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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDavid & Mary Blinkoff 70561D l 61 / - IV1'tr2\1 A� - 1,.0r2 C- IN . 0❑CAMA / . DREDGE & FILL N� ��✓� A B C b GEI�IERAL PERMIT Previous permit# CNew Modification _.Complete Reissue —Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC vv /� (),� E Rules attached. Applicant Name J \� f v i2- ,7t \N bi- Project Location: County F-E"/v� t ----' Address k 21 ) Oki I) v t,v\ " I/'`• Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) City i4 Pk Lae T---P< D state NC ZIP SAA \2- I 6i uN0 v (�W 71-. Phone#(L'S k y - -rp'L(o( E-Mail Subdivisbn Authorized Agent -iC' - N W-1 C -ie IMAS ft I City f' 16A-15 ZIP 1S �5 Affected ❑CW rk_EVV ArTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# (`---)-- River Basin J i✓ �),[/ AEC(s): ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA El N/A Adj.Wtr. Body fo(-5A 1L 1:7L,/)/0 -OSP/man /unkn) ❑ PWS: Closest Maj.Wtr. Body 7b f 4//- 5 )U AJ/) ORW: yes / no PNA es no Type of Project/Activity fir el-PC(--F \ 1_-/ _(.___//\.)t- '-i_ / C / L 17 I)# AA ,(7fe.- y St/ I-I oig 1C> I"Gy1 (Scale: ( ', ii, ) Pier(dock)length Si y l oG I /cl� /1 Fixed Platform(s) 1 L Floating Platform(s) ' ", 12-, v/ A,/ Finger pier(s) _ I `11/ Groin length W � j 14 number - AvIA��� Bulkhead/Riprap length �L 7''''....< t/--(C l*E � . Chi avg distance offshore max distance offshore . i I Basin,channel __ `y , Y cubic yards _ — j I Boat ramp , ip _________, goult4 As - Boathouse/Boatlift , 4/ 11i ` :4 i Beach Bulldozing I Other I• y ej ' e — EV • LIFT r'U //' Shoreline Length�' I /VIO /KJ . SAV: not sure yes e . - �" Moratorium: n/a yes ® I __ o Photos: yes ] I 1. ( 'tl yJ /1U f e)A a _ Sao n Waiver Attached: yes to ' A building permit may be required by: Pt NilT (--c• • I I See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/Special Conditions E a ' / I(11- CF NiU( 4- . fr` ' 1),I ,'L- Agent or Applicant Printed ame " v9<1 } ) ,,wi✓-Permit fficer's Printed Name /Signature **Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Sign ure W/!-IV "-i.) N/44- /f• if, /( 92o • /ql Application Fee(s) Check# Issuing Date Expiration Date,r-V-4 l-... , API' 1 CAMA/ LI DREDGE a nu. NO 70561 A B C ,S) WGENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New 0Modificadon °Complies Reissue LiPartial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Ceram Department of Environmental Quality (3"?0 • Z-S-04t, and the Coastal Resources Commission km an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC . C-Ipwes Applicant Name 1)44 1t, tjg. 1\&41...pit KOPP Protect Location: County lalEtDM' _ Addr"s kr.7,k 1kID V 0 otevsi . Street Addrpas/Spte Road/Lot#(1) _ City el.ciftkf 1115D State rit, ZIP Itettl'S \i'l 50014/15 VWtki 7/-- Phone#(octnea--V1-10( E-Mail Subd •'. Authorized Agent (40— -WIP4#1 Clte C.VW(11-114. City_ LEA f/tit) ZIPj45 t Affected 0 cw Atsw /A:7m OBI OPTS Phone# ( '---r"----"' River BasirW Oikt 0 OPA 0 HHF 0 IH 0 USA 0 HIA AEC(s): Ad'.Wtr.Body 1i5f49(11-,- €20/4/0 _Affift/nven /unkn) PN no 0 P%VS: Closest Mal.Wtr.Body -r6,5411., Sothtip ORW: yes it5) A e5 Type of Project/Activity ri -et.pcc. - -pkAcit_e_--tht)tte--/A.16--- -Fekfd WIZ A-Ams :tlp.. , i+o ll--/ Per(dock)length `VI ). (05'. 