HomeMy WebLinkAboutUser's Guide to Land Planning Maps-1980DCM COPY DCM COPY Please do not remove!!!!! Division of Coastal Management • R' tG I p ANN • I � ! HANOVER avail:1! CITY of: Plannine D CITY COUNCIL Ben B. Halterman, Mayor Margaret Fonvielle, Mayor Pro Tern Rupert Bryan Joseph T. Dunn Luther Jordan Tony Pate William Schwartz Robert G. Cobb, City Manager James C. Barker Larry Flowers Ernest Fullwood Louise Gorham COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ellen C. Williams, Chairman Howard Armistead Karen E. Gottovi Jan S. Morgan Claude O'Shields, Jr. George Felix Cooper, County Manager PLANNING COMMISSION Hamilton E. Hicks, Jr., Chairman William B. Farris, Director of Planning Katherine Hoyt J. D. Orrell Dan Retchin Richard Sniffen Long Range Planning Staff Glenn R. Harbeck, Senior Planner Michael L. Hargett, Staff Planner CAMA-funded Project Interns UNC-W Interns (Watersheds) Robert J. Emery Robert Heath Amy L. Haas Ted Neufang Helen M. Hazelton Graphics Staff Lynn Golston and Jeff Jeffords Mapping Overlays and User's Guide Prepared by: WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER PLANNING DEPARTMENT The preparation of this document was financed, in part, through a Coastal Area Management Act grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through Funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 0 Is Is MAPS AVAJtABLE: D AREAS GENERAL SOILS 14 DIBLE AREAS SEP WATERSHEDS RA ZONING DISTRIf....- r Planning Map with ZONING DISTRICTS These maps show the location of various zoning districts in relation to landmarks such as street centerlines, property lines, utility right of ways, etc. The zoning district boundaries are drawn to conform as accurately as possible with the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, which are located in their respective planning departments. However, determinations as to the precise location and status of any zoning district boundary rest with the official maps, as interpreted by the appropriate City or County Building Inspector. For information regarding permitted uses and building restrictions associated with each district, consult the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wilmington or the Zoning Ordinance of New Hanover County, also available from the respective city or county planning departments. NOTE: The example shown in this guide depicts the zoning for that area at the time this publication went to press. Alterations to the zoning configuration shown may have occurred since that time. The actual zoning map print you receive will reflect current zoning districts and configurations. Ioverlay J WATERSHEDS/ DRAINAGE DIVIDES Dotted lines on these maps indicate the general location of a major drainage divide in relation to recognizable landmarks such as streets, utility right of ways, water bodies, etc. Each drainage divide represents the boundary between two of the watersheds in the County. The maps can be used to identify the specific creek to which stormwater runoff from a given area will likely flow. The potential impacts that a proposed land development may have on downstream flooding, estuarine water salinity and quality, stream sedimentation, etc. in any given creek can be better understood through use of the maps. NOTE: To keep the total number of overlays in the mapping system at a minimum, drainage divides are shown on the same overlay as flood hazard areas. SEPTIC TANK SUITABILITY Shaded areas on these maps indicate different levels of soil suitability for waste disposal using septic tanks. The classification system is as follows: Unshaded Class I soils Suitable or slight limitation for septic tanks Light Class II soils Moderate limitation; moderate Shaded areas modification and maintenance necessary for development Medium Class III soils Severe limitation; extensive modifi- Shaded areas cation and intensive maintenance required for development Dark Class IV soils Unsuitable; generally not economically Shaded areas feasible or environmentally desirable to develop. For a listing of the general soil units that fall within each suitability class, and the factors which determine each class, the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, available at the New Hanover County Planning Department, should be consulted. The classification system is designed to assist in determining the general suitability of an area for development using septic tanks. The classification system is not, however, intended to supersede any on -site soil evaluations required by the New Hanover County Health Department, or any other agency. Planning Map with PROPOSED THOROUGHFARES overlay PROPOSED THOROUGHFARES Shaded areas on these maps represent the general alignment of proposed transportation facilities. Solid shading indicates that improvements are proposed or have been made to an existing facility. (In some cases, planned improvements may include the acquisition of additional right of way to widen the facility). Broken shading indicates the general alignment of a proposed new facility. The precise location of new facilities is subject to change based upon a number of factors including: topographic and other design concerns, environmental, historical, and archaeological concerns, the location of existing development, and the type of facility to be constructed. At -grade intersections, those where two roads meet at the same level, are indicated by solid -shaded circles. Separated -grade intersections, where an overpass or cloverleaf is typically involved, are represented by unshaded circles. For further information regarding the status of any proposed facility, contact: Transportation Planner Wilmington Planning Department P.O. Box 1810 19 North Fifth Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 (919) 762-8734 r Planning Map with C71PFRIMARY AQUIFER RECHARGE AREAS The heavy dashed line indicates the general extent of the County's primary aquifer recharge area. Large "R's" are used to identify the side of the line to which the recharge designation applies. Groundwater resources are replenished or "recharged" by local rainfall virtually everywhere in New Hanover County. However, the primary aquifer recharge areas identified are extensive land areas having topographic, soil and geologic conditions which are generally excellent for the infiltration of rainfall into the Castle Hayne limestone and Pee Dee sandstone aquifers. In general, these areas may be characterized by several or all of the following: a high artesian water level (also known as a potentiometric surface), a relatively high, level ground elevation, little or no natural surface drainage via streams, and well water which has lower chloride and higher iron and hardness values. For further information