HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Use Information Inventory-1982l t ocM LIBRARY JUL i 1982 0 o DRAFT CITY OF NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA LAND USE INFORMATION INVENTORY OFFICE OF THE CITY PLANNER PREPARED BY JOHN SCHOFIELD, AICP THE PREPARATION OF THIS REPORT WAS FINANCED IN PART THROUGH A GRANT PROVIDED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, THROUGH FUNDS PROVIDED BY THE COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1972, AS AMENDED, WHICH IS ADMINISTERED BY THE OFFICE OF COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC. ADMINISTRATION The impetus for this project came from the inability of the" City of New Bern to answer important questions about its present condition, and more importantly, about its future. The future effectiveness and efficiency of any local government depends on its ability to accurately respond to opportunity and challenge. The 1981 Land Use Plan presented a number of these potential opportunities and challenges: 1) a limited growth area hampered by the City's penisular location and the location of Trent Woods and Weyerhauser; 2) a deteriorating housing stock outside the downtown and historic district areas where renovation is not occurring; 3) the deteriorating water quality of the Neuse River and its impacts on growth; and O4) the City's location in the middle of a twenty mile urban O-corridor where eighty per cent of the County's population will reside by 1990. Each issue by itself represents a major future event for the City requiring information to assist the decision making process. Out of this information need came the idea for an initial information inventory. The inventory would begin to address the need for more and better information and begin to frame the outlines for a broader and, yet, more comprehensive approach to collecting and utilizing the type of information required to manage a municipal corporation. If New Bern is to function as an efficient business, it must operate on the same fuel as a private business - accurate information. OThe inventory also represents the City's first attempt to utilize 0 its computer in areas outside of its normal "bookkeeping" functions z (ie. payroll, accounts receivable and payable, utility billing) and into a more "management" function. While this distinction between "bookkeeping" and "management" may be too simplistic, it does point toward the City's growing need to manage the future as well as administer the present. The initial discussion of the inventory was framed in the pre- paration of the 1981 update to the City's Land Use Plan prepared under a grant from the Coastal Resources Commission. Since the beginning of the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act, a basic goal has been local initiative in recognizing, diagnosing and solving land use and0land use related problems before they impact the fragile coastal environment. This information.inventory is designed to provide the City with current and relevant information about current and pro- jected land use and to secure -a better understanding of how to formu- late, implement and evaluate public policy. INVENTORY DESIGN The initial design for the inventory evolved from several dis- cussions between the Planning Board, the City Planner and the consultant. By using the City's IBM 34 computer, data entry could be done at any place with an on-line terminal. This required a user -oriented entry system that could be utilized by anyone with only minimal training. In fact, the entire program was written to maximize user understanding. There is no need for any operator to have a detailed background in computers or data processing to use .the inventory effectively. The inventory is based on the fundamental unit of information Oconcerning land use - the property tax map and file. Of the thirty data elements on the inventory file, only fourteen come directly from property tax records. However, these fourteen elements provide 3 the basic structure of the inventory and provide the answers_to the most frequently asked questions. The remaining elements were included for a specific purpose - to aid in compiling data for grant applica- tions, to -assist in code enforcement, to manage the zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations. The inventory was designed to be a multi -purpose tool providing a basic level of badly needed management and policy information for all levels of the city organization. INVENTORY ELEMENTS Each element of the inventory can be collected from a local source. All elements are primary data sources. However, it must be said that the collection of these elements is both a time consuming and on -going job. While the time value of most of the inventory, especially that - from property tax records, has a long span (eight years between re- evaluations), there can still be a significant change in meaning Oduring the span. Some of the elements may prove to be useless in decision -making and should be replaced by other more relevant elements. This inventory then should be examined as a dynamic system that is amenable to change, even though the removal and addition of data elements will represent the most significant and continuing cost. The elements selected by the Planning Board represent a basic foundation of information about New Bern that could be utilized by a number of departments. As each user becomes more familiar with the inventory, a number of different elements may be suggested for in- clusion. These, as well as -the initial -elements, should undergo annual scrutiny, because an inventory that cannot provide needed information is not a useful inventory. Equally important, the cost Oof the information suggested for inclusion should be weighed very Ocarefully because some information is .just not worth its cost. With 4z PRINT KEY FROM—Wl BY USER—DBH 11/30/81* 16.45.20 is PARCEL 258 C 258 C 258 258 OWNER'S NAME OWNER'S ADDRESS STATE NC ZIP 28 PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER CODE OCCUPANCY CODE PARCEL