HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Mobile Home and Travel Trailer Park Ordinance-19841 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 THE MOBILE HOME .y i RAVEL. TRAILER PARK ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF CHOWAN, NORTH CAROLINA DCM COPY DCM COPY lease do not remove!!!!! Division of Coastal Management Copy DUNE, T98d The preparation of this report was financially aided through a federal grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The grant was made through the North Carolina Department, of Natural Resources and Community Development. Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc. Engineers, Architects and Planners Q ATLANTA, GA BLOUNTVILLE,TN CHARLOTTE, NC COLUMBIA, SC NASHVILLE,TN RALEIGH, NC WILMINGTON, NC MOBILE HOME & TRAVEL TRAILER PARK ORDINANCE PREPARED FOR CHOWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CHOWAN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Alton G. Elmore, Chairman Joe Hollowell Mrs. Clara Boswell Mrs. Barbara Ward C. A. Phillips PREPARED BY CHOWAN COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Tony Webb, Chairman T. D. Berryman A. C. Hudson Mrs. April Lane Marvin Smith W. Percy White Mrs. Mary Nixon PLANNING ASSISTANCE PROVIDED BY T. Dale Holland, AICP Project Manager Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc. Kenneth Weeden, APA Project Planner Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ARTICLE I - IN GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section 1. Authority and Jurisdiction . . . . . . . 1 Section 2. Title and Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ARTICLE II - DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Section 1. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 2 ARTICLE III - REQUIRED PERMITS AND REGULATIONS FOR LOCATING MOBILE HOMES . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Section 1. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ARTICLE IV - APPLICATION FOR MOBILE HOME OR TRAVEL TRAILER PARK CONSTRUCTION PERMIT . . . . . . 6 Section 1. Application Process . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Section 2. Contents of Park Plan . . . . . . . . 6 Section 3. Review Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Section 4. Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Section 5. Issuance of Construction Permit and Operating License . . . . . . . . 8 ARTICLE V - DESIGN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR MOBILE HOME PARKS . . . . . . . . 10 Section 1. Suitability of Land . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Section 2. Site Development Standards . . . . . 10 Section 3. Water Supply, Sewage Disposal, Electrical and Refuse Collection Facilities . . . . 13 Section 4. Structural Additions . . . . . . . . . . 14 Section 5. Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Section 6. Park Expansion 15 ARTICLE VI - SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS . . . 16 Section 1. Site Suitability . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Section 2. Site Development . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Section 3. Sanitary Facilities, Water Supply, Sewage Disposal, Garbage Collection and Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Section 4. Park Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ARTICLE VII - MOBILE HOME AND TRAVEL TRAILER PARK REGISTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ARTICLE VIII - INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ' PAGE ' ARTICLE IX - LOSS OF OPERATING LICENSE . . . . . . . . . . 22 ARTICLE X - LEGAL PROVISIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Section 1. Provisions of Ordinance Declared to be Minimum Requirements . . . . . . . . . . 23 Section 2. Penalties for Violation . . . . . . . . . 23 Section 3. Amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Section 4. Separability Clause 23 ' SAMPLE CERTIFICATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 11 I THE MOBILE HOME AND TRAVEL TRAILER PARK ORDINANCE FOR CHOWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ARTICLE I - IN GENERAL ' SECTION 1. AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION Chowan County hereby exercises its authority to regulate mobile home and travel trailer parks under Article 6 of Chapter 153A of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This Ordinance shall govern: (1) each and every new mobile home park and travel trailer park and any expansion of any existing mobile home park and travel trailer park and (2) the placing, location, or setting -up of any mobile home or travel trailer with- in the jurisdiction of Chowan County and any municipality request- ing the enforcement of this Ordinance within their jurisdiction. SECTION 2. TITLE AND PURPOSE This Ordinance shall be known as The Mobile Home and Travel ' Trailer Park Ordinance for Chowan County, North Carolina. The purpose of this Ordinance is to regulate the location, ' setting -up, anchoring, and use of mobile homes and travel trailers and regulate the development of mobile home and travel trailer parks within the jurisdiction of Chowan County in order to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the County by ' providing for the orderly development of mobile home and travel trailer parks, by securing safety for mobile home and travel trailer residents and occupants and the public from winds, fire, ' panic, and disease and other dangers, by providing adequate light and air in mobile home and travel trailer parks, and by insuring that adequate facilities for water supply, sewage and waste dis- posal, transportation, parking and recreation are provided for residents and occupants of those parks. P ARTICLE II - DEFINITIONS SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain terms and words used herein shall be interpreted as follows: A. Building Permit: A permit issued by the Enforcement Officer upon receipt of a permit fee when locating a mobile home with- in the jurisdiction of Chowan