regarding the groundwater resources of New Hanover County, contact: Hydrologist Wilmington Regional Office N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 (919) 256-4161 r Planning Map with OCEAN ERODIBLE AREAS Ocean erodible areas are stretches of barrier island beach where there exists a substantial possibility of excessive erosion and significant shoreline fluctuation. The seaward boundary of these areas is the mean low water line. The landward extent of the ocean erodible area for each stretch of beach is measured from the first line of stable natural vegetation or erosion escarpment, and is listed as a distance on the Ocean Erodible Area Map. Brackets are used to show the stretch of beach to which the standard applies. Due to the constantly changing position of the first line of stable vegetation, it is not practical to actually draw the landward extent of ocean erodible areas on the maps. The precise location of the landward boundary must be measured on -site from the current line of vegetation. For information regarding restrictions on development within these areas, and the manner in which they are determined, contact: Coastal Management Consultant North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, N.C. 28403 (919) 256-4161 NOTE: To keep the total number of overlays in the mapping system at a minimum, ocean erodible areas are shown on the same overlay as flood hazard areas. SAMPLE at actual scale 1 400' Ioverlay C7GENERAL SOILS These maps show the general location of soil units in relation to recognizable landmarks, such as streets, utility right of ways, water bodies, etc. The soil maps are useful as a general land planning aid in the layout of streets, the location of buildings and utilities, and other uses. It is important to note, however, that small areas of contrasting soils may occur within the areas identified on the maps, and the actual extent of the soils may vary somewhat from the boundaries drawn. Soil boundaries depicted on these 1" = 400' maps conform with those shown in the 1" = %4 mile Soil Survey of New Hanover County, North Carolina (April 1977), published by the USDA Soil Conservation Service. For information regarding the suitability and specific limitations of each of the soil mapping units for various purposes, the Soil Survey should be consulted. J Planning Map with I overlay FLOOD HAZARD AREAS The wavy pattern on each flood hazard area map indicates the extent of the "100 year flood", also known as the "base flood". This is a storm event which has a probability of occurring once in one hundred years. These flood hazard area maps are intended for use as a general land planning aid only. The official Flood Hazard Boundary Maps and Flood Insurance Rate Maps for the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County are located in the respective offices of the City and County Building Inspector. Where a determination is needed as to the exact location of the boundaries of areas of special flood hazard, the City or County Building Inspector (as appropriate), should be contacted for further direction. PLANNING MAP Planning maps show lots, streets, railroads, waterways, and other natural and man-made features. They also serve as the mapping base for the entire overlay series. Drawn at a scale of 1" _ 400', the maps are useful for a variety of land planning purposes, especially when used in combination with the overlay series (see examples on following pages). However, for any specific property ownership or tax -related information needs, the official tax maps of New Hanover County, located in the New Hanover County Tax Office, County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, should be consulted. 77 ° 50' 02 RT 04 F O 08 09 HC 4it 12 Creek 341201- �• _ - - 17 19 132 0 133 1 421 u° 28 � e 'I � Kutlaod n: "rc6 C ee,Q (r n Wnghtsboro 17 � pa r 8P f A 33 C Howe � Di r Mason Inlet n WILMI, 74 6U7 pR� 74 76 133 76 Sea ate Wrighta dle Beach 1492 C> t D l 132 A t Maaonb( Islet 1 A� 34 ° 10' — 421 o to G ,�e ti �\ Myrtle 0 Grave al x to I�u) 1492 s 83 0 I Carolina Beach Inlet i 111 1100 V INDEX W to Beach planning planning maps 92 34°00'— New Hanover County ' c — - U Kure n k Beach N.C. 4 oO _ Fort Fisher n421 I V , O� I � HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE. This guide has been prepared to inform the public of the availability of land planning maps from the Wilmington Planning Department. As shown on the opposite page, the mapping system divides the County into 96 "planning maps". These planning maps, each covering approximately 2200 acres, display the division of land into parcels, and the location of streets, railroads, waterways, and other major features. Each planning map has a series of overlays which depict various types of information relating to land development. The overlay series consists of: 1) Flood Hazard Areas 2) General Soils 3) Ocean Erodible Areas 4) Primary Aquifer Recharge Areas 5) Proposed Thoroughfares 6) Septic Tank Suitability 7) Watersheds and Drainage Divides 8) Zoning Districts Small-scale examples of each of these overlays are provided on pages 5 through 20. The actual maps available are at a scale of 1" = 400', and measure 24 x 36 inches in size. To obtain the mapped information you desire, follow these steps: 1) Locate the area for which you desire information on the "Index to Planning Maps" (opposite page) noting the appropriate map numbers. 2) Select the type of map overlay you desire from the list above. 3) Call: 762-8734 or Write: Wilmington Planning Department P.O. Box 1810 19 North Fifth Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Be sure to specify the planning map numbers and type of overlays you desire. For example: "Planning Map 43, Flood Hazard Areas, General Soils." Your request will generally be processed within 72 hours of receipt, and may be picked up at the above address at a charge of $1.00 per print (price subject to change). USER'S GUIDE TO LAND PLANNING MAPS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE ............................................... 1 INDEX TO PLANNING MAPS .............................................. 2 MAPS AVAILABLE: PLANNING MAP ...................................................... 3 PLANNING MAP WITH: FLOOD HAZARD AREA OVERLAY ................................ 5 GENERAL SOILS OVERLAY ....................................... 7 OCEAN ERODIBLE AREA OVERLAY ............................... 9 PRIMARY AQUIFER RECHARGE AREA OVERLAY .................. 11 PROPOSED THOROUGHFARES OVERLAY ......................... 13 SEPTIC TANK SUITABILITY OVERLAY ............................ 15 WATERSHEDS/DRAINAGE DIVIDES OVERLAY ..................... 17 ZONING DISTRICTS OVERLAY .................................... 19