INFORMATION CE DISTRICT BLOCK NUMBER LOT NUMBER TAX MAP NUM 8 DIMENSIONS X LOT SIZE PARCEL USAGE LENGTH WIDTH ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED IN HISTORIC DIST PRIVILEGE LICENSE LAST DATE ZONING CHANGE LOCATED IN FLOOD PLAIN NON —CONFORMING USE TYPE UTILITY SERVICE ANY APPROVED VARIANCES ANY SPECIAL USES/CONDITION S APPROVED FOR SUBDIVISION NUMBER OF LOTS APPROVED STRUCTURE TYPE STRUCTURE INFORMATION APPROX YEAR BUILT TAX VALUES PARCEL STRUCTURE DELINQUENCIES COMMENTS -PRESS-CMD 2--T-O--CANCEL OR ENTER TO EDIT LOT SIZE CODE NOT —A— OR —S— In 4 these two divergent thoughts in -mind, the, data elements included in this inventory are described: 1) Parcel Identifier This is a unique number assigned to each tax parcel. It is composed of Census enumeration district number, tax map number, tax block number and tax lot number. No parcel can share an identifier with another parcel. The identifier was developed to also provide a quick frame of geographical reference. 2) Owner's Name and Address The current owners name and address, including state and zip code, provides the means to determine ownership patterns for a given area. 3) Property Address OThe street address for the parcel as shown on the property tax records. O4) Owner's Code A one -digit code has been allocated for an owner's code de- picting status of the current owner. Providing up to ten categories, this code is available for a number of uses, such as the ratio of business uses to residential uses.. 5) Occupancy Code This element has not been described in the system. It is reserved for later use when more detailed information on occupancy is available. The City may want to use this code to inventory structural conditions or housing tenure. 6) ED District OThe Census Enumeration District not only serves as part of Othe parcel identifier but is also a unique element in itself. n 5 Although the program has not been written to isolate data elements by enumeration district --it can easily be added to the menu. This could be a useful application comparing 1980 Census data with -more current data, especially where the City wants to monitor changing conditions in a given area. 7) Block Number The block number refers to a number sometimes assigned to a collection of parcels on a tax map. While the block number is not always provided, and arbitrary numbers may have to be assigned, it provides an additional means of locating parcels in a given area. 8) Lot Number This element refers to the number, within a tax map block, Oassigned to an individual parcel. 9) Tax Map Number OThe number of the property tax map containing the subject parcel is provided, prefaced by the Township Number. 10) Dimension This variable contains four elements. The width and length elements are collected from tax map delineations. The computer has been programmed to automatically calculate the length x width function when the operator determines whether the desired result is in acres or square feet. While most tax map parcels are fairly rectangularor square in shape, there are some parcels with a shape that is too irregular to meet the above calculated formula for area. In this event, the operator should be instructed Qto determine the generalized rectangular or square dimensions of Othe property to insert in the appropriate place. C: Parcel Usage A 100 digit code has been provided for the type of land use on the parcel in question. The initial code has been developed on a substructure of ten, thereby providing the City a detailed way to collect and analyze land use information. Zoning District The current zoning district designation for the parcel is in- putted in this element. Located in Historic District n Location in the historical district could, upon further refine- ment of the initial program, be compared with any other element in the inventory. This could provide a meaningful way to monitor the progress of the district. ---- OPrivilege License This could provide the space to list whether a parcel has a Ocurrent -privilege license. Upon completion of the inventory, this could assist City officials in keeping track of businesses and zoning ordinance enforcement. Last Date Zoning Change The date for the last change in zoning provides information on how well or poorly zoning is doing in any particular area. Frequency of changes in an area may indicate the need to review the total district. Located in Flood Plain This element could provide information on how development patterns are encroaching on the designated flood plains. EO Non -Conforming Use A two -digit code indicating the type of non -conformity on a parcel is provided. Again, minor enhancements to the program can add an application to the menu, that would compare this element with other elements in the inventory, such as zoning district or value. Type Utility Service This two -digit code could provide a detailed record of the level of utility service to any given parcel in the City. Approved Variances To keep track of approved zoning variances granted by the City, the date of approval of the variance can be inputted. Rather than provide a detailed code for the type of variance, it was decided merely to record the date of approval. Because a number of special conditions can be attached to a parcel, it was felt that the minute book would be a better place to record these details. Anv Special Uses/Conditions The same format used for variances was applied for the inventory of special uses. Approved for Subdivision The date of approval of a subdivision again refers to the data of the minutes of the Board granting subdivision approval, where other, more detailed, information may be available. Number of Lots Approved This element provides -the -means of determining how many new parcel identifiers will be needed to record the newly approved lots. This element could also be expanded to develop a building permit compliance file for use in the construction process. M Structure Type , This code provides the means of recording structure types. While this could be confused with the parcel