HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaritime Syblings❑CAMA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL Np 71690 A B ;"'C D r. GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # `% ❑New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued x As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality 10,,,i( and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of a virogmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC EJ R les attached.'-'` Applicant Name f` " ' Project Location: County Address t__ Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) City, tY � /VStatey zip .�) J l ,f Y? '� f. (-�' r Phone # O E-Mail Subdivision Authorized Agent City zip ❑ CW ❑ EW ❑ PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Phone # O River Basin Affected ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A AEC(s): Adj. Wtr. Body _ { t ti(nat Im ❑ PWS: an /unkn) r Closest Maj. Wtr. Body V ` ORW: yes / no PNA yes / no - Type of Project/ Activity A 1 LIV 0 f r (Scale: f Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) Groin length number Bulkhead/ Riprap length avg distance offshore max distance offshore x Basin, channel I I cubic yards Boat ramp ) Boathousoatlift # I __ Beach Bulldozing Other f i I Shoreline Length SAV: not sure yes no Moratorium: n/a yes o ` 42 Photos: yes I Waiver Attached: yes no ' A building permit may be required by: 7 ❑ See note on back regarding . sin rules. ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction) R Notes/ Special Conditions) ' t Agent or Applicant Printed Name PermitOfflcer's Printed Name Sign rQe Please read compliance statement on back of permit Signature fr, Application Fee(s) Check # ' Issuing Date r I Exlfiration Date Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Other: Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215) for more information on howto complywith these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ I-888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven, Onslow - North of New River Inlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fax: 252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax:910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River Inlet - and Pender Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/17 Davenport, Ryan From: Haines, Andrew Sent• Tuesday, August 28, 2018 8:44 AM To: Davenport, Ryan Subject: Island Harbor Marina Good morning Ryan, On our last visit to Island Harbor Marina in April of this year, we counted a total of 88 slips. The existing closure of 200 feet from the outermost slips in the current layout is adequate for up to 100 slips. Any modifications that they make that keep the total slip count under 100 and do not extend beyond the current outermost slips will not cause an expansion of the closure. Thanks, and enjoy the day! Andy Andrew Haines Environmental Program Supervisor II Division of Marine Fisheries — Shellfish Sanitation and Recreational Water Quality Section Department of Environmental Quality 252-808-8149 office and rew. haines()ncdenr.gov PO Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ISL MARI\A July 16, 2018 Roy Brownlow NC Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 RE: Island Harbor Marina Dear Roy, R We appreciate you taking the time to meet with us at your office on Friday, July 12. As we discussed, we requested that meeting for the purpose of self -reporting an apparent CAMA violation regarding the installation of ten (10) boat lifts at our property, Island Harbor Marina, in Emerald Isle. Over the past year we have periodically received requests from our boat slip tenants asking for permission to install a boat lift in their leased slip. We have given them permission and directed them to a contractor that they would employ and pay to install these lifts. We had assumed that they or the contractor had also applied for and received the appropriate general permits but that appears to not have been the case. We discovered this issue quite by happenstance in that it was through contacting our engineer, Ron Cullipher, last month regarding the capacity of the electrical system at the marina that we discovered that no one had applied or received permits for these boat lifts. There are currently fourteen (14) boat lifts installed at the Marina and it appears that we were originally permitted for four (4). As such, we would like to proceed with submitting applications for these existing boat lifts so as to be in compliance. I believe you referenced the GP2000 for any future lifts. We regret that this has occurred and look forward to working with you to get it resolved. Thanks Ricks President Island Harbor Marina RECEIVED AUG 01 2018 DCM-MHD CITY Post Office Box 4549 1 Emerald Isle, NC 28594 1 252-354-2373 f � 1 ISLAND HARBOR MARINA July 16, 2018 Roy Brownlow NC Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 RE: Island Harbor Marina Dear Roy, We appreciate you taking the time to meet with us at your office on Friday, July 12. As we discussed, we requested that meeting for the purpose of self -reporting an apparent CAMA violation regarding the installation of ten (10) boat lifts at our property, Island Harbor Marina, in Emerald Isle. Over the past year we have periodically received requests from our boat slip tenants asking for permission to install a boat lift in their leased slip. We have given them permission and directed them to a contractor that they would employ and pay to install these lifts. We had assumed that they or the contractor had also applied for and received the appropriate general permits but that appears to not have been the case. We discovered this issue quite by happenstance in that it was through contacting our engineer, Ron Cullipher, last month regarding the capacity of the electrical system at the marina that we discovered that no one had applied or received permits for these boat lifts. There are currently fourteen (14) boat lifts installed at the Marina and it appears that we were originally permitted for four (4). As such, we would like to proceed with submitting applications for these existing boat lifts so as to be in compliance. I believe you referenced the GP2000 for any future lifts. We regret that this has occurred and look forward to working with