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HomeMy WebLinkAboutLisa Lefler 72776D � 4 �� , CAMA / DREDGE & FILL No. 72776 ABCD iEN ERAL PERMIT Previous permit# > = New _Modification _Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality � 11/" and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC 7/� f56d �o,.M 42e0 // ` ,�/ ❑Rules attached. t Applicant Name 4 L..1S/9 t/ 16,D Project Location: County ;, t J ,4 4r/a4 IAddress lie 1'Z4/c,I,/ 2' Street Address/State Road/ Lot#(s) City Wg*iiiS Vitt� EC% State//C ZIP 27yFa S8/'/c- Phone# (910)02"e26o E-Mail` // ie� 6 6t " C0,4,Subdivision Authorized Agent , Z /-1),,, '✓ City ZIP ❑CW EW ›(PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin WAA (2/9j ' Affected ❑OEA ❑HI-IF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A ' AEC(s): Adj.Wtr. Body LE"�f CUT 6P/man /unkn) ❑ PWS: ORW: yes / no PNA yes no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body /W 1 Type of Project/Activity ,RCPA'/2 4X1.574 'y l/t,? It ,e?LAGS" J - ?'A'i,'6r bDCie1, (Scale:/ //-330' ) Pier(dock)length 6 ')1, z ' I T �� Fixed Platform(s) /1 �C,f� j Floating Platform(s) 6°A f b i . ! Finger pier(s) i �-' t.ij t s Cup' --r , n Groin length I number { I Bulkhead/Riprap length I ' avg distance offshore max distance offshore r b (o Basin,channel - � ' cubic yards j Boat rampIT { Boathouse/Boatlift I ' J I g.P Beach Bulldozing I I+2' Other I _ I 1 OA R�Pt,9c(' I , Shoreline Length bo { ; ' 1d /lot i� 1✓ SAY: not sure yes a> lfii/�Ir V f V/` i . /.11111111111.11.1111171 i Moratorium: n/a yes n ,:i II �'I��(II I Photos: yes no 1 T v Quu c 1,- Waiver Attached: yes no I A building permit may be required by: A ip TsV/L«% g&,c174 I !See note on back regarding River Basin rules. ' (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) /� / _ I Notes/Special Conditions N(/ I A IV/I A,fl�Nf / Z L a k"b V�� k\N.r 7J e al,e0. 141,2s0,- Agen• cant Printed Name PermitOfficer's Printed Name ,yam.,_ Signat re **Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Signatur 1A/i9Iv T i\i 1- .z_ 0 9/z./,9 k# Issuing Date Expiration Date Application Fee(s) �C-hec g i JAN 3 0 2015 Fran Ed Flynn e /J�i,.. jack' �1�'(3. Subject: 40 Pelican Dr. Y _ _-- �`=" S�i� 1�'P+ 41� f ✓ e Date: ranuary 29,2019 at P 28 AM P.O. Box 868 Tcr: Wrightsville Beach, !�� 28480 Lisa, Enclosed CAMA form for dock reps"srs. ��1�� 256-$062 Please sign at arrowed srsace and returr � PP11611/4 I hanks, Ed - (f ✓i 0131.t) I itit$4,0011 PIP1216 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPL Owner of Property Wner Requesting Permit Lin ,cxlcrh., ri ,,,,,, , ,,. , 5„, Ma4=ng Aaaress r'' 'Cea • r j,JMb>Ksv S ) N,i. A t vy Purse Number: Email Address: 11 eCrit F e ett.rr Gt7,^ gill 3 � �iA t,ram;S !�014; 1r Lltrii`.ptJ I certify that 1 have authorizedA eni,Contractw to act on my behalf,for the purpose of applying for and otltarn;rg all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development glik4& qs Ilarveb li'`"° "'t r-G 17./6 r 1`[M'ipr u` 00141 Do' ifrtro b 1 llti.4c arms ;�wle1►df at my property'located at 7 o/ h1L/'s j(),,1`-1 faiiiii4•rui&Div, iv.(. . en /`tlr3)l��lU County 4'4'�1pth.14i tttt ois di,kaj{1c.�+tt)/Z'.r3,"Ut7l I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff the Local Permit Outer and their agents to enter tin the akuam€enteoned lands rn connection with evaluating enfammatron rotated to this T pe»mt application Prope/9Owner information: .44 ,Signature L WI* iftite t.U -/e t P».9t Or Type Name __.- -- titre , d‘q l /9 Date This certification is valid through I q t 76 I ANL Lisa Lefler, 40 Pelican Dr., Wrightsville beach, N. C. 28480 P.-- _ Re•lace decki •and frami •as needed on fixed dock and one floati •dock dam-•ed b Hurricane Florence. y 'ea't T N. 4 4 il J `lli-'""I l'i ''1 .41..4,4: 1., ill'''- . , ' ° 1 ,,l,"•0' 'it,, . :' , , ..1 --.4 . ,,, .. .,.' - re_ _ ..,..-A i \ : yam, - a e , n .d :- f-P 4 . , � � gg — .- i � .V ' I. . ) ' j \---... li '• ;' 31 II i yf t f Yi . ".' r ,. 4. I,, r .ram. ��' 1•k ' , 0. r "' — - 1 M —1741 FRS Marine Contractors, Inc. , . :r Complete Marine Construction Services '.�' t,„., --.4"' For Over 40 years! r� ■ i►I►A CAPT. ED FLYNN DURWOOD SYKES �►;" c< 1��T II f . } . Piers, Floating Docks,Pilings, Bulkheads, I s ,, Boat Lifts, House Pilings, Repairs „. ,, 1 ,,,,.VW , I P.O. Box 868 Phone/Fax: (910)256-3062 • ., C. v Wrightsville Beach,NC 28480 email: p • .E,t.° a ,.a T tr;f, CUft