usage element, this element could provide unique information to fire fighters, policemen, rescue squads and other emergency teams on the type of structure located on any parcel. This can also be useful in developing specialized zoning studies on density and other concerns. Approximate Year Built Where available from the tax abstract, the age of the structure is provided. Value Both parcel and structure value, collected from the tax abstracts are included. While these are estimates developed and maintained only Oonce during an eight year period, they can provide the means of comparison with other areas of the City, such as zoning district or 0 enumeration district. Delinquencies A properly tax delinquency can be enumerated in this element. It may provide useful data on substandard areas where owners have ceased to consider their property of value. Comments A twenty-five character comment field has been provided to record unusual or interesting features concerning this parcel. MENUS This inventory was designed to be user oriented for users with little or no computer background. The City staff was asked to review the inventor elements and outline those articular y p questions 0 that would be frequently asked or what information was needed most 4 BUILD MENU LISTING FOR=PRSL01 MENU IN LIBRARY--=LUML-IB'---- -- - O1 r. COMMAND INQUIRY 02 - MENU PRSLOI 03 1. 13. SELECT PARCEL USAGE/ZONE DIS 04 2. ADO NEW PARCELS C LS 1 4. 05 3. UPDATE EXISTING PARCELS 15. APPROVED VAR/SPECIAL USES LI 16. PRINT NON -CONFORMING PARCELS 07 5. 17. �i 08 '.= 6. 18. PAR/STCT VALUE BY SIZE/GIST 09 -.- 7:_L_FST-PARCELS-BY NAME,STREET 19. PAR/STCT VALUE BY PARCEL USE 10 8. 20. 1• 90 21. SAVE SOURCE PROGRAMS IN LUML 12 10. 22. BACKUP PRCLMAST TO DISKETTE :- 13 11. 23. O14 ►i- '= 12. LIST PARCELS BY PARCEL AREA 24. SIGN OFF 15 16 17 18 «) 19 i.. 20 21 ENTER y0MBER, COMMANDS OR OCL. OR PRESS CMD KEY 1 TO RESU'lE 22 23 - REAI 24 0 it Vj often. One button commands were provided for these items. All the user need do is to call up the inventory from the computer's•memory, enter the program and select the item desired from the menu. These menu functions are: A. Add new parcels B. Update existing parcels C. List parcels by last name of owner and street address. Other information includes parcel usage and zoning classification. D. List parcels by parcel area This could list parcels meeting certain conditions, such as under 6,000 square feet. Additional information includes parcel identifier, owner's name, property address, zoning classification, utility service, dimensions and size, parcel value and tax delinquencies. E. Parcel use and zoning district- 0 This provides a listing of all parcels meeting the two stated conditions of parcel use and zoning district. Other information Oon the report are owner's name, property address, parcel identifier, dimensions and size, value and tax delinquencies. F. Approved variances/special uses. This report provides a listing of all parcels with approved .. variances/special uses and provides the same additional information as in the other reports. G. Print non -conforming parcels This report provides a list of all non -conforming parcels with other relevant information. H. Parcel/structure value by size/zoning district This report prints parcel and structure value by lot sizes and/or Ozoning districts. I. Parcel/structure value by parcel use OThis report prints parcel and structure values by lot size and parcel use. 10 C M INVENTORY MAINTENANCE The design of this land use information inventory represented only the first step in the utilization of the system. The collection of the data, editing and maintaining the currency of the data elements require the largest commitment of.resources and time and will continue to do so. If this commitment is not made then the inventory will not respond to the City's need. All inventorys require current information to meet the expectations of their users. While this inventory was designed to use readily available public information, there is a great deal of time involved in the collection and inputting of this information. An effort will have to be made to periodically retrieve more current data elements. The sheer size and nature of the inventory framework suggests that the output from the inventory will never be totally accurate because of the constantly changing nature of the data elements. Without a commitment to stay abreast of this dynamic data set, the inventory will soon be useless. Each of the data elements are described below as to their nature and source. 1) Parcel Identifier - The identifier is a composite of several geographic codes - Census enumeration district, block number, tax map number and lot number - which should not change. This is really the only element that is not readily editable. 2) Owner's Name and Address — this element should change only when a deed transfer has taken place or when a new annual tax listing is prepared. Arrangements could be made with the Craven County Tax Office to transmit to the City all deed transfers occurring within the City's area of interest. 11 3) Property Address - This element should not change except'on limited circumstances or when the City undertakes a comprehensive street naming and numbering project. Indeed, the initial output could be examined with that purpose in mind. 4) Owner's Code - This code, once devised, could be periodically maintained using other inventory elements, ie. privilege licenses, zoning or building permits, or updated during land use or other surveys. 5) Occupancy Code - Again this code could be maintained in much the same way as the owner's code. 6) ED District - This element will remain constant for at least ten years until the 1990 Census. 7) Block Number - The block number does not always exist on each tax map and, indeed, may not appear on newer maps. It has been in- Ocluded only as a frame of reference. It will not change where it exists unless there are significant changes to the tax maps themselves. 