County. This permit contains information concerning the mobile home and shall be issued prior to inspection by the Building and/or Electrical Inspec- tor. B. Construction Permit: A permit issued by the Enforcement Of- ficer under this Ordinance authorizing a developer to con- struct or expand a mobile home or travel trailer park. C. Developer: Any person, firm, trust, partnership, joint ven- ture, syndicate, association or corporation or any combination of such entities engaged in the development or proposed devel- opment of a mobile home or travel trailer park. D. Enforcement Officer: The Enforcement Officer shall be the person appointed by the Chowan County Board of Commissioners to enforce this ordinance. E. Interior Transportation Rights -of -Way: Streets within a park which serve only the park residents and are not designed for ' through traffic. F. Mobile Home: Any structure which consists of a single unit completely assembled at the factory and is designed so that the total structure (not including double wides or triple wides) can be transported on its own chassis; and is over 32 feet in length and 8 feet in width; and is designed to be used as a dwelling and provides complete, independent living faci- ' lities inclusive of permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation. Such units shall be consider- ed a mobile home; regardless of the shape of the unit; wheth- er or not the wheels have been removed, set on jacks, skirt- ing, masonry blocks or other temporary or permanent facili- ties. A travel trailer is not to be considered as a mobile ' home. a Any site or tract in single ownership on which more than two (2) mobile homes are located and/or occupied, or on which ' facilities are provided for, whether or not a charge is made for the use of the mobile home or the use of the site or tract. H. Mobile Home Space: A plot of land within a mobile home park designed and the boundaries delineated for the accommodation of one mobile home. I. Natural or Artificial Barrier: Any river, pond, canal, road- way, levee, embankment, fence, hedge, tree row, or similar obstruction which limits access and/or visibility. J. Operating License: A license issued by the Enforcement Of- ficer to the developer, owner, or operator of a mobile home or travel trailer park upon the completion of a mobile home or travel trailer park which conforms to the requirements of this Ordinance allowing for the operation of a mobile home or trav- el trailer park. K. Plat: A map or plan delineating a tract of land to be divided into smaller tracts. The word plat shall include the terms "map" , "plot" , and "plan." L. Structural Additions: Any roofed, canopied, enclosed porch or room or structure which is used in connection with a mobile home. A concrete slab, with no roof shall not be considered a structural addition. ' M. Travel Trailer: A wheeled vehicular portable structure built on a chassis, designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for ' travel and recreational purposes, having a body width not exceeding eight (8) feet. This is also intended to include structures mounted on auto or truck bodies that are referred to as campers. N. Travel Trailer Park: Any site or tract of land in single ownership upon which are located, or upon which facilities are provided for more than two (2) travel trailers regardless of whether or not a rent is paid or charge is made for the priv- ilege of locating a travel trailer upon the site or tract or for occupying any travel trailer. 0. Travel Trailer Space: A plot of land within a travel trailer park designed for the accommodation of one travel trailer. ' ARTICLE III - REQUIRED PERMITS AND REGULATIONS FOR LOCATING MOBILE HOMES SECTION 1. PROCEDURE A. No person shall locate, relocate or cause to be located or relocated, any mobile home intended for use as a dwelling, other than one in a mobile home park (with an approved sewage disposal system), or in an area served by a public or communi- ty sewage disposal system without first obtaining an improve- ments permit from the District Health Department. The District Health Department will issue the permit after making a determination that a septic tank or other ground absorption sewage disposal system can be installed in accordance with local and state health regulations. After the improvements permit has been issued and the work has been completed on the ground absorption sewage disposal sys- tem, the District Health Department will make a final inspec- tion. If it finds that the system has been properly in- stalled, it will issue a certificate of completion. A mobile home may not lawfully be occupied until this certificate has been issued. B. Any person locating or relocating a mobile home in Chowan County, must secure a building permit. The Enforcement Officer shall issue a building permit upon receipt of a build- ing permit fee, which may be set by the Board of Commissioners together with an application which shall contain (1) the name ' and mailing address of the owner(s) of the mobile home, (2) a description of the mobile home, including the name of the manufacturer and year of construction, (3) proposed location of the mobile home. Dealers of mobile homes who place mobile homes upon their sales lots (when such mobile homes are not to be occupied for residential use) are exempt from the require- ments of this paragraph. The Building Inspector shall inspect each mobile home to determine compliance with the following: 1. All mobile homes shall be anchored in a manner approved by the "State of North Carolina Regulations for Mobile Homes," as from time -to -time amended, published by the North Carolina Department of Insurance. The anchoring requirement herein shall be completed within thirty (30) days after the issuance of a building permit. 2. All mobile homes shall be skirted with a noncombustible, corrosive resistant material extending from the bottom of the unit to the ground. Such skirting shall contain an access door measuring not less than eighteen (18) inches by twenty-four (24) inches. 