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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBill Cameron 72735D • b ''� [I"CAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL % G 1a f C. �� No. 72735GENERAL PERMIT 7;4... /OG A B c CO Previous permit# >`% C i Jew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued 1 As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality D///. js GQ /©7�f an!)and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC /fe A (_ ❑Rules attached. Applicant Name )?/L L C,,'/?4-,f'G" Project Location: County JY1(.✓ /7/9M" "t' Address /•/ 0. faX J[,y1 Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) rj9 1i/i,�, '/&%: City tM/L/h)"J/OA✓ State ZIP 2G 2 YO 10, Phone#(f/t .23Y•23Zi E-Mail 41/CA,,e,zvwCO.CO3',7 Subdivision, � p !J Authorized Agent 4) 1L).N/✓ City v}�,e, fi7Ji 'L 6 Drc%, ZIP -2// fg 7/va ❑cw LW C TA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin 41%4 ap,cl-- Affected ❑OEA E HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A AEC(s): Adj.Wtr. Body Mo7-75 C1,4491€2._ ( t✓man /unkn) E PWS: Aikti ORW: yes / ,o PNA yes / Closest Maj.Wtr. Body // Type of Project/Activity /'G/'LA icG )eck," Il,✓ �P2 d- 6.HZe16, ¢ A c?L1cG /c/0 � PO XS (Scale:/ : j() ) _ Pier(dock)length /X V ! i ; Fixed Platform(s) /6 ,it 1 I g () 1O'A / : Floatin Platforms ! ip 11 ■� Finger piers) I � Groin length p4iIPi I I number " ; i _i Bulkhead/Riprap length / 0 �' I ! avg distance offshore ' ! max distance offshore ■■■■■■■■■■■IIII■■■I I IM■N■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■ ■■■ r...�!!'7■■r■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■fir■��®■■■■■■■ cubic yards imm r Boat ramp i !J!IiiEIIIII1Ii i i Boathouse/Boatlift j Beach Bulldozing I 1111 Other ` !�� iiHiHIHIHIHIIIIIuIIIIIHIIHIUIuUII Shoreline Length D „ a e�e� �■■ SAV: not sure yes T7� ■■■■�■�������� Moratorium: n/a yes 0 Ili 1111111111111111111111111 ■■ ■■■■ mum ■■■■■■iiI i! ammo _ __ •U■■■ I Photos: yes � � Waiver Attached: yes re2 I 17 `L A building permit may be required by: W /` I-NTS V s Lie- ���/T I I See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/Special Conditions N 0 ,x P4/1/51DNS I//Di'✓E,d . GA r-I ,� ae.1,6 - G/L c e" Agen r 'cant Printed Nam Permit Officer's Printed Name ( ' O - `- Signature **P e read compliance statement on back of permit* Signature I•1)/9l i=1b 4/ /} //-7 y 'Az'', Application Fee(s) eck# Issu' g Dat / xpion Date . 1 . I AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: gdeAstafil Mailing Address: PD 36 Vg lithkis rvq 1r-(. Z9Y0g Phone Number: /1/0-.a9-)3Z Email Address: bieremilieumro.unit I certify that I have authorized G 4 (-!�„r( 114 6.-. 1 )) , Agent t Contractor to act on my behalf,for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: A.. Del' ow kw tsn.4-47100 Q rizold Dakota, cola ,2i 4 144.0, 144. '64 d at my prop& located at 7/Li 4/71414-.(2`'pj ' '3'" l' .) 41 '# in geld! County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter ' on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner informatio . r // arrow- // & JfrireViReCr ape, fro. 1 . P.O. Box 868 Signature Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 /1a)1 (910) 256-3062 Print or Type Name GWt e?" DiA Title l?l�J %l116 i I1 .94 I t 1 l ltiItitrrynJ rkili Date gifal!‘ ihiritit'i This certification is valid through i �4 q JAN 31 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC • •) ' f� _i04014 0/N1W 4.60' 50.00 i .9 n 1 ``� _I� '�� i/I ' b/ m `�I FLOATING I�"�`��'`� j�� )ATING L. 0�0. m b �I DOCK `�` /�a � OCK i m Nt- _4E _trB - RAMP 1)1)6 ' tlit, 1: 72. - :14 '1 BC /ter RAMPS 113.7' � � i � 1 �..� ( NOTES //(y/ r� y>4 b� ).2' (JET SKI LIFT)) I iE l -/ I I) NORiv'H_ - 18.6' � 'bl ( BY SURVEYOR. OR CONS T R.C i RAMP � ,3 I b PARCEL T i5 ✓'o p BY WRiGhTS\ ZEB KI- I �, p Be 2) PIERtiEAD _ �O IS*4/ ° ET ZONE LINES FR —3 s f{an la i ' WRIGhTSV.�-= z 1 N ORIGIN 15 r. L2 25.56 N3 I°45'07"E N 2L2 L3 ThE WEST 5,2.= L3 24.44 N31°18'S I"E - 3) RIPAR;A?: L4 20.05 559°08'00"E I -I SEE z r NOTE I OF PROPER-" . — ` \ �oj��� :It�•io BACK OF WOODEN o ELEC. O WOODEN I BACK OF CURD BULKHEAD 530°37'39"W i Om PANEL O FENCE CURB 5 5.00' / �— �:,�lm im :ate 530°37'39"W 530°37'39"W' ' 530°37'39"W N30°40'33'E 50.00 C1 ) 58.59' (TIE) 50.00' 50. ' 5 co RI- 13 O -L O to o In inI� ID,- WAYNICK BOULEV� N30°37'39"E z 3.2I' 1 N30°27'28"E N30°O9'04"E — I- --\/\--- '- 55.0' (DEED) -' , 50.00' - — —b a I co • I 4 i' o 10. 120 AC.±) 1t IAPPARENT GAP O i p O I (fl y N f r-m / IMPROVEMENTS N/F LILLY 2 ~O 0 . NOT ShOWN PART OF LOT 9 I U__I 2 '', --, D6 5506 I O 3 �/ll'✓/�M1�20r1 b PG 1967 I a I Z � � ° co Y1YW 0iiL o Cn � a i° 6) �% �n to Iz z N 530°30'54"W 347.43' -. 530°30'54''W N30°3 1103"E , -- /\-- _ I -559- o3400E -V 530°30'54'W 50.00' V 17.00' 2.57' Q L-"SPRUNT' STONE LUMINA AVENUE 30 FOLIC BAY —RECEIVED-- 31 2019 RIPARIAN SURVEY FO Q WI IV TON, NC WI LLI AM N . CAM EKE