0 8)'Lot Number - The lot number should not change unless a division separating existing lots occurs, which can easily be handled with the alphabetic character field in the element. 9) Tax Map Number - Unless a significant renumbering of the entice tax maps occurs, this element should remain constant. 10) Dimension - The majority of transfers will not alter the dimensional. characteristics of a parcel. Where such an alteration occurs, the change can be picked up on the transfer notice received from the County Tax Office Divisions and other alterations could also be picked up in the same manner. O 0 12 K O O 11).Parcel Usage - Currently, this information is'being estimated from tax records. When the City decides to replace this with more detailed field data, it can be periodically updated from parcel transfers; building permits, privilege licenses, etc. Until such a change is made, the.City will have to rely on tax data. 12) Zoning Districts - Since the City authorizes changes in zoning district boundaries, these changes can be made with very little trouble. 13) Location in historic district - As the City makes changes in the historic district boundaries, these changes can be to those parcels affected by the change. These changes are thought to be infrequent. 14) Privilege license - The City issues privilege licenses annually. As these licenses are issued, they can be checked against the previous years list and updated accordingly. 15) Last date zoning change - As a change in zoning occurs, the date of that change would be inputted. As element #12 is changed so can this element. 16) Located in flood plain - It is doubtful that many changes will be made to regulatory 100 year flood plain. If changes are needed, they can be made as required. 17) Non -conforming use - Once the inventory is complete and a detailed list of non -conforming zoning uses is compiled, that list should not increase, but decrease, as uses are brought into conformance. These changes could be documented from periodic field inspection or building permit data. 18) Type Utility Service - Until this code is devised, it is not possible to describe maintenance procedures. However, utility work orders or change of service orders would be the most likely source of information. 13 19) Approved variance - In the same manner as zoning changes, these approvals can be inputted as they are granted. 20) Special Uses/Conditions - The same procedure used to update r zoning changes can be utilized for this data element. 21) Approved for Subdivision - and 22) Number of lots approved - As the City approves final subdivisions plots, preparations can be initiated to assign new identifier numbers and to begin the process of updating the parcel file as information becomes available. After the initial inventory has been completed, this procedure will become the most important in maintaining currency. 23) Structure type - As the definition of this element is fined tuned, the source of data will be easier to identify and to maintain. 24) Approximate year built - New construction data from building Opermits will provide the main source of information for this element. Census block data can also be used to provide this data. 25) Value - The major source of information comes from the tax abstract which is based on the eight year reappraisal cycle. Of all the data elements in the inventory, this element is the most sensitive to time. There is no practical way to provide current information on this element. 26) Delinquencies - The Tax Collector can provide the annual list of tax delinquent parcels. SYSTEM MAINTENANCE The entire inventory was written to operate as an integrated system of data retrieval to respond to local needs for land use.related information. It will provide City officials with the ability to ask Orather detailed questions based on several data sources. This is not O 14 often available now. Each element in the'inventory should have some contrete relationship to the other elements, if for no other reason than to increase system efficiency. However, it must, above all other things, provide immediate answers to frequently asked questions.. If a data element is not utilized, it needs to be removed or changed into a more useful element. During the design and initial data collection phase, there were no changes made in the inventory elements. However, as the City is gaining experience in the system, there is some concern that additional elements may be necessary. By the end of the contract, a decision will be made on the final inventory design. Q DRAFT OPERATOR'S MANUAL CITY OF NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA LAND USE INFORMATION INVENTORY OFFICE OF THE CITY PLANNER Prepared By John C. Schofield,.AICP 0 Greenville, North Carolina Dennis Holton New Bern, North Carolina 0 THE PREPARATION OF THIS REPORT WAS FINANCED IN PART THROUGH A GRANT PROVIDED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, THROUGH FUNDS PROVIDED BY THE COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1972, AS AMENDED, WHICH IS ADMINISTERED BY THE OFFICE OF COASTAL ZONE MANAGE- MENT, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION. 0 0 The Land Use Information.Inventory has been designed to J provide the City of New Bern with the means to store and retrieve various data concerning land development. These data are the basic sources of information that can provide City officials Answers to questions important in the decision making process. While it is anticipated that the initial user of the inventory will be the City Planner and Planning Board, the inventory has been designed to provide needed information to other department heads and agencies.. Variables selected for inclusion in the inventory were chosen to provide the information most often requested and because they are readily available -for collection and updating purposes. The variables are collected on a parcel basis as Oidentified by the tax maps in the Craven County Tax Department. Tax parcels were selected as the base unit of information for O several reasons: 1) parcels serve as a legally defined unit