1 3. All mobile homes shall be installed according to the mobile home manufacturers' printed instructions designed by a licensed architect or engineer. They shall specify ' the location and required stabilizing devices (tie -downs, piers, blockings, etc.) on which the design of the fas- tening devices attached to the homes are based. If such instructions do not exist, standards included in the "State of North Carolina Regulations for Mobile Homes," shall apply. C. After a building permit has been secured and the certificate of completion has been issued by the District Health Depart- ment, the mobile home shall be properly connected to electri- cal utilities and approved by the Electrical Inspector. D. It shall be unlawful for an individual, partnership, firm or corporation to allow any electric current for use in any mob- ile home to be turned on or to continue to furnish electricity for use in such mobile home without having first ascertaining that a label of compliance is permanently attached to said mobile home or a certificate of compliance has been issued. 11 ARTICLE IV - APPLICATION FOR MOBILE HOME OR TRAVEL TRAILER PARK CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ' SECTION 1. APPLICATION PROCESS A. No person shall construct a mobile home park or travel trailer park or make any addition to an existing mobile home park or travel trailer park that either alters the number of sites for mobile homes or travel trailers with- in the park or affects the facilities required therein until he/she first secures a permit authorizing such construction or additions. The construction or addition shall be in accordance with plans and specifications ' submitted with the application. 11 1 B. The application for a mobile home park or travel trailer park construction permit along with six (6) copies of a plat delineating the proposed park layout, shall be filed with the Chowan County Building Inspector at least ten (10) work days prior to the regular meeting of the.Chowan County Planning Board, at which time, the plat will be reviewed by the Board. C. Any plat of a new mobile home park or travel trailer park shall be signed by a registered surveyor or engineer and any expansion of an existing mobile park or travel trailer park must also be represented on a plat bearing the signature of a registered surveyor or engineer. D. The proposed plat shall be submitted by the Enforcement Officer to the following for their comments prior to submittal to the Planning Board: Building Inspector, Electrical Inspector, the District Health Department, the local CAMA Permit Officer, State Health Officials when applicable, and any other agencies deemed necessary. If comments have not been received within ten (10) days, the Planning Board shall consider the plat acceptable unless an extension of time is agreed upon. SECTION 2. CONTENTS OF PARK PLAN A. The plat shall be drawn at a scale not smaller than one (1) inch to one hundred (100) feet. The plat shall con- tain the following information (for any park size): 1. Name of proposed park 2. General location map with township, municipality, county and state of proposed park 3. Name, address, and phone number of developer 4. Scale represented numerically and graphically 5. Date of plat preparation and name of surveyor or preparer of plat 6. Sketch location diagram showing adjacent properties and the location of existing streets Ll 1 7. Dimensions and bearings of exterior property lines 8. Topographic information may be required, if requested by reviewer 9. Proposed streets in park and design and construction criteria for each street 10. Mobile home spaces well defined and sufficient for delineation on the ground 11. Travel trailer spaces well defined and dimensioned 12. Proposed surface water drainage plan 13. Location of existing and proposed permanent struc- tures 14. Location, purpose, and dimensions of areas to be used for purposes other than for mobile home or travel trailer sites for lease 15. Location and intensity of area lights and evidence that a power company will provide service to the park 16. Plans for water supply and sewage disposal systems. The location, size, and number of mobile homes or travel trailers to be connected to each septic tank and well, and written approval from the District Health Department or applicable state agency 17. Designation of areas subject to flooding 18. A certificate applied to the plat by the Coastal Area Management Act Permit Officer stating whether any portion or the entirety of a park is in a designated Area of Environmental Concern and whether appropriate CAMA permits have been acquired. 19. Submission of all documents relating to land or fa- cilities dedications, restrictive covenants, etc. 20. Any other information considered by either the devel- oper, the Planner, or the Planning Board to be per- tinent to the application. 21. Copy of driveway permit from the District Highway Engineer 22. Certificate of Ownership, signed; Certificate of Accuracy of Mapping, signed; Water and Sewage, signed; Certificate of Approved Light and Electrical System, signed; Certificate of Approved Fire Protection System, signed; Certificate of Planning Board Approval, signed; and Certificate of Approved Streets by Highway Department, signed; and Certif- icate of County Board of Commissioners Approval, signed SECTION 3. REVIEW PROCESS A. All comments, the proposed plan, and any additional in- formation shall be presented to the Planning Board at their regularly scheduled monthly meeting. 