoining subdivisions of record (proposed and under review); All visible and apparent rights -of -way, watercourses, utilities, roadways, and other such improvements shall be accurately located where crossing. o•r forming any boundary line of the property shown, and locating offset or traverse lines shall be plotted in broken lines with azimuths or courses and distances shown on the map; 62 • 0 Sufficient engineering data to determine readily and reproduce on the ground every straight or curved boundary line, street line, lot line, right-of-way line, easement line, and setback line, including dimensions, bearings, or deflection angles, radii, central angles, and tangent curved property lines that are not the boundary of curved streets; The accurate locations and descriptions of all monument markers, and control points; The blocks numbered consecutively throughout the entire subdivision and the lots numbered consecutively throughout each block; Street names and right-of-way lines of all streets and the location and width of all adjacent streets and easements. Designation shall be made as to whether said streets are to be designated as public or private; if the street is designated as a private street, the developer and seller shall include in the disclosure statement an explanation of the consequences and responsibility as to maintenance of a private street and shall fully and accurately disclose the party or parties upon whom responsibility for construction and maintenance of such street or streets shall rest and shall further disclose that the street or streets will not be constructed to minimum standards, sufficient to allow their inclusion on the State Highway System for maintenance in compliance with North Carolina General Statute 136-102.6. The location and dimensions of all rights -of -way, utility or other easements, riding trails, natural buffers, pedestrian or bicycle paths, and areas to be dedicated to public use with the purpose of each stated; The name(s), address(s) and telephone number(s) of the owner(s), registered surveyor(s), responsible for the subdivision and the registration numbers) and seal(s). of the registered surveyor(s). REQUIRED CERTIFICATES Certificate of Survey and Accuracy Surveyor: Date *Certificate of Completion Subdivider; 63 signed by the and Warranty signed by the . Date *Certificate of Dedication and Maintenance signed by the Subdivider; Date *Certificate of Improvements signed by the Director of Public Safety; Date Certificate of Approval of the Final Plat signed by Chairman of the Board. Date (*To appear on Final Plat if improvements are completed prior to final plat review or as separate document if guarantees are used.) See 3B Supp. of N.C.G.S. 40 63(a) APPENDIX G: ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS 1. Certificate of Improvements 2. Certificate of Completion and Warranty 3. Certificate of Dedication and Maintenance 4. Improvements Guarantee Agreement 5. Performance Bond 6. Irrevocable Letter of Credit 7. Certificate of Ap roval of Water Supply a6 Sewage Disposal System(s� 8. Certificate of Survey and Accuracy 9. Certificate of Approval by Division of Highways (public streets) 1. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS The following improvements have been completed by name of su ivi er in Subdivision. List Completed Improvements: Said improvements have been inspected by my office, have been built according to the standards set forth in the Craven County Subdivision Ordinance and are constructed as prescribed by the approved General Development Plan. To my knowledge said improvements (contain no defects) (contain only the following minor defects) and should be approved. List any known defects: Date Director of Public Safety for the County of Craven 2. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION AND WARRANTY The undersigned certifies that he is an officer, to -wit: the (title of Officer) of (name of corporation) , a corporation, and that he has been authorized to execute this Certificate pursuant to authority granted by resolutic of the Board of Directors of (name of corporation) copy of which resolution is attached hereto. (name of corporation) , through the undersigned, hereby certifies that the following improvements required under the authority of the Craven County Subdivision Ordinance have been installed as specified by the approved General Development Plan for' Subdivision and that said improvements are in compliance with the minimum standards specified by said Ordinance and by the Craven County Subdivision Review Board for the construction of said improvements: 64 List Completed Improvements: • (name of corporation) , through the undersigned, further certifies that VC knows of no defects from any cause and will fully warrant said improvements to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from this date. In the event defects are discovered in any of said improvements during said period, (name of corporation) will replace and/or repair the defective improvements at its own expense. (name of corporation) Attest: by: Secretary Date: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CRAVEN I' County certify at Notary Public of said State and thme this day and acknow edg•personally came before ed tat she is Secretary of , a corporation, and that, by authority duly given and as the act of t e corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal, and atte',LeQ by self as its Secretary. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this the day of 19 My Commission Expires: Notary Public (This certificate may be appropriately modified for execution by a subdivider who is not incorporated.) 