HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Use Plan Update Land Use Plan Implementation Evaluation-1992C Land Use Plan Implementation Evaluation September 1992 Wilmington - New Hanover County Land Use Plan Update Land Use Plan Implementation Evaluation September 1992 New Hanover County Planning Department Dexter Hayes, Director Patrick Lowe, Assistant Director Stag Planners Walter "Pete" Avery Wanda Coston Sam Burgess Chris O'Keefe CAMA Intern D. Dylan Lee Michael Hermann Janet Lawson Administration Secretary Phoebe Saavedra Graphics Planning Technician Lisa Elaine Home New Hanover County Board of Commissioners E. L. "Matt" Mathews, Chairman Robert G. Greer, Vice Chairman Jonathan Barfield Fred Retchin William H. Sutton Planning Board Members Earnest Puskas, Chairman Kenneth A. Shanklin, Vice Chairman Robert McDonald Wesley O. Nixon William Grathwol C. Richard Boisky Charles R. Howell Uspeeperadon ottbisdocumentwusfimuced in part throw a CoastslAreaMssagement Act Want provided by the North Carolina Coastal Manegement Progam, through Funds provided bytbeCoastal Zone Management Actot 197Z as amended, which is administered by the Office ofOo mmdCo@AW ResoarceMaoagementNational OoeanieaadAtmospbericAdministraticu. 01 n 10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY IMPLEMENTATION SCORECARD The 1986 Policies for Growth and Development established policy statements intended to guide decisions made concerning the physical development of New Hanover County. The following outline describes actions taken by New Hanover County over the past five years to implement these policies. RESOURCE PROTECTION Actions taken by the County to implement Resource Protection Policies (1.0-1.5) include: I. 1.1(1)-(5) A. Masonboro Island has been added to the Estuarine Sanctuary Program, and the County participates in the management of the island through an advisory committee. B. Floodplain Regulations have been amended to require a two -foot elevation above the 100 year flood level. C. Lands within the 100 year floodplain continue to be Oclassified as Conservation on the Land Classification Map. D. High density residential development is prohibited within the 100 Year Floodplain. E. The County has implemented a Room Occupancy Tax that generates funds for the stabilization of public beaches in the County. Hardening of the shoreline by mechanisms such as seawalls, groins, and jetties is not supported. F. Soil, septic tank suitability, and environmental resource maps are maintained and made available to the public at the County Planning Department. G. Class IV Soils in the County have been mapped and development on these soils is discouraged. H. The County has established drainage requirements that protect water quality for High Density, Performance, and Planned Development Districts within the County. 1 II. 1.2(1)-(1) O A. The County has amended the Conservation Overlay District to provide additional controls for the protection of resource areas. B. All coastal wetlands, estuarine waters, estuarine shorelines, and public trust waters continue to be designated Conservation on the Land Classification Map. C. The State and the County have prepared new regulations regarding the permitting and maintenance of package treatment plants. D. A study and report have been prepared concerning the development potential and regulations impacting our estuarine system islands. E. The County continues to eliminate the use of package treatment systems as sewer service is made available to the area. F. County regulation of floating structures continues to be enforced and new State regulations have been adopted. III. 1.3(1) •' A. A study and report of drinking water resources in New O Hanover County has been completed, identifying advantages and disadvantages of those resources as well as recommendations for elected officials. B. Zoning and land use proposals have been made to address ground water quality, protection of the Castle Hayne aquifer, and the handling of hazardous materials. C. Studies have been made by established committees concerning septage and sludge disposal methods. IV. 1.4(1)-(5) A. Sites involving the storage and handling of hazardous materials have been identified by the County. B.' A study of the availability of commercial property in the County has been completed. s. C. Development activities, including residential proposals, are continually being scrutinized with regard to airport noise and other impacts. R iq O D. The County continues to support safety improvements in the shipping lanes that serve Sunny Point Military Ocean Terminal. W E. The County has adopted and implemented zoning regulations for demolition debris landfills. F. Unauthorized dumping sites are being controlled through the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department and the Keep America Beautiful.program. V. 1.5(1) A. Conservation Overlay Districts are being, updated" to reflect unique cultural and historic resources. B. The Masonboro Sound area has been nominated for the National Register of Historic Districts. RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT The County has taken the following actions to implement Resource Production Policies (2.0-2.6): I. 2.0(1-2)•- A. The County has become involved in establishing a Resource Conservation and Development District to serve the region. B. The County participates in regional efforts to manage our solid waste. II. 2.1(1) C. Agriculture and forestry preservation measures are encouraged through use -value taxation and some resource protection requirements of Conservation Overlay Districts. III. 2.2(1) D. Mining resource areas have been identified and zoned for industrial uses. E. A Master Plan for Parks and Recreation was prepared by the County and by the County Commissioners on June 20, 1988. F. A $3 million bond for the acquisition of parks and open space has been approved and is being implemented. 