7 B. The Chowan County Planning Board shall review the proposed park plan in accordance with the plat requirements and design standards contained in this ordinance. The Planning Board shall review and take action on a park plat within forty-five (45) days or the developer may consider the plat approved, unless an extension of time is agreed upon. SECTION 4. ACTION A. After considering all available information, the Planning Board shall approve, approve conditionally, or disapprove, the plat. 1. If approved conditionally, the conditions and reasons thereof shall be stated and the Planning Board may require the developer to submit a revised plat. 2. If the Planning Board should disapprove the plat, the reasons for such action shall be stated in writing and transmitted to the developer. If the plat is disapproved, the subdivider may make such changes as will bring the plat into compliance with this Ordinance and resubmit it to the Planning Board or the developer may appeal the Planning Board's decision to the Board of Commissioners, in writing, within thirty (30) days from the date of the Planning Board's action, with notice to the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. 3. If approved, the developer may proceed with the in- stallation of improvements in accordance with the approved plat pursuant to the issuance of a construction permit by the Enforcement Officer. SECTION 5. ISSUANCE OF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT AND OPERATING LICENSE A. After approval of a construction permit application by the Planning Board or County Board of Commissioners, the Enforcement Officer shall promptly issue a construction permit in accordance with the instructions of the Planning Board or County Commissioners. The intent of this permit is to enable the execution of the plan in the field. B. During this phase, all field work shall be in accordance with the approved plans. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to inform the Building Inspector and/or Enforcement Officer as to the progress of field work so that timely inspections can be made. C. When a developer has completed the construction of a park pursuant to a construction permit in accordance with this Ordinance, he/she shall apply to the Enforcement Officer for ' an Operating License, which is required before a developer shall lease or rent spaces in the park. The Enforcement Officer shall issue an Operating License, if the park conforms 1 to the application and plans approved by the Planning Board and complies with other applicable laws. 1 1 I 1 ARTICLE V - DESIGN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR MOBILE HOME PARKS ' SECTION 1. SUITABILITY OF LAND ' Land subject to flooding, improper drainage, erosion, or that is for topographic reasons unsuitable for residential use as deter - ..mined by the Planning Board, shall not be developed for mobile ' home parks if such use would continue or increase the danger to health, safety, or property, unless the hazards can be and are corrected or avoided. However, the Planning Board in carrying out this directive, shall not, solely on the grounds of flood danger, prohibit mobile home park development or use if a future County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance allows such development or use above the 100 year flood elevation. An adopted Flood Damage Pre- vention Ordinance shall control in the event of any inconsisten- cies with other County Ordinances. Areas which have been used for the disposal of solid waste, in- cluding solid, liquid, or chemical waste, shall not be developed as mobile home parks. SECTION 2. SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Required Mobile Home Space Area: The sizes of new mobile home ' spaces shall be subject to the approval of the District Health Department. The District Health Department requirements for minimum lot area and lot width are provided below. Public Water & Public Water or Sewer Community Water Provided No Sewer No Water or Sewer Provisionally Provisionally Suitable Soil Suitable Soil Minimum Lot Area 7,200 s.f. 15,000 25,000 .20,000 40,000 Lot Width 100 ft. 100* 100 100 100 Front Yard Setback 30 ft. 30 30 30 30 Rear Yard Setback 20 ft. 20 20 20 20 ' Side Yard Setback 15 ft. 15 15 15 15 ' *If public water and sewer is not provided. Note: Lot width is contingent on depth of lot selected to provide the needed lot area for soil type. �I 10 E The amount of land for each mobile home space served by an individual well and/or septic tank shall be determined by the District Health Department after an investigation of soil conditions. Parks to be served by public water and sewage disposal systems shall have adequate area in each space to provide for the mobile home, resident vehicles, and required setbacks, as determined by the Planning Board. C. Each mobile home space boundary shall be designated with ap- propriate stakes or pipes placed at each corner. D. There shall be at least 15 feet clearance between mobile homes, including homes parked end to end. No mobile home shall be located closer than 15 feet to any building within the park, within 35 feet of any exterior boundary line of the park and no closer than 15 feet to the edge of any interior transportation right-of-way. E. All mobile home spaces shall abut upon and have access by way of an interior transportation right-of-way, which shall have unobstructed access to a public roadway. Minimum right-of-way and pavement widths shall be as follows for all interior transportation rights -of -way. Minimum Right -of -Way Minimum Improved Width 60' 34' - with parking on both sides 40' 24' - without parking 30' 14' - one-way street without parking F. All streets shall have a four inch stone surface that is dur- able and well drained under normal use and weather conditions. The surface shall be well maintained at all times. G. Dead end streets shall not exceed one thousand (1,000) feet in length and their closed end shall have a T-turn around or a cul-de-sac bulb with a minimum of sixty (60) feet diameter. H. The intersection of an interior transportation right-of-way with a.public roadway shall be designed to facilitate the free movement of traffic on the public roadway and to minimize the hazards caused by traffic entering or leaving the park. The intersection with a public roadway shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Transportation, Division of Highways. I. In all mobile home parks accommodating or designed to accom- modate 10 or more mobile homes, there shall be one or more recreation areas which shall be easily accessible to all park residents. The amount of recreation area shall be based upon a minimum of 200 square feet for each mobile home space. 