you to get it resolved. Thanks Ricks President RECEIVED Island Harbor Marina AUG 01 2018 DCM-MHD CITY Post Office Box 4549 1 Emerald Isle, NC 28594 1 252-354-2373 THE CULLIPHER GROUP, P.A. ENGINEERING & SURVEYING SERVICES August 27, 2018 Mr. Ryan Davenport 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Re: GP2000 request for boat lifts at Island Harbor Marina Dear Mr. Davenport, Please utilize this correspondence as the request by Maritime Siblings, LLC to convert the wetslips on the west dock at Island Harbor Marina to slips with boat lifts. I have enclosed the following: Application Fee in the amount of $200 Agent Authorization Form Copies of the Riparian Notification Form Sketch of the proposed boat lifts and site plan Certified mail receipts will be delivered upon receipt. If I can provide any additional information, please let me know. (:: qonald erely,�cvna�vxl D. Cullipher, 4P� RECEIVED HESTRON PLAZA TWO 151- A NC HWY 24 MOREHEAD AUG 2 7 2018 CITY, NC 28557 (252) 773- 0090 DCM-MHD CITY AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: Maritime Siblings., i l r Mailing Address, PO Box 4549 Emerald Isle NC 28594 Phone Number: 25235^ 2373 Email Address: I certify that I have authorized The Cullipher Group, PA Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: West nook Roat Lifts at my property located at 510 West Marina Drive in Carteret County. I furthermore certify that 1 am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Oyuner (iiformatiow Signature Print or Type Name I�, �C'e_� Title '3 / 2--) / ( 6 Date RECEIVED This certification is valid through 12—1 31 2018 AU6 2 7 W9 aCM-MHD CITY THE CULLIPHER GROUP, P.A. ENGINEERING & SURVEYING SERVICES August 27, 2018 Ms. Patricia Lane 8108 Brookway Court Raleigh, North Carolina 27613 Mr. William Reist 8520 Woodcliff Drive Emerald Isle, North Carolina 28594 Re: Maritime Siblings, LLC (Island Harbor Marina) West Dock Boat Lifts Dear Riparian Owners, You have been identified as the riparian owners to the Island Harbor property in Emerald Isle by the Carteret County GIS system. Maritime Siblings, LLC is requesting a General Permit GP2000 to convert the existing wetslips on the west dock to wetslips with boat lifts. This is a CAMA General Permit process and in accordance with this process, the applicant is required to notify the riparian property owners. Mr. Ryan Davenport with the NC Division of Coastal Management will be the representative with Coastal Management processing this application. He can be reach at the Division office in Morehead City at 252-808-2808. If I can provide any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. \A CARS O / SSS''� � Si c ely, tis :9 SEAL Ro Id D. Cullipher, P.E. =* 13343 111hill A' HESTRON PLAZA TWO 151- A NC HWY 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 773- 0090 RECEIVED AUG 2 7 Z018 DCM-MHD CITY CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner: Maritime Siblings LLC Address of Property: .510 vest Marina ^i Emerald Isle.Carteret Oun / (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County) The Cullipher Group, PA Agent's Name #: Ronald Cullipher Agent's phone #: 252-773-0090 Mailing Address: 151 L1 HM 24 I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing with dimensions must be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is available at http://www nccoastalmanagement.netlweb/cm/staff-listin_q or by calling 1-888-4RCOAST. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or lift must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. Property Owner Information) Si nature Ronald D. Cullipber (age) Print or Type Name 151 o Hwy 24 Mailing Address Morehead City, NC 2855� City/State/Zip 252-773_0090 / ronatcgna com Telephone Number/Email Address 8/27/2 018 Date (Riparian Property Owner Information) Signature Patricia Lane Print or Type Name : 08 BroQkway •• l Mailing Address Raleigh, NC 27613 City/State/Zip Telephone Number/Email Address RECEIVED Date 2+ 2018 (Revised Aug. 2014 DCM-M D CITY THE CULLIPHER GROUP, P.A. ENGINEERING & SURVEYING SERVICES August 27, 2018 Ms. Patricia Lane 8108 Brookway Court Raleigh, North Carolina 27613 Mr. William Reist 8520 Woodcliff Drive Emerald Isle, North Carolina 28594 Re: Maritime Siblings, LLC (Island Harbor Marina) West Dock Boat Lifts Dear Riparian Owners, You have been identified as the riparian owners to the Island Harbor property in Emerald Isle by the Carteret County GIS system. Maritime Siblings, LLC is requesting a General Permit GP2000 to convert the existing wetslips on the west dock to wetslips with boat lifts. This is a CAMA General Permit process and in accordance with this process, the applicant is required to notify the riparian property owners. Mr. Ryan Davenport with the NC Division of Coastal Management will be the representative with Coastal Management processing this application. He can be reach at the Division office in Morehead City at 252-808-2808. If I can provide any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. ` \\ A CARrrir��� O� FtrSS/� .%,' Sic ely, SEAL = Ro Id D. Cullipher, P.E. =_* 13343 ox HESTRON PLAZA TWO 151- A NC HWY 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 773- 0090 RECEIVED AUG 2 i 2018 DCM-MHD CITY CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner: Maritime Siblings, LLC Address of Property: 510 West Marina Dr. Emerald Isle, Carteret County (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County) The Cullipher Group, PA Agent's Name #: Ronald Cullipher Mailing Address: 151A Hwy 24 Agent's phone #: 252-773-0090 Morehead City, NC 28557 I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is available athttpJ/www.nccoastalmanagement.net/web/cm/staff-listing orby calling 1-888-4RCOAST. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or lift must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. erty Owner Information) ign ure :.1- eIDwy111I1i7:T7�FT[iifi Print or Type Name 151 A Hwy 24 Mailing Address Morehead City, NC 28557 City/State/Zip 252-773-0090 / ron(L:Dtcgpa.com Telephone Number/Email Address s I2� 2��k Date (Riparian Property Owner Information) Signature Print or . Name - 1 4•.• - - . Address Emerald Isle, NC 28594 City/State/Zip Telephone Number/Email Address RECEIVED Date AUG 2 7 2018 (Revised Aug. 2014) DCM-MHD CITY