HomeMy WebLinkAboutHarold Sill 72830D CAMA / ❑DREDGE & FILL ��1� NO. 72830 6,,v, .. Tho Fleze-piet-- A B C D� ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# )G New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality n,lI��G� �y�, /Z� and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC ?h (// • ❑nRules attar ed. Applicant Name l/ZOG 2) ✓Z Project Location: County �CA/ 12._ Address 794 d 1.pt pb✓N,L 44,,, Rd, Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) 5f/116 - City /4¢/ T(6 I Staten C ZIP 2 S yyj Phone#( /)) 23,3-oat) E-Mail Subdivision Authorized Agent7;?l PP / ipP1„fy City ZIP Affected ❑CW Ay ❑PTA S ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin WA/tit O,✓(- AEC(s): ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Body �Q Amman /unkn) Ad'1 Wtr. O� /�"� ❑ PWS: ORW: yes / PNA yes no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body /,/1'`✓� Type of Project/Activity 4/ PL Cr PIcje P20f7't'6 DOCk (Scale: / - 2 o ) Pier(dock)length b 'X 7 c . Fixed Platform(s) ' i Q, Floating Platform(s) D d)/36.0 NAI■NE aim tif.aii Bill i NMI MI Finger pier(s) Ii Groin length11111111011111111111 i I number I Bulkhead/Riprap length j avg distance offshore 4: 1IIIIIIIIIL .. � r ' �''� Basin,channel 111111111111111 j I1lI1IIIIIIIIiIIIIllh1Ii cubic yards ! mil Boat rampirmaiiiii gl f j i I Boathouse/Boatlift i j Beach iiii jH ern H IllIlIUPIPIl1E1 11 1 I •r • MIMES_.,�I�R....�....11111 aU..111I U©.■ICI' • Shoreline Length /vv ������ —.SAV: not sure yes I011in. IMoratorium: n/a yes II!Ii1IUhiI1IiiU! II1IIIiii! . Al111111 f Photos: yesoit Ella Uomum_._.. =Ems iss come Waiver Attached: yes i A building permit may be required by: Pt A/PCR Coatity . See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) / // /f Notes/Special Conditions � LQ s X Pi9t.S/O"- al,' oz 1. /✓✓,9 L .S,1a f/Sax ax e- /��l OH✓e-� /. !� ..� fin` pp ref, ,b. 11,1..r Ag t or A nt P if nte¢�1 e Permit Officer's Printed Name /p3 ✓,)2 P- SignAture * Please read co m lance statement on back of permit** Signature W81 lie z �z � if 9/o it - Application Fee(s) Check# Is[uing Da a Ex iration Date PP a 1 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT . AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM 7 Date c 2/S-///f ,, ri, ,:-,4 40,4a7 3 , .7. Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: � `,k . / IMailing Address: 3/71- ,6/44' %At Zile)i) iCei s ; ( 4C. 91 1 ,..---, ... f certify that I have authorized(agent) /A 14074 to act on my behalf,for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA Permits necessary to install or construct(activity) /(d(/1 r°r at(my property located at) S 4 'lie Al,1 (/00"`" a, 1 1 This certification is valid thru(date) �/�/ I I (2/P.?///I Property Owner Signature Hate 1 i RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC I FEB 2 5 2019 jx,., , 49171IPPPRIIIM,"*.A. • ' - '' - 4 'ZSer:•:1 11:14-W442,1tA.;;;'' ' ' ,7140', ,•.1...t'''/i".4,, 4 r 1, T1""'" 'k ',A'.,,„„,_ — 4,- _ ,,,,;.• --.7,-!-. .. ---:!.,4. ,----,7„v,..,,,,,,,„ , , , ,-,-- . ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER arA_TmeNT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to ,,,/--x.i r iAeild ..5 // 's property located at 3 il‘ C2/141P Ai/ PI e of Property Owner) (Address,1.4ZBlock,Rd, et) un iiti40 ,in d -'42011-irePa- ,N.C. (Waterbody) 1"(Cityfrown aridfor County) I ; The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above 10CatiOn17,7 I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal_ DESCRIPTION ANDIOR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) ./seiel 4,446e! r/;90.-1,1',,i-i, 4.6-4 . .... , WAIVER SECTION Iunderstand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15 from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback,you must initial the appropriate Wank below.) I do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement 1.--"-----..."I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement (Prop Owner Information) " ent Property Own f ation) Signatyre SriLe*c,7(i 7q, 61 Pron.or 7-)w- Name ./7 Pnnt arjypyr st5,(de f9( eelf , Z A441 ing Mailing cl ms.s /V.4 Address Y1`71-3 Pv-,7.2 CirviStateMin City/ i ni -b) 2 Telephone i Number/email addre,ss TelephoneSif :f../ emar7 add re (Revised Aug. 2014) *Valid for one calendar year after signature* RECEIVED • DCM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 2 5 2019 APO ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT 1 hereby certify that►own property adjacent to /iffe / , f f I property located at 3' tv (/1 4,1pre of Property owner) s (Address, Lo, lock R sd a on ,,N,..) (Waterbody) , in C�irea N.C. { ty/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above lacation.�" G� I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal_ DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) l "'fit / ' , 42 i/V;d 4 r 17 r 4. /41))64;t1 WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse: lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (if you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) 1 do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. t/f 1 do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement, (Prroo/perty Owner Information) (Adjacen�perty ner Information) 0,e,e, .41(4: e_ _ Sigrrvtul e _Ire f-- /�i9 /lok� i S . L � .Al �el4L/v'AA,/ Print or Typo Name Prin r Typo Name l 'ailing Address Mailin Address Ai 41N psi" DIi"r. .2 I VLI A/4rip_"'f,*P, i✓C. z sY413 City/St tz p City/ fate/Zip y/V ,233'_ t.>i3tr /n- ,(-0-- 3 l 44 3 Telephone N tuber//email address Telephone Number/email address Date Date* (Revised Aug_ 2014) *Valid far one calendar year after signature* I RECEIVED I DCM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 2 5 2019 i f F d i 1 I < ,,, 3 tI , : I + iY F z , ' FY J F I CO e N t W z LC +¢!1a j S ' 1 i i l t F-1 i I i 1 *V A t - � 1 . rcc y i e: • ' �— _ 6 lI I 1 i 1 " y = I i 1 ' chh ,� , w _. � � i E t 1, t` _ 5ii'i 1 . R .._ .. ... .�.r„....yam.._ ... _._..__ —...........�.....✓ .._.._...< � ..< W i & .i.�...t_. ,..�.�+�..e........_ _.... � -�..:...-..........._..__...--+r . s _ .. .u..�m.m.e-.—w.o _,...�e..�w s ......«....— � _ �_ nm._ .aiw.:. ...,. \k i k ._