11 Twenty or more spaces will require 250 square feet for each mobile home space. No single outdoor recreation are# shall ' contain less than 2,000 square feet. Recreation areas shall be so located so as to be free of traffic hazards and should, where topography permits, be centrally located and shall be useable for recreation. J. Parking space sufficient to accommodate at least two automo- biles shall be required for each mobile home space. At least one parking space measuring 10 feet by 20 feet shall be con- structed within the mobile home space with the additional space located in a central parking area, on the periphery of the transportation right-of-way, or within the mobile home ' space. K. Where any boundary of a mobile home park runs adjacent to a public roadway, an industrial or commercial use, or any other use incompatible with a residential development, the park must provide sufficient screening in the form of a fence or natural growth and/or a sufficient buffer strip to shield the park ' from the adverse effects of the incompatible use. L. An approved drainage plan shall be submitted which may be prepared by the Soil Conservation Service or an equivalent plan. The park shall be graded so as to prevent any water from ponding or accumulating on the premises. All ditch banks ' shall be sloped and seeded. M. The area of the mobile home stand shall be improved to provide an adequate foundation for the placement of the mobile home and there shall be provided anchors and tie -down facilities in every mobile home space foundation so that every mobile home may be tied down to comply with the provisions of Article N. Signs for identification of parks shall not exceed four feet by eight feet at the entrance of the park. O. Fire Protection: Any new mobile home park being served by a municipal water supply or county water supply, shall mandato- rily place fire hydrants within 500' of any residential lot. Whenever there is a public water system within 1,000 feet of the mobile home park, the owner of the mobile home park, shall arrange connection to the system. All lines, fire hydrants, valves and other hardware shall be installed as required by Section 3 of Article V of this Ordinance. If public water is ' not available within 1,000 feet of the mobile home park, and the owner of the park is required to provide a private water system, it shall be constructed in compliance with require- ments of Part 2, Section 3, Article V of this Ordinance. 1 12 1 SECTION 3. WATER SUPPLY, SEWAGE DISPOSAL, ELECTRICAL AND REFUSE COLLECTION FACILITIES t A. Each mobile home space shall be equipped with plumbing and electrical connections of sufficient capacity. Electrical connections and wiring shall be in accordance with electrical codes adopted by Chowan County. -B. Each mobile home space shall be provided with and shall be connected to a sewage disposal and water supply system, as approved by the District Health Department or by the appropri- ate state agency. The following provides details on approved water supplies: 1. County Water Service Requirements Prior to preliminary plat submission, the Planning Board or their authorized representative shall determine if County water services are available for the proposed mob- ile home park. a. If County water service is not available, the plans for construction of the proposed facilities or indi- vidual water supplies shall meet the standards of the District Health Department; and, for systems serving at least 15 service connections or at least 25 people ' daily at least 60 days out of the year, approved by the State Commission for Health Services in the Division of Environmental Management plans shall be submitted with a preliminary plat. b. If County water service is to be available and the developer is developing new lots, the developer shall ' construct a water system and connect it to the system owned and operated by Chowan County, subject to the following conditions: ' i. Construction plans for the proposed system shall be prepared by a registered engineer, materials and construction to be in accordance with the specifications for the Chowan County Water System as prepared by the County's Engineer, and submit- ted with the preliminary plat for approval by the ' Planning Board, County Engineer and the appropri- ate State Agencies. ii. The cost of construction, connection and approval of the water system shall be paid by the devel- oper. ' iii. All water mains, laterals, meter box, and ease- ments shall be dedicated to the County Water Sys- tem. Water lines shall be installed on the street right-of-way where possible. 13 ' 2. Private Water Supply a. Water main trunk lines shall be a minimum of 2 inches ' in diameter and shall be constructed of material ap- proved by the Division of Health Services. b. The water supply shall have a minimum of 30 psi (guage) when operating at peak demand and will be checked by the Enforcement Officer. ' c. Every well or suction line of the water supply system shall be located in such a manner that neither under- ground nor surface contamination will reach the water ' supply from any source. d. No well casings, pumping machinery or suction pipes shall be placed in any pit, room or space extending ' below ground level. Such installation shall not be permitted in any room or space above ground which is ' walled in or otherwise enclosed. Such installation may be allowed where free drainage by gravity to the surface of the ground is provided. ' 3. Individual Water -Riser Pipes and Connections a. Individual water and riser pipes shall be provided and located within the confined area of the mobile home ' stand at a point where the connections will approxi- mate a vehicle position. b. Water riser pipes shall extend at least 10 inches above ground elevation and the pipe shall be at least three-quarter inches in diameter. The water outlet shall be capped at all times when a mobile home does ' not occupy the lot or when the supply is not in use. c. Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent freezing of service lines, valves, and riser pipes and to pro- tect risers from heaving and thawing actions during freezing weather. Surface drainage shall be satisfac- torily diverted from the location of the riser pipes. Sewer riser pipes should be at least 6 inches above the ground level. ' C. The park owner or designated agent shall be responsible for refuse collection where suitable collection is not available ' from governmental agencies. SECTION 4. STRUCTURAL ADDITIONS ' All structural additions to mobile homes other than those which are built into the unit and designed to fold out or extend from it, shall be erected only after a building permit shall have been obtained, and such additions shall conform to the building code 14 7 L adopted by Chowan County, where applicable, or shall meet the standards of special regulations adopted with respect to such additions. The building permit shall specify whether such struc- tural additions may remain permanently, must be removed when the mobile home is removed, or must be removed within a specified length of time after the mobile home is removed. Structural al- terations existing at the time of passage of this Ordinance shall be removed within thirty (30) days after the mobile home which they serve is moved, unless attached to another mobile home on the same site within that period or otherwise approved by the Enforce- ment Officer. SECTION 5. MANAGEMENT ' In each mobile home park, the park owner or authorized agent shall be in charge of keeping the mobile home park, its facilities, and ' equipment in good repair and in clean, orderly, safe and sanitary condition, at all times. ' SECTION 6. PARK EXPANSION When expansion of an existing park is proposed, the park developer shall provide the Planning Board with an improvement plan showing ' the existing area and the proposed addition and a reasonable time schedule by which the existing park area will be brought into compliance with this Ordinance. F� 1 15 it ARTICLE VI - SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS I SECTION 1. SITE SUITABILITY Land subject to flooding, improper drainage, erosion, or that is for topographic reasons unsuitable for recreational use as deter- mined by the Planning Board, shall not be developed for travel •trailer parks, if such use would continue or increase the danger ' to health, safety, or property, unless the hazards can be and are corrected or avoided. However, the Planning Board in carrying out this directive shall not solely on the grounds of flood danger, prohibit travel trailer park development or use, if a future ' County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance allows such development or use above the 100 year flood elevation. An adopted Flood Dam- age Prevention Ordinance shall control in the event of any incon- sistencies with other County Ordinances. Areas which have been used for the disposal of solid waste, in- cluding solid, liquid or chemical waste, shall not be developed as travel trailer parks. SECTION 2. SITE DEVELOPMENT ' A. Every travel trailer space shall contain at least 2,800 square feet, (a lot size of 40 x 70 is recommended) in order to ' comply. B. There shall be a minimum distance of 15 feet between each travel trailer or structure. ' C. Parking spaces sufficient to accommodate at least one motor vehicle and one travel trailer shall be constructed within ' each space. No more than one camping vehicle may be parked on any space. ' D. All spaces developed adjacent to a public street shall be set back a minimum of 35 feet.from the street right-of-way. E. Each space shall be graded to prevent any water from ponding or accumulating within the park. Each space shall be properly graded to obtain a reasonably flat site and to provide ade- quate drainage away from the space. F. The park shall have all weather roads that directly abut each space. All road rights -of -way shall have a minimum width of ' 30 feet. In areas of heavy vehicular use, wider rights -of -way may be required. G. Each space shall have access by way of an interior transporta- tion right-of-way. H. The park shall be developed with proper drainage ditches. All banks shall be sloped and seeded. 16 fl 1 j1 r_ I. Cul-de-sacs or dead end roads shall not exceed 1,000 feet in length measured from the entrance to the center of the turn- around. Any road designed to be permanently closed shall have a T-turnaround or a cul-de-sac bulb with a diameter of 60 feet. J. The intersection of an interior transportation right-of-way and a public roadway shall be approved by the Division of Highways, Department of Transportation. K. Each park shall have a central structure or structures that will provide separate toilet facilities for both sexes. This structure may also contain coin operated machines for the park residents use only, provided there is no exterior advertising. Vending machines also may be permitted in a sheltered area. L. No swimming pool or bathing area shall be installed, altered, improved, or used without compliance with applicable health regulations. No bathing area shall be used without the ap- proval of the District Health Department. M. Signs for identification of parks shall not exceed four feet by eight feet at the entrance to the park. SECTION 3. SANITARY FACILITIES, WATER SUPPLY, SEWAGE DISPOSAL, GARBAGE COLLECTION AND UTILITIES A. Sanitary Facilities 1. All toilet, shower, lavatory, and laundry facilities shall be provided and maintained in a clean and sanitary condi- tion and kept in good repair at all times. They shall be safely and adequately lighted. Facilities shall be easily accessible and conveniently located. All toilet, shower, lavatory, and laundry room facilities shall be acceptable to the District Health Department and shall be in conform- ity with all State and District health regulations. 