of ownership and taxation; 2) unless combined with other parcels or divided into new parcels, they do not change in shape, size or other key elements; 3) parcels, amalgamated with other parcels, can form many different structural arrangements, such as census enumeration districts zoning districts, blocks and other geographic areas. The inventory is also designed to grow as the City grows. O 0 r� This inventory is designed and programmed to operate on the city s computer. It can be stored either on the disks of the computer and can be run in real-time or can be stored on diskette to be run'when needed. The advantages/disadvantages of each storage system will have to be examined to develop compatible patterns of'use,between this inventory and the main computer users in utility billing and finance. A conscious effort was made to make the inventory a "friendly" system. It is known as a Imenu driven system, which means -that the most likely uses for the inventory can be accessed by pressing only a few keys on the computer terminal's keyboard. Additional menus can be added by a competent programmer as the need arises. Data entry has been made as simple as possible to reduce con- Qfusion and complexity. OEven with these efforts, it is expected that users of the inventory will have to undergo a significant training period to familiarize themselves with City computer operation procedure, equipment and with the inventory itself. PA 0 To Access Land Use Programs the operator must have a valid usable password. This password is assigned by Data Processing and may be given by notifying the proper person or persons. The operator must go through the sign on screen. This screen checks the user ID and password to verify use of computer system. User ID . . . . Password . . . . Menu (optional) . Library . . . . User Id . . Key the User ID assigned to the operator by the Data Processing Department Password . . Key the Password assigned to the operator by the Data Processing Department NOTE - the password is not displayed upon the screen (non -display) Menu (optional) . Key the menu name PRSL01, this is the Land Use Management Menu Library . . Key the Library Name - LUMLIB, this is the Land Use Management Library PROGRAM PROCEDURES CITY OF NEW BERN LAND USE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE CLM100 Add New Parcels LUMADD CLM002 Update Parcel Information PARUPD CLM125 List all parcels by last name, street address and parcel ID PLMLST Sort Parcel Master by last SPLIOI name, street address, Parcel ID PRCARE Input selections for listing by Parcel Area PRCARE PRCARI Search Parcel Master for selections entered OPRCAR2 Print Parcel Area Listing O PRCUZD Input selections for Parcel Usage/Zoning District Selections PRCUZD PPRCZD Print Parcel Usage/Zoning District Selections PLMSUV Print all parcels with approved PLMSUV variance or special usages PLMNCU Print all parcels with non- conforming uses by Zoning District PRLSZD Input selections for Lot Size/Zoning District PRLSZI Print Parcels for Lot Size/Zoning District O PRLSPU Input selections for Lot Size/Parcel Use PRLSP2 Print Parcels for Lot Size/Parcel Use PLMNCU PRLSZD PRLSPU 2. ADD NEW PARCELS This selection allows the operator to key New Parcels into the Land Use System. The operator must have the Parcel Identification Key to add the New Parcel. The Key structure is composed of the following items: a) 3 digits -Representing the ED district of the Parcel b) 1 alphabetic - Representing the ED district code c) 3 digits - Representing the Block Number of the Parcel d) 1 alphabetic - Representing the Block Code of the Parcel e) 3 digits - Representing the Tax Map Number of the Parcel 0 f) 3 digits Representing the Lot Number of the Parcel OExample: 310V 2000 029 100 0 0 To ADD New Parcels, the operator: 1. Presses the Number 2 Key 2. Presses the -ENTER- Key After the selection has been entered, the operator should receive the screen which prompts the operator to key the Parcel Identifi- cation Key. The operator must key the Identification Codeofthe Parcel into the system TWICE. The first time the I.D. is keyed it is not displayed to the operator but is retained by the system to verify against the second entry. The second time the I.D. is keyed it is displayed to the operator. The purpose for entering the I.D. twice is to hopefully eliminate invalid or transposed I.D. numbers. After keying the I.D. in twice the operator should press the -ENTER- key. OThe system compares the two I.D. numbers keyed and, based on the comparison, the operator may receive one of the following messages n or the next screen. Verification Error - Retry The two I.D. numbers keyed do not match. The operator should re -key both I.D. numbers and re -try the verification process. Parcel Number Already Assigned The parcel I.D. number keyed has already been added" to the system. The system prohibits duplicate I.D. numbers The operator should check the parcel I.D. number and re -key using a different parcel I.D. number. Parcel Number Cannot Be Blank No entry was keyed, the operator may have pressed the ENTER key by mistake. Re -key using a valid parcel I.D. number. OAfter the parcel I.D. has been keyed correctly and is a valid I.D. number the operator should receive the next screen which prompts Ofor all the data concerning the parcel. ^ This screen allows the operator to key in.information collected �) concerning the particular parcel. The.parcel I.D. number is displayed in the upper left hand positions in the screen. This item may not be changed by the operator. OWNER'S NAME Key the current owner's name of the parcel. The full name should be keyed in this position beginning with last name, first name and middle initial. A business corporation or private individual name should be keyed as listed. Press the field advance key after keying the name. OWNER'S ADDRESS Key in the owner's current mailing address or listed address. Press the field advance key. (�) STATE O This item should contain the state of residence of the parcel owner. The system inserts NC, but may be