65 3. Certificate of Dedication and Maintenance The undersi ned certifies that he is an officer, to -wit: the title of QW Officer of (name of corporation) , a corporation, an that he has been authorized to execute this Certificate pursuant to authority granted by resolution of the Board of Directors of (name of corporation) copy of which resolution is attached hereto. (name of corporation)' , through the undersigned hereby certifies that all property and improvements described on the final plat for Subdivision are owned by (name of corporation and are free of any encum rances or liens except as follows: List any encumbrance or lien: (name of corporation) , through the undersigned, freely dedicates all required rights -of -way, easements, streets, utilities, open space, and other improvements to public or private use as noted on said Final Plat and freely establishes minimum building setback lines as required by the Craven County Subdivision Ordinance. (name of corporation further (assumes full responsibility for) (has made arrangements suita e to the Craven County Subdivision Review Board for) the maintenance of said improvements which (assumption of responsibility) (arrangements) shall remain in effect until such time as said improvements are accepted for maintenance by an appropriate public body. (name of corporation . BY Attest: Secretary Date: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CRAVEN I, Notary Public of said State and County certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Secretary of a corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal, and attested by self as its Secretary. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this the day of , 19 Notary Public My Commission Expires: (This certificate may be appropriately modified for execution by a subdivider who is not incorporated.) M. 4. Improvements Guarantee Agreement STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AGREEMENT COUNTY OF CRAVEN THIS AGREEMENT MADE AND ENTERED INTO this the day of , 19 by and between (Subdivider) , hereinafter known as "the Subdivider", and the Craven County Subdivision Review Board, hereinafter known as "the Board", which Board is also a duly constituted agency of the County of Craven. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Subdivider is attempting to secure from the Board approval of a Final Plat of a proposed subdivision to be.known as the Subdivision to be located in Craven County, North Carolina; and WHEREAS, a County ordinance entitled Subdivision Ordinance for. the County of Craven, as adopted by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Craven on the day of 19_________., Cand as subsequently, amended)_, requires the completion of certain improvements prior to Final Plat approval by the Board; and WHEREAS, said Ordinance also allows the Board, at its discretion, to permit the Subdivider to (post a surety bond) (deposit cash or other instrument readily convertible into cash at face value), with the County of Craven through the Board to guarantee the completion of said required improvements; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to approve said Final Plat and, in lieu of requiring completion of all improvements prior to said approval, will accept from the Subdivider the filing of a Csurety performance bond with—''. Company as surety) (letter of credit from the Bank) (other) to guarantee and secure completion of said improvements. IT IS THEREFORE, AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Subdivider will, on or before the day of 19 complete as required the following improvements in the ' ' Subdivision: (here detail all improvements to be completed) 67 2. The Subdivider shall file with the County of Craven through the Board a (enter here the type of document to be filed) securing and guarantee- ing completion of said improvements by the required date; and 3. When the (enter here the type of document to be filed) is filled and other requirements of said Ordinance are met, then the Board will approve the Final Plat of the Subdivision. The Craven County Subdivision Review Board has, by appropriate Board action, caused this Agreement to be executed by its Chairman or other authorized member and attested by the Clerk to the Board, and the (name of company) has, by appropriate action of its Board of Directors, caused this Agreement to be executed by its and attested by its Secretary under corporate seal, this the day of 19 Craven County Subdivision Review Board By Chairman Attest: Clerk to the Board (name of corporation) By President Attest: Secretary STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CRAVEN I, Notary Public for said State and County certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of , a corporation, and that authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed i.n its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal, and attested by self as its Secretary. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this the day of , 19 Notary Public My Commission Expires: (This Agreement may be appropriately modified for execution by a Subdivider who is not incorporated.) 