2. All buildings shall be constructed in accordance with the Building Code of North Carolina. B. Water Supply A safe, adequate, and conveniently located water supply must be provided for each park. No water supply shall be in- stalled, altered, or used without the approval of the District Health Department. 17 1 u C. Sewage Disposal 1. Sewage dumping stations shall be approved by the District Health Department. Each park shall be provided at least one sewage dumping station. 2. No method of sewage disposal shall be installed, altered, or used without the approval of the District Health De- partment. All sewage wastes from each park, including wastes' from toilets, showers, bathtubs, lavatories, wash basins, sinks, and water using appliances not herein men- tioned, shall be piped into an approved sewage disposal system. D. Garbage and Refuse Disposal 1. The park owner is responsible for refuse collection. All refuse shall be collected at least twice weekly, or more often, if the need is indicated. All refuse shall be ' disposed of in accordance with the Chowan County waste disposal ordinance. 1 2. Storage, collection, and disposal of refuse shall be so managed as not to create health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accidents, fire hazards, or air pollution. 3. All refuse shall be stored in conveniently located leak- proof, rodent -proof containers with tight -fitting lids. One such can with a capacity of at least 20 gallons shall be provided for every two spaces. Garbage cans shall be located no farther than 100 feet from any trailer space. 4. Racks or concrete platforms shall be provided on which to store containers. Racks or platforms shall be so designed as to prevent tipping and to minimize spillage. E. Where electrical service is used, the installation and use of such facilities shall conform with all applicable codes. Such facilities shall be inspected and approved by the County Elec- trical Inspector. F. Each park shall provide recreation areas to serve the needs of the anticipated users. One-half acre of level, well drained ground for every 15 spaces shall be utilized as a recreation area. The park owner is responsible for the development and maintenance of the recreation areas. G. It shall be unlawful for a person to park or store a mobile home in a travel trailer park. However, one mobile home may be allowed within a travel trailer park to be used as an of- fice or residence of persons responsible for the operation and maintenace of the travel trailer park. ISECTION 4. PARK EXPANSION When expansion of an existing park is proposed, the park developer shall provide the Planning Board with an improvement plan showing the existing area and the proposed addition and a reasonable time schedule by which the existing park area will be brought into compliance with this Ordinance. 19 IARTICLE VII - MOBILE HOME AND TRAVEL TRAILER PARK REGISTERS ' It shall be the duty of the owner or operator of a mobile home and/or travel trailer park to keep an accurate register containing a record of all occupants and owners of mobile homes or travel trailers located within a park. The register for any given year shall be preserved for two years and shall be submitted to the County Tax Supervisor's Office in accordance with G.S. 105-316, and shall be available for inspection at all times by the Enforce- ment Officer, the County Building Inspection Department, the County Health Department, and other government agencies and of- ficials authorized by the Board of Commissioners. Ll 1 1 20 1 ARTICLE VIII - INSPECTION The District Health Department, the Chowan County Electrical In- spector, and/or the Enforcement Officer, are hereby authorized and directed to make such inspections as are necessary to determine satisfactory compliance with this Ordinance upon consent of the park operator. However, such inspections may take place without the consent of the park operator by use of "Administrative Search and Inspection Warrants" in compliance with G.S. 15-27.2. It shall be the duty of the owners or occupants of mobile home and travel trailer parks to give these agencies free access to the ' park premises at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection. 1 21 ARTICLE IX - LOSS OF OPERATING LICENSE Any mobile home park or travel trailer park that is found to be in violation of this Ordinance will cease entering into new leases. A violation of this Ordinance's provisions constitutes a misdea- meanor, punishable under State Law (G.S. 14-4) by a fine of up to $50.00 or imprisonment for up to 30 days. Violators are, under G.S. 153A-123, subject to civil penalty when applicable and any redress for violations in any manner authorized by that general law. The notice of violation shall be sent to the park operator by certified or registered mail specifying what violations have been found, what corrective measures must be taken, and that failure to comply with the Ordinance shall result in revocation of the operating license. Unless an inspection shows the violation to have been corrected or to satisfactorily be in the process of completion no later than 30 days after notice of permit violation is given, a notice of a revocation hearing shall be sent to the offending party by certified or registered mail. The revocation hearing notice shall indicate the time and place of the hearing, that the park operator may be represented by counsel and that the hearing shall be held before the County Board of Commissioners. At the hearing, the burden of proof shall be on the Enforcement Officer, who may also be represented by counsel, evidence shall be presented and cross examinations shall be allowed. The decision of the Board shall be stated in writing and supported by a state- ment of its findings of facts and conclusions. In the event that the park is found to be in violation, the permit for all spaces shall be revoked. If the owner later wishes to correct the viola- tion, he shall be required to resubmit his mobile home park plan in compliance with this Ordinance in order to get an operating license. 