43tla..isisimngimmnemum ../^t571.4. - (Scale: ("..:•_•461 ) ! • am ' .A.1fri ill Feed Platform(s) lc , rmulaips apciing unipit ---::- - ...1 tm Fleeting Platform(s) 13 * 12- II 111111111111111111 PIPIHINI1111111 IIIIIII Mill '_ ' ,._„L.: : Finger goier(s) INNEN ._ _4_, Groin 1 : 1111511101 'hi Plinio ,,iii.,..., illk rit- 11111114177"117.73,:..114:-..L Bulkhead/-1 •leigth iiiMilla a 1111111101. .dul an amilhill IMil III avg dis• •offshore MillIMS III Maillaq M. a ..4.± II nom a 1 _ MaX d - e offshore 11111111 I Ina 9 A m 1 Basin,channel lifiredlirg Gill 141411111111 - MI 1 -1 - cubic yards • 111111111111 Mill -"SINE ___i__ allinti Boat ramp 111..6. , rams Boathouse/Boadift__. 111111111111uNiiri .K0,,mg,, L\14, i 17-poprzaiiiii.011* 111111aa ainim 1 - v. . _ mom' Beech tkillelozIng II NOIR 111111 i. . __i I, -1IIu 7 :1_4 Other IIIIII tt IN 1 1 .. f-H 1 , 1 .r .7.1 11.1§11111111111111111111 airrAillikaillailleitt_NM-:-- - t4 -_,' ,41 ,-;---e--Mileainbial.11.11111111111FrAanalliOnillnti 4_1... lima to% Sh"ine Ln° .f tW — IPIIIIIpPr 1 1111111111 i 7 IIII liaiiikil p SAY: not suns miss ,,,, i ma 1 , 1 .,_ i 1 aimano 1 , , tIoratorium ilia yes g? a 1_, _Imo= - f•-•---7.---1 11- -- : . ... 1 IIIIIIIumill all Photos: Yes Fp _lea c ei ,'_ 1 -.... ' i ,--At,. - .frnimgovasillial Waiver Attached; yes 6 '--1. .___ _ U ii ; al ,. , , ' . 1.111•11111111111111 , A building permit may be required by el,)Difie--- GO. . E See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes,Special Conditions • , Ste(AL. p Ai _ or icant '//kg /,,vtrytdo..4, - "Please read lance statement on t46armit I. Sign iire _Witt V9i) N/A- 11'If t kr f 2o •f€7 Application Fee(s) Check# Issuing Date Expiration Date , , AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION David Blinkoff Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: and Mary Mailing Address: 121 Sound View Drive N Hampstead, NC 28443 (651) 707-6261 Phone Number: Email Address: Maryblinkoff@gmail .com Richard Penny 1 certify that I have authorized Agent!Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits Repair Pier, Platform necessary for the following proposed development: and Floating Dock. at my property located at 121 Sound View Drive, Hampstead, NC 28443, in Fender County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information; /1 I/47 . ,12-7/ Signature Print or Type Name Title Date This certification is valid through / 12 019 lh x . .F • 10'V A\Is. . • . r #. --.-:,.=.0..ii$07014 LOMITA*Oft 15X,OATIMIVitit T.7.,...',..cumw:::::::,,,,...,•....L.,„...s.....A.,:',,:;:, . • :.,...:: , , t .400•40 °%t t .s_:1 �, !. d ,x ,:1��. :i °, • . -- •• • .. . .. r +�rs y�y[yPl�, 44117$01t4474tr"41:2TPM. M ,v..o- . \ . ...: . YI. ,..,"/".,1,0'7.— -'4... ..,....,-..::-,:!10' . . 4'.!: ,,.......-...e.t.ltek :r." -11,.-47.- ' . 7. .'.•'' .RA. \\ \♦ 3 's. `s. q;F t i 1 Ate 1 i I �"p` HENRY BCFii7[tiR 123 SOUND VIEW DIN g i i I 1 w 9kY8J AND iIAIYSS.Qil�F 121 SOUND VIZ, DR fLlltflr4CSAD 2SA43 ISV N A 11i_Z tiN r N CAROLY .= et CZ119 SOUND DEW DIN \Ilei y N(a a d2.< la 10 Richard L.Denny,PE 133 SOUND VIEW DR Hempstead,NC 2&N3 T'YPSAIL SOUND �. ‘Aoir.. �'E -�1gl�ICsplN mua (CRANNP.I) . PADI SRISTINO Pt.OA IN7RACOASTAL anAnii /xRata=72OWAI R WAIPRWAY tcx ACio11 C1I%h., A��� FTAATINYI DOCK — r wde+.r_.n.; 'B.IJXiSI NO24•1IPIA,q,OpM F ?� , � 910 352-1317 * T IN Sonia i' = 30' •�' +i Sheaf No. FITS No. ,,/ �A NO. s ,. ..mar uPT 1 J331 M6tN 1AW APPR(>V(,a^ �'" PmPfdETARY AND r r•••r (ONFIDENTiAl mation The information contained in Ma drawing I the sole property d ,ra. Richard Penny Construction,LLC. N. My reproduction in pert or whde without ore mitten permission o/ Richard Penny Construction is ., prohibited.