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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMark Dressler 71758D (UkkC \\V - \\ TV191(-A ft-CA •ECAMA / DREDGE & FILL No 71758 A B C ,0 EN ERAL PERMIT Previous permit#r I > New Modification ❑Complete Reissue -Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality + ' �� and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC M ! � ❑Rules attached. , Applicant Name N u i"ll D e\>LQ V Project Location: County Pell(U Address L I 1( 4 u ctS It i vvV N A ( Y-( S Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) 21(P if1A/A IA I VLG1-�D P\ City ` Oa lk )S{-ea G( State NA. ZIP 2 IC U i-{.j A c k ito 1 Phone# ( 1j(1) 441?)ZOLME-Mail WI&1I?VAC V 211 r oril U 1. Subdivision (Owl Authorized Agent SO\1F1 1 (ape Mu.1'l VU — N ,(ik City tk,o, jt�'(� n �( GI � 1 ZIP ",1 y U IIICW y] [EW PTA ❑ES ❑PTS (a ia 41�'ti'Ll'Phone # (410) L.DA` 1 �LI 4 River Basin Affected AEC(s): ❑OEA III HHF EllIH ElUBA ❑N/A GrAdj.Wtr. Body -TOM.1 I SC-1/1.11 G( gnat /man /unkn) ❑ PWS: N I>1�U ORW: es no PNA yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body Type of Project/Activity i i)i r.1 t,L G r k., L.L I 'C,_ Pue l ��� r1 4 l c t l�1 i ' ' �t 1-- I o ' 4 b k (A (Scale: 1 II=ci ) Pier(dock)length (/ 'X ) 5L i Fixed Platform(s) 1(F )(I tQ/'(O 111/111121111111111111111111111411=11111 ' Floating Platform(s) { 2GY/ Fin er ier s ■ ���� � 1Elhas■■ ■ ■ Groin length ''� 4■■■■■Bulkhead/Riprap length 41nce offshore �'a',�avg dista 11111111111111111 max distance offshore HHhIIIiHiIHHHINiiHHIIL Basin,channel ■■ ■�l�i ITE �liMM �,■■■ ■■ ■■� �A■■■■ ■ ili ■■��i��■ N■� OMI �■■■■�®■■I■npr�■■■■�■■■ cubic yards Boat ramp I Boathouse oatli x Z 151 Elm 11, ,,a-,,, .... Beach Bulldozing mi ,,/,,, ,, ■■■■■�1����� ■■��,1■■■■■�■♦��V�1 �■■■■■■■■■ ... Other N \AilhliUlIUIlIiIIIIDhIIlIiUiIIIiHII ■■■■■■■■■LL■■■e Iu I■■ Shoreline Length e'`' 2 0 c SAV: ( -� yes no Moratorium:_//n; yes no ;� Il■■— ■■Photos: s% (cesnoi '' p V1111111111 I PIM" Waiver Attached: yes ID r'Y S kX V ; I by: ,QI� A building permit may be required '.0 Q(/ IL V ( 1 ))I I See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction). ' C .�` /` Notes/Special Conditions t)+ .i U G1 4 1 cc( ( I cc et I/ )FM -I', I t-(/L-� 1'a I v P G)--vi 1644 1 L14- 41>yL(.) Ao e Xi�(,t<41c i 01 1 I [f I] In 14--( el - X / )w-\ � tr 5e Lit 1 h l'- ) A - ;Pea lc Agent or Applicant Printed Name Permit Officer's Pri Nam iii. ' i VI/ Uk Signature lease read compliance statement on back of permit** Signature ttiaI've d F 0-1-4.1 L) 1\ IA IN (77lib °I n!! 14f Application Fee(s)I Check# Issuing Date Expiration Date Y,' ei-44 yr Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit J/K/1 Mailing Address: 2/6 6 /.L-,j5 ,by 7'v ./7/!'s' /7.‘, Sly ,4' 7 '/V 3 P Phone Number: '9/ S '/ i 2 J y — " Email Address: 1/-Qss�/r 2/6 6 � ,,k a,%l � I certify that I have authorized Sa u/f 4;1 dP r r)(if Agent/Contractor to act on my behalf,for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development f F a' 10tpl. at my property located at 7/LC 6 I e%i +'f A,, in / ("ti'' County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: Signature Print or Type Name Title f ' i /f 1 /ilv Date This certification is valid through /() I / f\ka,,k. ,DcN-€ssl.Q,(- Maps 2166 Washington Acres Rd — 1 r i � .! 1• • ,��► �`,, ./. sir 111114 \ 1111.7.. dt �� vt Pt / '* •1 / ,T �w i Google } Imagery 02018 Googte,Map data 02018 Google 100 ft — C..„ C—AP-4---C • ‘ C. 6.72 2\4_>(,) )(6 \ls, 1 (4 I .--- \.A/69-A \ ( ( X V8(3 .ice -� ►► _... _, AtS .....,# ' ' #ire ' d .$ ,• ,, ;� ... �g�. .� ' [fit t. , .,, ,..*.i-4.‘-- '''..1!1‘, i ti _* t• • ' „ ::: . .0. - , , fie. • , ,..,. ''.'..1 I. :. '4 r t ice. 4`_.. ' _ .-