3 G. The County continues to seek funding and approval for O estuarine and water access projects as identified in the Public Water Access Plan for New Hanover County. H. The County accepts donations for recreation and parks facilities. I. Flood Hazard Areas continue to be set aside, whenever feasible, for use as parks and open space. IV. 2.4(1) J. Studies have been undertaken to determine sources of coliform bacteria pollution. K. Drainage retention requirements have been implemented for certain types of projects to protect water quality in estuarine areas. V. 2.5(1) L. The County continues to enforce off -road vehicle regulations including prohibition of off -road vehicles on Masonboro Island. VI. 2.6(1) • M. Industrial recruiting activities are directed toward locating steam users in proximity to incineration facilities. N. The County has undertaken energy conservation efforts in housing rehabilitation projects. ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Actions taken by the County to implement Economic and Community Development Policies (3.0-3.6) include the following: I. 3.0(1)-(6) A. Sewer priority areas have been established along estuarine creeks and shorelines. 2 B. Commercial opportunities have been inventoried along major thoroughfares to. determine availability of developable land. The County provides an accounting of zoning changes on an annual basis. C. Sewer impact fees have been established for expansion and improvement of County sewer systems. O 4 . O D. Higher density developments are encouraged to locate in proximity to existing transportation arterials. E. The County has engaged in many joint efforts with its municipal jurisdictions including numerous task forces and interlocal agreements as well as the preparation of the Land Use Plan Update. II. 3.1(1)-(8) A. Reduced the acreage requirements for detached high density development. B. Mobile home developments continue to be encouraged as affordable alternative to single family, site -built housing. C. The County has received grant monies and entered into cooperative arrangements with the City for housing rehabilitation. The County continues to apply for and receive Community Development Block Grants. D. A draft Minimum Hosing Code has been prepared by the County staff. E. New'buffering, spacing, and setback requirements have been established for residential neighborhoods. F. The establishment of residential care facilities continues to be encouraged. G. New access roads have been constructed in order to serve isolated neighborhoods. H. The Masonboro sound Area is being nominated for the National Register of Historic Districts. Other unique historic sites have been identified on 1" = 400' planning maps. I. Recently completed neighborhood plans include Wrightsboro, Seabreeze, Porters Neck, and Middle Sound. III. 3.2(1)-(5) A. Strip commercial development continues to be discouraged. Clustering of commercial uses at major nodes of transport is supported. B. New Special Highway Overlay District regulations have been established concerning the aesthetics of the area's Omajor gateways. 5 C. The County has continued to participate in Community O Development Block Grant programs for economic development purposes. .IV. 3.3(1)-(8) A. Industrial recruitment activities by the Chamber of Commerce and the Wilmington Industrial Development Committee are sponsored and promoted by the County. B. The County has focused recruiting efforts on non- polluting industries. C. New industries have been encouraged to locate in proximity to existing facilities and services. Also, location in established industrial corridors and parks is strongly encouraged. D. Tourism is still recognized as a major economic asset in the County. The Room Occupancy Tax contributes to this industry. E. The significance and importance of the Wilmington Port and State Ports Authority continues to be recognized. V. 3.4(1)-t7) O A. The County continues to support the modification and improvements reflected in the Thoroughfare Plan Update. B. Funds continue to be sought and identified for the implementation of greenways as an enhancement to the transportation network. C. High density and commercial development nodes are assigned to locations that are linked to transportation networks. .. VI. 3.5(1)-(3) A. The Land Classification Map reflects availability and planned provision of public infrastructure and services. B. Maintenance and operating costs are factored into fees for the total cost of capital facilities. VII. 3.6(1)-(6) A. Landscape, buffer, and signage controls have been included in amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. a 6 1 O B. Tree preservation has also been included in the Zoning Ordinance. C. Mixed and multiple use opportunities are provided through the County's Planned Urban Development (PUD) ordinances. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Actions taken by the County to implement Public Participation Policies 4.0(1) and (2) include the following: A. The County Planning Department publishes and distributes "The Planning News" to inform the public of current planning issues and meetings. B. The media, including radio and television announcements, newspapers, and public meeting signs, continues to be utilized as a way to keep the public informed. ' C. The County encourages participation through advisory boards, task forces, and various Ad Hoc committees made up of neighborhood and professional organizations. D. Neighborhood planning techniques are utilized in order to encourage neighborhood awareness and participation. n E. Public meetings and events are scheduled at night to maximize attendance. 01 STORM HAZARD MITIGATION, EVACUATION, AND RECOVERY Actions taken by the County to implement Storm Hazard Mitigation, Evacuation, and Recovery Policies 5.0(1)-(8) include the following: A. All new infrastructure improvements are designed and located to minimize hurricane and flood losses. B. Emergency response, evacuation, recovery, and recon- struction policies are continuously updated and improved. 7