changed Oby the operator. Press the field advance key to skip. (---� ) ZIP This item should contain the zip code of the owner. The default value is 28560, but may be changed by the operator. Press the field advance key to skip. (--�j) PROPERTY ADDRESS The first 4 positions of the property address are reserved for the postal enumeration number and must be a numeric value in these 4 positions. The remaining 20 positions allow for the property street, block, city or other description of the property address. O �J OWNER CODE This entry contains the owner identification code. 1 Business 2 Corporation 3 - Citizen 4 - Government-Federal/State/Local The entry made must be a numeric value The entry may be omitted by pressing field advance. OCCUPANCY CODE The entry describes the type of occupancy of the parcel. (This code is reserved for later use.) OThe entry in this position must be a 2 digit value followed by pressing the FIELD EXIT key. O The next few entries pertain mainly to property information. ED DISTRICT Key the 3 digit ED district number assigned to the parcel Key the alphabetic ED district code assigned, if any. If no code was assigned, press the field advance key or the space bar. BLOCK NUMBER Key the 3 digit block number assigned to the parcel. Key the alphabetic block code, if any. If no code is assigned press the field advance key or the space bar. LOT NUMBER O Key the 3 digit lot number assigned to the parcel, press field exit. O Key the alphabetic lot code, if any. If no code is assigned press the field advance key or the space bar. TAX MAP NUMBER This item contains 3 entries concerning the tax map number. 1) 8 -- The 8 (eight) represents the township number, it may be skipped or changed. 2) Key the 3 digit tax map number of the parcel. 3) Key the alphabetic tax code of the tax map,- if any. Press the field advance to skip. (- 0 ) DIMENSIONS This entry should be filled when lot sizes are reported in dimensions. Should the size be in acres skip the dimensions and make the entry in the lot size field. In the event, lot dimensions are not available, a non zero entry (001) must be made in at least the length or width variable. LENGTH Key the length of the lot, press the field exit key or to skip the length, press the field exit key. O WIDTH oKey the width of the lot, press field exit or to skip the width press field exit. LOT SIZE This entry should contain parcels entered with acreage. Key the size of the parcel, allow 2 positions for fractions of .acres, and press field exit, or press field exit to skip. Key the alphabetic lot size code, which is the next prompted space. A - Acres S - Square Feet The program will automatically calculate lot size when given length X width. However, this number will not appear on the screen, but will appear on all printed responses. 0 0 PARCEL USAGE Key the 2 digit parcel usage code 00 - Vacant 10 - Residential 11 Reserved for later use 12 - Reserved for later use 13 -,Reserved for later use 14 - Reserved for later use 20 - Commercial 30 - Industrial 40 - Public/Semi-Public 50 - Other An entry must be made in this field. ZONING DISTRICT This entry contains 2 different items. 1) Key the alphabetic zoning district code of the parcel. NOTE: For single letter districts example: R, key into system RR Q2) Key the numeric zoning number and press field exit. LOCATED IN HISTORIC DISTRICT Key the numeric code indicating whether the property is located in a historic district. 1 - Yes 2 - No Press field advance to skip. PRIVILEGE LICENSE Key the 1 digit code indicating whether the property contains a privilege license permit. 1 - Yes 2 - No Press field advance to skip. LAST DATE ZONING CHANGE Key the date of the last zoning change. If no change in zoning has been made since .the date of adoption, enter the date of adoption. Month -Day -Year format, 2 digits for each (ie. 01/01/81), press field exit or press field exit to skip. LOCATED IN FLOOD PLAIN Key the code (numeric) indicating property likeliness to flooding, tidal or drainage, press field advance. (This code will be developed as the need arises.) NON -CONFORMING USE Key the 2 digit code indicating property usage considered sub -standard or in violation of city ordinances, press field advance. 00 - No nonconformance 01 - Nonconforming lot O 02 - nonconforming structure 03 - nonconforming use OTYPE UTILITY SERVICE Key the 2 digit code (numeric) indicating the type utility services available on the property. (This variable can be developed as desired by the City.) ANY APPROVED VARIANCES Key the date of approved variance from City Zoning Ordinances by the Board of Aldermen. Month -Day -Year format, 2 digits each (ie. 01/01/81). Press field exit. The date of approval will constitute the code for the variance rather than have a distinct code. This is necessary because of the wide range of specific possibilities for a variance. ANY SPECIAL USES/CONDITIONS Key the date the property was granted special uses/conditions by the Governing Board. Month -Day -Year format, 2 digits each (ie 01/01/81). Press field exit. The date of approval will constitute the code for the variance rather than have a distinct code. This is necessary because of the wide range of specific possibilities for a variance. APPROVED FOR SUBDIVISION Key the date property was granted approval for subdivision by the Governing Board.. Month -Day -Year format 2 digits each (ie. 01/01/81). Press field exit. NUMBER OF LOTS APPROVED O Key the number of lots approved by Governing Body for subdivision. Maximum number 999, press field exit. The following section concerns information about structures located on parcels. STRUCTURE TYPE Key the 2 digit code indicating the type of structure on the property. 00 - Vacant 10 - Single family 11 - Duplex 12 - Multi family 13 - Mobile home 14 - Press field exit. 20 - Commercial 30 ---Industrial 40 - Public/Semi-public 50 - Other APPROXIMATE YEAR BUILT If known, key the year in.which the structure was constructed/ Oplaced on the property. Example: 1947 Press field exit. The final section contains tax information of both structures and parcels. 