22 ' ARTICLE X - LEGAL PROVISIONS 1 IFI SECTION 1. PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE DECLARED TO BE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS The provisions of this Ordinance shall be held to be minimum re- quirements, adopted for the promotion of the public health, safe- ty, morals or general welfare. Wherever the requirements of this Ordinance are at a variance with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted regulations, the most restrictive, or that impos- ing the higher standards, shall govern. Whenever the Planning Board authorizes a deviation from the precise dimension specified in this Ordinance, a written statement of the reasons for such deviation and why it is appropriate, shall be included in the permanent record of the permit application. SECTION 2. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION Violation of the provisions of this Ordinance or failure to comply with any of its requirements (including violations of conditions and safeguards established in connection with allowable devi- ations) shall constitute a misdemeanor. Any person who violates this Ordinance or fails to comply with any of its requirements shall upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $50.00 or imprisoned for no more than 30 days. Each day such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the County of Chowan from taking such other lawful action, including an action for an injunction, as is necessary to prevent or remedy any violation. SECTION 3. AMENDMENTS The Planning Board shall consider and make recommendations to the County Commissioners concerning each proposed amendment. No amendment shall be adopted by the County Commissioners until after public notice and hearing. Before taking such lawful action as it deems advisable, the County Commissioners shall consider the Planning Board's recommendation on each proposed amendment. If no recommendation is received from the Planning Board within 30 days after the public hearing, the proposed amendment shall be deemed to have been approved by the Planning Board. SECTION 4. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE Should any section or provision of this Ordinance be declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decisions shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or Iinvalid. 1 23 E ..J FIB u F CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP I (we) hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon and that I (we) hereby adopt this plan of mobile home park with my (our) free consent. I (we) also certify that the land shown on this plat falls within the mobile home park jurisdiction of Chowan County. Owner Owner CERTIFICATE OF MAPPING 19 I, , certify that this map was (drawn by me) (drawn under my supervision) from (an actual survey made by me) (an actual surey made under my supervision) and the deed description recorded in Book , Page , that this map was prepared in accordance wtih the Chowan County Mobile Home and Travel Trailer Park Ordinance. 19 Surveyor or Engineer CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM I hereby certify that the water distribution and sewage systems, installed or proposed for installation in Mobile Home/Travel Trailer Park, fully meet the requirements of the District Health Department, and are hereby approved as shown. 19 Director of Health or his authorized representative 24 1 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVED LIGHT AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM I, , County Electrical Inspector, hereby certify that the proposed electrical and lighting systems in Mobile Home Park meet the requirements of the North Carolina Building Code. ' 19 County Electrical Inspector 1 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING BOARD The Chowan County Planning Board hereby approves the final plat for the Mobile Home Park. 19 Chairman, Planning Board CERTIFICATE OF THE APPROVAL OF STREETS I hereby certify that streets have been installed in an ac- ceptable manner and according to the Department of Transportation Standards. 19 County's Engineer County Clerk CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS The Chowan County Board of Commissioners final plat for the Park. hereby approves the Mobile Home 19 Chairman, Chowan County Board of Commissioners 25 1 I COMPLIANCE WITH STATE GUIDELINES FOR AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN Prior to approval of any Mobile Home or Travel Trailer Park, the County Manager and the local AEC Permit Officer shall determine if the site, in whole or in part, is located within or without any Area of Environmental Concern. This determination shall result from both an on -site investigation and a review of the official AEC overlay map. If the site is, in whole or in part, within any Area of Environmental Concern, the proposed development will comply with development standards of the State Guidelines for Areas of Environmental Concern prior to the issuance of any development permit; and a certification of compliance to that effect shall be signed by both the AEC Permit Officer and the County Manager. CERTIFICATION OF MOBILE HOME PARK ORDINANCES AND CAMA AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN CONSISTENCY This certifies that on , the local AEC Permit Officer and the County Manager have examined a tract of land located at and owned by for the purpose of determining if the tracts in whole or in part within or without an AEC, based on an on -site investigation and on examination of the official AEC overlay map. This further certifies that if the tract is, in part or totally, within an Area of Environmental Concern, all proposed uses or structures in the AEC will comply with development standards of the State Guidelines for Ares of Environmental Concern. AEC Permit Officer County Manager Date 91.-1