HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDMF ExemptionCERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter iK" '""" o"f'KI GS i13A-103 (5) (b) (5) Applicant Name Address A City Project Location (County, S Type and Dimensions of Project f''l f * l� State _ �r Road, Water Bpdy, etc.) 'e The proposed project to be located and constructed as described above is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit requirements. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal, or Local authorization. Phone Number Zip , This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA permit is valid for 120 days from the date of issuance. Following expiration, a re-examination of the project and project site may be necessary to continue this certification. 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CAMA Officia)'s signature The applicant certifies by signing this exemption that the applicant will abide by the conditions of this exemption. Issuing,dat Expiration Date KIr-.. Nothing Compares,.,., Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Nelson, Anthony Sent: Friday, November 16, 2018 8:54 AM To: 'Winters, Mikele' <MWinters@moffattnichol.com> Cc: Graney, Patrick <PGraney@moffattnichol.com>; Scruggs, Ryan <ryan.scruggs doa.nc.gov>; Gupton, Anthony A <andy.gupton@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: NC Division of Marine Fisheries - Dock Structural Repairs - Design Fee Proposal Mikele, I have reviewed your fee proposal and need for you to confirm if the project is within the budget by your cost estimates. Presently we are unable to determine if it is but, we need some sort of breakdown in order to have some assurance that it will. Given that design has not yet started for the project and the various types of requested scope items for the 2 NCDMF facilities, we have not developed any construction cost estimates and are unable to establish a breakdown of the program costs. It is anticipated that these type of costs will be developed as part of the Schematic/Design Development phases of the project. Per our previous conversations, given your current overall budget of $650,000 (minus design fees), I would estimate that the full list of requested scope items cannot be constructed. Due to workload environment, the marine construction industry (contractors that would be expected to bid on this work) is currently not favorable to Owners (this is even more true post -hurricane). We have noticed some recent construction low bids higher than expected, with several contractors simply throwing large numbers at projects to see if it will stick. Essentially, marine contractors are flush with work right now and will do a project, but sometimes at a premium. This project will also be at a financial disadvantage due to construction at 2 separate sites. Therefore, mobilization/demobilization will be an added cost versus a project located at a singular site. Given this information, I think that the following repair iterns for the Morehead City Facility and South River Facility can be completed in the allotted budget. However, we would recommend that the remaining scope items be designed under this contract and included in the documents as bid additives should there be available budget after receiving bids. Morehead City Facility: • Security Fence and Gate: Replace the security fence and fixed concrete dock access gate along the shoreline perimeter. • Finger Piers: Replace damaged decking and stringers at timber finger pier extensions as applicable. Also, replace damaged and/or missing timber fender piles. • Timber Pile Clusters: Replace damaged and/or missing timber pile clusters. • Utilities: Downsize/upgrade electrical panels and remove any unnecessary utility pedestals at the fixed concrete dock. Also investigate possible upgrades to the dock water distribution system (currently PVC pipe flush mounted to the bottom side of the concrete deck). • Boat Ramp: Modify the top of sheeting/walkway so that it is level across the entire length. South River Facility: • Bulkheads: Provide fill immediately adjacent to the bulkheads in areas of scour or undermining caused by Hurricane Florence. • Timber Pile Clusters: Replace damaged and/or missing timber pile clusters. • Timber Piers: Replace damaged and/or missing piles, stringers, decking, handrail, wave break, and water/electrical utilities at the northern timber pier as applicable. Possible Additive Bid Items: • Boat Ramp: Investigate replacement of timber pile/sheet bulkhead on either side of the boat ramp using either in -kind or composite materials. • Bulkheads: The steel sheet pile bulkheads are showing signs of coating system breakdown and corrosion in the tidal splash zone. Therefore, install a cast -in -place concrete encasement (extension of existing concrete cap) at the steel sheet piles to at least 1' below Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) in order to minimize future corrosion. Also, we have some concerns that the design fee seems to be more than we have experienced with similar projects of this kind. Therefore we request that you reassess the scope of work and hopefully make some monetary adjustments which would be greatly appreciated. We can certainly reassess the project design fee, but I would not anticipate that there would be a sizeable reduction unless there were a considerable change in scope over what was previously discussed. Given the current scope, we may be able to reduce the fee by approximately 5%. The current total proposed fee ($103,635.00) includes the following non -design items that results in $50,320.00 or approximately 48.6% of the overall fee. • Two (2) on -site project scoping meetings that have already been performed ($2990.00) • The requested topside only field inspection ($8745.00) • Preparation of environmental permits ($7740.00) • Construction Administration Services ($30,845.00), which includes an on -site pre -bid meeting, pre -construction meeting, weekly construction inspections (12 assumed), and a final inspection as required by the NC State Construction Manua( ($30,845.00). For these SCO required on -site services, M&N staff will travel 5 % hours round-trip for each occurrence from our Raleigh, NC office. The remainder of the proposed design fee consists of the following design specific items. • Schematic/Design Development tasks with an on -site review meeting ($16,265.00) • Final design with the development of plans (15 total estimated drawings), specifications (12 total estimated technical specifications), and an opinion of probable construction cost ($37,050.00). Another item affecting the overall proposed design fee is the quantity of various types of scope items for the 2 facilities. In addition to the marine structural scope (timber piers, timber pile clusters, boat ramp, bulkhead repairs, etc.), there is security fence and mechanical/electrical scope that will be included. Respectfully, Anthony Nelson Maintenance Services Section Chief Capital Project Coordinator Division of Marine Fisheries Department of Environmental Quality 252 808 8043 office anthony nelson ncdenr.gov 3441 Arendell Street Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 -,:5: "Nothing Compares Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Winters, Mikele [mailto:MWinters@moffattnichol.com] Sent: Thursday, November 8, 2018 5:10 PM To: Scruggs, Ryan <ryan.scruggs@doa.nc.gov> Cc: Nelson, Anthony <anthony.nelson@ncdenr.gov>; Graney, Patrick <PGraney moffattnichol.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: NC Division of Marine Fisheries - Dock Structural Repairs - Design Fee Proposal aick.,links,or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Rya n, For your review, attached is a revised design fee proposal associated with the NC Division of Marine Fisheries "Dock Structural Repairs" project. Note that this revised proposal reflects a change in scope as directed by Anthony Nelson (NCDMF) and is a result of damage to the NCDMF marine facilities sustained during Hurricane Florence. Please let me know if you should have any questions or if any modifications are required to the attached. Thanks. Mike Winters Moffatt & Nichol 4700 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 300 1 Raleigh, NC 27609 P 919,781.4626 1 F 919.781.4869 1 C 919.803.9501 From: Scruggs, Ryan <rvan.scruggs@doa.nc.gov> Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 11:56 AM To: Winters, Mikele <MWinters@moffattnichol.com> Cc: Nelson, Anthony <anthony.nelson@ncdenr.gov>; Graney, Patrick <PGraney moffattnichol.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: NC Division of Marine Fisheries - Dock Structural Repairs - Design Fee Proposal Thanks! Ryan M. Scruggs Design Contracts Coordinator State Construction Office Phone: (919) 807-4098 www.nc-sco.com From: Winters, Mikele [mailto:MWinters moffattnichol.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 10:55 AM To: Scruggs, Ryan <ryan.scrugps@doa.nc.gov> Cc: Nelson, Anthony <anthonv.nelson@ncdenr.gov>; Graney, Patrick <PGranev@moffattnichol.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: NC Division of Marine Fisheries - Dock Structural Repairs - Design Fee Proposal