0 0 0 0 PARCEL- Key the current tax value of the parcel, round_ to nearest whole dollar. Press field exit. STRUCTURE Key the current tax value of the structure,round to nearest whole dollar. Press field exit. DELINQUENCIES Key the 1 digit code indicating a tax delinquency on one of the following: 1 - Parcel 2 - Structure A - None A 25 character comment or remark may be keyed if desired. This comment may be on any field concerning the parcel. After the operator has keyed all necessary items one of two choices may be made. 1) to add the parcel 2) to cancel this parcel entry To cancel an entry before adding the parcel, the operator presses CMD 2. The operator should receive the first screen which will .prompt for a new parcel I.D. The operator may key a new parcel I.D. or may end the entry session by pressing CMD 7. To add a parcel, the operator presses the ENTER Ley. Once the enter key has been pressed, the system checks selected items for validity of the data keyed. The operator should follow the instructions displayed upon the bottom of the screen. 3. UPDATE EXISTING PARCELS This selection allows an operator to retrieve and update information concerning -parcels previously added to the system. The operator may change any field or item except the parcel identification number. 0 0 0 0 To update parcel information, the.operator presses the number 3 and the ENTER- key. At this time the operator should receive the screen which asks the operator the parcel I.D number to be updated. After receiving the screen, the operator should key the parcel I.D. of the parcel to be updated. The message: INVALID PARCEL - TRY AGAIN indicates the Parcel I.D. keyed cannot be found in the Parcel Master File. The operator should re -key the correct Parcel I.D. and try again. After the correct parcel I.D. has been.keyed, the operator should receive the next screen containing all data previously entered concerning the parcel to be updated. The operator may now change any item necessary. O O The field advance key provides a fast, easy method to.skip items not requiring a change. 7., LIST PARCELS BY NAME,.STREET This selection provides the operator with a listing of all parcels contained on the system. The report will be in Last Name/ Street Address sequence. Items contained on report are: 1. Owner's Name 2. Property Address 3. Parcel I.D. 4. Parcel Usage 5. Zoning. Code and Number 0 0 12. LIST PARCELS BY PARCEL AREA This selection allows an operator to receive a printed report containing.all parcels above or below the parcel area entered. The operator may only key 1 (one) selection. The operator keys the parcel size, keys A or S to signify whether the size entered is in ACRES (A) or SQUARE FEET (S), then keys A or B to.signify whether parcels to be printed are larger (A) or smaller (B) than the size entered. O O To receive the Parcel Area Report the operator enters the number 12 and presses the -ENTER- key. At this time the operator receives the screen to allow entry of the area sizes acreage or square footage code and the above or below code. ENTER AREA SIZE Key the desired area size, a maximum of 10 digits - no fraction values are retained, press field exit. ENTER -A- FOR ACREAGE OR. -S- FOR SQUARE FOOTAGE Key -A- or -S- to denote the size entered. The system converts parcel area sizes to match the -A- or -S- entered. Conversion is as follows; O Convert acres to square feet: ACRES * 43,560=#of square feet O Convert square feet to acres: SQUARE FEET 43,560=#of acres All parcels originally added must first be checked to determine if they were entered in square feet or acreage. If the parcel was entered in square feet (lot dimensions), the calculation: Lot length * lot width=square feet is performed before any Comparison is made. Parcels entered in acreage require no conversion. PARCEL LISTING ABOVE OR BELOW AREA ENTERED -- ENTER -A- FOR PARCELS WITIi LARGER AREAS ENTER -B- FOR PARCELS WITIi SMALLER AREAS Key the necessary code -A or -B- to instruct system on how to handle comparison. Example: Enter parcel area 9000 O -A- for acreage -S- for square feet.S Above or below -A- or -B- B O This entry instructs system to print all parcels with an area in square feet less than 9,000 square feet. After the desired variables have been keyed, p.ress-the -ENTER- key. After adding the record, press CMD 7 to END. The printed report contains the following items: 1. Parcel I.D. 2. Owner's Name 3. Property Address 4. Tax Map and Lot Number 5 Zoning District 6. Utility Service 7. Dimension/Size 8. Lot Size Code 9. Parcel Value 10. Tax Delinquencies O • 13. SELECT PARCEL USAGE/ZONE DISTRICT This selction allows an operator to receive a printed report on all parcels: 1. With the specified parcel usage 2. Contained in a specified zoning disctict The operator may'key a maximum of 10 different selections. Example: Parcel Usage: 00 Zoning District: RA-06 The system prints all parcels containing the above criteria. Fel To receive the Usage/Zone District Report the operator enters the number 13 and presses the enter key. At this time the operator receives the screen to allow entry of the selected uses and zones to be contained on the Report. ENTER PARCEL USAGE CODE Key the,2 digit Parcel Usage Code of the parcels to be contained on the report. Press field exit. ENTER THE ZONING DISTRICT Key the 2 character zoning district then the 2 digit zone number. After the selection has been keyed press the -ENTER- key to enter the values into the system. After the selection has been entered, the operator should receive the same screen to allow input of another set of values or to END the selection process. The printed report contains the following items; 1. Parcel ID 2. Name 3. Property Address 4. Tax Map and Lot Number 5. Zoning District 6. Parcel Usage 7. Lot Dimensions/Size 8. Parcel Value 9. Tax Delinquent 10. Remarks Totals for each selection are given. VARIANCES/SPECIAL USES 15. APPROVED VAR/SPEC USES LIST This selection prints all parcels which have approved variances or any special uses. The