69 5Performance Bond STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CRAVEN PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, (name of Subdivider) as Principal, and (the name of the Bonding Company) as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the County of Craven, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, and a body politic and corporate, in the sum of $ , lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we, and each of us, bond ourselves and each of us, our successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH THAT: WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a Final Plat of the subdivision - known as Subdivision, located in Craven County, North Carolina, for approval by the Craven County Subdivision Review Board, an agency of the County of Craven, which approval is a condition precedent to the right of said Principal to have said final plat registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Craven County; and WHEREAS, the Craven County Subdivision Review Board is unable, pursuant to County ordinance, to approve said plat of said Subdivision for registration until all required improvements are completed or until a guarantee of comple- tion of said required improvements is filed with the County of Craven through said Subdivision Review Board; and WHEREAS, the Craven County Subdivision Review Board and the Principal have this date entered into an Agreement by which said Board will approve Principal's final plat for the Subdivision 70 prior to the completion of required improvements, and the Principal has agreed to file a r Su ety Bond in the amount of $ securing to the. County of Craven, through said Board, the actual completion of said required.improve- ments on or before the day of 19 which Agree- ment is attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the improvements required and agreed to be completed are set forth in said Exhibit A. NOW THEREFORE, if the Principal shall fully comply with all the terms hereof, including the requirements of that Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A and by which the Principal agrees to complete certain improvements on or before the day of 19 , then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Principal and Surety have hereunto set their • = hands and seals this the day of 19 . Principal By (SEAL) President Attest: Surety (SEAL) Attorney -in -Fact (Power of Attorney attached) 71 6. Irrevocable Letter of Credit ' w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CRAVEN Name of Bank IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. Address: (including branch, if any) Date: TO: THE COUNTY OF CRAVEN c/o BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR THE COUNTY OF CRAVEN CRAVEN COUNTY COURTHOUSE NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 28560 Commissioners: We hereby open our irrevocable credit in your favor available by your drafts at sight on us for a sum not exceeding $ for the account of hereinafter know as "Customer". When presented for negotiation, drafts must be accompanied by the signed statement of the Chairman of the Craven County Subdivision Review Board that drawing is due to default or failure to perform by Customer, the following improvements in the Subdivision on or before the day of 19 (Here list the required improvements) The term of this irrevocable credit is either through and including the day of 19 or upon written notice from the Chairman of the Craven County Subdivision Review Board that the required improvements have been timely completed, whichever is earlier. Acting through the Chairman of the Craven County Subdivision Review Board, you will notify us when either of the following occurs: 72 1. The required improvements have been timely completed and the credit may be released; or 2. The Customer has failed to perform or is in default thereunder. All drafts drawn -hereunder must be marked as follows: The amount of any draft drawn under this credit must, concurrently with negotiation, be endorsed on the reverse side hereof, and the presentment of any such draft shall be a warranty by the negotiating band that such endorse- ment has been made. This Letter of Credit shall be transferrable and/or assignable. This Letter of Credit, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, is governed by the Uniform Commercial Code in force in the State of North Carolina on the date hereof. Very truly yours, Name of Bank By: Authorized Signature 73 7. Certificate of Approval of Water Supply and Sewage Disposal System I hereby certify that the water supply and sewage disposal systems (installed) (proposed for installation) and specified on the General - Development Plan for Subdivision meet all pertinent State and local requirements and are hereby approved. o be signed y the appropriate State or local official(s) - See Appendix 6) Agency DATE: I 0 0 0 8. Certificate of Survey and Accuracy (For purposes of this Ordinance, the following shall constitute substantial compliance -with North Carolina General Statute 47-.30, as amended.) I hereby certify that this map was (drawn by me) (drawn under my super- vision) from (an actual survey made by me) (an actual survey made under my supervision) (a deed description recorded in the Office of the,. Register of Deeds for Craven County in Deed Book at page. Deed Book atpage_, etc.) (other); that the error of closure as calculated by latitudes and departures is 1: that the boundaries not surveyed are shown as broken lines plotted from information found in deed descriptions recorded in said Register's Office in Deed Book at page that this map was prepared in accordance with N. C. G.S. 47-30, as amended. Witness my hand and seal this the day of Ij 19 Registered Surveyor or Professional Engineer �Icense or Registration Number 75 9. Certificate of Approval by Division of Highways Public Streets The form for this'Certificate'is provided by a District Engineer of the Division of Highways of the North Carolina Department of Transportation.