following items are contained on the report: 1. Parcel I.D. 2. Owner's Name 3. Property Address 4. Tax Map and Lot Number 5. Zoning District 6. Date of Approved Variance 7. Date of Special Use Approval 8. Dimensions/Size 9. Parcel Value 10. Remarks 16. PRINT NON -CONFORMING PARCELS This selection prints all parcels with non -conforming uses in Zoning District.Sequence. The following items are contained on the report: 1. Parcel I.D. 2. Owner's Name 3. Property Address 4. Tax Map and Lot Number 5. Zoning District 6. Parcel Usage 7. Date of any Approved Variances 8. Date of any Special Use Approval 9. Dimension/Size 10. Parcel Value 11. Remarks 12. Non -Conforming Code Total number of Non -conforms within each zoning district. O O 18. PAR/STCT VALUE BY SIZE/DISTRICT This selection prints parcel and structure values by lot sizes and/or zoning districts. The operator may key a maximum of ten (10) selections. This selection allows an operator to obtain PARCEL/STRUCTURE VALUES in three different manners. 1. The operator may key a minimum and maximum amount of square foot for each parcel printed and the zoning district for each parcel to contain in order to be printed. Example: Minimum Sq. Ft. 1000 Maximum Sq. Ft. 5000 Zoning District RA 06 All parcels between 1,000 square feet and 5,000 square feet with a zoning district of RA 06 would-be printed on the report. 2. The operator may key a minimum and maximum amount of square` footage for each parcel to contain without keying the zoning district. OExample: Minimum Sq. Ft. 2500 Maximum Sq. Ft. '10000 OZoning District (Blank) All parcels between 2500 square feet and 10,000 square feet would be contained on the report no matter what the zoning district is. 3. The operator may key only the zoning district. Example: Minimum Sq. Ft. 0 (Press field exit) Maximum Sq. Ft. 0 (Press field exit) Zoning District RA 10 All parcels with a zoning district of RA 10 would be contained on the report. To receive the PARCEL/STRUCTURE.VALUE REPORT the operator keys the number 18 and presses the ENTER- key. At this time the operator receives the screen to allow entry of selections to be contained in the Valuation Report. ENTER THE MINIMUM LOT SIZE IN SQUARE FEET Key the minimum lot size to be included.in the report, no fraction values are retained, press field exit,.or press field exit to slip. ENTER THE MAXIMUM LOT SIZE IN SQUARE FEET Key the maximum lot size to be included.in the report, no fraction values are retained, press field exit, or press field exit to skip. ENTER THE ZONING DISTRICT Key the zoning district to be contained on the report or leave blank to skip. O After all entries have been keyed, press the' -ENTER- key to add Othe record. The operator should receive the next screen to allow additional selections at which time the operator may key other selections or. -press CMD 7 to END when all selection have been keyed. R ^ 19. PAR/STCT VALUE BY PARCEL USE This selection prints parcel and structure values by lot size and parcel usage. The operator may key a maximum of 10 selections. This allows an operator to print all parcels between certain sizes with a specified parcel usage. The operator keys a minimum square foot size and a maximum square foot size and the desired parcel usage for each parcel to contain in order to be printed. To receive the parcel structure report by parcel usage, the operator enters the number 19 and press the -ENTER- key. A maximum of 10 (ten) selections may be entered. 0 0 ENTER THE MINIMUM LOT SIZE IN SQUARE FEET Key the minimum lot size in square feet to be contained in the report, no fraction values are retained, press field exit. ENTER THE MAXIMUM LOT SIZE IN SQUARE FEET Key the maximum lot size in square feet to be contained in the report, no fraction values are retained, press field exit. ENTER THE PARCEL USAGE Key the parcel usage code for all parcel uses to be contained in the report, press field exit. After all entries have been keyed, press the -ENTER- key to add the record. The operator should receive the next screen to allow additional entries. At this the operator may continue or press CMD 7 to END. 101 M A 21. SAVE SOURCE PROGRAMS'IN LUMLIB This selection saves on diskette the Land Use Management Library - LUMLIB in case of system problems or in need of system disk space. This selection saves all: 1) source programs 2) object programs 3) procedures This selection should be performed after all program changes to insure a current back-up in case of problems. It should be performed periodically to insure no diskettes become accidentally erased. Before back-up of LUMLIB, the operator must have a diskette (2D) initialized in the 1,024 Byte Format with the name - LUMBCK. To back-up.the library, LUMLIB,'the operator enters the number 21 and presses the -ENTER- key. At this time the operator will receive the message: BACKING UP PROGRAMS IN LAND USE MANAGEMENT INSERT DISKETTE LABELED LUMBCK THEN PRESS 0 AND ENTER TO CONTINUE. System will wait for operator to respond before starting back-up approximately 2 minutes to complete back-up. 22. BACKUP PRCLMAST TO DISKETTE This selection saves on diskette the Parcel Master File - PRCLMAST. This selection should be performed before or after changes, additions or updates have been made to the PARCEL MASTER FILE. Before back-up of the Master File, the operator must have a diskette (2D) initialized in the 1,024 Byte Format with the name - LANDUS. To back-up the Master File - PRCLMAST, the operator enters the number 22 and presses the -ENTER- key. At this time, the message: BACKING UP LAND USE MANAGEMENT MASTER FILES INSERT DISKETTE LABELED LANDUS THEN PRESS 0 AND ENTER TO CONTINUE. System will wait for operator to respond before starting back-up, approximately 4 minutes. O 24. SIGN OFF This selection returns the system to the SIGN ON screen required for each user to enter in order to access system. This selection should always be selected after each session to prevent unauthorized use of system. To sign off, the operator enters the number 24 and presses the -ENTER- key.